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Clin Chem Lab Med 2020; aop

EFLM Paper

Pieter Vermeersch*, Glynis Frans, Alexander von Meyer, Seán Costelloe, Giuseppe Lippi
and Ana-Maria Simundic

How to meet ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical

requirements in clinical laboratories? A
consensus document by the EFLM WG-PRE
https://doi.org/10.1515/cclm-2020-1859 document is laboratory professionals who wish to
Received December 23, 2020; accepted December 27, 2020; improve the quality of the pre-analytical phase in their
published online January 14, 2021 laboratory. For each of the ISO requirements described in
ISO15189:2012, members of EFLM WG-PRE agreed by
Abstract: The International Organization for Standardiza-
consensus on minimal recommendations and best-in-
tion (ISO) 15189:2012 standard aims to improve quality in
class solutions. The minimal consensus recommendation
medical laboratories through standardization of all key ele-
was defined as the minimal specification which labora-
ments in the total testing process, including the pre-analytical
tories should implement in their quality management
phase. It is hence essential that accreditation bodies,
system to adequately address the pre-analytical require-
assessing laboratories against ISO15189:2012, pay sufficient
ment described in ISO15189:2012. The best-in-class solu-
attention to auditing pre-analytical activities. However, there
tion describes the current state-of-the-art in fulfilling a
are significant differences in how technical auditors interpret
particular pre-analytical requirement in ISO15189:2012.
the pre-analytical requirements described in ISO15189:2012.
We fully acknowledge that not every laboratory has the
In this consensus document, the European Federation of
means to implement these best-in-class solutions, but we
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working
hope to challenge laboratories in critically evaluating and
Group for Pre-analytical Phase (WG-PRE) sets out to review
improving their current procedures by providing this
pre-analytical requirements contained in ISO15189:2012 and
expanded guidance.
provide guidance for laboratories on how to meet these
requirements. The target audience for this consensus Keywords: accreditation; ISO15189; pre-analytical phase;
quality improvement.

Pieter Vermeersch and Glynis Frans contributed equally to this work.

*Corresponding author: Prof. Dr. Pieter Vermeersch, Clinical
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospitals Leuven, The total testing process (TTP) is a complex concept in
Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium; and Department of
laboratory medicine, originally referred to as the “brain-to-
Cardiovascular Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
Phone: +003216347091, Fax: +003216347010,
brain” cycle by George Lundberg nearly 50 years ago [1]. The
E-mail: [email protected]. https://orcid.org/0000- TTP can be summarized as follows: the physician orders the
0001-7076-061X necessary test prescriptions; the patient is identified and
Glynis Frans, Clinical Department of Laboratory Medicine, University prepared for sampling; the samples are collected, trans-
Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium ported, identified, stored, and prepared for analysis. All the
Alexander von Meyer, Institute of Laboratory Medicine and
processes prior to actual analysis, both outside and inside
Microbiology, Munich Municipal Hospital Group, Munich, Germany
Seán Costelloe, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Cork University the laboratory, comprise the pre-analytical phase. After
Hospital, Cork, Republic of Ireland. https://orcid.org/0000-0002- analysis, test results are validated, reported, and interpreted
2464-3735 by laboratory specialists and requesting physicians, who
Giuseppe Lippi, Section of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Verona, take further medical decisions based on test results [1].
Verona, Italy. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9523-9054
The overall frequency of errors in laboratory medicine
Ana-Maria Simundic, Department of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics,
University Hospital Sveti Duh, Zagreb, Croatia; Faculty of Pharmacy
is approximately 0.3%, which remains lower than those of
and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. https:// other medical diagnostic disciplines (e.g., histopathology,
orcid.org/0000-0002-2391-5241 with an error rate of nearly 5.0%) [2]. The pre-analytical
2 Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements

phase, which is often plagued by a low degree of standard- professionals often have an obligation to design their QMS
ization, is the most vulnerable to errors, so that preventing in such a way that it also conforms to local regulations
and/or limiting the impact of pre-analytical errors on patient regarding accreditation. Further, procedures should be
safety are some of the hardest challenges in laboratory subjected to risk management and continuous improve-
medicine [3]. The frequency of pre-analytical errors typically ment based on effectiveness and user experience [11].
comprises between 60 and 70% of all laboratory mistakes. In Nevertheless, some documents have been published, which
comparison, the analytical and post-analytical phases provide more elaborate specifications on how to implement
contribute approximately to 15 and 20% of all errors in the ISO15189:2012, including guidance provided by the French
TTP, respectively [4, 5]. Although the pre-analytical phase is accreditation body Comité français d'accréditation (Cofrac)
mostly performed outside of the laboratory environment, the and ISO Technical Specification documents [12, 13].
clinical laboratory has a major responsibility in decreasing In this consensus document, the EFLM WG-PRE sets
vulnerability to these errors. Continuous improvement can out to review pre-analytical requirements contained in the
be achieved, for example, by systematic error monitoring ISO15189:2012 standard and provide expert guidance for
and registration, application of risk management strategies, laboratories on how to meet these requirements.
development and monitoring of pre-analytical quality indi-
cators, as well as by establishing education and training for
healthcare staff [6–8].
In a recent survey disseminated by the European Methods
Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medi-
cine (EFLM) Working Group for the Pre-analytical Phase This document has been produced by the authors, of whom all but one
(G.F.) are EFLM WG-PRE members. The first draft of the list of pre-
(WG-PRE), 1,265 out of 1,405 laboratory specialists (94%)
analytical specifications was produced by P.V. and G.F. by thorough
from 37 different countries declared that they monitored pre- screen of ISO15189:2012 for all pre-analytical requirements. The draft
analytical errors. However, assessment, documentation and was then reviewed and thoroughly discussed by all authors during
further use of information obtained from errors varied widely several face-to-face meetings and conference calls. The final list of pre-
among respondents, countries, and even International Or- analytical requirements described in ISO15189:2012 was then dis-
cussed by the entire WG-PRE during two subsequent face-to-face
ganization for Standardization (ISO) 15189:2012-accredited
meetings to come to a final consensus of minimal recommendations
laboratories [9]. A consensus on what to do with these data is and best-in-class solutions, which are summarized in this consensus
clearly lacking. Many responders also stated that whey document.
would be interested in a guideline for measurement and For each ISO requirement described in ISO15189:2012, a specifi-
evaluation of pre-analytical variables (n=1,235; 92%) [9]. cation was agreed by a consensus for what should be considered the
The ISO15189:2012 standard is aimed to improve quality minimal recommendation according to EFLM WG-PRE, and what is the
best-in-class solution according to EFLM WG-PRE. The minimal
in medical laboratories by standardization of all key pro-
consensus recommendation was defined as the minimal specification
cesses, including the pre-analytical phase [10]. However, it which laboratories should implement in their QMS in order to
is common experience that accreditation bodies for adequately address the pre-analytical requirement described in
ISO15189:2012 tend to spend only a small amount of time ISO15189:2012. The best-in-class solution describes the current state-
auditing activities occurring before the analytical part of the of-the-art in fulfilling a particular pre-analytical requirement in
ISO15189:2012. We fully acknowledge that not every laboratory has the
TTP. There are also significant differences in how technical
means to implement these best-in-class solutions but, by providing
auditors interpret pre-analytical requirements described in this expanded guidance, we hope to challenge laboratories in criti-
ISO15189:2012. This corresponds to our findings in a recent cally evaluating and improving their current procedures.
EFLM WG-PRE survey, where a number of respondents Evidence for these EFLM WG-PRE recommendations and solu-
claiming to follow this guideline did not adhere to demands tions was graded according to the following scale: (1) directly derived
such as continuous improvement activities based on pre- from ISO15189:2012 requirements; (2a) based on existing professional
recommendations; (2b) current state-of-the-art technology; and (3)
analytical errors or providing pre-analytical instructions to
expert opinion. This scaling follows the rationale that ISO15189:2012
clinicians [9]. should always be followed if any specifications are described in
The intention of ISO15189:2012 is to guide laboratories ISO15189:2012. If ISO15189:2012 does not specifically state how a
to develop a quality management system (QMS) that reg- requirement should be met, but there are professional recommenda-
ulates all steps in the TTP, thus ensuring constant quality tions which do (2a), the laboratory could follow these recommenda-
tions (e.g., the joint EFLM-Latin-American Confederation of Clinical
of patient care. The ISO15189:2012 describes which pro-
Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI) recommendation for venous blood sam-
cedures and aspects have to be in place, but the authors pling) (2a). In the absence of (1) or (2a), the recommendations were
deliberately chose not to clearly specify in which way or based on current state-of-the-art technologies or expert opinion,
how they should be implemented. Moreover, laboratory which are more subjective and therefore graded. We leave it up to the
Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements 3

readers to investigate whether and how grade 2b and 3 specifications chosen these QIs because they are included in the priority
can be applied to their specific laboratory setting. one category of the International Federation of Clinical
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) Model of Pre-
analytical Quality Indicators [8], and because we believe
Results and discussion that they are the easiest to implement in most laboratory
settings and current-day Laboratory Information Systems
The identified elements, with their matching minimal ISO (LISs) without requiring significant programming efforts. As
requirement, minimal WG-PRE consensus recommenda- a best-in-class solution, we recommend laboratories to
tion, and best-in-class solution are described in three ta- monitor pre-analytical QIs in accordance with the frame-
bles: Table 1 for QMS; Table 2 for Blood Collection; and work provided by the IFCC Model, which defines procedures
Table 3 for Transport, Reception and Handling. During our for data collection and provides quality specifications for
review of the ISO15189:2012 standard, we often noted sig- evaluating laboratory results based on External Quality
nificant lack of clear specifications on how procedures and Assessment (EQA) [8]. We encourage participation in the
aspects concerning the pre-analytical phase should be IFCC EQA scheme for quality indicators [8]. While we
implemented. We noted a particular lack of specifications acknowledge that monitoring pre-analytical QIs in such a
regarding the pre-analytical phase in terms of continuous way requires time and resources (e.g., software adaptations,
improvement (e.g., the type of quality indicators that additional EQA registrations), we would like to emphasize
should be used), validation of sample recipients, transport, that selection of QIs, frequency of evaluation, and their
and environmental conditions. Some of these issues are calculation can be adapted to a specific laboratory setting
discussed in more detail in the following sections. based on risk assessment to identify pre-analytical pro-
cesses which require higher priority for monitoring (e.g.,
sample identification or sample collection) [14, 15]. In this
Pre-analytical quality indicators context, it should also be emphasized that ISO15189:2012
requires regular re-evaluation of QI methodology to ensure
ISO15189:2012 requirements and EFLM WG-PRE recom- continued appropriateness.
mendations concerning pre-analytical quality indicators
(QIs) can be found in Table 1. ISO15189:2012 requires lab-
oratories to establish a quality policy with objectives to Sample collection
meet the needs and requirements of all users. To this end,
the laboratory shall establish measurable QIs to monitor ISO15189:2012 requirements and EFLM WG-PRE recom-
and evaluate performance throughout critical laboratory mendations concerning sample collection can be found in
aspects, thus including the pre-examination phase. QI Table 2. ISO15189:2012 requires that sample collection
monitoring requires definition of the objective, methodol- needs to be performed by adequately trained personnel,
ogy, interpretation, limits, action plan, and time of mea- and laboratories should provide and supervise training
surement. QIs are invaluable to confirm that laboratory concerning blood collection for all appointed personnel. In
quality objectives have been met, as well as for measuring addition, the laboratory should assess competence of each
efficacy of corrective/preventive actions. In addition, when phlebotomist according to established criteria described in
deterioration of quality of blood collection is noted ac- the QMS. Reassessment shall take place at regular intervals
cording to QI analysis, the laboratory must communicate (see below) and retraining shall occur when necessary,
this evidence and provide additional education and especially when analytical methods and/or instrumenta-
training to its users. tion change. The effectiveness of training programs shall
ISO15189:2012 suggest some examples of pre-analytical be periodically reviewed, e.g., based on personnel and user
QIs (e.g., unacceptable samples, errors at registration feedback. In addition to requirements specified in
and/or accession, corrected reports), but does not state how ISO15189:2012, the authors of this article make a number of
they should be monitored and evaluated. As a minimum, we additional recommendations. We minimally recommend
recommend that laboratories should monitor one of the that the necessary education, training (including scope,
following QIs on yearly basis (e.g., during the management duration, competency criteria, and reassessment in-
review): number and proportion of misidentification errors, tervals), skills, experience, and where applicable, certifi-
test transcription errors, incorrect sample types, insuffi- cation and licensure for each job title related to
ciently filled samples, unsuitable samples, contaminated venipuncture processes, must be defined in the QMS.
samples, hemolyzed samples, or clotted samples. We have Training programs and competence assessments of pre-
4 Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements

Table : ISO: requirements and corresponding EFLM WG-PRE recommendations/solutions relating to quality management of the
pre-examination phase.

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal Grade Best-in-class Grade

recommendation solution

... – Quality How to define quality objec- The quality objectives Laboratories should a Pre-analytical quality a
objectives and tives and quality in- shall be measurable and at least monitor one indicators are monitored
planning dicators for pre-examination consistent with the of the following according to framework
processes? quality policy. quality indicators: provided by the IFCC
number of misidenti- Model of Quality
fication errors, test Pre-analytical In-
transcription errors, dicators. Laboratories
incorrect sample should implement all
types, insufficiently quality indicators that
filled samples, un- are relevant for their
suitable samples, setting based on
contaminated sam- risk-assessment. Partici-
ples, hemolyzed pation in the IFCC
samples, or clotted External Quality Assess-
samples. ment program is
How frequent should Planning of the quality Yearly.  Frequency according to a
pre-analytical quality management systems is the framework provided
objectives/quality indicators carried out to meet the by the IFCC Model of
be evaluated? requirements and the Quality Pre-analytical
quality objectives. Indicators.
... – Is it required to appoint a Yes. Appointment of A dedicated labora-  A dedicated laboratory 
Responsibility, person in the laboratory who person(s) responsible tory staff member medicine specialist
authority and is responsible for the for each laboratory should be appointed should be appointed who
interrelationships pre-examination phase? function and appoint- who is respon- is responsible for all
Definition, requirements? ment of deputies for sible for all pre-examination
key managerial and pre-examination as- aspects both within and
technical personnel. pects both within and outside of the central
outside of the central laboratory.
... – Should notifications and Yes. Any deterioration  At least half-yearly 
Communication problems concerning the of the quality objec- meetings with all
processes pre-analytical phase be tives or significant re- stakeholders to discuss
communicated to hospital marks obtained dur- expectations, internal
and/or laboratory personnel? ing internal audits audit results (if per-
How should this be done? shall be communi- formed during that
cated and period), quality in-
documented. dicators and
non-conformities. This
should be done using a
well-developed commu-
nication plan.
. – How should complaints and Should be handled Complaints of the  –
Resolution of non-conformities about the similar to other com- pre-analytical phase
complaints pre-examination processes plaints, non- should be handled in
. – be handled? conformities, etc. accordance with the
Identification and including general laboratory
control of documentation. policy.
. and . – How should corrective and
Corrective and preventive actions concerning
preventive pre-examination processes
actions be handled?
Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements 5

Table : (continued)

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal Grade Best-in-class Grade

recommendation solution

. – Which aspects of the pre- Present evaluation ac- Preparation of the  –
Continual analytical phase should be tivities, corrective ac- management review
improvement discussed during/presented tions and preventive should be handled in
during the actions for the accordance with the
management review? pre-examination phase. general laboratory
How should a risk assessment Not stated. Risk assessment of  A risk assessment of the 
of the pre-analytical phase be the pre-analytical pre-analytical steps in
performed? Which aspects phase should be the total testing process
should be covered? handled in accor- including identification,
dance with the gen- patient preparation,
eral laboratory pol- sample preparation,
icy. The risk sample collection, trans-
assessment identi- port, reception, and
fying the most critical sample storage should
step should be be performed.
.. – How often should an internal The pre-examination Once per year.  At least once per year. 
Internal audit audit evaluate the phase should be evalu-
pre-examination phase? ated every year (Note :
the cycle for internal
auditing should nor-
mally be completed in
one year).
Which aspects of the Not stated. Pre-analytical phase  A specific internal audit 
pre-examination phase is part of a general covering exclusively on
should be covered in the audit. all aspects of the
internal audit? pre-examination phase.
How should results of internal Not stated. Any deterioration of  At least half-yearly 
audits on the pre-examination the quality objectives meetings with all stake-
phase be communicated to or significant re- holders to discuss ex-
stakeholders? marks obtained dur- pectations, internal audit
ing internal results (if performed
audits shall be during that period),
communicated and quality indicators and
documented. non-conformities. This
should be done using a
communication plan.
.. – Risk How should a risk assessment Not stated. Risk assessment of  A risk assessment of the 
management of the pre-analytical phase be the pre-analytical pre-analytical steps in
performed? Which aspects phase should be the total testing process
should be covered? handled in accor- including identification,
dance with the gen- patient preparation,
eral laboratory pol- sample preparation,
icy. The risk sample collection, trans-
assessment identi- port, reception, and
fying the most crit- sample storage should
ical step should be be performed.
6 Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements

Table : (continued)

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal Grade Best-in-class Grade

recommendation solution

.. – Quality Which QIs should be Non-binding examples Laboratories should a Pre-analytical quality in- a
indicators monitored and in which include number of un- at least monitor one dicators are monitored
manner? acceptable samples, of the following according to framework
numbers of errors at quality indicators: provided by the IFCC
registration and/or number and propor- Model of Quality
accession, number of tion of misidentifica- Pre-analytical In-
corrected reports. tion errors, test dicators. Laboratories
transcription errors, should implement all
incorrect sample quality indicators that
types, insufficiently are relevant for their
filled samples, un- setting based on
suitable samples, risk-assessment. Partici-
contaminated sam- pation in the IFCC
ples, hemolyzed External Quality Assess-
samples, or clotted ment program is
samples. encouraged.
At which frequency should Not stated. Yearly.  Frequency according to a
QIs be monitored and the framework provided
analyzed? by the IFCC Model of
Quality Pre-analytical
Indicators [].
.. - No controversy. Pre-analytical Preparation of the  –
Management improvements should management review
review be included. should be handled in
accordance with the
general laboratory

IFCC, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine; QI, Quality Indicator.

analytical procedures should be organized and docu- Although this is not stated in the ISO15189:2012
mented under laboratory supervision. Competence reas- document, we recommend that the performance of con-
sessment of all personnel shall take place at least every five sumables potentially affecting the quality of examinations
years. Finally, the joint EFLM-COLABIOCLI recommenda- should be verified before use. As a minimum, the perfor-
tion for venous blood sampling is recommended as best-in- mance of a new type of sample collection system should at
class solution for training and competency assessment [16]. least be verified in 20 samples for a subset of tests. The
This guideline provides practical guidance on education, laboratory defines the subset based on risk assessment. We
practical training, (re-)certification, and auditing of venous recommend to also perform clinical and technical valida-
blood sampling procedures [16]. tion in accordance with EFLM recommendations as a best-
The ISO15189:2012 standard requires that facilities in-class solution [17]. This local technical validation should
where patient sample collection procedures are performed be intended to verify if manufacturer claims about struc-
(e.g., phlebotomy) shall enable sample collection to be ture, assembly, functionality and safety of blood collection
undertaken in a manner that does not invalidate the re- tubes are fulfilled. Preferably, over 240 blood collections
sults or unfavorably impacts the quality of examina- should be randomized to both control (n=120) and
tions. As a minimum, we recommend to define specific comparative (n=120) groups, and all relevant technical
requirements for dedicated phlebotomy rooms in the QMS. information should be recorded; e.g., physical defects,
Further guidance on best-in-class solutions concerning vacuum failures, clotting, hemolysis [18]. As alternative
the required elements (e.g., chair/bed, hand washing and more stringent comparison, collection of two paired
areas, waiting areas, supplies) can be found in the joint tubes from the same patient with the two different systems
EFLM-COLABIOCLI recommendation for venous blood may be advisable [17]. Whenever reference intervals are
sampling [16]. verified during implementation of a new sample collection
Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements 7

Table : ISO: requirements and corresponding EFLM WG-PRE recommendations/solutions relating to blood collection.

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal Grade Best-in-class solution Grade

. – Advisory services How should informa- Not stated. Test catalog (with  Searchable (online, app, b
tion on available labo- version control) which paper) laboratory guide
ratory tests and sample contains at least containing in addition to the
requirements be pro- information on avail- minimal recommendation
vided to the requesting able tests, required also information on test
clinician? sample type and vol- indication, test utilization
ume, and guidelines where rele-
stability and transport vant. The laboratory offers
conditions, and con- advisory services on request
tact details of the lab- and organizes educational
oratory. The events organized by the
laboratory offers laboratory.
advisory services on
request for these
How should failure of Criteria for specimen As described in  The laboratory provides in- b
samples not fulfilling rejection should be ISO:. formation about the impact
acceptance criteria be defined in the QMS. on each parameter on the
communicated to the A comment shall be final report. The laboratory
clinic? added (manually or shall provide education and
automatically) to the training to its customers at
final report indicating their request or whenever
the nature (and the deemed due to a deteriora-
degree) of the prob- tion of the quality of the
lem and the tests for blood collection.
which caution is
required when inter-
preting the results.
.. – Periodic How often should sam- Not stated. Blood collection con-  Blood collection 
review of requests, ple blood collection ditions and test cata- conditions and test
and suitability of conditions and test log information catalog information should
procedures and catalog information be should be reviewed be reviewed at least every
sample requirements reviewed? whenever in- two years and whenever in-
struments, methods struments, methods or
or sample collections sample collections systems
systems change. change.
. – Personnel What are the minimum Personnel should be The necessary educa-  Training and education in a
personnel qualification qualified. tion, training, skills, line with the EFLM recom-
required for blood experience, and mendation including regular
venipuncture? where applicable, review of competencies
certification and including observational au-
licensure for each job dits [].
title related to veni-
puncture processes
must be determined in
the QMS. Training
programs should be
organized and
training and compe-
tence assessment on
all pre-analytical pro-
cedures shall be
8 Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements

Table : (continued)

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal Grade Best-in-class solution Grade

.. – Training What should be Not stated. Scope and duration  In line with the EFLM a
included in the training are defined in QMS recommendation [].
program for the pre- and training is
examination phase documented.
(including sample
.. – How do you evaluate Competence of labo- Competency criteria  In line with the EFLM a
Competence competency? ratory staff can be are defined in QMS. recommendation [].
assessment assessed by using
any combination of
approaches under the
same conditions as
the general working
How often should reas- Not stated. An interval for reas-  In line with the EFLM a
sessment take place? sessment should be recommendation [].
defined in the QMS.
Reassessment should
take place at least
every  years.
.. – Patient sample Are there specific re- Not stated. Specific requirements  In line with the EFLM a
collection facilities quirements for dedi- for dedicated phle- recommendation [].
cated phlebotomy botomy rooms are
rooms? defined in QMS.
.. – Reagents and Do sample collection Not stated. The performance of a a Clinical and technical vali- a
consumables devices fall under the new type of sample dation in accordance with
category of consum- collection system EFLM
ables and do they should at least be recommendations [].
require a documented verified in  samples
verification procedure for a subset of tests.
before use? This subset of tests is
defined based on risk
.. – Information for Which information Description of the As described in  –
patients and users should be available to minimal re- ISO:.
patients? quirements of the
Which information Description of the Test catalog (with  Searchable (online, app, b
should be available to minimal re- version control) which paper) laboratory guide
users? quirements of the contains at least in- containing in addition to the
documented formation on available minimal recommendation
procedure. tests, required sample also information on test
type and volume, sta- indication, clinical utility
bility and transport and guidelines where rele-
conditions, and con- vant. The laboratory offers
tact details of the lab- advisory services on request
oratory. The and organizes educational
laboratory offers events organized by the
advisory services on laboratory.
request for these
.. – No controversy. Description of the As described in  –
Request form minimal ISO:.
information requirements of the
Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements 9

Table : (continued)

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal Grade Best-in-class solution Grade

... – What is the current Description of the A procedure for sam-  A procedure for sample a
Instructions for pre- standard of care for in- minimal ple collection should collection should be avail-
collection activities structions for pre- requirements of the be available in the able in the QMS which is
... – collection activities? documented QMS. completely in line with the
Instructions for collec- procedure. EFLM recommendation [].
tion activities In addition, the laboratory
should guarantee that all
procedures are followed by
and remain consistent for all
phlebotomists, nursing
staff, physicians, and other
relevant personnel.
.. – What are the current Not stated. The performance of a a Verification of the reference a
Biological reference guidelines concerning new type of sample interval according to CLSI
intervals or clinical verification of reference collection system EP-A [] or a data-
decision values values when changing should at least be driven approach [].
pre-examination verified in  samples
procedures? for a subset of tests.
This subset of tests is
defined based on risk

QMS, Quality Management System; EFLM, European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine; CLSI, Clinical & Laboratory
Standards Institute.

system, this should be performed according to Clinical & Sample transport

Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) standard EP28-A3
[18]. For sample collection systems already in use, where ISO15189:2012 requirements and EFLM WG-PRE recom-
useful data are already available, a data-driven approach mendations concerning sample transport can be found in
can be used as an alternative [19]. Table 3. ISO15189:2012 requires laboratories to have a
Finally, ISO requires that the laboratory shall have documented procedure for selecting external services and
documented procedures for appropriate collection and suppliers, to ensure that the quality of the service is guar-
handling of primary samples. As a minimum, we recom- anteed at all times. In addition, the performance of external
mend that procedures for sample collection should be suppliers must be monitored and evaluated to ensure that
available in the QMS and, ideally, these should be in line purchased services or items consistently meet required and
with current EFLM-COLABIOCLI recommendation for pre-defined criteria defined in the QMS. These requirements
venous blood sampling [16]. When the laboratory changes also concern suppliers involved in transportation (on behalf
an examination procedure, ISO requires the laboratory to of the laboratory) of patient samples from external veni-
review the associated reference intervals and clinical de- puncture sites (e.g., general practitioner surgeries) or other
cision values, when applicable. As a minimum, we laboratories or hospitals. Nevertheless, the ISO15189:2012
recommend that blood collection conditions and test document does not state how frequently suppliers should be
catalog information should be reviewed whenever in- evaluated and fails to provide specific guidance concerning
struments, methods or sample collection systems change evaluation criteria. As a minimum recommendation, we
(e.g., with introduction of a new type of blood tube, see propose that criteria pertaining to transport time, transport
above). For a best-in-class solution, we recommend that temperature, or other relevant transport conditions (e.g.,
blood collection conditions and test catalog information acceleration forces for samples conveyed by pneumatic
are reviewed at least every year and whenever sample transports systems), as well as traceability and training of
collection procedures are adapted. personnel and resolution of complaints should be clearly
10 Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements

Table : ISO: requirements and corresponding EFLM WG-PRE recommendations/solutions relating to sample transport, reception
and acceptance.

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal recommendation Grade Best-in-class solution Grade

. – External How and in which fre- Not stated. Yearly.  At least yearly evaluation 
services and quency should sample of transport times, trans-
supplies transport companies be port temperature, sample
evaluated? identification, rejection
Which criteria for Not stated. Transport times and  criteria and hemolysis. 
evaluation? temperature.
Which criteria for selec- Criteria should be Criteria for transport time,  Minimal criteria with b
tion of transport com- based on companies’ transport temperature, continuous temperature
panies (= external ability to supply and traceability should be monitoring during trans-
service) should be used? external services in defined in the service level port with track & trace of
accordance with the agreement including samples and their respec-
laboratory’s training of personnel and tive transport container
requirements. resolution of complaints. during pick-up, travel, and
arrival. The specimens
must be transported in
sturdy, sealed, leak-proof
secondary containers/
packaging. If monitoring
cannot be performed by
the laboratory, the data
must be communicated to
the laboratory.
. – Control of How long should re- Reported results As described in  –
records quests for examination shall be retrievable ISO:.
and records of receipt for as long as medi-
been kept? cally relevant or as
required by
. – Personnel What are the minimum Not stated. Personnel should be  Minimum requirement and 
personnel qualifications formally trained. personnel should be sub-
required for personnel jected to regular
who are responsible for reassessment.
sample receipt in the
. – What are acceptable Not stated. Have documented source  Should be based on own 
Accommodation and minimal accommo- for stability. validation data or peer-
and environmental dation and environ- reviewed original study.
conditions: storage mental conditions?
facilities How to monitor Not stated. Periodic measurement of  Continuous monitoring b
temperature? minimum and maximum with online documenta-
temperature. Intervals tion of deviation.
would depend based on
risk assessment.
Acceptable uncertainty Not stated. Annual check of calibration  Check at least twice per 
and traceability of the status of temperature year the calibration status
temperature probes. A manufacturer’s of temperature probes.
measurement? declaration of uncertainty The frequency depends on
for the temperature probes risk assessment. The
is available. manufacturer’s claim of
uncertainty for the tem-
perature probes has been
verified by an accredited
Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements 11

Table : (continued)

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal recommendation Grade Best-in-class solution Grade

.. – Sample Which elements should PTS. Analytical bias, hemolysis  Analytical bias, hemolysis 
transportation be monitored during grades, and G-forces need grades, and G-forces due
transport? to be evaluated when to PTS transport should at
implementing a PTS least be monitored once a
transport system. A year.
possible approach to eval-
uated analytical bias
would be to collect paired
samples (one sent by PTS
and one by courier) and
evaluate the bias between
both samples on routine
clinical chemistry
Temperature. Risk assessment to define  Continuous temperature b
every transport mode monitoring during trans-
taking at least into account port with track & trace of
the type of transport, samples and their respec-
temperature condition, tive transport container
and container type. For during pick-up, travel, and
each mode monitor arrival. The specimens
min-max T at least once per must be transported in
year during transport. sturdy, sealed,
leak-proof secondary
containers/packaging. If
monitoring cannot be per-
formed by the laboratory,
the data must be commu-
nicated to the laboratory.
Time (collection site The declared sampling  The exact sampling time is b
to laboratory). time is known for each electronically registered
sample. Based on a risk during collection.
assessment, the accuracy
of the declared date and
time of collection are
reviewed regularly. If
necessary, corrective
action is taken.
Time to In addition to the declared a The exact sampling time b
centrifugation. sampling and laboratory and time of centrifugation
arrival time, an estimation is electronically
of the time until centrifu- registered.
gation must also be known
in the laboratory. Based on
risk assessment, the
accuracy of this average
time until centrifugation
must be reviewed regu-
larly. If necessary,
corrective action is taken.
Time (laboratory to The date and time of  The exact date and time of b
laboratory). shipping and reception is shipping and reception is
known for each sample. electronically registered.
12 Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements

Table : (continued)

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal recommendation Grade Best-in-class solution Grade

.. – Sample Which sample rejection Rejection criteria for A minimum two and pref- a Electronic identification of b
reception criteria should be in problems with erably three unique patient patient and samples at the
place? identification. identifiers (one of which is time of sampling. No
the full name of the further manual data entry
patient) should be used for steps required during
patient identification. sample reception. In
addition, the laboratory
has a strategy to monitor,
improve and maintain
quality of patient
identification. The
laboratory shall provide
education and training to
its costumers regarding
the importance of patient
identification and, at the
request of users or
whenever deemed due to a
deterioration of the quality
of the blood collection.
Rejection criteria for Relevant criteria for  The laboratory has an b
suitability of the specimen rejection should automated system which
sample (e.g., spec- be defined in the QMS. provides information
imen and container Samples not fulfilling about the impact of the
type, insufficient these criteria should be sample problem on a test
sample volume). rejected unless the sample by test basis on the final
is clinically critical or report. The laboratory
irreplaceable and the shall provide education
laboratory chooses to and training to its cus-
process the sample. It this tomers at their request or
case, the final report shall whenever deemed due to a
indicate the nature of the deterioration of the quality
problem and, where of the blood collection
relevant, that caution is (see also Table , ISO
required when interpreting paragraph .).
the result.
Which criteria should be Check for factors Relevant criteria for /b The laboratory has an b
evaluated at sample known to affect per- specimen rejection should automated system for
receipt in the formance of the be defined in the QMS. HIL detection and reporting of
laboratory? examination. check should be performed HIL check which provides
when known to affect per- information about the
formance. Management of impact of the sample
samples should be problem on a test by test
handled according to EFLM basis on the final report.
recommendations []. The laboratory shall
provide education and
training to its customers at
their request or whenever
deemed due to a deterio-
ration of the quality of the
blood collection (see also
Table , ISO
paragraph .).
Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements 13

Table : (continued)

ISO paragraph Question ISO requirement Minimal recommendation Grade Best-in-class solution Grade

Transport tempera- Relevant criteria for  Relevant criteria for 

ture and time. specimen rejection should specimen rejection should
be defined in the QMS. be defined in the QMS.
Criteria should be based Criteria should be based on
on manufacturer’s recom- manufacturer’s
mendations, literature or recommendations,
other sources. If data are literature or other sources.
not available, the lab The laboratory verifies
should produce their own these criteria. If the
data. If no continuous laboratory cannot verify
monitoring is available, the criteria or data are not
the evaluation should be available, the lab should
based on the worst-case produce their own data.
scenario (e.g., only min Assessment of the sample
and max T available). acceptance and manage-
ment with respect to
temperature and time
should be performed auto-
matically. The laboratory
has an automated system
which provides informa-
tion about the impact of the
sample problem on a test
by test basis on the final
report. The laboratory shall
provide education and
training to its customers at
their request or whenever
deemed due to a deterio-
ration of the quality of the
blood collection.
.. – How should storage Not stated. Periodic measurement of  Continuous monitoring b
Pre-examination conditions be minimum and maximum with online documenta-
handling, monitored? temperature. Intervals tion of deviation.
preparation and would depend based on
storage risk assessment.
What are acceptable Not stated. Have documented source  Should be based on 
and minimal accommo- for stability. own validation data or
dation and environ- peer-reviewed original
mental conditions? study.
What are the time limits
for routine analysis in
the laboratory?

QMS, Quality Management System; HIL, Haemolysis-Icteria-Lipemia; PTS, Pneumatic tube system.

defined in the service level agreement. In addition, evalua- frequency of evaluation (at least yearly) with additional
tion of supplier performance should be performed on yearly criteria besides transport time and temperature (e.g., sample
basis by evaluation of transport time (e.g., time between identification, rejection criteria, and hemolysis) should be
shipping and reception) and temperature (e.g., min-max performed. Additional possibilities for monitoring include
temperature data). The accuracy of declared time, temper- continuous temperature monitoring during transportation,
ature, and other relevant transport conditions must be electronic track and trace of samples within their transport
reviewed regularly for each transportation mode based on container (including collection, pick-up, travel, and arrival),
risk assessment and, when necessary, corrective actions continuous g-force monitoring in pneumatic tube system
must be undertaken. For best-in-class solution, higher (PTS) transport and more detailed transport times based on
14 Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements

electronic registration of exact sampling time. We believe ISO15189:2012 requires that transport temperature
that current-day (laboratory) information systems are and time are monitored during transport. As a minimum,
capable in monitoring these elements. For elements that we recommend that when no continuous temperature
cannot be monitored by the laboratory itself, data must be monitoring is available during sample transportation,
monitored by the external supplier and communicated to evaluation of sample integrity upon arrival in the labo-
the laboratory. ratory shall be based on the worst-case scenario (e.g., only
min and max temperature available). Criteria concerning
transport temperature and time should minimally be
Sample reception based on manufacturers’ recommendations or scientific
literature. The laboratory QMS must also include time and
ISO15189:2012 requirements and EFLM WG-PRE recommen- temperature limits for requesting additional examina-
dations concerning sample reception can be found in Table 3. tions on the same primary sample, and thereby the overall
ISO15189:2012 requires that the laboratory QMS defines length of storage (e.g., days) that samples will be stored in
personnel qualifications including education, training, the laboratory before being discarded. As best-in-class,
experience and skills needed for each person involved in the assessment of sample acceptance with respect to tem-
TTP, including sample collection. To ensure that samples perature and time should be performed automatically
received in the laboratory meet acceptance criteria relevant through the LIS, and the laboratory should produce its
for the requested examination(s), sample reception should own stability data concerning storage temperature and
only be performed by authorized personnel. As best-in-class time through experimental validation studies.
solution, we recommend that the appointed staff members Concerning sample integrity, we minimally recommend
should be subject to regular reassessment. checking for Hemolysis-Icterus-Lipemia (HIL) whenever a
requested analysis is known to be affected by these pa-
rameters. Afterwards, management of samples checked for
Sample acceptance HIL should be handled according to EFLM recommenda-
tions [21, 22]. The HIL measurement shall be preferably
The ISO15189:2012 requirements and EFLM WG-PRE rec- performed using automated systems rather than by visual
ommendations concerning sample acceptance can be inspection. For best-in-class solution, the laboratory should
found in Table 3. The ISO15189:2012 document requires implement an automated system integrated with the LIS for
that rejection criteria for problems with identification, detecting, reporting, and interpreting HIL data, which
sample suitability, sample integrity, transport time, and automatically provides information within the final report
temperature are defined in the QMS. If a sample does about the impact of sample problem (negative or positive
not meet the acceptance criteria, it should be rejected un- interference) on a test-by-test basis.
less it is clinically critical or irreplaceable. In this case,
ISO15189:2012 requires that the final report indicates the
nature of the problem and, where relevant, that caution
is required when interpreting test result.
As a minimum concerning correct patient identification,
We hope that laboratory professionals will use this document
we recommend that correct identification of the patient
to improve and maintain the quality of the pre-analytical
should at least be verified by a minimum of two, preferably
phase in their laboratories. In addition, we also encourage
three, unique patient identifiers, one of which is the full
accreditation bodies to implement this document as guid-
name of the patient [20]. Each sample should be unequiv-
ance during their audits, to help harmonizing the auditing of
ocally identified and traceable to a unique laboratory
the pre-analytical phase throughout EFLM member societies.
request. As best-in-class solution, we recommend that
We also welcome any feedback from all involved stake-
electronic identification of patient and his/her samples oc-
holders to improve future updates of this document.
curs at time of blood collection and no further manual data
entry steps are needed during sample reception (to avoid
any errors). In addition, the laboratory should define in the Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all members of
QMS how it will monitor, improve, and maintain quality of the EFLM WG-PRE for their contributions and discussions
patient identification, preferably by correct use and inter- on this project.
pretation of pre-analytical QIs and education of its users (see Research funding: PV is a senior clinical investigator of the
section on “Pre-analytical quality indicators”). FWO Vlaanderen.
Vermeersch et al.: Consensus on ISO15189:2012 pre-analytical requirements 15

Author contributions: This document has been produced 10. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). EN-ISO15189 -
by the authors, of whom all but one (G.F.) are EFLM medical laboratories - requirements for quality and competence,
3rd ed. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO; 2012. Available from: https://
WG-PRE members. The first draft of the list of pre-analytical
specifications was produced by P.V. and G.F. by a thorough 11. Thelen MHM, Huisman W. Harmonization of accreditation to
screen of the ISO15189:2012 standard for all pre-analytical ISO15189:2012. Clin Chem Lab Med 2018;56:1637–43.
requirements. The draft was then reviewed and thoroughly 12. Comité français d'accréditation (Cofrac). Exigences pour
discussed by all authors during several face-to-face meetings l’accréditation selon les normes NF EN ISO15189 et NF EN
ISO 22870 - SH REF 02 - Révision 06. Paris, France: Cofrac;
and conference calls. The final list of pre-analytical
2019. Available from: http://tools.cofrac.fr/documentation/
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discussed by the entire WG-PRE during two subsequent 13. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO/TS
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