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Lands of Danger
The Wise tell us of how, long ago, the Land was once home to a great People, stretching from the Dark Sea to the
mountains far beyond, commanded by mighty Chieftains. They built grand halls and towers made of stone and iron,
and lived like gods. But they were petty and corrupt, and their people rose up to topple them. The Land has since
reclaimed what was the Land's, and the only things that remain of the People are ruins that shelter fell beasts.


The People are tied closely with the power of the Totem spirits, or so say the Wise. The Spirits of the beasts
manifest differently in each person. One may feel closer kinship to the Raven, being wise and observant. Another
may hold affinity with the Wolf, being fearless and loyal. The strength of each Totem combines to make each
person an individual, their mood and manners unique, their way of doing things special. This is the way of things.

You are a young Warrior – not yet tested in the Rites of Passage. But you are no longer a Milk-Drinker! Your
heritage shows in every confident footstep, the pride in your voice when you speak, and the steadiness of your
watchful eyes. Any of the People can strive to be a Warrior, boy or girl, weak or strong. The wise women say that
during the fall of the Realm, even maidens fought mighty beasts, and cowards, though with prompting, protected
their clansmen. You merely need to prove yourself, collecting Marks favored by the Spirits, that will show the
Elders that you, too, can stand tall by their sides.


Grimrune does not deal with classes as other games do. You are a warrior. You might be a stealthy
warrior, a crafty one, or perhaps a raging berserkir. Perhaps you have studied the mysteries of the runes or

speak to the spirits. It matters not, only the brave, the mighty, and the doers of deeds are admitted to the
Halls to drink mead with their Ancestors.

If you prefer a theme, a few ideas are offered here, for flavor:

1. Randomize your starting equipment.

2. Randomize weapon and armor.
3. Roll your abilities.
4. Roll your Hit Points and Omens.
5. Name your character if you wish. It will not save you.

I. Roll Traits
At Warrior creation you start out at d2 in all Traits. You have 20+d10 points to spend on Traits at
creation, and no Trait can be higher than d10 to begin with. D12 is the normal max for Warriors, unless
bolstered by Magic or Talents.

NOTE: At creation, point costs are on a one-point for one-step basis; that is, if you wanted to advance a
d2 score to d8, it will cost a total of 3 points. When advancing with Glory points, the cost is cumulative,
meaning you pay the full cost of each level. Using the same example as before, you would add all points
together from d2 to d8, resulting in 6 Glory points. To advance from a d8 to a d12 would cost 9 points, 4
for d10 and 5 for d12. Note that you do not pay points for your current Trait level when advancing to the
next tier.

• Any action you take is linked to one of the 9 Traits and the Trait determines your Potential die to
accomplish a given Task. Roll a d20 plus your Trait die to meet or beat 20 is how it works.

Traits and Aspects

Trait Governs… Actions

Agility Coordination, reflexes, reaction, balance defend, balance, swim, flee

Presence Mind, intellect, willpower, sense, cunning, resolve perceive, aim, charm

Strength Might, muscle, power, brawn crush, loft, strike, grapple

Toughness Hardiness, resistance, health, grit, determination, resist poison/cold/heat, survive falls

Wyrd Supernatural, communion, mysticism wield powers, luck, fate

Roll 3d6 and using the table below, generate each ability score. The sum is not used in the game once the character
is created, only the table value.

Player Characters not created with the optional classes can roll 4d6 and drop the lowest die for two of their abilities.
When the character is later improved an ability can never exceed Saga rank.

Ability Modifiers

Roll Rating Modifier Step Die Variant
3-4 Pathetic -3 D2
5-6 Poor -2 D3
7-8 Inferior -1 D4
9-12 Ordinary ±0 D6
13-14 Exceptional +1 D8
15-16 Impressive +2 D10
17-20 Great +3 D12
- Mighty +4 D12+d2
- Heroic +5 D12+d4
- Legendary +6 D12+d6
- Mythic +7 D12+d8
- Saga +8 D20

Roll for Hit Points and omens

HIT POINTS: You begin with TOUGHNESS + d8. In worst case, 2 hp, but never less. Damage lowers your HP,
when you reach 0 you are Broken. If they fall to a negative value, you are dead.

OMENS: Clearly the eyes of Other powers are upon you, Eldritch watchers or the tangled Fates of alternate worlds.
Call it luck if you like.

Every warrior gains a number of Omens. Every character begins with Omens equal to the result of a WYRD roll.
When depleted, roll the WYRD die and regain that many Omens after resting at least six hours. Omens are never a
set amount; the fluctuating amount represents the ebb and flow of luck and/or fate.

Use Omens to:

• deal maximum damage with one attack

• reroll a dice roll (yours or someone else’s)
• lower damage dealt to you by d6
• neutralize a Crit or Fumble
• lower one test’s DR by -4

Choose your Warrior's Name

Adric, Ari, Arngeirr, Atli, Bergr, Bogi, Boro, Bjorn, Brandr, Clade, Dov, Evard, Eymundr, Felnir, Finnr, Galti,
Gormr, Grimr, Grimnr, Hakon, Hollis, Hrafnar, Iav, Ivarr, Karr, Kleppjarn, Maruk, Njall, Noth, Oddbjorn, Ormr,
Orn, Ragnar, Rusk, Sigfastr, Siggi, Skagi, Skorri, Snorri, Styrmir, Svartr, Tellis, Thorbergr, Ulfr, Valyr

Adis, Aelfa, Alvi, Angrboda, Arneidr, Asny, Bera, Bolla, Brin, Brynhildr, Cyline, Dalla, Dremma, Drifa, Ea, Eydis,
Finna, Fritha, Geirny, Gurtha, Hest, Hilda, Hildi, Hrafna, Hrefna, Ingirun, Isvel, Jodis, Katla, Kolfinna, Lagatha,
Mun, Myrun, Nerris, Olyn, Osk, Ragnhildr, Rora, Savra, Sinn, Svana, Svylka, Sym, Thordis, Tyl, Vin, Yrr.

Say the Name of one of the other Warriors,
then choose one of these and say it:

...is my most trusted friend.

...is secretly jealous of me, and I know it.

...dishonored me and I will have my revenge.

...doesn’t know that I’m secretly jealous of them.

...promised to be my right hand in battle.

...promised to keep me safe.

...owes much to my family.

...knows my darkest secret, and holds it over me.

...wants to betray me, or so says my father.

...has been my rival since our birth.

…wants to stick a blade in my back.

The whole group can share the same backstory, or groups within the group can share a tale. Or the GM can quickly
give history to a seemingly mundane character.

Roll Tale Roll Tale

d20 d20

1 You are a law-breaker, pursued for man- 11 A puzzle cube has been calibrated
slaughter after refusing to pay weregild. incorrectly (or has it?), awakening a slumbering
There is a bounty. abomination.

2 In massive debt. The debt is being traded to 12 Evil creatures love the scent of your spoor and are
successively more ruthless groups. drawn to it, bringing disaster
in your wake.

3 Have a rare, sought after item 13 A battle wound left a shard of metal
slowly inching closer to your heart.
Every day there is a 2 % chance it reaches it.

4 Have a cursed never-healing 14 Violence forced you into the wilderness. You
wound. think waving trees are whispering. You talk to,
scream at, and attack trees.

5 Had an illegal, immoral and secret affair 15 Cursed to share the nightmares of others, you
with a member of the royal family. Has sleep far, far away

6 Escaped cult member. Terrified and 16 At permanent war with all corvids. No contact
paranoid. Other cultists are everywhere. without some violence. You carry a sling.

7 An identity thief who recently killed 17 After dreaming of an underground temple

and replaced this person.
to a forgotten god you understand the songs of
insects and worms.

8 Banished and disowned for unspecified 18 Being tracked and observed by a rune-golem after
deeds. Can never go home an agreement which you know has been wiped
from your mind.

9 Deserted military after witnessing an 19 “Burn or be burned” is the fate you accept.
atrocity, bounty on head. Hunted
by former friends.

10 Very recently murdered a close relative. 20 Your flesh heals twice as fast, but your
Very recently. companions twice as slow. You see a many-eyed
“guardian angel.”

Dark Tidings
Trauma, a bad childhood, hidden history, or a twisted fate attending your birth has shaped you.

Marred Body
D20 Result D20 Result

1 Staring, manic gaze. 11 Long tangled hair, at least one cockroach in


2 Covered in (for some) blasphemous 12 Broken, crushed ears.


3 Rotting face. Wears a mask. 13 Juddering and stuttering from nerve

damage or stress.

4 Lost three toes, limps. 14 Corpulent, ravenous, drooling.

5 Starved: gaunt and pale. 15 One hand lacks thumb and index
finger, grips like a lobster.

6 One hand replaced with rusting hook or blade 16 Red, swollen alcoholic’s nose.
(d6 damage).

7 Decaying teeth. 17 Resting maniac face, making friends is hard.

8 Hauntingly beautiful, unnervingly clean. 18 Chronic athlete’s foot. Stinks.

9 Hands caked with sores. 19 Recently slashed and stinking eye

covered with a patch.

10 Cataract slowly but surely spreading in 20 Nails cracked and black, maybe about
both eyes. to drop off.

Foul Habit
D20 Habit D20 Habit

1 Obsessively collect small sharp stones. 11 Inveterate bug-eater.

2 Won’t use a blade without testing it on your 12 Stress response is aesthetic display. The worse
own flesh. Arms knitted with scars. things get the fancier you need to be.

3 Can’t stop drinking once you start. 13 Permanent phlegm deposit in throat.
Continuously cough, snort, spit and swallow.

4 Gambling addict. Must bet every day. 14 Pyromaniac,

If you lose, raise and bet again.

5 Cannot tolerate criticism of any kind. 15 Consistently lose important items and forget
Results in rage and weeping. vital facts.

6 Unable to get to the point. Have never actually 16 INSECURE SHIT-STIRRER. WILL TALK

7 Best friend is a skull. Carry it with you, you 17 You stutter when lying.
trust no one more. Tell it everything,

8 You pick your nose so deep it bleeds. 18 You giggle insanely at the worst possible

9 Laugh hysterically at your own jokes which 19 You whistle while trying to hide. You will
you then explain in detail. deny this. Whistle when 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 is
rolled on a d20.

10 A nihilist, You insist on telling everyone you 20 You make jewelry from the teeth of the dead.
are a nihilist and explaining why. If this can be considered a bad habit.

Terrible Trait
Roll twice.
D20 Result D20 Result
1 Endlessly aggravated 11 Vengeful
2 Inferiority complex 12 Craven
3 Problems with authority 13 Lazy
4 Loud mouth 14 Suspicious
5 Cruel 15 Ruthless
6 Selfish 16 Worried
7 Doom-sayer 17 Bitter
8 Prone to substance abuse 18 Deceitful
9 Melancholy/Mania 19 Wasteful
10 Treacherous 20 Haughty


In this world there are those who seek riches or redemption. Some say the ruins hold riches, others say
death. You will take what the strength of your body and spirit will allow. A pouch holds 2d6 × 10 silver
(s), a sack holds a waterskin and d4 days’ worth of dried meat and seal oil for the trail, as well as a ratty
bedroll and a torch & tinder. Hanging from your belt is a simple knife. Your soul and your silver are
your own and equally easy to lose.

To begin with, you are what you own:

D6… and D12… and D12

1–2 nothing 1 rope 30 feet 1 life elixir d4 doses (heals d6 HP
3 backpack for 7 normal-sized 2 Wits + 4 torches and removes infection)
items 3 lantern with oil for Wits + 6 2 random clean scroll
4 sack for 10 normal-sized items hours 3 small but vicious dog
5 small wagon or one item above 4 fire strips (d6+2 HP, bite d4, only obeys you)
of your choice 5 random unclean scroll 4 d4 rabid squirrels that ignore
6 donkey, not bad. Or one of the 6 sharp needle but love you (d4+2 HP, bite d4)
above of your choice 7 medicine chest Presence+4 5 apprentice runestone
uses (stops bleeding/ infection and 6 toolbox 10 nails, tongs,
heals d6 HP) hammer, small saw and drill
8 metal file and lockpicks 7 heavy chain 15 feet
9 bear trap (Presence DR14 8 grappling hook
to spot, d8 damage) 9 shield (-1 HP damage or have the
10 bomb (sealed bottle, d10 shield break to ignore one attack)
damage) 10 crowbar (d4 damage)
11 a bottle of red poison d4 doses 11 lard (may function as 5 meals in
(Toughness DR12 or d10 damage) a pinch)
12 silver talisman 12 tent

Roll d20, d10 if you are a Caster.
D20 Weapon

1 Sadly, you have only your fists (d2) to protect you.

2 A pair of rusty armored gauntlets with studded knuckles (d4).

3 An iron-shod femur (d4) from a mammoth calf.
4 An oaken staff (d4) inlaid with silver and carved with the runes of my clan.
5 Many daggers d4, concealed about my person.
6 A short blade (d6) won in a gambling game.
7 Father’s old war hammer (d6), taken from his war-chest.
8 A looted sword (d6), taken from a thug who tried to rob you.
9 A hunting bow (d6) with 2d10 arrows.
10 A rusty chain flail (d8) found in a chest on a shipwreck.
11 A great-axe (d10) forged just for you.
12 A recurved bow made of flexible horn (d8), and a quiver of 2d10 fine, sharp arrows.
13 Two short hand-axes (d6) connected with a length of chain, newly captured in a raid across the sea.
14 A keen sword (d8) passed down from my grandfather.
15 A hunting spear (d8), and stout shield (-1 damage) bound with metal, styled in the manner of my favored
16 A pair of fighting claws (d6) made from tusk cat talons.
17 A mighty hammer (d10) marked with the dragon.
18 A chipped and worn great-sword (d10) scavenged from an old battlefield.
19 A whaling harpoon (d10) made of bone, thick as my own arm.
20 A Master-work Weapon, roll again on this table (ignoring results of 1 and 20) and raise the damage die of
the resulting weapon by one step.

Roll d20, roll d8 if you are a Caster.

D20 Weapon

1 No armor.

2 a set of thick gloves, boots, and mantle of bearskin. Light.

3 a heavy, dark cloak and tall boots. Light.
4 a leather mantle topped with a wolf's head and lined with its fur. Light.
5 a heavy cloak lined with small metal discs. Light.
6 a set of steel bracers and torc forged by the Elders. Light.
7 a leather war-harness draped with pieces of mail armor with an iron skullcap. Light.
8 a set of leather robes with bones stitched to it and a heavy cloak. Light.
9 a mammoth fur cloak and leather tunic with coif reinforced with bones. Medium.
10 a coat of hardened leather studded with metal. Medium.
11 a hauberk of functional mail armor with leather pauldrons and gloves. Medium.
12 a fine breastplate of interwoven scales. Medium.
13 a mismatched outfit of metal, rag, and bone. Medium.
14 a mail shirt and hood with mammoth-fur cloak. Medium.
15 a hooded ring-mail hauberk with plated shoulders. Medium.
16 a mail coif and coat with hardened leather gauntlets and boots. Medium.
17 a metal breastplate and helmet with horns. Heavy.
18 a plate breastplate and scale hauberk, an heirloom taken from foreign invaders many years ago by your
forebears. Heavy.
19 a serviceable suit of heavy mail taken from brigands. Heavy.
20 Master-work Armor, roll again (ignoring 1 and 20) to determine type and upgrade its protection by
one step.

Type Tier DR Cost Notes

None 0 - - Skin-suit.

Light 1 -d2 20s Fur, padded, cloth. Jerkin or shirt.

Medium 2 -d4 100s -1 die penalty on Agility tests including defense. Scale, mail,
ring hauberk or coat.

Heavy 3 -d6 200s -2 die penalty on Agility tests including defense. Heavy
mail, plate and mail corslet or breastplate.

Master-work 4 +1 die to Doubled Artisan level, superior fit.


Dverg- 4 +2 dice to - Incredibly durable and comfortable. Cannot be purchased.

wrought base Wearer immune to critical hits.


Leather/Hide - -1 step to 5s You can choose to ignore all damage from one attack but
Shield attacks shield breaks. +1 step to targeted spell or elemental attack


Wooden - -1 step to 20s You can choose to ignore all damage from two attacks but
Shield attacks shield breaks. +1 step to targeted spell or elemental attack

Heavy - -2 steps to 50s You can choose to ignore all damage from three attacks but
Wooden attacks shield breaks. +2 steps to targeted spell or elemental attack
Shield saves.

Dverg- - -2 steps to - Indestructible, crafted of unknown metal. Can absorb infinite

wrought attacks blows but user sacrifices an Action to block to do so. +3
steps to targeted spell or elemental attack saves.


Leather Cap, 1 - 10s -1 to head Injury rolls


Iron Skullcap, 2 - 50s -2 to head Injury rolls

Mail Coif

Iron Spectacle 3 - 100s -3 to head Injury rolls


Dverg- 4 - - Immune to head crits.


Scrolls will never work when wielding great weapons or medium/heavy armor.

Repair Armor

Tier Cost Notes

Tier 1 to 2 25 * Armor cannot be repaired to a tier higher than its original.

Tier 2 to 3 40

Tier 3 to 4 60

Light includes wool and leather jerkins or jacks, as well as furs. Typical helmets are leather skullcaps or coifs.

Medium includes mail shirts, thick furs, boiled leather, and studded or ringed coats. Typical helmets are spectacled

Heavy includes mail or scale hauberks and coats. Typical helmets are spectacled with a mail coif.

Dverg-make armor includes heavy mail and plated mail corslets. Typical helm is full, with decorative spikes, horns,
or wings. Armor test is +1 step.

Shields* penalize attacks by lessening an attacker’s ability die as well as saves against targeted attacks such as
dragon breath or targeted attack Powers.

Type Damage Cost Notes

Battle-axe D8 35s Cutting

Bow D6 25s -

Bow, Horn D8 40s -

Chain-flail D8 35s Bashing

Club D6 10s Bashing

Dagger D4 15s Stabbing

Femur D4 - Bashing

Hand-axe D6 15s Cutting

Improvised D4 - varies

Knife D3 10s Stabbing

Mace D6 25s Bashing

Short-bow D4 13s -

Short-sword D6 20s Stabbing

Sling D4 8s -

Sling-shot D4 12s -

Spear D6 15s Stabbing

Spear, hunting D8 20s Stabbing

Staff D4 5s Bashing

Sword D8 30s Cutting

War-hammer D6 30s Bashing

Whip D2 5s Cutting

Great-weapon D10 60s Sword, axe, hammer, mace

Master-work +1 die X2 As base item

Dverg-make +1 die - Ignores 1 die of DR.


Arrows (20) - 10s Impaling

Arrows, Broad (10) +1 20s Impaling

Shot, Sling (20) +1 6s Bashing

Stone, Sling (20) - 3s Bashing

Item Cost (s) Notes

Backpack 6 Holds 7 normal-sized items

Bear Trap 20 Presence DR14 to spot, d8 damage

Blanket 4

Caltrops 7 d4 damage + infection on 1 in 6

Chalk 1

Chewing Tobacco/herbs 1

Crowbar 8

Dried food 1 1 day

Exquisite perfume 25

Fire-steel 4

Grappling hook 12

Hammer 8

Heavy chain 10 15 feet

Iron nails 5 10 nails

Ladder 7

Lantern oil 5 Wits + 6 hours

Lard 5 May function as 5 meals

Large iron hook 9

Lockpicks 5

Magnesium strip 4

Manacles 10

Mattress, feather 3

Meat cleaver 15

Medicine box 15 Stops bleeding/infection and +d6 HP. Wits + 4 uses

Metal file 10

Mirror 15

Muzzle 6

Noose 6

Oil lamp 10

Poison (black) 20 Toughness DR14 or d6 damage + blind for one hour. 3 doses

Poison (red) 20 Toughness DR12 or d10 damage. 3 doses

Preserved corpse 66+d6s

Rope 4 30 feet

Small wagon 25

Tent 12

Toolbox 20 10 nails, hammer, small saw, tongs

Torch 2

Sack 3 Holds 10 normal sized items

Salt 4

Scissors 9

Scroll, birch-bark - worth roughly 50s to the right buyer

Sharp needle 3

Talisman, silver 60

Talisman, wooden 8

Waterskin 4 4 days of water


Services Cost

Night in hospice 3s

Drink 1s

Steady meal 2s

Bribe, guard 20-40s

Bribe, clerk 30-60s

Bribe, rabble 5-15s


Dog (trained) 25s

Dog (wild) 10s

Horse 80s

Mule 40s

Rat (tame) 5s

Roll d20 ± ability equal to or greater than 20 to succeed. Creatures add their Threat die when rolling d20 against


DR Difficulty

+3 dice Trifling

+2 dice Niggling

+1 die Piddling

- Middling

-1 die Vexing

-2 dice Grueling

-3 dice Maddening

When meeting creatures whose reaction is uncertain.

Roll Result

2-3 Kill!

4-6 Angered

7-8 Indifferent

9-10 Almost Friendly

11-12 Helpful

• Catch your breath (5 minutes): heal d2 HP
• Rest a bit, have a drink (10 minutes): heal d4 hp
• Short nap, take a meal (couple of hours): heal d6 hp
• A full night's sleep (8 hr): heal d8 HP

- Without food or drink no HP is restored when resting and after two days a starving PC loses d4 HP per day.

- An infected character does not benefit from resting. Instead, d6 HP is lost daily.

• 0 HP = Broken
• Negative HP = Dead


Most enemies will not fight to the last drop of blood.
• The leader is killed
• Half the group is eliminated
• Lone enemy has 1/3 HP left

If you roll greater than the creature’s Morale value with 2d6, it is demoralized.
If you roll over the creature's Morale, d6:
1–3 Flees
4–6 Surrenders

Sorting the Dead

A round is enough time to make an attack (or use a Power) and traverse a normal-sized room. There are usually 10
rounds in one minute.

READINESS: roll d6

1-3 Enemies begin

4-6 Heroes begin

Individual: Agility + d6

• DR is always 20. Rolls against living beings are Active Tests while rolls against environment or objects are
Passive. Active tests are always Opposed rolls while Passive tests are always against TN 20.
• All participants make opposed Attack and Defense rolls. Both sides must beat 20 to succeed. If one fails the roll,
then they fail the check.
• Roll d20 + Ability die (which may be modified ± by Gear, Difficulty, or Talents).
• On a hit, the target makes a Defense roll. If successful, no damage is inflicted. If it is a failure, damage is inflicted.
• The target then makes an Armor roll to try and mitigate damage.

Certain game affects will impart Favor or inflict Disfavor. Favor allows you to roll 2 dice and take the better result
while Disfavor forces you to roll 2 dice and take the worst result.


Attack: ignore armor; if no armor, double damage. Armor/protection reduced one tier from damage.
Defense: Gain a free counter-attack.

Attack: Weapon breaks or is lost or lose next attack.
Defense: Take double damage; armor is reduced one tier.


Roll Result

1 Slain. The Valkyries descend…

2-3 Injury. Roll 1d6: 1-3: Mental, 4-6: Physical. Roll on Injury Tables.

4-5 Bleeding. Test Toughness each round; failure results in bleeding out unless treated.

6 Fall unconscious for d4 rounds, awaken with d4 HP.


• The Warrior's final Wounds have been inflicted from a physical blow from either a melee or missile
• The Warrior's final Wounds have been inflicted by a falling stone or by any other physical object.

If so, roll d20 on the following table;

D20 Result
The Warriors face has been cut open or ripped from brow to chin. Roll a further 1D6:
1-3: The Warrior suffers Disfavor to Social rolls permanently.
4-6: The injury leaves an impressively horrific scar. Favor to Intimidate rolls.

Desperately trying to avoid a blow to the face, the warrior over-extends and is rewarded with a spine-
cracking muscle spasm. For the next 1d4 rounds Action points are reduced to 1.


The warrior receives a clout to the skull, stunning them for 1d4 rounds. They may only Defend with
Disfavor while stunned.

Taking one to the chin results in a lop-sided smile. Besides making it hard to eat for 1d6 days, the
warrior suffers Disfavor to Bearing rolls.

The warrior’s weapon is batted from their hands, sailing 2d6 feet away in a random direction. The
warrior can either draw a back-up or spend the entire next round trying to retrieve it.

The warrior is struck by such force from their opponent that they are flattened to the ground, knocked
prone until they can spend a full round getting back up.

The warrior has suffered a bone fracture to one of their ribs. The Warrior is at – 1 Wound dice and
suffers Disfavor to Mettle rolls until healed.

The warrior has suffered a bone fracture to the arm. The Warrior has Disfavor to Might rolls until

The warrior has suffered a bone fracture to the lower leg. The Warrior is at half Move until healed.

The warrior’s fingers are smashed or grazed by a weapon, causing the hand to flare with intense pain. All
attacks for the rest of the encounter are made with Disfavor.

The warrior has been deafened in one ear. They suffer a 1 dire penalty to Initiative/Reaction/Notice rolls
permanently. If the warrior loses hearing in both ears they must retire from adventuring.

The warrior has been blinded in one eye. They suffer Disfavor on Melee and Ranged skills until healed.
If the warrior loses sight in both eyes, he must retire from adventuring.

Roll a Mettle save. On a score of 20 the Warrior shrugs off the injury as a minor flesh wound.
Otherwise, roll on the Mental Injury table.

The warrior’s vitals have been seriously damaged. The Warrior loses 1 die of Wounds and 1 AP

A nauseating impact with the warrior’s groin leaves them writhing on the floor for 1d6 Rounds. The
warrior may only Defend themselves with Disfavor until the recover or are tended to. There is a 1-in-6
chance that a permanent injury is suffered, resulting in sterility.

One of the Warrior’s arms has been mauled. Roll 1d6: on a 1 it has been severed. They may no longer
use anything in or on that arm (they can no longer use 2 handed weapons, and cannot use a shield at the
same time as a weapon) until healed. If the warrior loses both arms they must retire from adventuring.

One of the Warrior’s legs has been mutilated. Roll 1d6: on a 1 it has been severed. They are now at ½
Movement until healed. If the Warrior loses both legs they must retire from adventuring.

The warrior takes such a gruesome impact that they sustain spinal damage, rendering them helpless. The
warrior must pass a Mettle test to avoid permanent paralysis and retirement.

The Warrior’s head has almost been entirely separated from their body. They cannot be restored to life
by anything, apart from some form of magical resurrection such as Intervention or an item such as a
Wyrdstone. Without any form of resurrection, the Warrior will pass on to the next life.


The warrior sustains a devastating strike to the head, leaving it a ruined mess. Without any form of
resurrection, the Warrior is soon visited by the Valkyries.


• The Warrior's final Wounds have been inflicted by a magical spell, magical trap, despair, or any curse.
• The Warrior's final Wounds have been caused by any form of poison, toxic gas or radiation.

If so, roll d20 on the following table;

D20 Result
Life flashes before your warrior’s eyes, but only steels his determination. The warrior is no longer
affected by Fear or Terror.

The Warrior feels much weaker than before. If the Warrior is a Caster their Spirit die diminishes by
-1 step permanently. If the Warrior is of a different type, he loses -1 Wyrd permanently.

The warrior is given to mood swings, and their temperament is capricious. Whenever the warrior
comes under stress roll a d6:
1-2: Melancholy. Has no interest in anything.
3-4: Lucid. Normal activity.
5-6: Crazed. Reckless and loud, will not heed warnings.

The warrior has had something knocked loose inside their skull. They now suffer from Stupidity. At
the start of each turn, make a Thought test. On a failure, the Warrior stands with a blank stare and
may do nothing this turn.


The inner workings of the warrior’s mind are askew, bringing on a desire for strangeness. The
warrior develops a liking for something strange or prohibits themselves from partaking in a normal,
everyday activity or liking. Perhaps the warrior likes to smear dung on their face as warpaint or
forbids themselves to wash, except under a full moon.
The warrior’s past experiences have made them turn inwards. Whenever the warrior encounters a
stressful activity, they must make a Spirit save or run away and hide.

The Warrior suffers extreme hallucinations and begins to think their visions are real. At the start of
each turn, roll a Spirit test. If it fails, the Warrior starts speaking to the nearest wall and loses all
attacks that turn.

The warrior wishes to see the world burn. Whenever given the chance, they must succeed on a Spirit
roll to resist the urge to light something up. The warrior always has something on them with which to
make fire.

The warrior lusts for gold, possessions, and pretty much everything else. When given the chance they
will try to take more than their fair share by force or by nefarious means. They must make a Spirit
roll to resist the compulsion.

The warrior has developed an obsessive habit, such as counting or checking things repeatedly,
chronically masturbating, performing congress with beasts, washing hands every time they touch
something, or perhaps requiring a cleansing prayer before entering a building. The warrior may also
experience hyper watchfulness, hyper sensitivity, or any number of odd behaviors.

The warrior is selfish and will do most anything to accomplish their objective or agenda and has no
qualms about sacrificing others to achieve their ends.

The Warrior’s severe head injuries make them uncontrollable in battle. When rolling to hit any
Monster, the warrior must pass a Spirit test or instead attack the nearest friendly Warrior at random
(if possible, within range of his current missile or melee weapon).

The warrior is just fine with picking their nose, scratching their arse and sniffing their fingers,
belching, farting, or any number of odious habits that tend to alarm the populace.

The warrior has developed an unreasoning fear of a certain object, situation, or environment. Perhaps
it is a fear of suspiciously rounded stones, darkness, viscera, puppies, or confined spaces. At any rate,
a successful Spirit Test is required to avoid running away or refusing to function when confronted by
their fears.

The warrior finds that their tastes have changed and now seeks to sate an unholy appetite with such
things as jars of piss, handfuls of shit, warm blood, dirt, vermin, bugs, nails, sawdust, and any
number of foul or unusual fare.

In an attempt to soothe their inner turmoil, the warrior has set to inflicting pain upon themselves.
Reduce your Wound die by 1 step.

The warrior seeks to try and ignore their scarred mind by excessive indulgences. Pick one: drink,
drugs, immoral practices, prostitutes, gambling, etc.

1-2: Paranoid: suspicious of everyone, Social tests are at Disadvantage.
3-4: Of Two Minds: constantly mutters to self and sometimes argues.
5: Avoidant: seeks to escape from stress by any means.
6: Aggressive: seeks to rid the world of the source of stress by any means.

The warrior’s mind being broken, they seek to soothe themselves by inflicting torment on another.

The Warrior’s limp body falls to the floor unconscious and cannot be restored to life by anything,
apart from some form of magical resurrection such as Intervention or an item such as a Wyrdstone.
Without any form of resurrection, the Warrior will pass on to the next life.

When Getting Better you may gain a Gift if you are deemed worthy, for a maximum of Presence + 1d4.

Consult your GM on how Gifts are gained. They can either be gained at random, your choice, or you may obtain
specific Gifts as narrative achievements.

If choosing Gifts, this allows you to make specific character builds. E.g. Choosing Party Chef, Inspired Storyteller
and Outback Survivalist allows you to create a powerful support class that buffs your party whenever making camp.

Additionally, Gifts may be learned from a Stone of Gifts, which are ancient runed menhirs that may or may not
bestow a Gift.

Roll or gain a Gift as a narrative achievement:

Roll Result
Accursed Gob-lobber
Your habit of consuming slippery fish guts and seal oil has benefitted you. Your phlegm is
viscous, lumpy, vile and ballistically accurate at short range. You can spit d2 times during a
fight. Roll an Agility test for accuracy. Targets are blinded, retching and vomiting for d4
rounds. Anyone witnessing this—friend and foe—must make a Toughness test to not also
Ancient Gore-hound
Asthmatic, ornery and on its last legs, this wizened creature still has a superb nose and can
sniffle up treasure in the most disgusting debris. Attacks and Defends with Threat d8 (bite
d6). 10 HP. Becomes frenzied around goblins and blod-serkers.
Armor of Scars
Fight after fight has left your skin with an abundance of scars, forming a lattice-work of tough skin.
• You have +1 step on Defense rolls.
Battle-hardened Caster
You were called to battle, not for your prowess with blade and shield. Not for your speed and
might. But because the words you spoke brought death to your enemies.
• You may cast Powers while wearing medium armor. You may take this talent a second time
to also include heavy armor.
Beast’s Eyes
You looked up at the birds for a sign. Scattered bones, spilled entrails, for naught. But one
day you saw your fate in the eyes of a beast lurking in the shadows.
• Perfect vision in darkness, but the light of the sun burns your eyes. Favor when in
darkness, Disfavor when in daylight.
• Staring into the eyes of a wild beast let’s you feel whatever it is feeling.
Beastly Scholar
You study the beasts of the land, gutting them and spilling viscera to uncover secrets of the
• You may scry and see the future with an animal’s innards. Gain an omen for every 10 hp
the beast had, but never more than your maximum omens.
Usable once per animal kind.
• The beasts’ innards may also provide enlightening information. The Gm must answer a
question, but it may not be the truth… GM rolls a d4 in secret, on a 1 the answer is
Blood-Muck Poultice
A secret concoction of the pagans gifted only to those found worthy of such a boon. The
practitioner learns the knowledge to craft a foul salve from the remains of slain Monsters. It
takes the parts and ichor from nine different beasts to prepare the base (9 uses); after which
the base is added to fresh parts from a fresh kill. The mixture is then simmered over a flame
made of ash wood for 8 hours in an iron cauldron engraved with the Sowilo rune. When
done, the muck is poured through a sieve to remove the chunkier components and then

worked into the base preparation, which forms a sludge-like stinking salve to be smeared
over a wound or the body.

By smearing the concoction on the flesh of a creature or upon a wound, you can cure any
disease or wounds that afflict the creature by burning the affliction out. You can also choose
to remove one of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned. The salve
cures all but 1d6 hp and bestows 1 level of exhaustion due to the rigors of the healing

Bloodied Knuckles
Years of bare knuckle fighting have turned your hands into deadly bludgeons. They are
heavy with scars from the guilty and innocent.
• Your unarmed attacks deal d6 damage and ignore light armor. You may take this talent a
second time to increase this to d8 damage and medium armor. You may take this talent a
third time to increase this to d10 damage and have them ignore all armor.
• Fumbling an unarmed attack means you break a hand dealing the damage to yourself. You
must seek out a specialist help to set your bones.
Blood Pact
It’s a rough world to be all alone in. But you’ve found a way to avoid this fate.
• Form a blood pact with a willing participant. You can communicate by thought no matter
the distance, and this never goes away. Whatever one experiences, so does the other. This
includes injury and death.
Bloodthirsty Rage
The rush of combat is addictive. You’re always chasing that high. It’s kill or be killed. You
can’t stop to ask questions.
• When landing an attack that kills a creature you must move and attack another (this may
include allies), adding d6 damage for every creature slain. Your onslaught stops when you
fail to kill and you fall to the ground exhausted, losing your next turn.
Bone Crafter
You don’t believe in letting things go to waste. Including the corpses of the fallen.
You can craft equipment of strangely high quality using a number of humanoid corpses.
• A d6 weapon, 1 corpse worth of bones.
• A shield, 5 corpses worth of bones.
• Light armor, 10 corpses worth.
You have hacked livestock and poultry into small pieces before. You know what makes them
work and how they are made. People aren’t that different.
• On a successful Agility test, any ally that dies near you instead becomes broken as you
attempt rapid life-saving surgery.
Should the person still die you may make d4 rations out of the corpse.
Calm Killer
The knife or arrow that is most careful is the deadliest. You have a sharp eye for gaps and
kinks in armor.
• Once per turn when making a ranged or melee attack, you may reroll the damage dealt and
keep the higher result.
Cunning Jab
When attacking by surprise test Agility. On a success you automatically hit once with a light
one-handed weapon, dealing normal damage x2.
Death-dealer (Slayer)
Your training and experience as a slayer has taught you where and when to strike for best

• The damage you inflict with weapons is one die higher than listed. You must select a
specific weapon to have trained with. If you take this talent again you may choose an
additional weapon type.
Dodging Death
You are so unpleasant, stubborn, and vicious even the Choosers would rather avoid you if
they can. On death, if there is even the slightest possibility that you survived, there is a 50%
chance that you did. If successful, after 10 rounds you pop back up with d4 HP and an
unlikely explanation of your escape.
Dual Wielder
You are no trained soldier, but you think two weapons should help you kill twice as fast. It
hasn’t failed you yet.
• You suffer no penalty when attacking with two weapons, you roll both damage dice and
combine the results.
Escaping Fate
Every time you use an omen there is a 50% chance it is not spent.
Fateful Visions
The fates steer your journey across the unforgiving world. One can only hope they guide you
to redemption and not destruction.
• Consume an omen and spend a few moments in quiet meditation. Ask the Game Master a
question pertaining to the current situation.
• You will be granted a bizarre vision that provides enlightening information. GM rolls a d4
in secret, on a 1 the vision is deceptive.
Filthy Fingersmith
Your snaky little digits get into pockets and pick locks with a +1 step to the Agility test. You
also begin with lockpicks!
First Strike
You believe that the Halls are for those who leap into battle, those who are first to reap glory.
• Whether your side passes or fails the initiative roll, you may always act first if your action
involves inflicting harm.
Forbidden Secrets
The powers that be whisper dark secrets in your ears wherever you walk. Their incessant
chittering never gives you peace.
• You innately know one random Rune. Additionally once you have read a Rune you may
carve its esoteric glyphs into your flesh and no longer need the stone itself to cast it.
• Every night there is 1/20 chance that you accidentally cast a Power in your sleep. This
Power also has a 1 in 6 chance of fumbling.
Fortunate Bastard
Is it fate or luck that smiles upon you? Who the hell cares…
• When rolling on the Plunder table you may roll two dice and select the more favorable
The Galdr learns the secrets of runes. Runes are presented as a three tiered system -
Apprentice, Journeyman and Master - with each higher rank providing more impressive or
more useful powers.

The runes are grouped into threes, each set of three relating to a theme. You can find the list
of sets below in the Rune section. While you can learn any rune you set your mind to, you
receive a bonus of +1 step bonus when learning higher level runes from a set you’ve already
learned a rune from.

Truly, the Gods seem to smile upon you and heap blessings upon your head.
• You may have a total of Presence + 1d6 Gifts. Each time you gain this Gift the die size
increases by 1 step.
You can fell a horse with one well-placed blow; those familiar with you provide a wide berth
when you become angry.
• You land a critical on a 19 or 20.
Harbinger of Misery
You feel a dark blessing course though your veins. You have dedicated yourself to the black
disk which will block out the sun.
• Gain Maximum omens instead of rolling. As long as you live the GM rolls two Misery dice
every day.
Hawk as Weapon
Your crafty almost-intelligent hawk is loyal only to you. Even without shared language,
you understand its cries as it keeps watch, scouts and swoops to attack foes. Attacks/
defense Threat d6 (claws/bite D4), HP 8.
Herbalist Healer
You’ve spent what seemed like an eternity under the haze filled apprenticeship of an
herbalist master. You left with a new outlook on life, and a few extra skills.
• Once per day you may scrounge to find the necessary herbs and flora to create an infection
curing elixir that also heals d4 hp.
• Presence test to attempt this treatment, failing instead creates a toxin dealing D4 damage.
Horrific Growth
Maybe it was something you ate, or a Rune has grown malevolent. Whatever it is you can’t
get rid of it.
• You manifest something…extra. Roll on the Broken Body table. Other people see it as a
sign of evil.
Hyper Awareness
You are paranoid, seeing danger in every shadow. Everything wants to kill you.
You are jittery with bird-like movements.
• You can never be the victim of a surprise attack. Additionally your side takes the initiative
on a 3+.
Immortal Memory
You are haunted by the memories of those that have fallen. Even if their spirits have moved
on, and the bodies are dust, their memories linger for eternity.
• Whenever encountering a place of great suffering, you may relive the tragedy through a
memory that lingers, inflicting Disfavor upon your rolls.
• There is a 1/20 chance that things become all too real. You suffer the same fate in reality.
This might cause creatures and Runes to reappear.
• Sometimes the memories bring great insight. Your Runes per Day increases to Presence +
Initiate of One-Eye
Once per day you may summon D2 runestones, whose power can be used only once.
If the stones are not used before sunrise they turn to ash.
Inspired Storyteller
Your tales bring joy and smiles to everyone around you, even in the bleakest of times.
All of it lies of course, but who cares?
• Presence test whenever resting to weave a compelling tale. decrease the step by 1 for every
additional audience member. Success allows everyone to gain an omen. You cannot exceed

your maximum number of omens.
Iron Stomach
When crops fail, and livestock births inedible abominations, one learns to not be picky when
it comes to food.
• You may consume spoiled or soured food with a Toughness test. Others witnessing this may
find it disgusting.
Iron-clad Will
Power thrums in your spoken words and you can direct this power to destroy or affect
anything in your path.
• The spell damage you inflict is 1 die higher than what is listed. You can take this talent
again to raise the die even higher.
An acquired taste. Or perhaps a disease. Maybe a curse. An eternal thirst. Blood heals and
sustains you.
• A pint of blood heals you for D4 hp. You may still eat regular food, but you suffer the
effects of starvation after one day.
Light in the Dark
You are smarter than your fellows and have the ability to retain things that you learn better.
• When rolling to Get Better, you may re-roll any failed attribute or skill results once per
There’s something about your smile. The way you compose yourself. The way you speak.
All of your teeth are present. You’re best described as approachable. ‘Tis strange.
• Whenever a reaction roll is made, roll 3d6 and keep the highest two dice.
Living Armor
You have survived war. You have survived because of cold steel that has been scarred so that
you may live. It’s become a part of you and you’ve learned to carry its burden.
• Remove the Agility penalty for the armor you are currently wearing. This does not affect
your defense rolls.
• You may not remove your armor without painfully dying. This also happens if it breaks.
Repairing it is possible, but very painful.
Fate? Sounds ominous. You prefer luck. Good things always seem to happen to you. This has
lulled you into a false sense of security. How long will this last?
• You do not have any omens. And no omens can be spent to influence your roll. Instead you
always roll 2d20 for your tests and pick the highest result.
• However, you still fumble if either of them come up as 1. Your luck has to run out
Master of Ways
What use are maps when the substance of wisdom itself is open to you? You know the right
way with a Presence test.
Meat Shield
You are hardier than others of your own ilk; perhaps you had better luck catching fat rats
while growing up.
• You always roll the next higher die when determining hit points. You can take this Gift
multiple times.
Mighty Strike
You once saw a man decapitate a horse with a giant sword. It was less a sword and more a
large slab of iron. You can’t help but think of the beast’s vacant eyes whenever you swing
your own sword.

• When wielding great weapons, you may swing with Favor. If the attack lands you add d6 to
your damage. Missing allows your opponent to strike with an attack that you can defend
against with Disfavor.
Mortal Draw
Your blade hungers. Blood is the only thing that can sate it. Once drawn it demands it, and
will punish you for failing.
• Your first attack in combat always deals max damage assuming the attack hits. If you miss,
your opponent may attack you. This can be defended against with Disfavor.
Mystic Skald
You learnt your melodies in the Otherworld. The music of your instrument gives +D4 on
reaction rolls.
You abhor conflict. A pacifist by nature, sometimes it’s best to try de-escalate the situation.
Some call you a coward.
• Roll a Presence test. Success means the fighting stops. For now.
Warband Chef
You have mastered the art of cooking slop with questionable ingredients. You are able to
turn the most horrid of food somewhat palatable.
• Presence to cook a meal when resting. Step -1 for any additional servings. On success you
may stretch a single ration to feed the entire party, failing means the ration is spoiled. All
who partake gain 1d4 Favored rolls to spend.
You may speak with rats; whistling allows you to attract d4 number of them. They might not
have reliable information but are always happy to converse.
Predatory Sense
Somewhere along your bloodline wickedness was introduced. It’s influence is thin within
your blood but ever present.
• You have a keen sense of smell when it comes to humans. You can sniff individuals out from
a room away, identify someone, and even track them easily with a Presence test.
Reckless Attacker
Overzealous, rash decisions, and extremely poor sense of judgement. But you have lived this
long so you must be doing something right.
• You may attack the same target twice on your turn. Missing the second attack allows your
opponent to land an attack that you can defend against with Disfavor.
Unlike the majority of your brethren you are interested in scholarly pursuits and seek
knowledge wherever you can find it; you still aren’t above rolling in the gutter to get what
you want though.
• You are able to use Powers equal to Presence + 1d6 times per day. Repeatable up to
Presence + d12 times per day.
Shield Breaker
You know that the moment an opponent is at their most vulnerable is right after they’ve
• Whenever you use your shield to block all incoming damage, you may attempt a counter
attack with +3 damage.
Shit-ditch Stealth
You have an astounding, almost preternatural ability to hide in muck, debris and filth.
When hidden in these conditions a Disfavored Presence test is required to notice you.
When the fury of battle is upon you, your animal instincts take over. Literally. Your form

changes to something between a man and beast (choose the type!). When reduced to 50% or
lower hit points, the beast takes over. You may also will yourself to transform.
• You regain your Rank x 1d6 hit points, and also gain Favor to attack/defense for the
remainder of the fight. You may assume beast form a number of times per day equal to your
TGH bonus, minimum 1.
Your skin crawls and itches constantly. Constantly scabbing and foul. The skin of others
brings you momentary solace.
• You may wear the skin of a creature you recently killed to disguise yourself. You look,
sound and even smell like them.
• The skin decays after d4 hours and you revert back to your normal, wretched form.
Skulker’s Deathblow
A firm grip. A sharp knife. That’s all it takes for someone to disappear. You’ve become
adept at it over the years.
• Succeeding at a Strength test allows you to grapple an unaware foe and automatically crit
with a one handed bladed weapon.
Speaker of Truths
Twice per day use your wisdom, knowledge, advice and inner calm to bring clarity to a
creature of your choice. The next test they undertake has Favor.
Time spent in the harsh wilderness has taught you how to thrive. Small comforts can be
made even in this bleak world.
• Presence test to create a comfortable campsite. Step -1 for every additional person it
shelters. When resting at this camp everyone recovers 2d6 hp instead of d6
Thing of Teeth
You have thirty or so friends who never let you down; YOUR TEETH. Disloyal, deranged,
or simply uncontrollable, any group that didn’t boot you out left anyway. But your Thing of
teeth – enormous, protruding, thick and sharp – have always been allies.
• Bite attack: Step -1, d6 damage. You must be close to your target. 1-2 on d6 the enemy gets
a free attack.
Vile Blood
Something about your blood is wrong. It’s more akin to the putrid ichor of a corpse.
• Whenever a creature attacks you with a biting attack and hurts you it is poisoned. It suffers
d4 damage for d6 rounds.
• Additionally should you suffer an infection roll a d2. On a 2 you do not have infection.

Or worse… the GM should determine when a character merits improvement. Some benchmarks could be
after completing a scenario, killing mighty foes, or absconding with weighty plunder.

Marks and Rites

Part of being a warrior is proving your worthiness to take the Rites of Passage. During your adventures,
this is done by performing challenging deeds and earning Marks.

When your warrior faces a task of consequence – where failure can severely affect your progress – you
gain a Mark when you roll a natural 20 on a test, demonstrating that you are facing trouble fearlessly,
skillfully, or with nobility. If it is successful, make a Mark on your sheet. These actions that are pleasing
to the Spirits. For example, instead of evading some Bear Tribesmen, you confront them face-to-face with
a mighty roar! Or, while hunting in the woods, you choose to release some trapped wolf pups despite your
growing hunger!

What should a Mark look like? You can write a simple "X," a check, or perhaps a glyph inspired by that

Once you have earned the maximum Marks and have returned safely home to your village, you are able to
take the Rites of Passage and become a full-fledged Warrior!











10 HERO 100

When this happens, the following things occur:

More HP:
Roll d100. If the result is equal to or greater than your current maximum HP, increase them by 1d6.

Chance of Plunder:
Lost in the mud and shit, you find:

Roll Result Notes
01-08 Nothing Prove Your Worth.

09-11 3d10 silver As it says.

12-13 Item of treasure Roll on Plunder Tables.

14-15 Boon The Jarl grants you a title or promotes you.

16-17 Runestone, Spell, or Prayer Random Rune, Spell, or Prayer

18-19 Called to the Stone of Gifts Trek to the Stone and Receive a Blessing.

20 Relic Roll on the Relic Table.












Roll a Test against every ability. Results equal to or greater than 20 increase it by 1, to a maximum of
d20. Results below the ability decrease it by 1 step.

Abilities from d2 to d6 are always increased by 1 unless the result is 1.


A few so-called Powers are known and they are usually found written on birch-bark scrolls in mystic
sigils. Roll Presence + d4 every morning to determine how many times you can use Powers that day;
choose from your available scrolls. When reading a scroll, test Wyrd. If you succeed, the Power is
activated and you subtract one use from your daily total. If you fail, the Power doesn’t work, you lose d2
HP and you become dizzy for the next hour. During this time, Powers will always fail in the worst
possible way.

• The GM decides the effect on a Crit (Surge for double damage or effect) or Fumble (Miscast), but below
is an optional table of arcane catastrophes.


Come in the form of birch-bark scrolls. Utilize the powers of sorcery and witch-craft.

D20 Result D20 Result
1 Witch-Fire: A ball of fire hits d2 11 Binding Curse: If the target fails a save it
creatures dealing Wyrd damage per is immobilized by unseen force and
creature. cannot move for a number of minutes
equal to the caster’s Wyrd.
2 Tongue of Lies: A creature of your choice 12
is confused for 10 minutes.
3 Spirit Hand: Move an object up 1d10×10 13
feet for d6 minutes.
4 Air-walk: Hover for Wyrd + d10 rounds. 14
5 Bereft of Breath: One creature suffocates 15
for d6 rounds, losing d4 HP per round.
6 Storm-caller: Produce d2 lightning bolts 16
dealing d6 damage each.
7 Undead Thrall: Summon (d6): 17
1–3 d4 skeletons,
4–6 d4 zombies.
8 Blind Your Eye: A creature becomes 18
invisible for d6 rounds or until it is
damaged, attacking/defending with Favor.
9 Binding Slumber: d4 creatures fall asleep 19
for one hour unless they
succeed a test.
10 Finger of Death: All creatures within 20
30 feet lose a total of 4d10 HP.


Again, manifest as birch-bark scrolls. Godi channel nature and ancestral spirits.

Clean Powers
D20 Result D20 Result
1 Hel’s Caress: All creatures within 11 Withering Glare: d4 creatures lose

30 feet lose a total of 4d10 HP. d8 HP each.
2 Blessing of Might: A creature of your 12 One-Eye’s Bidding: One creature blindly
choice gets +d6 on one roll (damage, test obeys a single command.
3 Whispers Pass the Gate: Ask three 13
questions to a deceased creature.
4 Freyja’s Touch: target heals for 1s10 x 14
your Wits.
5 Vigor: A creature of your choice gains 2d6 15
extra HP for 10 rounds.
6 Unmet Fate: one creature, dead for no 16
more than a week, is awakened with
terrible memories.
7 Bestial Speech: You may speak with 17
animals for d20 minutes.
8 False Dawn: Light for 3d10 minutes. 18
9 Night’s Veil: Pitch black for 3d10 minutes. 19
10 Hermetic Step: You find all traps in your 20
path for 2d10 minutes.


Runes are supernatural effects that are discovered, normally engraved upon Rune-stones. You must have
the Galdr Gift to utilize Runes. Not just any fool can pick one up and use it.

• AMOUNT PER DAY: Roll Wyrd + d4 every morning to determine how many times you can use
Runes that day; choose from your available materials.
• CAST A RUNE: When casting a Rune, test Wyrd. If you succeed, the Rune is activated and you
subtract one use from your daily total. If you fail, the casting doesn’t work, you lose d2 HP and you
become dizzy for the next hour. During this time, Runes will always fail in the worst possible way.

• LEARN A RUNE: When you discover a new Rune, you must make a Wyrd check to harness its power
and to fully understand its potential. Runes are normally gained through the discovery of Runestones,
which are graven stone or wooden tablets, fetishes, or fist-sized stones.

The GM decides the effect on a Crit or Fumble, but below is an optional table of arcane catastrophes for
when you roll a 1 on a casting test.


Rune and Effect

zA LGIZ (Elk, protection, belonging)
• Knowledge. Your study of the rune Algiz has taught you much about protection. Understanding its meaning,
you mark your body with tattoos. Enemies have Disfavor to their first attack roll against you.
• Casting. By rapidly inscribing the rune Algiz onto a metal weapon as an Action, you can ward off strange
creatures and evil. For the next minute while you concentrate, you and allies within 20 feet of you gain Favor to
any Saves they must make.

aA NSUZ (The Aesir, communication, truth)

• Knowledge. You learn two languages of your choice. You can spend a minute inscribing Ansuz onto a surface,
to create an area where only truth can be spoken. Any creature inside the area (a 20 foot square) is incapable of
telling a lie. Each time it tries, it must make a saving throw. On a failed save it cannot lie within the area and
suffers 1d4 Mortal Wounds.
• Casting. When you take a minute to draw the rune behind each of your ears, you can send a message of no more
than nine words to a creature who is known to you, anywhere in the world. You must know their appearance and
their name. The creature can respond with nine words. You can use this power a number of times up to your
Thought die per rest.

bB ERKANO (Birch, rebirth, the womb)

• Knowledge. You gain Favor to Healing tests.
• Casting. By carefully tattooing the rune Berkano onto the skin of a corpse, you are able to breathe life back into
it. Choose a creature that has died within the last hour. You must spend 1 hour undertaking this ritual. At the end,
the target will return to life at 1 hit point, and must roll on the table below. You can cast this rune once per
season. Whenever you do, you and the target gain 1d8 Stress.
• A target can be raised more than once, but must roll an additional time on the table below each time it is raised,
ignoring rolls of 1, 2 or 3.


1 The target feels a constant chill as if they were in Hel. They take +1 Wounds from cold weather
effects and cold attacks.

2 The target relives the moment of their death often. They have Disfavor on Saves against Fear.

3 The scar of their deathblow did not heal well. The target suffers Disfavor on Mettle checks.

4 A truly hideous or unnatural malformity mars the targets appearance. They suffer a -1 die penalty to
their Agility score.

5 The target’s wounds have left their body weak. They suffer a – die penalty to their Might score.

6 The target’s mind is broken. They suffer -1 die penalty to Wyrd.

7 The ritual was not perfectly executed, or something clings to their soul. The target must roll on the
Mental Injury table.

8 The spirit resists the compulsion and the ritual fails. The target remains dead.

DD AGAZ (Dawn, clarity, breakthrough)

• Knowledge. You always know exactly how long it is until sunrise or sunset. You can see 60 ft. in Dim Light as

if it were bright light. If you spend a minute drawing the rune onto an item, you can cause it to emit a bright light
for 30 feet, and dim light out to 60ft for an hour.
• Casting. By drawing the rune Dagaz in the air as an action, you can cause a brilliant light to shine from the
rune. With a subsonic boom you summon the light of the Aesir to shine brightly from the rune. Each creature
within 60 feet of you that can see must succeed on a saving throw or be knocked prone and blinded for the next
minute. On a successful save, creatures are knocked prone but not blinded. Fey and undead creatures that fail the
save take 1d6 Wounds from radiant damage and are Feared.

eE HWAZ (Horses, trust, friendship)

• Knowledge. You gain favor when making Animal Handling checks related to horses. You can spend 8 hours
tattooing the rune Eihwaz onto a horse that is your mount, turning it into a Warhorse. Its Threat die is equal to
your Thought die. Only one horse can be imbued in this way. If your horse dies, you must undergo another 8 hour
ritual to imbue a new horse.
• Casting. When you carefully tattoo the rune Ehwaz onto two willing creatures, in a ritual taking 24 hours, you
can bind them in friendship. The two creatures are forever bound as blood-brothers, a sacred and magical bond.
They gain the following effects:
• They cannot lie to one another.
• When one of the bonded creatures hits another creature with an attack, the other bonded creature gains Favor on
their next attack roll against the creature.
• When a bonded creature drops to 0 Wounds, their bonded ally can bring them back from the brink. As an action,
a bonded creature can touch their bonded ally and sacrifice a Wound die, allowing their bonded ally to
immediately gain one Wound die back.
• A bonded creature instinctively knows when their bonded ally is in great danger.

yE IHWAZ (World Tree, immortality, communication between worlds)

• Knowledge. Your study of Eihwaz has brought you closer to understanding the immortality of the gods. You
become immune to disease, poison and infection, and once per short or long rest, can reroll the result of a Brutal
Wound you suffer (you must keep the second roll). Your lifespan also doubles, allowing you to live up to 200
years if you do not meet a violent death, without suffering the ravages of age.
• Casting. By carefully tracing the rune onto the crown of your head, your forehead, your throat, your heart, your
solar plexus, your navel and your groin for one hour and inhaling certain herbs (100 hacksilver cost), you can
transport your soul. At the end of the ritual, your soul will rise from your body into the air. Choose any place that
is known to you, or a person that you know. Your incorporeal, visible form immediately appears in this place or
next to this person, and remains there for up to 1 hour. You are able to speak, but cannot touch anything.

fF EHU (Cattle, Wealth, Luck) "Feh-hoo"

Knowledge. You gain proficiency in Animal Handling. You can spend 10 minutes inscribing the rune Fehu onto
a willing ally. This ally’s carrying capacity is tripled for the next 8 hours.
Casting. When you spend an action to rapidly inscribe Fehu onto an item, you can imbue them with good luck for
the next minute while you concentrate.
• Armor - The wearer takes 1 less damage from all sources for the duration.
• Weapon - When the damage die of the target shows its lowest number, treat it as the highest number.

gG EBO (Generosity, gifts, sacrifice) "geh-boh”

• Knowledge. You have advantage on checks to determine the value of an item. Additionally, if you draw the
rune onto an item and spend a minute studying it, you can determine all of its magical properties and glean some
information on its history.
• Casting. When you rapidly inscribe Gebo on your body, you can sacrifice some of your life to save another. As
an action, you can carve the symbol into your wrist or chest. When you do so, you take one hit die of damage, but

an ally within 30 feet of you can gain a number of hit points equal to the hit die plus their Constitution modifier.
You can use this power a number of times up to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all uses of this power after
completing a short or long rest.

hH AGALAZ (Hail, severe weather, crisis) "hawg-ah-laz"

• Knowledge. You can predict bad weather. You can make an Intelligence (Seith-wise) check and spend 10
minutes to determine with reasonable accuracy what the weather will be like for the rest of the day.
• Casting. By spending ten minutes inscribing the rune Hagalaz onto a piece of wood and placing it into a vessel
of water, you can cause a storm to appear. Over the next four hours, clouds will gather and cover an area up to 6
miles square, and will begin to rain, hail or snow depending on the temperature. This downpour is always very
heavy. Creatures cannot see further than 20 feet in it. Once the storm appears after four hours, it will last for 6
hours, and then dissipate.

qI NGUZ (Inheritance, homeland, ancestors) "ing-ooz"

• Knowledge. Your study of Freyr’s rune has taught you some of the secrets of his ship Skiðbladnir. You may
double your proficiency when making Sailing checks. By taking 10 minutes to draw the rune Inguz onto a ship on
which you’re sailing, you can cause favorable winds to bless you. For the next 8 hours, you gain a favorable
wind, allowing you to increase your speed by 6 miles per hour.
• Casting. By rapidly drawing the rune Inguz into the air, you can cause the earth to bind your enemies. Choose a
target within 60 feet of you. That target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be partially swallowed up by
the earth. The target is restrained until it takes an action to succeed on a Strength saving throw to dig its way out
of the earth. A ten foot radius circle around the target becomes difficult terrain due to the churned up earth.

iI SA (Ice, challenge, blocking) "eee-sah"

• Knowledge. You have advantage on checks and saving throws to resist the effects of cold weather. When you
spend a minute drawing Isa on the ground, you sanctify a Holmgang or duel. After the minute, any creature not
included in the duel will have disadvantage on attack rolls made against those in the duel. Additionally, if a
creature not in the duel attempts to interfere, they must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw. On a success
they can act but take 3d6 psychic damage. On a failed save, they are unable to interfere with the duel.
• Casting. When you rapidly inscribe Isaz into the air, you can use the rune’s power of ice to halt an enemy. As
an action, select an enemy within 60 feet of you. That enemy must make a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed
for the next minute. You must concentrate to maintain the effect. At the end of each of its turns, the target can
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends. You can cast this rune a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modifier per long rest.

jJ ERA (Cycles, hope, promise of success) "yair-ah"

• Knowledge. Inscribe the rune as a ritual taking 10 minutes onto the belly of a living creature, ensuring that any
sexual union that creature undergoes in the next day will prove fruitful. If you inscribe the rune onto the belly of a
pregnant creature once per month, it will ensure that any children born will be born safely and healthily.
• Casting. When you rapidly inscribe Jera onto an ally you can bring hope and inspiration to all that see them. As
an action, choose an ally you can touch. That ally gains immunity to fear for the next minute. A number of
creatures up to your Intelligence modifier are inspired by the sight of the rune. Whenever these allies make an
attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the ally can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack
roll or saving throw. You can cast this rune a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per short or
long rest.

kK ENAZ (Fire, enlightenment, creativity)

• Knowledge. You can inscribe the rune as a ritual taking 8 hours onto the body of a diseased or sick person,
burning the sickness from them. At your touch, all diseases affecting one creature or object end. Additionally, by

spending ten minutes inscribing Kaunen onto the ground, you can create a bright campfire that will burn without
fuel for 8 hours.
• Casting. When you rapidly inscribe Kaunen onto a weapon, you bring the might of fire to the battlefield. As an
action, inscribe the rune onto a weapon. The weapon will shed bright light in a 10 foot radius. The weapon will be
covered in flames that will not harm the user. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 fire damage for the next hour.
You can cast this rune a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all uses of this spell
after you complete a long rest.

lL AGUZ (Water, renewal, dreams) "lah-gooz"

• Knowledge. You can hold your breath under water a number of minutes equal to twice your Intelligence score.
Additionally, by spending ten minutes inscribing Laguz onto a waterskin, mead horn or other liquid receptacle,
you can imbue the liquid within with Laguz’s power. Up to nine creatures who drink from the container gain the
ability to breathe underwater for 1 hour.
• Casting. When you rapidly inscribe Laguz into the air if near a body of water or in the rain, you can control the
liquid. You can cast this rune once per short or long rest. You can choose one of the following effects for the next
10 minutes:
• Part. You cause water in the area to move apart and create a trench. The trench extends across the spell’s area,
and the separated water forms a wall to either side. The trench remains for a number of minutes up to your
Intelligence modifier. The water then slowly fills in the trench over the course of the next round until the normal
water level is restored.
• Deluge. You cause the level of all standing water in the area to rise by as much as 20 feet. If the area includes a
shore, the flooding water spills over onto dry land. If you choose an area in a large body of water, you can instead
create a 20-foot tall wave that travels from one side of the area to the other and then crashes down. Any Huge or
smaller vehicles in the wave’s path are carried with it to the other side. Any Huge or smaller vehicles struck by
the wave have a 25 percent chance of capsizing. The water level remains elevated until the spell ends or you
choose a different effect. If this effect produced a wave, the wave repeats on the start of your next turn while the
flood effect lasts.

mM ANNAZ (Family, awareness, the valiant dead) "mawn-awz"

• Knowledge. You are able to preside over funerals and ensure that all of the correct rites are seen to, that the
correct songs are sung, and that those who have died go where they are meant to go in the afterlife. Additionally,
by inscribing the rune Mannaz onto the skin of a dead person for 1 minute, you can slow the process of rot that
would cause the body to decay or smell, for nine days.
• Casting. When you trace the rune Mannaz onto the forehead of a willing creature, you give them improved
awareness. When you take 10 minutes to cast this rune, you and up to eight willing creatures of your choice gain
the ability to see in darkness as if it was daylight.
Additionally, those creatures gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks.

nN AUTHIZ (Restriction, need, determination) "now-theez"

• Knowledge. By spending an action inscribing Nauthiz onto the skin of an ally, that creature can add 1d4 to one
ability check of their choice made in the next minute. When a creature is dying, you can draw the rune on their
skin as an action to stabilize them.
• Casting. When you spend an action to rapidly inscribe Nauthiz into the air, you can restrict those who would try
to flee. A creature within 20 feet of you must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or be restrained by the
power of the rune while you concentrate for the next minute. A creature restrained by the power can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns. You can cast this rune a number of times equal to your Intelligence
modifier, and you regain all uses after you finish a short or long rest.

oO THALA (Inheritance, homeland, ancestors) "oh-tha-la"

• Knowledge. You may double your proficiency when making Lore-wise checks. Additionally, you are able to
create an heirloom weapon. By spending a week and 1000 hacksilver of materials, you are able to create a unique

weapon. At the end of the week, you will have created a weapon with the following benefits. You can create only
one such weapon:
• It is a Masterwork weapon, giving it a +2 bonus to attack and damage.
• The weapon counts as magical when overcoming resistances
• Casting. When you spend an hour each day for one month casting the rune Othala around the perimeter of your
hometown, an area up to 6 miles in diameter, you can mark a place as your homeland. You can cast this rune
once. This is a long process, and must be carefully attended to, with daily ritual and process for the month. At the
end of the ritual, you have marked a place as your home. Your homeland gives the following effects:
• A +1 bonus to Saving Throws
• You and up to 5 allies can reroll Hit Die when taking a short rest
• You and allies can reroll the result of Brutal Wounds
• You and allies have advantage on saves against fear

pP ERTHRO (Secrets, wyrd, women) "pear-throw"

• Knowledge. By taking ten minutes to inscribe the rune onto the forehead of a creature, you are able to access
that creature’s secrets. You understand its reasoning, it’s emotional state, and whatever it is currently thinking
about. Questions that are directed at the target compel it to answer truthfully but a DC 12 WIS save determines
whether the target can resist.
• Casting. By inscribing Perthro onto the stomach of a living creature over three hours, you can gain a glimpse
into the skeins of fate. You must take a living creature - a lamb, a cow, a pig - and feed it mead sweetened with
some kind of fruit. You must then take a sharp object and cut the creature’s throat. It is imperative that the
creature does not suffer, it is giving its life for wisdom, and should be treated well. Once the creature is dead, you
must slice open its stomach. You must pull out the entrails of the creature, and the liver. Among the blood and
viscera, you will see a glimpse of what could be. Select one of the following options. The quality of the answer
will change depending on the value of the sacrifice and the skill with which you’ve carried out the ritual.
• You may name a person, place or object. The more detail you can give when describing the thing, the better the
results. In response, you will see information about the thing you named in the entrails.
• You may have a vision of sorts, or the information may simply coalesce in your mind. You may ask a question
about a specific action you intend to take, and will learn two truths and one lie that could occur if you follow this
path. You can use this rune once per long rest.

rR AIDHO (Travel, change, foresight) "rye-d-ho"

• Knowledge. Your knowledge of the rune Raidho allows you and your allies to travel more easily. The Galdr has
advantage on one Journey roll per day. While travelling, the first time your Supply level would drop, it does not.
Additionally, by taking ten minutes to draw the rune onto the hands and feet of a creature, you can imbue it with
the power of Raidho. For the next hour, that creature’s movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, it cannot be
restrained, it has advantage on checks to avoid being grappled or to escape being grappled. Finally, it suffers no
penalties from swimming, even in armor.
• Casting. When you quickly inscribe Raidho onto your skin as an action, you gain the benefits of foresight.
Many skeins of fate are shown to you, and you have precious seconds to make a decision with what you see. For
the next minute, you can use the Dash and Disengage actions as bonus actions.

sS OWILO (Victory, success, cleansing flame)

• Knowledge. By spending 8 hours invoking the rune Sowilo and inscribing it on the flesh of a creature, you can
cure any disease that afflicts the creature by burning the affliction out. To do so, you must spend 200 hacksilver
worth of components of herbs, poultices, incense sticks and other such things. You can instead choose to remove
one of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned.
• Casting. By quickly tracing the rune Sowilo onto the skin of yourself or an ally you can touch, you can inspire
them to victory. For the next minute, the target can add your Intelligence modifier to one attack roll or ability
checks that they make per round.

xT HURISAZ (Giants, aggression, enthusiasm) "Thoor-eee-saz"
• Knowledge. You learn to speak Jotun. Additionally, your first melee attack in each combat deals an additional
1d6 damage and causes the target to make a Strength saving throw or be pushed back 5 feet.
• Casting. By rapidly inscribing the rune Thurisaz onto a willing ally as an action, you cause them to gain a
jotun’s strength. The target counts as large, and their Strength modifier increases by 2 for the next minute while
you concentrate. You can cast this rune once per short or long rest.
Additionally, undead and fey creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw each time they attempt to attack you.
On a failed save, they cannot. You can cast this rune a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per
short or long rest.

tT IWAZ (The god Tyr, law, victory) "tee-waz"

• Knowledge. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks when trying to determine if a person is lying or
being deceptive.
• Casting. You have learned to sacrifice as Tyr did, and through your sacrifices can achieve amazing things. By
rapidly carving the rune Tiwaz into your skin, you can take a wound for an ally. As a reaction when an ally
suffers a brutal wound, you can spend a hit dice to cancel the brutal wound your ally would suffer. You then roll
1d8 on the Brutal Wound table and suffer the wound.

uU RUZ (Aurochs, Strength, Determination) "Ooor-rooz"

• Knowledge. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of Strength when you make an Athletics check.
• Casting. When you cast the rune Uruz as an action, by rapidly drawing it into the air, choose an ally within 30
feet of you. The chosen ally has advantage on Strength based checks for the next minute while you Concentrate.
Additionally, the first time they are critically hit while they are the target of this spell, they do not suffer a Brutal

wW UNJO (Hope, harmony, bonds) "woon-yo"

• Knowledge. Your understanding of Wunjo allows you to make Persuasion checks using your Intelligence
• Casting. When you carefully inscribe the rune Wunjo, taking a minute to do so, you can try to ensure meetings
and gatherings are well received. For the next hour, non-player characters are more inclined to seek a peaceful
solution to problems. In addition, a creature of your choice has advantage Insight and Persuasion checks for the
duration. You can cast this rune once per short or long rest.

• A caster who rolls the same result twice explodes in screaming black fire in which the faces of the dead
are seen. D6 damage each round. Water only feeds this fire.
• Effects in cursive are things the caster might not immediately realize.

D20 Result D20 Result

1 One of your teeth falls out. A long, brittle 11 Within d4 days a vile cocoon heaves from
fingernail replaces it. Its getting harder to the ground, soon bursting and spawning
eat… your exact
clone. It is unintelligent and begins to
spread mischief and suffering. This
happens every couple of days until the

ground is cleansed with fire.

2 You feel fine. It’s fine. You pustulate 12 Your eyes burn with insufferable agony,
with a magical STD. Those intimate bleeding heavily before loosening and
with you will die of plague within d4 days falling from their gory pits. You continue
then rise as woeful weeping zombies who to see
track you down in your dreams before through them wherever they are.
finding you in reality.

3 Your skeleton is possessed by some 13 You and a random nearby creature pass
unearthly force and will do anything out. When you wake up, your souls have
to kill you and escape. Drowning or switched. Welcome to your new flesh.
piercing is preferred so the bones are not
damaged. Test Strength DR10 in stressful
situations or take d4 damage. When you die,
you become a draugr.

4 The illusion of the celestial sphere is 14 Five twisted, skeletal arms burst from your
lifted, you now see what dwells beyond. back. The hands are
And it sees you. Gazing upon a clear night mischievous, violent and terribly cruel.
sky drives you mad with fear.

5 Around you falls an unending snow of black 15 Your skin pales then begins to emit a
ash which only you and the mad can sickly greenish light. Living things held
perceive. Water sickens you from this day close to you slowly fall ill. They
on. Only ash, soot or burnt remains can weaken, their bones become brittle, their
quench your thirst. teeth and hair fall out.

6 The earth decays around you like wet flesh. 16 The Power works, but fate or a demonic
You sink 3 feet and cannot climb out force perverts its effects to
without help. Clinging to you, screaming your precise disadvantage.
and biting are d4 translucent, crayfish-like
children with your face.
HP 3 Morale - No armor Bite/pinch d2

7 Your skin tatters like paper, your flesh 17 The stone crumbles to tendrils of fine
melts like wax and your intestines bloat like black powder which reach for your nose
balloons, bursting and falling out until all and mouth. Make a DR14 Toughness test
that is left is a walking, talking skeleton. or lose d10 HP.
After this, you return to reality.

8 A gnashing gap-toothed mouth 18 The Power pierces you like a knife,

splits open on your neck. It spits out feeding on your anima. You are
your secrets and inner thoughts and permanently gaunt and drawn, insatiably
can be silenced to sleep only with hungry. When resting
blood. you restore only half of the rolled HP.

9 The sky warps and stars spin like 19 You fall through reality into the esoteric
wheels. Thrown one day into the future, you dimension of Cube-Violet, a place of
arrive vomiting Time as evaporating silver mythical obscurity. The walls are smooth,
bile. iridescent and
All Omens are lost. cold. Above, an endless inferno. To leave
1. Slay riddling Kulvan (strong
goblin, page 58) who holds three colorless
2. Poison a close friend with crumbled

Sict-Shroom (Toughness
DR16 or -d6 HP and hallucinations).
They are found only within the cube.
3. Reach up through the fire to the golden
key above. d4 fingers burn to ash.
4. The cube is perfect, and empty.
You can only wait in maddening timeless
silence until another fool arrives.

10 Light itself despises you. If you gaze upon a 20 Perhaps it’s for the best. IT emerges from
candle, light, or torch it goes out. the shadows. At least your suffering is
short, almost instant, as you are devoured.

Odin One-eye: ravens, Alfather, war, wisdom, healing, death, runes, royalty, victory, magic
Sky-mother Frigga: eagles, sky, household, motherhood, divination, secrecy, fate, beauty, healing
Thor Hammer-hand: bears, lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, bravery, strength, the
protection of mankind and also hallowing and fertility, and artifice
Law-giver Tyr: rams, noble war, heroic glory, formality, treaties, law, justice
Horn-maiden Freyja: stags, nature, weather, hunting, fertility, prosperity, the alfar
Heimdall the Shining One: owls, alertness, warding, protection, guarding, vigilance
Grudge-bearer Vidar: wolverines, vengeance, fury, retribution, grudges, silence, the dvergar
Bragi the Skald: song-birds, poetry, song, story-telling, kennings, legends
Njord the Sea-king: whales, seas, wealth, plunder, storms, currents, depths, seafaring

Doom-bringer: dragons, trickery, deceit, treachery, chaos, tyranny
The Suckler:: rats, beasts, blood, savagery, murder, abominations, fertility
Dark Lady: bats, death, witch-craft, darkness, undead
The Howler: wargs, the hunt, blood-lust, night, moon, were-beasts
The Serpent: snakes, doom, entropy, annihilation, destruction, the Gnawer at the End
Surt: hellhounds, fire, forge, earthquakes, fire jotnar
Thrim: polar bears, ice, cold, wind, glaciers, avalanches, frost jotnar
Thrudd: mammoths, trolls, ogres, strength, force, raiding, hill jotnar
The Mara: crows, autumn, war, death, fate, doom, victory


Elements Vault of Night Place Spirits
Earth Sun Great Tree
Sea Moon Black Mountain
Sky Heavens The Depths
Wind Stars Wyrd-Woods
Ice Comet Underworld

Fire Aurora
Thunder Eclipse
Lightning Blood Moon

D00 Beast D00 Beast
01-02 Owl 51-52 Eagle
03-04 Wolf 53-54 Hawk
05-06 Bear 55-56 Falcon
07-08 Salmon 57-58 Goat
09-10 Raven 59-60 Boar
11-12 Elk 61-62 Thunder-beast
13-14 Moose 63-64 Mink
15-16 Mammoth 65-66 Moth
17-18 Aurochs 67-68 Bat
19-20 Otter 69-70 Squirrel
21-22 Marten/Mink 71-72 Fox
23-24 Caribou 73-74 Hound
25-26 Reindeer 75-76 Horse
27-28 Walrus 77-78 Cattle
29-30 Seal 79-80 Chipmunk
31-32 Whale 81-82 Beaver
33-34 Raccoon 86-84 Lynx
35-36 Panther 85-86 Fire-Wyrm
37-38 Orca 87-88 Ram
39-40 Frost-Wyrm 89-90 Linnorm
41-42 Sheep 91-92 Sabre-Tooth Tiger
43-44 Frog 93-94 Turtle
45-46 Serpent 95-96 Vulture
47-48 Kraken 97-98 Leviathan
49-50 Pike 99-00 Sea-wyrm

Monsters roll to hit against a base of DR 12. For every 10 HP a monster has (round up in increments of 5; a creature
with 15 HP is treated as the next tier), it gains a +1 to hit and damage.

A quick reference used to gauge monster power; Threat Tier helps the GM build encounters quickly without
overpowering the PCs.

Creature size generally influences its Tier but, in some cases, small creatures can be quite deadly.

Threat HP Range Hit/Damage

I 1-10 +1

II 11-20 +2

III 21-30 +3

IV 31-40 +4

V 41-50 +5

VI 51-60 +6

VII 61-70 +7

VIII 71-80 +8

IX 81-90 +9

X 91-00 +10

Hellfire Wyrm
Darkling (goblin)
Ulfen (weres)
Gutterkin (rat-folk)
Wendo (eaters of the dead, goat-man)) Hafr?
Dark Template

Plunder and Pillage
Blade of the Ancestors: This magnificent and clearly magical weapon is brutal, bloodthirsty,
and quietly despises your unworthiness. It taunts your failures and, if continually disappointed, develops a 1 in 6
chance to ‘accidentally’ attack you or your companions. Deals d10 damage. Attack/Defense is +2.

The Brown Blade

A stinking sword you pulled from a military shit-ditch. D6 damage. DR +2 attack and defense while you wield it. 1
in 6 chance a wounded enemy is smitten with potent sepsis, dying in 10 minutes.

Capering Fool: A desiccated jawbone. By licking it, the object becomes a draugr festooned in ragged fool’s garb.
While practically useless, personally irritating and an emotional drain, Poltroon’s capering actually makes enemies
lose their focus in combat. For the first two rounds you and your allies get +2 on attack/defense.

Craven’s Tooth: An expensive sandalwood box bound in snakeskin. It contains a seemingly ordinary dagger,
wrapped in silk. The dagger does d4 damage but on a 1 the target dies immediately of deadly poison weeping from
the blade.

Ergi the Thrall: This intensely cowardly servant acts only as guardian for the scabbard of the cursed sword Head-
taker. Once per combat, if Ergi can be found (1 in 6 chance), Head-taker may be drawn. The sword does 2d6
damage, and for every swing of Head-taker roll a d6. On a 1 the Thrall is slain and the weapon vanishes forever.

Fearsome Battle-mask: Of Dvergar make, the mask strikes primitive fear into lesser creatures like goblins, gnoums
and children. While worn, they check Morale every round.

Ice-rimed Horn: Once per day release a blare from this dented old horn and test Presence DR12. All friendly
creatures may make their next non-combat test an automatic success.

Old One-eye’s Eight-legged Horse: This carved bone figurine summons Sleipnir, who is magical, intelligent,
arrogant and vain. He can also talk. If you can persuade him to care, Sleipnir occasionally
adds +2 to Wits tests involving logic and intellect. The horse may be smarter than you and is quite aware of this.
Roll a d6:
1-4: He cannot be troubled with your trifles.
5-6: After much groveling from you, Sleipnir grants its blessing until the next sunrise.

Old Sigûrd’s Sling

Sigûrd was the strongest man whose throat was ever gnawed. Woven from his long grey hair, this sling has
never failed you. 2d4 damage, requires fist-sized rocks which, perhaps regrettably, are everywhere. On a natural 20
the target takes triple damage.

Portable Laboratory: consists of an iron cauldron with mortar and pestle. Daily you have
the materials to create two randomly determined decoctions and can brew a total of d4 doses. If unused they lose
vitality after 24 hours. You must have the Craft: Apothecary Wise to use this item. Roll a d8 to see what your
ingredients produce:

1 Red Poison Toughness DR12 or -d10 HP.

2 Halga Vapor: Pass a DR14 test or severe (and arguably fun) hallucinations for d4 hours.
3 Brown Eel Stew: Vomit for d4 hours, pass a DR14 test or you can do nothing else. Cures poison and disease on a
successful test.
4 Elixir Vitalis Heals d6 HP and stops infection. Can be habit-forming.
5 Spider Ichor Soup: See in darkness, climb on walls for 30 minutes.
6 Purple Fungus Philter: Translucent oil, must be dabbed right into the eye. Heals infection and gives +2 on Wits
tests for d4 hours.
7 Godi’s Enervating Snuff: Berserk! Two attacks per round but defend with DR14. Lasts one fight. Must be snorted,
causes sneezing.

8 Black Poison: Toughness DR14 or -d6 HP and blinded for one hour.

Runed Witch-skull: So intensely blasphemous even the Godis themselves can only peruse it once per day. When
read, roll a die.
Even result: For the rest of the day PCs heal d6 HP after just five minutes of rest.
Odd result: The priest is plagued by demonic hallucinations. The DM may invent d3 things that only the Priest can
see and describe them to the player as if true. The effect ends at the next sunrise.

Sacred Shepherd’s Crook: Its head a hook of human bone inscribed with overlapping runes. This crook hooks
through other worlds. Staff does 2d4 damage except to faithless heathens, to whom it does 2d6.

Seer Stones: Cast the stones on the ground. Their pattern reveals if danger lurks in an adjacent room. The stones can
lie. The priest tests Wits DR10 to see if they are true but after failing, they cannot test again until the sun has set.

Shadowjack Hood: While wearing this hat the wearer’s body fades, becoming hard to hit in combat (Defense
DR14). If pulled over the ears outside of battle the wearer becomes nearly invisible, testing stealth against DR8.

The Shoe of Death’s Horse: It looks normal but since finding it in an obscure crypt you are convinced this shoe
came from the horse of Death himself. In your hands it hits with DR10, d4 damage. 1 in 6 chance the shoe smashes
the skull, instantly killing small-to-medium sized creatures. The shoe returns to your hand like a boomerang.

Stone of Intent: An anointed stone cross-referenced against reality to discover unseen evil-doers. Successful
Presence DR10: A strange light surrounds evil creatures. The list’s owner defends with +2 against any being
discovered this way.

Tablet of Blood: You may read from this wooden tablet once a day. Your enemy must make a DR12 test to prevent
this. If they fail D2 Berserker-slayers appear from the depths of a forgotten dimension of blood. Roll a D6.
On a 1–4 these creatures fight alongside you.
On a 5–6 they turn on you, attempting to kill you and destroy the book. After the battle they return to their

Underworld Arm-ring: The arm-ring can be used in encounters with the undead as well as lesser trolls, wendols,
and darklings. Check morale (add or subtract the user’s Presence modifier) to see if the creatures bow and kindly
remove themselves.

Witch-teeth: Four weird teeth rattle within a blackened pouch. Before battle roll a d6 for each one. For every 6 one
of your attacks deals maximum damage.


Large, furred kine. Aggressive.

Cave Bear

This huge brown bear looks lean and probably hasn't eaten in days.


Winged beasts of reptilian nature, vicious and reeking, bloated on the flesh of the dead.

Dire Crow

A giant, sinister looking version of the common crow. Can be trained as a flying mount.

Frost Wolf

Larger than the wolves of forests or tundra, one Ice Wolf is easily the equal of a young warrior. Unfortunately, they
also travel in packs.



Raven, Corpse

Raucous and murderous birds. The only thing worse than their call is their smell.

Thunder Beast

Large, furry beasts with a single horn mounted on their nose. A whole herd will make the ground shake.

Tundra Mammoth

Huge and fierce when threatened. The tusks are valued for ivory and the meat will feed a steading for months.

Tusk Cat

Huge and vicious, covered with soft, white fur. The tusks are as big as short swords and the claws are as dirks.


Massive, furred worms, they tunnel beneath the earth and snow and ambush their prey by erupting beneath it. The
meat is passable.


Bear Tribe Raiders

Once proud neighbors of the People, hard times have forced the Bear Tribe to become as savage as the beasts they

Cavern Drake

The wise women say these are the bastard children of mighty dragons.

• Crone

Dark Valkyrie

• Dark Warrior


Eater of the Dead

With fetid claws and fangs they devour the corpses of the dead.


Wraith-like entities that lord over the dead.


Slain warriors animated into unlife by the Eldritch.

Foreign Invaders

Conquerors from far-off lands, these soldiers and their priests come to destroy and rule over the People, much like
the Nation did long ago.

• Ghost


Ponderous and slow but its blows shake the earth.


Nasty little fey creatures, fond of stealing babies and poisoning wells. Cowardly and vicious.

Greedy Bandits

These thieves and miscreants from the Bandit Kingdoms or further afield are only brave enough to sneak into your
homes to take your most treasured possessions.





These giants roam the hills and ancient barrows, sometimes attacking the People in search of food and brides.







Cousins to goblins, these creatures keep their lesser brethren organized through fear.

Horned Dragon

Great fire-breathing beasts, adorned with tough scales and cruel horns.

• Liche

• Lightning Sprite


Horned and bearded with grinding teeth, carrying the remains of its last meal in its beard.



A smaller and more intelligent cousin to the troll, mischievous as well as magical.

• Vengeful Draugr

• Vermen



A cold cannibal spirit of the Fells, searching for warm flesh and blood.

• Were


Men with the head and legs of goats, hunters of men and eaters of flesh.




The Steading


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