Cadotte Etal Generalities
Cadotte Etal Generalities
Cadotte Etal Generalities
1: Complex Systems Group, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 569 Dabney Hall,
large-scale patterns and to test alternative hypotheses that might generate such
patterns. With the advent and accessibility of large electronic databases of species and
their life-history and ecological attributes, ecologists have begun seeking generalities,
abundance and diversity. For example, combinations of ecological, life history and
phylogenetic data have been analysed using large species sets to test hypotheses in
invasion biology. Analysis of regional species inventories can contribute cogently to our
is effective. We review 19 studies of comparative invasions biology, each using > 100
species of plants in their analyses, and show that invader success is linked to seven
correlates: short life cycle, abiotic (mostly wind) dispersal, large native range size, non-
do? There is pattern in the data we possess on invasions. The next efforts in the study
of invasions should be self-consciously statistical... But for this we will need the raw
Society —“Pattern and Process in the Plant Community“ (1947)— continues to resonate
today, in the emergent field of invasions biology and in the larger emergence of
macroecology. Watt first showed how a plant community may be described from these
two points of view —for diagnosis and classification, and as a working mechanism. For
Watt, “the ultimate parts of the community are the individual plants, but a description of
it in terms of the characters of these units and their spatial relations to each other is
individuals and of species which form different kinds of patches“. Later, another B.E.S.
president, John Harper (1982) suggested that it was only natural that early stages in the
emergence and growth of any science should consist of the description and ordering of
the material for study. The next stage is to search for correlations and possible causes
Harper (1982) showed how historically the field of plant ecology had been
species that are treated as objects for classification or ordination; with an array of
environmental features regarded, variously, either as drivers or simple correlates); and
etc. Again the emphasis was on the species. As Harper (1982) put it: “These two broad
categories of description give ecologists the equivalent of the telephone directory and
’Yellow Pages’, the one describing who we can find where, and the other describing
who (plant or community) does what (and again where they can be found).“
find particular vegetation or species, and about what sorts of behaviour, or morphology,
or life history we may expect to find among the species in a particular region. Harper
(1982) warned that, whereas almost inevitably ecological studies use the species as the
basis for description, it remains far from clear “that the conservative and stable
characters and the breeding isolation that may be used to define such taxa are
different behaviours that are included within single species“. Harper suggested that
questions be formulated in general as: What are the limitations in form and behaviour of
organisms that account for present distributions and behaviours? Today this still seems
If as Gilpin (1990) suggests (in the opening quotation), ecologists are unable to
predict individual ecological outcomes, then the focus must turn to uncovering broader
patterns of ecological generality. Since the advent of the science of ecology (e.g.,
Clements 1905, Warming 1909) there have been only a limited number of ecological
principle (e.g., Grinnell 1925; Gause 1934; Hardin 1960), the relative abundance
distributions of rare and common species (Preston 1948); species-area and isolation
relationships (MacArthur and Wilson 1963); and see too Bell (2001) and Hubbell (2001)
and the complex multiplicative and often non-linear interactive nature of many
ecological processes. The difficulty is due, in part, to the absence of any standardized
method for critically testing and evaluating generalities. For example, does highlighting
and noting a limited number of examples of a phenomenon provide enough support for
review, and meta-analysis of previous published results. While these provide valuable
insight into ecological problems, they are subject to two potential problems: bias in the
selection of the study organism and difficulties due to censored data. The first, bias in
study species (see Bonnet et al. 2002), confounds many meta-analyses in ecology. For
example, has the ecology of sedges been studied to the same extent as that of lycopod
mosses or oak trees, or indeed of salamanders, etc.? Several reasons exist for this,
including availability of funding for research on certain (charismatic, relevant,
serendipitous) organisms over others, emotional attachment, ease of study, etc.; see
Bonnet et al. 2002). Organisms and whole systems may be selected precisley because
because they may easily lend themselves to being manipulated to answering the
exhibit a certain pattern. An example of this kind of bias is seen among studies
examining the effects of forest fragmentation, where there has been a significant bias
toward using birds as the organisms of study (Simberloff 2000). While fragmentation
studies have lead to some interesting and important results (e.g., Bierregaard et al.
1992; Trzcinski et al. 1999), reviews and meta-analyses examining effects of forest
fragmentation will be biased towards this unique and exceptionally mobile group of taxa.
The second potential bias, data censoring, is perhaps more insidious and difficult
to control. Primary papers —which form the basis for reviews and meta-analyses— are
the source of censored data. Journals (like all publications) need to sell themselves and
for important results, theories, etc.) and are probably biased towards the publishing of
substantial results over ‘non-results’ (Murtaugh 2002). Thus papers reporting, say, an
absence of any apparent differences between rare and common species, will probably
publish positive results, do reviews and meta-analyses have a role in the elucidation of
ecological generalities? Of course they do, but as an intermediary step toward
information and results into workable hypotheses, which can then be more thoroughly
We do not argue that the vast array of ecological complexities can necessarily be
which ecologists can test the relative importance of proposed generalities, and also the
With the ability to maintain electronically and transmit large datasets, scientists
region. We see four, broadly different levels of species compilation, available for
comparative analyses (Table 1). First is a complete (or near complete) inventory where
there has been a concerted effort to record all extant taxa within a large (socio-politically
delineated) region or jurisdiction (see also below, ‘Inventory’). Second is a large species
database, which does not attempt to enumerate all the species within an entire region
but is, rather, a complete list of species that occur in a large, representative habitat or
individual taxonomic family). The final type is made up of pre-selected small groups of
species, such as a few pairs of closely-related species. These have received much of
the focus thus far, given their utility in controlling for phylogenetic effects, and the sense
of comparative value. In what follows, we emphasize analysis using the first two, less
Given that variables relevant to a hypothesis are available for analysis (e.g.,
abundance, longevity, body size, fecundity, growth rate, etc.), then a hypothesis (
bias. Such analyses of a complete inventory or large species database may then be
combined in order to determine the extent of dependence the results may have on
geography and taxon. The use of large species inventories and databases to test
led recently to important and diverse conclusions (macroecological studies: Kelly 1996;
Kelly and Woodward 1996; Westoby et al. 1996; Pyšek 1998; Hegde and Ellstrand
1999; Lovett-Doust and Kuntz 2001; Cadotte and Lovett-Doust 2001, 2002; Khedr et al.
2002; Murray et al. 2002; Lovett-Doust et al. 2003; evolutionary studies: Eriksson and
Bremer 1992; Ricklefs and Renner 1994; Dodd et al. 1999; Gaston and Blackburn 2000;
among inventories: Leishman et al. 1995). Most of these examples probably coincide
with the recent completion and availability of electronic inventories. Here we wish simply
to highlight the importance and value of using large databases for the discovery and
validation of ecological generalities. We highlight certain limitations, which bear
recognition by ecologists.
By the middle of the past century, invasions by non-native species had begun to
(Elton 1958; and see reviews of early invasions in Mack 2000; Cadotte in press). Since
then, numerous examples of species thriving outside their native range have been
described, with authors inferring ‘rules’ or generalities of invasiveness (e.g., Baker 1974;
Rejmanek 1996). Although these synthetic attempts drew on results or examples from
only a limited number of studies and taxa, and were subject to the potential errors
described above, they did shape and direct our understanding of biological invasions.
biologists to predict future invasions. Although recent attempts range from relative
general range from confident to pessimistic, include: Pheloung et al. 1999; Daehler and
Carino 2000; Reichard and Hamilton 1997; Kolar and Lodge 2001; Rejmanek and
Richardson 1996; Pimm 1989; Goodwin et al. 1999; Mack et al. 2000; Scott and
Panetta 1993; Williamson 1999), there remain relatively few analyses of large
databases probing characteristics of invasive species (but see Table 2). In a review of
16 invasion studies, each containing at least 20 species (though definitely not complete
species inventories), Kolar and Lodge (2001) showed that generalizations appeared to
be emerging, at least among plants and birds. Kolar and Lodge also showed that this
type of investigation (using larger datasets) is only just commencing, with thirteen of the
The inventory
may include all of the species, both native and introduced, or just the exotics, depending
upon the questions being asked. A bare-bones species inventory is just that ---a list of
all (or nearly all) species in a given region. How big should the region be? This depends
upon the scale of the question, and could limit inferential power. To test potential
the influences of local environments, and individual species’ dispersal capabilities (to
remove effects that transient species may have on local assemblages), and the
vagaries of idiosyncratic and random (including historical) influences. Thus for example,
the species inventory for the island Krakatau may be interesting in its own right, but may
not be an effective example for studying invasions of intact communities. At the same
time the list cannot be so large as to transcend the regional and geographical forces
affecting species distributions and abundances. Global databases (e.g., IUCN red lists)
are very important in their own right, and extremely useful for conservation and
evolutionary analyses (e.g., Purvis et al. 2000), but may not answer ecological
questions without further regional information. For example, constructing a global list of
invaders would be difficult, not only because of definitional problems (e.g., Colautti and
MacIsaac 2004), but also for historical and ecological ones. Not all species have equal
We prefer a large (>100,000 km2) political jurisdiction, for several reasons. First,
due to the structure of government agencies and their funding lines, political regions will
be a logical level of focus for the initial construction of species inventories, especially
factor in the species inventory. Large political regions (e.g., some European and Central
American countries, and Canadian, Australian and large US provinces/states) will often
regions are repeatable. That is we can locate arbitrary regions of similar size, climate,
species number, etc, for comparative analyses. Finally, data collection at this level will
likely contain important ‘on the ground’ information, such as relative abundances and
area of occupation. Analyses of this type of database will compare species which that
A species list on its own is not so very interesting. However once ancillary,
added, including but not limited to phylogenetic information, life history attributes,
or fill missing information (but see Peterson and Vieglais 2001), but with the blossoming
maintenance should continue to grow rapidly. We note the presence of several excellent
species. For example Ruesink (2003) used FishBase ( to show that
the majority of non-indigenous fish had ecological effects on the invaded communities,
and that these impacts were more severe in communities with high endemism and
Database analyses
Large databases are amenable to many commonly used statistical analyses (e.g.
Sokal and Rohlf 1994, Zar 1998), especially correlation, regression, ANOVA (including
MANOVA and ANCOVA) and their nonparametric equivalents. However, it is crucial that
the data points be seen for what they are. One may probe the dataset using individual
These two approaches can reveal quite different results (Harvey et al. 1995; Westoby et
al. 1995) and the researcher should be aware of what their results mean and the
invasive species possess a distinctive suite of biological traits (e.g., Kolar and Lodge
2001). To test this premise, traits of invasive species have been compared with those of
native species in invaded habitats (Cadotte and Lovett-Doust 2001), and with those of
non-invasive species from the species pool in the source region (Prinzing et al. 2002),
et al. 2004, in review). Such comparisons are possible where trait values for each
species contribute single units of information in statistical analyses (Fig. 2). These
relationships among species (Grafen 1989; Price 1997; Ackerly and Donoghue 1998;
Westoby et al. 1998; Harvey and Rambaut 2000). Moreover value is given to the
that certain traits, such as clonal growth and hermaphroditism for instance, are
traits of extant species with phylogenetic information can detail the extent to which
change in one trait (e.g., invasiveness) may be correlated with change in another (e.g.,
information in the analysis (Ridley 1983; Felsenstein 1985; Grafen 1989; Harvey and
Pagel 1991; see Fig. 2). The database of trait values for extant species can be used to
calculate values at each node in a phylogeny (a procedure that has been referred to as
‘hanging a variable on a tree’, Grafen 1989). In the simplest case, values at nodes are
effectively calculated as differences in trait values between two species diverging from
the same node (Felsenstein 1985; see Martins and Hansen 1996 for discussion of more
complex situations). The important feature here is that values determined for nodes are
independent when they describe separate radiations in a tree. Hence values at nodes
informative patterns may emerge in the comparison of the different analytical methods
(Ricklefs and Starck 1996; Price 1997; Brown 1999). For instance, there might be a
positive relationship between seed mass and invasiveness within genera or families.
differences in basic natural history between families or other major clades. The results
information into comparative analyses (Harvey and Pagel 1991; Martins and Hansen
1996). For two programs that can be used to perform correlated-divergence analysis,
packaged, powerful software is available as free downloads from the Internet. CAIC
CAIC see Prinzing et al. (2002), and for application of the phylogenetic regression see
Murray et al. (2002). Both these programs require a working phylogeny of the study
species (see Grafen 1989). A good starting point for construction of a working
phylogeny for plants is that of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2003). The APG
(2003) provides a classification for orders and families of flowering plants. For further
are required.
There has been a recent spate of published articles using database analyses to
examine patterns and test hypotheses about plant invasions. Table 2 summarizes 19
such studies. Several patterns are evident. First, there is considerable variation in
database size and in the objects of comparison, with comparisons of natives vs. exotics
(e.g., Crawley et al. 1996), both within particular groups of invaders (Daehler 1998), and
with most using species as independent data points (See Table 2). Many of these
studies test very different hypotheses (usually because the databases contain different
information). Though the database studies outlined in Table 2 are not readily amenable
to examination of how widespread certain generalities are (due to differing sizes and
types of information), they do show the great potential for this type of study. From Table
test would need more standardized analyses (full species lists and incorporating
studies) are evident, relating the success of plant invaders to: short life cycle; abiotic
(mostly wind) dispersal syndrome; large native range size; non-random taxonomic
Issues of concern
(about mating systems, genetic variability, competitive interactions, etc.), the information
contained in inventories will continue to grow. We believe that ecologists and agencies
should strive to develop biotic inventories, which future researchers may build on (see
Grime et al. 1988). As long as these datasets remain ‘public’, that is they are accessible
to other researchers to use or to add information to, these rich datasets would go a long
way toward answering questions about how general and pervasive certain patterns are.
Data collection
and analyses (e.g., a special session at the invasive species conference in Beijing, June
2004) attest to the reality that researchers are thinking about ways to make large
species databases more accurate. However, the analyst must be cognizant that these
databases are not peer-reviewed and that the overall accuracy of the data must be
rigorous methods of data inclusion. However the methods of construction and inclusion
for other databases are less clear. The Ontario plant database used by Cadotte and
others (Cadotte and Lovett-Doust 2001, 2002; Cadotte et al. in review) was compiled
from local botanical lists compiled by regional municipalities and the provincial
government, with more limited indication of overall rigour. Additional data (life-history
attributes, habitat associations, etc.) were compiled by the authors from literature
searches. How valid is the assumption that the data are accurate? This can only be
not match geographical or biogeographical regions. Again, from the Ontario plant
database, many rare Ontario species are relatively common in the USA. Abundance
scores recorded in this database are affected by this range truncation. How much this
effected the results of Cadotte and Lovett-Doust (2002) are not immediately obvious,
There have been calls for ecologists to do more to help policy-makers arrive at
critical of invasions studies, Shrader-Frechette (2001) argues that the major problem
associated with predicting invasive species “is primarily one of scientific method”, and
involves the caveat that “politics and economics play a role” (p. 507). She goes on to
say that this scientific inadequacy is three-pronged. First, there is no firm definition of
exotic species; second, current theory has brought no predictive power; and finally,
there are no empirical generalizations. Criticism such as this (but see also Ehrlich 2002)
contends that ecologists have not met the needs of the conservation community mainly
because ecologists have not been able to predict the outcome of certain events,
perhaps in a manner parallel to that of classical physics, or haven’t yet found the
generalizations may be. Ecology is Complex. Many phenomena are time and place
dependent and are likely to have very complex causes, influences and patterns
(McMahon and Cadotte 2002). Similarly, the ability to predict precisely which species
will have what kind of impact may not be possible (Williamson 1999), due to the
complex nature of species interactions with other species and their environments. If we
were to select a single strong predictor of invasive plant success, it would probably be
showy flowers, since most plant introductions are from horticulture (Mack and Lonsdale
2001; Lovett-Doust 2003). Of course this would have little biological meaning as to how
well a species performs in a new community, competes with other species, or utilizes
Ecology’s goal as an applied science need not be to predict the next purple
loosestrife or zebra mussel. Rather, we view ecology’s applied role as one of examining
climatologists to predict when and where the next hurricane will hit land? No, the
meteorological events giving rise to hurricanes are far too complex and stochastic to be
precisely predicted. But what these experts can do is identify high-risk locations and
determine the phenomena that may form a hurricane. Much the same should obtain in
invasions biology. The fact that ballast water of trans-oceanic ships has been the target
case-by-case predictive application. Rather, the best it can do is highlight trends and
generalities and produce statistical predictions, such as with discriminant analyses (e.g.,
Reichard and Hamilton 1997). In understanding statistical patterns in large data sets,
ecologists gain a better understanding of how species interact with other species and
We thank Jim Carlton, Petr Pyšek, Mark Westoby, Ian Wright and an anonymous
reviewer for helpful comments, Sean McMahon for useful discussions and the hurricane
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the Danish flora. In: Pyšek P, Prach K, Rejmánek M and Wade M (eds) Plant
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ble 1: Types of comparative analysis and their potential uses for analyzing species inventories.
entory Complete species >80% of species in region. Determined in part by Cadotte and Lovett-
inventory of a large region. history, ecology, and Doust 2002
tabase Large representative group 20-80% of species in a region, Likely to be Murray et al. 2002
of species. or 100% from sub-regions. phylogenetically random.
t Species list. <20% or 50-200 species. Not phylogenetically Eriksson and Bremer
random, selected with prior 1992
rationale (e.g., community
oups Selected species. Few species, e.g., Not random; limited Rabinowitz and Rapp
comparisons among 20 inferential space. 1981
species in single genus.
umber is arbitrary.
ble 2: Plant invasion studies using >100 species. ‘Data points’ refers to whether studies used species as independen
(from Table 1)
derson 1) 40 native species of disturbed List Species Dispersal strategies seem importa
habitats in Denmark.
adotte and 1814 species found in southwestern Inventory Species Taxonomically non-random and
vett-Doust Ontario, 484 of which are exotics. exotics were short-lived with longe
dispersed fruits.
adotte et al. 1153 non-native taxa found in Ontario. Inventory Phylogenetic Successful exotics were over-
aehler 1998 1348 ‘serious’ agricultural weeds, 1041 Inventory Species Agricultural weeds were over-
aehler and 54 invasive and 57 non-invasive non- List Species Using Pheloung et al methodology
nsdale 463 intentionally introduced species in Database Species <1% were found to be ‘useful’
legumes to be weedy.
eloung et 370 non-native species in Australia Database Species They created a list of factors
nzing et al. 183 invaders in Buenos Aires province Database Species and Four generalities contributing to
šek 1997 1) 457 aliens in Central Europe; 2) Multiple Phylogenetic Analysis of the influence of clonal
šek et al. 132 permanently established invasives List Species Aliens vs natives: Taxonomic, life
šek et al. 668 species, non-indigenous to the Inventory Species Species adapted to disturbed
03 Czech Republic and introduced after habitats (e.g., early flowering time
other species.
eichard and 235 woody plants in North America. Database Species Used discriminant analysis to
appear important.
ott and 242 established South African plants in List Species These ‘weeds’ seems to have wid
ompson et 211 species that have expanded List Species Invasives are more likely to be clo
Netherlands vs natives.
lliamson Established aliens vs natives of Britain Inventory Species Factors important for invasives:
96 propagule pressure.
Fig. 1: Framework for using primary literature, meta-analyses, and complete species
testing (via multiple independent tests) of the hypotheses, strengthened at the meta-
analytic level.
species analysis, the trait values of each of the eight species are treated as
independent data points (n = 8). In a fully resolved phylogeny, there will be n – 1 nodes
structured comparisons use values calculated at nodes as the independent data points,
Primary studies
Fig. 1
Fig. 2