Threats of Botnet Attack - Edited
Threats of Botnet Attack - Edited
Threats of Botnet Attack - Edited
A botnet refers to an attack of the platform, which is made Bots controlled through commands
hackers often sent to it (Barroso, 2007). Hackers control Bots behaviors, as well. For that matter,
the Botnet attack is controlled generally by subjective hackers’ consciousness. This brings about
threats that are generated by enabling all the processes to be difficult to be located, thus making
the threat prediction to be hard too. For the last century, attacks resulting from Botnet caused
paralysis of network equipment alongside affecting the levels of economy and politics of a
country. The act involved the aspects of the military. Botnet attacks have turned out to be the
most significant threats of security within the whole globe (Geer, 2005). This happens for
multiple reasons. For instance, the chronology of Botnet development occurs in two stages. It is
majorly a form of virus or rather a worm during the first phase and it changes to the platform of
The merit of the virus is that it is rapidly transmitted with swift infections. The hacker can never
control the Bot. The virus is a small scale though it appears to be uncontainable (Geer, 2005).
The Botnet syndicates the merits of the virus, thus overcoming its shortcomings. Therefore, it is
incredibly famous among hackers. The virus threat has integration features. The botnet control
command is issued through the servers of C&C. The invasions and attacks are finalized through
control Bots. The C&C servers, together with the control hosts, make connections and requests
via HTTP packets. In this approach, hackers only require to send a few commands towards the
C&C servers to launch forms of attacks that are diversified. This enhances Botnet's flexibility