Dome Roof Calc.

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V wind speed = 122 mph
h: Height of TANK SHEEL = 15 m 49.21245
D: Outer Diameter of Cylinder = 50 m 164.0415
h/D: h / D = 0.3
Cf: Force Coeff for Moderately Smooth Round - Figure 6-21 = 0.5
Kz: Velocity pressure Coefficient @ Top of Cylinder = 1.07
Kzt: Topographic Factor = 1
Kd: Directionality Factor = 0.95
G: Gust Factor = 0.85
qz: Velocity Pressure: 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2 = 38.73174 psf
P: Wind Pressure Acting on Cylinder: qz*G*Cf = 16.46099 psf

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