PC - SPS Transportation Initiative - RAMP Presentation 2.4.09

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Pierce County/South Puget

Sound Transportation Initiative

Pat McCarthy
Pierce County Executive
February 4, 2009
What’s Our Goal?
Restore funding for critical
Pierce County/South Puget
Sound/RAMP projects
What’s at Stake?
WSDOT/Governor’s proposed transportation
budget cuts funding to critical Pierce County
projects that were funded in 2008 by the
• SR 167
• I-5/SR 16 HOV, SR 167 HOV
HOV Projects
State funds:
• 2007 Legislature appropriated $781 million
• 2008 Legislature appropriated $789 million
• 2009 Governor’s proposal $367 million

Interstate 5 - Existing Interstate 5 - Proposed

Source: WSDOT
HOV Request
• Replace $422 million appropriated for HOV
– Significantly improves regional mobility and
environmental quality in the South Puget
Sound region
SR 167 Extension
State funds:
• 2007 Legislature appropriated $208 million
Note: Additional stakeholders
• 2008 Legislature appropriated $94 million dedicated $26 million to SR
• 2009 Governor’s proposal $31 million 167’s completion

Interstate 5 - Existing Interstate 5 - Proposed

Source: WSDOT
SR 167 Request
• Replace $63 million promised for land
– Economic conditions favor right-of-way
acquisitions now
– Preserve the critical right-of-way before
development occurs
What’s our Message?
1. Regional impact
Relieves regional bottleneck that impedes commuter
and freight mobility in the South Puget Sound
2. Economic development
Creates jobs, spurs new private investment, retains
existing businesses
3. Environmental impact
Supports transit, vanpools and carpooling on I-5
corridor in the South Puget Sound, improves air
quality, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and
increases roadway efficiencies
4. Public safety
Relieves congestion, saves lives and property
5. Cost savings
Reduces state construction costs through project
efficiencies during this advantageous bidding climate
February 4 RAMP

February 4-6 Gather signatures

February 5/12 Meeting with Pierce County state delegation

February 6- Continue gathering signatures

Lobby legislators
March 4 RAMP – Transportation Initiative update
Pierce County Facts
Past 20-year deficit $642,192,000
Projected 10-year deficit $619,981,000
Proposed Governor’s cut $485,000,000
Highway Projects $261,604,000
Transit Capital $182,970,000
Transit Formula Funds $165,312,000
Pierce County Donor

$2.2 Billion
What Could it Have Been?

What it Could Have Been!
What we need you to do
• Support the Pierce County state
legislators’ efforts to restore funding for
critical Pierce County/South Puget
Sound/RAMP projects
• Sign the letter and gather additional
• Lobby legislators: email and phone and
get others to do the same
Randy Harrison
Pierce County Executive’s Office
(253) 798-6166
[email protected]

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