Economic System: What Is

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Identify the two foreign countries you will be researching:

Country 1: Thailand
Country 2: Malaysia

2. Complete this table comparing the two countries selected above.

Country 1: Thailand Country 2: Malaysia

Economic System: What is Thailand enjoys a mixed Malaysia has a free and
the economic system in each economic system where there laissez-faire type of economic
of the markets? is centralized economic system. The government takes
planning coupled with control of national interests
government regulation. such as wealth, food,
Additionally, there is a investments, and national
variety of freedom to conduct wealth
business activities.

Political System: What is the Thailand has a constitutional Malaysia’s political system is
political system in each of the monarchy, whereby a monarchial, where the
markets? hereditary monarch is the supreme head or king, known
head of state and the prime as Yang di-Pertuan Agong
minister heads the heads the state while the
government. prime minister heads the

Economic Risks: How might Weak private sector and a Malaysia is economically
the economic risks in those high household debt which stable, hence suitable for the
two countries impact the was at 80% of the GDP in expansion of the company but
company expansion? 2018 could hinder economic the political climate caused a
expansion. Therefore, the drop in the growth percentage
company is skeptical about from 2018-2019. In such
expanding in such an unstable unclear circumstances, the
political climate. company cannot be expanded.

Political Risks: How might Following an attempted There is immense pressure for
the political risks in those two military coup in 2014, the prime minister to step
countries impact the company Thailand has some potential down due to mismanagement
business risks. Martial law in of funds. Such an aura of
particular give security instability has stalled many
personnel the power to censor crucial economic projects and
the media, seize documents, scared off potential investors,
and hole people they see as who could be crucial in the
suspects without charge. This expansion of the company.
will impact negatively on
economic development. The
company is thus unwilling to
expand its operations.

Research Data: Is there For Thailand, there is There is relevant research

sufficient research data sufficient economic data for data available for Malaysia’
available for each selected the country. Researchers like for instance, Toech (2017)
Klinlampu et al. (2019) take it expounds on Malaysia’s
country? Support your
a step further by exploring the economy by exploring issues
response with at least three country’s economic trends. like legal system, political
scholarly resources you climate and tax rates. In the
intend to use for this project. same way, Koen et al. (2017)
explains the challenges
companies might face when
conducting business in the

Koen, V., Asada, H., Nixon, S., Rahuman, M. R. H., & Mohd Arif, A. Z. (2017). Malaysia’s

Economic Success Story and Challenges.

Klinlampu, C., Chaiboonsri, C., Saosaovaphak, A., & Sirisrisakulchai, J. (2019, January). An

Analysis of The Impact of The Digital Economy on Change in Thailand’s Economic

Trends Using Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE). In International

Conference of The Thailand Econometrics Society (Pp. 423-438). Springer, Cham.

Toech, P. (2017, March 23). Legal Matters. The Business


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