Eurachem Uncertainty of Qualitative Methods

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The Expression of Uncertainty
in Qualitative Testing

Committee Draft September 2003

Eurachem/CITAC conference Discussion Paper

Expression of Uncertainty in Qualitative Testing


Introduction 1

Part 1: Uncertainties in qualitative testing and analysis 2

1 Introduction 2
2 Importance of uncertainty in qualitative testing 2
3 Forms of uncertainty information in qualitative testing 2
4 Nomenclature relating to qualitative testing uncertainties 3
5 The reliability of probabilistic information used to characterise uncertainties in qualitative testing 3
6 Reporting uncertainties in qualitative testing 3
7 Methods of evaluating uncertainties in qualitative testing 4
.7.1 False response rates from experiment. 4

.7.2 Predicted false response rates 4

8 The relevance of measurement uncertainty 5

9 The relevance of traceability 5
10 The current state of the art 5
11 Future developments 6
12 Implications 6

Part 2: Expression of uncertainty in identification 7

13 Summary 7
14 Introduction 7
15 Obtaining False Positive/Negative Rates 9
16 Additional Costs 12
17 The Limit of Detection (LOD) 12
18 Selectivity 12
19 Relevance 12
20 Terminology and definitions 13
21 Summary 13

Part 3: Examples 15
Example 1: A Reported Study on Identification Certainty in Mass Spectrometry
Using Database Searching 15
Example 2: Chance Matches When Using an IR Database 18
Example 3: Sample databases for assessing drug identification performance 20

References 22

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The problem of the reliability associated with qualitative testing has received relatively little
coverage in the literature compared to that afforded to measurement uncertainty. While a few
authors have addressed this area,1-3 much still remains to be done.
Uncertainty in relation to qualitative analysis is a topic of current interest to the EURACHEM
Measurement Uncertainty Working Group. This report is intended to stimulate debate within the
WG and to aid the development of policy in this area. The report is presented in two parts. The first
part consists of a general overview of the main issues while the second part explores the use of
several measures of reliability in more detail with an emphasis on the use of false response rates.
Part 1 of this paper comprises a Eurachem discussion paper first published in Accreditation and
Quality Assurance. It aims to describe the present state of the art and to give an indication of what
may reasonably be expected from laboratories, for example by accreditation bodies.
Part 2 sets out a range of existing measures of uncertainty in in identification. In combination, these
two parts could form the basis for formal Eurachem guidance on the topic. Comment is accordingly

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Part 1: Uncertainties in qualitative testing and

1 Introduction
Uncertainties associated with quantitative measurement results have been the subject of considerable
activity since the publication of the ISO Guide on the topic 4 . By comparison, the issue of
uncertainties in qualitative testing and analysis (referred to elsewhere as “identification certainty” 3 )
has received less attention. With the publication of ISO 17025:1999, however, interest in
uncertainties in testing operations has increased. The problems of establishing uncertainty associated
with qualitative tests, such as ‘pass/fail’, identity and comparative identity tests have accordingly
become more important.
This paper sets out some of the main issues arising for analysts in testing laboratories and
accreditation bodies interested in the assessment of uncertainty in qualitative testing. While it does
not provide detailed statistical methods for the characterisation of uncertainties in qualitative testing,
it does provide general guidance on the main issues.

2 Importance of uncertainty in qualitative testing

Broadly, qualitative testing provides a simple statement or categorisation of a test item or material.
Decisions are invariably taken as a result; for example, whether or not to issue a batch of fertiliser,
whether water is fit to drink, whether a person is in possession of controlled substance or not, or
whether a newly synthesised material has the desired structure. Clearly, incorrect classifications –
such as ‘passing’ a product when in fact it is unfit for use – carry risks to all parties. To control those
risks, professionals involved in testing take pains to ensure that their methods lead to acceptably low
risks of incorrect classification.
It follows that, at some point in the development of any such test method, an evaluation must be
made as to the risk of incorrect classification. For most such methods, therefore, it is reasonable to
expect a laboratory to establish, or have access to, information on the risks of incorrect results.
An important exception is the use of standard test methods, established by groups outside the
particular laboratory as fit for the purpose in question. The laboratory may well have limited, or even
no access to the risk information leading to that decision. However, such methods invariably specify
a test procedure in some detail, and the laboratory will generally be expected to show that those
factors which are within its control do indeed meet the requirements of the test method. That, in turn,
may involve demonstrating that the uncertainty of reference values, calibration operations or
intermediate measurements leading to a decision is sufficiently small.

3 Forms of uncertainty information in qualitative testing

Qualitative testing generally relates to categorical statements, such as ‘present/absent’, ‘pass/fail’,
chemical species, or perhaps membership of a class of compounds. Such classification statements
are not usually associated with a range of expression; one does not, in general reporting, generally
speak of an artefact or material being a 90% pass, or 99% present* . The typical form of uncertainty

Partial class membership is used extensively in “fuzzy logic” systems, but the relevant terminology and
treatment is very rare in ordinary testing activities.

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information is, as a result, typically probabilistic in nature. That is, one gives an indication of the
probability of a given classification being correct.
The most familiar and widely used form of such information is, at present, the use of false response
rates, particularly “false positive rates” and “false negative rates”.
Probably the most important alternative to simple statements of false response rates is the use of
values derived from Bayes’ theorem (a summary of Bayes’ theorem is given in reference 2).
Examples include likelihood ratio (an indication of the additional information provided by a test
result) and posterior probability, an indication of the probability of an object fitting a given category
given a test result. Bayesian estimates are particularly widely used in evaluating forensic evidence,
for example DNA matching or blood group matching. Further details can be found elsewhere [ref. 2
and references cited therein]. Bayesian estimates can be calculated by appropriate combination of
false positive and false negative rates.

4 Nomenclature relating to qualitative testing uncertainties

The nomenclature for qualitative testing is not fully developed. An example will illustrate a current
problem. The term ‘false negative rate’ can, in principle, have two quite different interpretations.
i) The chance, or frequency, of negative responses given that the response should be positive.
Broadly, this is the fraction of ‘true positive’ test items that return negative responses.
ii) The frequency of incorrect negative responses in a series of tests, that is, the fraction of the testing
population which returns false negatives.
The difference appears subtle, but is important. In case i), the fraction is not expected to change with
the number of ‘true positives’ in the population. This fraction could be established by appropriate
method performance studies with known ‘true positive’ samples. But in the second case, a very
small fraction of ‘true positives’ in the population leads to a very low fraction of ‘false negatives’
irrespective of the performance of the method. Current nomenclature in analytical chemistry does
not distinguish these terms. It follows that there is a strong risk of confusion in using even familiar
terminology at present.

5 The reliability of probabilistic information used to characterise

uncertainties in qualitative testing
Because false response rates are, in general, low for effective methods, it often takes an extremely
large number of experiments to obtain even indicative values. Further, observed false response rates
are influenced very considerably by the characteristics of the test population. For example, false
response rates are much higher when the typical level of a material falls close to the response
threshold of a simple spot test. Thus, it is unrealistic to expect great reliability in false response rates
obtained within a laboratory; it is often difficult to obtain false response rate figures accurate to
within an order of magnitude.
Quantitative expression and reporting of qualitative testing uncertainties is accordingly unlikely to
give indicative, but not very accurate information.

6 Reporting uncertainties in qualitative testing

Three main factors bear on the reporting of uncertainty information in qualitative testing. First,
probabilistic statements are frequently misinterpreted by non-statisticians. Second, reliable figures
are difficult to obtain by observation. Third, some indicators in common use are subject to

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misinterpretation even by professionals. For these reasons, quantitative reporting of qualitative

uncertainty information is very much the exception, rather than the rule. To underline the point: in
one recent UK court case, the Judge ruled that the quantitative probability evidence presented by a
leading forensic statistician and the accompanying information on its interpretation in relation to
other evidence so confused the jury that the case was dismissed.
Where an indication of the test result’s reliability is required, it may be most useful to adopt a
semiquantitative reporting system. For example, forensic scientists in the UK have recommended a
‘weight of evidence’ scale along the lines of “indication”/ “strong indication”/“very strong
indication”, with each expression related to (overlapping) ranges of a Bayesian likelihood ratio.

7 Methods of evaluating uncertainties in qualitative testing

Broadly, there are two general methods of evaluating false response probabilities. The first relies on
observation of false probabilities in a series of controlled tests. The second relies on prediction from
known population characteristics, including statistics of quantitative measurements and known
distributions of test sample characteristics in a population. The latter might include, for example, the
observed peak incidence rate at different positions in an IR spectrum)

.7.1 False response rates from experiment.

False response rates are hard to observe in a realistic number of experiments unless the rate is high
(near 50%). The most practical experiments thus concentrate on regions where false responses are
likely. Typical approaches include
i) False positive rates in the presence of high levels of known cross-reacting interferents. In these
experiments, the choice of interferent is critical; the experimenter must at a minimum observe
false response rates in the presence of the worst case interferent at levels significantly above those
found for the interferent in the normal test population.
ii) False negative rates at very low levels of analyte.
A related experiment involves chance mismatch studies in reference databases. In some cases, this
allows the equivalent of many thousands of experiments. However, though informative and
powerful, a current limitation is that such databases are often quite unrepresentative of the testing
population; for example, while the prevalence of different materials in general use varies widely, a
typical reference database will only contain one of each. This may lead to significantly biased
probability estimates; again, the values obtained are unlikely to be better than order-of-magnitude

.7.2 Predicted false response rates

Examples include:
i) Prediction of chance spectroscopic peak matching from uncertainties in peak position, for
example using binomial or hypergeometric statistics
Note: In estimating the probabilities of multiple events (e.g. a six-peak match in a spectrum), predicted
probabilities are often extremely sensitive to choice of the probabilities assigned to individual events;
predictions are therefore unlikely to be very accurate.
ii) Prediction of chance threshold exceedence from the known or estimated dispersion of
measurement results or from the measurement uncertainty of the results.

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Note: If normal distributions are assumed, probabilities fall off very sharply with increasing distance
between threshold levels and typical levels of response. However, very considerable caution is advisable in
extrapolating much beyond 95% confidence bounds. Due to such factors as human error, it is generally
observed in routine measurements that the probabilities of very extreme results, though still quite low, are
nonetheless many orders of magnitude higher than would be expected on the basis of the normal

8 The relevance of measurement uncertainty

Measurement uncertainty as described in the GUM4 impacts qualitative measurements in two ways.
i) Control of uncertainties in test parameters, such as times, temperatures, lengths etc, is vital for
reliable qualitative testing. Typically, a laboratory is expected to control factors affecting the test
result to within well established tolerances, or to show that the uncertainty is sufficiently small to
have no significant influence on the outcome of the test.
Note: Because false response rates are hard to measure, good data on the sensitivity of the test result to
variation in input factors is subject to the same practical limitations as the determination of false response rates.
Typical experiments would accordingly aim to demonstrate that substantial change – say, larger than 3-5 times
the uncertainty – in a particular parameter had limited effect. It is unrealistic to expect quantitative sensitivity
analysis in routine testing.
ii) Measurement uncertainty related to intermediate measurements may inform predictions of false
response rates (see above).
In either case, the laboratory will typically be expected to provide uncertainty estimates based on
established principles (i.e. the GUM4 ). Of course, where equipment is calibrated by a third party, the
relevant uncertainty values will usually be provided to the laboratory on calibration certificates etc.

9 The relevance of traceability

Traceability of measurement results, reference values and calibration values is essential in
qualitative testing. It is particularly critical where the qualitative test relies on comparison with
reference values (such as in comparing wavelength data in an IR spectrum with a reference database,
or comparing melting point data with literature values). This follows from the observation that
reference data is often collated by organisations and at times remote from the testing laboratory.
Realistic comparison is only feasible if both the reference data supplier and the test laboratory are
using measurements traceable to common references with acceptably small uncertainties.
A further important property of reference data, where used, is that its origin should be well
established and the conditions under which it was obtained well documented.

10 The current state of the art

• Most competent laboratories currently evaluate one (the most critical for the application) of the
false response rates, typically by experiments during method validation. Best practice involves
stressing the limits of the method, for example by locating ‘worst case’ scenarios well outside
normal usage or by progressive departure from normal operating conditions until false responses
become significant.
• Few explore the less critical response rate, either because it is unimportant to the customer or
because it is impractical.

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• A few sectors have started to use Bayesian probability estimates in assessing the performance of
qualitative tests; the forensic sector is probably the most advanced. Even here, direct reporting of
probability information is rare because of uncertainties in the various terms needed for the
• Though there are publications on qualitative test failure probabilities and risks in the specialist
literature, few laboratories can be expected to have access to the wide range of journals
involved. Further, such papers tend to be written for specialists, and are accordingly not easy to
implement for a routine test lab. There is thus little detailed and accessible guidance available to
the general laboratory population.
• There is often sectoral or more general guidance on good practice in qualitative testing, and
while this may not address uncertainty directly, it typically addresses other issues associated
with quality control and assurance for the type of tests involved.

11 Future developments
There is a need to standardise the nomenclature relating to false response rates. There is an
additional need to provide accessible and consistent guidance on the study of qualitative test
EURACHEM is pursuing both these ends through the measurement uncertainty working group, and
hopes to obtain wider input from other international organisations.

12 Implications
1. It is realistic to expect that testing laboratories have qualitative test method parameters (conditions
of testing) under adequate control. Evidence of that will typically involve
• clear evidence of traceability for the values of important control parameters prescribed by the
• evidence that uncertainties in these parameters are sufficiently small for the purpose
2. It is important for laboratories to check at least the most critical false response rate for a
qualitative test.
3. It is reasonable to expect laboratories to be following published codes of best practice in
qualitative testing where they are available.
4. Quantitative (i.e. numerical) reports of uncertainties in qualitative test results should not generally
be expected.

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Part 2: Expression of uncertainty in identification

13 Summary
A number of different measures of reliability for methods of qualitative analysis have been
investigated. It is evident that the nomenclature for these measures is confusing and that different
measures tell the analyst different things. Some guidance on when to use the different reliability
measures would be useful. A further point is that the large amounts of practical experimental data
required will generally be expensive to obtain, while inferences drawn from smaller data samples
will have limited reliability.

14 Introduction
In analytical science, the purpose of qualitative analysis is to classify materials. In order to do this
the materials of interest must first be detected. The ability of an analytical method to detect a target
material depends upon the amount of the material which is present in the analytical system as well as
upon the performance characteristics of the analytical method. Thus, if the aim of an analysis is to
determine whether or not a particular substance is present, it will be necessary to specify a minimum
concentration which must be capable of detection.
Just as it is possible to make an erroneous identification of a person under poor observation
conditions so too is it possible to make an erroneous identification of a material submitted for
qualitative analysis. It is hence desirable to provide users of qualitative analysis results with some
indication of the reliability of an identification.
The degree of confidence in the correctness of an identification can be expressed in a number of
ways. For a given test method, the basic properties that need to be measured are the numbers of true
positive and negative results and the numbers of false positive and negative results obtained on a
range of samples. From these numbers the fundamental measures of reliability viz. the false positive
and false negative rates can be calculated. Several other measures can also be derived from these
numbers (Table 1). The false positive and negative rates can be combined into a single figure
expressed by the Bayesian likelihood ratio. If the analyst is able to quantify his initial degree of
belief in the outcome of a test applied to a particular sample − before the test is applied − then a
further reliability measure in the form of a Bayesian posterior probability can be calculated. One
other important method parameter which needs to be determined is the limit of detection; knowing
this enables the analyst to select a method capable of satisfying the customer’s requirement relating
to minimum detectable amount.

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Table 1: Reliability Measures

Reliability Measure Expression

False positive rate FP


False negative rate FN


Sensitivity TP

Specificity TN

Efficiency TP + TN
TP + TN + FP + FN

Youden Index Sensitivity + Specificity - 100

Likelihood Ratio 1 − False negative rate

False positive rate

Bayes posterior probability Bayes rule

Where: TP = number of true positives; FP = number of false positives; TN = number of true negatives; FN =
number of false negatives.

In Table 1 the terms sensitivity and specificity are used in the clinical chemistry sense viz.: sensitivity
is the fraction of true positive results obtained when a test is applied to positive samples (it is the
probability that a positive sample is identified as such); specificity is the fraction of true negative
results obtained when a test is applied to negative samples (it is the probability that a negative
sample is identified as such).
For the purposes of this study, the following definitions, based on those of AOAC, apply:

True positive: Results obtained using the confirmatory technique and another
analytical technique are both positive.
True negative: Results obtained using the confirmatory technique and another
analytical technique are both negative.
False positive: Result obtained using the confirmatory technique is negative but
that obtained using another analytical technique is positive.
False negative: Result obtained using the confirmatory technique is positive but
that obtained using another analytical technique is negative.

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The false positive and false negative rates referred to in these definitions are based on those defined
in the AOAC Research Institute Policies & Procedure document and commonly employed by
clinical chemists viz.:
false positives x 100
False positive rate (%) =
total known negatives
false negatives x 100
False negative rate (%) =
total known positives
Since false positive/negative rates are interpreted as probabilities for the purpose of calculating the
Likelihood Ratio they are expressed as fractions rather than as percentages in Table 1.

15 Obtaining False Positive/Negative Rates

For a given method, utilising a particular technique, it is necessary to be able to detect false positive
and false negative results and this can be done by re-analysis using a different, confirmatory,
technique. In most cases the confirmatory technique will be gc-ms but other techniques may be
appropriate depending upon the nature of the analytical problem.
There are basically two ways of obtaining false response rates for a given analyte/technique
combination. The first involves a review of the literature for the particular analyte and technique to
see if studies on the false response rates have already been carried out and recorded. For analytes of
general interest and commonly used techniques, this information might be expected to be in the
public domain. For in-house methods the information should have been generated during method
validation studies. Published false response rates should be used with caution; they will have been
obtained using particular equipment, reagents and personnel and will refer to particular sample
matrices and analyte levels so the analyst must consider whether his situation is likely to be
If information on the false response rates for a particular analyte/technique is not available it will
have to be generated by an experimental study. The essential study parameters are:
• the analyte;
• the matrix;
• the analyte level;
• the detection techniques;
• the number of samples to test.
Two mechanisms can contribute towards the production of false responses. In the first of these, false
responses are caused by sample matrix effects. One or more components of a matrix containing none
of a target analyte can interact with the detection system to produce a false positive response.
Similarly, one or more components of a matrix, other than the target analyte, can interact with the
detection system to inhibit the production of a genuine positive response thereby leading to a false
negative response.
A second mechanism can operate near the cut-off region of a test. Here, the number of false
positives depends upon the distribution of values obtained on blanks. A cut-off value is selected -
typically at a level of 3 standard deviations of the blank - below which values are regarded as
negative and above which they are regarded as positive. Thus (for a 3 standard deviations cut-off)
there is an a priori probability of obtaining 1 or 2 false positive results in every 1000 tests on
genuinely negative samples.

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As well as depending on the cut-off value, the number of false negatives is also influenced by the
level of the analyte and the distribution of values that could be obtained at a given level. For high
levels of analyte the likelihood of false negatives will be very low and for low levels of analyte it
will be relatively higher. The false negative rate therefore depends upon the distribution of analyte
values in the population being sampled.

Table 2: Effect of cut-off level on false response rates at low levels of analyte

Cut-off level (arbitrary conc. units)

Actual mean
3 3.5 4
3 0.00135 0.50000 0.00023 0.69146 0.00003 0.84134
4 0.00135 0.15866 0.00023 0.30854 0.00003 0.50000
5 0.00135 0.02275 0.00023 0.06681 0.00003 0.15866
6 0.00135 0.00135 0.00023 0.00621 0.00003 0.02275

Table 2 illustrates the effect of cut-off level on the false response rates at low levels of analyte. The
levels are expressed in arbitrary concentration units and the blank is assumed to have a mean of 0
and a standard deviation of 1. The actual levels are assumed to have means as indicated and standard
deviations of 1. For each cut-off level and actual level, the table entries show the proportion of
results falling below the cut-off level (false negatives) and the proportion of blank results falling
above the cut-off level (false positives). It can be seen that, for a given cut-off level, the false
positive rate is constant but the false negative rate decreases, as would be expected, with increasing
analyte concentration.
The second mechanism corresponds to the problem of committing type 1 (false positive) and type 2
(false negative) errors and the analyst must decide on a suitable balance between the two. Raising
the cut-off level reduces the probability of obtaining false positives but increases that of obtaining
false negatives − and conversely. These ideas are illustrated in Figure 1.

Estimation of the false response rates of a method should ideally be designed into the method
validation studies. At this stage the analyte and detection technique would of course be known but a
study should ensure that an adequate range of matrices, likely to be encountered in practice, is
covered. A confirmatory detection technique will also need to be selected and a method
incorporating it validated. Given that the number of false responses should ideally be low, the
problem arises of how many samples to test to be reasonably sure of finding a non-zero number of
false responses. One way of doing this is to model the problem as a set of Bernoulli trials − see
From published information (see, for example, Ferrara5 ) it is evident that false positive or negative
rates can be as low as 0.5% and in some cases even lower. For a range of false response
probabilities, Table 3 shows the number of samples that would need to be analysed in order to be
certain, to at least the confidence levels indicated, of finding one or more false responses.

Confidence Level
Probability 95% 99%
0.005 598 919
0.01 299 459
0.05 59 90

Table 3: Minimum number of analyses to find one or more false responses

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cut-off level
x1 = 0

x2 > 0
Response "negative" "positive"

false false
negative positive
region region

Figure 1: False response rates from distributions

In attempting to determine false response rates experimentally for a new method/analyte, the analyst
is faced with a dilemma. On the one hand, since, for a given method, he does not know the false
response rate of interest − this is what he is trying to determine − he cannot decide on an appropriate
number of samples to analyse in order to be reasonably sure of detecting a false response. On the
other hand, if he simply kept on testing until the first false response occurred this would not
necessarily give a true picture of the false response rate (a false response could occur in the first
experiment and then not again for a further 500 experiments!).
To get round this problem, it is suggested that the analyst decides in advance on tolerable levels for
the two false response rates. For a chosen confidence level, he can then calculate, via a binomial
distribution, the number of experiments needed to find one or more false responses. This approach is
not guaranteed to produce an exact figure for the false response rate but it will at least place a bound
on it. For example, if the analyst decides that a 5% false positive rate is acceptable and, if after
performing 59 experiments (Table 1) covering the likely range of matrices, no false positives are
found, then he can be reasonably certain that the true false positive rate is not greater than 5%. It is
further recommended, as a quality control measure, that the samples be interspersed with blanks and
standards containing the target analyte just above and below the method detection limit. When, as is
usual, observed responses which correspond with expectation are not confirmed, the analyst should
be aware that some of them may be false responses. When all observations are not confirmed,
calculated false response rates should be treated with caution. It should always be remembered that
false response rates cannot be viewed as exact values since they depend very much upon the vagaries
of the population being sampled and also upon the method of sampling.
From Table 3, it can be seen that, for low false response rates, it may be impractical to analyse a
sufficient number of samples to detect a false response. Accordingly, if a test is cheap to operate
and/or is intended to be used with high sample numbers, e.g. as a drugs screening test, it may be
preferable to establish first that the false response rate does not exceed an upper limit, say 5%, by

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experiment, and then to refine this figure in the light of experience with further samples. Where
sample numbers are likely to be relatively low and/or the test is expensive to apply, there may be
little choice but to run the test in parallel with a confirmatory test (on all results!) and, from time to
time, recalculate the false responses rates based on the experimental results.

16 Additional Costs
Positive test results are routinely confirmed by an independent method wherever the analyte is
normally expected to be absent from the sample matrix. Negative test results are not usually
confirmed, since this would add to costs. Similarly, if an analyte is normally expected to be present,
a negative result would be confirmed but not a positive one. In adopting this policy analysts make
the assumption that, in the first case, the negative results found are true negatives, and, in the second
case, that the positive results found are true positives. This assumption may, on occasion, be
incorrect but the analyst will never know. The point here is that, in order to calculate, say, a false
positive rate, it is necessary to know the number of true negatives. Thus, if false response rates are to
be determined reasonably accurately then all test results must be independently confirmed and
additional costs must therefore be incurred.

17 The Limit of Detection (LOD)

The Limit of Detection for a qualitative analytical method, with respect to a given analyte, is found
by applying the method to samples containing progressively smaller amounts of the analyte until the
criteria for reliable detection are no longer met6 . The concentration of analyte corresponding to this
point is then the Limit of Detection of the method for the particular analyte.

18 Selectivity
Selectivity, in the sense in which this term is usually employed in analytical chemistry, refers to the
ability of a method to discriminate between different components of a sample. It is particularly
important when several components of a sample are similar with respect to the property being

19 Relevance
In many cases where qualitative analysis is performed there is a requirement for confirmatory tests
to be applied. This is particularly so when analysis is being performed for forensic purposes, for
medical diagnostic purposes or where important financial or safety-critical consequences hinge on
the result. In short, where the perceived consequences of an incorrect identification are seen as
serious, confirmatory tests will be carried out as a matter of course. In these situations the analyst
will be as certain as he can be of the reported identification and any measure of identification
certainty should be so high as to be effectively redundant. A quality metric associated with a
measurement/classification is only of use when it has the potential to influence a decision based on
the measurement/classification.
Identification certainty is of use where the correctness of a presumptive identification is not critical
but where the cost of confirmation is high. The end user of the result can see that the classification
does not purport to be completely accurate and is further provided with a quantification of the degree
of doubt attached to it. Alternatively, the analyst can use an identification certainty value [for a

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classification], in conjunction with a rule or a set of criteria, to decide whether to carry out a
confirmatory analysis.

20 Terminology and definitions

There is an issue surrounding the terminology used to describe the various method performance
measures discussed. For example, for most analytical chemists, the term sensitivity is understood to
refer to the rate of change of a response variable with respect to a control variable. The sense in
which this term is used here, however, is quite different; it is the fraction of true positive results
which respond as positives. It may be that for such multiple use terms the context can be taken to
supply the meaning.
Definitions, on the other hand, cannot always be inferred from context. The definition of false
positive rate, for example, used here is not intuitively obvious. Table 4 provides 4 different
definitions of a false positive rate − all of them equally plausible − but only the last one corresponds
to convention within the current context.

Table 4: Alternative definitions for the false positive rate

Formula Definition
FP The fraction of observed positive results
which are false.
FP The fraction of all results which are false
Pobs + N obs
FP The number of false positive results obtained
TP + FN for each true positive result.
FP The fraction of true negative results which
TN + FP respond as positive.

Where: Pobs = number of observed positive results (true + false); N obs = number of observed negative results
(true + false).

There is thus ample scope for confusion when the terms discussed here are employed by different
analytical sectors. AOAC International defines the false positive/negative rates in the clinical
chemistry sense used here but the definitions are not stated in Official Methods of Analysis 7 ] their
publication to which analysts will most likely have access. The other main international body to
which analysts might turn for guidance is IUPAC but the IUPAC Commission on Analytical
Nomenclature in their recent 1995 report8 did not address this area of terminology at all. This may be
a topic that EURACHEM could add to their other work on the clarification of terminology.

21 Summary
The fundamental measures of reliability for methods of qualitative analysis providing presumptive
results are the false positive and false negative rates. A number of other measures can be calculated
directly from these or from their basic component parts (the numbers of true and false positive and
negative results observed in a sufficiently long series of trials).
If reliability is to be expressed in terms of false response rates then both the false positive and false
negative rates must be quoted if a true picture of method performance is to be obtained.

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Alternatively, both the sensitivity and specificity could be quoted. The Efficiency and Youden
indices individually combine all of the information carried by the false positive and false negative
rates (and also by the sensitivity and specificity); thus only one of these unitary measures need be
quoted in place of one of the other associated pairs. The Likelihood Ratio also provides a single
measure of method performance
Current practice is to subject samples to confirmatory tests only when the presumptive result is
contrary to what would be expected from a reference population. This practice is driven by economic
considerations but can lead to erroneous results being reported when an expected, and hence
unconfirmed, result is in fact wrong.

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Part 3: Examples
Example 1: A Reported Study on Identification Certainty in Mass
Spectrometry Using Database Searching

Mass spectrometry, particularly in combination with a chromatographic separation stage, is a

powerful tool that can aid in the identification of unknown compounds. For most purposes, low
resolution mass spectrometry using electron impact (EI) ionisation is the method of choice when
identification, as opposed to quantification, is required. A mass spectrum can contain many ions, not
all of which are useful for diagnostic purposes, and this raises the question of whether there is a
minimum number of ions which would be sufficient to ensure an unequivocal identification. Not
much work on this question has been reported but a recent study by Webb and Carter [6] indicates
that, generally, three ions may be sufficient.

The Webb and Carter study discusses earlier works by Sphon who investigated the minimum
number of ions that needed to be monitored in order to produce an unambiguous identification of
diethylstilboestrol (DES). Data relating to Sphon’s most recent study, based on a mass spectral
library containing about 270,000 entries, is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Diagnostic Ions for DES

Ion, % RA Matc
m/z Range hes
268 1-100 9995
268 1-100
239 1-100 5536
268 90-100
239 10-90 46
268 90-100
239 50-70 9
268 90-100
239 50-90 15
145 5-90
268 90-100
239 50-70 1
145 45-65
RA = Relative Abundance

Table 1 shows that, when the relative abundance of each ion is considered, the number of matches
occurring in a database can be reduced dramatically.

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Although Sphon and others have recommended the use of a minimum of three ions for identification,
the European Union (EU) requires a minimum of four ions when testing for veterinary drugs
residues in cattle. The more stringent EU requirement has sometimes proved difficult to achieve and,
it is suspected, has led to a number of false negative results being reported.
Webb and Carter, in a similar study based on a NIST database containing 62235 spectra, confirmed
the results of Sphon and extended these through the inclusion of additional compounds of interest in
the forensic and agro-chemical fields. A subset of their results is presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Diagnostic Ions Used in Webb and Carter Study

Compound Ion, m/z % RA Range Matches

Heroin 369 1-100 1672
369 1-100
327 1-100 526
369 45-85 43
369 45-85
327 60-100 1
DES 268 1-100 3597
268 1-100
239 1-100 1597
268 55-95 83
268 55-95
239 30-70 4
268 55-95
239 30-70 1
145 60-100
DDT 352 1-100 1242
352 1-100
235 1-100 234
352 1-40 1140
352 1-40
235 60-100 1
352 1-40
235 1-100 7
237 48-88
352 1-40
235 60-100 1
237 48-88
RA = Relative Abundance

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Using the criteria of De Ruig et al, the number of possible ions in a mass spectrum is 300 (from the
300 !
m/z range 180-480). The number of combinations of 300 objects taken 3 at a time is
( 300 − 3)! 3!
= 4,455,100. Hence, for any three peaks, the chance match probability is taken to be ~1: 4.5 x 106 .
The approach of De Ruig takes no account of the intensity information in a mass spectrum however,
in the studies described above, such information has been utilised in order to reduce the number of
matches to one. The effective chance match probability is therefore very much lower than the figure

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Example 2: Chance Matches When Using an IR Database

The use of database statistics in evaluating criteria for qualitative analysis has been investigated by
several authors. De Ruig et al [4] proposed criteria to be met by identification methods employed in
veterinary drug residue identification. The authors give indicative values of chance match
probabilities based on a simple binomial model. Ellison et al [5], commenting on this paper, noted
that a hypergeometric distribution was a more appropriate model. The latter authors focused on the
occurrence of chance matches when an infrared spectrum is compared against a spectral library.

The library used by Ellison et al was the Sadtler library containing spectra on 59,626 different
materials. A random subset of thirty compounds was selected from this library and the number of
peaks, q, in the range 500 - 1800 cm-1 noted for each compound. It was determined that the average
number of peaks per spectrum in the region 500 - 1800 cm-1, m, was 16. The spectral resolution
available was 4 cm-1 and this implied the existence of 1300/4 = 325, p, discrete peak positions in the
500 - 1800 cm-1 region. For each different spectrum in the chosen subset, the entire database was
searched twice − first for a minimum of three matching peaks and the second time for a minimum of
six matching peaks. The number of matches for each compound was compared with the number
predicted on the basis of a hypergeometric distribution. For n ≥ 3 the number of observed matches
was about twice the predicted number. For n ≥ 6, although the number of matches was considerably
lower, as would be expected, the observed matches exceeded the predicted by a factor of ten. Part of
the data for six peak matches is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Chance matches against six peaks in an IR database

Peaks Chance Pred. Obs.

in match
Compound matches matches
range probability
1-Chloro-3-(1-napthyloxy)-2-propanol 23 3.19 x 10-4 19 192
α-Cyano-methyl ester- cinnamic acid
17 5.03 x 10 3 29
Phenyl ν-triazolo-[1,5-α]-pyridin-3-yl ketone
24 4.19 x 10 25 190
Benzo-β-thiophene-6-acrylic acid 20 1.34 x 10 8 52
3-((Dipropylamino)methyl)1-5-nitroindole 17 5.03 x 10-5 3 29
2-Mesityl-5-phenyl-oxazole 22 2.52 x 10 15 99
p-Hydroxy-benzoic acid 18 6.71 x 10 4 44
Caproic acid, isobutyl ester 8 1.36 x 10-7 0 1
1-Bromoadamantane 10 9.64 x 10-7 0 1
Phenyl propyl ether 17 5.03 x 10-5 3 47

The calculated chance match probabilities for six peak matches were in the range 10-8 -10-10. The
chance match probability for a compound when multiplied by the number of entries in the database
gives an estimate of the number of compounds fitting the search criteria. In the case of two of the

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compounds in Table 1, viz. Caproic acid, isobutyl ester and 1-Bromoadamantane, the search criteria
produce a single match and hence would appear to be adequate if these compounds are suspected.
For the remaining compounds, many more matches are produced which indicates a requirement for
more stringent criteria.

As stressed in the main body of this guide, reference databases − of which spectral libraries are one
type − cannot be used to obtain information on false response rates. It is the responsibility of the
analyst to decide which, if any, of a set of matches corresponds to an unknown.

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Example 3: Sample databases for assessing drug identification performance

The use of sample databases for obtaining the relevant probabilities for a Bayesian analysis has been
reported in the literature. S.D. Ferrara , in testing for drugs of abuse in urine, assembled a
database containing information on drug types, analytical techniques, false response rates for the
techniques, and prevalence of the drug. For the authors’ laboratory, Table 1 summarises part of this
data for EMIT, an immunochemical technique.

Table 1: Bayes Probabilities for EMIT Technique

Description Probability Opiates Methadone Cocaine
Prevalence P(A) 0.44 0.26 0.20
False Positive Rate P(e|¬A) 0.028 0.004 0.009
False Negative Rate P(¬e|A) 0.069 0.018 0.056

In the case of methadone, the Bayesian posterior probability is 0.988. In other words the analyst can
be over 98% certain that a positive reponse for methadone genuinely indicates the presence of this

Table 2 shows similar data for a different, non-immunochemical, technique. Note that the false
positive rate for cocaine by this technique is reported as zero. It is debatable however whether the
false response rates for such screening tests can truly be zero. In this case no false positives were
found but, had more samples been analysed, it is possible that one or more false positives would
have appeared.

Table 2: Bayes Probabilities for Toxi-Lab Technique

Description Probability Opiates Methadone Cocaine
Prevalence P(A) 0.44 0.26 0.20
False Positive Rate P(e|¬A) 0.038 0.012 0.000
False Negative Rate P(¬e|A) 0.276 0.179 0.247

Considering methadone again, the Bayesian posterior probability is 0.960. This is a high probability
though slightly less convincing than that produced by the EMIT test. If both tests are performed, and
a positive response obtained in each case, then the combined Bayesian probability becomes 0.999

In this example, reliable prior probabilities are available in the form of prevalence values. Had these
not been to hand, or if the analyst had preferred not to use them, likelihood ratios could have been
used instead; the corresponding values being 246 (EMIT) and ~68 (Toxi-Lab). The combined
likelihood ratio then being 16,830.

In all cases GC-MS was used as a reference technique to establish the false response rates. The
particular database referred to here is quite comprehensive for the analytes of interest to the authors,
and has clearly been designed to permit a Bayesian analysis of the data. There are inevitably some

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missing values but, as more data is added, these should be reduced in number and the accuracy of
predictions further improved.

A further advantage of a database set up to record Bayesian input data for several different
techniques is the information it provides to enable one to optimise analytical performance. For
example, by selecting a screening method with a low false positive rate this should minimise the
costs of expensive confirmatory analyses. However, other factors also need to be taken into account
such as the limit of detection of a technique, its false negative rate, and the speed of analysis.

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1. de Ruig W.G; Dijkstra G.; Stephany R.W. Anal.Chim.Acta 1989, 223, 277-82.

2. Milman B.L.; Konopelko L.A. Fresenius.J.Anal.Chem. 2000, 367, 621-28.

3. Ellison S.L.R.; Gregory S.; Hardcastle W.A. Analyst 1998, 123, 1155-61.

4. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, ISO: 1993.

5. Ferrara S.D; Tedeschi L.; Frison G.; Brusini G.; Castagna F.; Bernadelli B.; Soregaroli D.
J.Anal.Toxicol. 1994, 18, 278.

6. The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods, 1.0 ed.; Eurachem: 1998.

7. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, 16th ed.; AOAC: 1995.

8. Pure Appl.Chem. 1995, 67, 1699.

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