Lab 1

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LAB 1: Introduction to P6

1. Using your own standalone copy of Primavera P6 Professional, familiarize yourself with
the P6 interface. Access the main views such as the Projects view, WBS view and
Activities view.

2. Open and close some select sample projects using the right-click and/or File | Open menu

Right-click method

Select one or more projects and right-click to open them.

Page 1
File | Open method

3. In the Activities view, select different views in the bottom layout area using the Bottom
Layout tool group.

4. Explorer and familiarize yourself with the main menus of P6.

Page 2
File Menu

Edit Menu
Page 3
View Menu

Page 4
Project Menu

Page 5
Page 6
Enterprise Menu

Page 7
Tools Menu

Page 8
Admin Menu

Page 9
Help Menu

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