HZ Mesmer 1.5 Current Release PDF

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A princess in a sumptuous gown lightly descends a grand

staircase. A hush falls over the crowd and all eyes turn to
take in her beauty. Struck breathless, no-one in the room
can look away, not even to notice her companions filtering
silently through the crowd.
In the blink of an eye one halfling becomes four. Dancing
and tumbling between an ogre’s legs, they twist and turn
the brute into a dazed heap of confoundment.
On a high clifftop, four cold and shivering travelers wait in
front of a misty purple circle glowing out from the rocks.
Finally, the light of the portal snaps to a gentle soft white
and they wearily trudge forwards into it, moving ever
onwards to higher peaks.
A Mesmer is a master of manipulation, twisting the
senses and the mind. To unravel a Mesmer’s delusions is to
shatter the mind, and embracing their reality is a trap that
might never be escaped. A Cleric might say that belief is a
powerful force, strong enough to topple empires and raise
gods. The Mesmer’s motto answers: “Seeing is believing.”

 
Mesmers are focused first and foremost on thoughts,
feelings, the activity of the mind. From the conscious and
coherent ideas of the sentient races to the wild untamed
impulses of flora and fauna, everything must think to be.
Using this type of magic effectively is a difficult task. A
Mesmer must be able to deduce any given thought or
feeling, predict the stimuli to twist that thought in just the
right way, and recall the arcane magic needed to apply that
twist precisely and powerfully.
The pursuit of these studies can take a lifetime, but the
results reach far beyond mundane conceptions of thought
or sentience. A true master might be able to read the iron
mind of a clockwork watch and fool time itself, or peer at
the deep cosmic dreams of the world and heavens.   
  A Mesmer is a master of the mind, and as a Mesmer your
own mind is your defining characteristic. How do you
A Mesmer’s grip over the mind can be utter and total, even
ponder, guess, dream, and feel? These characteristics are
to the extent of warping reality itself. If everyone and
as unique as a fingerprint, and they leave an equally unique
everything hears, sees, and feels a tree fall, hasn’t one
mark on the magic you will wield.
fallen? Mesmer magic can make it so. The first thing a
Perhaps you are an artful painter, always imagining
Mesmer learns is that the fabric of reality comprises one
creative new illusions to draw forth into the world. Or an
great shared delusion, one that’s as malleable as any other.
empirical experimenter, one that studies the brains of your
The counterpart to this truth is an equally valid fact: the
foes by watching them scurry like rats. Maybe you prefer to
best illusion is something real. The most intricate glamours
puzzle and ponder, and you have a head filled with riddles
can’t compare with a natural beauty, no illusory wound will
and clever games just waiting to be played. Whatever the
kill as surely as a slit throat, and the easiest way to make an
nature of your mind may be, so too are you as a Mesmer.
appearance somewhere else is quite simply to walk over.
A Mesmer makes use of all these tools to weave illusions  
and reality together, creating something much more than You can make a Mesmer quickly by following these
the sum of its parts. As solid as silk and fleeting as a suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest
mountain, a true lie that bends and warps the instant it ability score, followed by Charisma or Dexterity. Second,
feels solid enough to trust. choose the Charlatan background.

The Mesmer ---Spell Slots Per Spell Level---

Proficiency Cantrips Spells

Level Bonus Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Illusory Clones, Spell Casting 3 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2nd +2 Shatter Illusions, Grand Deception 3 4 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3rd +2 False Memories 3 5 4 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 6 4 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5th +3 ----- 4 7 4 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- --
6th +3 Grand Deception Feature 4 8 4 3 3 -- -- -- -- -- --
7th +3 ----- 4 9 4 3 3 1 -- -- -- -- --
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 10 4 3 3 2 -- -- -- -- --
9th +4 ----- 4 11 4 3 3 3 1 -- -- -- --
10th +4 Grand Deception Feature 5 12 4 3 3 3 2 -- -- -- --
11th +4 ----- 5 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 -- -- --
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 -- -- --
13th +5 ----- 5 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 -- --
14th +5 Grand Deception Feature 5 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 -- --
15th +5 ----- 5 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 --
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 --
17th +6 ----- 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Illusory Identity 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Master of Mendacity 5 16 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1

 
As an Mesmer, you gain the following class features. • (a) a Diplomat’s pack or (b) an Entertainer’s pack
• (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • leather armor, a net, and 5 throwing darts
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Mesmer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier  
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution At 1st level, your magic can generate confounding images of
modifier per Mesmer level after 1st yourself. When you cast a spell using a spell slot, you may
create an illusion of yourself in any space you can see
within 15 feet of you or a target of that spell. It is an
Armor: Light Armor
insubstantial image of yourself along with anything you are
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Nets, Rapiers, Whips
wearing or holding. It rotates to face the same direction you
Tools: None
do and perfectly mimics all your motions. It’s an intangible
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity
image, so if its position or motion would cause it to collide
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History,
with terrain or objects, it intersects through them instead.
Insight, Investigation, Perception, Performance,
As a bonus action you can command one of your clones to
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
move up to 60 feet in the manner of your choice to another
 location you can see. For example, you can have a clone
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the cartwheel over the ground or swim through the air.
equipment granted by your background: You may have no more than 3 clones at a time. You can
• (a) a rapier or (b) a whip, or (c) any simple weapon of freely dismiss any of your clones at any time on your turn. A
your choice clone fades away on its own after one minute.

When you create a clone you may choose to concentrate       
on maintaining it for up to one hour, and if you do it doesn’t
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the
fade away until you end your concentration.
Mesmer spell list. The Spells Known column of the
Your clones are precise visual duplicates of yourself, but
Mesmer table shows when you learn more Mesmer spells
that does not mean they are always perfectly convincing. If
of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for
a creature witnesses a clone being created or observes a
which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach
clone doing something obviously illusory, it automatically
3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or
recognizes the clone as an illusion. Creatures may lose
2nd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class,
track of which clones are false under sufficiently confusing
you can choose one of the Mesmer spells you know and
circumstances, such as heavy obscuration, invisibility, or
replace it with another spell from the Mesmer spell list,
after being knocked unconscious. Your clones mimic your
which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
visual appearance, meaning they are invisible when you are.
 
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Mesmer
Tip: How Deceptive are Clones? spells, since the power of your magic depends on your
Any “obviously illusory” action will cause creatures to recognize study of the mind and your knowledge of emotions and
a clone as an illusion. What constitutes “obviously” is highly thoughts. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers
dependent on the observer’s intelligence and wisdom and to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
should be adjudicated on a contextual basis. Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for
Giveaways might include a clone appearing to talk without a Mesmer spell you cast and when making an attack roll
making a sound, swinging a sword at nothing at all, intersecting with one.
with a solid object, or standing in midair. If a clone is attacked
or subjected to a spell, the attack or spell simply passes through Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
it with no effect and any creatures witnessing that occurrence your Intelligence modifier
recognize the clone as an illusion. A creature that suspects a Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
clone of being an illusion can make an Investigation check your Intelligence modifier
against the caster’s spell save DC to successfully recognize the
target as a clone, or it may do something else that will otherwise  
test the clone. A cyclops would likely try to toss a rock at the
You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for
clone, whereas a well-traveled diplomat might merely wave a
your Mesmer spells.
hand through it to confirm her suspicions.
Unless Mesmers are a rarity in your world, you should assume  
that intelligent creatures will be somewhat aware of a Mesmer’s
tricks from past experiences, stories, or legends. Clones are a When something once thought true is revealed to be an
Mesmer’s basic tools, and do not constitute effective illusions illusion, there comes an instant of turmoil and power.
without some further support or application of creativity. Beginning at 2nd level a Mesmer can take advantage of this
instant, when illusions are shattered and the world is
reformed, to work powerful magic. As an action you may
shatter your clones, dispelling all of them and forcing
 creatures you choose within 15-foot-radius spherical areas
centered on each clone to make an Intelligence saving
A Mesmer is capable of wielding magic at 1st level to throw against your spell save DC. You can apply one of the
confuse the mind and twist the senses. See chapter 10 in following effects to your Shatter Illusions:
the PHB for the general rules of spellcasting and page 6 of
this resource for the Mesmer spell list. Shatter Mind: You tear minds to shreds. Deal 1d8 psychic
 damage to creatures that fail the saving throw, or half as
At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from much damage to creatures that succeed. Creatures may be
the Mesmer spell list. You learn additional Mesmer cantrips dealt multiple instances of this damage by the same saving
of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips throw failure if they are within overlapping areas of
Known column of the Mesmer table. multiple clones you shattered. This effect’s damage per
clone increases by 1d8 at certain Mesmer levels: 5th level
 
(2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
The Mesmer table shows how many spell slots you have to
cast your Mesmer spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one
Shatter Will: You convince creatures that their efforts are
of these Mesmer spells, you must expend a slot of the
futile. You may Shatter Illusions using this effect as a
spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
reaction when a creature in the area misses with an attack.
when you finish a long rest.
Creatures that fail the saving throw have disadvantage on

attacks and ability checks until the end of your next turn. If Magic suffuses your illusions, and nothing is as it
you shattered using this effect as a reaction and the seems. When you cast a spell using a spell slot,
creature which triggered that reaction is affected, it also you can expend your bonus action and a spell
has disadvantage on saving throws for the same duration. slot of the same level to have one of your clones
cast the same spell simultaneously. The clone
Shatter Clarity: You reveal something awful and incredible ignores the spell’s usual casting time and
beneath the illusion. Creatures that fail the saving throw components, and you may have it choose a
are charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for up to a different target if able. If the spell requires
minute. While charmed or frightened by this effect a concentration, your own concentration
creature believes all your clones to be real, dismissing and applies to both copies.
instantly forgetting any evidence to the contrary. A creature
charmed or frightened by this effect can make a Wisdom  
saving throw against your spell save DC at the end of each Mesmers learn that all reality is illusory,
of its turns, ending the effect on a success. but some elements of this beautiful lie
bend more freely than others. A Mesmer
  may learn how to work especially
Also at 2nd level, you begin to learn about a particularly powerful and unique magic by
elaborate and pervasive element of the illusory world manipulating these particularly frangible
around you. Your choices are described in the following elements of the world. Often the grand
section of this document. deception that calls to a Mesmer reflects their own patterns
Your knowledge of this grand deception grants you of thought, the unique flavor of their mind and personality.
features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
  
  A Mesmer that learns to distort the sense of self is uniquely
At 3rd level you learn to rearrange your own mind as easily skilled in wielding their clones and generating illusory
as another’s. As an action, you may begin concentrating on appearances. Scholars of this deception risk losing their
this feature for up to 1 minute. This is a simple task for you, personal identity entirely, but many great Mesmers claim
and not outwardly apparent. If you complete the duration that is an outcome to be desired, representing a step
uninterrupted you may then forget one Mesmer spell you towards true enlightenment and great power.
know and replace it with a different Mesmer spell of the
same level. You can attempt to use this feature a number of  
times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of When you begin to study the grand deception of Self at 2nd
once) and regain all uses when you finish a long rest. level, your clones take on a little more of your essence.
They mimic your speech and other noises you make.
    
When you reach 4th level, and again at Also at 2nd level, your choice of deception grants you a
8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can fourth option for Shatter Illusions:
increase one ability score of your choice Shatter Self: You remove yourself from sight. If a creature
by 2, or you can increase two ability fails the saving throw, then it can’t see you until the end of
scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your next turn, as if you were invisible. Your clones mimic
you can't increase an ability score above you visually, meaning they can’t be seen if you can’t.
20 using this feature.
  Starting at 6th level your sense of self is shared between
Upon reaching 18th level, the line you and your clones. As an action, you can choose one of
between reality and illusion your clones to see through its eyes and hear through its
ears until the end of your next turn. During this time, you
becomes blurred around your
are deaf and blind with regard to your own Senses.
body. You count as an additional
clone for the purpose of Shatter    
Illusions and you may use Shatter By 10th level, it becomes meaningless to ask which of your
Illusions when you have no clones. clones is the true self. You may take an action and expend a
spell slot of third level or higher to choose one of your
   clones in an unoccupied space and swap places with it.
At 20th level your study of Mesmer magic has led you to a There is no detectable sign of this at the instant it occurs.
complete understanding of all that is real and unreal. Until new evidence is produced, creatures who believed

your clone was an illusion now believe you are that illusion, shattered. The amount of hit points granted per clone
and creatures that believed you to be real now believe the increases to 3d8 when you reach your 17th Mesmer level.
clone in your place to be real.
 
   Upon reaching 14th level you learn to split yourself between
Beginning at 14th level, whenever you use Who’s the Real two timelines. As an action, or as a reaction to taking
Me? you may create a new clone in an unoccupied space damage, you may expend a spell slot of any level to either
you can see within 30 feet of your new or previous position, create a clone in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of
and you may use Who’s the Real Me? as a bonus action. yourself, or teleport into that space and create a clone in the
space you just vacated. Creatures witnessing this can’t
immediately tell the difference between you and the clone
   you just created unless some other evidence is produced.
Of all the grand deceptions a Mesmer may choose to study,
the most arcane and secretive is the deception of time.
Considered by most to be immutable and inescapable, time
is just another ticking toy to a Mesmer, waiting to be
unwound. A Mesmer that distorts time is an expert at
keeping their allies from harm, always making sure that
they and theirs live in the best possible timeline.

 
When you choose the grand deception of Time at 2nd level,
you gain proficiency with Shields, and you may use a shield
as a spellcasting focus for your Mesmer spells. When you
wield a shield, its face shows a magical clock of any nature
you choose. You determine which perspective of time it
tells, whether that’s the city clocktower’s, your own, or
something entirely different.

 
Also at 2nd level, your choice of deception grants you a
fourth option for Shatter Illusions:
Shatter Time: You reveal that time isn’t when everyone
thought it was. You don’t force creatures to make saving
throws when you shatter using this effect. You may shatter
using this effect only as a reaction, which you take when a
creature that would be within the area fails a saving throw.
Wind back time and allow that creature to make a new roll,
replacing the old result with the new result. The new roll
gains a bonus equal to the number of clones you shattered.

   

At 6th level your knowledge of time enables you to shift
yourself out of it, displacing your body in time and avoiding
attacks aimed at you in the present. Immediately after you
use Shatter Illusions you gain a bonus to AC and future
Initiative checks equal to the number of clones that you
shattered. This bonus is removed each time you use
Shatter Illusions, right before the new bonus is applied.
This bonus lasts until removed, you choose to freely
relinquish it, or until you finish a long rest.

   

Beginning at 10th level, you can bring creatures back to
healthier, happier times. When you use Shatter Illusions
you may choose a creature you can see within the area and
cause it to regain 2d8 hit points for each clone you

     
The most sinister of the deceptions a Mesmer can learn to This is the list of spells available for a Mesmer to learn.
wield is that of Domination. Ownership, possession, Spells marked with an asterisk * are new, Mesmer-
property: Mesmers may not be the only scholars who know exclusive spells, described on the next page of this
how mutable these concepts are, but they are the best supplement. This spell list includes supplemental spells
equipped to use them as tools of wrath and discipline. A from Unearthed Arcana and Xanathar’s Guide to
Mesmer that specializes in Domination is an expert at Everything, which are marked with (UA) or (xge) and the
grasping minds and tearing them apart. page number you can find them.

  

When you choose to study the grand deception of Dancing Lights
Domination at 2nd level, you learn how to keep a subject Friends
under your heel. When you create a clone at a location Guidance
within 5 feet of a creature you can see that is charmed or Light
frightened by you, you may simultaneously create an Mage Hand
additional clone, also within 5 feet of that creature. Message
Mind Sliver (UA)
  Minor Illusion
Also at 2nd level, your choice of deception grants you a
fourth option for Shatter Illusions:
True Strike
Shatter Domination: You spurn one of your worthless
subjects. Choose one creature that failed the saving throw  
while it was charmed or frightened by you. It takes 2d10 Catapult (xge 150)
psychic damage for each clone you shattered, and then it Cause Fear (xge 151)
loses the charmed and frightened conditions. Within the Charm Person
next minute, it has disadvantage on its next saving throw Chromatic Orb
against being charmed or frightened by you. This effect’s Color Spray
damage per clone increases by 1d10 at certain Mesmer Command
levels: 5th level (3d10), 11th level (4d10), and 17th level Comprehend Languages
(5d10). Detect Magic
Disguise Self
  Faerie Fire
When you reach 6th level your Shatter Illusions feature
Feather Fall
grows more effective against those you’ve subjugated.
Fog Cloud
Creatures that are charmed or frightened by you have
disadvantage on saving throws against your Shatter
Illusions feature.
Illusory Script
     Mage Armor
At 10th level you learn to grasp a mind in conflicting and Shield
confounding ways. When a creature is both charmed and Silent Image
frightened by you, its speed is reduced to 0 and it is Sleep
vulnerable to any damage from you that it does not have Unseen Servant
resistance or immunity to.  
 Blindness/Deafness
By 14th level you have learned to toy with those that resist Blur
your illusions. Whenever a creature would pass a saving Calm Emotions
throw to end a charm or fright condition that you applied to Crown of Madness
it, you can make an Intelligence (Deception) check against Darkness
their result. If your result exceeds theirs, they fail their Darkvision
saving throw instead. This is an attempt to twist the mind Detect Thoughts
with Mesmer magic, not to interact socially with a creature, Enthrall
so you do not benefit from the charmed condition for the Hold Person
purpose of this feature. If the target used a feature which Invisibility
allowed it to freely pass the contested saving throw, such as Levitate
Legendary Resistance, it may also freely exceed this check. Locate Object

Magic Mouth Legend Lore
Mind Spike (xge 162) Mislead
Mind Thrust (UA) Modify Memory
Mirror Image Rary’s Telepathic Bond
Misty Step Scrying
Pass Without Trace Seeming
Phantasmal Force Synaptic Static (xge 167)
See Invisibility Telekinesis
Shadow Blade (xge 164) Teleportation Circle
 
Zone of Truth Eyebite
Feedback *
  Find the Path
Blink Heroes Feast
Clairvoyance Mass Suggestion
Catnap (xge 151) Mental Prison (xge 161)
Counterspell Otto’s Irresistable Dance
Dispel Magic Programmed Illusion
Enemies Abound (xge 155) Scatter (xge 164)
Fear True Seeing
Hypnotic Pattern
 
Major Image Etherealness
Nondetection Mirage Arcane
Phantom Steed Plane Shift
Sending Power Word Pain (xge 163)
Slow Prismatic Spray
Tongues Project Image
Reverse Gravity
  Simulacrum
Charm Monster (xge 151) Teleport
 
Dimension Door Antimagic Field
Divination Demiplane
Dominate Beast Dominate Monster
Freedom of Movement Feeblemind
Greater Invisibility Glibness
Hallucinatory Terrain Illusory Dragon
Locate Creature Maddening Darkness (xge 160)
Phantasmal Killer Maze
Polymorph Mind Blank
Speak with Dead Power Word Stun
Speak with Plants Telepathy
Veil *  
  Astra Projection
Animate Objects Foresight
Awaken Gate
Contact Other Plane Mass Polymorph (xge 160)
Creation Power Word Kill
Dominate Person Prismatic Wall
Dream Psychic Scream (xge 163)
Far Step Time Stop
Geas True Polymorph
Hold Monster Weird

   
 These rules are optional additions or tweaks. Choose these
4th level Illusion carefully, in consultation with your DM, to best suit the
Casting Time: 1 action nature of your table and game.
Range: 120 feet
Components: S M (a scrap of silk gauze) 
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes In a game using the multiclassing rules (PHB pg. 163),
You create a veil of illusion on a solid surface in range. The these additional rules apply to the Mesmer:
veil is an invisible, intangible sheet extending perpendicular
from the surface. You can make the veil up to 60 feet long Multiclassing Prerequisites: To qualify for a level in this
and 30 feet high, and its base can be curved into any class, you must have an Intelligence score of 13 or higher.
continuous configuration you choose including a closed
circle. As you create the veil choose one side to be the front Multiclassing Proficiencies: When you gain your first level
side. When creatures look through the veil from the front, in this class, if it wasn’t your initial class, you don’t gain any
they can’t see creatures on the other side of it, as if those of its starting proficiencies.
creatures were invisible. Looking through the veil from the
back has no effect. Creatures with blindsight are unaffected   
by this spell. Creatures that can see invisibility are This option is best used by tables playing large combat
unaffected and see the veil itself as a translucent grey film. encounters at high levels. High power level. Use with care:
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell The maximum number of illusory clones you can have at a
slot of 5th level or higher, the maximum length, height, and time is equal to the value of your proficiency bonus.
range of the wall all increase by 30 feet for each slot level
above 4th.  
 On the other hand, if your table wants to keep things
6th level Abjuration simple, you may wish to use this option:
Casting Time: 1 action You can only have one illusory clone active at any given
Range: 150 feet (30-foot radius) time. For any effect which depends on the number of clones
Components: V S M (a hollow glass sphere) you shattered, this clone counts as two clones.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You establish a protective globe of inversive magic. Target a  
point within range and wrap your magic around a 30-foot If your game involves large amounts of combat against
radius sphere centered on it. While you concentrate a creatures with extremely low intelligence or wisdom, this
continuous sheet of wavering light covers the outside option may be useful. It limits the combat effectiveness of
surface of that sphere. The magic of this spell is clearly clones against creatures unable to differentiate them:
visible, but sufficiently transparent to avoid impairing Illusory clones have 0 AC and 1 HP. An illusory clone is
vision. Magical and physical projectiles which intersect the dispelled and fades away when reduced to 0 HP.
surface of this spell are reflected back to their origins.
Attacks and projectile-based spells have their targets  
altered but are otherwise unchanged. For example, an This option emphasizes the social utility role of a Mesmer:
archer firing into the area would roll to hit against its own When choosing the skill proficiencies granted by this class,
AC and roll damage against itself, and a Fireball cast you may only choose 1 instead of 2. When you successfully
outward through the sphere would streak back and explode use False Memories, you may choose not to replace a spell
at the tip of its caster’s finger. The magic of this spell is you know and instead replace one of your skill or tool
otherwise intangible and does not interfere with movement. proficiencies with a different proficiency of the same type.

    

Written by dmforeva (H.Z.) 3/28/2020. Dedicated to Boo. Page Table of Contents
Much credit for inspiration to the Guild Wars 2 Mesmer 2 Description, Building a Mesmer, Quick Build
profession, owned by ArenaNet. Concept art owned by ArenaNet
3-5 Mesmer Table, Class Features
and NCSoft. Fonts are by /u/Solbera, of which /u/Barkalot
modified Bookinsanity. Thanks to zeek0 for the formatting 5-7 Grand Deceptions
template, heavily modified by him from a document by Akshat 7-8 Mesmer Spell List
Bhatnagar. Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for their player content
9 Spell Descriptions, Optional Rules, Dedications
policy and for the DND 5th edition system. (V1.5, 6/05/2020)

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