Jingu Uji 2007
Jingu Uji 2007
Jingu Uji 2007
A new technique for real-time visualization of soil liquefaction by using electrical resistivity monitoring is presented. The technique
utilizes the relationship between porosity and electric resistivity of soil, which was defined first by Archie in 1942. With the technique, the
change of density (including relative density) of saturated soil with respect to depth can be monitored in real-time before, during, and
after the dynamic excitation applied. A series of small chamber experiments on single-layer, two-layer, and five-layer soil models were
performed and soil liquefaction was monitored in each case. The experiments show that the technique can be used successfully to
visualize the change in density of saturated soil throughout the process of pore pressure build-up, liquefaction, and post-liquefaction
during shaking experiments. The effects of sand properties, stratification, duration and magnitude of dynamic excitation, and application
of successive dynamic excitations on the liquefaction and post-liquefaction behavior of soils are discussed. The technique is particularly
promising for large-scale chamber experiments where it can be used to control and monitor relatively large soil mass in addition to
determine its state of liquefaction during and after the shaking.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0267-7261/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
192 M. Jinguuji et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 191–199
Electrodes or scanner
1) Records the measurements
2) Calculates resistivity change
3) Calculates relative density
Fig. 2. Schematic view of the method using electrode cable.
4) Plots various graphs
is stopped. The new equipment developed for this method Fig. 3. Liquefaction monitoring system.
can scan an entire 32 set of 4-pole electrodes into separate
data channels in maximum 0.1 s. However, this scanning
speed is very closely related to the frequency of alternative Electrode
DC transmitted wave. Because of the effect of induced
polarization, the sampling time is practically much higher
than 0.1 s. Generally, this method is suitable for large-scale
experiments. Porous plate
Fig. 3 shows the integrated system used in this study for Copper mesh
the real-time monitoring of soil conditions before, during,
and after liquefaction occurs. In other words, this system
provides real-time visualization of liquefaction phenomena
in the soil. The installed electrodes in the chamber or the
electrode cable are connected to a 32-channel electric
scanner. This scanner is linked to a main control unit which
induces and measures alternative DC current and potential
current electrodes that transmit electric current to the sand 3, the excess pore water pressure dissipation and densifica-
sample. Because of this arrangement of current electrodes, tion continues initially and reaches a stable state after-
samples about the height of the chamber can be used for wards. The results show that the relative density of the soil
resistivity measurements. The potential electrodes are sample increased from about 30 to 50% after the
needle electrodes that are partially inserted into the excitation.
chamber from the outside. The locations of the three
accelerometers (A1, A2 and A3) as well as two pore 4. Factors that affect the resistivity behavior of liquefied
pressure transducers (P1 and P2) on the chamber are sands
shown in Fig. 4.
The medium grain size sand produced in Toyoura beach Some factors are known to affect the liquefaction of
in Japan was used in the experiments. The soil sample was sands such as sand type, duration and amplitude of
prepared using the boiling method. The height of the sand excitation, and application of successive excitations. The
sample in the chamber was about 50 cm. The remaining influence of these factors on the resistivity behavior of
10 cm at the top of chamber was filled with water. The box liquefied sands was tested in the following experiments.
was placed on a small shaking table that was controlled by Fig. 6 shows the chamber used in the experiments. The line
an electric linear motor and 4-s excitation was applied in electrodes along the walls of the chamber were placed at
the experiment. The waveform of the excitation was sine- 1.5 cm intervals. The line electrodes can be continuously
wave with a frequency of 5 Hz. The amplitude of the measured by changing a set of 4 electrodes, like Method II.
acceleration was 600 cm/s2. The tests with different shaking Using this chamber with Method II eliminates any need for
accelerations and durations are reported in Jinguuji et al. water on the top of the sample because the method can
[5]. adapt to any change in the height of the sample by the
Fig. 5a shows the change of resistivity starting from 5 s densification during the liquefaction. The 4-pole method
before the beginning of the shaking. The resistivity values can be applied even when the height of the sample changes,
are converted to relative density of soil by using Archie’s because the current electrode is not fixed on the top. The
law. Fig. 5b shows the change of relative density of the Toyoura and Keisa No. 6 sands were used in the
sand during the test as determined from the change of experiments. The porous stone is placed at the bottom of
resistivity in Fig. 5a. P1 and P2 in the figure show the the chamber and the soil sample was prepared using the
locations of pore-pressure meters. Fig. 5c shows the pore- boiling method. The initial relative density of the sand
pressure change at P1 and P2 and P2-P1 shows the pressure sample was about 30%. The box was placed on a small
difference between P1 and P2. Fig. 5d shows the accelera- shaking table and 4-s excitation was applied. The wave-
tion measured at the bottom of the chamber. Because the form of the excitation was sine-wave with a frequency of
accelerations recorded by three instruments were almost 5 Hz. The amplitude of the acceleration was 150 cm/s2.
the same, only the recording at the bottom is provided in Toyoura and Keisa No. 6 sands were used to test the
the figure. effect of sand type. Both sands are commonly used for
Three zones are inferred from the resistivity pattern in liquefaction experiments in Japan. Particle size of Toyoura
Fig. 5a as shown by solid lines. Zones 1 and 2 show the sand is finer than Keisa No. 6 sand. The D50 values for
resistivities before and after the excitation, respectively. Toyoura and Keisa No. 6 sands are about 0.125 and
Although the soil is in liquefied state in Zone 2 as indicated 0.275 mm, respectively. The sample heights in this experi-
by the pore water pressure increase up to the overburden ment were about 13 cm. The relative density of both
pressure, no significant resistivity change was observed. samples was about 30%. Figs. 7a and b show the resistivity
This is because the soil was already in very loose state results from the experiments for Toyoura and Keisa No. 6
before the excitation and the density of soil did not change sand samples, respectively. The origin of abscissa starts at
significantly during the liquefaction. The border of Zones 2 5 s which reflects that the shaking initiated 5 s after the
and 3 marks the start of the dissipation of excess pore recording started. The legends next to the figures show the
water pressure and the beginning of densification of the color scale for the resistivity change relative to each
liquefied soil. This observation can be seen by comparing sample’s initial resistivity. Note that the relative resistivity
the pore pressures at point A for P2 and at point B for P1 change rather than the measured resistivity values were
in Fig. 5b. The relative density increases quickly during this used in Fig. 7, because it showed changes of the values
transition. Because the border of Zones 2 and 3 clearly more clearly. Comparison of the figures shows that the
identifies the start of the excess pore pressure dissipation densification front has higher slope in Keisa No. 6 sand
and the beginning of densification, it can be used to than it did in finer grain Toyoura sand. This is expected as
determine the status of liquefaction at a particular time and the dissipation of excess pore water pressure is faster in
depth. We call this border as ‘‘densification front’’. coarser grain sand. Also, more volume of Keisa No. 6 sand
Densification starts at the lower parts of the sample at sample densified to a higher degree.
first and moves up as excess pore water pressure dissipates In order to test the effects of the shaking duration,
upward. The slope of the border is controlled by the extent Toyoura sand samples were shaken for 4 and 30-s periods.
of the excess pore pressure dissipation in the soil. In Zone Fig. 8 shows the result of resistivity monitoring starting
M. Jinguuji et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 191–199 195
Fig. 5. Change of relative density and pore pressure during liquefaction (modified from [5]).
from 5 s before the beginning of the shaking. The results process reached constant state in the entire sample as soon
indicate that the densification started and completed at the as the shaking stopped. The comparison of Figs. 8a and b
lower parts of the sample much before the shaking stopped. shows that more volume of soil has higher resistivities
The densification process progressed upward and the during the long duration shaking. For comparison
196 M. Jinguuji et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 191–199
Line Electrodes
18 lines
300 mm
Mesh Electrode
600 mm
Fig. 6. Schematic view of the small rectangular chamber used in the electrical resistivity experiments: (a) Toyoura sand; (b) Keisa No. 6 sand.
Fig. 7. Change of electrical resistivity measured in two different kinds of sand: (a) 4-s excitation; (b) 30-s excitation.
purposes, the resistivity scale in Fig. 8b was kept the same 5. Liquefaction behavior in multi-layer sand samples
as the one in Fig. 8a. The actual resistivity in the long
duration test, however, reached about 190 Om levels. Natural geologic systems in general have heterogeneous
To test the effects of successive excitations, 4-s shaking structure and it is easy to think that field settings would
was applied consecutively six times to the Toyoura sand introduce complicacy into predictions of liquefaction
sample. Fig. 9 shows the results from the experiment. There occurrence and behaviour [6]. For example, liquefaction
were about 100s intervals between each excitation which in multi-layer soils, which is the more common case in
were not shown in the figure. The arrows indicate the nature rather than the exception, is more complex than the
beginning of each shaking. Each successive excitation single-layer soil. Different permeability levels of the layers
resulted in some increase in the resistivity; however, the affect the dissipation of excess pore water pressure. Low
level of change of resistivity decreases after each excitation. permeability layers may act like barriers and may entrap
This is consistent with the expectation that the soil is the water pressure. To monitor and visualize the behavior
densified more after each shaking and the change of of multi-layer soil using electrical resistivity measurements,
densification after each cycle reduces. experiments were performed with 2-layer and 5-layer soil
M. Jinguuji et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 191–199 197
samples. A chamber similar to the one shown in Fig. 6, confined to the bottom layer. No resistivity change, and
except for the width of 30 cm, was used in the tests. The soil hence no density increase, occurred in the top layer and just
samples were prepared by dropping sand from the top into below the boundary of the two layers.
the water. When the layers are more complex and finer sand is
Two-layer models were prepared using two types of sand included in the intermediate layers, the liquefaction
with different particle sizes: Keisa No. 5 for the lower part behavior of the sample becomes more complex. Fig. 11
and Keisa No. 6 for the upper part. The heights of the shows the layer order and the resistivity change of the 5-
layers are 16.8 and 11.4 cm, respectively, for the bottom layer sample that consists of three types of sand: Keisa
and top layers. The D50 values for Keisa No. 5 and 6 sands Nos. 5, 6, and 8. The D50 value of Keisa No. 8 is 0.121 mm.
are about 0.527 and 0.275 mm, respectively. The soil In Fig. 11, the resistivity change is expressed as resistivity
sample was liquefied by hitting a hammer five times at change rate because the differences of initial resistivity of
the bottom of the chamber. Fig. 10 provides the result of each layer are big, hence it is difficult to show all changes of
resistivity monitoring during the test. Comparison of this resistivity. The resistivity change rate, RC, is expressed as
figure with previous resistivity monitoring of single layer ðR Ri Þ=Ri , where R and Ri are resistivity at any measured
shows that existence of a finer sand layer at the top affected time and initial resistivity, respectively. Again, the pattern
the soil liquefaction significantly. Density increase was is different from the one for single-layer samples. The
198 M. Jinguuji et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 191–199
Fig. 10. Electrical resistivity change of two sand layers that consist of different particle size.
Fig. 11. Electrical resistivity change rate during liquefaction of the 5-layer sand sample.
figure shows that electrical resistivity increases in relatively 6. Summary and conclusions
coarse sands such as Keisa No. 5 or 6, indicating a density
increase. The Keisa No. 8 layers have relatively low This paper presents a new technique to monitor and
permeability and therefore act like barriers. The discharged visualize the behavior of saturated soils during the
water from the coarser sands is trapped at these layers and liquefaction and post-liquefaction stage. The technique
the electrical resistivity or density will decrease at the utilizes the unique relation between soil electrical resistivity
layers. In fact, the observation from outside the chamber and porosity and determines the change of relative density
that is made of acryl transparent material confirms the with respect to depth and time. The results from the
water films at the fine layers. This experiment was made laboratory experiments on single-layer samples and com-
using the small chamber, but further study will clear this parisons with pore water and accelerometer measurements
phenomenon in future. during the tests show clearly that the electrical resistivity
M. Jinguuji et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 27 (2007) 191–199 199
measurements capture the behavior of liquefied sands. Masanori Hamada and his students for the support and
Resistivity monitoring was able to show the effects of assistance.
different well-known factors such as grain size, duration
and magnitude of excitation, and application of successive
dynamic excitations on liquefaction of soils. The technique
provides a tool to investigate and compare the liquefaction References
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Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory. We thank Prof.