A Simple Method For Spectrophotometric Determination
A Simple Method For Spectrophotometric Determination
A Simple Method For Spectrophotometric Determination
10-2 M KMn04solution
10WM solution of K2Cr207in 0.1 M H2S04
CuSO, solution containing 1g n Cu
.ZnClzsolution containing 1g L Zn
10V M Ti(1V)solution obtained by dissolutionofTiOxinconcen-
trated H2SOnand subsequent dilution with Hz0 WAVELENGTH lml
0.05% solution of 2-pyridyl-azo-resorcinol(PAR)ethanol
Figure 1. UV-visible spechum of 1.0 10-'MMn04i (-- -), 1.0 10-'MCr20,2-
(- -), and their mixture (---). :
A Mn0,- standard Cr2072-standard Mixtvre
Figure 2. Vlsible spechum of the H A complexes 01 83.1 ppm Ti (- -1. 96.4
A TI standard
V standard Mixture
ppm V(V) (- -I, and their mlxture (---I.
The authors are grateful to the CAICyT (Project no. 8211
84) for financial support.