Criteria 8

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CRITERION 8 First Year Academics 50

8.1. First Year Student-Faculty Ratio (FYSFR) (5)

Data for first year courses to calculate the FYSFR:

Number of
Number of faculty
students *Assessment = (5 ×20)/
Year members (considering FYSFR
(approved intake FYSFR (Limited to Max. 5)
fractional load)





Table B.8.1.
*Note: If FYSFR is greater than 25, then assessment equal to zero.

8.2. Qualification of Faculty Teaching First Year Common Courses (5)

Assessment of qualification = (5x +3y)/RF, x= Number of Regular Faculty with Ph.D., y = Number of
Regular Faculty with Post-graduate qualification RF= Number of faculty members required as per SFR
of 20:1, Faculty definition as defined in 5.1

Assessment of faculty
Year x Y RF
qualification (5x + 3y)/RF




Average Assessment

Table B.8.2

8.3. First Year Academic Performance (10)

Academic Performance = ((Mean of 1st Year Grade Point Average of all successful Students on a 10
point scale) or (Mean of the percentage of marks in First Year of all successful students/10)) x
(number of successful students/number of students appeared in the examination)

Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the second year.

8.4. Attainment of Course Outcomes of first year courses (10)

8.4.1. Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the
evaluation of Course Outcomes of first year is done (5)

(Examples of data collection processes may include, but are not limited to, specific exam
questions, laboratory tests, internally developed assessment exams, oral exams
assignments, presentations, tutorial sheets etc.)

8.4.2. Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all first year courses (5)

Program shall have set attainment levels for all first year courses.

(The attainment levels shall be set considering average performance levels in the
institution level examination or any higher value set as target for the assessment years.
Attainment level is to be measured in terms of student performance in internal
assessments with respect the COs of a subject plus the performance in the institution level

Refer to 3.1.1 for further details

8.5. Attainment of Program Outcomes from first year courses (20)

8.5.1. Indicate results of evaluation of each relevant PO and/or PSO if applicable (10)

The relevant program outcomes that are to be addressed at first year need to be identified
by the institution

Program Outcome attainment levels shall be set for all relevant POs and/or PSOs through
first year courses.

(Describe the assessment processes that demonstrate the degree to which the Program
Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes are attained through first year courses and
document the attainment levels. Also include information on assessment processes used
to gather the data upon which the evaluation of each Program Outcome is based indicating
the frequency with which these processes are carried out)

PO/PSO Attainment: Mention first year courses

Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12



Table B.8.5.1.
· Add more columns for PSOs if needed.

· If necessary present the table in Landscape format

8.5.2. Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of relevant POs and PSOs (10)

(The attainment levels by direct (student performance) are to be presented through Program
level Course-PO matrix as indicated)

PO Attainment Levels and Actions for improvement – CAY only – Mention for relevant POs

POs Target Attainment

Level Level

PO1: Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO2:Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO3: Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO4: Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO5: Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO6 :Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO7:Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO8:Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO9 :Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO10 :Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO11 :Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

PO12 :Statement as mentioned in Annexure I


Action 1:

Action N:

Table B.8.5.2
Write similar action statements for relevant PSOs


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