PC - SPS Transportation Initiative - RAMP Presentation 2.4.09
PC - SPS Transportation Initiative - RAMP Presentation 2.4.09
PC - SPS Transportation Initiative - RAMP Presentation 2.4.09
Pat McCarthy
Pierce County Executive
February 4, 2009
What’s Our Goal?
Restore funding for critical
Pierce County/South Puget
Sound/RAMP projects
What’s at Stake?
WSDOT/Governor’s proposed transportation
budget cuts funding to critical Pierce County
projects that were funded in 2008 by the
• SR 167
• I-5/SR 16 HOV, SR 167 HOV
HOV Projects
State funds:
• 2007 Legislature appropriated $781 million
• 2008 Legislature appropriated $789 million
• 2009 Governor’s proposal $367 million
$2.2 Billion
What Could it Have Been?
What it Could Have Been!
What we need you to do
• Support the Pierce County state
legislators’ efforts to restore funding for
critical Pierce County/South Puget
Sound/RAMP projects
• Sign the letter and gather additional
• Lobby legislators: email and phone and
get others to do the same
Randy Harrison
Pierce County Executive’s Office
(253) 798-6166
[email protected]