Imulatest: Rheumatoid Factor (IC-RF DIL 2x10) Ready To Use
Imulatest: Rheumatoid Factor (IC-RF DIL 2x10) Ready To Use
Imulatest: Rheumatoid Factor (IC-RF DIL 2x10) Ready To Use
Principle Calculation
The human serum (plasma) sample reacts upon colloidal gold particles coated Calculate the difference A2–A1 for standards and samples.
with human IgG. In the presence of IgM rheumatoid factor, the particles aggluti- (A2 – A1)sample – (A2 – A1)reagent blank
nate, which induces a red shift in a visible spectrum of a colloid. This induces an RF (IU/ml) = x Cst
(A2 – A1)st – (A2 – A1)reagent blank
increase in optical density at 600 nm, which is directly proportional to the rheuma-
toid factor concentration in the sample. Cst – concentration of standard
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