Dynamic Response Analysis Using ABAQUS PDF
Dynamic Response Analysis Using ABAQUS PDF
Dynamic Response Analysis Using ABAQUS PDF
There are several methods to calculate the seakeeping response of a floating structure. For
instance, 2D strip theory method, 3D Boundary Element Method (BEM), full 3D volume
of fluid (VOF) method and smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method [30].
A 3D structural finite element model is established for analysis. In this thesis, seakeeping
response for complex 3D natural modes and other dynamic response such as acceleration
and stress at every wetted element of the 3D-FE model need to be calculated. The 3D-
BEM method is more suitable to be coupled to a 3D FEM. The 2D strip theory can also be
used to calculated hydrodynamic coefficient. It is more accurate than 2D strip theory
method for zero speed problem. However, both these two methods are not accurate enough
for forward speed problem. Thus 3D BEM method and 2D strip theory can be used in this
The calculation of seakeeping problem can be performed in both the frequency domain
and the time domain. The frequency domain method is less time consuming. The time
domain method needs more time for calculation but accounts for large displacement in
response. Thus, for non-linear loads and transient impulsive loads induced response
analysis, it is more convenient to use the time domain method. Hydrostatic coefficient and
Froude-Krylov forces are necessary in calculation for predicting the internal loads of the
ship. It is better to include non-linear radiation and diffraction loads, however, this is
currently difficult to compute completely in the time domain. Thus, the linear radiation
and diffraction coefficients calculated in the frequency domain are used to compute these
forces in the time domain.
3.2 Nonlinear analysis
Structural analysis, including the finite element method, is based on the following
When the displacements are small, the equilibrium equations can be established with
reference to the initial configuration. Moreover, this implies that the strains are linear
functions of displacement gradients (derivatives).The linear elastic stress-stain relationship
When the ultimate strength of structures that buckle and collapse is to be calculated, the
assumptions about small displacements and linear material need to be modified. If the
change of geometry is accounted for, when establishing the equilibrium equations and
calculating the strains from displacements, a geometrical nonlinear behavior is accounted
for. For slamming induced response analysis, large displacements may occur for high
speed vessel which encounters large impact loads. In this thesis, the results to whether
large displacement is accounted for can be analyzed and compared. Typical nonlinear
geometrical behavior related to thin plate/shell is shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3. 1 Response of a thin plate/shell (e.g. due to water pressure or explosion pressure) [31]
Finally, boundary nonlinear behavior occurs when a large displacement leads contact. The
displacements and stresses of the contacting bodies are usually not linearly dependent on
the applied loads.
However, nonlinear material behavior and nonlinear boundary behavior are not considered
in this thesis.
3.2.2 Techniques solving nonlinear problems
The first one is the load incremental method, which is also called Euler-Cauchy method.
The incremental method provide a solution of the nonlinear problem by a stepwise
application of the external loading. For each step, the displacement increment is
determined. The total displacement is obtained by adding displacement increments. The
incremental stiffness matrix is calculated based on the known displacement and stress
condition before a new load increment is applied and is kept constant during the increment.
For load increment No. (m+1), the expressions are shown:
The initial condition r0=0. In this way, the load may be incremented up to the desired level.
The accuracy may be increased by reducing the load increment. The method is illustrated
for a single degree of freedom in Figure 3.3.
The second method is the Newton-Raphson method, which is the most frequently used
iterative method for solving nonlinear structural problems. The method for a single d.o.f
system is illustrated in Figure 3.4.
This needs that to be solved for each step and is time-consuming. By uploading KI
less frequently, reduced efforts are needed, which forms the modified Newton-Raphson
The third method is the combined method of incremental and iterative methods. The
external load is applied in increments and in each increment equilibrium is achieved by
iteration. The method is illustrated in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3. 5 Combined incremental and iterative solution procedures [31]
The basic method of dynamic analysis is to solve the general equation of motion, which is
given by:
For slamming induced response analysis, Eq. (45) usually needs to be solved in time
domain with a given impact load history. However, it is not easy to estimate a force history
in reality using numerical tools. Model tests are to be preferred. [8]
The magnitude of hull whipping response mainly depends on the strength and location of
the slamming impulse. The important input is the shape of the slamming force history and
the ratio of the duration of the load history to the natural period of the relevant hull girder
vibration. In fact, time domain analysis needs to be avoided for its complicated and time
consuming. Sometimes, quasi-static analysis could be used instead. Then the dynamic
amplification magnification factor (DAF) is used to estimate the dynamic response in
quasi-static analysis. If the slamming load history can be approximated by one of the
standard shapes shown in Figure 3.6, and the maximum response is the main concern, the
solution can be found from Figure 3.6 without solving Eq. (45). [8]
Figure 3. 6 Dynamic amplification factors for 4 different impulse shapes [8].
If the shape of the impulse is not known in detail, but the ratio of the load duration to the
natural period is small enough, the response can also be found without solving Eq. (45) by
using the unit impulse response function [8].
The coupling between low frequency deflections due to waves and the high frequency
elastic hull vibrations is not included in the DAF. The coupling effect can only be obtained
by considering the hydrodynamic wave and slamming pressures simultaneously, as well
as applying the resulting pressure duration history to the structural response model. Thus,
ers to the procedure when hydrodynamic and structural response analysis
performed simultaneously, i.e. a hydro-elastic analysis is performed. [9]
Also the calculation of ship motions, wave loads and slamming pressures can be performed
by different methods. A combination of methods used in the hydrodynamic and structural
analysis of hull whipping vibrations is shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3. 1 Alternative methods/models used in the hydrodynamic and structural analysis of hull whipping vibration [9]
The seakeeping response of a ship is the combination of the rigid-body motion and the
flexible response of the structure. For most linear wave-induced problems, the structure
deformations are small, which allows to exclude the flexible structural response in
calculation. The structural response can be computed after the rigid-body seakeeping
calculation. However, this results in not fully account for all hydro-elastic effects.
The slamming induced response problem is in fact the hydro-elastic problem, which is
easier solved by using generalized modes. All degrees of freedoms are described by
generalized mode shapes, including rigid-body modes and flexible modes. The flexible
modes are added to six rigid-body modes for hydro-elastic calculations. The flexible modes
of the ship in this thesis can be presented in the following analysis, the pictures in Chapter
5.1.The concept of generalized modes can be used for both single ships and multi-body
ships for hydro-elastic calculations. The rigid modes are added to each ship.
The calculation on base of generalized modes is in fact the modal approach, which is a
common method to calculate the dynamic response of structures. A number of pre-
calculated elastic modes are used to describe the structural response. The natural modes of
the ship structure are the basic modes to be used, while, artificial mode shapes may also be
For an unconstrained structure in air, flexible response is considered to have no influence
on the loading of the structure. Thus, the rigid-body response and the dynamic response of
the structure can be solved separately. The natural modes computed by this uncoupled
method are called dry natural modes. For the floating structure in water, hydro-elastic
effects should be accounted for. It is necessary to solve the dynamic response using both
the rigid-body modes and flexible modes simultaneously since that the hydrodynamics
couple the rigid-body and flexible modes. This coupled calculation is hydro-elastic
calculation. The natural modes computed in this way are called wet natural modes. It is
necessary to use the hydro-elastic method when the flexible motions influence the loading
of the structure.
A direct coupling between the seakeeping code and the structural solver is avoided by
using the modal approach [30]. The dry mode shapes are calculated by a structural solver
and these mode shapes are transferred to the hydrodynamic mesh. The wet mode shapes
include the effect of added mass and hydro-static stiffness on the modal response and can
be used to obtain resulting stresses, bending moments, motions, etc.
The natural modes of the ship structure are calculated using the finite element method.
There are two alternative FE methods. The first one uses a 1D beam model of the ship
structure. For simple calculation of global bending moment, it is easy to create a beam
model of the ship structure. However, for more complex response calculation such as the
response including torsion modes, it is not available to use the 1D beam model. The second
method is a coupling with commercial 3D-FEM. The 3D FE models are available for
complex response calculation. However, it requires more effort and time to create a 3D-
FE ship model than a 1D beam model of the ship.
Only the global structural response can be calculated by the modal approach since that only
a limited number of modes are needed. In case of local structural response calculation, it
is necessary to transfer the dynamic loads on the structure and calculate the structural
response within the structural program [30]. The local structural response can only be
computed by using 3D-FE method. Thus, the seakeeping, slamming and internal loads of
a selected event are transferred to the FEM program, which is used to solve the structural
3.4.1 Dry natural mode analysis
First, we simply consider the unconstrained structure in air and get dry mode shapes. The
decoupled method neglecting the influence of hydro-elasticity is used.
Euler beam model is used in the analysis, assuming that no plastic deformation caused by
this load levels. The model is shown in Figure 3.7.
Figure 3. 7 Coordinate system used for local hydroelastic analysis of beam of length L. k is the spring stiffness of
spiral springs at the beam ends [4].
t is the time-variable,
Eq. (47) means that the deflection is zero at beam ends. In the whole structure, this implies
that this beam is less stiffener than the adjacent structure and is restrained by the adjacent
structure. In the Eq. (48), k is the spring stiffness, is the slope of the beam.
represents the restoring moment of the spring at the left end of the beam, while the
restoring moment of the spring at the right beam end has a negative sign. The second term
in Eq. (48) is proportional to the beam bending moment . Eq. (48) satisfies
the requirement that the continuity of the bending moment at the rotational springs at the
beam ends. If k = 0, there is no bending moment at the beam ends, which means that the
connection between the beams are hinge. If k is infinite, the slope of the beam ends is
zero, which implies the clamped boundary condition. [4]
If the added mass distribution is similar to the structural mass distribution, the dry normal
modes are a good approximation of the wet normal modes. Thus we first study the dry
mode condition. When the solution is expressed in terms of dry normal modes n, that is,
The eigenfunctions n are found by setting p = 0 in Eq. (46) and assuming a solution of
the form nt) n, where n are dry natural frequencies corresponding to the nth
eigenmode n. This gives
Assuming that the load on the beam is symmetric about x=0, thus only the modes
symmetric about x=0 is considered here.
We find equations for n, Bn and Dn by requiring that n satisfies the same boundary
conditions as w, that is Eq. (47) and (48). We cannot determine Bn and Dn, only know how
Bn and Dn depend on each other. The hinged boundary condition is used here, which
implies that k = 0. Besides, w = 0, . This gives the mode shapes:
with pn+1L/2 =
Further, it has been shown by experiments that the first mode shape, i.e. n =1, has the
dominant contribution. Thus, we mainly need to study the mode
Introducing Eq. (55) into Eq. (45), the lowest dry natural frequency is obtained
However, the dry mode analysis is not applicable for real seakeeping problems. Slamming
process contains the effect of the surrounding fluid on the dynamic response. Thus, wet
mode analysis, which is based on the dry mode analysis is needed, including added mass
and the hydrostatic-gravitational stiffness.
Assume incompressible fluid with the two-dimensional fluid potential flow theory, and no
flow through the beam, which means
The gravity is neglected due to high oscillation frequency. The high-frequency free-surface
condition is
Here only a simple solution is needed by averaging cos p1x over the beam length. Thus the
Eq. (59) can be written as
Then, when we use Eq. (58) to express the beam deflection, the corresponding velocity
potential is expressed as
The considered problem is linear in . The corresponding pressure follows from the
Bernoulli equation. Only the pressure terms linear to is considered, that is,
Substituting p and w given by Eq. (64) and (58) into Eq. (46) results in
We now use the method provided by Clough and Penzien (1993) to solve a1(t). Multiply
the equation above with the first mode cos p1x and integrate between L/2 and L/2. The
final equation can now be written as
Introduce the initial condition obtained from the structural inertia phase, Eq. (66) is
solved satisfying zero initial deflection
When solving dynamic equation of motion Eq. (45), the modal method is not the only
method. An alternative method is the direct integration method, which is used in ABAQUS.
When solving the dynamic equation of motion, nonlinear structural effects make k as a
function of x. This means that the loading F is increased (artificially) or as a function of
time. The loading time needs to be sufficiently long so that the inertia and damping forces
do not have an effect on the behavior on the static problem that is to be solved.
A finite difference approximation is used when the time derivatives of Eq. (45) ( and )
are replaced by differences of displacement x at various instants of time. The direct
integration methods can successfully solve geometrical and material nonlinear problems.
The finite difference methods are called explicit if the displacements at the new time step,
, can be obtained by the displacements, velocities and accelerations of precious time
} (72)
This is opposed to the implicit finite difference formulations where the displacements at
the new time step, , are expressed by the velocities and accelerations at the new time
step, in addition to the historical information at previous steps.
One of the explicit solution methods is the central difference method. The central
difference method is based on the assumption that the displacements at the new step, ,
and the previous time step, t- , can be found by Taylor series expansion.
The terms with time steps to the power of three and higher are neglected. Subtracting Eq.
(76) for Eq. (75) yields:
Rearranging Eq. (77) and Eq. (78), the velocities and accelerations at the current time step
can be expressed as:
Finally inserting Eq. (79) and Eq. (80) into the dynamic equation of motion Eq. (45) gives:
If the mass matrix and damping matrix are diagonal, the equations will be uncoupled, and
the displacements at the next time step, , can be obtained without solving simultaneous
equations. Then can be directly, explicitly determined by the response at time t.
There is no coupling between displacements, at the time
Higher order elements yield higher maximum frequencies and should be avoided when
doing explicit integration.
The advantages and drawbacks of explicit and implicit method used in ABAQUS will be
presented in the following section.
There are a number of different computer programs available in the market for dynamic
analysis of ships and offshore structures, for instance ABAQUS package, ANSYS,
SESAM-DNV package, GL shipload etc. In this project, ABAQUS is used for dynamic
Automatic multi-level substructuring (AMS), an add-on analysis capability for
Subspace iteration
Lanczos method, i.e. the default eigenvalue extraction method, is used in the current work.
It has the most general capabilities with less limitations, however, is slower than the AMS
The Lanczos Eigen Solver is an extended version of the Inverse Power Method, where
blocks of frequencies are evaluated incrementally [11].
Where is a converging shift and is the eigenvalue. A new shift is formed after each
convergence. The result is transformed to frequency:
When dealing with ABAQUS, the maximum frequency of interest or the number of
eigenvalues needs to be provided. Abaqus/Standard determines a suitable block size.
Another choice is to specify the minimum frequencies, and Abaqus/Standard will extract
eigenvalues until either the requested number of eigenvalues has been extracted in the
given range or all the frequencies in the given range has been extracted. [11]
As has been illustrated in section 3.5, the dynamic motion equation can be solved by direct
integration dynamic procedure which is provided in ABAQUS. There are two ways to
conduct direct integration.
It is obvious that the choice criteria on these assumption determines the accuracy, stability
and cost of the solution procedure. The choice stands between the using of explicit or
implicit time integration method. [13]
Abaqus/Explicit uses the explicit method, i.e. the central difference method, where the
displacement equil
an increment, thus the stiffness and mass matrices need no factorization for each increment,
which means that each increment is relatively inexpensive compared to the increments in
an implicit integration method. The disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be applied
in the simulation of static phenomena in case of mass and damping effects neglected.
However, since that the explicit integration method is conditionally stable, it requires that
The implicit integration procedure is used for the response analysis in the work for the
reasons below:
Numerical parameters associated with the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor operator are tuned
differently for moderate dissipation and transient fidelity applications. [14]
When applying implicit integration procedure, the operator matrix must be inverted and
the corresponding dynamic equilibrium equations must be solved for each time step. This
solution needs iterative procedure by s method. Marching through a
simulation with a finite time increment size generally introduces same degree of numerical
damping, which is different from the material damping. [15]
Default parameters for the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor operator are shown in Table 3.2.
Table 3. 2 Default parameters for the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor operator
Transient Fidelity Moderate Dissipation
-0.05 -0.41421
0.275625 0.5
0.55 0.91421
The time increment size is specified in the analysis. The analysis terminates if convergence
tolerances are not satisfied within the maximum number of iterations allowed.