DDoS in The IoT - Mirai and Other Botnets PDF
DDoS in The IoT - Mirai and Other Botnets PDF
DDoS in The IoT - Mirai and Other Botnets PDF
siveness, and high vulnerability
of IoT devices have attracted many
he ubiquity and increasing popularity of the In- bad actors, particularly those orchestrating distributed
ternet of Things (IoT) have made IoT devices a denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
powerful amplifying platform for cyberattacks.
Given the recent headline-making severity and “THE FUTURE” IS HERE
frequent recurrence of security incidents involving such A recent prominent example is the Mirai botnet. First iden
devices, they’ve clearly become the new weakest link in tified in August 2016 by the whitehat security research group
the security chain of modern computer networks. IoT MalwareMustDie,1 Mirai—Japanese for “the future”—and
devices might be the feeble brother of desktop systems, its many variants and imitators have served as the vehicle
yet what they lack in computational capabilities they for some of the most potent DDoS attacks in history.
J U LY 2 0 1 7 81
Communication sessions between bot and infrastructure Almost all stages of infection leave
1,200 a footprint that can be recognized
SYN through basic network analysis. Mirai
FIN signatures include
1,000 PSH + ACK (from infrastructure)
PSH + ACK (from bot)
›› sequentially testing specific
credentials in specific ports,
800 ›› sending reports that generate
Packet size (bytes)
distinctive patterns,
›› downloading a specific type of
binary code,
›› exchanging keep-alive
›› receiving attack commands that
have a specific structure, and
200 ›› generating attack traffic with
very few random elements.
file. The DDoS attack armory includes from its memory, and reconfiguring
User Datagram Protocol flooding at- network parameters. wo years ago we correctly pre-
tacks. An estimated 120,000 devices in dicted the emergence of IoT-
the wild are vulnerable to Persirai. LESSONS LEARNED powered DDoS attacks,20 and
The dramatic impact of DDoS attacks today increasingly sophisticated Mirai
OTHER IOT BOTNETS by Mirai, its variants, and other similar variants and imitators are appearing at
Following Mirai’s example, other IoT botnets highlight the risks IoT devices an alarming rate. This malware typi-
botnets have recently emerged. While pose to the Internet. Currently, even cally runs on multiple platforms and is
relying on the same basic principles, naive approaches can gain control of usually lightweight enough to execute
the authors of this malware are explor- such devices and create a massive and in a tiny amount of RAM. In addition,
ing increasingly sophisticated mech- highly disruptive army of zombie de- the infection process is relatively sim-
anisms to make their botnets more vices. The ease of infection and stabil- ple, making every vulnerable device a
powerful than the competition as well ity of the generated bot population are bot candidate even with frequent re-
as to obfuscate their activity. alluring factors for any attacker. booting. Although most existing IoT
The first IoT botnet written in the There are five main reasons IoT de- malware is easy to profile and detect,
Lua programming language was re- vices are particularly advantageous newer bots are stealthier.
ported by MalwareMustDie in late Au- for creating botnets: Much of the responsibility for DDoS
gust 2016.16 Most of its army is com- attacks often lies with users who prac-
posed of cable modems with ARM CPUs ›› Constant and unobtrusive opera- tice poor security behaviors and sys-
and using Linux. This malware incor- tion. Unlike laptop and desktop tem administrators who fail to deploy
porates sophisticated features such computers, which have frequent adequate safeguards. In the case of IoT
as an encrypted C&C communication on–off cycles, many IoT devices botnets, however, it’s device vendors
channel and customized iptables rules such as webcams and wireless who should assume the responsibil-
to protect infected devices. routers operate 24/7 and in ity for naively distributing products
The Hajime botnet, discovered in many cases aren’t properly rec- with weak security, including default
October 2016 by Rapidity Networks,17 ognized as computing devices. credentials and remote access capabil-
uses a method of infection similar to ›› Feeble protection. In their rush to ities. IoT vendors are also in a unique
that of Mirai. However, rather than penetrate the IoT market, many position to provide the automated
J U LY 2 0 1 7 83
security updates that would address preprint, 13 Feb. 2017, arXiv:1702 Infosecurity Mag., 20 Apr. 2017; www
the problem. Solutions that require .03681. .infosecurity-magazine.com/news
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frequently changing passwords—are Zeifman, “Breaking Down Mirai: An 19. “‘BrickerBot’ Results in PDoS At-
unrealistic in the IoT realm, where IoT DDoS Botnet Analysis,” blog, Im- tack,” Radware, 5 Apr. 2017; security
many devices must be self-regulating. perva Incapsula, 26 Oct. 2016; www .radware.com/ddos-threats-attacks
What we need now is the technical .incapsula.com/blog/malware /brickerbot-pdos-permanent-denial
means to enforce security best prac- -analysis-mirai-ddos-botnet.html. -of-service.
tices in computer networks as well as 10. S.S.C. Silva et al., “Botnets: A 20. C. Kolias, A. Stavrou, and J. Voas,
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