Biology Notes

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 DNA is the chemical from which chromosomes are made
1. CHARACTERISTICS AND CLASSIFICATION OF  Each DNA molecule is made up of strings of smaller
LIVING ORGANISMS molecules containing four bases
 Biologists compare the sequences of the bases in the
1.1 Characteristics of Living Organisms DNA of organisms from two different species
 Movement: action by an organism or part of an  The more similar the base sequence, the more closely
organism causing a change of position or place related the species are to one another
 Respiration: the chemical reactions that break down  Organisms which share a more recent ancestor have
nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy base sequences in DNA that are more similar than those
 Sensitivity: ability to detect or sense changes in the that share only a distant ancestor
environment (stimuli) and to make responses
 The sequences of bases in DNA and of amino acids in
 Growth: permanent increase in size and dry mass by an
proteins are used as a more accurate means of
increase in cell number or cell size or both
classification (cladistics)
 Reproduction: processes that make more of the same
kind of organism
1.3 Kingdoms
 Excretion: removal from organisms of toxic materials,
 Animal: Multi-cellular ingestive heterotrophs (eat living
the waste products of metabolism (chemical reactions in
cells including respiration) and substances in excess of
 Plant: Multi-cellular photosynthetic autotrophic (make
their own food) organism with a cellulose cell wall.
 Nutrition: taking in of nutrients which are organic
 Fungi: Single celled or multi cellular heterotrophic
substances and mineral ions, containing raw materials or
organism with cell wall not made of cellulose, spread by
energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and
spreading of spores in moist/dark/warm environment,
assimilating them saprotrophs (feed off dead organisms) or parasites
 Prokaryotes: Single celled organism with no true nucleus
1.2 Concept & Use of a Classification System  Protocist: Single celled organism with a nucleus
 Organisms can be classified into groups by the features
that they share 1.4 Vertebrates
 Classification systems aim to reflect evolutionary MR FAB
relationships (change of adaptive features of a  Mammals
population over time, as a result of natural selection) o Fur/hair on skin
 Species: organisms which can reproduce successfully o Can live on land and in water
 Classification is traditionally based on studies of o 4 legs
morphology and anatomy o Lungs to breathe
 Morphology: the overall form and shape of their bodies o Give birth to live young
e.g. wings or legs  Reptiles:
o Scales on skin
 Anatomy: the detailed body structure determined by
o Usually 4 legs
dissection o Lungs to breathe
 Binomial system: a system of naming species in which o Hard eggs
the scientific name of an organism is made up of two  Fish:
parts showing the genus (starting with a capitol letter) o Wet scales
and species (starting with a lower case letter), written in o External fertilization and soft eggs
italics when printed (therefore underlined when written) o Gills to breathe
e.g. Homo sapiens  Amphibians:
o Smooth, moist skin
KING PHILIP CAME OVER FOR GOOD SPAGHETTI o External fertilization and soft eggs
 Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species o Gills/lungs to breathe so can live on land and in water
o 4 legs
 Kingdom  Species = Similarity increases
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 Birds 1.7 Viruses and Bacteria
o Feathers on body and scales on legs VIRUS BACTERIA
o Have 2 legs and 2 wings COVERED BY Protein coat Cell wall
o Lungs to breathe CELL
o Hard eggs No Yes
1.5 Arthropods (Invertebrates with Legs) CYTOPLASM No Yes
CAMI GENETIC DNA or RNA – DNA – enough for
 Crustaceans: (e.g. crabs) MATERIAL only a few genes several 100 genes
o Have an exoskeleton LIVING OR Non-living unless
o 1 pair of compound eyes NOT? in host
o 2 body segment – cephalothorax and abdomen  Two examples of virus structure
o More than four pairs of legs
o 2 pairs of antennae sensitive to touch and chemicals
 Arachnids: (e.g. spiders)
o 2 body segment – cephalothorax and abdomen
o Four pairs of legs
o Pair of chelicerae to hold prey
o Two pedipalps for reproduction
o Simple eyes
 Myriapods: (e.g. centipede)
o Segmented body
o Additional segments formed 1.8 Dichotomous Keys
o One pair of antennae  Dichotomous key: uses visible features to classify
o 70+ pairs of legs – 1 or 2 pairs on each segment organisms. It is which gives you a choice of two features
o Fused head and thorax and segmented abdomen and you follow the one that applies: each choice leads
o Simple eyes to another choice until the organism is narrowed down
 Insects: (e.g. bees) to its genus and finally species.
o 3 body segments – head, thorax and abdomen
o 1 pair of antennae
o 1 or 2 pairs of wings 2.1 Cell structure and Organization
o Compound and simple eyes
 All living things are made of cells.
1.6 Classifying Plants  All typical cells have:
o Cell membrane: differentially or partially permeable
 Ferns:
to allow certain substances to enter and leave the cell.
o Do not produce flowers
o Cytoplasm: where chemical reactions take place
o They are plants with roots, stems and leaves o Nucleus: contains DNA and controls the cell
o Have leaves called fronds o Mitochondria: organelle where aerobic respiration
o Reproduce by spores happens
 Flowering plants: o Ribosome: makes protein and can be found floating
o They are plants with roots, stems and leaves within the cytoplasm
o Reproduce sexually by means of flowers and seeds  A typical animal cell (e.g. the liver cell) has all above
o Seeds are produced inside the ovary in the flower  Only plant cells have:
Monocotyledons Dicotyledons o Vacuole: stores food & water & helps to maintain
 One cotyledon  Two cotyledons shape of cell
 Parallel veins  Veins netlike o Cell wall: rigid to keep shape of cell
o Chloroplasts: contain chlorophyll, which absorbs light
 Fibrous root  Taproot present
energy for photosynthesis
 Floral parts in 3s  Floral parts in 4s or 5s
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 A typical plant cell (e.g. the palisade cell) has all the  Organelle: a specialized part of a cell that has its own
above things. function, e.g. the nucleus
 Cell: the smallest part of a living structure that can
operate as an independent unit e.g. red blood cell
 Tissue: a group of cells with similar structures, working
together to perform a shared function e.g. muscle tissue
 Organ: a structure made up of a group of tissues,
working together to perform specific functions e.g. heart
 Organ system: group of organs with related functions,
working together to perform body functions e.g.
2.2 Levels of Organization respiratory system
2.3 Size of Specimens
 Biconcave 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐼
shape 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = = =
RED 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐴
Transport  No nucleus
of oxygen  Flexible
 Has
3.1 Diffusion
 Long
Contracts  This is the movement of molecules from a region of high
 Many protein
to get concentration to a region of low concentration down the
MUSCLE fibres in
structures concentration gradient.
cytoplasm to
CELL  This results in random movement of molecules until
closer shorten cell
equilibrium is reached
together when energy
available  The diffusion of gases and solutes is important as
Move and without it, molecules which are needed for life, for
CILIATED  Tiny hairs example glucose and oxygen for respiration, would not
CELL called cilia be able to get to the places they are needed. Water is
 Elongated needed as a solvent
ROOT shape for  Factors influencing faster diffusion:
HAIR CELL more surface o Larger concentration gradient
and water
area o Higher temperature
 No cytoplasm o Smaller surface area
so water
passes freely 3.2 Osmosis
Transport  No cross walls  Movement of water molecules from a region of high
XYLEM water and so cells water potential to a region of low water potential,
VESSEL support connect to through a partially permeable membrane
plant form tube  Conc. of solute outside cell = conc. inside cell → no
 Lignin makes it change in size
strong and  Conc. of solute outside cell > conc. inside cell → cell
waterproof shrinks (Plasmolysis)
 Regular shape  Conc. of solute outside cell < conc. inside cell → cell
so many can swells (Turgid)
PALISADE Photo- fit in a small  In animals:
CELL synthesizes space o Increasing solute concentration inside of cell can
 Many cause cell to explode as a result of it having too much
chloroplasts water, crenation.

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 In plants:
o Increasing solute concentration inside of cell causes
cell to become turgid, vacuole fills up.
o Decreasing solute concentration inside of cell causes
cell to become flaccid, losing water and vacuole gets
smaller. Cell body shrinks, pulling away from cell wall

3.3 Active Transport

 Movement of particles through a cell membrane, from a
region of lower concentration to a region of higher
concentration against a concentration gradient, using
energy released during respiration
 Active transport is needed when an organism wants to
optimize the amount of nutrients it can take up - ion
uptake by root hairs and uptake of glucose by epithelial
cells of villi.

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