Xiao Et Al-2016-Ecology
Xiao Et Al-2016-Ecology
Xiao Et Al-2016-Ecology
© 2016 The Authors. Ecology, published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the Ecological Society of America.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in
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Abstract. Ecological patterns arise from the interplay of many different processes,
and yet the emergence of consistent phenomena across a diverse range of ecological systems
suggests that many patterns may in part be determined by statistical or numerical con-
straints. Differentiating the extent to which patterns in a given system are determined
statistically, and where it requires explicit ecological processes, has been difficult. We tackled
this challenge by directly comparing models from a constraint-based theory, the Maximum
Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE) and models from a process-based theory, the size-
structured neutral theory (SSNT). Models from both theories were capable of characterizing
the distribution of individuals among species and the distribution of body size among
individuals across 76 forest communities. However, the SSNT models consistently yielded
higher overall likelihood, as well as more realistic characterizations of the relationship
between species abundance and average body size of conspecific individuals. This suggests
that the details of the biological processes contain additional information for understanding
community structure that are not fully captured by the METE constraints in these systems.
Our approach provides a first step towards differentiating between process-and constraint-
based models of ecological systems and a general methodology for comparing ecological
models that make predictions for multiple patterns.
Key words: constraints; maximum entropy theory of ecology; mechanisms; model comparison; neutral
theory; processes.
Introduction many rare species and a few abundant ones, but with
mechanisms ranging from purely statistical to popula-
tion dynamics to resource partitioning (Marquet et al.
Patterns of biodiversity that are aggregated across
2003, McGill et al. 2007). Moreover, many macroeco-
large numbers of individuals often take similar shapes
logical patterns are not independent. For example, the
across ecosystems and taxonomic groups (Brown 1995).
species-area relationship at small spatial scales can be
Understanding why such patterns seem to be universal,
derived from the shape of the SAD and the level of
for example the skewed distribution of individuals
intraspecific aggregation (Harte 2011, McGill 2011),
among species (the species abundance distribution)
while the SAD itself can be obtained as a spatially auto-
(Fisher et al. 1943, McGill et al. 2007) and the uneven al-
correlated sample from the regional species pool
location of body size among individuals (the individual
(McGill 2011). This combination of equivalent models
size distribution) (Enquist and Niklas 2001, Muller-
with different processes and interrelated patterns makes
Landau et al. 2006b), is one of the central pursuits of
determining process using a single pattern challenging
macroecology (Brown 1999, McGill and Nekola 2010).
and instead calls for unified theoretical frameworks that
This task is not trivial because common patterns are
are capable of capturing multiple patterns as well as
often associated with multiple models that have differ-
their intercorrelations with a minimal set of assump-
ent assumptions about mechanisms yet make similar or
tions (Marquet et al. 2014).
even identical predictions (Frank 2014). For example,
Theories that have been proposed for macroecological
more than 20 models exist for the species-abundance
patterns tend to fall into two conceptually distinct catego-
distribution (SAD) all making realistic predictions with
ries (Brown 1999, Frank 2014). Similar patterns may arise
directly from fundamental ecological processes if the
Manuscript received 27 May 2015; revised 29 September 2015;
accepted 5 November 2015; final version received 2 December same processes dominate across multiple systems.
2015. Corresponding Editor: B. E. Kendall. Theories in this category include the theory of island bio-
E-mail: [email protected]. geography (MacArthur and Wilson 1967), which
Table 1. Analytical forms of the patterns predicted by the four models with interpretations. λ’s and λ’’s are Lagrange multipliers for ASNE and AGSNE, respectively. τ’s are parameters
all individuals regardless of their species identities or other
assumption of b and m being constant holds regardless of
the unit used for size, g can only be constant in one particu-
function of current diameter does not translate into con-
stant growth in cross-sectional area or volume as a func-
for SSNT_N and SSNT_M. C’s are normalization constants. γ in ΨASNE(D) is defined as γ = λ1 + λ2∙D2, and γ’ in ΨAGSNE(D) is defined as γ’ = λ2′ + λ3′∙D2.
intentionally naïve assumption that g was constant across
individuals when measured as the increase in diameter
D (i.e., g (D) = dD = constant).
for metabolism or metabolic theory, we incorporated
𝜀̄ SSNT_N = 𝜏22 + 𝜏2 + 1
insights from the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE;
instead of D.
Brown et al. 2004), and made the more realistic assump-
tion that g was a function of size, while b and m were still
𝜀̄ ASNE (n) =
held constant. Specifically, MTE predicts that a plant’s
growth rate measured as increase in biomass is propor-
tional to the plant’s metabolic rate (Enquist et al. 1999,
West et al. 1999, Muller-Landau et al. 2006a), which trans-
⋅ 1 − (N + 1) e−𝛾N + Ne−𝛾(N+1)
⋅ D−1∕3
− 𝜆� +𝛾 � m
size distribution (ISD; distribution of body size among
(1−e−𝛾 � m )
2∕3 −1)
1−e 1 2 3
𝜏1 n
𝜏1 n
1) n
ΦAGSNE (n) ≈ C
are of the same unit as metabolic rates (B), which scales with
ΦASNE (n) ≈ C
Notes: 1Bradford et al. 2014, 2Kohyama et al. 2001, 3Kohyama et al. 2003, 4Lopez-Gonzalez et al. 2009, 5Lopez-Gonzalez et al.
2011, 6Baribault et al. 2011a, 7Baribault et al. 2011b, 8Pitman et al. 2005, 9Condit 1998a, 10Hubbell et al. 1999, 11Hubbell et al.
2005, 12DeWalt et al. 1999, 13Zimmerman et al. 1994, 14Thompson et al. 2002, 15Condit 1998b, 16Pyke et al. 2001, 17Condit et al.
2004 18Ramesh et al. 2010, 19Gilbert et al. 2010, 20Nakashizuka et al. 2003, 21Reed et al. 1993, 22Palmer et al. 2007, 23Peet and Chris-
tensen 1987, 24McDonald et al. 2002, 25Xi et al. 2008.
*We chose the most recent survey in each plot before documented disturbances.
†One plot has a more recent survey in 1998, however it lacks species ID.
‡We chose Census 2 because information for multiple stems is not available in Census 3, and the unit of diameter is unclear in
Census 4.
§We chose survey individually for each plot based on expert opinion to minimize the effect of hurricane disturbance.
1232 XIAO XIAO ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 97, No. 5
(Ernest et al. 2009). Predictions of the models in each respectively. Note that it is possible for the coefficient of
community were obtained with the variables S, N,
determination to be negative, which indicates that the pre-
and EMETE = i D2i for ASNE, G, S, N, and EMETE for diction is worse than taking the geometric mean of the
AGSNE, S, N, and ESSNT_N = i Di for SSNT_N, and observed values. Finally, we examined if the empirical pat-
S, N, and ESSNT_M = i Di for SSNT_M.
∑ 2∕3
terns were significantly different from the models’ predic-
As an overall measure of model performance, we define tions by bootstrap analysis (Clauset et al. 2009, Connolly
the joint distribution P(n, D1, D2, …, Dn) as the probability et al. 2009, Xiao et al. 2015), where we generated random
that a species randomly selected from the community has samples from the predicted patterns and quantified their
abundance n, while individuals within the species have deviation from the predictions (predi’s) using both R2 and
diameter Di’s with i ranging from 1 to n. This distribution the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic, which were compared
combines all three macroecological patterns, where the with empirical deviations (Appendix S2).
SAD is the marginal distribution of n with Di’s integrated Python Code to fully replicate our analyses is
out from P(n, D1, D2, …, Dn), the ISD is the marginal deposited in the Dryad Digital Repository (doi:10.5061/
distribution of Di, and the SDR is the expectation of the dryad.93ct6).
conditional distribution of Di given n. The form of this
joint distribution predicted by each of the four models
is listed in Table 3 (see Appendix S1 for derivations).
We first compared the performance of the four models The log-likelihoods of the joint distribution P(n, d1, d2,
using the likelihood of P(n, D1, D2, …, Dn) in each com- …, dn) of the SSNT models are higher than those of the
munity, then examined each of the three macroecological METE models in all 76 communities (Fig. 1), which
patterns individually. To quantify the predictive power implies that SSNT models consistently do a better job
of the models, we converted the SAD and the ISD into characterizing the overall community structure in the allo-
rank values, where the abundance of species or the diam- cations of individuals and of body size. Comparing
eter of individuals were ranked from the highest to the models under the same theoretical framework, the log-
lowest, and the value at each rank was compared to the likelihood of AGSNE is higher than that of ASNE in all 76
models’ predictions. For example, for the SAD we com- communities, while the log- likelihood of SSNT_M is
pared the predicted versus observed abundances of the higher than SSNT_N in 59.
most abundant species in the community, the second Further examination of individual patterns show that
most abundant species, all the way down to the least the models predict nearly identical forms for the SAD (i.e.,
abundant species (Harte 2011, White et al. 2012, Xiao upper-truncated log-series in ASNE, near log-series in
et al. 2015). For the SDR, we compared the observed AGSNE (Harte et al. 2015), untruncated log-series in
average metabolic rate (D′2) within each species to those SSNT_N and SSNT_M; see Table 1), which not surpris-
expected from the models. The explanatory power of the ingly translates into equally good performance when eval-
models for each pattern was quantified using the coeffi- uated with empirical data (Fig. 2, first column). All four
cient of determination R2: models are also able to characterize the ISD reasonably
[log10 (obsi ) − log10 (predi )]2 well with high predictive power (R2ASNE = 0.89,
R2 = 1 − i � �2 R2AGSNE = 0.90, R2SSNT_N = 0.86, R2SSNT_M = 0.96). Three of
∑ the models show systematic deviations for the largest indi-
i log10 (obsi ) − log10 (obsi )
viduals, however, with the two METE models tending to
over predict the size of the largest individuals and SSNT_N
where obsi and predi were the ith value of abundance or tending to under predict (Fig. 2, second column).
size (diameter for the ISD, metabolic rate for the SDR) in The discrepancy of the two sets of models lies mainly in
the observed and predicted ranked distributions, their predictions of the correlation between individual body
Table 3. Joint distribution P(n, D1, D2, …, Dn) for the four models. Z in AGSNE is a constant. See Table 1 for the interpretation
of the other symbols and parameters, and Appendix S1 for derivations.
In this study, we compared the performance of METE
(Harte 2011) and SSNT (O’Dwyer et al. 2009), two of the
most comprehensive theories to date in macroecology,
using two realized models for each. Both theories attempt
to unify multiple aspects of community structure under a
single theoretical framework, predicting patterns of biodi-
versity as well as patterns of energy consumption and
body size. Using data from 76 forest communities world-
wide, we showed that the two models of SSNT consistently
Fig. 1. Comparison of the log- likelihood (l) of the joint provide a better characterization of overall community
distribution P(n, d1, d2, …, dn) for the four models in each of the structure than the two models of METE (Fig. 1). This dis-
76 forest communities. l of AGSNE, METE_N, and METE_M
are compared with that of ASNE, which has the lowest parity results primarily from the ability of SSNT_N and
likelihood in all communities. The diagonal line is the one-to- SSNT_M to more accurately characterize the relationship
one line. For better visualization, l is transformed to −log(−l), between species abundance and body size distributions
which is a monotonic transformation that does not change the
position of the points with respect to the diagonal line. Note that within species, whereas the predictions of ASNE and
values of l depend on the number of individuals within the AGSNE on this relationship deviate from empirical pat-
community, and thus are not comparable across communities. terns (Newman et al. 2014, Xiao et al. 2015).
By comparing multiple competing models on multiple
size and species abundance. The two METE models both predictions simultaneously using an extensive set of data,
predict that individual body size depends on the species that our study achieves the strongest level of model evaluation
the individual belongs to – in ASNE average individual suggested by McGill et al. (2006), and provides insights
body size is negatively correlated with species abundance into the role of the underlying mechanisms of the theories.
(Harte 2011), whereas in AGSNE it is negatively correlated In METE, the macroecological patterns arise as the most
with both species abundance and number of species within likely state of the system assuming that the system is con-
genus (Harte et al. 2015). The SDR predicted by ASNE has strained by a small number of state variables. METE
been shown to be unrealistic in plant communities makes no explicit assumptions about ecological processes,
(Newman et al. 2014, Xiao et al. 2015), and our results show leaving their influence to operate indirectly through their
that AGSNE improves ASNE’s prediction only marginally potential effects on the values of the state variables. In
(R2ASNE = −2.11, R2AGSNE = −2.00). SSNT, on the other hand, SSNT, patterns emerge directly from the interactions of
predicts that there is no correlation between individual size the demographic processes including birth, death, and
and species characteristics, leading to better, but still far growth. The fact that SSNT performs better than METE
from good, agreement with empirical data for the SDR suggests that the demographic processes contain meaning-
(R2SSNT_N = 0.09, R2SSNT_M = 0.02). These results are robust ful information that helps to characterize the patterns, the
when the two models are examined in each of the 76 com- effect of which is not currently captured by the state-
munities individually (Fig. 3) – the four models yield nearly variable based models.
identical R2 values for the SAD and comparable R2 values Although the differences between the models are
for the ISD across communities (with SSNT_M having the important, the fact that all four models are capable of ad-
highest predictive power on average), while the two SSNT equately characterizing the shapes of the SAD and the
models consistently outperforms the two METE models for ISD across a large number of communities with simple
the SDR. assumptions and limited inputs is impressive. Moreover,
The bootstrap analysis (Appendix S2) shows that the the maximum likelihood parameters for SSNT_N and
discrepancy between the models’ predictions and the SSNT_M are also fully determined by S, N, and E (see
observations for the ISD is almost ubiquitously higher Appendix S1), so that these variables serve as summary
than expected from random sampling in all four models. statistics for the demographic parameters. These results
This suggests that none of the models is able to fully imply that METE and SSNT contain overlapping infor-
capture the observed variation in the size distributions of mation. Although these demographic processes explain
individuals, despite their high predictive power. A similar a higher proportion of the variation in the empirical
1234 XIAO XIAO ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 97, No. 5
Fig. 2. Comparison of the performance of the four models for each of the three macroecological patterns. Each point in the
subplot represents the abundance of one species in a community for the SAD, the diameter of one individual in a community for the
ISD, and the average metabolic rate (squared diameter) within one species in a community for the SDR. The colors represent
density of the points, where warmer (redder) colors correspond to denser regions. The diagonal line represents the one-to-one line
between the predicted values and the observed values.
Fig. 3. Comparison of R2 values for the three macroecological patterns predicted by the four models in each of the 76 forest
communities. R2 of AGSNE, METE_N, and METE_M are compared with that of ASNE. The diagonal line is the one-to-one line.
patterns, their effects are likely to at least be partially Blonder et al. 2014), while patterns that show spatial or
channeled through the constraints. taxonomical variation, such as the patterns of body size,
Our study is one step towards the goal of disentangling are more likely to be tied to ecological processes (Blonder
the effects of different mechanisms on macroecological et al. 2014).
patterns. Though we have adopted model comparison for One weakness prevalent across all four models is their
stronger inference, we do not advocate rejecting the theo- inability to characterize the SDR, the relationship
retical framework (METE) with the poorer fitting models between species abundance and the body size of individ-
or its underlying constraint-based view as a potential uals within species, despite their success in inde-
explanation for patterns. There are three reasons for be- pendently predicting the distribution of individuals
ing cautious about over interpreting these results. First, among species and the allocation of body size among
METE and SSNT are general theories built on first princi- individuals. Our results agree with previous studies
ples, whereas our conclusions are limited to their current showing that the SDR exhibits significant variation at
realized models based on specific assumptions. Models the local scale (Lawton 1990, Cotgreave 1993), not
under the same theoretical framework yield different pre- strongly abundance-dependent as the METE models
dictions with different assumptions and inputs, which can predict. The prediction of the SSNT models that the
be evaluated with empirical data and improved with addi- SDR results from random draws is more in line with
tional information. This is demonstrated in our study by empirical observations (Appendix S2), but they too lack
comparing the two models from the same theory – with an predictive power (Fig. 2). Although part of the variation
additional constraint G, AGSNE has consistently higher may result from the limitation of data we used, e.g., spe-
likelihood than ASNE (Fig. 1), while incorporating infor- cies having different growth rates were surveyed at dif-
mation from the metabolic theory in SSNT_M eliminates ferent life stages, it could also indicate species-specific
the systematic deviation in the predicted ISD (Fig. 2). size biases in resource use (White et al. 2007). One poten-
Future models will likely be developed with alternative tial remedy that may improve the predicted SDR as well
implementations leading to new and/or improved as lead to additional predictions is to take an approach
predictions. alternative to the two that we have addressed, and model
Second, our inference is limited by the scope of the macroecological patterns by directly stacking models of
data. Though the models have the potential to be applied individual species. This approach has shown promise in
to a wide variety of systems, we focused exclusively on predicting other patterns, such as biodiversity across
trees, where data of full surveys are readily available with space (Guisan and Rahbek 2011, D’Amen et al. 2015).
species identity and body size for all individuals. Similar models could potentially be developed to model
Although our results are consistent across forest commu- the abundance and body size of species based on their
nities of different types and sizes (Fig. 3), it remains to be traits, and to obtain the macroecological patterns from
seen if they can be generalized to other taxa. Previous the species-level predictions. Such models will likely sac-
studies suggest that the size distributions predicted by rifice parsimony for accuracy, however, and require a lot
ASNE and AGSNE may be more accurate when applied more parameters than the models that we examined.
to invertebrates (Harte 2011, Harte et al. 2015). Third, Another potentially fruitful route to push the two the-
patterns that can be unified under the same theoretical ories forward is to unify the constraint-and the process-
framework do not necessarily have to arise from the same based approaches, which have generally been adopted by
underlying mechanism. Indeed, there is increasing evi- distinct theories but do not necessarily have to be mutu-
dence that the SAD is driven by statistical properties of ally exclusive. Results of our study imply that part of the
the system (White et al. 2012, Locey and White 2013, effects of the demographic processes propagate through
1236 XIAO XIAO ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 97, No. 5
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