Scored Glass Menagerie Monologue

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Kayla Gerogosian

Laura’s Monologue from The Glass Menagerie

To who: Amanda, my mom
Objective: I want to assure my mom that I’m not an unusual girl, I just have different
dreams than she does.
Obstacle: My mother does not understand why I liked him.
Urgency: If I don’t assure my mom, then she will keep making me go to business
school, so I can get gentlemen callers.

I liked one once. [to reclaim]
I came across his picture a while ago. [to prove]
His name was Jim. [to paint]
Here he is in The Pirates of Penzance, the operetta the senior class put on. [to
He had a wonderful voice and we sat across the aisle from each other Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays in the Aud. [to fan]
Here he is with the silver cup for debating! [to excite]
See his grin? [to entrap]
He used to call me – Blue Roses. [to pull]
When I had that attack of pleurosis – he asked me what was the matter when I came
back. [to redirect]
I said pleurosis – he thought that I said Blue Roses! [to jolly]
So, that’s what he always called me after that. [to nourish]
Whenever he saw me, he’d holler, “Hello, Blue Roses!” [to rally]
Obj: I want my mom to realize that Jim will not be my suitor.
Obs: She has very high dreams that I will have callers like she did.
Urg: If I don’t get her to give up this dream, I will continue to be put in very
uncomfortable situations.
I didn’t care for the girl that he went out with, Emily Meisenbach. [to provoke]
Emily was the best-dressed girl at Soldan. [to discourage]
She never struck me, though, as being sincere… [to decipher]
It says in the Personal Section – they’re engaged. [to bait]
That’s - six years ago! [to operate]
They must be married by now. [to finalize]

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