UV Derivative Spectrophotometric methods for the simultaneous determination of Glimepiride (GLM), Metformin HCL (MFN) and Pioglitazone HCL (PLZ)
in tablets were developed in the present work. The various parameters, such as linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity, robustness, limit of detection and
limit of quantitation were studied according to (ICH) International Conference on Harmonization guidelines.The first derivative UV spectrophotometric
method was performed at 227nm, 233nm and 265.5nm for GLM, MET and PIO respectively in 0.1N NaOH solution and distilled water (50:50). The proposed
methods are highly sensitive, precise and accurate and therefore can be used for its intended purpose.
KEYWORDS: Anti-diabetic drugs; Glimepiride, Metformin HCL and Pioglitazone HCL, Validation.
Estimation in the marked formulation successfully applied to the determination of GLM, MFN and
Twenty tablets were weighed and crushed to a fine powder. PLZ in the commercially available tablets dosage form.
An accurately weighed powder sample equivalent to 10mg of The recovery studies were carried out at different
GLM, MFN and PLZ was transferred to a 10mL volumetric concentrations by spiking a known concentration of standard
flask, dissolved in 5mL 0.1N NaOH, shaken for 10 min and drug to the reanalyzed sample and contents were reanalyzed
the volume was made up to the mark with 0.1N NaOH. The by proposed methods. The results of marketed formulation
solution was then filtered through Whatman filter paper no. analysis and Recovery studies are depicted in Table2. The
41. The solution was further diluted to get different method was validated statistically for range, linearity,
concentrations in the range of 5-50μg/mL of both the drugs. precision, accuracy, repeatability, LOD, and LOQ Table 3-5.
The analysis procedure was repeated three times with the Accuracy was ascertained on the basis of Recovery studies.
formulation. The result of analysis of the formulation is Precision was calculated as inter and intraday Variation for
shown in Table 1. both the drugs table 6-8. The percentage recoveries for of
Method validation GLM, MFN and PLZ were found to be 99.77%±1.5409,
The method validation parameters like linearity, precision, 100.29%±1.7891 and 99.99±0.7662 for this method
accuracy, repeatability, limit of detection and limit of respectively. The relative standard deviation was found to be
quantitation were checked as per ICH guidelines. within the limit, indicating good accuracy, precision, and
Linearity and range repeatability of the proposed method.
The linearity for GLM, MFN and PLZ were determined at CONCLUSION
some concentration levels for GLM and MFN from 2-20 The proposed method based on the UV is suitable for
μ/mL and for PLZ ranging from 5-50μ/mL using working determination of GLM, MFN and PLZ in the commercial
standards. tablets. The methods are simple, reliable, fast and
Precision and Accuracy reproducible. The spectrophotometric method requires only
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (01); 2011: wavelength scan and automatic calculation of the first
46-49 the precision of the method was evaluated by interday derivative value. Furthermore, the proposed methods are
and intraday variation studies. In intraday studies, working inexpensive and low polluting, because small volumes are
solutions of standard and sample were analyses thrice in a required for preparation of samples.
day and percentage relative standard deviation (% RSD) was ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
calculated. In the interday variation studies, working solution I sincerely thanks to Zim Laboratory, Nagpur, Maharashtra
of standard and sample were analysed on three consecutive and Gen Pharmaceuticals, Pune, Maharashtra for providing
days and percentage relative standard deviation (% RSD) was me the gift sample of GLM, MFN and PLZ and I thank my
calculated. The data is shown in table 1-6. lab technicians for their contribution.
The accuracy of the method was determined by recovery REFERENCES
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Table 1: The absorptivity values of GLM, MFN and PLZ in the proposed method
Absorptivity value 227nm 233nm 265.5 nm
Ax1 0.0639 - -
Ax2 - 0.0599 -
Ax3 - - 0.0233
Ay1 0.0526 - -
Ay2 - 0.0523 -
Ay3 - - 0.000484
Az1 0.03834 - -
Az2 - 0.0286 -
Az3 - - 0.01547
Whereas; Ax1, Ax2 and Ax3 = are the absorptivity value of GLM at the respective wavelength.
Ay1, Ay2 and Ay3 = are the absorptivity value of MFN at the respective wavelength.
Az1, Az2 and Az3 = are the absorptivity value of PLZ at the respective wavelength.
1mg / ml solution was used as primary stock solution. The working solution of 0.1 mg / ml prepared by transferring 5ml from respective stock solution to a 50
ml volumetric flask and completing to volume with the distilled water. The drug proporation for Q-method was 25µg/ml GLM, 50 µg/ml MFN and 50 µg/ml
PLZ ( means the proportion is 25:50:50)
Table 2: Determination of Accuracy by percentage recovery method for GLM, MFN and PLZ
Ingredients Tablet amount Amount added Level of Amount Percentage Average % recovery
(µg/ml) (µg/ml) addition recovered recovery
GLM 25(µg/ml) 2(µg/ml) 80% 4.5(µg/ml) 99.97% 99.77%±1.5409
25(µg/ml) 2.5(µg/ml) 100% 5 (µg/ml) 99.08%
25(µg/ml) 3(µg/ml) 120% 5.5(µg/ml) 100.25%
MFN 50(µg/ml) 2(µg/ml) 80% 4.5(µg/ml) 99.98% 100.29%±1.7891
50(µg/ml) 2.5(µg/ml) 100% 5(µg/ml) 99.99%
50(µg/ml) 3(µg/ml) 120% 5.5(µg/ml) 100.90%
PLZ 50(µg/ml) 2(µg/ml) 80% 4.5(µg/ml) 99.77% 99.99±0.7662
50(µg/ml) 2.5(µg/ml) 100% 5(µg/ml) 99.98%
50(µg/ml) 3(µg/ml) 120% 5.5(µg/ml) 100.24%
Table 6: Precision data for the developed method Assays of GLM as % of labeled amount
Sample number Analyst –I Analyst –II
(Intra-day precision) (Inter-day precision)
1 101.0 101.2
2 100.6 101.6
3 99.9 101.9
4 100.3 101.5
5 100.1 101.4
6 100.8 101.1
Average S.D. 100.6 101.3
0.423 0.327
Table 7: Precision data for the developed method Assays of MFN as % of labeled amount
Sample number Analyst –I Analyst –II
(Intra- day precision) (Inter- day precision)
1 100.4 101.2
2 100.6 101.5
3 100.8 101.1
4 100.8 101.5
5 100.4 101.0
6 100.7 101.1
Average S.D. 100.7 101.3
0.444 0.343
Table 8: Precision data for the developed method Assays of PLZ as % of labelled amount
Sample number Analyst –I Analyst –II
(Intra- day precision) (Inter- day precision)
1 101.6 101.2
2 101.9 100.1
3 101.5 100.8
4 101.4 101.0
5 101.1 100.6
6 100.3 99.9
Average S.D. 101.5 100.9
0.324 0.493