Creating A Stable Unguided Rocket Without The Use of Fins
Creating A Stable Unguided Rocket Without The Use of Fins
Creating A Stable Unguided Rocket Without The Use of Fins
Doug Coley
Abilene Christian University
(Dated: November 20, 2010)
Unguided rockets have traditionally relied on fins to provide the stabilization necessary to keep
the rocket moving in straight trajectory. Fins allow the rocket to using the air rushing by during its
flight to correct and deviations to the trajectory. Could a rocket without fins, and thus an typically
unstable rocket, ever fly in a predictable pattern? By inducing a spin on the rocket we can use its
own angular momentum to keep it going in the desired direction and create stability. By looking
at the overall aspects of unguided flight and the properties of spin-stabilization I will show that
a finless rocket can achieve stable flight and then compare this theorehtical rocket with its finned
predecessors. In the test scenario the spinning rocket wastes too much of its energy generating its
rotational stability. The traditional finned rocket is going to go higher and get there faster.
The rocket’s stability is determined by two calculated Besides just making the rocket body stable, a spinning
points. The center of gravity(CG), and the center of pres- rocket has other advantages over a non-rotating rocket.
sure(CP). The CG is the balancing point for the whole A spinning rocket reduces all body-fixed errors such as
rocket. The CP is where the sum of all the aerodynamic thrust misalignment and inconsistencies with the center
forces act. The CP is affected by all the drag forces act- of gravity. In an unrotating rocket with even the slightest
ing on the body of the rocket and the fin size and shape. motor misalignment, the thrust is always going in exactly
A rocket’s stability is determined by the relationship be- the same direction, therefore the dispersion, deviation
tween these two points. Positive stability, shown in Fig- from the desired and intended trajectory, increases and
ure 1, is achieved when the CP lies behind the CG.[1] A pushes the rocket increasingly more off course. By adding
rocket body by itself is not stable and will have a wildly spin the misalignment never points in just one direction
eractic flight unless some method establishes stability for and the dispersion cannot grow as quickly and keeps the
the rocket.[3] rocket on the correct path. The graph in Figure 2 il-
lustrates the dispersion on a rotating vs. a non-rotating
Spin stabilization isn’t a new idea. It can be found in IV. INDUCING SPIN ON THE ROCKET
everything from flying bullets, to satellites manuevering
through space, to bycicles seen everyday. Try balancing
Spinning the rocket is one way of effectively moving
on a bike that is sitting at rest. Now pedal down the road
the CP behind the CG without the use of fins. The spin
and balancing on the same bike is a child’s game. The
is most crucial at the beginning of the flight while the
premise behind the spin stabilization is angular momen-
rocket is accelerating up to speed. There are various ways
tum. Angular momentum, L, is defined by the following
this can be done some with more benefits than others. A
rocket without fins will have to spin very fast to account
~ = ~r × p~
L (1) for it’s lack of stability. At these high speeds of rotation
a rocket will start a slight precession that will have to be
Using this, we can think of the rocket as an elongated toy accounted for.
top. It’s spin will give it stability and cause it to remain
pointing up. In the absence of external torques the rocket
will keep heading in the same direction regardless of any
A. Canted Motors
minor interferences caused by the wind or other factors.
Tourque, here as τ , is equivalent to
One way to induce spin would be to simply angle
∆L the orientation of multiple motors, each tangetial to the
~τ = . (2)
∆t rocket’s body and opposite each other. This can be seen
This shows that the faster the rocket spins the more in Figure 3. The thrust itself is the source of the spin.
it will resist any torques. The tradeoff is that energy This accounts for the initial spin at liftoff but leads to
will be wasted spinning the rocket too fast and it will a decrease in velocity and therefore maximum altitude.
go nowhere. So we need to find out how much spin can The work put into creating the spin has to come the up-
stabilize a rocket and whether or not it will be too detri- ward thrust. But this does solve the problem of spinning
mental to the rocket’s overall trajectory. at the start of the launch because model rockets typically
accelerate very rapidly and canted motors would use this angle of tilt away from vertical as depicted in Figure 5.
their advantage and simply produce the necessary spin.[3] We can also conclude then that the angular momentum,
ω, will come from the F · sin(θ).
The equations for the intial stages of the rockets flight
B. Exhaust Vent are given by
mB 1 q + vτ dv
τ = · · ln (A.2) m·v· = T − mg − k · vτ2
k 2q q − vτ dh
which is the motor burn time represented in Gordon’s dh =
kq 2 − kv 2
text. [2] With this we can now substitute and solve for m v
vτ to find out the terminal velocity, or burnout velocity. dh = · ·v
k q2 − v2
Z vt
m v · dv
2kq q + vτ h = ·
· τ = ln k 0 q2 − v2
mB q − vτ m
2kq hB = · ln q 2 − ln q 2 − vτ2
= p 2k
mB m q2
q + vτ hB = · ln 2 (A.5)
p · τ = ln 2k q − vτ2
q − vτ
q − vτ
−p · τ = ln
q + vτ
q − vτ
e−p·τ =
q + vτ This equation, as the name suggests, gives the altitude
(A.3) gained by the rocket as it is accelerating.
[1] Stine, G. Harry, Handbook of Model Rocketry, 7th Edition, [3] U.S. Department of Defense, Design of Aerodynamically
Hoboken, NJ, 2004. Stabilized Free Rockets, July 1990.
[2] Gordon K., Mandell, Topics in Advanced Model Rocketry,
MIT Press, 1973.