Simulation of Transient Behavior of Grounding Grids
Simulation of Transient Behavior of Grounding Grids
Simulation of Transient Behavior of Grounding Grids
of the soil, it is very unlikely that regular and uniform shape of the ionized zones of the soil are reported, for
ionized zones can result. In fact most soils consist of a typical concentrated earths.
mixture of small and not conductive grains, water and air
[12]. The water and air fill up the vacuity among the solid
pieces, forming a large and close net. The interconnection
of water layer generates conductive channels, which are
the cause of the high soil conductivity value. Indeed, the
soil electric conductivity is a very variable parameter,
depending on the size and the distribution of the not
conductive particles, on the amount of water and on the
amount of salt dissolved in the water.
The grains have very different sizes and often have Figure 1. Shapes of the ionized zones for typical concentrated
irregular shapes. Therefore, the air gaps within the soil earths assumed in computations by other authors. [10]
have highly irregular shape, especially if the surrounding
pieces have sharp edges. This makes the maximum This increase is represented through the effective radius
electric field inside the air voids within the soil values change. For the ith element, the effective radius aei
significantly higher than the maximum electric field will be [8, 10]:
within the voids of an air gap having the same average I mi (3)
size [12]. So, the field enhancement in voids enclosed 2 li E c
within the soil can be reasonably considered as the cause
for the beginning of the ionization process in the soil. where Ec is soil ionization gradient.
According to these considerations, the process begins
when the electric field impressed on air gaps among soil In this paper the model which is used to include the
grains, which becomes large enough to ionize the air in phenomenon of the soil ionization on the analysis, is the
the void. Then, the soil breakdown mechanisms can be time variable electrodes geometry approach and the soil
ascribed to the electrical discharges within air gaps ionization gradient is defined by the criterion suggested
trapped in the soil; these discharges spread from the by Mousa, as Ec=300 kV/m [13].
electrode surface and may be more and more branched.
0 2 , In Fig.4 is shown a part of the simulated circuit that
Li ln 1 was used in order to take measurements. Every horizontal
rod was simulated with the model that was presented
2 2
above. For the vertical rods it was also used that model
2h li li a neglecting the series resistance ri and series inductance Li
ri [ ln 1
2 li li a li after we consider the nodes as points because of their
small length. The effect of the inductance and resistance
2 2
li li 4h 2 2h will be taken into consideration in the adjustment
ln 1 ] , (4)
between each node.
2h li
2 li
Ci ( i )
2 2 2
li li i ai
ln 1
li ai li
of the feedpoint at the center, the grounding conductors slightly. It is worth to mention that for ionized soils, the
can be utilized effectively for the small inductive effect. potential distribution profile, on ground surface, strongly
depends on the geometrical configuration of the grid.
4.1.2 The influence of the structure of the grid
4.1.3 Simulation of a real grounding grid
In order to study the influence of the structure of the
grid on the transient response, two more grounding grids Fig.8, that follows, shows a grid that is used to ground a
have been simulated. The first one is like the one substation 20kV/150 kV, with extent of 10000 m2. Every
described above, but without the internal vertical rods, mesh has dimensions 6×6 m. Also the grounding grid is
and the second one has no vertical rods at all. supplemented with twelve vertical grounding rods with
In the two first grids, the one with vertical rods in each length 3m. The grid is placed in depth 0.6 m.
node and for the grid with vertical rods only in the Because of the complexity of the structure of the grid,
external nodes, the potential rise present almost no we simplify it as it is appeared in Fig.9, in order to make
divergence. things easier with the simulation of the circuit but without
On the contrary in the grid that does not have vertical degrade the response of the grid in certain current input.
nodes, the potential rise that is presented in the nodes is In the grounding grid not all the meshes have
bigger than in the other two cases. (see Fig.6) dimensions 6×6 m. However in Fig.9, at the simplified
grid all meshes are simulated uniformly, with every mesh
having dimensions 6×6 m. Thus, that we lose from the
regions of the grid with denser distribution of grounding
conductors, we it gain from the regions with less
grounding rods.
In Fig.9, black nodes represent vertical grounding
electrodes for direct connection of the different devices in
the substation with the earth. The squares correspond to
the cathodes of the over-head system for lightning
protection and the red square the pylon of the power
transfer line.
Figure 7. Transient voltage at point K8 and for injection point at Figure 9. Simplified grid.
K8 for the three grounding grids.
Then, the simplified grounding grid was simulated with
the circuit model that was presented above and in the
When the geometry of the grid is changed by inserting figures that follow is displayed the potential rise in the
more electrodes, the value of the voltages decreases grounding grid, when a lightning current is injected.
In this simulation it is considered that a lighting with the grid. Also in this case we can be led to the same
current intensity of 100 kΑ strikes at the over-head conclusions.
system for lighting protection. At that time, half of the
current is leaded to the ground through the cathode and
the other half continues at the over-head system and is
directed to earth through the other cathodes with random
distribution of current.
As result, Fig.10 and Fig.11 show the distribution of
transient voltage of the grounding grid when current of
50 kA is leaded to the ground through the cathode at the
node I2 and I5 respectively.
When high impulse currents excite a grounding system,
ionization of the soil surrounding the grounding
conductors will occur, which makes the transient
characteristic nonlinear. A simulation method is
presented for this problem, whose numerical calculation
Figure 10. Distribution of transient voltage of the grounding approach is based on a circuit model of distributed time-
grid and for injection point at I2. variable parameters. The model can be used to predict the
transient characteristic of grounding grids excited by
impulse currents. The nonlinear effect of breakdown in
the soil surrounding the grounding conductors has been
taken into consideration.
With this method, is confirmed the effect of the infusion
point of lightning current in the transient behavior of the
grounding grid as well as the influence of its structure.
Finally, was presented the simulation of a real grid that is
used for grounding a substation of 20kV/150 kV and its
behavior under lightning strikes.
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