Paper and Surface Chemicals - Part2 PDF
Paper and Surface Chemicals - Part2 PDF
Paper and Surface Chemicals - Part2 PDF
Pedro Fardim
example rubber. The purpose is to structure of the paper while those
polish the paper surface and vehicles to be employed in
significantly increase the sheet lithography require not formation of
specular gloss. Image obtained in emulsion with water.
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) of a
coated paper surface after
2. Coating and surface chemistry
calendering shows a flattening of
superficial plateaus in the
Coating used in paper surfaces is a
topographical image (Fig.1). This
material composed by a complex
flattening reduces the diffuse
mixture of components containing
scattering of the light and increases
colloidal particles and dissolved
the specular reflection, thus
polymers (Tab.1). A coating layer of
increasing the gloss (Fardim, 1999).
approximately 10 g/m2 is applied on
1.2 Printability: A Relevant quality the base paper in movement,
parameter generally using a transfer reel. The
excess is removed by a steel blade
Printability is a parameter related and after coating transfer, the water
with the level of paper quality when is removed by treatment with heat in
it is printed. It is depend upon the the drying section.
capacity of the paper sheet in
"accept" the ink solid particles in a Compone Examples Function
uniform way, without formation of nt
films with irregular thickness and Pigments Kaolin, Support a
also with good reproduction of Calcium structure of
carbonate, fine porosity
images that contain small tonality Titanium and form a
variations. The printed dots must dioxide, surface
clear and defined without Plastic which
significant scattering and with pigments scatters the
absence of ink migration during light.
Adhesives Soluble in Bind the
multi color printing. water (glues, pigment
starches, particles
Evaluation of printability is made gums, casein, between
with specific tests, involving printing soy protein itself and the
simulation in controlled conditions and others); coating
Polymer layer onto
and image analysis aiming at to emulsions the paper.
quantify bleeding, dot gain, tonality, (latex, poly- Fulfill pores
interface color-color, optical density, vinyl acetate, between the
color scattering, printed area and acrylates) pigments.
other parameters (Chen et al, 1995). Additives Polymers urea Make the
Printing quality depends on paper for water formaldehyde coating less
repellence sensitive to
characteristics, printing process, and water.
the printing ink composition. The Plasticizers Stearates, Improve the
main printing processes in paper Paraffin flexibility of
are: lithography, rotogravure, emulsions the coating
flexography, typography, layer
Thickeners Natural Control
electrostatic, ink jet, and digital. polymers rheological
The printing ink is composed Cellulose properties,
basically by colored pigments derivatives viscosity,
dispersed in a vehicle and both are and water
specific for each printing process. retention.
Dispersants Poliphosphate Optimize the
For example, vehicles to be employed s, Ligno- pigment
in rotogravure must have great sulphonates dispersion
capacity of penetration in the Silicates
Preservativ Beta-naphthol Prevent Europe. Such pigments have
es formaldehyde deterioration differences concerning
morphological properties, chemical
applications. composition, and surface charge.
Anti-foams Long chain Control The latter plays an important role
alcohols foam for colloidal stability and dispersion
problems constancy. Pigment dispersion is the
and base of coating preparation, being
eliminate air
bubbles the medium where the other
Dyes Direct dyes, Use in formulation components are added
Acid dyes, colored (Alince and Lepoutre, 1980).
Colored coating Concentration of electrolytes and pH
pigments formulations of the medium affect the dispersion,
but specific characteristics of the
Table 1 - Typical components of the coating
color formulation for printing papers and pigment particles are also important
paper-boards (Scott et al, 1995). (Sanders, 1992). The surface
charge of calcium carbonate is
During the coating color transfer, it negative and not dependent of pH,
requires excellent properties of however this pigment can suffer
fluidity, reached with low solids and decomposition in acidic media. The
viscosity. However, to get a dry layer kaolin surface charge has different
of uniform coating and with good polarities between the face and the
printability characteristics, high lateral of the particle, being negative
solids and viscosity are necessary in the face and positive in the
(Van Gilder and Purfeerst, 1986), laterals. The charge of the laterals is
which on the other hand, can cause dependent of pH, being positive in
problems in the coating transfer acidic media and negative in
such as deposits on the blade and alkaline media (Rand and Melton,
coating marks (Reinbold and Ulrich, 1977). The pH at the iso-electric
1979). The needs are antagonic point is approximately 7.5 and in
and require a balance condition values above of this pH,
aiming at runnability and predominance of negative charge
printability (Dahlvik, 2000). In occurs at the laterals (Diz and
terms of surface chemistry, the Rand, 1989). In the acidic media
properties required during the the particle deposition is favoured
coating transfer are those of a due the electrostatic attraction
system in colloidal stability, while between the positive laterals and the
those excellent conditions of the negative faces (Dollimore and
coating layer and printability are Horrige, 1973). The electrostatic
observed when it has flocculation or attraction can be enough to exceed
particle aggregation and formation the potential energy barrier, in
of macro-flocks (Grön, 1998). The accordance with theory DLVO,
knowledge of surface chemical discussed in the part I of this
interactions is important to achieve revision. Presence of electrolytes in
a balance between these trends. the medium also can favour the
deposition due the compression of
the double electric layer and
2.1 Pigments and its interaction reduction of the barrier of potential
in the dispersion medium energy (Evans and Wennerström,
1999). In industrial applications,
Kaolin and calcium carbonate are the pigment dispersions generally
the pigments generally used in are kept in pH superior to 8.0 and a
coating formulation in Brazil and polyelectrolyte is used as dispersion
agent (Dahlvik, 2000). The but it can be also used for
polielectrolyte is adsorbed at the rotogravure and flexography.
particle surface and functioning as
a protective agent. The mechanism Binders are spherical particles with
for stabilization of the dispersion diameter less than 1 µm and
involves the increase in repulsion of different chemical compositions of
the double electric layer, reduction the sphere nucleus. The
of van der Waals attractive forces compositions can be of styrene-
and effect of steric stabilization butadiene copolymer, styrene-
(Shaw, 1980). Use of dispersion butylacrylate copolymer, cross-
agents reduces the effect of the linked styrene-butadiene, and
concentration of electrolytes and pH others. The components ratio in the
of the medium in the dispersion, copolymer is generally 70 % of
however, in extreme conditions the styrene and 30 % of butadiene or
polyelectrolyte conformation is butylacrilate. The surface chemical
modified, affecting the adsorption composition of the binder spheres is
and favouring particle deposition also differentiated by the adsorption
(Stenius et al, 1990). of acrylic acid or an anionic
surfactant (Fig.2), which are used
2.2 Interactions between as stabilizing aids of the dispersion
pigments, binder and co-binder in water (Joanicot et al, 1993).
more acid than the laterals and the water molecules by hydrogen
pH at the isoelectric point of the bonding involving the hydroxyl and
kaolin surfaces has a value of 7.5 in carboxyl groups of the polymer
comparison of 2.0 for silicate and chain (Dahlvik, 2000).
9.6 for calcium carbonate.
A fraction of the restrained water is
transferred to the paper surface
during application, contributing for
the adhesion between the base paper
and coating layer (Young and Fu,
1991). However, if the amount of
transferred water is very high, it can
cause significant expansion of the
fiber network or migration of latex
particles and pigments (Malik and
Kline, 1992, Engström and Morin,
Figure 2. Binder spheres coated with
1994). In cases where the water
acrylic acid (a) and anionic surfactant (b) transference is very low, problems in
(Joanicot et al, 1993). the applied coating layer are
observed (Barber, 1973). The effect
Pigment particles are coated by a of the thickener on the formation of
latex film when the temperature in a three-dimensional network in the
drying conditions is higher than the dry coating layer is another
latex Tg. Interactions between the important factor to be considered
film and the particle are dependent (Grön and Kuni, 1995). Employ of
on the pigment superficial groups anionic starch, for example, does
and the amount of acidic groups on not contribute for formation of this
the surface of the latex micro-sphere. kind of network, however, if cationic
A poor adhesion is observed in starch is used instead, a high
conditions of drying with interaction between this and the
temperature lower than the latex Tg, pigment particles is observed and
causing a partial surface coverage conditions for a three-dimensional
of the pigment (Granier et al, 1994). aggregation are achieved (Grön and
Beyond the pigment-binder Eklund, 1998). In case of CMC, a
interactions there is a third partial adsorption onto pigment
component which influences particles was considered (Wang et
viscosity, water retention, the three- al, 1996), which contributes for
dimensional arrangement and the network formation. Presence of
consolidation of the coating layer, elastic flocks is also observed due to
as well as the gloss and printed gloss interactions between adsorbed and
(Grön et al, 1998) that it is the co- not adsorbed CMC (Whalen-Shaw
binder or thickener (Tab.1). This and Gautam, 1990). These flocks
component is generally a polymer are broken during the high shear
soluble in water, for example conditions in coating application
carboximetilcellulose (CMC), (Sandås and Salminen, 1991).
cationic and anionic hydroxyetil Presence of high concentration of
cellulose (EHEC), and starches Ca ions harms the water retention
(Eriksson and Rigdahl, 1994). The in coating colors which use CMC
amount of thickener used in coating because this metal reduces the
formulation varies from 0.1 up to number of carboxyl groups available
1.5 parts for 100 dry pigment parts. for the capture of water molecules
Its effect on coating color viscosity is (Dahlvik et al, 1997).
believed to be due to the capture of
2.3 Rheological properties of Fluid type Description Examples
coating colors Pseudo Viscosity Inks,
plastic decreases emulsions
with and
Coating colors are traditionally increasing dispersions
studied using rheology techniques. in shear rate
Rheology is the science of the flow Dilatant Viscosity De-
and deformation of a substance that increases flocculated
allows evaluate the performance of a with solids, starch
increase in in water,
coating color formulation during shear rate clay in
application. A long range of shear water, sand
rate must be tested for a complete in water
evaluation and this constitutes an Plastic Fluid Tomato
experimental difficulty, once that behaves as a ketchup
solid under
the current measurement devices are static
suitable only for the extremes of low conditions,
and high shear rates. The use of but if a force
high-pressure capillary viscometers is applied a
that employ extreme high shear flow is
(1000000 s-1) was suggested (Gane which can
et al, 1992) because coating is be either
submitted to high shear rates in Newtonian,
short intervals of time during the plastic,
industrial application. Coatings are pseudo
plastic or
Non-Newtonian fluids (Krieger and dilatant
Dougherty, 1957) or its viscosity Thixotropic Viscosity Greases,
varies with the shear rate (Tab.2). decreases as printing inks
Coating components are particles function of and coating
not symmetrical that present size, time under colors
form and cohesiveness as factors shear rate
that affect the force necessary to put Rheopectic Viscosity Rarely found
them into motion in a flow. These increases as
not symmetrical particles are function of
suspended colloidal and other such time under
as kaolin, calcium carbonate, and shear rate
titanium oxide. Non-Newtonian Table 2. Common categories of Non-
fluids can be classified in different Newtonian fluids (Schramm, 1994).
categories according to its response
of shear stress as function of the Paper coating is a thixotropic fluid
shear rate variation (Fig.3). and it must behave in a way that
coating color flows only at the
moment and at short instants after
its application in conditions of high
shear rates. The hysteresis
behaviour of a coating color can be
evaluated using a curve of shear
stress versus shear rate (Fig.4). The
flocculated structure of the fluid is
destroyed as function of time during
the shearing in a way that the
viscosity is lower than the observed
during the increase in shear rate.
Flocks can reorganize again after
the structure breakage and the time
needed to this restructure affects the irreversible flocculation of the
return of viscosity to the previous material. In this condition the
values. If the flock restructure is production of a not homogeneous
achieved fast then viscosity keeps a fluid occurs, causing changes in the
constant platform, but if the linkages rheological characteristics and
are restored slowly then the viscosity significant viscosity reduction.
is reduced. The reestablishment of
the linkages depends on the 2.4 Coating and white pitch
interface between the dispersed
phase and the liquid phase and also "White pitch" is a deposit formed by
on the shape of the particles in the coating components, generally
dispersed phase. originated from coated broke in the
paper machine. The deposit many
times contains latex, antifoams,
pigment particles, and resins. This
deposit reduces the machine
efficiency due to the impregnation
in the felt and consequent time off
for cleaning. It can also occur in the
coating application devices and
Figure 3. Illustration of the behaviour of cause coating marks or defects.
different Non-Newtonian fluid categories as During printing of a coated paper,
observed in plot a shear stress (•) as "white pitch" can cause low
function of shear rate (•) (Schramm, 1994). resistance to wet and dry picking in
off-set and thus many other
printability problems.
adhesion and surface free energy. cure dominates. This may have been
Many other parameters such as due to the long time required for ink
grammage, thickness, opacity, absorption and the consequent
whiteness, brightness, formation and problems of solvent evaporation
strength also affect printability. discharged to the atmosphere (Scott
et al, 1995).
Printing ink is composed by
polymers, colored pigments and,
vehicles which can be water, oil or
organic solvent. The lithography
printing process uses inks that
contain oils as vehicle, while
flexography can use water and oil.
Organic solvents of low boiling
points are used in rotogravure
printing while digital photocopy
processes do not use liquid vehicles.
The ink jet printing generally uses a
mixture of water and ethanol as a
pore of ray R is suggested by the adhesion. Such components can be
equation of Lucas-Washburn: estimated using values of surface
tension and measurements of
dh/dt = Rγcosθ/4ηh [ 2.1 contact angle, with some
] approximations (Berg, 1993) for
pure liquids. Nevertheless for multi
Where h is the depth of penetration, t component systems such as printing
is the time, γ is the liquid surface ink this estimative are complex.
tension, θ is the contact angle Interactions between the printing
between the liquid and the wall of ink and the paper surface are still
the pore and η is the fluid viscosity not much investigated. Research
(Aspler, 1993). The term γcosθ/η concerning the adhesion between
the ink components and the paper
presents good correlation with the
surface has been started just for a
ink jet printing quality using water
few years (Wickman, 1998) using
based ink.
surface chemistry concepts. The
Water penetration in uncoated development of new products and
printing quality parameters are in
papers depends if the product was
many cases still performed using
submitted to sizing or not. An inter-
trial-and-error approach, frequently
fiber absorption occurs initially
being followed by the absorption of based in subjective methods.
the fiber wall when the paper is not
sized and the intra-fiber absorption 4. Surface engineering, coating
is followed by the inter-fiber and printability
absorption when the paper is sized.
The printing ink penetration occurs Surface modification of the base
in a homogeneous mixture between paper with purpose of increase the
pigment and vehicle; however, when adhesion with the coating layer as
the vehicle is oil based and contains well as the development of
a dissolved polymer it remains on formulations of coating color and
the paper surface (Aspler, 1993). printing inks can be improved with
the application of the surface
Adhesion between components of engineering concept. Better
printing ink and paper surface adhesions between ink and paper
depends on the work of adhesion can be achieved if thermodynamic
which is related with dispersion and parameters are combined
permanent dipole forces between the considering the different printing
molecules at the interface. The and coating types. Problems usually
currently used expression to describe observed such as spots, varnish
the work of adhesion (Berg, 1993; rejection, formation of cut dust and
Erbil, 1997) considers acid-base non uniform printability could be
interactions and formation of eradicated in an objective and
hydrogen bonding in a component lasting way. Catalyzers for printing
Wa and related interactions of ink drying could be incorporated in
physical character to the forces of the coating formulation, reducing
dispersion in a component WaLW. the amount of vehicle used in
printing and thus improving
Wa = WaAB + WaLW [ printability. There are many
2.2] possibilities, including the
formulation of "digital" coatings
The component WaLW is termed through the incorporation of
Lifshitz-van der Waals and Wa is conductive polymers, already
termed thermodynamic work of available, and then make possible
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surface interactions. Coating Dahlvik, P., Ström, G. e Eklund, D. (1997):
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investigated and be improved Dependence of flocculation behavior of
china clay – polyacrylamide suspensions on
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approach, though many researches 42(3), 581.
are still based on subjective methods
of evaluation. The concept of Donigian, D.W., Ishley, J.N. e Wise, K.
surface engineering can also be (1997): Coating pore structure and offset
printed gloss. Tappi J., 80(5), 163.
applied in coating and printing ink
formulations and thus makes Elftonson, J. e Ström, G. (1995): Penetration
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