Quants 2 PDF
Quants 2 PDF
Quants 2 PDF
There is a lawn with green area equal to 5000 m2. The green area of the lawn decreases as the square of the number of cows
grazing in the lawn. Two cows together ate 8 m2 area of the lawn on the first day and everyday two new cows join them. The
growth of grass of the lawn on a par cular day is directly propor onal to the cube of the number of days. If 4 m2 area of grass grew
on the first day, on which of the following days would the green area of lawn be 5000 m2 again the first me a er the 1st day?
2nd day
3rd day
4th day
5th day
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Hence, [2].
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Two dogs start running around a 480 m circular track from the same point at the same me in opposite direc ons and with speeds
in the ra o 7 : 9. Which of the following can be the distance of the star ng point from the point where they meet for the seventh
305 m
30 m
21 m
210 m
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Correct Answer:
Anil and Vinit are walking towards each other at night. The heights of Anil and Vinit are 1.8 m and 1.5 m respec vely. There are
lamp posts behind both of them, the lamp post behind Anil being 6 m high and that behind Vinit being 5 m high. Anil and Vinit and
both the poles lie on a straight line. At a certain moment when they reach 0.9 m apart from each other, they find that the shadows
of their heads fall exactly at each others feet. (i.e., Anil’s head’s shadow falls on Vinit’s feet and Vinit’s head’s shadow falls on Anil’s
feet) How far apart are the two lamp posts?
3.0 m
1.8 m
5.1 m
6.0 m
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Therefore, the required answer is 24.
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A true-false test has twelve ques ons. If you randomly answer six ques ons ‘true’ and six ‘false’, your score is guaranteed to be at
least five. How many answer keys are there for which this is true?
None of these
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If answers to all the 12 ques ons are either True or False, then no ma er which 6 ques ons we choose to answer True or False, the score is
guaranteed to be more than 5.
If the answers to 11 out of 12 ques ons are true and the answer to the remaining ques on is False, we can s ll get definitely get a score of 5 no
ma er which 6 ques ons we choose to answer True of False. Same holds true if the answers to 11 out of 12 ques ons are False.
However, if the answers to 10 or less than 10 ques ons out of 12 are true (or false).
We cannot guarantee a score of at least 5.
The number of answer keys when all 12 answers are true or false = 2.
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Correct Answer:
What is the number of integer values that x can take for both the equa ons x2 – 6x – 72 < 0 and x2 – 20x + 100 > 0?
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Consider x2 – 20x + 100 > 0
∴ (x – 10)2 > 0
This is true for all real values of x except 10.
And, x2 – 6x − 72 < 0
∴ (x – 12)(x + 6) < 0
∴ −6 < x < 12
∴ x = −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, …, 11 except 10
∴ Number of integer values of x are 16.
Hence, [3].
Correct Answer:
Rajeev Chopra lives in a joint family. Averages age of all ‘n’ family members as on 31st Dec 2012 was 31 years. Below is list of all
incidents which affected the average in next few years.
60 years
68 years
74 years
76 years
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Correct Answer:
A shopkeeper purchased rice from two farmers. From one farmer, he purchased 8 kg of rice for a total of Rs. 100, while from the
second farmer, he purchased 4 kg of rice for a total of Rs. 120. He had to incur transporta on cost to bring the rice to his shop,
which was equal to 5% of the amount he paid to the farmers. On reaching his shop, he mixed the rice purchased from the two
farmers. While mixing, 2% rice fell on the ground and therefore could not be sold. At what price should he sell the rice so as to
make 10% overall profit?
Rs. 25 per kg
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Correct Answer:
The refrac ve index of a medium is directly propor onal to the square root of the thickness of the medium and inversely
propor onal to the square root of the viscosity of the medium. If the refrac ve index of honey is 3, when its viscosity is 4 and
thickness is 9 inches, then what is the refrac ve index of milk with a viscosity of 16 and thickness of 64 inches?
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Therefore, the required answer is 4.
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ΔBEF is an equilateral triangle, drawn inside rectangle ABCD, such that A-F-D as shown in the figure. If triangle BEF covers 40% area
of rectangle ABCD, then find AF : FD.
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An empty vessel is connected with 3 pipes A, B, and C. Pipe A and Pipe B can fill the empty vessel in 4 and 2 minutes respec vely
while the pipe C can empty the completely filled vessel in 1 minute. Pipe A is opened first and pipe B is opened a er 1 minute and
the outlet pipe C is opened a er 1 more minute.
A er how much me from the start is the vessel empty for the first me?
2 minutes
3 minutes
6 minutes
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Correct Answer:
10 cm
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Correct Answer:
If 'x' pens are distributed equally among a certain number of students, 14 pens remain undistributed. But, if 'x2' pens are distributed
equally among the same number of students, 11 pens remain undistributed. Which of the following can be the total number of
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Correct Answer:
In a shoe manufacturing factory, 18 men manufacture 20 shoes in 10 days working for 7.5 hours a day. How long will it take for 36
men to manufacture 40 shoes working 6 hours a day? It is also known that 4 men in the la er case do as much work as 6 men in the
Cannot be determined
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A certain quan ty of a mixture of oil and water in the ra o 5 : 8, (called mixture A) is mixed with equal volume of another mixture
of oil and water (called mixture B), such that the ra o of oil and water in the resultant mixture is 7 : 6. What is the ra o of oil and
water in the mixture B?
9 : 13
None of these
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Find the number of points with integer coordinates which are at a distance of less than 5 units from the point (1, 2) on the x-y
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We need to find the number of points with integer coordinates inside the circle of radius 5 units and centre at (1, 2). The number of points will be
the same for a circle at centre (0, 0) and radius of length 5 units.
Then the equa on of this circle is x2 + y2 = 25.
Consider the first quadrant. The total number of integral points lying inside the circle but not on the axes in the first quadrant are the number of
integer solu ons of x2 + y2 < 25.
x ≠ 0, y ≠ 0.
Thus, (x, y) = (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (4, 1), (4, 2).
Number of such points = 13
Number of such points in all the four quadrants = 52
Points on the axes are (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (0, –1), (0, –2), (0, –3), (0, –4), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0), (–1, 0), (–2, 0), (–3, 0), (–4, 0)
Number of such points = 17
Total number of required points = 52 + 17 = 69
Hence, [2].
Correct Answer:
Two candles of equal height but of different thickness are lit simultaneously. If the first burns off completely in 6 hours and the
second in 8 hours, when will the first candle be half the height of the second?
4 hours
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Correct Answer:
In a class, there are 5 Students, A, B, C, D and E, who have to sit in a row from le to right in ascending order of their scores in a
test. D and B got higher score than E and C respec vely. They are also ranked according to these scores. If C got a rank be er than
the median rank of the class, then how many arrangements are possible?
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The median rank in the class will be 3 since there are 5 students.
C has a be er rank than the median rank. Therefore, C's rank is either 1 or 2.
B got higher marks than C. Therefore, B's rank will be 1.
D got a higher score than E.
D's rank will be either 3 or 4.
Hence, E's rank will be either 4 or 5 and A's rank will be either 3 or 4 or 5.
The 3 possible arrangements from le to right are AEDCB; EADCB or EDACB.
Hence, [2].
Correct Answer:
'P' persons are si ng at the corners of a 'P' sided table. They are asked to pass around a bag of coins. There are two rules to be
(ii) There should be exactly one give and take between all possible pairs of persons.
Each me the bag is handed over, a bell rings. If a er all the possible transac ons are over, the bell has rung 90 mes, find the
number of people.
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Therefore, the required answer is 15.
Correct Answer:
3 cm
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A total of ‘x’ workers start working on a project on the first day. On the second, fourth, sixth and eighth days, half of the workers
working on the project the previous day le the project, while on the third, fi h and the seventh day, one third of the workers
working on the project the previous day le the project. The project was completed in 8 days. If only one employee worked on the
project on the 8th day, what is the value of ‘x’?
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Correct Answer:
If in the following equa on x and y are integers, then how many sets of solu ons do the equa on have?
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The equa on can be reduced to (y + 13)(y – 13) = (x + 17)(x – 17)
x2 – y2 = 120
i.e., (x + y)(x – y) = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5
Taking (x – y) = 2;
(x + y) = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 = 60
This gives x = 31 and y = 29.
Taking (x – y) = 4; (x + y) = 30
This gives x = 17 and y = 13.
If x – y = 6, x + y = 20. This gives x = 13, y = 7 and if x – y = 10, x + y = 12. This gives x = 11, y = 1.
We cannot have x – y = 5 or 8.
But for the given equa on to hold true we cannot have y ≤ 13 and x ≤ 17.
This implies x = 31 and y = 29 is the only solu on.
Therefore, the required answer is 1.
Correct Answer:
The fourth term of a geometric progression with common ra o same as the first term is 6561. If all the terms of the progression are
posi ve, find the remainder when the sum of the first eight terms is divided by 6.
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Two flat circular disks cut out of the same sheet of metal of uniform thickness have their radii in the ra o 3 : 5. Their combined
weight is 136 gm. Find the approximate weight (in gm) of the heavier disk.
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Correct Answer:
Let m be the mean of 1, 2, 4, 8, … , 214, 215. Also, for all real x, let [x] denote the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Then the
value of [m] will be
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Correct Answer:
A tank has two inlet pipes A and B, which can fill the empty tank individually in 4 and 6 hours respec vely. The tank also has one
outlet pipe C, which can empty the tank completely in 4 hours. The tank is ini ally empty, when a man opened both inlet pipes. He
wanted to open the outlet pipe, when the tank was half full. However, by mistake he started the outlet pipe when the tank was
one-fourth empty. How many minutes earlier will the tank get completely filled than it would have, had he started the outlet pipe
as per his original plan?
24 minutes
36 minutes
48 minutes
54 minutes
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Th f h i d i 30
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If the average of three natural numbers 1, x and x2 is 7 and the average of x, x2 and x3 is 28, what is the value of x?
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We have, 1 + x + x2 = 7 × 3 = 21 and
x + x2 + x3 = 28 × 3 = 84
∴ x + x2 + x3= x(1 + x + x2) = x × 21 = 84
Therefore, the required answer is 4.
Correct Answer:
2, 22, 23
23, 22, 2
22, 22, 22
2, 23, 25
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If both ‘a’ and ‘b’ belong to the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} then the number of equa ons of the form x2 + ax + b = 0 having complex roots
is(where ‘a’ and ‘b’ need not necessarily be dis nct)
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Therefore, the required answer is 13.
Correct Answer:
X, Y and Z are dis nct natural numbers. If (Z + 2X) is divisible by 8, find maximum possible value of Z for which X + 3Y = 24 and X + Y
+ Z < 24.
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X + 3Y = 24 and X + Y + Z < 24 ⇒ X + Y + Z < X + 3Y ⇒ Z < 2Y
The maximum possible value of Y sa sfying x + 3y = 24 is 7. Therefore, (X, Y) = (3, 7)
Z < 14
Now, Z + 2X = Z + 6
As (Z + 2X) is divisible by 8 and Z < 14, the maximum value of Z = 10
Therefore, the required answer is 10.
Correct Answer:
Aman, Raman and Kirtan invest Rs. 12,000, Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 14,500 in a business, respec vely. A er 3 months, Aman withdraws
Rs. 2,000 while Raman invests Rs. 5,000 more. At the end of a year, they earn a total profit of Rs. 15,750. What is the difference in
the shares of profit of Kirtan and Aman(in Rs.)?
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Therefore, the required answer is 1440.
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