SWPBS Note Taking
SWPBS Note Taking
SWPBS Note Taking
Using the information read in Unit 5, answer the questions below. Use
your own words; do not copy answers word for word. Always use
correct grammar, mechanics, and format. Your assignment will be
graded according to the rubric listed below. Check the rubric to make
sure you have included all the required criteria as listed.
Scoring Standards
E = Excellent, shows evidence of high order thinking, no revision needed. Support is
provided for response. Criteria is met above and beyond expectations.
A = Acceptable, criterion met
N = Needs improvement, criterion attempted but not fully met. Errors and/or
omissions are significant.
0 = Not attempted.
3. Learner clearly explained the differences between Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.
E=5 A=4 N=3 0=0
4. Learner discusses two possible opportunities that Mr. Scott could use throughout
the school year.
E=5 A=4 N=3 0=0