Thesis Survey Questionaire
Thesis Survey Questionaire
Thesis Survey Questionaire
The Mindanao State University-College of Education is undertaking an Employer’s Satisfaction Survey in order
to collect relevant information for the improvement of its program. Please be assured that all data gathered from
this study will be kept with utmost confidentiality. Your positive response and cooperation to this request will
be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Name of Employee_________________________________________________
Direction: The lists below are statements which are designed to determine the extent of your satisfaction
based on the skills manifested by the MSU graduates currently employed in your institution. You are requested to
give your honest rating by checking () the box that corresponds to the number using the legend below.
1 2 3 4 5
Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied Moderately Satisfied Very Satisfied
nor dissatisfied
Based upon your personal experience working with the MSU graduate, please rate your level of
satisfaction of their performance in relation to the list of skills and competencies below:
A. Foundation skills 5 4 3 2 1
Oral communication skills
Written communication skills
Capacity to develop knowledge and skills
Capacity to analyze and solve problems,
B. Adaptive Skills
Capacity to understand different viewpoints
Capacity to work autonomously
Ability to develop innovative ideas or new opportunities
Ability to operate in an international or multicultural context
C. Team Work and Interpersonal Skills
Capacity for teamwork and cooperation
Getting on well with colleagues and co-workers
Collaborating effectively with colleagues to complete tasks
Capacity for teamwork and cooperation
Getting on well with colleagues and co-workers
D. Disciplinary skills
The Mindanao State University-College of Education is undertaking an Employability Skills Survey in order to
collect relevant information for the improvement of its program. Please be assured that all data gathered from
this study will be kept with utmost confidentiality. Your positive response and cooperation to this request will
be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
(Given Name)
Name of Employee_________________________________________________
Direction: The lists below are statements which are designed to determine the extent of your employability
skills. You are requested to give your honest rating by checking () the box that corresponds to the number
using the legend below.
1 2 3 4 5
Very Low Low Neutral High Very High
E. Employability skills 5 4
Skill 5 4 3 2 1
Ability to cope with work pressure and stress
The Mindanao State University-College of Education is undertaking an Relevance of Curriculum Survey in order
to collect relevant information for the improvement of its program. Please be assured that all data gathered from
this study will be kept with utmost confidentiality. Your positive response and cooperation to this request will
be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Name of Employee_________________________________________________
Direction: The lists below are statements which are designed to determine the level of the usefulness of
proficiencies manifested by the MSU graduates currently employed in your institution/ organization. You are requested
to give your honest rating by checking () the box that corresponds to the number using the legend below.
1 2 3 4 5
Not Useful at all slightly Useful Useful Moderately Useful Very Useful
Based upon your personal experience working with the MSU graduate, please rate the level of
usefulness of their proficiencies for an entry-level teacher.
1 2 3 4 5
Pedagogical skills