Gujarat Technological University: W.E.F. AY 2018-19
Gujarat Technological University: W.E.F. AY 2018-19
Gujarat Technological University: W.E.F. AY 2018-19
Master of Engineering
Subject Code: 3730006
Semester III
Industrial Safety
Type of Course:
Prerequisite: Nil
Rationale: Safety is major issue in any industry; awareness about safety helps students from any major
accidents, Different rules regulation of safety helps students apply it in industry for performance and
productivity improvements. Knowledge of Maintenance, its type and application gives better work
environments and helps industry from major shutdown. Different maintenance tools and techniques for
different situation and industry equipment’s helps students to apply it in real life industry problems.
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Master of Engineering
Subject Code: 3730006
1. Maintenance Engineering Handbook, Higgins & Morrow, Da Information Services
2. Maintenance Engineering, H. P. Garg, S. Chand and Company
3. Pump-hydraulic Compressors, Audels, Mcgrew Hill Publication
4. Foundation Engineering Handbook, Winterkorn, Hans, Chapman & Hall London
Course Outcomes:
After learning the course the students should be able to :
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19