JBLM Growth Coordination TranspRec 1.5.11
JBLM Growth Coordination TranspRec 1.5.11
JBLM Growth Coordination TranspRec 1.5.11
Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) is the largest Army installation in the western United States, and it is
the third largest employer in the State of Washington. Its presence is recognized throughout Pierce and Transportation Recommendations for
Thurston Counties and Washington State as a significant economic benefit to the South Puget Sound. In
turn, communities surrounding JBLM enhance the quality of life for military personnel and families by Improving Regional Mobility
providing high quality neighborhoods, schools, recreation opportunities, and other services.
Prepared under a grant from the Department of Defense, Office of Economic Adjustment,
administered by the City of Lakewood, Washington.
Recommendations SPANAWAY
and base personnel to consider alternative modes when either
traveling to JBLM or between Thurston and Pierce Counties. INTERCHANGE
• Promote changes in DoD policies that eliminate barriers
to provide transit services; incentivize carpooling, vanpooling, or transit through
Reduce Military-Related Impacts on I-5 Flow Through
enhanced security requirements; and, mandate military installations to develop
TDM programs. 4 JBLM Gate and On-Post Transportation Improvements
• Fund and provide on-post shuttles through a contract with local service providers.
• Provide diamond lanes for carpools, vanpools, and buses at major entry points to Transportation infrastructure on-post and at the gates is in need of
JBLM to encourage the use of carpooling and transit. significant upgrades. The lack of connections between McChord Air
• Construct flyover bus stations and/or multi-modal hubs at major entry points. Field and Lewis Main creates circuitous travel patterns for on-post trips.
TDM services.
Increase the role of the base Commute Trip Reduction
5 Complete the Cross-Base Highway
(CTR) Coordinator and designate and fund as a full- The Cross-Base Highway (SR 704) will provide regional travelers
time position. with a new highway between Lewis and McChord. It is expected to
• Coordinate with on-post service providers to locate significantly improve regional east–west travel, reduce I-5 and SR 512
some services off-post to reduce the amount of congestion, and improve overall accessibility to the base.
service-related trips to the installation.