SPH4U - 2021W - Ch. 1.5 - Projectile Motion

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CH. 1.

 We are very familiar with the path of a thrown ball – the object is released, rises to a maximum height, and then returns to the
ground. Neglecting air resistance the shape of this curved path, called a trajectory, is parabolic.

 In the image at left, the path of the motorcycle (and rider) is

clearly a parabola (using regression, the equation of the
parabola is 𝑓 𝑥 0.0402𝑥 0.7517𝑥 6.1341).

 Any object that undergoes this type of motion is called a

projectile, i.e. any object launched through the air along a
parabolic trajectory.

 The only acceleration acting on a projectile is acceleration due

to gravity, 𝑔.

 All of the mathematical properties of the parabola carry over to our projectile motion. For example, if a projectile begins and
ends its motion at the same height, the trajectory is symmetric through the a line passing through the vertex (which is the
maximum height of the projectile; this line is usually called the axis of symmetry).

Ch. 1.5 - Projectile Motion 1

 If we compare the motion of an object that is simply dropped (and thus in free fall) or
thrown/kicked horizontally from the same location, we see a number of properties that do
not change.

 The image at right shows a strobe image of two balls that have been released
simultaneously. One of the balls is dropped while the other is given an initial horizontal
velocity .

 Each line on the image represent equal intervals of time. Note that the vertical
displacement of each ball increases by the same amount for each ball for all times. It
appears that the rate at which objects fall does not depend on any horizontal velocity the
projectile may have.

 The horizontal displacement of the second particle is constant for each time interval,
suggesting that the horizontal component of the projectile’s velocity does not change over
the motion (i.e. it is constant).

 The horizontal displacement is usually referred to as the range, denoted Δ𝑑 .

Ch. 1.5 - Projectile Motion 2

 The following properties define projectile motion for a particle:

1. The horizontal component of the particle’s motion is constant.

2. The horizontal component of acceleration acting on the particle is zero.

3. The vertical acceleration of a projectile is constant and only due to gravity.

4. The horizontal and vertical components of the motion are independent, but their times are the same.

 This last point is critical for our analysis – we will always assume that the horizontal and vertical components of the motion are
completely independent of each other.

 Instead of having to solve a 2D problem we can treat this as two 1D problems, one as uniform motion (the horizontal component)
and one as free fall or uniform acceleration (the vertical component).

Ch. 1.5 - Projectile Motion 3

 We will use the techniques developed in Chapter 1.4 to analyze projectile motion.

The initial velocity vector, 𝑣⃗ , can be resolved into 𝑥- and 𝑦-components,

as shown on the diagram.

𝑣 𝑣 cos 𝜃

𝑣 𝑣 sin 𝜃

These both represent the velocity of the projectile at time 𝑡 0.

Note: The equations of motion for the 𝑦-

component of the velocity assume that down is
negative, hence the use of 𝑔.

This is not required; a more general approach

would be to write these equations with no sign
for 𝑔 and then insert the appropriate sign once a
coordinate system has been established.

Ch. 1.5 - Projectile Motion 4

An airplane carries relief supplies to a motorist stranded in a snowstorm. The pilot cannot safely land, so he has to drop the package
of supplies as he flies horizontally at a height of 350 m over the highway. The speed of the airplane is a constant 52 m⁄s.
a) Calculate how long it takes for the package to reach the highway.
b) Determine the range of the package.

Ch. 1.5 - Projectile Motion 5

A golfer hits a golf ball with an initial velocity of 25 m⁄s at an angle of 30.0° above the horizontal. The golfer is at an initial height of
14 m above the point where the ball lands.
a) Calculate the maximum height of the ball.
b) Determine the ball’s velocity on landing.

Ch. 1.5 - Projectile Motion 6

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