Dilr 10
Dilr 10
Dilr 10
Suppose a, b, c …, x, y, z are 26 natural numbers in GP such that a = 2 and the common ra o = 2. What is the value
of logab × logbc × logcd ×... × logxy × logyz?
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If a1 = 2 and an – an–1 = (n – 1); for every natural number n > 1; find the value of (a1 + a2 + … + a100).
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6.75 cm
5.25 cm
10 cm
9.67 cm
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A tank has a number of inlet and outlet pipes a ached to it. All inlet pipes are iden cal. Similarly all outlet pipes
are also iden cal. If one inlet and one outlet pipes are operated, the tank, which is ini ally completely empty, is
completely filled in 72 hours. If one inlet and two outlet pipes are operated, the tank, which is ini ally full, is
completely emp ed in 36 hours. If three inlet pipes and four outlet pipes are operated on the tank, which is
ini ally completely full, in how many hours will the tank be completely emp ed?
24 hours
36 hours
48 hours
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Three vessels A, B and C of capacity 120 litres each contain a mixture of alcohol and spirit. Vessel A contains 100
litres of the mixture with 65% alcohol. Vessel B has 70% alcohol and this vessel is half empty. The vessel C has 80
litres of mixture out of which 20 litres is spirit. Now, the mixture from vessel A is poured into vessel B un l vessel
B is completely filled. Then the mixture from vessel B is poured into vessel C un l C is completely filled. Now the
en re mixture from vessel C is poured into the vessels A and B in the ra o 2 : 1. Find the ra o of alcohol in vessels
A and B.
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A man's wealth was distributed between his son, daughter and wife in the ra o 2 : 3 : 5. He had a plot of land, a
house and Rs.1 lakh. The son got two-thirds of the land, the daughter got the house and the wife got the
remaining land and Rs. 1 lakh. What is the value of the land and house, respec vely?
Data insufficient
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A sq. units
2A sq. units
4A sq. units
8A sq. units
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Consider quarter circles drawn in the first and third quadrants with origin as the centre and radius = 17 units. The
number of the points with integer coordinates within the two quarter circles and on the boundaries is:
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The equation of the quarter in the first quadrant is x2 + y2 = 289, x > 0, y > 0.
The equation of the quarter in the third quadrant is x2 + y2 = 289, x < 0, y < 0.
The following are the points in the first quadrant and its boundaries satisfying x2 + y2 < 289.
1. (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), …, (0, 17) (17 points)
2. (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2),(1, 3) …, (1, 16) (17 points)
3. (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), …, (2, 16) (17 points)
4. (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), …, (3, 16) (17 points)
5. (4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), …, (4, 16) (17 points)
6. (5, 0), (5, 1), (5, 2), …, (5, 16) (17 points)
7. (6, 0), (6, 1), (6, 2), …, (6, 15) (16 points)
8. (7, 0), (7, 1), (7, 2), …, (7, 15) (16 points)
9. (8, 0), (8, 1), (8, 2), …, (8, 15) (16 points)
10. (9, 0), (9, 1), (9, 2), …, (9, 14) (15 points)
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Rs. 5000
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Correct Answer:
∆ABC is drawn such that AB is tangent to a circle with radius 3 cm at A and BC passes through the centre of the
circle. Point C lies on the circle. If ℓ(BC) = 8 cm, then find the area of ∆ABC.
15.36 cm2
8.4 cm2
12.8 cm2
9.6 cm2
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Correct Answer:
A man hired 72 people to complete a piece of work in N days. But a er 15 days, he found that only 30% of the
work was completed. So he hired 48 more people. Consequently, the work was completed on me. What is the
value of N?
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Kedar and Vishnu are moving along a rectangular track ABCD. Kedar starts cycling at 6 kmph from point A at 8:00
AM on the route A-D-C-B-A. Vishnu starts walking at 8:50 AM from point C at the speed of 1 kmph and takes the
route C-B-A-D-C. AB = 6 km and BC = 4 km. At what me does Kedar just overtake Vishnu?
10:15 AM
9:00 AM
9:50 AM
10:00 AM
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Mr. Sharma received Rs. 20 lakh towards his re rement benefits. He wants to invest this amount pruden ally in
Monthly Income Plan (MIP), Bank deposits (FD) and Tax-free Bonds(Bond) so that he gets maximum returns. The
minimum amount required to be invested in MIP and Bonds are Rs. 2 lakh each. The yield/return rate of MIP, FD
and Bonds are 9%,10% and 8% respec vely. If he wants to invest at least double the amount in MIP as compared
to FD, then how much should Mr. Sharma invest in MIP and Bonds respec vely to maximize return?
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To maximize return, Mr. Sharma should invest maximum amount possible in FD and minimum possible amount in Bonds, since return rate of FD
and Bonds are 10% and 8% respectively.
MIP – 12 lakh
FD – 6 lakh and
Bonds – 2 lakh
Hence, [2].
Correct Answer:
Two chords AB and CD intersect at a point O inside a circle. If AO : OB : OC = 5 : 2 : 3, then find the ra o OD : OC.
11 : 10
9 : 10
10 : 9
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Correct Answer:
Area of sector of a circle that subtends angle 60° is 294π sq.cm. Chord AB and BC subtends angle of 60° and 120°
at the centre of the circle. Which of the following can be the distance between A and C?
21 cm
35 cm
63 cm
84 cm
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Correct Answer:
In a regular hexagon, the midpoints of four of the sides are joined to form a kite. Find the ra o of the area of the
kite to that of the hexagon.
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Five married couples par cipate in a mixed doubles tennis tournament. In how many ways can the teams
consis ng of one man and one woman each be formed out of these ten par cipants such that no team consists of
two players who are married to each other?
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In how many ways a cube can be coloured using two colours if each colour should be used on at least one face?
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Ram purchased 'a' pencils for 'b' rupees. Shyam purchased 'b' erasers for 'a' rupees. A er that Ram exchanges one
pencil for an eraser with Shyam. Find the percentage gain or loss on the exchange for Ram if a > b?
None of these
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Correct Answer:
Sushil, Prakash and Vilas drive at 20 km/hr, 50 km/hr and 80 km/hr respec vely. Sushil starts from point A for point B. Prakash
starts from A, 2 hours a er Sushil starts and Vilas leaves some me a er Prakash from point A. Both Prakash and Vilas overtake
Sushil at the same instant. How many hours a er Sushil does Vilas leave point A?
2.5 hours
4 hours
3.5 hours
4.5 hours
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The quadra c polynomial f(x) = x2 + bx + c takes a minimum value of –5 and f(0) = 4. What is the difference
between the roots of equa on f(x) = 0?
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Raghav made a new year’s resolu on to exercise. On January 1, at 7 AM, he went for a jog from his home to the
nearby park and back, returning at 7:32 AM. On January 2, at 7 AM, he went jogging to the park, but this me he
walked back. Consequently he returned home at 7:40 AM. On January 3 too, he set out at 7 AM, but this me he
walked both ways. At what me did he return home (assuming his jogging speed and his walking speed are fixed)?
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On the first day, jogging both ways takes 32 minutes. So, jogging one way takes 16 minutes. Also, on the second day, jogging
one way and walking one way takes 40 minutes. So, walking one way must take 40 – 16 = 24 minutes. Hence, on the third day,
walking both ways will take 24 × 2 = 48 minutes and hence he will reach home at 7:48 AM. Hence, [2].
Correct Answer:
Two pipes, named A and B are a ached to a tank. Pipe A alone can completely fill the tank in 8 hours, while pipe B
alone can completely fill the tank in 6 hours. Pipe A alone is operated for one hour, followed by pipe B alone for
one hour. This cycle of two hours is repeated ll the tank is completely full. In how many hours will the tank be
completely full?
7 hours
7 hours 12 minutes
7 hours 20 minutes
7 hours 36 minutes
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None of these
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Aman and Baman were playing a game of guessing a five-digit number formed by using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
exactly once. Aman thought of such a five-digit number and Baman kept guessing ll he arrived at the correct
number. Every me Baman guessed a number, Aman gave him points — one point if exactly one digit was at the
correct place, two points if exactly two digits were at the correct place, and so on.
If Baman's first two guesses were 31254 and 13254, and he got 3 and 2 points for these guesses respec vely,
which of the following could not be the middle digit of the number that Aman thought of?
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How many two-digit numbers are such that the product of their digits is a perfect square greater than 1?
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x = 6, y = 2 and z = –3
x = 6, y = 2 and z = –2
x = 5, y = 2 and z = 2
x = 6, y = 2 and z = 3
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N is the least natural number such that whenever it is divided by k (k = 1 to 25) the remainder is (k – 1). What is
the number of digits of N?
More than 13
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Since the remainder is exactly one less than the divisor each time,
we want the LCM (1, 2, 3, …, 25) – 1.
To find LCM of all the numbers from 1 to 25 we only need to consider the highest powers of the primes that occur in each of these numbers.
E.g., The highest power of 2 occurring in these numbers is 16. So, the LCM will be divisible by 16 but not 32.
(Do not commit the folly of taking product of powers or 2 in all these numbers)
So LCM = 16 × 9 × 25 × 7 × 11 × 13 × 17 × 19 × 23
Now, 1564 × 171 will have 6 digits (as 100 < 171 < 200).
Hence, [1].
Correct Answer:
A number when divided by 4 gives a number which is 3 more than the remainder obtained on dividing the
number by 34. Find the least such number.
None of these
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xn are either –1 or 1 and n > 5,x1x2x3x4x5+ x2x3x4x5x6+ ... + xn–4xn–3xn–2xn–1xn= 0, then n has to be
Cannot be determined
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As xn is either (–1) or (+1), the product x1x2 x3x4x5 will be either (–1) or (+1). For the sum to be zero there have to be equal number of (–1) and
(+1) i.e., the number of terms in the series must be even.
Now, for n = 5 we have only one term i.e., x1x2x3x4x5 for n = 6 we have two terms i.e., x1x2x3x4x5 and x2x3x4x5x6.
∴ For odd n, number of terms are odd. For even n, number of terms are even.
∴ n has to be even.
Hence, [2].
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