Journal of Hazardous Materials
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Journal of Hazardous Materials
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The first comprehensive assessment of 34 solid phase extraction sorbents is presented for organic explo-
Received 29 July 2016 sive residues in wastewater prior to analysis with liquid chromatography-high resolution accurate mass
Received in revised form 3 January 2017 spectrometry (LC-HRMS). A total of 18 explosives were selected including nitramines, nitrate esters,
Accepted 4 January 2017
nitroaromatics and organic peroxides. Three polymeric divinylbenzene-based sorbents were found to
Available online 6 January 2017
be most suitable and one co-polymerised with n-vinyl pyrrolidone offered satisfactory recoveries for 14
compounds in fortified wastewater (77–124%). Limits of detection in matrix ranged from 0.026–23 g L−1
with R2 ≥ 0.98 for most compounds. The method was applied to eight 24-h composite wastewater sam-
Sample preparation
ples from a London wastewater works and one compound, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, was determined over five
Sewage epidemiology days between 332 and 468 g day−1 (225–303 ng L−1 ). To further exploit the suspect screening capability,
Energetic materials 17 additional explosives, precursors and transformation products were screened in spiked wastewater
2,4-dinitrotoluene samples. Of these, 14 were detected with recoveries from 62 to 92%, highlighting the broad applicabil-
ity of the method. To our knowledge, this represents the first screen of explosives-related compounds
in wastewater from a major European city. This method also allows post-analysis detection of new or
∗ Corresponding author at: Analytical & Environmental Sciences Division, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, King’s College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, 150
Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH, UK.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Barron).
These authors contributed equally to the work as first author.
0304-3894/© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
12 H. Rapp-Wright et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 329 (2017) 11–21
emerging compounds using full-scan HRMS datasets to potentially identify and locate illegal manufacture
of explosives via wastewater analysis.
© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Table 1
Chemical structure, formula, CAS no. and physicochemical properties of 18 selected explosives.
Nitrate esters
Ethylene glycol dinitrate C2 H4 N2 O6 1.02 × 10−4 1.51 628-96-6 [39]
Organic peroxides
Table 1 (Continued)
Predicted by ACD/Labs Percepta software.
Estimated value based on vapour pressure of isomers (3-NT and 3,4-DNT) or similarly structured explosives (TNX and RDX used for R-Salt approximation).
lion). Eight 24-h composites were sampled between the 8th–16th shire, UK) maintained at 20 ◦ C. Mobile phases were 90:10 (v/v)
March 2016 with collection occurring on the following day. Sam- 8 mM ammonium acetate in water/methanol (A) and 10:90 (v/v)
ples were collected at this time to align with our annual inter-city 8 mM ammonium acetate in water/methanol (B). Binary gradient
illicit drug comparison study [1]. For method performance evalua- elution was carried out at a flow rate of 0.15 mL min−1 over 40 min.
tion, 5–6 grab samples were taken over a week on separate days in Mobile phase was set at 40% B at 0 min and raised to 100% B over
September 2016 and composited to make a representative matrix. 30 min. This was held for a further 10 min before returning to initial
At the laboratory, samples were acidified to pH 2 using HCl (37% conditions and equilibrating for 34.5 min (total run time = 75 min).
w/v) and stored at −20 ◦ C. Nalgene sample bottles were washed A sample injection volume of 1 L was used.
in triplicate with methanol and water separately. Glassware wash- For the determination of TATP and HMTD recovery in ultra-pure
ing and silanisation procedures are described in the supplemental water, shorter 12-min separations were performed on a Waters
information (SI). Sunfire C18 column (150 × 2.1 mm, 3.5 m) at a temperature of
44 ◦ C. Separations were carried out using an Accela LC system cou-
2.3. Sample preparation pled to a HTS-A5 autosampler (Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose,
CA, USA). A gradient elution profile was performed at a flow rate of
Influent wastewater samples were defrosted and filtered under 0.3 mL min−1 . Mobile phases were 90:10 (v/v) 0.2 mM ammonium
vacuum using GF/F glass microfiber filters (Whatman, Bucking- chloride in water/methanol (A) and 10:90 (v/v) 0.2 mM ammonium
hamshire, UK). Samples were then split into 100 mL aliquots for chloride in water/methanol (B). Mobile phase was set at 20% B at
extraction and fortified where necessary. Recovery studies in influ- 0 min and raised to 100% B over 4 min and then held at 100% for
ent wastewater were carried out by spiking 250 L of a 10 mg L−1 a further 2 min. Re-equilibration time was 5 min. Peroxide detec-
standard mix into the 100 mL sample in order to yield an expected tion was performed using HRMS via atmospheric pressure chemical
final concentration of 1 mg L−1 in the sample extract. A SPE man- ionisation (APCI) and operated in positive ion mode only. For appli-
ifold (Phenomenex, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK) was used under cation of the final method to all wastewater extracts, an optimised
vacuum at a pressure of ≤20 kPa. A total of 34 commercially LC-HRMS method was utilised for separation and confirmatory
available SPE sorbents were evaluated in triplicate using the man- detection of all compounds. Separations were performed again on
ufacturer’s guidelines (for details of sorbents, manufacturers and the ACE C18 -AR column, but with inclusion of a 1 cm guard column
procedures, see Table S1). Following sub-selection of three suitable and the oven maintained at 20 ◦ C. A binary gradient was used over
sorbents, sample/elution volume, elution solvent type, pH of the 39 min at a flow rate of 0.3 mL min−1 : 40% B at 0 min; a linear ramp
sample/elution solvent and inclusion/exclusion of an evaporation to 95% B over 15 min; to 100% B over 0.50 min; 100% B for 5.5 min;
step were systematically optimised. For application to wastewater to 40% B over 0.50 min. Re-equilibration time was 17.5 min. Detec-
profiling, the optimised SPE method utilised 6 mL × 200 mg barrel- tion was performed using APCI-HRMS and operated in negative ion
type Oasis HLB cartridges (Waters Corp., Hertfordshire, UK) which mode and positive ion mode in separate runs. Where HRMS was
were conditioned with methanol (5 mL) and washed with ultra- used, a 5 L sample injection volume was the minimum allowed.
pure water (10 mL) before loading of the 100 mL acidified samples Samples were maintained at 10 ◦ C during the analysis.
at 5–10 mL min−1 . Cartridges were washed with ultrapure water For HRMS, an ExactiveTM instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
(5 mL), dried under vacuum for 10 min, eluted with 2.5 mL acetoni- equipped with a heated APCI source was utilised. Nitrogen was used
trile and extracts transferred to septum capped crimped vials (2 mL, as the nebulising and desolvation gas within the ionisation source
Agilent Technologies, Cheshire, UK). Samples were stored at −20 ◦ C and the collision cell. Separate runs in each ionisation polarity mode
until analysis. were used for all analytes using full-scan high resolution at 50,000
FWHM with ranges between m/z 50–400 and m/z 60–625 for posi-
2.4. Instrumentation and optimised conditions tive and negative ion mode, respectively. Optimised ionisation and
mass spectrometric conditions are shown in Table S2 of the supple-
For the determination of SPE recovery from standards prepared mental information. All acquired data was processed using Xcalibur
in ultra-pure water, analytes bearing a UV chromophore (nitrate v 2.0 software (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
esters, nitramine, nitrosamine and nitroaromatic compounds) were
determined using an Agilent 1100 series LC system coupled to a 2.5. Analytical method performance in influent wastewater
diode array detector set at 210 nm (Agilent Technologies). Separa-
tions were performed using an ACE C18 -AR column (150 × 2.1 mm, The analytical performance of the entire method was eval-
3 m, Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd., Reading, Berk- uated in matrix and with respect to linearity, range, accuracy,
H. Rapp-Wright et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 329 (2017) 11–21 15
precision, limits of detection (LOD), lower limits of quantification ples collected on 15/03/16 and 16/03/16) were spiked with n = 17
(LLOQ), recovery and matrix effects according to the ICH guidelines additional explosives, precursors and transformation products
for the validation of analytical procedures [27]. Peak height was not originally included in method development at concentrations
used for quantification, as several isobaric analytes existed, such ≥500 ng L−1 (>LLOQ). Method recoveries for these additional ana-
as dinitrotoluene and nitrotoluene-based compounds, which were lytes were then evaluated as described in Section 2.5. LC-HRMS
not fully resolved chromatographically. For TATP, its conformer analysis data were also mined for the presence of these additional
at m/z 89.0954 was only partially resolved. Signal reproducibil- compounds in wastewater sample extracts using TraceFinder.
ity for both peak area and peak height was assessed and were
found not to be significantly different following injection of repli-
3. Results and discussion
cate matrix-matched standards (n = 6). For linearity and range
assessment, and since no previous occurrence data exists, coef-
3.1. Solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent selection
ficients of determination (R2 ) were assessed for all compounds
across the same range and concentration intervals. Since no data
Sorbent selection was critical to maximise analytical sen-
exist on explosives occurrence in raw wastewater, previous inter-
sitivity for trace explosives in such a complex matrix. Given
laboratory comparison guidelines for drug detection in wastewater
that no published works exist for broad scope explosive detec-
were used to inform the selected concentration levels in this
tion in raw wastewater, a wide range of 34 sorbents of various
first instance [1]. Wastewater was spiked between 1.25 ng L−1 to
chemistries were selected for recovery assessment and included
25 g L−1 (N = 11) and subjected to the entire extraction and anal-
both silica and organic polymers. Several of these were grafted or
ysis procedure. Range was then subsequently defined for those
co-polymerised with additional functionalities to enable van der
concentration intervals where R2 ≥ 0.98 and N ≥ 5 [27]. Where
Waals, ion exchange, -, dipole-(induced) dipole interactions and
R2 ≤ 0.98 or where N ≤ 5, compounds were retained in the method
hydrogen bonding. All analyte recovery results are presented in
for qualitative screening purposes only. The upper limit of this
Table S3. Compounds with vapour pressures >10−7 Torr, i.e. EGDN,
range was selected, as anything beyond this value was not con-
NB, NG, 2-NT and 4-NT, yielded little or no recovery relative to less
sidered realistic for trace explosive occurrence in the wastewater
volatile analytes. Peroxide recoveries varied greatly and often in
system. Accuracy (trueness) was measured by determination of a
excess of 100%, but this was not unexpected given the solvent and
spiked sample (background corrected) at either 2.5 or 25 g L−1
analyte volatilities and no internal standards were used for com-
(n = 6) from a matrix-matched calibration curve and the result
pensation. Solvent volatility was a major issue in both extracts and
expressed as a mean percentage ±%CV. Detection and quantifi-
standards used, which may also promote evaporation of solutes,
cation limits were determined for all analytes as three and ten
not least for TATP, which is a very volatile analyte (as per the
times the standard deviation of the response at low-level concen-
vapour pressures listed in Table 1). Overall, promising results were
tration (at 250 ng L−1 or 25 g L−1 for n = 3) divided by the slope of
found for ‘mixed-mode’ co-polymeric styrene-divinylbenzene (PS-
the calibration curve. Calculated LODs were checked by measure-
DVB) sorbents which was consistent with their widespread usage
ment at the same concentration (n = 3). The changing consistency of
in sewage epidemiology for drugs determination [30,31]. Based on
influent wastewater was previously shown to affect retention time
this initial assessment, Oasis HLB (DVB with n-vinylpyrrolidone),
[28]. Retention time precision was performed for n = 6 wastewater
Bond Elut ENV (unmodified PS-DVB) and Isolute ENV+ (hydroxy-
samples (spiked at 25 g L−1 ) to account for any shift. As stated
lated PS-DVB) were selected for in depth optimisation.
above, percentage recoveries during SPE method development
Several additional conditions were systematically optimised
were determined without matrix by extracting 25 g L−1 standards
including elution solvent type and volume, evaporation conditions,
in ultrapure water and comparison to a 1 mg L−1 standard. How-
sample volume and pH in standards prepared in ultrapure water at
ever, for method performance assessment, recovery and precision
250 g L−1 . During method development, recovery was determined
were determined in the representative wastewater matrix again
as described in Section 2.5, for a minimum of n = 3 replicates (unless
via fortification with 25 g L−1 (n = 6) and comparison to 1 a mg
otherwise stated) to allow a standard deviation to be calculated. All
L−1 matrix-matched standards (the theoretical 100% recovery con-
data are presented in the supplemental information.
centration, for n = 3 to allow a standard deviation to be calculated).
To determine the matrix effect, ion suppression/enhancement was
assessed using matrix-matched standards at 1 mg L−1 in influent 3.1.1. Elution and evaporation steps
wastewater extracts (n = 3) compared to a 1 mg L−1 standard in The polarity of explosives varies greatly, with predicted LogKow
acetonitrile. Background correction was performed for any native values ranging from −1.71 to 3.64 (Table 1) [19]. Duplicate elu-
compounds present in the wastewater as appropriate. tion profiles across the three sorbents were first characterised
using a protic solvent (methanol) to potentially maximise sensi-
2.6. Targeted analysis and suspect screening of additional tivity. This was achieved via analysis of 1 mL eluate aliquots (Fig.
analytes S1). For Oasis HLB, all selected analytes eluted in 2–3 mL. In con-
trast, nitroaromatic compounds had a strong affinity for the Isolute
Targeted analysis was performed and any identified analytes ENV+ sorbent and were detected up to 8 mL. For Bond Elut ENV,
confirmed using analyte retention time (relative to a matrix- most analytes eluted in 1–4 mL methanol except for 3-NT and 2,6-
matched standard), as well as the m/z of the most intense ion DNT which required up to 5 mL for elution. It was concluded that
to within 5 ppm of calculated m/z and its isotopic ratio profile, 2.5 mL elution volumes offered the best compromise between over-
all within TraceFinder software version 3.1 (Thermo Fisher Sci- all analyte recoveries and concentration factor. The removal of
entific). Standard addition quantification (N = 4) was performed the post-elution evaporation step on recovery was then investi-
for each influent wastewater samples separately for added accu- gated with respect to recovery and variance. A marginal increase
racy. Each sample was split into four 100 mL aliquots and spiked in analyte recoveries was observed upon removal of the evap-
at 0, 100, 250 and 500 ng L−1 with all compounds. For quality oration step (Table S4). In particular, recoveries were generally
control purposes, acetonitrile was run between each sample set higher and less variable using Oasis HLB and Bond Elut ENV sor-
and no carry over was observed. To further test the applicabil- bents except for HMX, RDX and PETN. Tetryl recovery decreased on
ity of the suspect screening approach, four 100 mL aliquots of a all three sorbents. Nitroaromatics showed relatively poorer affin-
composite wastewater sample (i.e. an equal v/v mixture of sam- ity for the Isolute ENV+ sorbent and compounds such as 3-NT,
Table 2
Analytical method performance data for the selected explosives in influent wastewater matrix.a
Analyte tr ± %CV Adduct Calculated Mass % Accuracy LOD % Recovery Linear rangee R2 Matrix effectf
(min) m/z error (trueness) (g L−1 ) ±%CV (g L−1 ) N ≥ 5b ±%CV
n = 6b (ppm) ±%CV n = 6b n = 6b d n = 3b
(%), n = 6b,c
Fig. 1. Extracted ion chromatograms of a 25 g L−1 spiked influent wastewater sample containing 14 prioritised explosives.
2,6-DNT and 2,4-DNT were undetectable without the evaporation water (Fig. S4), sample volume was then assessed in matrix using
step. Most importantly, the more volatile peroxide-based analytes, spiked influent wastewater at 100 and 250 mL on Oasis HLB (Fig.
which were previously not observed, were now recovered. There- S5). At 100 mL sample volumes, Oasis HLB yielded the highest
fore, for explosives, it is recommended that the evaporation step recoveries for EGDN, 2-NT and 4-NT, which were not observed for
is removed from SPE procedures. Whilst unfortunately this limited 250 mL sample volumes. To offer the best balance between sensitiv-
the concentration factors possible, this offered the best chances of ity and matrix interference, 100 mL sample volumes were selected.
detection of a broader range of analytes using LC-HRMS. Following A wash solvent of 5:95% (v/v) methanol:water (Fig. S6) performed
this, three solvents (methanol, acetonitrile and ethyl acetate) were poorer than pure water where higher-polarity analytes such as
compared with respect to analyte recovery and reproducibility (Fig. HMTD were lost.
S2). Peroxides were excluded from this stage of optimisation to
simplify measurements of other compounds with LC-UV and per- 3.2. Analytical method performance in influent wastewater
oxide recoveries were measured in matrix later in the process. Ethyl
acetate yielded the highest recoveries and were often >100%. This From the initial 18 analytes selected, method performance
was again likely related to evaporation and resulted in an undeter- assessment for four compounds, i.e. NB, NG, 3-NT and ETN, was
mined concentration error. Interestingly, R-Salt was not detected not possible due to poor recovery and limited sensitivity at con-
across all three sorbents using this solvent. Acetonitrile offered centrations ≤25 g L−1 . Method performance for all explosives in
a marginally improved recovery over methanol from Oasis HLB spiked influent wastewater is shown in Table 2.
and enabled detection of 3-NT, 2,4-DNT and 2,6-DNT using Isolute Retention times varied ≤2.4%. Coefficients of determination of
ENV+. It also has a relatively higher boiling point than methanol, R2 > 0.98 using N ≥ 5 spiked influent sample concentrations were
which may serve to further minimise evaporation. Although it did achieved for most compounds and over three orders of magnitude
not perform very well with Bond Elut ENV, acetonitrile yielded the (from low ng–mg L−1 ) except for 2-NT, TATP and EGDN. That said,
best recoveries overall and was chosen as the eluting solvent for these compounds could still be included in the method for quali-
the selected analytes (again in 2.5 mL volumes). tative screening purposes. On average, accuracy was determined
at 98 ± 10% with the worst being 4-NT at 121 ± 14%. Recoveries
3.1.2. Sample pH and volume ranged from 77 to 124% (n = 6) with coefficients of variation (%
Due to biological activity in wastewater, samples are often acidi- CVs) averaging at 13% (excluding HMTD which demonstrated the
fied to preserve stability [37]. The effect of low pH (<2) on recovery highest variation at 25%). For LOD and LLOQ, EGDN, 2-NT and PETN
was investigated on Oasis HLB which showed no significant dif- were detected from 20 g L−1 but LLOQ lay above the concentration
ference in analyte recoveries (Fig. S3). Furthermore, and now that range tested (>25 g L−1 ). For the majority of compounds, no back-
SPE conditions had been optimised for most explosives, it was con- ground noise was observed, possibly due to the use of APCI over
sidered logical to re-evaluate the comparative performance of the electrospray ionisation which has been shown to reduce matrix
three cartridge types under these optimised conditions. Recover- effects [29]. However, due to the complexity of wastewater, ion
ies are listed in Table S5. Oasis HLB performed best overall. Based suppression/enhancement still occurred in the range of −28 to 40%.
on recoveries yielded for 16 compounds in 10–1000 mL ultrapure Generally, nitramines and nitrate esters (except EGDN) underwent
18 H. Rapp-Wright et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 329 (2017) 11–21
Fig. 2. Extracted ion chromatograms confirming 2,4-DNT in (a) an unspiked influent wastewater sample and (b) a 250 g L−1 spiked influent wastewater sample. The left
panels show the [M−H]− ion of 2,4-DNT. The right panel shows the isotopic profile of the [M−H]− ion relevant to the theoretical isotopic profile.
enhancement; peroxides underwent suppression; and no specific from a spiked wastewater sample (Fig. 2). The daily mass load of
trend was observed for nitroaromatic compounds. The mass accu- 2,4-DNT entering the WWTP was estimated by multiplying its mea-
racy was satisfactory from −3.77 ppm for R-salt to +1.41 ppm sured concentration in influent by the corresponding daily influent
for HMTD. An attempt was made to increase method sensitiv- flow rates through the WWTP. The daily mass load (Table 3),
ity by injecting larger sample volumes on column (10, 25, 50 L). reached maximum loads midweek (between 332 and 468 g day−1 )
However, using ≥10 L resulted in the splitting of earlier eluting before returning to detectable levels albeit just below the LLOQ
peaks and lower resolution for DNT isomers. Therefore, the injec- (<48 ng L−1 ). Another isomer, 2,6-DNT, was previously determined
tion volume remained at 5 L. Aqueous extract dilution to enable in Finnish municipal wastewater up to 5.9 g L−1 (≤454 g day−1 ),
larger injection volumes was not considered. Extracted ion chro- but sources of input were not known [3]. On the other hand,
matograms (EICs) for each of the 14 analytes fortified in an influent 2,4-DNT is commercially available as a purified isomer or as a com-
wastewater sample at 25 g L−1 and analysed by HPLC-HRMS, are ponent of DNT mixtures (∼80% 2,4-DNT, ∼20% 2,6-DNT) and is
shown in Fig. 1. mainly used as an intermediate in the production of polyurethane
foams for furniture, bedding and automobile and airline seating
and as cross-linking agents in the non-ferrous metals industry.
3.3. Application to influent wastewater analysis Although not currently in the EU, 2,4-DNT is also used in automobile
airbags, azo dyes and pigments [30]. In the field of forensic science,
The method was applied to the determination of explosive DNT is utilised in explosives and ammunition manufacture as a
residues in eight 24-h composite influent samples. 2,4-DNT was gelatinising-plasticising and stabilising agent and is often found as
the only explosive-related component detected and in five out a by-product in TNT explosives (<1%) and propellant formulations
of the eight samples. Identification was confirmed via retention (<10%) [31].
time, accurate mass and isotope ratio profiles to those produced
H. Rapp-Wright et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 329 (2017) 11–21 19
Table 3
Measured concentrations of 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) in daily composite samples and the calculated daily load.
Day of sample Measured concentrations Daily flow Daily load for 2,4-DNT
(Collection date) of 2,4-DNT of wastewater (g day−1 )
(ng L−1 ) (m3 day−1 )
Table 4
Recoveries of 17 additional explosives, precursors and transformation products in spiked composite wastewater samples (N = 4, spiked concentration >LLOQ).
In a recent report prepared for the European Chemicals Agency, in wastewater from London at the ng L−1 concentration level was
the amount of DNT in explosives and ammunition represented minimal.
<1% of the total amount of DNT used in Europe [30]. With
the estimated total production weight of ‘technical grade’ DNT
3.4. Suspect screening of additional compounds
(80% 2,4-DNT) between 540,000–810,000 t per year from France,
Germany, Hungary and Poland, the European Chemicals Bureau
HRMS is one of the most promising emerging tools for retrospec-
indicated regional releases of 2,4-DNT at 0.53 kg day−1 to wastew-
tive detection of additional, new or emerging compounds and the
aters and continental releases at 0.34 kg day−1 [32]. Although
broader potential for detection of explosives-related compounds
2,4-DNT is not produced in the UK, residues measured in this study
was assessed further here. An additional 17 explosives-related
fall between the EU regional and continental values reported which
analytes were spiked into four 100 mL aliquots of composite
suggests import and substantial use within the UK. Reported UK
wastewater and the optimised screening method applied. Some
uses of 2,4-DNT are in the non-ferrous metal industry particularly
of these compounds included a number of TNT degradation prod-
for aluminium smelting and blast furnace linings [30]. However,
ucts transformed via photolysis and biotic and abiotic processes
aluminium smelting facilities are based mainly in Scotland and
e.g. 4-Am-2,6-DNT, 2-Am-4,6-DNT, 2,6-DA-4-NT, 2,4-DA-6-NT, 1,2-
the West Midlands. 2,4-DNT was previously detected in ground-
DNB, 1,3-DNB, TNB [38]. None of the additional compounds were
water collected near a former TNT manufacturing plant along with
observed in the composite wastewater samples.
lower amounts of TNT and its main transformation products [33].
Obviously, one potential limitation of the method is the selectiv-
In our study, only 2,4-DNT was detected and, in the absence of
ity of the SPE method for broad application to so many compounds.
other nitrotoluene-based compounds, further suggests that it was
The recoveries of the 17 extra analytes were determined and are
unlikely to come from an explosives-related source alone. Fur-
presented in Table 4. The method performed well with 14 recovered
thermore, commercial blasting explosives are rarely used in and
at ≥62%. Performance for DMDNB was variable and was recovered
around Central London for demolition activity and are predom-
in only two of the spiked samples at 56%. This was likely due to its
inantly NG/EGDN-based. Finally, explosives-related compounds,
presence at concentrations close to its LOD i.e. ∼5 g L−1 . PA and
including 2,4-DNT, have been shown to accumulate in natural flora
NQ were not detected in the spiked sample extracts but showed a
and exert unwanted ecological effects [34–37]. Removal of 2,6-
high response at the theoretical 100% recovery concentration in a
DNT following mechanical and activated sludge treatment has been
matrix-matched standard. It is possible that PA and NQ eluted dur-
shown [3]. Therefore, if 2,4-DNT undergoes similar removal effi-
ing the wash step (calculated logDow at pH 7 for PA = −1.4 and −1.0
ciency in the London treatment works (which incorporates the
for NQ). Although TNT degradation products were not detected in
same processes), receiving waters are likely to be less impacted.
the unfortified extracts analysed earlier, the extraction method had
Overall, and aside from 2,4-DNT, occurrence of other explosives
a high efficiency for these compounds and if they were present
20 H. Rapp-Wright et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 329 (2017) 11–21
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