Atoms and Molecules Part - 2

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fa\f t1 111 s ,111,t \1 t> lcc ul cs

Topics To b ec ov er ed :
J) Sym bo ls of elemcn1s
2) Exis te nce of ato n1 s
3) Ions and their Valency
!f 4) C,hen1ic al forrnula
Mod ern Symb ols of the Elem ents
.l •!• Sym b o Is of some element s with same first lett er
. o.' r
f. SN r ~-, ' Symbols
Elements Symbols , "5 .N o. Elements
J' - 1. Carbon Ce
C 6. Cerium
2. Cakiun1 Cl
Ca 7. Chlorine
3. Cobalt Co 8. Cadmium Cd
4. Copper Cu 9. Chromium Cr
5. Caesiun1 Cs

•!• Symbo ls of some elements derived from Latin names

~ ' /
5. No. English name Latin name ,, Symbols "'s~ ✓ English name v Latin name Y Symbols ""
1. Sodium Natrium Na 6. Gold Aurum Au
2. Potassium I<alium K 7. Mercury Hydragyrum Hg
3. Iron Ferrum Fe 8. Lead Plumbum Pb
4. Copper Cupnim Cu 9. Tin Stannum Sn
5. Silver ·Argentum Ag 10. Antimony Stibium Sb
1\1od ern S v n1 hols of the Elem e nts
r •••• .:~~
c .. n1 ho I_s o t' so1nc clcn1~n
, . .
ts der1ved t·"'rom ·Eng-1-1
·sh· - names- --
S.No. Elements
' Symbols ' '5.No.. . r Elements -.., Symbols -

.,L Hydrogen H 13. Aluminium Al

-3, Silicon
. Si 14. ·Helium He
Phosophorus p Li
15. Lithium
4. Sulphur s
16. Beryllium . Be
5. Chlorine a 17. Boron 8
6. Argon Ar 18. Carbon C
7. Calcium Ca 19. Nitrogen N
8. Ouomium Cr 20. Oxygen 0
9. ~tanganese Mn 21. Fluorine F
JO. Cobalt Co 22. Magnesium Mg
11 6 Nickel Ni ' 23. Bromine
Iodine Br
12. .
I 24. Platinum
- l't
E x is te n c e o f A to m 8
ce pt th e er t g
1❖ At oms do no t oc cu r in de pe nd en tly ex

2 wh ic h are quite stable. in st ab ility. T w o

at ta
'J ❖ Th ey are fo un d in
co m bi ne d fo rm to to
· alb ond -
· di·ffe re nt atoms combine together th ro ug h ch em ic

ili se th em se lv es an d fo rm m ol ecule. ~ -
st ab

(electrically neutral)
-- - 7 -- -· - - I ,f-_
_ _ _ +_- _
--- -- - - '- - -

~folecules (electrically charged)
(electrically neutral) 1
--- - -c _Ionic coml._po__un__ds_,, .)
~folecules of elements

IhlA.:t ~~ - A-A-
i\ I«, Ill l~ti Ir s
I❖ .•\ mn k ru k is tklinl'd as an electric all y neutral group. of
• r,, o ,,r mnrc atom s \\'hich arc joined tog
.ether hy attractive
• flH \'l' ~ cal led ch~n1i cal bond
, ❖ Fo r l'\ am pl c, Ni b is a molecule
of ammonia. ln th is
mo kr nl c, three hydfogen atom s are att
. . ached with one
ni trogen aton1 with the help of chemica
l bonds.
)•··• ' ~.
\l/C can say that a molecule
is the smallest partt.c le 0 f
an elem ent or a compound which shows all
the properties of
th at substan ce and can exist freely
under ordinary
co ndition s.
•!• Molecule of elements: These are formed
when same kind
of atoms join together to fonn molecules.


.No. Param,eters Ato~s & Molecule~ ------ ------.~ _.--.

Atom ' Molecule
l te . It may ormaynot exist independently. It can existindependentlY,
ne~~ It has high potential energy. Has low patential energy.
VlSlOn Maybe divided further into sub· Maybe divided into atoms.
atomic particles.
Highly unstable but stable in inert Stable (but unstable in ionic
gases. compounds).
Sile It is the smallest particle of an element It~ the smallestparticle of an element
which generally exists in groups or comf()U!ld which can exist ~l~
(molecules). under ordinary rondifion.s.

Oxygen atom --a
Hydrogen atom - j

- JJ ti carbon atom

11 ,.

·ydr l1(J r1 11
- a :s; ~_) •
()>< yutm
Sulfur Water carbon dioxide
H20 CO2

:.J Af omicity: The number of atoms present in a molecule is

caI led aton1icity.
J Monoatomic: He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe (Noble Gases)
J l)i11ton1ic: N2, I-f2, Cb, F2, 02, etc.
J 'f1·iato1nic: 03
J,_fctra-atomic: .P4
J f>oJyatomic: S8
-Molecules= d -when different
❖ l\tfoJecule of compounds: These are forrne
kind of atoms join together to forl11 molecules.
❖ Examples: CO2, CO, NH3, Cll4, H20, HCl, etc.
Molecules of acom ound
Molecules of an elemenl
i I. Same kind of atoms join together to form Different ijnd of atoms join together to fotm
r molecules ofelements. molecules ofa compound. ·
f l. These are also called homoatomic molecules. These are called heteroatomic molecules.
· Some examples of molecules ofan elements are ~me examples of such ~pe of molecules are,
H, O,O) N,etc. C01Hp, HCl,etc,
Io ns and their Valency
•!• Atoms are made up of small sub-atomic particles called
electrons, protons and neutrons.
•!• Electron has 1 unit negative charge while proton has l
unit positive charge. Normally, atom consists of equal
num ber of electrons and protons, that's why they are
con side red to be neutral.
{• Wh en any neutral atom loses electron, it gets pos itiv e
cha rge and whe n any neutral atom gains electron, it gets
neg ativ e charge.
•!• Pos itiv ely charges ions are called cations and neg ativ ely
cha rged ions are called anions. -
~ I

•!• For example, NaCl is formed from Na+ ions and c1- ions.
Ion s an d the ir Valency
1• So metheim po rta nt Cations and Anion ,, s
I· No. Name of cations Jlll jij}a
the anions Symbols
S. No:' Name of
1. Hydrogen (proton) 11' 1. Chloride er
2. Lithium Lt Br-
Na• ' 2. Bromide
3. Sodium
4~ Potassium K~ 3. Iodide r
Ag~ .
Nitrate NO~

7. Ammonium NH+ 6. Hydrox~ e OH"

---- ' 4
8. Magnesium Mg2• 7. Permangana_te Mnb;
Calcium ___ _
Barium __ _
Ba2• 8. Sulphate so:-
ll, Manganese . _....;.,___,. . Mn2+ 9. SulphitE:_ so;-
12. Iron (ferrous,,___ -r- re
" 2+ 10. Carbonate
. co;-
13. Zinc - - ---- 2n2+ I
11. Sulphide 52-
Aluminium - --,, . Al,. 12. Phosphate_ ~ Po:-
Iron ferric Pe,. 13. Nitride _.,..- N3-
r Catio ns an d Anion s
r -·
- - -~
Anion . ·" • I
,No, Cation - --
1, Anions are fonned by non-metals by gaining
Cations are fonned by meta~ by losing
electrons. electrons.
ff Cations have positive charge. Anions have negative charge.

' for example, sodium loses one electron and for example, chlorine forms chloride anionb~
forms cation. gaining one electron.


- ) Na + e

Cl + 1e· ---+ a·
sodium sodium electron chlorine electron chloride ion
atom ation atom I
I , ·-
,. .

- - - - ~
C h e m ic a l Formula
!• T he sh or th an d notation or re
presentation of a chemical
co m po un d is ca lle d chemical form

~• S ig n if ic a n c e o f Chemical form
ula :
.. It tells us about the various elem
ents present
in th e g iv e n compound .
....-lt te ll s us about the relative
number o f
d if fe re n t atoms in the given compo
~ It tells us about the mo
lecular mass o f the
Chemical Formula
❖ Steps for writin2 C
hemical formula:
\,) firs\thesymbo\of cation then an
ion should be written side by side
(ii} The valencies ar ewritten .
down below their symbols.
(iii) The valency of polyatom 2••
ic ion should be considered on
the whole ion. For example, 501 15
considered as (CJJ.t and NH;
is considered as (NHS
(irl If the cations and anions ha
ve same valency (but opposite in
out. charge) then these will be canc
(v) Ucations and anions have
acommon factor in tlwir \'alcnc
divided by this common factor. ics then these valencies shou
ld be
i(vi) Finally criss-cross rule is
applied . Accordinh to this rule,
valencies are exchanged and the when formula is ,vritten then
chargl' is not ml'ntioncd. The form the
compounds are written in the follo ulae of son,c common ionic
wing way: ,
Chemical Form ula
Alu m in iu m o x id e:
lt consistsofaluminium
cationAl~ an d o x ide
S:r mb o ls ~o n CY.
: Al "./';,, 0
V a le ncies ... ; A\20 > = Al10 >, Che
: 3 2 mical formula • A\iO,
IM a gn e si um ch lo ri d e: lt - __ ... • . _ r" ~
co n si st so fm ag n es iu
m ca ti o n Mg2·a n d ch
S y m b ols lo ri d ea n io n a-.
: Mg Cl ; M g ,0
V a le n c ie s = MgCl,, Chemic
: 2 X 1 2 al formuia • Mg<:li
C a lciu m h ydroxid
e: It co n si st s of calciu
m cation Ca2• and hydr
S y m b o ls oxide anion O ff ·
V al en ci es
Ca X O H ; Ca, (OH) =
Ca(OH),, Chemical fo
-- 2 1 2 rmul a= Ca(OH)1
-- -- --
Aluminium su lp h a
te : It consist s of aluminiu m ca tion
Al,. and sulphate anio ~
S y m b o ls : Al y :J f SO. ; A t,(S n SO. ·
Valencies 0.) = Al2(5Q,) , Che m
: 3 /' .. 2 3 3 ical formula • Al1(00~
M a g n e si u m n i t r
~ consists.of m;;;~;;;;~:~:~~~;~;;~:;:~e an
S y mb ols : ~ lg x ~ O J ; 11gl
(~03)2 = ~fg(N03):,
ionNo ;:
\ 'a le n ci es : 2 Chemical formula=
1 ?vtg(NO.}.

Jr ra c tice Q u e st io n o f C h e m ic a l F
o rm u la
) C op pe r su lp ha te
.) \ 1a gu esiu m ni tr id e
') C J pr it cb lo ri d_e ~
f -,~
\ (\ ~y
~ A m m on iu m ca rb on at e .,., ~~ s)'-
) Sod iu m~ ➔ (;A,.,C..~
~) P ot as si um pe rm an ga na te
•) S od iu m ni tr it e
lO) B ar iu m su lp hi te
ll ) A m m on iu m ch lo ri de
, .. . • • V,.
• . . ... IVY - t,J

': ffowNny 1110lt1of NH,(llUIIOftil)willbtthmUl'/Ugof NH.?

Solt•: Mol.1rN11olNff,•M •14•3 • 17Wmol
G1\\'I\. nwsof NH,• 76.5g
.- of - ·
Numtiffofmolnol~tl n.! . Cl\'ffl!Nt& .111\ffiCN • _; -u~
~ M Mo~r nwa of MftlNWA 17

· ~ c.Jcut.t.tht n11mbtrof aiolg lttlnS !_g~~ ~).

zrGiVf fl.muso ffflt>th .nt(CH J•56g ../
:. ~,., (mol.arm4~of CHJ• t x 12;,rcl• 12•4 • 16rJmol
Numbffofmok-sof Of•• n .j • ~16 •3.Smoln~
:. Numbtr of molfcules of c•~ •3.S x6.022 x tcf
c__: ' •21.077tjd'
~~""'9~,- -------- --=---~ ~=--... .:....~.
( ~, ,_ f" \ i- Y.
t?--~ t{-,-

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