In Spark-Ignition Engines by 3.39 LM Infrared Laser Absorption Method
In Spark-Ignition Engines by 3.39 LM Infrared Laser Absorption Method
In Spark-Ignition Engines by 3.39 LM Infrared Laser Absorption Method
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Okayama University
Tsushima-Naka 3, Okayama 700-8530, Japan
Powertrain and Environment Research Laboratory,
Nissan Research Center, Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.
Natsushima-cho 1, Kanagawa 237-8523, Japan
Faculty of Environmental Engineering,
The University of Kitakyushu, Hibikino 1-1
Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu 808-0135, Japan
Recently, improving the thermal efficiency and reducing the exhaust emissions of internal combustion
engines have become crucial. To this end, it is important to determine the fuel concentration in the vicinity
of the spark plug near the spark timing, because initial combustion affects the subsequent main combustion
in spark-ignition engines. In this study, a fiber optic system linked to an optical sensor installed in the spark
plug, by means of which light can pass through the combustion chamber, was developed to determine the
fuel concentration near the spark plug using an IR absorption method. A He-Ne laser with a wavelength
of 3.39 lm that coincides with the absorption line of hydrocarbons was used as a light source. By exchanging
an ordinary spark plug for this spark plug with the optical sensor, successive measurement of fuel concen-
tration before the spark timing near the spark plug was performed in a port-injection spark-ignition engine
fueled with iso-octane under the firing condition. The effects of pressure and temperature on the molar
absorption coefficient of fuel were clarified in advance. The air/fuel ratio averaged for many cycles near
the spark plug with this optical system agreed with that measured with a buret, which represented the
mean value averaged over a protracted period. Next, this sensor was applied to determine the air/fuel ratio
quantitatively in a direct-injection gasoline engine. As a result, it was clarified that the air/fuel ratio and
its standard deviation near the spark plug have a strong relationship to stable engine operation.
736 ENERGY PRODUCTION—Combustion in Engines
used to measure the air/fuel ratio, residual gas ratio, with almost the same optical arrangement as that
and mixture-formation processes [10–14]. In partic- used by Koenig and Hall, and investigated fuel con-
ular, LIF measurement has been widely used be- centration history near the spark plug under the non-
cause the LIF signal is relatively strong and provides firing condition [34]. Iiyama et al. developed a di-
two-dimensional fuel concentration information at rect-injection gasoline engine and showed some
an indicated timing [15–21]. Individual studies have examples of concentration measurement near the
tried to determine the real fuel concentration with spark plug using a special optical sensor in the spark
various fluorescence dopants corresponding to the plug [35]. This optical sensor has a pair of sapphire
wavelength of the laser. However, these optical rods, the tips of which are cut at an angle of p/4
methods demand changes in the design of the com- radian so that a laser light can pass through the com-
bustion chamber of these engines because of instal- bustion chamber in an engine.
lation of optical windows. This means that these In this study, the optical sensor developed in the
methods cannot be applied to commercial engines. previous study [35] was revised. An optical system
Further, although these optical methods enable us for an in situ absorption method with a 3.39 lm laser
to obtain the fuel concentration distribution, its ac- for concentration measurement in a spark-ignition
curacy is relatively lower than that of the sampling engine was developed and tested under the firing
condition with iso-octane as fuel. The molar absorp-
tion coefficient of iso-octane was determined under
With regard to an in situ optical method of ob-
various pressure and temperature conditions in ad-
taining fuel concentration near the spark plug, air/ vance. This sensor was also applied to determine the
fuel ratio fluctuations were determined with an op- air/fuel ratio in a direct-injection gasoline engine,
tical probe in a spark plug in spark-ignition engines and the relation between the air/fuel ratio near the
by detecting CH and C2 radicals in the burned gas spark plug and the combustion performance was in-
[22], and both temperature and air/fuel ratio were vestigated while changing injection timing.
measured with a special optical probe [23]. Witze et
al. developed a sensor having optical fibers, with Method of Infrared Absorption Measurement
which to detect the flame kernel and to determine
the rate of flame growth with the direction of flame Principle of Infrared Absorption
propagation [24]. Optical fibers have often been When light with only one wavelength such as a
used by researchers for the detection of flame and laser is used and the intensity of the light, I, decays
chemiluminescent emissions [25,26]. to the value of I0 through a gas along the measure-
The absorption of ultraviolet light was used by ment length, L, the transmissivity, I/I0, is expressed
Morishima and Asai for measuring mixture strength from Lambert-Beer’s law as follows:
near the spark plug in a spark-ignition engine [27].
log(I/I0) ⳱ ⳮ ecL (1)
IR absorption methods have often been applied to
detect hydrocarbons after the extraction of sample where e and c denote the molar absorption coeffi-
gas from the object of measurement. However, in cient and the molar concentration of the gas that
situ measurement is desirable for detecting the local absorbs the light, respectively. When the measure-
concentration of the fuel. Yoshiyama et al. showed ment length, L, is constant, the concentration can be
the possibility of concentration measurement near determined by measuring the transmissivity. When
the spark plug using an in situ IR absorption method hydrocarbons exist in the test section, the light is
with Lambert-Beer’s law [28]. A laser light with a absorbed strongly at about 3.4 lm. This strong ab-
sorbance is in conjunction with a C–H bond in the
wavelength of 3.39 lm was passed directly through
molecule structure of the hydrocarbon. When the
windows near a spark plug without optical fibers in
local concentration of the fuel in spark-ignition en-
a test engine. Propane was used as the fuel, and the gines is measured, it is desirable that the absorption
effects of pressure and temperature on the molar coefficient be comparatively strong, because the
absorption coefficient were obtained in advance. measurement length is limited.
The in situ local mixing ratio of methane was deter- The absorption coefficient depends on pressure
mined with fibers in a non-premixed burner by the and temperature in the test region. However, the
3.39 lm absorption method [29]. Recently, some ef- absorption coefficient of fuels such as iso-octane or
forts using an optical sensor in the spark plug and gasoline for a specified wavelength is not known at
an IR absorption method have been made by Koe- the present stage. Therefore, the absorption coeffi-
nig, Hall, and others [30–33]. They developed a cient of the fuel must be measured, in advance, up
measurement system using a lamp with IR wave- to the conditions in engines.
lengths and a band-pass filter of relatively wide
range. Various kinds of fuel concentration measure- Molar Absorption Coefficient
ments were performed in a spark-ignition engine In this study, the value of the molar absorption
even under the firing condition. This system requires coefficient was determined using a constant-volume
calibration for each optical arrangement. Kawamura vessel while changing pressure and temperature. A
et al. used a 3.39 lm laser instead of an IR lamp He-Ne laser with a wavelength of 3.392 lm was used
Fig. 8. Effect of fuel injection timing on cycle-to-cycle fluctuation of the air/fuel ratio.
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Sergei Labnda, National Academy of Science of Belarus, and the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio affect the accuracy of
Belarus. How long can your probe operate? What is the the measurement. When this sensor detects the fuel drop-
accuracy of your concentration measurements? lets with a reference beam, we know that there are drop-
lets, and then the engine does not operate under stable
conditions. We did not compensate in the data for the ef-
Author’s Reply. The sensor plug worked well for 10 to
fect of the droplets. The existence of other gases including
20 min during one experiment. In this period, we did not water vapor, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxygen
encounter problems with dust under stable operation. This was confirmed to be negligible by investigating each ab-
sensor is not yet a commercial product; rather, it is a trial sorption line near 3.392 lm using the HITRAN database.
one for concentration measurements. One of the sensors The molar absorption coefficient was measured carefully
has operated for more than 6 months with careful treat- within a few percent of accuracy. One of the problems that
ment. make the S/N ratio worse is the vibration of the fiber trans-
It is difficult to describe the accuracy at the present mitted from the engine. Therefore, we need to improve
stage. We believe that the existence of fuel droplets and the sensor in order to discuss cycle-to-cycle fluctuations in
other gases, the value of the molar absorption coefficient, concentration.