5 V To 6 KV DC-DC Converter Using Switching Regulator With Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier For High Voltage Power Supply Module
5 V To 6 KV DC-DC Converter Using Switching Regulator With Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier For High Voltage Power Supply Module
5 V To 6 KV DC-DC Converter Using Switching Regulator With Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier For High Voltage Power Supply Module
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Nor Afiqah Azmia, Sohiful Anuar Zainol Murad*b, Azizi Harun1, and Rizalafande Che Ismail2a
School of Microelectronic, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Arau Perlis, Malaysia
Abstract: This paper describes the design of 5 V to 6 kV DC-DC converter by using a switching regulator with Cockroft-
Walton (C-W) voltage multiplier for a high voltage power supply module. The proposed design consists of Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) controller circuit, voltage multiplier, and feedback signal. A single unit of 5 V input triggers LT1618
controller circuit to generate 20 V which then produces 300 V from LT8331 output that is connected to diode-capacitor
multiplier circuit to achieve final 6 kV. A negative feedback signal is required to stabilize an output voltage. With the
implementation of C-W voltage multiplier technique, the output is boosted up as required from the input signal voltage 5
V DC. The LTspice simulation results indicate that the proposed DC converter can generate 6.20 kV. Line regulation of
17 % and the load regulation of 14 % are obtained based on the proposed design. The proposed design is suitable for high
voltage power supply module.
Keywords: DC-DC Converter, High voltage, Power supply, Switching Regulator, Voltage multiplier
other side, when the voltage for both reference and feedback dc converter and this work. Based on the summary of the
are produced at the same value, the PWM controller is not results in Error! Reference source not found., the proposed
generating the PWM signal into MOSFET switches. The design generates low output power and low current as
pulse will stop amplifying and the voltage value remains compared to others. The proposed design is suitable for high
constant after gaining the voltage difference between them. voltage low current power supply module applications.
By adjusting the resistor value in the divider network, the
output voltage changes as required value. The voltage drop occurs as the associated power loss
through the technique of multiplier stages. The ripple voltage
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS value is about 0.42 V and there is no voltage drop yet but the
voltage increase by 3.33%. If voltage drop occurs, it is
Based on the components summarized on Table I considered low as compared to the largest number of stages
respectively, LTspice is applied to simulate the proposed multiplier applied. The voltage drop on output and ripple
converter. The systems specification for the simulation
voltage will increase as the load current and the number of
design as in Table II and the waveform are explained in stage is increased.
details the operation of the suggested DC-DC boost
converter with incorporation of C-W Voltage Multiplier. By comparing between different types of the power
supplies, there are two aspects that need to be considered in
Figure 7 shows an output performance for both PWM terms of voltage regulation and minimum load resistance. In
controller units. The output voltage of 20.35 V is generated the voltage regulation, the change of output voltage due to
from LT1618 controller with the input supply of 5 V DC at
the variation of load current based on the resistance value
1.4 MHz built-in frequency. Error! Reference source not from 5 kΩ to 300 kΩ is known as load regulation. With a
found. shows the 5 V DC to 600 V simulation output proper design of power supply, the no-load voltage (VNL) is
performances for the boost converter and a stage of
larger than full-load voltage (VFL) as shown in Figure 12.
multiplier circuit. The resulting output voltage value from The voltage regulation obtained based on the configuration is
cascading of LT1618 and LT8331 is 296.43 V. At Vout2 14 % when concern with 2.8 mA current value. For the line
connection, 591.88 V is generated from a stage of voltage
regulation which is declared as variation in the output
multiplier which connects through Vout1 point. voltage because of the change on input voltage in Figure 13
As both converters have been simulated, the load current and Figure 14 with 2 V and 8 V values another type of
and output power are measured and the waveform is shown regulation. Between two different minimum input supplies,
in Figure 9a)–b). The load resistance is varied and the the generated output is 5.17 kV and 6.20 kV with the 17 %
current value is measured. At resistor value RL = 250 Ω, line regulation.
ILoad = 79.9 mA and the power output produced Pout = 1.59 W
Therefore, according to the lower value achieved, the
with an output voltage, Vout = 20 V for the initial DC-DC differences between full load and no load voltage are lesser
converter. While for the forward boost regulator integrated and better in the power supply. There are some differences
circuit, when a resistor value RL = 20 kΩ applied, ILoad = with the presenting value due to the losses occurred during
14.3 mA and Pout = 4.06 W are generated at output voltage, the development process. Due to the different values in both
Vout = 300 V. In cascaded converter obtain Pout = 0.74W experimental and theoretical aspects, voltage drop problem
value and ILoad = 2.72 mA at the resistive load value RL =
should be encountered even though the number of stages has
100 kΩ when 300 V output produces from 5 V input voltage been reduced by using the dissimilar capacitance value in
as appear in Figure 10. every stage. Besides, ripple voltage can be minimized by
Then, the output from the second controller will be the increase the frequency values and implements low equivalent
input for the voltage multiplier circuit that consists of 20 series resistance.
stages cascaded diode and capacitor. As each stage obtains Figure 15 shows the efficiency of the proposed converter
300 V DC produced by LT8331 as shown in Figure 8, the
and cascaded between then in a boost mode. The maximum
final output at the end of multiplier circuit has successfully efficiency is around 87.7% at P out = 2.57 W and the full-load
generated 6 kV DC. In the designing of a high voltage power efficiency is approximately 87.5% at Pout = 1.00 W for the
supply, the output current is low with the value 0.038 mA first integrated circuit converter on Figure 15 a). The peak
and the power generated is 0.2 W. High voltage power
efficiency for the follows converter is 96.6% which is
supply can gain variable output performances as the achieve at Pout = 9.53 W while the efficiency at full load Pout
reference voltage in PWM controller unit is varied.
= 1.5 W is 89.5% on Figure 15 b). On the other side, the
As mentioned earlier, the 6 kV DC is obtained when 20 maximum efficiency of the cascaded converter for an input
stages of voltage multiplier with collaboration of PWM voltage 5 V with 300 V output is 91.8% at P out = 1.983 W
controller circuit is used. Figure 11 configurations states how and 80.55% when Pout = 0.729W at full-load efficiency for
the final output of 6.20 kV is obtained. Error! Reference Figure 16.
source not found. presents the comparison of the The results for the proposed design achieves lower
performances of the previously reported transformer less dc-
efficiency at the lower value of input voltage due to the
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