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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System


Product Overview
Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

General Specification z Cardiology

The high performances of the SonoScape z Obstetrical

S20 stem from the advanced ultrasound z Gynecological

Doppler imaging technologies that include z Musculoskeletal

full digital beam-former, wide dynamic range, z Vascular

multi-beam processing, Modularized z Urological

touchscreen human-machine interaction z Small Parts And Superficial

system etc. z Pediatric

The ergonomic user-friendly design enables z Anaesthesia

user to customize the system according to

the specific application needs, and the Scanning Methods

graphic exam icon assure you familiar with z Electronic Convex Sector

the system in few minutes. z Electronic Linear

z Electronic Phased Array Sector

Advanced Technologies
z Digital Front-End Sweep Angle
z Dual-Beam Processing z Curved Probe:70 degree or more

z Compound Imaging z Phased Array Probe:90 degree or more

z Micro Scan Processing z Micro-curved Probe:193 degree or more

z Harmonic Imaging

z High Pulse Repetition Frequency Transducer Types

z Panoramic Imaging z Convex Array

z 4D Imaging z Micro convex Array

z Graphic Exam Icon z Linear Array

z Modularized touchscreen human-machine z Phase Array

interaction technology

Operating Modes
System Overview z B-Mode

Applications z M-Mode

z Abdominal z TDI-Mode

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

z Color Flow Mode(CFM) z Frame Rate: 750 frames/sec or more

z Power Doppler Imaging(PDI) z Display Gray Scale:256 levels

z Pulse Wave Doppler(PWD) z Digital Channel Number:1024

z Continuous Wave Doppler(CWD) z Probe Elements: Up to 256

z 3D/4D Imaging

z Color M Mode Media &Peripherals

z Steer M-Mode z Color Desk Jet Pinter(optional)

z B/W Video Pinter(optional)

Display Modes z Color Video Pinter(optional)

z Gray-scale imaging

z Color: Color Doppler, Power Flow and System Menu Setting

Directional Power Flow Imaging, TDI z File Manager

z THI(Tissue Harmonic Image) →Copy、Paste、Delete

z Dual B, Quad Display →Convert PC

z B and M, display format selectable →Report Only

z B and Doppler →Image Only

z B+Color →Search

z Dual B(Flow) →Select All

z Triplex mode: B, Flow, and PW/CW →Send DICOM

Doppler →DICOM Print

z B, Flow, and Color M z Set Time/Date

z Simultaneous Refresh Display z Facility Name

z Variable screen size: Change the screen z Dicom

ratio of 2D and Doppler/M in duplex or z System Information

triplex mode →Control Number

z Panoramic Imaging →Software Version

z Compound Imaging z System Setting

z Trapezozd Imaging →General Setting

‹ Language Setting

Standard Features ¾ English

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

‹ Screen Saver ‹ Video Invert

‹ Trackball Sensitive ‹ Insert Driver

‹ Clip Format →Set Calculation Menu

¾ CIN ‹ 2D Mode

¾ WMV ¾ Angle

¾ AVI ¾ Volume

‹ Date Format ¾ Volume L×W×H

¾ mm/dd/yyyy ¾ Doppler Area

¾ yyyy/mm/dd ¾ Vascular

¾ dd/mm/yyyy ¾ Small Part

‹ Caps Lock:on/off ¾ Obstetrical/ Gynecological

‹ Print Size ¾ Left Ventricle

‹ Still Format ¾ Urologic

¾ PPM ¾ Mitral Valve Diam

¾ JPG ¾ Lv Outflow Diam

¾ BMP ¾ Pul.Valve Diam

¾ TIF ‹ PW Mode

‹ Color of ROI ¾ Flow Velocity

¾ Green ¾ Acceleration

¾ Yellow ¾ Time

¾ Orange ¾ Heart Rate

¾ Cyan ¾ Cardiac

‹ Display Format ¾ Obstetrical/ Gynecological

¾ H1/2、H1/4、V1/3 ¾ Vascular

¾ V1/2、V2/3、O1/4 ‹ M Mode

‹ One key Save:on/off ¾ Distance

‹ EFW Unit:kg,g、Ib,oz ¾ Time

‹ Print to DICOM ¾ Slope

→Set Printer ¾ Heart Rate

‹ Printer Driver ¾ left Ventricle

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

¾ Mitral Valve ¾ Mediscan BPD,AC

¾ Aortic Valve ‹ BPD Method

→Set Measurement Method ¾ Hadlock

‹ BSA setting ¾ Jeanty

¾ Eastern ¾ Crespigeny

¾ Western ¾ Kurtz

‹ Measure Method ¾ Hansmann

¾ Ellipse ¾ Sabbagha

¾ Trace ¾ Campbell

‹ Package ¾ Tokyo

¾ All Package ¾ Merz

¾ Icon Driven ¾ Osaka

‹ Continue Dist:on/off ‹ FL Method

‹ Dop Auto ¾ Hadlock

¾ AUTO ¾ Hohler

¾ SEMI-AUTO ¾ Jeanty

‹ Focal Auto:on/off ¾ Hansmann

‹ EFW Method ¾ Tokyo


¾ Shepard AC,BPD ¾ Chitty

¾ Hadlock1 AC,FL ¾ Osaka

¾ Hansman AC,FL,HC ¾ Campbell

¾ Tokyo BPD,APTD,TTD,FL ‹ CRL Method

¾ Hadlock2 HC,AC,FL ¾ Robinson

¾ Hadlock3 BPD,AC,FL ¾ Hadlock

¾ Hadlock4 HC,AC ¾ Nelson

¾ Hadlock5 BPD,HC,AC,FL ¾ Jeanty

¾ Shinozuka BPD,AC,FL ¾ Hansmann

¾ Warsof FL,AC ¾ Mediscan

¾ Mediscan FL,AC ¾ Tokyo

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

¾ Osaka ¾ Jeanty

‹ AC Method ¾ Merz

¾ Hadlock ¾ Osaka

¾ Hansmann ‹ Ulna Method

¾ Tokyo ¾ Jeanty

¾ Merz ¾ Merz

¾ Campbell ¾ Mediscan

‹ TAD Method ‹ Tibia Method

¾ Hansmann ¾ Jeanty

‹ OFD Method ¾ Merz

¾ Hansmann ‹ AUA Result by

‹ HC Method ¾ Average

¾ Hadlock ¾ Last

¾ Jeanty ‹ Edit or Create user define table

¾ Chitty(M) ¾ Replace

¾ Chitty(D) ¾ Save

¾ Merz ¾ Cancel

¾ Campbell →Annotation Edit

‹ GS Method ‹ Insert

¾ Nyberg ‹ Delete

¾ Hansmann ‹ Edit

¾ Hellman ‹ Save

¾ Tokyo →Define quick key

¾ China ‹ Allow all OB measurement in Quick

‹ Fibula Method Key in user defined

¾ Merz →Load Default

‹ Radius Method ‹ Load

¾ Merz ‹ Create

¾ Mediscan ‹ Retrieve

‹ Humerus Method ¾ Copy user setting to USB

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

¾ Copy user preset to USB →End

¾ Load USB user setting to system →Frame By Frame

¾ Load USB user preset to system →Baseline


Post-Processing →Chroma

z RAW data digital processing →Video Invert

z Read Zoom up to 10x →Display Format

B Mode →Start

→GSC →End

→Chroma →Frame By Frame


→Play/Stop Scanning Parameters

→Loop Speed B-Mode

→Start z Gain:1-255 adjustable

→End z Depth: 32.9 cm Max (probe dependent)

→Frame By Frame z zoom: Max.>= 10,Show zoom X value

Color Flow Mode z TGC(Time Gain Control) 8 slide controls

→C Map z Left and Right Inversion

→B Reject z Up and Down Inversion

→Finv: Flow Invert z 2B mode

→Loop Speed z 4B mode

→Start z Compound Image: ON/OFF

→End z Focus: Up to 12, focus span adjustable

→Play/Stop z Frequency : 5 steps

→Frame By Frame z Chroma: Max.13 selectable

PW/CW -Mode z Adapt . IM Fusion: 15 kinds

→Chroma z u-Scan: adjustable

→Video Invert z Line Density: 3 selections (high/med/low)

→Display Format z Persist (Frame correlation): 0-95 (probe

→Start dependent)

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

z Biopsy Guide: on/off z Filter: Up to 750 Hz (exam dependent)

Biopsy Offset adjustable z Pulse Repetition Frequency: 0.5-12KHZ

Biopsy Angle adjustable z Line Density: 2 kinds (low and high)

z Dynamic range-compression selections: z Color Map: 11 kinds (probe dependent)

20-280 (probe dependent) z Baseline: ±15 steps

z GSC(gray scale curve) 7 steps selectable z Persist: 0-80(probe dependent)

z SEC.WIDTH: B Image width adjustable z B Reject: 0-255

z SEC.POS: B image lateral position z Steer Angle: 5 kinds (linear probe )

adjustable Max. ±20 degrees,

z Power%: 1 to 100 changeable 0, ±16, ±20 changeable

z Tissue acqustic: Adjustable according to z Imaging Area and Position (adjustable)

tissue type (1400-1700,10steps each)

z Trapezoid Image: ON/OFF(liner array M-Mode

probe) z Steer M: 3 lines, Display Frame Rate,

z B Steer Mode Allow Steer M to store in user define

Color Flow Mode/TDI Mode z Video Invert: ON/OFF
z Gain: 0-255 adjustable z Up and Down Inversion
z Frame Rate: ≥50 frames/sec z M Process: Switch average or peak
z Color Area Size and Position: adjustable detection processing for the M vector
z Single auto focus while color ROI display.
movement z sweep speed: 2、4、6、8sec/plane
z Left / right: ON/OFF z Chroma: 5 kinds selectable
z Up / Down: ON/OFF z Display format: H1/2、H1/4、V1/3、V1/2、
z Zoom function V2/3、O1/4
z 2B mode z Power% : 30 to 100 changeable
z 4B mode

z B and B(Flow) Simultaneous Real-time Spectral Doppler

Display z Doppler methods
z Finv: Flow Invert (ON/OFF) ‹ PW (pulsed wave) Doppler
z Frequency Range: 5 steps

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

‹ CW Doppler 3D/4D Mode

z 2D Refresh: on/off z 3 arbitrary sections simultaneously

z Sample Volume Size for PW Doppler: z Display mode

1 -20 mm, changeable in 1 mm step, ‹ Dual Display

display Doppler Sample Volume Size. ‹ Quad Display

z Video Invert: on/off ‹ Full Display 2D

z 2B Mode ‹ Full Display 3D

z Finv: Spectrum Inversion ‹ Full Display 4D

z Angle: 0-80 degrees z Clip Plane: on/off

z Angle Correction: on /off z Undo Cut

z Auto Trace function in Real time z Rotate X

z BaseLine Shift: Available up to 17 steps z Rotate Y

z Frequency : 5 steps z Rotate Z

z WF: 25-750 z Move L-R

z High Pulse Repetition Frequency z Move U-D

PW: 1-20KHz (exam dependent) z Zoom

CW: 1-48KHz z Trace Cut: on/off

z Max velocity range: z Render Mode: Vol、MaxIP、X-ray

0.0004-40.9 m/s(pw) z Auto Rotate (45、90、180、270、360

0.0013-49.1 m/s(cw) degrees adjustable )

z Sweep Speed: 2、4、6、8sec/plane z Opacity Offset: 0-255 adjustable

z Power% : 30 to 100 changeable z Opacity Slope: 0-255 adjustable

z Chroma: Max.5 Kinds adjustable z Scan Method: Lin、Sec

z Dynamic Rage: 10 steps selectable z Z Scale: adjustable

z Display format: H1/2、H1/4、V1/3、V1/2、 z Z Angle: 10-170°adjustable

V2/3、O1/4 z Color Map:4 kinds

z Steer Angle: 5 kinds (linear probe ) z Multi-slice:Ref A、Ref B、Ref B

Max. ±20 degrees, z Slice Spacing:0.5-2.0 adjustable

0, ±16, ±20 changeable z Clip Plane:

z Cine Review: on/off

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

z Rescan: on/off statement issued by SonoScape.)

z Stabilization z Storage: Directly transmits image with

z Sweep Angle:20-75 degrees patient information to a DICOM file server

z Image Quality: high、med、low

z Volume Review Physiological Signal Display

z 4D Gain: adjustable z ECG, Pulse wave

z Frame Rate: 5 frames/sec or more z ECG Lead-three lead system

z Print z ECG Gain: adjustable

z full scan of the Region of interest z ECG Position: adjustable

z Save images z ECG Invert:on/off

z R-Trigger:on/off

Integrated Data Management ‹ Trigger Delay: adjustable

System ‹ Frame Count: adjustable

z Hard Disk memory capacity: 320 G

z Storage media:USB Drive User Interface

Operator Keyboard

Storage of Images and Cine z Shortcuts Keyboard

z Cine loop: 10000 frames or more z Integrated Recording Keys for Remote

z Cine loop time:60 seconds or more Control of Peripheral Devices and DICOM

z Real time single/dual static and dynamic Devices

Image storage z 8 TGC Pods

z Archived image can be viewed on PC z Integrated function key

z Cropboard function: in Freeze Mode Character and icon

z Cine play back mode for Dop. z Character Input Area: ID, Name, DOB,Sex,

z Doppler Cine Sound Play Back Function Weight, Height, LMP etc

z Body Mark:52 kinds

DICOM Network Communication

z Conformity to DICOM Standard: Service Electrical Power
class user of storage, (for details, please z Voltage:100/220 Volts AC

refer to the DICOM conformance z Current: 3.15 Amps

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

z Frequency:50/60Hz →C362 (2-6 MHZ)

→C542 (3.7-11 MHZ)

Environmental Requirements z Micro-curved Probe(Transvaginal)

In operation →6V1 (3.9-15 MHZ)

z Temperature:+10 to +40 degrees C →6V3 (3.9-15 MHZ)

z Relative Humidity: 30% to 75% z Micro-curved Probe(Cardiology)

(non condensing) →C311 (2-6 MHZ)

z Atmospheric pressure: 700 to 1060hPa →C611 (4-13 MHZ)

In Storage/Transportation z 4D Probe

z Temperature: -20 to +55 degrees C →VC6-2(2-7 MHZ)

z Relative humidity: 20%- 90% z Linear,Surgical(Surgery)

(non condensing) →10I2 (4.5-15 MHZ)

z Atmospheric Pressure: 700 to 1060hPa

Probe Connectors z General Measurements/Calculations

z Active Connectors: 3 connectors On B-Mode

→Distance(real time、freeze)

Optional Probe →Area and circumference (Trace, Ellipse)

z Phased Array Probe(Cardiology) (real time、freeze)

→2P1 (1.9-6 MHZ) →Volume (L×W×H,Area×L)

→5P1 (4.2-11 MHZ) →Angle

z Linear Probe(Vascular, Small Part) On M-Mode

→L741 (5-16 MHZ) →Velocity

→L742 (7-15 MHZ) →Distance

→L743 (7-16 MHZ) →Time

→L752 (4.5-15 MHZ) →Heart rate

→10L1 (4.5-15 MHZ) →Slope

→L541 (3.7-9 MHZ) On Spectral Doppler

z Curved Probe(Abdomen, OB/GYN) →Time Interval

→C344 (2-7 MHZ) →Velocity

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

→Velocity Ratio →AC (Abdominal Circumference)

→Velocity Time Integral →FL (Femur Length)

→Heart Rate →CER (Cerebellum)

→Velocity →OFD (Occipitofrontal Diameter)

→Acceleration →Fibula (Fibula Length)

→Resistance Index →Foot (Foot Length)

→Pulsatility Index →AA (Abdominal Area)

→Pressure half time →APAD (Anteroposterior Abdominal

→PV(peak Velocity) Diameter)

→Mean Flow Velocity →HA (Head Area)

→End diastolic Velocity →Humerus (Humerus Length)

→PG((Pressure gradient) →Kidney (Kidney Length)

→Auto Trace →APTD (Anteroposterior Trunk Diameter)

→Manual trace →OOD (Outer Orbital Diameter)

On Color Mode →Radius (Radius Length)

→Color Flow Velocity →TAD (Transverse Abdominal Diameter)

→Doppler Area →TC (Thoracic Circumference)

→proximal Isovelocity surface area →THD (Thoracic Diameter)

On 4D-Mode →Tibia (Tibia Length)

→Distance →TTD (Transverse Trunk Diameter)

→Area and circumference →Ulna (Ulna Length)

→Volume →Umb VD (Umbilical Vein Diameter)

→NT (Nuchal Translucency)

z Obstetrical/ Gynecological →LV (Lateral Ventricle)

Measurements & Calculations →UT L (Uterus Length)

B Mode →UT H (Uterus Height)

→GS (Gestational Sac diameter) →UT W (Uterus Width)

→CRL (Crown Rump Length) →Cx (Cervix)

→BPD (Biparietal Diameter) →En-T (Endometriosis)

→HC (Head Circumference) →Rt OV L (Right Ovary Length)

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

→Rt OV H (Right Ovary Height) Length at end Systole

→Rt OV W (Right Ovary Width) ‹ Biplane Ellipse Method

→Lt OV L (Left Ovary Length) ¾ LVALd: Left Ventricular Long-axis

→Lt OV H (Left Ovary Height) Area at end Diastole

→Lt OV W (Left Ovary Width) ¾ LVALs: Left Ventricular Long-axis

→AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index) Area at end Systole

→Dominant Follicle ¾ LVAMd: Left ventricular short-axis

→EFA(Estimated Fetal Age) area at end diastole

→EDD(Estimated Date of Delivery) ¾ LVIDd: Left ventricular short-axis

→EFW ( Estimated Fetal Weight) diameter at end diastole

→AUA(Average Ultrasound Age) ¾ LVAMs: Left ventricular short-axis

→Fetal HR(Fetal Heart Rate) area at end systole

PW Mode ¾ LVIDs: Left ventricular short-axis

→Umb A (Umbilical Artery) diameter at end systole

→MCA (Middle Cerebral Artery) ‹ Bullet

→Rt Uterin A (Right Uterine Artery) ¾ LVAMd: Left ventricular short-axis

→Lt Uterin A (Left Uterine Artery) area at end diastole

→Fetal AO (Fetal Aorta) ¾ LVAMs: Left ventricular short-axis

area at end systole

z Cardiac measurements ¾ LVLd: Left ventricular long-axis

B-Mode length at end diastole

→Left Ventricular Fuction Measurement ¾ LVLs: Left ventricular long-axis

‹ Single Plane Ellipse Method length at end systole

¾ LVALd: Left Ventricular Long-axis ‹ Simpson Method

Area at end Diastole ¾ LVAMd: Left ventricular short-axis

¾ LVLd: Left Ventricular Long-axis area at end diastole

Length at end Diastole ¾ LVAMs: Left ventricular short-axis

¾ LVALs: Left Ventricular Long-axis area at end systole

Area at end Systole ¾ LVAPd: Left ventricular short-axis

¾ LVLs: Left Ventricular Long-axis area at the level of the

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

papillary muscle at end ‹ Gibson

diastole ¾ LVLDd: Left ventricular short-axis

¾ LVAPs: Left ventricular short-axis diameter at end diastole

area at the level of the ¾ LVIDs: Left ventricular short-axis

papillary muscle at end diameter at end systole

systole ‹ Biplane Disk

¾ LVLd: Left ventricularlong-axis ¾ Diastole 2CH

length at end diastole ¾ Diastole 4CH

¾ LVLs: Left ventricular long-axis ¾ Systole 2CH

length at end systole ¾ Systole 2CH

‹ Cube →Mitral Valve Diam

¾ IVSTd: Interventricular septal →Lv Outflow Diam

thickness at end diastole →Pul.Valve Diam

¾ LVIDd: Left ventricular short-axis M-Mode

diameter at end diastole →Left Ventricular Fuction Measurement

¾ LVPWd: Left ventricular posterior ‹ Cube

wall thickness at end ¾ LVIDd: Left ventricular short-axis

diastole diameter at end diastole

¾ IVLTs: Interventricular septal ¾ LVIDs: Left ventricular short-axis

thickness at end systole diameter at end systole

¾ LVIDs: Left ventricular short-axis ¾ LVPWd: Left ventricular posterior

diameter at end systole wall thickness at end

¾ LVPWs: Left ventricular posterior diastole

wall thickness at end ¾ LVPWs: Left ventricular posterior

systole wall thickness at end

‹ Teichholz systole

¾ LVLDd: Left ventricular short-axis ‹ Gibson

diameter at end diastole ¾ LVLDd: Left ventricular short-axis

¾ LVIDs: Left ventricular short-axis diameter at end diastole

diameter at end systole ¾ LVIDs: Left ventricular short-axis

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

diameter at end systole →DR PED (Dorsalis Pedis)

‹ Teichholz →%A REDUC (Area reduction percent)

¾ LVLDd: Left ventricular short-axis →%D REDUC (Diameter reduction

diameter at end diastole percent)

¾ LVIDs: Left ventricular short-axis →PI (Pulsatility Index)

diameter at end systole →RI (Resistive Index)

→Mitral Valve Measurement →S/D (Systolic/Diastolic Ratio)

→Aortic Valve Measurement →PG((Pressure gradient)

PW-Mode →PV(peak Velocity)

→Mitral Valve Measurement →IMT

→Aortic Valve Measurement

→Tricuspid Valve Measurement z Urological Measurements Calculations

→Pulmonary Valve Measurement →Left Kidney

→TEI Index Doppler Measurement →Right Kidney

→Left-Renal Cortex

z Vascular Measurements Calculations →Right-Renal Cortex

→ICA (Internal Carotid Artery) →Left-Adrenal Gland

→ECA (External Carotid Artery) →Right- Adrenal Gland

→CCA (Common Carotid Artery) →Bladder Volume

→INT IL (Internal iliac) →Residual Urine

→EXT IL (External iliac) ‹ Urine Area

→ILIAC (Common iliac) ‹ Urine Height

→CFA (Common Femoral Artery) →Whole Prostate Volume

→PROFUN (Profunda) →Trans Zone Volume

→LT CIR (Lateral Circumflex) →Left-Seminal Vesicles

→SFA(Superficial Femoral Artery) →Right- Seminal Vesicles

→POP (Popliteal Artery) →Left-Testicle

→PTA (Posterior Tibial Artery) →Right- Testicle

→PERON (Personal Artery)

→ATA (Anterior Tibial Artery) z Small Part Measurements

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System



→Thyroid Isthmus

→L-Superior Parathyroid

→L-Inferior Parathyroid

→R-Superior Parathyroid

→R-Inferior Parathyroid

z Orthopaedic Measurements

→HIP(Hip Joint)

z Report functions
→Obstetrical /Gynecological report


‹ Obstetrical Curve

‹ Fetal Anatomy

‹ Biophysical Profile

‹ Fetal Compare (quadruplets)

‹ Picture

‹ Comment

→Cardiac function report(revisability)

→Vascular report

→Urological report

→Small Part report

→IMT report

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Specifications for S20 High-Performance Color System

z The specifications are subject to change without notice.

z Not all the products are available in all countries.

z Please contact your local Sonoscape representative.

Address: 4/F, Yizhe Building, Yuquan Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Post code: 518051

Tel: 86-755-26959990,86-755-26722890,86-755-26722860

Fax: 86-755-26722850

Website: http://www.sonoscape.net

E-mail: [email protected]

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