Constitutional Law 1 Notes
Constitutional Law 1 Notes
Constitutional Law 1 Notes
**numerous to be self-sufficing and to defend internal waters of the Philippines.” (Art. 1, 1987
themselves Constitution)
**small enough to be easily administered and National territory by reference to the pertinent
sustained treaties concluded by the US during its regime in
this country, the present rule now physically lists the
People must come from both sexes to be able to components of our territory and so de-emphasizes
perpetuate themselves recollections of our colonial past
People are more comprehensive and less cohesive The article has deleted reference to the territories we
than the nation claim “by historic right or legal title”, but this does
NATION: starting as an amorphous group of not mean an outright and formal abandonment of
individuals inhabiting same territory, the people may such claim, which was best “left to a judicial body
develop and share certain characteristics and capable of passing judgment over the issue”
interests, such as common language, common SECOND SENTENCE – archipelagic doctrine –
religion, and a common set of customs and traditions which we connect the outermost points of our
that will unite them into a more closely-knit entity archipelago with straight baselines and consider all
the waters enclosed thereby as internal waters
NATION: a people bound together by common
attractions and repulsions into a living organism ARCHIPELAGO – regarded as one integrated unit
possessed of a common pulse, a common instead of being fragmented into so many thousand
intelligence and inspiration, and destined apparently islands
to have a common history and a common fate
TERRITORIAL SEAS – defined according to the
Territory Jamaica Convention on the Law of the Sea
DIRECT STATE ACTION – the mandate of the **These functions while traditionally
government from the state is to promote the welfare regarded as merely ministrant and optional,
of the people. Whatever is good is done by the have been made compulsory by the
government is attributed to the State but every harm constitution.
inflicted on the people is imputed not to the State but
to the government alone. Such inquiry may justify Doctrine of Parens Patriae
the replacement of the government by revolution,
theoretically at the behest of the State. One of the important tasks of the
government is to act for the State as parens patriae,
or guardian of the rights of people.
Art. II, Sec. 4, 1987 Constitution: “…all Separation of Church and State (Sec. 6)
citizens may be required, under conditions
provided by law, to render personal military Art. II, Sec. 6 reiterates “the separation of
or civil service.” Church and State shall be inviolable.”
The duty is imposed upon all citizens. The doctrine cuts both ways:
The duty must be personal, to preclude the o State is prohibited from interfering
hiring by the rich of “mercenaries” or in purely ecclesiastical affairs;
professional soldiers to take their place in o The Church is barred from meddling
the defense of the State. in purely secular matters.
No excessive entanglement.
The Incorporation Clause (Sec. 2)
Supremacy of Civilian Authority (Sec. 3)
Art. II, Sec. 2: “The Philippines…adopts the
generally accepted principles of Art. II, Sec. 3: “Civilian authority is, at all
international law as part of the law of the times, supreme over the military. The
land…” Armed Forces of the Philippines is the
Every State is, by reasons of its membership protector of the people and the State. Its goal
in the family of nations, bound by generally is to secure the sovereign of the State and
accepted principles of international law the integrity of the national territory.”
(doctrine of incorporation).
Blending of Powers
o The enactment of general
The doctrine is observed in our country not appropriations law, which begins
only because it is regarded as a characteristic with the preparation by the President
of republicanism but also for the reason that of the budget, which becomes the
the major powers of government are actually basis of the bill adopted by the
distributed by the Constitution among the Congress and subsequently
several departments and the Constitutional submitted by the President, who
Commissions. may then approve it.
o The grant of amnesty by the
President which requires the
concurrence of a majority of all
Doctrine of separation of powers is intended members of the Congress.
to prevent a concentration of authority in o COMELEC does not alone deputize
one person or group of persons that might
law enforcement agencies to ensure
lead to an irreversible error or abuse in its
free, orderly, honest, peaceful and
exercise to the detriment of our republican
credible elections but does so with
the consent of the President.
A system by which one department is Art. VIII, Sec. 1 broadens the concept of
allowed to resist encroachments upon its judicial power.
prerogatives or to rectify mistakes or It has the duty “to determine whether or not
excesses committed by the other there has been a grave abuse of discretion
departments. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
Illustrations: on the part of any branch or instrumentality
o Lawmaking power of the Congress of the Government.”
is checked by the President through There is grave abuse of discretion:
his veto power, which may be o When an act done is contrary to the
overridden by the legislature. Constitution, the law, or
o The Congress may refuse to give its jurisprudence, or
concurrence to an amnesty o It is executed whimsically,
proclaimed by the President and the capriciously, arbitrarily, out of
Senate to a treaty he has concluded. malice, ill will or personal bias
o The President may nullify a (Infotech vs. COMELEC)
conviction in a criminal case by The broadened concept of judicial power is
pardoning the offender (Gloria not meant to do away with the political
Arroyo to Teehankee). questions doctrine itself. The concept must
o The judiciary has the power to sometimes yield to separation of powers, to
declare invalid an act done by the doctrine on ‘political questions’ or to the
Congress, the President, and his ‘enrolled bill’ rule.
subordinates, or the Constitutional
Jones Law – House of Reps. and Senate = PHIL NATURAL BORN CITIZENS – citizens of the Phil
LEGISLATURE from birth without having to perform any act to
acquire and perfect their Phil citizenship
1987 Constitution important modification that have
been introduced – SECTION 1, ART 6 = legislative AGE QUALIFICATIONS – fixed at 35 on the day
power is now not exclusively vested in the Congress, of the elections and not on the day of the
in view of the reservation made regarding proclamation of the winners.
ART 6, SEC 1
RESIDENCE (domicile) – place where one
The legislative power shall be vested in the habitually resides and to which, when he is absent,
Congress of the Philippines which shall he has the intention of returning. Residence is in any
consist of Senate and a House of the part of the Philippines.
Representatives, except to the extent
reserved to the people by the provision on **the qualifications prescribed in this section are
initiative and referendum. continuing requirements. They must be possessed
for the entire duration of the member’s incumbency.
Congress discharges powers of a NON-
Canvass of the presidential election ALTERIUS – not competent for the Congress to
Declaration of the existence of war provide by mere legislation for additional
Confirmation of amnesties
Amendment or revision of the constitution TERM
Art 6 Sec 4 and Art 18 Sec 2
Sec 4. The term office of the senators shall
COMPOSITION be SIX YEARS and shall commence, unless
otherwise provided by law, mat noon on the
Art 6, Sec 2 30th day of June next following their election
24 senators elected at large
Sec 2. The senators, members of the House
“elected at large” – training ground for national of the Reps, and the local officials first
leaders, broader outlook of the problems of the elected under this Consti shall serve until
country, more circumspect and broad-minded than noon of June 30, 1992
the House of Reps.
Of the senators elected in the election of
QUALIFICATIONS 1992, the first 12 obtaining the highest
number of votes shall serve for SIX YEARS Part-list reps – 20 % of the total membership
and the remaining 12 for THREE YEARS. of the HR
Each legislative district with a population of
The continuity of the life of a Senate is intended to
encourage the maintenance of Senate policies as well at least 250 thousand shall have at least 1
as help and train new comers in the discharge of rep.
their duties.
No senator shall serve for more than 2 200 members to be directly elected from the various
consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation legislative districts, territory was divided into 13
of the office for any length of time shall not regions, in turn compromising 200 district
be considered as an interpretation in the apportioned among provinces
continuity of his service for the full term for
which he was elected. Validity of legislative apportionment measure –
justiciable question – involving as it does certain
The constitution seems to be wary of elective requirements the interpretation of which does not
officials who stay too long in office, because they call for the exercise of legislative discretion
may entrench themselves in the power to the
exclusion of other aspirants for the office and (B) PARTY-LIST REP
prevent political dynasties
Party-list rep shall constitute 20% of the total
*NO SENATOR CAN SERVE NO MORE THAN membership of the body
RA 7941 – not later than 90 days before election
* it might have been better to provide that the term day, any political party, organization or coalition
of office of the congress shall commence on the first may file a verified petition through its president or
day of July and without waiting for high noon. secretary for its participation in the party-list system;
published in at least 2 newspapers of gen circulation
THE HOUSE OF THE REPRESENTATIVES and after due notice and hearing be resolved within
15 days and in no case later than 60 days before the
Party-list Reps – chosen indirectly, through the party Upon registration, the pol party shall submit to the
he represents COMELEC not later than 45 days before the
election 5 names from w/c its reps may be chosen
**party-list system – innovation of the 1987
Art 6, Sec 5 District rep
Pol party he wants represented in the HR
Not more than 250 members elected from
legislative districts apportioned among the
provinces accdg to the # of votes they received.
** AT LEAST 2% - 1 seat
** MORE THAN 2% - given additional seats interruption in the continuity of his service
***but none of them shall have more than 3 seats for the full term for which he was elected.
They shall have the same rights and be subject to the Purpose of reducing the term to 3 years is to
same inhibition and disqualifications, the SOLE synchronize elections
EXCEPTION, cannot change his pol party during
his term of office. MAX term: 3 TERMS or 9 CONSECUTIVE
If the change is made within 6 mos. before the
election, he shall not be eligible for nomination Reason: generally young than the members of the
Art 6, Sec 6
The members of the HR shall be elected for The records and books of accounts of the
a s which shall begin unless otherwise Congress shall be preserved and be open to
provided by law at noon on the 30th day of the public in accordance with law and such
June next following their election. books shall be audited by the COA which
shall be published annually and itemized list
No member of the HR shall serve for more of amounts paid to and expenses incurred
than 3 consecutive terms. Voluntary for each Member.
renunciation of the office for any length of
time shall not be considered as an
**no prohibition against the receipt of allowances by SESSION – does not refer to day to day meetings
the members of the Congress but to the entire period from its initial convening
until its final adjournment
** reduction of salaries is not prohibited. If any
increase is to be made, the same cannot be effective (2) PRIVILEGE OF SPEECH AND DEBATE
during the term of the members of the congress who
have approved such increase Requisites:
MANDATORY RECESS – prescribed for the 30 Rules of proceedings are needed for the orderly
day period before the opening of the next regular conduct of the sessions of the congress. Such rules
session, excluding Sat., Sun., and legal holidays are to be within the exclusive discretion of the House
to formulate and interpret and may not be judicially
President’s call not necessary (special election): reversed.
Canvass the presidential elections Authority to discipline its members can still be
Call a special election when both the presidency exercised by each House as an inherent power, with
the concurrence of only a majority vote
and vice-presidency are vacated
Exercise the power of impeachment SOFT IMPEACHMENT – expulsion and suspension
are deletion of unparliamentarily remarks from the
OFFICERS record, fine, imprisonment and censure
The senate shall elect its president and the Art 6, Sec 16 (4)
HR its speaker, by a vote of majority of all
its respective Members. Each house shall keep a journal of its
proceedings and from time to time publish
Each house shall choose such other officers the same, excepting such parts as may in its
as it may deem necessary judgment affect national security; and the
yeas and nays on any question shall at the
request of 1/5 of the members present be
entered in the Journal.
Each house shall also keep a Record of its
Art 6, Sec 16 (2) proceedings
A majority of each house shall constitute a JOURNALS – record of what is done and past in a
quorum to do business, but a smaller legislative assembly.
number may adjourn from day to day and
may compel the attendance of absent Useful not only for authenticating proceedings but
embers in such manner, and under such also for the interpretation of laws through a study of
penalties, as such House may provide. debates held thereon and for informing the people of
the official conduct of legislators
QUORUM – any number sufficient to transact
business which may be less than the majority of the The publication of the journals is in line with the
membership right t information on matters of public concern
ENROLLED BILL – which has been duly The senate and the HR shall each have an
introduced, finally passed by both houses, signed by Electoral Tribunal which shall be the sole
the proper officers of each, approved by the judge of all contests relating to the election,
governor and filed by the secretary of state returns and qualifications of their respective
members. Each electoral tribunal shall be
Conflict between the recitals in the journals and the composed of 9 members, 3 of whom shall be
version of the enrolled bill – resolved be in favor of justices of the SC and the remaining 6 shall
the enrolled bill be members of the Senate or HR, as the case
may be, who shall be chosen on the basis of
Conflict on the verity of the real contents of the bill proportional representation from the
– look into the journal. – no enrolled bill to speak in political parties and the parties and
view of the withdrawal of the signatures of the organizations registered under the party-list
president of the Phil and Sen Pres system represented therein. The senior
justice in the electoral tribunal shall be its
JOURNAL – resume or minutes of what transpired Chairman
during a legislative session
1987 consti favors the multi-party system as against
ADJOURNMENT the 2-party system
Art 6, Sec 18
FIRST RDG: number and title of the bill, referral to REVENUE BILLS – levies taxes and raises fund for
the proper committee for study, public hearings are the govt
TARIFF BILLS – rate or duties to be imposed on
If other bills are of the same nature or purpose, they imported articles
may all be consolidated into one bill.
SECOND RDG: read in its entirety, scrutinized, floating bonds for public subscription
debated, upon and amended when desired.
IF bill is approved in the 2nd rdg, the bill is printed in municipal matters, ex city charter
its final form and copies are distributed 3 days
before the 3rd reading PRIVATE BILLS – bill granting honorary
THIRD RDG: members merely register their votes.
For senate to introduce what is known as
Once the bill passes 3rd rdg, it is sent to the other AMENDMENT BY SUBSTITUTION, w/c may
chamber. replace the bill initiated in the HR
If there are differences between the versions Consti means: the initiative must come from the HR
approved by the 2 chambers, a CONFERENCE
COMMITTEE representing both houses will draft a PROHIBITED MEASURES
compromise measure that if ratified by the senate
and the HR will then be submitted to the president Impairing the doctrine of separation of
for his consideration. powers
Providing for the appointment of elected
THE BILL IS ENROLLED when printed as finally officers
approved by the Congress, thereafter authenticated Prohibitions in the bill of rights
with the signatures of the Sen Pres, the Speaker and o Enactment of ex post facto laws
the Sec of their respective chambers and approved o Bill of attainders
by the pres. o Laws impairing the obligation of
Art 6, Sec 31
Art 6, Sec 24
No law granting a title of royalty or nobility
All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills,
shall be enacted
bills authorizing increase of the public debt,
bills of local application and private bills
PURPOSE: preserve the republican and democratic
shall originate exclusively in the HR, but the
nature of our society by prohibiting the creation of
senate may propose or concur with
privileged classes with special prerequisites not
available to the rest of the citizenry
No law shall be passed increasing the PURPOSE: prevent half-baked legislation and
appellate jurisdiction of the SC as provided occasional deception of the legislators themselves
in the Consti w/o its advice and concurrence and the public, devote the needed time and study to
the railroaded measures
PURPOSE: prevent further additions to the present
tremendous case load of the SC 3rd READING: limited in the casting of the
members’ votes, usually after a brief explanation
Art 6, Sec 26(1) YEAS and NAYS are entered in the journals as a
permanent record on how each member voted on
Every bill passes by the Congress shall particular issued, for the information especially of
embrace only one subject which shall be their constituents
expressed in the title thereof.
Art 6, Sec 27
Prevent hodgepodge or log-rolling
legislation: any act containing several Every bill passed by the Congress shall,
subjects dealing with unrelated matters before it becomes a law, be presented to the
representing diverse interests, the main President. If he approves the same he shall
object of such combination being to unite sign it; otherwise, he shall veto it and return
the members of the legislature the same with his objections to the House
Prevent surprise or fraud where it originated, which shall enter the
Fairly apprise the people, through such objections at large in its Journal and
publications of its proceedings proceed to reconsider it. If, after such
reconsideration, two-thirds of all the
A practical rather than a technical construction” and Members of such House shall agree to pass
said it should suffice if the title expresses gen the bill, it shall be sent, together with the
subject and all the provisions are germane to the gen objections, to the other House by which it
shall likewise be reconsidered, and if
FORMALITIES approved by two-thirds of all the Members
of that House, it shall become a law. In all
Art 6, Sec 26 (2) such cases, the votes of each House shall be
determined by yeas or nays, and the names
No bill passed by either houses shall of the Members voting for or against shall
become a law unless it has passed 3
be entered in its Journal. The President
readings on separate days, and it printed
copies thereof in its final form have been shall communicate his veto of any bill to the
distributed to its members 3 days before its House where it originated within thirty days
passage, EXCEPT, when the pres certifies
after the date of receipt thereof, otherwise, it conduct of the investigation must be strictly in
shall become a law as if he had signed it. conformity with the rules of procedure
General rule: is that the President must approve APPEARANCE OF DEPT. HEADS
entirely or disapprove in toto, EXCEPTION,
appropriation, revenue and tariff bills, any particular Art 6, Sec 22
item or items of w/c may be disapproved without
affecting the item or items to w/c he does not object The heads of departments may, upon their
own initiative, with the consent of the
President, or upon the request of either
Art 6, Sec 21 House, as the rules of each House shall
provide, appear before and be heard by
The Senate or the House of Representatives such House on any matter pertaining to
or any of its respective committees may their departments. Written questions shall
conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in be submitted to the President of the Senate
accordance with its duly published rules of
or the Speaker of the House of
procedure. The rights of persons appearing
in, or affected by, such inquiries shall be Representatives at least three days before
respected. their scheduled appearance. Interpellations
shall not be limited to written questions, but
Power of the legislative investigation may be may cover matters related thereto. When the
implied from the express power of legislation and security of the State or the public interest so
does not itself have to be expressly granted requires and the President so states in
Limit the conduct of legislative inquiries writing, the appearance shall be conducted
in executive session.
To correct these excesses, it is now provided that the
legislative inquiry must be in aid of legislation, the
Enable the congress to obtain information from the Sum authorized to be released must be
dept secretaries on the manner they are determinate or at least determinable
implementing the laws it has enacted and also on o Otherwise, the national treasurer
matters related to pending or prospective legislation.
will have no guide or worse, will
Reduce the authority of the president for fear of the have unlimited discretion in the
resurgence or authority of the President release of public funds
o Where the minimum rather than the
THE POWER OF APPROPRIATION maximum is specified – measure is
invalid for lack of certainty
Art 6, Sec 29 (1)
Special appropriations
o Purpose: is to discontinue the
practice of fictitious appropriations
APPROPRIATION MEASURE – authorize the that were frequently enacted by the
release of public funds from the treasury Congress even if it knew that no
funds were available
General – intended to provide for the
financial operations of the entire government Art 6, Sec 25 (4)
during one fiscal period
Special – designed for a special purpose (ex A special appropriations bill shall specify
fund for the relief of typhoon victims the purpose for which it is intended, and
shall be supported by funds actually
(2) IMPLIED LIMITATIONS available as certified by the National
Treasurer, or to be raised by a
REQUIREMENTS corresponding revenue proposal therein.
Essential to the validity of an appropriation
that it be devoted to a public purpose
General appropriations act: president knows PURPOSE: prevent the adoption of appropriations
more about the needed appropriations than sub rosa by the congress; public to ascertain the
the legislature purposes and exact amount of the outlay for the
operations of the congress and the allowances of its
Art 6, Sec 25 (1)
Other offices of the government : subject to public
The Congress may not increase the
hearings conducted by the legislature
appropriations recommended by the
President for the operation of the Art 6, Sec 25(5)
Government as specified in the budget. The
form, content, and manner of preparation of No law shall be passed authorizing any
the budget shall be prescribed by law. transfer of appropriations; however, the
President, the President of the Senate, the
Congress may not increase the President’s budgetary Speaker of the House of Representatives, the
recommendations; there is no prohibition against its Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the
reducing such recommendations heads of Constitutional Commissions may,
by law, be authorized to augment any item
Reduction is not permitted when it comes to the
in the general appropriations law for their
appropriations for the judiciary
respective offices from savings in other
BUDGET – proposal, a set of recommendations on items of their respective appropriations.
the appropriations to be made for the operations of
the government; basis for the enactment of the The provision prohibits one dept from transferring
general appropriations law, w/c is the measure that some of its funds to another dept and thereby makes
authorizes the release of public funds it beholden to the former to the detriment of the
Art 6, Sec 25(2) doctrine of separation of powers
No provision or enactment shall be Transfer of savings in one dept from one item to
embraced in the general appropriations bill another in the gen appropriations act may be allowed
unless it relates specifically to some by law. No danger to the doctrine of separation of
particular appropriation therein. Any such powers because the transfer is made within a dept
provision or enactment shall be limited in its and not from one dept to another
operation to the appropriation to which it
PURPOSE: prevent “riders” or irrelevant provisions
that are included in the general appropriations bill to Whether the appropriations be general or special, it
ensure their approval must conform to the prohibition against the use of
public funds or property for sectarian purposes
Art 6, Sec 25 (3)
directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or appropriations bill is passed by the
support of any sect, church, denomination, Congress.
sectarian institution, or system of religion,
or of any priest, preacher, minister, other General appropriations act: duration: 1 fiscal year
religious teacher, or dignitary as such,
except when such priest, preacher, minister, Old gen appropriations act is deemed continued in
or dignitary is assigned to the armed forces, operation notwithstanding the lapse of the fiscal year
or to any penal institution, or government until the Congress enacts a new gen appropriations
orphanage or leprosarium. law
Applicable only where the appropriation is intended All money collected on any tax levied for a
purposely to benefit a religious institution special purpose shall be treated as a special
fund and paid out for such purpose only. If
Does not inhibit the use of public property for the purpose for which a special fund was
religious purposes when the religious character of created has been fulfilled or abandoned, the
such use is merely incidental to a temporary use balance, if any, shall be transferred to the
which is available indiscriminately to the public in general funds of the Government.
Limitation continues to apply even if the original
EXCEPTIONS purpose of the tax has already been fulfilled or
Payment of public funds is prohibited to
ecclesiastics only, “as such” which means that they Whatever of the special tax collections may remain
may be paid from public funds if they serve the shall then be transferred to the gen funds of the
government in a non-ecclesiastical capacity. Thus, government
some priests who serve as members of the
Constitutional Comm were paid per diems from THE POWER OF TAXATION
public funds for services rendered by them as public
officers Inherent in the State and is generally vested in the
Art 6, Sec 28 (1)
Art 6, Sec 25 (7)
The rule of taxation shall be uniform and
If, by the end of any fiscal year, the equitable. The Congress shall evolve a
Congress shall have failed to pass the progressive system of taxation.
general appropriations bill for the ensuing
fiscal year, the general appropriations law UNIFORMITY IN TAXATION – people or things
for the preceding fiscal year shall be belonging to the same class shall be taxed at the
deemed re-enacted and shall remain in same rate
force and effect until the general
Charitable institutions, churches and As commander in chief and diplomatic head, the
personages or convents appurtenant thereto, president may so precipitate or actually begin
mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all hostilities that the legislature will have no choice
lands, buildings, and improvements, except, “to baptize the hostilities with the name of
actually, directly, and exclusively used for war”
religious, charitable, or educational
purposes shall be exempt from taxation. Congress becomes functus officio once it declares
the existence of a state of war. War effort become
Art 6, Sec 28 (4) the sole responsibility of the Pres and must depend
heavily on the congress for the effective exercise of
No law granting any tax exemption shall be his military powers
passed without the concurrence of a
majority of all the Members of the REFERENDUM AND INITIATIVE
Art 6, Sec 32
Require the absolute majority of the ENTIRE
membership of the congress because a tax exemption The Congress shall, as early as possible,
represents a withholding of the power to tax and provide for a system of initiative and
consequent loss of revenue to the government referendum, and the exceptions therefrom,
whereby the people can directly propose
THE POWER OF CONCURRENCE and enact laws or approve or reject any act
or law or part thereof passed by the
Art 7, sec 19, authorizes the president to grant Congress or local legislative body after the
amnesty with the concurrence of a majority of all registration of a petition therefor signed by
members of the Congress at least ten per centum of the total number
of registered voters, of which every
Art 7, Sec 21, no treaty or international agreement legislative district must be represented by at
shall be valid and effective unless concurred in by at least three per centum of the registered
least 2/3 of all the members of the senate voters thereof.