S.No. Description Action by Remarks 1 Safety To Be Completed

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Daily Co-ordination/Construction interface meeting

MOM held on date 01.11.2011 TIME: 6:00 PM

M/s JSPL M/s Technip
1 Mr DPS Krishna Rao 1 Mr. E K babu
2 Mr. A Jena 2 Mr N C Patra
3 Mr B A Raju 3 Mr A Banerjee
4 Mr D P Panda 4 Mr. Rajulu
5 Ms Amaninder Kaur 5 Mr Kalyan Maulik
6 Mr B K Tripathy 6 Mr T N Yadav
7 Mr Satish Sinduria 7 Mr Shankar Das
8 Mr Sachindra Prakash 8 Mr Deepak Sahoo

S.No. Description Action By To be Remarks

1 Safety
1.1 Housekeeping to be done on regular basis. Mr Amit Ranjan Continuous
1.2 Frequency of water spray on plant roads to be increased Mr A Jena Continuous Under progress
1.3 Entry of motor bikes to main plant area to be stoped, Parking area to be Mr Sanjay Kumar Action to be taken

1.4 Safety postures to be displayed at site by all contractors/disciplines. Mr A Banerjee 10.11.2011

Bins to be provided by Mr Vivek

1.5 Bins to be provided at site for keeping scrap/waste materials. Mr A Banerjee 04.11.2011 kumar Sinha.
1.6 Safety net installation (where ever req) at site implemented Mr A Banerjee Continuous Under progress
Erection scheme to be made & submitted to HSE dept before any lifting
1.7 of materials at site (More than 10 MT) All Continuous
2 Quality
2.1 PQR to be made for CS piping (for Thickness 25 mm & more) Mr K Mukherjee Under progress
2.2 Welder card to be issued to all qualified welders at site Mr K Mukherjee 06.11.2011 Under progress
Approval to be taken for GEA brand electrodes which are using for
2.3 structural job at site. Mr B A Raju Under progress
3 Construction
3.1 OSBL Utility
3.1.1 Erection of DM water tank completion by Mr B K Tripathy 20.11.2011 Under prog by M/s Sunil const.
4 gangs working at site in all areas.
3.1.2 Pumps grouting to be done ( Pocket grouting completed) Mr A Jena 01 gang from M/s A K Associates is going
to be mobilsed by 02 Nov11
3.1.3 FWHS slab at EL+ 7.5 mtr to be casted. Mr T N Yadav 10.11.2011 Laying of deck sheet comp
FWHS slab at EL +15 mtr to be casted. Str clits to be removed by separate
3.1.4 gang for which decision to be taken. Mr T N Yadav
3.1.5 Foundtion for utility sub station to be completed Mr T N Yadav 30.11.2011 under progress
3.1.6 Suction side CWS piping erection to be started Mr B K Tripathy 10.11.2011
3.1.7 Ducting to be started in substation-II Mr B K Tripathy 10.11.2011
3.1.8 Mechanical gang for clarifier (M/s Ion Exchange) to be mobilised Mr B K Tripathy 05.11.2011 To be discuss with vendor

3.2 Civil
Balance Hard stand for column unloading in unit-08 area to be comp.
3.2.1 Balance to be completed by Mr N C Patra 02.11.2011

Str materials needs to be

3.2.2 Bed for gasifier unloading in unit-03 under progress, compl by Mr N C Patra 08.11.2011 removed

3.2.3 Hard stand (Size 12 MX15 M)to be made for CC-2800 in unit-08 area. Mr. A. Jena 15.11.2011 Under prog.

3.2.4 Sub Station 01 brick(Ist floor 3 sides) & Plaster work to be completed Mr. A Jena 15.11.2011 Civil and E&I work to be done in
with housekeeping & handed over to E&I on 01.11.2011. parallely
3.2.5 Sub Station 02 brick & Plaster work to be completed Mr. A Jena 02.11.2011

3.2.6 Sub station 1 Brick work to be completed in 2nd floor Mr. A Jena 05.11.2011 Brick Procurment i.e. supply of
bricks from Brick plant is concern

Cable trench and Slop channel civil work to be started in Unit 03, 04,06
and 07. Unit-06 & 07
Priority1- Sub station-II to Unit-07 (under progress)
3.2.7 Prority2- Unit-06 (Under progress) Mr. N C Patra comp by Unit-06 - 50 mtrs completed
Priority-3- Sub station-I to Unit-03 30.11.2011
Prority4 - Unit-09 (under progress)
S.No. Description Action By To be Remarks
3.2.8 Sluice trench started in Unit-03 (three sides), completion by Mr N C Patra/ Mr Swain 07.11.2011
Encasing work under prog
All balance civil jobs in unit-03 to be completed ( manholes-20 nos, pump Pump fdn work under prog
3.2.9 fdns, cable trench, slop channels, sluice trench, hydraulic room etc) MR A Jena slop channel work under prog
Sluice trench work under prog

3.2.10 Civil work for hydrolic room in unit-03 to be started MR A Jena 07.11.2011 After comp of UG piping by
3.2.11 Technological Structure S-804 to be completed Mr. A Jena 30.11.11 Acnchor fixing under prog
3.2.12 Technological Structure S-802 to be completed Mr. A Jena 30.11.11
3.2.13 Technological Structure S-403 to be completed Mr. A Jena 15.11.2011 To be discuss with M/s Petron
On the basis of Priority given by
3.2.14 Fdn for technological Structure S-401 to be completed (to be check with
M/s Zepline for completion of work) Mr. A Jena 08.11.2011 Str dept back filling from road
side started.
3.2.15 CS-801 balance 4 foundation to be completed. Mr. A Jena 28.11.2011
3.2.16 Paving completion schedule to be made & job to be done on regular
basis to achieve 150 SQM in every week. Mr. A Jena Continuous 13 Cum completed till this week
3.2.17 Foundation to be made for tank 05 TK 108 Mr. A Jena 05.11.2011 To be discuss with M/s Petron
3.2.18 Foundation for 05 TK 101 to be completed Mr. A Jena 15.11.2011
3.2.19 Foundation for 05 TK 102 to be completed MR A Jena 15.11.2011 Fdn bolts to be provided by
Vendor (M/s L&T)
3.2.20 Foundation for 05 TK 103 to be completed Mr. A Jena 15.11.2011

3.2.21 False flooring order to be placed. Mr. A Jena Vendor code placed, NFA placed
3.2.22 New contractor M/s Telecon to be mobilised for civil work at site MR A Jena 06.11.2011
3.2.23 New contractor Nirmal Sai to be mobilized for civil work at site. Mr N C Patra 03.11.2011
Fdn bolt not available at site ,
3.2.24 Fdn to be made for 07-ES-111. MR A Jena EDD at site by 10.11.2011
3.2.25 Foundation to be made for S-502 & S-503. Mr A Jena To be done by M/s NEM
3.2.26 Foundation to be made for stair case of PR-5.2 & 6.2. Mr A Jena To be done by M/s NEM
3.2.27 Civil pedestals for pipe supports to be started in unit-91 area for pipe Mr A Jena EDD of bolts at site by 10.11.2011
erection (M24X930MM - 496 nos bolts required)
3.2.28 For road crossings pre cast box to be made MR A Jena
Balance 110 pump foundations to be complete by 15.12.2011.
Work under progress for
3.2.29 Unit-03 - 06 nos Mr A Jena 15.12.2011 51EX-103A/B is under hold
Unit-06 - 8 nos
Unit-07 - 4 nos
3.2.30 Compressor foundation to be made in unit-54, complete by MR A Jena 20.11.2011
3.2.31 Air fin cooler foundation to be made near Unit-51 Mr A Jena 20.11.2011 To be done by M/s NEM
3.2.32 Tertiary tar separator fdn (05TK-106) casting to be completed ( Only 24 Mr A Jena 10.11.2011 Under Progress
columns )

30 nos by Contractor M/s Birendra Saha

3.2.33 CRWS/OWS manhole casting started (58 nos), completion by Mr A Jena already started in 91 tk Farm ( 02
15.12.2011 no PCC completed )

3.2.34 Pressurisation room to be completed on proirity to strat cable trench Mr A Jena

work in sub station-I.
Filling & base prepartion for
Grade slab in cellar room of control room-1 to be expedited for electrical 01.11.2011 to priority area given by E&I dept is
3.2.35 cable tray support work. MR A Jena 15.11.2011 under progress & shall be
completed by 15.11.2011
3.2.36 Flare stack pipe rack fdn to be completed. Mr N C Patra To be check with contractor
Grouting gang to be made to expedite grouting job in all area for 4 gangs to be work at site. Unit-07 &
3.2.37 released str & equipments. Materials available at site. Mr A Jena 02.11.2011 91 under progress
3.2.38 Petron office to be shifted to pump house. Mr A Jena
3.2.39 PR 5.2 & 6.2 staircase pedestal to be completed Mr A Jena awaiting for bolt

Civil fdn rectification for 06-TK-104 to be done, Unit-06 pump fdn One Seprate Party required to
3.2.40 modifiaction under progress as per punch list recd from operation. MR A Jena mobilse for Post Construction
modification jobs
3.2.41 Control room-1 flooring to be started by MR A Jena 01.11.2011
3.2.42 Modification of civil fdn for refrigeration compressor(pump & motor) MR A Jena
(08-PU-101) to be done.
3.3 Structure

Presently 30 nos. welders available for gasifier structure welding & all Str to be ready for erection of at
3.3.1 works completion by Mr. B A Raju 12.11.2011 least for 6 nos gasifiers & 6 nos
boilers as per sch.

3.3.2 Painting
gang to be increased progressively. Presently 36 nos working at Mr. B A Raju 31.10.2011 Work under progress

Str to be erected for clearance of equipment erection of Ash vapour

3.3.4 scrubber drum. Mr B A Raju Drg detailing under prog
S.No. Description Action By To be Remarks
3.3.5 Utility substation structural work (fabrication) to be completed Mr B A Raju Drg detailing under prog
As decided lock nut not required,
3.3.6 Lock nut to be provided in all str columns of gasifier area before encasing. Mr B A Raju deviation document to be
generated & signed.

3.3.7 08-ES-122 str erection to be completed. Mr B A Raju Detail drawing yet to recd at site
3.3.8 Template for flare stack foundation required at site Mr B A Raju 02.11.2011
3.3.9 S-501, 903 & 904 str to be released for expediting of piping work Mr B A Raju Site review to be done
3.3.10 Flare stack contractor to be mobilised at site
3.4 Piping
3.4.1 Piping production to be increased. Daily 2500 ID fab & 3000 IM erection Mr. Rajulu
to be achieved.
3.4.2 Blasting yard to be removed to expedite cable trench work Mr Rajulu 02.11.2011
3.4.3 Piping loop marking under progress Mr Rajulu 140 nos loop marking comp.
3.4.4 Completion schedule for piping of area 06, 07 & 09 to be made Mr Rajulu
3.4.5 Pipe supports installation to be completed in area 06, 07 & 09. Mr Rajulu
3.4.6 New contractor mobilisation for piping in unit-91 to be checked Mr Dushyanta
3.4.7 Hydrotest to be started

3.5 Electrical
3.5.1 Substation 1 panel erection to be done Mr R Sengupta 02.11.2011
3.5.2 Store near pipe rack 7.2 to be shifted for expediting electrical work Mr D P Panda 03.11.2011
3.5.3 Area identifiaction for storage of E&I cable to be done. Mr R Sengupta
Electrical cable tray support erection as per priority given by E&I under
prog, target completion
3.5.4 1. Priority-1 by 15.11.2011 Mr B A Raju
2. Priority-2 by 30.11.2011
3. Priority-3 by 30.12.2011
3.6 Equipment
3.6.1 Welding of sump for eqipment 06-DM-105 to be start Mr Sanjay Desai To be check
Manpower to be increased for expediting str platform work of
equipments. Present manpower status as under: Target to complete 2 nos
3.6.2 1. 10 nos by Str dept, 20 nos will be mobilised by 04.11.2011 Mr. D P Panda equipments by 10.11.2011
2. 37 nos by Eqpt dept, (2 gangs in fab & 2 gangs in erection)

3.6.3 Internal erection under progress in 06-VL-107, comp by Mr D P Panda 07.11.2011

3.7 Tankages
3.7.1 Erection of ammonia bullet Mr M K singh 2 segment completed
3.7.2 Fit-up of ammonia bullet under progress, welding completion by Mr M K singh
3.8 Fire Proofing
Kick-off meeting will be held on
3.8.1 Fire proofing to be started. Mr T N Yadav 07.11.2011 & 08.11.2011

3.8.2 Protocols to be handed over for fire proofing ( Str & equipments) Mr B A Raju/ Mr D P
3.8.3 Priority (Area wise) to be fixed & made
BALANCE WORK OF UNIT 3 & 54 AREA dt 18/10/2011

SL No Description of Work Contractor Mobilised Duration to Hindress

slop channel - 112m (-4530 to after breaking of concrete this work
-1725) can start

2 cable trench 62m-2040wx1650d BK ENTERPRISES 60 DAYS start immediately.

after clearance from mechanical

3 drain 120 m BIRENDRA SAHOO 45 DAYS dept this work can start( weilding
machine ,cables etc)

after clearance from mechanical

4 equipent fdn 13 nos BK ENTERPRISES 30 days dept this work can start( weilding
machine ,cables etc)

after clearance from piping dept.

5 hydrullic room TARINI CONSTRUCTION 60 DAYS (underground pipe line existing
below the hydrulic room)

6 encasing of columns BK ENTERPRISES 20 DAYS start immediately.

precast cover of slop channel &
7 cable trench BK ENTERPRISES 60 DAYS start immediately.

8 earth filling & paving all around BIRENDRA SAHOO 50 DAYS

9 manhole 20 nos BIRENDRA SAHOO 60 days after completion of underground

pipe this work can start.

10 ash sluice trench SIMPLEX INFRASTRUCTER 35 days start immediately.

11 culvert east side of gasifier TARINI CONSTRUCTION 35days start immediately.

Coal Gasification Plant
Tomorrow's Plan Date 21.10.2011

Sr. No Descriptions Action By UOM Qty Remarks
1 OSBL Utility
1.1 Placement of HT motor on the base frame of P-7 OSBL B K Tripathy
1.2 Grouting clearance for Side Stream Filtration Pumps(6 nos) OSBL B K Tripathy
1.3 Placement of base frames of Service Water pumps. OSBL B K Tripathy
Fitting -up of one no. of return line pipe(1600 mm dia) and lowering of
1.4 OSBL B K Tripathy
another pipe of supply line(1600 mm dia)
To provide 15 nos of 90 mm dia pipe (with coating & wrapping) to civil
1.5 OSBL B K Tripathy
for precast block casting.
Placement of third lift for DM water tank & its fit-up. Rolling of the
1.6 OSBL B K Tripathy
last piece of 6” plate
Coating & wrapping of 2 nos. of 1600 mm dia pipe for preparation of
1.7 OSBL B K Tripathy
laying of pipes
1.8 Erection of 1 no. of bell mouth in cell no-2. OSBL B K Tripathy
2 Civil
2.1 Balance Hard stand near cooiling tower pump house Unit-08 N C Patra Mtr Gravels req
2.2 Concreting in ETP ETP T N Yadav 30
2.3 Sluice trench unit-03 N C Patra Mtr 15
2.4 Concrete work in ash sluice channel in raft AHS T N Yadav CuM 20
2.5 Concreting in first lift column silo AHS T N Yadav CuM 10
2.6 Breaking & excavation ash pond AHS T N Yadav
2.7 Deshuttering in Hydrobin slab formwork. AHS T N Yadav
2.8 Grouting of 1 pedestal 91-TK-106/107 Unit-91 A Jena
2.9 Slope channel Unit-7 A Jena CuM 3
2.10 Slope channel Unit-9 A Jena CuM 3
2.11 Grouting of one pedestal 91-TK-106 Unit-91 A Jena
2.12 Plastering SS-2 A Jena Sqm 50
2.13 Brickwork SS-2 A Jena CuM 5
2.14 Plastering SS-1 A Jena Sqm 80
2.15 Flooring compaction CR-1 A Jena
2.16 Shuttering & binding CR-1 A Jena Sqm 15
2.17 Reinforcement binding CR-1 A Jena
3 Structure Fabrication
3.1 Fabrication All B A Raju MT 10
Structure Erection
3.4 Erection All B A Raju MT 10
4 Piping Fabrication

4.1 M/s. Blue Star 06,07,08 & Rajulu ID 1000

4.2 M/s. Swastik Unit 00, 91 Rajulu ID 500

4.3 M/s. Mohan Unit 03, 05 Rajulu ID 300

4.4 M/s. B&R- Non IBR UG Rajulu ID 200

Unit 03,
4.5 M/s. B&R - IBR Rajulu ID 200
05, 06

4.6 M/s. Fab Erectors - IBR Unit 00, 91 Rajulu ID 400

Piping Erection (IM)

4.7 M/s. Blue Star 06,07,08 & Rajulu IM 1500
Coal Gasification Plant
Tomorrow's Plan Date 21.10.2011

Sr. No Descriptions Action By UOM Qty Remarks
4.8 M/s. Swastik Unit 00, 91 Rajulu IM 800

4.9 M/s. Mohan Unit 03, 05 Rajulu IM 400

4.10 M/s. B&R- Non IBR UG Rajulu IM 500

Unit 03,
4.11 M/s. B&R - IBR Rajulu IM
05, 06

4.12 M/s. Fab Erectors - IBR Unit 00, 91 Rajullu IM

5 Electrical
5.1 DG area panel erection K Maulik
5.2 Lighting JB frame fabrication K Maulik Nos. 10
5.3 Earth Pit Unit-91 K Maulik Nos. 4
5.4 Earth strip laying Unit-92 K Maulik Mtrs. 50
North of
5.5 Structural steel shifting from hard stand area K Maulik MT 10
SS 1

6 Instrumentation
6.1 Cable duct erection K Maulik Mtrs. 40
6.2 JB frame fabrication Unit-91 K Maulik Nos. 6
6.3 Cable tray erection Unit-91 K Maulik Mtrs. 30

7 Equipments
7.1 Fixing of ladder with the equipment 07 VL 105 D P Panda
7.2 Fixing of ladder with the equipment 07 VL 101. D P Panda
7.3 Internal erection 06VL-107 D P Panda
7.4 Area devlopment for gasifier unloading D P Panda
7.5 Material shifting for ladder plaforms D P Panda
7.6 Area devlopment for 08VL-109 & crane marching of 250MT D P Panda

8 Tankage
8.1 Fab 06-TK-100 Unit-06 M K Singh MT 10
8.2 Fab 06-TK-103 Unit-06 M K Singh MT 2
8.3 Erection 91TK-112 Unit 91 M K Singh MT 8
8.4 Erection 91TK-106 (Ammonia Bullet) Unit 91 M K Singh MT 140

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