Leadership Competencies and Styles of Integrated School Administrators: Their Influence On Academic Competitions
Leadership Competencies and Styles of Integrated School Administrators: Their Influence On Academic Competitions
Leadership Competencies and Styles of Integrated School Administrators: Their Influence On Academic Competitions
The researcher aims to obtain information on the leadership competencies and styles of
integrated school administrators and their influence on academic competitions. The answer in this
questionnaire will help identify the best practices of integrated schools which will serve as basis for
the recommended enhancement plan. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. Your
answers will be kept confidential. Thank you.
5 – Highly Competent
4 – Very Competent
3 – Moderate Competent
2 – Incompetent
1 – Very Incompetent
Indicators of Leadership Competencies 5 – Point Competence Scale
1. COMMUNICATION: 5 4 3 2 1
uses clear, concise ad simple words in communicating or
getting through a message.
is discreet and tactful in the choice of words.
ensures clear communication by requesting politely if the
message is understood or correctly decoded as encoded.
believes and applies the advantage of the way a thought or
feeling is expressed “It’s not the words but how the words
are said”.
practices paraphrasing and mirroring in getting through
right messages.
is fully aware of his/her roles and responsibilities of his/her
present position/ designation.
accepts and acknowledges his/her share/part in the
organization’s status of performance.
celebrates with the teachers and students in times of
success and victories.
does not blame anyone when programs and projects fail.
discusses with subordinates how to deal with failed
programs and projects.
encourages everyone to try and improve .
conducts regular meetings to thresh out difficulties , issues
and confusions and recent DepEd orders and memos.
acts as a mediator/peace maker in times of conflicts and
gives credit and recognition to where and whom it is due.
3. Integrity
abides by the rules and policies of DepEd.
encourage everyone in the school to build and lift up one
another and not to destroy.
conduct regular meetings to remind teachers of their moral
responsibility to students and community.
is never involved in illegal and immoral transactions.
does not engage in activities that destroy his reputation and
that of the school.
applies the rule of conscience and charity “Never do to
others what you don’t want others do unto you”.
manifests and practices humility and honesty through
contracts, agreements and transparency.
4. Interpersonal Relation Skills
deals with sympathy and empathy with teachers and
reaches out and establish ties and rapport with constituents.
listens to the personal concerns of teachers and students
tries to understand others by putting “his feet on the other’s
is aware in theory and practice that his leading and
directing tools are understanding and respect.
believes that human relations is the lubricant for smooth
living and the master key to human harmony teamwork and
believes and practices the magic of smiles and enthusiasm.
practices at all times courtesy to everyone.
avoids hurting and offending words.
tries to generate confidence when there is distrust.
advocates peace, love and unity.
values honesty, humility and sincerity by being open to
effective communication and acknowledges limitations and
appreciates kindness and good works done by constituents.
values and loves God by engaging in spiritual activities.
values studies and education by engaging in all possible
learning opportunity.
appreciates and gives high value on creativity and
recognizes and affirms teachers and students who value
education and success and aspirations to attain their dreams
and goals.
5 - Always 2 - Sometimes
4 - Very Frequently 1 - Never
3 - Often
5 - Always 2 - Sometimes
4 - Very Frequently 1 - Rarely
3 - Often
Indicators of Competitiveness in academic competitions 5 4 3 2 1
The student –participant…
reserves quality time to prepare for the competition.
follows the instructions and advices of coaches /other
does extra research on the field/area where he/she will
always comes on time and attends regularly coaching and
training sessions.
asks help from God through constant prayers.
focuses well on the questions/ activities asked.
processes/ understands well the questions before answering.
motivates himself/herself by convincing that he will
compete and win for my school.
relies on stack knowledge and avoids cheating.
appreciates whatever is accomplished and obtained.
in cases where he/she doesn’t excel and perform well
he/she exerts extra effort and time for the next competition.
does not miss any part or activity in the competition.
always compete with the spirit of perseverance and energy.
always struggles to win or bring home/school a medal or
does honest evaluation about his/her strong and weak points
and improves the weak points.
believes that successful competitions are journey not a
fills fulfilled and an achiever when he/she wins or excels in
a competition.
is always inspired and feels a winner with the fact that
he/she was chosen to be a competitor.
The following are indicators of the extent of influence of administrators’ leadership competence on
the formation and development of students’ competitiveness in academic competitions:
5 – Strongly Agree 2 – Disagree
4 – Agree 1 – Strongly Disagree
3 – Neutral
Leadership Competence 5 4 3 2 1
The student – participant participant is influenced by leadership competence through:
Speaking clearly and effectively when observing or monitoring trainings
and preparation
Using kind and tactful, non-hurting words when giving feedback
Making sure instructions and messages are duly understood
The student-participant is influenced by leadership competence through:
Acknowledging participants’ effort regardless of the outcome.
Not blaming and finding faults when the desired outcome is not met.
Objectively accepting the faults and shortcomings of coaches and
Providing suggestions for improvement of coaches and participants.
The student-participant is influenced by:
Showing good examples of humility and honesty
Always striving to be honest in all situations.
Striving and trying all best to do the right things.
Observing proper conduct required of his/her designation.
Interpersonal Relationship
The student participant is influenced by:
Showing fairness to everyone
extending help and support to students who are in need
Respecting the opinions and feelings of others
Giving words of encouragement and affirmations
Giving praises and recognition to whom it is due
Appreciating good things and job well done
Speaking with kindness and concern
extending great appreciation to moral and financial support in competitions
by striving to do and give the best in competitions by winning