Operating Guide: VLT Automationdrive FC 301/302

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Operating Guide
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302
0.25–75 kW

Contents Operating Guide


1 Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose of the Manual 3
1.2 Additional Resources 3
1.3 Manual and Software Version 3
1.4 Product Overview 3
1.5 Type Approvals and Certifications 5

2 Safety 6
2.1 Safety Symbols 6
2.2 Qualified Personnel 6
2.3 Safety Precautions 6

3 Mechanical Installation 8
3.1 Unpacking 8
3.1.1 Items Supplied 8
3.2 Installation Environments 8
3.3 Mounting 9

4 Electrical Installation 10
4.1 Safety Instructions 10
4.2 EMC-compliant Installation 10
4.3 Grounding 10
4.4 Wiring Schematic 12
4.5 Motor Connection 14
4.6 AC Mains Connection 15
4.7 Control Wiring 15
4.7.1 Safe Torque Off (STO) 15
4.7.2 Mechanical Brake Control 15
4.8 Installation Check List 17

5 Commissioning 18
5.1 Safety Instructions 18
5.2 Local Control Panel Operation 19
5.3 System Set-up 20

6 Basic I/O Configuration 21

7 Maintenance, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting 23

7.1 Maintenance and Service 23

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

Contents VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

7.2 Warning and Alarm Types 23

7.3 List of Warnings and Alarms 24

8 Specifications 33
8.1 Electrical Data 33
8.1.1 Mains Supply 200–240 V 33
8.1.2 Mains Supply 380–500 V 36
8.1.3 Mains Supply 525–600 V (FC 302 only) 39
8.1.4 Mains Supply 525–690 V (FC 302 only) 42
8.2 Mains Supply 45
8.3 Motor Output and Motor Data 45
8.4 Ambient Conditions 46
8.5 Cable Specifications 46
8.6 Control Input/Output and Control Data 46
8.7 Fuses and Circuit Breakers 50
8.8 Connection Tightening Torques 58
8.9 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions 59

9 Appendix 65
9.1 Symbols, Abbreviations, and Conventions 65
9.2 Parameter Menu Structure 65

Index 75

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Introduction Operating Guide

1 1
1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Manual 1.4 Product Overview

This operating guide provides information for safe instal- 1.4.1 Intended Use
lation and commissioning of the frequency converter.
The frequency converter is an electronic motor controller
The operating guide is intended for use by qualified intended for:
personnel. • Regulation of motor speed in response to system
Read and follow the instructions to use the frequency feedback or to remote commands from external
converter safely and professionally, and pay particular controllers. A power drive system consists of the
attention to the safety instructions and general warnings. frequency converter, the motor, and equipment
Always keep this operating guide available with the driven by the motor.
frequency converter.
• System and motor status surveillance.
The frequency converter can also be used for motor
VLT® is a registered trademark.
overload protection.
1.2 Additional Resources
Depending on the configuration, the frequency converter
Other resources are available to understand advanced
can be used in standalone applications or form part of a
frequency converter functions and programming.
larger appliance or installation.

• The VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/FC 302 The frequency converter is allowed for use in residential,
Programming Guide provides greater detail on industrial, and commercial environments in accordance
working with parameters and shows many with local laws and standards.
application examples.
• The VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/FC 302 Design NOTICE!
Guide provides detailed information about In a residential environment, this product can cause
capabilities and functionality to design motor radio interference, in which case supplementary
control systems. mitigation measures can be required.
• Instructions for operation with optional
equipment. Foreseeable misuse
Supplementary publications and manuals are available Do not use the frequency converter in applications which
from Danfoss. See www.danfoss.com/en/search/?filter=type are non-compliant with specified operating conditions and
%3Adocumentation%2Csegment%3Adds for listings. environments. Ensure compliance with the conditions
specified in chapter 8 Specifications.
1.3 Manual and Software Version
This manual is regularly reviewed and updated. All The output frequency of the frequency converter is
suggestions for improvement are welcome. Table 1.1 shows limited to 590 Hz.
the manual version and the corresponding software For demands exceeding 590 Hz, contact Danfoss.

Edition Remarks Software version

MG33ATxx Error correction. Changing 8.1x, 48.20 (IMC)
minimum cable cross-section to
10 mm2 (7 AWG)

Table 1.1 Manual and Software Version

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 3

Introduction VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302
1 1
1.4.2 Exploded Views

1 2 12 13

1 11
3 5 10 DC-

2 9
9 8

06 05 04
03 02 01
61 68 69 39 42 50 53 54 55

4 13
Remove jumper to activate Safe

Max. 24 Volt !
12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33 20 37


14 15
14 QDF-30

19 6 19 18 17 16
6 14
16, 17 10 11

1 Local control panel (LCP) 11 Relay 2 (04, 05, 06)

2 Cover 12 Lifting ring
3 RS485 fieldbus connector 13 Mounting slot
4 Digital input/output connector 14 Ground connection (PE)
5 Digital input/output connector 15 Cable shield connector
6 Shielded cable grounding and relief 16 Brake terminal (-81, +82)
7 USB connector 17 Load sharing terminal (-88, +89)
8 RS485 termination switch 18 Motor terminals 96 (U), 97 (V), 98 (W)
9 DIP switch for A53 and A54 19 Mains input terminals 91 (L1), 92 (L2), 93 (L3)
10 Relay 1 (01, 02, 03) 20 LCP connector

Figure 1.1 Exploded View Enclosure Size A, IP20 (left), and Enclosure Size C, IP55/IP66 (right)

4 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Introduction Operating Guide

1 1
1.5 Type Approvals and Certifications
The following list is a selection of possible type approvals
and certifications for Danfoss frequency converters:


The specific approvals and certification for the frequency
converter are on the nameplate of the frequency
converter. For more information, contact the local
Danfoss office or partner.

For more information on UL 508C thermal memory

retention requirements, refer to the section Motor Thermal
Protection in the product-specific design guide.

For more information on compliance with the European

Agreement concerning International Carriage of Dangerous
Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN), refer to the section
ADN-compliant Installation in the product-specific design

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Safety VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

2 Safety
2 2
2.1 Safety Symbols 2.3 Safety Precautions
The following symbols are used in this guide:
WARNING Frequency converters contain high voltage when
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing.
result in death or serious injury. Failure to perform installation, start-up, and maintenance
by qualified personnel can result in death or serious
CAUTION • Only qualified personnel must perform instal-
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could
lation, start-up, and maintenance.
result in minor or moderate injury. It can also be used to
alert against unsafe practices. • Before performing any service or repair work,
use an appropriate voltage measuring device to
make sure that there is no remaining voltage on
NOTICE! the frequency converter.
Indicates important information, including situations that
can result in damage to equipment or property.

2.2 Qualified Personnel UNINTENDED START
Correct and reliable transport, storage, installation, When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains,
operation, and maintenance are required for the trouble- DC supply, or load sharing, the motor may start at any
free and safe operation of the frequency converter. Only time. Unintended start during programming, service, or
qualified personnel are allowed to install and operate this repair work can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment. property damage. The motor can start via an external
switch, a fieldbus command, an input reference signal
from the LCP, or after a cleared fault condition.
Qualified personnel are defined as trained staff, who are
authorized to install, commission, and maintain equipment, To prevent unintended motor start:
systems, and circuits in accordance with pertinent laws and • Disconnect the frequency converter from the
regulations. Also, the qualified personnel must be familiar mains.
with the instructions and safety measures described in this • Press [Off/Reset] on the LCP before
manual. programming parameters.
• Completely wire and assemble the frequency
converter, motor, and any driven equipment
before connecting the frequency converter to
AC mains, DC supply, or load sharing.

6 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Safety Operating Guide

The frequency converter contains DC-link capacitors, Contact with rotating shafts and electrical equipment
which can remain charged even when the frequency can result in death or serious injury.
converter is not powered. High voltage can be present
even when the warning LED indicator lights are off.
• Ensure that only trained and qualified personnel
perform installation, start-up, and maintenance.
Failure to wait the specified time after power has been
removed before performing service or repair work can • Ensure that electrical work conforms to national
result in death or serious injury. and local electrical codes.

• Stop the motor. • Follow the procedures in this guide.

• Disconnect AC mains and remote DC-link power

supplies, including battery back-ups, UPS, and
DC-link connections to other frequency
• Disconnect or lock PM motor.
Unintended rotation of permanent magnet motors
• Wait for the capacitors to discharge fully. The creates voltage and can charge the unit, resulting in
minimum waiting time is specified in Table 2.1 death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
and is also visible on the product label on top
of the frequency converter. • Ensure that permanent magnet motors are
blocked to prevent unintended rotation.
• Before performing any service or repair work,
use an appropriate voltage measuring device to
make sure that the capacitors are fully
An internal failure in the frequency converter can result
Voltage [V] Minimum waiting time (minutes) in serious injury when the frequency converter is not
4 7 15 properly closed.

200–240 0.25–3.7 kW – 5.5–37 kW • Ensure that all safety covers are in place and
(0.34–5 hp) (7.5–50 hp)
securely fastened before applying power.
380–500 0.25–7.5 kW – 11–75 kW
(0.34–10 hp) (15–100 hp)
525–600 0.75–7.5 kW – 11–75 kW
(1–10 hp) (15–100 hp)
525–690 – 1.5–7.5 kW 11–75 kW
(2–10 hp) (15–100 hp)

Table 2.1 Discharge Time

Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the
frequency converter properly can result in death or
serious injury.
• Ensure the correct grounding of the equipment
by a certified electrical installer.

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Mechanical Installation VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

3 Mechanical Installation

3 3 3.1 Unpacking NOTICE!

Do not remove the nameplate from the frequency
3.1.1 Items Supplied converter (loss of warranty).

Items supplied vary according to product configuration.

Ensure that the requirements for storage are fulfilled. Refer
to chapter 8.4 Ambient Conditions for further details.
• Make sure that the items supplied and the
information on the nameplate correspond to the 3.2 Installation Environments
order confirmation.
• Check the packaging and the frequency converter
In environments with airborne liquids, particles, or
visually for damage caused by inappropriate
corrosive gases, ensure that the IP/type rating of the
handling during shipment. File any claim for
equipment matches the installation environment. Failure
damage with the carrier. Retain damaged parts
to meet requirements for ambient conditions can reduce
for clarification.
the lifetime of the frequency converter. Ensure that
requirements for air humidity, temperature, and altitude

VLT Automation Drive
www.danfoss.com are met.
2 3
P/N: 131X3537 S/N: 010122G430 Vibration and shock
0.37kW/ 0.50HP The frequency converter complies with requirements for
5 9
IN: 3x200-240V 50/60Hz 2.2A units mounted on the walls and floors of production
OUT: 3x0-Vin 0-590Hz 2.4A premises, and in panels bolted to walls or floors.
7 o o
CHASSIS/ IP20 Tamb.50 C/122 F For detailed ambient conditions specifications, refer to
*1 3 1 X 3 5 3 7 0 1 0 1 2 2 G 4 3 0 * MADE IN DENMARK chapter 8.4 Ambient Conditions.
Listed 76X1 E134261 Ind. Contr. Eq.

See manual for special condition/mains fuse
10 `
Voir manual de conditions speclales/fusibles
Stored charge, wait 4 min.
` attendez 4 min.
Charge residuelle,

1 Type code
2 Code number
3 Serial number
4 Power rating
Input voltage, frequency, and current (at low/high
Output voltage, frequency, and current (at low/high
7 Enclosure size and IP rating
8 Maximum ambient temperature
9 Certifications
10 Discharge time (Warning)

Figure 3.1 Product Nameplate (Example)

8 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Mechanical Installation Operating Guide

3.3 Mounting WARNING

Improper mounting can result in overheating and Unbalanced loads can fall and loads can tip over. Failure
reduced performance. to take proper lifting precautions increases risk of death,
serious injury, or equipment damage.
3 3
Cooling • Never walk under suspended loads.

• Ensure that top and bottom clearance for air • To guard against injury, wear personal
cooling is provided. See Figure 3.2 for clearance protective equipment such as gloves, safety
requirements. glasses, and safety shoes.
• Be sure to use lifting devices with the

appropriate weight rating. To determine a safe
lifting method, check the weight of the unit, see
a chapter 8.9 Power Ratings, Weight, and
• The angle from the top of the drive module to
the lifting cables has an impact on the
maximum load force on the cable. This angle
must be 65° or greater. Attach and dimension
the lifting cables properly.

1. Ensure that the strength of the mounting location
supports the unit weight. The frequency
converter allows side-by-side installation.
2. Locate the unit as near to the motor as possible.
Keep the motor cables as short as possible.
3. Mount the unit vertically to a solid flat surface or
to the optional backplate to provide cooling
Figure 3.2 Top and Bottom Cooling Clearance 4. Use the slotted mounting holes on the unit for
wall mount, when provided.
Mounting with mounting plate and railings
Enclosure A1–A5 B1–B4 C1, C3 C2, C4 A mounting plate is required when mounted on railings.
a [mm (in)] 100 (3.9) 200 (7.8) 200 (7.8) 225 (8.9)

Table 3.1 Minimum Airflow Clearance Requirements

• Ensure that the lifting device is suitable for the
• If necessary, plan for a hoist, crane, or forklift with
the appropriate rating to move the unit.
• For lifting, use hoist rings on the unit, when

Figure 3.3 Proper Mounting with Mounting Plate

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Electrical Installation VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

4 Electrical Installation

4.1 Safety Instructions See chapter 8.1 Electrical Data and chapter 8.5 Cable Specifi-
cations for recommended wire sizes and types.
See chapter 2 Safety for general safety instructions.
4.2 EMC-compliant Installation
4 4
WARNING To obtain an EMC-compliant installation, follow the
instructions provided in chapter 4.3 Grounding,
INDUCED VOLTAGE chapter 4.4 Wiring Schematic, chapter 4.5 Motor Connection,
Induced voltage from output motor cables that run and chapter 4.7 Control Wiring.
together can charge equipment capacitors even with the
equipment turned off and locked out. Failure to run 4.3 Grounding
output motor cables separately or use shielded cables or
metal conduits could result in death or serious injury. WARNING
• Run output motor cables separately, or LEAKAGE CURRENT HAZARD
• Use shielded cables or metal conduits. Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the
frequency converter properly could result in death or
serious injury.
CAUTION • Ensure the correct grounding of the equipment
SHOCK HAZARD by a certified electrical installer.
The frequency converter can cause a DC current in the
PE conductor. Failure to follow the recommendation may For electrical safety
lead to the RCD not providing the intended protection. • Ground the frequency converter in accordance
• When a residual current-operated protective with applicable standards and directives.
device (RCD) is used for protection against • Use a dedicated ground wire for input power,
electrical shock, only an RCD of Type B is motor power, and control wiring.
allowed on the supply side.
• Do not ground 1 frequency converter to another
in a daisy-chain fashion (see Figure 4.1).
NOTICE! • Keep the ground wire connections as short as
The frequency converter is supplied with Class 20 motor possible.
overload protection.
• Follow motor manufacturer wiring requirements.

Overcurrent protection • Minimum cable cross-section for the ground

• Extra protective equipment, such as short-circuit wires: 10 mm2 (7 AWG).
protection or motor thermal protection between • Separately terminate individual ground wires,
frequency converter and motor, is required for both complying with the dimension
applications with multiple motors. requirements.
• Input fusing is required to provide short-circuit
and overcurrent protection. If not factory-
supplied, the installer must provide fuses. See
maximum fuse ratings in chapter 8.7 Fuses and
Circuit Breakers.
Wire type and ratings
• All wiring must comply with local and national
regulations regarding cross-section and ambient
temperature requirements.
• Power connection wire recommendation:
Minimum 75 °C (167 °F) rated copper wire.

10 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Electrical Installation Operating Guide

FC 1 FC 2 FC 3

4 4

FC 1 FC 2 FC 3


Figure 4.1 Grounding Principle

For EMC-compliant installation

• Establish electrical contact between the cable
shield and the frequency converter enclosure by
using metal cable glands or by using the clamps
provided on the equipment (see chapter 4.5 Motor
• Use high-strand wire to reduce burst transient.
• Do not use pigtails.
Risk of burst transient when the ground potential
between the frequency converter and the control system
is different. Install equalizing cables between the system
components. Recommended cable cross-section: 16 mm2
(6 AWG).

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Electrical Installation VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

4.4 Wiring Schematic

91 (L1) (U) 96
3-phase 92 (L2) (V) 97
input 93 (L3) (W) 98
95 PE (PE) 99

4 4 DC bus 88 (-) Switch Mode

Power Supply

89 (+)
10 V DC 24 V DC (R+) 82 Brake
15 mA 130/200 mA resistor
50 (+10 V OUT) + - + -
+10 V DC (R-) 81
0/-10 V DC–
1 2

53 (A IN)

+10 V DC relay1
ON=0/4–20 mA
0/4–20 mA S202 03
OFF=0/-10 V DC–
1 2

0/-10 V DC– +10 V DC


54 (A IN) 240 V AC, 2 A

+10 V DC 02
0/4–20 mA
55 (COM A IN) 01
12 (+24 V OUT) 06
240 V AC, 2 A
13 (+24 V OUT) P 5-00 05
400 V AC, 2 A
24 V (NPN)
18 (D IN) 04
0 V (PNP)
24 V (NPN)
19 (D IN) 0 V (PNP) (COM A OUT) 39 Analog Output
0/4–20 mA
(A OUT) 42
20 (COM D IN)
24 V (NPN)
27 (D IN/OUT) 0 V (PNP) S801
24 V ON=Terminated
1 2



0V 5V
24 V (NPN)
29 (D IN/OUT) 1)
0 V (PNP)
24 V
S801 0V

RS485 RS-485
(N RS485) 69
24 V (NPN) Interface : Chassis
32 (D IN) 0 V (PNP)
– (P RS485) 68 : Ground
24 V (NPN)
33 (D IN) 0 V (PNP) (COM RS485) 612)
: PE

: Ground 1
37 (D IN)1)
: Ground 2

Figure 4.2 Basic Wiring Schematic

A=Analog, D=Digital
1) Terminal 37 (optional) is used for Safe Torque Off (STO). For installation instructions, refer to the VLT® Safe Torque Off
Operating Guide. For FC 301, terminal 37 is only included in enclosure size A1. Relay 2 and terminal 29 have no function in
FC 301.
2) Do not connect cable shield.

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Electrical Installation Operating Guide


4 4




1 12


2 14


v 16
L1 17


1 PLC. 10 Mains cable (unshielded).

2 Minimum 16 mm2 (6 AWG) equalizing cable. 11 Output contactor.
3 Control cables. 12 Cable insulation stripped.
4 Minimum 200 mm (7.9 in) between control cables, motor 13 Common ground busbar. Follow local and national
cables, and mains cables. requirements for cabinet grounding.
5 Mains supply. 14 Brake resistor.
6 Bare (unpainted) surface. 15 Metal box.
7 Star washers. 16 Connection to motor.
8 Brake cable (shielded). 17 Motor.
9 Motor cable (shielded). 18 EMC cable gland.

Figure 4.3 Example of Proper EMC Installation

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 13
Electrical Installation VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

For more information about EMC, see chapter 4.2 EMC-compliant Installation


Run cables for input power, motor wiring, and control W
wiring in 3 separate metallic conduits. Failure to isolate V 98
U 97
4 4 power, motor, and control cables can result in
unintended behavior or reduced performance. Minimum

200 mm (7.9 in) clearance is required between power,

motor, and control cables.

4.5 Motor Connection

Induced voltage from output motor cables that run
together can charge equipment capacitors even with the
equipment turned off and locked out. Failure to run
output motor cables separately or use shielded cables or
metal conduits could result in death or serious injury.

• Run output motor cables separately, or

• Use shielded cables or metal conduits.
• Comply with local and national electrical codes Figure 4.4 Motor Connection
for cable sizes. For maximum wire sizes, see
chapter 8.1 Electrical Data.
• Follow motor manufacturer wiring requirements. Figure 4.5 shows mains input, motor, and grounding for
basic frequency converters. Actual configurations vary with
• Motor wiring knockouts or access panels are unit types and optional equipment.
provided at the base of IP21 (NEMA1/12) and
higher units.
• Do not wire a starting or pole-changing device
(for example Dahlander motor or slip ring
asynchronous motor) between the frequency
converter and the motor.
Procedure for grounding the cable shield
1. Strip a section of the outer cable insulation.
2. Position the stripped wire under the cable clamp
to establish mechanical fixation and electrical
contact between the cable shield and ground.
3. Connect the ground wire to the nearest
grounding terminal in accordance with the
grounding instructions provided in
chapter 4.3 Grounding, see Figure 4.4.
4. Connect the 3-phase motor wiring to terminals
96 (U), 97 (V), and 98 (W), see Figure 4.4.
5. Tighten the terminals in accordance with the
information provided in chapter 8.8 Connection
Tightening Torques.

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Electrical Installation Operating Guide

4.7 Control Wiring

• Isolate the control wiring from the high-power
L1 components in the frequency converter.

91 L2 N

92 L3
• When the frequency converter is connected to a

thermistor, ensure that the thermistor control
wiring is shielded and reinforced/double
insulated. A 24 V DC supply voltage is 4 4
- B recommended.
W 4.7.1 Safe Torque Off (STO)

To run STO, more wiring for the frequency converter is

99 required. Refer to VLT® Frequency Converters Safe Torque Off
Operating Guide for further information.

4.7.2 Mechanical Brake Control

In hoisting/lowering applications, it is necessary to

control an electro-mechanical brake.

Figure 4.5 Example of Motor, Mains, and Ground Wiring

• Control the brake using any relay output or
digital output (terminal 27 or 29).
• Keep the output closed (voltage-free) as long as
the frequency converter is unable to keep the
4.6 AC Mains Connection motor at standstill, for example due to the load
being too heavy.
• Size the wiring based on the input current of the
frequency converter. For maximum wire sizes, see • Select [32] Mechanical brake control in parameter
chapter 8.1 Electrical Data. group 5-4* Relays for applications with an electro-
mechanical brake.
• Comply with local and national electrical codes
for cable sizes. • The brake is released when the motor current
Procedure exceeds the value in parameter 2-20 Release Brake
1. Connect the 3-phase AC input power wiring to Current.
terminals L1, L2, and L3 (see Figure 4.5). • The brake is engaged when the output frequency
2. Depending on the configuration of the is less than the frequency set in
equipment, connect the input power to the parameter 2-21 Activate Brake Speed [RPM] or
mains input terminals or the input disconnect. parameter 2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz], and only
if the frequency converter carries out a stop
3. Ground the cable in accordance with the command.
grounding instructions provided in
chapter 4.3 Grounding.
4. When supplied from an isolated mains source (IT
mains or floating delta) or TT/TN-S mains with a
grounded leg (grounded delta), ensure that
parameter 14-50 RFI Filter is set to [0] Off. This
setting prevents damage to the DC link and
reduces ground capacity currents in accordance
with IEC 61800-3.

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Electrical Installation VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

If the frequency converter is in alarm mode or in an

overvoltage situation, the mechanical brake immediately

The frequency converter is not a safety device. It is the

4 4 responsibility of the system designer to integrate safety

devices according to relevant national crane/lift

L1 L2 L3

Frequency converter
U V W relay
02 01

Command circuit
220 V AC

Output A1 Freewheeling
contactor diode
Shaft input A2

Brake power circuit

380 V AC

Figure 4.6 Connecting the Mechanical Brake to the Frequency


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Electrical Installation Operating Guide

4.8 Installation Check List

Before completing installation of the unit, inspect the entire installation as detailed in Table 4.1. Check and mark the items
when completed.

Inspect for Description ☑

Auxiliary equipment • Look for auxiliary equipment, switches, disconnects, or input fuses/circuit breakers, residing on the input
power side of the frequency converter, or output side to the motor. Ensure that they are ready for full- 4 4
speed operation.

• Check the function and installation of any sensors used for feedback to the frequency converter.

• Remove any power factor correction caps on the motor.

• Adjust any power factor correction caps on the mains side and ensure that they are dampened.

Cable routing • Ensure that the motor wiring and control wiring are separated, shielded, or in 3 separate metallic conduits
for high frequency interference isolation.

Control wiring • Check for broken or damaged wires and loose connections.

• Check that the control wiring is isolated from power and motor wiring for noise immunity.

• Check the voltage source of the signals, if necessary.

The use of shielded cable or twisted pair is recommended. Ensure that the shield is terminated correctly.
Cooling clearance • Ensure that the top and bottom clearance is adequate to ensure proper airflow for cooling, see
chapter 3.3.1 Mounting.

Ambient conditions • Check that requirements for ambient conditions are met.

Fusing and circuit • Check for proper fusing or circuit breakers.

• Check that all fuses are inserted firmly and are in operational condition, and that all circuit breakers are in
the open position.

Grounding • Check for sufficient ground connections and ensure that those connections are tight and free of oxidation.

• Grounding to conduit, or mounting the back panel to a metal surface, is not a suitable grounding.

Input and output • Check for loose connections.

power wiring
• Check that the motor and mains cables are in separate conduit or separated shielded cables.

Panel interior • Inspect that the unit interior is free of dirt, metal chips, moisture, and corrosion.

• Check that the unit is mounted on an unpainted metal surface.

Switches • Ensure that all switch and disconnect settings are in the proper positions.

Vibration • Check that the unit is mounted solidly, or that shock mounts are used, as necessary.

• Check for an unusual amount of vibration.

Table 4.1 Installation Check List

Risk of personal injury if the frequency converter is not properly closed.
• Before applying power, ensure that all safety covers are in place and securely fastened.

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Commissioning VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

5 Commissioning

5.1 Safety Instructions Before applying power:

1. Close the safety cover properly.
See chapter 2 Safety for general safety instructions.
2. Check that all cable glands are firmly tightened.
3. Ensure that input power to the unit is off and
WARNING locked out. Do not rely on the frequency

5 5 HIGH VOLTAGE converter disconnect switches for input power

Frequency converters contain high voltage when isolation.
connected to AC mains input power. Failure to perform 4. Verify that there is no voltage on input terminals
installation, start-up, and maintenance by qualified L1 (91), L2 (92), and L3 (93), phase-to-phase, and
personnel could result in death or serious injury. phase-to-ground.
• Installation, start-up, and maintenance must be 5. Verify that there is no voltage on output
performed by qualified personnel only. terminals 96 (U), 97 (V), and 98 (W), phase-to-
phase, and phase-to-ground.

NOTICE! 6. Confirm continuity of the motor by measuring Ω

The front covers with warning signs are an integrated values on U–V (96–97), V–W (97–98), and W–U
part of the frequency converter and considered safety (98–96).
covers. The covers must be in place before applying 7. Check for proper grounding of the frequency
power and at all times. converter and the motor.
8. Inspect the frequency converter for loose
connections on the terminals.
9. Confirm that the supply voltage matches the
voltage of the frequency converter and the

18 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Commissioning Operating Guide

5.2 Local Control Panel Operation

Status 1(1)
799 RPM 7.83 A 36.4 kW

53.2 %

1 Auto Remote Ramping

5 5
Quick Main Alarm
Menu Menu Log





6 13
Hand Auto Reset
On On

8 9 10 11

Key Function
1 The information shown in the display area depends on the selected function or menu (in this case Quick Menu
Q3-13 Display Settings).
2 Status Shows operational information.
3 Quick Menu Allows access to programming parameters for initial set-up instructions and many detailed application instructions.
4 Back Reverts to the previous step or list in the menu structure.
5 Green indicator Power on.
6 Yellow indicator The indicator light comes on when a warning is active. A text appears in the display area identifying the problem.
7 Red indicator A fault condition causes the indicator light to flash, and an alarm text is shown.
8 [Hand On] Puts the frequency converter in local control mode, so that it responds to the LCP.
• An external stop signal by control input or serial communication overrides the local [Hand On].
9 Off Stops the motor but does not remove power to the frequency converter.
10 [Auto On] Puts the system in remote operational mode.
• Responds to an external start command by control terminals or serial communication.
11 Reset Resets the frequency converter manually after a fault has been cleared.
12 OK Press to access parameter groups or to enable a selection.
13 Navigation Keys Press the navigation keys to move between items in the menu.
14 Info Press for a definition of the function being shown.
15 Cancel Cancels the last change or command as long as the display mode is not changed.
16 Main Menu Allows access to all programming parameters.
17 Alarm Log Shows a list of current warnings, the last 10 alarms, and the maintenance log.

Figure 5.1 Graphic Local Control Panel (GLCP)

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Commissioning VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

5.3 System Set-up

1. Perform automatic motor adaption (AMA):
1a Set the following basic motor
parameters as shown in Table 5.1 before
performing AMA.
1b Optimize the compatibility between
motor and frequency converter via
parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor

5 5 2.
Adaptation (AMA).
Check motor rotation.
3. If encoder feedback is used, perform the
following steps:
3a Select [0] Speed open loop in
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode.
3b Select [1] 24V encoder in
parameter 7-00 Speed PID Feedback
3c Press [Hand On].
3d Press [►] for positive speed reference
(parameter 1-06 Clockwise Direction at [0]
3e In parameter 16-57 Feedback [RPM],
check that the feedback is positive.

Parameter 1-10 Motor

Parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW] X
Parameter 1-21 Motor Power [HP]
Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage X
Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency X X
Parameter 1-24 Motor Current X X X
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed X X X
Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated X X
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles X

Table 5.1 Basic Parameters to be checked before AMA

20 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Basic I/O Configuration Operating Guide

6 Basic I/O Configuration

The examples in this section are intended as a quick Parameters

reference for common applications. Function Setting
Parameter 1-90 [2] Thermistor
+24 V 12
• Parameter settings are the regional default values +24 V 13
Motor Thermal trip
unless otherwise indicated (selected in D IN 18
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings). D IN 19 Parameter 1-93 T [1] Analog
hermistor Source input 53
• Parameters associated with the terminals and COM 20

their settings are shown next to the drawings. D IN 27 * = Default value

D IN 29
• Required switch settings for analog terminals A53
or A54 are also shown.
If only a warning is required,
6 6
NOTICE! D IN 37 set parameter 1-90 Motor
Thermal Protection to [1]
When using the optional Safe Torque Off (STO) feature, a +10 V 50
Thermistor warning.
jumper wire may be required between terminal 12 (or A IN 53
D IN 37 is an option.
13) and terminal 37 for the frequency converter to A IN 54
operate with factory default programming values. COM 55
A OUT 42
6.1 Application Examples 39

6.1.1 Motor Thermistor 130BB686.12



Risk of personal injury or equipment damage.
• Use only thermistors with reinforced or double Table 6.1 Motor Thermistor
insulation to meet PELV insulation

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Basic I/O Configuration VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

6.1.2 Mechanical Brake Control


Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 5-40 F [32] Mech.
+24 V 13 unction Relay brake ctrl.
D IN 18 Parameter 5-10 T [8] Start*
D IN 19 erminal 18
COM 20 Digital Input
D IN 27 Parameter 5-11 T [11] Start
D IN 29
erminal 19 reversing
D IN 32
Digital Input
6 6 D IN
Parameter 1-71 S 0.2
tart Delay
+10 V 50 Parameter 1-72 S [5] VVC+/FLUX
A IN 53 tart Function Clockwise
A IN 54 Parameter 1-76 S Im,n
COM 55 tart Current
A OUT 42 Parameter 2-20 R Application
COM 39 elease Brake dependent
Parameter 2-21 A Half of

ctivate Brake nominal slip

Speed [RPM] of the motor
04 *=Default Value
05 Notes/comments:

06 –

Table 6.2 Mechanical Brake Control





1-71 2-21 1-71 2-21

Start (18)

reversing (19)

Relay output

Figure 6.1 Mechanical Brake Control

22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Maintenance, Diagnostics, a... Operating Guide

7 Maintenance, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting

7.1 Maintenance and Service Trip

An alarm is issued when the frequency converter is
Under normal operating conditions and load profiles, the tripped, meaning that the frequency converter suspends
frequency converter is maintenance-free throughout its operation to prevent frequency converter or system
designed lifetime. To prevent breakdown, danger, and damage. The motor coasts to a stop. The frequency
damage, examine the frequency converter for terminal converter logic continues to operate and monitor the
connections tightness, dust entry, and so on at regular frequency converter status. After the fault condition is
intervals depending on the operating conditions. Replace remedied, the frequency converter can be reset. It is then
worn or damaged parts with original spare parts or ready to start operation again.
standard parts. For service and support, contact the local
Resetting the frequency converter after trip/trip lock
Danfoss supplier.
A trip can be reset in any of 4 ways:

WARNING • Press [Reset] on the LCP.

UNINTENDED START • Digital reset input command. 7 7
When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains, • Serial communication reset input command.
DC supply, or load sharing, the motor may start at any
• Auto reset.
time. Unintended start during programming, service, or
repair work can result in death, serious injury, or Trip lock
property damage. The motor can start via an external Input power is cycled. The motor coasts to a stop. The
switch, a fieldbus command, an input reference signal frequency converter continues to monitor the frequency
from the LCP, or after a cleared fault condition. converter status. Remove input power to the frequency
converter, correct the cause of the fault, and reset the
To prevent unintended motor start: frequency converter.
• Disconnect the frequency converter from the
mains. Warning and alarm displays

• Press [Off/Reset] on the LCP before • A warning is shown in the LCP along with the
programming parameters. warning number.

• Completely wire and assemble the frequency • An alarm flashes along with the alarm number.
converter, motor, and any driven equipment

before connecting the frequency converter to Status 1(1)
AC mains, DC supply, or load sharing. 0.0Hz 0.000kW 0.00A
7.2 Warning and Alarm Types
A warning is issued when an alarm condition is impending,
or when an abnormal operating condition is present and
may result in the frequency converter issuing an alarm. A Earth Fault [A14]
warning clears by itself when the abnormal condition Auto Remote Trip
Figure 7.1 Alarm Example
An alarm indicates a fault that requires immediate
attention. The fault always triggers a trip or a trip lock.
Reset the system after an alarm.

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In addition to the text and alarm code in the LCP there are MCB 109 terminals 1, 3, 5 for signals, terminals 2,
3 status indicator lights. 4, 6 common.
Check that the frequency converter programming

and switch settings match the analog signal type.


Perform Input Terminal Signal Test.



No motor is connected to the output of the frequency

Warn. WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase loss
Alarm A phase is missing on the supply side, or the mains
voltage imbalance is too high. This message also appears
for a fault in the input rectifier. Options are programmed in
Warning indicator light Alarm indicator light parameter 14-12 Response to Mains Imbalance.
Warning On Off Troubleshooting

7 7 Alarm Off On (flashing) • Check the supply voltage and supply currents to
Trip lock On On (flashing) the frequency converter.
WARNING 5, DC link voltage high
Figure 7.2 Status Indicator Lights The DC-link voltage is higher than the high-voltage
warning limit. The limit depends on the frequency
converter voltage rating. The unit is still active.
7.3 List of Warnings and Alarms WARNING 6, DC link voltage low
The DC-link voltage is lower than the low-voltage warning
The following warning and alarm information defines each
limit. The limit depends on the frequency converter
warning or alarm condition, provides the probable cause
voltage rating. The unit is still active.
for the condition, and details a remedy or troubleshooting
procedure. WARNING/ALARM 7, DC overvoltage
If the DC-link voltage exceeds the limit, the frequency
WARNING 1, 10 Volts low
converter trips after some time.
The control card voltage is less than 10 V from terminal 50.
Remove some of the load from terminal 50, as the 10 V Troubleshooting
supply is overloaded. Maximum 15 mA or minimum 590 Ω. • Connect a brake resistor.
A short circuit in a connected potentiometer or incorrect • Extend the ramp time.
wiring of the potentiometer can cause this condition.
• Change the ramp type.
• Activate the functions in parameter 2-10 Brake
• Remove the wiring from terminal 50. If the Function.
warning clears, the problem is with the wiring. If
the warning does not clear, replace the control • Increase parameter 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter
card. Fault.

WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage

This warning or alarm only appears if programmed by the If the DC-link voltage drops below the undervoltage limit,
user in parameter 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function. The the frequency converter checks if a 24 V DC back-up
signal on 1 of the analog inputs is less than 50% of the supply is connected. If no 24 V DC back-up supply is
minimum value programmed for that input. Broken wiring connected, the frequency converter trips after a fixed time
or faulty device sending the signal can cause this delay. The time delay varies with unit size.
condition. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting • Check that the supply voltage matches the
Check connections on all the analog input frequency converter voltage.
terminals. Control card terminals 53 and 54 for • Perform an input voltage test.
signals, terminal 55 common. VLT® General
Purpose I/O MCB 101 terminals 11 and 12 for
• Perform a soft charge circuit test.

signals, terminal 10 common. VLT® Analog I/O

24 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Maintenance, Diagnostics, a... Operating Guide

WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overload Troubleshooting

The frequency converter has run with more than 100% • Check for motor overheating.
overload for too long and is about to cut out. The counter
for electronic thermal inverter protection issues a warning
• Check if the motor is mechanically overloaded.

at 98% and trips at 100% with an alarm. The frequency • When using terminal 53 or 54, check that the
converter cannot be reset until the counter is below 90%. thermistor is connected correctly between either
terminal 53 or 54 (analog voltage input) and
Troubleshooting terminal 50 (+10 V supply). Also check that the
• Compare the output current shown on the LCP terminal switch for 53 or 54 is set for voltage.
with the frequency converter rated current. Check that parameter 1-93 Thermistor Resource
• Compare the output current shown on the LCP selects terminal 53 or 54.
with the measured motor current.
• When using terminal 18, 19, 31, 32, or 33 (digital
• Show the thermal frequency converter load on inputs), check that the thermistor is connected
the LCP and monitor the value. When running correctly between the digital input terminal used
above the frequency converter continuous (digital input PNP only) and terminal 50. Select
current rating, the counter increases. When the terminal to use in parameter 1-93 Thermistor
running below the frequency converter
continuous current rating, the counter decreases.
7 7
WARNING/ALARM 12, Torque limit
WARNING/ALARM 10, Motor overload temperature The torque has exceeded the value in
According to the electronic thermal protection (ETR), the parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode or the value in
motor is too hot. parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode.
Parameter 14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit can change this
Select 1 of these options:
warning from a warning-only condition to a warning
• The frequency converter issues a warning or an followed by an alarm.
alarm when the counter is >90% if
parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection is set to Troubleshooting
warning options. • If the motor torque limit is exceeded during
ramp-up, extend the ramp-up time.
• The frequency converter trips when the counter
reaches 100% if parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal • If the generator torque limit is exceeded during
Protection is set to trip options. ramp-down, extend the ramp-down time.
The fault occurs when the motor runs with more than • If torque limit occurs while running, increase the
100% overload for too long. torque limit. Make sure that the system can
operate safely at a higher torque.
• Check for motor overheating. • Check the application for excessive current draw
on the motor.
• Check if the motor is mechanically overloaded.
WARNING/ALARM 13, Over current
• Check that the motor current set in
The inverter peak current limit (approximately 200% of the
parameter 1-24 Motor Current is correct.
rated current) is exceeded. The warning lasts approximately
• Ensure that the motor data in parameters 1-20 to 1.5 s, then the frequency converter trips and issues an
1-25 is set correctly. alarm. Shock loading or quick acceleration with high-inertia
• If an external fan is in use, check that it is loads can cause this fault. If the acceleration during ramp-
selected in parameter 1-91 Motor External Fan. up is quick, the fault can also appear after kinetic back-up.
If extended mechanical brake control is selected, a trip can
• Running AMA in parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor
be reset externally.
Adaptation (AMA) tunes the frequency converter
to the motor more accurately and reduces Troubleshooting
thermal loading. • Remove the power and check if the motor shaft
can be turned.
WARNING/ALARM 11, Motor thermistor overtemp
Check whether the thermistor is disconnected. Select • Check that the motor size matches the frequency
whether the frequency converter issues a warning or an converter.
alarm in parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection. • Check that the motor data is correct in
parameters 1-20 to 1-25.

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ALARM 14, Earth (ground) fault

There is current from the output phase-to-ground, either in
the cable between the frequency converter and the motor, HIGH VOLTAGE
or in the motor itself. The current transducers detect the Frequency converters contain high voltage when
ground fault by measuring current going out from the connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing.
frequency converter and current going into the frequency Failure to use qualified personnel to install, start up, and
converter from the motor. Ground fault is issued if the maintain the frequency converter can result in death or
deviation of the 2 currents is too large. The current going serious injury.
out of the frequency converter must be the same as the • Disconnect power before proceeding.
current going into the frequency converter.
WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout
• Remove power to the frequency converter and There is no communication to the frequency converter.
repair the ground fault.
The warning is only active when parameter 8-04 Control
• Check for ground faults in the motor by Word Timeout Function is NOT set to [0] Off.
measuring the resistance to ground of the motor If parameter 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function is set to [5]

7 7 •
cables and the motor with a megohmmeter.
Reset any potential individual offset in the 3
Stop and trip, a warning appears, and the frequency
converter ramps down to a stop and shows an alarm.
current transducers in the frequency converter. Troubleshooting
Perform the manual initialization or perform a • Check the connections on the serial communi-
complete AMA. This method is most relevant cation cable.
after changing the power card.
• Increase parameter 8-03 Control Word Timeout
ALARM 15, Hardware mismatch Time.
A fitted option is not operational with the present control
card hardware or software.
• Check the operation of the communication
Record the value of the following parameters and contact
• Verify that proper EMC installation was
• Parameter 15-40 FC Type.
WARNING/ALARM 20, Temp. input error
• Parameter 15-41 Power Section.
The temperature sensor is not connected.
• Parameter 15-42 Voltage.
WARNING/ALARM 21, Parameter error
• Parameter 15-43 Software Version. The parameter is out of range. The parameter number is
shown in the display.
• Parameter 15-45 Actual Typecode String.
• Parameter 15-49 SW ID Control Card.
• Set the affected parameter to a valid value.
• Parameter 15-50 SW ID Power Card.
WARNING/ALARM 22, Hoist mechanical brake
• Parameter 15-60 Option Mounted. The value of this warning/alarm shows the type of
• Parameter 15-61 Option SW Version (for each warning/alarm.
option slot). 0 = The torque reference was not reached before timeout
(parameter 2-27 Torque Ramp Time).
ALARM 16, Short circuit
1 = Expected brake feedback was not received before
There is short-circuiting in the motor or motor wiring.
timeout (parameter 2-23 Activate Brake Delay,
Troubleshooting parameter 2-25 Brake Release Time).
• Remove the power to the frequency converter
and repair the short circuit.

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Maintenance, Diagnostics, a... Operating Guide

WARNING 23, Internal fan fault Power card troubleshooting

The fan warning function is a protective function that • Check the wiring between the power card and
checks if the fan is running/mounted. The fan warning can the control card.
be disabled in parameter 14-53 Fan Monitor ([0] Disabled).
• Power card may need to be replaced.
There is a feedback sensor mounted in the fan. If the fan is
commanded to run and there is no feedback from the
• Control card may need to be replaced.

sensor, this alarm appears. This alarm also shows if there is WARNING 25, Brake resistor short circuit
a communication error between the fan power card and The brake resistor is monitored during operation. If a short
the control card. circuit occurs, the brake function is disabled and the
warning appears. The frequency converter is still
Check the alarm log (see chapter 5.2 Local Control Panel operational, but without the brake function.
Operation) for the report value associated with this
warning. Troubleshooting

If the report value is 2, there is a hardware problem with 1

• Remove the power to the frequency converter
and replace the brake resistor (refer to
of the fans. If the report value is 12, there is a communi- parameter 2-15 Brake Check).
cation problem between the fan power card and the
control card. WARNING/ALARM 26, Brake resistor power limit
The power transmitted to the brake resistor is calculated as 7 7
Fan troubleshooting an average value over the last 120 s of run-time. The
• Cycle power to the frequency converter and calculation is based on the DC-link voltage and the brake
check that the fan operates briefly at start-up. resistor value set in parameter 2-16 AC brake Max. Current.
• Check for proper fan operation. Use parameter The warning is active when the dissipated braking power
group 43-**Unit Readouts to show the speed of is higher than 90% of the brake resistor power. If option [2]
each fan. Trip is selected in parameter 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring,
the frequency converter trips when the dissipated braking
Fan power card troubleshooting
power reaches 100%.
• Check the wiring between the fan power card
and the control card. WARNING/ALARM 27, Brake chopper fault
The brake transistor is monitored during operation, and if a
• Fan power card may need to be replaced.
short circuit occurs, the brake function is disabled, and a
• Control card may need to be replaced. warning is issued. The frequency converter is still
WARNING 24, External fan fault operational, but since the brake transistor has short-
The fan warning function is a protective function that circuited, substantial power is transmitted to the brake
checks if the fan is running/mounted. The fan warning can resistor, even if it is inactive.
be disabled in parameter 14-53 Fan Monitor ([0] Disabled). Troubleshooting
There is a feedback sensor mounted in the fan. If the fan is • Remove power to the frequency converter and
commanded to run and there is no feedback from the remove the brake resistor.
sensor, this alarm appears. This alarm also shows if there is WARNING/ALARM 28, Brake check failed
a communication error between the power card and the The brake resistor is not connected or not working.
control card.
Check the alarm log (see chapter 5.2 Local Control Panel • Check parameter 2-15 Brake Check.
Operation) for the report value associated with this
ALARM 29, Heat sink temp
The maximum temperature of the heat sink is exceeded.
If the report value is 1, there is a hardware problem with 1 The temperature fault is not reset until the temperature
of the fans. If the report value is 11, there is a communi- drops below a defined heat sink temperature. The trip and
cation problem between the power card and the control reset points are different based on the frequency converter
card. power size.
Fan troubleshooting
• Cycle power to the frequency converter and
check that the fan operates briefly at start-up.
• Check for proper fan operation. Use parameter
group 43-**Unit Readouts to show the speed of
each fan.

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Check for the following conditions:
• The ambient temperature is too high. HIGH VOLTAGE
Frequency converters contain high voltage when
• The motor cables are too long.
connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing.
• Incorrect airflow clearance above and below the Failure to use qualified personnel to install, start up, and
frequency converter. maintain the frequency converter can result in death or
• Blocked airflow around the frequency converter. serious injury.

• Damaged heat sink fan. • Disconnect power before proceeding.

• Dirty heat sink.

ALARM 30, Motor phase U missing
Motor phase U between the frequency converter and the • Remove the power from the frequency converter
and check motor phase W.
motor is missing.
ALARM 33, Inrush fault
WARNING Too many power-ups have occurred within a short time
7 7 HIGH VOLTAGE period.
Frequency converters contain high voltage when Troubleshooting
connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing. • Let the unit cool to operating temperature.
Failure to use qualified personnel to install, start up, and
WARNING/ALARM 34, Fieldbus communication fault
maintain the frequency converter can result in death or
The fieldbus on the communication option card is not
serious injury.
• Disconnect power before proceeding.
WARNING/ALARM 35, Option fault
An option alarm is received. The alarm is option-specific.
Troubleshooting The most likely cause is a power-up or a communication
• Remove the power from the frequency converter fault.
and check motor phase U. WARNING/ALARM 36, Mains failure
ALARM 31, Motor phase V missing This warning/alarm is only active if the supply voltage to
Motor phase V between the frequency converter and the the frequency converter is lost and parameter 14-10 Mains
motor is missing. Failure is NOT set to [0] No Function. Check the fuses to the
frequency converter and mains power supply to the unit.
WARNING ALARM 37, Phase imbalance
HIGH VOLTAGE There is a current imbalance between the power units.
Frequency converters contain high voltage when ALARM 38, Internal fault
connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing. When an internal fault occurs, a code number defined in
Failure to use qualified personnel to install, start up, and Table 7.1 is shown.
maintain the frequency converter can result in death or
serious injury. Troubleshooting
• Cycle power.
• Disconnect power before proceeding.
• Check that the option is properly installed.

Troubleshooting • Check for loose or missing wiring.

• Remove the power from the frequency converter .

and check motor phase V.
ALARM 32, Motor phase W missing
Motor phase W between the frequency converter and the
motor is missing.

28 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Maintenance, Diagnostics, a... Operating Guide

It may be necessary to contact the Danfoss supplier or ALARM 39, Heat sink sensor
service department. Note the code number for further No feedback from the heat sink temperature sensor.
troubleshooting directions The signal from the IGBT thermal sensor is not available on
Number Text the power card. The problem could be on the power card,
0 The serial port cannot be initialized. Contact the on the gatedrive card, or the ribbon cable between the
Danfoss supplier or Danfoss service department. power card and gatedrive card.
256–258 The power EEPROM data is defective or too old. WARNING 40, Overload of digital output terminal 27
Replace the power card. Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove the
512–519 Internal fault. Contact the Danfoss supplier or short-circuit connection. Check parameter 5-00 Digital I/O
Danfoss service department. Mode and parameter 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode.
783 Parameter value outside of minimum/maximum WARNING 41, Overload of digital output terminal 29
limits. Check the load connected to terminal 29 or remove the
1024–1284 Internal fault. Contact the Danfoss supplier or short-circuit connection. Also check parameter 5-00 Digital
Danfoss service department. I/O Mode and parameter 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode.
1299 The option software in slot A is too old.
WARNING 42, Overload of digital output on X30/6 or
The option software in slot B is too old.
The option software in slot C1 is too old.
overload of digital output on X30/7 7 7
For terminal X30/6, check the load connected to terminal
1315 The option software in slot A is not supported/ X30/6 or remove the short-circuit connection. Also check
parameter 5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101) (VLT®
1316 The option software in slot B is not supported/
General Purpose I/O MCB 101).
1318 The option software in slot C1 is not supported/ For terminal X30/7, check the load connected to terminal
allowed. X30/7 or remove the short-circuit connection. Check
1379–2819 Internal fault. Contact the Danfoss supplier or parameter 5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101) (VLT®
Danfoss service department. General Purpose I/O MCB 101).
1792 Hardware reset of digital signal processor. ALARM 43, Ext. supply
1793 Motor-derived parameters not transferred correctly VLT® Extended Relay Option MCB 113 is mounted without
to the digital signal processor. external 24 V DC. Either connect a 24 V DC external supply
1794 Power data not transferred correctly at power-up or specify that no external supply is used via
to the digital signal processor. parameter 14-80 Option Supplied by External 24VDC, [0] No.
1795 The digital signal processor has received too many A change in parameter 14-80 Option Supplied by External
unknown SPI telegrams. The frequency converter 24VDC requires a power cycle.
also uses this fault code if the MCO does not ALARM 45, Earth fault 2
power up correctly. This situation can occur due to Ground fault.
poor EMC protection or improper grounding.
1796 RAM copy error.
2561 Replace the control card.
• Check for proper grounding and loose
2820 LCP stack overflow.
2821 Serial port overflow. • Check for proper wire size.
2822 USB port overflow. • Check the motor cables for short circuits or
3072–5122 Parameter value is outside its limits. leakage currents.
5123 Option in slot A: Hardware incompatible with the
ALARM 46, Power card supply
control board hardware.
The supply on the power card is out of range. Another
5124 Option in slot B: Hardware incompatible with the reason can be a defective heat sink fan.
control board hardware.
5125 Option in slot C0: Hardware incompatible with the
There are 3 supplies generated by the switch mode supply
control board hardware.
(SMPS) on the power card:
5126 Option in slot C1: Hardware incompatible with the • 24 V.
control board hardware. • 5 V.
5376–6231 Internal fault. Contact the Danfoss supplier or
• ±18 V.
Danfoss service department.

Table 7.1 Internal Fault Codes

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When powered with VLT® 24 V DC Supply MCB 107, only ALARM 53, AMA motor too big
the 24 V and 5 V supplies are monitored. When powered The motor is too large for the AMA to operate.
with 3-phase mains voltage, all 3 supplies are monitored. ALARM 54, AMA motor too small
Troubleshooting The motor is too small for the AMA to operate.
• Check for a defective power card. ALARM 55, AMA parameter out of range
• Check for a defective control card. The AMA cannot run because the parameter values of the
motor are outside of the acceptable range.
• Check for a defective option card.
ALARM 56, AMA interrupted by user
• If a 24 V DC supply is used, verify proper supply
The AMA is manually interrupted.
ALARM 57, AMA internal fault
• Check for a defective heat sink fan.
Try to restart the AMA. Repeated restarts can overheat the
WARNING 47, 24 V supply low motor.
The supply on the power card is out of range.
ALARM 58, AMA Internal fault
There are 3 supplies generated by the switch mode supply Contact the Danfoss supplier.

7 7 (SMPS) on the power card:

• 24 V. WARNING 59, Current limit
The current is higher than the value in
• 5 V. parameter 4-18 Current Limit. Ensure that the motor data in
• ±18 V. parameters 1-20 to 1-25 is set correctly. Increase the current
limit if necessary. Ensure that the system can operate safely
at a higher limit.
• Check for a defective power card.
WARNING 60, External interlock
WARNING 48, 1.8 V supply low
A digital input signal indicates a fault condition external to
The 1.8 V DC supply used on the control card is outside of
the frequency converter. An external interlock has
the allowable limits. The supply is measured on the control
commanded the frequency converter to trip.
• Clear the external fault condition.
• Check for a defective control card.
• To resume normal operation, apply 24 V DC to
• If an option card is present, check for
the terminal programmed for external interlock.
WARNING 49, Speed limit
• Reset the frequency converter.

The warning is shown when the speed is outside of the WARNING/ALARM 61, Feedback error
specified range in parameter 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit An error between calculated speed and speed
[RPM] and parameter 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]. measurement from feedback device.
When the speed is below the specified limit in Troubleshooting
parameter 1-86 Trip Speed Low [RPM] (except when starting • Check the settings for warning/alarm/disabling in
or stopping), the frequency converter trips. parameter 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function.
ALARM 50, AMA calibration failed • Set the tolerable error in parameter 4-31 Motor
Contact the Danfoss supplier or Danfoss Service Feedback Speed Error.
• Set the tolerable feedback loss time in
ALARM 51, AMA check Unom and Inom parameter 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout.
The settings for motor voltage, motor current, and motor
WARNING 62, Output frequency at maximum limit
power are wrong.
If the output frequency reaches the value set in
Troubleshooting parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency, the frequency
• Check the settings in parameters 1-20 to 1-25. converter issues a warning. The warning ceases when the
ALARM 52, AMA low Inom output drops below the maximum limit. If the frequency
The motor current is too low. converter is unable to limit the frequency, it trips and
issues an alarm. The latter may happen in the flux mode if
the frequency converter loses control of the motor.
• Check the settings in parameter 1-24 Motor

30 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Maintenance, Diagnostics, a... Operating Guide

Troubleshooting ALARM 70, Illegal FC configuration

• Check the application for possible causes. The control card and power card are incompatible. To
check compatibility, contact the Danfoss supplier with the
• Increase the output frequency limit. Ensure that
type code from the unit nameplate and the part numbers
the system can operate safely at a higher output
of the cards.
ALARM 71, PTC 1 safe stop
ALARM 63, Mechanical brake low
The actual motor current has not exceeded the release STO has been activated from the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card
brake current within the start delay time window. MCB 112 (motor too warm). Normal operation can be
resumed when the MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to terminal
WARNING 64, Voltage Limit 37 again (when the motor temperature reaches an
The load and speed combination demands a motor acceptable level), and when the digital input from the MCB
voltage higher than the actual DC-link voltage. 112 is deactivated. When that happens, send a reset signal
WARNING/ALARM 65, Control card over temperature (via bus or digital I/O, or press [Reset]).
The cutout temperature of the control card is 85 °C ALARM 72, Dangerous failure
(185 °F).
STO with trip lock. An unexpected combination of STO
• Check that the ambient operating temperature is
commands has occurred:
• VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 enables
7 7
within the limits.
X44/10, but STO is not enabled.
• Check for clogged filters.
• MCB 112 is the only device using STO (specified
• Check the fan operation. through selection [4] PTC 1 alarm or [5] PTC 1
warning in parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop),
• Check the control card.
STO is activated, and X44/10 is not activated.
WARNING 66, Heat sink temperature low
The frequency converter is too cold to operate. This WARNING 73, Safe Stop auto restart
warning is based on the temperature sensor in the IGBT STO activated. With automatic restart enabled, the motor
module. Increase the ambient temperature of the unit. can start when the fault is cleared.
Also, a trickle amount of current can be supplied to the ALARM 74, PTC Thermistor
frequency converter whenever the motor is stopped by Alarm related to VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112. The
setting parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Preheat Current to 5% and PTC is not working.
parameter 1-80 Function at Stop.
ALARM 75, Illegal profile sel.
ALARM 67, Option module configuration has changed Do not write the parameter value while the motor is
One or more options have either been added or removed running. Stop the motor before writing the MCO profile to
since the last power-down. Check that the configuration parameter 8-10 Control Word Profile.
change is intentional and reset the unit.
WARNING 77, Reduced power mode
ALARM 68, Safe Stop activated The frequency converter is operating in reduced power
Safe Torque Off (STO) has been activated. To resume mode (less than the allowed number of inverter sections).
normal operation, apply 24 V DC to terminal 37, then send This warning is generated on power cycle when the
a reset signal (via bus, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset]). frequency converter is set to run with fewer inverters and
ALARM 69, Power card temperature remains on.
The temperature sensor on the power card is either too
hot or too cold.
• Check that the ambient operating temperature is
within limits.
• Check for clogged filters.
• Check fan operation.
• Check the power card.

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 31

Maintenance, Diagnostics, a... VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

ALARM 78, Tracking error ALARM 99, Locked rotor

The difference between setpoint value and actual value The rotor is blocked.
exceeds the value in parameter 4-35 Tracking Error. WARNING/ALARM 104, Mixing fan fault
Troubleshooting The fan is not operating. The fan monitor checks that the
• Disable the function or select an alarm/warning fan is spinning at power-up or whenever the mixing fan is
in parameter 4-34 Tracking Error Function. turned on. The mixing-fan fault can be configured as a
warning or an alarm trip in parameter 14-53 Fan Monitor.
• Investigate the mechanics around the load and
motor. Check feedback connections from motor Troubleshooting
encoder to frequency converter. • Cycle power to the frequency converter to
determine if the warning/alarm returns.
• Select motor feedback function in
parameter 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function. WARNING/ALARM 122, Mot. rotat. unexp.
The frequency converter performs a function that requires
• Adjust the tracking error band in
the motor to be at standstill, for example DC hold for PM
parameter 4-35 Tracking Error and
parameter 4-37 Tracking Error Ramping.
WARNING 163, ATEX ETR cur.lim.warning
7 7 ALARM 79, Illegal power section configuration
The scaling card has an incorrect part number or is not The frequency converter has run above the characteristic
curve for more than 50 s. The warning is activated at 83%
installed. The MK102 connector on the power card could
and deactivated at 65% of the allowed thermal overload.
not be installed.
ALARM 164, ATEX ETR cur.lim.alarm
ALARM 80, Drive initialised to default value
Operating above the characteristic curve for more than
Parameter settings are initialized to default settings after a
60 s within a period of 600 s activates the alarm, and the
manual reset. To clear the alarm, reset the unit.
frequency converter trips.
ALARM 81, CSIV corrupt
WARNING 165, ATEX ETR freq.lim.warning
CSIV file has syntax errors.
The frequency converter is running for more than 50 s
ALARM 82, CSIV parameter error below the allowed minimum frequency
CSIV failed to initialize a parameter. (parameter 1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq.).
ALARM 83, Illegal option combination ALARM 166, ATEX ETR freq.lim.alarm
The mounted options are incompatible. The frequency converter has operated for more than 60 s
ALARM 84, No safety option (in a period of 600 s) below the allowed minimum
The safety option was removed without applying a general frequency (parameter 1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq.).
reset. Reconnect the safety option. WARNING 250, New spare part
ALARM 88, Option detection A component in the drive system has been replaced.
A change in the option layout is detected. Troubleshooting
Parameter 14-89 Option Detection is set to [0] Frozen config- • Reset the drive system to restore normal
uration and the option layout has been changed. operation.
• To apply the change, enable option layout WARNING 251, New typecode
changes in parameter 14-89 Option Detection. The power card or other components are replaced, and the
• Alternatively, restore the correct option configu- type code has changed.
WARNING 89, Mechanical brake sliding
The hoist brake monitor detects a motor speed exceeding
10 RPM.
ALARM 90, Feedback monitor
Check the connection to encoder/resolver option and, if
necessary, replace VLT® Encoder Input MCB 102 or VLT®
Resolver Input MCB 103.
ALARM 91, Analog input 54 wrong settings
Set switch S202 in position OFF (voltage input) when a
KTY sensor is connected to analog input terminal 54.

32 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

8 Specifications

8.1 Electrical Data

8.1.1 Mains Supply 200–240 V

Type designation PK25 PK37 PK55 PK75 P1K1 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P3K7
0.25 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 3.7
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)], high overload
(0.34) (0.5) (0.75) (1.0) (1.5) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0) (5.0)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 (FC 301 only) A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 – – –
Enclosure protection rating IP20, IP21 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3
Enclosure protection rating IP55, IP66 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A5 A5
Output current
Continuous (200–240 V) [A] 1.8 2.4 3.5 4.6 6.6 7.5 10.6 12.5 16.7
Intermittent (200–240 V) [A] 2.9 3.8 5.6 7.4 10.6 12.0 17.0 20.0 26.7
Continuous kVA (208 V) [kVA] 0.65 0.86 1.26 1.66 2.38 2.70 3.82 4.50 6.00
Maximum input current
Continuous (200–240 V) [A] 1.6 2.2 3.2 4.1 5.9 6.8 9.5 11.3 15.0 8 8
Intermittent (200–240 V) [A] 2.6 3.5 5.1 6.6 9.4 10.9 15.2 18.1 24.0
Additional specifications
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains, 4, 4, 4 (12,12,12)
motor, brake, and load sharing [mm2] ([AWG]) (minimum 0.2 (24))
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for disconnect
6, 4, 4 (10,12,12)
[mm2] ([AWG])
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load
21 29 42 54 63 82 116 155 185
Efficiency4) 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96

Table 8.1 Mains Supply 200–240 V, PK25–P3K7

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 33

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Type designation P5K5 P7K5 P11K

High/normal overload1) HO NO HO NO HO NO
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)] 5.5 (7.5) 7.5 (10) 7.5 (10) 11 (15) 11 (15) 15 (20)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 B3 B3 B4
Enclosure protection rating IP21, IP55, IP66 B1 B1 B2
Output current
Continuous (200–240 V) [A] 24.2 30.8 30.8 46.2 46.2 59.4
Intermittent (60 s overload) (200–240 V) [A] 38.7 33.9 49.3 50.8 73.9 65.3
Continuous kVA (208 V) [kVA] 8.7 11.1 11.1 16.6 16.6 21.4
Maximum input current
Continuous (200–240 V) [A] 22.0 28.0 28.0 42.0 42.0 54.0
Intermittent (60 s overload) (200–240 V) [A] 35.2 30.8 44.8 46.2 67.2 59.4
Additional specifications
IP20 maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains, brake, motor, and
10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 35,-,- (2,-,-)
load sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21 maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains, brake, and load
16,10,16 (6, 8, 6) 16,10,16 (6, 8, 6) 35,-,- (2,-,-)
sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21 maximum cable cross-section2),5) for motor [mm2] ([AWG]) 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 35,25,25 (2, 4, 4)
8 8 Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for disconnect [mm2] ([AWG]) 16,10,10 (6, 8, 8)
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load [W]3) 239 310 371 514 463 602
Efficiency4) 0.96 0.96 0.96

Table 8.2 Mains Supply 200–240 V, P5K5–P11K

34 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

Type designation P15K P18K P22K P30K P37K

High/normal overload1) HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO
15 18.5 18.5 22 22 30 30 37 37 45
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)]
(20) (25) (25) (30) (30) (40) (40) (50) (50) (60)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 B4 C3 C3 C4 C4
Enclosure protection rating IP21, IP55, IP66 C1 C1 C1 C2 C2
Output current
Continuous (200–240 V) [A] 59.4 74.8 74.8 88.0 88.0 115 115 143 143 170
Intermittent (60 s overload) (200–240 V) [A] 89.1 82.3 112 96.8 132 127 173 157 215 187
Continuous kVA (208 V) [kVA] 21.4 26.9 26.9 31.7 31.7 41.4 41.4 51.5 51.5 61.2
Maximum input current
Continuous (200–240 V) [A] 54.0 68.0 68.0 80.0 80.0 104 104 130 130 154
Intermittent (60 s overload) (200–240 V) [A] 81.0 74.8 102 88.0 120 114 156 143 195 169
Additional specifications
IP20 maximum cable cross-section5) for mains,
35 (2) 50 (1) 50 (1) 150 (300 MCM) 150 (300 MCM)
brake, motor, and load sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable cross-section5)
50 (1) 50 (1) 50 (1) 150 (300 MCM) 150 (300 MCM)
for mains and motor [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable cross-section5)
for brake and load sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
50 (1) 50 (1) 50 (1) 95 (3/0) 95 (3/0) 8 8
185, 150, 120
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for disconnect 95, 70, 70
50, 35, 35 (1, 2, 2) (350 MCM, 300
[mm2] ([AWG]) (3/0, 2/0, 2/0)
MCM, 4/0)
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load
624 737 740 845 874 1140 1143 1353 1400 1636
Efficiency4) 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97

Table 8.3 Mains Supply 200–240 V, P15K–P37K

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 35

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

8.1.2 Mains Supply 380–500 V

Type designation PK37 PK55 PK75 P1K1 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P4K0 P5K5 P7K5
0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)], high overload
(0.5) (0.75) (1.0) (1.5) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0) (5.0) (7.5) (10)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 (FC 301 only) A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 – – – – –
Enclosure protection rating IP20, IP21 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3
Enclosure protection rating IP55, IP66 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A4/A5 A5 A5
Output current high overload 160% for 1 minute
Shaft output [kW/(hp)] 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5
(0.5) (0.75) (1.0) (1.5) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0) (5.0) (7.5) (10)
Continuous (380–440 V) [A] 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.0 4.1 5.6 7.2 10 13 16
Intermittent (380–440 V) [A] 2.1 2.9 3.8 4.8 6.6 9.0 11.5 16 20.8 25.6
Continuous (441–500 V) [A] 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.4 4.8 6.3 8.2 11 14.5
Intermittent (441–500 V) [A] 1.9 2.6 3.4 4.3 5.4 7.7 10.1 13.1 17.6 23.2
Continuous kVA (400 V) [kVA] 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.8 3.9 5.0 6.9 9.0 11
Continuous kVA (460 V) [kVA] 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.4 2.7 3.8 5.0 6.5 8.8 11.6
Maximum input current

8 8 Continuous (380–440 V) [A]

Intermittent (380–440 V) [A]
Continuous (441–500 V) [A] 1.0 1.4 1.9 2.7 3.1 4.3 5.7 7.4 9.9 13
Intermittent (441–500 V) [A] 1.6 2.2 3.0 4.3 5.0 6.9 9.1 11.8 15.8 20.8
Additional specifications
IP20, IP21 maximum cable cross-section2),5) for
4, 4, 4 (12,12,12)
mains, motor, brake, and load sharing [mm2]
(minimum 0.2(24))
IP55, IP66 maximum cable cross-section2),5) for
mains, motor, brake, and load sharing [mm2] 4, 4, 4 (12,12,12)
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for disconnect
6, 4, 4 (10,12,12)
[mm2] ([AWG])
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load
35 42 46 58 62 88 116 124 187 255
Efficiency4) 0.93 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97

Table 8.4 Mains Supply 380–500 V (FC 302), 380–480 V (FC 301), PK37–P7K5

36 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

Type designation P11K P15K P18K P22K

High/normal overload1) HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)] 11 (15) 15 (20) 15 (20) 18.5 (25) 18.5 (25) 22 (30) 22 (30) 30 (40)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 B3 B3 B4 B4
Enclosure protection rating IP21, IP55, IP66 B1 B1 B2 B2
Output current
Continuous (380–440 V) [A] 24 32 32 37.5 37.5 44 44 61
Intermittent (60 s overload) (380–440 V) [A] 38.4 35.2 51.2 41.3 60 48.4 70.4 67.1
Continuous (441–500 V) [A] 21 27 27 34 34 40 40 52
Intermittent (60 s overload)
33.6 29.7 43.2 37.4 54.4 44 64 57.2
(441–500 V) [A]
Continuous kVA (400 V) [kVA] 16.6 22.2 22.2 26 26 30.5 30.5 42.3
Continuous kVA (460 V) [kVA] – 21.5 – 27.1 – 31.9 – 41.4
Maximum input current
Continuous (380–440 V) [A] 22 29 29 34 34 40 40 55
Intermittent (60 s overload)
35.2 31.9 46.4 37.4 54.4 44 64 60.5
(380–440 V) [A]
Continuous (441–500 V) [A] 19 25 25 31 31 36 36 47
Intermittent (60 s overload)
(441–500 V) [A]
30.4 27.5 40 34.1 49.6 39.6 57.6 51.7 8 8
Additional specifications
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable cross-
section2),5) for mains, brake, and load sharing 16, 10, 16 (6, 8, 6) 16, 10, 16 (6, 8, 6) 35,-,-(2,-,-) 35,-,-(2,-,-)
[mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable cross-
10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 35, 25, 25 (2, 4, 4) 35, 25, 25 (2, 4, 4)
section2),5) for motor [mm2] ([AWG])
IP20 maximum cable cross-section2),5) for
mains, brake, motor, and load sharing [mm2] 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 35,-,-(2,-,-) 35,-,-(2,-,-)
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for
16, 10, 10 (6, 8, 8)
disconnect [mm2] ([AWG])
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load
291 392 379 465 444 525 547 739
Efficiency4) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98

Table 8.5 Mains Supply 380–500 V (FC 302), 380–480 V (FC 301), P11K–P22K

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 37

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Type designation P30K P37K P45K P55K P75K

High/normal overload1) HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)] 30 (40) 37 (50) 37 (50) 45 (60) 45 (60) 55 (75) 55 (75) 75 (100) 75 (100) 90 (125)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 B4 C3 C3 C4 C4
Enclosure protection rating IP21,
C1 C1 C1 C2 C2
IP55, IP66
Output current
Continuous (380–440 V) [A] 61 73 73 90 90 106 106 147 147 177
Intermittent (60 s overload)
91.5 80.3 110 99 135 117 159 162 221 195
(380–440 V) [A]
Continuous (441–500 V) [A] 52 65 65 80 80 105 105 130 130 160
Intermittent (60 s overload)
78 71.5 97.5 88 120 116 158 143 195 176
(441–500 V) [A]
Continuous kVA (400 V) [kVA] 42.3 50.6 50.6 62.4 62.4 73.4 73.4 102 102 123
Continuous kVA (460 V) [kVA] – 51.8 – 63.7 – 83.7 – 104 – 128
Maximum input current
Continuous (380–440 V) [A] 55 66 66 82 82 96 96 133 133 161
Intermittent (60 s overload) (380–
82.5 72.6 99 90.2 123 106 144 146 200 177
8 8 440 V) [A]
Continuous (441–500 V) [A] 47 59 59 73 73 95 95 118 118 145
Intermittent (60 s overload) (441–
70.5 64.9 88.5 80.3 110 105 143 130 177 160
500 V) [A]
Additional specifications
IP20 maximum cable cross-
section5) for mains and motor 35 (2) 50 (1) 50 (1) 150 (300 MCM) 150 (300 MCM)
[mm2] ([AWG])
IP20 maximum cable cross-
section5) for brake and load 35 (2) 50 (1) 50 (1) 95 (4/0) 95 (4/0)
sharing [mm2)] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable
cross-section5) for mains and motor 50 (1) 50 (1) 50 (1) 150 (300 MCM) 150 (300 MCM)
[mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable
cross-section5) for brake and load 50 (1) 50 (1) 50 (1) 95 (3/0) 95 (3/0)
sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) 185, 150, 120
50, 35, 35 95, 70, 70
for mains disconnect [mm2] (350 MCM, 300
(1, 2, 2) (3/0, 2/0, 2/0)
([AWG]) MCM, 4/0)
Estimated power loss
570 698 697 843 891 1083 1022 1384 1232 1474
at rated maximum load [W]3)
Efficiency4) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.99

Table 8.6 Mains Supply 380–500 V (FC 302), 380–480 V (FC 301), P30K–P75K

38 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

8.1.3 Mains Supply 525–600 V (FC 302 only)

Type designation PK75 P1K1 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P4K0 P5K5 P7K5
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)] 0.75 (1) 1.1 (1.5) 1.5 (2.0) 2.2 (3.0) 3 (4.0) 4 (5.0) 5.5 (7.5) 7.5 (10)
Enclosure protection rating IP20, IP21 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3
Enclosure protection rating IP55 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5
Output current
Continuous (525–550 V) [A] 1.8 2.6 2.9 4.1 5.2 6.4 9.5 11.5
Intermittent (525–550 V) [A] 2.9 4.2 4.6 6.6 8.3 10.2 15.2 18.4
Continuous (551–600 V) [A] 1.7 2.4 2.7 3.9 4.9 6.1 9.0 11.0
Intermittent (551–600 V) [A] 2.7 3.8 4.3 6.2 7.8 9.8 14.4 17.6
Continuous kVA (525 V) [kVA] 1.7 2.5 2.8 3.9 5.0 6.1 9.0 11.0
Continuous kVA (575 V) [kVA] 1.7 2.4 2.7 3.9 4.9 6.1 9.0 11.0
Maximum input current
Continuous (525–600 V) [A] 1.7 2.4 2.7 4.1 5.2 5.8 8.6 10.4
Intermittent (525–600 V) [A] 2.7 3.8 4.3 6.6 8.3 9.3 13.8 16.6
Additional specifications
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains, 4, 4, 4 (12,12,12)
motor, brake, and load sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for disconnect
(minimum 0.2 (24))
8 8
6, 4, 4 (10,12,12)
[mm2] ([AWG])
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load
35 50 65 92 122 145 195 261
Efficiency4) 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97

Table 8.7 Mains Supply 525–600 V (FC 302 only), PK75–P7K5

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 39

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Type designation P11K P15K P18K P22K P30K

High/normal load1) HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)] 11 (15) 15 (20) 15 (20) 18.5 (25) 18.5 (25) 22 (30) 22 (30) 30 (40) 30 (40) 37 (50)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 B3 B3 B4 B4 B4
Enclosure protection rating IP21,
B1 B1 B2 B2 C1
IP55, IP66
Output current
Continuous (525–550 V) [A] 19 23 23 28 28 36 36 43 43 54
Intermittent (525–550 V) [A] 30 25 37 31 45 40 58 47 65 59
Continuous (551–600 V) [A] 18 22 22 27 27 34 34 41 41 52
Intermittent (551–600 V) [A] 29 24 35 30 43 37 54 45 62 57
Continuous kVA (550 V) [kVA] 18.1 21.9 21.9 26.7 26.7 34.3 34.3 41.0 41.0 51.4
Continuous kVA (575 V) [kVA] 17.9 21.9 21.9 26.9 26.9 33.9 33.9 40.8 40.8 51.8
Maximum input current
Continuous at 550 V [A] 17.2 20.9 20.9 25.4 25.4 32.7 32.7 39 39 49
Intermittent at 550 V [A] 28 23 33 28 41 36 52 43 59 54
Continuous at 575 V [A] 16 20 20 24 24 31 31 37 37 47
Intermittent at 575 V [A] 26 22 32 27 39 34 50 41 56 52

8 8 Additional specifications
IP20 maximum cable cross-section2),5)
for mains, brake, motor, and load 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 35,-,-(2,-,-) 35,-,-(2,-,-) 35,-,-(2,-,-)
sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable
cross-section2),5) for mains, brake, 16, 10, 10 (6, 8, 8) 16, 10, 10 (6, 8, 8) 35,-,-(2,-,-) 35,-,-(2,-,-) 50,-,- (1,-,-)
and load sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable
cross-section2),5) for motor [mm2] 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 10, 10,- (8, 8,-) 35, 25, 25 (2, 4, 4) 35, 25, 25 (2, 4, 4) 50,-,- (1,-,-)
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for 16, 10, 10 50, 35, 35
disconnect [mm2] ([AWG]) (6, 8, 8) (1, 2, 2)
Estimated power loss
220 300 300 370 370 440 440 600 600 740
at rated maximum load [W]3)
Efficiency4) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98

Table 8.8 Mains Supply 525–600 V (FC 302 only), P11K–P30K

40 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

Type designation P37K P45K P55K P75K

High/normal load1) HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)] 37 (50) 45 (60) 45 (60) 55 (75) 55 (75) 75 (100) 75 (100) 90 (125)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 C3 C3 C3 C4 C4
Enclosure protection rating IP21, IP55, IP66 C1 C1 C1 C2 C2
Output current
Continuous (525–550 V) [A] 54 65 65 87 87 105 105 137
Intermittent (525–550 V) [A] 81 72 98 96 131 116 158 151
Continuous (551–600 V) [A] 52 62 62 83 83 100 100 131
Intermittent (551–600 V) [A] 78 68 93 91 125 110 150 144
Continuous kVA (550 V) [kVA] 51.4 61.9 61.9 82.9 82.9 100.0 100.0 130.5
Continuous kVA (575 V) [kVA] 51.8 61.7 61.7 82.7 82.7 99.6 99.6 130.5
Maximum input current
Continuous at 550 V [A] 49 59 59 78.9 78.9 95.3 95.3 124.3
Intermittent at 550 V [A] 74 65 89 87 118 105 143 137
Continuous at 575 V [A] 47 56 56 75 75 91 91 119
Intermittent at 575 V [A] 70 62 85 83 113 100 137 131
Additional specifications
IP20 maximum cable cross-section5) for mains and
motor [mm2] ([AWG])
50 (1) 150 (300 MCM) 8 8
IP20 maximum cable cross-section5) for brake and load
50 (1) 95 (4/0)
sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable cross-section5) for
50 (1) 150 (300 MCM)
mains and motor [mm2] ([AWG])
IP21, IP55, IP66 maximum cable cross-section5) for
50 (1) 95 (4/0)
brake and load sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains disconnect 185, 150, 120
50, 35, 35 95, 70, 70
[mm2] ([AWG]) (350 MCM, 300
(1, 2, 2) (3/0, 2/0, 2/0)
MCM, 4/0)
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load [W]3) 740 900 900 1100 1100 1500 1500 1800
Efficiency4) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98

Table 8.9 Mains Supply 525–600 V P37K–P75K (FC 302 only), P37K–P75K
For fuse ratings, see chapter 8.7 Fuses and Circuit Breakers.
1) High overload=150% or 160% torque for a duration of 60 s. Normal overload=110% torque for a duration of 60 s.
2) The 3 values for the maximum cable cross-section are for single core, flexible wire, and flexible wire with sleeve, respectively.
3) Applies to dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598-2, refer to
4) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class, see chapter 8.4 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses, see
5) Cable cross-section is regarded for copper cables.

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 41

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

8.1.4 Mains Supply 525–690 V (FC 302 only)

Type designation P1K1 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P4K0 P5K5 P7K5

High/normal overload1) HO/NO HO/NO HO/NO HO/NO HO/NO HO/NO HO/NO
Typical shaft output [kW/(hp)] 1.1 (1.5) 1.5 (2.0) 2.2 (3.0) 3.0 (4.0) 4.0 (5.0) 5.5 (7.5) 7.5 (10)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3
Output current
Continuous (525–550 V) [A] 2.1 2.7 3.9 4.9 6.1 9.0 11.0
Intermittent (525–550 V) [A] 3.4 4.3 6.2 7.8 9.8 14.4 17.6
Continuous (551–690 V) [A] 1.6 2.2 3.2 4.5 5.5 7.5 10.0
Intermittent (551–690 V) [A] 2.6 3.5 5.1 7.2 8.8 12.0 16.0
Continuous kVA 525 V 1.9 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 8.2 10.0
Continuous kVA 690 V 1.9 2.6 3.8 5.4 6.6 9.0 12.0
Maximum input current
Continuous (525–550 V) [A] 1.9 2.4 3.5 4.4 5.5 8.1 9.9
Intermittent (525–550 V) [A] 3.0 3.9 5.6 7.0 8.8 12.9 15.8
Continuous (551–690 V) [A] 1.4 2.0 2.9 4.0 4.9 6.7 9.0
Intermittent (551–690 V) [A] 2.3 3.2 4.6 6.5 7.9 10.8 14.4

8 8 Additional specifications
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains, motor,
4, 4, 4 (12, 12, 12) (minimum 0.2 (24)
brake, and load sharing [mm2] ([AWG])
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for disconnect [mm2]
6, 4, 4 (10, 12, 12)
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load (W)3) 44 60 88 120 160 220 300
Efficiency4) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96

Table 8.10 A3 Enclosure, Mains Supply 525–690 V IP20/Protected Chassis, P1K1–P7K5

42 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

Type designation P11K P15K P18K P22K

High/normal overload1) HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO
Typical shaft output at 550 V [kW/(hp)] 7.5 11 11 15 15 18.5 18.5 22
(10) (15) (15) (20) (20) (25) (25) (30)
Typical shaft output at 690 V [kW/(hp)] 11 15 15 18.5 18.5 22 22 30
(15) (20) (20) (25) (25) (30) (30) (40)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 B4 B4 B4 B4
Enclosure protection rating IP21, IP55 B2 B2 B2 B2
Output current
Continuous (525–550 V) [A] 14.0 19.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 28.0 28.0 36.0
Intermittent (60 s overload) (525–550 V) [A] 22.4 20.9 30.4 25.3 36.8 30.8 44.8 39.6
Continuous (551–690 V) [A] 13.0 18.0 18.0 22.0 22.0 27.0 27.0 34.0
Intermittent (60 s overload) (551–690 V) [A] 20.8 19.8 28.8 24.2 35.2 29.7 43.2 37.4
Continuous kVA (at 550 V) [kVA] 13.3 18.1 18.1 21.9 21.9 26.7 26.7 34.3
Continuous kVA (at 690 V) [kVA] 15.5 21.5 21.5 26.3 26.3 32.3 32.3 40.6
Maximum input current
Continuous (at 550 V) [A] 15.0 19.5 19.5 24.0 24.0 29.0 29.0 36.0
Intermittent (60 s overload) (at 550 V) [A] 23.2 21.5 31.2 26.4 38.4 31.9 46.4 39.6
Continuous (at 690 V) [A]
Intermittent (60 s overload) (at 690 V) [A]
8 8
Additional specifications
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains/motor,
35, 25, 25 (2, 4, 4)
load share, and brake [mm2] ([AWG])
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains
16, 10, 10 (6, 8, 8)
disconnect [mm2] ([AWG])
Estimated power loss at rated maximum load (W)3) 150 220 220 300 300 370 370 440
Efficiency4) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98

Table 8.11 B2/B4 Enclosure, Mains Supply 525–690 V IP20/IP21/IP55 - Chassis/NEMA 1/NEMA 12 (FC 302 only), P11K–P22K

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 43

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Type designation P30K P37K P45K P55K P75K

High/normal overload1) HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO HO NO
Typical shaft output at 550 V [kW/(hp)] 22 30 30 37 37 45 45 55 55 75
(30) (40) (40) (50) (50) (60) (60) (75) (75) (100)
Typical shaft output at 690 V [kW/(hp)] 30 37 37 45 45 55 55 75 75 90
(40) (50) (50) (60) (60) (75) (75) (100) (100) (125)
Enclosure protection rating IP20 B4 C3 C3 D3h D3h
Enclosure protection rating IP21, IP55 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Output current
Continuous (525–550 V) [A] 36.0 43.0 43.0 54.0 54.0 65.0 65.0 87.0 87.0 105
Intermittent (60 s overload) (525–550 V)
[A] 54.0 47.3 64.5 59.4 81.0 71.5 97.5 95.7 130.5 115.5
Continuous (551–690 V) [A] 34.0 41.0 41.0 52.0 52.0 62.0 62.0 83.0 83.0 100
Intermittent (60 s overload) (551–690 V)
[A] 51.0 45.1 61.5 57.2 78.0 68.2 93.0 91.3 124.5 110
Continuous kVA (at 550 V) [kVA] 34.3 41.0 41.0 51.4 51.4 61.9 61.9 82.9 82.9 100
Continuous kVA (at 690 V) [kVA] 40.6 49.0 49.0 62.1 62.1 74.1 74.1 99.2 99.2 119.5
Maximum input current

8 8 Continuous (at 550 V) [A]

Intermittent (60 s overload) (at 550 V) [A]
Continuous (at 690 V) [A] 36.0 48.0 48.0 58.0 58.0 70.0 70.0 86.0 – –
Intermittent (60 s overload) (at 690 V) [A] 54.0 52.8 72.0 63.8 87.0 77.0 105 94.6 – –
Additional specifications
Maximum cable cross-section5) for mains
150 (300 MCM)
and motor [mm2] ([AWG])
Maximum cable cross-section5) for load
95 (3/0)
share and brake [mm2] ([AWG])
185, 150, 120
95, 70, 70
Maximum cable cross-section2),5) for mains (350 MCM, 300 –
(3/0, 2/0, 2/0)
disconnect [mm2] ([AWG]) MCM, 4/0)
Estimated power loss
600 740 740 900 900 1100 1100 1500 1500 1800
at rated maximum load [W]3)
Efficiency4) 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98

Table 8.12 B4, C2, C3 Enclosure, Mains Supply 525–690 V IP20/IP21/IP55 – Chassis/NEMA 1/NEMA 12 (FC 302 only), P30K–P75K
For fuse ratings, see chapter 8.7 Fuses and Circuit Breakers.
1) High overload=150% or 160% torque for a duration of 60 s. Normal overload=110% torque for a duration of 60 s.
2) The 3 values for the maximum cable cross-section are for single core, flexible wire, and flexible wire with sleeve, respectively.
3) Applies to dimensioning of frequency converter cooling. If the switching frequency is higher than the default setting, the power losses may
increase. LCP and typical control card power consumptions are included. For power loss data according to EN 50598-2, refer to
4) Efficiency measured at nominal current. For energy efficiency class, see chapter 8.4 Ambient Conditions. For part load losses, see
5) Cable cross-section is regarded for copper cables.

44 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

8.2 Mains Supply

Mains supply
Supply terminals (6-pulse) L1, L2, L3
Supply terminals (12-pulse) L1-1, L2-1, L3-1, L1-2, L2-2, L3-2
Supply voltage 200–240 V ±10%
Supply voltage FC 301: 380–480 V/FC 302: 380–500 V ±10%
Supply voltage FC 302: 525–600 V ±10%
Supply voltage FC 302: 525–690 V ±10%
Mains voltage low/mains dropout:
During low mains voltage or a mains dropout, the frequency converter continues until the DC-link voltage drops below the
minimum stop level, which corresponds typically to 15% below the frequency converter's lowest rated supply voltage. Power-up
and full torque cannot be expected at mains voltage lower than 10% below the frequency converter's lowest rated supply
Supply frequency 50/60 Hz ±5%
Maximum imbalance temporary between mains phases 3.0% of rated supply voltage
True power factor (λ) ≥0.9 nominal at rated load
Displacement power factor (cos ϕ) Near unity (>0.98)
Switching on input supply L1, L2, L3 (power-ups) ≤7.5 kW (10 hp)
Switching on input supply L1, L2, L3 (power-ups) 11–75 kW (15–101 hp)
Maximum twice per minute.
Maximum once per minute. 8 8
Switching on input supply L1, L2, L3 (power-ups) ≥90 kW (121 hp) Maximum once per 2 minutes.
Environment according to EN60664-1 Overvoltage category III/pollution degree 2
The unit is suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 100000 RMS symmetrical Amperes,
240/500/600/690 V maximum.

8.3 Motor Output and Motor Data

Motor output (U, V, W)
Output voltage 0–100% of supply voltage
Output frequency 0–590 Hz1)
Output frequency in flux mode 0–300 Hz
Switching on output Unlimited
Ramp times 0.01–3600 s
1) Dependent on voltage and power.
Torque characteristics
Starting torque (constant torque) Maximum 160% for 60 s1) once in 10 minutes
Starting/overload torque (variable torque) Maximum 110% up to 0.5 s1) once in 10 minutes
Torque rise time in flux (for 5 kHz fsw) 1 ms
Torque rise time in VVC+ (independent of fsw) 10 ms
1) Percentage relates to the nominal torque.

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 45

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

8.4 Ambient Conditions

Enclosure IP20/Chassis, IP21/Type 1, IP55/Type 12, IP66/Type 4X
Vibration test 1.0 g
Maximum THDv 10%
Maximum relative humidity 5–93% (IEC 721-3-3; Class 3K3 (non-condensing) during operation
Aggressive environment (IEC 60068-2-43) H2S test Class Kd
Ambient temperature1) Maximum 50 °C (122 °F) (24-hour average maximum 45 °C (113 °F))
Minimum ambient temperature during full-scale operation 0 °C (32 °F)
Minimum ambient temperature at reduced performance -10 °C (14 °F)
Temperature during storage/transport -25 to +65/70 °C (-13 to +149/158 °F)
Maximum altitude above sea level without derating1) 1000 m (3280 ft)
EMC standards, Emission EN 61800-3
EMC standards, Immunity EN 61800-3
Energy efficiency class2) IE2
1) See special conditions in the design guidefor:
• Derating for high ambient temperature.
8 8 • Derating for high altitude.
2) Determined according to EN 50598-2 at:
• Rated load.
• 90% rated frequency.
• Switching frequency factory setting.
• Switching pattern factory setting.

8.5 Cable Specifications

Cable lengths and cross-sections for control cables1)
Maximum motor cable length, shielded FC 301: 50 m (164 ft)/FC 302: 150 m (492 ft)
Maximum motor cable length, unshielded FC 301: 75 m (246 ft)/FC 302: 300 m (984 ft)
Maximum cross-section to control terminals, flexible/rigid wire without cable end sleeves 1.5 mm2/16 AWG
Maximum cross-section to control terminals, flexible wire with cable end sleeves 1 mm2/18 AWG
Maximum cross-section to control terminals, flexible wire with cable end sleeves with collar 0.5 mm2/20 AWG
Minimum cross-section to control terminals 0.25 mm2/24 AWG
1) For power cables, see electrical tables in chapter 8.1 Electrical Data.

8.6 Control Input/Output and Control Data

Digital inputs
Programmable digital inputs FC 301: 4 (5)1)/FC 302: 4 (6)1)
Terminal number 18, 19, 271), 291), 32, 33
Logic PNP or NPN
Voltage level 0–24 V DC
Voltage level, logic 0 PNP <5 V DC
Voltage level, logic 1 PNP >10 V DC
Voltage level, logic 0 NPN2) >19 V DC
Voltage level, logic 1 NPN2) <14 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Pulse frequency range 0–110 kHz

46 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

(Duty cycle) minimum pulse width 4.5 ms

Input resistance, Ri Approximately 4 kΩ
1) Terminals 27 and 29 can also be programmed as output.
2) Except STO input terminal 37.

STO terminal 371, 2) (terminal 37 is fixed PNP logic)

Voltage level 0–24 V DC
Voltage level, logic 0 PNP <4 V DC
Voltage level, logic 1 PNP >20 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Typical input current at 24 V 50 mA rms
Typical input current at 20 V 60 mA rms
Input capacitance 400 nF
All digital inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
1) See chapter 4.7.1 Safe Torque Off (STO) for further information about terminal 37 and STO.
2) When using a contactor with a DC coil inside in combination with STO, it is important to make a return way for the current
from the coil when turning it off. This can be done by using a freewheel diode (or, alternatively, a 30 V or 50 V MOV for quicker
response time) across the coil. Typical contactors can be bought with this diode.
Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 2
8 8
Terminal number 53, 54
Modes Voltage or current
Mode select Switch S201 and switch S202
Voltage mode Switch S201/switch S202 = OFF (U)
Voltage level -10 V to +10 V (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri Approximately 10 kΩ
Maximum voltage ±20 V
Current mode Switch S201/switch S202 = ON (I)
Current level 0/4 to 20 mA (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri Approximately 200 Ω
Maximum current 30 mA
Resolution for analog inputs 10 bit (+ sign)
Accuracy of analog inputs Maximum error 0.5% of full scale
Bandwidth 100 Hz
The analog inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
PELV isolation

+24 V
Control Mains

voltage Motor

RS485 DC-bus

Figure 8.1 PELV Isolation

Pulse/encoder inputs
Programmable pulse/encoder inputs 2/1
Terminal number pulse/encoder 291), 332)/323), 333)
Maximum frequency at terminal 29, 32, 33 110 kHz (Push-pull driven)
Maximum frequency at terminal 29, 32, 33 5 kHz (Open collector)

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 47

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Minimum frequency at terminal 29, 32, 33 4 Hz

Voltage level See parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs in the programming guide.
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri Approximately 4 kΩ
Pulse input accuracy (0.1–1 kHz) Maximum error: 0.1% of full scale
Encoder input accuracy (1–11 kHz) Maximum error: 0.05% of full scale
The pulse and encoder inputs (terminals 29, 32, 33) are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-
voltage terminals.
1) FC 302 only.
2) Pulse inputs are 29 and 33.
3) Encoder inputs: 32=A, 33=B.

Digital output
Programmable digital/pulse outputs 2
Terminal number 27, 291)
Voltage level at digital/frequency output 0–24 V
Maximum output current (sink or source) 40 mA
Maximum load at frequency output 1 kΩ
Maximum capacitive load at frequency output 10 nF
8 8 Minimum output frequency at frequency output 0 Hz
Maximum output frequency at frequency output 32 kHz
Accuracy of frequency output Maximum error: 0.1% of full scale
Resolution of frequency outputs 12 bit
1) Terminal 27 and 29 can also be programmed as input.
The digital output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.

Analog output
Number of programmable analog outputs 1
Terminal number 42
Current range at analog output 0/4 to 20 mA
Maximum load GND - analog output less than 500 Ω
Accuracy on analog output Maximum error: 0.5% of full scale
Resolution on analog output 12 bit
The analog output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Control card, 24 V DC output
Terminal number 12, 13
Output voltage 24 V +1, -3 V
Maximum load 200 mA
The 24 V DC supply is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV), but has the same potential as the analog and digital
inputs and outputs.

Control card, 10 V DC output

Terminal number ±50
Output voltage 10.5 V ±0.5 V
Maximum load 15 mA
The 10 V DC supply is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.

Control card, RS485 serial communication

Terminal number 68 (P, TX+, RX+), 69 (N, TX-, RX-)
Terminal number 61 Common for terminals 68 and 69
The RS485 serial communication circuit is functionally separated from other central circuits and galvanically isolated from the
supply voltage (PELV).

48 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

Control card, USB serial communication

USB standard 1.1 (full speed)
USB plug USB type B plug
Connection to PC is carried out via a standard host/device USB cable.
The USB connection is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
The USB ground connection is not galvanically isolated from protective earth. Use only an isolated laptop as PC connection to
the USB connector on the frequency converter.
Relay outputs
Programmable relay outputs FC 301 all kW: 1/FC 302 all kW: 2
Relay 01 terminal number 1–3 (break), 1–2 (make)
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 1–3 (NC), 1–2 (NO) (resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 1–2 (NO), 1–3 (NC) (resistive load) 60 V DC, 1 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Relay 02 (FC 302 only) terminal number 4–6 (break), 4–5 (make)
1) 2) 3)
Maximum terminal load (AC-1) on 4–5 (NO) (resistive load) , overvoltage cat. II 400 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 4–5 (NO) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 4–5 (NO) (resistive load) 80 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13) on 4–5 (NO) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A 8 8
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 4–6 (NC) (resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 4–6 (NC) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 4–6 (NC) (resistive load) 50 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) on 4–6 (NC) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Minimum terminal load on 1–3 (NC), 1–2 (NO), 4–6 (NC), 4–5 (NO) 24 V DC 1 mA, 24 V AC 20 mA
Environment according to EN 60664-1 Overvoltage category III/pollution degree 2
1) IEC 60947 part 4 and 5
The relay contacts are galvanically isolated from the rest of the circuit by reinforced isolation (PELV).
2) Overvoltage Category II.
3) UL applications 300 V AC 2 A.
Control card performance
Scan interval 1 ms

Control characteristics
Resolution of output frequency at 0–590 Hz ±0.003 Hz
Repeat accuracy of precise start/stop (terminals 18, 19) ≤±0.1 ms
System response time (terminals 18, 19, 27, 29, 32, 33) ≤2 ms
Speed control range (open loop) 1:100 of synchronous speed
Speed control range (closed loop) 1:1000 of synchronous speed
Speed accuracy (open loop) 30–4000 RPM: Error ±8 RPM
Speed accuracy (closed loop), depending on resolution of feedback device 0–6000 RPM: Error ±0.15 RPM
Torque control accuracy (speed feedback) Maximum error ±5% of rated torque
All control characteristics are based on a 4-pole asynchronous motor.

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 49

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

8.7 Fuses and Circuit Breakers

Use recommended fuses and/or circuit breakers on the supply side as protection if there is component break-down inside
the frequency converter (first fault).

Use of fuses on the supply side is mandatory for IEC 60364 (CE) and NEC 2009 (UL) compliant installations.

• gG type fuses.
• Moeller type circuit breakers. For other circuit breaker types, ensure that the energy into the frequency converter is
equal to or lower than the energy provided by Moeller types.

Use of recommended fuses and circuit breakers ensures that possible damage to the frequency converter is limited to
damage inside the unit. For further information, see Application Note Fuses and Circuit Breakers.

The fuses in chapter 8.7.1 CE Compliance to chapter 8.7.2 UL Compliance are suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering
100000 Arms (symmetrical), depending on the frequency converter voltage rating. With the proper fusing, the frequency
8 8 converter short-circuit current rating (SCCR) is 100000 Arms.

50 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

8.7.1 CE Compliance

200–240 V

Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip level
fuse size maximum fuse breaker [A]
A1 0.25–1.5 (0.34–2.0) gG-10 gG-25 PKZM0-16 16
A2 0.25–1.5 (0.34–2.0) gG-10 gG-25 PKZM0-25 25
2.2 (3.0) gG-16
A3 3.0 (4.0) gG-16 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
3.7 (5.0) gG-20
A4 0.25–1.5 (0.34–2.0) gG-10 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
2.2 (3.0) gG-16
A5 0.25–1.5 (0.34–2.0) gG-10 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
2.2–3.0 (3.0–4.0) gG-16
3.7 (5.0) gG-20
B1 5.5 (7.5) gG-25 gG-80 PKZM4-63 63

8 8
7.5 (10.0) gG-32
B2 11.0 (15.0) gG-50 gG-100 NZMB1-A100 100
B3 5.5 (7.5) gG-25 gG-63 PKZM4-50 50
B4 7.5 (10.0) gG-32 gG-125 NZMB1-A100 100
11.0 (15.0) gG-50
15.0 (20.0) gG-63
C1 15.0 (20.0) gG-63 gG-160 NZMB2-A200 160
18.5 (25.0) gG-80
22.0 (30.0) gG-100 aR-160
C2 30.0 (40.0) aR-160 aR-200 NZMB2-A250 250
37.0 (50.0) aR-200 aR-250
C3 18.5 (25.0) gG-80 gG-150 NZMB2-A200 150
22.0 (30.0) aR-125 aR-160
C4 30.0 (40.0) aR-160 aR-200 NZMB2-A250 250
37.0 (50.0) aR-200 aR-250

Table 8.13 200–240 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 51

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

380–500 V

Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip level
fuse size maximum fuse breaker Moeller [A]
A1 0.37–1.5 (0.5–2.0) gG-10 gG-25 PKZM0-16 16
A2 0.37–3.0 (0.5–4.0) gG-10 gG-25 PKZM0-25 25
4.0 (5.0) gG-16
A3 5.5–7.5 (7.5–10.0) gG-16 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
A4 0.37–3.0 (0.5–4.0) gG-10 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
4.0 (5.0) gG-16
A5 0.37–3.0 (0.5–4.0) gG-10 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
4.0–7.5 (5.0–10.0) gG-16
B1 11–15 (15.0–20.0) gG-40 gG-80 PKZM4-63 63
B2 18.5 (25.0) gG-50 gG-100 NZMB1-A100 100
22.0 (30.0) gG-63
B3 11–15 (15.0–20.0) gG-40 gG-63 PKZM4-50 50
B4 18.5 (25.0) gG-50 gG-125 NZMB1-A100 100
22.0 (30.0) gG-63

8 8
30.0 (40.0) gG-80
C1 30.0 (40.0) gG-80 gG-160 NZMB2-A200 160
37.0 (50.0) gG-100
45.0 (60.0) gG-160
C2 55.0 (75.0) aR-200 aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
75.0 (100.0) aR-250
C3 37.0 (50.0) gG-100 gG-150 NZMB2-A200 150
45.0 (60.0) gG-160 gG-160
C4 55.0 (75.0) aR-200 aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
75.0 (100.0) aR-250

Table 8.14 380–500 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

52 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

525–600 V

Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip level
fuse size maximum fuse breaker [A]
A2 0-75-4.0 (1.0–5.0) gG-10 gG-25 PKZM0-25 25
A3 5.5 (7.5) gG-10 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
7.5 (10.0) gG-16
A5 5.5 (7.5) gG-10 gG-32 PKZM0-25 25
7.5 (10.0) gG-16
B1 11.0 (15.0) gG-25 gG-80 PKZM4-63 63
15.0 (20.0) gG-32
18.5 (25.0) gG-40
B2 22.0 (30.0) gG-50 gG-100 NZMB1-A100 100
30.0 (40.0) gG-63
B3 11.0 (15.0) gG-25 gG-63 PKZM4-50 50
15.0 (20.0) gG-32
B4 18.5 (25.0) gG-40 gG-125 NZMB1-A100 100
22.0 (30.0) gG-50
30.0 (40.0) gG-63 8 8
C1 37.0 (50.0) gG-63 gG-160 NZMB2-A200 160
45.0 (60.0) gG-100
55.0 (60.0) aR-160 aR-250
C2 75.0 (100.0) aR-200 aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
C3 37.0 (50.0) gG-63 gG-150 NZMB2-A200 150
45.0 (60.0) gG-100 gG-150 NZMB2-A200
C4 55.0 (75.0) aR-160 aR-250 NZMB2-A250 250
75.0 (100.0) aR-200

Table 8.15 525–600 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

525–690 V

Enclosure Power [kW (hp)] Recommended Recommended Recommended circuit Maximum trip level
fuse size maximum fuse breaker [A]
A3 1.1 (1.5) gG-6 gG-25
1.5 (2.0) gG-6 gG-25
2.2 (3.0) gG-6 gG-25
3.0 (4.0) gG-10 gG-25 PKZM0-16 16
4.0 (5.0) gG-10 gG-25
5.5 (7.5) gG-16 gG-25
7.5 (10.0) gG-16 gG-25
B2/B4 11.0 (15.0) gG-25 gG-63
15.0 (20.0) gG-32
– –
18.5 (25.0) gG-32
22.0 (30.0) gG-40
B4/C2 30.0 (40.0) gG-63 gG-80 – –
C2/C3 37.0 (50.0) gG-63 gG-100
– –
45.0 (60.0) gG-80 gG-125
C2 55.0 (75.0) gG-100 gG-160
– –
75.0 (100.0) gG-125

Table 8.16 525–690 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 53

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

8.7.2 UL Compliance

200–240 V

Recommended maximum fuse

Power [kW Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann
(hp)] Type RK11) Type J Type T Type CC Type CC Type CC
0.25–0.37 KTN-R-05 JKS-05 JJN-05 FNQ-R-5 KTK-R-5 LP-CC-5
0.55–1.1 KTN-R-10 JKS-10 JJN-10 FNQ-R-10 KTK-R-10 LP-CC-10
1.5 (2.0) KTN-R-15 JKS-15 JJN-15 FNQ-R-15 KTK-R-15 LP-CC-15
2.2 (3.0) KTN-R-20 JKS-20 JJN-20 FNQ-R-20 KTK-R-20 LP-CC-20
3.0 (4.0) KTN-R-25 JKS-25 JJN-25 FNQ-R-25 KTK-R-25 LP-CC-25
3.7 (5.0) KTN-R-30 JKS-30 JJN-30 FNQ-R-30 KTK-R-30 LP-CC-30
5.5 (7.5) KTN-R-50 KS-50 JJN-50 – – –
7.5 (10.0) KTN-R-60 JKS-60 JJN-60 – – –
11.0 (15.0) KTN-R-80 JKS-80 JJN-80 – – –

8 8
15–18.5 KTN-R-125 JKS-125 JJN-125 – – –
22.0 (30.0) KTN-R-150 JKS-150 JJN-150 – – –
30.0 (40.0) KTN-R-200 JKS-200 JJN-200 – – –
37.0 (50.0) KTN-R-250 JKS-250 JJN-250 – – –

Table 8.17 200–240 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

Recommended maximum fuse

Power [kW Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz- Ferraz-
SIBA Littelfuse Bussmann Littelfuse
(hp)] Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut Shawmut
Type RK1 Type RK1 Type JFHR22) JFHR2
Type CC Type RK13) JFHR24) J
0.25–0.37 5017906-005 KLN-R-05 ATM-R-05 A2K-05-R FWX-5 – – HSJ-6
0.55–1.1 5017906-010 KLN-R-10 ATM-R-10 A2K-10-R FWX-10 – – HSJ-10
1.5 (2.0) 5017906-016 KLN-R-15 ATM-R-15 A2K-15-R FWX-15 – – HSJ-15
2.2 (3.0) 5017906-020 KLN-R-20 ATM-R-20 A2K-20-R FWX-20 – – HSJ-20
3.0 (4.0) 5017906-025 KLN-R-25 ATM-R-25 A2K-25-R FWX-25 – – HSJ-25
3.7 (5.0) 5012406-032 KLN-R-30 ATM-R-30 A2K-30-R FWX-30 – – HSJ-30
5.5 (7.5) 5014006-050 KLN-R-50 – A2K-50-R FWX-50 – – HSJ-50
7.5 (10.0) 5014006-063 KLN-R-60 – A2K-60-R FWX-60 – – HSJ-60
11.0 (15.0) 5014006-080 KLN-R-80 – A2K-80-R FWX-80 – – HSJ-80
15–18.5 2028220-125 KLN-R-125 – A2K-125-R FWX-125 – – HSJ-125
22.0 (30.0) 2028220-150 KLN-R-150 – A2K-150-R FWX-150 L25S-150 A25X-150 HSJ-150
30.0 (40.0) 2028220-200 KLN-R-200 – A2K-200-R FWX-200 L25S-200 A25X-200 HSJ-200
37.0 (50.0) 2028220-250 KLN-R-250 – A2K-250-R FWX-250 L25S-250 A25X-250 HSJ-250

Table 8.18 200–240 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

1) KTS fuses from Bussmann may substitute KTN for 240 V frequency 3) A6KR fuses from Ferraz Shawmut may substitute A2KR for 240 V
converters. frequency converters.
2) FWH fuses from Bussmann may substitute FWX for 240 V 4) A50X fuses from Ferraz Shawmut may substitute A25X for 240 V
frequency converters. frequency converters.

54 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

380–500 V

Recommended maximum fuse

Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann
Power [kW (hp)]
Type RK1 Type J Type T Type CC Type CC Type CC
0.37–1.1 (0.5–1.5) KTS-R-6 JKS-6 JJS-6 FNQ-R-6 KTK-R-6 LP-CC-6
1.5–2.2 (2.0–3.0) KTS-R-10 JKS-10 JJS-10 FNQ-R-10 KTK-R-10 LP-CC-10
3.0 (4.0) KTS-R-15 JKS-15 JJS-15 FNQ-R-15 KTK-R-15 LP-CC-15
4.0 (5.0) KTS-R-20 JKS-20 JJS-20 FNQ-R-20 KTK-R-20 LP-CC-20
5.5 (7.5) KTS-R-25 JKS-25 JJS-25 FNQ-R-25 KTK-R-25 LP-CC-25
7.5 (10.0) KTS-R-30 JKS-30 JJS-30 FNQ-R-30 KTK-R-30 LP-CC-30
11.0 (15.0) KTS-R-40 JKS-40 JJS-40 – – –
15.0 (20.0) KTS-R-50 JKS-50 JJS-50 – – –
18.5 (25.0) KTS-R-60 JKS-60 JJS-60 – – –
22.0 (30.0) KTS-R-80 JKS-80 JJS-80 – – –
30.0 (40.0) KTS-R-100 JKS-100 JJS-100 – – –
37.0 (50.0) KTS-R-125 JKS-125 JJS-125 – – –
45.0 (60.0) KTS-R-150 JKS-150 JJS-150 – – –

8 8
55.0 (75.0) KTS-R-200 JKS-200 JJS-200 – – –
75.0 (100.0) KTS-R-250 JKS-250 JJS-250 – – –

Table 8.19 380–500 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

Recommended maximum fuse

Ferraz Ferraz Shawmut Ferraz
SIBA Littelfuse Bussmann Littelfuse
Power [kW (hp)] Shawmut Shawmut JFerraz Shawmut
Type RK1 Type RK1 JFHR2 JFHR2
Type CC Type RK1 Shawmut JFHR21)
0.37–1.1 (0.5–1.5) 5017906-006 KLS-R-6 ATM-R-6 A6K-6-R FWH-6 HSJ-6 – –
1.5–2.2 (2.0–3.0) 5017906-010 KLS-R-10 ATM-R-10 A6K-10-R FWH-10 HSJ-10 – –
3.0 (4.0) 5017906-016 KLS-R-15 ATM-R-15 A6K-15-R FWH-15 HSJ-15 – –
4.0 (5.0) 5017906-020 KLS-R-20 ATM-R-20 A6K-20-R FWH-20 HSJ-20 – –
5.5 (7.5) 5017906-025 KLS-R-25 ATM-R-25 A6K-25-R FWH-25 HSJ-25 – –
7.5 (10.0) 5012406-032 KLS-R-30 ATM-R-30 A6K-30-R FWH-30 HSJ-30 – –
11.0 (15.0) 5014006-040 KLS-R-40 – A6K-40-R FWH-40 HSJ-40 – –
15.0 (20.0) 5014006-050 KLS-R-50 – A6K-50-R FWH-50 HSJ-50 – –
18.5 (25.0) 5014006-063 KLS-R-60 – A6K-60-R FWH-60 HSJ-60 – –
22.0 (30.0) 2028220-100 KLS-R-80 – A6K-80-R FWH-80 HSJ-80 – –
30.0 (40.0) 2028220-125 KLS-R-100 – A6K-100-R FWH-100 HSJ-100 – –
37.0 (50.0) 2028220-125 KLS-R-125 – A6K-125-R FWH-125 HSJ-125 – –
45.0 (60.0) 2028220-160 KLS-R-150 – A6K-150-R FWH-150 HSJ-150 – –
55.0 (75.0) 2028220-200 KLS-R-200 – A6K-200-R FWH-200 HSJ-200 A50-P-225 L50-S-225
75.0 (100.0) 2028220-250 KLS-R-250 – A6K-250-R FWH-250 HSJ-250 A50-P-250 L50-S-250

Table 8.20 380–500 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

1) Ferraz Shawmut A50QS fuses may substitute for A50P fuses.

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 55

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

525–600 V

Recommended maximum fuse

Power Ferraz Ferraz
Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann SIBA Littelfuse
[kW Shawmut Shawmut
Type RK1 Type J Type T Type CC Type CC Type CC Type RK1 Type RK1
(hp)] Type RK1 J
0.75– KTS-R-5 JKS-5 JJS-6 FNQ-R-5 KTK-R-5 LP-CC-5 5017906-005 KLS-R-005 A6K-5-R HSJ-6
1.5–2.2 KTS-R-10 JKS-10 JJS-10 FNQ-R-10 KTK-R-10 LP-CC-10 5017906-010 KLS-R-010 A6K-10-R HSJ-10
3.0 KTS-R15 JKS-15 JJS-15 FNQ-R-15 KTK-R-15 LP-CC-15 5017906-016 KLS-R-015 A6K-15-R HSJ-15
4.0 KTS-R20 JKS-20 JJS-20 FNQ-R-20 KTK-R-20 LP-CC-20 5017906-020 KLS-R-020 A6K-20-R HSJ-20
5.5 KTS-R-25 JKS-25 JJS-25 FNQ-R-25 KTK-R-25 LP-CC-25 5017906-025 KLS-R-025 A6K-25-R HSJ-25

8 8 7.5
KTS-R-30 JKS-30 JJS-30 FNQ-R-30 KTK-R-30 LP-CC-30 5017906-030 KLS-R-030 A6K-30-R HSJ-30

11 KTS-R-35 JKS-35 JJS-35 – – – 5014006-040 KLS-R-035 A6K-35-R HSJ-35

15.0 KTS-R-45 JKS-45 JJS-45 – – – 5014006-050 KLS-R-045 A6K-45-R HSJ-45
18.5 KTS-R-50 JKS-50 JJS-50 – – – 5014006-050 KLS-R-050 A6K-50-R HSJ-50
22.0 KTS-R-60 JKS-60 JJS-60 – – – 5014006-063 KLS-R-060 A6K-60-R HSJ-60
30.0 KTS-R-80 JKS-80 JJS-80 – – – 5014006-080 KLS-R-075 A6K-80-R HSJ-80
37.0 KTS-R-100 JKS-100 JJS-100 – – – 5014006-100 KLS-R-100 A6K-100-R HSJ-100
45.0 KTS-R-125 JKS-125 JJS-125 – – – 2028220-125 KLS-R-125 A6K-125-R HSJ-125
55.0 KTS-R-150 JKS-150 JJS-150 – – – 2028220-150 KLS-R-150 A6K-150-R HSJ-150
75.0 KTS-R-175 JKS-175 JJS-175 – – – 2028220-200 KLS-R-175 A6K-175-R HSJ-175

Table 8.21 525–600 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

56 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Specifications Operating Guide

525–690 V

Recommended maximum fuse

Power [kW Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann
(hp)] Type RK1 Type J Type T Type CC Type CC Type CC
1.1 (1.5) KTS-R-5 JKS-5 JJS-6 FNQ-R-5 KTK-R-5 LP-CC-5
1.5–2.2 KTS-R-10 JKS-10 JJS-10 FNQ-R-10 KTK-R-10 LP-CC-10
3.0 (4.0) KTS-R15 JKS-15 JJS-15 FNQ-R-15 KTK-R-15 LP-CC-15
4.0 (5.0) KTS-R20 JKS-20 JJS-20 FNQ-R-20 KTK-R-20 LP-CC-20
5.5 (7.5) KTS-R-25 JKS-25 JJS-25 FNQ-R-25 KTK-R-25 LP-CC-25
7.5 (10.0) KTS-R-30 JKS-30 JJS-30 FNQ-R-30 KTK-R-30 LP-CC-30
11.0 (15.0) KTS-R-35 JKS-35 JJS-35 – – –
15.0 (20.0) KTS-R-45 JKS-45 JJS-45 – – –
18.5 (25.0) KTS-R-50 JKS-50 JJS-50 – – –
22.0 (30.0) KTS-R-60 JKS-60 JJS-60 – – –
30.0 (40.0) KTS-R-80 JKS-80 JJS-80 – – –
37.0 (50.0) KTS-R-100 JKS-100 JJS-100 – – –
45.0 (60.0) KTS-R-125 JKS-125 JJS-125 – – –
55.0 (75.0) KTS-R-150 JKS-150 JJS-150 – – – 8 8
75.0 KTS-R-175 JKS-175 JJS-175 – – –

Table 8.22 525–690 V, Enclosure Sizes A, B, and C

Recommended maximum fuse

Bussmann Bussmann Bussmann SIBA Littelfuse Shawmut
Power [kW Maximum Shawmut
E52273 E4273 E4273 E180276 E81895 E163267/
(hp)] pre-fuse E2137
11.0 (15.0) 30 A KTS-R-30 JKS-30 JKJS-30 5017906-030 KLS-R-030 A6K-30-R HST-30
15–18.5 45 A KTS-R-45 JKS-45 JJS-45 5014006-050 KLS-R-045 A6K-45-R HST-45
22.0 (30.0) 60 A KTS-R-60 JKS-60 JJS-60 5014006-063 KLS-R-060 A6K-60-R HST-60
30.0 (40.0) 80 A KTS-R-80 JKS-80 JJS-80 5014006-080 KLS-R-075 A6K-80-R HST-80
37.0 (50.0) 90 A KTS-R-90 JKS-90 JJS-90 5014006-100 KLS-R-090 A6K-90-R HST-90
45.0 (60.0) 100 A KTS-R-100 JKS-100 JJS-100 5014006-100 KLS-R-100 A6K-100-R HST-100
55.0 (75.0) 125 A KTS-R-125 JKS-125 JJS-125 2028220-125 KLS-150 A6K-125-R HST-125
75.0 (100.0) 150 A KTS-R-150 JKS-150 JJS-150 2028220-150 KLS-175 A6K-150-R HST-150

Table 8.23 525–690 V, Enclosure Sizes B, and C

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 57

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

8.8 Connection Tightening Torques

Enclosure 200–240 V 380–500 V 525–690 V Purpose Tightening torque [Nm]
Size [kW (hp)] [kW (hp)] [kW (hp)] ([in-lb])
0.25–2.2 0.37–4 (0.5– Mains, brake resistor, load sharing, motor cables. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
A2 –
(0.34–3.0) 5.0)
3–3.7 (4.0– 5.5–7.5 1.1–7.5
5.0) (7.5–10.0) (1.5–10.0)
0.25–2.2 0.37–4 (0.5–
A4 –
(0.34–3.0) 5.0)
3–3.7 (4.0– 5.5–7.5
A5 –
5.0) (7.5–10.0)
Mains, brake resistor, load sharing, motor cables. 1.8 (15.9)
5.5–7.5 11–15 (15–
B1 – Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
(7.5–10.0) 20)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)
Mains, brake resistor, load sharing cables. 4.5 (39.8)
18.5–22 11–22 (15– Motor cables. 4.5 (39.8)
B2 11 (15)
(25–30) 30) Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)
Mains, brake resistor, load sharing, motor cables. 1.8 (15.9)
5.5–7.5 11–15 (15–
B3 – Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
(7.5–10.0) 20)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)

8 8
Mains, brake resistor, load sharing, motor cables. 4.5 (39.8)
11–15 (15– 18.5–30 11–30 (15–
B4 Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
20) (25–40) 40)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)
Mains, brake resistor, load sharing cables. 10 (89)
15–22 (20– 30–45 (40– Motor cables. 10 (89)
C1 –
30) 60) Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)
Mains, motor cables. 14 (124) (up to 95 mm2
(3 AWG))
24 (212) (over 95 mm2
30–37 (40– 55–75 (75– 30–75 (40–
C2 (3 AWG))
50) 100) 100)
Load sharing, brake cables. 14 (124)
Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)
Mains, brake resistor, load sharing, motor cables. 10 (89)
18.5–22 30–37 (40– 37–45 (50–
C3 Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
(25–30) 50) 60)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)
Mains, motor cables. 14 (124) (up to 95 mm2
(3 AWG))
24 (212) (over 95 mm2
37–45 (50– 55–75 (75– 11–22 (15–
C4 (3 AWG))
60) 100) 30)
Load sharing, brake cables. 14 (124)
Relay. 0.5–0.6 (4.4–5.3)
Ground. 2–3 (17.7–26.6)

Table 8.24 Tightening Torque for Cables

58 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Enclosure size A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
Rated power 200–240 V 0.25–1.5 0.25–2.2 3–3.7 0.25–2.2 0.25–3.7

[kW (hp)] (0.34–2) (0.34–3) (4–5) (0.34–3) (0.34–5)

380–480/500 V 0.37–1.5 0.37–4 5.5–7.5 0.37–4 0.37–7.5

(0.5–2) (0.5–5) (7.5–10) (0.5–5) (0.5–10)
525–600 V 0.75–7.5 0.75–7.5
– – –
(1–10) (1–10)
525–690 V 1.1–7.5
– – – –
IP 20 20 21 20 21 55/66 55/66

NEMA Chassis Chassis Type 1 Chassis Type 1 Type 12/4X Type 12/4X
Height [mm (in)]
200 268 375 268 375 390 420
Height of mounting plate A1)
(7.9) (10.6) (14.8) (10.6) (14.8) (15.4) (16.5)
Height with ground termination plate for fieldbus 316 374 374
A – – – –
cables (12.4) (14.7) (14.7)
190 257 350 257 350 401 402
8.9 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions

Distance between mounting holes a

(7.5) (10.1) (13.8) (10.1) (13.8) (15.8) (15.8)
Operating Guide

Width [mm (in)]

75 90 90 130 130 200 242
Width of mounting plate B
(3) (3.5) (3.5) (5.1) (5.1) (7.9) (9.5)
130 130 170 170 242
Width of mounting plate with 1 C option B – –
(5.1) (5.1) (6.7) (6.7) (9.5)
150 150 190 190
Width of mounting plate with 2 C options B – – 242 (9.5)
(5.9) (5.9) (7.5) (7.5)

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

Distance between mounting holes b 60 (2.4) 70 (2.8) 70 (2.8) 110 (4.3) 110 (4.3) 171 (6.7) 215 (8.5)
Depth [mm (in)]
Depth without option A/B C 207 (8.1) 205 (8.1) 207 (8.1) 205 (8.1) 207 (8.1) 175 (6.9) 200 (7.9)
With option A/B C 222 (8.7) 220 (8.7) 222 (8.7) 220 (8.7) 222 (8.7) 175 (6.9) 200 (7.9)
Screw holes [mm (in)]
c 6.0 (0.24) 8.0 (0.31) 8.0 (0.31) 8.0 (0.31) 8.0 (0.31) 8.25 (0.32) 8.25 (0.32)
d ø8 (ø0.31) ø11 (ø0.43) ø11 (ø0.43) ø11 (ø0.43) ø11 (ø0.43) ø12 (ø0.47) ø12 (ø0.47)
e ø5 (ø0.2) ø5.5 (ø0.22) ø5.5 (ø0.22) ø5.5 (ø0.22) ø5.5 (ø0.22) ø6.5 (ø0.26) ø6.5 (ø0.26)
f 5 (0.2) 9 (0.35) 9 (0.35) 6.5 (0.26) 6.5 (0.26) 6 (0.24) 9 (0.35)
Maximum weight [kg (lb)] 2.7 (6) 4.9 (10.8) 5.3 (11.7) 6.6 (14.6) 7 (15.4) 9.7 (21.4) 13.5/14.2 (30/31)
Front cover tightening torque [Nm (in-lb)]
Plastic cover (low IP) Click Click Click – –

8 8
8 8

Enclosure size A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
Rated power 200–240 V 0.25–1.5 0.25–2.2 3–3.7 0.25–2.2 0.25–3.7
[kW (hp)] (0.34–2) (0.34–3) (4–5) (0.34–3) (0.34–5)
380–480/500 V 0.37–1.5 0.37–4 5.5–7.5 0.37–4 0.37–7.5

(0.5–2) (0.5–5) (7.5–10) (0.5–5) (0.5–10)

525–600 V 0.75–7.5 0.75–7.5
– – –
(1–10) (1–10)
525–690 V 1.1–7.5
– – – –
Metal cover (IP55/66) – – – 1.5 (13.3) 1.5 (13.3)
1) See Figure 8.2 and Figure 8.3 for top and bottom mounting holes.

Table 8.25 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions, Enclosure Sizes A1–A5

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Enclosure size B1 B2 B3 B4
Rated power 200–240 V 5.5–7.5 5.5–7.5 11–15

[kW (hp)] (7.5–10) (7.5–10) (15–20)

380–480/500 V 11–15 18.5–22 11–15 18.5–30

(15–20) (25–30) (15–20) (25–40)
525–600 V 11–15 18.5–22 11–15 18.5–30
(15–20) (25–30) (15–20) (25–40)
525–690 V 11–22 11–30
– –
(15–30) (15–40)
IP 21/55/66 21/55/66 20 20

NEMA Type 1/12/4X Type 1/12/4X Chassis Chassis
Height [mm (in)]
480 650 399 520
Height of mounting plate A1)
(18.9) (25.6) (15.7) (20.5)
420 595
Height with ground termination plate for fieldbus cables A – –
(16.5) (23.4)
454 624 380 495
Distance between mounting holes a
(17.9) (24.6) (15) (19.5)
Operating Guide

Width [mm (in)]

242 242 165 230
Width of mounting plate B
(9.5) (9.5) (6.5) (9.1)
242 242 205 230
Width of mounting plate with 1 C option B
(9.5) (9.5) (8.1) (9.1)
Width of mounting plate with 2 C options B 242 (9.5) 242 (9.5) 225 (8.9) 230 (9.1)
Distance between mounting holes b 210 (8.3) 210 (8.3) 140 (5.5) 200 (7.9)

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

Depth [mm (in)]
Depth without option A/B C 260 (10.2) 260 (10.2) 249 (9.8) 242 (9.5)
With option A/B C 260 (10.2) 260 (10.2) 262 (10.3) 242 (9.5)
Screw holes [mm (in)]
c 12 (0.47) 12 (0.47) 8 (0.31) –
d ø19 (ø0.75) ø19 (ø0.75) 12 (0.47) –
e ø9 (ø0.35) ø9 (ø0.35) 6.8 (0.27) 8.5 (0.33)
f 9 (0.35) 9 (0.35) 7.9 (0.31) 15 (0.59)
Maximum weight [kg (lb)] 23 (51) 27 (60) 12 (26.5) 23.5 (52)
Front cover tightening torque [Nm (in-lb)]
Plastic cover (low IP) Click Click Click Click
Metal cover (IP55/66) 2.2 (19.5) 2.2 (19.5) – –

8 8
8 8

Enclosure size B1 B2 B3 B4
Rated power 200–240 V 5.5–7.5 5.5–7.5 11–15
[kW (hp)] (7.5–10) (7.5–10) (15–20)
380–480/500 V 11–15 18.5–22 11–15 18.5–30

(15–20) (25–30) (15–20) (25–40)

525–600 V 11–15 18.5–22 11–15 18.5–30
(15–20) (25–30) (15–20) (25–40)
525–690 V 11–22 11–30
– –
(15–30) (15–40)
1) See Figure 8.2 and Figure 8.3 for top and bottom mounting holes.

Table 8.26 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions, Enclosure Sizes B1–B4

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Specifications Operating Guide

Enclosure size C1 C2 C3 C4 D3h

Rated power 200–240 V 15–22 30–37 18.5–22 30–37

[kW (hp)] (20–30) (40–50) (25–30) (40–50)
380–480/500 V 30–45 55–75 37–45 55–75

(40–60) (75–100) (50–60) (75–100)
525–600 V 30–45 55–90 37–45 55–90

(40–60) (75–125) (50–60) (75–125)
525–690 V 30–75 37–45 37–45 55–75

(40–100) (50–60) (50–60) (75–100)
IP 21/55/66 21/55/66 20 20 20

NEMA Type 1/12/4X Type 1/12/4X Chassis Chassis Chassis
Height [mm (in)]
680 770 550 660 909
Height of mounting plate A1)
(26.8) (30.3) (21.7) (26) (35.8)
Height with ground termination plate for 630 800
A – – –
fieldbus cables (24.8) (31.5)
648 739 521 631
Distance between mounting holes a –
(25.5) (29.1) (20.5) (24.8)
Width [mm (in)]

Width of mounting plate B

308 370 308 370 250 8 8
(12.1) (14.6) (12.1) (14.6) (9.8)
308 370 308 370
Width of mounting plate with 1 C option B –
(12.1) (14.6) (12.1) (14.6)
Width of mounting plate with 2 C options B 308 (12.1) 370 (14.6) 308 (12.1) 370 (14.6) –
Distance between mounting holes b 272 (10.7) 334 (13.1) 270 (10.6) 330 (13) –
Depth [mm (in)]
Depth without option A/B C 310 (12.2) 335 (13.2) 333 (13.1) 333 (13.1) 375 (14.8)
With option A/B C 310 (12.2) 335 (13.2) 333 (13.1) 333 (13.1) 375 (14.8)
Screw holes [mm (in)]
c 12.5 (0.49) 12.5 (0.49) – – –
d ø19 (ø0.75) ø19 (ø0.75) – – –
e ø9 (ø0.35) ø9 (ø0.35) 8.5 (0.33) 8.5 (0.33) –
f 9.8 (0.39) 9.8 (0.39) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) –
Maximum weight [kg (lb)] 45 (99) 65 (143) 35 (77) 50 (110) 62 (137)
Front cover tightening torque [Nm (in-lb)]
Plastic cover (low IP) Click Click 2 (17.7) 2 (17.7) –
Metal cover (IP55/66) 2.2 (19.5) 2.2 (19.5) 2 (17.7) 2 (17.7) –
1) See Figure 8.2 and Figure 8.3 for top and bottom mounting holes.

Table 8.27 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions, Enclosure Sizes C1–C4 and D3h

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 63

Specifications VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

C e



Figure 8.2 Top and Bottom Mounting Holes (See
chapter 8.9 Power Ratings, Weight, and Dimensions)

8 8

Figure 8.3 Top and Bottom Mounting Holes (B4, C3, and C4)

64 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Appendix Operating Guide

9 Appendix

9.1 Symbols, Abbreviations, and Conventions

°C Degrees Celsius
°F Degrees Fahrenheit
AC Alternating current
AEO Automatic energy optimization
AWG American wire gauge
AMA Automatic motor adaptation
DC Direct current
EMC Electro-magnetic compatibility
ETR Electronic thermal relay
fM,N Nominal motor frequency
FC Frequency converter
IINV Rated inverter output current
ILIM Current limit
IM,N Nominal motor current
IVLT,MAX Maximum output current
IVLT,N Rated output current supplied by the frequency converter
IP Ingress protection 9 9
LCP Local control panel
MCT Motion control tool
ns Synchronous motor speed
PM,N Nominal motor power
PELV Protective extra low voltage
PCB Printed circuit board
PM Motor Permanent magnet motor
PWM Pulse width modulation
RPM Revolutions per minute
Regen Regenerative terminals
TLIM Torque limit
UM,N Nominal motor voltage

Table 9.1 Symbols and Abbreviations

Numbered lists indicate procedures. Bullet lists indicate other information.
Italicized text indicates:
• Cross-reference.
• Link.
• Parameter name.
• Parameter group name.
• Parameter option.
• Footnote.
All dimensions in drawings are in [mm] (in).

9.2 Parameter Menu Structure

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 65

9 9
0-79 Clock Fault 1-54 Voltage reduction in fieldweakening 2-16 AC brake Max. Current 3-66 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End

9.2.1 Software 8.10
0-81 Working Days 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U 2-17 Over-voltage Control 3-67 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
0-82 Additional Working Days 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F 2-18 Brake Check Condition 3-68 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
0-** Operation / Display 0-83 Additional Non-Working Days 1-58 Flying Start Test Pulses Current 2-19 Over-voltage Gain 3-7* Ramp 4
0-0* Basic Settings

0-84 Time for Fieldbus 1-59 Flying Start Test Pulses Frequency 2-2* Mechanical Brake 3-70 Ramp 4 Type
0-01 Language 0-85 Summer Time Start for Fieldbus 1-6* Load Depen. Setting 2-20 Release Brake Current 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time
0-02 Motor Speed Unit 0-86 Summer Time End for Fieldbus 1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation 2-21 Activate Brake Speed [RPM] 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time
0-03 Regional Settings 0-89 Date and Time Readout 1-61 High Speed Load Compensation 2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz] 3-75 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start
0-04 Operating State at Power-up (Hand) 1-** Load and Motor 1-62 Slip Compensation 2-23 Activate Brake Delay 3-76 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End
0-09 Performance Monitor 1-0* General Settings 1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant 2-24 Stop Delay 3-77 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
0-1* Set-up Operations 1-00 Configuration Mode 1-64 Resonance Damping 2-25 Brake Release Time 3-78 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
0-10 Active Set-up 1-01 Motor Control Principle 1-65 Resonance Damping Time Constant 2-26 Torque Ref 3-8* Other Ramps
0-11 Edit Set-up 1-02 Flux Motor Feedback Source 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed 2-27 Torque Ramp Up Time 3-80 Jog Ramp Time
0-12 This Set-up Linked to 1-03 Torque Characteristics 1-67 Load Type 2-28 Gain Boost Factor 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time
0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups 1-04 Overload Mode 1-68 Motor Inertia 2-29 Torque Ramp Down Time 3-82 Quick Stop Ramp Type
0-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel 1-05 Local Mode Configuration 1-69 System Inertia 2-3* Adv. Mech Brake 3-83 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel.
0-15 Readout: actual setup 1-06 Clockwise Direction 1-7* Start Adjustments 2-30 Position P Start Proportional Gain Start
0-2* LCP Display 1-07 Motor Angle Offset Adjust 1-70 Start Mode 2-31 Speed PID Start Proportional Gain 3-84 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel.
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 1-1* Special Settings 1-71 Start Delay 2-32 Speed PID Start Integral Time End
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small 1-10 Motor Construction 1-72 Start Function 2-33 Speed PID Start Lowpass Filter Time 3-89 Ramp Lowpass Filter Time
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small 1-11 Motor Model 1-73 Flying Start 3-** Reference / Ramps 3-9* Digital Pot.Meter
0-23 Display Line 2 Large 1-14 Damping Gain 1-74 Start Speed [RPM] 3-0* Reference Limits 3-90 Step Size
0-24 Display Line 3 Large 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const. 1-75 Start Speed [Hz] 3-00 Reference Range 3-91 Ramp Time
0-25 My Personal Menu 1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const. 1-76 Start Current 3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit 3-92 Power Restore
0-3* LCP Custom Readout 1-17 Voltage filter time const. 1-8* Stop Adjustments 3-02 Minimum Reference 3-93 Maximum Limit
0-30 Unit for User-defined Readout 1-18 Min. Current at No Load 1-80 Function at Stop 3-03 Maximum Reference 3-94 Minimum Limit
0-31 Min Value of User-defined Readout 1-2* Motor Data 1-81 Min Speed for Function at Stop 3-04 Reference Function 3-95 Ramp Delay
0-32 Max Value of User-defined Readout 1-20 Motor Power [kW] [RPM] 3-1* References 4-** Limits / Warnings
0-33 Source for User-defined Readout 1-21 Motor Power [HP] 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] 3-10 Preset Reference 4-1* Motor Limits
0-37 Display Text 1 1-22 Motor Voltage 1-83 Precise Stop Function 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] 4-10 Motor Speed Direction
0-38 Display Text 2 1-23 Motor Frequency 1-84 Precise Stop Counter Value 3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
0-39 Display Text 3 1-24 Motor Current 1-85 Precise Stop Speed Compensation 3-13 Reference Site 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
0-4* LCP Keypad 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed Delay 3-14 Preset Relative Reference 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque 1-9* Motor Temperature 3-15 Reference Resource 1 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
0-41 [Off] Key on LCP 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection 3-16 Reference Resource 2 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP 1-3* Adv. Motor Data 1-91 Motor External Fan 3-17 Reference Resource 3 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode
0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) 1-93 Thermistor Resource 3-18 Relative Scaling Reference Resource 4-18 Current Limit

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) 1-94 ATEX ETR cur.lim. speed reduction 3-19 Jog Speed [RPM] 4-19 Max Output Frequency
0-45 [Drive Bypass] Key on LCP 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) 1-95 Thermistor Sensor Type 3-4* Ramp 1 4-2* Limit Factors
0-5* Copy/Save 1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2) 1-96 Thermistor Sensor Resource 3-40 Ramp 1 Type 4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source
0-50 LCP Copy 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) 1-97 Thermistor Threshold level 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time 4-21 Speed Limit Factor Source
0-51 Set-up Copy 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe) 1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time 4-23 Brake Check Limit Factor Source
0-6* Password 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) 1-99 ATEX ETR interpol points current 3-45 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-24 Brake Check Limit Factor
0-60 Main Menu Password 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) 2-** Brakes 3-46 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-25 Power Limit Motor Factor Source
0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password 1-39 Motor Poles 2-0* DC-Brake 3-47 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-26 Power Limit Gener. Factor Source
0-65 Quick Menu Password 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM 2-00 DC Hold Current 3-48 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 4-3* Motor Speed Mon.
0-66 Access to Quick Menu w/o Password 1-41 Motor Angle Offset 2-01 DC Brake Current 3-5* Ramp 2 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function
0-67 Bus Password Access 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat) 2-02 DC Braking Time 3-50 Ramp 2 Type 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error
0-68 Safety Parameters Password 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat) 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM] 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout
0-69 Password Protection of Safety 1-46 Position Detection Gain 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz] 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time 4-34 Tracking Error Function
Parameters 1-47 Torque Calibration 2-05 Maximum Reference 3-55 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-35 Tracking Error
0-7* Clock Settings 1-48 Inductance Sat. Point 2-06 Parking Current 3-56 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-36 Tracking Error Timeout
0-70 Date and Time 1-49 q-Axis Inductance Saturation Point 2-07 Parking Time 3-57 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-37 Tracking Error Ramping
0-71 Date Format 1-5* Load Indep. Setting 2-1* Brake Energy Funct. 3-58 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 4-38 Tracking Error Ramping Timeout
0-72 Time Format 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed 2-10 Brake Function 3-6* Ramp 3 4-39 Tracking Error After Ramping
0-73 Time Zone Offset 1-51 Min Speed Normal Magnetising 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm) 3-60 Ramp 3 Type Timeout
0-74 DST/Summertime [RPM] 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time 4-4* Speed Monitor
0-76 DST/Summertime Start 1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time 4-43 Motor Speed Monitor Function
0-77 DST/Summertime End 1-53 Model Shift Frequency 2-15 Brake Check 3-65 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-44 Motor Speed Monitor Max

4-45 Motor Speed Monitor Timeout 5-40 Function Relay 6-36 Term. X30/11 Filter Time Constant 7-31 Process PID Anti Windup 8-47 BTM Timeout
4-5* Adj. Warnings 5-41 On Delay, Relay 6-4* Analog Input 4 7-32 Process PID Start Speed 8-48 BTM Maximum Errors
4-50 Warning Current Low 5-42 Off Delay, Relay 6-40 Terminal X30/12 Low Voltage 7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain 8-49 BTM Error Log
4-51 Warning Current High 5-5* Pulse Input 6-41 Terminal X30/12 High Voltage 7-34 Process PID Integral Time 8-5* Digital/Bus

4-52 Warning Speed Low 5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency 6-44 Term. X30/12 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time 8-50 Coasting Select
4-53 Warning Speed High 5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency 6-45 Term. X30/12 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain Limit 8-51 Quick Stop Select
4-54 Warning Reference Low 5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 6-46 Term. X30/12 Filter Time Constant 7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor 8-52 DC Brake Select
4-55 Warning Reference High 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value 6-5* Analog Output 1 7-39 On Reference Bandwidth 8-53 Start Select
4-56 Warning Feedback Low 5-54 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29 6-50 Terminal 42 Output 7-4* Adv. Process PID I 8-54 Reversing Select
4-57 Warning Feedback High 5-55 Term. 33 Low Frequency 6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 7-40 Process PID I-part Reset 8-55 Set-up Select
4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function 5-56 Term. 33 High Frequency 6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale 7-41 Process PID Output Neg. Clamp 8-56 Preset Reference Select
4-59 Motor Check At Start 5-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 6-53 Term 42 Output Bus Ctrl 7-42 Process PID Output Pos. Clamp 8-57 Profidrive OFF2 Select
4-6* Speed Bypass 5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value 6-54 Terminal 42 Output Timeout Preset 7-43 Process PID Gain Scale at Min. Ref. 8-58 Profidrive OFF3 Select
4-60 Bypass Speed From [RPM] 5-59 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33 6-55 Analog Output Filter 7-44 Process PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref. 8-8* FC Port Diagnostics
4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] 5-6* Pulse Output 6-6* Analog Output 2 7-45 Process PID Feed Fwd Resource 8-80 Bus Message Count
4-62 Bypass Speed To [RPM] 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable 6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output 7-46 Process PID Feed Fwd Normal/ Inv. 8-81 Bus Error Count
4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] 5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq #27 6-61 Terminal X30/8 Min. Scale Ctrl. 8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd
4-8* Power Limit 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable 6-62 Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale 7-48 PCD Feed Forward 8-83 Slave Error Count
4-80 Power Limit Func. Motor Mode 5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq #29 6-63 Terminal X30/8 Bus Control 7-49 Process PID Output Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. 8-9* Bus Jog
4-81 Power Limit Func. Generator Mode 5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable 6-64 Terminal X30/8 Output Timeout 7-5* Adv. Process PID II 8-90 Bus Jog 1 Speed
4-82 Power Limit Motor Mode 5-68 Pulse Output Max Freq #X30/6 Preset 7-50 Process PID Extended PID 8-91 Bus Jog 2 Speed
4-83 Power Limit Generator Mode 5-7* 24V Encoder Input 6-7* Analog Output 3 7-51 Process PID Feed Fwd Gain 9-** PROFIdrive
4-9* Directional Limits 5-70 Term 32/33 Pulses Per Revolution 6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output 7-52 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp up 9-00 Setpoint
4-90 Directional Limit Mode 5-71 Term 32/33 Encoder Direction 6-71 Terminal X45/1 Min. Scale 7-53 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp down 9-07 Actual Value
4-91 Positive Speed Limit [RPM] 5-8* I/O Options 6-72 Terminal X45/1 Max. Scale 7-56 Process PID Ref. Filter Time 9-15 PCD Write Configuration
4-92 Positive Speed Limit [Hz] 5-80 AHF Cap Reconnect Delay 6-73 Terminal X45/1 Bus Control 7-57 Process PID Fb. Filter Time 9-16 PCD Read Configuration
4-93 Negative Speed Limit [RPM] 5-9* Bus Controlled 6-74 Terminal X45/1 Output Timeout 8-** Comm. and Options 9-18 Node Address
4-94 Negative Speed Limit [Hz] 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control Preset 8-0* General Settings 9-19 Drive Unit System Number
4-95 Positive Torque limit 5-93 Pulse Out #27 Bus Control 6-8* Analog Output 4 8-01 Control Site 9-22 Telegram Selection
Operating Guide

4-96 Negative Torque limit 5-94 Pulse Out #27 Timeout Preset 6-80 Terminal X45/3 Output 8-02 Control Word Source 9-23 Parameters for Signals
5-** Digital In/Out 5-95 Pulse Out #29 Bus Control 6-81 Terminal X45/3 Min. Scale 8-03 Control Word Timeout Time 9-27 Parameter Edit
5-0* Digital I/O mode 5-96 Pulse Out #29 Timeout Preset 6-82 Terminal X45/3 Max. Scale 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function 9-28 Process Control
5-00 Digital I/O Mode 5-97 Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control 6-83 Terminal X45/3 Bus Control 8-05 End-of-Timeout Function 9-44 Fault Message Counter
5-01 Terminal 27 Mode 5-98 Pulse Out #X30/6 Timeout Preset 6-84 Terminal X45/3 Output Timeout 8-06 Reset Control Word Timeout 9-45 Fault Code
5-02 Terminal 29 Mode 6-** Analog In/Out Preset 8-07 Diagnosis Trigger 9-47 Fault Number
5-1* Digital Inputs 6-0* Analog I/O Mode 7-** Controllers 8-08 Readout Filtering 9-52 Fault Situation Counter
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input 6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time 7-0* Speed PID Ctrl. 8-1* Ctrl. Word Settings 9-53 Profibus Warning Word
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function 7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source 8-10 Control Word Profile 9-63 Actual Baud Rate
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input 6-1* Analog Input 1 7-01 Speed PID Droop 8-13 Configurable Status Word STW 9-64 Device Identification
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage 7-02 Speed PID Proportional Gain 8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW 9-65 Profile Number

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input 6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage 7-03 Speed PID Integral Time 8-17 Configurable Alarm and 9-67 Control Word 1
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current 7-04 Speed PID Differentiation Time Warningword 9-68 Status Word 1
5-16 Terminal X30/2 Digital Input 6-13 Terminal 53 High Current 7-05 Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit 8-19 Product Code 9-70 Edit Set-up
5-17 Terminal X30/3 Digital Input 6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time 8-3* FC Port Settings 9-71 Profibus Save Data Values
5-18 Terminal X30/4 Digital Input 6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-07 Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio 8-30 Protocol 9-72 ProfibusDriveReset
5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop 6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 7-08 Speed PID Feed Forward Factor 8-31 Address 9-75 DO Identification
5-20 Terminal X46/1 Digital Input 6-2* Analog Input 2 7-09 Speed PID Error Correction w/ Ramp 8-32 FC Port Baud Rate 9-80 Defined Parameters (1)
5-21 Terminal X46/3 Digital Input 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage 7-1* Torque PI Ctrl. 8-33 Parity / Stop Bits 9-81 Defined Parameters (2)
5-22 Terminal X46/5 Digital Input 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage 7-10 Torque PI Feedback Source 8-34 Estimated cycle time 9-82 Defined Parameters (3)
5-23 Terminal X46/7 Digital Input 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current 7-12 Torque PI Proportional Gain 8-35 Minimum Response Delay 9-83 Defined Parameters (4)
5-24 Terminal X46/9 Digital Input 6-23 Terminal 54 High Current 7-13 Torque PI Integration Time 8-36 Max Response Delay 9-84 Defined Parameters (5)
5-25 Terminal X46/11 Digital Input 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-16 Torque PI Lowpass Filter Time 8-37 Max Inter-Char Delay 9-85 Defined Parameters (6)
5-26 Terminal X46/13 Digital Input 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-18 Torque PI Feed Forward Factor 8-4* FC MC protocol set 9-90 Changed Parameters (1)
5-3* Digital Outputs 6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 7-19 Current Controller Rise Time 8-40 Telegram Selection 9-91 Changed Parameters (2)
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output 6-3* Analog Input 3 7-2* Process Ctrl. Feedb 8-41 Parameters for Signals 9-92 Changed Parameters (3)
5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output 6-30 Terminal X30/11 Low Voltage 7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource 8-42 PCD Write Configuration 9-93 Changed Parameters (4)
5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101) 6-31 Terminal X30/11 High Voltage 7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource 8-43 PCD Read Configuration 9-94 Changed Parameters (5)
5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101) 6-34 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-3* Process PID Ctrl. 8-45 BTM Transaction Command 9-99 Profibus Revision Counter
5-4* Relays 6-35 Term. X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control 8-46 BTM Transaction Status

9 9
9 9
10-** CAN Fieldbus 12-3* EtherNet/IP 13-4* Logic Rules 14-56 Capacitance Output Filter 15-6* Option Ident

10-0* Common Settings 12-30 Warning Parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 14-57 Inductance Output Filter 15-60 Option Mounted
10-00 CAN Protocol 12-31 Net Reference 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 14-59 Actual Number of Inverter Units 15-61 Option SW Version
10-01 Baud Rate Select 12-32 Net Control 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 14-6* Auto Derate 15-62 Option Ordering No

10-02 MAC ID 12-33 CIP Revision 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 14-60 Function at Over Temperature 15-63 Option Serial No
10-05 Readout Transmit Error Counter 12-34 CIP Product Code 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 14-61 Function at Inverter Overload 15-70 Option in Slot A
10-06 Readout Receive Error Counter 12-35 EDS Parameter 13-5* States 14-62 Inv. Overload Derate Current 15-71 Slot A Option SW Version
10-07 Readout Bus Off Counter 12-37 COS Inhibit Timer 13-51 SL Controller Event 14-7* Compatibility 15-72 Option in Slot B
10-1* DeviceNet 12-38 COS Filter 13-52 SL Controller Action 14-72 Legacy Alarm Word 15-73 Slot B Option SW Version
10-10 Process Data Type Selection 12-4* Modbus TCP 13-9* User Defined Alerts 14-73 Legacy Warning Word 15-74 Option in Slot C0/E0
10-11 Process Data Config Write 12-40 Status Parameter 13-90 Alert Trigger 14-74 Leg. Ext. Status Word 15-75 Slot C0/E0 Option SW Version
10-12 Process Data Config Read 12-41 Slave Message Count 13-91 Alert Action 14-8* Options 15-76 Option in Slot C1/E1
10-13 Warning Parameter 12-42 Slave Exception Message Count 13-92 Alert Text 14-80 Option Supplied by External 24VDC 15-77 Slot C1/E1 Option SW Version
10-14 Net Reference 12-5* EtherCAT 13-9* User Defined Readouts 14-88 Option Data Storage 15-8* Operating Data II
10-15 Net Control 12-50 Configured Station Alias 13-97 Alert Alarm Word 14-89 Option Detection 15-80 Fan Running Hours
10-2* COS Filters 12-51 Configured Station Address 13-98 Alert Warning Word 14-9* Fault Settings 15-81 Preset Fan Running Hours
10-20 COS Filter 1 12-59 EtherCAT Status 13-99 Alert Status Word 14-90 Fault Level 15-89 Configuration Change Counter
10-21 COS Filter 2 12-6* Ethernet PowerLink 14-** Special Functions 15-** Drive Information 15-9* Parameter Info
10-22 COS Filter 3 12-60 Node ID 14-0* Inverter Switching 15-0* Operating Data 15-92 Defined Parameters
10-23 COS Filter 4 12-62 SDO Timeout 14-00 Switching Pattern 15-00 Operating hours 15-93 Modified Parameters
10-3* Parameter Access 12-63 Basic Ethernet Timeout 14-01 Switching Frequency 15-01 Running Hours 15-98 Drive Identification
10-30 Array Index 12-66 Threshold 14-03 Overmodulation 15-02 kWh Counter 15-99 Parameter Metadata
10-31 Store Data Values 12-67 Threshold Counters 14-04 Acoustic Noise Reduction 15-03 Power Up's 16-** Data Readouts
10-32 Devicenet Revision 12-68 Cumulative Counters 14-06 Dead Time Compensation 15-04 Over Temp's 16-0* General Status
10-33 Store Always 12-69 Ethernet PowerLink Status 14-1* Mains Failure 15-05 Over Volt's 16-00 Control Word
10-34 DeviceNet Product Code 12-8* Other Ethernet Services 14-10 Mains Failure 15-06 Reset kWh Counter 16-01 Reference [Unit]
10-39 Devicenet F Parameters 12-80 FTP Server 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level 15-07 Reset Running Hours Counter 16-02 Reference %
10-5* CANopen 12-81 HTTP Server 14-12 Response to Mains Imbalance 15-1* Data Log Settings 16-03 Status Word
10-50 Process Data Config Write. 12-82 SMTP Service 14-14 Kin. Back-up Time-out 15-10 Logging Source 16-05 Main Actual Value [%]
10-51 Process Data Config Read. 12-83 SNMP Agent 14-15 Kin. Back-up Trip Recovery Level 15-11 Logging Interval 16-06 Actual Position
12-** Ethernet 12-84 Address Conflict Detection 14-16 Kin. Back-up Gain 15-12 Trigger Event 16-09 Custom Readout
12-0* IP Settings 12-85 ACD Last Conflict 14-2* Trip Reset 15-13 Logging Mode 16-1* Motor Status
12-00 IP Address Assignment 12-89 Transparent Socket Channel Port 14-20 Reset Mode 15-14 Samples Before Trigger 16-10 Power [kW]
12-01 IP Address 12-9* Advanced Ethernet Services 14-21 Automatic Restart Time 15-2* Historic Log 16-11 Power [hp]
12-02 Subnet Mask 12-90 Cable Diagnostic 14-22 Operation Mode 15-20 Historic Log: Event 16-12 Motor Voltage
12-03 Default Gateway 12-91 Auto Cross Over 14-23 Typecode Setting 15-21 Historic Log: Value 16-13 Frequency
12-04 DHCP Server 12-92 IGMP Snooping 14-24 Trip Delay at Current Limit 15-22 Historic Log: Time 16-14 Motor current

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VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

12-05 Lease Expires 12-93 Cable Error Length 14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit 15-3* Fault Log 16-15 Frequency [%]
12-06 Name Servers 12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault 15-30 Fault Log: Error Code 16-16 Torque [Nm]
12-07 Domain Name 12-95 Inactivity timeout 14-28 Production Settings 15-31 Fault Log: Value 16-17 Speed [RPM]
12-08 Host Name 12-96 Port Config 14-29 Service Code 15-32 Fault Log: Time 16-18 Motor Thermal
12-09 Physical Address 12-97 QoS Priority 14-3* Current Limit Ctrl. 15-33 Fault log: Date and Time 16-19 Thermistor Sensor Temperature
12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters 12-98 Interface Counters 14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 15-4* Drive Identification 16-20 Motor Angle
12-10 Link Status 12-99 Media Counters 14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time 15-40 FC Type 16-21 Torque [%] High Res.
12-11 Link Duration 13-** Smart Logic 14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time 15-41 Power Section 16-22 Torque [%]
12-12 Auto Negotiation 13-0* SLC Settings 14-35 Stall Protection 15-42 Voltage 16-23 Motor Shaft Power [kW]
12-13 Link Speed 13-00 SL Controller Mode 14-36 Field-weakening Function 15-43 Software Version 16-24 Calibrated Stator Resistance
12-14 Link Duplex 13-01 Start Event 14-37 Fieldweakening Speed 15-44 Ordered Typecode String 16-25 Torque [Nm] High
12-18 Supervisor MAC 13-02 Stop Event 14-4* Energy Optimising 15-45 Actual Typecode String 16-3* Drive Status
12-19 Supervisor IP Addr. 13-03 Reset SLC 14-40 VT Level 15-46 Frequency Converter Ordering No 16-30 DC Link Voltage
12-2* Process Data 13-1* Comparators 14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation 15-47 Power Card Ordering No 16-31 System Temp.
12-20 Control Instance 13-10 Comparator Operand 14-42 Minimum AEO Frequency 15-48 LCP Id No 16-32 Brake Energy /s
12-21 Process Data Config Write 13-11 Comparator Operator 14-43 Motor Cosphi 15-49 SW ID Control Card 16-33 Brake Energy Average
12-22 Process Data Config Read 13-12 Comparator Value 14-5* Environment 15-50 SW ID Power Card 16-34 Heatsink Temp.
12-23 Process Data Config Write Size 13-1* RS Flip Flops 14-50 RFI Filter 15-51 Frequency Converter Serial Number 16-35 Inverter Thermal
12-24 Process Data Config Read Size 13-15 RS-FF Operand S 14-51 DC-Link Compensation 15-53 Power Card Serial Number 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current
12-27 Master Address 13-16 RS-FF Operand R 14-52 Fan Control 15-54 Config File Name 16-37 Inv. Max. Current
12-28 Store Data Values 13-2* Timers 14-53 Fan Monitor 15-58 Smart Setup Filename 16-38 SL Controller State
12-29 Store Always 13-20 SL Controller Timer 14-55 Output Filter 15-59 Filename 16-39 Control Card Temp.

16-40 Logging Buffer Full 17-22 Multiturn Revolutions 23-0* Timed Actions 30-97 Wifi Timeout Action 32-72 Size of the Control Window (Deactiv.)
16-41 Performance Measurements 17-24 SSI Data Length 23-00 ON Time 31-** Bypass Option 32-73 Integral limit filter time
16-42 Service Log Counter 17-25 Clock Rate 23-01 ON Action 31-00 Bypass Mode 32-74 Position error filter time
16-43 Timed Actions Status 17-26 SSI Data Format 23-02 OFF Time 31-01 Bypass Start Time Delay 32-8* Velocity & Accel.

16-45 Motor Phase U Current 17-34 HIPERFACE Baudrate 23-03 OFF Action 31-02 Bypass Trip Time Delay 32-80 Maximum Velocity (Encoder)
16-46 Motor Phase V Current 17-5* Resolver Interface 23-04 Occurrence 31-03 Test Mode Activation 32-81 Shortest Ramp
16-47 Motor Phase W Current 17-50 Poles 23-0* Timed Actions Settings 31-10 Bypass Status Word 32-82 Ramp Type
16-48 Speed Ref. After Ramp [RPM] 17-51 Input Voltage 23-08 Timed Actions Mode 31-11 Bypass Running Hours 32-83 Velocity Resolution
16-49 Current Fault Source 17-52 Input Frequency 23-09 Timed Actions Reactivation 31-19 Remote Bypass Activation 32-84 Default Velocity
16-5* Ref. & Feedb. 17-53 Transformation Ratio 23-1* Maintenance 32-** MCO Basic Settings 32-85 Default Acceleration
16-50 External Reference 17-56 Encoder Sim. Resolution 23-10 Maintenance Item 32-0* Encoder 2 32-86 Acc. up for limited jerk
16-51 Pulse Reference 17-59 Resolver Interface 23-11 Maintenance Action 32-00 Incremental Signal Type 32-87 Acc. down for limited jerk
16-52 Feedback[Unit] 17-6* Monitoring and App. 23-12 Maintenance Time Base 32-01 Incremental Resolution 32-88 Dec. up for limited jerk
16-53 Digi Pot Reference 17-60 Feedback Direction 23-13 Maintenance Time Interval 32-02 Absolute Protocol 32-89 Dec. down for limited jerk
16-57 Feedback [RPM] 17-61 Feedback Signal Monitoring 23-14 Maintenance Date and Time 32-03 Absolute Resolution 32-9* Development
16-6* Inputs & Outputs 17-7* Position Scaling 23-1* Maintenance Reset 32-04 Absolute Encoder Baudrate X55 32-90 Debug Source
16-60 Digital Input 17-70 Position Unit 23-15 Reset Maintenance Word 32-05 Absolute Encoder Data Length 33-** MCO Adv. Settings
16-61 Terminal 53 Switch Setting 17-71 Position Unit Scale 23-16 Maintenance Text 32-06 Absolute Encoder Clock Frequency 33-0* Home Motion
16-62 Analog Input 53 17-72 Position Unit Numerator 30-** Special Features 32-07 Absolute Encoder Clock Generation 33-00 Force HOME
16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting 17-73 Position Unit Denominator 30-0* Wobbler 32-08 Absolute Encoder Cable Length 33-01 Zero Point Offset from Home Pos.
16-64 Analog Input 54 17-74 Position Offset 30-00 Wobble Mode 32-09 Encoder Monitoring 33-02 Ramp for Home Motion
16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA] 18-** Data Readouts 2 30-01 Wobble Delta Frequency [Hz] 32-10 Rotational Direction 33-03 Velocity of Home Motion
16-66 Digital Output [bin] 18-0* Maintenance Log 30-02 Wobble Delta Frequency [%] 32-11 User Unit Denominator 33-04 Behaviour during HomeMotion
16-67 Freq. Input #29 [Hz] 18-00 Maintenance Log: Item 30-03 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaling Resource 32-12 User Unit Numerator 33-1* Synchronization
16-68 Freq. Input #33 [Hz] 18-01 Maintenance Log: Action 30-04 Wobble Jump Frequency [Hz] 32-13 Enc.2 Control 33-10 Sync Factor Master
16-69 Pulse Output #27 [Hz] 18-02 Maintenance Log: Time 30-05 Wobble Jump Frequency [%] 32-14 Enc.2 node ID 33-11 Sync Factor Slave
16-70 Pulse Output #29 [Hz] 18-03 Maintenance Log: Date and Time 30-06 Wobble Jump Time 32-15 Enc.2 CAN guard 33-12 Position Offset for Synchronization
16-71 Relay Output [bin] 18-2* Motor Readouts 30-07 Wobble Sequence Time 32-3* Encoder 1 33-13 Accuracy Window for Position Sync.
16-72 Counter A 18-27 Safe Opt. Est. Speed 30-08 Wobble Up/ Down Time 32-30 Incremental Signal Type 33-14 Relative Slave Velocity Limit
Operating Guide

16-73 Counter B 18-28 Safe Opt. Meas. Speed 30-09 Wobble Random Function 32-31 Incremental Resolution 33-15 Marker Number for Master
16-74 Prec. Stop Counter 18-29 Safe Opt. Speed Error 30-10 Wobble Ratio 32-32 Absolute Protocol 33-16 Marker Number for Slave
16-75 Analog In X30/11 18-3* Analog Readouts 30-11 Wobble Random Ratio Max. 32-33 Absolute Resolution 33-17 Master Marker Distance
16-76 Analog In X30/12 18-36 Analog Input X48/2 [mA] 30-12 Wobble Random Ratio Min. 32-35 Absolute Encoder Data Length 33-18 Slave Marker Distance
16-77 Analog Out X30/8 [mA] 18-37 Temp. Input X48/4 30-19 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaled 32-36 Absolute Encoder Clock Frequency 33-19 Master Marker Type
16-78 Analog Out X45/1 [mA] 18-38 Temp. Input X48/7 30-2* Adv. Start Adjust 32-37 Absolute Encoder Clock Generation 33-20 Slave Marker Type
16-79 Analog Out X45/3 [mA] 18-39 Temp. Input X48/10 30-20 High Starting Torque Time [s] 32-38 Absolute Encoder Cable Length 33-21 Master Marker Tolerance Window
16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port 18-4* PGIO Data Readouts 30-21 High Starting Torque Current [%] 32-39 Encoder Monitoring 33-22 Slave Marker Tolerance Window
16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1 18-43 Analog Out X49/7 30-22 Locked Rotor Protection 32-40 Encoder Termination 33-23 Start Behaviour for Marker Sync
16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 18-44 Analog Out X49/9 30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] 32-43 Enc.1 Control 33-24 Marker Number for Fault
16-84 Comm. Option STW 18-45 Analog Out X49/11 30-24 Locked Rotor Detection Speed Error 32-44 Enc.1 node ID 33-25 Marker Number for Ready

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

16-85 FC Port CTW 1 18-5* Active Alarms/Warnings [%] 32-45 Enc.1 CAN guard 33-26 Velocity Filter
16-86 FC Port REF 1 18-55 Active Alarm Numbers 30-25 Light Load Delay [s] 32-5* Feedback Source 33-27 Offset Filter Time
16-87 Bus Readout Alarm/Warning 18-56 Active Warning Numbers 30-26 Light Load Current [%] 32-50 Source Slave 33-28 Marker Filter Configuration
16-89 Configurable Alarm/Warning Word 18-6* Inputs & Outputs 2 30-27 Light Load Speed [%] 32-51 MCO 302 Last Will 33-29 Filter Time for Marker Filter
16-9* Diagnosis Readouts 18-60 Digital Input 2 30-5* Unit Configuration 32-52 Source Master 33-30 Maximum Marker Correction
16-90 Alarm Word 18-7* Rectifier Status 30-50 Heat Sink Fan Mode 32-6* PID Controller 33-31 Synchronisation Type
16-91 Alarm Word 2 18-70 Mains Voltage 30-8* Compatibility (I) 32-60 Proportional factor 33-32 Feed Forward Velocity Adaptation
16-92 Warning Word 18-71 Mains Frequency 30-80 d-axis Inductance (Ld) 32-61 Derivative factor 33-33 Velocity Filter Window
16-93 Warning Word 2 18-72 Mains Imbalance 30-81 Brake Resistor (ohm) 32-62 Integral factor 33-34 Slave Marker filter time
16-94 Ext. Status Word 18-75 Rectifier DC Volt. 30-83 Speed PID Proportional Gain 32-63 Limit Value for Integral Sum 33-4* Limit Handling
16-95 Ext. Status Word 2 18-9* PID Readouts 30-84 Process PID Proportional Gain 32-64 PID Bandwidth 33-40 Behaviour atEnd Limit Switch
16-96 Maintenance Word 18-90 Process PID Error 30-9* Wifi LCP 32-65 Velocity Feed-Forward 33-41 Negative Software End Limit
17-** Position Feedback 18-91 Process PID Output 30-90 SSID 32-66 Acceleration Feed-Forward 33-42 Positive Software End Limit
17-1* Inc. Enc. Interface 18-92 Process PID Clamped Output 30-91 Channel 32-67 Max. Tolerated Position Error 33-43 Negative Software End Limit Active
17-10 Signal Type 18-93 Process PID Gain Scaled Output 30-92 Password 32-68 Reverse Behavior for Slave 33-44 Positive Software End Limit Active
17-11 Resolution (PPR) 22-** Appl. Functions 30-93 Security type 32-69 Sampling Time for PID Control 33-45 Time in Target Window
17-2* Abs. Enc. Interface 22-0* Miscellaneous 30-94 IP address 32-70 Scan Time for Profile Generator 33-46 Target Window LimitValue
17-20 Protocol Selection 22-00 External Interlock Delay 30-95 Submask 32-71 Size of the Control Window 33-47 Size of Target Window
17-21 Resolution (Positions/Rev) 23-** Time-based Functions 30-96 Port (Activation)

9 9
9 9
33-5* I/O Configuration 34-30 PCD 10 Read from MCO 36-4* Output X49/7 42-44 Deceleration Rate

33-50 Terminal X57/1 Digital Input 34-4* Inputs & Outputs 36-40 Terminal X49/7 Analogue Output 42-45 Delta V
33-51 Terminal X57/2 Digital Input 34-40 Digital Inputs 36-42 Terminal X49/7 Min. Scale 42-46 Zero Speed
33-52 Terminal X57/3 Digital Input 34-41 Digital Outputs 36-43 Terminal X49/7 Max. Scale 42-47 Ramp Time

33-53 Terminal X57/4 Digital Input 34-5* Process Data 36-44 Terminal X49/7 Bus Control 42-48 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
33-54 Terminal X57/5 Digital Input 34-50 Actual Position 36-45 Terminal X49/7 Timeout Preset 42-49 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
33-55 Terminal X57/6 Digital Input 34-51 Commanded Position 36-5* Output X49/9 42-5* SLS
33-56 Terminal X57/7 Digital Input 34-52 Actual Master Position 36-50 Terminal X49/9 Analogue Output 42-50 Cut Off Speed
33-57 Terminal X57/8 Digital Input 34-53 Slave Index Position 36-52 Terminal X49/9 Min. Scale 42-51 Speed Limit
33-58 Terminal X57/9 Digital Input 34-54 Master Index Position 36-53 Terminal X49/9 Max. Scale 42-52 Fail Safe Reaction
33-59 Terminal X57/10 Digital Input 34-55 Curve Position 36-54 Terminal X49/9 Bus Control 42-53 Start Ramp
33-60 Terminal X59/1 and X59/2 Mode 34-56 Track Error 36-55 Terminal X49/9 Timeout Preset 42-54 Ramp Down Time
33-61 Terminal X59/1 Digital Input 34-57 Synchronizing Error 36-6* Output X49/11 42-6* Safe Fieldbus
33-62 Terminal X59/2 Digital Input 34-58 Actual Velocity 36-60 Terminal X49/11 Analogue Output 42-60 Telegram Selection
33-63 Terminal X59/1 Digital Output 34-59 Actual Master Velocity 36-62 Terminal X49/11 Min. Scale 42-61 Destination Address
33-64 Terminal X59/2 Digital Output 34-60 Synchronizing Status 36-63 Terminal X49/11 Max. Scale 42-8* Status
33-65 Terminal X59/3 Digital Output 34-61 Axis Status 36-64 Terminal X49/11 Bus Control 42-80 Safe Option Status
33-66 Terminal X59/4 Digital Output 34-62 Program Status 36-65 Terminal X49/11 Timeout Preset 42-81 Safe Option Status 2
33-67 Terminal X59/5 Digital Output 34-64 MCO 302 Status 40-** Special Settings 42-82 Safe Control Word
33-68 Terminal X59/6 Digital Output 34-65 MCO 302 Control 40-4* Extend. Fault Log 42-83 Safe Status Word
33-69 Terminal X59/7 Digital Output 34-66 SPI Error Counter 40-40 Fault Log: Ext. Reference 42-85 Active Safe Func.
33-70 Terminal X59/8 Digital Output 34-7* Diagnosis readouts 40-41 Fault Log: Frequency 42-86 Safe Option Info
33-8* Global Parameters 34-70 MCO Alarm Word 1 40-42 Fault Log: Current 42-87 Time Until Manual Test
33-80 Activated Program Number 34-71 MCO Alarm Word 2 40-43 Fault Log: Voltage 42-88 Supported Customization File Version
33-81 Power-up State 35-** Sensor Input Option 40-44 Fault Log: DC Link Voltage 42-89 Customization File Version
33-82 Drive Status Monitoring 35-0* Temp. Input Mode 40-45 Fault Log: Control Word 42-9* Special
33-83 Behaviour afterError 35-00 Term. X48/4 Temperature Unit 40-46 Fault Log: Status Word 42-90 Restart Safe Option
33-84 Behaviour afterEsc. 35-01 Term. X48/4 Input Type 40-5* Advanced Control Settings 43-** Unit Readouts
33-85 MCO Supplied by External 24VDC 35-02 Term. X48/7 Temperature Unit 40-50 Flux Sensorless Model Shift 43-0* Component Status
33-86 Terminal at alarm 35-03 Term. X48/7 Input Type 40-51 Flux Sensorless Corr. Gain 43-00 Component Temp.
33-87 Terminal state at alarm 35-04 Term. X48/10 Temperature Unit 42-** Safety Functions 43-01 Auxiliary Temp.
33-88 Status word at alarm 35-05 Term. X48/10 Input Type 42-1* Speed Monitoring 43-02 Component SW ID
33-9* MCO Port Settings 35-06 Temperature Sensor Alarm Function 42-10 Measured Speed Source 43-1* Power Card Status
33-90 X62 MCO CAN node ID 35-1* Temp. Input X48/4 42-11 Encoder Resolution 43-10 HS Temp. ph.U
33-91 X62 MCO CAN baud rate 35-14 Term. X48/4 Filter Time Constant 42-12 Encoder Direction 43-11 HS Temp. ph.V
33-94 X60 MCO RS485 serial termination 35-15 Term. X48/4 Temp. Monitor 42-13 Gear Ratio 43-12 HS Temp. ph.W
33-95 X60 MCO RS485 serial baud rate 35-16 Term. X48/4 Low Temp. Limit 42-14 Feedback Type 43-13 PC Fan A Speed

Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved.

VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

34-** MCO Data Readouts 35-17 Term. X48/4 High Temp. Limit 42-15 Feedback Filter 43-14 PC Fan B Speed
34-0* PCD Write Par. 35-2* Temp. Input X48/7 42-17 Tolerance Error 43-15 PC Fan C Speed
34-01 PCD 1 Write to MCO 35-24 Term. X48/7 Filter Time Constant 42-18 Zero Speed Timer 43-2* Fan Pow.Card Status
34-02 PCD 2 Write to MCO 35-25 Term. X48/7 Temp. Monitor 42-19 Zero Speed Limit 43-20 FPC Fan A Speed
34-03 PCD 3 Write to MCO 35-26 Term. X48/7 Low Temp. Limit 42-2* Safe Input 43-21 FPC Fan B Speed
34-04 PCD 4 Write to MCO 35-27 Term. X48/7 High Temp. Limit 42-20 Safe Function 43-22 FPC Fan C Speed
34-05 PCD 5 Write to MCO 35-3* Temp. Input X48/10 42-21 Type 43-23 FPC Fan D Speed
34-06 PCD 6 Write to MCO 35-34 Term. X48/10 Filter Time Constant 42-22 Discrepancy Time 43-24 FPC Fan E Speed
34-07 PCD 7 Write to MCO 35-35 Term. X48/10 Temp. Monitor 42-23 Stable Signal Time 43-25 FPC Fan F Speed
34-08 PCD 8 Write to MCO 35-36 Term. X48/10 Low Temp. Limit 42-24 Restart Behaviour 600-** PROFIsafe
34-09 PCD 9 Write to MCO 35-37 Term. X48/10 High Temp. Limit 42-3* General 600-22 PROFIdrive/safe Tel. Selected
34-10 PCD 10 Write to MCO 35-4* Analog Input X48/2 42-30 External Failure Reaction 600-44 Fault Message Counter
34-2* PCD Read Par. 35-42 Term. X48/2 Low Current 42-31 Reset Source 600-47 Fault Number
34-21 PCD 1 Read from MCO 35-43 Term. X48/2 High Current 42-33 Parameter Set Name 600-52 Fault Situation Counter
34-22 PCD 2 Read from MCO 35-44 Term. X48/2 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 42-35 S-CRC Value 601-** PROFIdrive 2
34-23 PCD 3 Read from MCO 35-45 Term. X48/2 High Ref./Feedb. Value 42-36 Level 1 Password 601-22 PROFIdrive Safety Channel Tel. No.
34-24 PCD 4 Read from MCO 35-46 Term. X48/2 Filter Time Constant 42-37 Level 1 Password Buffer
34-25 PCD 5 Read from MCO 36-** Programmable I/O Option 42-4* SS1
34-26 PCD 6 Read from MCO 36-0* I/O Mode 42-40 Type
34-27 PCD 7 Read from MCO 36-03 Terminal X49/7 Mode 42-41 Ramp Profile
34-28 PCD 8 Read from MCO 36-04 Terminal X49/9 Mode 42-42 Delay Time
34-29 PCD 9 Read from MCO 36-05 Terminal X49/11 Mode 42-43 Delta T

9.2.2 Software 48.2X 1-06 Clockwise Direction 1-72 Start Function 3-0* Reference Limits 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time
1-07 Motor Angle Offset Adjust 1-73 Flying Start 3-00 Reference Range 3-75 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start
1-1* Special Settings 1-74 Start Speed [RPM] 3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit 3-76 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End
0-** Operation / Display 1-10 Motor Construction 1-75 Start Speed [Hz] 3-02 Minimum Reference 3-77 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start

0-0* Basic Settings
1-11 Motor Model 1-76 Start Current 3-03 Maximum Reference 3-78 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
0-01 Language 1-18 Min. Current at No Load 1-8* Stop Adjustments 3-04 Reference Function 3-8* Other Ramps
0-02 Motor Speed Unit 1-2* Motor Data 1-80 Function at Stop 3-05 On Reference Window 3-80 Jog/Homing Ramp Time
0-03 Regional Settings 1-20 Motor Power [kW] 1-81 Min Speed for Function at Stop 3-06 Minimum Position 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time
0-04 Operating State at Power-up (Hand) 1-21 Motor Power [HP] [RPM] 3-07 Maximum Position 3-82 Quick Stop Ramp Type
0-09 Performance Monitor 1-22 Motor Voltage 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] 3-08 On Target Window 3-83 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel.
0-1* Set-up Operations 1-23 Motor Frequency 1-9* Motor Temperature 3-09 On Target Time Start
0-10 Active Set-up 1-24 Motor Current 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection 3-1* References 3-84 Quick Stop S-ramp Ratio at Decel.
0-11 Edit Set-up 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed 1-91 Motor External Fan 3-10 Preset Reference End
0-12 This Set-up Linked to 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque 1-93 Thermistor Resource 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] 3-89 Ramp Lowpass Filter Time
0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) 1-94 ATEX ETR cur.lim. speed reduction 3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value 3-9* Digital Pot.Meter
0-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel 1-3* Adv. Motor Data 1-95 KTY Sensor Type 3-13 Reference Site 3-90 Step Size
0-15 Readout: actual setup 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) 1-96 KTY Thermistor Resource 3-14 Preset Relative Reference 3-91 Ramp Time
0-2* LCP Display 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) 1-97 KTY Threshold level 3-15 Reference Resource 1 3-92 Power Restore
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) 1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq. 3-16 Reference Resource 2 3-93 Maximum Limit
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small 1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2) 1-99 ATEX ETR interpol points current 3-17 Reference Resource 3 3-94 Minimum Limit
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) 2-** Brakes 3-18 Relative Scaling Reference Resource 3-95 Ramp Delay
0-23 Display Line 2 Large 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe) 2-0* DC-Brake 3-19 Jog Speed [RPM] 4-** Limits / Warnings
0-24 Display Line 3 Large 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) 2-00 DC Hold Current 3-2* References II 4-1* Motor Limits
0-25 My Personal Menu 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) 2-01 DC Brake Current 3-20 Preset Target 4-10 Motor Speed Direction
0-3* LCP Custom Readout 1-39 Motor Poles 2-02 DC Braking Time 3-21 Touch Target 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
0-30 Unit for User-defined Readout 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM] 3-22 Master Scale Numerator 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
0-31 Min Value of User-defined Readout 1-41 Motor Angle Offset 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz] 3-23 Master Scale Denominator 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
0-32 Max Value of User-defined Readout 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat) 2-05 Maximum Reference 3-24 Master Lowpass Filter Time 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
0-33 Source for User-defined Readout 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat) 2-06 Parking Current 3-25 Master Bus Resolution 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
Operating Guide

0-37 Display Text 1 1-46 Position Detection Gain 2-07 Parking Time 3-26 Master Offset 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode
0-38 Display Text 2 1-47 Torque Calibration 2-1* Brake Energy Funct. 3-27 Virtual Master Max Ref 4-18 Current Limit
0-39 Display Text 3 1-48 d-axis Inductance Sat. Point 2-10 Brake Function 3-28 Master Offset Speed Ref 4-19 Max Output Frequency
0-4* LCP Keypad 1-49 q-axis Inductance Sat. Point 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm) 3-4* Ramp 1 4-2* Limit Factors
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP 1-5* Load Indep. Setting 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) 3-40 Ramp 1 Type 4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source
0-41 [Off] Key on LCP 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time 4-21 Speed Limit Factor Source
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP 1-51 Min Speed Normal Magnetising 2-15 Brake Check 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time 4-23 Brake Check Limit Factor Source
0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP [RPM] 2-16 AC brake Max. Current 3-45 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-24 Brake Check Limit Factor
0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP 1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] 2-17 Over-voltage Control 3-46 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-3* Motor Speed Mon.
0-45 [Drive Bypass] Key on LCP 1-53 Model Shift Frequency 2-18 Brake Check Condition 3-47 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function
0-5* Copy/Save 1-54 Voltage reduction in fieldweakening 2-19 Over-voltage Gain 3-48 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error

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0-50 LCP Copy 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U 2-2* Mechanical Brake 3-5* Ramp 2 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout
0-51 Set-up Copy 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F 2-20 Release Brake Current 3-50 Ramp 2 Type 4-34 Tracking Error Function
0-6* Password 1-57 Torque Estimation Time Constant 2-21 Activate Brake Speed [RPM] 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time 4-35 Tracking Error
0-60 Main Menu Password 1-58 Flying Start Test Pulses Current 2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz] 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time 4-36 Tracking Error Timeout
0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password 1-59 Flying Start Test Pulses Frequency 2-23 Activate Brake Delay 3-55 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-37 Tracking Error Ramping
0-65 Quick Menu Password 1-6* Load Depen. Setting 2-24 Stop Delay 3-56 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-38 Tracking Error Ramping Timeout
0-66 Access to Quick Menu w/o Password 1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation 2-25 Brake Release Time 3-57 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-39 Tracking Error After Ramping
0-67 Bus Password Access 1-61 High Speed Load Compensation 2-26 Torque Ref 3-58 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End Timeout
0-68 Safety Parameters Password 1-62 Slip Compensation 2-27 Torque Ramp Up Time 3-6* Ramp 3 4-4* Speed Monitor
0-69 Password Protection of Safety 1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant 2-28 Gain Boost Factor 3-60 Ramp 3 Type 4-43 Motor Speed Monitor Function
Parameters 1-64 Resonance Damping 2-29 Torque Ramp Down Time 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time 4-44 Motor Speed Monitor Max
1-** Load and Motor 1-65 Resonance Damping Time Constant 2-3* Adv. Mech Brake 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time 4-45 Motor Speed Monitor Timeout
1-0* General Settings 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed 2-30 Position P Start Proportional Gain 3-65 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-5* Adj. Warnings
1-00 Configuration Mode 1-67 Load Type 2-31 Speed PID Start Proportional Gain 3-66 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-50 Warning Current Low
1-01 Motor Control Principle 1-68 Motor Inertia 2-32 Speed PID Start Integral Time 3-67 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-51 Warning Current High
1-02 Flux Motor Feedback Source 1-69 System Inertia 2-33 Speed PID Start Lowpass Filter Time 3-68 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 4-52 Warning Speed Low
1-03 Torque Characteristics 1-7* Start Adjustments 2-34 Zero Speed Position P Proportional 3-7* Ramp 4 4-53 Warning Speed High
1-04 Overload Mode 1-70 PM Start Mode Gain 3-70 Ramp 4 Type 4-54 Warning Reference Low
1-05 Local Mode Configuration 1-71 Start Delay 3-** Reference / Ramps 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time 4-55 Warning Reference High

9 9
9 9
4-56 Warning Feedback Low 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable 6-6* Analog Output 2 7-94 Position PI Feedback Scale 9-07 Actual Value

4-57 Warning Feedback High 5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq #27 6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output Numerator 9-15 PCD Write Configuration
4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable 6-61 Terminal X30/8 Min. Scale 7-95 Position PI Feebback Scale 9-16 PCD Read Configuration
4-6* Speed Bypass 5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq #29 6-62 Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale Denominator 9-18 Node Address

4-60 Bypass Speed From [RPM] 5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable 6-63 Terminal X30/8 Bus Control 7-97 Position PI Maximum Speed Above 9-19 Drive Unit System Number
4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] 5-68 Pulse Output Max Freq #X30/6 6-64 Terminal X30/8 Output Timeout Master 9-22 Telegram Selection
4-62 Bypass Speed To [RPM] 5-7* 24V Encoder Input Preset 7-98 Position PI Feed Forward Factor 9-23 Parameters for Signals
4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] 5-70 Term 32/33 Pulses Per Revolution 6-7* Analog Output 3 7-99 Position PI Minimum Ramp Time 9-27 Parameter Edit
4-7* Position Monitor 5-71 Term 32/33 Encoder Direction 6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output 8-** Comm. and Options 9-28 Process Control
4-70 Position Error Function 5-72 Term 32/33 Encoder Type 6-71 Terminal X45/1 Min. Scale 8-0* General Settings 9-44 Fault Message Counter
4-71 Maximum Position Error 5-8* I/O Options 6-72 Terminal X45/1 Max. Scale 8-01 Control Site 9-45 Fault Code
4-72 Position Error Timeout 5-80 AHF Cap Reconnect Delay 6-73 Terminal X45/1 Bus Control 8-02 Control Word Source 9-47 Fault Number
4-73 Position Limit Function 5-9* Bus Controlled 6-74 Terminal X45/1 Output Timeout 8-03 Control Word Timeout Time 9-52 Fault Situation Counter
4-74 Start Fwd/Rev Function 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control Preset 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function 9-53 Profibus Warning Word
4-75 Touch Timout 5-93 Pulse Out #27 Bus Control 6-8* Analog Output 4 8-05 End-of-Timeout Function 9-63 Actual Baud Rate
5-** Digital In/Out 5-94 Pulse Out #27 Timeout Preset 6-80 Terminal X45/3 Output 8-06 Reset Control Word Timeout 9-64 Device Identification
5-0* Digital I/O mode 5-95 Pulse Out #29 Bus Control 6-81 Terminal X45/3 Min. Scale 8-07 Diagnosis Trigger 9-65 Profile Number
5-00 Digital I/O Mode 5-96 Pulse Out #29 Timeout Preset 6-82 Terminal X45/3 Max. Scale 8-08 Readout Filtering 9-67 Control Word 1
5-01 Terminal 27 Mode 5-97 Pulse Out #X30/6 Bus Control 6-83 Terminal X45/3 Bus Control 8-1* Ctrl. Word Settings 9-68 Status Word 1
5-02 Terminal 29 Mode 5-98 Pulse Out #X30/6 Timeout Preset 6-84 Terminal X45/3 Output Timeout 8-10 Control Word Profile 9-70 Edit Set-up
5-1* Digital Inputs 6-** Analog In/Out Preset 8-13 Configurable Status Word STW 9-71 Profibus Save Data Values
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input 6-0* Analog I/O Mode 7-** Controllers 8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW 9-72 ProfibusDriveReset
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input 6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time 7-0* Speed PID Ctrl. 8-17 Configurable Alarm and 9-75 DO Identification
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function 7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source Warningword 9-80 Defined Parameters (1)
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input 6-1* Analog Input 1 7-01 Speed PID Droop 8-19 Product Code 9-81 Defined Parameters (2)
5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage 7-02 Speed PID Proportional Gain 8-3* FC Port Settings 9-82 Defined Parameters (3)
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input 6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage 7-03 Speed PID Integral Time 8-30 Protocol 9-83 Defined Parameters (4)
5-16 Terminal X30/2 Digital Input 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current 7-04 Speed PID Differentiation Time 8-31 Address 9-84 Defined Parameters (5)
5-17 Terminal X30/3 Digital Input 6-13 Terminal 53 High Current 7-05 Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit 8-32 FC Port Baud Rate 9-85 Defined Parameters (6)
5-18 Terminal X30/4 Digital Input 6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time 8-33 Parity / Stop Bits 9-90 Changed Parameters (1)
5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop 6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-07 Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio 8-34 Estimated cycle time 9-91 Changed Parameters (2)
5-20 Terminal X46/1 Digital Input 6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 7-08 Speed PID Accel. Feed Forward 8-35 Minimum Response Delay 9-92 Changed Parameters (3)
5-21 Terminal X46/3 Digital Input 6-2* Analog Input 2 Factor 8-36 Max Response Delay 9-93 Changed Parameters (4)
5-22 Terminal X46/5 Digital Input 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage 7-09 Speed PID Error Correction w/ Ramp 8-37 Max Inter-Char Delay 9-94 Changed Parameters (5)
5-23 Terminal X46/7 Digital Input 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage 7-1* Torque PI Ctrl. 8-4* FC MC protocol set 9-99 Profibus Revision Counter
5-24 Terminal X46/9 Digital Input 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current 7-10 Torque PI Feedback Source 8-40 Telegram Selection 10-** CAN Fieldbus
5-25 Terminal X46/11 Digital Input 6-23 Terminal 54 High Current 7-12 Torque PI Proportional Gain 8-41 Parameters for Signals 10-0* Common Settings

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VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

5-26 Terminal X46/13 Digital Input 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-13 Torque PI Integration Time 8-42 PCD Write Configuration 10-00 CAN Protocol
5-3* Digital Outputs 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-16 Torque PI Lowpass Filter Time 8-43 PCD Read Configuration 10-01 Baud Rate Select
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output 6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 7-18 Torque PI Feed Forward Factor 8-5* Digital/Bus 10-02 MAC ID
5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output 6-3* Analog Input 3 7-19 Current Controller Rise Time 8-50 Coasting Select 10-05 Readout Transmit Error Counter
5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101) 6-30 Terminal X30/11 Low Voltage 7-2* Process Ctrl. Feedb 8-51 Quick Stop Select 10-06 Readout Receive Error Counter
5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101) 6-31 Terminal X30/11 High Voltage 7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource 8-52 DC Brake Select 10-07 Readout Bus Off Counter
5-4* Relays 6-34 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource 8-53 Start Select 10-1* DeviceNet
5-40 Function Relay 6-35 Term. X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-3* Process PID Ctrl. 8-54 Reversing Select 10-10 Process Data Type Selection
5-41 On Delay, Relay 6-36 Term. X30/11 Filter Time Constant 7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control 8-55 Set-up Select 10-11 Process Data Config Write
5-42 Off Delay, Relay 6-4* Analog Input 4 7-31 Process PID Anti Windup 8-56 Preset Reference Select 10-12 Process Data Config Read
5-5* Pulse Input 6-40 Terminal X30/12 Low Voltage 7-32 Process PID Start Speed 8-57 Profidrive OFF2 Select 10-13 Warning Parameter
5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency 6-41 Terminal X30/12 High Voltage 7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain 8-58 Profidrive OFF3 Select 10-14 Net Reference
5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency 6-44 Term. X30/12 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-34 Process PID Integral Time 8-8* FC Port Diagnostics 10-15 Net Control
5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 6-45 Term. X30/12 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time 8-80 Bus Message Count 10-2* COS Filters
5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value 6-46 Term. X30/12 Filter Time Constant 7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain Limit 8-81 Bus Error Count 10-20 COS Filter 1
5-54 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29 6-5* Analog Output 1 7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor 8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd 10-21 COS Filter 2
5-55 Term. 33 Low Frequency 6-50 Terminal 42 Output 7-39 On Reference Bandwidth 8-83 Slave Error Count 10-22 COS Filter 3
5-56 Term. 33 High Frequency 6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 7-9* Position PI Ctrl. 8-9* Bus Jog 10-23 COS Filter 4
5-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale 7-90 Position PI Feedback Source 8-90 Bus Jog 1 Speed 10-3* Parameter Access
5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value 6-53 Term 42 Output Bus Ctrl 7-91 Position PI Droop 8-91 Bus Jog 2 Speed 10-30 Array Index
5-59 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33 6-54 Terminal 42 Output Timeout Preset 7-92 Position PI Proportional Gain 9-** PROFIdrive 10-31 Store Data Values
5-6* Pulse Output 6-55 Analog Output Filter 7-93 Position PI Integral Time 9-00 Setpoint 10-32 Devicenet Revision

10-33 Store Always 12-80 FTP Server 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault 15-41 Power Section 16-21 Torque [%] High Res.
10-34 DeviceNet Product Code 12-81 HTTP Server 14-28 Production Settings 15-42 Voltage 16-22 Torque [%]
10-39 Devicenet F Parameters 12-82 SMTP Service 14-29 Service Code 15-43 Software Version 16-23 Motor Shaft Power [kW]
10-5* CANopen 12-89 Transparent Socket Channel Port 14-3* Current Limit Ctrl. 15-44 Ordered Typecode String 16-24 Calibrated Stator Resistance

10-50 Process Data Config Write. 12-9* Advanced Ethernet Services 14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 15-45 Actual Typecode String 16-25 Torque [Nm] High
10-51 Process Data Config Read. 12-90 Cable Diagnostic 14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time 15-46 Frequency Converter Ordering No 16-3* Drive Status
12-** Ethernet 12-91 Auto Cross Over 14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time 15-47 Power Card Ordering No 16-30 DC Link Voltage
12-0* IP Settings 12-92 IGMP Snooping 14-35 Stall Protection 15-48 LCP Id No 16-32 Brake Energy /s
12-00 IP Address Assignment 12-93 Cable Error Length 14-36 Fieldweakening Function 15-49 SW ID Control Card 16-33 Brake Energy Average
12-01 IP Address 12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection 14-4* Energy Optimising 15-50 SW ID Power Card 16-34 Heatsink Temp.
12-02 Subnet Mask 12-95 Broadcast Storm Filter 14-40 VT Level 15-51 Frequency Converter Serial Number 16-35 Inverter Thermal
12-03 Default Gateway 12-96 Port Config 14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation 15-53 Power Card Serial Number 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current
12-04 DHCP Server 12-98 Interface Counters 14-42 Minimum AEO Frequency 15-58 Smart Setup Filename 16-37 Inv. Max. Current
12-05 Lease Expires 12-99 Media Counters 14-43 Motor Cosphi 15-59 CSIV Filename 16-38 SL Controller State
12-06 Name Servers 13-** Smart Logic 14-5* Environment 15-6* Option Ident 16-39 Control Card Temp.
12-07 Domain Name 13-0* SLC Settings 14-50 RFI Filter 15-60 Option Mounted 16-40 Logging Buffer Full
12-08 Host Name 13-00 SL Controller Mode 14-51 DC Link Compensation 15-61 Option SW Version 16-41 LCP Bottom Statusline
12-09 Physical Address 13-01 Start Event 14-52 Fan Control 15-62 Option Ordering No 16-44 Speed Error [RPM]
12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters 13-02 Stop Event 14-53 Fan Monitor 15-63 Option Serial No 16-45 Motor Phase U Current
12-10 Link Status 13-03 Reset SLC 14-55 Output Filter 15-70 Option in Slot A 16-46 Motor Phase V Current
12-11 Link Duration 13-1* Comparators 14-56 Capacitance Output Filter 15-71 Slot A Option SW Version 16-47 Motor Phase W Current
12-12 Auto Negotiation 13-10 Comparator Operand 14-57 Inductance Output Filter 15-72 Option in Slot B 16-48 Speed Ref. After Ramp [RPM]
12-13 Link Speed 13-11 Comparator Operator 14-59 Actual Number of Inverter Units 15-73 Slot B Option SW Version 16-49 Current Fault Source
12-14 Link Duplex 13-12 Comparator Value 14-7* Compatibility 15-74 Option in Slot C0/E0 16-5* Ref. & Feedb.
12-2* Process Data 13-1* RS Flip Flops 14-72 Legacy Alarm Word 15-75 Slot C0/E0 Option SW Version 16-50 External Reference
12-20 Control Instance 13-15 RS-FF Operand S 14-73 Legacy Warning Word 15-76 Option in Slot C1/E1 16-51 Pulse Reference
12-21 Process Data Config Write 13-16 RS-FF Operand R 14-74 Leg. Ext. Status Word 15-77 Slot C1/E1 Option SW Version 16-52 Feedback[Unit]
12-22 Process Data Config Read 13-2* Timers 14-8* Options 15-8* Operating Data II 16-53 Digi Pot Reference
12-23 Process Data Config Write Size 13-20 SL Controller Timer 14-80 Option Supplied by External 24VDC 15-80 Fan Running Hours 16-57 Feedback [RPM]
Operating Guide

12-24 Process Data Config Read Size 13-4* Logic Rules 14-88 Option Data Storage 15-81 Preset Fan Running Hours 16-6* Inputs & Outputs
12-27 Master Address 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 14-89 Option Detection 15-89 Configuration Change Counter 16-60 Digital Input
12-28 Store Data Values 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 14-9* Fault Settings 15-9* Parameter Info 16-61 Terminal 53 Switch Setting
12-29 Store Always 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 14-90 Fault Level 15-92 Defined Parameters 16-62 Analog Input 53
12-3* EtherNet/IP 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 15-** Drive Information 15-93 Modified Parameters 16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting
12-30 Warning Parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 15-0* Operating Data 15-98 Drive Identification 16-64 Analog Input 54
12-31 Net Reference 13-5* States 15-00 Operating hours 15-99 Parameter Metadata 16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA]
12-32 Net Control 13-51 SL Controller Event 15-01 Running Hours 16-** Data Readouts 16-66 Digital Output [bin]
12-33 CIP Revision 13-52 SL Controller Action 15-02 kWh Counter 16-0* General Status 16-67 Freq. Input #29 [Hz]
12-34 CIP Product Code 14-** Special Functions 15-03 Power Up's 16-00 Control Word 16-68 Freq. Input #33 [Hz]
12-35 EDS Parameter 14-0* Inverter Switching 15-04 Over Temp's 16-01 Reference [Unit] 16-69 Pulse Output #27 [Hz]

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12-37 COS Inhibit Timer 14-00 Switching Pattern 15-05 Over Volt's 16-02 Reference % 16-70 Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
12-38 COS Filter 14-01 Switching Frequency 15-06 Reset kWh Counter 16-03 Status Word 16-71 Relay Output [bin]
12-4* Modbus TCP 14-03 Overmodulation 15-07 Reset Running Hours Counter 16-05 Main Actual Value [%] 16-72 Counter A
12-40 Status Parameter 14-04 PWM Random 15-1* Data Log Settings 16-06 Actual Position 16-73 Counter B
12-41 Slave Message Count 14-06 Dead Time Compensation 15-10 Logging Source 16-07 Target Position 16-75 Analog In X30/11
12-42 Slave Exception Message Count 14-1* Mains On/Off 15-11 Logging Interval 16-08 Position Error 16-76 Analog In X30/12
12-5* EtherCAT 14-10 Mains Failure 15-12 Trigger Event 16-09 Custom Readout 16-77 Analog Out X30/8 [mA]
12-50 Configured Station Alias 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault 15-13 Logging Mode 16-1* Motor Status 16-78 Analog Out X45/1 [mA]
12-51 Configured Station Address 14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance 15-14 Samples Before Trigger 16-10 Power [kW] 16-79 Analog Out X45/3 [mA]
12-59 EtherCAT Status 14-14 Kin. Backup Time Out 15-2* Historic Log 16-11 Power [hp] 16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port
12-6* Ethernet PowerLink 14-15 Kin. Backup Trip Recovery Level 15-20 Historic Log: Event 16-12 Motor Voltage 16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1
12-60 Node ID 14-16 Kin. Backup Gain 15-21 Historic Log: Value 16-13 Frequency 16-82 Fieldbus REF 1
12-62 SDO Timeout 14-2* Trip Reset 15-22 Historic Log: Time 16-14 Motor current 16-83 Fieldbus REF 2
12-63 Basic Ethernet Timeout 14-20 Reset Mode 15-3* Fault Log 16-15 Frequency [%] 16-84 Comm. Option STW
12-66 Threshold 14-21 Automatic Restart Time 15-30 Fault Log: Error Code 16-16 Torque [Nm] 16-85 FC Port CTW 1
12-67 Threshold Counters 14-22 Operation Mode 15-31 Fault Log: Value 16-17 Speed [RPM] 16-86 FC Port REF 1
12-68 Cumulative Counters 14-23 Typecode Setting 15-32 Fault Log: Time 16-18 Motor Thermal 16-87 Bus Readout Alarm/Warning
12-69 Ethernet PowerLink Status 14-24 Trip Delay at Current Limit 15-4* Drive Identification 16-19 KTY sensor temperature 16-89 Configurable Alarm/Warning Word
12-8* Other Ethernet Services 14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit 15-40 FC Type 16-20 Motor Angle

9 9
9 9
16-9* Diagnosis Readouts 18-6* Inputs & Outputs 2 42-14 Feedback Type

16-90 Alarm Word 18-60 Digital Input 2 42-15 Feedback Filter
16-91 Alarm Word 2 30-** Special Features 42-17 Tolerance Error
16-92 Warning Word 30-2* Adv. Start Adjust 42-18 Zero Speed Timer

16-93 Warning Word 2 30-20 High Starting Torque Time [s] 42-19 Zero Speed Limit
16-94 Ext. Status Word 30-21 High Starting Torque Current [%] 42-2* Safe Input
17-** Position Feedback 30-22 Locked Rotor Protection 42-20 Safe Function
17-1* Inc. Enc. Interface 30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] 42-21 Type
17-10 Signal Type 30-24 Locked Rotor Detection Speed Error 42-22 Discrepancy Time
17-11 Resolution (PPR) [%] 42-23 Stable Signal Time
17-2* Abs. Enc. Interface 30-8* Compatibility (I) 42-24 Restart Behaviour
17-20 Protocol Selection 30-80 d-axis Inductance (Ld) 42-3* General
17-21 Resolution (Positions/Rev) 30-81 Brake Resistor (ohm) 42-30 External Failure Reaction
17-22 Multiturn Revolutions 30-83 Speed PID Proportional Gain 42-31 Reset Source
17-24 SSI Data Length 30-84 Process PID Proportional Gain 42-33 Parameter Set Name
17-25 Clock Rate 31-** Bypass Option 42-35 S-CRC Value
17-26 SSI Data Format 31-00 Bypass Mode 42-36 Level 1 Password
17-34 HIPERFACE Baudrate 31-01 Bypass Start Time Delay 42-4* SS1
17-5* Resolver Interface 31-02 Bypass Trip Time Delay 42-40 Type
17-50 Poles 31-03 Test Mode Activation 42-41 Ramp Profile
17-51 Input Voltage 31-10 Bypass Status Word 42-42 Delay Time
17-52 Input Frequency 31-11 Bypass Running Hours 42-43 Delta T
17-53 Transformation Ratio 31-19 Remote Bypass Activation 42-44 Deceleration Rate
17-56 Encoder Sim. Resolution 35-** Sensor Input Option 42-45 Delta V
17-59 Resolver Interface 35-0* Temp. Input Mode 42-46 Zero Speed
17-6* Monitoring and App. 35-00 Term. X48/4 Temperature Unit 42-47 Ramp Time
17-60 Feedback Direction 35-01 Term. X48/4 Input Type 42-48 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start
17-61 Feedback Signal Monitoring 35-02 Term. X48/7 Temperature Unit 42-49 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End
17-7* Position Scaling 35-03 Term. X48/7 Input Type 42-5* SLS
17-70 Position Unit 35-04 Term. X48/10 Temperature Unit 42-50 Cut Off Speed
17-71 Position Unit Scale 35-05 Term. X48/10 Input Type 42-51 Speed Limit
17-72 Position Unit Numerator 35-06 Temperature Sensor Alarm Function 42-52 Fail Safe Reaction
17-73 Position Unit Denominator 35-1* Temp. Input X48/4 42-53 Start Ramp
17-74 Position Offset 35-14 Term. X48/4 Filter Time Constant 42-54 Ramp Down Time
17-75 Position Recovery at Power-up 35-15 Term. X48/4 Temp. Monitor 42-6* Safe Fieldbus
17-76 Position Axis Mode 35-16 Term. X48/4 Low Temp. Limit 42-60 Telegram Selection
17-77 Position Feedback Mode 35-17 Term. X48/4 High Temp. Limit 42-61 Destination Address

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VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

17-8* Position Homing 35-2* Temp. Input X48/7 42-8* Status

17-80 Homing Function 35-24 Term. X48/7 Filter Time Constant 42-80 Safe Option Status
17-81 Home Sync Function 35-25 Term. X48/7 Temp. Monitor 42-81 Safe Option Status 2
17-82 Home Position 35-26 Term. X48/7 Low Temp. Limit 42-82 Safe Control Word
17-83 Homing Speed 35-27 Term. X48/7 High Temp. Limit 42-83 Safe Status Word
17-84 Homing Torque Limit 35-3* Temp. Input X48/10 42-85 Active Safe Func.
17-85 Homing Timout 35-34 Term. X48/10 Filter Time Constant 42-86 Safe Option Info
17-9* Position Config 35-35 Term. X48/10 Temp. Monitor 42-88 Supported Customization File Version
17-90 Absolute Position Mode 35-36 Term. X48/10 Low Temp. Limit 42-89 Customization File Version
17-91 Relative Position Mode 35-37 Term. X48/10 High Temp. Limit 42-9* Special
17-92 Position Control Selection 35-4* Analog Input X48/2 42-90 Restart Safe Option
17-93 Master Offset Selection 35-42 Term. X48/2 Low Current 600-** PROFIsafe
17-94 Rotary Absolute Direction 35-43 Term. X48/2 High Current 600-22 PROFIdrive/safe Tel. Selected
18-** Data Readouts 2 35-44 Term. X48/2 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 600-44 Fault Message Counter
18-3* Analog Readouts 35-45 Term. X48/2 High Ref./Feedb. Value 600-47 Fault Number
18-36 Analog Input X48/2 [mA] 35-46 Term. X48/2 Filter Time Constant 600-52 Fault Situation Counter
18-37 Temp. Input X48/4 42-** Safety Functions 601-** PROFIdrive 2
18-38 Temp. Input X48/7 42-1* Speed Monitoring 601-22 PROFIdrive Safety Channel Tel. No.
18-39 Temp. Input X48/10 42-10 Measured Speed Source
18-5* Active Alarms/Warnings 42-11 Encoder Resolution
18-55 Active Alarm Numbers 42-12 Encoder Direction
18-56 Active Warning Numbers 42-13 Gear Ratio

Index Operating Guide

Index Control card

Control card......................................................................... 24, 48, 49
DC Output, 10 V................................................................................ 48
A RS485.................................................................................................... 48
Abbreviation........................................................................................... 65 Serial communication.................................................................... 48
USB serial communication............................................................ 49
AC Warning............................................................................................... 31
input..................................................................................................... 15
mains.................................................................................................... 15 Convention............................................................................................. 65
Additional resources.............................................................................. 3 Cooling........................................................................................................ 9
Alarms Cooling clearance................................................................................. 17
Alarms.................................................................................................. 23 Current
List of.................................................................................................... 24 DC current........................................................................................... 10
AMA Input current...................................................................................... 15
AMA...................................................................................................... 20
see also Automatic motor adaption D
Ambient condition............................................................................... 46 DC link....................................................................................................... 24
Analog DC output, 10 V..................................................................................... 48
output.................................................................................................. 48
Dimension............................................................................................... 59
Analog input.......................................................................................... 24
Discharge time......................................................................................... 7
Analog signal......................................................................................... 24
Disconnect switch................................................................................ 18
Automatic motor adaptation (AMA)
Warning............................................................................................... 30
Automatic motor adaption............................................................... 20
Auxiliary equipment............................................................................ 17 Electrical installation........................................................................ 0
EMC interference.................................................................................. 14
B EMC-compliant installation.............................................................. 10
Backplate.................................................................................................... 9 EN 50598-2.............................................................................................. 46
Brake resistor Energy efficiency..... 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
Warning............................................................................................... 27 46
Burst transient....................................................................................... 11 Environment........................................................................................... 46
Exploded view.......................................................................................... 4
C External controller.................................................................................. 3
length and cross-section............................................................... 46 F
routing................................................................................................. 17
specification....................................................................................... 46 Fans
Motor cable................................................................................. 10, 14 Warning........................................................................................ 27, 32

Certifications............................................................................................. 5 Feedback................................................................................................. 17

Circuit breaker................................................................................ 17, 50 Floating delta......................................................................................... 15

Clearance requirements....................................................................... 9 Flux............................................................................................................ 22

Conduct................................................................................................... 17 Front cover tightening torque........................................... 59, 61, 63

Control Fuse....................................................................................... 10, 17, 28, 50

characteristic..................................................................................... 49
wiring............................................................................................ 14, 17 G
Wiring................................................................................................... 10
GLCP.......................................................................................................... 19
see also Graphic local control panel
Graphic local control panel............................................................... 19

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 75

Index VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/302

Ground Motor
connection......................................................................................... 17 cable.............................................................................................. 10, 14
wire........................................................................................................ 10 output.................................................................................................. 45
Grounding.......................................................................................... 17 overload protection........................................................................... 3
Warning............................................................................................... 29 power................................................................................................... 10
status....................................................................................................... 3
Grounded delta..................................................................................... 15
thermal protection.......................................................................... 21
Grounding................................................................................. 14, 15, 18 thermistor........................................................................................... 21
wiring............................................................................................ 14, 17
H Output performance (U, V, W)..................................................... 45
Overheating....................................................................................... 25
Heat sink Thermistor.......................................................................................... 21
Warning........................................................................................ 29, 31 Unintended motor rotation............................................................ 7
High voltage...................................................................................... 6, 18 Warning........................................................................................ 25, 28
Mounting............................................................................................ 9, 17
IEC 61800-3............................................................................................. 15 N
Input Nameplate................................................................................................. 8
Analog input...................................................................................... 47
Digital input....................................................................................... 46 O
disconnect.......................................................................................... 15
power....................................................................... 10, 14, 15, 17, 23 Optional equipment............................................................................ 14
power wiring...................................................................................... 17 Output
signal.................................................................................................... 30 Analog output................................................................................... 48
terminal........................................................................................ 15, 18 Digital output.................................................................................... 48
Input terminal........................................................................................ 24 power wiring...................................................................................... 17

Installation Overcurrent protection...................................................................... 10

Check list............................................................................................. 17
environment......................................................................................... 8 P
Intended use............................................................................................. 3 PELV........................................................................................................... 21
Interference isolation.......................................................................... 17 Performance........................................................................................... 49
Items supplied.......................................................................................... 8 Phase loss................................................................................................ 24
Potential equalization......................................................................... 11
Leakage current................................................................................ 7, 10 Input power....................................................................................... 18
Lifting.......................................................................................................... 9 connection......................................................................................... 10
factor.................................................................................................... 17
Load sharing...................................................................................... 6, 23 rating.................................................................................................... 59
Power card
M Warning............................................................................................... 31
Mains Programming......................................................................................... 24
supply.............................................................................. 39, 40, 41, 45
Pulse/encoder input............................................................................ 47
Maintenance.......................................................................................... 23
Mechanical brake control........................................................... 15, 22 Q
Mechanical installation................................................................... 0 Qualified personnel................................................................................ 6

Reference............................................................................................ 21
Relay output........................................................................................... 49
Remote command.................................................................................. 3

76 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG33AT22

Index Operating Guide

Reset................................................................................................... 23, 31 Voltage imbalance............................................................................... 24

RFI filter.................................................................................................... 15 Voltage level........................................................................................... 46
Warning............................................................................................... 32 W
RS485 Warnings
RS485.................................................................................................... 48 List of.................................................................................................... 24
Warnings............................................................................................. 23
S Weight...................................................................................................... 59
Safe Torque Off Windmilling............................................................................................... 7
Safe Torque Off................................................................................. 15
Wire size............................................................................................ 10, 14
Warning............................................................................................... 31
Safety........................................................................................................... 7
Control wiring................................................................................... 14
Serial communication Motor wiring...................................................................................... 14
RS485.................................................................................................... 48 Thermistor control wiring............................................................. 15
Serial communication............................................................. 48, 49 schematic............................................................................................ 13
USB serial communication............................................................ 49
Service...................................................................................................... 23
Shielded cable................................................................................ 14, 17
Shock........................................................................................................... 8
Short circuit............................................................................................ 26
STO............................................................................................................. 15
see also Safe Torque Off
Storage........................................................................................................ 8
Supply voltage......................................................................... 15, 18, 28
Symbol...................................................................................................... 65
System feedback..................................................................................... 3
System set-up........................................................................................ 20

Output terminal................................................................................ 18
Warning............................................................................................... 31
Limit...................................................................................................... 25
characteristic..................................................................................... 45
Trip.................................................................................................. 21, 23
lock........................................................................................................ 23
Warnings and alarms...................................................................... 24
Type approvals......................................................................................... 5

Unintended start.............................................................................. 6, 23

Vibration..................................................................................................... 8

MG33AT22 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 77

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