Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Off The South African Coastline
Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Off The South African Coastline
Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Off The South African Coastline
Volume 10, Issue 06, June 2019, pp. 95-119 . Article ID: IJMET_10_06_006
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication
The world is undergoing a paradigm shift as more people are becoming aware of
energy consumption patterns, reinforcing the need for developing cleaner and more
sustainable ways to generate electrical energy. Globally, the development of onshore
wind farms is sometimes impeded by factors such as aesthetic impact, acceptance by
the public, the threats to surrounding biodiversity, noise from the power plant and
possible land use conflicts. Due to these concerns, offshore wind plants have been
developed. Offshore wind energy is generally greater in comparison to that of onshore
wind energy because the wind speeds offshore are generally higher and more constant
with fewer obstructions to the wind resource. The offshore wind potential for South
African coastal regions was investigated and analysed in this study. Various factors
such as shipping routes, oil and gas exploration fields and possible transmission
connection points were taken into consideration before selecting four data collection
sites. The predominant wind direction, mean wind speed, wind shear and spatial
geographic information was analysed for each site. The sites’ wind direction did not
have any similarities, with each site having its own prevailing wind directions. Within
the 50 m hub height, Site 2 showed the best potential based on the power density. Site 1
and Site 3 showed similar power densities to each other with Site 4 showing the lowest
power density. The distance to shore ranged from 200 km to 500 km with a steep
continental shelf drop to a depth of approximately 3 000 m. The study conducted shows
that there is offshore wind potential off the coast of South Africa. Energy generated by
this method could assist South Africa to increase access to energy, reduce expensive
transmission line losses to coastal provinces, and assist the country to transition
towards a more sustainable future energy mix in line with developed nations.
Keywords: Offshore wind, Resource Assessment, WAsP.
Cite this Article: Freddie L. Inambao and Kumaresan Cunden, Offshore Wind
Resource Assessment Off the South African Coastline, International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(6), 2019, pp. 95-119. 95 [email protected]
Freddie L. Inambao and Kumaresan Cunden
The world is undergoing a paradigm shift as more people are becoming aware of energy
consumption patterns, reinforcing the need for cleaner ways to generate electrical energy. The
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation which
supports countries in their efforts to attain a more sustainable energy future. Figure 1 was
constructed using IRENA’s Renewable Energy Statistics databases [1]. The trend in Figure 1
indicates rapid growth in the installed renewable energy capacity over the past decade across
all renewable resources. 96 [email protected]
Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Off the South African Coastline 97 [email protected]
Freddie L. Inambao and Kumaresan Cunden
Before developing the methodology for the offshore wind resource evaluation, an
understanding of best practice was required. Murthy and Rahi [11] conducted a review of
offshore wind energy assessments regarding the main characteristics required for a resource
assessment. Their work outlined the various methodologies used for wind power projects and
the uncertainties associated with wind energy assessments. The paper gave a basic
understanding of wind behaviour through periods of change (diurnal, seasonal, monthly and
annual). The authors state that a minimum data log of 1 meteorological year is required for an
assessment, however, more data would lead to a more accurate estimation of energy potential
for the given region.
Sharma and Ahmed [12] conducted research on the wind energy potential for the Fiji islands
of Kadavu and the Suva Peninsula. The authors gathered mean wind speeds and predominant
wind directions for each site based on 18 month and 12 month investigation periods
respectively. Wind shear effects were also investigated to understand the variation of shear 98 [email protected]
Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Off the South African Coastline
force with respect to height. The authors utilised the WAsP simulation tool to simulate a high
resolution (5 km2) resource map for both regions. The result of the simulations showed a good
potential for wind energy production.
Lima et al. [13] sought to estimate the offshore wind energy potential for Ceara in Brazil in
an effort to increase the maturity of the offshore wind energy sector. The study utilised the
Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) to estimate the average wind speed, direction
and power density for the area. The study considered the bathymetry and the shipping traffic
for the Ceara region. The authors evaluated the average wind speed for three periods consisting
of El Nina, El Ninõ and Neutral years, each of which were evaluated through seasonal changes.
The results showed an average wind speed of 8 m/s and a power density of roughly 720 W/m2
no matter what the period.
Werapun et al. [5] conducted an offshore energy potential study for southern Thailand. The
study followed a similar methodology to the previous authors’ utilising a 120m high
meteorological mast measuring data at different heights along the mast. The average wind speed
was seemingly low (4.28 m/s) with the dominant wind direction stemming from the North
which resulted in wind power density being 85 W/m2. The area was simulated using the WAsP
simulation tool for nine base cases for wind farm layout and the authors found that the capacity
factors of the simulation ranged from 0.98 % to 2.68 %.
Kim et al. [14] investigated the potential for offshore wind farm site selection aimed at
finding the feasibility of an offshore wind farm site around the coastal regions of the Jeju
islands, South Korea. The evaluation categories in this study were: energy production and
economics, protected areas, human marine activities, and the marine ecology of the area. The
researchers concluded that the number of feasible areas for offshore deployment was low when
utilising all factors of all the categories in comparison to just using the energy potential and
economics of the region alone.
Mahdy and Bahaj [15] identified that there is a global gap regarding the assessment of
offshore wind potential sites and thus proposed a new methodology of assessment for potential
offshore sites. The methodology was based on the analytical hierarchy process in conjunction
with spatial assessment within a GIS domain. The methodology was developed with the aim of
assisting the scaling up of renewable energy from 1 GW to 7.5 GW in Egypt by 2020. The
authors hypothesised that the increase in renewable energy would come from larger offshore
wind installed capacity. Areas identified were potential sites around the Red Sea which was
duly estimated to be able to accommodate 33 GW of installed capacity. The researchers
concluded that the methodology which was developed could be applicable globally to produce
adequate offshore wind suitability maps for potential wind power locations.
The main aim of this study was to identify an ideal offshore location to situate a large floating
offshore wind farm to supply coastal regions of South Africa with clean renewable energy. The
conceptual assessment of this task was conducted based on methodologies found in the
literature. The methodology was governed by three criteria for site selection: impact on shipping
routes, spatial proximity to the electrical grid, and possible impact on future offshore oil and
gas exploration.
Meteorological data set was obtained from the Global Wind Atlas which was developed by
the Technical University of Denmark, Department of Wind Energy [16], in WAsP data file
format. The data set consisted of 624 individual meteorological points containing wind resource
data (Figure 5). The wind resource data was interpreted using WAsP simulation software. The
data set contained wind resource data for 12 sectored wind roses at each location and associated
wind profile frequency distributions at 3 hub heights of 0 m, 50 m and 200 m respectively. 99 [email protected]
Freddie L. Inambao and Kumaresan Cunden
The analysis of the wind vector data was first filtered by understanding the prevalent wind
direction through evaluating the wind rose generated for the dataset. The wind rose along the
eastern coastline of the country exhibited two distinct wind directions – either stemming from
the north north east or from the south south west.
Potential sites for offshore wind farms were assessed based on all the above-mentioned
criteria. Figure 9 shows the identified potential offshore sites. The meteorological points have
a spatial resolution of roughly 50 km x 60 km. Site 1 and 2 slightly overlap with two of the
identified oil and gas areas, however, this was only due to the nature of the resolution of
meteorological data.
4.1.1. Site 1
Site 1 is located off the eastern coast of Durban, roughly 200 km offshore from the Durban
harbour in a south east direction or 115º bearing. The site has an estimated perimeter of 600 km
and an estimated surface area of ± 21 000 km2. Figure 10 is a graphical representation of Site
1. The site encompassed 11 of the meteorological data points obtained from DTU Global Wind
Atlas [16].
The most predominant wind directions were found to be Sectors 2 and 8 of each of the wind
roses for Site 1. The average wind speed for the area was calculated based on the mean wind
speeds of each of the meteorological stations analysed. The average wind speed for hub heights
50 m, 100 m and 200 m were 9.19 m/s, 9.25 m/s and 9.34 m/s respectively.
4.1.2. Site 2
Site 2 is a larger site than Site 1. It is located roughly 300 km south of Port Elizabeth. It has an
estimated perimeter reading of 1 250 km and an estimated surface area of ± 79 000 km2. The
site is located in a potential retroflection zone (2) for ocean currents as found by Cunden [22].
Figure 12 is a graphic representation of the potential of Site 2. As seen in Figure 9, Site 2 has
minimum shipping route impacts but may lie on a possible potential oil and gas field. From the
meteorological data collected, the site comprised 36 individual meteorological data points
which were analysed at various hub heights.
4.1.3. Site 3
Site 3 is located roughly 290 km south (± 188º bearing) of Cape Town (Figure 14). The site has
an estimated perimeter of 463 km and an estimated surface area of ± 13 332 km2. The site is
the smallest of the four identified potential wind farm sites.
4.1.4. Site 4
Site 4 is located an estimated 570 km north west (± 298º bearing) of Saldanha Bay and is the
furthest potential site out of the four. The site has an estimated perimeter of 807 km and an
estimated surface area of ± 37 419 km2. The site has a minimum impact on oil and gas
exploration sites and shipping routes as seen in Figure 16.
distribution. As shown in literature, the 2-parameter Weibull statistical distribution is the most
common way of understanding wind potential [26−28].
The Weibull distribution gives one an appreciation of the probability of wind speed
occurrences at a chosen site. The function requires three parameter inputs, one being a variable
and the two other parameters being static which define the distribution. The Weibull distribution
is defined as follows:
𝑘 𝑈 𝑘−1 −( 𝑈 )𝑘−1 (3)
𝑃(𝑈, 𝑘, 𝑐) = ( ) 𝑒 𝑐
𝑐 𝑐
𝑈 Wind speed (m/s)
𝑘 Shape parameter (-)
𝑐 Scale parameter (m/s)
The shape parameter of the distribution defines how the probabilities of wind speed are
spread throughout the distribution. It is generally found that the larger the shape parameter the
closer the distribution tends towards becoming Gaussian in shape. The shape parameter for
wind distributions is usually near 2 [29]. The scale parameter defines the most probable speed
in the distribution (the mode value). Traditionally with regards to wind resource analysis, the
larger the scale parameter is in value, the higher the mode of the distribution, which basically
means that the probability of a random wind speed value is less likely to be lower than the mode
of the distribution [29], [30].
In relation to the four offshore sites, the WAsP forecasted statistical parameters were used
as a basis for defining wind resource dispersion over the site area. Each of the meteorological
points from each site, as depicted in figures’ 11; 13; 15 and 17, were analysed. WAsP gives an
empirical relationship of roughness length and roughness elements taken from the description
given by Lettau [31]. The simple description is given as follows [31]:
(ℎ. 𝑆) (4)
𝑧0 = 0.5
𝑧0 Roughness length (m)
ℎ Element height (m)
𝑆 Cross-sectional surface facing the wind (m2)
𝐴𝐻 Average element horizontal area (m2)
The above is more suited for terrestrial based applications as it considers various vegetation
and foliage effects in relation to the wind flow. Charnock [32] provides a description of surface
roughness phenomena over water bodies and explains that the roughness length of different
surfaces directly affects the wind speed which WAsP further defines as roughness classes. A
full list of surface roughness guidelines is illustrated in Appendix A. Charnock [32] developed
an equation which ignored the viscous effects and the surface tension of the water are ignored,
as follows:
𝑈∗ 2 (5)
𝑧0 = 𝑏
𝑧0 Roughness length (m)
𝑏 Constant (-)
4.2.1. Site 1
Figure 19 shows the general wind characteristics for Site 1. The Weibull distribution for the
two dominant sectors of the site’s general wind direction was constructed using the wind
statistic parameters obtained via the online wind atlas synthetic data. Sectors 2 and 8 proved to
have the highest frequency and were analysed. It can be seen that Sector 2’s distribution is more
Gaussian in shape due to the k-shape factor being closer to 3. The skewness (close to 0) of
both data sets indicates a more normally distributed dataset. The mean wind speed for both the
sectors is 10.5 m/s at a 50 m hub height. It may be noted that Sector 2’s probability density
distribution depicts more probable wind speeds between 6 m/s and 15 m/s in comparison to
Sector 8’s distribution which depicts a higher probability of higher wind speeds over 15 m/s.
4.2.2. Site 2
The general wind characteristics for Site 2 are shown in Figure 20. It was found that Sectors 3
and 10 were the dominant wind directions for the site. The Weibull distributions of these sectors
are shown. Sector 3 has a higher density for wind speeds of 5 m/s to 14 m/s and lower
probabilities of higher wind speeds. The distribution of wind speed in Sector 10 shows a lower
peak but higher density of probabilities between 6 m/s to 16 m/s, including higher probabilities
of wind speeds greater than 15 m/s. The mean wind speed for Sectors 3 and 10 are 9.7 m/s and
11.1 m/s respectively at a 50 m hub height.
4.2.3. Site 3
Site 3 is unique as it is located at the southern tip of the country. This region is known to have
mixing of the warm Agulhas current (east coast) and the cold Benguela current (west coast).
Along with the trade winds stemming from the South Pole towards the equator and the Coriolis
effect from the planet’s rotation, Site 3 would be expected to have cross-cutting winds. The
wind rose shown in Figure 21 shows that the most frequent directions are from Sectors 9 and
10, although the span of wind directions in comparison to the other three sites is much larger
with relatively equal frequencies which is assumed to possibly be due to the cross-winds
occurring at the site’s location. Sectors 6 and 9 were chosen for analysis. The mean wind speed
for both sectors was relatively similar with Sector 6 having a mean value of 8.22 m/s and Sector
9 having a mean value of 9.2 m/s. Comparing the two probability distributions it can be seen
that Sector 9 has higher probabilities of higher wind speeds especially between wind speeds of
12 m/s to 20 m/s, in relation to Sector 6.
4.2.4. Site 4
Figure 22 illustrates the general wind characteristics for Site 4 located west of the Northern
Cape. The dominant wind directions are Sectors 6 and 7. Comparing the two probability density
distributions, it is evident that Sector 6 experiences higher valued wind speeds compared to
Sector 7. Both sectors have shape factors greater than 3 leading to the Gaussian shape of both
distributions. The mean wind speed for Sector 6 is 9.8 m/s and Sector 7 is 7.8 m/s at 50 m hub
height. In comparison to the previous sites, Sites 4 and 3 have lower mean wind speed values
than Sites 2 and 1.
Each of the above sites were evaluated and Table 1 below encapsulates each of the sites’
wind mean speed and power density characteristics. It can be seen by evaluation of the data
table that Sites 2 and 3 have good mean wind speeds and encapsulate the most power density
of the four sites. There is a need to analyse each of the meteorological points within the area
chosen as the mean wind speed and power density varies over large areas.
4.3.1. Site 1
Site 1 is based off the coast of Durban and has an area of 21 000 km2 as previously stated. There
are two main power incomers as shown in Figure 23, namely, Klaarwater (a) and Illovo (b) with
each having 275 kV lines respectively [18]. Figure 23 shows that the distance to the different
tie in points is roughly 200 km with the elevation level to the centroid of the site area also
included. It is noted that the deepest point is roughly 3 000 m from the ocean surface.
4.3.2. Site 2
Figure 24 shows the distance from the various possible onshore connection points to the centre
of Site 2 which is assumed to be the central integration point of harvested offshore wind energy
for the site. The three potential connection points are Leeches Bay (132 kV), Poseidon (220
kV) and Proteus (400 kV), all of which are in the Eastern Cape. On average, the distance to
onshore connections is 409 km with the shortest distance being in relation to the Poseidon
substation. There is a distinct steep shelf drop off the Eastern Cape coastline.
4.3.3. Site 3
Figure 25 shows the two closest transmission substations, either of which could function as an
integration point for Site 3, namely, Acacia (400 kV) and Palmeit (400 kV). On average the
distance to an onshore integration point is 280 km with Palmeit being the closest at a distance
of 275 km offshore. The diagram also indicates the coastal shelf declination which extends
further out than the previous site declinations.
4.3.4. Site 4
Site 4, as seen in Figure 26, is located 527 km on average from the western coastline of South
Africa. The province/state which is closest to the site is the Northern Cape. The province is the
largest in the country but has the lowest population in the country. Limited connection points
are located along the western coast. Only two transmission connection points could be located
but there may be smaller coastal distribution feeders where connection may be possible. The
two transmission substations are Gromis (400 kV) and Juno (400 kV), each having a distance
to site of over 450 km.
This article aimed to investigate the offshore wind potential for the South African coast. Various
factors were taken into consideration before demarcating potential sites for investigation, such
as shipping routes, potential exploration oil and gas fields and possible transmission connection
points. Utilising this methodology, four potential sites were identified. The predominant wind
direction, mean wind speed, wind shear and spatial geographic information was analysed for
each site.
The wind direction for each of the sites were dependent on many factors which influence
the wind resource such as cross-wind interference and ocean currents. The wind direction did
not have any similarities between sites, with each site having its own predominant wind
directions. Site 1 had a dominant wind direction from a north easterly direction and the polar
opposite as well. Site 2’s prevailing wind direction was from the west and occasionally from a
north easterly direction. Site 3 had a large span of wind direction as it is located in a high mixing
zone of various strong wind forces. Site 4’s principle wind direction was from the south east
along the western coastline of the Northern Cape province.
Within the 50 m hub height, Site 2 showed the best potential based on the power density.
In comparison, Site 1 and Site 3 showed similar power densities to each other and Site 4
depicted the lowest power density. The general wind speed characteristics were analysed for
each of the sites and the average wind speed (taking into consideration all of the sites identified)
was 9.5 m/s with large power densities between 500 W/m2 to over 1 000 W/m2.
The distance to shore ranged from 200 km to 500 km with a steep continental shelf drop to
approximately 3 000 m deep. This means that the traditional means of offshore wind platforms
would not be adequate for anchoring the plant, and a floating offshore structure would be more
suitable. The use of a centrally located electrical energy collector hub within each site, with
possibly N – 2 contingency measures, could be useful to connect to fewer feeder bays within
the closest transmission substation onshore. This could also allow for the filtering out the power
variations from widely spaced turbines.
The study conducted shows that there is offshore wind potential off the coast of South
Africa. Energy generated by this method could assist South Africa to increase access to energy,
reduce expensive transmission line losses to coastal provinces, and assist the country transition
towards a more sustainable future energy mix in line with developed nations.
We would like to acknowledge the assistance of government institutions for the assistance in
information as well as our colleagues at the university for providing direction to research.
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Appendix A
(1) Specific production is a factor which normalises an electrical generation plant’s
production by comparing the actual generated energy with that of the installed
nameplate capacity of the generator(s). The units of measurement are kWh/kWP.
(2) A retroflection zone is an area in which the flow in question encounters specific
obstacles which cause the flow to diverge from the original path and turn on itself, either
clockwise or anticlockwise in direction.