INNIO Jenbacher Type 2 - 2019 - en
INNIO Jenbacher Type 2 - 2019 - en
INNIO Jenbacher Type 2 - 2019 - en
Reference installations
A single J208 engine at the combined heat and power (CHP) station in Schlitters annually transforms about 12,000
tons of leftover food and biowaste into electricity and heat. The residual digested biowaste then is compressed
into compost or turned into liquid manure to fertilize agricultural fields in the region.
1) Engine replaced by a new J208
At the sewage treatment plant in Fritzens, two J208 engines running on sewage gas generate more than 3.3 MWh of
electricity to offset the facility’s annual electricity demand. Furthermore, heat generated by the engines is used to
process food waste and generate additional energy that benefits the plant’s waste management operations.
1 ) First engine 2 ) Second engine
Two Jenbacher gas engines generate 120% of the electricity and heat needed at the sewage treatment plant in
Strass. The excess power is fed into the local grid.
J208 & J320 Arif Habib Group Business Building in Karachi, Pakistan
Fuel Engine type Electrical output Commissioning
For the Arif Habib Group, a business conglomerate company based in Karachi, two Jenbacher generator sets
generate 1,394 kW electricity to support their head office with onsite power. The J208 engine has already achieved
more than 50,000 operating hours.
Technical data
Displacement / cylinder (lit) 2.08 Container 20-foot (generator set) 6,100 x 2,500 x 2,600
NOx < Type Pel (kW)1 ηel (%)1 Pth (kW)2 ηth (%)2 ηtot (%) Pel (kW)1 ηel (%)1 Pth (kW)2 ηth (%)2 ηtot (%)
250 mg / m3N J208 294 37.6 410 52.4 90.0 336 36.0 423 45.3 81.3
NOx < Type Pel (kW)1 ηel (%)1 Pth (kW)2 ηth (%)2 ηtot (%) Pel (kW)1 ηel (%)1 Pth (kW)2 ηth (%)2 ηtot (%)
J208 330 38.8 413 48.5 87.3 336 36.4 410 44.4 80.7
500 mg / m3N
J208 249 39.1 275 43.2 82.2
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values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions.
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