HPC Architecture and ECO System PDF
HPC Architecture and ECO System PDF
HPC Architecture and ECO System PDF
Master of Engineering
Subject Code: 3720220
Semester – II
Subject Name: HPC Architecture and ECO system
Rationale: Algorithmic processing performed in High Performance Computing environments impacts the
lives of billions of people, and planning for exascale computing presents significant power challenges to the
industry. The objective of the course is to impart in depth knowledge of parallel architectures and different
shared/distributed memory architectures in support to exascale computing. MPI and OpenMP are discussed
along with their applications.
Reference Books:
1. 1. Parallel Programming for Multicore and Cluster Systems by Thomas Rauber and Gudula Runger.
2. Scientific Parallel Computing by Scott, Clark, and Bagheri.
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Master of Engineering
Subject Code: 3720220
3. Using OpenMP: Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming by Chapman, Jost, and van der
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. CO statement Marks % weightage
CO-2 Perform problem decomposition and load balancing using MPI and 25%
CO-3 Identify hot spots in the codes using performance analysis tools. 25%
CO-4 Evaluate the performance of the code using the tools 25%
Use Valgrind, Vtune Amplifier, Nvidia Visual Profiler and Nvidia Nsight to identify hotspots and other
parameters for detailed analysis of following the practicals.
1) Calculate standard deviation using Pthread, OpenMP and MPI.
2) Write parallel code for Matrix Matrix Multiplication using MPI cluster of 4 nodes, OpenMP, PVM
cluster of 4 nodes, OpenACC and CUDA and compare and plot the performance in terms of
execution time for Matrix size of 1000 x 1000, 5000 x 5000, 10,000 x 10,000, 20,000 x 20,000.
3) Write the programs in MPD or in C with the Pthreads library for the following:
a) Sequential Jacobi iteration program
b) Parallel Jacobi iteration program
c) Sequential multigrid program
d) Parallel multigrid program
4) Perform Monte Carlo simulation using NVIDIA's CURAND library for random number
Write your own small program to compute the average value of
az2 + bz + c
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Master of Engineering
Subject Code: 3720220
where z is a standard Normal random variable (i.e. zero mean and unit variance, which is what the
random number generator produces) and a, b, c are constants which you should store in constant
memory. It is suggested to use each thread to average over 100 values, and then write this to a
device array which gets copied back to the host for the averaging over the contributions from each
of the threads.
(Note: the average value should be close to a + c.)
5) Implement 3D Laplace Finite Solver using CUDA and OpenACC.
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19