Development of In-Cylinder Mixture and Flame Propagation Distribution Measurement Device With Spark Plug Type Sensor
Development of In-Cylinder Mixture and Flame Propagation Distribution Measurement Device With Spark Plug Type Sensor
Development of In-Cylinder Mixture and Flame Propagation Distribution Measurement Device With Spark Plug Type Sensor
JSAE 20119021
SAE 2011-01-2045
Copyright © 2011 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and Copyright © 2011 SAE International
as N2. Therefore, it may be possible to estimate the By subtracting the estimated background from the
equivalence ratio from the light emission intensity of original spectrum, intensity only of the line spectrum
the radicals. was evaluated. Figure 4 shows the light intensity over
crank angle in the spectra from OH*, CH*, and C2*.
㻯㻴㻠㻙㼍㼕㼞㻌㼜㼞㼑㼙㼕㼤㼑㼐 Light is emitted from CH* and C2* during the same
㻝㻜㻜㻜 period, but the light from OH* is emitted relatively later.
䃥 㻩㻌㻜㻚㻥
㻝㻚㻝 㻯㻴㻖㻔㻜㻘㻜㻕 This is probably because CH* and C2* are mainly only
㻝㻚㻞 㻯㻞㻖㻔㻜㻘㻜㻕 produced in the reaction zone of the flame front and
㻝㻚㻟 are only observed when the flame front passes
through the measurement point, while OH* is
㻻㻴㻖㻔㻜㻘㻜㻕 produced over a wide area from the reaction zone to
the high-temperature burned region[7]. On the other
㻯㻞㻖㻔㻝㻘㻜㻕 * *
hand, luminous intensity ratio C2 /CH is almost
* *
constant in the detecting time periods of CH and C2 .
* *
㻜 In this research, C2 /CH were used to estimate the
㻠㻜㻜 㻠㻡㻜
㻟㻜㻜 㻡㻜㻜
㻟㻡㻜 equivalence ratio of the flame front during combustion.
Figure 1 Spatially resolved flame spectra at different
equivalence ratios [2]
* * * 㻵㼚㼠㼍㼗㼑 㻼㼞㼑㼙㼕㼤㼑㼐㻌㼒㼡㼑㼘㻙㼍㼕㼞 㼂㼍㼘㼢㼑
Table 1 Major OH , CH , C2 excitation kinetics 㼂㼕㼟㼡㼍㼘㼕㼦㼑㼐㻌㼑㼚㼓㼕㼚㼑
CH + O2 OH + CO 䠄1䠅 㻝㼙㼙
* 㻱㼤㼔㼍㼡㼟㼠
C2H + O CH + CO 䠄2䠅
C2H + O2 CH + CO2 䠄3䠅
CH2 + C C2 + H2 䠄4䠅 㻳㼍㼟㻌㼍㼚㼍㼘㼥㼦㼑㼞㻌
㻽㼡㼍㼞㼠㼦㻌㼣㼕㼚㼐㼛㼣 㻹㼑㼍㼟㼡㼞㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠㻌㼜㼛㼕㼚㼠
BASIC EXAMINATION 㻸㼑㼚㼟 㻲㼘㼍㼙㼑㻌㼟㼜㼑㼏㼠㼞㼡㼙
The inside of an engine cylinder is an unsteady field in
which the pressure and temperature are constantly 㻵㼚㼠㼑㼚㼟㼕㼒㼕㼑㼐㻌㻯㻯㻰㻌㼏㼍㼙㼑㼞㼍
changing, and the flame differs substantially from that
Figure 2 Experimental setup of basic examination
in the steady field e.g. Figure 1. Therefore, the
spectral behavior in an actual engine was investigated
and the validity of the current method was examined.
Figure 2 shows the visualized engine and in-cylinder Table 2 Engine specifications
flame spectra measuring system that were used in the 㻮㼛㼞㼑㻌㽢 㻿㼠㼞㼛㼗㼑 㻤㻢㽢㻤㻢㻌㻔㼙㼙㻕
experiment. The visualized engine specifications are 㻯㼛㼙㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟㼕㼛㼚㻌㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛 㻥㻚㻤
shown in Table 2. A homogenous premixed 㻵㼚㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌㼢㼍㼘㼢㼑㻌㼛㼜㼑㼚㻌㼠㼕㼙㼕㼚㼓 㻟㻡㻣䠄㼐㼑㼓㻌㻮㼀㻰㻯䠅
isooctane-air mixture is supplied from upstream of the 㻵㼚㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌㼢㼍㼘㼢㼑㻌㼏㼘㼛㼟㼑㻌㼠㼕㼙㼕㼚㼓 㻝㻝㻠䠄㼐㼑㼓㻌㻮㼀㻰㻯䠅
intake port and fired. During combustion, the light 㻱㼤㼔㼍㼡㼟㼠㻌㼢㼍㼘㼢㼑㻌㼛㼜㼑㼚㻌㼠㼕㼙㼕㼚㼓 㻡㻤㻜䠄㼐㼑㼓㻌㻮㼀㻰㻯䠅
emitted from the flame at a point 1 mm below the 㻱㼤㼔㼍㼡㼟㼠㻌㼢㼍㼘㼢㼑㻌㼏㼘㼛㼟㼑㻌㼠㼕㼙㼕㼚㼓 㻟㻢㻟䠄㼐㼑㼓㻌㻮㼀㻰㻯䠅
ground electrode of the spark plug passes through the
visualization window in the side wall of the combustion
This luminescence is detected by a spectroscope and
is broken into a spectrum. A CCD camera with an 㻱㼟㼠㼕㼙㼍㼠㼑㼐㻌㼎㼍㼏㼗㼓㼞㼛㼡㼚㼐㻌㼎㼥㻌㼘㼑㼍㼟㼠㻙㼟㼝㼡㼍㼞㼑㼟㻌㼙㼑㼠㼔㼛㼐
image intensifier then amplifies and records the 㻠㻜㻜
㻠㻜㻜 front using the obtained curve in Figure 5. The
㻯㻴㻖 relationship is dependent on fuel and wavelength
㻟㻜㻜 transmission characteristics of the system.
㻯㻞㻖㻛㻯㻴㻖 㻜㻚㻞
㻜 㻜
㻙㻟㻜 㻙㻞㻜 㻙㻝㻜 㻜 㻝㻜 㻞㻜 㻟㻜 MEASURING DEVICE
㻝㻞㻜㻜㼞㼜㼙㻌䃥䠖 㻝㻚㻜㻌㻿㼜㼍㼞㼗㻌㼍㼐㼢㼍㼚㼏㼑䠖 㻙㻟㻤㼐㼑㼓㻌㻭㼀㻰㻯 Figure 7 shows the configuration of the developed
㻵㻹㻱㻼䠖 㻜㻚㻞㻝㻹㻼㼍㻌㻱㼤㼜㼛㼟㼡㼞㼑㻌㼠㼕㼙㼑䠖 㻟㻥㻜䃛㼟 measuring device. In order to capture the light
* * emitted by the flame from multiple directions simply by
Figure 4 In-cylinder emission intensity of OH , CH , and replacing the spark plug, a commercially available
C2 (50-cycle average) spark plug-type sensor with built-in optical fibers was
utilized. The optical fibers in this sensor detect light
Figure 5 shows the relationship between C2*/CH* and emitted by the flame from 32 circumferential directions
the equivalence ratio I when the equivalence ratio is inside the cylinder with a fixed solid angle. By
changed. An almost linear relationship is obtained rearranging the light output from the 32 optical fibers
over the approximately range from I = 0.8 to 1.4. in a line (in the vertical direction) at the entry slit of the
Figure 6 shows the change in C2*/CH* when the spectroscope, it is possible to output an image
pressure in the cylinder is changed by load and the containing both the position information in the vertical
temperature by intake air heating. The pressure and direction and the wavelength information in the
temperature when CH* and C2* reach their maxima horizontal direction. In order to measure the
were selected as the representative values. The equivalence ratio of each cycle from the radical
results show that C2*/CH* is almost constant, with a luminescence, a high speed camera coupled with an
fluctuation within the usage range of the pressure and image intensifier was used to take continuous shots of
* *
temperature. Signal intensities of CH and C2 are the image for 100 cycles at an exposure time of 3 deg
influenced by temperature and pressure. However, CA period synchronized with the combustion duration.
the influence is canceled by making it to the luminous This exposure time can be applied without depending
on the engine speed, because light intensity per crank
angle is almost constant even if the speed varies.
㻜㻚㻞 㻻㼜㼠㼕㼏㼍㼘㻌㼒㼕㼎㼑㼞
㻜㻚㻝 㻿㼜㼑㼏㼠㼞㼛㼟㼏㼛㼜㼑
㻜㻚㻣 㻜㻚㻤 㻜㻚㻥 㻝 㻝㻚㻝 㻝㻚㻞 㻝㻚㻟 㻝㻚㻠 㻝㻚㻡 㻵㼙㼍㼓㼑㻌㼕㼚㼠㼑㼚㼟㼕㼒㼕㼑㼐㻌㼔㼕㼓㼔
㻱㼝㼡㼕㼢㼍㼘㼑㼚㼏㼑㻌㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㻌䃥 * 㻟㻞㼏㼔㻚 㼟㼜㼑㼑㼐㻌㼢㼕㼐㼑㼛㻌㼏㼍㼙㼑㼞㼍
Figure 5 Relationship between C2 /CH and
equivalence ratio 㻞㻡㻜䃛㼙
㻜㻚㻠 㻟㻞㼏㼔㻚㻌㼒㼕㼎㼑㼞㼟
䃥䠖 㻝㻚㻟㻣 㻼㼛㼟㼕㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼛㼒㻌㼒㼕㼎㼑㼞㼟
㻜㻚㻞 䃥䠖 㻜㻚㻥㻣 㻰㼑㼠㼑㼏㼠㼍㼎㼘㼑㻌㼞㼑㼓㼕㼛㼚
䃥䠖 㻜㻚㻤㻞
㻜 㼃㼍㼢㼑㼘㼑㼚㼓㼠㼔
㻢㻡㻜 㻣㻡㻜 㻤㻡㻜 㻥㻡㻜 㻜㻚㻣 㻝㻚㻝 㻝㻚㻡 㻝㻚㻥 Figure 7 Multi channel flame spectra analyzing system
㼀㼑㼙㼜㼑㼞㼍㼠㼡㼞㼑㻌 㻼㼞㼑㼟㼟㼡㼞㼑
㼕㼚㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼏㼥㼘㼕㼚㼐㼑㼞㻌㻔㻷㻕 㼕㼚㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼏㼥㼘㼕㼚㼐㼑㼞㻌㻔㻹㻼㼍㻕
* *
Figure 6 C2 /CH vs. temperature and pressure
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* *
Figure 8 shows the relationship between C2 /CH of
the constructed system and the equivalence ratio. 㼂㼍㼘㼢㼑
* *
C2 /CH is larger than that of Figure 2, since there is a 㻱㼤㼔㼍㼡㼟㼠 㻵㼚㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌
㼟㼕㼐㼑 㼟㼕㼐㼑
difference of the wavelength characteristics which is 㻿㼑㼚㼟㼛㼞
due to the sensor and the grating of spectroscope.
The error bars indicate the measurement uncertainty
of the system which depends on the signal intensity in 㻰㼑㼠㼑㼏㼠㼍㼎㼘㼑
each I. The uncertainty isr5% max in the range of 㼞㼑㼓㼕㼛㼚㻌
I 1.1-1.6. 㻣㻜㻑㻌㼛㼒㻌㼎㼛㼞㼑㻌 㻟㻞㻌㼏㼔㻚
㻼㼕㼟㼠㼛㼚㻌㼍㼠㻌㼀㻰㻯 㻮㼛㼞㼑
㻜㻚㻢 㼼䃢
Figure 9 Detectable region of sensor
㻜㻚㻝 㻸㼕㼓㼔㼠㻌㼠㼛㻌㼛㼜㼠㼕㼏㼍㼘㻌㼒㼕㼎㼑㼞 㻱㼟㼠㼕㼙㼍㼠㼑㼐㻌㼜㼛㼟㼕㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌
㻜 㼛㼒㻌㼒㼘㼍㼙㼑㻌㼒㼞㼛㼚㼠
㻜㻚㻣 㻜㻚㻤 㻜㻚㻥 㻝 㻝㻚㻝 㻝㻚㻞 㻝㻚㻟 㻝㻚㻠 㻝㻚㻡 㻝㻚㻢 㻝㻚㻣 㻝㻚㻤
㻿㼑㼚㼟㼛㼞 㻲㼘㼍㼙㼑㻌㼜㼞㼛㼜㼍㼓㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚
* *
Figure 8 Relationship between C2 /CH and equivalence 㻰㼑㼠㼑㼏㼠㼍㼎㼘㼑㻌㼞㼑㼓㼕㼛㼚
ratio㻌 of the developed system 㼛㼒㻌㼑㼍㼏㼔㻌㼒㼕㼎㼑㼞
MEASUREMENT REGION OF SPATIAL After conducting tests using these three cases, a
DISTRIBUTION OF EQUIVALENCE RATIO comparison was made between the mixture
distributions obtained using LIF and the equivalence
Figure 12 shows the measurement region of the ratio from the current study. Figure 13 shows the
equivalence ratio distribution when the piston is at top experimental system of LIF. The fuel was mixed with
dead center. The distribution was identified by a fluorescer (diethyl ketone) and was made to
dividing the radial direction into 3 to 6 and fluoresce by an excimer laser (308 nm) emitting a
circumferential direction into 24 to 48 divisions due to sheet-shaped beam. This was photographed with an
the resolution of the estimated flame front position. ICCD camera and the fuel distribution was obtained.
Furthermore, these regions were redefined depending Calibration for LIF was done with premixed fuel-air.
on the position of the piston. At 35 deg ATDC and Linear relationship between I and LIF signal was
after, observation up to the bore wall was possible. confirmed in I 0.9-1.5.
㻱㼤㼔㼍㼡㼟㼠 㻵㼚㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌
㼟㼕㼐㼑 㼟㼕㼐㼑 㼂㼕㼟㼡㼍㼘㼕㼦㼑㼐㻌㼑㼚㼓㼕㼚㼑 㻵㼚㼖㼑㼏㼠㼛㼞
㻭㼚㼓㼘㼑䠖 㻤㻌㼐㼕㼢㼕㼟㼕㼛㼚㼟 㻲㼡㼑㼘㻌㻗㻌㻲㼘㼡㼛㼞㼑㼟㼏㼑㼞
㻾㼍㼐㼕㼡㼟䠖 㻟䡚㻢㻌㼐㼕㼢㼕㼟㼕㼛㼚㼟 㻸㼍㼟㼑㼞㻌㼟㼔㼑㼑㼠
㻹㼑㼍㼟㼡㼞㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠 㼀㼛㼠㼍㼘㻌㻌㻞㻠䡚㻠㻤㻌㼐㼕㼢㼕㼟㼕㼛㼚㼟 㻱㼤㼔㼍㼡㼟㼠㻌 㻵㼚㼠㼍㼗㼑㻌
㼞㼑㼓㼕㼛㼚㻌 㻽㼡㼍㼞㼠㼦 㼟㼕㼐㼑 㼟㼕㼐㼑
Figure 12 Measurement region of equivalence
ratio distribution
㻔㻙㻕 㻔㻗㻕 㻔㻙㻕 㻔㻗㻕 The developed method can be applied to the analysis
㻜 㼄 㻜 㼄 of combustion fluctuations in a DISI engine. When a
㻼㼕㼟㼠㼛㼚㻌㼍㼠㻌㼀㻰㻯 DISI engine is started, the fuel is injected in the middle
㻯㼍㼟㼑㻌㻭 of compression to retard the ignition timing, which
㻱㼤㼔㼍㼡㼟㼠 㻵㼚㼠㼍㼗㼑
㼟㼕㼐㼑 㻜 㼟㼕㼐㼑 㻜 results in the fast activation of the catalyst fine to the
increased exhaust temperature. Figure 16 shows
the fuel spray behavior during compression stroke
㻔㻙㻕 㻔㻗㻕 㻔㻙㻕 㻔㻗㻕
㼄 㼄 predicted by CFD. The fuel spray moves along the
top of the piston. It swirls up at the cavity and the
mixture gathers around the spark plug. As time
elapses, it diffuses toward the direction of the exhaust
side. One key factor in realizing stable combustion is
㻯㼍㼟㼑㻌㻮 to generate the preferable mixture distribution and to
control its fluctuation. The developed method was
utilized to analyze the causes of combustion
㼄 㼄 fluctuation, using its ability to figure out the mixture
㻱㼟㼠㼕㼙㼍㼠㼑㼐㻌㼒㼘㼍㼙㼑㻌 㻮㼛㼞㼑 㻿㼑㼚㼟㼛㼞 (1) A simple and effective method to measure the
㼒㼞㼛㼚㼠㻌㼜㼛㼟㼕㼠㼕㼛㼚 distribution of equivalence ratio was developed by
combing the multi-point C2*, CH* measurement and
Figure 18 Equivalence ratio distributions and flame front estimation.
flame propagation (100-cycle average)
(2) The validity of these measurements in an actual
㻜㻚㻟 engine was verified from the points described below:
㻯㼍㼟㼑㻌㻱 㻮㼑㼟㼠㻌㻠㻙㼏㼥㼏㼘㼑㻌㼍㼢㼑㼞㼍㼓㼑
㻜 㻟㻜 㻢㻜 㻥㻜 㻝㻞㻜
Figure 20 Comparison of heat release rate
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㻯㼍㼟㼑㻌㻱 㼃㼛㼞㼟㼠㻌㻠㻌㼏㼥㼏㼘㼑㼟㻌
㻠㻜㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻠㻜㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻟㻣㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻠㻜㻭㼀㻰㻯
㻢㻝㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻣㻟㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻢㻝㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻢㻣㻭㼀㻰㻯
㻜㻚㻠 㻜㻚㻠 㻜㻚㻠 㻜㻚㻠
㻜㻚㻟 㻜㻚㻟 㻜㻚㻟 㻜㻚㻟
㻜㻚㻞 㻜㻚㻞 㻜㻚㻞 㻜㻚㻞
㻜㻚㻝 㻜㻚㻝 㻜㻚㻝 㻜㻚㻝
㻜 㻜 㻜 㻜
㻜㻚㻥 㻝㻚㻝 㻝㻚㻟 㻝㻚㻡 㻝㻚㻣 㻝㻚㻥 㻜㻚㻥 㻝㻚㻝 㻝㻚㻟 㻝㻚㻡 㻝㻚㻣 㻝㻚㻥 㻜㻚㻥 㻝㻚㻝 㻝㻚㻟 㻝㻚㻡 㻝㻚㻣 㻝㻚㻥 㻜㻚㻥 㻝㻚㻝 㻝㻚㻟 㻝㻚㻡 㻝㻚㻣 㻝㻚㻥
䃥 䃥 䃥 䃥
㻯㼍㼟㼑㻌㻱 㻮㼑㼟㼠㻌㻠㻌㼏㼥㼏㼘㼑㼟
㻞㻞㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻝㻥㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻝㻥㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻝㻥㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻸㼑㼍㼚䃥
㻠㻜㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻟㻠㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻟㻝㻭㼀㻰㻯 㻟㻝㻭㼀㻰㻯
䃥䠖㻝㻚㻢 㻝㻚㻤
㻜㻚㻠 㻜㻚㻠 㻜㻚㻠 㻜㻚㻠
㻜㻚㻟 㻜㻚㻟 㻜㻚㻟 㻜㻚㻟
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