BITS ECHO Mar 2020
BITS ECHO Mar 2020
BITS ECHO Mar 2020
VOLUME : 3 || ISSUE : 3
Sudhirkumar Barai
Director, Pilani Campus, BITS Pilani
Over the past 30 years, women have risen to great heights as teachers, doctors, engineers and pretty much all
the professions there are.
One inspiring story is on the auto rickshaw driver Raji Akka in Tamil Nadu who has made a mark in a male domi-
nated business. Hailing from a family of auto drivers and residing in Perambur, Akka takes great pride in doing her
job. Apart from Uber, she rides the streets at night, helping women who are alone. She is also a great talker and
can talk about anything under the sun, right from politics to water crisis.
The other inspiring story of support which I like very much is when it was time for Shanta Bai in Maharashtra, the
first known female barber of India who stepped into her husband’s shoe when he passed away suddenly. Choos-
ing not to commit suicide with her daughters but to live life was possible only with the support of her village
pramukh. Today at 70. Shantabai has married off all her four daughters without taking financial help from anyone. She is a grandmother of 10
today. What inspires women to break barriers, find new boundaries and set tall examples vary, but her inherent strength, her natural ability to
nurture and a support from the society around her can help her come far. In the corporate world, women leaders are fast emerging as a ne-
cessity, so that gender parity, a balance and new perspective can be achieved in company boards.
The divine feminine is a warrior and healer in a womanly package. The Divine Feminine is on the rise. But what does this actually mean and
how can each one of us help play a part in this rebalancing act ? The world till now has greatly been led from a masculine based thought
form. Action, conquering, logical thinking, rationality, competition, survival, and strength are defining masculine qualities. As human beings,
we carry both the aspects of the Divine masculine and feminine energies. But as we can observe by the state of the world the mass populous
is severely out of balance. We have learned to lead with the masculine while suppressing the feminine aspects we inherently possess. The
Divine Feminine is the manifestation of the purest form of feminine expression and qualities. However, due to the patriarchal system that has
developed throughout time, the Feminine energy has been sadly suppressed, devalued, demeaned and looked down upon. But as we start to
wake up from our deep slumber there has been a resurgence in the need for the devotion and commitment to the Feminine and what it really
represents for us as a whole. A balance of both energies will be necessary to continue our evolutionary process. We each carry a complex
emotional and psychological makeup of past experiences learned behavior and external conditioning that contributes to one’s internal well-
being and external reality. This can cause one or both energies to be out of balance, stagnant, suppressed, confused, or disrespected in
some manner.
Sandhya Prakash
Chairperson BITSAA International
From doing wonders in the area of science to making inroads into entrepreneurship. BITSian
women have proven time and again that science and business can go hand-in-hand. Today the
successful Women BITSians are the role models for every young BITSian.
In this Edition, we have brought success stories of some of the most influential women from BITS
Pilani alumni community. They have stood out in the race, thanks to the dedication for their job,
excellence in their work and their trailblazing approach that made them the superwomen not just
in India but at the global level.
Here are the BITSian women who are making ripples in their spheres and driving positive change
in our world and motivating others to take the lead.
Women 30% Are Residing Overseas
A Glance 60% Are in Managerial Position
Women in Academia
What were some of the highlights of your time in
BITS Pilani?
I went to BITS to study Electrical Engineering, however, I
got interested in Finance. I had a talk with my professors
and they allowed me to change my subject. Every day,
even now, I am extremely grateful to BITS for allowing
me to make the change seamlessly, There are tons of
fond memories from my days at BITS: Sunday morning
dosas, cassata ice-cream for Sunday lunch, a special
dinner at Volga, the fun prep. leading up to the annual
fest; all the plays we put on. Most importantly, I cherish
the friendships with my classmates that continues to this
How did you decide your line of work and what made you stick to it?
Professor J K Mittal ignited my interest in Finance and I got solid quantitative training at BITS, that has been ex-
tremely useful. I enjoy each aspect of my work - I enjoy institution building, in my position as Vice Provost at
Georgetown University, I am responsible for all faculty issues, including the recruitment and retention of the best
faculty. I enjoy teaching students, doing research, serving as the Director of the Georgetown Center for Financial
Markets and Policy, and serving at corporate boards.
What advice would you like to pass on to female students studying in BITS Pilani right now?
I know it’s easier said than done but don’t focus too much on grades, instead focus on learning. Learning happens
both inside and outside the classroom, get involved in clubs and activities that you care about and enjoy. The new
generation will change careers several times in life so they should always be eager to learn, take risks, and try out
new possibilities.
“Read to Succeed”
Akshaya Vijayalakshmi (Pilani, ‘03) is an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmeda-
bad. She is a multi-methods researcher interested in consumer-related issues. She completed her PhD in mar-
keting from Iowa State University. Here’s an insight into her journey so far.
“Seek Out
What were some of the biggest lessons that you
learnt during your stay at BITS Pilani and how have
they impacted the way you work?
My strength and resilience were one of the first things I
discovered at BITS. I can weather any situation very well
and maintain my calm and perspective without getting
swept away. BITS impacted the way I work - I take this
attitude to my workplace as well. I can keep my compo-
sure when things go awry and that has always helped
me understand the big picture better.
What is your most fond memory of the time you were Women in Finance
in BITS?
Every instance I encountered kindness from my peers.
One of my friends taught me how to ride a bike. There
have been many such moments and I look back at them Ramya Ballamudi (Pilani, ‘01) is the Assistant
fondly till date. Vice President at the Barclays Investment Bank in
How do you find the culture, both academic and non- New York, USA. After her graduation from BITS
academic, at New York University different from that Pilani in Computer Science, she did Masters in
at BITS Pilani? Information Systems from the New York Universi-
As a teenager stepping outside from the comforts of
home for the first time, it was my first experience of how ty. Here are insights into her journey.
the real-world functions when I joined BITS Pilani. Being
a student at BITS Pilani lays a very strong academic Being the Assistant VP at Barclays Capital, what ac-
foundation and analytical skills and instils a very strong cording to you, are some lessons that a college stu-
work ethic. Masters being a 2-year degree and off- dent should work upon to achieve such great
campus, I was at a different place than I was when back heights in the corporate world?
at Pilani. Handling courses at NYU seemed like a breeze a. I feel, ‘Life at BITS’ teaches you a lot of things in
compared to what I had to do during my undergrad class room and outside it - Time management, life man-
years; whether these were technical courses or manage- agement, prioritization and all. No place is better to learn
ment related ones that involved working in groups, it all those things than here at BITS.
came pretty easily. In that sense, BITS Pilani laid the b. Network! your network opens up doors that you
foundation for advanced degree programs. Frankly, the seemed inaccessible earlier. Have friends, engage your-
culture of both places is more similar than I realized. It is
selves in activities apart from academics, they are equal-
my perspective that changed and helped me deal well ly important for one’s well-rounded development.
with life at NYU. c. Seek out mentors. They could be your peers, friends
or seniors. Experience is the best teacher. And having
If you could do it all over again, what would you do someone hold you accountable or to check-in with, is
differently, with regard to your college life? invaluable. This is applicable in professional life as well.
Be more focused on how I handled my coursework and I Love what you do and do what you love. Never compro-
would reach out for help rather than trying to solve it all mise on your ethics, at the end of the day, you have
on my own and work on my networking skills. yourself to answer to.
the CAT
Faculty Scientist, Institute of Bioinfor-
matics and Applied Biotechnology, Ban-
galore. Dr. Shruthi started doing her
research during her undergraduate
Vidhi Shah (Pilani, ‘16) scored 99.98 percentile in the Common Ad- days at BITS Pilani.
mission Test (CAT) 2019. She is an All-India female topper in CAT
2019. She prepared for the exam. during her last semester on the
How was Pilani? What was the re-
campus. We congratulate her on this remarkable achievement. search culture back when you were in
Here are a few excerpts from an interview with her where she dis- college?
cusses her experience while preparing for the exam: Research culture was encouraged at
Pilani. The professors at BITS were ex-
tremely encouraging and willing to help.
This was my stepping stone into the
What was your preparation world of research. Most of my batch ma-
strategy, the challenges you tes who have pursued their PhD, are do-
faced and how did you over- ing fantastic work in their respective
come them? fields. One of the earliest projects that I
I started preparing for CAT had worked on in Pilani, was based on
2019 in September, after ‘plasmodium’.
placements. Since I had an
engineering background, I did- What made you go into the field of
n’t feel the need to study for parasitology and specifically plasmo-
the exam as such since two dium?
sections were based on data My experience in Paris propelled me to
interpretation and quantitative study more about plasmodium. Malaria
aptitude. However, I wrote a currently is a pressing issue in our coun-
mock test almost every day in try and this research would go on to con-
the three months before the tribute at least a little in establishing new
exam. to try and figure out my trends for drug targets.
strengths and weaknesses
and rectify the possible errors. What is the scope of CRISPR in India
The preparation stage was fairly smooth since I didn’t have many and how is its application is currently
courses, and I was able to devote around three hours every day to in research?
CRISPR CAS has become more ubiqui-
tous in India. Although there is still a long
way to go in terms of accessibility, al-
What made you decide to pursue an MBA? most all major labs in the country apply
I was pretty sure I wanted to do an MBA somewhere down the line these sophisticated techniques and vari-
even before I joined BITS, but I spent the first three years on campus ations of CRISPR regularly.
making sure that I wasn’t interested in pursuing engineering further.
With every passing semester, I realized that an MBA was best suited What do you think, students of our
for the kind of career I wanted to pursue in future. generation should learn?
That anything worthwhile takes hard
What are your views on the Practice School system of BITS work. Research by its very nature re-
Pilani? How do you think it benefits the students? quires perseverance. Every day is a new
The Practice School system of BITS Pilani is a pretty unique con- problem waiting to be solved. Trends
cept. Academic course work is necessary but is not sufficient, and keep changing and one must know what
Practice School allows students to gain industry insights before they is new in the field. It is always good to
make major career decisions. It also gives a lot of flexibility to stu- know several techniques, but it is ex-
dents by allowing them to opt-out of the system or to gain experience tremely important to be strong at the fun-
in companies of their domain. I think we need to use this flexibility for damentals, as this will determine how far
our better carrier advancement. you can go.
What made you choose Civil Services as a career? Women in Civil Services
The IAS was a dream for me. My father and uncle had writ-
ten the preliminary exams when they were younger. But One should integrate his/her prepara-
they could not pursue their dream for some reason. I kept tion for all the 3 stages. This will pro-
hearing about the IAS right from my school days. Later, I duce better answers that are balanced
joined BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus. I received two in terms of facts and analysis.
job offers through campus selection before I completed the
program. They were excellent offers with good paychecks. Prelim: Don't overdo things here. For
My mother told me to drop the offers and focus on Civil Ser- GS, find out the areas of your strength
vices. and prepare thoroughly (I studied geography, polity, mental
ability, current affairs and Biology). For optional, focus on
How should one assess oneself before deciding to opt concepts first and then take up facts. One should also keep
for Civil Services as a career? in mind Main's pattern.
One's longing for this service can be the sole guiding factor
when one pursues this goal. Therefore, passion and deter- For Mains: Prepare notes and revise, Practice answer-
mination are very important. One should make up one's writing. For Optional, use standard textbooks, plan your an-
mind to put the efforts as required for this examination. swer. For GS, list out the probable topics and prepare thor-
oughly. Unlike Prelim, try not to leave out any question.
In your opinion, how crucial is the selection of optional Interview: Develop a balanced opinion about the current
subjects for success in the examination? events. Take the help of newspaper editorials and multiple
It is the most important step to succeed in this examination. magazines. Prepare bio-data thoroughly. Be truthful while
filling up the bio-data form.
What should be the criteria for selecting them?
One's interest should be the sole criterion. I used NCERT The message for young UPSC aspirants
books, notes and problem solutions, UPSC syllabus and You have to give a clear answer on why you want to join the
Main's previous years question papers to make my choice. Civil Services. You have to be able to say that you want to
serve people. It should be an honest ambition. Never take
How should one prepare for Prelim, Main and Inter- up this profession for recognition.
It was the clarion call of good old days and to reconnect with alma mater. The
batch of 1970-74 Pharma and 1970-75 batch celebrated their Golden Jubilee
Reunions on February 8th, 2020 at Pilani Campus. More than 110 alumni came
to join this reunion from across the world.
One of the major highlights of the event was Gurudakshina which was organised
by the BITS 75 Trust to felicitate 10 prominent teachers who had taught, inspired
and encouraged them during their studies at Pilani. The batch started this event
in 2009 and since then they have honoured 40 faculty members under
Gurudakshina, and at Pilani by honouring 10 more Gurus this time, they have
completed the magic number of 50.
A glittering function was held at NAB Auditorium which was attended by a large
number of alumni with the leadership team of BITS Pilani. Gurus were honoured
with a citation, a shawl and Rupees 1 lakh as a token of appreciation by the
BITS 75 Trust.
Prof. Souvik Bhattacharyya, Vice-chancellor, BITS Pilani welcomed the alumni back on campus and shared the development at institute and
especially a new and distinct impetus being given to connect with alumni for strengthening ties for growth and development of the institute.
Prof. Arya Kumar, Dean Alumni Relations and an Alumnus of BITS Pilani, applauded the effort of honouring the gurus and contributing back to
their alma mater. The memoirs of yesteryears were rejuvenated as they all shared their memories of those olden, youthful and cheerful days.
Echo Page-14
College is a phase of life that nobody can forget. 4 years of camaraderie, last-minute exam preparations, late-night talks, and countless other
memories. The graduates of the 2010 and 2011 joining batch of Hyderabad campus, had a chance to cherish those memories again. The an-
nual alumni reunion was held on January 25th, 2020 and which was attended by over 100 alumni and a few special guests.
The reunion started with a pleasant lunch followed by cake cutting as a token of love and respect, post lunch, each of the batches planted a
sapling along the path leading to H block. After that, a session was held in the auditorium which featured address by Prof. G. Sundar, Director,
Hyderabad Campus, Prof. Arya Kumar, Dean, Alumni Relations, Mr Mansoor Khan, Head, BITSAA Silicon Valley Chapter and Mr Sanjay
Khendry, the BITSAA Hyderabad Chapter. It was followed by high Tea, where people caught up with each other and all shared their fond
“Believe in yourself
Be an Innovator”
Babasaheb Neelkanth Kalyani Gave Tips to Students
The NAB Auditorium at BITS Pilani was at its full capacity, as more than 300 BITSians
turned up to listen to Padma Bhushan Awardee, Managing Director of Bharat Forge
Babasaheb Neelkanth Kalyani. On Saturday, February 22, 2020, an Alumni-Student
interactive session with Mr. Baba Kalyani was organised by Alumni Relations Cell
(ARC) of BITS Pilani, Pilani campus. "Believe in yourself, have a passion and be an
Innovator ", this was the success Mantra given to all BITSians by Baba Kalyani. He
shared his extensive experience related to entrepreneurship and interacted with stu-
dents about becoming successful in life. He further added, “There is no substitute for
hard work. But, when you love what you do it doesn’t feel like work and as your love
grows you’ll find yourself doing better and better”. Highlighting the importance of val-
ues in life, he said, success comes from dedication, commitment, integrity and hones-
ty. No matter what level of job you are at, approach your work with these values. He
also described the ‘disruptions’ that are witnessed within an economy and how new
technologies replace the existing ones.
Start-up or Job?”, “How to decide what career path to choose ?”, “Which group to
join?”, "Current market situation?" and many such questions were asked by the stu-
dents and Baba Kalyani engagingly answered them. He talked about his journey from
being a student at BITS, Pilani to becoming a Global Business leader. His inputs were
inspirational and informative. The entire session lasted for over an hour and was ex-
tremely interactive. Students left the room excited, encouraged and determined to
work on the points that Mr baba Kalyani shared with them.
Echo Page-17
Alumni Research
Talk L.K Maheswari
Foundation Awards
Prof. L. K. Ma-
heshwari Distin-
guished Alumnus
Award - 2019 cere-
mony was held on
12th, March 2020
at Pilani Campus.
The award was
conferred on Prof.
Ramesh Harjani,
E.F. Johnson Pro-
A series of Alumni Research Talks fessor of Electronic
Communications, Prof. Ramesh Harjani
(ARTs) were organized by the Computer
Science Association in collaboration with Department of
Alumni Relations Cell on January 17 & Electrical & Computer Engineering, the University of Minnesota for his out-
19, 2020 at Pilani Campus. The day one standing contribution in Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering. Prof. Har-
of ART featured two alumni — Dr Guri jani earned his bachelor’s degree from the Pilani campus in 1982.
Sohi (Professor at the University of Wis- Prof. V. K.Chaubey, the Secretary of LKM Foundation and the Head of EEE
consin-Madison), and Dr. Deepak Poola Department welcomed the guests and informed the audience about the ac-
Chandrashekhar (an Industry Expert for tivities of Prof. L. K. Maheshwari Foundation Trust. Prof. Ajit Pratap Singh,
the Departmental Academic Committee Dean, Academic-Undergraduate Studies and Prof. Arya Kumar, Dean
at NIT Raipur). Alumni Relations, were also present at the event.
The talks delivered by the two alumni As part of the award ceremonies, Prof. Ramesh Harjani delivered a lecture
were highly engaging, with each talk be- on his current research. He spoke about his research on the development
ing focused on the areas of expertise of of analogue/RF circuits for wired and wireless circuits, Interference resistant
the respective alumnus. Dr Guri Sohi’s radios and low power analogue design.
talk was largely focused on his research In his address Prof. Harjani also expressed his gratitude and said, “it’s
in the design of high-performance micro- an honour to be recognized by my own alma mater. It’s been a wonder-
processors and computer systems. Dr ful journey over the years. I would like to dedicate this award to my
Deepak Poola Chandrashekhar in his Teachers. It was a very touching event. I spent two days on campus,
talk, shared his knowledge about cloud which allowed me to meet many of the current graduate students and
computing and experiences in the field faculty, and speak with the leadership of BITS Pilani”.
which he gained at IBM as a Cloud Solu-
tions Architect. The second day feature
talks were by Mr. Aditya Sarma
(Research Fellow at Wadhwani AI) and Prof. Rajiv Gupta
Mr. Danish Pruthi (Ph.D. student at Lan-
guage Technologies Institute at Carnegie “Professor L. K. Maheshwari
Mellon University). Foundation Distinguished Alum-
Their talks were preceded by a keynote nus Award in EEE & Instrumen-
delivered by Ms. Deepa J (1995 batch, tation” for the year 2019 was
Chief Operations Officer at Un- conferred upon Prof. Rajiv Gup-
cannyVision Solutions). Mr Danish Pruthi ta in an event organized by the
started his talk on model interpretation by Department of EEE on January
briefly touching the idea of deep learning 24, 2020, at Pilani Campus.
and neural networks. He motivated the Prof. Rajiv Gupta is an alumnus
students on why they should care about of 1976-82 batch, and a neuro-
deep learning, then he explained 2 broad radiologist and ER radiologist
approaches that the research community working in the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospi-
has used to interpret deep learning as a tal. He is also an Associate Professor of Radiology at the Harvard Medical
concept. The event was concluded by Mr School, a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at MIT and Director of the
Aditya Sarma who started his talk by ex- Advanced X-ray Imaging Sciences (AXIS) Center. On this occasion, Prof.
plaining the importance of AI in everyday Gupta delivered a mesmerizing talk on “My Life’s Lessons from BITS and
life and how to solve everyday problems Beyond: A Deep Dive”, citing the applications of radiology in Medical treat-
with it. He talked about Wadhwani AI and ment, AI etc.
discussed their work in agriculture (cotton The award was instituted by Prof. L K Maheshwari Foundation in 2010 to
farming), health (Tuberculosis treatment), recognize and honour BITS alumnus graduated from BITS, Pilani campus
maternal and child health. with a degree in the area of Electrical, Electronics or Instrumentation and
has achieved milestone at the National and International level.
Echo Page-18
Alumni Couple GOA Campus
RacEnegy Raised
Seed funding Reep Hazarika Appointed as MD
of Brahmaputra Cracker
Mr. Reep Hazarika (Pilani, ‘85)
has been appointed as the Man-
aging Director of Brahmaputra
Cracker and Polymer Limited-a
Government of India Enterprise
under the Ministry of Chemicals
and Fertilizers.
BITS Pilani alumni start-up RA-
Prior to taking charge as the
CEnergy has successfully raised Managing Director, Hazarika
seed funding from growX ven- worked as the Chief General
tures. Founded by Arun Sreyar Manager at BCPL heading the
and Gautham Mahewaran (2017 overall operation and mainte-
Batch) RACEnergy develops nance of the plant since 2016. He
cost-efficient battery swapping will be the fourth incumbent to
stations and swappable batteries the top post of BCPL.
for use in three-wheelers. The With over 30 years of experience
startup also builds high- in the oil refining and petrochemical industry, Hazarika worked in Indian Oil Cor-
performance power trains for use poration Limited, Numaligarh Refinery Limited and Bharat Oman Refineries Lim-
in vehicles. RACEnergy will ena- ited.
From 2006 to 2012, he worked with Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Company in
ble auto drivers to transition to
Saudi Arabia. Hazarika has worked across different functions, including opera-
electric, thereby allowing them to
tions, technical services, projects, planning and programming, environment
drive more, reduce operating management and corporate affairs.
costs and earn more per ride.
Giving Back
Alumni Funding
• A contribution of Rs 1.12 crore was received in this quarter (January-March 2020) amounting to a total donations of Rs 3.45 crores from
the alumni of 1993 batch who celebrated their Batch Reunion meet after 25 years of joining BITS in December 2018. The batch has de-
cided to utilize the funds for supporting student travel under the program-Udaan, Counselling cell-Mpower, BACFE, tinkering Lab. etc.
• A contribution of Rs 55 lakhs was received in this quarter (January-March 2020) amounting to a total donations of Rs 81.4 lakhs from the
alumni of 1989 batch who celebrated their Silver Jubilee Reunion in November 2018.
• A collective amount of Rs 23.29 lakhs was received from the 1965-70 batch alumni who celebrated their Golden Jubilee Reunion In Feb-
ruary 2020 and took a pledge to contribute Rs 2 crore for the Convention Centre Project at Pilani Campus.
• A contribution of Rs 20.40 lakhs was received by the Pilani Campus from 1994-98/99 batch alumni who celebrated their Silver Jubilee
Reunion in December 2019 and set a target of $201.99 K towards contributing back to their alma mater.
• A collective amount of Rs 10.86 lakhs was received from the alumni of 1969-73 Pharmacy batch who celebrated their Golden Jubilee
Reunion at Pilani Campus in December 2019 towards refurbishing animal house research laboratory in the Pharmacy department of Pila-
ni campus.
• An amount of Rs 5.82 lakhs was received by the collective efforts of several alumni from different batches for the registration fees of a
student team from K. K. Birla Goa Campus for iGEM competition.
• An amount of Rs. 8.55 lakhs and a pledge for future support was received from 1968 batch alumni, Mr. Kuldip Kaura for setting up “Kaura
Family Scholarships”. The scholarship will support one student from every batch for the 80% tuition Scholarship starting academic year
2019-20 and intends to support 4 students by the academic year 2022-23.
• In addition, an amount of Rs 1.65 lakhs was received from the individual alumni from different batches for Graduating class campaign,
Bloomberg finance lab, 1990 pledge and general fund.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Funding
• Funding of Rs 1 crore was received from Aditya Birla Finance Limited for setting up an Advanced Environmental Engineering Laboratory,
including a Faecal Sludge Management Laboratory at Pilani Campus.
• Funding of Rs. 1 crore was received from Century Textiles and Industries Ltd. for establishing Shri B K Birla Centre for Incubation and
Innovation (SBKBCII) at the Pilani Campus, with an additional grant of Rs. 1 crore to be given in FY 2020-21.
• Funding of Rs. 21 Lakhs was received from Mitutoyo Corp. towards supporting a PhD fellowship and associated research equipment for
an Industry 4.0 project at Pilani campus under the aegis of Prof. K. S. Sangwan, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
• Funding of Rs. 25 Lakhs was received from HDFC Bank towards seed funds for the Technology Business Incubator (TBI) at Pilani cam-
We would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all the alumni who have made indi-
vidual or collective contributions and corporates for CSR funding.