“Helium is fairly rare on Earth. There is “The world helium supply (in-
very little in the Earth’s atmosphere because cluding reserves, active mines,
it is so light that it eventually escapes into speculated mines) in 2006 was
outer space. estimated to be 51.9 billion cubic
meters.In 2014,.
Scientists believe that most of the helium
in the universe was created at the formation the United States domestic use
of the universe. However, new helium is cre- of helium was estimated to be 34
ated in the center of stars and also as part million cubic meters.
of radioactive decay on Earth. Helium from
radioactive decay can be found trapped un-
derground in natural gas reservoirs.” [1] If these use statistics stay
constant over time, we have 51.9
billion/68 million =763 years left,
assuming all of the known/predicted deposits are actually ex-
tracted by mining companies. This is an upper bound, and we
have to account for usage growth, assuming recycling trends
don’t change. If we approximate usage growth by the global
population growth of 1% per year, we get ~217 years (see:
Geometric series). If instead, we use the global GDP growth
(3%) as our estimate of how helium usage will grow over time,
we get 107 years. Other worst case scenario estimates suggest
30 years. The latter two scenarios are quite dire and emphasize
the need for helium recycling/recovery and substitution when
possible. The good news is that helium is inert, so recycling is
much more straightforward than if it were reactive.” [2]
4 5
Particle accelerators
Grades of helium
Digital devices Big balloons
Helium is also important to Internet The party balloon industry actually Grade 6 (6.0 helium = 99.9999% pu-
use. One method of creating semicon- uses “significant amounts of helium,” rity)
ductors, which appear in virtually all according to the National Research The closest to 100% pure helium, used
electronic devices today, requires liquid Council, but they’re not the only bal- in the manufacturing of semiconductor
helium to cool the magnets used in the loons out there. Weather balloons, chips – the tiny wafers that pack the power
manufacturing process. Meanwhile, the research balloons and Department of behind your smart phones, computers, tab-
fiber optic cables that bring Internet Defense survey balloons all use helium. lets, televisions, and more. It’s also used
access and cable TV to people’s homes in laboratories for scientific research, laser
need to be made in an all-helium atmo- cutting, MRI machines, and as a carrier gas
sphere to prevent bubbles from getting Military and defense
in gas chromatography.
trapped inside. The U.S. military’s submarine de-
tectors use liquid helium to clean up Grade 5.5 (5.5 helium = (99.9995%
noisy signals, and the U.S. Air Force purity)
Space shuttles
uses helium in experiments on super- Like 6.0 helium, 5.5 ultra pure helium
Space shuttles use liquid hydrogen conductors as a power source, accord- gas is typically considered “research grade”
and oxygen, not helium, for fuel. But ing to the National Research Council.
they still need liquid helium to clean Liquid helium is also important as a ref- Grade 5 (5.0 helium = 99.999% purity)
out their fuel tanks. Because the tanks erence point for heat-guided missiles, This high purity grade helium is also
are so cold, other liquids would freeze Peter Madrid, a helium analyst for the widely used for gas chromatography, mass
and clog the pipes. Other materials U.S. Bureau of Land Management in spectrometry, and specific laboratory re-
may also react with lingering oxygen in Amarillo, Texas, told Innovation News search when higher purity gases are not
tanks and explode, but helium is inert Daily. necessary, as well as for weather balloons
and won’t combust. [3] and blimps.
Grade 4.8 (4.8 helium = 99.998%
The highest of the “industrial grade”
heliums, 4.8 grade helium is often used
by the military. The rest is classified.
Grade 4.5 (4.5 helium = 99.995%
Often the grade most commonly Grade 4 (4.0 helium and lower =
When liquid helium is used during an experiment it boils off, and, if no recycling system is used, the resulting helium gas is vented to the atmosphere where it cannot be reclaimed. Conse-
quently, without a system that allows for helium recycling, liquid helium must be purchased on a regular schedule from a supplier and can be a high annual cost for a laboratory that relies on
low temperature operations. Implementing a recycling system has the benefits of both reducing laboratory costs for liquid helium and allowing the reuse of a finite resource. [7]
The blockade of Qatar by its neighbours is a reminder of how the fragile geopolitics couped. The American Physical Society has helped to launch an interactive website
of the world’s helium supply leaves researchers vulnerable. But it doesn’t have to be that allows researchers to calculate whether recycling would make economic sense
this way for them or their institutions. They should give it a spin. And then they should badger
officials and administrators to get it done. As a rule of thumb, research centres using
more than 30,000 litres of helium a year should be investing in small-scale relique-
Other helium shortages have caused havoc for labs over the past two decades. Yet fiers. To not do so is folly, especially as political and public scrutiny of investment in
there is a simple way for researchers to both insulate themselves from supply shortag- science tightens.
es and save on their helium bills — a large chunk of running expenses in many labs.
Brown called for legislation to provide support for researchers to invest in recy-
The solution is to prevent millions of research dollars of liquid helium from literally cling. His case is difficult to fault. [8]
and unnecessarily evaporating into thin air. Helium boils at just 4 kelvin, and during
normal lab operations much inevitably evaporates, and is lost forever into the atmo-
sphere (and onwards into space). But by capturing this vented gas, up to 95% of it
can be reliquefied, stored and reused.
The recycling technology does not come cheaply — up-front capital investment
starts at around US$100,000 for a facility to supply even a small lab, and often costs
several million dollars for larger facilities. So recycling facilities tend to be found only
in industry, large universities and national labs.
Yet even the most rudimentary calculations show how costs can be quickly re-
“The helium we use is not pure,” he said. “It’s
recycled from the gas which is used in the medical
industry, and mixed with air. We call it balloon gas
rather than helium for that reason. [9]
Recycling would save money in the long term, prevent the withering of helium-dependent research, and provide a much needed buffer against temporary shortages.
Otherwise, researchers and their funders may as well fill coloured balloons with their vented gas. Then at least we can all contemplate the spectacle of their research
cash floating away. [8]
Selling the Helium Reserve
Helium is a renewable. Certainly, there’s a limit to how Many people do not realize that helium is a non-renewable
much we can use today, but by tomorrow Gaia will have resource. It is made on earth via nuclear decay of uranium,
made some more for us. [12] and it is recovered from mines. Once it is released into the
atmosphere it becomes uneconomical to recapture it, and
eventually atmospheric helium will escape earth altogether
because it is so light. This is an issue that many people outside
the industries that use helium are unaware of, but one that
will eventually affect them nonetheless. [13]
18 19
the balloon council “There is no way the balloon and party industry would even consider
taking badly-needed helium from the medical profession. That is import-
ant - people have to come first.
HAT-P-11b An international team of researchers, including
Jessica Spake and Dr David Sing from the University of
Exeter, have detected the inert gas escaping from the
atmosphere of the exoplanet HAT-P-11b – found 124
light years from Earth and in the Cygnus constellation.
spectral line signature in sunlight in 1868. Devon-based It is this phenomenon that makes HAT-P-11b so
astronomer Norman Lockyer was the first to propose inflated, like a helium balloon.
this line was due to a new element, and named it after
the Greek Titan of the Sun, Helios.
For this new study, the research team used the spec-
trograph, Carmenes, to pull apart the star’s light into its
component colours, like a rainbow, to reveal the pres-
ence of helium. The ‘rainbow’ data, called a spectrum,
also tells us the position and speed of helium atoms in
the upper atmosphere of HAT-P-11b, which is 20 times
closer to its star than the Earth is from the Sun.
helium-3 mining on the lunar
Arguments have also been made for mining Helium-3 Not everyone is in agreement that Helium 3 will produce a safe fusion solution. In
from Jupiter, where it is much more abundant – it would need an article entitled “Fears over Factoids” in 2007, the theoretical physicist Frank Close
to be given the distances involved. Extracting the molecule famously described the concept as “moonshine”. Either way, it seems we will have to
from Jupiter would also be a less power-hungry process. be patient to find out the answers. [18]
30 31
The film begins with a commercial of energy is Helium-3, which is found on moon. There is only one person in the time on the base. He puts on a spacesuit
from Lunar Industries. In the late 21st the moon. Lunar Industries is responsible crew, and his contract is for three years. and goes outside, where he drives a land
Century, Earth has had an energy crisis. for the mining of Helium-3 and sending it We are introduced to the employee, Sam rover over to a Helium-3 harvester. He
Most coal, oil and natural gas reserves back to Earth. We are then shown Lunar Bell (Sam Rockwell). He has grown out collects the Helium-3 and then sends it
are nearly gone. Our new primary source Industries Sarang Mining Base on the his hair and has grown a beard during his back to Earth using a rocket. [19]
32 33
We see how lonely Sam is when
he continually talks to himself.
“There’s potentially helium on the moon”
introduction 3
helium 4-13
uses 4-6
grades 7-9
recycling 10-13
lobbying 15-21
HAT-P-11b 24-27
moon 32-34
bibliography 44-45
[12] Worstall Tim, Breathe easy: There isn’t really a helium
velka/one-dollar-bill.jpg ers-n1007151
[11] Puiu Tibi, How we’re wasting all our precious helium. A call [21] Soyuz rocket Blueprint,
44 45