ENGLISH Class 12
ENGLISH Class 12
ENGLISH Class 12
Name : _______________
Date of Exam. : _______________
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs.
Max. Marks : 80
Study Centre : _______________
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English-(Class 12th)
Based on your understanding of the passage, ix. What did Sir William James Herschel realise?
answer the questions given below.
x. Who didn’t take up the research of
i. The science of using fingerprints dates back fingerprints?
(a) 1684 II. Read the passage given below.
(b) 1686 1. Among the natural resources which can be
(c) 1870s called upon in national plans for development,
(d) 1885-1913 BCE possibly the most important is human labour.
Since the English language suffers from a
ii. A layer of skin is called __________ layer. certain weakness in its ability to describe
(a) Marcello groups composed of both male and female
(b) Malpighi members, this is usually described as
(c) Malpighian “manpower”.
(d) Henry
2. Without a productive labour force, including
iii. _________ spoke about ridged surfaces of effective leadership and intelligent middle
fingers in 1684. management, no amount of foreign assistance
(a) Malpighi or of natural wealth can ensure successful
(b) Nehemiah Grew development and modernization.
(c) James Herschel
(d) Henry Faulds 3. The manpower for development during the
next quarter of century will come from the
iv. In the 14th century Persia, a government world’s present population of infants, children
doctor found that _________. and adolescents. But we are not sure that they
(a) all fingerprints are different will be equal to task. Will they have the health,
(b) fingerprints change with time the education, the skills, the sociocultural
(c) fingerprints are useful to check criminal attitudes essential for the responsibilities of
record only development?
(d) fingerprints are never helpful in any kind of
investigation 4. For far too many of them the answer is no. The
reason is basic. A child’s most critical years,
v. According to Galton-Henry, fingerprints’ with regard to physical, intellectual, social,
classification varies into and emotional development, are those before
1. shapes he reaches five years of age. During those
2. sizes critical formative years, he is cared for almost
3. arches exclusively by his mother and in many parts of
4. loops and whirls the world the mother may not have the
(a) Both 1 and 2 capacity to raise a superior child. She is
(b) only 2 incapable of doing so by reason of her own
(c) Both 3 and 4 poor health, her ignorance and her lack of
(d) only 4 status and recognition of social and legal
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2. the gross national product ix. The above passage gives stress on
3. disposable income of the individual __________.
4. the marketing of local products
(a) 1 and 2 x. Disposable income, in the hands of a woman
(b) 2 and 3 ensures the __________ status of a family.
(c) 3 and 4 (a) emotional
(d) 2 and 4 (b) nutritional
(c) financial
(d) none of these
Read the given extracts to attempt the questions 1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given.
with reference to context.
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English-(Class 12th)
vi. What is the most likely reason the poet V Answer ANY FIVE of the following in about
capitalised ‘Young Trees’? 40-50 words each.
This was to
(a) Convey a clearer meaning. i. Franz reached school late. Yet, M. Hamel did
(b) Highlight the adj.-noun combination. not scold him. Why?
(c) Enhance the contrast.
(d) Draw a connection with the title. ii. Describe the crofter’s hospitality towards the
3.B Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her iii. Explain Douglas’ statement, “The instructor
wool was finished. But I was not finished:’
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band iv. What do celebrities dislike most about
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand. interviews?
i. How would you describe Aunt Jennifer based v. What makes human beings love life in spite
on the above extract? of all the troubles they face?
ii. Uncle’s wedding band sits heavily on Aunt vi. How does the poet describe Aunt Jennifer’s
Jennifer’s hand because __________. tigers?
iii. Pick the option that displays the image which VI. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about
correctly corresponds to the type of task 40-50 words each.
Aunt is engaged in.
i. Dr Sadao was a calm person in general. What
made him raise his voice at Hana? How did
she react?
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English-(Class 12th)
iii. Why did Charley run away from the third VIII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about
level? 120-150 words.
VII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about i. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a
120-150 words. physical impairment is often much less than
the sense of alienation felt by the person
i. Why should child labour be eliminated and with disabilities. What is the kind of
how? Explain on the basis of Lost Spring. behaviour that the person expects from
ii. Elaborate how the Champaran episode is Or
considered as the turning point in Gandhi ji’s ii. How did the Tiger King manage to retain his
life. kingdom?
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ENGLISH (Sample paper - 5)
Si. Ans : (d) 1885-1913 BCE II.
Siii. Ans : (b) Nehemiah Grew Sii. Ans : of the weakness and inability of the
English language to describe group composed
Siv. Ans : (a) all fingerprints are different of both male and female member.
Sv. Ans : (c) Both 3 and 4 Siii. Ans : First five years
Svi. Ans : It is in use since a very long time. Siv. Ans : (b) only 4
Svii. Ans : When people agreed to a business Sv. Ans : (b) large families
contract, they pressed their fingerprints in to
the clay. Svi. Ans : educated
Sviii. Ans : Marcello Malpighi wrote about ridges Svii. Ans : (c) 1, 3, and 4
and loops.
Sviii. Ans : (b) 2 and 3
Six. Ans : Sir William James Herschel realised that
fingerprints were unique to each person. Six. Ans : the need of women empowerment
Sx. Ans : Charles Darwin didn’t take the research Sx. Ans : (b) nutritional
of fingerprints.
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ENGLISH (Sample paper - 5)
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ENGLISH (Sample paper - 5)
Through the columns of your esteemed very stern warnings with immediate effect.
newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the The Delhi Transport Corporation needs to take
concerned authorities towards the problem of stringent action
water scarcity in our locality. It is still early against these drivers. Despite repeated pleas
summer and the residents are already facing and warnings by various passengers, these
acute water shortage in the area. The supply drivers have turned a deaf ear to the
starts at 7.30 a.m. and cuts off at 8.30 a.m passengers’ pleas and continue with their rash
in the morning and is restored only for half an driving. The General Manager of the Delhi
hour in the evening between 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 Transport Corporation needs to take
p.m. Since the timings are erratic, many immediate action and if required cancel the
people, especially, the working couples are driving licences of non-compliant drivers.
unable to store water. Frequent I hope you will publish my letter in your
complaints to the Jal Board haven’t yielded esteemed newspaper so that this matter is
any result as the authorities express their brought to the attention of the concerned
helplessness saying that one of the tanks of authority.
the Hyderpur Water Treatment plant is under Yours sincerely
repair and has been shut down for a month or Prakash
so thereby affecting the water supply in the
area. But it is nearly one and a half months S4A. Ans :
since the problem began, yet there is no Flood Relief Programme
respite for the residents. By: Krishna
The Jal Board should, in the meantime, make In an initiative to provide immediate material
provisions for water tankers at different hours and trauma relief to the evacuees of the flood
of the day. Also, measures must be taken to calamity struck victims in our area the
expedite the repair work. volunteers of ‘The Saviours of the Earth
Thank you Foundation’ organized a flood relief
Yours sincerely programme of which I was an active
Bobby participant. Ever since incessant rains
Or resulting in heavy floods lashed our area,
S3B. Ans : volunteers of our organization have been
15, Udyog Vihar working in coordination with the disaster
Noida management team to distribute door to door
1st October, 20xx relief material to the victims. For providing
The Editor material relief, our organization has been
The Times of India raising funds and has also been conducting
Delhi trauma-relief meditation for the evacuees. A
Subject : Rash driving by bus drivers team of 250 volunteers of our organization
Sir, including doctors are constantly providing
Through the medium of the columns of your medical aid and food, assisting in rescue
esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the operations and clearing the debris.
attention of the General Manager of the Delhi
Transport Corporation towards the rash Or
driving of bus drivers from Noida to Delhi. S4B. Ans :
I am a regular commuter from Noida to Delhi Safe Driving
and have been witnessing rash driving by the by XYZ
bus drivers without an exception. These There are many ideas and laws that are
reckless drivers carelessly endanger the lives created to ensure a safe and pleasurable
of so many people on a daily basis. They flout driving experience. Some are avoiding
all traffic rules, ump red lights, do not adhere aggressive drivers, alertness while driving, and
to speed limits etc. They need to be issued following vehicle distance, vehicle speed, and
special driving situations.
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ENGLISH (Sample paper - 5)
One of the many factors in remaining safe on understand or navigate a map while operating
the roads is the ability to control your a vehicle. This can cause you to commit a
emotions and your stress. Some drivers do not traffic violation, or even injure a pedestrian.
know how to deal with stress. This emotion There is a thumb rule that can help you keep a
can hinder the ability to drive safely and safe distance while travelling the roads. It is
ensure safety on the roads. If you encounter a called the “Two Second Rule’: Following a
vehicle who is driving recklessly and vehicle too closely is called “Tailgating”. Use
constantly following, the best thing to do is to the two-second rule to determine a safe
avoid a confrontation, to reduce speed and following distance. Select a fixed object on the
allow him to overtake your vehicle. Do not road ahead such as a sign, tree or overpass.
provoke the driver, just let them pass. When the vehicle ahead of you passes the
Accident are avoidable, all it takes is to be object, count “one-thousand-one, one-
aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to thousand-two.” You should not reach the
what you are doing. Cell phones and radios are object before you count to one thousand-two.
common distractions while in a motor vehicle. If you do, you are following too closely. Most
If you must use a mobile device, ensure that rear end collisions are caused by the vehicle in
you have a hands free accessory for it. If not, the back following too closely.
pull over and make your call. Never try to
S1A i. Ans : (a) they could believe in themselves S2A i. Ans : No, because he welcomes everyone
and be self-dependant. into the garden.
S1A ii. Ans : Vehemently S2A ii. Ans : (c) Derry was the only person to sneak
in through the wall.
S1A iii. Ans : the first President of India
S2A iii. Ans : (d) A is true but R is false.
S1A iv. Ans : Indigo
S2A iv. Ans : No, because he was the one entering
S1A v. Ans : (c) A is true but R is false. Mr. Lamb’s garden secretly.
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ENGLISH (Sample paper - 5)
Or SV v. Ans :
S3B i. Ans : Oppressed Human beings love life in spite of all the
troubles they face because they are
S3B ii. Ans : she feels burdened in her marriage surrounded by the things of beauty in
nature. They remove the gloomy pall from
S3B iii. Ans : (b) Option (ii) our dark spirits. Nature makes us rise above
the spite of our despondence and allows us
S3B iv. Ans : (a) Finger fluttering through the to become attuned to the beauty of nature.
SV vi. Ans :
S3B v. Ans : (c) Moving unsteadily and irregularly The poet describes Aunt Jennifer’s tigers as
with trembling topaz, bright-eyed denizens, prancing with
sleek and chivalric certainty. The tigers are
S3B vi. Ans : aabb free and fearless unlike her aunt who is
timed and suppressed. The tigers greatly
SV i. Ans : On reaching the school late that day, contrast with the personality of her aunt.
Franz was not scolded because the
atmosphere in the school was sombre; an SVI i. Ans :
order had come from Berlin that German When Dr. Sadao started operating on the
was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and wounded American soldier, Hana had to be
Lorraine from now on. Everyone was sad there to assist him. As someone who had
that it was going to be their last French never witnessed surgery before, the sight of
lesson. blood disgusted Hana and she choked. In a
sharp tone, Dr. Sadao told his wife to be
SV ii. Ans : The good natured crofter was a lonely strong and not faint. However, Hana ran
man. So, when the peddler knocked on his outside and vomited. Sadao wanted to
door for shelter, the crofter welcomed him comfort his wife but at the same time, could
with open arms. He served him porridge for not leave the American soldier unattended.
supper and offered him a big slice of tobacco This helplessness forced an otherwise calm
for his pipe. He also played a game of cards and composed Dr. Sadao to be impatient
with the peddler till bedtime. This and irritable with his patient.
hospitality was unexpected as people
usually made sour faces when the peddler SVI ii. Ans :
asked for shelter. Derry’s mother did not think very highly of
SV iii. Ans : Mr. Lamb and claimed to have heard not
The instructor had trained Dougles piece in really good things about him. She had been
every exercise pertaining to swimming but told and warned by people about Mr. Lamb
Douglas was not satisfied. He was under the and so she tells Derry not to go back to him.
fear that the terror of water would get hold She also tried to hold him back but he does
on him again while swimming. So the author go back to Mr. Lamb.
was in a mood to have more attempts or
exercise for perfection. SVI iii. Ans :
Charley was greatly amazed when he
SV iv. Ans : reached the hundred year old third level and
‘Thumbprints on his windpipe’ means to was planning to buy two rail tickets to
choke or suffocate somebody by applying Galesburg where he had spent his
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ENGLISH (Sample paper - 5)
childhood. But when he took out his money much has materialised for the slum people,
to pay the fare, the clerk found out that his especially the children. Garbage was and
notes were fake and thought that Charley still is the means of their livelihood no less
was attempting to fool him. He warned him than gold. That is why Anees Jung says that
that he would call the police. Seeing that promises, which were not really meant, are
there was nothing good about police and jail just too many to count and are a part of the
in the hundred year old Galeburg, Charley bleak world to which Saheb belongs.
ran away. Under-privileged children are more
interested in earning. However, there are
SVII i. Ans : also children like Saheb who want to study.
Child labour should be eliminated because Each day, I would devote an hour to teach
the children employed at tender age as i the underprivileged in and around my
domestic servants, dish-washers at road- locality. I would also request my peers to
side dhabas and in hazardous industries donate their old books, notebooks,
making glass bangles, biris, crackers etc. lose geometry boxes, school bags, etc. to these
the charm of the spring of their life. Their children so that they too can learn to read
childhood is stolen. Burdened by the and write. I would also urge my principal,
responsibility of work, they become adults teachers and fellow students to form special
too soon. Most of them are undernourished, teaching group and take special classes on
ill-fed, uneducated, and poor. They have a every Sunday for slum children. Or else
stunted growth. ‘each one teach one, promises made to
Child labour can be eliminated only through Saheb and others like him cannot be
concerted efforts on the part of government fulfilled.
agencies, NGOs (Non-Government
Organisations), co-operative societies and SVIII i. Ans :
political leaders. Mere passing of law will A person with any physical impairment can
not help. Laws should be enacted faithfully. live a life of respect and honor unless he is
The children thrown out of work should be ridiculed and punished with heartless pity.
rehabilitated and given proper food, Rather than sympathy, he expects
clothes, education and pocket money. Their sympathy. If everyone looks at him with a
feelings, thoughts and emotions should be pessimistic approach, he may never be able
respected. Let them enjoy sunshine and to come out of his sorrow and, as a result,
fresh air. fall into his own isolated world. He’s already
under tremendous mental and emotional
Or pressure. So, he expects others to
SVII ii. Ans : understand rather than remind him of his
For some, education is an obligation, for disability.
others, a necessity. For slum children like Both Derry and Mr. Lamb are caught in a
Saheb, education is a privilege. similar situation in the play. Mr. Lamb, as an
The people living in the slums lead a adult, is able to cope with such problems,
miserable life in unsanitary conditions and but Derry, as a child, is unable to unravel the
always poverty stricken. web on his own. He’s developing a strong
They cannot afford an education; the only love for this old man because he’s talking
thing that matters to them is survival. Saheb the words a person would want to hear with
says that “When they build one (school), I such a problem.
will go:’ This proves that they have been
promised a better life with better Or
opportunities on many occasions. The slum SVIII ii. Ans :
children have been promised education for In the story, both Derry and Mr. Lamb are
a better future; a hope to escape their physically impaired and lonely. To bring
deplorable circumstances. However, not about a change in the lives of such people,
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ENGLISH (Sample paper - 5)
as a responsible citizen, I shall treat them encourage them to take part in all activities.
with respect and honour and not punish They deserve to study in regular educational
them with heartless ridicule and pity. People institutions and get regular jobs. Therefore,
like Derry and Mr. Lamb expect empathy, avocation of this idea is very important. Only
rather than sympathy from others. proper awareness and empowerment can
Therefore, instead of looking down upon make the world view them as equals and at
them with a pessimistic approach, I shall be the same time make the ‘differently abled’
supportive and considerate. They must be people feel socially accepted.
treated as equals. That is why I shall
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