Dhanu R Veda
Dhanu R Veda
Dhanu R Veda
Chapter 3
denote the artillery science. Many Sanskrit texts on epics, Puras and
of weapons like bow and arrow, sword, spear and mace are discussed
scholars very early in the history of India, and this led in course of time to
emergency. This gave rise to the Katriya or warrior caste, and the
ktram dharma came to mean the primary duty of war1. To serve the
http://War In Ancient India.mht
kept the whole social structure unaffected by actual wars and war
institutions. At that time the whole country looked upon the members of
the Katriya community as defenders of their country and thus did not
complaint the high influence and power wield by the Katriya, who were
Ancestors are very sensitive people, and their heroes were instructed
that they were defending the noble cause of God, Crown and Country.
ancient India was ahead of modern ideas. Ancestors knew the methods of
kinds of weapon. The main division of this book deals with archery. So it
is called Dhanurveda.
with ancient artillery. But most of these writings are now not available in
In Dhanurveda, the importance of warriors in a society is
highlighted in this verse. The above verse narrates that a good soldier can
ensure the security of a society. So the soldiers have an important role for
the social security. Hence practicing and training of weapons are of much
aware about the importance of weapon and its training. So they were
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p-3, see also Dhanurveda p 24- 25
wrote not on spirituality alone but on warfare and the like also.
Paras urma, Kas yapa, Pars ara, S rngadhara, Bharata and Garga. All
these writers are well known in both fields of spirituality and material world
alike. The ancient Sanskrit books to a great extent refer to a variety of new
usage of weapons.
Prasthnabheda p 7, see also Dhanurveda p26
S ukranti chapter 4 s loka 278
Ntipraks ika p 5
and the like refer vivid pictures of Dhanurveda. These books divide
sagraha, sidha and prayoga are the four pdas of Dhanurveda. The
contains the rules for collection and sidhipda describes the ways of
Kodadamandana 1-3
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 3
horse and cavalry are the divisions of Dhanurveda.3 Ntipraks ika divided
Angas of Dhanurveda
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 3
Mahbhrata diparva adyya 72, s loka 220
Agnipura 249/1-3
Ntipraks ika 2/11/24-25
Puric encyclopedia p 617-619
four caranas1.
kepii, bow machines etc.4 Pimukta means using the weapons by the
Mahbhrata, s alyaparvam 6,s loka-41
2Mahbhrata diparva adyya 72, s loka 220
Agnipura 249/3-6
Puric encyclopedia p 617
upon the classification of astra and s astra2 and which is again classified
Dhanurveda, one can assume that Dhanurveda and weaponry was one
Classification of weapons
weapons. Mukta means which is released completely from the user. The
Dhanurveda p18-19
Puric encyclopedia p 617
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita, p 4
Amukta type of weapons cannot be released from the hand. The weapons
Weapons hurled with the help of machines are called Yantramukta and
Bramstra is Mantramukta.
weapons. Dahangni [fire], water and taptataila (boiled oil) were included
In S ukranti weapons are classified into two main groups. They are
Kalvidya vivaraam p 216
Weapons which are used by the help of mantra, yantra or fire are
called s astra and other types of weapons are generally called astra. Astra
Types of Battle
The above verses of S ukranti narrate four type of battle. They are
used in daivka type of battle. Nlka type of weapons are used in suram
and that of s astra and astra type of weapons are used is mnavam.
S ukranti 4/ 53-54, see also Dhanurveda p 23
In this verse of Agni purana describes four types of battle. The battle
They are by using bow and arrow (archery), discus, spear, gada, dagger,
Ibid p 24, see also Agni pura chapter 7 p 249
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p5
weapons are used in battle with the support of mantras. This is the best
class of war uttama and the gun used in that war can be called
varieties of battle another two types of battle are mentioned. They are
conclude that ancestors who have gone through with minute details of
warfare and artilleries have provided a clear picture about ancient Indian
warfare. War and weapon manufacturing is very closely related with their
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p4
Those who knew seven ways of fighting are entitled as crya and
only two type of fighting is Yodh (warrior) and the person who knows
to say whether the name is derived from the sage Bhgu or the teacher
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 5
use kunta (spear) and s dra use gad (mace) respectively. From the
while the upper classes and saints were the theoretical authors of artillery
the training of student and also describes the ideal time and place for
starting training.
The crya will teach the science of archery only to the Brhmins who
have successfully come through the tests and they should not be greedy,
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p5
ungrateful and foolish people. From the above verse, it is clear that
ancient scholars tried their best to avoid some communities from weapon
time for starting weapon training. The weapon training may be started after
the keen observation of nakatra, tithi, day etc. The ideal time for initial
teaching and learning of archery is found with some auspicious tithi and
the moon is present in ones zodiacal sign of lagna or occupies its third,
sixth, seventh, tenth or eleventh position. Also the book tells that learning
archery on the third, fifth, seventh, tenth twelth and thirteenth lunar day titi
is very auspicious. They believed that Sunday, Thursday and Friday are
Ibid p6
good for starting the learning. To start with the teaching the crya should
chanting hymns. The disciples should offer feast for the Brahmins and
virgins and should also worship the hermits or yogins who are the ardent
devotees of lord S iva. Thereafter the disciple should salute his teacher by
fast should wear the deer skin and with folded hands begs the teacher to
teach him archery. The teacher then in order to destroy the evils and sins
and also to bring success to his disciple, should touch different parts of
mentioned by lord S iva. Then the teacher prays to lord Mahdeva to dwell
at the crown of his head or palate, lord Kna at his arms, Lord Brahma on
the navel and lord Gaes a on the thighs. The teacher then offers the bow
to deal with bow and arrow. It indicates the fact that even Brahmin was
wars. In Kerala there are some Brahmins who are not entitled to study
Dhanurveda. Different types of bow and arrows are dealt with in it.
Metal, wood and horn of some wild animals are used for good bow.
Gold, copper, silver etc. are the metals commonly used for the
The bow made of bamboo having odd joints like three, five, seven
and nine are always considered auspicious. And the bow having four, six
Measurement of Bow
the world. A variety of bows and arrows are referred to in Dhanurveda. The
The two types of bow are yaugika and yuddhacpa. Yaugika or
composite bow is made up of horn, wood and sinew and is mainly used for
the archer [bow man]. If the archer is troubled by the bow, he cant see and
shoot the aim easily. Hence the size of the bow should be proportional to
the size and health of the archer. The length of the common mans bow
The bow measuring five and a half hasta is recognized as the best.
This type of glorious and best bow was in possession of Lord Mahdeva.
The measure of most auspicious and suitable bow for common mans use
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p10
is four hastas. Twenty four angulas make one hasta and four hastas make
one bow.
(ie.41/2 Cubits).Vitasti is the distance between the wrist and the tip of the
The text also discusses about the bows which are not suitable for
use. One should not use very old fragile bows and also the bows made
up of unseasoned and unripe bamboo or cane and also the bow, which
had earlier been used in the family by the ancestors. The bow without
Vasiha says:
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 11
Ibid p 12
One should not use very old fragile bows and also the bows made
up of unseasoned and unripe bamboo or cane and also the bow which
had earlier been used in the family by the ancestors. The burnt or
The bow without string and the bow encompassed with string should
be avoided. Due to the defect in the stem, joints may appear at the neck
and also at the bottom of the bow. Such bows should not be used.
of very fragile bamboo do not possess the elasticity. Hence these are
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p12
2ibid p12
3ibid p 12
ancestors should never be used, since these may bring dispute among
twisted to the thickness of the little finger and its length is equal to that of
bow. The string should be pure, polished and without joint. Three strings
are taken and twisted in such a way that it becomes neither too thick nor
too smooth and has a thickness equal to that of little finger. This string can
sustain strain during battles. If silk is not available, the sinew of deer,
buffalo or bull can also be used for making bow strings. The freshly killed
ibid p15
hide of cow or goat devoid of hairs is made into threads. The bowstring
The above verse narrates the ideal time for choosing bow string. In
the month of bhdra pada, when bark of sun plant matures the fine threads
of its skin can be taken out to make a fine bowstring. It will be lasting too.
the front end, with fletching and nocks at the other. The size of arrow
varies greatly across cultures, ranging from eighteen inches to five feet.
The shaft is the primary structural element of the arrow, to which the other
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 16
arrow, and plays the largest role in determining its purpose. Fletching are
found at the back of the arrow and provide a small amount of drag used to
stabilize the flight of the arrow. They are designed to keep the arrow
pitch or yaw. Ancestors had done a great research in this field, so that
The arrows are mainly classified into three. They are male, female
and neuter. The classifications are under the range of defeating the aims.
The male type is able to pierce an object placed at a long distance. The
female type is a fast runner and the neuter type is helpful in practicing
Nature of Arrows
Arrow should not be too thick or too thin. It should also not to be the
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p16
plants. Odd number of joints like few trim is preferred. Also it should not be
weak or split. The reed which is round but hard and which has been grown
cow, swam, brown hawk, peacock, vulture, osprey are excellent for
fetching the arrow. Length of these feathers should be six angulas, but for
recommended. These should be tied strongly with sinew and thread at the
Division of Arrows
ibid p16
The rmukha can cut through the skin, while Kurapra used for
for general aim ardhacandra can cut through enemys head, neck and
bow. The Scmukha can pierce the armor of the enemy and Bhalla
Dvibhalla is used for entangling enemys arrow, karika is used for cutting
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p18
up the arrow made up of nrca (iron) and Kkatunda can pierce any
is made up of sapless wood and has got a thorn of three angulas length
Phlpyana is done to harden the edges of the metals fitted with the
the arrowheads or shafts. These poisonous arrows are able to pierce even
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita, p 20. Sea also gveda 4, 75,15,87.6, Atharva Veda 4 .6,
5.18.8-15, 5.31.4
poisonous arrow heads. When the colour of the white red plant turns
yellow after receiving rain water on the day of svti nakatra, its root
becomes poisonous. This root, if applied on the arrow heads acts as fatal
for enemies. The best way to recognize the plant is that it trembles always,
phlpyana (making poisons arrow). The Peepul trees bark along with
mixed with cows urine. The paste should be smeared over the arrow
heads and then it should be heated in fire till it becomes blue in colour like
the peacocks neck, then it has the poisonous effect. It should be washed
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita, p19
ibid p 20
in water then, and such arrows can pierce the strongest enemy. From this
it can be safely concluded that ancestors had tried even to make poisoned
Nrca and Nlika are the other two important types of arrows.
Nrca is the name of those arrows which are entirely made up of iron.
shot at a great distance from high places and especially useful in the siege
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 21
2ibid p 21
Lakya (Aim)
In the texts of Dhanurveda, there is an apt reference about the aim also.
The above verse narrates about the aim. The aim is classified into
four sthira, sacala, calcala and dvaycala. Firstly the archer should
stand still in front of a still object and then practice. If he becomes able to
pierce the object in three different ways, then only he will be sthirabhdi
will be considered as
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita, p26
condition and tries to pierce a steady object, then it calcala but this is a
very difficult position. When the shooter and his aim both are in moving
state and the archer shoots his aim, then he is dvayacala. This can be
learnt only through a hard labour and practice. Through labour and
weapons, the production, teaching methods and the place and time of
learning arms in detail. From this we can safely conclude that our
ancestors were well aware of not only spiritual but also physical world and
guard, typically with one or two edges for cutting, and a point for thrusting1.
to the Agnipura, sword is born from the yggni (sacred fire) of Lord
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p5
Dhanurveda p116
Divisions of swords
smell and the like. Gargcrya, Pars ara, and Kas yapa had classified
sword by its length1. Aus anasa Dhanurveda classified sword into four by its
shape. He says:
understand that sword is classified into four by its shape. i.e. Agraprthu,
shaped sword, mlapthus width is less than that of its edge. In other
words its sharpened edge is very thin and narrow. Samkiptamadhya has
a narrow middle portion than its edge. Samakya has same width in its all
Kalvidyvivaraam p 231
Dhanurveda p 117
and the like. The edge of some sword is in round or s la shape, which is
considered as the best type. The shape of the sword blade must be the
Aus anasa Dhanurveda also classified sword into three by its length.
They are laghu khadga, madhyama khadga and uttama khadga. Again
these three types are divided into five varieties. The classification is based
on the size of the sword. Kriya, maraka, mra, mrgasha and citratlita
Dhanurveda p117
Kalvidyvivaraam p 231
the length, sword is also classified into three. If the sword has a length
Gargcrya, the sword which has a length of 50 angulas is the best one
above references it can be concluded that the sword must have at least
Kalvidyvivaraam p 231
Ibid p231
Ibid p231
In the above verse, Kas yapa says that for adjusting the length, the
sword should not be cut. It is not proper. If it is needed to adjust the length,
about the swords length. If the owner of the sword cut the sharpened end
of the sword, it may cause the death of his mother. And if he cut the back
end of the sword, it causes his own death. The Agnipura, Bhatsamhita.
Pars ara samhita also warn that never use sword for a mirror and never
According to the smell, the swords are again classified. If the sword
the Uttama (best) type of sword. The sword with the smell of the fat in flesh
muscle or cows urine is the adhama (worst) type. Such type of sword must
be avoided. The sword having the smell of blood, salt etc. is also not good.
Kalvidyvivaraam p 231
Ibid p 231
methods are used while manufacturing time. This is called pyana kriya.
The ashes of plantain are mixed with butter milk and preserve it for one
day and night. Then the ignited sword from the furnace should dip into the
butter milk and plantain ashes mixed liquid. Such sword is highly hard and
is considered as good.2
and bad. The sword having the length of viamangala and the mark of
Dhanurveda p 125
Kalvidyvivaraam p 232
Dhanurveda p 127
sword. They are anga; rpa jti, netra, arita, bhmi, dhvani and mna.
The anga is the marking or symbol which spread all parts of the sword.
hthi, eraa, damana, sthla , anga, ka, arua, s veta, kamala, gad,
tila, agni, pippal, grani, shira, titara, mla, jraka, bhramara, rdva,
mirca, sarpa, khota, mora, kajjala, madhu, kudraka, makh, tua, jau,
bimb, phala, pupa, nla, rakta, baca, lahasuna, sumna, jimg, s am,
rohita, proth, mria, markava, khura, bijal, mea, adri, gujj, marjrika,
ketak, mrva, vajra, kalya, campaka, bl, vaa, bmsa, s lavka, jyet,
1 Dhanurveda p 128
2ibid p129
jl, piplik, bala, raja, kuma, roma, sphi, karkandu, bakula, rasla,
Rpa (colour)
Rpa is the colour of the sword. It s divided into four, i.e. nlam ,
sankaram. The mix of three colours is known as triparam and that of four
Jti (class)
The sword is divided into four jti (cast) - Brhmaa jti. The Brahmins
used the sword which have the good voice, colour, jti, rpam etc. this
Dhanurveda p 129
2Ibid p 128
3Ibid p 129
reflects sun light and which may cause the fire in grass. But the user will
have no effect on the heat. This type of sword is the best. The sword which
has more strength and is in smoke colour and hard voice is known as
Katriya jti. Vais ya jti is the sword with blue or black colour and this is
very common in earth. Actually this type of sword is used in day to day
purposes. The colour of S dra jti sword is like the black cloud. The wound
by this sword causes not much pain. Actually this sword is not in used in
war. From the above gradation of the sword it can be assumed that
weapons for the lower communities were not much useful. Actually the first
two types of swords, Brhmaa and Katriya jti were useful for fight. The
other two types are for daily purpose. Ancestors attitude towards cast is
equipments for their own purpose and that of with less quality were given
is another important marking in the sword. The netra type is not spread all
part of the sword, which is seen only in one place on the sword. According
to Dhanurveda there are thirty types of netra in the sword they are cakra,
the like.2
Arita (marking)
mika, vila, s rkara, nli, mas aka, bhnga, scaka, trivindava, klika, dr,
kapota, kka, kharpara, s akal, krot, kus a, putraka, jlika, karla, kanka,
Dhanurveda p 129
ibid p129
khajura, snga, puccha, khanitraka, hala, s rpa, batar and the like1.The
Bhmi is another important quality of the sword. There are two major
divisions in bhmi. i.e. divya and bhauma. The divya types have
prasastnga and good netra and also have good voice. The bhauma type
is very thick. Bhauma again classified into two vridhaharita kalam and
Dhanurveda p 129-130
Kalvidyvivaraam p 234
Ibid p 235
ibid p235, see also Dhanurveda p 154.
The above verses deal with the origin of sword in a mythical way.
There is a belief that, while lord S iva drunk the klakdam poison, some
drops of the poison fell on some places in the earth and they in turn
became hard iron ore. At the time of churning the milky ocean some drops
of amta fell on some places and that is the best type of iron, which has the
colour of camphor.
From the above verse one can understand that the ancient people
had a clear and sufficient geological availability of core of iron. They know
very well about the mining and ore of metal. The above referred verse
mentions the places where iron ore are available in India, Srilanka and
(Srilanka), Nepal, Angads a, Saurtra are the places of good iron ore. By
using the iron ore from Vrasi for making sword, it should be more hard
and easy to use. Iron from Magadha is also very hard and using iron from
Dhanurveda p 154
Nepal for making the sword helps to maintain good shape. Swords from
Kalinga are of much weight and size. There are four type swords made in
Srilanka. First type is very nice shape, other one is heavy. Third type
Dhvani (echo)
sword. Here echo means the voice of the sword. Ngrjuna muni mentions
(donkey), as man (stone) are the main divisions of dhvani. The voice of the
sword is similar to above noted voices. If the sword has the voice of the
first four, i.e. hamsa, kmsya, megha, and dakka type of sword is good.
ibid p 155
Dhanurveda p 156
The sword which has the voice of kaka, tntric, garddabha and as man
The next classification criteria of khadga are mna. The word mna
mentions weight of the sword. By the weight, the sword has two major
width and strength and the like are the qualities of a good sword.
Usage of sword
Bharatabhvadpatk and the like have given instructions about the usage
Dhanurveda p156
ibid p157
swords as follows.-
The above quoted verses provide a clear picture about the usage of
the sword. Using the sword in an orbital shape is known as bhrnta. Using
Using the sword in bhrnta type in all direction is known as viddham. The
above mentioned types of usage are for blocking enemies sword beat.
Dhanurveda p164
enemy by using the edge of the sword is known as prasrta. Gaitam is that
of beating the enemy by using deceitial method. Using the both sides of
two enemies is known as parivartam and that of the usage of the enemies
sword. Here the soldiers beat towards by using sword in equal speed and
strength. In sampta one person may get more strength or victory which is
sword made of flexible steel; sharp enough to cut into flesh, but flexible
enough to be rolled into a tight coil. Originated in Kerala, it was popular in the
North Malabar cost of Kerala state, India, and is often mentioned in the ballads of
Dhanurveda p159-160
the region. It was later spread to Rajasthan and Punjab.1 The Churika is still
device in the training because of the dangerous nature. The weapon is called
urumi in northern Kalaripayat and cuttu vl in the southern style2. The word cuttu
vl is derived from the Malayalam words cuttu (coil/spin) and v (sword) and
thus means coiled sword. The sword is a flexible band of steel three-quarters to
one inch in width, and long enough to reach from the fingertip of one hand to the
finger tip of the other hand when the hands are held outstretched (usually about
four to five and a half feet). It has a small handle with a cover. Often there are
opponents and wielders alike. In modern times it is often made from used band-
saw blades. Ability and skill are much needed to master this weapon rather than
and dangerous task, and is therefore taught only to the best pupils of the kaari.
Incorrect use of this flexible sword can result in the wounding of its wielder, and
Churika battle
The Churika is most useful against multiple opponents. When not in use,
the Churika is worn around the waist like a belt. Since women often wore it in
belts. It is a convenient weapon for them to carry. Uirca, one of the heroines
of the ballads of the Northern Malabar cost was said to have been an expert at
wielding the Churika. It was also a good weapon for duels since thrusting with the
point of the sword was not permitted in duels in South India. In ancient India
Churika was not used in battle. The books Ntipraks ika, Mnasollsa,
seven. They are kumri, Lakmi, s anghin, tundak, ppin, s ubhag, and
laka. The sword has a length of six angula which is considered as kumri
and that of seven angul Lakmi. The sword having a length of eight
Dhanurveda p166
ibid 166-167
ibid p 167
Ibid p 167
ayu, Lakmi and mtyu. yu and Laks mi type Churik are considered as
From the above information it may be safely concluded that ancestors were
well aware about Churik battle and its manufacturing. The classification of
Churika is different from each region of India. But there is no clear evidence of
the usage of Churika in battle. Churika was used as a personal weapon against a
group of enemies.
The kunta (spear) is attributed to Vais ya in Sanskrit archery texts.2 From the
particularly for the Vais ya community. The weapon includes a long stick and
sharpened blade. The blade fixed on the one end of a long stick is called Kunta.
Ancient archery texts also narrate kunta and its divisions. Aus anasa
Ibid p 167
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 5
According to
is seven hasta, it is
category. Two types of metals are used to make the blade of Kunta. Metal from
Pukalvarta and Vinohi are used for making the blade. Metal from Vinothi is
very hard and that of Pukalvarta is soft.1 Soft metal is used to make the knife
and hard metal is used for making the edge. Ancestors identified soft and hard
metals from the sound. Soft metal produces high frequency of sound.2
According to S ukranti, Kunta should have a length of ten hasta and the
blade should be made of iron.3 According to S ukrcrya the length of the long
Dhanurveda p 94
Ibid p 96
Ibid p 99
staff must be seven hasta. Sandal, bamboo etc. are good for making the stick. If
the length of the stick of Kunta is seven hasta, it is good and if six, it is called
madhyama type. If the length is about 5 hasta, it is called adhama type. The
blade which is fixed at the end of the stick is made up of iron. And iron from
China is considered good for making the blade. The iron from China is said to be
very hard.
The shape of the blade should be like the leaves of bamboo and such
other leaves. The knife is classified under its measurement of 16 angula length, 2
angula width and thickness must be of two yava. This type of blade is the
Uttama. The madhyama (second) type is that of 14 angula of length 1.5 angula of
width and one yava of thickness. The adhama (third) type is that of 12 angula of
length one angula of width and 0.5 yava of thickness. Good voice, softness,
pleasant smell, good colour and the like are the qualities of the blade or tip of a
good Kunta.1 There is a belief that if the voice of the Kunta is similar to the
voice of a golden vessel, that weapon is good. 2 The colour of this weapon
in war.
Dhanurveda p 96
Kalvidyvivaraam p238
Uttama, Madhyama and Adhama. The weight of a Kunta is about 60 pala, which
is considered as the Uttama (best) type and if the weight is about 50 pala, it is
should be 11 hasta of length, 9 hasta long s arbala, 7 hasta long bhala and 5
hasta long Kpii.2 According to Kautilyas Arthas stra, the face of Kunta, s akti,
very sharp. Kunta should be made up by hard metal. The tip of kunta must be
like the leaves of bamboo or similar trees. It must be a length of 4 hasta and
different types. The cavalry used Kunta having a length of 7hasta. Kunta
Dhanurveda p93
ibid p 99
ibid p 99
covered with metal. One end of the staff is sharpened. So both ends of
Dhanurveda p100
ibid P108
Ibid p 109
Rmyaa Yudhakda 101/30
Mahbhrata khatolkhaca vaha 179/57
ibid p 109
to the Aus anasa Dhanurveda, bamboo, devataru, metal or ivory are used
to make the long stick of s akti. By the length of the stick, s akti is classified
into three- uttama, madhyama and adhama. If the length of the stick is five
Dhanurveda p 104
Almost all of our ancient books have narrations about gad. Agnipura,
S ukranti, Ntipraks ika, Aus anasa Dhanurveda and the like deal gad. In
adhama.3 Aus anasa Dhanurveda has again classified gad by its weight. The
gad having a weight of 1000 pala is uttama and that of 800 pala is madhyama.
Ibid p 173
Ibid p 177
ibid p 173
ibid p 174
Lakaa praks a, nna yudha lakan am by Vra mitra p325, see also Dhanurveda p174
According to S ukrcrya this weapon had eight angles. The gad is the
weapon of lord Viu. The gad made up of both wood and iron. Soldiers used
gada made up of iron and wood as per their health to bear the weapon.
the soldier who revolving to his opponent or enemy is called Mandala. The
soldier fought his enemies in a way of face to face is called gatam. The soldier
changing his position from face to face in attack is called Pratyghtam. Besides
these three, there are a number of tricks in gadyuda. They are astra yantra;
Dhanurveda p174
stones. One side of it is big and the other side is sharp ended like a sword.
Middle portion of the gad is used to handle it. One can hold gad either by one
Dhanurveda p177, see also Mnasollsa bhga 2,anga1 vims ati 4
upaputa, upanyasta, and kaus ikan are the main types of gadyuda.
DADA (stick)
The Dada (stick)
Dada, parikha or mudr
etc. are used by soldiers in battle. Gad and dada are similar in shape. The only
difference is that gadas one end is in sphere shape. Atharva Veda, Rmyaa
Mahbhrata s alyaparvam adyya 47, see also Dhanurveda p 178
to lord Viu. Then Viu gave Dada to Angiras and Angiras gave it lord Indra.
Marca got this weapon from Indra and he gave it to Bhgu. Bhgu gave Dada to
According to this book, one end of Dada is a little bigger than the other end.
And one end is covered with a metal ring. Ntipraks ik further narrates four type
War strategy
ibid p 180
ibid p 180
Dhanurveda p181
Ibid p 181
Dhanurveda p243
about Vyha racana.1 The major vyhas are in the shape of padma, cakra,
ratha, sarpa, garuda, simha and so on. This was the duty of the captain of
the army to arrange the soldiers in various troupes for the victory.
defeat Rvaa.
The greatest virtue of the Katriyas is to fight in the battle and die. The
most disgraceful for him is the death through disease and physical ailment.
Dhanurveda p243
Ibid p243
Military Array
Each soldier, placed in the middle and having names which starts
with yuvasvara would come forward and fight. The king should keep two
groups of armies on each side of him and one group at his back. One
group of army should remain far and move here and there (mainly of
association with vowels turn into yuvsvara. Person whose name begins
Staff Array
front, army chief stays at the back. The king stands in the middle and has
elephants and lastly the infantry onside of the horse. If the enemy is all
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p66
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 66
Ibid p 67
In s akata or carriage array, a small part of the army stay at the front
and large part at back. So as the car array give in a shape of vehicle. If
Varha array
front and at the back, but remains a bigger number in the middle. If the
Garuda array
Varaha. The only difference is that it has greater number of armies in the
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 67
ibid p 68
middle. If the danger is both from right and left sides, then Varaha or
Ant array
A few armies should be take part in the battle and the major part
should move everywhere for vigilance. The cavalry should fight on the
plain. For fighting in the water one may ride the elephant, boat or tumbi.
The infantry can fight with the help of gun or bow and arrow after hiding
himself behind the tree or climbing on the tree. On the land, the army can
also fight with the help of shields, swords and spear. The warriors who are
skilled in war strategy should be kept at the forefront and the rest should
be kept behind. Piplik Vyha or ant array should be arranged if the attack
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 68
Ibid p 68
chief of the Kaurava army after the injury of Bhma. The formation is
similar to a blooming lotus, since when viewed from the top the warriors at
Abhimanyu knew how to penetrate the Padmavyha but was not aware
how to exit the formation. Abhimanyu was unaware how to escape from
the Padmavyha. He was thus killed in Kuruketra war trying to break free
from the Padmavyha. Mahbhrata also has references wherein the rules
penetrated the sixth tier of spiral formation, all the Kaurava warriors
attacked him in unison, though the main killer was Jayadratha. It was
against the rules of Dharmayudh that multiple warriors should not attack
a single warrior
www.wikipeadia,the free encyclopedia/padmavyha
during the absence of Arjuna and Ka, then the war would come to an
Arjuna was called away by the Sams aptakas, a group of warriors under the
King Sus arma of Trigarta, who had sworn to kill Arjuna or lose their lives to
Animals in War
Basically man used the animals and birds, for passing messages and
transporting weapon from one place to another. Horses and elephants are
The birds have an exclusive role in battle. They are passing the
birds for sending the message. The birds are doing the spy works in
ancient warfare. They got special training for this. The high speed of horse
and strength and big figure of elephant are the causes for using them in
circular, squire crescent shaped, cows urine shaped and snakes or sizing
shaped, and then it will not be difficult to tackle it in battle field. The horse
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 73
Kautilyas Arthas stra book 2 chapter30
Vasihas Dhanurveda samhita p 73
Training of elephant
The large size and strength are the main reasons that man used elephants
, , ,
, 1
moving through water, running, jumping rising sitting etc. The elephants
manufacturing, its training and practice. From the very beginning man used
weapons for self protection. Stone, long stick, horn and the like were his
weapons. Later on, however, man used weapon for his domination among
Kautilyas Arthas stra book 2 chapter31
the various groups of the society. For that he developed new weapons of
mass destructive power. Bow and arrow, sword, kunta, gad and the like
are his major weapons. Invention of fire and archery were the milestones
of his development. Dual fighting was changed into group fighting. Here
the concept of army arises. Gradually fighting techniques and rules were
also formed. Then they began to use mass destructive weapons. For the
Poisoned arrows and such other tricks were applied by the warriors. The
Always they tried to develop more and more powerful weapons. There is a
gradual change in the weapons from the beginning to the modern age.
Some of the ancient weapons are mythical weapons like sudars ana cakra,
ps upatstra and the like. They called these as divine weapons. Actually