Wartsila W32 Brochure 2016
Wartsila W32 Brochure 2016
Wartsila W32 Brochure 2016
WÄRTSILÄ© 32 bore engines have been the preferred choice of tankers and container vessels. In the offshore sector, the reliability
yards, operators and owners since the 1980s, with more than of the Wärtsilä 32 has made it the most popular medium speed
4500 engines delivered to the marine market alone. The Wärtsilä engine for OSVs and drilling vessels. Similarly, in the cruise and
32 is available with 6 to 16 cylinders and a power output ranging ferry sector, the Wärtsilä 32 has proven to be the most favoured
between 3 and 9.3 MW at 720 and 750 RPM. It has best-in-class engine of its size.
power density and fuel economy over a wide operating range. In auxiliary electric production, the Wärtsilä 32 is widely utilized
With proven reliability and low consumption of consumables, the in all vessel categories where high auxiliary load is needed.
Wärtsilä 32 represents the most efficient solution throughout the
entire lifecycle of the vessel. OPERATIONAL FEATURES
zz Proven in service Its excellent fuel flexibility allows the Wärtsilä 32 to operate on HFO,
zz High reliability MDO and liquid bio fuel with a broad range of fuel viscosities, from
zz High power density 2.0 cSt up to 730 cSt HFO (at 50 °C/122 °F).
zz Low fuel consumption over a wide load range The engine is able to operate efficiently and economically on
zz Operates on HFO, MDO and liquid bio fuels low sulphur fuel oils (<0.1% S), making it suitable for operation in
zz Supported by Wärtsilä’s global service network. emission-controlled areas. The engine can also be equipped with
a SCR catalyst, such as the Wärtsilä NOR (nitrogen oxide reducer),
TYPICAL APPLICATION AREAS which can reduce NOX emissions by up to 95%. This means
The Wärtsilä 32 has a proven track record in a wide range of that, already today, the machinery is IMO Tier III compliant. The
vessel applications. It is used for main engine applications, both standard Wärtsilä 32 naturally fulfils IMO Tier II regulations.
direct mechanical drive as well as diesel electric, and as an The Wärtsilä 32 is equipped with a variable inlet valve closure
auxiliary engine. It can be optimized for either constant speed (VIC) unit. This makes it possible to apply early inlet valve closure
or along a combinatory curve. In the merchant fleet, typical at high load, which in turn enables minimized NOX levels and
applications include use as the main engine on different types of reduced fuel consumption. By switching to late inlet valve closure,
Wärtsilä 32 IMO Tier II or III Wärtsilä Genset 32 IMO Tier II or III
Cylinder bore 320 mm Fuel specification: Fuel oil Cylinder bore 320 mm Generator voltage 0.4–13.8 kV
Piston stroke 400 mm 700 cSt/50°C 7200 sR1/100°F Piston stroke 400 mm Generator efficiency 0.95–0.97
Cylinder output 580 kW/cyl ISO 8217, category ISO-F-RMK 700 Cylinder output 560, 580 kW/cyl Fuel specification: Fuel oil
Speed 750 rpm SFOC 174 g/kWh at ISO condition Speed 720, 750 rpm 700 cSt/50°C 7200 sR1/100°F
Mean effective pressure 28.9 bar Mean effective pressure 28.9 bar ISO 8217, category ISO-F-RMK 700
Piston speed 10.0 m/s Piston speed 9.6, 10.0 m/s SFOC 174 g/kWh at ISO condition
good part load and transient performance is assured. The overall and has overhaul intervals of up to 24,000 hours. This and
operational benefits include improved part load performance, the maintenance-friendly design reduce downtime, promote
smoke reduction, and improved load acceptance. scheduling, and cut operating costs. Together with condition
The engine control system incorporates automatic monitoring based maintenance and long-time service agreements, the
and control for optimal operating efficiency. overhaul interval time for the Wärtsilä 32 can be even further
extended, thus minimizing maintenance costs and maximizing the
LIFECYCLE COSTS revenue-earning capability of the vessel. The Wärtsilä 32 engine is
08.2016 / Bock´s Office
The Wärtsilä 32 has been designed to operate reliably on a fully compliant with the IMO Tier II exhaust emissions regulations
range of fuels, even the poorest quality heavy fuel. The engine as set out in Annex VI of MARPOL 73/7.
is designed for long periods of maintenance-free operation
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WÄRTSILÄ® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2016 Wärtsilä Corporation.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.