Flex Pde

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FlexPDE 7

Version 7.18

Copyright © 2020 PDE Solutions Inc.

FlexPDE 7

Copyright © 2020 PDE Solutions Inc.

Comply ing with all copy right laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under
copy right, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retriev al
sy stem, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy ing, or
otherwise) without the ex press written permission of PDE Solutions Inc.

PDE Solutions Inc. may hav e patents, patent applications, trademarks, and copy rights or other
intellectual property rights cov ering subject matter in this document. Ex cept as prov ided in any
written license agreement from PDE Solutions Inc., the furnishing of this document does not giv e y ou
any license to these patents, trademarks, copy rights or other intellectual property .

PDE Solutions, and Flex PDE are either registered trademarks or trademarks of PDE Solutions Inc. in
the United States of America and/or other countries.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of the respectiv e owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these

While ev ery precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of
information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may
accompany it. In no ev ent shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any
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Note :

This v ersion of this manual is current as of the indicated release date. Electronic v ersions of this manual
together with subsequent release notices in the Flex PDE documentation are av ailable online at
www.pdesolutions.com. Electronic v ersions are updated more frequently than printed v ersions, and may
reflect recent dev elopments in Flex PDE more accurately .
Table of C ontents I

Table of Contents

Part I Getting Started 2

1 Installation
....................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Starting FlexPDE
....................................................................................................................................... 2
3 FlexPDE Working Files
....................................................................................................................................... 4
4 The.......................................................................................................................................
Main Menu Bar 6
The File Menu 7
The Controls Menu 10
The Stop Menu 12
5 The Tool Bar
....................................................................................................................................... 14
6 Editing Descriptor Files
....................................................................................................................................... 14
7 Domain Review
....................................................................................................................................... 16
8 While the Problem Runs
....................................................................................................................................... 19
9 When the Problem Finishes
....................................................................................................................................... 25
10 Viewing Saved Graphic Files
....................................................................................................................................... 26
11 Preferences Window
....................................................................................................................................... 28
General Settings Tab 29
Font Settings Tab 30
Web Proxy Settings Tab 31
License Registration Tab 32
12 Registering FlexPDE
....................................................................................................................................... 33
Internet Key Registration 35
Dongle Registration 36
Network Dongle Registration 39
Software Key Registration 41

Part II User Guide 44

1 Overview
....................................................................................................................................... 44
What Is FlexPDE? 44
What Can FlexPDE Do? 45
How Does It Do It? 46
Who Can Use FlexPDE? 47
What Does A Script Look Like? 47
What About Boundary Conditions? 48
2 Basic Usage
....................................................................................................................................... 49
II FlexP DE 7

How Do I Set Up My Problem? 49
Problem Setup Guidelines 50
Notation 51
Variables and Equations 51
Mapping the Domain 52
An Example Problem 53
Generating A Mesh 54
Defining Material Parameters 55
Setting the Boundary Conditions 56
Requesting Graphical Output 57
Putting It All Together 58
Interpreting a Script 62
3 Some Common Variations
....................................................................................................................................... 63
Controlling Accuracy 63
Computing Integrals 64
Reporting Numerical Results 64
Summarizing Numerical Results 65
Parameter Studies Using STAGES 65
Cylindrical Geometry 67
Integrals In Cy lindrical Geometry 68
A Cy lindrical Ex ample 68
Time Dependence 71
Bad Things To Do In Time Dependent Problems 74
Eigenvalues and Modal Analysis 75
The Eigenv alue Summary 78
4 Addressing More Difficult Problems
....................................................................................................................................... 79
Nonlinear Coefficients and Equations 79
Complications Associated with Nonlinear Problems 81
Natural Boundary Conditions 82
Some Ty pical Cases 83
An Ex ample of a Flux Boundary Condition 85
Discontinuous Variables 86
Contact Resistance 87
Decoupling 89
Using JUMP in problems with many v ariables 89
5 Using FlexPDE in One-Dimensional Problems
....................................................................................................................................... 91
6 Using FlexPDE in Three-Dimensional Problems
....................................................................................................................................... 92
The Concept of Extrusion 93
Extrusion Notation in FlexPDE 93
Table of C ontents III

Layering 95
Setting Material Properties by Region and Layer 96
Void Compartments 97
Limited Regions 98
Specifying Plots on Cut Planes 99
The Complete 3D Canister 1 00
Setting Boundary Conditions in 3D 1 03
Shaped Layer Interfaces 1 06
Surface-Generating Functions 1 08
Integrals in Three Dimensions 1 09
More Advanced Plot Controls 113
7 Complex Variables
....................................................................................................................................... 114
The Time-Sinusoidal Heat 116
Interpreting Time-Sinusoidal Results 119
8 Vector Variables
....................................................................................................................................... 1 21
Curvilinear Coordinates 1 23
Magnetic Vector Potential 1 23
9 Variables Inactive in Some Regions
....................................................................................................................................... 1 26
A Chemical Beaker 1 26
10 Moving Meshes
....................................................................................................................................... 1 30
Mesh Balancing 1 31
The Pulsating Blob 1 32
11 Controlling Mesh Density
....................................................................................................................................... 1 34
12 Post-processing with FlexPDE
....................................................................................................................................... 1 36

13 Exporting Data to Other Applications

....................................................................................................................................... 1 37
14 Importing Data from Other Applications
....................................................................................................................................... 1 39
....................................................................................................................................... 1 40
16 Solving Nonlinear Problems
....................................................................................................................................... 1 42
17 Using Multiple Processors
....................................................................................................................................... 1 43
18 Running FlexPDE from the Command Line
....................................................................................................................................... 1 45
19 Running FlexPDE Without A Graphical Interface
....................................................................................................................................... 1 46
20 Getting Help
....................................................................................................................................... 1 46

Part III Problem Descriptor Reference 149

1 Introduction
....................................................................................................................................... 1 49
Preparing a Descriptor File 1 50
File Names and Extensions 1 50
IV FlexP DE 7

Problem Descriptor Structure 1 51
Problem Descriptor Format 1 52
Case Sensitivity 1 52
"Include" Files 1 52
A Simple Example 1 53
2 The Elements of a Descriptor
....................................................................................................................................... 1 54
Comments 1 54
Reserved Words and Symbols 1 55
Separators 1 58
Literal Strings 1 58
Numeric Constants 1 59
Built-in Functions 1 59
Analy tic Functions 1 60
Non-Analy tic Functions 1 61
Unit Functions 1 63
String Functions 1 63
The FIT Function 1 64
The LUMP Function 1 65
The RAMP Function 1 65
The SAV E Function 1 66
The SUM Function 1 67
The SWAGE Function 1 67
The V AL and EV AL functions 1 68
Boundary Search Functions 1 69
Operators 1 69
Arithmetic Operators 1 69
Complex Operators 1 69
Differential Operators 17 0
Integral Operators 17 2
Tim e Integrals
...................................................................................................................................... 17 2
Line Integrals
...................................................................................................................................... 17 2
2 D Surface Integrals
...................................................................................................................................... 17 3
3 D Surface Integrals
...................................................................................................................................... 17 4
2 D Volum e Integrals
...................................................................................................................................... 17 5
3 D Volum e Integrals
...................................................................................................................................... 17 5
Relational Operators 17 6
String Operators 17 6
V ector Operators 17 7
Tensor Operators 17 9
Predefined Elements 1 80
Expressions 1 80
Repeated Text 1 81
Table of C ontents V

3 The Sections of a Descriptor

....................................................................................................................................... 1 83
Title 1 83
Select 1 83
Mesh Generation Controls 1 83
Solution Controls 1 86
Global Graphics Controls 1 91
Coordinates 1 93
Variables 1 95
The THRESHOLD Clause 1 96
The ORDER Clause 1 97
Complex V ariables 1 97
Mov ing Meshes 1 97
V ariable Array s 1 98
V ector V ariables 1 98
Global Variables 1 99
Definitions 200
ARRAY Definitions 201
MATRIX Definitions 203
COMPLEX Definitions 205
Function Definitions 206
STAGED Definitions 207
POINT Definitions 208
TABLE Import Definitions 208
The TABLE Input function
...................................................................................................................................... 209
The TABLEDEF input statem ent
...................................................................................................................................... 21 0
TABLE Modifiers
...................................................................................................................................... 21 0
TABLE File form at
...................................................................................................................................... 21 1
TABULATE definitions 21 2
TRANSFER Import Definitions 21 3
The PASSIV E Modifier 21 4
Mesh Control Parameters 21 4
Materials 21 5
Boundary Conditions 21 6
Initial Values 21 6
Equations 21 7
Association between Equations, V ariables and Boundary
Conditions 21 8
Sequencing of Equations 21 9
Initial Equations 220
Modal Analy sis and Associated Equations 221
Mov ing Meshes 221
Constraints 223
Extrusion 223
VI FlexP DE 7

Boundaries 226
Points 226
Boundary Paths 227
Regions 229
Reassigning Regional Param eters
...................................................................................................................................... 230
Regions in One Dim ension
...................................................................................................................................... 230
Regions in Three Dim ensions
...................................................................................................................................... 231
Regional Param eter Values in 3 D
...................................................................................................................................... 231
Lim ited Regions in 3 D
...................................................................................................................................... 232
Em pty Lay ers in 3 D
...................................................................................................................................... 233
Ex cludes 233
Features 233
Node Points 234
Ordering Regions 234
Numbering Regions 235
Fillets and Bev els 235
Specify ing Boundary Conditions 236
Sy ntax of Boundary Condition Statem ents
...................................................................................................................................... 237
Point Boundary Conditions
...................................................................................................................................... 237
Boundary conditions in 1 D
...................................................................................................................................... 238
Boundary Conditions in 3 D
...................................................................................................................................... 238
Jum p Boundaries
...................................................................................................................................... 239
Periodic Boundaries
...................................................................................................................................... 240
Com plex and Vector Boundary Conditions
...................................................................................................................................... 242
Front 242
Maximize 242
Minimize 243
Resolve 243
Time 244
Monitors and Plots 245
Graphics Display Specifications 246
Graphic Display Modifiers 248
Controlling the Plot Domain 254
Reports 257
The ERROR V ariable 258
Window Tiling 258
Monitors in Steady State Problems 258
Monitors and Plots in Time Dependent Problems 258
Hardcopy 259
Graphics Ex port 259
Data Ex port 260
Data Export Specifications
...................................................................................................................................... 260
TRANSFER File form at
...................................................................................................................................... 262
TRANSFER6 File form at
...................................................................................................................................... 266
Ex amples 269
Histories 27 0
Table of C ontents VII

End 27 1
4 Batch Processing
....................................................................................................................................... 27 1

Part IV Technical Notes 274

1 Natural Boundary Conditions
....................................................................................................................................... 27 4
2 Solving Nonlinear Problems
....................................................................................................................................... 27 6
3 Eigenvalues and Modal Analysis
....................................................................................................................................... 27 7
4 Avoid Discontinuities!
....................................................................................................................................... 27 8
5 Extrusions in 3D
....................................................................................................................................... 280
6 Importing DXF Files
....................................................................................................................................... 285

7 Importing OBJ Files

....................................................................................................................................... 286
8 Applications in Electromagnetics
....................................................................................................................................... 288
Introduction 297
Finite Element Methods 298
Principles 298
Boundary Conditions 299
Integration by Parts and Natural Boundary Conditions 300
Adaptiv e Mesh Refinement 301
Time Integration 301
Summary 302
Electrostatics 302
Electrostatic Fields in 2D 303
Electrostatics in 3D 308
Capacitance per Unit Length in 2D Geometry 31 0
Magnetostatics 31 6
A Magnet Coil in 2D Cy lindrical Coordinates 31 8
Nonlinear Permeability in 2D 321
Div ergence Form 325
Boundary Conditions 326
Magnetic Materials in 3D 327
Waveguides 333
Homogeneous Wav eguides 335
TE and TM Modes 336
Non-Homogeneous Wav eguides 340
Boundary Conditions 342
Material Interfaces 343
References 348
9 Smoothing Operators in PDE's
....................................................................................................................................... 349
10 3D Mesh Generation
....................................................................................................................................... 351
11 Interpreting Error Estimates
....................................................................................................................................... 352

12 Coordinate Scaling
....................................................................................................................................... 354
13 Making Movies
....................................................................................................................................... 356

14 Converting from Version 4 to Version 5

....................................................................................................................................... 357
15 Converting from Version 5 to Version 6
....................................................................................................................................... 357
16 Converting from Version 6 to Version 7
....................................................................................................................................... 358

Part V Sample Problems 361

1 Applications
....................................................................................................................................... 361
Chemistry 361
chemburn 361
melting 363
reaction 365
Control 367
control_steady 367
control_transient 368
Electricity 369
3d_capacitor 369
3d_capacitor_check 37 0
3d_dielectric 37 1
capacitance 37 2
dielectric 37 3
fieldmap 37 4
plate_capacitor 37 5
space_charge 37 6
Fluids 37 7
1 d_eulerian_shock 37 7
1 d_lagrangian_shock 37 8
2d_eulerian_shock 37 9
2d_piston_mov ingmesh 380
3d_flowbox 382
airfoil 384
black_oil 385
buoy ant 387
buoy ant+time 389
cav ity _1 k 390
channel 392
contaminant_transport 393
coupled_contaminant 394
coupled_contaminant_initeq 396
flowslab 397
geoflow 398
hy perbolic 399
landfill_gas_flow 400
Table of C ontents IX

lowv isc 404
swirl 406
v iscous 408
Groundwater 41 0
porous 41 0
richards 41 0
water 41 1
Heatflow 41 2
1 d_float_zone 41 2
3d_bricks 41 4
3d_bricks+time 41 5
ax isy mmetric_heat 41 6
float_zone 41 7
heat_boundary 41 8
radiation_flow 420
radiativ e_boundary 421
slider 422
Lasers 423
laser_heatflow 423
self_focus 425
Magnetism 426
3d_helmholtz_coil 426
3d_magnetron 428
3d_v ector_magnetron 429
magnet_coil 430
permanent_magnet 432
saturation 433
Misc 435
diffusion 435
minimal_surface 436
surface_fit 437
Quantun_Mechanics 438
1 d_finite_potential_well 438
2d_finite_potential_well 439
morse_potential 440
Stress 441
3d_bimetal 441
anisotropic_stress 444
ax isy mmetric_stress 446
bentbar 447
bentbar_mov ing 449
elasticity 450
fix ed_plate 453
free_plate 455
X FlexP DE 7

harmonic 456
prestube 458
tension 459
v ibrate 461
2 Usage
....................................................................................................................................... 464
1D 464
1 d_cy linder 464
1 d_cy linder_transient 464
1 d_float_zone 465
1 d_slab 466
1 d_sphere 466
3D_domains 467
2d_sphere_in_cy linder 467
3d_box _in_sphere 467
3d_cocktail 469
3d_cy lspec 469
3d_ellipsoid 47 0
3d_ellipsoid_shell 47 1
3d_ex trusion_spec 47 2
3d_fillet 47 3
3d_guitar 47 3
3d_helix _lay ered 47 5
3d_helix _wrapped 47 8
3d_lenses 480
3d_limited_region 480
3d_pinchout 481
3d_planespec 482
3d_py ramid 483
3d_shell 484
3d_shells 485
3d_sphere 487
3d_spherebox 488
3d_spherespec 489
3d_spool 490
3d_thermocouple 491
3d_toggle 492
3d_torus 493
3d_torus_tube 494
3d_twist 496
3d_v oid 497
regional_surfaces 499
tabular_surfaces 500
two_spheres 501
twoz_direct 502
Table of C ontents XI

twoz_import 503
twoz_ex port 505
twoz_planar 506
Accuracy 507
forev er 507
gaus1 d 508
gaus2d 508
gaus3d 509
sine1 d 51 0
sine2d 51 1
sine3d 51 2
Arrays+Matrices 51 3
array s 51 3
array _boundary 51 3
matrices 51 4
matrix _boundary 51 5
wav e_boundary 51 6
CAD_Import 51 6
arrow_OBJimport 51 6
box inbox _OBJimport 51 7
canincan_OBJimport 51 7
cube_OBJimport 51 8
cube2_OBJimport 51 8
cube2_v alidate 51 9
cubes_bigsmall_OBJimport 520
cubes_bigsmall_v alidate 520
gourd_OBJimport 521
helix _OBJimport 522
horn_OBJimport 523
torus_OBJimport 524
tubefaces_OBJimport 524
wineglass_OBJimport 525
Constraints 526
3d_constraint 526
3d_surf_constraint 527
boundary _constraint 528
constraint 529
Contact_Boundaries 529
3d_contact 529
3d_contact_region 531
contact_resistance_heating 532
thermal_contact_resistance 533
transient_contact_resistance_heating 534
Coordinate_Scaling 535
XII FlexP DE 7

scaled_z 535
unscaled_z 537
Eigenvalues 538
3d_oildrum 538
3d_plate 539
drumhead 541
drumhole 542
filledguide 542
shiftguide 544
v ibar 545
wav eguide 547
wav eguide20 548
Functions 549
complex _functions 549
function_definition 550
error_reporting 550
globalmax 552
globalmax _3d 553
standard_functions 554
sum 555
swage_pulse 556
swage_test 557
unit_functions 557
v ector_functions 558
Implicit_Curves 559
implicit_curv e_boundary 559
implicit_curv e_surface 559
sine_boundary 560
sine_boundary _3d 561
Import_Export 561
3d_mesh_ex port 561
3d_mesh_import 562
3d_post_processing 563
3d_surf_ex port 564
blocktable 565
ex port 566
ex port_format 566
ex port_history 567
mesh_ex port 568
mesh_import 569
post_processing 57 0
smoothtable 57 1
splinetable 57 1
table 57 2
Table of C ontents XIII

tabledef 57 3
table_ex port 57 3
table_import 57 4
transfer_ex port 57 4
transfer_import 57 5
Integrals 57 6
2d_integrals 57 6
3d_integrals 57 8
time_integral 57 9
Mesh_Control 580
3d_curv ature 580
boundary _density 581
boundary _spacing 582
front 582
mesh_density 584
mesh_spacing 584
resolv e 585
Misc 586
askuser 586
bc_sets 587
bc_switching 588
data_fitting 589
fillet 590
fit+weight 591
ifthen 591
lump 592
material_sets 593
point_load 593
polar_coordinates 594
repeat 594
rotated_ellipse 595
sav e 596
spacetime1 597
spacetime2 598
spline_boundary 599
staged_geometry 600
stages 600
tabulate 601
tensors 602
two_histories 603
Moving_Mesh 604
1 d_stretch_x 604
2d_blob_position 605
2d_blob_v elocity 606
XIV FlexP DE 7

2d_lagrangian_shock 607
2d_mov epoint 608
2d_stretch_x 609
2d_stretch_x y 61 0
3d_blob_position 61 2
3d_blob_v elocity 61 3
ODE 61 4
linearode 61 4
nonlinode 61 5
second_order_time 61 6
Optimization 61 7
criticality 61 7
criticality _size 61 8
power_control 620
size_control 621
Periodicity 622
3d_antiperiodic 622
3d_x periodic 623
3d_zperiodic 624
antiperiodic 625
azimuthal_periodic 626
periodic+time 627
periodic 628
periodic_map 629
two-way _periodic 630
Plotting 630
3d_ploton 630
ex port_test 631
plot_on_grid 632
plot_test 633
Sequenced_Equations 634
equation_iteration 634
initialeq 636
smoothing_discontinuities 637
theneq+time 638
theneq 639
Stop+Restart 640
restart_ex port 640
restart_import 641
Variable_Types 643
array _v ariables 643
complex _emw21 644
complex _sinusoidal_heat 644
complex _v ariables 645
Table of C ontents XV

complex +time 646
inactiv e_v ariables 646
v ector_lowv isc 648
v ector_v ariables 649
v ector+time 649

Index 651
Getting Started
G etting Started : 2

1 Getting Started
This section presents an overview of how to install and interact with FlexPDE on your computer. It does
not address the issues of how to pose a partial differential equations problem in the scripting language of
FlexPDE. These issues are addressed in the sections User Guide 44 and Problem Descriptor Reference
149 .

1.1 Installation

The general principles of installation for FlexPDE are the same across all platforms: the set of installation
files must be extracted from the compressed distribution archive and placed in the system file hierarchy.
The details of how this is done vary with computer platform.
There are two media options for FlexPDE installation:
Installation from Internet download

Browse www.pdesolutions.com to the download page. Click the file name of the desired version,
and store the downloaded file at a convenient place in your file system. For more information, click
the "Installation Guide" link next to the version download you have chosen.

Installation from CDROM

The optional CDROM has an installation page that is organized in the same fashion as the website
download page. Open the main index page and browse to the "Installation" page. Click the file name
of the desired version, and run the file (or store the downloaded file at a convenient place in your file
system then run it). For more information, click the "Installation Guide" link next to the version
download you have chosen.

In addition to the "FlexPDE7" application folder, the installer will create a "FlexPDE7user" folder
containing a duplicate copy of the sample scripts and the FlexPDE user settings file ("flexpde7.ini"). On
Windows this will be in the user's "Documents" folder.

1.2 Starting FlexPDE


The FlexPDE installation program will place an icon on your desktop, as well as an entry in the Start
menu. You can start FlexPDE by double-clicking the desktop icon, or single-clicking the Start menu
entry. Alternatively, you can use the File Manager to navigate to the folder where FlexPDE was
installed, and then double-click on the file "FlexPDE7.exe" (the default installation location is "C:
\Program Files\FlexPDE7).
3 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

The installation program will also create associations of the ".pde" and ".pg7" extensions with the
installed FlexPDE executable, so that FlexPDE can be started by double-clicking any file of these
types in the File Manager.

Mac OS X

FlexPDE is installed in the "Applications/FlexPDE7" folder by default, but you can choose to install it
in any location you wish. Navigate to this folder and open the FlexPDE7 application.

The installation program will also create associations of the ".pde" and ".pg7" extensions with the
installed FlexPDE application, so that FlexPDE can be started by double-clicking any file of these
types in the Finder.


FlexPDE is installed in the directory you choose when extracting the archive. You can start
FlexPDE by typing a command line in a console window, or from the file manager by navigating to
the installation directory and opening the FlexPDE7 application.

Associations of the ".pde" and ".pg7" extensions with FlexPDE7 can be made manually using the
standard procedures of the operating system. You can also place a FlexPDE icon on your desktop
using the "fpde7icon.png" file included in the installation files.

The About Banner and Window Caption

When you start FlexPDE (or go to the "About FlexPDE" 6 menu), you will see a screen like this:
G etting Started : Starting FlexP DE 4

The About banner reports the version number, license class, OS platform, and date of creation of the
running version of FlexPDE.

The main window caption bar will also report the license class, version, OS platform, and license level
(1D, 2D, or 3D, depending on the current licensing level of the running program*). Temporary licenses
will display the time remaining in the license.

The main window presents a standard menu bar and a tool bar, most items of which at this point are
disabled, unless you have opened FlexPDE with a file-click.

* Note: Software and Internet keys are read at invocation of FlexPDE. Dongles are merely checked for
their presence but a license is not acquired until a problem is run. At that time a license of the required
level, 1D, 2D or 3D will be requested and displayed in FlexPDE's About banner and title bar.

1.3 FlexPDE Working Files

FlexPDE works with an assortment of files differing in the file extension. All have the structure <problem
name><extension>, where <problem name> is the unique identifier for the model being run. The meaning
of the most commonly used extensions are described below. Other file extensions can be created and
used in other circumstances as described later in the documentation.

FlexPDE reads a model description from a script file with the extension ".pde". This file is created by
the user and contains the full description of the model to be run. The name of this file establishes the
5 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

<problem name> used by the other files. This is a UTF-8 text file and can be opened with any text
editor. This file should not be modified by formatting editors like Word as they may insert illegal
characters. If using an alternate editor that supports unicode etc., be sure to save it in UTF-8 format
not one of the many other page codings.


FlexPDE writes primary graphical output into a file with the extension ".pg7". This file can be viewed
later and used to print or export graphical data to various other formats. The format of this file is
unique to FlexPDE and cannot be read by other programs.


FlexPDE writes a summary of the progress of each run into a text file with the extension "_log.txt".
This file contains information about time steps, error estimates, memory use and other data. This is an
ordinary text file and can be opened with any text editor. In previous versions this file had the
extension ".log".


FlexPDE writes a more elaborate summary of each run into a file with the extension "_debug.txt".
This file is sometimes useful in determining errors or locating trouble spots in the domain. This is an
ordinary text file and can be opened with any text editor. In previous versions this file had the
extension ".dbg".


In eigenvalue problems, FlexPDE writes a summary of final system eigenvalues into a file with the
extension "_eig.txt". This is an ordinary text file and can be opened with any text editor. In previous
versions this file had the extension ".eig".


If requested in the Preferences General Settings 29 tab, FlexPDE will automatically export a transfer
file of the initial mesh into a file with the extension "_initialmesh.xfr" and reload this file when possible
to save time creating the initial grid.
G etting Started : FlexP DE Working Files 6


If requested in the Preferences General Settings 29 tab, when FlexPDE completes a problem it will
automatically export a RESTART 213 transfer file with all variables into a file with the extension
"_restart.xfr". This file can be used for post-processing of the solution data when needed.

Note: By default Windows hides the file name extensions, relying on distinctive icons to indicate file
type. Windows can be configured to show file extensions and we encourage users to do this. FlexPDE
has unique icons for ".pde" and ".pg7" files, but not for the other files.

1.4 The Main Menu Bar

The items of the main menu present many of the conventional functions of graphical applications. The
availability and precise meaning of these menu items depends on the current state of processing of the
problem. We summarize the menu items here, and describe them in more detail in the following sections.

The "File" menu item allows you to begin operation by opening a problem descriptor file, importing a
DXF file, importing an OBJ file, or viewing previously stored graphical output from a FlexPDE run.
It also allows you to save your work or exit the application. These operations are performed using
standard dialogs of the computer operating system. (See "The File Menu" 7 )

This menu contains an assortment of functions that may be performed during the generation and
running of a problem descriptor, such as running the script or switching between edit and plot modes.
(See "The Controls Menu" 10 )

When a stored FlexPDE graphics file has been opened, the View menu item will present a menu of
options for controlling the display of the stored images. (See "Viewing Saved Graphic Files" 26 )

While a problem is being run, the Stop menu item will display a selection of termination strategies of
various levels of urgency. (See "The Stop Menu" 12 )
7 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

When a descriptor is being edited, this menu provides standard editing commands. (See "Editing
Descriptor Files" 14 )

The Help menu contains five items as shown below:

On Windows, the "Help" sub-item will initiate the help system. On Mac and Linux, you must
manually initiate your browser and direct it to "Help | Html | Index.html" in the FlexPDE installation
The "Preferences" sub-item allows you to inspect or modify the various FlexPDE preferences.
(See "Preferences Window" 28 )
The "Register FlexPDE" sub-item brings you to the License Registration Preferences tab and
allows you to inspect or modify the FlexPDE license registration. (See "License Registration Tab"
32 )

The "Read License Agreement" sub-item displays the End-User License Agreement.
The "About FlexPDE" sub-item redisplays the About banner 2 . Note that on Mac this item
appears in the FlexPDE "Application" menu.

1.4.1 The File Menu

The File Menu allows the creation of new files, opening existing files, saving and closing active problems,
importing DXF and OBJ files, and viewing saved graphics:
G etting Started : The Main Menu Bar 8

The menu items have the following functions:

New Script
Use this menu item to create a new problem descriptor file (or "script"). FlexPDE will initialize the
descriptor with the most common section headings. In most cases, it will be more convenient to
create a new descriptor by editing an existing one which is close in function to the new problem.
There are many starting scripts in the Samples folder.

Open File
This menu item can be used to open an existing descriptor file (either to modify it or to run the
problem), to open a stored graphics file for viewing, or to open a DXF or OBJ file for import. A
standard Open_File dialog will appear. Navigate to the folder which contains the descriptor you
wish to open. For example, navigating to the standard samples folder "Samples | Usage |
3D_domains" will display the following screen:
9 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

(If your system is configured to hide file extensions, you will not see the ".pde" part of the file names,
but you can still recognize the FlexPDE icon.)

The default display shows script files (.pde extension). You can select other file types using the
dropdown list. (On Macintosh or Linux, the selection of alternate file types is slightly different, but
follows the customary methods for the operating system.) Double-click on the file of your choice, or
single-click and click Open. A new tab will be displayed, showing the name of the selected problem
file. You can switch between tabs at will. You can open as many descriptors as you wish, and any
number of them can be running at the same time. Files can also be opened by drag-and-dropping
them onto the running FlexPDE application. See the following section "Editing Descriptor Files" 14
for more information on editing the open file.

Open Recent
This dynamically updated sub menu will present the last 20 files opened by FlexPDE. Selecting one
will cause that file to be opened as if it were selected in the open dialog or it was drag-and-dropped
onto the FlexPDE window.

Save Script
Use this menu item to save a descriptor which you have modified. The currently displayed file is
saved in place of the original file. This function is automatically activated when a problem is run.
G etting Started : The Main Menu Bar 10

Save As
Use this menu item to save to a descriptor to a new file name. If you have modified it, the original
source file will remain unchanged.

Use this menu item to remove the currently displayed problem and disconnect from the associated

Print Script
Use this menu item to print a copy of the current script.

Print Preview
Use this menu item to preview the printing of the current script.

Print Setup
Use this menu item to set page information for script printing.

Use this menu item to import descriptors from other formats. The DXF option will import a
descriptor from AutoCad version R14. See the Technical Note "Importing DXF Files" 285 for more
information. The OBJ option will create a descriptor to load the selected OBJ mesh file. See the
Technical Note "Importing OBJ Files" 286 for more information. (These functions are the same as
"Open File" with the DXF or OBJ file type selected.)

Use this menu item to open a file of saved graphical output from a FlexPDE problem which was run
and completed at an earlier time. A standard Open_File dialog will appear. Navigate the folder
containing the desired ".pg7" file. Double-click on the file of your choice, or single-click and click
Open. See the following section "Viewing Saved Graphics Files" 26 for more information. You may
View more than one saved problem, and you may open files for viewing while other descriptors are
open, but you should not open the same problem for simultaneous viewing and running, since file
access conflicts may occur. (This function is the same as "Open File" with the "Graphics" file type

Click here to terminate your FlexPDE session. All open descriptors and Views will be closed. If
changes have been made and not saved, you will be prompted.

1.4.2 The Controls Menu

The Controls menu presents several optional functions for processing descriptors.
11 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

FlexPDE has two different operating modes, Edit and Plot. When in edit mode, the text of the current
descriptor is displayed for editing. When in Plot mode, graphics are displayed, either the monitors and
plots being constructed as a problem runs, or the final state of plots when a run is completed.

Domain Review
This is a modified form of the "Run" item. When FlexPDE is in Edit mode, the Domain Review menu
item will begin processing the displayed problem descriptor, halting at various stages of the mesh
generation to display the current state of the mesh construction. This is an aid to constructing
problem domains. (See topic "Domain Review" 16 below.)

Run Script
When FlexPDE is in Edit mode, the Run Script menu item will begin processing of the displayed
problem descriptor. Execution will proceed without interruption through the mesh generation,
execution and graphic display phases. (See topic "While the Problem Runs" 19 below.)

Show Editor
When a problem is in Plot mode with graphics being displayed, the Show Editor menu item will enter
Edit mode and display the current problem text. (See topic "Editing Scripts" 14 below.) If the
problem is stopped or has not yet been run, the tab will show the icon. If the problem is running
while the editor is displayed, the icon will display on the problem tab.

Show Plots
When a problem is in the Edit mode, the Show Plots menu item will switch to Plot mode and display
the current state of the problem graphics. (See topic "While the Problem Runs" 19 below.)

Stop Batch
When a batch script is running, the Stop Batch menu item will stop the batch after the currently
running script finishes. This is particularly important when each individual problem in the batch runs
quickly and the user cannot intercept the Stop button of the currently running script. (See topic
"Batch Processing" 271 .)
G etting Started : The Main Menu Bar 12

1.4.3 The Stop Menu

When a problem is running, it is sometimes necessary to request an abnormal termination of the solution
process. This may be because the user has discovered an error in his problem setup and wishes to
modify it and restart, or because the solution is satisfactory for his needs and additional computation
would be unnecessary.
The Stop menu provides several ways to do this, with the most imperative controls at the top,
descending to less immediate terminations:

The contents of this menu will depend on the type of problem that is being run. Below are the most

Stop Now!
This is a panic stop that causes processing to be interrupted as soon as possible. No attempt is
made to complete processing or write output. You will be given a chance to change your mind:

If you click "No", the "Stop Now!" will be ignored.

Stop Solver
The current iteration phase will be terminated, and the processing will be completed as if
convergence had been achieved. Final plots will be written, and FlexPDE will halt in Plot mode.
13 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

Finish Modes
Only available in eigenvalue 75 problems. Halt after the last eigenvalue for the current iteration has
been completed.

Finish Iteration
At the conclusion of the current iteration phase, the processing will be completed as if convergence
had been achieved. Final plots will be written, and FlexPDE will halt in Plot mode.

Finish Grid
Processing will continue until convergence requirements have been met for the current mesh. No
additional adaptive mesh refinement will be attempted, and the problem will terminate as if final
convergence had been achieved. Final plots will be written, and FlexPDE will halt in Plot mode.

Finish Stage
In a "Staged" 65 problem (q.v.), the current stage will be completed, including any necessary mesh
refinement. Final plots will be written for the current stage, but no more stages will be begun.
FlexPDE will halt in Plot mode.

Finish Timestep
Only available in time dependent 71 problems. Processing will continue for the current timestep, then
calculation will end as if the final time had been reached.

FlexPDE will stop processing and go into an idle state waiting for a mouse click response to the
displayed dialog:

"Continue" will resume processing at the point where it was interrupted. "Edit" will terminate
processing as if "Stop Now!" had been clicked. This function can be used to temporarily free
computer resources for a more important task without terminating the FlexPDE run.
G etting Started : The Tool Bar 14

1.5 The Tool Bar

The buttons in the tool bar replicate some of the common entries in the various menus:

Icon Function from Menu

New Script File
Open Script File
Save Script File
Print Script Edit
Domain Review Controls
Run Script Controls
Stop Menu Stop
Show Editor Controls
Show Plots Controls

The tool bar icons also appear on the menu bar entries with corresponding function.

1.6 Editing Descriptor Files

A FlexPDE problem descriptor file is a complete description of the PDE modeling problem. It describes
the system of partial differential equations, the parameters and boundary conditions used in the solution,
the domain of the problem, and the graphical output to generate. See the section "User Guide 44 " for a
tutorial on the use of FlexPDE problem descriptors. See the section "Problem Descriptor Reference 149 "
for a complete description of the format and content of the descriptor file.
15 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

You can open a descriptor file in either of two ways: 1) by running FlexPDE from the desktop icon or
from your file manager program, and then following the "File|Open" menu sequence; or 2) if an
association of FlexPDE with the ".pde" extension has been made, either automatically in Windows or
manually in other operating systems, you can double-click on the .pde file in your file manager. In either
case, the descriptor file will be opened, a new tab will be created, and an edit window will appear.

For example, suppose we follow the "Open" sequence to the "Samples | Usage | 3D_domains" folder
and select "3d_void.pde". The newly opened problem file will be recorded in a tab along the top of the
window, allowing it to be selected if a number of scripts are open simultaneously.

The Edit window appears as follows:

This is a standard editing window, showing the contents of the selected descriptor. You can scroll and
edit in the usual way. FlexPDE keywords are highlighted in red, comments in green, and text strings in

The "Edit" item in the main menu contains the editing functions:
G etting Started : Editing Descriptor Files 16

The menu items have the conventional meanings, and the control key equivalents are shown.
The Find and Font items have the following use:

This item allows you to search the file for occurrences of a string. The search will find imbedded
patterns, not just full words.

This item will take you directly to the Font Settings Tab 30 of the Preferences Panel.

In addition to the main menu Edit item, you can right-click the text window to bring up the same editing

At any time, you can click "File | Save" or "File |Save_As..." in the main menu to save your work before

Now click "Domain Review" or "Run Script" in the Controls menu, and your problem will begin
The file will be automatically saved in the currently open file, so if you wish to retain the unedited file, you
must use "Save_As" before "Run".

Note: The FlexPDE script editor is a "programming" editor, not a word processor. There are
no sophisticated facilities for text manipulation.

1.7 Domain Review

The "Domain Review" menu item is provided in the Controls menu as a way to validate your problem
domain before continuing with the analysis.
17 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

2D Problems

When you click "Domain Review", the descriptor file will be saved to disk, and the domain construction
phase will begin. FlexPDE will halt with a display of the domain boundaries specified in the descriptor.
If these are as you intended, click "Continue". If they are not correct, click "Edit", and you will be
returned to the edit phase to correct the domain definition. If you continue, the mesh generation process
will be activated, and FlexPDE will halt again to display the final mesh. Again, you can continue or return
to the editor.

3D Problems

The 3D domain review is more extensive. Echoing the mesh generation process used in FlexPDE, the
review will halt after each of the following stages:

A domain plot showing the boundaries of each extrusion surface and layer in order from lower to
higher Z coordinate. The surface plots show the boundaries that exist in the surface. The layer plot
shows the boundaries that extend through the layer and therefore form material compartments. If at
any point you detect an error, you can click "Edit" to return to the editor and correct the error.

After the display of individual surfaces and layers, you will be presented a composite view of all the
boundaries of the domain, which might look like this:
G etting Started : Domain Review 18

Once the domain boundaries are correct, FlexPDE will proceed to the generation of the 2D finite
element mesh for each extrusion surface. These will be displayed in order from lower to upper
surfaces. You can return to "Edit" after any surface.

Once the surface meshes are correct, FlexPDE will proceed to the generation of the 3D finite element
mesh. Each subregion of the first layer will be displayed and meshed. When the layer is complete, the
full layer will be displayed. When all layers are complete, the full 3D mesh will be displayed. You can
return to "Edit" at any point.

A 3D "Domain Review" plot might look like this:

19 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

1.8 While the Problem Runs

Whether you click "Run" or proceed through the "Domain Review", once the problem begins running, the
icon on the problem tab will change from the Edit icon ( ) to the Run icon ( ). The screen will look
something like this:
G etting Started : While the P roblem Runs 20

The STATUS Panel

On the left is the "Status Panel", which presents an active report of the state of the problem
execution. It contains a text based report, a progress bar for the current operation, several history
plots summarizing the activity, and a "Thumbnail" window of the current computational grid.

The history plots summarize the number of nodes/cells in the mesh, the convergence of the current
solver, the error estimates for the solution, and the current time step (in the case of time dependent
problems). Clicking on any plot will display a legend indicating meaning of the plot traces.

The format of the printed data will depend upon the kind of problem, but the common features will

The elapsed computer time charged to this problem.

The current regrid number.
The number of computation Nodes (Mesh Vertices).
The number of Finite Element Cells.
The total Degrees of Freedom per variable (number of interpolation coefficients).
21 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

The number of Unknowns (DOF times variables).

The amount of memory allocated for working storage (in KiloBytes).
The current estimate of RMS (root-mean-square) spatial error.
The current estimate of Maximum spatial error in any cell.

Other items which may appear are:

The current problem time and timestep

The stage number
The RMS and Maximum temporal error for the most recent iteration
The iteration count
A report of the current activity

The PLOT Windows

On the right side of the screen are separate "Thumbnail" windows for each of the PLOTS or
MONITORS requested by the descriptor.

In steady-state problems, only MONITORS will be displayed during the run. They will be replaced
by PLOTS when the solution is complete.

In time-dependent problems, all MONITORS and PLOTS will be displayed simultaneously, and
updated as the sequencing specifications of the descriptor dictate.

PLOTS will be sent to the ".pg7" graphic record on disk for later recovery. MONITORS will not.

In eigenvalue problems, there will be one set of MONITORS or PLOTS for each requested mode.
In other respects, eigenvalue problems behave as steady-state problems.

A right-click in any "thumbnail" plot brings up a menu from which several options can be selected:
G etting Started : While the P roblem Runs 22

The menu items are:

Causes the selected plot to be expanded to fill the display panel. You can also maximize a
thumbnail by double-clicking in the selected plot.

Causes a maximized plot to be returned to thumbnail size.

Sends the window to the printer using a standard Print dialog.

Invokes a dialog which allows the selection of a format for exporting the plot in standard format
to other processes. Currently, the options are BMP, EMF, EPS, PNG, PPG and XPG. For
bitmap formats (BMP, PNG, PPG and XPG) the dialog allows the selection of the drawing
23 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

linewidth and resolution of the bitmap, independent of the resolution of the screen. For vector
formats (EMF, EPS) no resolution is necessary (FlexPDE uses a fixed resolution of
7200x5400). EPS produces an 8.5x11 inch landscape mode PostScript file suitable for

3D plots can be rotated in polar and azimuthal angle.

The zoom level of a plot can be dynamically changed using "Zoom In", "Zoom Out", and
"Cancel Zoom". With the right-click, the zoom will be centered around the click-position. This
may also be done with the keyboard. Left-click once inside the plot first to ensure the plot has
focus (clicking and holding will report the plot coordinates of mouse position). Then Z will
zoom in, M will zoom out, and 0 will cancel the zoom and restore the zoom level to 100%. L,
R, U, and P or the arrow keys will pan left, right, up, and down. The zoom change is centered
around the most recent mouse position.

Plot Labeling

A typical CONTOUR plot might appear as follows:

At the top of the display the "Title" field from the problem descriptor appears, with the time and date
of problem execution at the right corner, along with the version of FlexPDE which performed the
G etting Started : While the P roblem Runs 24


At the bottom of the page is a summary of the problem statistics, similar to that shown in the Status
The problem name
The number of gridding cycles performed so far
The polynomial order of the Finite-Element basis (p2 = quadratic, p3 = cubic)
The number of computation nodes (vertices)
The number of computation cells
The estimated RMS value of the relative error in the variables

In staged problems, the stage number will be reported.

In eigenvalue problems, the mode number will be reported.
In time dependent problems, the current problem time and timestep will be reported.

By default, FlexPDE computes the integral under the displayed curve, and this value is reported as

Any requested REPORTS will appear in the bottom line.

A typical ELEVATION plot might appear as follows:

Here all the labeling of the contour plot appears, as well as a thumbnail plot of the problem domain,
showing the position of the elevation in the figure. For boundary plots, the joints of the boundary are
25 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

numbered on the thumbnail. The numbers also appear along the baseline of the elevation plot for
positional reference.

Editing While Running

While the problem is running, you can return the display panel to the editor mode by clicking the Edit
Script tool ( ) or the Show Editor item in the Controls menu. The Run icon ( ) will continue to be
displayed in the problem tab as long as the problem is running. When the problem terminates, the
problem tab will again display the Edit icon ( ).

You can return to the graphic display panel by clicking the Show Plots tool ( ) or the Show Plots item
in the Controls menu.

1.9 When the Problem Finishes

When FlexPDE completes the solution of the current problem, it will leave the displays requested in the
PLOTS section of the descriptor displayed on the screen. The problem tab will display the Edit icon (
G etting Started : When the P roblem Finishes 26

At this point you have several options:

Edit or Save the Script
Click "Controls|Show Editor" (or the Tool) to switch the display into Edit mode, allowing you to
change the problem and run again. From Edit mode, you can click "Controls|Show Plots" (or the
Tool) to redisplay the plots. You can also click "File|Save" (or the Tool) to save the file, "File|
Save_As" to save with a new name, or "File|Close" to close the problem.
Switch to Another Problem
Each currently open problem is represented by a named tab on the tab bar. You can switch back and
forth among open problems by selecting any tab.
Open a New File
Click "File|Open" (or the Tool) to open another problem script without closing the current problem.

1.10 Viewing Saved Graphic Files

Whenever a problem is run by FlexPDE 7, the graphical output selected by the PLOTS section of the
descriptor is written to a file with the extension ".pg7". These files can later be viewed by FlexPDE
without re-running the job. (FlexPDE 7 can also open output files from versions 4, 5, and 6.) You can
open these files from the "File | View File" or the "View | View FIle" menu items on the main FlexPDE
menu, or from the "File | Open File" menu using suffix selection. A standard "Open_File" dialog will
appear, from which you may select from the available files on your system. Once a file is selected, the
first block of plots will be displayed.

On the left is a "Status" window, much like the one that appears during the run. Not all the runtime
information will appear here, but only those items necessary to identify the current group of plots.

In steady-state problems, all the PLOT windows will be displayed. If the problem is staged, then each
stage will appear in a separate group.

In time-dependent problems, each plot time group specified in the PLOTS section of the descriptor will
form a display group.

The Problem Tab shows the View icon ( ) to indicate that this is a "View" file, not a PDE problem.

You can use the "View" item in the main menu to control the viewing of these stored graphics:
27 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

Thumbnail Plot Displays

In the normal thumbnail display, all the plots of a group are displayed simultaneously. In this case, the
"View" menu items have the following meanings:
Use this item to advance to the next group of plots in the file. If there are no more groups, a
message box will appear.
Causes FlexPDE to back up and redisplay the previous group. If there are no earlier groups, a
message box will appear.
Returns to the beginning of the file and displays the first group.
Scans to the end of the file and displays the last group.
Displays a list of plot times that can be viewed. Double-clicking an entry views the selected plot
This item is active only for time-dependent or staged problems. It will cause all groups to be
displayed sequentially, with a default delay of 500 milliseconds between groups (plus the file
reading time).
Frame Delay
Allows redefining of the delay time between movie frames.
G etting Started : Viewing Saved G raphic Files 28

During the display of a movie, you can use Stop to halt the display.
View File
Selects a new graphics file to be opened in a new tab.

Maximized Plot Windows

When a selected View plot is maximized, either by the right-click menu or by double-click, the
behavior of some of the View menu items is modified:
Advances to the next instance of the currently maximized plot. If there are no more instances, a
message box will appear.
Backs up and redisplays the previous instance of the currently maximized plot. If there are no
earlier instances, a message box will appear.
This item is active only for time-dependent or staged problems. It will cause all instances of the
current plot to be displayed sequentially, separated by the currently active Frame Delay time
(plus the file read time).
Export Movie
An export parameters dialog will appear, allowing you to select the file format and resolution. A
movie will then be displayed as with "Movie". Each frame of the movie will be exported to a file
of the selected type and resolution. The files will be numbered sequentially, and can be
subsequently imported into an animation program such as "Animation Shop" to create

1.11 Preferences Window

The Preferences Window can be accessed from the main menu bar 6 and has four tabs where the user
can adjust the behavior of FlexPDE :
General Settings 29

Font Settings 30

Web Proxy Settings 31

License Registration 32

The settings of these tabs are saved and loaded from the "flexpde7.ini" file which is located in the
FlexPDE7user directory. (In MyDocuments on Windows, Home on Linux.)
29 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

1.11.1 General Settings Tab

The General Settings tab presents a variety of settings for the user :

Default computation thread count

Specifies the default number of computation threads that will be used while running a script. This
value can be overridden within the SELECT 183 section of a script, using the selector THREADS 189 .
It may also be set using the command-line switch -T 145 . If a value larger than the maximum 24 is
entered, the value will be set to 24.
Default FEA interpolation order
Specifies the default FEA interpolation order used while running a script. The choices are Cubic (3rd
order), Quadratic (2nd order), and Linear (1st order.) This value can be overridden within the
SELECT 183 section, using the selector ORDER 188 .
Auto-check for version updates
Specifies whether or not FlexPDE should contact the PDE Solutions website to determine if version
updates/upgrades are available. Updates/upgrades will not be automatically downloaded or
installed. The automatic check is performed on a random basis when you run FlexPDE
(approximately 5% of the time.) Clicking the "Check Now" button will force the check to take place
G etting Started : P references Window 30

Consolidate FlexPDE output into subdirectory
Specifies whether or not FlexPDE should write all output files generated by a script into a sub-
directory named "<pdename>_output". For example, a script with the name "test.pde" would output
all files into the sub-directory "test_output". Changes made to this setting do not effect scripts that are
currently open. They must be closed and reopened for the setting to take effect.
Remember last window size and position
Specifies whether or not FlexPDE will remember the size and position of the main window when it
last closed, and use that size and position when it starts next. If turned off, FlexPDE will open at full
screen size.
Auto-load initial mesh file when possible
Specifies whether or not FlexPDE will automatically save the initial mesh and try to reload it on
subsequent runs. This can save significant time in gridding when a user is adjusting plots or other
settings not related to the grid. If the domain layout changes in any way, the previous grid will not be
used and a new grid will be generated. The output file name is "<pdename>_initialmesh.xfr". This
value can be overridden within the SELECT 183 section, using the selector AUTOMESH 184 . It may
also be turned off using the command-line switch -NM 145 .
Auto-save final transfer file
Specifies whether or not FlexPDE will automatically save the final grid and all of the primary
variables. This can simplify post-processing of primary variable data. The output file name is
"<pdename>_restart.xfr". This value can be overridden within the SELECT 183 section, using the
selector AUTOTRANSFER 184 .

Note : any changes made will not take place until the "Apply" button is clicked. Clicking "Cancel" will
discard any changes. Clicking "Close" will prompt the user if there are unsaved changes.

1.11.2 Font Settings Tab

The Font Settings tab allows the user to set various aspects of the editor font :
31 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

Use custom editor font

This check box indicates if the user has selected a custom editor font. To choose a custom font,
select the check box or click the "Set" button. A font selection dialog will be presented. When this
option is unselected, FlexPDE will revert to the default font.

Use custom editor colors

This check box indicates if the user has selected a custom editor color. To choose a custom color,
click one of the "Set" buttons. A color selection dialog will be presented. When this option is
unselected, FlexPDE will revert to the default colors.

Note : any changes made will not take place until the "Apply" button is clicked. Clicking "Cancel" will
discard any changes. Clicking "Close" will prompt the user if there are unsaved changes.

1.11.3 Web Proxy Settings Tab

The Web Proxy Settings tab allows the user to enter appropriate proxy information :
G etting Started : P references Window 32

This tab is only needed if the user's computer accesses the internet through a proxy web server. The user
may need to contact their system administrator to obtain the necessary information.

Note : any changes made will not take place until the "Apply" button is clicked. Clicking "Cancel" will
discard any changes. Clicking "Close" will prompt the user if there are unsaved changes.

1.11.4 License Registration Tab

The License Registration tab presents various controls for license registration :
33 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

Computer ID
This text is the unique identification of your computer. It may be used to request a software key or
trial license for FlexPDE Professional. It is also used automatically by the Internet Key 35 license to
identify the current computer. The ID is four groups of four hexadecimal numbers.

Current License
The current licensing information is displayed here. In the currently shown case, FlexPDE is
registered to a local dongle. The dongle's serial number is 2-2428246 and it contains three licenses;
1-1D, 1-2D, and 1-3D.

License Method
Changes to the licensing method can be made here. Additional windows will open to complete the
process. See note below and the section "Registering FlexPDE" 33 .

Note : any changes made will not take place until the "Apply" button is clicked. Clicking "Cancel" will
discard any changes. Clicking "Close" will prompt the user if there are unsaved changes.

1.12 Registering FlexPDE

The standard distribution of FlexPDE will run in Lite mode when no Professional license is present. The
G etting Started : Registering FlexP DE 34

Lite mode is restricted in the number of nodes and simultaneous equations a problem can have. In order
to enable Professional mode and create larger problems, FlexPDE will need to be registered to a
professional license. There are several forms for the license :

Internet Key
The standard method of licensing FlexPDE Professional is by internet activation. This mode of
licensing generates a text key that locks the execution of FlexPDE to a specific computer. Access to
the internet is required on a periodic basis to validate the key. The key can be released from one
machine and reactivated on another without difficulty. If you need to use a proxy server for internet
access, you can set this information on the Web Proxy Settings 31 preference tab. A serial number
will be sent via email. Use the serial number to configure the license in the License Registration 32
preference tab. See "Internet Key Registration" 35 for details.

On request, Professional configurations can be licensed by use of a portable hardware license key
(dongle). The standard dongle for use with FlexPDE 7 is a Wibu USB Cm Stick. Unlike the dongle
used by previous versions, this dongle can be used in local or network mode. See "Dongle
Registration" 36 for details.
In order for FlexPDE to find the dongle, you must
1) Run the appropriate dongle driver install program to load it into your system.
2) Install the dongle in an appropriate USB connector or hub. (Note : On Windows, an autoplay
window may appear. Simply dismiss it.)
3) Register the dongle in the License Registration 32 preference tab.
The request for a dongle license will not be made until you actually "Run" a problem. At that time, a
license of the appropriate class, 1D, 2D or 3D will be requested from the dongle. If a license is
successfully acquired, the corresponding license class will be appended to the main window's title
bar. The acquired license will be held until the current invocation of FlexPDE is terminated or two
hours of idle time has elapsed. In this way, networks of FlexPDE users can get optimal use out of
the mix of 1D, 2D and 3D licenses that have been purchased.

Software Key
The primary use for the software key is for trial usage prior to purchasing a Professional license. On
request, Professional configurations can be licensed in the form of a text key that locks the execution
of FlexPDE to a specific computer. This license method has been superseded by the Internet Key
method and PDE Solutions strongly encourages users not to use this method for a permanent license.
If you prefer a software license key, you must first download and install the software and record the
computer ID from the License Registration 32 preference tab. Include the computer ID on the
license application form. Your software key will be sent to you by Email. Save the key and configure
the license in the License Registration 32 preference tab (you may need administrator privileges to do
this). See "Software Key Registration" 41 for details.
35 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

1.12.1 Internet Key Registration

If your license is to be acquired from the PDE Solutions website, select the "Acquire Internet Key"
option in the License Registration 32 tab and click "Apply". When you wish to release the from the PDE
Solutions website, select the "Release Internet Key" option in the License Registration 32 tab and click

Enter your serial number into text field and click "Contact Web Server". If successful, FlexPDE will
be activated on the local machine. If not, it will report an error. (If this activation is performed in
public places, you can choose to "Hide" the Serial Number.)

Enter your serial number into the text field and click "Contact Web Server". If successful, FlexPDE
will release the license on the local machine. If not, it will report an error. (If this activation is
performed in public places, you can choose to "Hide" the Serial Number.)

Notes :
A computer's identification is constructed in part from it's MAC address and the operating system's
report of a unique identifier for that installation. Sometimes the MAC address can change (usually on
laptops connecting to different networks or when connected by Wi-Fi instead of a wired
connection). If this happens after the machine is licensed, FlexPDE will issue an error telling the user
that the license authorizes a different computer. When that happens, the user can simply release and
reacquire the license in order to resolve the issue.
G etting Started : Registering FlexP DE 36

If you need to use a proxy server for internet access, you can set this information in the Web Proxy
Settings 31 preference tab.

1.12.2 Dongle Registration

If your license is to be read from a local or network dongle, select the "Dongle" option in the License
Registration 32 tab and click "Apply". The following dialog will appear :

Click the "Find Dongles" button. FlexPDE will search the USB ports for all Wibu dongles and enter
their serial numbers into the popup menu. If no dongle is found, or if the dongle driver has not been
installed, the search will fail, and FlexPDE will report an error. If the dongle you wish to register to is on
another machine on the network, select the "Network Mode" checkbox and click "Find Dongles". The
machine with the dongle attached must be configured to allow network access to the dongle. See
"Network Dongle Registration" 39 for more details.

If there are multiple dongles installed, then they can be selected by clicking the popup menu and scrolling
to the desired dongle serial number. After choosing a dongle, the corresponding FlexPDE license
37 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

content of the selected dongle will be display to the right of the serial number. In the case displayed
above the license encodes three FlexPDE 7 Professional licenses; one for 1D, one for 1D+2D, and one
for 1D+2D+3D problems.

After selecting the desired dongle, click "Register" to install the dongle as the active license method.
Subsequently, every time you start FlexPDE it will search the USB ports for this specific dongle. If it is
found, FlexPDE will start up in Professional mode. If the dongle is unable to be found, FlexPDE will
report that and run in Lite mode. Once the dongle is reconnected, you will have to restart FlexPDE to
return to Professional mode, or go back to the registration dialog to search for the dongle.
Clicking "Cancel" will abort without changing the active license method.

Upgrading a Dongle

You can use the Register dialog to field-upgrade a dongle. Click on the "Upgrade >>>" button and the
dongle upgrade panel will be shown.
G etting Started : Registering FlexP DE 38

In order to upgrade the dongle, PDE Solutions will need a Remote Activation Content (RaC) file. When
requested, create this file by clicking the "Create RaC" button and send the resulting file to PDE
Solutions. The file name will be the dongle serial number and the extension will be "WibuCmRaC". In
the above example, the resulting file would be named "2-2428246.WibuCmRaC".
After receiving the RaC file, PDE Solutions will send you a Remote Activation Upgrade (RaU) file. Enter
the path to the upgrade file, or use the "Browse" button to find the location, and select "Upgrade". Your
dongle will be updated with the information encoded in the key. The upgrade file name will also be the
dongle serial number and the extension will be "WibuCmRaU". In the above example, the upgrade file
would be named "2-2428246.WibuCmRaU".
Note that the dongle upgrade facility will rewrite the dongle only if the serial number of the dongle
matches the serial number encoded in the upgrade key, and the state of the dongle must be exactly the
same as when the RaC file was created. Any changes to the dongle after creating the RaC for PDE
Solutions will invalidate the upgrade file they will send. This includes the creation of another RaC file, so
DO NOT create an RaC file if you have already sent one to PDE Solutions for an upgrade.
Dongles cannot be upgraded over the network. The upgrade must be performed from the computer to
which the dongle is physically connected.
39 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

Clicking on the "Hide <<<" button will hide the upgrade panel.

Note : Dongles issued with FlexPDE versions 4, 5 or 6 cannot be upgraded to newer versions
since they are from a different manufacturer. They will need to be replaced.

1.12.3 Network Dongle Registration

If you wish to use your Wibu dongle in network mode, it will have to be configured to allow access from
the network. This is done using the vendor's "CodeMeter Control Center". On Windows it can be
accessed in the Start menu under "All Programs > CodeMeter" (or in the file system at "C:\Program Files
(x86)\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin\CodeMeterCC.exe"). On Linux, it can be accessed at "/usr/bin/
CodeMeterCC". On Mac OS X it can be found at "Applications/CodeMeter/CodeMeter Control

Select the dongle to be configured and click "WebAdmin" in the lower right corner to open the
administration panel.
G etting Started : Registering FlexP DE 40

Select the 'Configuration' tab and then the 'Server' subtab. Check the box next to 'Run Network Server'
and click 'Apply'. This will make the dongle accessible over the network.
If the server and client are on different networks or different subnets, it may be necessary to specify the
server address to the CodeMeter WebAdmin on the client machine. This means the dongle driver will
need to be installed on the client as well as the server machine. The server address can be specified on
the 'Network' subtab of the 'Configuration' tab on the client.
41 FlexP DE 7 : G etting Started

1.12.4 Software Key Registration

If your license is to be read from a software key file, select the "Software Key" option in the License
Registration 32 tab and click "Continue". The following dialog will appear:
G etting Started : Registering FlexP DE 42

Enter the path to your license key file, or use the "Browse" button to find the location of the software key
file, and select "Validate Key". This button will read the contents of the license file without installing it as
the selected license method. FlexPDE will validate the license file entered and display the contents in the
text field. This step is optional, but always a good idea to ensure that the key file is valid. Click
"Register" to install this key file as the active license, or click "Cancel" to abort without changing the
active license method.
User Guide
User G uide : 44

2 User Guide
This section introduces the reader gradually to the use of FlexPDE in the solution of systems of partial
differential equations.
We begin with a discussion of the basic character of FlexPDE. We then construct a simple model
problem and proceed to add features to the model.
The result is a description of the most common features of FlexPDE in what we hope is a meaningful and
understandable evolution that will allow users to very quickly become accustomed to the use of FlexPDE
and to use it in their own work.
No attempt is made in this manual to present a complete description of each command or circumstance
which can arise. Detailed descriptions of each command are presented in the Problem Descriptor
Reference 149 section.

2.1 Overview
2.1.1 What Is FlexPDE?
FlexPDE is a "scripted finite element model builder and numerical solver".
By this we mean that from a script written by the user, FlexPDE performs the operations necessary
to turn a description of a partial differential equations system into a finite element model, solve the
system, and present graphical and tabular output of the results.
FlexPDE is also a "problem solving environment".
It performs the entire range of functions necessary to solve partial differential equation systems: an
editor for preparing scripts, a mesh generator for building finite element meshes, a finite element
solver to find solutions, and a graphics system to plot results. The user can edit the script, run the
problem and observe the output, then re-edit and re-run repeatedly without leaving the FlexPDE
application environment.
FlexPDE has no pre-defined problem domain or equation list.
The choice of partial differential equations is totally up to the user.
The FlexPDE scripting language is a "natural" language.
It allows the user to describe the mathematics of his partial differential equations system and the
geometry of his problem domain in a format similar to the way he might describe it to a co-worker.
For instance, there is an EQUATIONS section in the script, in which Laplace's equation would be
presented as
Div(grad(u)) = 0.

Similarly, there is a BOUNDARIES section in the script, where the geometric boundaries of a two-
45 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

dimensional problem domain are presented merely by walking around the perimeter:
Start(x1,y1) line to (x2,y1) to (x2,y2) to (x1,y2) to close

This scripted form has many advantages

The script completely describes the equation system and problem domain, so there is no
uncertainty about what equations are being solved, as might be the case with a fixed-application
New variables, new equations or new terms may be added at will, so there is never a case of the
software being unable to represent a different loss term, or a different physical effect.
Many different problems can be solved with the same software, so there is not a new learning
curve for each problem

There is also a corollary requirement with the scripted model:

The user must be able to pose his problem in mathematical form.

In an educational environment, this is good. It's what the student wants to learn.

In an industrial environment, a single knowledgeable user can prepare scripts which can be used and
modified by less skilled workers. And a library of application scripts can show how it is done.

2.1.2 What Can FlexPDE Do?

FlexPDE can solve systems of first or second order partial differential equations in one, two or three-
dimensional Cartesian geometry, in one-dimensional spherical or cylindrical geometry, or in axi-
symmetric two-dimensional geometry. (Other geometries can be supported by including the proper
terms in the PDE.)

The system may be steady-state or time-dependent, or alternatively FlexPDE can solve eigenvalue
problems. Steady-state and time-dependent equations can be mixed in a single problem.

Any number of simultaneous equations can be solved, subject to the limitations of the computer on
which FlexPDE is run.

The equations can be linear or nonlinear. (FlexPDE automatically applies a modified Newton-
Raphson iteration process in nonlinear systems.)

Any number of regions of different material properties may be defined.

Modeled variables are assumed to be continuous across material interfaces. Jump conditions on
derivatives follow from the statement of the PDE system. (CONTACT boundary conditions can
handle discontinuous variables.)
User G uide : Overview 46

FlexPDE can be extremely easy to use, and this feature recommends it for use in education. But
FlexPDE is not a toy. By full use of its power, it can be applied successfully to extremely difficult

2.1.3 How Does It Do It?

FlexPDE is a fully integrated PDE solver, combining several internal facilities to provide a complete
problem solving system:

A script editing facility with syntax highlighting provides a full text editing facility and a graphical
domain preview.

A symbolic equation analyzer expands defined parameters and equations, performs spatial
differentiation, and symbolically applies integration by parts to reduce second order terms to create
symbolic Galerkin equations. It then symbolically differentiates these equations to form the Jacobian
coupling matrix.

A mesh generation facility constructs a triangular or tetrahedral finite element mesh over a two or
three-dimensional problem domain. In two dimensions, an arbitrary domain is filled with an
unstructured triangular mesh. In three-dimensional problems, an arbitrary two-dimensional domain is
extruded into a the third dimension and cut by arbitrary dividing surfaces. The resulting three-
dimensional figure is filled with an unstructured tetrahedral mesh.

A Finite Element numerical analysis facility selects an appropriate solution scheme for steady-
state, time-dependent or eigenvalue problems, with separate procedures for linear and nonlinear
systems. The finite element basis may be linear, quadratic or cubic.

An adaptive mesh refinement procedure measures the adequacy of the mesh and refines the mesh
wherever the error is large. The system iterates the mesh refinement and solution until a user-defined
error tolerance is achieved.

A dynamic timestep control procedure measures the curvature of the solution in time and adapts
the time integration step to maintain accuracy.

A graphical output facility accepts arbitrary algebraic functions of the solution and plots contour,
surface, vector or elevation plots.

A data export facility can write text reports in many formats, including simple tables, full finite
element mesh data, CDF, VTK or TecPlot compatible files.
47 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.1.4 Who Can Use FlexPDE?

Most of physics and engineering is described at one level or another in terms of partial differential
equations. This means that a scripted solver like FlexPDE can be applied to virtually any area of
engineering or science.

Researchers in many fields can use FlexPDE to model their experiments or apparatus, make
predictions or test the importance of various effects. Parameter variations or dependencies are not
limited by a library of forms, but can be programmed at will.

Engineers can use FlexPDE to do design optimization studies, feasibility studies and conceptual
analyses. The same software can be used to model all aspects of a design -- no need for a separate
tool for each effect.

Application developers can use FlexPDE as the core of a special-purpose applications that need
finite element modeling of partial differential equation systems.

Educators can use FlexPDE to teach physics or engineering. A single software tool can be used to
examine the full range of systems of interest in a discipline.

Students see the actual equations, and can experiment interactively with the effects of modifying
terms or domains.

2.1.5 What Does A Script Look Like?

A problem description script is a readable text file. The contents of the file consist of a number of
sections, each identified by a header. The fundamental sections are:

TITLE a descriptive label for the output.

SELECT user controls that override the default behavior of FlexPDE.
VARIABLES here the dependent variables are named.
DEFINITIONS useful parameters, relationships or functions are defined.
EQUATIONS each variable is associated with a partial differential equation.
BOUNDARIES the geometry is described by walking the perimeter of the domain,
stringing together line or arc segments to bound the figure.
MONITORS and PLOTS desired graphical output is listed, including any combination of
END completes the script.
User G uide : Overview 48

Note: There are several other optional sections for describing special aspects of the problem.
Some of these will be introduced later in this document. Detailed rules for all sections are
presented in the FlexPDE Problem Descriptor Reference chapter "The Sections of a Descriptor
183 ".

COMMENTS can be placed anywhere in a script to describe or clarify the work. Two forms of
comment are available:
{ Anything inside curly brackets is a comment. }
! from an exclamation to the end of the line is a comment.


A simple diffusion equation on a square might look like this:

TITLE 'Simple diffusion equation'
{ this problem lacks sources and boundary conditions }
k=3 { conductivity }
div(k*grad(u)) =0
LINE TO (1,0) TO (1,1) TO (0,1) TO CLOSE

Later on, we will show detailed examples of the development of a problem script.

2.1.6 What About Boundary Conditions?

Proper specification of boundary conditions is crucial to the solution of a PDE system.
In a FlexPDE script, boundary conditions are presented as the boundary is being described.
The primary types of boundary condition are VALUE and NATURAL.
49 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

The VALUE (or Dirichlet) boundary condition specifies the value that a variable must take on at the
boundary of the domain.
The NATURAL boundary condition specifies a flux at the boundary of the domain. (The precise meaning
of the NATURAL boundary condition depends on the PDE for which the boundary condition is being
specified. Details are discussed in the Chapter "Natural Boundary Conditions 82 ")
In the diffusion problem presented above, for example, we may add fixed values on the bottom and top
edges, and zero-flux conditions on the sides as follows:

VALUE(u) = 0 LINE TO (1,0) { fixed value on bottom }
NATURAL(u)=0 LINE TO (1,1) { insulated right side }
VALUE(u)=1 LINE TO (0,1) { fixed value on top }
NATURAL(u)=0 LINE TO CLOSE { insulated left side }

Notice that a VALUE or NATURAL statement declares a condition which will apply to the subsequent
boundary segments until the declaration is changed.

2.2 Basic Usage

2.2.1 How Do I Set Up My Problem?
FlexPDE reads a text script that describes in readable language the characteristics of the problem to be
solved. In simple applications, the script can be very simple. Complex applications may require much
more familiarity with the abilities of FlexPDE.
In the following discussion, we will begin with the simpler features of FlexPDE and gradually introduce
more complex features as we proceed.
FlexPDE has a built-in editor with which you can construct your problem script. You can edit the script,
run it, edit it some more, and run it again until the result satisfies your needs. You can save the script for
later use or as a base for later modifications.
The easiest way to begin a problem setup is to copy a similar problem that already exists.
Whether you start fresh or copy an existing file, there are five basic parts to be defined:
Define the variables and equations
Define the domain
Define the material parameters
Define the boundary conditions
Specify the graphical output.
User G uide : Basic Usage 50

These steps will be described in the following sections. We will use a simple 2D heatflow problem as an
example, and start by building the script from the most basic elements of FlexPDE. In later sections, we
will elaborate the script, and address the more advanced capabilities of FlexPDE in an evolutionary
manner. 3D applications rely heavily on 2D concepts, and will be discussed in a separate chapter.

Note: We will make no attempt in the following to describe all the options that are available
to the user at any point, but try to keep the concept clear by illustrating the most common
forms. The full range of options is detailed in the FlexPDE Problem Descriptor Reference 149 .
Many will also be addressed in subsequent topics.

2.2.2 Problem Setup Guidelines

In posing any problem for FlexPDE, there are some guidelines that should be followed.
Start with a fundamental statement of the physical system. Descriptions of basic conservation
principles usually work better than the heavily massaged pseudo-analytic "simplifications" which
frequently appear in textbooks.

Start with a simple model, preferably one for which you know the answer. This allows you
both to validate your presentation of the problem, and to increase your confidence in the reliability of
FlexPDE. (One useful technique is to assume an analytic answer and plug it into the PDE to generate
the source terms necessary to produce that solution. Be sure to take into account the appropriate
boundary conditions.)

Use simple material parameters at first. Don't worry about the exact form of nonlinear
coefficients or material properties at first. Try to get a simple problem to work, and add the
complexities later.

Map out the domain. Draw the outer boundary first, placing boundary conditions as you go. Then
overlay the other material regions. Later regions will overlay and replace anything under them, so you
don't have to replicate a lot of complicated interfaces.

Use MONITORS of anything that might help you see what is happening in the solution. Don't just
plot the final value you want to see and then wonder why it's wrong. Get feedback! That's what the
MONITORS section is there for.

Annotate your script with frequent comments. Later you will want to know just what it was you
were thinking when you wrote the script. Include references to sources of the equations or notes on
the derivation.

Save your work. FlexPDE will write the script to disk whenever you click "Domain Review" or
"Run Script". But if you are doing a lot of typing, use "Save" or "Save_as" to protect your work from
unforeseen interruptions.
51 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.2.3 Notation
In most cases, FlexPDE notation is simple text as in a programming language.
Differentiation, such as du/dx, is denoted by the form dx(u). All active coordinate names are
recognized, as are second derivatives like dxx(u) and differential operators Div, Grad and Curl.
Names are NOT case sensitive. "F" is the same as "f".
Comments can be placed liberally in the text. Use { } to enclose comments or ! to ignore the
remainder of the line.

Note: See the Problem Descriptor Reference chapter on Elements 154 for a full description of
FlexPDE notation.

2.2.4 Variables and Equations

The two primary things that FlexPDE needs to know are:
what are the variables that you want to analyze?
what are the partial differential equations that define them?

The VARIABLES 195 and EQUATIONS 217 sections of a problem script supply this information. The two
are closely linked, since you must have one equation for each variable in a properly posed system.
In a simple problem, you may have only a single variable, like voltage or temperature. In this case, you
can simply state the variable and equation:

Div(grad(Phi)) = 0

In a more complex case, there may be many variables and many equations. FlexPDE will want to know
how to associate equations with variables, because some of the details of constructing the model will
depend on this association.
Each equation must be labeled with the variable to which it is associated (name and colon), as indicated

User G uide : Basic Usage 52

A: Div(grad(A)) = 0
B: Div(grad(B)) = 0

Later, when we specify boundary conditions, these labels will be used to associate boundary conditions
with the appropriate equation.

2.2.5 Mapping the Domain

Two-Dimensional Domain Description
A two-dimensional problem domain is described in the BOUNDARIES section, and is made up of
REGIONS, each assumed to contain unique material properties. A REGION may contain many closed
loops or islands, but they are all assumed to have the same material properties.
A REGION specification begins with the statement REGION <number> (or REGION "name") and all
loops following the header are included in the region.

REGIONs occurring later in the script overlay and cover up parts of earlier REGIONs.

The first REGION should contain the entire domain. This is an unenforced convention that makes the
attachment of boundary conditions easier.

Region shapes are described by walking the perimeter, stepping from one joint to another with LINE,
SPLINE, ARC or CURVE segments. Each segment assumes that it will continue from the end of the
previous segment, and the START clause gets things rolling. You can make a segment return to the
beginning with the word CLOSE (or TO CLOSE).
A rectangular region, for example, is made up of four line segments:

LINE TO(x2,y1)
TO (x2,y2)
TO (x1,y2)

(Of course, any quadrilateral figure can be made with the same structure, merely by changing the
coordinates. And any polygonal figure can be constructed by adding more points.)

Arcs can be built in several ways, the simplest of which is by specifying a center and an angle:


Arcs can also be built by specifying a center and an end point:

ARC(CENTER=0,0) TO (0,r) { a 90 degree arc }
53 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

An elliptical arc will be built if the distance from the center to the endpoint is different than the
distance from the center to the beginning point. The axes of the ellipse will extend along the
horizontal and vertical coordinate axes. The axes can be rotated with the ROTATE=degrees

Curves can be built by specifying a start point and an expression for the curve:

CURVE(x^2+y^2=r^2) BY (+X) TO (0,r) { a 90 degree arc }

A curve.

Loops can be named for use in later references, as in:

START "Name" (…)

The prototype form of The BOUNDARIES section is then:

<closed loops around the domain>
<closed loops around overlays of the second material>

You can build your domain a little at a time, using the "domain review" menu button to preview a drawing
of what you have created so far.
The "Save" and "Save_As" menu buttons allow you to frequently save your work, just in case.

2.2.6 An Example Problem

Let us build as an example a circular inclusion between two plates. We will simply treat the plates as the
top and bottom surfaces of a square enclosure, with the circle centered between them. Using the
statements above and adding the required control labels, we get:
REGION 1 'box' { the bounding box }
LINE TO(1,-1)
TO (1,1)
TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded circular 'blob' }
START 'ring' (1/2,0)

The resulting figure displayed by the "domain review" button is this:

User G uide : Basic Usage 54

Note: The detailed Rules for constructing domain boundaries is included in the Reference
chapter "Sections | Boundaries 226 ".

2.2.7 Generating A Mesh

When you select "Run Script" from the Controls menu (or the button), FlexPDE will begin execution
by automatically creating a finite element mesh to fit the domain you have described. In the automatic
mesh, cell sizes will be determined by the spacing between explicit points in the domain boundary, by the
curvature of arcs, or by explicit user density controls.
In our example, the automatic mesh looks like this:
55 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Notice that the circular boundary of region 2 is mapped onto cell legs.
There are several controls that the user can apply to change the behavior of the automatic mesh. These
are described in detail in the chapter "Controlling Mesh Density" 134 below.
As an example, we can cause the circular boundary of region 2 to be gridded more densely by using the
modifier MESH_SPACING:
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded 'blob' }

The resulting mesh looks like this:

In most cases, it is not necessary to intervene in the mesh generation, because as we will see later,
FlexPDE will adaptively refine the mesh wherever it detects that there are strong curvatures in the

2.2.8 Defining Material Parameters

Much of the complexity of real problems comes in the fact that the coefficients that enter into the partial
differential equation system take on different values in the various materials of which a structure is
This is handled in FlexPDE by two facilities. First, the material parameters are given names and default
values in the DEFINITIONS section. Second, the material parameters are given regional values within the
domain REGIONS.
So far, it has been of little consequence whether our test problem was heat flow or electrostatics or
something else entirely. However, for concreteness in what follows, let us assume it is a heat equation,
describing an insulator imbedded in a conductor between to heat reservoirs. We will give the circular
insulator a conductivity of 0.001 and the surrounding conductor a conductivity of 1.
User G uide : Basic Usage 56

First, we define the name of the constant and give it a default value in the definitions section:

This default value will be used as the value of "k" in every REGION of the problem, unless specifically
redefined in a region.
Now we introduce the constant into the equation:
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0

Then we specify the regional value in region 2:

REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.001

We could also define the parameter k=1 for the conductor in REGION 1, if it seemed useful for clarity.

See also MATERIALS 215 section.

2.2.9 Setting the Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions are specified as modifiers during the walk of the perimeter of the domain.
The primary types of boundary condition are VALUE and NATURAL.
The VALUE (or Dirichlet) boundary condition specifies the value that a variable must take on at the
boundary of the domain. Values may be any legal arithmetic expression, including nonlinear
dependences on variables.
The NATURAL boundary condition specifies a flux at the boundary of the domain. Definitions may be
any legal arithmetic expression, including nonlinear dependence on variables. With Laplace's equation,
the NATURAL boundary condition is equivalent to the Neumann or normal derivative boundary condition.
Note: The precise meaning of the NATURAL boundary condition depends on the PDE for
which the boundary condition is being specified. Details are discussed in the Chapter "Natural
Boundary Conditions 82 ."
Each boundary condition statement takes as an argument the name of a variable. This name associates
the boundary condition with one of the listed equations, for it is in reality the equation that is modified by
the boundary condition. The equation modified by VALUE(u)=0, for example, is the equation which has
previously been identified as defining u. NATURAL(u)=0 will depend for its meaning on the form of the
equation which defines u.
In our sample problem, suppose we wish to define a zero temperature along the bottom edge, an
insulating boundary on the right side, a temperature of 1 on the top edge, and an insulating boundary on
the left. We can do this with these commands:
57 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

REGION 1 'box' { the bounding box }
{ Phi=0 on base line: }
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO(1,-1)
{ normal derivative =0 on right side: }
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
{ Phi = 1 on top: }
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)
{ normal derivative =0 on left side: }

Notice that a VALUE or NATURAL statement declares a condition which will apply to the subsequent
boundary segments until the declaration is changed.
Notice also that the segment shape (Line or Arc) must be restated after a change of boundary condition.
Note: Other boundary condition forms are allowed. See the Reference chapter "Sections |
Boundaries 226 ".

2.2.10 Requesting Graphical Output

The MONITORS and PLOTS sections contain requests for graphical output.
MONITORS are used to get ongoing information about the progress of the solution.
PLOTS are used to specify final output, and these graphics will be saved in a disk file for later viewing.
FlexPDE recognizes several forms of output commands, but the primary forms are:
CONTOUR a plot of contours of the argument; it may be color-filled
SURFACE a 3D surface of the argument
VECTOR a field of arrows
ELEVATION a "lineout" along a defined path
SUMMARY text-only reports

Any number of plots may be requested, and the values plotted may be any consistent algebraic
combination of variables, coordinates and defined parameters.
In our example, we will request a contour of the temperature, a vector map of the heat flux, k*grad(Phi),
an elevation of temperature along the center line, and an elevation of the normal heat flux on the surface
of the blob:
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) TO (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'
User G uide : Basic Usage 58

Output requested in the PLOTS section is produced when FlexPDE has finished the process of solving
and regridding, and is satisfied that all cells are within tolerance. An alternative section, identical in form
to the PLOTS section but named MONITORS, will produce transitory output at more frequent intervals,
as an ongoing report of the progress of the solution.
A record of all PLOTS is written in a file with suffix .PG7 and the name of the .PDE script file. These
recorded plots may be viewed at a later time by invoking the VIEW item in the FlexPDE main menu.
MONITORS are not recorded in the .PG7 file. It is strongly recommended that MONITORS be used
liberally during script development to determine that the problem has been properly set up and that the
solution is proceeding as expected.
Note: FlexPDE accepts other forms of plot command, including GRID plots and HISTORIES.
See the Reference chapter "Sections | Monitors and Plots 245 ".

2.2.11 Putting It All Together

In the previous sections, we have gradually built up a problem specification.
Putting it all together and adding a TITLE, it looks like this:
TITLE 'Heat flow around an Insulating blob'
Phi { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0

REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.001
START 'ring' (R,0)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'

We have defined a complete and meaningful problem in twenty-three readable lines.

59 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

The output from this script looks like this:

User G uide : Basic Usage 60
61 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide
User G uide : Basic Usage 62

2.2.12 Interpreting a Script

It is important to understand that a FlexPDE script is not a procedural description of the steps to be
performed in solving the PDE system. It is instead a description of the dependencies between various
elements of the model.
A parameter defined as P = 10 means that whenever P is used in the script, it represents the constant
value 10.
If the parameter is defined as P = 10*X, then whenever P is used in the script, it represents 10 times the
value of X at each point of the domain at which the value of P is needed for the solution of the system. In
other words, P will have a distribution of values throughout the domain.
If the parameter is defined as P = 10*U, where U has been declared as a VARIABLE, then whenever P is
used in the script, it represents 10 times the current value of U at each point of the domain, and at each
stage of the solution process. That is, the single definition P = 10*U implies repeated re-evaluation as
necessary throughout the computation.
63 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.3 Some Common Variations

2.3.1 Controlling Accuracy
FlexPDE applies a consistency check to integrals of the PDE's over the mesh cells. From this it
estimates the relative uncertainty in the solution variables and compares this to an accuracy tolerance. If
any mesh cell exceeds the tolerance, that cell is split, and the solution is recomputed.
The error tolerance is called ERRLIM, and can be set in the SELECT section of the script.
The default value of ERRLIM is 0.002, which means that FlexPDE will refine the mesh until the estimated
error in any variable (relative to the variable range) is less than 0.2% over every cell of the mesh.
Note: This does not mean that FlexPDE can guarantee that the solutions is accurate to 0.2%
over the domain. Individual cell errors may cancel or accumulate in ways that are hard to
In our sample problem, we can insert the statement

as a new section. This tells FlexPDE to split any cell in which the consistency check implies an error of
more than 0.001% over the cell.
FlexPDE refines the mesh twice, and completes with a mesh that looks like this:

In this particular case, the result plots are not noticeably different from the default case.
Note: In time-dependent problems, spatial and temporal errors are both set by ERRLIM, but
they can also be independently controlled by XERRLIM and TERRLIM. See the Problem
Descriptor Reference 186 .
User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 64

2.3.2 Computing Integrals

In many cases, it is an integral of some function that is of interest in the solution of a PDE problem.
FlexPDE has an extensive repertoire of integration facilities, including volume integrals, surface integrals
on bounding surfaces and line integrals on bounding lines. The two-dimensional forms are
Result = LINE_INTEGRAL(expression, boundary_name)

Computes the integral of expression over the named boundary.

Note: BINTEGRAL is a pseudonym for LINE_INTEGRAL.

Result = VOL_INTEGRAL(expression, region_name)

Computes the integral of expression over the named region.

If region_name is omitted, the integral is over the entire domain.

Note: INTEGRAL is a pseudonym for VOL_INTEGRAL.

Note: In 2D Cartesian geometry, AREA_INTEGRAL is also the same as VOL_INTEGRAL, since the
domain is assumed to have a unit thickness in Z.

In our example problem, we might define

{ the total flux across 'ring':
(recall that 'ring' is the name of the boundary of 'blob') }
Tflux = LINE_INTEGRAL(NORMAL(-k*grad(Phi)), 'ring')
{ the total heat energy in 'blob': }
Tenergy = VOL_INTEGRAL(Phi, 'blob')

In the case of internal boundaries, there is sometimes a different value of the integral on the two sides of
the boundary. The two values can be distinguished by further specifying the region in which the integral is
to be evaluated:
{ the total flux across 'ring': }
Tflux = LINE_INTEGRAL(NORMAL(-k*grad(Phi)), 'ring', 'box')
{ evaluated on the 'box' side of the boundary }

Note: Three-dimensional integral forms will be addressed in a later section. A full description
of integral operators is presented in the Problem Descriptor Reference section "Elements |
Operators | Integral Operators 172 ".

2.3.3 Reporting Numerical Results

In many cases, there are numerical quantities of interest in evaluating or classifying output plots. Any plot
command can be followed by the REPORT statement:
65 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

REPORT value AS "title"

Or just

REPORT value

Any number of REPORT s can be requested following any plot, subject to the constraint that the values
are printed on a single line at the bottom of the plot, and too many reports will run off and be lost.
For instance, we might modify the contour plot of our example plot to say

On running the problem, we might see something like this at the bottom of the plot:

2.3.4 Summarizing Numerical Results

A special form of plot command is the SUMMARY . This plot command does not generate any pictorial
output, but instead creates a page for the placement of numerous REPORTs.
SUMMARY may be given a text argument, which will be printed as a header.
For example,
REPORT(INTEGRAL(Phi,'blob')) as "Heat energy in blob"
REPORT('no more to say')

In our sample, we will see a separate report page with the following instead of a graphic:

2.3.5 Parameter Studies Using STAGES

FlexPDE supports a facility for performing parameter studies within a single invocation. This facility is
referred to as "staging". Using staging, a problem can be solved repeatedly, with a range of values for a
single parameter or a group of parameters.
The fundamental form for invoking a staged run is to define one or more parameters as STAGED:
Name = STAGED(value1, value2, ….)

The problem will be re-run as many times as there are values in the value list, with "Name" taking on
consecutive values from the list in successive runs.
User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 66

If the STAGED parameter does not affect the domain dimensions, then each successive run will use the
result and mesh from the previous run as a starting condition.
Note: This technique can also be used to approach the solution of a strongly nonlinear
problem, by starting with a linear system and gradually increasing the weight on a nonlinear
If the STAGED parameter is used as a dimension in the domain definition, then each successive run will
be restarted from the domain definition, and there will be no carry-over of solutions from one run to the
As for time-dependent problems (which we will discuss later), variation of arbitrary quantities across the
stages of a problem can be displayed by HISTORY plots. In staged runs the history is plotted against
stage number.
As an example, let us run our sample heat flow problem for a range of conductivities and plot a history of
the top edge temperature.
We will modify the definition of K in the insulator as follows:
Kins = STAGED(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10)
{ Notice that the STAGED specification must appear at the initial declaration of a
name. It cannot be used in a regional redefinition. }

REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
K = Kins

HISTORY(Phi) AT (0,-R)

When this modified descriptor is run, the history plot produces the following:
67 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

In a staged run, all PLOTS and MONITORS requested will be presented for each stage of the run.
Other Staging Controls
The global selector STAGES can be used to control the number of stages to run. If this selector
appears, it overrides any STAGED lists in the DEFINITIONS section (lists shorter than STAGES will
report an error). It also defines the global name STAGE, which can be used subsequently in arithmetic
expressions. See the Problem Descriptor Reference 207 for details.

The default action is to proceed at once from one stage to the next, but you can cause FlexPDE to
pause while you examine the plots by placing the command AUTOSTAGE=OFF in the SELECT section
of the script.

Note: The STAGE facility can only be used on steady-state problems. It cannot be used w ith time
dependent problems.

2.3.6 Cylindrical Geometry

In addition to two-dimensional Cartesian geometry, FlexPDE can solve problems in axisymmetric
User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 68

cylindrical coordinates, (r,z) or (z,r).

Cylindrical coordinates are invoked in the COORDINATES section of the script. Two forms are
available, XCYLINDER and YCYLINDER. The distinction between the two is merely in the orientation of
the graphical displays.
XCYLINDER places the rotation axis of the cylinder, the Z coordinate, along the abscissa (or "x"-axis)
of the plot, with radius along the ordinate. Coordinates in this system are (Z,R)
YCYLINDER places the rotation axis of the cylinder, the Z coordinate, along the ordinate (or "y" axis)
of the plot, with radial position along the abscissa. Coordinates in this system are (R,Z)

Either form may optionally be followed by a parenthesized renaming of the coordinates. Renaming
cannot be used to change the geometric character of the coordinate. Radius remains radius, even if you
rename it "Z".
The default names are
YCYLINDER implies YCYLINDER('R','Z'). Integrals In Cy lindrical Geom etry

The VOL_INTEGRAL (alias INTEGRAL) operator in Cylindrical geometry is weighted by 2*PI*R,

representing the fact that the equations are solved in a revolution around the axis.
An integral over the cross-sectional area of a region may be requested by the operator
AREA_INTEGRAL. This form differs from VOL_INTEGRAL in that the 2*PI*R weighting is absent.

Similarly, the operator SURF_INTEGRAL will form the integral over a boundary, analogous to the
LINE_INTEGRAL operator, but with an area weight of 2*PI*R. A Cy lindrical Ex am ple

Let us now convert our Cartesian test problem into a cylindrical one. If we rotate the box and blob
around the left boundary, we will form a torus between two circular plates (like a donut in a round box).
These changes will be required:
We must offset the coordinates, so the left boundary becomes R=0.
Since we want the rotation axis in the Y-direction, we must use YCYLINDER coordinates.
Since 'R' is now a coordinate name, we must rename the 'R' used for the blob radius.

The full script, converted to cylindrical coordinates is then:

TITLE 'Heat flow around an Insulating Torus'
Phi { the temperature }
69 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

K=1 { default conductivity }
Rad = 0.5 { blob radius (renamed)}
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (2,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (2,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (0,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.001
START 'ring' (1,Rad)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (1,-1) to (1,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'

The resulting contour and boundary plot look like this:

User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 70
71 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.3.7 Time Dependence

Unless otherwise defined, FlexPDE recognizes the name "T" (or "t") as representing time. If references
to time appear in the definitions or equations, FlexPDE will invoke a solution method appropriate to
initial-value problems.
FlexPDE will apply a heuristic control on the timestep used to track the evolution of the system. Initially,
this will be based on the time derivatives of the variables, and later it will be chosen so that the time
behavior of the variables is nearly quadratic. This is done by shortening or lengthening the time intervals
so that the cubic term in a Taylor expansion of the variables in time is below the value of the global
selector ERRLIM.
In time dependent problems, several new things must be specified:
The THRESHOLD of meaningful values for each variable (if not apparent from initial values).
The time-dependent PDE's
The time range of interest,
The times at which plots should be produced
Any history plots that may be desired

Note: FlexPDE can treat only first derivatives in time. Equations that are second-order in
User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 72

time must be split into two equations by defining an intermediate variable.

The time range is specified by a new script section
TIME start TO finish

Plot times are specified by preceding any block of plot commands by a time control, in which specific
times may be listed, or intervals and end times, or a mixture of both:
FOR T = t1, t2 BY step TO t3 ….

We can convert our heat flow problem to a time dependent one by including a time term in the heat
Div(k*grad(Phi)) = c*dt(Phi)

To make things interesting, we will impose a sinusoidal driving temperature at the top plate, and present a
history plot of the temperature at several internal points.
The whole script with pertinent modifications now looks like this:
TITLE 'Transient Heat flow around an Insulating blob'
Phi (threshold=0.01) { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
C=1 { default heat capacity }
R = 1/2
Div(-K*grad(phi)) + C*dt(Phi) = 0
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=sin(t) LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
K = 0.001
C = 0.1
TIME 0 TO 2*pi
FOR T = pi/2 BY pi/2 TO 2*pi
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
HISTORY(Phi) AT (0,r/2) (0,r) (0,3*r/2)
73 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

At the end of the run (t=2*pi), the contour and history look like this:
User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 74 Bad T hings T o Do In T im e Dependent Problem s

Inconsistent Initial Conditions and Instantaneous Switching

If you start off a time-dependent calculation with initial conditions that are inconsistent, or turn on
boundary values instantaneously at the start time (or some later time), you induce strong transient signals
in the system. This will cause the time step, and probably the mesh size as well, to be cut to tiny values
to track the transients.
Unless it is specifically the details of these transients that you want to know, you should start with initial
conditions that are a consistent solution to a steady problem, and then turn on the boundary values,
sources or driving fluxes over a time interval that is meaningful in your problem.
It is a common mistake to think that simply turning on a source is a smooth operation. It is not.
Mathematically, the turn-on time is significantly less that a femtosecond (zero, in fact), with attendant
terahertz transients. If that's the problem you pose, then that's the problem FlexPDE will try to solve.
More realistically, you should turn on your sources over a finite time. Electrical switches take
milliseconds, solid state switches take microseconds. But if you only want to see what happens after a
second or two, then fuzz the turn-on.
Turning on a driving flux or a volume source is somewhat more gentle than a boundary value, because it
implies a finite time to raise the boundary value to a given level. But there is still a meaningful time interval
75 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

over which to turn it on.

2.3.8 Eigenvalues and Modal Analysis

FlexPDE can also compute the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a PDE system.
Consider the homogeneous time-dependent heat equation as in our example above,

C K 0
together with homogeneous boundary conditions

on the boundary.

If we wish to solve for steady oscillatory solutions to this equation, we may assert
( x, y , t ) ( x, y ) exp( t)

The PDE then becomes

K 0
The values of and for which this equation has nontrivial solutions are known as the eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions of the system, respectively. All steady oscillatory solutions to the PDE can be made
up of combinations of the various eigenfunctions, together with a particular solution that satisfies any non-
homogeneous boundary conditions.
Two modifications are necessary to our basic steady-state script for the sample problem to cause
FlexPDE to solve the eigenvalue problem.
A value must be given to the MODES parameter in the SELECT section. This number determines the
number of distinct values of that will be calculated. The values reported will be those with lowest
The equation must be written using the reserved name LAMBDA for the eigenvalue.
The equation should be written so that values of LAMBDA are positive, or problems with the ordering
during solution will result. The full descriptor for the eigenvalue problem is then:

TITLE 'Modal Heat Flow Analysis'

User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 76

Phi { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
Div(k*grad(Phi)) + LAMBDA*Phi = 0
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.2 { This value makes more interesting pictures }
START 'ring' (R,0)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'

The solution presented by FlexPDE will have the following characteristics:

The full set of PLOTS will be produced for each of the requested modes.
An additional plot page will be produced listing the eigenvalues.
The mode number and eigenvalue will be reported on each plot.
LAMBDA is available as a defined name for use in arithmetic expressions.

The first two contours are as follows:

77 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide
User G uide : Some C ommon Variations 78 T he Eigenv alue Sum m ary

When running an Eigenvalue problem, FlexPDE automatically produces an additional plot displaying a
summary of the computed eigenvalues.
If the user specifies a SUMMARY plot, then this plot will supplant the automatic summary, allowing the
user to add reports to the eigenvalue listing.
For example, we can add to our previous descriptor the plot specification:

This produces the following report on the summary page:

79 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.4 Addressing More Difficult Problems

If heat flow on a square were all we wanted to do, then there would probably be no need for FlexPDE.
The power of the FlexPDE system comes from the fact that almost any functional form may be specified
for the material parameters, the equation terms, or the output functions. The geometries may be
enormously complex, and the output specification is concise and powerful.
In the following sections, we will address some of the common situations that arise in real problems, and
show how they may be treated in FlexPDE.

2.4.1 Nonlinear Coefficients and Equations

One common complication that arises is that either the terms of the equation or the material properties
are complicated functions of the system variables. FlexPDE understands this, and has made full
provision for handling such systems.
Suppose, for example, that the conductivity in the 'blob' of our example problem were in fact a strong
function of the temperature. Say, for example, that K=exp(-5*phi). The solution couldn't be simpler.
Just define it the way you want it and click "run":

REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = exp(-5*phi)

The appearance of a nonlinear dependence will automatically activate the nonlinear solver, and all the
dependency details will be handled by FlexPDE.
The modified result appears immediately:
User G uide : Addressing More Difficult P roblems 80

Nonlinear terms in the equation are just as easy. If our system has a nonlinear sinusoidal source, for
example, we may type:
Div(k*grad(phi)) + 0.01*phi*sin(phi) = 0

Click "run", and the solution appears:

81 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide Com plications Associated with Nonlinear Problem s

Actually, nonlinear problems are frequently more difficult than we have implied above, for several
Nonlinear problems can have more than one solution.
A nonlinear problem may not, in fact, have a solution at all.

FlexPDE uses a Newton-Raphson iteration process to solve nonlinear systems. This technique can be
very sensitive to the initial estimate of the solution. If the starting conditions are too far from the actual
solution, it may be impossible to find the answer, even though it might be quite simple from a different
starting value.
There are several things that can be done to help a nonlinear problem find a solution:
Provide as good an initial value as you can, using the INITIAL VALUES section of the script.
Ensure that the boundary conditions are consistent.
Use STAGES to progress from a linear to a nonlinear system, allowing the linear solution to provide
initial conditions for the nonlinear one.
User G uide : Addressing More Difficult P roblems 82

Pose the problem as a time-dependent one, with time as an artificial relaxation dimension.
Use SELECT CHANGELIM to limit the excursion at each step and force FlexPDE to creep toward a
Use MONITORS to display useful aspects of the solution, to help identify troublesome terms.

We will return in a later section 142 to the question of intransigent nonlinear problems.

2.4.2 Natural Boundary Conditions

The term "natural boundary condition" usually arises in the calculus of variations, and since the finite
element method is fundamentally one of minimization of an error functional, the term arises also in this
The term has a much more intuitive interpretation, however, and it is this which we will try to present.
Consider a Laplace equation,
u 0

The Divergence Theorem says that the integral of this equation over all space is equal merely to the
integral over the bounding surface of the normal component of the flux,

div( grad (u ))dA Ñ S
n grad (u )dl

(we have presented the equation in two dimensions, but it is valid in three dimensions as well).
The surface value of n grad (u ) is in fact the "natural boundary condition" for the Laplace (and
Poisson) equation. It is the way in which the system inside interacts with the system outside. It is the
(negative of the) flux of the quantity u that crosses the system boundary.
The Divergence Theorem is a particular manifestation of the more general process of Integration by
Parts. You will remember the basic rule,
b b
udv uv a vdu
a a

The term uv is evaluated at the ends of the integration interval and gives rise to surface terms. Applied
to the integration of a divergence, integration by parts produces the Divergence Theorem.
FlexPDE applies integration by parts to all terms of the partial differential equations that contain second-
order derivatives of the system variables. In the Laplace equation, of course, this means the only term
that appears.
In order for a solution of the Laplace equation (for example) to be achieved, one must specify at all
points of the boundary either the value of the variable (in this case, u ) or the value of n grad (u ) .
In the notation of FlexPDE,
83 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

VALUE(u)=u1 supplies the former, and

NATURAL(u)=F supplies the latter.

In other words,
The NATURAL boundary condition statement in FlexPDE supplies the value of the surface
flux, as that flux is defined by the integration of the second-order terms of the PDE by parts.
The default boundary condition for FlexPDE is NATURAL(VARIABLE)=0.
Note: On an internal boundary the NATURAL defines the difference in flux between the two adjacent
regions, producing a source or sink at that boundary.

Consistent with our discussion of nonlinear equations, the value given for the surface flux may be a
nonlinear value.
The radiation loss from a hot body, for example, is proportional to the fourth power of temperature, and
the statement
NATURAL(u) = -k*u^4
is a perfectly legal boundary condition for the Laplace equation in FlexPDE. Som e T y pical Cases

Since integration by parts is a fundamental mathematical operation, it will come as no surprise that its
application can lead to many of the fundamental rules of physics, such as Ampere's Law.
For this reason, the Natural boundary condition is frequently a statement of very fundamental
conservation laws in many applications.
But it is not always obvious at first what its meaning might be in equations which are more elaborate than
the Laplace equation.
So let us first list some basic terms and their associated natural boundary condition contributions (we
present these rules for two-dimensional geometry, but the three-dimensional extensions are readily seen).
Applied to the term f (u ) / x , integration by parts yields
f (u )
dxdy Ñ f (u )dy Ñ f (u ) dl
Here is the x-direction cosine of the surface normal and dl is the differential path length. Since
FlexPDE applies integration by parts only to second order terms, this rule is applied only if the
function f (u ) contains further derivatives of u . Similar rules apply to derivatives with respect to
other coordinates.
Applied to the term f (u ) / x 2 , integration by parts yields
User G uide : Addressing More Difficult P roblems 84

f (u ) f (u ) f (u )
dxdy Ñ dy Ñ dl
x x x
Since this term is second order, it will always result in a contribution to the natural boundary
Applied to the term F (u ) , integration by parts yields the Divergence Theorem
r r
F (u )dxdy Ñ ˆ
F (u ) ndl

Here is the outward surface normal unit vector.

As with the x-derivative case, integration by parts will not be applied unless the vector F itself
contains further derivatives of u .
Applied to the term F (u ) , integration by parts yields the Curl Theorem
r r
F (u )dxdy Ñ nˆ F (u )dl

Using these formulas, we can examine what the natural boundary condition means in several common
The Heat Equation
Div(-k*grad(Temp)) + Source = 0
Natural(Temp) = normal(-k*grad(Temp)) { outward surface-normal flux }
(Notice that we have written the PDE in terms of heat flux with the negative sign imbedded in the
equation. If the sign is left out, the sign of the Natural is reversed as well.)
One-dimensional heat equation
dx(-k*dx(Temp)) + Source = 0
Natural(Temp) = outward surface-normal component of flux = (-k*dx(temp)*nx),
where nx is the x-direction cosine of the surface normal.
Similar forms apply for other coordinates.
Magnetic Field Equation
curl(curl(A)/mu) = J
Natural(A) = tangential component of H = tangential(curl(A)/mu)
Convection Equation
Natural(u) is undefined, because there are no second-order terms.
See the example "Samples | Applications | Fluids | Hyperbolic.pde" 399 .
85 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide An Ex am ple of a Flux Boundary Condition

Let us return again to our heat flow test problem and investigate the effect of the Natural boundary
condition. As originally posed, we specified Natural(Phi)=0 on both sidewalls. This corresponds to
zero flux at the boundary. Alternatively, a convective cooling loss at the boundary would correspond to
a flux
Flux = -K*grad(Phi) = Phi – Phi0

where Phi0 is a reference cooling temperature. With convectively cooled sides, our boundary
specification looks like this (assuming Phi0=0):

REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=Phi LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)

The result of this modification is that the isotherms curve upward:

User G uide : Addressing More Difficult P roblems 86

2.4.3 Discontinuous Variables

The default behavior of FlexPDE is to consider all variables to be continuous across material interfaces.
This arises naturally from the finite element model, which populates the interface with nodes that are
shared by the material on both sides.
FlexPDE supports discontinuities in variables at material interfaces by use of the words CONTACT and
JUMP in the script language.

CONTACT(V) is a special form of NATURAL boundary condition which also causes the affected variable
to be stored in duplicate nodes at the interface, capable of representing a double value.
JUMP(v) means the instantaneous change in the value of variable "v" when moving outward across an
interface from inside a given material. At an interface between materials '1' and '2', JUMP(V) means
(V2-V1) in material '1', and (V1-V2) in material '2'.

The expected use of JUMP is in a CONTACT Boundary Condition statement on an interior boundary.
The combination of CONTACT and JUMP causes a line or surface source to be generated proportional to
the difference between the two values.
JUMP may also be used in other boundary condition statements, but it is assumed that the argument of
the JUMP is a variable for which a CONTACT boundary condition has been specified. See the example
87 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

"Samples | Usage | Discontinuous_Variables | Contact_Resistance_Heating.pde" for an example of this

kind of use.
The interpretation of the JUMP operator follows the model of contact resistance, as explained in the next
section. Contact Resistance

The problem of contact resistance between two conductors is a typical one requiring discontinuity of the
modeled variable.
In this problem, a very thin resistive layer causes a jump in the temperature or voltage on the two sides of
an interface. The magnitude of the jump is proportional to the heat flux or electric current flowing across
the resistive film. In microscopic analysis, of course, there is a physical extent to the resistive material.
But its dimensions are such as to make true modelling of the thickness inconvenient in a finite element
In the contact resistance case, the heat flux across a resistive interface between materials '1' and '2' as
seen from side '1' is given by
F1 = -K1*dn(T) = -(T2-T1)/R

where F1 is the value of the outward heat flux, K1 is the heat conductivity, dn(T) is the outward normal
derivative of T , R is the resistance of the interface film, and T1 and T2 are the two values of the
temperature at the interface.
As seen from material '2',
F2 = -K2*dn(T) = -(T1-T2)/R = -F1

Here the normal has reversed sign, so that the outflow from '2' is the negative of the outflow from '1',
imposing energy conservation.
The Natural Boundary Condition for the heat equation
div(-K*grad(T)) = H

is given by the divergence theorem as

Natural(T) = -K*dn(T),

representing the outward heat flux.

This flux can be related to a discontinuous variable by use of the CONTACT boundary condition in place
of the NATURAL.
The FlexPDE expression JUMP(T) is defined as (T2-T1) in material '1' and (T1-T2) in material '2'.
The representation of the contact resistance boundary condition is therefore
User G uide : Addressing More Difficult P roblems 88

This statement means the same thing in both of the materials sharing the interface. [Notice that the sign
applied to the JUMP reflects the sign of the divergence term.]
We can modify our previous example problem to demonstrate this, by adding a heat source to drive the
jump, and cooling the sidewalls. The restated script is:
TITLE 'Contact Resistance on a heated blob'
Phi { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
H=0 { internal heat source }
Res = 0.5 { contact resistance }
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = H

REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 { cold outer walls }
LINE TO (1,-1) TO (1,1) TO (-1,1) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
H=1 { heat generation in the blob }
START 'ring' (R,0)
CONTACT(phi) = -JUMP(phi)/Res
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'

The surface plot generated by running this problem shows the discontinuity in temperature:
89 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide Decoupling

Using the Contact Resistance model, one can effectively decouple the values of a given variable in two
adjacent regions. In the previous example, if we replace the jump boundary condition with the statement
CONTACT(phi) = 0*JUMP(phi)

the contact resistance is infinite, and no flux can pass between the regions.
Note: The JUMP statement is recognized as a special form. Even though the apparent value of
the right hand side here is zero, it is not removed by the arithmetic expression simplifier. Using JUMP in problem s with m any v ariables

An expression JUMP(V) may appear in any boundary condition statement on a boundary for which the
argument variable V has been given a CONTACT boundary condition.
In an electrical resistance case, for example, the voltage undergoes a jump across a contact resistance,
and the current through this contact is a source of heat for a heatflow equation. The following example,
though not strictly realizable physically, diagrams the technique. Notice that the JUMP of Phi appears as
a source term in the Natural boundary condition for Temp. Phi, having appeared in a CONTACT
boundary condition definition, is stored as a double-valued quantity, whose JUMP is available to the
User G uide : Addressing More Difficult P roblems 90

boundary condition for Temp. Temp, which does not appear in a CONTACT boundary condition
statement, is a single-valued variable at the interface.
TITLE 'Contact Resistance as a heat source'
Phi { the voltage }
Temp { the temperature }
Kd = 1 { dielectric constant }
Kt = 1 { thermal conductivity }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
Q =0 { space charge density }
Res = 0.5 { contact resistance }
Phi: Div(-kd*grad(phi)) = Q
Temp: Div(-kt*grad(temp) = 0
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 { grounded outer walls }
VALUE(Temp)=0 { cold outer walls }
LINE TO (1,-1) TO (1,1) TO (-1,1) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
Q =1 { space charge in the blob }
START 'ring' (R,0)
CONTACT(phi) = -JUMP(phi)/Res
{ the heat source is the voltage difference times the current }
NATURAL(temp) = -JUMP(Phi)^2/Res

The temperature shows the effect of the surface source:

91 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.5 Using FlexPDE in One-Dimensional Problems

FlexPDE treats problems in one space dimension as a degenerate case of two dimensional problems.
The construction of a problem descriptor follows the principles laid out in previous sections, with the
following specializations:
The COORDINATES specification must be CARTESIAN1, CYLINDER1 or SPHERE1
Coordinate positions are given by one dimensional points, as in

The boundary path is in fact the domain, so the boundary must not CLOSE on itself.
Since the boundary path is the domain, boundary conditions are not specified along the path. Instead
we use the existing syntax of POINT VALUE and POINT LOAD to specify boundary conditions at the
end points of the domain:

Only ELEVATION and HISTORY are meaningful plots in one dimension.

User G uide : Using FlexP DE in One-Dimensional P roblems 92

Our basic example problem does not have a one-dimensional analog, but we can adapt it to an insulating
spherical shell between two spherical reservoirs as follows:

TITLE 'Heat flow through an Insulating shell'

Phi { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R1 = 1 { the inner reservoir }
Ra = 2 { the insulator inner radius }
Rb = 3 { the insulator outer radius }
R2 = 4 { the outer reservoir }
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
REGION 1 { the total domain }
{ note: no 'Close'! }
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded layer }
k = 0.001
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (R1) to (R2)

2.6 Using FlexPDE in Three-Dimensional Problems

First, a caveat:
Three-dimensional computations are not simple. We have tried to make FlexPDE as easy as possible to
use, but the setup and interpretation of 3D problems relies heavily on the concepts explained in 2D
applications of FlexPDE. Please do not try to jump in here without reading the preceding 2D discussion.
FlexPDE constructs a three-dimensional domain by extruding a two-dimensional domain into a third
dimension. This third dimension can be divided into layers, possibly with differing material properties and
boundary conditions in each layer. The interface surfaces which separate the layers need not be planar,
but there are some restrictions placed on the shapes that can be defined in this way.
The finite element model constructed by FlexPDE in three-dimensional domains is fully general. The
domain definition process is not.
93 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.6.1 The Concept of Extrusion

The fundamental idea of extrusion is quite simple; a square extruded into a third dimension becomes a
cube; a circle becomes a cylinder. Given spherical layer surfaces, the circle can also become a sphere.
Note: It is important to consider carefully the characteristics of any given problem, to
determine the orientation most amenable to extrusion.
What happens if we extrude our simple 2D heat flow problem into a third dimension? Setting the
extrusion distance to half the plate spacing, we get a cylinder imbedded in a brick, as we see in the
following figure:

A cross-section at any value of Z returns the original 2D figure.

A cross-section cut at Y=0 shows the extruded structure:

2.6.2 Extrusion Notation in FlexPDE

Performing the extrusion above requires three basic changes in the 2D script:
The COORDINATES section must specify CARTESIAN3.
A new EXTRUSION section must be added to specify the layering of the extrusion.
PLOTS and MONITORS must be modified to specify any cut planes or surfaces on which the display is
to be computed.
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 94

There are two forms for the EXTRUSION section, the elaborate form and the shorthand form. In both
cases, the layers of the model are built up in order from small to large Z.
In the elaborate form, the dividing SURFACES and the intervening LAYERS are each named explicitly,
with algebraic formulas given for each dividing surface.
Note: With this usage, we have overloaded the word SURFACE. As a plot command, it can
mean a form of graphic output in which the data are presented as a three-dimensional surface;
or, in this new case, it can mean a dividing surface between extrusion layers. The distinction
between the two uses should be clear from the context.
In the simple case of our extruded cylinder in a square, it looks like this:
SURFACE 'Bottom' z=0
LAYER 'Everything'
SURFACE 'Top' z=1

The bottom and top surfaces are named, and given simple planar shapes.
The layer between these two surfaces comprises everything in the domain, so we can name it
In the shorthand form, we merely state the Z-formulas:
EXTRUSION z = 0, 1

In this case, the layers and surfaces must later be referred to by number. The first surface, z=0, is
identified as surface 1. The second surface, z=1, as surface 2.
Notice that there is no distinction, as far as the layer definition is concerned, between the parts of the
layer which are in the cylinder and the parts of the layer which are outside the cylinder. This distinction is
made by combining the LAYER concept with the REGION concept of the 2D base plane representation.
In a vertical cross-section we can label the parts as follows:

Notice that the cylinder can be uniquely identified as the intersection of the 'blob' region of the base plane
with the 'Everything' layer of the extrusion.
95 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.6.3 Layering
Now suppose that we wish to model a canister rather than a full length cylinder. This requires that we
break up the material stack above region 2 into three parts, the canister and the continuation of the box
material above and below it.
We do this by specifying three layers (and four interface surfaces):
SURFACE "Bottom" z=-1/2
LAYER "Underneath"
SURFACE "Can Bottom" z=-1/4
SURFACE "Can Top" z=1/4
LAYER "Above"
SURFACE "Top" z=1/2

We have now divided the 3D figure into six logical compartments: three layers above each of two base
Each of these compartments can be assigned unique material properties, and if necessary, unique
boundary conditions.
The cross section now looks like this:
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 96

It would seem that we have nine compartments, but recall that region 1 completely surrounds the
cylinder, so the left and right parts of region 1 above are joined above and below the plane of the paper.
This results in six 3D volumes, denoted by the six colors in the figure.
We stress at this point that it is neither necessary nor correct to try to specify each compartment as a
separate entity. You do not need a separate layer and region specification for each material
compartment, and repetition of identical regions in the base plane or layers in the extrusion will cause
The compartment structure is fully specified by the two coordinates REGION and LAYER, and any
compartment is identified by the intersection of the REGION in the base plane with the LAYER in the

2.6.4 Setting Material Properties by Region and Layer

In our 2D problem, we specified the conductivity of the blob inside the REGION definition for the blob,
and that continues to be the technique in 3D.
The difference now is that we must also specify the LAYER to which the definition applies. We do this
with a LAYER qualification clause:
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
LAYER 'Can' K = 0.001
START 'ring' (R,0)

Without the LAYER qualification clause, the definition would apply to all layers lying above region 2 of the
base plane. Here, the presence of the parameter definition inside a REGION and qualified by a LAYER
selects a specific 3D compartment to which the specification applies.
In the following diagram, we have labeled each of the six distinct compartments with a (region,layer)
97 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

The comprehensive logical structure of parameter redefinitions in the BOUNDARIES section with the
location of parameter redefinition specifications in this grid can be described for the general case as

params(1,all) { parameter redefinitions for all layers of region 1 }
params(1,1){ parameter redefinitions restricted to layer 1 of region 1 }
params(1,2){ parameter redefinitions restricted to layer 2 of region 1 }
params(1,3){ parameter redefinitions restricted to layer 3 of region 1 }
START(,) .... TO CLOSE { trace the perimeter }

params(2,all) { parameter redefinitions for all layers of region 2 }
params(2,1) { parameter redefinitions restricted to layer 1 of region 2 }
params(2,2) { parameter redefinitions restricted to layer 2 of region 2 }
params(2,3) { parameter redefinitions restricted to layer 3 of region 2 }
START(,) .... TO CLOSE { trace the perimeter }

{ ... and so forth for all regions }

2.6.5 Void Compartments

The reserved word VOID is treated syntactically the same as a parameter redefinition. If this word
appears in any of the LAYER-qualified positions above, then that (region,layer) compartment will be
excluded from the domain.
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 98


START 'ring' (R,0)

The example problem "Samples | Usage | 3D_Domains | 3D_Void.pde 497 " demonstrates this usage.

2.6.6 Limited Regions

In what we have discussed so far, the region structure specified in the 2D base plane has been
propagated unchanged throughout the extrusion dimension. FlexPDE uses the specifier LIMITED
REGION to restrict the defined region to a specified set of layers and/or surfaces.

Instead of propagating throughout the extrusion dimension, a LIMITED REGION exists only in the layers
and surfaces explicitly referenced in the declarations within the region. Mention of a layer causes the
LIMITED REGION to exist in the specified layer and in its bounding surfaces. Mention of a surface
causes the LIMITED REGION to exist in the specified surface.
In our ongoing example problem, we can specify:
LIMITED REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
LAYER 'Can' K = 0.001
99 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

START 'ring' (R,0)


In this form, the canister is not propagated through the "Above" and "Underneath" layers:

2.6.7 Specifying Plots on Cut Planes

In two-dimensional problems, the CONTOUR, SURFACE, VECTOR, GRID output forms display data
values on the computation plane.
In three dimensions, the same displays are available on any cut plane through the 3D figure. The
specification of this cut plane is made by simply appending the equation of a plane to the plot command,
qualified by 'ON':

Note: More uses of the ON clause, including plots on extrusion surfaces, will be discussed
later 113 .

We can also request plots of the computation grid (and by implication the domain structure) with the
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 100

GRID command:
GRID(x,z) ON y=0

This command will draw a picture of the intersection of the plot plane with the tetrahedral mesh structure
currently being used by FlexPDE. The plot will be painted with colors representing the distinct material
properties present in the cross-section. 3D compartments with identical properties will appear in the
same color. The arguments of the GRID plot are the values to be displayed as the abscissa and ordinate
positions. Deformed grids can be displayed merely by modifying the arguments.

2.6.8 The Complete 3D Canister

With all the described modifications installed, the full script for the 3D canister problem is as follows:
TITLE 'Heat flow around an Insulating Canister'
Phi { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
SURFACE 'Bottom' z=-1/2
LAYER 'underneath'
SURFACE 'Can Bottom' z=-1/4
SURFACE 'Can Top' z=1/4
LAYER 'above'
SURFACE 'Top' z=1/2
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)
LIMITED REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
LAYER 2 k = 0.001 { the canister only }
START 'ring' (R,0)
GRID(y,z) ON x=0
VECTOR(-k*grad(Phi)) ON x=0
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1,0) to (0,1,0) { note 3D coordinates }
101 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Since we have specified no boundary conditions on the top and bottom extrusion surfaces, they default
to zero flux. This is the standard default, for reasons explained in an earlier section.
The first three of the requested PLOTS are:
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 102
103 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.6.9 Setting Boundary Conditions in 3D

The specification of boundary conditions in 3D problems is an extension of the techniques used in 2D.

Boundary condition specifications that in 2D applied to a bounding curve are applied in 3D to the
extruded sidewalls generated by that curve.
The qualifier LAYER number or LAYER "name" may be applied to such a sidewall boundary
condition to restrict its application to a specific layer of the sidewall.
Boundary conditions for extrusion surfaces are constructed as if they were parameter redefinitions
over a REGION or over the entire 2D domain. In these cases, the qualifier SURFACE number or
SURFACE "name" must precede the boundary condition definition.

In the following figure, we have labeled the various surfaces which can be assigned distinct boundary
conditions. Layer interface surfaces have been labeled with an "s", while sidewall surfaces have been
labeled with "w". We have shown only a single sidewall intersection in our cross-sectional picture, but in
fact each segment of the bounding trace in the base plane can specify a distinct "w" type wall boundary
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 104

The comprehensive logical structure of the BOUNDARIES section with the locations of the boundary
condition specifications in 3D can be diagrammed as follows:

s(all, 1) { BC's on surface 1 over full domain }
s(all, 2) { BC's on surface 2 over full domain }
{…other surfaces }
s(1,1) { BC's on surface 1, restricted to region 1 }
s(1,2) { BC's on surface 2, restricted to region 1 }
START(,) { -- begin the perimeter of region m }
w(1,..) { BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 1 on all layers }
w(1,1) { BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 1, restricted to layer 1
w(1,2) { BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 1, restricted to layer 2
LINE TO ....
{ segments of the base plane boundary with above BC's }
w(1,1) { new BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 1, restricted to
layer 1 }
LINE TO ....
{ continue the perimeter of region 1 with modified boundary conditions }
105 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

s(2,1) { BC's on surface 1, restricted to region 2 }
s(2,2) { BC's on surface 2, restricted to region 2 }
START(,) { -- begin the perimeter of region m }
w(2,..) { BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 2 on all layers }
w(2,1){ BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 2, restricted to layer
w(2,2){ BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 2, restricted to layer
LINE TO ....
{ segments of the base plane boundary with above BC's }
w(2,1) { new BC's on following segments of sidewall of region 2, restricted
to layer 1 }
{ continue the perimeter of region 2 with modified boundary conditions }

Remember that, as in 2D, REGIONS appearing later in the script will overlay and cover up portions of
earlier regions in the base plane. So the real extent of REGION 1 is that part of the base plane within the
perimeter of REGION 1 which is not contained in any later REGION.
For an example of how this works, suppose we want to apply a fixed temperature "Tcan" to the surface
of the canister of our previous example. The canister portion of the domain has three surfaces, the
bottom, the top, and the sidewall.
The layer dividing SURFACES that define the bottom and top of the canister are named 'Can Bottom' and
'Can Top'. The part we want to assign is that part of the surfaces which lies above region 2 of the base
plane. We therefore put a boundary condition statement inside of the region 2 definition, together with a
SURFACE qualifier.

The sidewall of the canister is the extrusion of the bounding line of REGION 2, restricted to that part
contained in the layer named 'Can'. So we add a boundary condition to the bounding curve of REGION
2, with a LAYER qualifier.

The modified BOUNDARIES section then looks like this:

REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
SURFACE 'Can Bottom' VALUE(Phi)=Tcan
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 106

SURFACE 'Can Top' VALUE(Phi)=Tcan

{ parameter redefinition in the 'Can' layer only: }
LAYER 2 k = 0.001
START 'ring' (R,0)
{ boundary condition in the 'Can' layer only: }
LAYER 'Can' VALUE(Phi)=Tcan

2.6.10 Shaped Layer Interfaces

We have stated that the layer interfaces need not be planar. But FlexPDE makes some assumptions
about the layer interfaces, which places some restrictions on the possible figures.

Figures must maintain an extruded shape, with sidewalls and layer interfaces (the sidewalls cannot
grow or shrink)
Layer interface surfaces must be continuous across region boundaries. If a surface has a vertical
jump, it must be divided into layers, with a region interface at the jump boundary and a layer spanning
the jump. (Not this: but this: )
Layer interface surfaces may merge, but may not invert. Use a MAX or MIN function in the surface
definition to block inversion.
Using these rules, we can convert the canister of our example into a sphere by placing spherical caps
on the cylinder.
The equation of a spherical end cap is
Z = Zcenter + sqrt( R^2 – x^2 – y^2)
Z = Ztop – R + sqrt(R^2 – x^2 – y^2)
To avoid grazing contact of this new sphere with the top and bottom of our former box, we will
extend the extrusion from –1 to 1.
To avoid arithmetic errors, we will prevent negative arguments of the sqrt.

Our modified script now looks like this:

TITLE 'Heat flow around an Insulating Sphere'
Phi { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { sphere radius }
{ shape of hemispherical cap: }
Zsphere = sqrt(max(R^2-x^2-y^2,0))
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
SURFACE 'Bottom' z=-1
LAYER 'underneath'
SURFACE 'Sphere Bottom' z = -max(Zsphere,0)
107 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

SURFACE 'Sphere Top' z = max(Zsphere,0)
LAYER 'above'
SURFACE 'Top' z=1
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)
LIMITED REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
LAYER 2 K = 0.001
START 'ring' (RSphere,0)
GRID(y,z) on x=0
CONTOUR(Phi) on x=0
VECTOR(-k*grad(Phi)) on x=0
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1,0) to (0,1,0)

Cut-away and cross-section images of the LAYER x REGION compartment structure of this layout
looks like this:

The contour plot looks like this:

User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 108

Notice that because of the symmetry of the 3D figure, this plot looks like a rotation of the 2D contour
plot in "Putting It All Together".

2.6.11 Surface-Generating Functions

FlexPDE includes three surface-generation functions (PLANE, CYLINDER and SPHERE) to simplify the
construction of 3D domains (See Surface Functions 224 in the Problem Descriptor Reference)
With the SPHERE command, for example, we could modify the Zsphere definition above as
{ shape of hemispherical cap: }
Zsphere = SPHERE( (0,0,0), R)

We can also build a duct with cylindrical top and bottom surfaces using the following script fragments:

R0 = 1 { cylinder radius }
Len = 3 { cylinder length }
theta = 45 { axis direction in degrees }
c = cos(theta degrees) { direction cosines of the axis direction }
109 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

s = sin(theta degrees)
x0 = -(len/2)*c { beginning point of the cylinder axis }
y0 = -(len/2)*s
zoff = 10 { a z-direction offset for the entire figure }

{ The cylinder function constructs the top surface of a cylinder with azis along z=0.5. The
positive and negative values of this surface will be separated by a distance of one unit at
the diameter. }
zs = CYLINDER((x0,y0,0.5), (x0+Len*c,y0+Len*s, 0.5), R0)

SURFACE z = zoff-zs { the bottom half-surface }
SURFACE z = zoff+zs { the top half-surface }

START (x0,y0)
LINE TO (x0+R0*c,y0-R0*s)
TO (x0+Len*c+R0*c,y0+Len*s-R0*s)
TO (x0+Len*c-R0*c,y0+Len*s+R0*s)
TO (x0-R0*c,y0+R0*s)

The constructed figure looks like this:

See the example problem "Samples | Usage | 3D_Domains | 3D_Cylspec.pde" for the complete cylinder
2.6.12 Integrals in Three Dimensions
In three-dimensional problems, volume integrals may be computed over volume compartments selected
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 110

by region and layer.

Result = VOL_INTEGRAL(<integrand>)
Computes the integral of the integrand over the entire domain.

Result = VOL_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <region name>)

Computes the integral of the integrand over all layers of the specified region.

Result = VOL_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <layer name>)

Computes the integral of the integrand over all regions of the specified layer.

Result = VOL_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <region name>, <layer name>)

Computes the integral of the integrand over the compartment specified by the region and layer

Result = VOL_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <region number>, <layer number>)

Computes the integral of the integrand over the compartment specified by the region and layer

Surface integrals may be computed over selected surfaces. From the classification of various qualifying
names, FlexPDE tries to infer what surfaces are implied in a surface integral statement. In the case of
non-planar surfaces, integrals are weighted by the actual surface area.

Result = SURF_INTEGRAL(<integrand>)
Computes the integral of the integrand over the outer bounding surface of the total domain.

Result = SURF_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <surface name> {, <layer_name>} )

Computes the integral of the integrand over all regions of the named extrusion surface. If the
optional <layer_name> appears, it will dictate the layer in which the computation is performed.

Result = SURF_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <surface name>, <region name> {,

<layer_name>} )
Computes the integral of the integrand over the named extrusion surface, restricted to the named
region. If the optional <layer_name> appears, it will dictate the layer in which the computation is

Result = SURF_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <region name>, <layer name>)

Computes the integral of the integrand over all surfaces of the compartment specified by the region
and layer names. Evaluation will be made inside the named compartment.

Result = SURF_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <boundary name> {, <region_name>} )

Computes the integral of the integrand over all layers of the sidewall generated by the extrusion of
the named base-plane curve. If the optional <region name> argument appears, it controls on
which side of the surface the integral is evaluated. Portions of the surface that do not adjoin the
named layer will not be computed.
111 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Result = SURF_INTEGRAL(<integrand>, <boundary name>, <layer name> {,

<region_name>} )
Computes the integral of the integrand over the sidewall generated by the extrusion of the named
base-plane curve, restricted to the named layer. If the optional <region name> argument appears,
it controls on which side of the surface the integral is evaluated. Portions of the surface that do not
adjoin the named layer will not be computed.

Note: The example problem "Samples | Usage | 3D_Integrals.pde 578 " demonstrates several
forms of integral in a three-dimensional problem.

Let us modify our Canister problem to contain a heat source, and compare the volume integral of the
source with the surface integral of the flux, as checks on the accuracy of the solution:
TITLE 'Heat flow from an Insulating Canister'
Phi { the temperature }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
S= 0
Div(-k*grad(phi)) = S
SURFACE 'Bottom' z=-1/2
LAYER 'underneath'
SURFACE 'Can Bottom' z=-1/4
SURFACE 'Can Top' z=1/4
LAYER 'above'
SURFACE 'Top' z=1/2
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { option: could be LIMITED }
LAYER 2 k = 0.001 { the canister only }
S= 1 { still the canister }
START 'ring' (R,0)
GRID(y,z) on x=0
CONTOUR(Phi) on x=0
VECTOR(-k*grad(Phi)) on x=0
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1,0) to (0,1,0)
User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 112

REPORT(Vol_Integral(S,'blob','can')) AS 'Source Integral'

AS 'Can Heat Loss'
AS 'Box Heat Loss'
AS 'Energy Error'

The contour plot is as follows:

The summary page shows the integral reports:

113 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Note: The "Integral" reported at the bottom of the contour plot is the default
Area_Integral(Phi) reported by the plot processor.

2.6.13 More Advanced Plot Controls

We have discussed the specification of plots on cut planes in 3D. You can, if you want, apply
restrictions to the range of such plots, much like the restrictions of integrals.
You can also specify plots on extrusion SURFACES (layer interface surfaces), even though these surfaces
may not be planar.
The basic control mechanism for plots is the ON <thing> statement.
For example, the statement
CONTOUR(Phi) ON 'Sphere Top' ON 'Blob'

requests a contour plot of the potential Phi on the extrusion surface named 'Sphere Top', restricted to the
region 'Blob'.
CONTOUR(NORMAL(-K*GRAD(Phi))) ON 'Sphere Top' ON 'Blob' ON 'Can'

requests a contour plot of the normal component of the heat flux on the top part of the sphere, with
evaluation to be made within layer 'Can', i.e., inside the sphere.
In general, the qualifier ON <name> will request a localization of the plot, depending on the type of
object named by <name>.
The qualifier ON REGION <number> selects a region by number, rather than by name.
The qualifier ON SURFACE <number> selects a layer interface surface by number, rather than by
The qualifier ON LAYER <number> selects a layer by number, rather than by name.

As an example, let us request a plot of the heat flux on the top of the sphere, as shown above. We will
add this command to the PLOTS section, and also request an integral over the same surface, as a cross
check. The plot generator will automatically compute the integral over the plot grid. This computation
should give the same result as the SURF_INTEGRAL, which uses a quadrature on the computation mesh.
CONTOUR(NORMAL(-K*GRAD(Phi))) ON 'Sphere Top' ON 'Blob' ON 'Can'
REPORT(SURF_INTEGRAL(NORMAL(-k*GRAD(Phi)),'Sphere Top','Blob','Can'))
AS 'Surface Flux'

The result looks like this:

User G uide : Using FlexP DE in Three-Dimensional P roblems 114

Since in this case the integral is a cancellation of values as large as 7e-4, the reported "Surface Flux"
value of -5.2e-8 is well within the default error target of ERRLIM=0.002. The automatically generated
plot grid integral, "Surf_Integral", shows greater error at -6.49e-5, due to poorer resolution of integrating
the area-weighted function in the plot plane.

2.7 Complex Variables

In previous versions of FlexPDE, it has been possible to treat complex variables and equations by
declaring each component as a VARIABLE and writing a real PDE for each complex component.
In version 6 and later, FlexPDE understands complex variables and makes provision for treating them
The process starts by declaring a variable to be COMPLEX, and naming its components:

Subsequently, the complex variable C can be referenced by name, or its components can be accessed
independently by their names.
115 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

In the EQUATIONS section, each complex variable can be given an equation, which will be interpreted as
dealing with complex quantities. The complex equation will be processed by FlexPDE and reduced to
two real component equations, by taking the real and imaginary parts of the resulting complex equation.
For example, the time-harmonic representation of the heat equation can be presented as
C: DIV(k*GRAD(C)) - COMPLEX(0,1)*C = 0

Alternatively, the individual components can be given real equations:

Cr: DIV(k*GRAD(Cr)) + Ci = 0
Ci: DIV(k*GRAD(Ci)) - Cr = 0

In a similar way, boundary conditions may be assigned either to the complex equation or to each
component equation individually:
VALUE(C) = COMPLEX(1,0) assigns 1 to the real part and 0 to the imaginary part of C
VALUE(Cr) = 0 NATURAL(Ci) = 0

Any parameter definition in the DEFINITIONS section may be declared COMPLEX as well:
complexname = COMPLEX(realpart, imaginarypart)

FlexPDE recognizes several fundamental complex operators 169 :

REAL ( complex ) Extracts the real part of the complex number.
IMAG ( complex ) Extracts the imaginary part of the complex number.
CARG ( complex ) Computes the Argument (or angular component) of the complex
number, implemented as CARG(complex(x,y)) = Atan2(y,x).

CONJ ( complex ) Returns the complex conjugate of the complex number.

CEXP ( complex ) Computes the complex exponential of the complex number, given by
CEXP(complex(x,y)) = exp(x+iy) = exp(x)*(cos(y)+i*sin(y)).

COMPLEX quantities can be the arguments of PLOT commands, as well. Occurrence of a complex
quantity in a PLOT statement will be interpreted as if the real and imaginary parts had been entered
separately in the PLOT command.

will produce a plot with two traces, the real and imaginary parts of C.
User G uide : C omplex Variables 116

2.7.1 The Time-Sinusoidal Heat

Suppose we wish to discover the time-dependent behavior of our example Cartesian blob 58 due to the
application of a time-sinusoidal applied temperature.
The time-dependent heat equation is Div(K*Grad(Phi)) = Cp*dt(Phi)
If we assume that the boundary values and solutions can be represented as
Phi(x,y,t) = Cphi(x,y)*exp(i*omega*t)

Substituting in the heat equation and dividing out the exponential term, we are left with a complex
Div(K*Grad(Cphi)) - Complex(0,1)*Cphi = 0

The time-varying temperature Phi can be recovered from the complex Cphi simply by multiplying by the
appropriate time exponential and taking the real part of the result.
The modified script becomes:
TITLE 'Heat flow around an Insulating blob'
Phi = Complex(Phir,Phii) { the complex temperature amplitude }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
Phi: Div(-k*grad(phi)) - Complex(0,1)*Phi = 0
REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=Complex(0,0) LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=Complex(0,0) LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=Complex(1,0) LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.01 { change K for prettier pictures }
START 'ring' (R,0)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phir))) ON 'ring'

Running this script produces the following results for the real and imaginary components:
117 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide
User G uide : C omplex Variables 118

The ELEVATION trace through the center shows:

119 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.7.2 Interpreting Time-Sinusoidal Results

Knowledge of the real and imaginary parts of the complex amplitude function is not very informative.
What we really want to know is what the time behavior of the temperature is. We can investigate this
with the help of some other facilities of FlexPDE 6.
We can examine distributions of the reconstructed temperature at selected times using a REPEAT
REPEAT tx=0 BY pi/2 TO 2*pi
SURFACE(Phir*cos(tx)+Phii*sin(tx)) as "Phi at t="+$[4]tx

We can also reconstruct the time history at selected positions using ARRAYS 201 . The ARRAY facility
allows us to declare arbitrary arrays of values, manipulate them and plot them.
We will declare an array of time points at which we wish to evaluate the temperature, and compute the
sin and cos factors at those times. We also define an ARRAY -valued function to return the time history at
a point:
User G uide : C omplex Variables 120

ts = ARRAY (0 BY pi/20 TO 2*pi) { An array of 40 times }

fr = cos(ts) fi = sin(ts) { the arrays of trigonometric factors }
poft(px, py) = EVAL(phir,px,py)*fr + EVAL(phii,px,py)*fi
ELEVATION(poft(0,0), poft(0,0.2), poft(0,0.4), poft(0,0.5)) VS ts
AS "Histories"

Two of the plots produced by the addition of these script lines are:
121 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.8 Vector Variables

FlexPDE supports the definition of VECTOR variables. Each VECTOR variable is assumed to have a
component in each of the three spatial coordinates implied by the COORDINATES 193 section in the
script, regardless of the number of dimensions represented in the computation domain.
For example, you can construct a one-dimensional spherical model of three vector directions. Values
will be assumed to vary only in the radial direction, but they can have components in the polar and
azimuthal directions, as well.
The use of VECTOR variables begins by declaring a variable to be a VECTOR 198 , and naming its
V = VECTOR(Vx,Vy,Vz)

The component directions are associated by position with the directions implicit in the selected
COORDINATES. In YCYLINDER (R,Z,Phi) coordinates, the vector components will be (Vr,Vz,Vphi).

Components may be omitted from the right, in which case the missing components will be assumed to
have zero value.
User G uide : Vector Variables 122

A component may be explicitly declared to have zero value, by writing a 0 in its component position, as
V = VECTOR(0,0,Vphi)
This will construct a one-variable model, in which the variable is the azimuthal vector component.
Subsequently, the vector variable V can be referenced by name, or its components can be accessed
independently by their names.
In the EQUATIONS section, each vector variable can be given an equation, which will be interpreted as
dealing with vector quantities. The vector equation will be processed by FlexPDE and reduced to as
many real component equations as are named in the declaration, by taking the corresponding parts of the
resulting vector equation.
For example, the three dimensional cartesian representation of the Navier-Stokes equations can be
presented as
V: dens*DOT(V,GRAD(V)) + GRAD(p) - visc*DIV(GRAD(V)) = 0

Alternatively, the individual components can be given real equations:

Vx: dens*(Vx*DX(Vx)+Vy*DY(Vx)+Vz*DZ(Vx)) + DX(p) - visc*DIV(GRAD(Vx)) = 0
Vy: dens*(Vx*DX(Vy)+Vy*DY(Vy)+Vz*DZ(Vy)) + DY(p) - visc*DIV(GRAD(Vy)) = 0
Vz: dens*(Vx*DX(Vz)+Vy*DY(Vz)+Vz*DZ(Vz)) + DZ(p) - visc*DIV(GRAD(Vz)) = 0

In a similar way, boundary conditions may be assigned either to the complex equation or to each
component equation individually:
VALUE(V) = VECTOR(1,0,0)

VALUE(Vx) = 0 NATURAL(Vy) = 0

Any parameter definition in the DEFINITIONS section may be declared VECTOR as well:
vectorname = VECTOR(xpart,ypart,zpart)

VECTOR quantities can be the arguments of PLOT commands, as well. Occurrence of a vector quantity
in a PLOT statement will be interpreted as if the component parts had been entered separately in the
PLOT command.


will produce a plot with as many traces as are active in the COORDINATES definition.

Samples | Usage | Vector_Variables | Vector_Variables.pde 649
123 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.8.1 Curvilinear Coordinates

An aspect of vector variables in curvilinear coordinates that is sometimes overlooked is that the
derivative of a vector is not necessarily the same as the vector of derivatives of the components. This is
because in differentiating a vector, the unit vectors in the coordinate space must also be differentiated.
In cylindrical (R,Phi,Z) coordinates, for example, the radial component of the Laplacian of a vector V is
DEL2(Vr) - Vr/R^2 - 2*DPHI(Vphi)/R^2

The extra 1/R^2 terms have arisen from the differentiation of the unit vectors.
FlexPDE performs the correct expansion of the differential operators in all supported coordinate

2.8.2 Magnetic Vector Potential

Our Cylindrical torus problem 68 can easily be converted to a model of a current-carrying torus inside a
The geometry is unchanged, but we now solve for the magnetic vector potential A. We will also move
the location slightly outward in radius to avoid the singularity at R=0.
Maxwell's equation for the magnetic field can be expressed in terms of the magnetic vector potential as
Curl(Curl(A)/mu) = J

Here J is the vector current density and mu is the magnetic permeability.

The script becomes
TITLE 'Magnetic Field around a Current-Carrying Torus'
A = VECTOR(0,0,Aphi)
J = VECTOR(0,0,0) { default current density }
mu = 1
Rad = 0.5 { blob radius (renamed)}
A: CURL(CURL(A)/mu)) = J
REGION 1 'box'
LINE TO (3,-1) TO (3,1) TO (1,1) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 'blob' { the torus }
J = VECTOR(0,0,1) { current in the torus }
START 'ring' (2,Rad)
User G uide : Vector Variables 124

CONTOUR(Aphi) as "Vector Potential"

VECTOR(CURL(A)) as "Magnetic Induction"
ELEVATION(Aphi) ON 'ring'

The resulting plots are:

125 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide
User G uide : Vector Variables 126

2.9 Variables Inactive in Some Regions

FlexPDE supports the ability to restrict some variables and equations to act only in specified REGIONS.
This feature is controlled by declaring variables to be INACTIVE in some regions.
var1, var2 {,...}
INACTIVE(var1, var2 {,...} )

In solving the EQUATIONS for these variables, it will be as if the INACTIVE regions had not been
included in the domain definition. Boundaries between regions in which the variables are active and
those in which they are inactive will be treated as exterior boundaries for these variables. Boundary
conditions may be placed on these boundaries as if they were the exterior boundary of the system.

2.9.1 A Chemical Beaker

As an example of Regionally Inactive Variables, let us use the Cartesian Blob 58 test problem, and
127 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

modify it to represent a chemical beaker immersed in a cooling bath.

Inside the beaker we will place chemicals A and B that react to produce heat. Temperature will be
allowed to diffuse throughout the beaker and into the cooling bath, but the chemical reactions will be
confined to the beaker. The cooling bath itself is insulated on the outer wall, so no heat escapes the
system. The modified script is as follows:
TITLE "A Chemical Beaker"
Phi(0.1) { the temperature }
A(0.1), B(0.1) { the chemical components }
Kphi = 1 { default thermal conductivity }
Ka = 0.01 Kb = 0.001 { chemical diffusivities }
H=1 { Heat of reaction }
Kr = 1+exp(3*Phi) { temperature dependent reaction rate }
Cp = 1 { heat capacity of mixture }
R = 0.5 { blob radius }
A0 = 1 B0 = 2 { initial quantities of chemicals }
A = A0
B = B0
Phi: Div(kphi*grad(phi)) + H*kr*A*B = Cp*dt(phi)
A: Div(ka*grad(A)) - kr*A*B = dt(A)
B: Div(kb*grad(B)) - kr*A*B = dt(B)
REGION 1 'box'
INACTIVE(A,B) { inactivate chemicals in the outer region }
LINE TO (1,-1) TO (1,1) TO (-1,1) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
kphi = 0.02
START 'ring' (R,0)
TIME 0 TO 40
FOR t=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, ENDTIME
HISTORY(Phi) AT (0,0) (0,0.4) (0,0.49) (0,0.6)
REPORT integral(Phi)/integral(1) AS "Average Phi"
REPORT integral(B,'blob')/integral(1,'blob') as "Residual B"
User G uide : Variables Inactive in Some Regions 128

This plot of temperature shows diffusion beyond the boundaries of the beaker.
129 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

This plot of concentration A shows depression in the center where higher temperature increases the
reaction rate. No chemical diffuses beyond the beaker boundary.
User G uide : Variables Inactive in Some Regions 130

This plot of temperature history shows an average value of 0.196348. This agrees favorably with the
energy conservation value of H*pi*Rad^2/(Cp*Box^2) = 0.196350. The residual quantity of B is
correct at 1.0.

2.10 Moving Meshes

FlexPDE supports methods for moving the domain boundaries and computation mesh during the course
of a problem run.
The mechanisms for specifying this capability are simple extensions of the existing script language. There
are three parts to the definition of a moving mesh:
Declare a surrogate variable for each coordinate you wish to move:
Xm = MOVE(x)
Write equations for the surrogate variables:
dt(xm) = umesh
Write boundary conditions for the surrogate variables:
131 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

START (0,0) VELOCITY(xm) = umesh

The specification of ordinary equations is unaffected by the motion of the boundaries or mesh.
EQUATIONS are assumed to be presented in Eulerian (Laboratory) form. FlexPDE symbolically
applies motion correction terms to the equations. The result of this approach is an Arbitrary Lagrange/
Eulerian (ALE) model, in which user has the choice of mesh velocities:
Locking the mesh velocity to a fluid velocity results in a Lagrangian model. (FlexPDE has no
mechanism for reconnecting twisted meshes, so this model is discouraged in cases of violent motion).
Specifying a mesh velocity different from the fluid velocity preserves mesh integrity while still allowing
deformation of the bounding surfaces or following bulk motion of a fluid.
If no mesh motion is specified, the result is an Eulerian model, which has been the default in previous
versions of FlexPDE.


The EQUATIONS section is assumed to present equations in the Eulerian (Laboratory) frame.
The EQUATIONS section can optionally labeled LAGRANGIAN EQUATIONS, in which case
FlexPDE will apply no motion corrections to the equations. The user must then provide equations that
are appropriate to the moving nodes.
For clarity, the section label EULERIAN EQUATIONS can be used to specify that the equations are
appropriate to the laboratory reference frame. This is the default interpretation.

2.10.1 Mesh Balancing

A convenient method for distributing the computation mesh smoothly within a moving domain boundary
is simply to diffuse the coordinates or the mesh velocities.
For example, suppose we change our basic example problem to model a sphere of oscillating size
Rm=0.5 + 0.25*cos(t).

Diffusing Mesh Coordinates

We define surrogate coordinates for X and Y:

Xm = MOVE(x)
Ym = MOVE(y)

For the EQUATIONS of the mesh coordinates, we will use simple diffusion equations to distribute the
positions smoothly in the interior, expecting the actual motions to be driven by boundary conditions:
User G uide : Moving Meshes 132

Div(Grad(Xm)) = 0
Div(Grad(Ym)) = 0

We can apply the boundary velocities directly to the mesh coordinates on the blob surface using the time
derivative of R and geometric rules:
VELOCITY(Xm) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VELOCITY(Ym) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r

Diffusing Mesh Velocities

Alternatively, we can define mesh velocity variables as well as the surrogate coordinates for X and Y:
Xm = MOVE(x)
Ym = MOVE(y)

The EQUATIONS for the mesh coordinates are simply the velocity relations:
dt(Xm) = Um
dt(Ym) = Vm

For the mesh velocities we will use a diffusion equation to distribute the velocities smoothly in the interior:
div(grad(Um)) = 0
div(grad(Vm)) = 0

The boundary conditions for mesh velocity on the blob are as above:
VALUE(Um) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VALUE(Vm) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r

Since the finite element equations applied at the boundary nodes are averages over the cells, we must
also apply the hard equivalence of velocity to the mesh coordinates on the blob boundary

2.10.2 The Pulsating Blob

Using the position balancing form from the preceding paragraph, the modified script for our example
problem becomes:
TITLE 'Heat flow around an Insulating blob'
133 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Phi { the temperature }
Xm = MOVE(x) { surrogate X }
Ym = MOVE(y) { surrogate Y }
K=1 { default conductivity }
R0 = 0.75 { initial blob radius }
Phi: Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
Xm: div(grad(Xm)) = 0
Ym: div(grad(Ym)) = 0
REGION 1 'box'
LINE TO (1,-1)
NATURAL(Phi)=0 LINE TO (1,1)
VALUE(Phi)=1 LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.001
START 'ring' (R,0)
VELOCITY(Xm) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VELOCITY(Ym) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r
TIME 0 TO 2*pi
FOR T = pi/2 BY pi/2 TO 2*pi
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'

The extremes of motion of this problem are shown below. See Help system or online documentation for
an animation.
User G uide : Moving Meshes 134

The position and velocity forms of this problem can be seen in the following examples:
Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 2D_Blob_Position.pde 605

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 2D_Blob_Velocity.pde 606

Three-dimensional forms of the problem can be seen in the following examples:

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 3D_Blob_Position.pde 612

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 3D_Blob_Velocity.pde 613

2.11 Controlling Mesh Density

There are several mechanisms available for controlling the cell density in the mesh created by FlexPDE.
Implicit Density
The cell density of the created mesh will follow the spacing of points in the bounding segments. A very
small segment in the boundary will cause a region of small cells in the vicinity of the segment.
Maximum Density
The global command
SELECT NGRID = <number>

controls the maximum cell size. The mesh will be generated with approximately NGRID cells in the
largest dimension, and corresponding size in the smaller dimension, subject to smaller size requirements
from other criteria.
Explicit Density Control
Cell density in the initial mesh may be controlled with the parameters MESH_SPACING 214 and
MESH_DENSITY 214 . MESH_SPACING controls the maximum cell dimension, while MESH_DENSITY is
its inverse, controlling the minimum number of cells per unit distance. The mesh generator examines
135 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

many competing effects controlling cell size, and accepts the smallest of these effects as the size of a cell.
The MESH_SPACING and MESH_DENSITY controls therefore have effect only if they are the smallest of
the competing influences, and a large spacing request is effectively ignored.
The MESH_SPACING and MESH_DENSITY controls can be used with the syntax of either defined
parameters or boundary conditions.
Used as defined parameters, these controls may appear in the DEFINITONS section or may be redefined
in subsequent regional redefinition sections. In this use, the controls specify the volume or area mesh
density over a region or over the entire domain.
For controlling the cell density along boundary segments, the controls MESH_SPACING and
MESH_DENSITY may be used with the syntax of boundary conditions, and may appear wherever a
boundary condition statement may appear. In this usage, the controls specify the cell spacing on the
boundary curve or surface.
The value assigned to MESH_SPACING or MESH_DENSITY controls may be functions of spatial
coordinate. In the example of the chapter "Generating a Mesh" 54 , we could write:
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded 'blob' }
MESH_DENSITY = 50*EXP(-50*(x^2+y^2))

This results in the following initial mesh:

See also the example problems

"Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Mesh_Spacing.pde" 584

"Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Mesh_Density.pde" 584

Adaptive Mesh Refinement

User G uide : C ontrolling Mesh Density 136

Once the initial mesh is constructed, FlexPDE will continue to estimate the solution error, and will refine
the mesh as necessary to meet the target accuracy. In time dependent problems, an adaptive refinement
process will also be applied to the initial values of the variables, to refine the mesh where the variables
undergo rapid change. Whereas cells created by this adaptive refinement process can later be re-
merged, cells created by the initial explicit density controls are permanent, and cannot be un-refined.
Note: The adaptive refinement process relies on evaluation of the various sources and
derivatives at discrete points within the existing mesh. Sources or other effects which are of
extremely small extent, such as thin bands or point-like functions, may not be discernible in
this discrete model. Any effects of small extent should be brought to the attention of the
gridder by explicitly placing gridding features at these locations. Use REGIONS or FEATURES
233 wherever something interesting is known to take place in the problem.

See also the FRONT 242 and RESOLVE 243 statements for additional controls.

2.12 Post-processing with FlexPDE

FlexPDE can be used to import both data and mesh structure from a previous run's TRANSFER 213 and
perform post-processing without gridding or solving any equations.
This is easily accomplished in a step-wise process:
Make a copy of the script that generated the exported data. This will ensure that you have the same
domain structure in your post-processing script as you did in the exporting script.
Remove the VARIABLES 195 and EQUATIONS 217 sections. This is how FlexPDE will know not to
try and solve any equations.
Remove any boundary conditions stated in the BOUNDARIES 226 section. Since the variables have
been removed, any boundary condition statements will generate a parse error.
Add the TRANSFERMESH 213 statement in the DEFINITIONS 200 section. This will read in the
exported mesh and data.
Add any new PLOTs 245 that you desire. Now you can easily add plots that were not requested in the
initial run, without having to rerun the original script. This is especially useful when you have a
computation that takes a lot of time.

Note: The domain structure must exactly match that of the exporting problem.

"Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Post_Processing.pde" 570
"Samples | Usage | Import-Export | 3D_Post_Processing.pde" 563
137 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

2.13 Exporting Data to Other Applications

FlexPDE supports several mechanisms for exporting data to other applications or visualization software.

The EXPORT Qualifier

The simplest method is to append the modifier "EXPORT" (or "PRINT") to a plot command. In this case,
the plot data will be written to a text file in a predefined format suitable for importing to another FlexPDE
problem using the TABLE input function. For ELEVATIONS or HISTORIES, the output will consist of a
list of the times or X-, Y- or Z- coordinates of the data followed by a list of the data values (see the
description of the TABLE input function). For 2D plots, a regular rectangular grid will be constructed,
and the data written in TABLE input format.

The FORMAT String

The format of the text file created by the EXPORT modifier may be controlled by the inclusion of the
modifier FORMAT "string".
If this modifier appears together with the EXPORT or PRINT modifier, then the file will contain one text
line for each data point in the grid. The contents of the line will be exactly that specified by the
All characters except "#" will be copied literally into the output line.
"#" will be interpreted as an escape character, and various options will be selected by the character
following the "#":
#x, #y, #z and #t will print the value of the spatial coordinates or time of the data point;
#1 through #9 will print the value of the corresponding element of the plot function list;
#b will write a tab character;
#r will cause the remainder of the format string to be repeated for each plot function in the plot list;
#i inside a repeated string will print the value of the current element of the plot function list.

In all cases of FORMATTED export, a header will be written containing descriptive information about the
origin of the file. This header will be delimited by "{" and "}". In 2D grids, table points which are outside
the problem domain will also be bracketed by "{" and "}" and marked as "exterior". If these commenting
forms are unacceptable to the importing application, then the data files must be manually edited before

TABLE Output
The TABLE 209 plot command may also be used to generate tabular export. This command is identical to
a CONTOUR command with an EXPORT qualifier, except that no graphical output is generated. The
FORMAT "string" qualifier may also be used with TABLE output.

Transferring Data to another FlexPDE problem

User G uide : Exporting Data to Other Applications 138

FlexPDE supports the capability of direct transfer of data defined on the Finite Element mesh. The
TRANSFER output function writes the current mesh structure and the requested data values to an ASCII
text file. Another FlexPDE problem can read this file with the TRANSFER input function. The
transferred data will be interpolated on the output mesh with the Finite Element basis of the creating
problem. The TRANSFER input mesh need not be the same as the computation mesh, as long as it spans
the necessary area.
The data format of the TRANSFER file is similar to the TECPLOT file described below. The TRANSFER
file, however, maintains the quadratic or cubic basis of the computation, while the TECPLOT format is
converted to linear basis. Since this is an ASCII text file, it can also be used for data transfer to user-
written applications. The format of the TRANSFER file is described in the Problem Descriptor Reference
chapter "Transfer File Format 262 "

Output to Visualization Software

FlexPDE can export solution data to third-party visualization software. Data export is requested by
what is syntactically a PLOT command, with the type of plot (such as CONTOUR) replaced by the format
selector. Two formats are currently supported, CDF and TECPLOT .


CDF(arg1 [,arg2,…] ) selects output in netCDF version 3 format. CDF stands for "common data
format", and is supported by several software products including SlicerDicer (www.visualogic.com ).
Information about CDF , including a list of software packages supporting it, can be viewed at the website
www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf .
CDF data are constrained to be on a regular rectangular mesh, but in the case of irregular domains, parts
of the rectangle can be absent. This regularity implies some loss of definition of material interfaces, so
consider using a ZOOMed domain to resolve small features.
The CDF "plot" statement can be qualified by ZOOM or "ON SURFACE" modifiers, and its density can be
controlled by the POINTS modifier. For global control of the grid size, use the statement "SELECT
CDFGRID=n", which sets all dimensions to n. The default gridsize is 50.

Any number of arguments can be given, and all will be exported in the same file. The output file is by
default "<problem>_<sequence>.cdf", but specific filenames can be selected with the FILE modifier.

TECPLOT(arg1 [,arg2,…] ) selects output in TecPlot format. TecPlot is a visualization package which
supports finite element data format, and so preserves the material interfaces as defined in FlexPDE. No
ZOOM or POINTS control can be imposed. The full computation mesh is exported, grouped by material
number. TecPlot can selectively enable or disable these groups. Any number of arguments can be
given, and all will be exported in the same file. The output file is by default
"<problem>_<sequence>.dat", but specific filenames can be selected with the FILE modifier.
139 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Information about TecPlot can be viewed at www.amtec.com .

VTK(arg1 [,arg2,…] ) selects output in Visual Tool Kit format. VTK is a freely available library of
visualization software, which is beginning to be used as the basis of many visualization packages. The file
format can also be read by some visualization packages that are not based on VTK, such as VisIt
(www.llnl.gov/visit). The format preserves the mesh structure of the finite element method, and so
preserves the material interfaces as defined in FlexPDE. No ZOOM or POINTS control can be imposed.
The full computation mesh is exported. Particular characteristics of the visualization system are outside
the control of FlexPE. Any number of arguments can be given, and all will be exported in the same file.
The output file is by default "<problem>_<sequence>.vtk", but specific filenames can be selected with
the FILE modifier.
The VTK format supports quadratic finite element basis directly, but not cubic. To export from cubic-
basis computations, use VTKLIN.
VTKLIN(arg1 [,arg2,…] ) produces a VTK format file in which the native cells of the FlexPDE
computation have been converted to a set of linear-basis finite element cells.
Information about VTK can be viewed at public.kitware.com/VTK/.

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Export.pde 566

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Export_Format.pde 566

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Export_History.pde 567

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Transfer_Export.pde 574

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Transfer_Import.pde 575

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Table.pde 572

Reference to products from other suppliers does not constitute an endorsement by PDE Solutions Inc.

2.14 Importing Data from Other Applications

The TABLE 208 facility can be used to import data from other applications or from manually created data
User G uide : Importing Data from Other Applications 140

Suppose that in our example problem 58 we wish to define a thermal conductivity that varies with
temperature (called "Phi" in the example script). We could simply define a temperature-dependent
function for the conductivity. But if the dependency is derived from observation, there may be no simple
analytic relationship. In this case, we can use a TABLE to describe the dependency.
A table file describing conductivity vs temperature might look like this:
{ Conductivity vs temperature }
Phi 6
1 2 10 22 67 101
0.01 0.02 0.05 0.11 0.26 3.8

Supposing that we have named this file "conductivity.tbl", our script will simply include the following
K = TABLE("conductivity.tbl")

Notice that within the table file, the name Phi is declared as the table coordinate. When FlexPDE reads
the table file, this name is compared to the names of defined quantities in the script, and the connection is
made between the data in the table and the value of "Phi" at any point in the computation where a value
of "K" is required.
If the table file had defined the table coordinate as, say, "Temp", we could still use the table in our
example by over-riding the table file definition with a new dependency coordinate:
K = TABLE("conductivity.tbl", Phi)

This statement would cause FlexPDE to ignore the name given in the file itself and associate the table
coordinate with the local script value "Phi".
Other forms of TABLE command are available. See the Problem Descriptor Reference chapter "Table
Import Definitions" 208 for more information.

2.15 Using ARRAYS and MATRICES

FlexPDE includes expanded capabilities for using ARRAYS and MATRICES.
ARRAYS 201 and MATRICES 203 differ from other objects in FlexPDE, such as VARIABLES or VECTORS,
in that no assumptions are made about associations between the ARRAY or MATRIX and the geometry or
mesh structure of the PDE model. ARRAYS and MATRICES are simply lists of numbers which can be
defined, manipulated and accessed independently of any domain definition or coordinate geometry.
Typically, an ARRAY is created and filled with data using one of the available declaration statements, e.g.,
A = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
B = array for x(0 by 0.1 to 10) : sin(x)+1.1

New ARRAYS can be created by performing arithmetic operations on existing arrays:

141 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

C = exp(A) { each element of C is the exponential of the corresponding element of

D = C+A { each element of D is the sum of the corresponding elements of C and A }
E = 100*B { each element of E is 100 times the corresponding element of B }

Elements can be accessed individually by indexing operations:

E[12] = B[3]+9

ARRAYS can be used in PLOT statements:


Similarly, MATRICES can be created and filled with data using one of the available declaration
statements, e.g.,
M = MATRIX((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9))
N = MATRIX FOR x(0 BY 0.1 TO 10)
FOR y(0 BY 0.1 TO 10) : sin(x)*sin(y)+1.1

New ARRAYS or MATRICES can be created by performing element-by-element arithmetic operations

on existing ARRAYS and MATRICES:
P = 1/M { each element of matrix P is the reciprocal of the corresponding element of
Q = P+M

The special operators ** and // are defined for specifying conventional matrix-array arithmetic:
R = N**B { R is an ARRAY representing the conventional matrix-array multiplication of B
by N }
S = B//N { S is the solution of the equation N**S=B (i.e., S is the result of multiplying B
by the inverse of N) }

Elements of MATRICES can be accessed individually by indexing operations:

U = N[3,9]

ARRAYS and MATRICES may also be used to define domain boundaries. See "Boundary Paths" 229 in
the Problem Descriptor Reference.

All operations on ARRAYS and MATRICES are checked for compatible sizes, and incompatibilities will
be reported as errors.
Note: You must remember that the FlexPDE script is not a procedural program. Objects in
the script describe the dependencies of quantities, and are not "current state" records of
values that can be explicitly modified by subsequent redefinition or looping.
See the example folder "Samples | Usage | Arrays+Matrices" 513
User G uide : Solving Nonlinear P roblems 142

2.16 Solving Nonlinear Problems

FlexPDE automatically recognizes when a problem is nonlinear and modifies its strategy accordingly.
The solution method used by FlexPDE is a modified Newton-Raphson iteration procedure. This is a
"descent" method, which tries to fall down the gradient of an energy functional until minimum energy is
achieved (i.e. the gradient of the functional goes to zero). If the functional is nearly quadratic, as it is in
simple diffusion problems, then the method converges quadratically (the relative error is squared on each
iteration). The default strategy implemented in FlexPDE is frequently sufficient to determine a solution
without user intervention. But in cases of strong nonlinearities, it may be necessary for the user to help
guide FlexPDE to a valid solution. There are several techniques that can be used to help the solution

Time-Dependent Problems

In nonlinear time-dependent problems, the default behavior is to take a single Newton step at each
timestep, on the assumption that any nonlinearities will be sensed by the timestep controller, and that
timestep adjustments will guarantee an accurate evolution of the system from the given initial conditions.
In this mode, the derivatives of the solution with respect to the variables is computed once at the
beginning of the timestep, and are not updated.

Steady-State Problems

In the case of nonlinear steady-state problems, the situation is somewhat more complicated. We are not
guaranteed that the system will have a unique solution, and even if it does, we are not guaranteed that
FlexPDE will be able to find it.

Start with a Good Initial Value

Providing an initial value which is near the correct solution will aid enormously in finding a solution.
Be particularly careful that the initial value matches the boundary conditions. If it does not, serious
excursions may be excited in the trial solution, leading to solution difficulties.

Use STAGES to Gradually Activate the Nonlinear Terms

You can use the staging facility of FlexPDE to gradually increase the strength of the nonlinear terms.
Start with a linear or nearly linear system, and allow FlexPDE to find a solution which is consistent
with the boundary conditions. Then use this solution as a starting point for a more strongly nonlinear
system. By judicious use of staging, you can creep up on a solution to very nasty problems.

Use artificial diffusion to stabilize solutions

Gibbs phenomena are observed in signal processing when a discontinuous signal is reconstructed
from its Fourier components. The characteristic of this phenomenon is ringing, with overshoots and
undershoots in the recovered signal. Similar phenomena can be observed in finite element models
when a sharp transition is modeled with an insufficient density of mesh cells. In signal processing, the
signal can be smoothed by use of a "window function". This is essentially a low-pass filter that
removes the high frequency components of the signal. In partial differential equations, the diffusion
operator Div(grad(u)) is a low-pass filter that can be used to smooth oscillations in the solution.
See the Technical Note "Smoothing Operators in PDE's 349 " for technical discussion of this operator. In
143 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

brief, you can use a term eps*Div(Grad(u)) in a PDE to smooth oscillations of spatial extent D by
setting eps=D^2/pi^2 in steady state or eps=2*D*c/pi in time dependence (where c is the signal
propagation velocity). The term should also be scaled as necessary to provide dimensional
consistency with the rest of the terms of the equation. Use of such a term merely limits the spatial
frequency components of the solution to those which can be adequately resolved by the finite
element mesh.

Use CHANGELIM to Control Modifications

The selector CHANGELIM 186 limits the amount by which any nodal value in a problem may be
modified on each Newton-Raphson step. As in a one-dimensional Newton iteration, if the trial
solution is near a local maximum of the functional, then shooting down the gradient will try to step an
enormous distance to the next trial solution. FlexPDE applies a backtracking algorithm to try to find
the step size of optimal residual reductions, but it also limits the size of each nodal change to be less
than CHANGELIM times the average value of the variable. The default value for CHANGELIM is 0.5,
but if the initial value (or any intermediate trial solution) is sufficiently far from the true solution, this
value may allow wild excursions from which FlexPDE is unable to recover. Try cutting CHANGELIM
to 0.1, or in severe cases even 0.01, to force FlexPDE to creep toward a valid solution. In
combination with a reasonable initial value, even CHANGELIM=0.01 can converge in a surprisingly
short time. Since CHANGELIM multiplies the RMS average value, not each local value, its effect
disappears when a solution is reached, and quadratic final convergence is still achieved.

Watch Out for Negative Values

FlexPDE uses piecewise polynomials to approximate the solution. In cases of rapid variation of the
solution over a single cell, you will almost certainly see severe under-shoot in early stages. If you are
assuming that the value of your variable will remain positive, don't. If your equations lose validity in
the presence of negative values, perhaps you should recast the equations in terms of the logarithm of
the variable. In this case, even though the logarithm may go negative, the implied value of your actual
variable will remain positive.

Recast the Problem in a Time-Dependent Form

Any steady-state problem can be viewed as the infinite-time limit of a time-dependent problem.
Rewrite your PDE's to have a time derivative term which will push the value in the direction of
decreasing deviation from solution of the steady-state PDE. (A good model to follow is the time-
dependent diffusion equation DIV(K*GRAD(U)) = DT(U). A negative value of the divergence
indicates a local maximum in the solution, and results in driving the value downward.) In this case,
"time" is a fictitious variable analogous to the "iteration count" in the steady-state N-R iteration, but
the time-dependent formulation allows the timestep controller to guide the evolution of the solution.

2.17 Using Multiple Processors

FlexPDE version 6 and later uses multi-threaded computation to support modern multi-core and multi-
processor hardware configurations. Only shared-memory multi-processors are supported, not clusters.
Each opened problem runs in its own computation thread, and can use up to twenty-four additional
computation threads. A single main thread controls the graphic interface and screen display.
User G uide : Using Multiple P rocessors 144

Matrix construction, residual calculations, linear system solvers and plot mesh generation are all multi-
threaded. Computation mesh generation and plot display functions are not, although graphics load is
shared between the problem thread and the main graphics thread.

Individual Problem Control

Each individual script can declare the number of worker threads to be used in the computation:

requests that <number> worker threads be used, in addition to the main graphics thread and the
individual problem thread.

Setting the Default

The default number of worker threads can be changed in the General Settings 29 tab of the Preferences
Window 28 .

Command-Line Control
If you run FlexPDE from a command line and include the switch -T<number>, the default thread count
will be set to <number>. For example, the command line
flexpde7 -T4 problem

will set the default to 4 threads and load the script file "problem.pde". The selected thread count will be
written to the .ini file on conclusion of the flexpde session and become the default next time FlexPDE is

Speed Effects of Multiple Processors

There are many factors that will influence the timing of a multi-thread run.
The dominant factor is the memory bandwidth. If the memory cannot keep up with the processor
speed, then more threads will run slower due to the overhead of constructing and synchronizing
threads and merging data.
The size of the problem will also affect the speedup, because with a larger problem a smaller
proportion of data can be held in cache memory. The memory bandwidth limitation will therefore be
greater with a larger problem.
The following chart shows our experience with speeds in versions 5 and 6. These tests were run on a 4-
core AMD Phenom with 667 MHz 128-bit memory. Notice that the Black_Oil problem is significantly
faster in version 6, even though it is taking many more timesteps. This timestep count indicates that the
timestep control in V6 is more pessimistic than V5. The speedup with V6 1 thread is partly due to the
fact that graphic redraws are run in a separate thread in V6 but not in V5.
Notice that in this machine, the memory saturates at 3 threads, so that the fourth thread produces no
significant speed improvement (and in fact may be slower).
145 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Black_Oil.pde 3D_FlowBox.pde
Version Threads CPU time timesteps CPU time
5 1 14:37 534 8:15
5 2 12:17 540 6:09

6 1 10:21 688 8:06

6 2 6:58 684 4:14
6 3 6:16 696 3:30
6 4 7:13 703 3:22

2.18 Running FlexPDE from the Command Line

When FlexPDE is run from a command line or as a subtask from another application, there are some
command-line switches that can be used to control its behavior:

-R Run the file which is named on the command line. Do not enter edit mode.
-V View the file which is named on the command line. Do not enter edit mode.
-X Exit FlexPDE when the problem completes.
-M Run in "minimized" mode (reduced to an icon).
-Q Run "quietly". Combines -R -X -M.
-S Run "silently". -Q with all error reports suppressed. Also, no icon should appear in the
system taskbar.
-T Set the default thread count. Append the number : -T6 will use six threads.
-L License FlexPDE. For Internet Key, append A for activate, R for release, then serial
number : -LA668668886. For local or network dongle, append D or N followed by
dongle ID : -LD2-2428250.
-I Report the computer specific ID for FlexPDE.
-NC Turn off consolidation of output.
-NM Turn off automatic import of previous mesh.
-NI Turn off loading and saving of preferences from .ini file.
User G uide : Running FlexP DE from the C ommand Line 146

For example, the command line

flexpde7 -R problem

will load and run the script file "problem.pde".

Note : On the Mac, the actual executable code is located inside of an application "bundle",
which is simply a directory hierarchy that is hidden from the user in graphics mode. The
complete path to the executable would be "FlexPDE7.app/Contents/MacOS/flexpde7". See the
Apple developer website for more information about application bundles.

2.19 Running FlexPDE Without A Graphical Interface

Starting in version 6.30, there is a FlexPDE executable that does not use any graphical interface. This is
necessary for users to run FlexPDE on systems that do not provide interactive graphics. The executable
is suffixed with 'n' (for "no graphics") to distinguish it from the graphical version.

The graphics-less FlexPDE must be run from a command line. For example, the command line
flexpde7n problem

will load and run the script file "problem.pde".

The run can be interrupted by typing 'Q'. The user is then prompted whether to interrupt or not. Type 'Y'
to complete the interrupt.

2.20 Getting Help

We're here to help.
Of course, we would rather answer questions about how to use FlexPDE than about how to do the
mathematical formulation of your problem.
FlexPDE is applicable to a wide range of problems, and we cannot be experts in all of them.
If you have what appears to be a malfunction of FlexPDE, or if it is doing something you don't
understand or seems wrong,
Send us an Email describing the problem.
Attach a descriptor file that demonstrates the difficulty, and explain clearly what you think is
The more concise you can make your question, the more promptly we will be able to answer.
Tell us what version of FlexPDE you are using; your problem may have been solved in a later
147 FlexP DE 7 : User G uide

Send your enquiry to [email protected] and we will answer as soon as we can, usually within a
day or two.
149 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

3 Problem Descriptor Reference

This section presents a detailed description of the components of FlexPDE problem descriptors. No
attempt is made here to give tutorial explanations of the use of these components. See Part I Getting
Started 2 for user interface information and Part II User Guide 44 for tutorial guidance in the use of

3.1 Introduction
FlexPDE is a script-driven system. It reads a description of the equations, domain, auxiliary definitions
and graphical output requests from a text file referred to as a "problem descriptor" or "script".

The problem descriptor file can be created either with the editor facility in FlexPDE, or with any other
ASCII text editor. A word processor can be used only if there is an optional "pure text" output, in which
formatting codes have been stripped from the file.

Problem descriptors use an easy to learn natural language originally developed by Robert G. Nelson for
use in the PDS2 system at Lawrence Livermore National Lab and later in the PDEase2 system from
Macsyma, Inc. The language is also described in Dr. Gunnar Backstrom's book, "Simple Fields of
Physics by Finite Element Analysis".

As FlexPDE has evolved, a number of extensions have been added to extend its processing capabilities.
The language as currently implemented in FlexPDE is described in this document.

While similar in some ways to a computer programming language, FlexPDE scripting language is more
natural, and is oriented to the description of PDE systems. Most intermediate level college students,
engineers, and scientists who have had at least an introductory course in partial differential equations can
quickly master the language well enough to prepare simple problem descriptor files and begin solving
problems of their own devising.

The FlexPDE problem descriptor language can be viewed as a shorthand language for creating Finite
Element models. The statements of the descriptor provide the information necessary for FlexPDE to
assemble a numerical process to solve the problem.

It is important to understand that the language of FlexPDE problem descriptors is not a procedural one.
The user describes how the various components of the system relate to one another. He does not
describe a sequence of steps to be followed in forming the solution, as would be done in a procedural
programming language such as C or FORTRAN. Based on the relations between problem elements,
FlexPDE decides on the sequence of steps needed in finding the solution.

FlexPDE makes various assumptions about the elements of the problem descriptor.

For example, if a variable is named in the VARIABLES section, it is assumed that:

the variable is a scalar or vector field which takes on values over the domain of the problem,
P roblem Descriptor Reference : Introduction 150

it will be approximated by a finite element interpolation between the nodes of a computation mesh,
the values of the variable are continuous over the domain, and
a partial differential equation will be defined describing the behavior of the variable.

If a definition appears in the DEFINITIONS section, it is assumed that the named quantity
is ancillary to the PDE system,
may be discontinuous over the domain,
does not (necessarily) obey any PDE.

In the chapters that follow, we describe in detail the rules for constructing problem descriptors.

3.1.1 Preparing a Descriptor File

Problem descriptor files for use with FlexPDE are most easily prepared and edited using FlexPDE's
built-in editor, which uses syntax highlighting to enhance the readability of the user's script. Recognized
grammatical keywords are displayed in red, comments in green, and text strings in blue.

To begin a new descriptor file, simply click "File | New Script" from the FlexPDE main menu bar.

To edit an existing descriptor, click "File | Open Script" instead.

A convenient way to create a new descriptor is to start with a copy of an existing descriptor for a similar
problem and to modify it to suit the new problem conditions.

FlexPDE's built-in editor is similar to the Windows Notepad editor and produces a pure ASCII text file
without any imbedded formatting characters. Descriptor files can also be prepared using any ASCII text
editor or any editor capable of exporting a pure ASCII text file. Descriptor files prepared with word
processors that embed formatting characters in the text will cause FlexPDE to report parsing errors.

3.1.2 File Names and Extensions

A problem descriptor file can have any name which is consistent with the host operating system. Even
though permitted by some operating systems, names with imbedded blank characters should be avoided.
It is best to choose a name that is descriptive of the problem.

Problem descriptor files must have the extension '.pde'. When saving a file using the built-in editor,
FlexPDE will automatically add the extension '.pde'. When using a separate or off-line editor, be sure to
give the file a '.pde' extension instead of the default extension.

Windows operating systems by default hide the file name extension. FlexPDE script files can still be
recognized by the icon. Alternatively, Windows can be configured to display file extensions.

See also "FlexPDE Working Files". 4

151 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

3.1.3 Problem Descriptor Structure

Problem descriptors organize a problem by breaking it into sections of related items.

Each section is headed by a proper name followed by one or more statements which define the problem.

The permitted section names are:

TITLE - defines the problem title

SELECT - sets various options and controls
COORDINATES - defines the coordinate system
VARIABLES - names the problem variables
DEFINITIONS - defines ancillary quantities and parameters
MATERIALS - defines sets of parameters that can be applied by name
BOUNDARY - defines sets of boundary conditions that can be applied by
INITIAL VALUES - sets initial values of variables
EQUATIONS - defines the partial differential equation system
CONSTRAINTS - defines optional integral constraints
EXTRUSION - extends the domain to three dimensions
BOUNDARIES - describes the 2D or projected 3D domain
RESOLVE - optionally supplements mesh refinement control
FRONT - optionally supplements mesh refinement control for
advancing fronts
TIME - defines the time domain
MONITORS - selects interim graphic display
PLOTS - selects final graphic display
HISTORIES - selects time-summary displays
END - identifies the end of the descriptor

The number of sections used in a particular problem descriptor can vary, subject only to the requirement
that all files must contain a BOUNDARIES section and an END section.

While some flexibility exists in the placement of these sections, it is suggested that the user adhere to the
ordering described above.

DEFINITIONS and SELECT can appear more than once.

Because descriptors are dynamically processed from top to bottom, they cannot contain forward
references. Definitions may refer to variables and other defined names, provided these variables and
names have been defined in a preceding section or previously in the same section.

For detailed description of these sections, see "The Sections of a Descriptor" 183 .
P roblem Descriptor Reference : Introduction 152

3.1.4 Problem Descriptor Format

While not strictly required, we suggest use of the following indentation pattern for all problem

section 1
section 2
statement 1
statement 2
section 3
statement 1
statement 2
This format is easy for both the person preparing the file and for others to read and understand.

3.1.5 Case Sensitivity

With the exception of quoted character strings, which are reproduced exactly as they appear in a
problem descriptor, words, characters and other text items used in problem descriptors are NOT case

Upper case letters and lower case letters are equivalent.

The text items variables, VARIABLES, Variables and mixed case text like VaRiAbles are all
Judicious use of capitalization can improve the readability of the script.

3.1.6 "Include" Files

FlexPDE supports the C-language mechanism of including external files in the problem descriptor. The

#INCLUDE "filename"

will cause the named file to be included bodily in the descriptor in place of the #INCLUDE "filename"
153 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

If the file does not reside in the same folder as the descriptor, the full path to the file must be given.

An include statement can be placed anywhere in the descriptor, but for readability it should be placed on
its own line.

This facility can be used to insert common definition groups in several descriptors.

Note: Although FlexPDE is not case sensitive, the operating system which is being asked for
the included file may be case sensitive. The quoted file name must conform to the usage of the
operating system.

3.1.7 A Simple Example

As a preview example to give the flavor of a FlexPDE descriptor file, we will construct a model of
heatflow on a square domain.
The heatflow equation is
div(K*grad(Temp)) + Source = 0

If K is constant and Source = 4*K, the heat equation will be satisfied by the function
Temp = Const - x^2 - y^2 .
We define a square region of material of conductivity K = 1, with a uniform heat source of 4 heat units
per unit area.
We further specify the boundary value
Temp = 1 - x^2 - y^2

Since we know the analytic solution, we can compare the accuracy of the FlexPDE solution.

The text of the descriptor is as follows:

{ *******************************************************************
This sample demonstrates the simplest application of FlexPDE to
heatflow problems.

TITLE "Simple Heatflow"

temp { Identify "Temp" as the system variable }
P roblem Descriptor Reference : Introduction 154

k=1 { declare and define the conductivity }
source = 4 { declare and define the source }
texact = 1-x^2-y^2 { exact solution for reference }

temp = 0 { unimportant in linear steady-state problems,
but necessary for time-dependent or nonlinear
systems }

EQUATIONS { define the heatflow equation :}

div(k*grad(temp)) + source = 0

BOUNDARIES { define the problem domain: }

REGION 1 { ... only one region }
START(-1,-1) { specify the starting point }
{ specify Dirichlet boundary at exact solution: }
LINE TO (1,-1) { walk the boundary }
TO (1,1)
TO (-1,1)
TO CLOSE { bring boundary back to starting point }

CONTOUR(temp) { show the Temperature during solution }

PLOTS { write these plots to disk at completion: }

CONTOUR(temp) { show the solution }

SURFACE(temp) { show a surface plot as well }
{ display the solution error :}
CONTOUR(temp-texact) AS "Error"
{ show a vector flow plot: }
VECTOR(-dx(temp),-dy(temp)) AS "Heat Flow"

END { end of descriptor file }

3.2 The Elements of a Descriptor

The problem descriptors or 'scripts' which describe the characteristics of a problem to FlexPDE are
made up of a number of basic elements, such as names and symbols, reserved words, numeric constants,
etc. These elements are described in the sections that follow.

Problem descriptors can be annotated by adding comments.

Multi-line comments can be placed anywhere in the file. Multi-line comments are formed by enclosing
the desired comments in either curly brackets { and } or the paired symbols /* and */. Comments can be
155 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

nested, but comments that begin with a curly bracket must end with a curly bracket and comments that
begin with '/*' must end with '*/'.

{ this is a comment
so is this.

End-of-line comments are introduced by the exclamation mark !. End-of-line comments extend from
the ! to the end of the line on which they occur. Placing the line comment symbol ! at the beginning of a
line effectively removes the whole line from the active portion of the problem descriptor, in a manner
similar to 'rem' at the beginning of a line in a DOS batch file or "//" in C++.

! this is a comment
this is not

Comments can be used liberally during script development to temporarily remove lines from a problem
descriptor. This aids in localizing errors or focusing on specific aspects of a problem.
3.2.2 Reserved Words and Symbols
FlexPDE assigns specific meanings and uses to a number of predefined 'reserved' words and symbols in
Except when they are included as part of a comment or a literal string, these words may only be used for
their assigned purpose.

The following parser keywords are highlighted by the FlexPDE editor:









P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 156
























157 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference








The following names of built-in functions and identifiers are not recognized by the FlexPDE editor's syntax
highlighter, but may be used only for their assigned purpose:


















P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 158











3.2.3 Separators
White Space
Spaces, tabs, and new lines, frequently referred to as "white space", are treated as separators and may
be used freely in problem descriptors to increase readability. Multiple white spaces are treated by
FlexPDE as a single white space.

Commas are used to separate items in a list, and should be used only where explicitly required by the
descriptor syntax.

Semicolons are not significant in the FlexPDE grammar. They are treated as equivalent to commas.

3.2.4 Literal Strings

Literal strings are used in problem descriptors to provide optional user defined labels, which will appear
on softcopy and hardcopy outputs.

The label that results from a literal string is reproduced on the output exactly (including case) as entered
in the corresponding literal string.

Literal strings are formed by enclosing the desired label in either single or double quote marks . Literal
strings that begin with a double quote mark must end in a double quote mark, and literal strings that begin
159 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

with a single quote mark must end in a single quote mark.

A literal string may consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters, separators, reserved words,
and/or symbols including quote marks, provided only that strings that begin with a double quote mark
may contain only single quote marks and strings that begin with a single quote mark may contain only
double quote marks.

TITLE "This is a literal 'string' used as a problem title"

3.2.5 Numeric Constants

Integers must be of the form XXXXXX where X is any decimal digit from 0 to 9. Integer constants can
contain up to 9 digits.

Decimal Numbers
Decimal numbers must be of the form XXXXX.XXX where X is any decimal digit from 0 to 9 and '.' is the
decimal separator. Decimal numbers must not include commas ','. Using the European convention of a
comma ',' as a decimal separator will result in an error. Commas are reserved as item separators.
Decimal numbers may include zero to nine digits to the left of the decimal separator and up to a total of
308 digits total. FlexPDE considers only the first fifteen digits as significant.

Engineering Notation Numbers

Engineering notation numbers must be of the form XXXXXEsYYY where X is any digit from 0 to 9 or the
decimal separator '.', Y is any digit from 0 to 9, E is the exponent separator, and s is an optional sign
operator. Engineering notation numbers must not include commas ','. Using the European convention of
a comma ',' as a decimal separator will result in an error. Commas are reserved as item separators. The
number to the left of the exponent separator is treated as a decimal number and the number to the right
of the exponent separator is treated as an integer and may not contain a decimal separator or more than
3 digits. The range of permitted engineering notation numbers is 1e-307 to 1e308.

3.2.6 Built-in Functions

Functions and Arguments
All function references must include at least one argument. Arguments can be either numerical constants
or expressions that evaluate to numerical values. The following functions are supported in problem
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 160 Analy tic Functions

The following analytic functions are supported by FlexPDE:

Function Comments
ABS(x) Absolute value
ARCCOS(x) Inverse cosine (returns radians)
ARCSIN(x) Inverse sine (returns radians)
ARCTAN(x) Inverse tangent (returns radians)
ATAN2(y,x) Arctan(y/x) with numerically safe implementation*
ATAN2V6(y,x) Arctan(y/x) with numerically safe implementation*
BESSI(order,x) Modified Bessel function I for real x
BESSJ(order,x) Bessel Function J
BESSK(order,x) Modified Bessel function K for real x
BESSY(order,x) Bessel Function Y
COS(x) cosine of x (angle in radians)**
COSH(x) Hyperbolic cosine
ERF(x) Error Function
ERFC(x) Complementary Error Function
EXP(x) Exponential function
EXPINT(x) Exponential Integral Ei(x) for real x>0 ***
EXPINT(n,x) Exponential Integral En(x) for n>=0, real x>0 ***
GAMMAF(x) Gamma function for real x>0
GAMMAF(a,x) Incomplete gamma function for real a>0, x>0
LOG10(x) Base-10 logarithm
LN(x) Natural logarithm
SIN(x) sine of x (angle in radians)**
SINH(x) Hyperbolic sine
SQRT(x) Square Root
TAN(x) tangent of x (angle in radians)**
TANH(x) Hyperbolic tangent

* Note that in version 7 the definition has changed to use the standard range of -π to π.
ATAN2V6 is provided for compatibility with old behavior.
** Use for example COS(x DEGREES) to convert arguments to radians.
*** as defined in Abramowitz & Stegun, "Handbook of Mathematical Functions".

Samples | Usage | Functions | Standard_Functions.pde 554
161 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference Non-Analy tic Functions

The following non-analytic functions are supported in FlexPDE:


The maximum function requires two arguments. MAX is evaluated on a point by point basis and is
equal to the larger of the two arguments at each point.


The minimum function requires two arguments. MIN is evaluated on a point by point basis and is equal
to the lessor of the two arguments at each point.


The modulo function requires two arguments. MOD is evaluated on a point by point basis and is equal
to the remainder of (arg1/arg2) at each point. This is a direct implementation of the C function
fmod(arg1,arg2) : "Computes the floating-point remainder of the division operation arg1/arg2. The
floating-point remainder of the division operation arg1/arg2 calculated by this function is exactly the
value arg1 - n*arg2, where n is arg1/arg2 with its fractional part truncated. The returned value has the
same sign as arg1 and is less or equal to arg2 in magnitude."

GLOBALMAX(arg, region_name)
GLOBALMAX(arg, region_name, layer_name)

With one argument GLOBALMAX is equal to the largest value of the argument over the problem
domain. The search can be restricted to a specific region and layer using the second two arguments.
GLOBALMAX is tabulated, and is re-evaluated only when components of the argument change.


Returns the specified coordinate of the associated GLOBALMAX. Global searches are tabulated by
argument expression, and repeated calls to GLOBALMAX and its related coordinates do not cause
repeated evaluation.

GLOBALMIN(arg, region_name)
GLOBALMIN(arg, region_name, layer_name)

With one argument GLOBALMIN is equal to the smallest value of the argument over the problem
domain. The search can be restricted to a specific region and layer using the second two arguments.
GLOBALMIN is tabulated, and is re-evaluated only when components of the argument change.


Returns the specified coordinate of the associated GLOBALMIN. Global searches are tabulated by
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 162

argument expression, and repeated calls to GLOBALMIN and its related coordinates do not cause
repeated evaluation.


The random function requires one argument. The result is a pseudo-random number uniformly
distributed in (0,arg). The only reasonable application of the RANDOM function is in initial values.
Use in other contexts will probably result in convergence failure.


The round function requires one argument. The result is an integer following standard rounding
behavior : e.g. 1.49 rounds down to 1, 1.5 rounds up to 2.


The space error function returns the average spatial error over all variables. If a variable name is
given, it returns the spatial error for the named variable only. The return is a field value.


The time error function returns the average time error over all variables. If a variable name is given, it
returns the time error for the named variable only. The return is a scalar value.


The sign function requires one argument. SIGN is equal to 1 if the argument is positive and -1 if the
argument is negative.


The time maximum function requires one argument. TIMEMAX is equal to the largest value of the
argument over the time span of the problem. TIMEMAX is tabulated, and is re-evaluated only when
components of the argument change.


Returns the time at which the associated TIMEMAX of the argument occurs. Time searches are
tabulated by argument expression, and repeated calls to TIMEMAX and its related times do not cause
repeated evaluation.


The time minimum function requires one argument. TIMEMIN is equal to the smallest value of the
argument over the time span of the problem. TIMEMIN is tabulated, and is re-evaluated only when
components of the argument change.


Returns the time at which the associated TIMEMIN of the argument occurs. Time searches are
163 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

tabulated by argument expression, and repeated calls to TIMEMIN and its related times do not cause
repeated evaluation.

See examples in the "Samples | Usage | Functions" directory. Unit Functions

The following unit-valued functions are supported in FlexPDE:


The unit step function requires one argument. USTEP is 1 where the argument is positive and 0 where
the argument is negative. For example, USTEP(x-x0) is a step function at x=x0.


The unit pulse function requires two arguments. UPULSE is 1 where arg1 is positive and arg2 is
negative and 0 everywhere else. UPULSE(t-t0, t-t1) is a pulse from t0 to t1 if t1>t0. [Note:
because instantaneous switches cause serious trouble in time dependent problems, the UPULSE
function automatically ramps the rise and fall over 1% of the total pulse width.]


The unit ramp function requires two arguments. URAMP is like UPULSE, except it builds a ramp
instead of a rectangle. URAMP is 1 where arg1 and arg2 are both positive, linearly interpolated
between 0 and 1 when arg1 is positive and arg2 is negative, and 0 everywhere else.

Samples | Usage | Unit_Functions.pde 557 String Functions

FlexPDE provides support for dynamically constructing text strings.

$number (i.e. <dollar> number)

This function returns a text string representing the integer value of number. number may be a literal
value, a name or a parenthesized expression. If number has integral value, the string will have
integer format. Otherwise, the string will be formatted as a real number with a default length of 6


This form acts as the form above, except that the string size will be width.

These functions may be used in conjunction with the concatenation operator "+" 176 to build boundary or
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 164

region names or plot labels. For example

REPEAT i=1 to 4
START "LOOP"+$i (x,y)
{ path_info ... }

This is equivalent to

START "LOOP1" (x,y) <path_info> ...

START "LOOP2" (x,y) <path_info> ...
START "LOOP3" (x,y) <path_info> ...
START "LOOP4" (x,y) <path_info> ...

See "Samples | Usage | Misc | Repeat.pde" 594 T he FIT Function

The following two forms may be used to compute a finite-element interpolation of an arbitrary argument:

result = FIT(expression)

computes a Finite Element fit of the given expression using the current computational mesh and basis.
Nodal values are computed to return the correct integral over each mesh cell.

result = FIT(expression, weight)

as with FIT(expression), but with a smoothing diffusion with coefficient equal to weight (try 0.1 or
1.0, and modify to suit).

weight may be an arbitrary expression, involving spatial coordinates, time, or variables of the
computation. In this way it can be used to selectively smooth portions of the mesh. The value of
weight has a well-defined meaning: it is the spatial wavelength over which variations are damped:
spatial variations with wavelength much smaller than weight will be smoothed, while spatial variations
with wavelength much greater than weight will be relatively unmodified.

Note: FIT() builds a continuous representation of the data across the entire domain, and
connot preserve discontinuities in the fitted data. In some cases, multiplying the data by an
appropriate material parameter can result in a continuous function appropriate for fitting. An
exception to this rule is in the case of CONTACT boundaries, where the mesh nodes are
duplicated, and discontinuities can be preserved in FIT functions.

FIT() may be used to smooth noisy data, to block ill-behaved functions from differentiation in the
derivative computation for Newton's method, or to avoid expensive re-computation of complex
165 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference


See also the SAVE 166 function, in which nodal values are directly computed.

Samples | Usage | fit+weight.pde 591 T he LUMP Function

The LUMP function creates a field on the finite element mesh, and saves a single value of the argument
expression in each cell of the finite element mesh. The value stored for each cell is the average value of
the argument expression over the cell, and is treated as a constant over the cell.
The LUMP function may be used to block ill-behaved functions from differentiation in the derivative
computation for Newton's method, or to avoid expensive re-computation of complex functions.
The normal use for LUMP is in the DEFINITIONS section, as in
name = LUMP ( expression )

Note: This definition of LUMP(F) is NOT the same as the "lumped parameters" frequently
referred to in finite element literature.

Samples | Usage | Lump.pde 592 T he RAMP Function

The RAMP function is a modification of the URAMP 163 function, intended to make the usage more
nearly like an IF..THEN 180 statement.

It has been introduced to provide an alternative to discontinuous functions like USTEP 163 and the
discontinuous IF..THEN 180 construct.

Discontinuous switching can cause serious difficulties, especially in time dependent problems, and is
strongly discouraged. FlexPDE is an adaptive system. Its procedures are based on the assumption that
by making timesteps and/or cell sizes smaller, a scale can be found at which the behavior of the solution
is representable by polynomials. Discontinuities do not satisfy this assumption. A discontinuity is a
discontinuity, no matter how close you look. Instantaneous turn-on or turn-off introduces high-frequency
spatial or temporal components into the solution, including those which are far beyond the physical limits
of real systems to respond. This makes the computation slow and possibly physically meaningless.

The RAMP function generates a smooth transition from one value to another, with the transition taking
place as "expression" changes by and amount "width". It can be thought of as a "fuzzy IF", and has a
usage very similar to an IF.. THEN, but without the harsh switching characteristics.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 166

The form is:

value = RAMP(expression, left_value, right_value, width)

This expression is logically equivalent to

value = IF expression < 0 THEN left_value ELSE right_value

except that the transition will be linear over width. If the left and right values are functions, then you may
not get a straight line as the ramp. The result will be a linear combination of the two functions.

See the SWAGE 167 function for a similar function with both smooth value and derivative.

see "Samples | Usage | Swage_test.pde" 557 for a picture of the SWAGE and RAMP transitions and
their derivatives. T he SAVE Function

The SAVE function creates a field on the finite element mesh, and saves the values of the argument
expression at the nodal points for subsequent interpolation. SAVE builds a continuous representation of
the data within each material region, and can preserve discontinuities in the saved data.
The SAVE function may be used to block ill-behaved functions from differentiation in the derivative
computation for Newton's method, or to avoid expensive re-computation of complex functions.
The normal use for SAVE is in the DEFINITIONS section, as in
name = SAVE ( expression )

Note: SAVE() builds a continuous representation of the data across the entire domain, and
cannot preserve discontinuities in the fitted data. In some cases, multiplying the data by an
appropriate material parameter can result in a continuous function appropriate for saving. An
exception to this rule is in the case of CONTACT boundaries, where the mesh nodes are
duplicated, and discontinuities can be preserved in SAVE functions.

"Samples | Usage | Save.pde" 596
See the FIT() 164 function for a similar function with integral conservation and variable smoothing
167 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference T he SUM Function

The SUM function produces the sum of repetitive terms. The form is:

value = SUM( name, initial, final, expression )

The expression argument is evaluated and summed for name = initial, initial+1, initial+2,...final.

For example, the statement:

source = SUM(i,1,10,exp(-i))

forms the sum of the exponentials exp(-1)+exp(-2)+...+exp(-10).

The SUM function may be used with data ARRAYs, as in

A = ARRAY(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
source = SUM(i,1,10,A[i])

Samples | Usage | Sum.pde 555 T he SWAGE Function

The SWAGE function has been introduced to provide an alternative to discontinuous functions like
USTEP 163 and the discontinuous IF..THEN 180 construct. Discontinuous switching can cause serious
difficulties, especially in time dependent problems, and is strongly discouraged.

FlexPDE is an adaptive system. Its procedures are based on the assumption that by making timesteps
and/or cell sizes smaller, a scale can be found at which the behavior of the solution is representable by
polynomials. Discontinuities do not satisfy this assumption. A discontinuity is a discontinuity, no matter
how close you look. Instantaneous turn-on or turn-off introduces high frequency spatial or temporal
components into the solution, including those which are far beyond the physical limits of real systems to
respond. This makes the computation slow and possibly physically meaningless.

The SWAGE function generates a smooth transition from one value to another. The slope at the center of
the transition is the same as a RAMP 165 of the given width, but the curve extends to five times the given
width on each side, reaching the end values exactly. It also has smooth derivatives, except for a one
percent jump at the cutoff points. It can be thought of as a "fuzzy IF", and has a usage very similar to an
IF.. THEN, but without the harsh switching characteristics.

The form is:

value = SWAGE(expression, left_value, right_value, width )

This expression is logically equivalent to

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 168

value = IF expression < 0 THEN left_value ELSE right_value

except that the transition will be smeared over width.

See the RAMP 165 function for a similar function which is smooth in value, but not in derivative.

see "Samples | Usage | Swage_test.pde" 557 for a picture of the SWAGE and RAMP transitions and
their derivatives.
swage 1.(noun) A tool, variously shaped or grooved on the end or face, used by blacksmiths and other workers in
metals, for shaping their work. 2.(verb)To bend or shape using a swage. T he VAL and EVAL functions

There are two ways to evaluate an arbitrary expression at selected coordinates, VAL and EVAL.

value = VAL(expression, x, y )
value = VAL(expression, x, y, z )

The value of expression is computed at the specified coordinates. The coordinates must be constants.
The value is computed and stored at each phase of the solution process, allowing efficient reference in
many computations.

FlexPDE maintains a "scoreboard" of dependencies and re-evaluates the expression whenever the
dependency changes. If the expression depends on a variable, it will also create an implicit coupling
between the expression and its point of use, causing the value to be solved simultaneously during the
solution phase.

Expression can include derivative terms, but the VAL itself cannot be differentiated.

value = EVAL(expression, x, y )
value = EVAL(expression, x, y, z )

The value of expression is computed at the specified coordinates. The coordinates may be dynamically
variable. The value is recomputed at each reference, possibly leading to increased run time.

This form does NOT allow FlexPDE to compute implicit couplings between computation nodes
referencing and evaluating the value.

Derivative operators applied to EVAL will be passed through and applied to expression.
169 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Note: The value returned from these functions must be scalar. Boundary Search Functions

The functions XBOUNDARY , YBOUNDARY and ZBOUNDARY allow the user to search for the position of a
system boundary from an evaluation point:

XBOUNDARY("boundary name")
YBOUNDARY("boundary name")
ZBOUNDARY("surface name")

In each case, the function returns the X,Y or Z coordinate of the named boundary at the (Y,Z), (X,Z) or
(X,Y) coordinates of the current evaluation.

3.2.7 Operators Arithm etic Operators

The following customary symbols can be use in arithmetic expressions:

Operator Action
- Unary negate, Forms the negative of a single operand
+ Binary add, Forms the sum of two operands
- Binary subtract, Forms the difference of two operands
* Binary multiply, Forms the product of two operands
/ Binary divide, Divides the first operand by the second
^ Binary power, Raises the first operand to the power of the second

These operators can be applied to scalars, arrays or matrices. When used with arrays or
matrices, the operations are applied element-by-element.

Special operators are defined to designate conventional matrix and array operations.

Operator Action
** Binary MATRIX multiply. Forms the product of two matrices or the product
of a MATRIX and an ARRAY. Applied to tensors, the result is the same as
the DOT operator.
// Matrix "division". A1 = A2 // M produces the ARRAY A1 satisfying the
equation A2 = M**A1. Com plex Operators

The following operators perform various transformations on complex quantities.

REAL ( complex )
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 170

Extracts the real part of the complex number.

IMAG ( complex )

Extracts the imaginary part of the complex number.

CABS ( complex )

Computes the magnitude of the complex number, given by

CABS(complex(x,y)) = sqrt(x^2 + y^2).

CARG ( complex )

Computes the Argument (or angular component) of the complex number, implemented as
CARG(complex(x,y)) = Atan2(y,x).

CEXP ( complex )

Computes the complex exponential of the complex number, given by

CEXP(complex(x,y)) = exp(x + iy) = exp(x)*(cos(y) + i*sin(y)).

CLOG ( complex )

Computes the natural logarithm of the complex number, given by

CLOG(complex(x,y)) = ln(x + iy) = ln(sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) + i*arctan(y/x).

CONJ ( complex )

Returns the complex conjugate of the complex number.

CSQRT ( complex )

Computes the complex square root of the complex number, given by

CSQRT(complex(x,y)) = complex( sqrt((r + x)/2), sign(y)*sqrt((r - x)/2) )
where r = CABS(x,y). Differential Operators

Differential operator names are constructed from the coordinate names for the problem, either as defined
by the user, or as default names.

First derivative operators are of the form "D<name>", where <name> is the name of the coordinate.
Second-derivative operators are of the form "D<name1><name2>".

In the default 2D Cartesian case, the defined operators are "DX", "DY", "DXX", "DXY", and "DYY".
All differential operators are expanded internally into the proper forms for the active coordinate system
of the problem.

D<n> ( arg )
171 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

First order partial derivative of arg with respect to coordinate <n>, eg. DX(arg).

D<n><m> ( arg )

Second order partial derivative of arg with respect to coordinates <n> and <m>, eg. DXY(arg).

DIV ( vector_arg )

Divergence of vector argument. Produces a scalar result.

DIV ( argx, argy {, argz } )

Divergence of the vector whose components are argx and argy (and possibly argz in 3D). This is
the same as DIV(vector(argx,argy,argz), and is provided for convenience.

DIV ( tensor_arg )

Divergence of tensor argument. Produces a vector result. In curvilinear geometry,

DIV(GRAD(vector)) is NOT the same as the Laplacian of the components of the vector, because
differentiation of the unit vectors introduces additional terms. FlexPDE handles these expansions
correctly in all supported geometries.

GRAD ( scalar_arg )

Gradient of scalar argument. Produces a vector result.

GRAD ( vector_arg )

Gradient of vector argument. This operation produces a tensor result. In curvilinear geometry, this
creates additional terms due to the differentiation of the unit vectors. It is NOT equivalent to the
gradient of the vector components except in Cartesian geometry. FlexPDE handles these expansions
correctly in all supported geometries.

CURL ( vector_arg )

Returns the vector result of applying the curl operator to vector_arg.

CURL ( scalar_arg )

Curl of a scalar_arg (2D only). Assumes arg to be the magnitude of a vector normal to the
computation plane, and returns a vector result in the computation plane.

CURL ( argx, argy {, argz } )

Curl of a vector whose components in the computation plane are argx and argy (and possibly argz in
3D). This is the same as CURL(vector(argx,argy,argz)), and is provided for convenience.

DEL2 ( scalar_arg )

Laplacian of scalar_arg. Equivalent to DIV(GRAD(scalar_arg)).

DEL2 ( vector_arg )
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 172

Laplacian of vector_arg. Equivalent to DIV(GRAD(vector_arg)). Integral Operators

Integrals may be formed over volumes, surfaces or lines. The specific interpretation of the integral
operators depends on the coordinate system of the current problem. Integral operators can treat only
scalar functions as arguments. You cannot integrate a vector field.


Samples | Applications | Heatflow | Heat_Boundary.pde 418

Samples | Usage | 3d_Domains | 3D_Integrals.pde 578
Samples | Usage | Constraints | Boundary_Constraint.pde 528
Samples | Usage | Constraints | 3D_Constraint.pde 526
Samples | Usage | Constraints | 3D_Surf_Constraint.pde 527
Samples | Usage | Tintegral.pde 579 T i m e In t egr a l s

The operators TINTEGRAL and TIME_INTEGRAL are synonymous, and perform explicit time integration
of arbitrary scalar values from the problem start time to the current time:

TINTEGRAL ( integrand )
TIME_INTEGRAL ( integrand )

Note: This operator cannot be used to create implicit linkage between variables. Use a
GLOBAL VARIABLE instead. Li n e In t egr a l s

The operators BINTEGRAL and LINE_INTEGRAL are synonymous, and perform line integrations of
scalar integrands.

The integral is always taken with respect to distance along the declared line or curve path (positive in the
path direction).

The basic form of the LINE_INTEGRAL operator is:

BINTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary )

LINE_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary )

The boundary specification may be omitted, in which case the entire outer boundary is implied.

2D Line Integrals
173 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

In 2D Cartesian geometry, LINE_INTEGRAL is the same as SURF_INTEGRAL.

In 2D cylindrical geometry, SURF_INTEGRAL will contain the 2*pi*r weighting, while LINE_INTEGRAL
will not.

2D Line integrals may be further qualified by specifying the region in which the evaluation is to be made:

LINE_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary, named_region )

named_region must be one of the regions bounded by the selected boundary.

3D Line Integrals

3D Line integrals may be computed only on extrusion surfaces of the 3D domain.

LINE_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary, surface_number )

LINE_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary, named_surface )

The named_boundary must exist in the named_surface (ie, it must not have been excluded by
LIMITED REGION commands). 2D Su r fa ce In t egr a l s

The synonymous prototype forms of surface integral functions in 2D are:

SINTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary )

SURF_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary )

Here named_boundary may be specified by name, or it can be omitted, in which case the entire outer
boundary of the domain is implied.
In two-dimensional Cartesian problems, the surface element is formed by extending the two-dimensional
line element a single unit in the Z-direction, so that the surface element is dl*1. In this case, the surface
integral is the same as the line integral.

In two-dimensional cylindrical problems, the surface element is formed as 2*pi*r*dl, so the surface
integral is NOT the same as the line integral.

The region in which the evaluation is made can be controlled by providing a third argument, as in

SURF_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary, named_region )

named_region must be one of the regions bounded by the selected surface.

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 174 3D Su r fa ce In t egr a l s

In three-dimensional problems, there are several forms for the surface integral:

1. Integrals over extrusion surfaces are selected by surface name or number and qualifying region name
or number:

SINTEGRAL ( integrand, surface, region )

SURF_INTEGRAL ( integrand, surface, region )

If region is omitted, the integral is taken over all regions of the specified surface.
If both surface and region are omitted, the integral is taken over the entire outer surface of the

Integrals of this type may be further qualified by selecting the layer in which the evaluation is to be

SURF_INTEGRAL ( integrand, surface, region, layer )

layer must be one of the layers bounded by the selected surface.

2. Integrals over "sidewall" surfaces are selected by boundary name and qualifying layer name:

SINTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary, named_layer )

SURF_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_boundary, named_layer )

If layer is omitted, the integral is taken over all layers of the specified surface.

Integrals of this type may be further qualified by selecting the region in which the evaluation is to be

SURF_INTEGRAL( integrand, named_boundary, named_layer, named_region )

named_region must be one of the regions bounded by the selected surface.

3. Integrals over entire bounding surfaces of selected subregions are selected by region name and layer
name, as with volume integrals:

SINTEGRAL ( integrand, named_region, named_layer )

SURF_INTEGRAL ( integrand, named_region, named_layer )

If named_layer is omitted, the integral is taken over all layers of the specified surface.
175 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference 2D V ol u m e In t egr a l s

The synonymous prototype forms of volume integral functions in 2D are:

INTEGRAL ( integrand, region )

VOL_INTEGRAL ( integrand, region )

Here region can be specified by number or name, or it can be omitted, in which case the entire domain is

In two-dimensional Cartesian problems, the volume element is formed by extending the two-dimensional
cell a single unit in the Z-direction, so that the volume integral is the same as the area integral in the
coordinate plane.

In two-dimensional cylindrical problems, the volume element is formed as 2*pi*r*dr*dz, so that the
volume integral is NOT the same as the area integral in the coordinate plane. For the special case of 2D
cylindrical geometry, the additional operator

AREA_INTEGRAL ( integrand, region )

computes the area integral of the integrand over the indicated region (or the entire domain) without the
2*pi*r weighting. 3D V ol u m e In t egr a l s

The synonymous prototype forms of volume integral functions in 3D are:

INTEGRAL ( integrand, region, layer )

VOL_INTEGRAL ( integrand, region, layer )

Here layer can be specified by number or name, or it can be omitted, in which case the entire layer stack
is implied.
region can also be specified by number or name, or it can be omitted, in which case the entire projection
plane is implied.

If region is omitted, then layer must be specified by name or omitted. If both region and layer are
omitted, the entire domain is implied.

For example,
INTEGRAL(integrand, region, layer) means the integral over the subregion contained in the selected
region and layer.
INTEGRAL(integrand, named_layer) means the integral over all regions of the named layer.
INTEGRAL(integrand, region) means the integral over all layers of the selected region.
INTEGRAL(integrand) means the integral over the entire domain.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 176 Relational Operators

The following operators may be used in constructing conditional expressions:

Relational Operators

Operator Definition
= Equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
<> Not equal to

Relational Combinations

Operator Definition

AND Both conditions true

OR Either condition true
NOT (Unary) reverses condition

Assignment Operator

In addition to its use as an equal operator, problem descriptors use the '=' symbol to assign (associate)
values functions and expressions with defined names. String Operators

The following operators can be used in expressions that construct string constants:

Operator Action
+ Binary add, Forms the concatenation of two text-string operands

When used in the DEFINITIONS section, The strings to be concatenated must be parenthesized as a

str1 = "The beginning "
str2 = " the end"
str3 = (str1 + "and" + str2)

The above would produce str3 as "The beginning and the end".
177 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

See also "String Functions" 163 Vector Operators

The following operators perform various transformations on vector quantities.

Vector quantities are assumed to have one component in each of the three coordinate directions implied
by the COORDINATES selection, whether the selected model geometry is one, two or three dimensional.
For example, a Vector can have a Z-component in a two-dimensional X,Y geometry. The restricted
geometry simply means that there is no computable variation of the solution in the missing directions. In
the explicit construction of Vectors, the third component may be omitted, in which case it is assigned a
value of zero.

CROSS ( vector1, vector2 )

Forms the cross product of two vectors and returns the resulting vector. In 2D geometries, the
CROSS product of two vectors lying in the computation plane returns a vector with a nonzero
component only in the direction normal to the problem plane. Where appropriate, FlexPDE will
interpret this vector as a scalar, suitable for arithmetic combination with other scalars.

DOT ( vector1, vector2 )

Forms the dot product of two vectors and returns a scalar value equal to the magnitude of the vector
dot product.

MAGNITUDE ( vector )

Returns a scalar equal to the magnitude of a vector argument.

MAGNITUDE ( argx, argy {, argz } )*

Returns a scalar equal to the magnitude of a vector whose components are argx and argy (and
possibly argz).

NORMAL ( vector )
NORMAL ( argx, argy {, argz} )*

Returns a scalar equal to the component of a vector argument normal to a boundary. This operator
may be used only in boundary condition definitions or in boundary plots or integrals, where the
reference surface is clear from the context of the statement. (See also UNORMAL below).

TANGENTIAL ( argx, argy {, argz } )*

Returns a scalar equal to the component of a vector argument tangential to a boundary. This
operator may be used only in boundary condition definitions or in boundary plots or integrals, where
the reference surface is clear from the context of the statement.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 178

VECTOR ( argx {, argy {, argz }} )*

Constructs a vector whose components are the scalar arguments. Omitted arguments are assumed

Vector Component Operators

In a standard cartesian coordinate system, the operators XCOMP, YCOMP, and ZCOMP provide access
to the components of a vector :
XCOMP ( vector )
<coord1>COMP ( vector )

Returns a scalar whose value is the first component of the vector argument.

YCOMP ( vector )
<coord2>COMP ( vector )

Returns a scalar whose value is the second component of the vector argument.

ZCOMP ( vector )
<coord3>COMP ( vector )

Returns a scalar whose value is the third component of the vector argument.

Beginning in version 7, in non-cartesian coordinate systems and cartesian systems where the coordinates
have been renamed (aliased), the coordinate name will be used instead of X, Y , or Z. E.g. in the
CYLINDER1 coordinate system, the first component would be accessed with RCOMP; in a CARTESIAN2
coordinate system with coordinates aliased to "A" and "B", the first and second components would be
accessed using ACOMP and BCOMP.
In an attempt to support backward compatibility, the XCOMP, YCOMP, and ZCOMP operators are
defined as the first, second, and third components whenever possible. If the coordinate system defines X,
Y , or Z, the coordinate defined order takes precedence.

The Special Function UNORMAL

UNORMAL is a built-in function which returns the unit-normal vector at the location of evaluation. It's use
is valid only in expressions computed on a system boundary. UNORMAL takes no arguments, as it's
arguments are implicitly the coordinates at the point of evaluation.

* Note: arguments in brackets {} are optional.
179 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference T ensor Operators

FlexPDE supports limited use of TENSOR quantities, to parallel the results of GRAD(vector).
A TENSOR is a vector of vectors, potentially 3 x 3 components.
TENSOR( ( T11, T12, T13) , (T21, T22, T23) , (T31, T32, T33))

This operator returns a TENSOR object with the indicated components. Each of the Tij may be any
scalar expression.
DOT(vector, tensor)

This operator returns a VECTOR with components ( (V1*T11+V2*T21+V3*T31), (V1*T12

+V2*T22+V3*T32), (V1*T13+V2*T23+V3*T33) ).
DOT(tensor, vector)

This operator returns a VECTOR with components ( (T11*V1+T12*V2+T13*V3), (T21*V1

+T22*V2+T23*V3), (T31*V1+T32*V2+T33*V3) ).
DOT(tensor, tensor)

This operator returns a TENSOR representing the matrix product of the tensors. The operator **
can be used to produce the same result (i.e. tensor**tensor).

This operator returns a VECTOR value whose components depend on the metric coefficients of the
selected problem geometry. In Cartesian geometry, the result is a VECTOR made up of the
divergences of the tensor columns.

This operator returns a TENSOR which is the transpose of the argument tensor.
vector * vector

produces a tensor of all combinations of component products.

XXCOMP ( tensor )
XYCOMP ( tensor )
XZCOMP ( tensor )
YXCOMP ( tensor )
YYCOMP ( tensor )
YZCOMP ( tensor )
ZXCOMP ( tensor )
ZYCOMP ( tensor )
ZZCOMP ( tensor )

These operators returns a scalar whose value is the indicated component of the tensor argument ( X
indicates the first coordinate component, Y the second and Z the third, regardless of the actual
assigned names of the coordinates).
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 180

3.2.8 Predefined Elements

The problem descriptor language predefines the following elements :

PI 3.14159265358979

For Cartesian coordinates in which 'R' is not specified as a coordinate name or a defined name, the
problem descriptor language predefines the following elements:

R R=SQRT(x^2 + y^2) radius vector length in 2D

R=SQRT(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) radius vector length in 3D

THETA THETA = ARCTAN(y/x) azimuthal angle in 2D or 3D

Note: If "R" or "Theta" appear on the left side of a definition before any use in an expression,
then the new definition will become the meaning of the name, and the predefined meaning will
be hidden.

In all problems,

CELL_SIZE an internally declared value representing the size of the current evaluation

In staged problems where " STAGES = integer" is declared in the SELECT section,

STAGE an internally declared index which increments from 1 to integer.

In modal analysis (eigenvalue and eigenfunction) problems where "MODES = integer" is declared in
the SELECT section,

LAMBDA an internally declared name which represents the various eigenvalues.

In time-dependent problems, the current timestep interval is available:

DELTAT an internally declared name which returns the size of the current timestep.

3.2.9 Expressions
Value Expressions
Problem descriptors are composed predominantly of arithmetic expressions made of one or more
operators, variables, defined values and pairs of parentheses that evaluate to numerical values. In
evaluating value expressions, FlexPDE follows the algebraic rules of precedence in which unary
operators are evaluated first, followed by binary operators in the following order:
181 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

multiplication and division
addition and subtraction
relational operators (<, <=, =, <>, >=, >)
relational combinations (AND, OR)

When included in expressions, subexpressions enclosed in pairs of parentheses are evaluated first,
without regard to the precedence of any operators which precede or follow them. Parentheses may be
nested to any level, with inner subexpressions being evaluated first and proceeding outward.
Parentheses must always be used in pairs.

a = b*(c+d)

Conditional-Value Expressions
Problem descriptors can contain conditional expressions of the form

IF condition THEN subexpression ELSE subexpression .

This form selects one of the two alternative values as the value of the expression. It is used in
expressions like
y = IF a THEN b ELSE c
analogous to the expression "y = a ? b : c" in the C programming language.

It is not the procedural alternative construct

IF a THEN y=b ELSE y=c { Wrong ! }
familiar in procedural programming languages.

The THEN or ELSE subexpressions my contain nested IF...THEN...ELSE expressions. Each ELSE will
bind to the nearest previous IF .
Conditional expressions used in material parameters can cause numerical trouble in the solution of a PDE
system, because they imply an instantaneous change in the result value. This instantaneous change
violates assumptions of continuity upon which the solver algorithms are based.
See URAMP 163 , RAMP 165 and SWAGE 167 for switching functions that transition smoothly between
alternative values.

3.2.10 Repeated Text

The REPEAT..ENDREPEAT construct allows the repetition of sections of input text.
The syntax looks like a FOR loop in procedural languages, but we emphasize that in FlexPDE this feature
constitutes a textual repetition, not a procedural repetition.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Elements of a Descriptor 182

The form of a repeat clause is

REPEAT name = initial TO final
REPEAT name = initial BY delta TO final

These statements specify that the following lines of descriptor text should be repeated a number of times.
The given name is defined as if it had appeared in the DEFINITIONS section, and is given the value
specified by initial.
The repeated section of text is terminated by the statement


At this point, the value of name is incremented by delta (or by one, if no delta is given). If the new value is
not greater than final, the repeated text is scanned again with the new value in place of name. If delta is
negative, the value of name is decremented and the termination test is modified accordingly.

The REPEAT statement can appear in the following locations:

in BATCH file lists

in VARIABLE lists
in EXTRUSION lists
anywhere the REGION, START or LINE keywords are legal.
around any plot command or group of plot commands.
around any DEFINITION or group of DEFINITIONS.
around any REPORT command or group of REPORT commands.
around AT points in a HISTORY list

Use of ARRAYS and the $integer string function can extend the power of the REPEAT loop.

REPEAT xc=1/4 by 1/4 to 7/4
REPEAT yc=1/4 by 1/4 to 7/4
START (xc+rad,yc) ARC( CENTER=xc,yc) ANGLE=360 CLOSE

This double loop constructs a 7 x 7 array of circles, all part of the same REGION.

See the sample problems:

Samples | Usage | Repeat.pde 594

Note: REPEAT..ENDREPEAT replaces the older FOR..ENDFOR facility used in earlier versions of
FlexPDE. The older facility is no longer supported, and will produce parsing errors.
183 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

3.3 The Sections of a Descriptor

The SECTIONS of a descriptor were outlined in the introduction 151 . In the following pages we present
a detailed description of the function and content of each section.
3.3.1 Title
The optional TITLE section can contain one literal string.

When a TITLE is used, the literal string it contains is used as a title label for all MONITORS and PLOTS.

If TITLE is not specified, the plots will not have a title label.

TITLE "this is my first model"

3.3.2 Select
The SELECT section, which is optional, is used when it is necessary to override some of the default
selectors internal to the program.

Selectors are used to control the flow of the process used to solve a problem.

The SELECT section may contain one or more selectors and their associated values. The default
selectors have been chosen to optimize how FlexPDE handles the widest range of problems.

The SELECT section should be used only when the default behavior of FlexPDE is somehow inadequate.

Unlike the other elements used in program descriptors, the proper names used for the selectors are not
part of the standard language, are not reserved words, and are not meaningful in other descriptor

The selectors implemented in FlexPDE are specific to a version of FlexPDE, and may not correspond to
those available in previous versions of FlexPDE or in other applications using the FlexPDE descriptor
language. Mesh Generation Controls

The following controls can be used in the SELECT section to modify the behavior of the mesh generator.
Logical selectors can be turned on by selector = ON, or merely mentioning the selector
Logical selectors can be turned off by selector = OFF .
Numeric selectors are set by selector = number.
Some selectors can be STAGED 207 .

ASPECT type: Numeric default: 2.0

Maximum cell aspect ratio for mesh generation in 2D problems and 3D surface meshes. Cells may be
stretched to this limit of edge-size ratio.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 184

AUTOMESH type: Logical default: On (settable in Preferences 29 panel).

If ON, previously generated mesh will be loaded if possible.

AUTOTRANSFER type: Logical default: On (settable in Preferences 29 panel).

If ON, automatically saves a TRANSFER 260 output file with all primary variables.

CELL_LIMIT type: Numeric default: See below

Specifies the maximum cell count. (Note that in version 7 this selector has replaced the NODELIMIT
selector of previous versions.) If mesh refinement tries to create more cells than the limit, the cell-merge
threshold will be raised to try to balance errors across a mesh of the specified size. This control cannot
be used to reduce the size if the initial mesh construction, which is dictated by NGRID 185 , user density
controls, and domain boundary feature sizes. This selector can be STAGED. Default values are shown
below, although these limits will likely not be reachable within the resources of most computers :
1D 2D 3D
Professional 1,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Lite 100 400 1200

CHECK_DUP_REGIONS type: Logical default: On

If ON, defined regions will be tested to see if they are identical and an error diagnostic presented if there
are any duplicates. Duplication of regions will cause the first definition to be ignored and an erroneous
model may be generated.
If OFF , regions will not be tested for duplication.

CURVEGRID type: Logical default: On

If ON, cells will be bent to follow curved boundaries, and a 3D mesh will be refined to resolve surface
If OFF , neither of these modifications will be attempted, and the computation will proceed with straight-
sided triangles or flat-sided tetrahedra. (It may be necessary to turn this option OFF when surfaces are
defined by TABLES 208 , because the curvature is infinite at table breaks.)

FEATURE_INDUCTION type: Numeric default: 2

In the initial domain layout, FlexPDE attempts to discover cell sizes necessary to resolve domain
elements, iterating to propagate the influence of small features. In complex domains this can become
expensive. If feature sizes are relatively uniform, or if the user controls the cell size manually, the iteration
can be bypassed by setting FEATURE_INDUCTION to 0.

GRIDARC type: Numeric default: 30 degrees

Arcs will be gridded with no cell exceeding this angle. Other factors may cause the sizes to be smaller.

GRIDLIMIT type: Numeric default: 8

Maximum number of regrids before a warning is issued. Batch runs stop at this limit.

INITGRIDLIMIT type: Numeric default: 5

Maximum number of regridding passes in the initial refinement to define initial values. INITGRIDLIMIT=0
suppresses initial refinement.
185 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

MERGEDIST type: Numeric default: Automatic

In the initial domain layout, points closer than MERGEDIST will be coalesced into a single point. This
helps overcome the effects of roundoff and input number precision in generation of domains. A default
merge distance is computed during initial layout. MERGEDIST will over-ride this default value. Individual
values for X, Y and Z coordinates can be set with XMERGEDIST 185 , YMERGEDIST 185 and
ZMERGEDIST 185 respectively. (These controls should be used only in unusual cases, when the default
value performs incorrectly.)

NGRID type: Numeric default: See below

Specifies the number of mesh rows in each dimension. Use this control to set the maximum cell size in
open areas. This is a convenient way to control the overall mesh density in a problem. Default values
are shown below:
1D 2D 3D
Professional 100 20 12
Student/Lite 25 10 5

REGRID type: Logical default: On

By default, FlexPDE implements adaptive mesh refinement. This selector can be used to turn it off and
proceed with a fixed mesh. This selector can be STAGED 207 .

SMOOTHINIT type: Logical default: On

Implements a mild initial-value smoothing for time dependent problems, to help ameliorate discontinuous
initial conditions.

STAGEGRID type: Logical default: Off

Forces regeneration of mesh with each stage of a staged problem. FlexPDE attempts to detect stage
dependencies in the domain and regenerate the mesh, but this selector may be used to override the
automatic detection.

XMERGEDIST type: Numeric default: Automatic


YMERGEDIST type: Numeric default: Automatic


ZMERGEDIST type: Numeric default: Automatic


Note: See the "Mesh Control Parameters 214 " section in this manual and the "Controlling
Mesh Density 134 " section in the User Guide for more discussion of mesh control.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 186 Solution Controls

The following controls can be used in the SELECT section to modify the solution methods of FlexPDE.
Logical selectors can be turned on by selector = ON, or merely mentioning the selector.
Logical selectors can be turned off by selector = OFF .
Numeric selectors are set by selector = number.


AUTOSTAGE type: Logical default: On

In STAGED problems, this selector causes all stages to be run consecutively without pause. Turning this
selector OFF causes FlexPDE to pause at the end of each stage, so that results can be examined before

CHANGELIM type: Numeric default: 2.0(steady state), 0.5(time dependent)

Steady state: Specifies the maximum change in any variable allowed on any Newton iteration step
(measured relative to the variable norm). In severely nonlinear problems, it may be necessary to force a
slow progress (small CHANGELIM) toward the solution in order to avoid pathological behavior of the
nonlinear functions.
Time dependent: Specifies the maximum change in one timestep of any variable derived from a steady-
state equation. Changes larger than CHANGELIM will cause the timestep to be cut.

CHECK_TABLES type: Logical default: On

Check table references for access out of the defined range. Issue an error diagnostic if accessed out of
the defined range. See also TABLE 209 .

CUBIC type: Logical default: On

Use cubic Finite Element basis (same as ORDER=3 188 ). The default selection can be changed in the
General Settings 29 tab of the Preferences Window 28 .

DELAY type: Numeric default: 0

In STAGED 207 problems using AUTOSTAGE 186 , this selector causes each stage to pause for this many

seconds before proceeding to the next stage. This allows for casual examination of the results at each
stage without needing to click the continue button. In BATCH 271 scripts, this selector causes each
problem to pause before running the next problem.

DIRECT type: Logical default: Off

This selects use of a direct matrix solver instead of the default iterative solver. There is an internal limit to
the size of the matrix that FlexPDE will allow using this method. The limit is based on the number of
unknowns in the model. The direct solver requires a large amount of memory and problems larger than
this can cause the system to go to virtual memory which is extremely slow. The default limit can be
dictated by the selector DIRECTLIMIT 186 .

DIRECTLIMIT type: Numeric default: 20,000

187 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Sets the internal limit to the size of the matrix that FlexPDE will allow when using the DIRECT 186 matrix

ERRLIM type: Numeric default: 0.002

This is the primary accuracy control. Both the spatial error control XERRLIM 190 the temporal error
control TERRLIM 189 are set to this value unless over-ridden by explicit declaration. This selector can be
STAGED 207 .
[Note: ERRLIM is an estimate of the relative error in the dependent variables. The solution is not
guaranteed to lie within this error. It may be necessary to adjust ERRLIM or manually force greater mesh
density to achieve the desired solution accuracy.]

FIRSTPARTS type: Logical default: Off

By default, FlexPDE integrates all second-order terms by parts, creating the surface terms represented
by the Natural boundary condition. This selector causes first-order terms to be integrated by parts as
well. Use of this option may require adding terms to Natural boundary condition statements.

FIXDT type: Logical default: Off

Disables the automatic timestep control. The timestep is fixed at the value given in the TIME 244 section.
(In most cases, this is not advisable, as it is difficult to choose a single timestep value that is both accurate
and efficient over the entire time range of a problem. Consider modifying the ERRLIM 187 control

ITERATE type: Numeric default: 4000

Primary conjugate gradient iteration limit. This count may be enlarged automatically for large systems.
Iteration may terminate before this count if convergence criteria are met.

LINUPDATE type: Numeric default: 5

In linear steady-state problems, FlexPDE repeats the linear system solution until the computed residuals
are below tolerance, up to a maximum of LINUPDATE passes.

MODES type: Numeric default: 0

Selects the Eigenvalue solver and specifies the desired number of modes. For computational reasons,
FlexPDE will solve the system for more modes than specified (see SUBSPACE 189 ), but only the
requested number will be reported.

NEWTON type: Numeric default: 40 (steady_state)

default: 1 (time-dependent)
Sets the maximum Newton iteration limit. PREFER_SPEED 188 and PREFER_STABILITY 188 will override
this number.

NONLINEAR type: Logical default: Automatic

Selects the nonlinear (Newton-Raphson) solver, even if the automatic detection process does not require

NONSYMMETRIC type: Logical default: Automatic

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 188

Selects the nonsymmetric Lanczos conjugate gradient solver, even if the automatic detection process
does not require it.

NOTIFY_DONE type: Logical default: Off

Requests that FlexPDE emit a beep and a "DONE" message at completion of the run.

NRMINSTEP type: Numeric default: 0.009

Sets the minimum fraction of the computed stepsize which will be applied during Newton-Raphson
backtracking. This number only comes into play in difficult nonlinear systems. Usually the computed
step is unmodified.

NRSLOPE type: Numeric default: 0.1

Sets the minimum acceptable residual improvement in Newton-Raphson backtracking of steady-state

OPTERRLIM type: Numeric default: 0.001*ERRLIM

This is the accuracy control for the optimizer. See MAXIMIZE 242 and MINIMIZE 243 .
[Note: OPTERRLIM is an estimate of the relative error in the optimizer parameter. The solution is not
guaranteed to lie within this error. It may be necessary to adjust OPTERRLIM to achieve the desired
solution accuracy.]

ORDER type: Numeric default: 3

Selects the order of finite element interpolation (1, 2 or 3). The selectors QUADRATIC and CUBIC are
equivalent to ORDER=2 and ORDER=3, respectively. This selector can be STAGED 207 . The default
selection can be changed in the General Settings 29 tab of the Preferences Window 28 .

OVERSHOOT type: Numeric default: 0.0001

Sub-iteration convergence control. Conjugate-Gradient solutions will iterate to a tolerance of
OVERSHOOT*ERRLIM 187 . (Some solution methods may apply additional multipliers.)

PRECONDITION type: Logical default: On

Use matrix preconditioning in conjugate-gradient solutions. The default preconditioner is the diagonal-
block inverse matrix.

PREFER_SPEED type: Logical default: On

This selector chooses parameters for nonlinear time-dependent problems that result in greatest solution
speed for well-behaved problems. Equivalent to NEWTON=1 187 , REMATRIX=Off 189 .

PREFER_STABILITY type: Logical default: Off

This selector chooses parameters for nonlinear time-dependent problems that result in greatest solution
stability in ill-behaved problems. Equivalent to NEWTON=3 187 , REMATRIX=On 189 .

QUADRATIC type: Logical default: Off

Selects use of quadratic Finite Element basis. Equivalent to ORDER=2 188 .

RANDOM_SEED type: Numeric default: random

189 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Specifies the seed for random number generation. May be used to create repeatable solution of
problems using random numbers.

REINITIALIZE type: Logical default: Off

Causes each Stage of a STAGED 207 problem to be reinitialized with the INITIAL VALUES 216

specifications, instead of preserving the results of the previous stage.

REMATRIX type: Logical default: Off

Forces a re-calculation of the Jacobian matrix for each step of the Newton-Raphson iteration in
nonlinear problems. The matrix is also recomputed whenever the solution changes appreciably, or when
the residual is large. This selector is set by PREFER_STABILITY 188 and cleared by PREFER_SPEED 188 .

STAGES type: Numeric default: 1

Parameter-studies may be run automatically by selecting a number of stages. Unless the geometric
domain parameters change with stage, the mesh and solution of one stage are used as a starting point for
the next. The STAGED 207 qualifier on a parameter definition sets the number of stages, so you need not
use STAGES unless you want to override the automatic count.

SUBSPACE type: Numeric default: MIN(2*modes,modes+8)

If MODES 187 has been set to select an eigenvalue problem, this selector sets the dimension of the
subspace used to calculate eigenvalues. Normally, it is not necessary to use this selector, as the default is
usually sufficient.

TERRLIM type: Numeric default: 0.002

This is the primary temporal accuracy control. In time dependent problems, the timestep will be cut if the
estimated relative error in time integration exceeds this value. The timestep will be increased if the
estimated temporal error is smaller than this value. TERRLIM is automatically set by the ERRLIM 187
control. This selector can be STAGED 207 .
Note: TERRLIM is an estimate of the relative error in the dependent variables. The solution is not
guaranteed to lie within this error. It may be necessary to adjust TERRLIM to achieve the desired
solution accuracy.

THREADS type: Numeric default: 1

Selects the number of worker threads to use during the computation. This control is useful in increasing
computation speed on computers with multiple shared-memory processors. FlexPDE does not support
clusters. The maximum number of threads for a script is 24, but increasing the thread count doesn't
always increase computation speed. See "Using Multiple Processors" 143 for more information. The
default selection can be changed in the General Settings 29 tab of the Preferences Window 28 .

UPFACTOR type: Numeric default: 1

Multiplier on upwind diffusion terms. Larger values can sometimes stabilize a marginal hyperbolic

UPWIND type: Logical default: On

In the presence of convection terms, this adds a diffusion term along the flow direction to stabilize the
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 190

XERRLIM type: Numeric default: 0.002

This is the primary spatial accuracy control. Any cell in which the estimated relative spatial error in the
dependent variables exceeds this value will be split (unless CELL_LIMIT 184 is exceeded). XERRLIM is
set automatically by the ERRLIM 187 selector. This selector can be STAGED 207 .
Note: XERRLIM is an estimate of the relative error in the dependent variables. The solution is not
guaranteed to lie within this error. It may be necessary to adjust XERRLIM or manually force
greater mesh density to achieve the desired solution accuracy.


LANCZOS type: Logical default: On for nonsymmetric systems

Use the Lanczos/Orthomin Conjugate-Gradient iteration method of Jea and Young for nonsymmetric
0 A x r
system matrices. This method essentially solves the extended system instead
At 0 xt rt
of Ax = r.

ORTHOMIN type: Logical default: On for symmetric systems

Use Orthomin Conjugate-Gradient iteration method of Jea and Young for symmetric system matrices.

VANDENBERG type: Logical default: Off

Use Vandenberg Conjugate-Gradient iteration (useful if hyperbolic systems fail to converge). This
method essentially solves (AtA)x = (At)b instead of Ax=b. This squares the condition number and slows
convergence, but it makes all the eigenvalues positive when the standard CG methods fail.


ICCG type: Logical default: On for symmetric systems

Use an Incomplete Choleski factorization as a preconditioner in symmetric problems. This method
usually converges much more quickly. If ICCG=OFF or the factorization fails, then a block-inverse
preconditioner will be used. ICCG=ON is equivalent to ILUPRECON below.

ILUPRECON type: Logical default: On for symmetric systems

Use an incomplete LU factorization as a preconditioner. With symmetric systems this is an incomplete
Choleski factorization, equivalent to ICCG above. If the factorization fails, a block-inverse
preconditioner will be used.

BIPRECON type: Logical default: On for nonsymmetric systems

Use the inverse of each diagonal block as a preconditioner.

DIPRECON type: Logical default: On for single-variable systems

191 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Use the inverse of each diagonal element as a preconditioner. Global Graphics Controls

The following controls can be used in the SELECT section to modify the behavior of the graphics
Logical selectors can be turned on by selector = ON, or merely mentioning the selector.
Logical selectors can be turned off by selector = OFF .
Numeric selectors are set by selector = number.
In the usual case, these selectors can be over-ridden by specific controls in individual plot commands
(see Graphic Display Modifiers 248 ).

ALIAS ( coord ) type: string default: Coordinate name

Defines an alternate label for the plot axes. Example: ALIAS(x)="distance".

AUTOHIST type: Logical default: On

Causes history plots to be updated when any other plot is drawn.

BLACK type: Logical default: Off

Draw all graphic output in black only. Use GRAY to select grayscale output.

BOLD type: Logical default: Off

Draw all graphic plot labels in bold font.

CDFGRID type: Numeric default: 51

Specifies the default size of CDF output grid (ie, 51x51).

CONTOURGRID type: Numeric default: 101

Resolution specification for contour plots, in terms of the number of plot points along the longest plot
dimension. The actual plot grid will follow the computation mesh, with subdivision if the cell size is
greater than that implied by the CONTOURGRID control.

CONTOURS type: Numeric default: 15

Target number of contour levels. Contours are selected to give "nice" numbers, and the number of
contours may not be exactly as specified here.

ELEVATIONGRID type: Numeric default: 401

Elevation plot grid size used by From..To elevation plots. The actual plot grid will follow the computation
mesh, with subdivision if the cell size is greater than that implied by the EVATIONGRID control.
Elevations on boundaries ignore this number and use the actual mesh points.

FEATUREPLOT type: Logical default: Off

If this selector is ON, FEATURE boundaries will be plotted in gray.

FONT type: Numeric default: 2

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 192

Font=1 selects sans-serif font. Font=2 selects serif font.

GRAY type: Logical default: Off

Draws all plots with a gray scale instead of the default color palette.

HARDMONITOR type: Logical default: Off

Causes MONITORS to be written to the PLOTS output file.

ITALIC type: Logical default: Off

Draw all graphic plot labels in italic font.

LOGLIMIT type: Numeric default: 15

The range of data in logarithmic plots is limited to LOGLIMIT decades below the maximum data value.
This is a global control which may be overridden by the local LOG(number) qualifier on the plot

NOMINMAX type: Logical default: Off

Deletes "o" and "x" marks at min and max values on all contour plots.

NOTAGS type: Logical default: Off

Suppresses level identifying tags on all contour and elevation plots.

NOTIPS type: Logical default: Off

Plot arrows in vector plots without arrowheads. Useful for bi-directional stress plots.

PAINTED type: Logical default: Off

Draw color-filled contour plots. Plots can be painted individually by selecting PAINT in the plot

PAINTGRID type: Logical default: On

Draw color-filled grid plots. Colors represent distinct materials, as defined by parameter matching.

PAINTMATERIALS type: Logical default: On

Synonymous with PAINTGRID, included for symmetry with individual PLOT modifiers.

PAINTREGIONS type: Logical default: Off

Sets PAINTGRID, but selects a different coloring scheme. Colors represent logical regions in 2D, or
logical (region x layer) compartments in 3D, instead of distinct material parameters.

PENWIDTH type: Numeric default: 0

Sets the on-screen pen width for all plots. Value is an integer (0,1,2,3,...) which specifies the width of
the drawn lines, in thousandths of the plot width (0 means thin).

PLOTINTEGRATE type: Logical default: On

Integrate all spatial plots. Default is volume and surface integrals, using 2*pi*r weighting in cylindrical
geometry. Histories are not automatically integrated, and must be explicitly integrated.
193 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

PRINTMERGE type: Logical default: Off

Send all stages or plot times of each EXPORT statement to a single file. By default, EXPORTS create a
separate file for each time or stage. Individual EXPORTS can be controlled by the plot modifier MERGE.

SERIF type: Logical default: Off

Draw all graphic plot labels in serif font.

SANSERIF type: Logical default: On

Draw all graphic plot labels in sanserif font.

SPECTRAL_COLORS type: Logical default: Off

Sets the order of colors used in labeling plots. ON puts red at the bottom (lowest spectral color). OFF
puts red at the top (hot). This selector is the reverse of THERMAL_COLORS.

SURFACEGRID type: Numeric default: 101

Selects the minimum resolution for Surface plots, in terms of the number of plot points along the longest
plot dimension. The actual plot grid will follow the computation mesh, with subdivision if the cell size is
greater than that implied by the SURFACEGRID control.

TEXTSIZE type: Numeric default: 35

Controls size of text on plot output. Value is number of lines per page, so larger numbers mean smaller

THERMAL_COLORS type: Logical default: On

Sets the order of colors used in labeling plots. ON puts red at the top (hot). OFF puts red at the bottom
(lowest spectral color). This selector is the reverse of SPECTRAL_COLORS.

VECTORGRID type: Numeric default: 71

Sets resolution of Vector plots. Arrows are placed on a regular grid with the selected number of points
along the longest plot dimension.

VIEWPOINT ( x, y, angle ) default: negative X&Y, 30

Defines default viewpoint for SURFACE plots and 3D GRID plots. Angle is in degrees. (In 3D cut plane
plots, this specifies a position in the cut plane coordinates)

3.3.3 Coordinates
The optional COORDINATES section defines the coordinate geometry of the problem.
Each geometry selection has an implied three-dimensional coordinate structure. In 2D and 1D
geometries, the solution if the PDE system is assumed to have no variation in one or two of the
coordinate directions. The finite element mesh is therefore constructed in the remaining space, and
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 194

derivatives in the absent coordinates are assumed to be zero.

In 3D geometry the X & Y coordinates are the projection plane in which a figure is constructed, and the
Z coordinate is the direction of extrusion.
The first coordinate in the order of listing is used as the horizontal axis in graphical output, while the
second is used as the vertical axis.
The basic form of the COORDINATES section is:

where geometry may be any of the following:

Name Coordinate system Modeled Coordinates

CARTESIAN1 Cartesian (X,Y ,Z) X
CYLINDER1 Cy lindrical (R,Phi,Z) R
SPHERE1 Spherical (R,Theta,Phi) R
CARTESIAN2 Cartesian (X,Y ,Z) X,Y
XCYLINDER Cy lindrical (Z,R,Phi) Z,R
YCYLINDER Cy lindrical (R,Z,Phi) R,Z
CARTESIAN3 Cartesian (X,Y ,Z) X,Y ,Z

If no COORDINATES section is specified, a CARTESIAN2 coordinate system is assumed.

Renaming Coordinates
A second form of the COORDINATES section allows renaming (aliasing) of the coordinates:
COORDINATES geometry ( 'Xname' [,'Yname' [,'Zname'] ])

In this case, the 'Xname' argument renames the coordinate lying along the horizontal plot axis,
and 'Yname' renames the coordinate lying along the vertical plot axis. 'Zname' renames the
extrusion coordinate. Names may be quoted strings or unquoted names. Renaming
coordinates does not change the fundamental nature of the coordinate system. In cylindrical
geometries, for example, the radial coordinate will continue to be the radial coordinate, even if
you name it "Z".

In time-dependent problems, the time coordinate may be renamed using TIME ('Tname') in the

COORDINATES geometry TIME ('Tname')

This may be used in conjunction with the renaming of spatial coordinates.

195 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Differential Operators

Renaming coordinates causes a redefinition of the differential operators. DX becomes D<Xname>, etc.

The DIV, GRAD, and CURL operators are expanded correctly for the designated geometry. Use of these
operators in the EQUATIONS section can considerably simplify problem specification.

Other Geometries

Since FlexPDE accepts arbitrary mathematical forms for equations, it is always possible to construct
equations appropriate to an arbitrary geometry.

For example, using the CARTESIAN2 coordinate system and renaming coordinates, one can write the
heat equation for cylindrical geometry as

COORDINATES cartesian2("R","Z")
u: dr(k*r*dr(u)) + r*dz(k*dz(u)) + r*source = 0

This equation derives from expanding the DIV and GRAD operators in cylindrical coordinates and
multiplying by the volume weighting factor "r", and is the same as the equation that FlexPDE itself will
construct in XCYLINDER geometry.

Coordinate Transformations

The function definition facility of FlexPDE can be used to simplify the transformation of arbitrary
coordinates to Cartesian (X,Y,Z) coordinates.

The example problem "Samples | Usage | polar_coordinates.pde" 594 uses this facility to pose equations
in polar coordinates:

dr(f) = (x/r)*dx(f) + (y/r)*dy(f) { functional definition of polar derivatives... }
dphi(f) = (-y)*dx(f) + x*dy(f) {... in cartesian coordinates }

EQUATIONS { equation expressed in polar coordinates }

{ (and Multiplied by r^2 to clear the r=0 singularity) }
U: r*dr(r*dr(u)) + dphi(dphi(u)) + r*r*s = 0

Graphic output using this procedure is always mapped to the fundamental Cartesian coordinate system.

3.3.4 Variables
The VARIABLES section is used to define and assign names to all the primary dependent variables used in
a problem descriptor. The form of this section is
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 196

VARIABLES variable_name_1 , variable_name_2 ,...

All names appearing in the VARIABLES section will be represented by a finite element approximation
over the problem mesh. Each variable is assumed to define a continuous field over the problem domain.
It is further assumed that each variable will be accompanied by a partial differential equation listed in the
EQUATIONS section.

Each variable_name may be followed by various qualifiers, which will be described in subsequent
sections. These qualifiers allow you to control mesh motion, declare complex and vector variables,
declare arrays of variables, and control some of the ways FlexPDE treats the variable.
In assigning names to the dependent variables, the following rules apply:
Variable names must begin with an alphabetic character. They may not begin with a number or
Variable names may be a single character other than the single character "t", which is reserved for the
time variable.
Variable names may be of any length and any combination of characters, numbers and/or symbols
other than reserved words.
Variable names may not contain any separators. Compound names can be formed with the '_' symbol
(e.g. temperature_celsius).
Variable names may not contain the character '-' which is reserved for the minus sign.
U,V T he T HRESHOLD Clause

An optional THRESHOLD clause may be associated with a variable name.

The THRESHOLD value determines the minimum range of values of the variable for which FlexPDE must
try to maintain the requested ERRLIM accuracy. In other words, THRESHOLD defines the level of
variation at which the user begins to lose interest in the details of the solution.

Error estimates are scaled to the greater of the THRESHOLD value or the observed range of the variable,
so the THRESHOLD value becomes meaningless once the observed variation of a variable in the problem
domain exceeds the stated THRESHOLD. If you make the THRESHOLD too large, the accuracy of the
solution will be degraded. If you make it too small, you will waste a lot of time computing precision you
don't need. So if you provide a THRESHOLD, make it a modest fraction of the expected range (max
minus min) of the variable.

The THRESHOLD clause has two alternative forms:

variable_name ( THRESHOLD = number )

197 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

variable_name ( number )

Note: In most cases, the use of THRESHOLD is meaningful only in time-dependent or nonlinear
steady-state problems with uniform initial values, or that ultimately reach a solution of
uniform value. T he ORDER Clause

An optional ORDER clause may be associated with a variable name.

The ORDER value determines the interpolation order 188 for a given variable. It may be used in
conjunction with THRESHOLD.

The ORDER clause has the form:

variable_name ( ORDER = number ) Com plex Variables

You may declare that a VARIABLE name represents a complex quantity. The format of a complex
declaration is:
variable_name = COMPLEX ( real_name , imaginary_name )

This declaration tells FlexPDE that variable_name represents a complex quantity, and assigns the
real_name and imaginary_name to the real and imaginary parts of variable_name. You may
subsequently assign EQUATIONS and boundary conditions either to the variable_name, or to its
components individually. Similarly, you can perform arithmetic operations or request graphical output of
either the variable_name itself, or its components individually.

C = COMPLEX(Cr,Ci) Mov ing Meshes

FlexPDE can be configured to move the finite element mesh in time-dependent problems.

In order to do this, you must assign a VARIABLE as a surrogate for each coordinate you wish to modify.
This specification uses the form

variable_name = MOVE ( coordinate_name )

This declaration assigns variable_name as a surrogate variable for the coordinate_name. You may
subsequently assign EQUATIONS and boundary conditions to the surrogate variable in the normal way,
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 198

and these equations and boundary conditions will be imposed on the values of the selected mesh
coordinate at the computation nodes.

Xm = MOVE(X)

See Moving Meshes 221 later in this document and the Moving Meshes chapter in the User Guide 130 . Variable Array s

You may declare that a VARIABLE name represents an array of variables. The format of a variable array
declaration is:
variable_name = ARRAY [ number ]

This declaration tells FlexPDE that variable_name represents an array of variable quantities, each one
a scalar field on the problem domain. FlexPDE creates internal names for the elements of the array by
subscripting variable_name with "_" and the element number (e.g. U_7). You can access the
components either by this internal name or by an indexed reference variable_name[index].

You may subsequently assign EQUATIONS and boundary conditions either to the individual
components, or in a REPEAT loop by indexed reference. Similarly, you can perform arithmetic
operations or request graphical output of either the indexed array name, or by the individual component


A = ARRAY[10] { declares ten variables A_1 through A_10 }
{ also accessible as A[1] through A[10] }

See example problems:

Samples | Usage | Variable_Arrays | array_variables.pde 643 Vector Variables

You may declare that a VARIABLE name represents a vector quantity. The format of a vector
declaration is:
variable_name = VECTOR ( component1 )
variable_name = VECTOR ( component1 , component2 )
variable_name = VECTOR ( component1 , component2 ,component3 )

This declaration tells FlexPDE that variable_name represents a vector quantity, and assigns the
component names to the geometric components of variable_name. You may subsequently assign
EQUATIONS and boundary conditions either to the variable_name, or to its components individually.
Similarly, you can perform arithmetic operations or request graphical output of either the
variable_name itself, or its components individually.
199 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

The three component names correspond to the coordinate directions as implied in the COORDINATES
section of the problem descriptor. You can declare any or all of the three component directions, even if
the model domain treats only one or two.

Any of the component names can be replace by "0" to indicate that this component of the vector is not
to be modeled by FlexPDE, but is to be assumed zero. Similarly, omitted names cause the
corresponding vector components to be assumed zero.

In XCYLINDER geometry, which has coordinates (Z,R,Phi), you can tell FlexPDE to model only the
Phi component of a vector quantity as follows:

A = Vector(0,0,Aphi)

See example problems:

Samples | Usage | Variable_Types | Vector_Variables.pde 649
Samples | Applications | Fluids | 3d_Flowbox.pde 382
Samples | Applications | Fluids | Swirl.pde 406
Samples | Applications | Magnetism | 3D_Vector_Magnetron.pde 429

3.3.5 Global Variables

The GLOBAL VARIABLES section is used to define auxiliary or summary values which are intricately
linked to the field variables.

Each GLOBAL VARIABLE takes on a single value over the entire domain, as opposed to the nodal finite
element field representing a VARIABLE.

GLOBAL VARIABLES differ from simple DEFINITIONS in that DEFINITIONS are algebraically substituted
in place of their references, while GLOBAL VARIABLES represent stored values which are assigned a row
and column in the master coupling matrix and are solved simultaneously with the finite element equations.

The GLOBAL VARIABLES section must follow immediately after the VARIABLES section.

Rules for declaring GLOBAL VARIABLES are the same as for VARIABLES, and a GLOBAL VARIABLE may
have a THRESHOLD, and may be declared to be COMPLEX, VECTOR or ARRAY , as with VARIABLES.

Each GLOBAL VARIABLE will be associated with an entry in the EQUATIONS section, with rules identical
to those for VARIABLES.

GLOBAL VARIABLES do not have boundary conditions. They may be either steady-state or time-
dependent, and may be defined in terms of integrals over the domain, or by point values of other

Samples | Applications | Control | Control_Steady.pde 367
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 200

Samples | Applications | Control | Control_Transient.pde 368

Note: In previous versions of FlexPDE, Global Variables were referred to as SCALAR

VARIABLES. This usage is still allowed for compatibility, but the newer terminology is

3.3.6 Definitions
The DEFINTIONS section is used to declare and assign names to special numerical constants,
coefficients, and functions used in a problem descriptor.

In assigning names to the definitions, the following rules apply:

Must begin with an alphabetic character. May not begin with a number or symbol.

May be a single character other than the single character t , which is reserved for the time

May be of any length and any combination of characters, numbers, and symbols other
than reserved words, coordinate names or variable names.

May not contain any separators. Compound names can be formed with the '_' symbol
(e.g. temperature_celsius).

May not contain the '-' which is reserved for the minus sign.

Normally, when a definition is declared it is assigned a value by following it with the assignment operator
'=' and either a value or an expression. Definitions are dynamic elements and when a value is assigned, it
will be the initial value only and will be updated, if necessary, by the problem solution.

Viscosity = 3.02e-4*exp(-5*Temp)

Definitions are expanded inline in the partial differential equations of the EQUATIONS section. They are
not represented by a finite element approximation over the mesh, but are calculated as needed at various
times and locations.

Redefining Regional Parameters

Names defined in the DEFINITIONS section may be given overriding definitions in some or all of the
REGIONS of the BOUNDARIES section. In this case, the quantity may take on different region-specific
201 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

values. Quantities which are completely specified in subsequent REGIONS may be stated in the
DEFINITIONS section without a value.

Note: See the User Guide section "Setting Material Properties by Region" 96 for examples of
redefined regional parameters.

Defining Constant Values

Normally, DEFINITIONS are stored as the defining formulas, and are recomputed as needed. In rare
cases (as with RANDOM elements), this is inappropriate. The qualifier CONST() can be used to force the
storage of numeric values instead of defining formulas. Values will be computed when the script is
parsed, and will not be recomputed.
name = CONST (expression )

Note: Scripts with staged geometry 207 will reparse the script file and regenerate any CONST values. ARRAY Definitions

Names may be defined as representing arrays or lists of values. ARRAY definition can take several forms:

name = ARRAY ( value_1 , value_2 ... value_n )

defines name to be an n-element array of values value_1 ... value_n.
name = ARRAY ( initial BY step TO final )
defines name to be an array of values initial, initial + step, initial + 2*step, and so forth up to

name = ARRAY [ number ]

defines name to be an array of number elements. Values are as yet undefined, and must be supplied
later in the script.
name = ARRAY [ number ] ( value_1 , value_2 ... value_number )
defines name to be an array of number elements, whose values are value_1, value_2, etc.
name = ARRAY FOR param (initial BY step TO final) : expression
defines name to be an array of values generated by evaluating expression with param set to initial,
initial + step, initial + 2*step, and so forth up to param = final.

name = ARRAY FOR param ( P1 , P2 { , P3 ...} ) : expression

defines name to be an array of values generated by evaluating expression with param set to P1, P2,
and so forth up to the end of the listed parameters.
The values assigned to ARRAY elements must evaluate to scalar numbers. They may contain coordinate
or variable dependencies, but must not be VECTOR, COMPLEX or TENSOR quantities.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 202

u = array[11]
v = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
w = array(0 by 0.1 to 10)
alpha =array for x(0 by 0.1 to 10) : sin(x)+1.

Referencing ARRAY values

Within the body of the descriptor, ARRAY values may be referenced by the form
name [ index ]

The value of the selected ARRAY element is computed and used as though it were entered literally in the
ARRAY elements that have not been previously assigned may be given values individually by conventional
assignment syntax:
name [ index ] = expression

Arithmetic Operations on ARRAYS

Arithmetic operations may be performed on ARRAYS as with scalar values. Names defined as the result
of ARRAY arithmetic will be implicitly defined as ARRAYS. Arithmetic operations and functions on
ARRAYS are applied element-by-element.

ARRAYS may also be operated on by MATRICES 203 (q.v.)

beta = sin(w)+1.1 { beta is an ARRAY with the same data as alpha }
gamma = sin(v)+0.1 { gamma is an ARRAY with the dimension of v }

The SIZEOF operator

The operator SIZEOF may be used to retrieve the allocated size of an ARRAY .

n = SIZEOF(v) { returns 11, the allocates size of the example array "v" above }

ARRAYS of Constant Values

203 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Normally, ARRAYS are stored as the defining formulas for the elements, and are recomputed as needed.
In rare cases (as with RANDOM elements), this is inappropriate. The qualifier CONST can be prepended
to the ARRAY definition to force the storage of numeric values instead of defining formulas. Elements will
be computed when the script is parsed, and will not be recomputed. For example:
name = CONST ARRAY ( value_1 , value_2 ... value_n )

Note: Scripts with staged geometry 207 will reparse the script file and regenerate any CONST 200 values.

See Also: "Using ARRAYS and MATRICES" 140 MAT RIX Definitions

Names may be defined as representing matrices or tables of values. MATRIX definition can take several

name = MATRIX ( ( value_11 , value_12 ... value_1m ) ,

... ( value_n1 , value_n2 ... value_nm) )
defines name to be a matrix of values with n rows and m columns.
name = MATRIX [ rows , columns ]
defines name to be an matrix of elements with the stated dimensions. Values are as yet undefined,
and must be supplied later in the script.
name = MATRIX [ n , m ] ( ( value_11 , value_12 ... value_1m ) ,
... ( value_n1 , value_n2 ... value_nm) )
defines name to be an array of number elements, whose values are as listed.
name = MATRIX FOR param1 (initial1 BY step1 TO final1 )
FOR param2 (initial2 BY step2 TO final2 ) : expression
defines name to be a matrix of values generated by evaluating expression with param1 and param2
set to the indicated range of values. param2 is cycled to create columns, and param1 is cycled to
create rows.
name = MATRIX FOR param1 ( P11 , P12 { , P13 ...} )
FOR param2 ( P21 , P22 { , P23 ...} ) : expression
defines name to be a matrix of values generated by evaluating expression with param1 and param2
set to the indicated range of values. param2 is cycled to create columns, and param1 is cycled to
create rows.
The values assigned to MATRIX elements must evaluate to scalar numbers. They may contain coordinate
or variable dependencies, but must not be VECTOR, COMPLEX or TENSOR quantities.

m1 = matrix((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9))
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 204

m2 = matrix for x(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2) { a 79x79 diagonal matrix of amplitude 10 }

for y(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2) : if(x=y) then 10 else 0

m3 = matrix for x(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2) { a 79x79 matrix of sin products }

for y(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2) : sin(x)*sin(y) +1

Referencing MATRIX values

Within the body of the descriptor, MATRIX values may be referenced by the form
name [ row_index , column_index ]

The value of the selected MATRIX element is computed and used as though it were entered literally in the
MATRIX elements that have not been previously assigned may be given values individually by
conventional assignment syntax:
name [ row_index , column_index ] = expression

Arithmetic Operations on MATRICES

Arithmetic operations may be performed on MATRICES. Names defined as the result of MATRIX
arithmetic will be implicitly defined as MATRICES or ARRAYS, as appropriate to the operation.
Standard arithmetic operations and functions on MATRICES are applied element-by-element.
The special operator ** is defined for conventional matrix multiplication
N = M1 * M2 { N is a MATRIX, each element of which is the product of corresponding
elements in M1 and M2 }
S = sin(M) { S is a MATRIX, each element of which is the sine of the corresponding element
of M }
N = M1 ** M2 { N is a MATRIX, each element of which is the dot product of corresponding row
in M1 and column in M2 (ie, conventional matrix multiplication) }

Arithmetic Operations of MATRICES on ARRAYS

Arithmetic operations may be performed by MATRICES on ARRAYS. Names defined as the result of
these operations will be implicitly defined as ARRAYS, as appropriate to the operation. The MATRIX and
ARRAY appearing in such operations must agree in dimensions or the operation will be rejected.

The special operator ** is defined for conventional (matrix x vector) multiplication, in which each
205 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

element of the result vector is the dot product of the corresponding matrix row with the argument
The special operator // is defined for (vector / matrix) division. This operation is defined as
multiplication of the vector by the inverse of the argument matrix.

V2 = M ** V1 { V2 is an ARRAY , each element of which is the dot product of the corresponding
row of M with the ARRAY V1 }
V2 = V1 // M { V2 is an ARRAY that satisfies the equation M**V2 = V1 }

The TRANSPOSE operator

The operator TRANSPOSE may be used to retrieve the transpose of a MATRIX.

The SIZEOF operator

The operator SIZEOF may be used to retrieve the allocated size of a MATRIX.

n = SIZEOF(v) { returns 11, the allocates size of the example array "v" above }

MATRICES of Constant Values

Normally, MATRICES are stored as the defining formulas for the elements, and are recomputed as
needed. In rare cases (as with RANDOM elements), this is inappropriate. The qualifier CONST can be
prepended to the MATRIX definition to force the storage of numeric values instead of defining formulas.
Elements will be computed when the script is parsed, and will not be recomputed. For example:
name = CONST MATRIX ( ( value_11 , value_12 ... value_1m ) ,
... ( value_n1 , value_n2 ... value_nm) )

See Also: "Using ARRAYS and MATRICES" 140 COMPLEX Definitions

You may declare that a DEFINITION name represents a complex quantity. The format of a complex
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 206

declaration is:
name = COMPLEX ( real_name , imaginary_name )

This declaration tells FlexPDE that name represents a complex quantity, and assigns the real_name
and imaginary_name to the real and imaginary parts of name. You can perform arithmetic operations
or request graphical output of either the name itself, or its components individually.

Cr = 5
Ci = 7
C = COMPLEX(Cr,Ci) Function Definitions

Definitions can be made to depend on one to three explicit arguments, much as with a Function definition
in a procedural language. The syntax of the parameterized definition is
name ( argname ) = expression
name ( argname1 , argname2 ) = expression
name ( argname1 , argname2 , argname3 , ...) = expression

The maximum number of arguments is 10, and the construct is only meaningful if expression contains
references to the argnames. Names defined in this way can later be used by supplying actual values for
the arguments. As with other definitions in FlexPDE, these actual parameters may be any valid
expression with coordinate or variable dependences. The argnames used in the definition are local to
the definition and are undefined outside the scope of the defining expression.
Note that it is never necessary to pass known definitions, such as coordinate names, variable names, or
other parameters as arguments to a parameterized definition, because they are always globally known
and are evaluated in the proper context. Use the parameterized definition facility when you want to pass
values that are not globally known.
Note: This construct is implemented by textual expansion of the definitions in place of the
function reference. It is not a run-time call, as in a procedural language.

sq(arg) = arg*arg
div(a*grad(u)) + sq(u+1)*dx(u) +4 = 0;

In this case, the equation will expand to

div(a*grad(u)) + (u+1)*(u+1)*dx(u) + 4 = 0.

See also "Samples | Usage | Function_Definition.pde" 550

207 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference ST AGED Definitions

FlexPDE can perform automated parameter studies through use of the STAGE facility. In this mode,
FlexPDE will run the problem a number of times, with differing parameters in each run. Each STAGE begins
with the solution and mesh of the previous STAGE as initial conditions.
HISTORY 258 plots can be used to show the variation of scalar values as the STAGES proceed.

Note: The STAGE facility can only be used on steady-state problems. It cannot be used w ith time
dependent problems.

The STAGES Selector

In the SELECT section, the statement

STAGES = number

specifies that the problem will be run number times. A parameter named STAGE is defined, which takes
on the sequence count of the staged run. Other definitions may use this value to vary parameter values,
as for example:

Voltage = 100*stage

STAGED Definitions
A parameter definition may also take the form:

param = STAGED ( value_1, value_2, ... value_n )

In this case, the parameter param takes on value_1 in stage 1, value_2 in stage 2, etc.
If STAGED parameters are defined, the STAGES selector is optional. If the STAGES selector is not
defined, the length of the STAGED list will be used as the number of stages. If the STAGES selector is
defined, it overrides the length of the STAGED list. Commas are optional.

See the example "Samples | Usage | Stages.pde" 600 .

STAGED Definitions by incrementation

Any value in the STAGED form above may be replaced by the incrementation form

value_i BY increment TO value_j

STAGED Geometry
If the geometric domain definition contains references to staged quantities, then the solution and mesh will
not be retained, but the mesh will be regenerated for the new geometry. History plots can still be
displayed for staged geometries.

See the example "Samples | Usage | Staged_Geometry.pde" 600 .

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 208

FlexPDE attempts to detect stage dependence in the geometrical domain definition and automatically
regenerate the mesh. If for any reason these dependencies are undetected, the global selector
STAGEGRID can be used to force grid staging.

Note: Scripts with staged geometry will reparse the script file and regenerate any CONST 200 values. POINT Definitions

A name may be associated with a coordinate point by the construct

point_name = POINT(a,b)

Here a and b must be computable constants at the time the definition is made. They may not depend on
variables or coordinates. They may depend on stage number.

The name of the point can subsequently appear in any context in which the literal point (a,b) could

Individual coordinates of a named point can be extracted using vector component operators 177 .

Movable Points

The qualifier MOVABLE can be used with named points that are used in boundary definitions in moving-
mesh problems. These points become locked to the mesh, and will move as the mesh moves.
Such points can be used in "AT " selectors for histories to track values at points that move with the mesh.

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 2D_Movepoint.pde 608 T ABLE Im port Definitions

FlexPDE supports the import of tabular data in several script commands. In each case, the model
assumes that a text file contains data defining one or more functions of one, two or three coordinates.
The coordinates may be associated with any quantity known to FlexPDE, such as a spatial coordinate, a
variable, or any defined quantity. At each point of evaluation, whether of a plot or a quadrature
computation of coupling matrix, or any other context, the values of the declared coordinates of the table
are computed and used as lookup parameters to interpolate data from the table.

This feature is useful for modeling systems where experimental data is available and for interfacing with
other software programs.

The names of quantities to be used as table coordinates may be declared inside the table file, or they may
209 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

be imposed by the TABLE input statement itself.

Table coordinates must be in monotonic increasing order.

TABLE data are defined on a rectangular grid, and interpolated with linear, bilinear or trilinear
interpolation. Modifiers can be prepended to table definitions to create spline interpolation or histogram
interpretation, or to smooth the imported data.

Table import files are ASCII text files, and can be generated with any ASCII text editor, by user
programs designed to generate tables, or by FlexPDE itself, using the EXPORT plot modifier or the
TABLE output statement (see MONITORS and PLOTS 245 ).

See TABLE File Format 211 for a definition of the table file format.
See Importing Data from other applications 139 for a discussion of TABLE usage. T h e T A BLE In pu t fu n ct i on

A single imported data function may be declared by one of the forms:

name = TABLE ( 'filename' )

name = TABLE ( 'filename', coord1 [,coord2...] )

Both forms import a data table from the named file and associate the data with the defined name .

In the first form, the coordinates of the table must be named in the file.
In the second form, the coordinates are named explicitly in the command.
In either case, the declared coordinates must be names known to FlexPDE at the time of reading the file.

The format of the TABLE file describes a function of one, two or three coordinates.

The TABLE statement must appear in a parameter definition (in the DEFINITIONS section or as a regional
parameter definition in a REGION clause), and the table data are associated with the given name. Note:
FlexPDE version 6 and later do not allow TABLE to be used directly in arithmetic expressions.

When the parameter name is used in subsequent computations, the current values of the table
coordinates will be used to interpolate the value. For instance, if the table coordinates are the spatial
coordinates X and Y, then during computations or plotting, the named parameter will take on a spatial
distribution corresponding to the table data spread over the problem domain.
In version 7.11 and later, FlexPDE will issue an error diagnostic if table data is accessed outside of the
defined range. This was added as a warning to the user since extrapolated data may not be trustworthy.
This table bounds check can be turned off using the selector CHECK_TABLES 186 .

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Table.pde 572
Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Blocktable.pde 565
Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Smoothtable.pde 571
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 210

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Splinetable.pde 571 T h e T A BLEDEF i n pu t st a t em en t

The TABLEDEF input statement is similar to the TABLE 209 input function, but can be used to directly
define one or several parameters from a multi-valued table file.

The format is

TABLEDEF('filename' , name1 { , name2 , ... } )

Whereas in the TABLE statement the additional arguments are coordinate reassignments, in the
TABLEDEF statement the additional arguments are the names to be defined and associated with the table
data. The TABLEDEF statement is not able to redefine the names of the table coordinates, and the names
in the table file must be those of values known to FlexPDE at the time of reading the table.

The TABLEDEF statement is syntactically parallel to the TRANSFER statement.

TABLEDEF may optionally be preceded by TABLE modifiers 210 . T A BLE Modi fi er s

The default interpolation for table data is linear (or bilinear or trilinear) within the table cells. Alternative
treatments of the data can be specified by prefixes attached to the TABLE statement.

Modifier Effect
SPLINE A cubic spline is fit to the table data (one- and two-dimensional tables
BLOCK Data points are assumed to denote the beginning of a histogram level. The
data value at a given point will apply uniformly to the coordinate interval
ending at the next coordinate point. A ramped transition will be applied to
the interpolation, transitioning from one level to the next in 1/10 of the
combined table cell widths.
BLOCK(fraction) Data are interpreted as with BLOCK, but fraction is used as the transition
width factor in place of the default 1/10.
SMOOTH(wavelength A diffusive smoothing is applied to the TABLE data, in such a way that the
) integral of the data is preserved, but sharp transitions are blurred. This can
result in more efficient solution times if the data are used as sources or
parameters in time-dependent problems.
Fourier components with spatial wavelengths less than wavelength will be
damped. (See Technical Note: Smoothing Operators in PDE's 349 ).
211 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Data = SMOOTH(0.1) TABLE("input_file")
Data = SPLINE TABLE("input_file") T A BLE Fi l e for m a t

Data files for use in TABLE or TABLEDEF input must have the following form:

{ comments }
name_coord1 datacount1
value1_coord1 value2_coord1 value3_coord1 …
name_coord2 datacount2
value1_coord2 value2_coord2 value3_coord1 …
name_coord3 datacount3
value1_coord3 value2_coord3 value3_coord3 …
data { comments }
data111 data211 data311 …
data121 data221 data321 …
data131 data231 data331 …
… … …
… … …
data112 data 212 data312 …
data122 data 222 data322 …
data132 data 232 data 332 …
… … …
… … …


name_coordN is the coordinate name in the N direction. Names must match defined names in
the importing script unless table coordinate redefinition is used.

valueN_coordM is the Nth value of the Mth coordinate. These must be in monotonic increasing

datacountN is the number of data points in the N direction.

DataJKL is the data at coordinate point (J,K,L)

… ellipses indicate extended data lists, which may be continued over multiple lines.

Note that in presenting data, coord1 is cycled first, then coord1, then coord3.
Coordinate lists and data lists are free-format, and may be arbitrarily spaced, indented or divided into


{ this is an example table. }

x 6
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 212

-0.01 2 4 6 8 10.01
y 6
-0.01 2 4 6 8 10.01
1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1
1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2
1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3
1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5
1.6 2.6 3.6 4.6 5.6 6.6 T ABULAT E definitions

The TABULATE statement can be used to generate a TABLE internally from arithmetic expressions. The
result is a TABLE identical to one produced externally and read by the TABLE or TABLEDEF statements.
This facility can be used to tabulate parameters that are very expensive to compute, resulting in an
improvement in the efficiency of the system solution.
The TABULATE statement has a syntax identical to that of ARRAY and MATRIX definition, with the
addition of a possible third table dimension.
name = TABULATE FOR param1 (first1 BY step1 TO final1 ) : expression

name = TABULATE FOR param1 (first1 BY step1 TO final1 )

FOR param2 (first2 BY step2 TO final2 ) : expression

name = TABULATE FOR param1 (first1 BY step1 TO final1 )

FOR param2 (first2 BY step2 TO final2 )
FOR param3 (first3 BY step3 TO final3 ) : expression

These statements define name to be a TABLE of values generated by evaluating expression at all
combinations of the specified parameters. param1, param2 and param3 must be names already defined
in the script, and they become the coordinate values of the table.
As with MATRICES and ARRAYS, table points can be stated explicitly
name = TABULATE FOR param1 ( p11 , p12 { , p13 ...} ) : expression

The two forms of coordinate definition can be mixed at will, as in

name = TABULATE FOR param1 ( p1 , p2 , p3 BY step TO final , pN ) : expression

The expression can also be an explicit list of values :

name = TABULATE FOR param1 (first1 BY step1 TO final1 ) : LIST (value1,
value2, ...)

Interpretation of the resulting table can be modified as with the TABLE statement, by prefixing the
213 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

TABULATE clause by the modifiers SPLINE, BLOCK or SMOOTH.

Samples | Usage | Misc | Tabulate.pde 601 T RANSFER Im port Definitions

FlexPDE supports a TRANSFER facility for exchanging data between FlexPDE problem runs. The
format is unique to FlexPDE, and is not supported by other software products. The file format for
version 7 is different from that of previous versions, but files written by version 6 can also be read by
version 7. See TRANSFER file format 262 and TRANSFER6 file format 266 for descriptions of the file
A TRANSFER file contains data defined on the same unstructured triangle or tetrahedral mesh as used in
the creating FlexPDE computation, and maintains the full information content of the original computation.
It also contains a description of the problem domain definition of the creating run.
Note: Unlike FlexPDE Version 6, Version 7 TRANSFER import restores the state of HISTORY plots (if
the file was written by Version 7).

The TRANSFER input statement has three forms :

TRANSFER ( 'filename' , name1 { , name2 , ... } )
TRANSFERMESH ( 'filename', name1 { ,name2,.. } )
TRANSFERMESHTIME ( 'filename', name1 { ,name2,.. } )

The file specified in the transfer input function must have been written by FlexPDE using the TRANSFER
output function. The names listed in the input function will become defined as if they had appeared in a
"name=" definition statement. The names will be positionally correlated with the data fields in the
referenced output file.
With the TRANSFER form, the mesh structure of the imported file is stored independently from the
computation mesh, and is not influenced by refinement or merging of the computation mesh.

The TRANSFERMESH input statement not only imports data definitions stored on disk, but also
IMPOSES THE FINITE ELEMENT MESH STRUCTURE of the imported file onto the current
problem, bypassing the normal mesh generation process. In order for this imposition to work, the
importing descriptor file must have EXACTLY the same domain definition structure as the exporting file.
Be sure to use a copy of the exporting domain definition in your importing descriptor. You may change
the boundary conditions, but not the boundary positions and ordering.

The TRANSFERMESHTIME statement acts precisely as the TRANSFERMESH statement, except that the
problem time is imported from the transfer file as well as the mesh. This statement can be used to
resume a time-dependent problem from the state recorded in the transfer file. In version 7 the
TRANSFERMESHTIME statement is depricated and has been replaced by the RESTART statement.

Restart :
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 214

The RESTART input statement has the form :

RESTART ( 'filename' )

The file specified in the transfer input function must have been written by FlexPDE using the RESTART
output function or the automatic .


Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Transfer_Export.pde 574

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Transfer_Import.pde 575
Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Mesh_Export.pde 568
Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Mesh_Import.pde 569
Samples | Usage | Stop+Restart | Restart_Export.pde 640
Samples | Usage | Stop+Restart | Restart_Import.pde 641 T he PASSIVE Modifier

Definitions may be specified as PASSIVE, in which case they will be blocked from differentiation with
respect to system variables in the formation of the global Jacobian matrix. In strongly nonlinear systems,
this sometimes prevents pathological behavior, at the expense of slower convergence.

Viscosity = Passive(3.02*exp(-5*Temp))

The derivative of Viscosity with respect to Temp will be forced to zero, instead of the true value (-5)
*3.02*exp(-5*Temp). Mesh Control Param eters

FlexPDE uses an adaptive initial mesh generation procedure. Cell sizes are generated to conform with
local boundary feature sizes, and cell sizes will grow gradually from locales of small cell size to locales of
large cell size. Cells sides always match everywhere, and there is never a mismatch between adjacent
It is possible, however, to override the default cell size logic by use of the controls MESH_SPACING and
MESH_DENSITY. These parameters have special meaning in controlling the initial mesh layout. They
may appear in the context of a parameter definition or redefinition (ie, in the DEFINITIONS section or in
a REGION), or in the context of a boundary condition. There may be more than one control active in any
locale, and the control (default or explicit) resulting in the smallest mesh cells will dominate.
MESH_SPACING dictates the desired spacing between mesh nodes.
MESH_DENSITY is the reciprocal of MESH_SPACING, and dictates the desired number of mesh nodes
215 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

per unit distance.

Appearing in the DEFINITIONS section, these parameters specify a global default mesh density function
in the volume of the domain.
Appearing in a REGION, these parameters specify a mesh density function in the volume of the current
region (in 3D they may be qualified by LAYER or SURFACE).
Appearing in the context of a boundary condition (ie, inside a path) they dictate the mesh density along
the curve or sidewall surface currently being defined. In 3D they may be qualified by LAYER or
SURFACE to restrict the application of the density function.

MESH_SPACING and MESH_DENSITY specifications may be any function of spatial coordinates (but not
MESH_DENSITY = exp(-(x^2+y^2+z^2)

This will create a Gaussian density distribution around (0,0,0), with spacing ultimately overridden by
the size limit implied by NGRID.

See the User Guide section "Controlling Mesh Density 134 " for more information.
See also
"Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Mesh_Density.pde" 584
"Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Mesh_Spacing.pde" 584
"Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Boundary_Density.pde" 581
"Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Boundary_Spacing.pde" 582

3.3.7 Materials
The MATERIALS section is used to create sets of DEFINITIONS that can be applied to a REGION by
the USE MATERIAL statement.

"wood" :
"plastic" :


P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 216


... ! a is 1 in this region

USE MATERIAL "plastic"
... ! a is 10 in this region

Samples | Usage | Misc | Material_Sets.pde 593

3.3.8 Boundary Conditions

The BOUNDARY CONDITIONS section is used to create sets of boundary conditions that can be
applied to a boundary path by the USE BC statement.

"outside" :
"inside" :


USE BC "outside"
... ! value of u is 1 on this path

USE BC "inside"
... ! natural of u is 100 on this path

Samples | Usage | Misc | BC_Sets.pde 587

3.3.9 Initial Values

The INITIAL VALUES section is used to initialize the dependent variables.

When not specifically initialized, the dependent variables are initialized to zero.

For steady state problems the INITIAL VALUES section is optional.

217 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

For time dependent problems, the INITIAL VALUES section should include a value assignment statement
for each dependent variable.

Initial value statements are formed by following the dependent variable name with the assignment
operator '=' and either a constant, function, expression or previously defined definition.

U = 1.0-x

Setting Initial Values from an imported table:

For syntactic reasons, initial values cannot be set directly from TABLE 208 or TRANSFER 213 .
An intermediate name must be defined by the TABLE or TRANSFER command, and then assigned to the
initial value:
U = U0

Setting Initial time derivatives:

In some problems, especially moving mesh problems, it is important to specify initial time derivatives that
are not zero.
This can be done by specifying DT(variable) = expression

DT(U) = V0

See script examples :

Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 1d_stretch_x.pde 604
Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 2d_stretch_x.pde 609
Samples | Usage | Moving_Mesh | 2d_stretch_xy.pde 610

3.3.10 Equations
The EQUATIONS section is used to list the partial differential equations that define the dependent
variables of the problem.
There must be one equation for each dependent variable listed in the VARIABLES and GLOBAL
VARIABLES sections.

Each equation must be prefixed by variable_name: in order to associate the equation with a variable
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 218

and with boundary condition declarations. (If there is only a single equation, the prefix may be omitted.)
Equations are entered into a problem descriptor in much the same way as they are written on paper. In
their simplest form they can be written using the DIV (divergence), GRAD (gradient), CURL and
DEL2(Laplacian) operators. FlexPDE will correctly expand these operators in the coordinate system
specified in the COORDINATES section.
When it is necessary to enter partial differential terms, differential operators of the form D<name> or
D<name1><name2> may be used. Here <name> represents a coordinate name, such as X, Y or Z (or
other names chosen by the user in the COORDINATES section).
In the default 2D Cartesian geometry, the operators DX, DY, DXX, DXY, DYX and DYY are defined.
Similarly, in the default cylindrical geometries (XCYLINDER and YCYLINDER), the operators DR, DZ, DRR,
DRZ, DZR and DZZ are defined.

In 3D Cartesian geometry, the operators DZ, DZZ, DXZ, and DYZ are also defined.

u: div(k*grad(u)) + u*dx(u) = 0

Complex and Vector Variables

Equations can be written using COMPLEX or VECTOR variables. In each case, FlexPDE will expand the
stated equation into the appropriate number of scalar equations for computing the components of the
COMPLEX or VECTOR variable.

U: DIV(k*GRAD(U)) + COMPLEX(Ui,Ur) = 0

Third Order and Higher Order Derivatives

Equation definitions may contain spatial derivatives of only first or second order. Problems such as the
biharmonic equation which require the use of higher order derivatives must be rewritten using an
intermediate variable and equation so that each equation contains only first or second order derivatives. Association between Equations, Variables and Boundary Conditions

In problems with a single variable, there is no ambiguity about the assignment of boundary conditions to
the equations.
In problems with more than one variable, FlexPDE requires that equations be explicitly associated with
variables by tagging each equation with a variable name. This process also allows optimal ordering of
219 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

the equations in the coupling matrix.

U: div(k*grad(u))+u*dx(u)= 0 { associates this equation with the variable U }

Boundary conditions are defined in the BOUNDARIES 226 section, and are associated with equations by
use of the variable name, which selects an equation through the association tag. VALUE(U)=0, for
example, will cause the nodal equations for the equation tagged U: to be replaced by the equation u=0
along the selected boundary .

Natural boundary conditions must be written with a sign corresponding to the sign of the generating terms
when they are moved to the left side of the equal sign. We suggest that all second-order terms should be
written on the left of the equal sign, to avoid confusion regarding the sign of the applied natural boundary
condition. Sequencing of Equations

FlexPDE has the ability to sequence sets of equations.

The sets are defined using the THEN and FINALLY sections following the EQUATIONS section.
<set A>
<set B>
<set C> ... }
<set D> }

Any number of THEN equation sets may be designated and these sets along with the main EQUATIONS
section will be run sequentially and repetitively (including regrids) until the solution meets the normal error
criteria. Once the EQUATIONS and THEN sets are finished, the last set defined in the FINALLY section
will be solved.
Each set of equations is solved for the variables defined by the equations of that set, with the other
variables held constant at their current values. Solutions of the EQUATIONS set will be held constant
during the solution of the first THEN set, etc.
Each VARIABLE may be defined only once in the complete list of equations.
In time-dependent problems, the full set of equations is solved once during each timestep. The FINALLY
clause is ignored in time-dependent problems.
Note: This facility finds its greatest utility in steady-state problems and time-dependent
problems with one-way coupling. In time-dependent problems with two-way coupling, use of
sequenced equations may falsify propagation speeds, or lead to instability.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 220

u: div(grad(u)) + s = 0
v: div(grad(v)) + u = 0

Samples | Usage | Sequenced_Equations | Theneq.pde 639
Samples | Usage | Sequenced_Equations | Theneq+time.pde 638

Iteration of Equations

FlexPDE has the ability to iterate sets of equations until convergence.

The equation set to iterate is identified using START_ITERATION and END_ITERATION :
<set A>
<set B>

u: div(grad(u)) = v
r: div(grad(r)) = s
v: div(grad(v)) = u
s: div(grad(s)) = r

Samples | Usage | Sequenced_Equations | Equation_Iteration.pde 634 Initial Equations

New in version 7 is the ability to state an initial set of steady-state equations that will be solved as the
221 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

starting point for a time-dependent set of equations.

u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))

u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*dt(u) + dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*dt(v) + dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
c: dt(c) + u*dx(c) + v*dy(c) = div(Kc*grad(c))

Samples | Usage | Sequenced_Equations | Initialeq.pde 636
Samples | Applications | Fluids | Coupled_Contaminant_Initeq.pde 396 Modal Analy sis and Associated Equations

When modal analysis is desired, it must be declared in the SELECT section with the selector

MODES = integer

where integer is the number of modes to be analyzed.

The equation should then be written in the form

F(V) +LAMBDA*G(V) = H(X,Y)

Where F(V) and G(V) are the appropriate terms containing the dependent variable, and H(X,Y) is a
driving source term.

The name LAMBDA is automatically declared by FlexPDE to mean the eigenvalue, and should not be
declared in the DEFINITIONS section. Mov ing Meshes

FlexPDE can support moving computation meshes in time-dependent problems. Use of this capability

The assignment of a surrogate variable 130 for each coordinate to be moved

Definition of an EQUATION of motion for each such surrogate coordinate
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 222

Suitable Boundary Conditions on the surrogate coordinate.

In some problems, the mesh positions may be driven directly. In others, there will be a variable defining
the mesh velocity. This may be the same as the fluid velocity, in which case the model is purely
Lagrangian, or it may be some other better-behaved motion, in which case the model is mixed Lagrange/
Eulerian (ALE).

FlexPDE 6 contains no provisions for re-connecting distorted meshes. Except in well-behaved

problems, pure Lagrangian computations are therefore discouraged, as severe mesh corruption may

Alternative Declaration Forms

EQUATIONS are always assumed to refer to the stationary Eulerian (Laboratory) reference frame.
FlexPDE automatically computes the required correction terms for mesh motion. .

Alternatively, the user can declare LAGRANGIAN EQUATIONS, and FlexPDE will not modify the user's
stated equations. In this case, the equations must be written correctly for the values at the moving nodes.

The declaration EULERIAN EQUATIONS can also be used for clarity, although this is equivalent to the
default EQUATIONS declaration.

Internal Mesh Redistribution

When the mesh is not tied directly to a fluid velocity, a convenient technique for maintaining mesh
integrity is to diffuse either the mesh coordinates or the mesh velocities in the problem interior.

For direct coordinate diffusion, we apply the diffusion equation to the surrogate coordinates:

DIV(GRAD(x_surrogate)) = 0

and apply the motion conditions to the coordinate boundary conditions with either VALUE or
VELOCITY conditions:

VELOCITY(x_surrogate) = x_velocity
VALUE(x_surrogate) = moving_positions

If the mesh is driven by a mesh velocity variable, we apply the diffusion equation to the velocity variables:

DIV(GRAD(x_velocity_variable)) = 0
DT(x_coordinate) = x_velocity_variable

At the boundaries, we apply the driving motions to the velocity variables and lock the surrogate
coordinate variable to its associated velocity
223 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

VALUE(x_velocity_variable) = x_velocity
VELOCITY(x_surrogate) = x_velocity

Note: See the User Guide section on Moving Meshes 130 and the example problems in the
"Samples | Moving_Mesh" folder.

Effect of Mesh Motion on EQUATION Specifications

EQUATIONS are always written in the Eulerian (Laboratory) reference frame, regardless of whether the
mesh moves or not. FlexPDE automatically computes the required correction terms for mesh motion.
3.3.11 Constraints
The CONSTRAINTS section, which is optional, is used to apply integral constraints to the system. These
constraints can be used to eliminate ambiguities that would otherwise occur in steady state systems, such
as mechanical and chemical reaction systems, or when only derivative boundary conditions are specified.

The CONSTRAINTS section, when used, normally contains one or more statements of the form
INTEGRAL ( argument ) = expression

CONSTRAINTS should not be used with steady state systems which are unambiguously defined by their
boundary conditions, or in time-dependent systems.

A CONSTRAINT creates a new auxiliary functional which is minimized during the solution process. If
there is a conflict between the requirements of the CONSTRAINT and those of the PDE system or
boundary conditions, then the final solution will be a compromise between these requirements, and may
not strictly satisfy either one.

CONSTRAINTS can be applied to any of the INTEGRAL operators 172 .

CONSTRAINTS cannot be used to enforce local requirements, such as positivity, to nodal variables.

Samples | Usage | Constraints | Constraint.pde 529
Samples | Usage | Constraints | Boundary_Constraint.pde 528
Samples | Usage | Constraints | 3D_Constraint.pde 526
Samples | Usage | Constraints | 3D_Surf_Constraint.pde 527
Samples | Applications | Chemistry | Reaction.pde 365

3.3.12 Extrusion
The layer structure of a three-dimensional problem is specified bottom-up to FlexPDE in the
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 224


SURFACE "Surface_name_1" Z = expression_1
LAYER "Layer_name_1"
SURFACE "Surface_name_2" Z = expression_2
LAYER "Layer_name_2"
SURFACE "Surface_name_n" Z = expression_n

The specification must start with a SURFACE and end with a SURFACE.
LAYERS correspond to the space between the SURFACES.

The Layer_names and Surface_names in these specifications are optional. The LAYER specifications
may be omitted if a name is not needed to refer to them.

Surfaces need not be planar, and they may merge, but they must not cross. expression_1 is
assumed to be everywhere less than or equal to expression_2, and so on. Use a MIN or MAX
function when there is a possibility of crossover.
Surface expressions can refer to regionally defined parameters, so that the surface takes on
different definitions in different regions. The disjoint expressions must, however, be continuous
across region interfaces. (see example "Samples | Usage | 3d_Domains | Regional_surfaces.pde"
499 )

If surface expressions contain conditional values (IF...THEN or MIN, MAX, etc), then the base
plane domain should include FEATURES to delineate the breaks, so they can be resolved by the
Surfaces must be everywhere continuous, including across material interfaces. Use of conditionals
or regional definitions must guarantee surface continuity.
Surface expressions can refer to tabular input data (see example "Samples | Usage | 3D_Domains |
Tabular_surfaces.pde" 500 ).

See the User Guide chapter Using FlexPDE in Three-Dimensional Problems 92 for more information on
3D extrusions.

Shorthand form
Stripped of labels, the EXTRUSION specification may be written:
EXTRUSION Z = expression_1, expression_2 {, ...}

In this form layers and surfaces must subsequently be referred to by numbers, with surface numbers
running from 1 to n and layer numbers from 1 to (n-1). SURFACE #1 is Z=expression_1, and LAYER
#1 is between SURFACE #1 and SURFACE #2.

Built-In Surface Generators

225 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

FlexPDE defines three surface generation functions

PLANE ( point1 , point2 , point3 ) Defines a plane surface containing the three stated points.
CYLINDER ( point1 , point2 , Defines the top surface of a cylinder with axis along the line
radius ) from point1 to point2 and with the given radius (see note
below). point1 and point2 must be at the same z
coordinate. Z-Tilted cylinders are not supported.
SPHERE ( point , radius ) Defines the top surface of a sphere of the given radius with
center at the specified center point (see note below).

Each point specification is a parenthesized coordinate double ( xn , yn ) or triple ( xn , yn , zn ). If

zn is omitted, it is assumed zero.

These functions can be used to simplify the layout of extrusion surfaces.

CYLINDER and SPHERE construct the top surface of the specified figure (see note below). To generate
both the upper and lower halves of the CYLINDER and SPHERE, simply construct the figure at Z=0 and
add and subtract the surface function from the desired Z coordinate of the center or axis.

Zsphere = SPHERE((0,0,0), 10)
Zcenter-Zsphere, Zcenter+Zsphere

Note: These functions generate surfaces defined throughout X,Y space. CYLINDER and
SPHERE include Z=constant skirts to extend the surface definitions. The diameters of the
CYLINDER and SPHERE, as well as the extent of the CYLINDER along its axis and of the PLANE
must be provided by REGION BOUNDARIES or FEATURES.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 226

3.3.13 Boundaries
The BOUNDARIES section is used to describe the problem domain over which the specified equation
system is to be solved, and to specify boundary conditions along the outer surfaces of this domain.
Because of the history of FlexPDE, the discussion of boundaries has a strong two-dimensional
orientation. Three-dimensional figures are made up by extruding a two-dimensional domain into the third
dimension. One-dimensional domains are constructed by specializations of 2D techniques.

Every problem descriptor must have a BOUNDARIES section.

Problem BOUNDARIES are made up by walking the periphery of each material region on boundary paths
through a 2D Cartesian space.
In this way, the physical domain is broken down into REGION, FEATURE and EXCLUDE subsections.
Every problem descriptor must have at least one REGION subsection. FEATURE and EXLUDE
subsections are optional.

For concrete examples of the constructs described here, refer to the sample problems distributed with
the FlexPDE software. Points

The fundamental unit used in building problem domains is the geometric POINT . POINTS in a FlexPDE
script are expressed as a parenthesized list of coordinate values, as in the two dimensional point (2.4,

Since two- and three- dimensional domain definitions both begin with a two-dimensional layout, the use
for three-dimensional points is generally limited to ELEVATION PLOTS.

In one-dimensional systems, a POINT degenerates to a single parenthesized coordinate, such as (2.4). Boundary Paths

A two dimensional boundary path has the general form

START(a,b) segment TO (c,d) ...

where (a,b) and (c,d) are the physical coordinates of the ends of the segment, and segment is either

The path continues with a connected series of segments, each of which moves the segment to a new
point. The end point of one segment becomes the start point of the next segment.
A path ends whenever the next input item cannot be construed as a segment, or when it is closed by
227 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

returning to the start point. The closing segment may simply end at the start point, or it can explicitly
reference CLOSE, which will cause the current path to be continued to meet the starting point:
... segment TO CLOSE.

... segment CLOSE.

Line Segments
Line segments take the form

LINE TO (x,y)

When successive LINE segments are used, the reserved word LINE does not have to be repeated, as
in the following:
LINE TO (x1,y1) TO (x2,y2) TO (x3,y3) TO ...

Spline Segments
Spline segments are syntactically similar to Line segments

SPLINE TO (x,y) TO (x2,y2) TO (x3,y3) TO ...

A cubic spline will be fit to the listed points. The first point of the spline will be either the
START point or the ending point of the previous segment. The last point of the spline will be
the last point stated in the chain of TO(,) points.
The fitted spline will have zero curvature at the end points, so it is a good idea to begin and
end with closely spaced points to establish the proper endpoint directions.

Arc Segments
Arc segments create either circular or elliptical arcs, and take one of the following the forms:

ARC TO (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)

ARC ( RADIUS = R ) to (x,y)
ARC ( CENTER = x1,y1 ) to (x2,y2)
ARC ( CENTER = x1,y1 ) ANGLE=angle

Here angle is an angle measured in degrees , and follows the convention that positive angles rotate
counter-clockwise and negative angles rotate clockwise. The coordinate point at the end of the arc is
determined by the radius swept out by the angle. To specify the angle in radians, follow the radian
value by the qualifier RADIANS.

Elliptical Segments
When the form ARC ( CENTER = x1,y1) to (x2,y2) is used and the center (x1,y1) is not equidistant
from the start and end points, an elliptical arc segment is generated with major and minor axes along
the X and Y coordinate directions.

The orientation of the major and minor axes can be rotated with the ROTATE qualifier.
ARC ( CENTER = x1,y1 ROTATE = 30 ) TO (x2,y2)
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 228

The rotation angle is defined in degrees unless followed by the qualifier RADIANS.

The end point is not rotated by this command, and must be stated correctly to intercept the rotated

Samples | Usage | Misc | Rotated_Ellipse.pde 595

Implicit Curve Segments

Implicit curve segments can take two forms :

CURVE (equation) BY (direction) TO (x,y)

ADAPT CURVE (expression) BY (direction) TO (x,y)

In the first form, equation defines a relation between the X and Y coordinates that lie on the curve,
such as x2 +y2 =R2 . The boundary will follow the given equation exactly, and the start and end points
must lie on the path or an error will be issued.

In the second form, expression is the left side of an equation, like x2 +y2 . The expression will be
equated to a value computed using the starting point. Then this calculated equation will be used as in
the first form. The end point must lie on the computed equation or an error will be issued.

In both forms, direction will dictate which way to start tracing the path, and must be +X, -X, +Y, or -
Y. The +X means move in the positive X direction, -X means move in the negative X direction, and
so on.

Note : Avoid using CURVE with the start and end points at the same position, even if the expression
is unambiguous.

Samples | Usage | Implicit_Curves | Implicit_Curve_Boundary.pde 559
Samples | Usage | Implicit_Curves | Implicit_Curve_Surface.pde 559
Samples | Usage | Implicit_Curves | Sine_Boundary.pde 560
Samples | Usage | Implicit_Curves | Sine_Boundary_3D.pde 561

Named Paths
Names can be assigned to paths. When names are assigned to paths they take the form of a quoted
string and must be placed immediately after the reserved word START :

START "namedpath" ( <x> , <y> )

Assigned path names are useful when boundary or line-related integrals are desired or for establishing
paths over which ELEVATION plots are desired.

Names can be assigned to portions of a path by entering a new START clause, or by overlaying a
229 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

portion of the boundary path by an independently declared FEATURE 233 .

Paths Defined by ARRAYS and MATRICES

Paths may be defined by ARRAYS or MATRICES.

In the case of ARRAYS, two arrays of equal dimension are used to specify the coordinates in a LIST


Here Ax and Ay are ARRAYS listing the X- and Y- coordinates of the path.

A 2-by-N MATRIX may also be used to specify a LINE or SPLINE LIST , with the syntax:


Samples | Usage | Arrays+Matrices | Array_Boundary.pde 513
Samples | Usage | Arrays+Matrices | Matrix_Boundary.pde 515 Regions

A REGION is a portion of a two-dimensional problem domain (or of the projection of a 3D problem

domain), bounded by boundary paths 226 , that encloses an area and contains a single material (but see
Regions in One Dimension 230 for exceptions).
Each material property in the REGION has a single definition, although this definition may be arbitrarily
A REGION may consist of many disjoint areas.


REGION 1 { an outer box }

LINE TO (10,0) TO (10,10) TO (0,10) TO CLOSE

REGION 2 { two embedded boxes }

LINE TO (2,1) TO (2,2) TO (1,2) TO CLOSE
LINE TO (6,5) TO (6,6) TO (5,6) TO CLOSE

Overlaying regions:

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 230


So, in the example above, the two smaller boxes overlay the large box. The material parameters
assigned to the large box pertain only to the part of the large box not overlaid by the small boxes.

It is customary to make the first region define the entire outer boundary of the problem domain, and
then to overlay the parts of the domain which differ in parameters from this default region. If you
overlay all parts of the outer domain with subregions, then the outer region definition becomes
invisible. It may be useful to do this in some cases, since it allows a localization of boundary condition
specifications. Nevertheless, one of the subregions is superfluous, because it could be the default. Rea ssi gn i n g Regi on a l Pa r a m et er s

Names previously defined in the DEFINITIONS section can be assigned a new value within a REGION by
adding one or more assignments of the form
name = new_expression

immediately following the reserved word REGION.

When definitions are reassigned new values in this manner, the new value applies only to the region in
which the reassignment occurs.

K=1 { the default value }
REGION 1 { assumes default, since no override is given }
START(0,0) LINE TO (10,0) TO (10,10) TO (0,10) TO CLOSE
K=2 { both sub-boxes are assigned K=2 }
START(1,1) LINE TO (2,1) TO (2,2) TO (1,2) TO CLOSE
START(5,5) LINE TO (6,5) TO (6,6) TO (5,6) TO CLOSE
REGION 3 { again assumes the default }
START(3,3) LINE TO (4,3) TO (4,4) TO (3,4) TO CLOSE

See also MATERIALS 215 section. Regi on s i n On e Di m en si on

In one-dimensional domains, the concept that a REGION bounds a finite area by closing on itself is no
longer true. In one dimension, it is sufficient to define a path from the start of a material region to its
finish. (Referencing CLOSE in a 1D bounding path will cause serious troubles, because the path will
retrace itself.)

For example, the statements

231 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference


are sufficient to define a region of material extending from location 0 to location 5 in the 1D coordinate

In order to maintain grammatical consistency with two- and three- dimensional constructs, omitting the
parentheses is not permitted.

Other general characteristics of REGIONS remain in force in one-dimensional domains:

Later REGIONS overlay earlier REGIONS, material properties are defined following the REGION
keyword, and so forth. Regi on s i n T h r ee Di m en si on s

The concept of a REGION in 3D domains retains the same character as for 2D domains.

The REGION is a partition of the 2D projection of the figure, and is extruded into the third dimension
according to the EXTRUSION specification.

A material compartment in 3D is uniquely defined by the REGION of the projection which bounds it, and
the LAYER of the extrusion in which it resides.

Extrusion of each 2D REGION therefore creates a stack of layers above it, each with possibly unique
material properties.

A question then arises as to when a component that exists in a given layer of the domain must be divided
into multiple regions. The rule can be stated as follows:

Rule: When two points in the projection plane see different stacks of materials above them in the
extrusion direction, then these two points must reside in different REGIONS of the domain layout.

In the presence of LIMITED REGIONS 232 , the above rule can be interpreted to consider only the two
layers adjoining a given extrusion surface. If the materials above and below the surface differ between
two points, then there must be a REGION boundary separating the two points in the subject extrusion
surface. REGION boundaries are induced in surfaces by the presence of a REGION boundary in either
adjoining LAYER (subject to the overlay rule 229 ).

See the User Guide chapter Using FlexPDE in Three-Dimensional Problems 92 for further discussion of
the construction of 3D domains. Regi on a l Pa r a m et er V a l u es i n 3D

In three-dimensional problems, a redefinition of a parameter inside a REGION causes the parameter to be

redefined in all layers of the layer stack above the region. To cause the parameter to be redefined only in
a selected layer, use the LAYER qualifier, as in

LAYER number name = new_expression

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 232

LAYER "layer_name" name = new_expression

The LAYER qualifier acts on all subsequent parameter redefinitions, until a new LAYER qualifier or a
functionally distinct clause breaks the group of redefinitions.

The following descriptor fragment shows the redefinition of a parameter K in various contexts:

K=1 { defines the default value }

LAYER 1 K=2 { (valid only in 3D) defines the value in layer 1 of all regions }
K=3 { redefines the value in region 1 only, in all layers of a 3D domain }
LAYER 2 K=4 { (valid only in 3D) defines the value in layer 2 of region 1
only }
START(0,0) LINE TO .... Li m i t ed Regi on s i n 3D

In three dimensional problems, many figures to not fit readily into the extrusion model. In particular, there are
frequently features that in reality exist only at very restricted positions in the extrusion dimension, and which
create poor meshes when extruded throughout the domain.
FlexPDE implements the concept of LIMITED REGIONS to accommodate this situation.
A LIMITED REGION is defined as one that is considered to exist only in specified layers or surfaces of the
domain, and is absent in all other layers and surfaces.

The LIMITED REGION will be constructed only in layers and surfaces specifically stated in the body of the
REGION definition.
An example of this type of structure might be a transistor, where the junction structure of the device is
present only in a very thin layer of the domain, while the substrate occupies the majority of the volume.
In earlier versions of FlexPDE, the shape of the junction structure was propagated and meshed throughout
the extrusion dimension. Since version 4, the structure can be restricted, or LIMITED, to a single layer or a
few layers.
For example, the following descriptor fragment defines a 3-unit cube with a 0.2-unit cubical structure in the
center. The small structure is present in the layer 2 mesh only.
EXTRUSION Z=0, 1.4, 1.6, 3
START(0,0) LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,3) TO (3,0) TO CLOSE
233 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

LINE TO (1.6,1.4) TO (1.6,1.6) TO (1.4,1.4) TO CLOSE

See the User Guide section "Limited Regions 98 " for a graphical example of this facility.

Samples | Usage | 3D_Domains | 3D_Limited_Region.pde 480 Em pt y La y er s i n 3D

In three dimensional problems, it is sometimes necessary to define holes or excluded regions in the extruded
domain. This may be done using the VOID qualifier. VOID has the syntax of a parameter redefinition.
For example, the following descriptor fragment defines a 3-unit cube with a 1-unit cubical hole in the center:
START(0,0) LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,3) TO (3,0) TO CLOSE
START(1,1) LINE TO (2,1) TO (2,2) TO (1,2) TO CLOSE

Samples | Usage | 3D_Domains | 3D_Void.pde 497 Ex cludes

EXCLUDE subsections are used to describe closed domains which overlay parts of one or more REGION
subsections. The domain described by an exclude subsection is excluded from the system. EXCLUDE
subsections must follow the REGION subsections which they overlay
EXCLUDE subsections are formed in the same manner as REGION subsections and can use all the same
LINE and ARC segments. Features

FEATURE subsections are used to describe non-closed entities which do not enclose a subdomain with
definable material parameters.
FEATURE subsections are formed in the same manner as REGION 229 subsections and can use all the
same LINE and ARC segments.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 234

FEATURE subsections do not end with the reserve word CLOSE.

A FEATURE will be explicitly represented by nodes and cell sides.
FEATURE subsections are used when a problem has internal line sources; when it is desirable to calculate
integrals along an irregular path; or when explicit control of the grid is required.
In 3D problems, FEATURES should be used to delineate any sharp breaks in the slope of extrusion
surfaces. Unless mesh lines lie along the surface breaks, the surface modeling will be crude.

REGION 1 { an outer box }
START(0,0) LINE TO (10,0) TO (10,10) TO (0,10) TO CLOSE

FEATURE { with a diagonal gridding line }

START(0,0) LINE TO (10,10) Node Points

FlexPDE supports the ability to place mesh nodes at specific points in the problem geometry. This is
done with the statements
NODE POINT (x_value , y_value)
NODE POINT (x_value , y_value , z_value)

A mesh node will be placed at the specified location, and linked into the computation mesh.
NODE POINTS can be used to place POINT VALUE 237 or POINT LOAD 237 boundary conditions (see
Caveat 237 ).
In moving mesh problems, NODE POINTS will move with the mesh; they will not be locked to the
specified location unless appropriate POINT VALUE boundary conditions are used to freeze the point.
In 3D geometries, specification of only two coordinates will cause a vertical meshing line to be placed
throughout the Z-coordinate range of the domain. A three-coordinate point will specify a single node.
Placing NODE POINTS in coincidence with EXTRUSION surfaces will have undefined effects, and may
lead to mesh generation failure.
An alternative way of forcing nodes is to run a FEATURE or REGION boundary to and through the
desired point. Ordering Regions

While not strictly enforced, it is recommended that all REGION subsections be listed before any
EXCLUDE or FEATURE subsections and that all EXCLUDE subsections be listed before any FEATURE
It is further recommended that the first REGION subsection be formed by walking the outside boundary
235 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

of the problem thereby enclosing the entire domain of the problem.


REGIONS defined later are assumed to overlay any previously listed REGIONs, and any
properties assigned to a REGION will override properties previously assigned to the domains
they overlay.
Regions in 3D Domains
In 3D domains, the above rule is applied in each extrusion surface. Num bering Regions

REGION, EXCLUDE and FEATURE subsections can be assigned numbers and/or names.
When numbers are assigned they should be in ascending sequential order beginning with one. It is
recommended that numbers always be assigned.

When names are assigned they must take the form of a quoted string and must be placed immediately
after either the reserved word REGION, EXCLUDE, or FEATURE or any number assigned to the REGION,
EXCLUDE, or FEATURE. Assigned names must be unique to the REGION, EXCLUDE or FEATURE that
they name.
Assigned region names are useful when region-restricted plots or volume integrals are desired.


REGION 2 'Thing'
contour(u) on 'Thing' Fillets and Bev els

Any point in a path may be followed by one of the specifications


The point will be replaced by a circular arc of the specified radius, or by a bevel of the specified length.
FILLETS and BEVELS should not be applied to points which are the intersection of several segments, or
confusion may ensue.

LINE TO (1,1) FILLET(0.01)
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 236

Example problem:
Samples | Usage | Misc | Fillet.pde 590
Samples | Usage | 3D_Domains | 3D_Fillet.pde 590 Specify ing Boundary Conditions

The following forms of boundary condition specification may be applied to boundary segments:

VALUE ( variable ) = expression

NATURAL ( variable ) = expression
LOAD ( variable ) = expression
CONTACT ( variable ) = expression
VELOCITY ( variable ) = expression
NOBC ( variable )

The variable designated in the boundary condition specification identifies (by explicit association) the
equation to which this boundary condition is to be applied.

Dirichlet (Value) Boundary Conditions

A VALUE segment boundary condition forces the solution of the equation for the associated variable
to the value of expression on a continuous series of one or more boundary segments. The
expression may be an explicit specification of value, involving only constants and coordinates, or it
may be an implicit relation involving values and derivatives of system variables.

Generalized Flux (Natural) Boundary Conditions

NATURAL and LOAD segment boundary conditions are synonymous. They represent a generalized
flux boundary condition derived from the divergence theorem. The expression may be an explicit
specification, involving only constants and coordinates, or it may be an implicit relation involving values
and derivatives of system variables. The Natural boundary condition reduces to the Neumann
boundary condition in the special case of the Poisson equation. See the User Guide chapter Natural
Boundary Conditions 82 for information on the implementation of Natural boundary conditions.

Contact Resistance (Discontinuous Variable) Boundary Conditions

Interior boundaries can be defined to have a contact resistance using the CONTACT(variable)
boundary condition. See "Jump Boundaries 239 " in the next section.

Velocity (Time Derivative) Boundary Conditions

This boundary condition imposes a specified time derivative on a boundary value (time-dependent
problems only). This condition is especially useful in specifying moving boundaries, by applying it to
the surrogate coordinate variable. If you have declared a velocity variable which is applied to a
coordinate, then you should lock the surrogate coordinate to the mesh velocity variable at the
boundary using a VELOCITY() boundary condition.

Terminating the current BC

Boundary conditions, once stated, remain in effect until explicitly changed or until the end of the path.
237 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

NOBC(VARIABLE) can be used to turn off a previously specified boundary condition on the current
path. It is equivalent in effect to NATURAL(VARIABLE)=0 (the default boundary condition), except
that it will not lead to "Multiple Boundary Condition Specification" diagnostics.

Default Boundary Conditions

The default boundary condition for FlexPDE is NATURAL(VARIABLE)=0.

Note: The NEUMANN, DNORMAL and DTANGENTIAL boundary conditions supported in

earlier versions have been deleted due to unreliable behavior. They may be restored in later
versions. In most cases, derivative boundary conditions are more appropriately applied
through the NATURAL boundary condition facility. Sy n t a x of Bou n da r y Con di t i on St a t em en t s

Segment boundary conditions are added to the problem descriptor by placing them in the BOUNDARIES
Segment boundary conditions must immediately precede one of the reserved words LINE or ARC and
cannot precede the reserved word TO.
A top-down system is used for applying segment boundary conditions to the equations. Following the
START point specification in each path definition, a segment boundary condition is set up for each
variable/equation. It is recommended that a boundary condition be specified for each variable/equation.
If no other segment boundary condition is specified no error will occur and a NATURAL(VARIABLE) = 0
segment boundary condition is assumed.
Under the top-down system, as boundary segments occur, the previously specified segment boundary
condition for a variable will continue to hold until a new boundary condition is specified for that variable.
If the recommendation is followed that REGION 1 be formed by walking the outside boundary of the
problem, thereby enclosing the entire domain of the problem, then for most problems segment boundary
conditions need only be specified for the segments in REGION 1. Poi n t Bou n da r y Con di t i on s

POINT VALUE boundary conditions can be added by placing

POINT VALUE ( variable ) = expression

following a coordinate specification. The stated value will be imposed at the coordinate point
immediately preceding the specification.

POINT LOAD boundary conditions can be added by placing

POINT LOAD ( variable ) = expression
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 238

following a coordinate specification. The stated load will be imposed as a lumped source on the
coordinate point immediately preceding the specification.

A Caveat:
The results achieved by use of these specifications are frequently disappointing.

A diffusion equation, for example, div(grad(u))+s=0, can support solutions of the form u=A-Br-
Cr^2, where r is the distance from the point value and A, B and C are arbitrary constants. By the
superposition principle, FlexPDE is free to add such shapes to the computed solution in the vicinity of
the point value, without violating the PDE. A POINT VALUE condition usually leads to a sharp spike
in the solution, pulling the value up to that specified, but otherwise leaving the solution unmodified.

The POINT LOAD is not subject to this same argument, but since it is a load without scale, it will
frequently produce a dense mesh refinement around the point.

A better solution is to use a distributed load or an extended value boundary segment, ring or box. Bou n da r y con di t i on s i n 1D

The idea that a boundary condition applies along the length of a boundary segment, while meaningful in
two and three dimensions, is meaningless in one dimension, since it is the value along the segment that is
the object of the computation.

In one dimensional problems, therefore, it is necessary to use the Point boundary condition described in
the previous section for all boundary condition specifications.



The node at coordinate 0 will have value 1, while that at coordinate 5 will have a load of 4. Bou n da r y Con di t i on s i n 3D

In three-dimensional problems, an assignment of a segment boundary condition to a region boundary

causes that boundary condition to be applied to the "side walls" of all layers of the layer stack above the
region. To selectively apply a boundary condition to the "side walls" of only one layer, use the LAYER
qualifier, as in

LAYER number VALUE(variable) = expression

LAYER "layer_name" VALUE(variable) = expression

The LAYER qualifier applies to all subsequent boundary condition specifications until a new LAYER
qualifier is encountered, or the segment geometry (LINE or ARC) statements begin.
239 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

The boundary conditions on the extrusion surfaces themselves (the slicing surfaces) can be specified by
the SURFACE qualifier preceding the boundary condition specification.
Consider a simple cube. The EXTRUSION and BOUNDARIES sections might look like this:
NATURAL(U)=0 {3}
LINE TO (1,0)
LINE TO (1,1)
NATURAL(U)=0 {5}

Line { 1 } specifies a fixed value of 0 for the variable U over the entire surface 1 (ie. the Z=0 plane).
Line { 2 } specifies a value of 1 for the variable U on the top surface in REGION 1 only.
Line { 3 } specifies an insulating boundary on the Y=0 side wall of the cube.
Line { 4 } specifies a flux (whose meaning will depend on the PDE) on the X=1 side wall in LAYER 1
Line { 5 } returns to an insulating boundary on the Y=1 and X=0 side walls.
[Of course, in this example the restriction to region 1 or layer 1 is meaningless, because there is only one
of each.] Ju m p Bou n da r i es

In the default case, FlexPDE assumes that all variables are continuous across internal material interfaces.
This is a consequence of the positioning of mesh nodes along the interface which are shared by the cells
on both sides of the interface.
FlexPDE supports the option of making variables discontinuous at material interfaces (see the
"Discontinuous Variables 86 " in the User Guide for tutorial information). This capability can be used to
model such things as contact resistance, or to completely decouple the variables in adjacent regions.
The key words in employing this facility are CONTACT and JUMP. The conceptual model is that of
contact resistance, where the difference in voltage V across the interface (the JUMP) is given by
V2 - V1 = R*current

In the general case, the role of "current" is played by the generalized flux, or Natural boundary condition
237 . (See the User Guide for further discussion of Natural Boundary Conditions 82 .) The CONTACT

boundary condition is a special form of NATURAL, which defines a flux but also specifies that FlexPDE
should model a double-valued boundary.
So the method of specifying a discontinuity is
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 240


CONTACT(V), like NATURAL(V), means the outward normal component of the generalized flux as seen
from any cell. So from any cell, the meaning of JUMP(V) is the difference between the interior and
exterior values of V at a point on the boundary. Two cells sharing a boundary will then see JUMP values
and outward normal fluxes of opposite sign. "Flux" is automatically conserved, since the same numeric
value is used for the flux in both cells.
Specifying a CONTACT boundary condition at an internal boundary causes duplicate mesh nodes to be
generated along the boundary, and to be coupled according to the JUMP boundary condition statement.
Specifying a very small (1/R) value effectively decouples the variable across the interface.

Example Problems:

Samples | Usage | Discontinuous_Variables | Thermal_Contact_Resistance.pde 533

Samples | Usage | Discontinuous_Variables | Contact_Resistance_Heating.pde 532

Samples | Usage | Discontinuous_Variables | Transient_Contact_Resistance_Heating.pde 534 Per i odi c Bou n da r i es

FlexPDE supports periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions in one, two or three dimensions.

Periodicity in the X-Y Plane

Periodicity in a two-dimensional problem, or in the extrusion walls of a three-dimensional problem, is
invoked by the PERIODIC or ANTIPERIODIC statement.
The PERIODIC statement appears in the position of a boundary condition, but the syntax is slightly
different, and the requirements and implications are more extensive.
The syntax is:

PERIODIC ( X_mapping, Y_mapping )

ANTIPERIODIC ( X_mapping, Y_mapping )

The mapping expressions specify the arithmetic required to convert a point (X,Y) in the immediate
boundary to a point (X',Y') on a remote boundary. The mapping expressions must result in each
point on the immediate boundary being mapped to a point on the remote boundary. Segment
endpoints must map to segment endpoints. The transformation must be invertible; do not specify
constants as mapped coordinates, as this will create a singular transformation.
The periodic boundary statement terminates any boundary conditions in effect, and instead imposes
equality of all variables on the two boundaries. It is still possible to state a boundary condition on the
remote boundary, but in most cases this would be inappropriate.
241 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

The periodic statement affects only the next following LINE or ARC path. These paths may contain
more than one segment, but the next appearing LINE or ARC statement terminates the periodic
condition unless the periodic statement is repeated.

Periodicity in 1D
Periodicity in a one-dimensional problem is invoked by the POINT PERIODIC or POINT
ANTIPERIODIC statement. All other aspects are similar to the description above for X-Y periodicity.

Periodicity in the Z-Dimension

Periodicity In the extruded dimension is invoked by the modifier PERIODIC or ANTIPERIODIC before
the EXTRUSION statement, for example,

In this case, the top and bottom extrusion surfaces are assumed to be conformable, and the values are
forced equal (or sign-reversed) along these surfaces.

Periodicity for different variables (v7.16 and later)

Periodicity can be mapped differently for each variable using the MAP qualifier. The syntax is :
PERIODIC ( X_mapping, Y_mapping ) MAP(variable)={1 or -1}
ANTIPERIODIC ( X_mapping, Y_mapping ) MAP(variable)={1 or -1}

The PERIODIC (or ANTIPERIODIC) statement presets the behavior of all variables. Variables then
mapped to 1 will be periodic. Variables mapped to -1 will be antiperiodic. For example, assuming
variables A, B, C, the following would make A and C periodic, and B antiperiodic :
PERIODIC(x-2,y) MAP(a)=1 MAP(b)=-1

Note :
Prior to version 7, each node in the finite element mesh could have at most one periodic image.
This meant that two-way or three-way periodicity at a single mesh node could not be
supported. However, in version 7 multiple periodic images at one mesh node is supported.

Example Problems:
Samples | Usage | Periodicity | periodic.pde 628
Samples | Usage | Periodicity | periodic_map.pde 629
Samples | Usage | Periodicity | periodic+time.pde 627
Samples | Usage | Periodicity | two-way_periodic.pde 630

Samples | Usage | Periodicity | azimuthal_periodic.pde 626

Samples | Usage | Periodicity | antiperiodic.pde 625

Samples | Usage | Periodicity | 3d_xperiodic.pde 623
Samples | Usage | Periodicity | 3d_zperiodic.pde 624
Samples | Usage | Periodicity | 3d_antiperiodic.pde 622
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 242 Com pl ex a n d V ect or Bou n da r y Con di t i on s

Boundary conditions for COMPLEX or VECTOR VARIABLES may be declared for the complex or vector
variable directly, or for the individual components.
If C is a COMPLEX VARIABLE with components Cr and Ci, the following boundary condition declarations
are equivalent:
VALUE(C) = Complex(a,b)
VALUE(Cr) = a VALUE(Ci) = b

If V is a VECTOR VARIABLE with components Vx and Vy, the following boundary condition declarations
are equivalent:
NATURAL(V) = Vector(a,b)

The component form allows the application of different boundary condition forms (VALUE or NATURAL)
to the components, while the root variable form does not.

3.3.14 Front
The FRONT section is used to define additional criteria for use by the adaptive regridder. In the normal
case, FlexPDE repeatedly refines the computational mesh until the estimated error in the approximation
of the PDE's is less than the declared or default value of ERRLIM. In some cases, where meaningful
activity is confined to some kind of a propagating front, it may be desirable to enforce greater refinement
near the front. In the FRONT section, the user may declare the parameters of such a refinement.
The FRONT section has the form:

FRONT ( criterion, delta )

The stated criterion will be evaluated at each node of the mesh. Cells will be split if the values at the
nodes span a range greater than (-delta/2, delta/2) around zero.
That is, the grid will be forced to resolve the criterion to within delta as it passes through zero.

Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Front.pde 582

3.3.15 Maximize
The MAXIMIZE section is used to optimize parameters. FlexPDE implements the Nelder-Mead
"amoeba" algorithm to minimize or maximize an objective function. This is not the method of greatest
243 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

speed, but it is very flexible, and allows FlexPDE to perform optimization searches in a wide range of
problem environments.

MAXIMIZE has the forms :

MAXIMIZE objective VS parameter ( start_value, value_range ) [ VS ...]

MAXIMIZE objective VS parameter ( start_value, value_range, lower_limit,
upper_limit ) [ VS ... ]

The method creates a simplex of parameter values, each parameter assigned a random sampling of
values centered about the start value with the stated range. The parameter values are modified until the
value of the objective is maximized within the OPTERRLIM 188 or the range of values of each parameter is
bracketed to OPTERRLIM*parameter.
In the first form, the values of the parameter are allow to shift without limits on values. The second form
is used to enforce an upper and lower limit to the acceptable values for the parameter. So as the
optimization is taking place, the parameter will never go beyond these limits. When multiple parameters
are declared, each parameter may be either form.
See also : MINIMIZE 243

Samples | Usage | Optimization | Criticality.pde 617
Samples | Usage | Optimization | Criticality_Size.pde 618
Samples | Usage | Optimization | Power_Control.pde 620
Samples | Usage | Optimization | Size_Control.pde 621

3.3.16 Minimize
The MINIMIZE section works the same as the MAXIMIZE 242 section but with optimization looking for a
minimum rather than a maximum.

3.3.17 Resolve
The RESOLVE section is used to define additional criteria for use by the adaptive regridder. In the
normal case, FlexPDE repeatedly refines the computational mesh until the estimated error in the
approximation of the PDE's is less than the declared or default value of ERRLIM. In some cases, this can
be achieved with a much less dense mesh than is necessary to make pleasing graphical presentation of
derived quantities, such as derivatives of the system variables, which are much less smooth than the
variables themselves. In the RESOLVE section, the user may declare one or more additional functions
whose detailed resolution is important. The section has the form:
RESOLVE ( spec1 ) , ( spec2 ) , ( spec3 ) {...}

Here, each spec may be either an expression, such as "( shear_stress)", or an expression followed by
a weighting function, as in "(shear_stress, x^2)".

In the simplest form, only the expressions of interest need be presented. In this case, for each stated
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 244

function, FlexPDE will

form a Finite Element interpolation of the stated function over the computational mesh
find the deviation of the interpolation from the exact function
split any cell where this deviation exceeds ERRLIM times the global RMS value of the function.

Because the finite element interpolation thus formed assumes continuous functions, application of
RESOLVE to a discontinuous argument will result in dense gridding at the discontinuity. An exception to
this is at CONTACT 239 boundaries, where the finite element representation is double valued.

In the weighted form, an importance-weighting function is defined, possibly to restrict the effective
domain of resolution. The splitting operation described above is modified to multiply the deviation at
each point by the weight function at that point. Areas where the weight is small are therefore subjected to
a less stringent accuracy requirement.

Samples | Usage | Mesh_Control | Resolve.pde 585

3.3.18 Time
The TIME section is used in time dependent problem descriptors to specify a time range over which the
problem is to be solved. It supports the following alternative forms:
FROM time1 TO time2
FROM time1 BY increment TO time2
FROM time1 TO time2 BY increment

time1 is the beginning time
time2 is the ending time.
increment is an optional specification of the initial time step
for the solution. (the default initial time step is 1e-

All time dependent problem descriptors must include statements which define the time range.
While the problem descriptor language supports alternate methods of specifying a time range, it is
recommended that all time dependent problems include the TIME section to specify the total time
domain of the problem.

Halting Execution
The time range specification may optionally be followed by a HALT statement:
HALT minimum
HALT = minimum

This statement will cause the computation to halt if the automatically controlled timestep drops below
minimum. This facility is useful when inconsistencies in data or discontinuities in parameters cause the
245 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

timestep controller to become confused.

HALT condition

Here the condition can be any relational operation, such as globalmax(myvariable) < 204. If the
condition is met on any timestep, the computation will be halted.

Limiting the maximum timestep

The time range specification may optionally be followed by a LIMIT statement:
LIMIT maximum
LIMIT = maximum

This statement will prevent the timestep controller from increasing the computation timestep beyond the
stated maximum.
maximum may be any constant arithmetic expression.

Critical Times
The time range specification may optionally be followed by a CRITICAL statement:
CRITICAL time1 {, time2, time3 ...}

This will ensure that each of the times in the list will fall at the end of some timestep interval.
Times may be separated by commas or spaces.
An #include statement can be used to read the times from a disk file.

3.3.19 Monitors and Plots

The MONITORS section, which is optional, is used to list the graphic displays desired at intermediate
steps while a problem is being solved.
The PLOTS section, which is optional, is used to list the graphic displays desired on completion of a
problem or stage, or at selected problem times.
PLOTS differ from MONITORS in that they are written to the permanent .PG7 record for viewing after
the run is completed.
(For debugging purposes the global selector HARDMONITOR can be used to force MONITORS to be
written to the .pg7 file.)
Plot statements and Monitor statements have the same form and function.

The basic form of a PLOT or MONITOR statement is:

display_specification ( plot_data ) display_modifiers

display_specification must be one of the known plot types, as described in the next section.
In some cases, multiple plot_data arguments may be provided.
There may be any number of display_modifiers, with meanings determined by the
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 246

The various display_modifiers supported by FlexPDE are listed in the "Graphic Display Modifiers 248

" section.

An Exhortation:

The MONITORS facility has been provided to allow users to see immediate feedback on the progress
of their computation, and to display any and all data that will help diagnose failure or
misunderstanding. Please use MONITORS extensively, especially in the early phases of model
development! Since they do not write to the .pg7 storage file, they can be used liberally without
causing disk file bloat. After the model is performing successfully, you can remove them or comment
them out. Many user pleas for help recieved by PDE Solutions could be avoided if the user had
included enough MONITORs to identify the cause of trouble.

Samples | Usage | Plotting | Plot_test.pde 633

Note: All example problems contain PLOTS and MONITORS. Graphics Display Specifications

The MONITORS or PLOTS sections can contain one or more display specifications of the following types:

CONTOUR ( arg )

Requests a two dimensional contour map of the argument, with levels at uniform intervals of the
May be combined with FIELDMAP (as CONTOUR FIELDMAP) to generate overlayed potential
contours and field lines.

CONTOUR ( arg1, arg2 )

Requests a two dimensional contour map of both arg1 and arg2, each with levels at independent
uniform intervals.
A level table is displayed for both arg1 and arg2.

ELEVATION ( arg1, [arg2,...] ) path

Requests a two dimensional display (some times called a line-out) which displays the value of its
argument(s) vertically and the value of its path horizontally.
Each ELEVATION listed must have at least one argument and may have multiple arguments
separated by commas.
path can be either a line segment specified using the forms FROM 254 (X1,Y1) TO (X2,Y2) or ON
254 name , where name is a literal string selecting a path named in the BOUNDARIES 226 section.
247 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

FIELDMAP ( arg ) ON namedpath

Requests a two dimensional map of the force field lines of a potential, arg.
The namedpath will be used as the starting boundary of the field lines.
The number of field lines can be adjusted using the modifier FIELDLINES 249 .
A level table is not displayed.
May be combined with CONTOUR (as CONTOUR FIELDMAP) to generate overlayed potential
contours and field lines.
See example "Samples | Applications | Electricity | Fieldmap.pde" 374 .

GRID ( arg1, arg2 )

Requests a two dimensional plot of the computation grid, with nodal coordinates defined by the
two arguments.
Grids are especially useful for displaying material deformations.
In 3D problems, a two-argument GRID plot will show a cut-plane, and must be followed by an ON
254 specification.

3D cut plane grid plots do not necessarily accurately represent the computational grid.

GRID ( arg1, arg2, arg3 )

Requests a three dimensional plot of the computation grid, with nodal coordinates defined by the
three arguments.
Only the outer surface of the grid will be drawn.
This plot can be interactively rotated, as with SURFACE 247 plots.


In eigenvalue problems, this produces a SUMMARY page for each mode (comparable to the version
This has been replaced with MODE SUMMARY (no underscore).


This plot type defines a text page on which only REPORT 257 items may appear.
A SUMMARY page can be EXPORT 249 ed to produce text reports of scalar values.

SUMMARY ( 'string' )

If a string argument is given with a SUMMARY command, it will appear as a page header on the
summary page.

SURFACE ( arg )

A quasi three dimensional surface which displays its argument vertically.

If no VIEWPOINT 254 clause is used, the viewing azimuth defaults to 216 degrees, the distance to
three times the size, and the viewing elevation to 30 degrees.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 248

VECTOR ( vector )

Requests a two dimensional display of directed arrows in which the direction and magnitude of the
arrows is set by the vector argument.
The origin of each arrow is placed at its reference point.

VECTOR ( arg1, arg2 )

Requests a two dimensional display of directed arrows in which the horizontal and vertical
components of the arrows are given by arg1 and arg2.
The origin of each arrow is placed at its reference point.

For all commands, the argument(s) can be any valid expression. Graphic Display Modifiers

The appearance of any display can be modified by adding one or more of the following clauses:


Causes CONTOUR and SURFACE plots in cylindrical geometry to be integrated with dr*dz
element, rather than default 2*pi*r*dr*dz volume element.
See also: LINE_INTEGRATE 251

AS 'string'

Changes the label on the display from the evaluated expression to string.


Draws current plot in black color only.

BMP ( pixels )
BMP ( pixels, penwidth )

Selects automatic creation of a graphic export file in BMP format.

pixels is the horizontal pixel count, which defaults to 1024 if omitted.
penwidth is an integer (0,1,2 or 3) which specifies the width of the drawn lines, in thousandths of
the drawing width (0 means thin).
The export file name is the problem name with plot number and sequence number appended.
The file name cannot be altered.

CONTOURS = number

Selects the number of contour lines for CONTOUR plots. This is a local control equivalent to the
global CONTOURS control, but applying only to a single plot.
249 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference


Marks EXPORT and TABLE output points which fall outside the problem domain as "external". This
modifier affects only EXPORTS and TABLES with FORMAT strings (see below).

EMF ( pixels )
EMF ( pixels, penwidth )

Windows version only. Produces a Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile output.

pixels is the horizontal pixel count of the reference window, which defaults to 1024 if omitted.
penwidth is an integer (0,1,2 or 3) which specifies the width of drawn lines, in thousandths of the
drawing width (0 means thin).
The export file name is the problem name with plot number and sequence number appended.
The file name cannot be altered.
Warning: FlexPDE uses Windows rotated fonts to plot Y-labels and axis labels on surface plots.
Microsoft Word can read and resize these pictures, but its picture editor cannot handle them, and
immediately "rectifies" them to horizontal.


Produces an Encapsulated PostScript output.

The graphic is a 10x7.5 inch landscape-mode format with 7200x5400 resolution.


Causes a disk file to be written containing the data represented by the associated MONITOR or
A regular rectangular grid will be constructed, and the data will be printed in a format suitable for
reading by the FlexPDE TABLE function.
The dimension of the grid will be determined by the plot grid density appropriate to the type of
The format of EXPORTED data may be controlled by the FORMAT modifier (see below).
(This is a renaming of the older PRINT modifier)

EXPORT ( n )

Modifies the EXPORT command by specifying the dimension of the printed data grid.
For two- or three-dimensional plots, the grid will be (n x n) or (n x n x n).

EXPORT ( nx, ny )
EXPORT ( nx, ny, nz )

Modifies the EXPORT command by specifying the dimension of the printed data grid.


Overrides the default number of FIELDMAP 247 field lines and uses n instead.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 250

FILE 'string'

Overrides the default naming convention for files created by the EXPORT or PRINT modifiers, and
writes the file named 'string' instead.

FIXED RANGE ( arg1, arg2 )

Changes the dynamically set range used for the variable axis to a minimum value of arg1 and a
maximum of arg2. Data outside this range is not plotted.
See also: RANGE 253

FORMAT 'string'

This modifier replaces the default format of the EXPORT or PRINT modifiers, or of the TABLE
output command. When this modifier appears, the output will consist of one line for each point in
the export grid.
The contents of this line will be completely controlled by the format string as follows:
1. all characters except "#" will be copied literally to the output line.
2. "#" will be interpreted as an escape character, and various options will be selected by the
character following the "#":
a. #x, #y, #z and #t will print the value of the spatial coordinates or time of the data point;
b. #1 through #9 will print the value of the corresponding element of the plot function list;
c. #b will write a taB character;
d. #r will cause the remainder of the format string to be repeated for each plot function in the
plot list;
e. #i inside a repeated string will print the value of the current element of the plot function list.

See the example problems "export_format" and "export_history".

FRAME ( X, Y, Wide, High )

Forces the plot frame to the specified coordinates, regardless of the size of the problem domain.
The plot frame will be forced to a 1:1 aspect ratio using the largest of the width and height values.
This allows the creation of consistently-sized plots in moving-mesh problems.
See "Samples | Moving_Mesh | Piston.pde".
See also: ZOOM 254


Draws current plot with a 32-level gray scale instead of the default color palette.


Causes a report of the integral under the plotted function.

For CONTOUR and SURFACE plots, this is a volume integral (with Cartesian element dx*dy*1 or
cylindrical element 2*pi*r*dr*dz).
For ELEVATIONS, it is a surface integral (with Cartesian element dl*1 and cylindrical element
2*pi*r*dl). (See also AREA_INTEGRATE, LINE_INTEGRATE).
251 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

This integral differs from a REPORT(INTEGRAL(...)) in that this command will integrate on the plot
grid, while the REPORT will integrate on the computation grid.
This modifier can be globally imposed by use of PLOTINTEGRATE in the SELECT section.

LEVELS = l1, l2, l3.....

Explicitly defines the contour levels for CONTOUR plots.


Causes ELEVATIONS in cylindrical geometry to be integrated with dl element, rather than default
2*pi*r*dl element.
See also: AREA_INTEGRATE 248


Changes the default linear scales used to those specified by the scaling command.
LOG is the same as LINLOG, and specifies logarithmic scaling in the data coordinate.


Changes the default linear scales used to those specified by the scaling command.
Each of <lx>, <ly> and <lz> can be either LIN or LOG, and controls the scaling in the
associated dimension.

LOG ( number )
...combinations as above

Limits the number of decades of data displayed to number.

This effect can also be achieved globally by the Selector LOGLIMIT .


Sends EXPORT output for all stages or plot times to a single output file.
This is the default for TECPLOT output.
This option can be set globally by SELECT PRINTMERGE.


In SURFACE plots, causes the surface to be displayed as a hidden-line drawing of the meshed
This display is more suitable on some hardcopy devices.


Deletes the problem-identification header from EXPORT output.

P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 252


Suppresses mesh lines in grid plot.


Sends EXPORT output for each stage or plot time to a separate output file.
This is the default for EXPORT output.


Deletes "o" and "x" marks at min and max values on contour plot.


In VECTOR plots, causes all vectors to be drawn with the same length. Only the color identifies
different magnitudes.


Suppresses labelling tags on contour or elevation plot.

This can be applied globally with SELECT NOTAGS.


Plots VECTORS as line segments without heads.

The line segment will be centered on the reference point.

ON <control>

Selects region, surface or layer restrictions of plot domain. See "Controlling the Plot Domain 254 ".


Fills areas between contour lines with color. (This is slower than conventional contour lines.)


Draw color-filled grid plot.

These local flags are equivalent to and override the corresponding global flags set in the SELECT
section. They affect only the current plot.


Sets the on-screen pen width for the current plot.

n is an integer (0,1,2,3,...) which specifies the width of the drawn lines, in thousandths of the plot
width (0 means thin).
See also : Global Graphics Controls 192 .

253 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

PNG ( pixels )
PNG ( pixels, penwidth )

Selects automatic creation of a graphic export file in PNG format.

pixels is the horizontal pixel count, which defaults to 1024 if omitted.
penwidth is an integer (0,1,2 or 3) which specifies the width of the drawn lines, in thousandths of
the pixel width (0 means thin).
The export file name is the problem name with plot number and sequence number appended.
The file name cannot be altered.

POINTS = ( nx , ny )
POINTS = ( nx, ny, nz )

Overrides the default plot grid size and uses n instead.

Two and three dimensional exports will use n in all dimensions.
For two-dimensional export commands, the two-dimensional grid can be explicitly controlled.
For three-dimensional exports, the three-dimensional grid can be explicitly controlled.

PPM ( pixels )
PPM ( pixels, penwidth )

Selects automatic creation of a graphic export file in PPM format.

pixels is the horizontal pixel count, which defaults to 1024 if omitted.
penwidth is an integer (0,1,2 or 3) which specifies the width of the drawn lines, in thousandths of
the pixel width (0 means thin).
The export file name is the problem name with plot number and sequence number appended.
The file name cannot be altered.

PRINT ( n )
PRINT ( nx, ny )
PRINT ( nx, ny, nz )

Equivalent to EXPORT, EXPORT(n), EXPORT(nx,ny) and EXPORT(nx,ny,nz), respectively.

NOTE : This modifier is deprecated and EXPORT 249 should be used instead. It has been kept only
for backward compatibility.


Supresses graphical output. Use with PRINT or EXPORT to create text output only.

RANGE ( arg1, arg2 )

Changes the dynamically set range used for the variable axis to a minimum value of arg1 and a
maximum of arg2.
If the calculated value of the variable falls outside of the range argument, the range argument is
ignored and the dynamically calculated value is used.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 254

See also: FIXED RANGE 250

VIEWPOINT( X, Y, angle )

With SURFACE plots, the VIEWPOINT modifier sets the viewing azimuth and perspective distance
and the viewing elevation angle.


Causes CONTOURS and SURFACE plots in cylindrical geometry to be integrated with

2*pi*r*dr*dz element.
This is the default, and is equivalent to INTEGRATE.

XPM ( pixels )
XPM ( pixels, penwidth )

Selects automatic creation of a graphic export file in XPM format.

pixels is the horizontal pixel count, which defaults to 1024 if omitted.
penwidth is an integer (0,1,2 or 3) which specifies the width of the drawn lines, in thousandths of
the pixel width (0 means thin).
The export file name is the problem name with plot number and sequence number appended.
The file name cannot be altered.

ZOOM ( X, Y, Wide, High )

Expands (zooms) a selected area of the display or export, with (X,Y) defining the lower left hand
corner of the area and (Wide,High) defining the extent of the expanded area.
In 3D cut planes, the X and Y coordinates refer to the horizontal and vertical dimensions in the cut
See also: FRAME 250

ZOOM ( X, Y, Z, Xsize, Ysize, Zsize)

Expands (zooms) a selected volume of an export, with (X,Y,Z) defining the lowest corner of the
volume and (Xsize,Ysize,Zsize) defining the extent of the included volume. Controlling the Plot Dom ain

"ON" selectors
The primary mechanism for controlling the domain over which plot data are constructed is the "ON"
statement, which has many forms:
ON "name"
ON REGION "name"
ON REGIONS "name1" , "name2" { , ... }
ON REGION number
255 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

ON REGIONS number1 , number2 { , ... }

ON GRID(Xposition,Yposition)

In three-dimensional problems, the following are also meaningful:

ON LAYER "name"
ON LAYERS "name1" , "name2" { , ... }
ON LAYER number
ON LAYERS number1 , number2 { , ... }
ON equation

The first listed form selects a boundary path, region, layer or surface depending on the definition of the
"name". (It is actually redundant to specify SURFACE "name", etc, since the fact that a surface is
being specified should be clear from the "name" itself. Nevertheless, the forms are acceptable.)

The multiple REGIONS and LAYERS forms allow grouping REGIONS and LAYERS to select the portion
of the domain over which to display the plot.

In many cases, particularly in 3D, more than one "ON" clause can be used for a single plot, since each
"ON" clause adds a restriction to those already in effect. There is a direct correspondence between
the "ON" clauses of a plot statement and the arguments of the various INTEGRAL 172 operators,
although some of the allowable integral selections do not have valid corresponding plot options.
In two dimensional geometries, area plots which are not otherwise restricted are assumed to be taken
over the entire problem domain.

Contours, Surface Plots, Grid Plots and Vector Plots

Contours, "surfaces" (3D topographic displays), grid plots and vector plots must be taken on some
kind of two dimensional data surface, so in 3D problems these plot commands are incomplete without
at least one "ON" clause. This can be an extrusion-surface name, or a cut-plane equation (it cannot
be a projection-plane boundary path). For example, in a 3D problem,

requests a contour plot of data evaluated on the second extrusion surface.
requests a contour plot of data evaluated on the extrusion surface named "top".
requests a contour plot of data evaluated on the cut plane where x=y.

In addition to a basic definition of the data surface, "ON" clauses may be used to restrict the display to
an arbitrary REGION or LAYER. In 2D, a REGION restriction will display only that part of the domain
which is in the stated region:

requests a contour plot of data evaluated on REGION 2.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 256

Similarly, in 3D,


requests a contour plot of data evaluated on extrusion surface 2, restricted to that part of the
surface lying above REGION 2 of the baseplane projection.


requests a contour plot of data evaluated on extrusion surface 2, restricted to that part of the
surface lying above REGION 2 of the baseplane projection, and with the evaluation taken in
LAYER 3, which is assumed to be bounded by the selected surface.

Cut Planes in 3D

Contours, surface plots and vector plots can also be specified on cut planes by giving the general
formula of the cutting plane:

CONTOUR(...) ON X = expression
requests a contour plot of data evaluated on the Y-Z plane where X is the specified value.

Cut planes need not be simple coordinate planes:

requests a contour plot of data evaluated on the plane containing the z-axis and the 45 degrees
line in the XY plane.

The coordinates displayed in oblique cut planes have their origin at the point of closest approach to
the origin of the domain coordinates. The axes are chosen to be aligned with the nearest domain
coordinate axes.

Elevation Plots

Elevation plots can be specified by endpoints of a line:

ELEVATION(...) FROM (x1,y1) TO (x2,y2)

ELEVATION(...) FROM (x1,y1,z1) TO (x2,y2,z2)

The plot will be displayed on the straight line connecting the specified endpoints. These endpoints
might span only a small part of the problem domain, or they might exceed the domain dimensions
somewhat, in which case the plot line will be truncated to the interior portion.

In 2D geometry only, an elevation plot may be specified by the name of a boundary path, as in

ELEVATION(...) ON "outer_boundary"

These boundary-path elevations can be additionally restricted as to the region in which the evaluation
is to be made:
257 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

ELEVATION(...) ON "inner_boundary" ON REGION "core"

This form requests that the evaluation of the plot function be made in the region named "core", with the
assumption that "core" is one of the regions adjoining the "inner_boundary" path.

Plots on Deformed Grids

In fixed-mesh problems with implied deformation, such as "Samples | Applications | Stress |

Bentbar.pde", CONTOUR, SURFACE and VECTOR plots can be displayed on the deformed domain
shape. The syntax combines the forms of CONTOUR and GRID plots:

CONTOUR(...) ON GRID(Xposition,Yposition)

See "Samples | Usage | Plotting | Plot_on_grid.pde" 632 for an example.

(This feature is new in version 6.03)

Sign of Vector Components

In many cases, boundary-path elevations present normal or tangential components of vectors. For
these applications, the sense of the direction is the same as the sense of the NATURAL boundary
The positive normal is outward from the evaluation region.
The positive tangent is counter-clockwise with respect to the evaluation region.

Plots of the normal components of vectors on extrusion surfaces in 3D follows the same rule:
The positive normal is outward from the evaluation region. Reports

Any display specification can be followed by one or more of the following clauses to add report
quantities to the plot page:

REPORT expression
REPORT (expression)
Adds to the bottom of a display the text 'expression = value_of_expression'. Any valid
expression is accepted, including integrals. Multiple REPORT clauses may be used. REPORT is
especially useful for reporting boundary and area integrals and functions thereof.

REPORT (expression1, expression2, ...)

A report of multiple items. Equivalent to REPORT (expression1) REPORT (expression2).

REPORT expression AS 'string'

A labeled REPORT of the form 'string = value_of_expression'.

REPORT 'string'
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 258

REPORT ('string')
Inserts 'string' into the REPORT sequence. T he ERROR Variable

The reserved word ERROR can be used to display the current state of spatial error estimates over the
mesh, as for example:

CONTOUR(ERROR) Window T iling

When multiple MONITORS or PLOTS are listed, FlexPDE displays each one in a separate window and
automatically adjusts the window sizes to tile all the windows on the screen. Individual windows cannot
be independently resized or iconized. Any plot window can be maximized by double-clicking, or by
right-clicking to bring up a menu.

In steady-state and eigenvalue problems, MONITORS are displayed during solution, and are
replaced by PLOTS on completion.

In time-dependent problems, MONITORS, PLOTS and HISTORIES are displayed at all times. Monitors in Steady State Problem s

In steady state problems the listed MONITORS are displayed after each regrid. In addition, after each
Newton-Raphson iteration of a nonlinear problem or after each residual iteration of a linear problem, if
sufficient time has elapsed since the last monitor display, an interim set of monitors will be displayed. Monitors and Plots in T im e Dependent Problem s

In time dependent problems the display specifications must be preceded by a display-time declaration
statement. The display-time declaration statement may be either of the form

FOR CYCLE = number

in which case the displays will be refreshed every number time steps, or

FOR T = time1 [ timeset ... ]

Where each timeset may be one of the following :

BY delta TO time2

In this case the displays will be refreshed at times specified by the timeset values.
Any number of plot commands can follow a display-time declaration, and the specification will apply to
259 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

all of them. It is not necessary to give a display-time specification for each plot.
Multiple display time declaration statements can be used. When multiple display time statements are
used each applies to all subsequent display commands until a new time declaration is encountered or the
MONITORS or PLOTS section ends.

Last Time Step

The the last time step may be referenced using the qualifier endtime :
FOR T = 0 BY 10 TO endtime

In the above example a plot would be generated every ten time units and at the last time step, whatever
was defined in the TIME section or whatever was the last time step due to a HALT condition.

"Samples | Applications | Heatflow | Float_Zone.pde" 417

"Samples | Applications | Chemistry | Melting.pde" 363 Hardcopy

A right-click on any plot window, whether tiled or maximized, will bring up a menu from which the plot
may be printed or exported (or rotated, if this is meaningful for the plot).

Text listings of plotted values can be written to disk by the plot modifier EXPORT (aka PRINT) in the
descriptor. Graphics Ex port

A right-click in any displayed plot window brings up a menu, one item of which is "Export". Clicking
this item brings up a dialog for exporting bitmap forms of the displayed plot. Current options are
BMP, PNG, PPM and XPM. See the "Getting Started" section for more information.
All these formats can also be selected automatically as graphic display modifiers 248 .

Retained Graphics
All displays in the PLOTS section are written in compressed form to a disk file with the extension
These files may be redisplayed at a later time by use of the "View" menu item in the "File" menu. On
some systems, this may be accomplished simply by double-clicking the ".PG7" file in the system file
See the "Getting Started" section for more information.

Screen Grabs
Any display may also be pasted into other windows programs by using a screen capture facility such
as that provided with PaintShopPro by JASC (www.jasc.com).
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 260 Data Ex port

Export Files
The plot types CDF, TABLE, TECPLOT and VTK 260 can be used to export data to other applications
for external processing. TRANSFER 261 and RESTART 260 can be used to transfer data to another
FlexPDE run for postprocessing.
See Graphics Display Specifications 246 and Exporting Data to Other Applications 137 for more


Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Export.pde 566

Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Transfer_Export.pde 574
Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Transfer_Import.pde 575
Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Mesh_Export.pde 568
Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Mesh_Import.pde 569
Samples | Usage | Stop+Restart | Restart_Export.pde 640
Samples | Usage | Stop+Restart | Restart_Import.pde 641 Da t a Expor t Speci fi ca t i on s

Requests for data export are included in the MONITORS or PLOTS sections as for graphic output. This
allows the control of when the export is performed in a standard way. A data export request may be
any of the following types:

CDF ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )

Requests the export of the listed values in netCDF version 3 format.

The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system or subsequent
ON SURFACE 254 modifiers.
The included domain can be zoomed.
If the FILE 250 modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file
Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will stack subsequent outputs in the same file,
consistent with netCDF conventions.
CDF uses a regular rectangular grid, so interface definition may be ragged.
Use ZOOM 254 to show details.


This is an extension of the TRANSFER 261 export.

The output will be written to a file "<problem>_restart.xfr" 4 that is appropriate for restarting a
computation or postprocessing.

TABLE ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )

261 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

Requests the export of the listed values in tabular ASCII format.

The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system or subsequent
ON 252 modifiers.
The included domain can be zoomed.
If the FILE 250 modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file
Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will create separate files for each stage or mode,
with additional sequencing numbers in the name.
TABLE output uses a regular rectangular grid, so interface definition may be lost.
Use ZOOM 254 to show details.

TECPLOT ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )

Requests the export of the listed values to a file readable by the TecPlot visualization system.
The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system.
The entire mesh is exported.
If the FILE 250 modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file
Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will stack subsequent outputs in the same file,
consistent with TecPlot conventions.
TecPlot uses the actual triangular or tetrahedral computation mesh (subdivided to linear basis), so
material interfaces are preserved.

TRANSFER ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )

Requests the export of the listed values and finite element mesh data in a file readable by FlexPDE
using the TRANSFER or TRANSFERMESH 213 input command. This method of data transfer
between FlexPDE problems retains the full accuracy of the computation, without the error
introduced by the rectangular mesh of the TABLE function.
The exported domain cannot be zoomed.
If the FILE 250 modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file
"<problem>_<sequence>.xfr". This export format uses the actual computation mesh, so material
interfaces are preserved.
The full computation mesh is exported.
When used in Staged, Time dependent or Eigenvalue problems, each output file will be identified
by appending a sequence number to the file name.
TRANSFER files record the state of HISTORY plots. Problems restarted from a TRANSFER file will
restore the data sequence of HISTORY plots.
See TRANSFER File format 262 for a description of the data format.

TRANSFER6 ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )

This command is the same as the TRANSFER command, except:
Data are exported in a format compatible with FlexPDE Version 6.
If the FILE 250 modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 262

TRANSFER6 files do NOT record the state of HISTORY plots. Problems restarted from a
TRANSFER file will have fragmented HISTORY plots.
See TRANSFER6 File format 266 for a description of the data format.

VTK ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )

Requests the export of the listed values to a file in VTK (Visualization Tool Kit) format for display
by visualization systems such as VisIt.
The output will be two or three dimensional, following the current coordinate system.
The entire mesh is exported.
If the FILE modifier does not follow, then the output will be written to a file
Staged, eigenvalue and time-dependent problems will produce a family of files distinguished by the
sequence number.
VTK format uses the actual triangular or tetrahedral computation mesh, so material interfaces are
The VTK format supports quadratic finite element basis directly, but not cubic. To export from
cubic-basis computations, use VTKLIN.

VTKLIN ( arg1 [,arg2,...] )

Produces a VTK format file in which the native cells of the FlexPDE computation have been
converted to a set of linear-basis finite element cells.
This command may be used to export to VTK visualization tools from cubic-basis FlexPDE
computations, or in cases where the visualization tool does not support quadratic basis. T RA NSFER Fi l e for m a t

The format of a TRANSFER file is dictated by the TRANSFER output format, and contains the following
(Note that the file format for Version 7 is different than that for previous versions. The new keyword
TRANSFER6 can be used to write files in the old format. The TRANSFER import facility will
automatically recognize the file type and import correctly for either.)

The Header Section

1) A identifying section enclosed in comment brackets, { ... } and containing the following:
a) the exporting FlexPDE version and date
b) the generating problem name and run time
c) the problem title
d) the list of quantities reported in the file.

2) A file identifier "FlexPDE v700 transfer file". The version number listed here will determine which file
format is to be read on import.
263 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

3) The number of geometric dimensions and their names.

4) The finite element basis identifier from 4 to 10, meaning:

4 = linear triangle (3 coefficients per cell)
5 = quadratic triangle (6 coefficients per cell)
6 = cubic triangle (9 coefficients per cell)
7 = cubic triangle (10 coefficients per cell)
8 = linear tetrahedron (4 coefficients per cell)
9 = quadratic tetrahedron (10 coefficients per cell)
10 = cubic tetrahedron (20 coefficients per cell)

5) The number of degrees of freedom (coefficients per cell as above).

6) The geometric basis (which may be different than the solution basis)

7) The number of material regions in the domain.

8) The NGRID selector used in generating the mesh.

9) A FLAG specification, showing the number of flags and their values. This row may change in later
versions, but will not alter the readability of the file. Currently defined flags are:
a) Curvegrid, which allows curved cell sides where required by boundary definitions
b) Curveall, which forces curved cell sides for all cells in the mesh

10) The total number of degrees of freedom in the mesh (number of interpolation coefficients per

11) Current problem time and timestep (time-dependent problems only).

12) The number of output quantities and their names, one per line. Global quantities also define the

13) The number mesh control definitions that follow, one line each.

14) The number of domain joints (boundary break points) and their descriptions, one per line, defining:
Joint number
Periodic image joint (or 0)
Associated mesh node number
Extrusion surface (or 0)
Active flag
Mesh density control indices (parenthesized)

15) The number of domain edges and their descriptions, one per line, defining:
Edge number
Associated base plane edge number
Beginning joint number
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 264

Ending joint number

Periodic image edge (or 0)
Extrusion surface (or 0)
Extrusion layer (or 0)
Active, Feature and Contact flags
Edge name(s) that include this edge
Mesh density control indices (parenthesized)

16) The number of 3D domain faces (3D only) and their descriptions, including
Face number
Associated base plane face number
Left adjoining Region number
Right adjoining Region number
Periodic image face (or 0)
Shape selector (face extrusion, edge extrusion, CAD face or 0)
Layer or surface number
Active and Contact flags
Face name
Mesh density control indices (parenthesized)

17) The number of domain regions and their descriptions, including

Region number
Associated base plane region number
Layer (or 0)
Material number
Active flag
Region name
Mesh density control indices (parenthesized)

The Mesh Section

Unlike previous versions, version 7 ascribes nodes only to the mesh vertices. There are no midside or
midface nodes. The nodal coefficients define a linear (order=1) approximation to the described quantity.
This is then supplemented by quadratic and cubic coefficients which are ascribed to Sides (2D), Legs
(3D), or Cells (cubic models). Interpolation coefficients for the entire mesh are numbered sequentially,
and each may be associated with a Node, a Side, a Leg, or a Cell. Exported mesh data are then as

1) The number of Nodes. Nodes are numbered sequentially as they are created by the mesh generator.

2) The nodal descriptions, containing one line for each mesh node with the following format:
the node number
one, two or three spatial coordinates
265 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

the node type (0=interior; 1=joint; 2=edge; 3=face; 4=exterior)

the boundary identifier (region number, joint number, edge number or face number)
the coefficient index associated with this node (in future versions, there may be more
than one).

3) The number of Sides, a referencing flag and an imaging flag. Sides are numbered sequentially as they
are created by the mesh generator. In 2D a Side is the leg of a triangle. In 3D a Side is a tetrahedral

4) The side descriptions, one line per side, listing the following:
the side number
a packed flag word (1=warped; 2=periodic; 4=contact; 16=joint; 32=edge; 48=face;
the boundary identifier
the geometric bulge (2D only)
the reference node (if referencing)
the image side (if imaging)
the coefficient indices associated with this side (varying numbers, depending on
dimension and order).

5) The number of Legs (3D only) and a referencing flag. Legs are numbered sequentially as they are
created by the mesh generator.

6) The leg descriptions, one line per side, listing the following:
the leg number
a packed flag word (1=warped; 32=edge; 48=face; 64=exterior)
the face identifier
the geometric bulge (3D only)
the reference node (if referencing)
the coefficient indices associated with this side (varying numbers, depending on
dimension and order).

7) The number of cells. Cells are numbered sequentially as they are created by the mesh

8) The cell connectivity data, one line per cell, listing the following:
the cell number
a packed flag word (1=bounding; 2=warped)
the node numbers of the vertices (2 in 1D, 3 in 2D, 4 in 3D)
the side numbers of the sides (none in 1D, 3 in 2D, 4 in 3D)
the leg numbers (3D only)
the neighboring cell numbers (corresponding to listed sides)
the region number and material number of the containing region
the coefficient indices associated with this cell (varying numbers, depending on
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 266

dimension and order).

The Data Section

Each distinct material type in the exported problem is represented by a separate section in the
TRANSFER file. Material types are defined by matching parameter definitions. Each coefficient has one
value for each of the field quantities exported (global quantities do not appear). Coefficients shared
between adjoining materials will appear once in each material group. The values reported may be
different, if the coefficient lies on a contact boundary.

Each data section consists of:

1) The number of coefficients in the material and the material number.

2) The coefficient data, containing one line for each coefficient with the following format:
the coefficient number.
one value for each of the exported quantities.

The History Section

If the exporting problem has assembled data for the creation of HISTORY plots, that data will be
recorded in the TRANSFER file, so that an importing problem can present the full history. This segment
of the file contains the following data:
1) The number of Histories and the number of times recorded.
2) The list of times at which data have been recorded.
3) The History blocks, one for each History, containing the following data:
o The History number, together with number of functions, the number of "at" points, the start time, the
time window, the window start, the window end, the instance count and the axis length (if plot was
"vs" a quantity other than time)
o If the History was "Versus" some axis other than time, the list of axis values
o The evaluation expressions for the requested "at" points, one line per function.
o The history data, one block for each output function. Each block contains:
i. The evaluation expression for the requested output function.
ii. The history values for the output function. T RA NSFER6 Fi l e for m a t

The format of a TRANSFER6 file is identical to the version 6 output format, and contains the following
267 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

The Header Section

1) A header containing an identifying section listing the FlexPDE version, generating problem name and
run time, and plotted variable name or function equation. This header is enclosed in comment brackets,
{ ... }.

2) A file identifier "FlexPDE transfer file", and the problem title.

3) The number of geometric dimensions and their names.

4) The finite element basis identifier from 4 to 10, meaning:

4 = linear triangle (3 points per cell)
5 = quadratic triangle (6 points per cell)
6 = cubic triangle (9 points per cell)
7 = cubic triangle (10 points per cell)
8 = linear tetrahedron (4 points per cell)
9 = quadratic tetrahedron (10 points per cell)
10 = cubic tetrahedron (20 points per cell)

5) The number of degrees of freedom (points per cell as above).

6) Current problem time and timestep (time-dependent problems only).

7) The number of output variables and their names

8) The number of domain joints (boundary break points) and their descriptions, including
Joint number
Periodic image joint (or 0)
Associated global node number
Extrusion surface (or 0)
Active flag

9) The number of domain edges and their descriptions, including

Edge number
Associated base plane edge number
Beginning joint number
Ending joint number
Periodic image edge (or 0)
Extrusion surface (or 0)
Extrusion layer (or 0)
Active, Feature and Contact flags
Edge name

10) The number of 3D domain faces and their descriptions, including

Face number
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 268

Associated base plane face number

Left adjoining Region number
Right adjoining Region number
Periodic image face (or 0)
Shape selector
Layer or surface number
Active and Contact flags
Face name

11) The number of domain regions and their descriptions, including

Region number
Associated base plane region number
Layer (or 0)
Material number
Active flag
Region name

The Data Section

Each distinct material type in the exported problem is represented by a separate section in the
TRANSFER file. Material types are defined by matching parameter definitions. Each data section
consists of:

1) The number of nodes

2) The nodal data, containing one line for each node with the following format:
two or three coordinates and as many data values as specified in (7).
a colon (:)
the global node index
the node type (0=interior; 1=joint; 2=edge; 3=face; 4=exterior)
the type qualifier (region number, joint number, edge number or face number)
the periodic node index

3) The number of cells.

4) The cell connectivity data, one line per cell, listing the following:
the geometric basis (as in Header 4)
the node numbers (local to the current material block) which comprise the cell. The
count of these node numbers is controlled by (Header 5).
a colon (:)
the global cell number
the logical region number
269 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

the material number

The node numbers are presented in the following order: Ex am ples

See the sample problem Samples | Usage | Plotting | Plot_test.pde 633 for examples of PLOTS and

See the sample problem Samples | Usage | Plotting | Print_test.pde 631 for examples of exporting plot
See the sample problem Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Export.pde 566 for examples of exports
without display.
See the sample problem Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Export_Format.pde 566 for examples of
formatted exports without display.
See the sample problem Samples | Usage | Import-Export | Export_History.pde 567 for examples of
exports of history data.
P roblem Descriptor Reference : The Sections of a Descriptor 270

3.3.20 Histories
The HISTORIES section, which is optional, specifies values for which a time history is desired. While
multiple HISTORY statements can be listed they must all be of the form:
HISTORY ( arg1 [ ,arg2,...] )
HISTORY ( arg1 [ ,arg2,...] ) AT (X1,Y1) [ (X2,Y2)...]

The coordinates specify locations in the problem at which the history is to be recorded. If no coordinate
is given, the arg must evaluate to a scalar.

The modifiers and reports available to PLOTS and MONITORS may also be applied to HISTORY
The display of HISTORIES i s controlled by the AUTOHIST select switch, which defaults to ON. With
the default setting all HISTORIES are automatically refreshed and displayed with the update of any

If desired, HISTORY statements can be included directly in the MONITORS section or PLOTS section.
Histories in Staged Problems
HISTORY statements may be used in STAGED problems as well as in time-dependent problems.
In this case, the default abscissa will be stage number. You can select a different value for the
abscissa quantity by appending the clause

VERSUS expression

In this case, the values of the given expression in the various stages will be used as the plot axis.

Windowing History Plots

HISTORY plots by default display the total time range of the problem run. Specific time ranges can
be specified in several ways. A global window specifier can be set in the SELECT section:


This command causes all histories to display only the most recent time interval of the data.

Individual HISTORY plots can be windowed by the two plot qualifier forms:

WINDOW = time selects a moving window containing the most recent time interval
WINDOW ( time1 , selects a fixed time range, plotting the time between time1 and
time2 ) time2

See the sample problem "Samples | Usage | Two_Histories.pde" 603 for an example.
271 FlexP DE 7 : P roblem Descriptor Reference

3.3.21 End
All problem descriptors must have an END section.

With the exception of a numeric enabling key used in special demonstration files prepared by PDE
Solutions Inc., anything appearing after the reserved word end is ignored by FlexPDE and treated as a

Problem notes can be conveniently placed after the reserved word END.

3.4 Batch Processing

A special form of descriptor is used to specify a group of problems to be run in batch mode.

A single "section" introduced by the word BATCH identifies a descriptor as a batch control file.
Following this header, a sequence of names appears, each name enclosed in quote marks. Commas
may optionally be used to separate the names. Any number of names may appear on each line of the
descriptor. Each name is the name of a problem descriptor to be run. Names may include directory
paths, which are assumed to originate in the directory containing the batch descriptor. The ".pde"
extension is not required, and will be assumed if omitted. The list should be closed with an END


{ FlexPDE will accept either \ or / as a separator }
"misc\table", "steady_state\heat_flow\slider"

The entire problem list is examined immediately, and any syntax errors in the names are reported. All files
named in the list are located, and missing files are reported before any processing begins.

Each problem named in the list is run to completion in sequence. As the problems run, status information
is written to a log file in the directory containing the batch descriptor. This file has the same name as the
batch descriptor, with the extension "_log.txt", and all problems in the list are summarized in this single
file. Graphical output from each problem is written as usual to a unique ".pg7" file in the directory with
the specific descriptor. After the run is completed, this graphic output may be reviewed by restarting
FlexPDE and using the VIEW 26 menu item.

Simple names may be listed without the quotes, but in this case embedded spaces, path separators,
reserved words and numeric initials will all cause error diagnostics.

An optional SELECT 183 section may be placed immediately following the BATCH identifier. Most
P roblem Descriptor Reference : Batch P rocessing 272

selectors set in the section will be used as the default value for all scripts run by the batch. These values
will not override values set explicitly by the individual scripts.


SELECT ngrid=10

An optional DELAY value may be set immediately following the BATCH identifier. This delay value
specifies the number of seconds to wait prior to starting the next problem in the sequence.


The batch can be terminated before completion by using the "Stop Batch" item in the Controls Menu 10 .
Technical Notes
Technical Notes : Natural Boundary C onditions 274

4 Technical Notes
4.1 Natural Boundary Conditions
The NATURAL boundary condition 82 is a generalization of the concept of a flux boundary condition.
In diffusion equations, it is in fact the outward flux of the diffusing quantity. In stress equations, it is the
surface load. In other equations, it can be less intuitive.

FlexPDE uses integration by parts to reduce the order of second derivative terms in the system
Application of this technique over a two-dimensional computation cell produces an interior area integral
term and a boundary line integral term. Forming the same integral in two adjacent computation cells
produces the same boundary integral at their interface, except that the direction of integration is opposite
in the two cells. If the integrals are added together to form the total integral, the shared boundary
integrals cancel.

Applied to the term dx(f), where f is an expression containing further derivative terms, integration
by parts yields
Integral(dx(f)*dV) = Integral(f*c*dS),
where c denotes the x-component of the outward surface-normal unit vector and dS is the
differential surface element.
(Y- and Z- derivative terms are handled similarly, with c replaced by the appropriate unit-vector

Applied to the term dxx(f), where f denotes a scalar quantity, integration by parts yields
Integral(dxx(f)*dV) = Integral(dx(f)*c*dS),
where c denotes the x-component of the outward surface-normal unit vector and dS is the
differential surface element.
(Y- and Z- derivative terms are handled similarly, with c replaced by the appropriate unit-vector

Applied to the term DIV(F), where F denotes a vector quantity containing further derivative terms,
integration by parts is equivalent to the divergence theorem,
Integral(DIV(F)dV) = Integral(F . n dS),
where n denotes the outward surface-normal unit vector and dS is the differential surface element.

Applied to the term CURL(F), where F denotes a vector quantity containing further derivative terms,
integration by parts is equivalent to the curl theorem,
Integral(CURL(F) dV) = Integral(n x F dS),
where again n denotes the outward surface-normal unit vector and dS is the differential surface

FlexPDE performs these integrations in 3 dimensions, including the volume and surface elements
appropriate to the geometry. In 2D Cartesian geometry, the volume cell is extended one unit in the
Z direction; in 2D cylindrical geometry, the volume cell is r*dr*dtheta.
275 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

This technique forms the basis of the treatment of exterior boundary conditions and interior material
interface behavior in FlexPDE.
All boundary integral terms are assumed to vanish at internal cell interfaces.
All boundary integral terms are assumed to vanish at internal and external boundaries, unless a
NATURAL boundary condition statement provides an independent evaluation of the boundary

There are several ramifications of this treatment:

In divergence equations, such as DIV(k F) = 0,
the quantity (k F . n ) will be continuous across interior material interfaces.
The NATURAL boundary condition specifies the value of (k F . n) on the boundary.
If (k F) is heat flux (k F = -k Grad(T)), then energy will be conserved across material
discontinuities, and the NATURAL boundary condition defines outward heat flux.
If (k F) is electric displacement (D = -eps Grad(V)) or magnetic induction (B =
Curl(A)), then the material interface conditions dictated by Maxwell's equations will be
satisfied, and in the electric case the NATURAL boundary condition will define the surface
charge density.

In curl equations, such as CURL(k F) = 0,

the quantity (k n x F) will be continuous across interior material interfaces.
The NATURAL boundary condition specifies the value of (k n x F) on the boundary.
If (k F) is magnetic field (H = (1/mu) Curl(A)) or electric field (E = -Grad(V)), then
the material interface conditions dictated by Maxwell's equations will be satisfied, and in
the magnetic case the NATURAL boundary condition will define the surface current

Note that it is not necessary to write the equations explicitly with the DIV or CURL operators for these
conditions to be met. Any valid differential equivalent in the coordinate system of the problem will be
treated the same way.

Note also that the NATURAL boundary condition and the PDE are intimately related.
If a differential operator has an argument that itself contains a differential operator, then that
argument becomes the object of integration by parts, and generates a corresponding component of
the NATURAL boundary condition.
If the PDE is multiplied by some factor, then the associated NATURAL boundary condition must be
multiplied by the same factor.
The NATURAL boundary condition must have a sign consistent with the sign of the associated PDE
terms when moved to the left side of the equation.
The NATURAL boundary condition statement specifies to FlexPDE the integrand of the surface
integral generated by the integration by parts, which is otherwise assumed to be zero.
Technical Notes : Solving Nonlinear P roblems 276

4.2 Solving Nonlinear Problems

FlexPDE automatically recognizes when a problem is nonlinear and modifies its strategy accordingly.

In nonlinear systems, we are not guaranteed that the system will have a unique solution, and even if it
does, we are not guaranteed that FlexPDE will be able to find it. The solution method used by FlexPDE
is a modified Newton-Raphson iteration procedure. This is a "descent" method, which tries to fall down
the gradient of an energy functional until minimum energy is achieved (i.e. the gradient of the functional
goes to zero). If the functional is nearly quadratic, as it is in simple diffusion problems, then the method
converges quadratically (the relative error is squared on each iteration). The default strategy
implemented in FlexPDE is usually sufficient to determine a solution without user intervention.

Time-Dependent Problems

In nonlinear time-dependent problems, the default behavior is to compute the Jacobian matrix (the
"slope" of the functional) and take a single Newton step at each timestep, on the assumption that any
nonlinearities will be sensed by the timestep controller, and that timestep adjustments will guarantee an
accurate evolution of the system from the given initial conditions.

Several selectors are provided to enable more robust (but more expensive) treatment in difficult cases.
The "NEWTON=number" selector can be used to increase the maximum number of Newton iterations
performed on each timestep. In this case, FlexPDE will examine the change in the system variables and
recompute the Jacobian matrix whenever it seems warranted. The Selector REMATRIX=ON will force
the Jacobian matrix to be re-evaluated at each Newton step.

The PREFER_SPEED selector is equivalent to the default behavior, setting NEWTON=1 and
The PREFER_STABILITY selector resets the values of NEWTON=3 and REMATRIX=On.

Steady-State Problems

In the case of nonlinear steady-state problems, the situation is somewhat more complicated. The default
controls are usually sufficient to achieve a solution. The Newton iteration is allowed to run a large
number of iterations, and the Jacobian matrix is recomputed whenever the change in the solution values
seem to warrant it. The Selector REMATRIX=On may be used to force re-computation of the Jacobian
matirx on each Newton step.

In cases of strong nonlinearities, it may be necessary for the user to help guide FlexPDE to a valid
solution. There are several techniques that can be used to help the solution process.
Start with a Good Initial Value
Providing an initial value which is near the correct solution will aid enormously in finding a solution. Be
particularly careful that the initial value matches the boundary conditions. If it does not, serious
excursions may be excited in the trial solution, leading to solution difficulties.
277 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

Use STAGES 207 to Gradually Activate the Nonlinear Terms

You can use the staging facility of FlexPDE to gradually increase the strength of the nonlinear terms.
Start with a linear (or nearly linear) system, and allow FlexPDE to find a solution which is consistent with
the boundary conditions. Then use this solution as a starting point for a more strongly nonlinear system.
By judicious use of staging, you can creep up on a solution to very nasty problems.
Use CHANGELIM to Control Modifications
The selector CHANGELIM limits the amount by which any nodal value in a problem may be modified on
each Newton-Raphson step. As in a one-dimensional Newton iteration, if the trial solution is near a local
maximum of the functional, then shooting down the gradient will try to step an enormous distance to the
next trial solution. FlexPDE limits the size of each nodal change to be less than CHANGELIM times the
average value of the variable. The default value for CHANGELIM is 0.5, but if the initial value (or any
intermediate trial solution) is sufficiently far from the true solution, this value may allow wild excursions
from which FlexPDE is unable to recover. Try cutting CHANGELIM to 0.1, or in severe cases even 0.01,
to force FlexPDE to creep toward a valid solution. In combination with a reasonable initial value, even
CHANGELIM=0.01 can converge in a surprisingly short time. Since CHANGELIM limits each nodal
change to a fraction of the RMS average value, not the local value, its effect disappears when a solution
is reached, and quadratic final convergence is still achieved.
Watch Out for Negative Values
FlexPDE uses piecewise polynomials to approximate the solution. In cases of rapid variation of the
solution over a single cell, you will almost certainly see severe under-shoot in early stages. Don't assume
that the value of your variable will remain positive. If your equations lose validity in the presence of
negative values, perhaps you should recast the equations in terms of the logarithm of the variable. In this
case, even though the logarithm may go negative, the implied value of your actual variable will remain
Recast the Problem in a Time-Dependent Form
Any steady-state problem can be viewed as the infinite-time limit of a time-dependent problem. Rewrite
your PDE's to have a time derivative term which will push the value in the direction of decreasing
deviation from solution of the steady-state PDE. (A good model to follow is the time-dependent
diffusion equation DIV(K*GRAD(U)) = DT(U). A negative value of the divergence indicates a local
maximum in the solution, and results in driving the value downward.) In this case, "time" is a fictitious
variable analogous to the "iteration count" in the steady-state N-R iteration, but the time-dependent
formulation allows the timestep controller to guide the evolution of the solution.

4.3 Eigenvalues and Modal Analysis

FlexPDE can solve eigenvalue problems involving an arbitrary number of equations. This type of
problem is identified by the appearance of the selector MODES=<number> in the select section, and by
use of the reserved word LAMBDA in the equations section. The MODES selector tells FlexPDE how
many modes to calculate, and LAMBDA in the equations stands for the eigenvalue. At present, the
eigenvalues must be real, and no nonlinear uses of LAMBDA are accepted.

FlexPDE uses the method of subspace iteration (see Bathe and Wilson, "Numerical Methods in Finite
Element Analysis", Prentice-Hall, 1976) to solve for a selected number of eigenvalues of lowest
Technical Notes : Eigenvalues and Modal Analysis 278

magnitude. In this method, the full problem is projected onto a subspace of much smaller dimension,
and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this reduced system are found. This process is repeated until
convergence of the eigenvalues is achieved. The eigenvectors of the full system are then recovered from
expansion of the eigenvectors of the reduced system. As in a power-series expansion, there is some loss
of accuracy in the higher modes due to truncation error. For this reason, FlexPDE solves a subspace of
dimension min(n+8,2*n), where n is the number of requested modes.

See the eigenvalue examples 538 for demonstrations of this use of FlexPDE.

Eigenvalue Shifting

It is possible to examine eigenmodes which do not correspond to eigenvalues of the smallest magnitude
by the technique of eigenvalue shifting. Consider the two systems
L(u) + lambda*u = 0
L(u) + lambda*u + shift*u = 0.
These systems will have the same eigenvectors as those associated with eigenvalues of "lambda+shift" in
the original system. Given the latter problem, FlexPDE will find a set of eigenvalues corresponding to the
eigenvalues closest above "shift" in the spectrum of the former problem. The sum "lambda+shift" will
correspond to the eigenvalue in the former system.

Eigenvalue shifting is demonstrated in the examples "Samples | Usage | Eigenvalues | Waveguide20.pde"

548 and "Samples | Usage | Eigenvalues | Shiftguide.pde" 544 .

4.4 Avoid Discontinuities!

Discontinuities can cause serious numerical difficulty. This is most glaringly true in time-dependent
problems, but can be a factor in steady-state problems as well.


The finite element model used in FlexPDE assumes that all variables are continuous throughout the
problem domain. This follows from the fact that the mesh nodes that sample the values of the variables
are shared between the cells that they adjoin. Internally, the solution variables are interpolated by low-
order polynomials over each cell of the finite element mesh. A discontinuous change in boundary
conditions along the boundary path, particularly between differing VALUE conditions, will require intense
mesh refinement to resolve the transition.

Whenever possible, use RAMP 165 , URAMP 163 , SWAGE 167 , part of a sine or supergaussian, or some
other smooth function to make a transition in value conditions over a physically meaningful distance.

If the quantity you have chosen as a system variable is in fact expected to be discontinuous at an
interface, consider choosing a different variable which is continuous, and from which the real variable can
be computed.
279 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes


It is a common tendency in posing problems for numerical solution to specify initial conditions or
boundary conditions as discontinuous functions, such as "at time=2 seconds, the boundary temperature is
raised instantaneously to 200 degrees." A little thought will reveal that such statements are totally
artificial. They violate the constraints of physics, and they pose impossible conditions for numerical
solution. Not quite so obvious is the case where a boundary condition is applied at the start of the
problem which is inconsistent with the initial values. This is in fact a statement that "at time=0 the
boundary temperature is raised instantaneously to a new value", and so is the same as the statement

To raise a temperature "instantaneously" requires an infinite heat flux. To move a material position
"instantaneously" requires an infinite force. In the real world, nothing happens "instantaneously".
Viscosity diffuses velocity gradients, elastic deformation softens displacement velocities, thermal diffusion
smoothes temperature changes. At some scale, all changes in nature are smooth.

In the mathematical view, the Fourier transform of a step function is (1/frequency). This means that a
discontinuity excites an infinite spectrum of spatial and temporal frequencies, with weights that diminish
quite slowly at higher frequencies. An "accurate" numerical model of such a system would require an
infinite number of nodes and infinitesimal time steps, to satisfy sampling requirements of two samples per
cycle. Any frequency components for which the sampling requirement is not met will be modeled wrong,
and will cause oscillations or inaccuracies in the solution.

How then have numerical solutions been achieved to these problems over the decades? The answer is
that artificial numerical diffusion processes have secretly filtered the frequency spectrum of the solution to
include only low-frequency components. Or the answers have been wrong. Right enough to satisfy the
user, and wrong enough to satisfy the calculation.

It is useful in this context to note that the effect of a diffusion term D*div(grad(U)) is to apply an
attenuation of 1/(1+D*K*K) to the K-th frequency component of U. Conversely, any side effect of a
numerical approximation which damps high frequency components is similar to a diffusion operator in the

We have attempted in FlexPDE to eliminate as many sources of artificial solution behavior as possible.
Automatic timestep control and adaptive gridding are mechanisms which try to follow accurately the
solution of the posed PDE. Discontinuities cannot be accurately modeled, and are therefore, strictly
speaking, ill-posed problems. They cause tiny timesteps and intense mesh refinement in the early phases,
causing long running times.

What can be done?

Start your problem with initial conditions which are self-consistent; this means the values should
correspond to a steady state solution with some set of boundary conditions. If you cannot by
inspection determine these values, use the INITIAL EQUATIONS 220 facility or a steady-state
FlexPDE run with TRANSFER to precompute the initial values. See initialeq.pde 636 and
smoothing_discontinuities.pde 637 in the Samples|Usage|Sequenced_Equations folder.
Use RAMP, URAMP, SWAGE or other smooth function of time to turn the source value on over a
Technical Notes : Avoid Discontinuities! 280

meaningful interval of time.

Whenever possible, instead of an instantaneously applied value condition, use a flux boundary
condition which reflects the maximum physical initial flux that could arise from such a step condition
(see the sample problem SAMPLES|Applications|Misc|Diffusion.pde 435 for an example).
Volume source functions and Natural boundary conditions are not as sensitive as direct conditions
on the variables, because they appear in the numerical solution as integrals over some interval, and
are thus somewhat "smoothed".

It may seem like an imposition that we should require such adulteration of your pure PDE, but the
alternative is that we apply these adulterations behind your back, in unknown quantities and with
unknown affect on your solution. At least this way, you're in control.

4.5 Extrusions in 3D
The specification of three-dimensional geometries as extrusions in FlexPDE is based on the
decomposition of the object into two parts:
The projection of the object onto the base X-Y plane.
The division of the extrusion of this projection into layers in the Z dimension.

Let us take as a model a sandwich formed by a layer of dielectric material with two rectangular
conductive patches, top and bottom, with differing dimensions. We wish to model the dielectric, the
conductive patches and the surrounding air.

First, we form the projection of this figure onto the X-Y plane, showing all relevant interfaces:
281 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

The geometry is specified to FlexPDE primarily in terms of this projection. A preliminary description of
the 2D base figure is then:

REGION 1 {this is the outer boundary of the system}
LINE TO (5,0) TO (5,5) TO (0,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 {this region overrides region 1 and describes the larger plate}
LINE TO (4,0) TO (4,5) TO (1,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 3 {this region overrides region 1 & 2 and describes the smaller plate}
LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,5) TO (5,3) TO CLOSE

Note that any part of the projection which will have a different stack of material properties above it must
be represented by a region. All parts of the projection which will have the same stack of material
properties may be included in a single region, even though they may be disjoint in the projection.

Next we view the X-Z cross-section of the sandwich:

Technical Notes : Extrusions in 3D 282

The layer structure is specified bottom-up to FlexPDE in the EXTRUSION statement:

SURFACE "Bottom" Z=0
LAYER "Bottom Air"
SURFACE "Bottom Air - Metal" Z=0.9
LAYER "Bottom Metal"
SURFACE "Bottom Metal - Dielectric" Z=1
LAYER "dielectric"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Dielectric" Z=2
LAYER "Top Metal"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Air" Z=2.1
LAYER "Top Air"
SURFACE "top" Z=3

The LAYER statements are optional, as are the names of the surfaces. If surfaces and layers are not
named, then they must subsequently be referred to by numbers, with surface numbers running in this case
from 1 to 6 and layer numbers from 1 to 5. SURFACE 1 is Z=0, and LAYER 1 is between SURFACE 1
and SURFACE 2.

Note: a shorthand form to this specification is:

EXTRUSION Z=(0, 0.9, 1, 2, 2.1, 3)
In this form layers and surfaces must subsequently be referred to by number.

Assume that we have the following DEFINITIONS and EQUATIONS section:

K = Kair {default the dielectric coefficient to the value for air}
Kdiel = 999 {replace 999 with problem value}
Kmetal = 999 {replace 999 with problem value}
283 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes


We now modify the BOUNDARIES section to include layering information in the various regions:

REGION 1 {this is the outer boundary of the system}
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel {all other layers default to Kair}
LINE TO (5,0) TO (5,5) TO (0,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 {this region overrides region 1 and describes the larger plate}
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel
LINE TO (4,0) TO (4,5) TO (1,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 3 {this region overrides region 1 & 2 and describes the smaller plate}
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel
LAYER "Top Metal" Kmetal
LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,5) TO (5,3) TO CLOSE

If layers are not named, then layer numbers must be used in place of the names above. The LAYER
specifiers act as group headers, and all definitions following a LAYER specification refer to that layer, until
the group is broken by SURFACE, LAYER or START . Definitions which apply to all layers of the region
must appear before any LAYER specification.

The specification of boundary conditions proceeds in a similar way. As in the description of 2D

problems in FlexPDE, the default boundary condition is always NATURAL(variable)=0. In the X-Y
projection of our problem, which forms the basis of our 3D description, we have described the bounding
lines of the regions. A boundary condition attached to any of these bounding lines will apply to all layers
of the vertical surface formed by extruding the line. Boundary conditions along this surface may be
specialized to a layer in the same way as the material properties are specialized to a layer. Assume that
we wish to apply a potential of V0 to one end of the lower plate and V1 to the opposite end of the
upper plate. We will modify the descriptor in the following way:

REGION 1 { this is the outer boundary of the system }
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel { all other layers default to Kair }
LINE TO (5,0) TO (5,5) TO (0,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 { this region overrides region 1, and describes the larger plate }
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel
LAYER "Bottom Metal" VALUE(V)=V0
LINE TO (4,0)
LAYER "Bottom Metal" NATURAL(V)=0
LINE TO (4,5) TO (1,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 3 { this region overrides regions 1&2, and describes the smaller
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
Technical Notes : Extrusions in 3D 284

LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel

LAYER "Top Metal" K = Kmetal
LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,5)
LAYER "Top Metal" VALUE(V)=V1
LINE TO (2,5)
LAYER "Top Metal" NATURAL(V)=0

The final requirement for boundary condition specification is the attachment of boundary conditions to the
X-Y end faces of the extruded figure. This is done by the SURFACE modifier. Suppose we wish to
force the bottom surface to V=0 and the top to V=1. We would modify the descriptor as follows:

REGION 1 { this is the outer boundary of the system }
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel { all other layers default to Kair }
LINE TO (5,0) TO (5,5) TO (0,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 2 { this region overrides region 1, and describes the larger plate }
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel
LAYER "Bottom Metal" VALUE(V)=V0
LINE TO (4,0)
LAYER "Bottom Metal" NATURAL(V)=0
LINE TO (4,5) TO (1,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 3 { this region overrides regions 1&2, and describes the smaller plate}
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel
LAYER "Top Metal" K = Kmetal
LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,5)
LAYER "Top Metal" VALUE(V)=V1
LINE TO (2,5)
LAYER "Top Metal" NATURAL(V)=0

Observe that since the SURFACE statements lie outside any REGION specification, they apply to all
regions of the surface. To specialize the SURFACE statement to a specific region, it should be included
within the REGION definition.

In this example, we have used named surfaces and layers. The same effect can be achieved by omitting
the layer names and specifying layers and surfaces by number:

REGION 1 { this is the outer boundary of the system }
LAYER 3 K = Kdiel { all other layers default to Kair }
285 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

LINE TO (5,0) TO (5,5) TO (0,5) TO CLOSE

REGION 2 { this region overrides region 1, and describes the larger plate }
LAYER 2 K = Kmetal
LAYER 3 K = Kdiel
LINE TO (4,0)
LINE TO (4,5) TO (1,5) TO CLOSE
REGION 3 { this region overrides regions 1&2, and describes the smaller plate}
LAYER 2 K = Kmetal
LAYER 3 K = Kdiel
LAYER 4 K = Kmetal
LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,5)
LINE TO (2,5)

Remember that in our terminology a REGION refers to an area in the projected base plane, while a
LAYER refers to a section of the Z-extrusion. A particular 3D chunk of the figure is uniquely identified by
the intersection of a REGION and a LAYER.

A completed form of the descriptor outlined here may be found in the sample problem "Samples | Usage
| 3D_Domains | 3D_Extrusion_spec.pde". A slightly more complex and interesting variation may be
found in "Samples | Applications | Electricity | 3D_Capacitor.pde".

4.6 Importing DXF Files

FlexPDE supports the import of DXF files, allowing you to use AutoCAD to prepare your FlexPDE
problem descriptor files.

To prepare the problem in AutoCAD, use the following rules:

On layer 0, enter as text the entire body of the problem description, excluding the BOUNDARIES
Use one layer for each region of the problem. Draw on each layer the boundaries pertaining to that
region. Enter as text on each layer the necessary regional definitions for that region. For
boundaries that are shared between regions, be sure that the points are recognizably the same
(within 1e-6*domain size). Snap-to-grid is advised.
Enter as text the necessary boundary conditions. Place the text so that the insertion point is near the
boundary to which the boundary condition applies.
Export the drawing as a DXF file in R14 format.

To run the problem in FlexPDE, do the following:

Select the "Import->DXF 2D" item from the "File" menu.

Technical Notes : Importing DXF Files 286

Select the DXF file to import and click "open".

Enter a minimum merge distance. This is the distance at which two points will be considered the
same, and merged.
FlexPDE will read the DXF file and translate it into a corresponding .PDE file. This file will be
displayed in the FlexPDE editor and also written to disk as a .PDE file for later use.
Examine the translated file for errors, then proceed as for a standard .PDE file.

You may chose to modify the translated .PDE file, or to continue to update the .DXF file, whichever is
most convenient for your needs.

See the sample problem "Samples | Usage | Import-Export | AcadSample.dxf" and its associated
drawing file AcadSample.dwg.

4.7 Importing OBJ Files

FlexPDE 7 supports the import of 3D bounding surface meshes in the OBJ file format, allowing you to
use a CAD program like Rhino to prepare your 3D model. The EXTRUSION 223 section will be absent
and the BOUNDARIES 226 section will contain the one statement to import the OBJ file :
IMPORT OBJ 'filename'

To prepare the OBJ mesh, use the following rules :

Build a closed mesh of your object and name it. FlexPDE must have a closed mesh - no open meshes.
Do not use spaces in the name.
Extract any mesh faces to which you would like to apply a boundary condition. Group and name them.
Groups intended to have different boundary conditions must have different names. Do not use spaces
in the name.
Export the mesh in OBJ format without vertex normals, without mesh texture coordinates, and without
materials. Also be sure to export object names as OBJ names, and group names as OBJ groups.

To have FlexPDE automatically generate a basic starting script file to import the OBJ mesh, do the
following :
Select the "Import->OBJ 3D" item from the "File" menu. Browse to the desired OBJ file and click
"Open". (Alternatively, you may use the "Open" menu item and switch the file filter to "OBJ"). This will
create a basic script file with the appropriate sections for the import process. This step is optional and
may be skipped once you have familiarity with the script grammar for importing OBJ files.
Add the sections VARIABLES 195 , EQUATIONS 217 , and PLOTS 245 .
Modify the MATERIALS 215 and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 216 sections as needed.
287 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

Note : FlexPDE will use flat-sided tetrahedra when creating computation meshes from
imported OBJ surface meshes. It will not curve the sides as in self constructed surface meshes.

Material Properties and Boundary Conditions

Since there are no REGIONS 229 or boundary paths 226 stated in the script when you import an OBJ mesh
file, we have provided two new sections for defining material property sets and boundary condition sets.
They are the MATERIALS 215 and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 216 sections.

In a normal script these definitions can be used in the normal flow with USE MATERIAL "name" and USE
BC "name". In order to use them in your OBJ import you have to label and group some items in the OBJ
file (usually before exporting from the CAD program, although it can be reopened and patched up by
hand if needed).

In order to apply material parameters to a given object, simply select the complete bounding mesh of that
object and name it. That name will be used to apply a parameter set definition. If you name the object
"box" then a MATERIAL named "box" must be present in the FlexPDE script.

In order to apply a BC to a set of mesh cells (like the side of a box) you will need to extract those cells
from the closed mesh, group them, and name the group. The group name will be used to apply a BC set
definition. If you name the group "right side" then a BOUNDARY CONDITION named "right side" must be
present in the FlexPDE script.

OBJ Construction Tips

Try and get a uniform mesh created in the CAD program. It is easy to get a mesh with large long skinny
cells very close to other small cells. FlexPDE7 does a pre-process pass where it will split cells in order
to make them more uniform, but it is better to try and get uniformity from the CAD mesh generator first.

FlexPDE will accept triangular and square cells from the OBJ mesh, but it is better to make them
triangular in the CAD program before exporting the OBJ file. FlexPDE will divide a square cell into four
cells, whereas in the CAD program you can divide them into two. The reason for FlexPDE dividing into
four is related to matching up common cell faces and their normals on faces shared between objects.

The normals of the cells will need to be directed outward. This is the default for most CAD programs
when creating a mesh from closed objects. If you make an object from pieces, you will need to make
sure the normals point outward.

Creating Void Volumes

Create two objects one inside the other. Invert the normals of the inside object. Name them as the same
Technical Notes : Importing OBJ Files 288

Samples | Usage | CAD_Import | cube_OBJimport.pde 518 - the most basic usage of the OBJ import.
Samples | Usage | CAD_Import | cube2_OBJimport.pde 518 - two objects with a shared face.
Samples | Usage | CAD_Import | helix_OBJimport.pde 522 - a stress model of a coil.
Samples | Usage | CAD_Import | boxinbox_OBJimport.pde 517 - void volume.
Samples | Usage | CAD_Import | horn_OBJimport.pde 523 - random crazy shape.
See all the other examples in the "Samples | Usage | CAD_Import" directory.

Please see the supplementary YouTube videos on OBJ mesh construction and import :

4.8 Applications in Electromagnetics

I. Maxwell's Equations

The purpose of this note is to develop formulations for the application of FlexPDE to various problems in
electromagnetics. It is not our intention to give a tutorial on electromagnetics; we assume that the reader
has some familiarity with the subject, and has access to standard references.

The starting point for our discussion is, as usual, Maxwell's equations:
v v D
(1) H J
(2) gB 0
v B
(3) E
(4) gD
To these we add the constitutive relations
v v
(5) D E
v v
(6) B H
v v
(7) J E
(In isotropic materials, , and are scalars, possibly nonlinear. In more complex materials, they
may be tensors. In studies involving hysteresis or permanent magnets, modifications must be made to
equation (6))
289 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

From these can be derived a convenient statement of charge conservation:

(8) J 0
These equations form a very general framework for the study of electromagnetic fields, and admit of
numerous combinations and permutations, depending on the characteristics of the problem at hand.
Much confusion arises, in fact, from the tendency of textbooks to specialize the equations too soon, in
order to simplify the exposition. This approach appears to present as a generally applicable formulation
one which in reality embodies many assumptions about the problem being analyzed. We will discover
that some alterations or substitutions that seem esthetically pleasing will not turn out to be wise

II. Choice of variables

A constraint due directly to the Finite Element model used in FlexPDE strikes us at the very outset.
FlexPDE uses a continuous piecewise polynomial representation of all model variables. That is, at each
computational node in the system it is assumed that each variable takes on a unique value, and that these
nodal values can be connected in space by polynomial interpolations.

Application of the Divergence Theorem and Stokes' Theorem to Maxwell's equations yield the following
boundary rules at material interfaces.
v v v
The tangential component of E is continuous; the normal component of D E is
continuous (in the absence of surface charges).
The tangential component of H is continuous (in the absence of surface current); the normal
v v
component of B H is continuous.

These rules are in general inconsistent with the model assumptions of FlexPDE. This means that the field
components themselves cannot be chosen as the model variables unless one of the following conditions

There are no material property discontinuities in the domain,

The discontinuous components of the field are absent in the specific configuration being modeled.

For example, if we know that in a specific configuration that all the electric fields must be tangential to the
material interfaces, we can use E as a model variable. If we know instead that all the electric fields are
normal to the material interfaces, we can use D as a model variable.

The analysis of fields in terms of the field components comprises the bulk of textbook treatments, and we
will not pursue the topic further here. We will instead turn our attention to a more generally applicable
modeling approach. Nevertheless, despite the seemingly restrictive nature of these prohibitions, there is
a large class of problems which can be analyzed successfully by FlexPDE in terms of field components.
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 290

III. Potentials
v v
For any twice-differentiable vector v , the vector identity v 0 holds. This identity together
with equation (2) implies that we can define a vector potential function A , the magnetic vector potential,
such that
v v
(9) A B
A theorem due to Helmholtz states that a vector field can be uniquely defined only by specifying both its
curl and its divergence. We must remain aware, therefore, that at this point our vector potential is
incompletely determined. The arbitrariness of A is frequently exploited to simplify the equations.
In many cases, it is not necessary to explicitly specify A , allowing the boundary conditions and the
artifacts of the computational model to define it by default.
v v
Substituting relation (9) into equation (3) gives E A 0 . Another vector identity states
that 0 for any twice differentiable scalar . This allows us to define a scalar potential
function V such that
v v
(10) E V A
In the absence of time variation, V is seen to be the electrostatic potential.

Application of Faraday's Law to a pillbox on a material interface shows that V must be continuous
across material interfaces. Application of Stokes' Theorem to A shows that the tangential component
v v
of A must be continuous across material interfaces. All the conventional definitions of A also
have the property that the normal component of A is continuous across material interfaces. Therefore,
formulations in terms of V and A completely satisfy the modeling assumptions of FlexPDE.

Since the two definitions (9) and (10) satisfy equations (2) and (3), we are left with Maxwell's equations
(1) and (4), which in terms of A and V are:
v v 2
(11) V V 0
t t2 t
(12) V 0
At this point, it is customary in the literature to apply vector identities to convert the into
v v
a form containing A , so that a complete definition of A can be achieved. In fact, these
transformations require that be continuous across material interfaces. We therefore defer this
291 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

operation for discussion under the appropriate specializations to follow. We should also point out that in
v v
(11) we have substituted (7) J E , a substitution we may later wish to rescind.

IV. Boundary Conditions

FlexPDE uses the Divergence Theorem and its related Curl Theorem to reduce the order of second
derivative terms, and assumes that the resulting surface integrals vanish at internal boundaries. Applied to
(12), this process results in the continuity of the normal component of D , as required by boundary rule
1). Applied to (11), this process results in the continuity of the tangential component of H , as required
by boundary rule 2).

At exterior boundaries, the Natural boundary condition specifies the value of the integrand of the surface
integrals. For equation (11) this means the tangential component of H , while for equation (12) it means
the normal component of D .

1. Symmetry planes

Following the above definition of the natural boundary condition, the specification "NATURAL(V)=0"
for equation (12) means that the normal component of D is zero. This means that field lines must be
parallel to the system boundary and that potential contours must be normal to the boundary. These are
the conditions of a symmetry plane.

Similarly, if we specify "NATURAL(A)=0" for equation (11), we require that the tangential component
of H be zero. This says that field lines and potential contours must be normal to the boundary, which is
again the condition of a symmetry plane.

2. Perfect conductors

Since a perfect conductor cannot sustain a field, the boundary condition "VALUE(V)=constant" for
equation (12) defines a perfectly conducting boundary. Note that since equation (12) contains only
derivatives of V, an arbitrary constant value may be added to the solution without affecting the equation.
In order for a numerical solution to succeed, there must be some point in the domain at which a value
condition is prescribed, in order to make the potential solution unique.
Similarly, the specification "VALUE(A)=constant" for equation (11) forces the normal component of H
to be zero. As with V, a value should be ascribed to A somewhere in the domain, in order to make the
potential solution unique.

3. Distant Boundaries
v v
Ampere's Law states that the integral of H dl around a closed path is equal to the integral of
v v v v
J dS over the enclosed surface, or just I, the enclosed current. Now, H dl is the tangential
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 292

component of H , which is exactly the quantity specified in equation (11) by the Natural boundary
condition. In many cases, this fact can be used to construct meaningful terminating boundary conditions
for otherwise open domains.
The differential form of Ampere's Law can also be used to derive a general rule for the value of A :
v v
v v J ( R ') 3 v
A( R) v v d R'
R R'
v v
(In time-varying systems, J must refer to a current retarded in time by the propagation time from R ' to
R .)
This form has the property that A 0 . We may add to this definition the gradient of an arbitrary
scalar function G without affecting the resulting fields.

At points distant from any currents we may write

v v I
A( R) v .
v v
Note that here I is a vector which embodies the direction of the current, and that A has the direction
of I .

V. Harmonic Analysis

Equations (11) and (12) describe a full time dependent model of the fields, which can be extremely
expensive to compute. In many cases of interest, the time dependence we desire to study is the stable
oscillation caused by a sinusoidal excitation. In these cases it is convenient to make the assumption that
each of the field components can be expressed in the complex form
P P ei t
Where P is any of the field quantities, P is an associated complex amplitude (a function of space
is the angular velocity, and i is the square root of minus 1. The observable field quantity is then the
real part of P, Re(P).

With these assumptions, the time derivative terms in our equations reduce to simple forms:
P v
i P
P 2
Applying these assumptions to equations (11) and (12) results in the harmonic equations
293 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

A v
(13) i A i V 0
(14) V i A 0
These equations require solution in space only, and are thus much more economical than the full time
dependent system (11), (12). We will return to these equations frequently in the sections which follow.

VI. Posing Equations for FlexPDE

We have been writing our equations in terms of vector fields, but in fact FlexPDE is not able to deal
directly with vector fields; we must manually reduce the system to component equations. In a three
dimensional space, equation (11) comprises three component equations while equation (12) is scalar.
So we have a total of four equations in four unknowns, Ax, Ay, Az and V.

Equations (13)-(14) are more complicated, since each component has a real and an imaginary part, for a
total of eight components. Each of these eight scalar variables must be represented by a separate
component equation.

We will not expand the equations into their final form just yet, because in most of the specializations
addressed subsequently the resulting forms are not nearly so frightening as the full equations.

VII. Specializations

In most problems of interest, the full generality of equations (11) and (12) or their harmonic equivalents
(13) and (14) are not necessary. Analysis of the needs of the problem at hand can usually lead to
considerable simplification. We will consider a few cases here.

1. Electrostatics

For fields which are constant in time, equation (12) decouples from equation (11), and the electric scalar
potential may be found from the single equation

(15) V 0

Since FlexPDE applies the divergence theorem over each computational cell, inclusion of inside the
divergence is sufficient to guarantee the correct behavior of the field quantities across material interfaces.
The natural boundary condition on V becomes a specification of the normal derivative of V .

2. Magnetostatics

For fields which are constant in time, equation (11) becomes

V 0
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 294

Here the term s Grad(V) is in fact a representation of the current density J , which we will probably
wish to specify directly as the driving current for the fields:
A v
(16) J 0
v v v
In the geometric interpretation of A , for which A 0 , A has components parallel to the
v v v
components of J , so if J is restricted to a single component, we may restrict A to only that
As discussed in section IV, the Natural boundary condition for A specifies the tangential component of
v v v
H . Natural( A )=0 specifies a symmetry plane, and Value( A )=0 specifies a perfect conductor.

3. Non-magnetic Materials (constant )

In the common case where is constant, we can perform some simplification on equation (11). We
can apply the vector identity
v v v
To give
v v
1 v A 2
A 1 v
(17) A A V V .
t t2 t
Since we now have an explicit A , we are in a position to define it in any way we choose to
generate a form appropriate to our needs. The definition of A is commonly known as the "Gauge
Condition". The choice of gauge will be determined by what it is that we know about the problem at
hand. Several common gauge conditions and the resulting forms of (11)-(12) are given below.

Note that this operation is not without consequences. The definition of the natural boundary condition
v v
has changed. It is no longer the boundary value of , but is now the boundary value of .
v v
Natural( A )=0 remains the condition for a symmetry plane, and Value( A )=0 still defines a perfect
conductor boundary, but care must be taken if other values are assigned. In the case A 0 , the
two will be equivalent, in other choices of gauge they may not be.
Also note that because of typographical constraints we have written A for the component-wise
Laplacian of the vector A . This notation is not strictly correct in curvilinear coordinates, and a more
careful derivation must be made in those cases.

Without making further assumptions about or , we can apply the Coulomb gauge condition,
A 0.
295 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

With this assertion, equation (17) becomes

v v
v A 2
(18) A V V
t t2 t
(19) V 0
v A
Note that even though we have assumed A 0 , we are not free to delete the from
equation (18) unless is also constant. Piecewise constancy of is not sufficient, because is
undefined at the interface and we have no way to apply a divergence theorem to convert it to a surface

4. Non-magnetic Materials with constant

In the special case where both and are constant, the scalar potential equation (19) with Coulomb
gauge can be simplified to

(19') V 0
Alternatively, we can use the "Diffusion" gauge condition:
v V
We can reverse the order of differentiation and cause A to cancel the V term in equation
(11) and replace the term in equation (12)
v v
v A 2
(20) A V
t t2
(21) V 0
In some cases, s Grad(V) may be interpreted as the negative of the static current density, in which case
the equations decouple and (20) may be eliminated.

5. Non-magnetic Materials with constant and

In the special case where , and are all constant, we can use the Lorentz gauge condition:
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 296

v V
This allows all the V terms to cancel from equation (17) resulting in decoupled equations for A and V
v v
v A 2
(22) A 0
t t2
(23) V 0
t t2
The equations have now been decoupled, and may be solved separately. These forms are useful in the
solution of wave propagation problems.

VIII. Specializations of the Harmonic Equations

1. Non-magnetic Materials

Equations (13) and (14) can also be specialized to the case of constant . The basic form of equation
(13) is
1 v v 1 v
(24) A i A A i V

Without making further assumptions about or we may apply the Coulomb gauge condition
A 0,
from which equations (13) and (14) become
v v
(25) A i A i V
(26) V i A 0
v v
Note that even though we have assumed A 0 , we are not free to delete the A from
equation (26) unless is constant.

2. Non-magnetic Materials with constant

In the special case where both and are constant, equation (26) with Coulomb gauge can be
simplified to

(26') V 0
Alternatively, we can use the diffusion gauge condition
A i V
from which we derive the equations
297 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

v v
(27) A i A V
(28) V V 0
In some cases, V may be interpreted as the negative of the conduction current density, in which case
the equations decouple and (28) may be eliminated.

3. Non-magnetic Materials with constant e and s

In the special case where , and are all constant, we can use the Lorentz gauge condition,
which in the harmonic approximation becomes
A ( i )V
All the V terms vanish in equation (24), and the pair (13), (14) become
v v
(29) A i A 0

(30) V i V 0
The equations have now been decoupled, and may be solved separately. These forms are useful in the
solution of wave propagation problems.

4.8.1 Introduction
FlexPDE is a software tool for finding numerical solutions to systems of linear or non-linear partial
differential equations using the methods of finite element analysis. The systems may represent static
boundary value, time dependent initial/boundary value, or eigenvalue problems. Rather than addressing
the solution of specific equations related to a given area of application, FlexPDE provides a framework
for treating partial differential equation systems in general. It gives users a straightforward method of
defining the equations, domains and boundary conditions appropriate to their application. From this
description it creates a finite element solution process tailored to the problem. Within quite broad limits,
then, FlexPDE is able to construct a numerical solution to a wide range of applications, without itself
having any built-in knowledge of any of them.
The goal of this book is not to provide a discussion of the specific grammatical rules of writing scripts for
FlexPDE, nor to describe the operation of the graphical user interface. Those topics are covered in
other volumes of the FlexPDE documentation, the Getting Started guide, the User Guide tutorial, and the
Problem Descriptor Reference.
In this book we will address several fields of physics in which FlexPDE finds fruitful application,
describing the various problems, the mathematical statement of the partial differential equation system,
and the ultimate posing of the problem to FlexPDE. The volume is accompanied by the text of all the
examples, which the user can submit to FlexPDE to see the solution in progress or use as a foundation
for problems of his own.
This manual is emphatically not a compendium of the problems FlexPDE “knows how to solve”. It is
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 298

rather a group of examples showing ways in which the power of FlexPDE can be applied to partial
differential equations systems in many fields. The true range of applicability of FlexPDE can be
demonstrated only by the full range of ingenuity of users with insight into the mathematics of their own
special fields.
Nor does this manual attempt to present textbook coverage of the theory of the topics addressed. The
range of applications addressable by FlexPDE would make such an attempt impossible, even if we were
capable of such an endeavor. Instead, we have presented enough of the theory of each topic to allow
those practitioners who are familiar with the subject to see how the material has been analyzed and
presented to FlexPDE. Users who are unfamiliar with the various fields of application should consult
standard textbooks to find the full theoretical development of the subjects. Finite Elem ent Methods

It is not our intent to provide an elaborate discussion of finite element methods. One goal of FlexPDE
has been to allow users in the various fields of science and engineering to begin reaping the benefits of
applying finite element analysis to their individual work without becoming programmers and numerical
analysts. There are hundreds of books in print detailing the method and its variants in many fields, and
the interested student can find a wealth of material to keep him busy. If we have been successful in our
endeavors, he won’t have to.
Nevertheless, a familiarity with some of the concepts of finite element analysis can be of benefit in
understanding how FlexPDE works, and why it sometimes does not. Hence this brief overview. Principles

Partial differential equations generally arise as a mathematical expression of some conservation principle
such as a conservation of energy, momentum or mass. Partial differential equations by their very nature
deal with continuous functions -- a derivative is the result of the limiting process of observing differences
at an infinitesimal scale. A temperature distribution in a material, for example, is assumed to vary
smoothly between one extreme and another, so that as we look ever more closely at the differences
between neighboring points, the values become ever closer until at “zero” separation, they are the same.
Computers, on the other hand, apply arithmetic operations to discrete numbers, of which only a limited
number can be stored or processed in finite time. A computer cannot analyze an infinitude of values.
How then can we use a computer to solve a real problem?
Many approaches have been devised for using computers to approximate the behavior of real systems.
The finite element method is one of them. It has achieved considerable success in its few decades of
existence, first in structural mechanics, and later in other fields. Part of its success lies in the fact that it
approaches the analysis in the framework of integrals over small patches of the total domain, thus
enforcing aggregate correctness even in the presence of microscopic error. The techniques applied are
little dependent on shapes of objects, and are therefore applicable in real problems of complex
The fundamental assumption is that no matter what the shape of a solution might be over the entire
domain of a problem, at some scale each local patch of the solution can be well approximated by a low-
299 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

order polynomial. This is closely related to the well-known Taylor series expansion, which expresses the
local behavior of a function in a few polynomial terms.
In a two-dimensional heat flow problem, for example, we assume that if we divide the domain up into a
large number of triangular patches, then in each patch the temperature can be well represented by, let us
say, paraboloidal surfaces. Stitching the patches together, we get a Harlequin surface that obeys the
differential limiting assumption of continuity for the solution value—but perhaps not for its derivatives.
The patchwork of triangles is referred to as the computation “mesh”, and the sample points at vertices or
elsewhere are referred to as the “nodes” of the mesh.
In three dimensions, the process is analogous, using a tetrahedral subdivision of the domain.
How do we determine the shape of the approximating patches?
1. Assign a sample value to each vertex of the triangular or tetrahedral subdivision of the domain.
Then each vertex value is shared by several triangles (tetrahedra).
2. Substitute the approximating functions into the partial differential equation.
3. Multiply the result by an importance-weighting function and integrate over the triangles surrounding
each vertex.
4. Solve for the vertex values which minimize the error in each integral.
This process, known as a “weighted residual” method, effectively converts the continuous PDE problem
into a discrete minimization problem on the vertex values. This is usually known as a “weak form” of the
equation, because it does not strictly enforce the PDE at all points of the domain, but is instead correct in
an integral sense relative to the triangular subdivision of the domain.
The locations and number of sample values is different for different interpolation systems. In FlexPDE,
we use either quadratic interpolation (with sample values at vertices and midsides of the triangular cells),
or cubic interpolation (with values at vertices and two points along each side). Other configurations are
possible, which gives rise to various “flavors” of finite element methods. Boundary Conditions

A fundamental component of any partial differential equation system is the set of boundary conditions,
which alone make the solution unique. The boundary conditions are analogous to the integration
constants that arise in integral calculus. We say x 2 dx 1
x3 C , where is any constant. If we
differentiate the right hand side, we recover the integrand, regardless of the value of C.
In a similar way, to solve the equation 0 , we must integrate twice. The first integration gives
C1 , and the second gives C1 x C2 . These integration constants must be supplied by the
boundary conditions of the problem statement.
It is clear from this example that there are as many integration constants as there are nested
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 300

differentiations in the PDE. In the general case, these constants can be provided by a value at each end
of an interval, a value and a derivative at one end, etc. In practice, the most common usage is to provide
either a value or a derivative at each end of the domain interval. In two or three dimensions, a value or
derivative condition applied over the entire bounding curve or surface provides one condition at each end
of any coordinate integration path. Integration by Parts and Natural Boundary Conditions

A fundamental technique applied by FlexPDE in treating the finite element equations is “integration by
parts”, which reduces the order of a derivative integrand, and also leads immediately to a formulation of
derivative boundary conditions for the PDE system.
In its usual form, integration by parts is given as
b b b
udv (uv) vdu
a a a .
Application of integration by parts to a vector divergence in a two- or three-dimensional domain, for
example, results in the Divergence Theorem, given in 2D as
v v
FdA Ñ l
F ndl
This equation relates the integral inside the area to the flux crossing the outer boundary ( referring to the
outward surface-normal unit vector).
As we shall see, the use of integration by parts has a wide impact on the way FlexPDE interprets and
solves PDE systems.
Applied to the weighted residual method, this process dictates the flux conservation characteristics of the
finite element approximation at boundaries between the triangular approximation cells, and also provides
a method for defining the interaction of the system with the outside world, by specifying the value of the
surface integrand.
The values of the surface integrands are the “Natural” boundary conditions of the PDE system, a term
which also arises in a similar context in variational calculus.
FlexPDE uses the term “Natural” boundary condition to specify the boundary flux terms arising from the
integration by parts of all second-order terms in the PDE system.

For example, in a heat equation, k dA S 0 , the divergence term will be integrated by

parts, resulting in

(0.1) A
k dA Ñ l
k nˆ dl

The right hand side is the heat flux crossing the outer boundary, and the value of k must be
provided by the user in a Natural boundary condition statement (unless a value BC is applied instead).
301 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

At an interface between two materials, k1 ( )1 nˆ1 represents the heat energy leaving material 1 at
a point on the interface. Likewise, k2 ( ) 2 nˆ2 represents the heat energy leaving material 2 at
the same point. Since the outward normal from material 1 is the negative of the outward normal from
material 2, the sum of the fluxes at the boundary is k2 ( ) 2 k1 ( )1 nˆ1 , and this becomes the
Natural boundary condition at the interface. In this application, we want energy to be conserved, so that
the two flux terms must sum to zero. Thus the internal Natural BC is zero at the interface, and this is the
default value applied by FlexPDE.

Useful Integral Rules

(0.2) V
fdV Ò S
ˆ dS
nf (Gradient Theorem)
v v
(0.3) V
nˆ F dS (Divergence Theorem)
v v v
(0.4) V
nˆ F dS
v v
(0.5) V
nˆ F dS (Curl Theorem) Adaptiv e Mesh Refinem ent

We have said that at “some scale“, the solution can be adequately approximated by a set of low-order
polynomials. But it is not always obvious where the mesh must be dense and where a coarse mesh will
suffice. In order to address this issue, FlexPDE uses a method of “adaptive mesh refinement“. The
problem domain presented by the user is divided into a triangular mesh dictated by the feature sizes of
the domain and the input controls provided by the user. The problem is then constructed and solved,
and the cell integrals of the weighted residual method are crosschecked to estimate their accuracy. In
locations where the integrals are deemed to be of questionable accuracy, the triangles are subdivided to
give a new denser mesh, and the problem is solved again. This process continues until FlexPDE is
satisfied that the approximation is locally accurate to the tolerance assigned by the user. Acceptable
local accuracy does not necessarily guarantee absolute accuracy, however. Depending on how errors
accumulate or cancel, the global accuracy could be better or worse than the local accuracy condition
implies. T im e Integration

The finite element method described above is most successful in treating boundary value problems.
When addressing initial value problems, while the finite element method could be applied (and sometimes
is), other techniques are frequently preferable. FlexPDE uses a variable-order implicit backward
difference method (BDM) as introduced by C.W. Gear. In most cases, second order gives the best
tradeoff between stability, smoothness and speed, and this is the default configuration for FlexPDE. This
method fits a quadratic in time to each nodal value, using two known values and one future (unknown)
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 302

value. It then solves the coupled equations for the array of nodal values at the new time. By looking
backward one additional step, it is possible to infer the size of the cubic term in a four-point expansion of
the time behavior of each nodal value. If these cubic contributions are large, the timestep is reduced, and
if extreme, the current step repeated. Sum m ary

With this very cursory examination of finite element methods, we are ready to start applying FlexPDE to
the solution of PDE systems of interest in real scientific and engineering work.


We have tried to make these notes as accurate as possible, but because we are not experts in all the
fields addressed, it is possible that errors have crept in. We invite readers to comment freely on the
material presented here, and to take us to task if we have erred.

4.8.2 Electrostatics

Perhaps the most important of all partial differential equations is the simple form

(1.1) k q 0

It is encountered in virtually all branches of science and engineering, and describes the diffusion of a
quantity with diffusivity k and volume source q. With k=1 it is referred to as Poisson’s equation,
2 2
q 0 . With k=1 and q=0, it is referred to as Laplace’s equation, 0.

If is electric potential, k is permittivity and q is charge density, then (1.1) is the electrostatic field

If is temperature, k is thermal conductivity and q is heat source, then (1.1) is the heat equation.

If we identify derivatives of with fluid velocities,

u , v
x y

then (1.1) is the potential flow equation.

In most cases, we can identify k with the flux of some quantity such as heat, mass or a chemical.
(1.1) then says that the variation of the rate of transfer of the relevant quantity is equal to the local source
(or sink) of the quantity.

If we integrate the divergence term by parts (or equivalently, apply the divergence theorem), we get
303 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

(1.2) V
k dV Ò S
nˆ k dS

That is, the total interior source is equal to the net flow across the outer boundary.

In a FlexPDE script, the equation (1.1) is represented simply as

Div(k*grad(phi)) + q = 0

The boundary flow n̂ k is represented in FlexPDE by the Natural boundary condition,

Natural(phi) = <boundary flux>

The simplest form of the natural boundary condition is the insulating or “no flow“ boundary,
Natural(phi) = 0. Electrostatic Fields in 2D

Let us as a first example construct the electrostatic field equation for an irregularly shaped block of high-
dielectric material suspended in a low-dielectric material between two charged plates.

First we must present a title:

'Electrostatic Potential'

Next, we must name the variables in our problem:


We will need the value of the permittivity:

eps = 1

The equation is as presented above, using the div and grad operators in place of and :
div(eps*grad(V)) = 0

The domain will consist of two regions; the bounding box containing the entire space of the problem, with
charged plates top and bottom:
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 304

region 1
start (0,0)
value(V) = 0
line to (1,0)
natural(V) = 0
line to (1,1)
value(V) = 100
line to (0,1)
natural(V) = 0
line to close

and the imbedded dielectric:

region 2
eps = 50
start (0.4,0.4)
line to (0.8,0.4)
to (0.8,0.8)
to (0.6,0.8)
to (0.6,0.6)
to (0.4,0.6)
to close

Notice that we have used the insulating form of the natural boundary condition on the sides of the
bounding box, with specified potentials top (100) and bottom (0).

We have specified a permittivity of 50 in the imbedded region. (Since we are free to multiply through the
equation by the free-space permittivity , we can interpret the value as relative permittivity or dielectric

What will happen at the boundary between the dielectric and the air? If we apply equation (1.2) and
integrate around the dielectric body, we get

Ñ l
nˆ k dl
qdA 0

If we perform this integration just inside the boundary of the dielectric, we must use = 50, whereas just
outside the boundary, we must use = 1. Yet both integrals must yield the same result. It therefore
follows that the interface condition at the boundary of the dielectric is

nˆ k inside
nˆ k outside .

v v v
Since the electric field vector is E and the electric displacement is D E , we have the
condition that the normal component of the electric displacement is continuous across the interface, as
required by Maxwell’s equations.
305 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

We want to see what is happening while the problem is being solved, so we add a monitor of the
contour(V) as 'Potential'

At the end of the problem we would like to save as graphical output the computation mesh, a contour
plot of the potential, and a vector plot of the electric field:
contour(V) as 'Potential'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) as 'Electric Field'

The problem specification is complete, so we end the script:


Putting all these sections together, we have the complete script for the dielectric problem:

See also "Samples | Applications | Electricity | Dielectric.pde" 373

See also "Samples | Applications | Electricity | Fieldmap.pde" 374
Descriptor 1.1: Dielectric.pde

'Electrostatic Potential'
eps = 1
div(eps*grad(V)) = 0
region 1
start (0,0)
value(V) = 0 line to (1,0)
natural(V) = 0 line to (1,1)
value(V) = 100 line to (0,1)
natural(V) = 0 line to close
region 2
eps = 50
start (0.4,0.4)
line to (0.8,0.4) to (0.8,0.8)
to (0.6,0.8) to (0.6,0.6)
to (0.4,0.6) to close
contour(V) as 'Potential'
contour(V) as 'Potential'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) as 'Electric Field'
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 306


The output plots from running this script are as follows:

307 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 308 Electrostatics in 3D

We can convert this example quite simply to a three dimensional calculation. The modifications that must
be made are:
Specify cartesian3 coordinates.
Add an extrusion section listing the dividing surfaces.
Provide boundary conditions for the end faces.
Qualify plot commands with the cut plane in which the plot is to be computed.

In the following descriptor, we have divided the extrusion into three layers. The dielectric constant in the
first and third layer are left at the default of k=1, while layer 2 is given a dielectric constant of 50 in the
dielectric region only.

A contour plot of the potential in the plane x=0 has been added, to show the resulting vertical cross
section. The plots in the z=0.15 plane reproduce the plots shown above for the 2D case.

Modifications to the 2D descriptor are shown in red.

See also"Samples | Applications | Electricity | 3D_Dielectric.pde" 371

309 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

Descriptor 1.2: 3D Dielectric.pde

'Electrostatic Potential'



eps = 1

div(eps*grad(V)) = 0

surface "bottom" z=0
surface "dielectric_bottom" z=0.1
layer "dielectric"
surface "dielectric_top" z=0.2
surface "top" z=0.3


surface "bottom" natural(V)=0

surface "top" natural(V)=0

region 1
start (0,0)
value(V) = 0 line to (1,0)
natural(V) = 0 line to (1,1)
value(V) = 100 line to (0,1)
natural(V) = 0 line to close

region 2
layer "dielectric" eps = 50
start (0.4,0.4)
line to (0.8,0.4) to (0.8,0.8)
to (0.6,0.8) to (0.6,0.6)
to (0.4,0.6) to close

contour(V) on z=0.15 as 'Potential'

contour(V) on z=0.15 as 'Potential'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) on z=0.15 as 'Electric Field'
contour(V) on x=0.5 as 'Potential'

Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 310

The following potential plot on x=0 shows the vertical cross section of the extruded domain. Notice that
the potential pattern is not symmetric, due to the influence of the extended leg of the dielectric in the y
direction. Capacitance per Unit Length in 2D Geom etry

Submitted by J.B. Trenholme

This problem illustrates the calculation of capacitance per unit length in a 2D X-Y geometry extended
indefinitely in the Z direction. The capacitance is that between a conductor enclosed in a dielectric sheath
and a surrounding conductive enclosure. In addition to these elements, there is also another conductor
(also with a dielectric sheath) that is "free floating" so that it maintains zero net charge and assumes a
potential that is consistent with that uncharged state.
We use the potential as the system variable, from which we can calculate the electric field E V
v v
and displacement D E , where is the local permittivity and may vary with position.

In steady state, in charge-free regions, Maxwell’s equation then becomes

311 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

v v
D E V 0.

We impose value boundary conditions on at the surfaces of the two conductors, so that we do not
have to deal with regions that contain charge.

The metal in the floating conductor is "faked" with a fairly high permittivity, which has the effect of driving
the interior field and field energy to near zero. The imposition of (default) natural boundary conditions
then keeps the field normal to the surface of the conductor, as Maxwell requires. Thus we get a good
answer without having to solve for the charge on the floating conductor, which would be a real pain due
to its localization on the surface of the conductor.

The capacitance can be found in two ways. If we know the charge Q on the conductor at fixed
potential V , we solve

Q CV to get C Q / V . We know because it is imposed as a boundary condition, and we can

find Q from the fact that l ˆ
n D dl Q , where the integral is taken over a surface enclosing a
volume and Q is the total charge in the volume.

Alternatively, we can use the energy relation W 1
2 CV to get C 2W V 2 . We find the energy
v v
W by integrating the energy density 12 E D over the area of the problem.

See also "Samples | Applications | Electricity | Capacitance.pde" 372

Descriptor 1.3: Capacitance.pde

TITLE 'Capacitance per Unit Length of 2D Geometry'
{ 17 Nov 2000 by John Trenholme }

errlim 1e-4
thermal_colors on
plotintegrate off


mm = 0.001 ! meters per millimeter
Lx = 300 * mm ! enclosing box dimensions
Ly = 150 * mm
b = 0.7 ! fractional radius of conductor
! position and size of cable at fixed potential:
x0 = 0.25 * Lx
y0 = 0.5 * Ly
r0 = 15 * mm
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 312

x1 = 0.9 * Lx
y1 = 0.3 * Ly
r1 = r0
epsr ! relative permittivity
epsd = 3 ! epsr of cable dielectric
epsmetal = 1000 ! fake metallic conductor
eps0 = 8.854e-12 ! permittivity of free space
eps = epsr * eps0
v0 = 1 ! fixed potential of the cable

! field energy density:

energyDensity = dot( eps * grad( v), grad( v) )/2

div( eps * grad( v) ) = 0

region 1 'inside' epsr = 1
start 'outer' ( 0, 0) value( v) = 0
line to (Lx,0) to (Lx,Ly) to (0,Ly) to close
region 2 'diel0' epsr = epsd
start 'dieb0' (x0+r0, y0)
arc ( center = x0, y0) angle = 360
region 3 'cond0' epsr = 1
start 'conb0' (x0+b*r0, y0) value(v) = v0
arc ( center = x0, y0) angle = 360
region 4 'diel1' epsr = epsd
start 'dieb1' ( x1+r1, y1)
arc ( center = x1, y1) angle = 360
region 5 'cond1' epsr = epsmetal
start 'conb1' ( x1+b*r1, y1)
arc ( center = x1, y1) angle = 360

contour( v) as 'Potential'
contour( v) as 'Potential Near Driven Conductor'
zoom(x0-1.1*r0, y0-1.1*r0, 2.2*r0, 2.2*r0)
contour( v) as 'Potential Near Floating Conductor'
zoom(x1-1.1*r1, y1-1.1*r1, 2.2*r1, 2.2*r1)
elevation( v) from ( 0,y0) to ( x0, y0)
as 'Potential from Wall to Driven Conductor'
elevation( v) from ( x0, y0) to ( x1, y1)
as 'Potential from Driven to Floating Conductor'
vector( grad( v)) as 'Field'
contour( energyDensity) as 'Field Energy Density'
contour( energyDensity)
zoom( x1-1.2*r1, y1-1.2*r1, 2.4*r1, 2.4*r1)
as 'Field Energy Density Near Floating Conductor'
elevation( energyDensity)
from (x1-2*r1, y1) to ( x1+2*r1, y1)
as 'Field Energy Density Near Floating Conductor'
contour( epsr) paint on "inside"
as 'Definition of Inside'
313 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

report sintegral(normal(eps*grad(v)),'conb0', 'diel0')
as 'Driven charge'
report sintegral(normal(eps*grad(v)),'outer','inside')
as 'Outer charge'
report sintegral(normal(eps*grad(v)),'conb1','diel1')
as 'Floating charge'
report sintegral(normal(eps*grad(v)),'conb0','diel0')/v0
as 'Capacitance (f/m)'
report integral( energyDensity, 'inside')
as 'Energy (J/m)'
report 2 * integral( energyDensity, 'inside') / v0^2
as 'Capacitance (f/m)'
report 2 * integral(energyDensity)/(v0*
sintegral( normal(eps*grad(v)), 'conb0', 'diel0'))
as 'cap_by_energy / cap_by_charge'

Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 314
315 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 316

4.8.3 Magnetostatics

From Maxwell’s equations in a steady-state form we have


where is the magnetic field intensity, is the magnetic induction, is the magnetic
permeability and is the current density.

The conditions required by Maxwell’s equations at a material interface are


It is sometimes fruitful to use the magnetic field quantities directly as variables in a model. However, eq.
317 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

(2.2) shows that the tangential components of are continuous across an interface, while the normal
components of are continuous.

The finite element method used by FlexPDE has a single value of each variable on an interface, and
therefore requires that the quantities chosen for system variables must be continuous across the interface.
In special cases, it may be possible to choose components of or which satisfy this continuity
requirement. We could, for example model in a problem where material interfaces are normal to .
In the general case, however, meeting the continuity requirements can be impossible.

It is common in Magnetostatics to use instead of the field quantities the magnetic vector potential ,
defined as

(2.3) .

This definition automatically enforces . Furthermore, can be shown to be continuous

everywhere in the domain, and can represent the conditions (2.2) correctly.

can be derived from Ampere’s Law, and shown to be the integrated effect at each point of all the
current loops active in the domain. In this derivation, will have components parallel to the
components of , so that it can be determined a priori which components of must be represented.

Eq. (2.3) alone is not sufficient to uniquely define . It must be supplemented by a definition of to
be unique. This definition (the “gauge condition”) is usually taken to be (“Coulomb gauge”), a
definition consistent with the derivation of from Ampere’s Law. Other definitions are useful in some
applications. It is not important what the qauge condition is; in all cases , and therefore the field
quantities, remain the same.

Combining eq. (2.1) with (2.3) gives


In cases with multiple materials, where can take on different values, it is important to keep the
inside the curl operator, because it is the integration of this term by parts that gives the correct jump
conditions at the material interface.

Applying eq. (0.5) we have

(2.5) ,

so that the Natural boundary condition defines on external boundaries, and is assumed
continuous across internal boundaries, consistent with Maxwell’s equations.
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 318 A Magnet Coil in 2D Cy lindrical Coordinates

As a first example, we will calculate the magnetic field created by a coil, using 2D cylindrical (r,z)
geometry. We will apply current only in the azimuthal direction, so the only nonzero component of A
will be the azimuthal component A . With only a single component normal to the computational plane,
v 1 A
the gauge condition is automatically satisfied, since A 0 .

In the descriptor which follows, note that we have chosen to align the cylindrical axis with the horizontal
plot axis. FlexPDE uses a right-hand coordinate system, so in this case positive is outward from the
plot page.
See also "Samples | Applications | Magnetism | Magnet_Coil.pde" 430

Descriptor 2.1: Magnet_Coil.pde



Aphi { azimuthal component of the vector potential }

mu = 1 { the permeability }
J =0 { global source term defaults to zero }
current = 10 { the source value in the coil }
Br = -dz(Aphi) { definitions for plots }
Bz = dr(r*Aphi)/r

Curl(curl(Aphi)/mu) = J

Region 1
value(Aphi) = 0 { specify A=0 along axis }
line to (10,0)
value(Aphi) = 0 { H x n = 0 on distant sphere }
arc(center=0,0) angle 180 to close
Region 2
J = current { redefine source value }
start (-0.25,1)
line to (0.25,1) to (0.25,1.5)
to (-0.25,1.5) to close

319 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

contour(Bz) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'

contour(Aphi) as 'Potential'

contour(Bz) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
contour(Bz) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
elevation(Aphi, dr(Aphi), Aphi/r, Bz)
from (0,0) to (0,1) as 'Near Axis'
vector(Bz,Br) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
vector(Bz,Br) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
contour(Aphi) as 'MAGNETIC POTENTIAL'

contour(Aphi) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'MAGNETIC POTENTIAL'

surface(Aphi) as 'MAGNETIC POTENTIAL'
viewpoint (-1,1,30)

Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 320
321 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes Nonlinear Perm eability in 2D

In the following 2D Cartesian example, a current-carrying copper coil is surrounded by a ferromagnetic

core with an air gap. Current flows in the coil in the Z direction (out of the computation plane), and only
the Z component of the magnetic vector potential is nonzero. The Coulomb gauge condition is again
satisfied automatically. We assume a symmetry plane along the X-axis, and impose Az 0 along the
remaining sides. The relative permeability is 1 in the air and the coil, while in the core it is given by
2 min
1 C Az
with parameters giving a behavior similar to transformer steel.

See also "Samples | Applications | Magnetism | Saturation.pde" 433

Descriptor 2.2: Saturation.pde

Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 322

errlim = 1e-4


mu = 1 { default to air}
mu0 = 1 { for saturation plot }
mu_max = 5000
mu_min = 200
mucore = mu_max/(1+0.05*grad(A)^2) + mu_min
S =0
current = 2
y0 = 8

curl(curl(A)/mu) = S

Region 1 { The IRON core }
mu = mucore
mu0 = mu_max
natural(A) = 0 line to (40,0)
value(A) = 0 line to (40,40) to (0,40) to close

Region 2 { The AIR gap }

mu = 1
start (15,0)
line to (40,0) to (40,y0) to (32,y0)
arc (center=32,y0+2) to (30,y0+2)
line to (30,20) to (15,20) to close

Region 3 { The COIL }

S = current
mu = 1
start (15,12)
line to (30,12) to (30,20) to (15,20) to close


vector(dy(A),-dx(A)) as "FLUX DENSITY B"
vector(dy(A)/mu, -dx(A)/mu) as "MAGNETIC FIELD H"
contour(mu0/mu) painted as "Saturation: mu0/mu"

323 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 324
325 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes Div ergence Form

v v
In two dimensional geometry with a single nonzero component of A , the gauge condition A 0 is
automatically satisfied. Direct application of eq. (2.4) is therefore well posed, and we can proceed
without further modification.

In 3D, however, direct implementation of eq. (2.4) does not impose a gauge condition, and is therefore
ill-posed in many cases. One way to address this problem is to convert the equation to divergence form
using the vector identity
v v 2
(2.6) A A A.

As long as is piecewise constant we can apply (2.6) together with the Coulomb gauge A 0 to
rewrite (2.4) as
A v
(2.7) J 0
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 326

If is variable, we can generalize eq. (2.6) to the relation

v v T v

We assert without proof that there exists a gauge condition A F ( x, y, z ) which forces
v T
(2.9) 0.

The equations governing can be stated as

F 1 Ay 1 Az 1 Ay 1 Az
x x y z y x z x
F 1 Ax 1 Az 1 Ax 1 Az
y y x z x y z y
F 1 Ax 1 Ay 1 Ax 1 Ay
z z x y x z z z

It is not necessary to solve these equations; we show them merely to indicate that embodies the
commutation characteristics of the system. The value of is implied by the assertion (2.9). Clearly,
when is constant, the equations reduce to F 0 , for which F 0 is a solution.

Using the definition (2.9) we can again write the divergence form
(2.10) A J 0. Boundary Conditions

In converting the equation to a divergence, we have modified the interface conditions. The natural
boundary condition for each component equation of (2.10) is now the normal component of the
argument of the divergence:
Natural ( Ax ) nˆ Ax
(2.11) Natural ( Ay ) nˆ Ay
Natural ( Az ) nˆ Az

The default interior interface condition assumes component-wise continuity of the surface terms across
327 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

the interface.

Of the conditions (2.2) required by Maxwell’s equations at an interface, the first describes the tangential
v v
components of H , which by (2.3) involve the normal components of A . Eq. (2.11) shows that
these components scale by 1 , satisfying the tangential condition on H .

The second condition is satisfied by the fact that the variables Az , Ay , Az have only a single
representation on the boundary, requiring that their tangential derivatives, and therefore the normal
component of , will be continuous across the interface.

In all cases it is important to keep the attached to the term to preserve the correct interface jump
conditions. Magnetic Materials in 3D

In magnetic materials, we can modify the definition of H to include magnetization and write
v v v
(2.12) H B M

We can still apply the divergence form in cases where M 0 , but we must treat the magnetization
terms specially.

The equation becomes:

A v v
(2.13) M J 0

FlexPDE does not integrate constant source terms by parts, and if is piecewise constant the
magnetization term will disappear in equation analysis. It is necessary to reformulate the magnetic term
so that it can be incorporated into the divergence. We have from (2.5)
v v
(2.14) V
M dV Ò S
nˆ MdS .

Magnetic terms that will obey

v v
(2.15) nˆ M nˆ N
can be formed by defining N as the antisymmetric dyadic
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 328

0 Mz My
N Mz 0 Mx
My Mx 0

Using this relation, we can write eq. (2.13) as

A v v
(2.16) N J 0

This follows because integration by parts will produce surface terms n̂ N , which are equivalent to the
required surface terms n̂ M .

Expanded in Cartesian coordinates, this results in the three equations

Nx Jx 0

(2.17) Ny Jy 0

Nz Jz 0

where the N i are the rows of N .

In this formulation, the Natural boundary condition will be defined as the value of the normal component
of the argument of the divergence, eg.
(2.18) Natural ( Ax ) nˆ Nx .

As an example, we will compute the magnetic field in a generic magnetron. In this case, only M z is
applied by the magnets, and as a result Az will be zero. We will therefore delete Az from the analysis.
The outer and inner magnets are in reversed orientation, so the applied M z is reversed in sign.

See also "Samples | Applications | Magnetism | 3D_Magnetron.pde" 428

Descriptor 2.3: 3D_Magnetron.pde

TITLE 'Oval Magnet'
329 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes


alias(x) = "X(cm)"
alias(y) = "Y(cm)"
alias(z) = "Z(cm)"
nodelimit = 40000

Ax,Ay { assume Az is zero! }

MuMag=1.0 { Permeabilities: }
Mu=MuAir { default to Air }

MzMag = 10000 { permanent magnet strength }

Mz = 0
Nx = vector(0,Mz,0)
Ny = vector(-Mz,0,0)

B = curl(Ax,Ay,0) { magnetic flux density }

Bxx= -dz(Ay)
Byy= dz(Ax) { "By" is a reserved word. }
Bzz= dx(Ay)-dy(Ax)

Ax: div(grad(Ax)/mu + Nx) = 0
Ay: div(grad(Ay)/mu + Ny) = 0

SURFACE "Boundary Bottom" Z=-5
SURFACE "Magnet Plate Bottom" Z=0
LAYER "Magnet Plate"
SURFACE "Magnet Plate Top" Z=1
LAYER "Magnet"
SURFACE "Magnet Top" Z=2
SURFACE "Boundary Top" Z=8

Surface "boundary bottom"
value (Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0
Surface "boundary top"
value (Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0

REGION 1 { Air bounded by conductive box }

START (20,-10)
value(Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 330

arc(center=20,0) angle=180
Line TO (-20,10)
arc(center=-20,0) angle=180

REGION 2 { Magnet Plate Perimeter and outer magnet }

LAYER "Magnet Plate"
LAYER "Magnet"
START (20,-8)
arc(center=20,0) angle=180
Line TO (-20,8)
arc(center=-20,0) angle=180

REGION 3 { Air }
LAYER "Magnet Plate"
START (20,-6)
arc(center=20,0) angle=180
Line TO (-20,6)
arc(center=-20,0) angle=180

REGION 4 { Inner Magnet }

LAYER "Magnet Plate"
LAYER "Magnet"
START (20,-2)
arc(center=20,0) angle=180
Line TO (-20,2)
arc(center=-20,0) angle=180

grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,y) on z=1.01
grid(x,z) on y=1

grid(x,y) on z=1.01
grid(y,z) on x=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(Ax) on x=0
contour(Ay) on y=0
vector(Bxx,Byy) on z=2.01 norm
vector(Byy,Bzz) on x=0 norm
vector(Bxx,Bzz) on y=4 norm
contour(magnitude(Bxx,Byy,Bzz)) on z=2.01 LOG
331 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 332
333 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

4.8.4 Waveguides

A waveguide is any of several kinds of structure intended to direct the propagation of high-frequency
electromagnetic energy along specific paths. While the analysis of bends and terminations in such a
system is an essentially three-dimensional problem, the propagation in long straight segments of the guide
can be reduced to a two-dimensional analysis. In this case, we assume that the guide is of uniform
cross-section in the (X,Y) plane, unvarying in the Z-dimension of the propagation direction. In this
configuration, we can make the assumption that the fields inside the guide may be represented as a
sinusoidal oscillation in time and space, and write

v v
E ( x, y, z , t ) E ( x, y )exp(i t i z )
(3.1) v v
H ( x, y, z , t ) H ( x, y )exp(i t i z )

It is easy to see that these expressions describe a traveling wave, since the imaginary exponential
generates sines and cosines, and the value of the exponential will be the same wherever z t. A
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 334

purely real implies an unattenuated propagating mode with wavelength 2 / along the z

We start from the time-dependent form of Maxwell’s equations

v v
v v D v E
t t
v v
B H 0
(3.2) v v
v B H
t t
v v

Assume then that J 0 and 0 , and apply (3.1) :

v v v
H i E H 0
(3.3) v v v
E i H E 0

Taking the curl of each curl equation in (3.3) and substituting gives

H 2
(3.4) v
E 2

In view of (3.1), we can write

v v v
1x 1y 1z i
(3.5) x y
T 1z i

with T denoting the operator in the transverse plane.

335 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes Hom ogeneous Wav eguides

In many cases, the waveguide under analysis consists of a metal casing, either empty or filled
homogeneously with an isotropic dielectric. In these cases, the analysis can be simplified.

Eq. (3.3) can be expanded using (3.5) and rearranged to express the transverse x and y components in
terms of the axial z components Hz and Ez .

2 2 Hz Ez
Ex i
y x
2 2 Hz Ez
Ey i
x y
2 2 Ez Hz
Hx i
y x
2 2 Ez Hz
Hy i
x y

The i in the right hand side corresponds to a phase shift of 2 in the expansion (3.1).

Applying, the divergence equations of (3.3) become

Hx Hy
i Hz
x y
(3.7) ,
Ex Ey
i Ez
x y

so the z component equations of (3.4) are

2 2
T T Hz Hz 0
(3.8) .
2 2
T TEz Ez 0

2 2
These are eigenvalue equations in Ez and Hz , and the values of for which solutions
exist constitute the propagation constants of the unattenuated propagation modes that can be supported
in the guide under analysis. For any eigenvalue, there are an infinite number of combinations of
which can excite this mode, and the exact determination will depend on the materials and the
driving frequency.
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 336 T E and T M Modes

In a homogeneously filled waveguide, there exist two sets of distinct modes. One set of modes has no
magnetic field component in the propagation direction, and are referred to as Transverse Magnetic, or
TM, modes. The other set has no electric field component in the propagation direction, and are referred
to as Transverse Electric, or TE, modes. In either case, one member of (3.8) vanishes, leaving only a
single variable and a single equation. Correspondingly, equations (3.6) are simplified by the absence of
one or the other field component.

In the TE case, we have Ez 0 , and the first of (3.8)

2 2
(3.9) T T Hz Hz 0

The boundary condition at an electrically conducting wall is nˆ H 0 Through (3.6), this implies

nˆ T Hz 0 ,which is the Natural boundary condition of (3.9).

In the TM case, we have Hz 0 , and the second of (3.8)

2 2
(3.10) T TEz Ez 0.

The boundary condition at a metallic wall is nˆ E
0 , which requires that tangential components of
E be zero in the wall. Since Ez is always tangential to the wall, the boundary condition is the Dirichlet
condition Ez 0 .

In the following example, we compute the first few TE modes of a waveguide of complex cross-section.
The natural boundary condition allows an infinite number of solutions, differing only by a constant offset
in the eigenfunction, so we add an integral constraint to center the eigenfunctions around zero. Since all
the material parameters are contained in the eigenvalue, it is unnecessary to concern ourselves with their
values. Likewise, the computation of the transverse field components are scaled by constants, but the
shapes are unaffected.

See also "Samples | Usage | Eigenvalues | Waveguide.pde" 547

Descriptor 3.1 Waveguide.pde

title "TE Waveguide"

modes = 4 { This is the number of Eigenvalues desired. }

337 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes


L =2
h = 0.5 ! half box height
g = 0.01 ! half-guage of wall
s = 0.3*L ! septum depth
tang = 0.1 ! half-width of tang
Hx = -dx(Hz)
Hy = -dy(Hz)
Ex = Hy
Ey = -Hx

div(grad(Hz)) + lambda*Hz = 0

constraints { since Hz has only natural boundary conditions,

we need to constrain the answer }
integral(Hz) = 0

region 1
natural(Hz) = 0
line to (L,0) to (L,1) to (0,1) to (0,h+g)
natural(Hz) = 0
line to (s-g,h+g) to (s-g,h+g+tang) to (s+g,h+g+tang)
to (s+g,h-g-tang) to (s-g,h-g-tang)
to (s-g,h-g) to (0,h-g)
to close


contour(Hz) painted
vector(Hx,Hy) as "Transverse H" norm
vector(Ex,Ey) as "Transverse E" norm

Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 338
339 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 340 Non-Hom ogeneous Wav eguides

Note: The development given here follows that of Fernandez and Lu, “Microwave and Optical
Waveguide Analysis”, and of Silvester and Ferrari, “Finite Elements for Electrical

In many applications, a waveguide is partially or inhomogeneously filled with dielectric material. In this
case, pure TE and TM modes do not exist. Both Ez and Hz exist simultaneously, and the propagation
modes are hybrid in nature.

It is possible to address a simultaneous solution of equations (3.4) in a manner similar to (3.8).

However, care must be taken to keep the parameter inside of some of the derivatives, and problems
arise with the simplifications implicit in (3.7). This approach also has been plagued with spurious solution
modes. It is claimed that these spurious modes arise because the axial field model does not explicitly
impose B 0 , and that the spurious modes are those for which this condition is violated.

An alternative approach seeks to reduce the equations (3.4) to a pair of equations in the transverse
341 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

components of the magnetic field, HT Hx1x + H y 1y . In the process, the condition B 0 is
explicitly imposed, and it is claimed that no spurious modes arise.

In the development that follows, we continue to treat as a constant (invalidating use where magnetic
materials are present), but we exercise more care in the treatment of .

v v
For notational convenience, we will denote the components of H as H a1ˆ x b1ˆ y c1ˆ z and use
subscripts to denote differentiation. The first equation of (3.4) can then be expanded with (3.5) to give
2 2
bx / y
ay / i cx / a/ a
2 2
(3.11) ay / bx / x
i cy / b/ b
cx / x
cy / i a/ x
i b/ y

The condition B 0 allows us to replace
(3.12) i c ax by

and to eliminate the third equation.

We can also define r 0 and 0 and multiply through by 0 leaving

ax by bx ay 2
a 2
0 0a
r r y r
bx ay ax by 2
y 2
0 0b
r x r r

In vector form we can write this as

v v v
HT 2
(3.14) T 0 H
0 T
r r r

2 2 2
The equation pair (3.13) is an eigenvalue problem in . We can no longer bundle the and
terms inside the eigenvalue, because the r dividing is now variable across the domain. Given a
driving frequency , we can compute the axial wave numbers for which propagating modes exist.
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 342 Boundary Conditions

To see what the natural boundary conditions imply, integrate the second-order terms of (3.13) by parts:
(ax by ) x / r (bx ay ) y / r dxdy Ñ nx ( a x by ) / r n y (bx ay ) / r dl

(bx ay )x / r (ax by ) y / r dxdy Ñ nx (bx ay ) / r n y (ax by ) / r dl


We have shown only the contour integrals arising from the integration, and suppressed the area integral
correcting for varying . This term will be correctly added by FlexPDE, and does not contribute to the
boundary condition.

The integrand of the contour integrals is the value represented by the NATURAL boundary
condition statement in FlexPDE.

Thus the NATURAL boundary condition specifications for the two equations define the values of the

Natural( Hx ) nx (ax by ) / r n y (bx ay ) / r

Natural( H y ) nx (bx ay ) / r n y (ax by ) / r

The boundary conditions which must be satisfied at an electrically conducting wall are

v v
(3.17) nˆ H 0; nˆ E 0.

The first condition requires that nx Hx n y H y + n z Hz 0 . At a vertical wall, n y nz 0 , and

the condition becomes simply Hx 0 . Similarly, at a horizontal wall, it is H y 0 . Both are easily
expressed as Value boundary conditions. At an oblique wall, the condition can be expressed as an
implicit value boundary condition for one of the components, e.g. Value( H y )= n x n y Hx .

The second condition requires that the tangential components of E must vanish in the wall. In
particular, Ez is always tangential and must therefore be zero. From (3.3) we can derive
i Ez (bx
a y ) . But this term appears in each of the forms in (3.16), so at a vertical wall, where
ny 0, we can set Natural( Hy )=0, and at a horizontal wall, where nx 0, we can use Natural(
343 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

Hx )=0. These are the reverse assignments from the value conditions above, so the two form a
complementary set and completely specify the boundary conditions for (3.13). Similar arguments can be
used at a magnetic wall, resulting in a reversed assignment of value and natural boundary conditions. Material Interfaces

v v
At a material interface, Maxwell’s equations require that the tangential components of E and H and
v v
the normal components of E and H must be continuous.

The tangential continuity of components Hx a and H y b is automatically satisfied, because

FlexPDE stores only a single value of variables at the interface.

Continuity of Hz c , which is always tangential, requires, using (3.12), ax by ax by .

1 2

bx ay bx ay
Continuity of Ez requires .
r 1 r 2

At internal boundaries, and in the absence of Natural specification, FlexPDE will

consider the quantities represented by the Natural BC to be continuous.

From (3.16) it is clear that at vertical interfaces, the continuity of Ez will be satisfied by the H y equation,
while for horizontal interfaces, it will be satisfied by the Hx equation.

If all material discontinuities occur at vertical faces and r is piecewise constant, we can multiply the
Hx equation by r , and continuity of Hz will be satisfied. Similarly, if all material discontinuities occur
at horizontal faces and r is piecewise constant, we can multiply the H y equation by r , and continuity
of Hz will be satisfied.

Clearly, at an internal interface where r is continuous, the internal natural boundary condition reduces
to zero, which is the default condition.

In the example which follows, we consider a simple 2x1 metal box with dielectric material in the left half.
Note that FlexPDE will compute the eigenvalues with lowest magnitude, regardless of sign, while
negative eigenvalues correspond to modes with propagation constants below cutoff, and are therefore
not physically realizable.
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 344

See also "Samples | Usage | Eigenvalues | Filledguide.pde" 542

Descriptor 3.2 Filledguide.pde

title "Filled Waveguide"

{ This problem is taken from Fernandez and Lu,

"Microwave and Optical Waveguide Analysis by the Finite Element Method" page 138. }

modes = 5 { This is the number of Eigenvalues desired. }
ngrid = 30
overshoot = 1e-9 { request very tight Conjugate Gradient convergence }

Hx, Hy

cm = 0.01 ! conversion from cm to meters
b = 1*cm ! box height
L = 2*b ! box width
epsr ! values will be given by region
epsr1=1 epsr2=1.5
eps0 = 8.85e-12
mu0 = 4e-7*pi
c = 1/sqrt(mu0*eps0) ! light speed
k0b = 4 ! normalized driving frequency
k0 = k0b/b
k02 = k0^2 ! k0^2=omega^2*mu0*eps0

! terms used in equations and BC’s

curlh = dx(Hy)-dy(Hx)
divh = dx(Hx)+dy(Hy)

! the solution generates some negative eigenvalues, so we shift the eigenvalues to a

range where only the
! positive values appear
shift = 200000

! extract the propagation wave number kz

kz = if(true_lambda>0)then sqrt(true_lambda) else -sqrt(abs(true_lambda))

! Hx equation multiplied by epsr to enforce continuity of Hz
Hx: dx(divh) - dy(curlh) + k02*Hx*epsr - (lambda+shift)*Hx = 0
Hy: dx(curlh/epsr) + dy(divh)/epsr + k02*Hy - (lambda+shift)*Hy/epsr = 0

region 1 epsr=epsr1
natural(Hx) = 0 value(Hy)=0
345 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

line to (L,0)
value(Hx) = 0 value(Hy)=0 natural(Hy)=0
line to (L,b)
natural(Hx) = 0 value(Hy)=0
line to (0,b)
value(Hx) = 0 natural(Hy)=0
line to close

region 2 epsr=epsr2
line to (0,b) to (0,0) to (b,0)
line to close

contour(Hx) range=(-1,1)
contour(Hy) range=(-1,1)

contour(Hx) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)
surface(Hx) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)
contour(Hy) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)
surface(Hy) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)
surface(divh) range=(-1,1) as "Hz" report(k0) report(kz)
surface(curlh/epsr) range=(-1,1) as "Ez" report(k0) report(kz)

summary export
report lambda
report shift
report true_lambda
report( if(true_lambda<0) then "*" else " ") ! mark negative eigenvalues

Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 346
347 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes
Technical Notes : Applications in Electromagnetics 348

4.8.5 References
N. J. Cronin, “Microwave and Optical Waveguides”, London, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1995.
F. Anibal Fernandez and Yilong Lu, “Microwave and Optical Waveguide Analysis”, Somerset,UK,
Research Studies Press, Ltd. 1996.
S. R. H. Hoole, “Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Electromagnetic Devices”, New York,
Elsevier, 1989.
Nathan Ida and Joao P.A. Bastos “Electromagnetics and Calculation of Fields”, New York, Springer-
Verlag, 1992.
J. D. Jackson, “Classical Electrodynamics”, Second Edition, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1975.
Jianming Jin, “The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics”, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
Peter P. Silvester and Ronald L. Ferrari, “Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers”, Third Edition,
Cambridge University Press, 1996.
C. T. Tai, “Generalized Vector and Dyadic Analysis”, New York, IEEE Press, 1992.
349 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

4.9 Smoothing Operators in PDE's

The Laplacian Operator as a Bandpass Filter Function

Assume that we have a function v(x) which we wish to smooth.

The Fourier expansion of this function is v(x) = Vk exp(i k x).
Let the smoothed function be u(x) = Uk exp(i k x), with k the angular velocity in radians per
unit distance;
then the Laplacian of u is u = (- k2 ) Uk exp(i k x).

We define u from the relation u - u = v
then Uk exp(i k x) ( 1 + k2) = Vk exp(i k x).

Component by component, Uk exp(i k x) ( 1 + k2) = Vk exp(i k x)

Or, Uk = Vk /(1 + k2)

so that the kth frequency component is attenuated by a factor of 1/(1 + k2).

The Sampling Theorem states (McGillem and Cooper, "Continuous and Discrete Signal and System
Analysis", p 164):
" A band-limited signal can be uniquely represented by a set of samples taken at intervals spaced 1/2W
seconds apart, where W is the signal bandwidth in Hz."

The sampled signal is the product of the input signal and the sampling function, and the spectrum of the
sampled signal is the convolution of the two transforms. The spectrum of the sampling function is a series
of impulses at the harmonics of the sampling frequency (2W), and the convolution leads to a replication
of the signal spectrum around each of these harmonics. If the signal bandwidth exceeds the harmonic
spacing 2W, then the harmonics will overlap, and aliasing will occur.

From this we infer that if spatial data are available at a spacing of D meters, then the maximum
bandwidth in the defined signal will be W = 1/(2D) cycles per meter, corresponding to k = 2 W radians
per meter.

Combining these two items, we wish to infer a value of that will damp components of U with frequencies
above W. However, the Laplacian filter does not have a sharp cutoff at any frequency, so we have some
latitude in assigning .

Let us find such that the frequency component at frequency W is attenuated by a factor N, ie.
1/(1 + 4 2W2) = 1/N, with 1/(2W) = D.
Then = (N-1)/(4 2W2) = D2(N-1)/ 2.

Arbitrarily choosing a frequency attenuation factor of N=2, we get = D2 / 2.

Technical Notes : Smoothing Operators in P DE's 350

Smoothing Steady-state Solutions

In the solution of partial differential equation systems, it sometimes happens that auxiliary equations must be
solved simultaneously with the PDE, and that these auxiliary equations have no spatial coupling, being point
relations or other zero-order equations. In these cases, the finite element method works poorly, because
the discretization is based on integrals over space, and oscillatory solutions can satisfy the integrals. In such
systems, we are justified in adding to the equation a diffusion operator to impose a smoothing on the
solution. If we have, for example,
U = F(..)
then we can replace this equation with
U - (D2/ 2) 2 U = F(..), with D the approximate spatial wavelength of acceptable oscillations.

Damping Time-dependent Systems

A similar analysis can be applied to time-dependent partial differential equations.

Suppose we have a system v/ t = f, in which the discretized equations support high frequency solutions
which destabilize the numerical solution process. We wish to damp high frequency components.

Assume that v can be expanded as v(x,t) = Vk exp(i k (x-ct)), where c is a propagation

Let the smoothed function be u(x,t) = Uk exp(i k (x-ct)),
then the Laplacian of u is u = (- k2 ) Uk exp(i k (x-ct)),
while the time derivative is u/ t = (- ikc ) Uk exp(i k (x-ct)).

We define u from the relation u/ t - u = v/ t
then Uk exp(ik(x-ct)) ( -ikc + k ) = Vk exp(i k (x-ct))(-ikc).

Component by component, Uk = Vk (-ikc)/( k2 - ikc)

Or, |Uk | = |Vk |/sqrt(1 + k2/c2)

so that the kth frequency component is attenuated by a factor of

1/sqrt(1 + k2/c2).

Again defining W = 1/(2D) and seeking an attenuation factor of 2, we get

= (N2-1)c2/(4 2W2) = D2(N2-1)c2/ 2
= 3D2c2/ 2,

or approximately, = 2Dc/ .
We can now solve the equation u/ t - u = f, with the expectation that u will be a frequency-
351 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

filtered representation of v.

Steady-state limits of Time-dependent Equations

In some cases, a steady-state limit of a known time-dependent system is desired, but while the time-
dependent equation itself is stable, the steady-state equation which results from merely setting the time
derivative to zero is not. In these cases, we can replace the time derivative by - 2 u, again with the
expectation that u will be a frequency-filtered representation of v.

4.10 3D Mesh Generation

FlexPDE version 4.0 introduced an entirely new mesh generator for 3D problems. With support for
LIMITED REGIONS, it offers users much more flexibility in the creation of 3D domains. It is also a much
more complex computation, and is sometimes in need of some user assistance to successfully create a
mesh for complex 3D problems.
The greatest challenge faced by the 3D mesh generator is the transition across wide ranges of feature
sizes. Any help the user can give in easing this transition will be amply rewarded in a decreased
incidence of mesh generation failure. We at PDE Solutions are also engaged in improving the intelligence
of the mesh generator to also assist in reaching this goal.

The first facility that users should be aware of is the "Domain" item on the main menu bar. Selecting this
item instead of "Run" will give the user a step-by-step review of the mesh generation process. This
review reflects the order of operations performed by the mesh generator.
The first sequence of displays shows the domain boundaries in the surfaces and layers of the extrusion.
The first plot shows the domain boundaries present in the bottom surface; the next shows the
boundaries which extend through the first layer; then the boundaries present in the second extrusion
surface; and so on through entire domain, and ending with the top surface. You should examine each
of these displays to determine that the structure is as you intended. Errors at this point can create
serious trouble later.
After the individual surfaces and layers are displayed, a composite 3D display is presented of the total
domain, as represented by boundaries. This plot can be rotated to examine all aspects of the domain.
The next sequence of displays shows the triangular surface meshes created for the extrusion surfaces.
These meshes are created and displayed in 3D space, and can be rotated to be sure there are no
anomalies in the construction. Following initial surface mesh creation, the meshes are refined to create
sufficient resolution of surface curvature. They are then analyzed for proximity, and coarser meshes
are refined due to influence from nearby dense meshes.
The next sequence of displays shows the creation of the tetrahedral 3D meshes for each of the regions
and layers of the domain. Before a block is filled, the bounding surface is shown; after filling, the filled
block is displayed (it looks the same). The sequence presents first the region blocks for layer 1,
followed by a unified mesh of layer 1. This pattern is repeated through the layers of the domain, until
Technical Notes : 3D Mesh G eneration 352

finally a unified 3D mesh is displayed. At this point, the mesh is composed of linear (straight-sided)
Once the domain is filled with linear tetrahedra, the additional nodes needed for quadratic or cubic
interpolation. Cells are also bent at this point to conform to curved boundaries. This curving can
create troubles in thin curved shells. The 3D mesh generator is not yet smart enough to compute shell
thickness and curvature and automatically adapt the size. You may have to do it manually with the
MESH_SPACING command. Sqrt(Radius*thickness) is a good rule of thumb.

This completes the mesh generation process, and solution should proceed promptly.


The most common cause of mesh generation failure is the inability to make the transition from very small
to very large feature sizes without tangling. If the mesh generation fails, the user has several options, all
involving some kind of manual mesh density control.
The simplest way of dealing with mesh generation failure is simply to increase the NGRID selector.
This causes the entire mesh to be more dense, and also more regular. In some cases, it may create a
mesh which is simply too large for effective computing with the available computer resources.
A second approach is to use the MESH_SPACING control to increase the overall density in a
troublesome region, layer or surface. Remember that MESH_SPACING can be specified as arbitrary
functions of spatial coordinate, allowing dense meshes in specific locales.
The ASPECT control can be used to increase the cell sizes in thin components, thereby reducing the
range of sizes that must be dealt with in surrounding media. Increasing ASPECT can create elongated
cells in surrounding media, so you may need to balance its use by explicitly controlling
MESH_SPACING in these regions.

You can localize the problem areas by building your domain one layer at a time. Build the first layer
and examine the regional meshes for compliance with your expectations. Then add the next layer.
You might at this point want to hide the first layer, so you can deal with the second layer as an
independent item.

4.11 Interpreting Error Estimates

FlexPDE uses estimates of the modeling error to control mesh refinement and timestep size. This note
describes the methods used and the interpretation of the reports.

Spatial Error

The Galerkin Finite Element method uses integrals of the PDE's to form the discretized equations at the
mesh nodes.

Each nodal equation requires that the weighted integral of the associated equation over the mesh cells
surrounding the node be satisfied within a convergence tolerance. In FlexPDE this tolerance is taken to
353 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

be a relative error of (ERRLIM * OVERSHOOT) in the norm of the solution vector.

In a regular hexagonal 2D mesh, for example, the Galerkin method requires that each hexagonal set of
six triangular mesh cells must produce a weighted integral residual of zero.

This method at no point imposes any conditions on the integral over a single mesh cell, and conceivably
on could have cancelling errors in adjacent cells.

In FlexPDE, we choose to use the individual cell integrals as a measure of the mesh quality. If the
aggregate (eg 6-cell) integral is correct but the individual cells show large error, then the mesh must be

The fundamental system which is solved by FlexPDE can be indicated as R=G(U)=0, where R is the
residual and G(U) is the Galerkin integral of the PDE for variable U. If the residual over an individual cell
is R, we can write J*dU=R, where J is the Jacobian matrix of derivatives of the Galerkin integral with
respect to the nodal values, and dU is the error in U which produces the residual R.

J is of course the coupling matrix which is solved to produce the solution U. We don't want to completely
repeat the solution process just to get an error estimate, so we use various simply-computed
approximations J' of J, to produce the error estimate dU=Inv(J')*R.

The "RMS Error" reported by FlexPDE in the Status Panel is just the root-mean-square average of dU/
range(U) over the cells of the problem, while the reported "MAX Error" is the largest error dU/
range(U) seen in any cell.

Mesh cells for which dU/range(U) > ERRLIM are split in the mesh refinement pass.

Notice that the error measure is not a guarantee that the computed solution is "accurate" to within the
stated error, that is, that the computed solution differs from the "true" solution by no more than the stated
error. The error estimate is a local measure of how much variation of the solution would produce the
computed error in the cell integral. Deviations from the "true" solution might accumulate over the domain
of the problem, or they might cancel in neighboring regions.

Temporal Error

In time dependent problems, an estimate must also be formed of the error in integrating the equations in

FlexPDE integrates equations in time using a second-order implicit Backward Difference Formula (Gear

In order to measure temporal error, FlexPDE stores an additional timestep of values previous to the
three points of the quadratic solution, and fits a cubic in time to the sequence at each node. The size of
the cubic term implies the error in the quadratic solution, and is used to either increase or decrease the
timestep in order to keep the RMS temporal error within the range specified by ERRLIM.
Technical Notes : Interpreting Error Estimates 354

The three-point integration method requires an independent method to create data for the initial interval.
FlexPDE uses a comparison of one-step and two-step trapezoidal rule integration to adapt the initial
timestep to a range that produces acceptable error.

FlexPDE Error Controls

There are several SELECT controls that can be used to alter the behavior of FlexPDE in regard to error

The basic control is ERRLIM, which specifies the desired relative error in the solution variables, and
controls both spatial and temporal measures. Smaller ERRLIM causes more mesh subdivision and smaller
timesteps. Larger ERRLIM allows cruder meshes and, in principle, larger timesteps. However, a large
ERRLIM can allow oscillations to develop, ultimately causing severe timestep cuts and a slower overall
execution. It is rarely advisable to use an ERRLIM value larger than the default 0.002.

XERRLIM and TERRLIM are analogous to ERRLIM, but refer specifically to the spatial and temporal
controls, allowing separate control of the two processes. If either of these controls is absent, it defaults to
the value of ERRLIM.

4.12 Coordinate Scaling

FlexPDE treats all spatial coordinates on an equal footing, and tries to create meshes that are balanced in
size in all coordinates.
Sometimes, though, there are problems in which one dimension is expected to have much less variation
that the others, and fully meshing the domain with equilateral cells creates an enormous and expensive
mesh. In these cases, it would be advantageous to scale the long dimension to bring the coordinate sizes
into balance. Similarly, in semiconductor problems, for example, the structure is extremely thin, and
would benefit from an expansion of the Z thickness coordinate.

It is possible that FlexPDE will eventually implement automatic coordinate scaling, but in the meantime,
users can implement it manually.

Consider as an example the heat equation

div(k*grad(T))+Q = C*dt(T)

with k the conductivity, Q a source and C the heat capacity.

Define a coordinate transformation,

z = s*w

where w is the physical coordinate, z is the FlexPDE coordinate, and s is a scaling factor.
The expanded physical equation is then
355 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

dx(k*dx(T)) + dy(k*dy(T)) + dw(k*dw(T)) + Q = C*dt(T)

We can transform the heat equation using this transformation and observing that

dw(f) = (¶f/¶w) = (¶f/¶z)*(¶z/¶w) = s*dz(f)

The result is

(1) dx(k*dx(T)) + dy(k*dy(T)) + s*dz(k*s*dz(T)) + Q = C*dt(T)

Flux Conservation

In forming the finite element model for this equation, FlexPDE assumes continuity of the surface integrals
generated by integration-by-parts of the second-order terms (equivalent in this case to the Divergence
Theorem). This is the Natural Boundary Condition for the equation, as discussed elsewhere in the
FlexPDE documentation.

The z-directed flux terms in the transformed equation therefore assume that s^2*k*dz(T) is continuous
across cell interfaces. This is equivalent to flux conservation in the physical system as long as s is
constant throughout the domain.

In order to guarantee conservation of flux in the presence of differing scale factors in layers, we must
have the following equality across an interface between materials 1 and 2:

k1*dw(T)1 = k2*dw(T)2
k1*s1*dz(T)1 = k2*s2*dz(T)2

This will be satisfied if we divide our transformed equation by s :

(2) dx(k*dx(T))/s + dy(k*dy(T))/s + dz(k*s*dz(T)) + Q/s = C*dt(T)/s

where s is defined as s1 in material 1 and s2 in material 2.

Un-Scaling Fluxes

Fluxes appropriate to the unscaled system can be recovered by the same modifications as those made in
the PDE:
Fluxes in the scaled direction must be multiplied by the scale factor. Integrals of these fluxes need not
be further modified, as they are integrated over surfaces in true coordinates.
Fluxes in the unscaled directions are correctly computed in true coordinates, but when integrated over
surfaces, they must be divided by the scale factor to account for the scaled area.
Flux integrals then appear in the same form as in the scaled PDE:
Total_Real_Flux = Surf_Integral(NORMAL(-k*dx(T)/s, -k*dy(T)/s, -k*dz(T)*s)
Technical Notes : C oordinate Scaling 356

Natural Boundary Conditions

The natural boundary condition defines the argument of the outermost derivative operator (or the
argument of the divergence). In the conservative equation (2):
Components in the unscaled direction have been divided by s. Therefore the natural boundary
conditions for these components must be divided by s. (e.g. NATURAL(T) = x_flux/s on x-normal
In the scaled direction, the value defined by the natural is k*s*dz(T) which is in fact k*dw(T), the flux
in the physical coordinate system. The natural in the scaled direction is therefore unmodified by the
scaling. (e.g. NATURAL(T) = z_flux on z-normal surfaces.)


"Samples | Usage | Coordinate_Scaling | Scaled_Z.pde" 535 shows the implementation of this technique.
"Samples | Usage | Coordinate_Scaling | UnScaled_Z.pde" 537 provides an unscaled reference for

4.13 Making Movies

Since version 5, FlexPDE has had a simplified the process of creating movies from problem data.

1) Replaying a movie from a stored .PG7 file:

Open a .PG7 file from the "View | View File" menu.
You can use the "View | Frame Delay" menu item to set the delay between frames (default 500 ms).
Double-click to maximize a selected frame in the thumbnail display
Click "View | Movie" to replay all the instances of the selected frame.
Click "View | Restart" whenever you wish to begin a new replay, to move the reader to the beginning
of the file.

2) Exporting a Movie from a stored .PG7 file to graphic files on disk:

Open a .PG7 file from the "View | View File" menu.
Double-click a thumbnail to maximize a selected frame.
Click "View | Export Movie". This will bring up a selection dialog to set the export parameters.
The selected frame will be scanned as for Movie, and all files will be written according to the selected
357 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

Use JASC AnimationShop to assemble the individual files into a GIF animation.
Use GIF2SWF or other conversion program to create Flash animations.

See Viewing Saved Graphic Files 26 for more information.

4.14 Converting from Version 4 to Version 5

Several items have been changed in version 5 that may require some attention for users of FlexPDE
version 4. In general, we have tried to make the transition as simple as possible.
ERROR ESTIMATION: The algorithms used for error estimation have been changed in version 5. In
most cases, the new measures are more pessimistic that those used in version 4, resulting in some
cases in more intense mesh refinement and longer running. Nevertheless, we feel that the new
algorithms provide an error measure closer to the actual disparity between the numerical and analytical
solutions in test problems. In order to ameliorate the impact of this change, we have relaxed the
default ERRLIM to 0.002 and allowed individual cells to exceed the ERRLIM specification, as long as
a weighted average of errors is below ERRLIM. You may wish to adjust your ERRLIM
specifications to reflect this new behavior.
SMOOTHING INITIAL VALUES: Version 5 applies a smoothing procedure to initial conditions in
time-dependent problems, to ameliorate the harsh behaviour caused by discontinuous initial conditions.
In most cases, you will experience a much quicker startup, with no significant difference in solution.
The smoothing operation is scaled to cell sizes, so you can recover accurate resolution of initial
transients by merely specifying dense meshing at important initial discontinuities. The smoothing
operation can be suppressed by SELECT SMOOTHINIT=OFF.
CLOSE: The reserved word FINISH used in previous versions has been changed to CLOSE, to
more accurately reflect its function. You will be warned once, after which FINISH will be accepted as
in version 4. Except in cases where you want to run a problem on both versions, we suggest
converting to the new format.
GLOBAL: The designation SCALAR VARIABLES used in version 4 has been changed to
GLOBAL VARIABLES, to more accurately reflect its function. You will be warned once, after
which SCALAR VARIABLES will be accepted as in version 4. Except in cases where you want to
run a problem on both versions, we suggest converting to the new format.

4.15 Converting from Version 5 to Version 6

FlexPDE version 6 is almost totally backward-compatible with version 5.
In order to support the new features of version 6, however, we have had to make a few syntactic
Technical Notes : C onverting from Version 5 to Version 6 358

Parens "( )" are no longer interchangeable with square brackets "[ ]". In particular,
Square brackets can no longer be used in expression grouping. They are reserved for array and
matrix indexing.
Parentheses can no longer be used for array indexing. Only square brackets will serve in this capacity.

Double-asterisk "**" can no longer be used as an exponentiation operator. Double-asterisk is now the
matrix multiply operator. Use the caret "^" for exponentiation.

Solution Controls
Error estimation algorithms are somewhat different, and may result in somewhat shorter timesteps and
longer running for time-dependent problems. These changes were made in the interest of more truthful
reports of error.
The selector NRMATRIX has been changed to an ON/OFF selector REMATRIX which selects
recomputation of the Jacobian matrix on every Newton iteration. The default is OFF. Even without
this selector, FlexPDE will recompute the Jacobian matrix whenever the variable changes are greater
than an internal threshold.
Nonlinear time-dependent problems default to one Newton step per timestep, with timestep controls
to cut the timestep if convergence is not readily achieved. This is usually a more efficient scheme than
other alternatives. The Selector NEWTON=number is available for specifying a more strenuous
convergence policy. The Selector PREFER_STABILITY can be used to allow up to 5 Newton
iterations per timestep, with full re-computation of the Jacobian matrix on each iteration. This is the
most expensive option, but should provide the most stable operation.

Reserved Names
The names REAL and IMAG can no longer be used as user-defined values. They are now built-in
component selectors for Complex data types. See the list of Reserved Words 155 for other changes.

4.16 Converting from Version 6 to Version 7

FlexPDE version 7 is almost totally backward-compatible with version 6.
359 FlexP DE 7 : Technical Notes

However, we have made a few changes:

FEM Basis
Version 7 now uses a hierarchical basis system. Higher order components of the interpolation are now
the coefficients of higher order terms in the polynomial approximation, not additional nodal values. As
a result, the “Nodes” report in the Status panel is not directly comparable to the report in version 6.
The new "DOF" (degrees of freedom) report in version 7 is directly comparable to the version 6
"Nodes" report.
Cubic basis is now the default. To replicate the behavior of version 6, you must either specify
“quadratic” in the Select section, or use the preference panel to default to order=2. The cubic model
will run somewhat longer than a quadratic model on the same mesh. However, the cubic model can
return accurate results on a smaller mesh than the quadratic model. Actual results will be problem

File Consolidation
Version 7 by default creates a subdirectory (<problem name>_output) for each script that is run, and
into which all the associated output files are written (this default can be changed in the Preferences
control 29 ). Scripts that TRANSFER files from other runs need to provide the proper path to find the
appropriate import files.

Solution Controls
Error estimation algorithms are somewhat different, and may result in different behavior than with
previous versions. Our goal is to make the behavior consistent across versions, but this is not always
possible for all problems.

Reserved Names
In previous versions, the names LAMBDA and MODE were activated only in eigenvalue problems.
In version 7, they are always reserved and can no longer be used as user-defined values. See the list
of Reserved Words 155 for other changes.
Sample Problems
361 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

5 Sample Problems
The standard distribution of FlexPDE includes over one hundred example scripts, showing the
application of FlexPDE to many areas of study. These sample problems have been prepared by PDE
Solutions staff and show various applications of FlexPDE, or illustrate features or techniques.
Many of these problems contain commentary describing the derivation of the model. All are keyed for
execution in Professional mode by the Lite version of FlexPDE. These scripts are installed by the
standard installation procedure. Modifying a copy of an existing descriptor is frequently the most
efficient way to start building a descriptor for a new problem. On Windows, sample scripts are installed
in the "FlexPDE7 user" folder in the user's home folder as well as in the FlexPDE installation folder. The
copy in the installation folder can be used as master copies.
Also included in the distribution, in the "Backstrom_Books" folder, are many samples from books written
by Prof. Gunnar Backstrom showing the use of FlexPDE in a variety of fields. See Backstrom's books
online at http://www.amazon.com/Gunnar-Backstrom/e/B003B80CE2/.

5.1 Applications
5.1.1 Chemistry chem burn
This problem models an extremely nonlinear chemical reaction in an open tube
reactor with a gas flowing through it. The problem illustrates the use of
FlexPDE to solve mixed boundary value - initial value problems and involves
the calculation of an extremely nonlinear chemical reaction.
While the solutions sought are the 3D steady state solutions, the problems
are mixed boundary value / initial value problems with vastly different
phenomena dominating in the radial and axial direction.

The equations model a cross-section of the reactor which flows with the
gas down the tube. There is therefore a one to one relation between the
time variable used in the equations and distance down the tube given by
z = v*t.
The chemical reaction has a reaction rate which is exponential in
temperature, and shows an explosive reaction completion, once an
'ignition' temperature is reached. The problem variable 'C' represents
the fractional conversion (with 1 representing reaction completion).
The reaction rate 'RC' is given by
RC(C,Temp) = (1-C)*exp[gamma*(1-1/Temp)]
where the parameter GAMMA is related to the activation energy of the
The gas is initially at a temperature of 1, in our normalized units, with
convective cooling at the tube surface coupled to a cooling bath at a
temperature of 0.92.
The problem is cylindrically symmetric about the tube axis. Because of
the reaction the axis of the tube will remain hotter than the periphery,
and eventually the reaction will ignite on the tube axis, sending
completion and temperature fronts propagating out toward the wall. For
small GAMMA, these fronts are gentle, but for GAMMA greater than about
twelve the fronts becomes very steep and completion is reached rapidly
Sample P roblems : Applications 362

and sharply creating very rapid transition from a very high reaction rate
reaction rate to a zero reaction rate. The adaptive gridding and
adaptive evolution 'time' stepping capabilities of FlexPDE come into
play in this extreme nonlinear and process nonisotropic problem,
allowing a wave of dense gridding in time to accompany the completion
and temperature fronts across the tube.
In this problem we introduce a heating strip on the two vertical
faces of the tube, for a width of ten degrees of arc. These strips are
held at a temperature of 1.2, not much above the initial gas temperature.
The initial timesteps are held small while the abrupt temperature gradient
at the heating strips diffuses into the gas.
As the cross-section under study moves down the reactor, the heat generated
by the reaction combines with the heat diffusing in from the strip heater to cause
ignition at a point on the x-axis and cause the completion front and temperature
front to progate from this point across the cross-section.
We model only a quarter of the tube, with mirror planes on the X- and Y-axes.
The calculation models a cross-section of the tube, and this cross-section
flows with the gas down the tube.
The "cycle=10" plots allow us to see the flame-front propagating across
the volume, which happens very quickly, and would not be seen in a
time-interval sampling.
While the magnitudes of the numerical values used for the various
constants including gamma are representative of those found with real
reactions and real open tube reactors they are not meant to represent
a particular reaction or reactor.
'Open Tube Chemical Reactor with Strip Heater'
painted { make color-filled contour plots }
Lz = 1
gamma = 16
beta = 0.2
betap = 0.3
BI = 1
T0 = 1
TW = 0.92
{ the very nasty reaction rate: }
RC = (1-C)*exp(gamma-gamma/Temp)
xev=0.96 { some plot points }
initial values

Temp: div(grad(Temp)) + heat + betap*RC = dt(Temp)
C: div(grad(C)) + beta*RC = dt(C)
region 1
start (0,0)

{ a mirror plane on X-axis }

natural(Temp) = 0
natural(C) = 0
line to (r1,0)

{ "Strip Heater" at fixed temperature }

363 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ ramp the boundary temp in time, because discontinuity is costly to diffuse }

value(Temp)=T0 + 0.2*uramp(t,t-0.05)

natural(C)=0 { no mass flow on strip heater }

arc(center=0,0) angle 5

{ convective cooling and no mass flow on outer arc }

arc(center=0,0) angle 85

{ a mirror plane on Y-axis }

natural(Temp) = 0
natural(C) = 0
line to (0,0) to close

time 0 to 1

for cycle=10 { watch the fast events by cycle }
contour(Temp) fixed range (0.9,2.5)
contour(C) as "Completion" fixed range(0,1.1)

for t= 0.1 by 0.05 to 0.2 by 0.01 to 0.3 0.5 endtime { show some surfaces during burn
contour(Temp) fixed range (0.9,2.5)
surface(Temp) fixed range (0.9,2.5)
contour(C) as "Completion" fixed range(0,1.1)
surface(C) as "Completion" fixed range(0,1.1)
history(Temp) at (0,0) (xev/2,yev/2) (xev,yev) (yev/2,xev/2) (yev,xev)
history(C) at (0,0) (xev/2,yev/2) (xev,yev) (yev/2,xev/2) (yev,xev) as "Completion"
end m elting
This problem shows the application of FlexPDE to the melting of metal.
We choose as our system variables the temperature, "temp", and the
fraction of material which is solid at any point, "solid".
The temperature is given by the heat equation,

rho*cp*dt(temp) - div(lambda*grad(temp)) = Source

where cp is the heat capacity, rho the density and lambda the conductivity.
The latent heat, Qm, is an amount of heat released as "Solid" changes from
zero to one. We have Qm = integral[0,1]((dH/dSolid)*dSolid), or assuming
dH/dSolid is constant, dH/dSolid = Qm.
Then heat source from freezing is
dH/dt = (dH/dSolid)*(dSolid/dt) = Qm*dt(Solid).
We assume that the solid fraction can be represented by a linear ramp from
one down to zero as the temperature passes from (Tm-T0/2) to (Tm+T0/2).
solid = 1 when temp < Tm-T0
(Tm+T0/2-temp)/T0 when Tm-T0 <= temp <= Tm+T0
0 when temp > Tm+T0
where Tm is the melting temperature, and T0 is a temperature range over
which the melting transition occurs. Since there are no spatial derivatives
in this equation, we introduce a diffusion term with small coefficient to act
as a noise filter.
The particular problem addressed here is a disk of cold solid material
immersed in a bath of liquid. The initial temperatures are such that material
Sample P roblems : Applications 364

first freezes onto the disk, but after equilibrium is reached all the material
is liquid. The outer boundary is insulated.
Since the initial condition is a discontinuous distribution, we use a separate
REGION 229 to define the cold initial disk, so that the grid lines will follow the
shape. We also add a FEATURE 233 bounding the disk to help the gridder
define the abrupt transition. SELECT 183 SMOOTHINIT 183 helps minimize
interpolator overshoots.
'Melting Metal'
Qm= 225000 { latent heat }
Tm=1850 { Melting temperature }
T0= 20 { Melting interval +- T0 }
temp_liq=2000 { initial liquid temperature }
temp_sol=400 { initial solid temperature }
R_inf = 0.7 { Domain Radius m}
{ plate }
dd = d/5 { a defining layer around discontinuity }

K = 30+4.5e-5*(temp-1350)^2 { Conductivity }
rho=2500 { Density kg/m3 }
cp = 700 { heat capacity }
solid = 0.5*erfc((tinit-Tm)/T0)
temp: rho*cp*dt(temp) - div(K*grad(temp)) = Qm*dt(solid)
solid: solid - 1e-6*div(grad(solid)) = RAMP((temp-Tm), 1, 0, T0)
region 'Outer'
Tinit = temp_liq
start 'outer' (0,-R_inf)
value(temp)= temp_liq arc(center=0,0) angle 180
natural(temp)=0 line to close
region 'Plate'
Tinit = temp_sol
line to (R_Plate,0) to (R_Plate,d) to (0,d) to close
TIME 0 by 1e-5 to 600
for cycle=10
grid(r,z) zoom (0,-0.1,0.25,0.25)
elevation(temp) from(0.1,-0.1) to (0.1,0.15) range=(0,2000)
elevation(solid) from(0.1,-0.1) to (0.1,0.15) range=(0,1)
365 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

for t= 0 1e-4 1e-3 1e-2 0.1 1 10 by 10 to 100 by 100 to 300 by 300 to endtime
contour(temp) range=(0,2000)
contour(temp) zoom (0,-0.2,0.45,0.45) range=(0,2000)
elevation(temp) from(0.1,-0.1) to (0.1,0.15) range=(0,2000)
contour(solid) range=(0,1)
contour(solid) zoom (0,-0.2,0.45,0.45) range=(0,1)
surface(solid) zoom (0,-0.2,0.45,0.45) range=(0,1) viewpoint(1,-1,30)
elevation(solid) from(0.1,-0.1) to (0.1,0.15) range=(0,1)
history(temp) at (0.051,d/2) (0.075,d/2) (R_plate,d/2)
history(temp) at (0.051,d) (0.075,d) (R_plate,d)
history(solid) at (0.051,d/2) (0.075,d/2) (R_plate,d/2)
history(solid) at (0.051,d) (0.075,d) (R_plate,d)
history(integral(cp*temp+Qm*(1-solid))) as "Total Energy"

END reaction
This example shows the application of FlexPDE to the solution
of reaction-diffusion problems.
We describe three chemical components, A,B and C, which react and
diffuse, and a temperature, which is affected by the reactions.
I) A combines with B to form C, liberating heat.
II) C decomposes to A and B, absorbing heat. The decomposition rate
is temperature dependent.
III) A, B, C and Temperature diffuse with differing diffusion constants.
The boundary of the vessel is held cold, and heat is applied
to a circular exclusion patch near the center, intended to model an
immersion heater.
A, B and C cannot diffuse out the boundary.
The complete equations including the Arrhenius terms that describe
the system are:
div(Kt*grad(Temp)) + heat + K1*exp(-H1/(Temp+273))*eabs*A*B
- K2*exp(-H2/(Temp+273))*eabs*C*(Temp+273) = 0
div(Ka*grad(A)) - K1*exp(-H1/(Temp+273))*A*B
+ K2*exp(-H2/(Temp+273))*C*(Temp+273) = 0
div(Kb*grad(B)) - K1*exp(-H1/(Temp+273))*A*B
+ K2*exp(-H2/(Temp+273))*C*(Temp+273) = 0
div(Kc*grad(C)) + K1*exp(-H1/(Temp+273))*A*B
- K2*exp(-H2/(Temp+273))*C*(Temp+273) = 0
where Kt,Ka,Kb and Kc are the diffusion constants, EABS is the heat
liberated when A and B combine, and HEAT is any internal heat source.
Notice that the system is non-linear, as it contains terms involving
A*B and C*Temp.
There are an infinite number of solutions to these equations, differing
only in the total particle count. In reality, since particles are
conserved, the final solution is uniquely determined by the initial
conditions. But this fact is not embodied in the steady-state equations.
The only way to impose this condition on the steady-state system
is through an integral constraint equation, which describes the
conservation of total particle number.
title "Chemical Beaker"
variables { declare the system variables }
Sample P roblems : Applications 366

kt = 0.001 { define the diffusivities }

ka = 0.005
kb = 0.02
kc = 0.01

heat = 0 { define the volume heat source }

eabs = 0.0025 { define the reaction energy }
K1 = 1 { Reaction rate coef for A + B -> C }
H1 = 10 { Activation energy/K for A + B -> C }
K2 = 0.0025 { Reaction rate coef for C -> A + B }
H2 = 200 { Activation energy/K for C -> A + B }
a0 = 0.1 { define the initial distribution }
b0 = 0.1 { (we will need this for the constraint) }
c0 = 0.01
tabs = Temp+273
tfac1 = K1*exp(-H1/tabs)
tfac2 = K2*exp(-H2/tabs)
initial values { Initialize the variables }
temp = 100*(1-x^2-y^2)
a = a0
b = b0
c = c0
equations { define the equations }
temp: div(kt*grad(Temp)) + heat + tfac1*eabs*a*b - tfac2*eabs*c*tabs = 0
a: div(ka*grad(a)) - tfac1*a*b + tfac2*c*tabs = 0
b: div(kb*grad(b)) - tfac1*a*b + tfac2*c*tabs = 0
c: div(kc*grad(c)) + tfac1*a*b - tfac2*c*tabs = 0
constraints { demand particle conservation }
integral(a+b+2*c) = integral(a0+b0+2*c0)
Region 1
{ the cold outer boundary - impermeable to the chemicals }
value(temp)= 0
natural(a) = 0
natural(b) = 0
natural(c) = 0
arc to (1,0) to (0,1) to (-1,0) to close
{ the hot inner boundary - also impermeable to the chemicals }
value(temp)= 100
natural(a) = 0
natural(b) = 0
natural(c) = 0
arc(center=-0.2,-0.2) angle 360
surface(temp) as "temperature"
surface(a) as "A-concentration"
surface(b) as "B-concentration"
surface(c) as "C-concentration"
367 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

5.1.2 Control control_steady

This example shows the use of a GLOBAL VARIABLE 199 in a control application.
It is analogous to the example USAGE/OPTIMIZATION/POWER_CONTROL.PDE 620 .
We wish to find the required power input to a heater, such that the resulting
average temperature over the domain is a specified value.
Notice that the equation nominally defining power does not explicitly reference
the power variable, but is coupled through the heat term in the temperature
TITLE "steady-state Control test"
temp { The temperature field }
power { a single value for input power }
setpoint=700 { the desired average temperature }
skintemp=325 { fixed outer boundary temperature }
k=1 { conductivity }
heat=0 { the heat function for the temperature.
it is non-zero only in the heater region }
tcontrol=integral(temp)/integral(1) { the control function, average temperature }
{ tcontrol=val(temp,0,0) -- an alternative control method, unused here }
temp = setpoint
power= 100 { initial guess for power }
temp: div(-k*grad(temp))-heat = 0 { diffusion of temperature field }
power: tcontrol = setpoint { single equation defining power }
REGION 'Insulation'
line to (4,-4) to (4,4) to (-4,4) to close

REGION 'Heater'
start(-1,-1) line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
report power
report tcontrol
report power
report power*integral(1,'Heater') as "Total Power"
report tcontrol as "Average Temp"
elevation(temp) from(-4,0) to (4,0)
elevation(temp) from(-4,-4) to (4,4)
report power*integral(1,'heater') as "Total Power needed to establish an average
temperature of 700 "
Sample P roblems : Applications 368 control_transient

This example shows the use of a GLOBAL VARIABLE 199 in a control application.
We wish to find the required power input to a heater, such that the resulting
average temperature over the domain is a specified value.
The temperature on the outer surface is prescribed, with a time-sinusoidal
The input power is driven by a time-relaxation equation. The coefficient
of the right hand side is the reciprocal of the response time of the power.

This problem is a modification of CONTROL_STEADY.PDE 367 , showing the use of

time-dependent GLOBAL equations.

TITLE "Time-dependent Control test"
temp { The temperature field }
power { a single value for input power }
setpoint = 700 { the desired average temperature }
skintemp = 325+20*sin(t) { oscillating outer boundary temperature }
responsetime = 0.1 { response time of the power input }
k=1 { conductivity }
heat=0 { the heat function for the temperature.
it is non-zero only in the heater region }
{ the control function, average temperature }
tcontrol = integral(temp)/integral(1)
{ tcontrol = val(temp,0,0) -- an alternative control method, which tracks the
temperature value at a specified point (unused here) }
{initial guess for temperature distribution }
tinit1=min(1767-400*abs(x), 1767-400*abs(y))
power=137 { initial guess for power }
temp: div(-k*grad(temp))-heat = 0 { diffusion of temperature field }
{ single equation defining power. response time is 1/100 }
power: dt(power) = (setpoint - tcontrol)/responsetime
REGION 'Insulation'
line to (4,-4) to (4,4) to (-4,4) to close
REGION 'Heater'
heat = power
start(-1,-1) line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
TIME 0 to 20 by 1e-4
for cycle=10
report power
report tcontrol as "Avg Temp"
History(tcontrol-setpoint, skintemp-325) as "Skin Temperature and Error"
369 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

History(tcontrol-setpoint) as "Controlled temperature error"


5.1.3 Electricity 3d_capacitor

This problem is an extension of "3D_EXTRUSION_SPEC.PDE" 472 , and shows

a capacitor formed by two metal strips of different size separated
by a sheet of dielectric.

TITLE '3D Capacitor'

{ rename the axes }
alias(x) = "X(mm)"
alias(y) = "Y(mm)"
alias(z) = "Z(mm)"
{ paint all contours }
Kdiel= 6
K = Kair { default K to Kair - this will change in some layers/regions }
V0 = 0
V1 = 1
Eps0 = 8.854e-12 { Farads/M }
Eps0mm = 0.001*Eps0 { Farads/mm }
W = integral(0.5*K*eps0mm*grad(V)^2) { Stored Energy }
C = 1.0e6*2*W/(V1-V0)^2 { Capacitance in microFarads }
V : DIV(K*GRAD(V)) = 0
SURFACE "Bottom" Z=0
LAYER "Bottom Air"
SURFACE "Bottom Air - Metal" Z=0.9
LAYER "Bottom Metal"
SURFACE "Bottom Metal - Dielectric" Z=1
LAYER "Dielectric"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Dielectric" Z=2
LAYER "Top Metal"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Air" Z=2.1
LAYER "Top Air"
SURFACE "Bottom" NATURAL(V)=0 { Insulators top and bottom }
REGION 1 { this is the outer boundary of the system }
LAYER "dielectric" K = Kdiel { all other layers default to Kair }
LINE TO (5,0) TO (5,5) TO(0,5) to close
LIMITED REGION 2 { the larger bottom plate }
SURFACE "Bottom Air - Metal" VALUE(V)=V0
SURFACE "Bottom Metal - Dielectric" VALUE(V)=V0
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
Sample P roblems : Applications 370

LAYER "Bottom Metal" VALUE(V)=V0

LINE TO (4,0)
LAYER "Bottom Metal" NATURAL(V)=0
Line TO (4,4) TO (1,4) to close

LIMITED REGION 3 { the smaller top plate}

SURFACE "Top Metal - Dielectric" VALUE(V)=V1
SURFACE "Top Metal - Air" VALUE(V)=V1
LAYER "Top Metal" K = Kmetal
LINE TO (3,1) TO (3,5)
LAYER "Top Metal" VALUE(V)=V1
LINE TO (2,5)
LAYER "Top Metal" NATURAL(V)=0
LINE to close

GRID(X,Z) ON Y=2.5
CONTOUR(V) ON X=2.5 REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
CONTOUR(V) ON Y=2.5 REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
CONTOUR(V) ON Z=1.5 REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
CONTOUR(1/K) ON Y=2.5 as "Material"
END 3d_capacitor_check
This problem shows a parallel-plate capacitor, and compares the computed
capacitance to the ideal value.
TITLE '3D Capacitor validation'
{ rename the axes }
alias(x) = "X(mm)"
alias(y) = "Y(mm)"
alias(z) = "Z(mm)"
{ paint all contours }
Kdiel = 88 { Water @ 0 C }

K = Kair { default K to Kair - this will change in some layers/regions }

V0 = 0
V1 = 1
X0 = 2 Xwid = 3 X1 = X0+Xwid X2 = X1+X0 Xc = X2/2
Y0 = 2 Ywid = 3 Y1 = Y0+Ywid Y2 = Y1+Y0 Yc = Y2/2
Z0 = 3 Zdist=0.1 Zthick=0.1 Zc = Z0+Zdist/2
Eps0 = 8.854e-12 { Farads/M }
Eps0mm = 0.001*Eps0 { Farads/mm }
W = integral(0.5*K*eps0mm*grad(V)^2) { Stored Energy }
C = 1.0e6*2*W/(V1-V0)^2 { Capacitance in microFarads }
C0 = 1.0e6*Kdiel*eps0mm*Xwid*Ywid/Zdist
V : DIV(K*GRAD(V)) = 0
371 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

SURFACE "Bottom" Z=0

LAYER "Bottom Air"
SURFACE "Bottom Air - Metal" Z=Z0-Zthick
LAYER "Bottom Metal"
SURFACE "Bottom Metal - Dielectric" Z=Z0
LAYER "Dielectric"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Dielectric" Z=Z0+Zdist
LAYER "Top Metal"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Air" Z=Z0+Zdist+Zthick
LAYER "Top Air"
SURFACE "Top" Z=Z0+Zthick+Zdist+Zthick+Z0
SURFACE "Bottom" natural(V)=0
SURFACE "Top" natural(V)=0

REGION 1 { this is the outer boundary of the system }

LINE TO (X2,0) TO (X2,Y2) TO(0,Y2) to close
LIMITED REGION 2 { plates and dielectric }
SURFACE "Bottom Air - Metal" VALUE(V)=V0
SURFACE "Bottom Metal - Dielectric" VALUE(V)=V0
SURFACE "Top Metal - Dielectric" VALUE(V)=V1
SURFACE "Top Metal - Air" VALUE(V)=V1
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel
LAYER "Top Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Bottom Metal" VALUE(V)=V0
LAYER "Top Metal" VALUE(V)=V1
LINE TO (X1,Y0) TO (X1,Y1) TO (X0,Y1) to close
REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
REPORT(C0) as "Cideal(uF)"
CONTOUR(magnitude(grad(V))) ON Y=Yc as "Em"
ZOOM(X0-Zthick,Z0-2*Zthick, 5*Zthick,5*Zthick)
REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
REPORT(C0) as "Cideal(uF)"
REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
REPORT(C0) as "Cideal(uF)"
REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
REPORT(C0) as "Cideal(uF)"
ZOOM(X0-Zthick,Z0-2*Zthick, 5*Zthick,5*Zthick)
CONTOUR(log10(K)) ON Y=Yc PAINTED as "Material"
REPORT(C) as "Capacitance(uF)"
REPORT(C0) as "Cideal(uF)"
REPORT(W) as "Stored Energy"
END 3d_dielectric


This problem is a 3D extension of DIELECTRIC.PDE 373

'Electrostatic Potential'
Sample P roblems : Applications 372


eps = 1
div(eps*grad(V)) = 0 { Potential equation }
surface "bottom" z=0
surface "dielectric_bottom" z=0.1
layer "dielectric"
surface "dielectric_top" z=0.2
surface "top" z=0.3
surface "bottom" natural(V)=0
surface "top" natural(V)=0
region 1
start (0,0)
value(V) = 0 line to (1,0)
natural(V) = 0 line to (1,1)
value(V) = 100 line to (0,1)
natural(V) = 0 line to close
region 2
layer "dielectric" eps = 50
start (0.4,0.4)
line to (0.8,0.4) to (0.8,0.8) to (0.6,0.8)
to (0.6,0.6) to (0.4,0.6) to close
contour(V) on z=0.15 as 'Potential'
contour(V) on z=0.15 as 'Potential'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) on z=0.15 as 'Electric Field'
contour(V) on x=0.5 as 'Potential'
end capacitance


See discussion in Help section "Electromagnetic Applications | Electrostatics" 302 .

TITLE 'Capacitance per Unit Length of 2D Geometry'
{ 17 Nov 2000 by John Trenholme }

errlim 1e-4
thermal_colors on
plotintegrate off
mm = 0.001 ! meters per millimeter
Lx = 300 * mm ! enclosing box dimensions
Ly = 150 * mm
b = 0.7 ! radius of conductor / radius of entire cable
x0 = 0.25 * Lx ! position and size of cable raised to fixed potential
y0 = 0.5 * Ly
r0 = 15 * mm
x1 = 0.9 * Lx
y1 = 0.3 * Ly
r1 = r0
epsr ! relative permittivity of any particular region
epsd = 3 ! relative permittivity of cable dielectric
373 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

eps0 = 8.854e-12 ! permittivity of free space

eps = epsr * eps0
v0 = 1 ! fixed potential of the cable

energyDensity = dot( eps * grad( v), grad( v))/2 ! field energy density

div( eps * grad( v)) = 0

region 1 'inside' epsr = 1
start 'outer' ( 0, 0) value( v) = 0
line to ( Lx, 0) line to ( Lx, Ly) line to ( 0, Ly) line to close
region 2 'diel0' epsr = epsd
start 'dieb0' ( x0 + r0, y0)
arc ( center = x0, y0) angle = 360
region 3 'cond0' epsr = 1
start 'conb0' ( x0 + b * r0, y0) value( v) = v0
arc ( center = x0, y0) angle = 360
region 4 'diel1' epsr = epsd
start 'dieb1' ( x1 + r1, y1)
arc ( center = x1, y1) angle = 360
region 5 'cond1' epsr = 1000 ! fake metallic conductor
start 'conb1' ( x1 + b * r1, y1)
arc ( center = x1, y1) angle = 360

grid(x,y) zoom(x0-1.1*r0, y0-1.1*r0, 2.2*r0) ! 3-term zoom generates a square
window }
contour( v) as 'Potential'
contour( v) as 'Potential Near Driven Conductor'
zoom(x0-1.1*r0, y0-1.1*r0, 2.2*r0)
contour( v) as 'Potential Near Floating Conductor'
zoom(x1-1.1*r1, y1-1.1*r1, 2.2*r1)
elevation( v) as 'Potential from Wall to Driven Conductor' from ( 0,y0) to ( x0, y0)
elevation( v) as 'Potential from Driven to Floating Conductor' from ( x0, y0) to ( x1,
vector( grad( v)) as 'Field'
contour( energyDensity) as 'Field Energy Density' png(3072,2)
contour( energyDensity) as 'Field Energy Density Near Floating Conductor'
zoom(x1-1.2*r1, y1-1.2*r1, 2.4*r1)
elevation( energyDensity) from ( x1 - 2 * r1, y1) to ( x1 + 2 * r1, y1)
as 'Field Energy Density Near Floating Conductor'
contour( epsr) paint on "inside" as 'Definition of Inside'

SUMMARY png(3072,2)
report sintegral( normal( eps * grad( v)), 'conb0', 'diel0') as 'Driven charge'
report sintegral( normal( eps * grad( v)), 'outer', 'inside') as 'Outer charge'
report sintegral( normal( eps * grad( v)), 'conb1', 'diel1') as 'Floating charge'
report sintegral( normal( eps * grad( v)), 'conb0', 'diel0') / v0 as 'Capacitance (f/
report integral( energyDensity, 'inside') as 'Energy (J/m)'
report 2 * integral( energyDensity, 'inside') / v0^2 as 'Capacitance (f/m)'
report 2 * integral( energyDensity, 'inside') / ( v0 * sintegral( normal( eps *
grad( v)), 'conb0', 'diel0'))
as 'cap_by_energy / cap_by_charge'
END dielectric

This problem shows the electrostatic potential and the electric field
in a rectangular domain with an internal region in which the dielectric
constant is fifty times that of the surrounding material.
The electric field E is -grad(V), where V is the electrostatic potential.

See also FIELDMAP.PDE 374

title 'Electrostatic Potential'
Sample P roblems : Applications 374

variables V
eps = 1
div(eps*grad(V)) = 0
region 1
start (0,0)
value(V) = 0 line to (1,0)
natural(V) = 0 line to (1,1)
value(V) = 100 line to (0,1)
natural(V) = 0 line to close
region 2
eps = 50
start (0.4,0.4)
line to (0.8,0.4) to (0.8,0.8)
to (0.6,0.8) to (0.6,0.6)
to (0.4,0.6) to close
contour(V) as 'Potential'
contour(V) as 'Potential'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) as 'Electric Field'
end fieldm ap
This example shows the use of the adjoint equation to display Electric field
lines and to compare these to the vector plot of E.
The problem shows the electrostatic potential and the electric field
in a rectangular domain with an internal region in which the dielectric
constant is five times that of the surrounding material.
The electric field E is -grad(V), where V is the electrostatic potential.

The adjoint equation method of generating field lines will only work if there
are no internal sources (charged bodies).


375 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

'Electrostatic Potential and Electric Field'
eps = 1
{ Potential equation }
V: div(eps*grad(V)) = 0
{ adjoint equation }
Q: div(grad(Q)/eps) = 0
region 1
start (0,0)
value(V) = 0
natural(Q) = tangential(grad(V))
line to (1,0)
natural(V) = 0
natural(Q) = tangential(grad(V))
line to (1,1)
value(V) = 100
natural(Q) = tangential(grad(V))
line to (0,1)
natural(V) = 0
natural(Q) = tangential(grad(V))
line to close

region 2
eps = 5
start (0.4,0.4)
line to (0.8,0.4) to (0.8,0.8) to (0.6,0.8)
to (0.6,0.6) to (0.4,0.6) to close

feature start "V100" (0,1) line to (1,1)

contour(V) as 'Potential'
contour(Q) as 'Field'
contour(V) as 'Potential'
contour(Q) as 'Adjoint Field Lines'
contour(V,Q) as 'Potential and Adjoint Field Lines'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) as 'Electric Field'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) norm notips as 'Electric Field'
fieldmap(V) on "V100" fieldlines=24 points=200 as "Field Map"
contour fieldmap(V) on "V100" fieldlines=24 points=200 as "Potential and Field Map"

end plate_capacitor
This problem computes the field around a plate capacitor.
(adapted from "Fields of Physics on the PC" by Gunnar Backstrom)
Sample P roblems : Applications 376

title 'Plate capacitor'


Lx=1 Ly=1
delx=0.5 d=0.2
Ex=-dx(u) Ey=-dy(u)
DEx=eps*Ex DEy=eps*Ey
u : div(-eps*grad(u)) = 0
Region 1
start "V0" (-Lx,-Ly)
line to (Lx,-Ly) to (Lx,Ly) to (-LX,Ly) to close
start "V1" (-delx/2,-d/2)
line to (delx/2,-d/2) to (delx/2,-d/2-ddy) to (-delx/2,-d/2-ddy)
to close
line to (delx/2,d/2+ddy) to (delx/2,d/2) to(-delx/2,d/2)
to close
Region 2
eps = 7.0*eps0
line to (delx/2,-d/2) to (delx/2,d/2) to(-delx/2,d/2)
to close
fieldmap(u) on "V1" fieldlines=40 as "Field Map"
contour fieldmap(u) on "V1" fieldlines=40 points=400 as "Potential and Field Map"

end space_charge
This problem describes the electric field in an insulated cardioid-like
chamber due to an electrode at the tip of the cardioid and a localized
space charge near the center of the body.
Adaptive grid refinement detects the space charge and refines
the computation mesh to resolve its shape.
title "Electrostatic Potential with probe and space charge"
377 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

select errlim = 1e-4

bigr = 1
smallr = 0.4
x0 = sqrt(bigr^2/2)
y0 = x0
r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
{ define the electrode center }
xc = sqrt((bigr-smallr)^2/2)
yc = xc
{ A space charge source at -xc }
source = x/((x+xc)^2 + y^2 + 0.001)

V : div(k*grad(V)) + source = 0
region 1
natural(V) = 0 { -- insulated outer boundary }
arc(center=xc,yc) to (x0,y0)
arc(center=0,0) angle 270
arc(center=xc,-yc) to (xc,smallr-yc)
value(V)=1 { -- applied voltage = 1 on tip }
arc(center=xc,0) angle -180 to close
contour(V) as "Potential"
contour(V) zoom(0.2,-0.2,0.4,0.4)
surface(V) viewpoint (0,10,30)
surface(V) zoom(-0.6,-0.2,0.4,0.4)
surface(source) zoom(-0.6,-0.2,0.4,0.4)

5.1.4 Fluids 1d_eulerian_shock
Comparison with shock tube problem of G.A. Sod

See 1D_LAGRANGIAN_SHOCK.PDE 378 for a Lagrangian model of the same problem.

Ref: G.A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for Systems of
Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comp. Phys. 27, 1-31 (1978)
See also Kershaw, Prasad and Shaw, "3D Unstructured ALE Hydrodynamics with the
Upwind Discontinuous Finite Element Method", UCRL-JC-122104, Sept 1995.
TITLE "Sod's Shock Tube Problem - Eulerian"
ngrid=200 { increase the grid density }
regrid=off { disable the adaptive mesh refinement }
errlim=1e-4 { lower the error limit }
len = 1
Sample P roblems : Applications 378

gamma = 1.4
smeardist = 0.001 { a damping term to kill unwanted oscillations }
eps = sqrt(gamma)*smeardist { ~ cspeed*dist }

rho = 1.0 - 0.875*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
u = 0
P = 1.0 - 0.9*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
rho: dt(rho) + u*dx(rho) + rho*dx(u) = eps*dxx(rho)
u: dt(u) + u*dx(u) + dx(P)/rho = eps*dxx(u)
P: dt(P) + u*dx(P) + gamma*P*dx(u) = eps*dxx(P)
START(0) point value(u)=0
Line to (len) point value(u)=0
TIME 0 TO 0.375
for cycle=5
elevation(rho) from(0) to (len)
elevation(u) from(0) to (len)
elevation(P) from(0) to (len)
history(rho) at (0.5)
history(u) at (0.48) (0.49) (0.5) (0.51) (0.52)
history(p) at (0.48) (0.49) (0.5) (0.51) (0.52)
for t=0.143, 0.375
elevation(rho) from(0) to (len)
elevation(u) from(0) to (len)
elevation(P) from(0) to (len)
history(rho) at (0.48) (0.49) (0.5) (0.51) (0.52)
history(u) at (0.48) (0.49) (0.5) (0.51) (0.52)
history(p) at (0.48) (0.49) (0.5) (0.51) (0.52)
END 1d_lagrangian_shock
This example solves Sod's shock tube problem on a 1D moving mesh.
Mesh nodes are given the local fluid velocity, so the model is fully Lagrangian.

See 1D_EULERIAN_SHOCK.PDE 377 for an Eulerian model of the same problem.

Ref: G.A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for Systems of
Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comp. Phys. 27, 1-31 (1978)
See also Kershaw, Prasad and Shaw, "3D Unstructured ALE Hydrodynamics with the
Upwind Discontinuous Finite Element Method", UCRL-JC-122104, Sept 1995.
TITLE "Sod's Shock Tube Problem - Lagrangian"
ngrid = 100 { increase the grid density }
regrid = off { disable the adaptive mesh refinement }
errlim = 1e-4 { lower the error limit }
379 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

len = 1
gamma = 1.4
smeardist = 0.001 { a damping term to kill unwanted oscillations }
eps = sqrt(gamma)*smeardist { ~ cspeed*dist }

v = 0
rho0 = 1.0 - 0.875*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
p0 = 1.0 - 0.9*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
rho = rho0
u = 0
P = p0
{ equations are stated as appropriate to the Eulerian (lab) frame.
FlexPDE will convert to Lagrangian form for moving mesh }
rho: dt(rho) + u*dx(rho) + rho*dx(u) = eps*dxx(rho)
u: dt(u) + u*dx(u) + dx(P)/rho = eps*dxx(u)
P: dt(P) + u*dx(P) + gamma*P*dx(u) = eps*dxx(P)
xm: dt(xm) = u
START(0) point value(u)=0 point value(xm)=0
line to (len) point value(u)=0 point value(xm)=len
TIME 0 TO 0.375
for cycle=5
elevation(rho) from(0) to (len) range (0,1)
elevation(u) from(0) to (len) range (0,1)
elevation(P) from(0) to (len) range (0,1)
for t=0 by 0.02 to 0.143, 0.16 by 0.02 to 0.375
elevation(rho) from(0) to (len) range (0,1)
elevation(u) from(0) to (len) range (0,1)
elevation(P) from(0) to (len) range (0,1)
END 2d_eulerian_shock
Comparison with shock tube problem of G.A. Sod

See 1D_EULERIAN_SHOCK.PDE 377 for a 1D model of the same problem.

Ref: G.A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for Systems of
Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comp. Phys. 27, 1-31 (1978)
See also Kershaw, Prasad and Shaw, "3D Unstructured ALE Hydrodynamics with the
Upwind Discontinuous Finite Element Method", UCRL-JC-122104, Sept 1995.
TITLE "Sod's Shock Tube Problem - 2D Eulerian"
ngrid = 100 { increase the grid density }
regrid = off { disable the adaptive mesh refinement }
errlim = 1e-4 { lower the error limit }
len = 1
wid = 0.02
gamma = 1.4
eps = 0.001 {=4*(1/63)^2}
Sample P roblems : Applications 380

rho = 1.0 - 0.875*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
u = 0
P = 1.0 - 0.9*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
rho: dt(rho)+u*dx(rho) = eps*div(grad(rho)) - rho*dx(u)
u: dt(u)+u*dx(u) = eps*div(grad(u)) - dx(P)/rho
P: dt(P)+u*dx(P) = eps*div(grad(P)) - gamma*P*dx(u)
Line to (len,0)
Value(u)=0 line to (len,wid)
Natural(u)=0 line to (0,wid) to close
TIME 0 TO 0.375
for cycle=5
elevation(rho) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2)
elevation(u) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2)
elevation(P) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2)
history(rho) at (0.5,wid/2)
history(u) at (0.48,wid/2) (0.49,wid/2) (0.5,wid/2) (0.51,wid/2) (0.52,wid/2)
history(p) at (0.48,wid/2) (0.49,wid/2) (0.5,wid/2) (0.51,wid/2) (0.52,wid/2)
for t=0.143, 0.375
elevation(rho) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2)
elevation(u) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2)
elevation(P) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2)
history(rho) at (0.48,wid/2) (0.49,wid/2) (0.5,wid/2) (0.51,wid/2) (0.52,wid/2)
history(u) at (0.48,wid/2) (0.49,wid/2) (0.5,wid/2) (0.51,wid/2) (0.52,wid/2)
history(p) at (0.48,wid/2) (0.49,wid/2) (0.5,wid/2) (0.51,wid/2) (0.52,wid/2)
END 2d_piston_m ov ingm esh

This problem models the flow of a perfect gas in a compressor cylinder.
The initial gas pressure is chosen as 1e-4 Atm, to show interesting swirling.
The boundaries of the domain are moved according to the oscillation of the piston,
while the interior mesh is tensioned within the moving boundaries.
This results in a mixed Lagrange/Eulerian model, in that the mesh is moving,
but with different velocity than the fluid.

TITLE "Piston"
regrid=off { disable the adaptive mesh refinement }
painted { paint all contours }
my_ngrid = 30 { later applied to the NGRID control and smoother }
stroke = 8 { cylinder stroke cm }
rad = 4 { cylinder bore radius cm }
zraise = 1 { raised height of piston center }
rraise = 3*rad/4 { radius or raised piston center }
gap = 2 { piston/head clearance }
gamma = 1.4
rho0 = 0.001
P0 = 100 { initial pressure (dyne/cm2) = 1e-4 Atm }
visc = 0.15 { kinematic viscosity, cm^2/sec }
rpm = 1000 { compressor speed }
381 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

period = 60/rpm { seconds }

vpeak = (pi*stroke/period)
{ velocity profile: }
vprofile =vpeak*sin(2*pi*t/period)
{ the piston shape: }
zpiston = if r<rraise then zraise else zraise*(rad-r)/(rad-rraise)
{ the time-dependent piston profile: }
zprofile = zpiston+0.5*stroke*(1-cos(2*pi*t/period))
ztop = stroke+gap+zraise { maximum z postion }
rho(threshold = rho0/10) { gas density }
u(threshold = vpeak/10) { radial velocity }
v(threshold = vpeak/10) { axial velocity }
P(threshold = P0/10) { pressure }
vm(threshold = vpeak/10) { mesh velocity }
zm=move(z) { mesh position }
{ sound speed }
cspeed = sqrt(gamma*P/rho)
cspeed0 = sqrt(gamma*P0/rho0)
{ a smoothing coefficient: }
smoother = cspeed0*(rad/my_ngrid)
evisc = max(visc,smoother)
ngrid= my_ngrid
rho = rho0
u = 0
v = 0
P = P0
{ Eulerian gas equations: (FlexPDE will add motion terms) }
rho: dt(rho) + dr(rho*u*r)/r + dz(rho*v) = smoother*div(grad(rho))
u: dt(u) + u*dr(u)+v*dz(u) + dr(P)/rho = evisc*div(grad(u))-evisc*u/r^2
v: dt(v) + u*dr(v)+v*dz(v) + dz(P)/rho = evisc*div(grad(v))
P: dt(P) + u*dr(P)+v*dz(P) + gamma*P*(dr(r*u)/r+dz(v)) = smoother*div(grad(P))
vm: dzz(vm)=0 { balance mesh velocities in z only }
zm: dt(zm)=vm { node positions - move only in z }
{ use a piston and compression chamber with beveled edge, to create a swirl }
value(u)=0 value(v)=vprofile value(vm)=vprofile dt(zm)=vprofile
line to (rraise,zraise) to (rad,0)
value(u)=0 nobc(v) nobc(vm) nobc(zm)
line to (rad,stroke+gap)
value(u)=0 value(v)=0 value(vm)=0 dt(zm)=0
line to (rraise,ztop) to (0,ztop)
value(u)=0 nobc(v) nobc(vm) nobc(zm)
line to close
{ add a diagonal feature to help control cell shapes at upper corner }
FEATURE start(rraise,zraise) line to (rad,stroke+gap)
TIME 0 TO 2*period by 1e-6
for t=0 by period/120 to endtime
{ control the frame size and data scaling to create a useable movie
- the movie can be created by replaying the .PG7 file and selecting
EXPORT MOVIE, or we could add PNG() commands here to create it directly }
grid(r,z) frame(0,0, rad,ztop)
contour(rho) frame(0,0, rad,ztop) fixed range(0,0.01) contours=50 nominmax
contour(u) frame(0,0, rad,ztop) fixed range(-500,500) contours=50
contour(v) frame(0,0, rad,ztop) fixed range(-550,550) contours=50
contour(P) frame(0,0, rad,ztop) fixed range(0,2600) contours=50 nominmax
vector(u,v) frame(0,0, rad,ztop) fixed range(0,550)
Sample P roblems : Applications 382

contour(cspeed) frame(0,0, rad,ztop) fixed range(0,600)

contour(magnitude(u,v)/cspeed) frame(0,0, rad,ztop) fixed range(0,1.5)
history(vprofile/vpeak,zprofile/stroke) range(-1,1)
report(vpeak) report(stroke)
history(globalmax(P), globalmin(P))
history(globalmax(rho), globalmin(rho))
END 3d_flowbox
This problem demonstrates the use of FlexPDE in 3D fluid flow. It shows the flow of
through a plenum box with a circular inlet at the bottom and an offset circular outlet
at the top.
The corners of the duct are beveled to remove discontinuities in the flow, and the
inlet pressure
is arbitrarily set at 0.05 units.

The solution uses a "penalty pressure", in which the pressure variable is used merely
to guarantee
mass conservation. This technique is described in more detail in VISCOUS.PDE.

The order of interpolation is staged from linear to quadratic to cubic, which allows
to solve for the general distribution with far fewer unknowns, and then solve for more
in later stages.

Adaptive mesh refinement is turned off for speed in demonstration.

title '3D flow through a plenum'

v(1e-6) = vector(vx,vy,vz)
order = staged(1,2,3)
regrid = off
long = 2
wide = 1
high = 1/2
xin = -1 yin = 0
xout = 1 yout = 0
rc = 0.5
duct = 0.2
{ construct beveled surface }
b = 0.05 ! duct bevel
r2 = sqrt((x-xin)^2+(y-yin)^2)
H2 = -high-(rc+b)
z2 = max(min(H2+r2,-high),-high-b)
r3 = sqrt((x-xout)^2+(y-yout)^2)
H3 = high+(rc+b)
z3 = min(max(H3-r3,high),high+b)

dens = 1 { fluid density }

visc = 0.01 { fluid viscosity }
vm = magnitude(v)
383 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

div_v = dx(vx) + dy(vy) + dz(vz)

pfactor = 500
PENALTY = pfactor*visc/high^2

Pin = 0.05
Pout = 0
initial values
v = vector(0,0,0)
p = Pin+(Pout-Pin)*(z+high+duct)/(2*high+2*duct)
v: dens*dot(v,grad(v)) + grad(p) - visc*div(grad(v)) = 0
p: div(grad(p)) = PENALTY*div_v

extrusion z = -high-duct,z2,z3,high+duct
region 1 { plenum box }
surface 2 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0
surface 3 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0
layer 1 void
layer 3 void
value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0 { fix all side values }
line to (long,-wide)
to (long,wide)
to (-long,wide)
to close
limited region 2 { input hole }
layer 1
surface 1 natural(v) = vector(0,0,0) value(p)=Pin { input duct opening }
layer 1 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0 { duct sidewall drag }
surface 2 mesh_spacing=rc/2
arc(center=xin,yin) angle=360
limited region 3 { exit hole }
layer 3
surface 4 natural(v) = vector(0,0,0) value(p)=Pout { output duct opening }
layer 3 value(v) = vector(0,0,0) natural(p)=0 { duct sidewall drag }
surface 3 mesh_spacing=rc/2
arc(center=xout,yout) angle=360
limited feature
surface 2
start(xin,yin-rc-b) arc(center=xin,yin) angle=360

limited feature
surface 3
start(xout,yout-rc-b) arc(center=xout,yout) angle=360

grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(vx) on x=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vz) on y=0 report dens report pin
vector(vx,vz)on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(vy) on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(vz) on z=0 report dens report pin
vector(vx,vy)on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(p) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(div_v) on y=0 report dens report pin
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(vx) on x=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vz) on y=0 report dens report pin
vector(vx,vz)on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(vx) on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(vy) on z=0 report dens report pin
Sample P roblems : Applications 384

contour(vz) on z=0 report dens report pin

vector(vx,vy)on z=0 report dens report pin
contour(p) on y=0 report dens report pin
contour(div_v) on y=0 report dens report pin

report(sintegral(vz,1,2)) as "Inflow"
report(sintegral(vz,4,3)) as "Outflow"
report(sintegral(vz,4,3)/sintegral(vz,1,2)) as "Ratio"

end airfoil
This example considers the laminar flow of an incompressible, inviscid
fluid past an obstruction.

We assume that the flow can be represented by a stream function, PSI,

such that the velocities, U in the x-direction and V in the y-direction,
are given by:
U = -dy(PSI)
V = dx(PSI)
The flow can then be described by the equation
div(grad(PSI)) = 0.
The contours of PSI describe the flow trajectories of the fluid.
The problem presented here describes the flow past an airfoil-like figure.
The left and right boundaries are held at PSI=y, so that U=-1, and V=0.
title "Stream Function Flow past an Airfoil"
{ define PSI as the system variable }
far = 5 { size of solution domain }
psi_far = y { solution at large x,y }
equations { the equation of continuity: }
psi : div(grad(psi)) = 0
region 1 { define the domain boundary }
start(-far,-far) { start at the lower left }
{ impose -dy(psi)=U=-1 (outward normal of psi) on the bottom boundary }
natural(psi)= -1
line to (far,-far) { walk the boundary Counter-Clockwise }
natural(psi)=0 { impose dx(psi)=0 on right }
line to (far,far)
natural(psi)=1 { impose dy(psi)=-U=1 on top }
line to (-far,far)
natural(psi)=0 { impose -dx(psi)=0 on left }
line to close { return to close }
start(-0.5,-0.05) { start at lower left corner of airfoil }
value(psi)=0 { specify no flow through the airfoil surface }
arc to (0.0,0.02) to (0.5,0.05) { specify a gentle arc by three points }
arc (center=0.495,0.1) to (0.5,0.15) { a tight arc by two points and center }
arc to (0.075,0.105) to (-0.35,0) { the top arc by three points }
line to close { finally a straight line to close the figure }
monitors{ monitor progress while running }
contour(psi) zoom (-0.6,-0.4,1.4,1.2) as "stream lines"
plots { write hardcopy files at termination }
grid(x,y) zoom (-0.6,-0.4,1.4,1.2)
contour(psi) zoom (-0.6,-0.4,1.4,1.2) as "stream lines" painted
385 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ show the flow vectors: }

vector(-dy(psi),dx(psi)) zoom (-0.6,-0.4,1.4,1.2)as "flow" norm
surface(psi) zoom (-0.6,-0.4,1.4,1.2) as "stream lines"

end black_oil
This example considers the transport of oil and water in soil.
The model is given in Gelinas, et al, "Adaptive Forward-Inverse Modeling
of Reservoir Fluids Away from Wellbores", (Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory report UCRL-ID-126377) and in Saad & Zhang, " Adaptive Mesh for
Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media" (in Recent Advances in Problems of Flow and
Transport in Porous Media, Crolet and El Hatri, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boston, 1998).
The saturation of water is represented by S, with the saturation of oil defined
as 1-S. The relative permeabilities of water and oil are assumed to be S^2 and
(1-S)^2, respecitvely. The total mobility M is defined as
M = S^2/muw + (1-S)^2/muo,
where muw and muo are the viscosities of water and oil.
The total velocity, V, and the fractional flux, f, are defined as
V = - K*M grad(P)
f = [S^2/muw]/M,
where K represents the saturation-independent permeability coefficient, and
P is the pressure, assuming capillary to be zero and oil and water pressures
If the porosity Phi is taken as constant and gravity effects are negligible, the
PDE's governing the system reduce to
Phi*dt(S) + div(V*f) = 0
div(V) = 0.
Here we study the flow through a 30-meter box with an inlet pipe in the upper
left and an outlet pipe in the lower right. The box is initially filled with oil,
and water is pumped into the inlet pipe at a constant pressure. Time is measured
in seconds.
-- Submitted by Said Doss, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
TITLE 'Black Oil Model'
smoothinit { Smooth the initial conditions a little, to minimize
the time wasted tracking the initial discontinuity }
s(1), p { Saturation and Pressure }
muo = 4.e-3 { oil viscosity }
muw = 1.e-3 { water viscosity }
K = 1.e-12 { Saturation-independent permeability coefficient }
Pin = 1.5e6 { Inlet pressure }
Pout = 1.e6 { Outlet pressure }
M = S^2/muw + (1-S)^2/muo { Total mobility }
f = S^2/muw/M { Fractional flux }
krw = S^2/muw { Relative permeability of water }
phi =.206 { porosity }
xmax = 30 { Box dimensions }
ymax = xmax
out_ctr = 8
tfrac = 2*out_ctr
diam = 2
in_ctr = ymax-out_ctr
rad = diam/5
pipe = 2*rad {an extended inlet and outlet pipe}
epsvisc = 1.e-6 { A little artificial diffusion helps smooth the solution }
Sample P roblems : Applications 386

sint = integral(s) { the total extraction integral }

hour = 60*60
day = hour*24 { seconds per day }
s = max(0,-x/pipe ) { start with all oil , but ramp the value in the
inlet pipe to speed startup }
p = Pin + (Pout-Pin)*x/xmax { start with a rough approximation to the pressure }

s: phi*dt(s) - div(K*krw*grad(p)) - epsvisc*div(grad(s)) = 0
p: div(K*M*grad(p)) = 0

{ fillet the input pipe, and define
no-flow boundaries of the box }
natural(p)=0 natural(s) = 0
line to (0,in_ctr-diam) fillet(rad)
line to (0,0) to (xmax,0)
to (xmax,out_ctr-diam) fillet(rad)
line to (xmax+pipe,out_ctr-diam)
{ set constant outlet pressure, and
"tautological" saturation flux }
value(p) = Pout
natural(s) = -K*krw*dx(p)
line to (xmax+pipe,out_ctr+diam)
{ reset no-flow box boundaries }
natural(p)=0 natural(s)=0
line to (xmax,out_ctr+diam) fillet(rad)
line to (xmax,ymax) to (0,ymax)
to (0,in_ctr+diam) fillet(rad)
line to (-pipe,in_ctr+diam)
{ set constant inlet pressure and saturation
value(p) = Pin value(s) = 1
line to close
TIME 0 to 120*day by 10
for cycle=5
contour(s) as "Saturation" range(0,1)
contour(s) zoom(xmax-tfrac+pipe,0, tfrac,tfrac) as "Outflow Saturation"
contour(p) as "Pressure"
vector(-K*M*grad(p)) norm as "Flow Velocity"
for t = day by day to 20*day
by 10*day to 120*day
contour(s) as "Saturation" range(0,1) painted
surface(s) as "Saturation" range(0,1) painted viewpoint(60,-120,30)
contour(s) zoom(xmax-tfrac+pipe,0, tfrac,tfrac) as "Outflow Saturation"
range(0,1) painted
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
vector(-K*M*grad(p)) norm as "Flow Velocity"
contour(K*M*magnitude(grad(p))) norm as "Flow Speed" painted
history(sint) at (0,0) as "Extraction"
387 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems buoy ant

This example addresses the problem of thermally driven buoyant flow
of a viscous liquid in a vessel in two dimensions.
In the Boussinesq approximation, we assume that the fluid is incompressible,
except for thermal expansion effects which generate a buoyant force.
The incompressible form of the Navier-Stokes equations for the flow of a fluid
can be written
dt(U) + U.grad(U) + grad(p) = nu*div(grad(U)) + F
div(U) = 0
where U represents the velocity vector,
p is the pressure,
nu is the kinematic viscosity
and F is the vector of body forces.
The first equation expresses the conservation of momentum, while the second,
or Continuity Equation, expresses the conservation of mass.
If the flow is steady, we may drop the time derivative.
If we take the curl of the (steady-state) momentum equation, we get
curl(U.grad(U)) + curl(grad(p)) = nu*curl(div(grad(U)) + curl(F)
Using div(U)=0 and div(curl(U))=0, and defining the vorticity W = curl(U),
we get
U.grad(W) = W.grad(U) + nu*div(grad(W)) + curl(F)
W.grad(U) represents the effect of vortex stretching, and is zero in
two-dimensional systems. Furthermore, in two dimensions the velocity has
only two components, say u and v, and the vorticity has only one,
which we shall write as w.
Consider now the continuity equation. If we define a scalar function psi
such that
u = dy(psi) v = -dx(psi)
then div(U) = dx(dy(psi))-dy(dx(psi)) = 0, and the continuity equation is
satisfied exactly. We may write
div(grad(psi)) = -dx(v)+dy(u) = -w
Using psi and w, we may write the final version of the Navier-Stokes
equations as
dy(psi)*dx(w) -dx(psi)*dy(w) = nu*div(grad(w)) + curl(F)
div(grad(psi)) + w = 0
If F is a gravitational force, then
F = (0,-g*rho) and
curl(F) = -g*dx(rho)
where rho is the fluid density and g is the acceleration of gravity.

The temperature of the system may be found from the heat equation
rho*cp*[dt(T)+U.grad(T)] = div(k*grad(T)) + S
Dropping the time derivative, approximating rho by rho0,
and expanding U in terms of psi, we get
div(k*grad(T)) + S = rho0*cp*[dy(psi)*dx(temp) - dx(psi)*dy(temp)]
If we assume linear expansion of the fluid with temperature, then
rho = rho0*(1+alpha*(T-T0)) and
curl(F) = -g*rho0*alpha*dx(T)
In this problem, we define a trough filled with liquid, heated along a center
strip by an applied heat flux, and watch the convection pattern and the heat
distribution. We compute only half the trough, with a symmetry plane
in the center.
Along the symmetry plane, we assert w=0, since on this plane
dx(v) = 0 and u=0, so dy(u) = 0.
Applying the boundary condition psi=0 forces the stream lines to be parallel
to the boundary, enforcing no flow through the boundary.
On the surface of the bowl, we apply a penalty function to enforce a "no-slip"
Sample P roblems : Applications 388

boundary condition. We do this by using a natural BC to introduce a surface

source of vorticity to counteract the tangential velocity. The penalty weight
was arrived at by trial and error. Larger weights can force the surface
velocity closer to zero, but this has no perceptible effect on the temperature
On the free surface, the proper boundary condition for the vorticity is
problematic. We choose to apply NATURAL(w)=0, because this implies no vorticity
transport across the free surface. (11/16/99)
TITLE 'Buoyant Flow by Stream Function and Vorticity - No Slip'
temp psi w
Lx = 1 Ly = 0.5
Rad = 0.5*(Lx^2+Ly^2)/Ly
Gy = 980
{ surface heat loss coefficient }
sigma_top = 0.01
{ bowl heat loss coefficient }
sigma_bowl = 1
{ thermal conductivity }
k = 0.0004
{ thermal expansion coefficient }
alpha = 0.001
visc = 1
rho0 = 1
heatin = 10 { heat source }
t0 = 50
dens = rho0*(1 - alpha*temp)
cp = 1
penalty = 5000
u = dy(psi)
v = -dx(psi)

temp: div(k*grad(temp)) = rho0*cp*(u*dx(temp) + v*dy(temp))

psi: div(grad(psi)) + w = 0
w: u*dx(w) + v*dy(w) = visc*div(grad(w)) - Gy*dx(dens)
region 1

{ on the arc of the bowl, set Psi=0, and apply a conductive loss to T.
Apply a penalty function to w to force the tangential velocity to zero }
start "outer" (0,0)
natural(temp) = -sigma_bowl*temp
value(psi) = 0
natural(w)= penalty*tangential(curl(psi))
arc (center=0,Rad) to (Lx,Ly)
{ on the top, continue the Psi=0 BC, but add the heat in put term to T,
and apply a natural=0 BC for w }
load(temp) = heatin*exp(-(10*x/Lx)^2) - sigma_top*temp
line to (0,Ly)
{ in the symmetry plane assert w=0, with a reflective BC for T }
load(temp) = 0
line to close
contour(temp) as "Temperature"
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity"
vector(u,v) as "Flow Velocity" norm
389 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

contour(temp) as "Temperature" painted
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity" painted
vector(u,v) as "Flow Velocity" norm
contour(dens) as "Density" painted
contour(magnitude(u,v)) as "Speed" painted
elevation(magnitude(u,v)) on "outer"
elevation(temp) on "outer"
END buoy ant+tim e

This example is the time-dependent form of the steady-state example

Here we gradually ramp up the heat input to the level given in the
steady-state problem.
At early times, a single convection cell is established, but at later
times the bottom of the bowl stagnates and establishes the two-cell
flow pattern seen in the steady problem.
TITLE 'Buoyant Flow by Stream Function and Vorticity - no slip'
Lx = 1 Ly = 0.5
Rad = 0.5*(Lx^2+Ly^2)/Ly
Gy = 980
sigma_top = 0.01 { surface heat loss coefficient }
sigma_bowl = 1 { bowl heat loss coefficient }
k = 0.0004 { thermal conductivity }
alpha = 0.001 { thermal expansion coefficient }
visc = 1
heatin = min(10,t)
t0 = 50
rho0 = 1
rho = rho0*(1 - alpha*temp)
cp = 1
u = dy(psi)
v = -dx(psi)
penalty = 5000
temp: div(k*grad(temp)) = rho0*cp*(dt(temp) + u*dx(temp) + v*dy(temp))
psi: div(grad(psi)) + w = 0
w: dt(w) + u*dx(w) + v*dy(w) = visc*div(grad(w)) - Gy*dx(rho)
region 1
{ on the arc of the bowl, set Psi=0, apply conduction loss to T,
and apply penalty function to w to enforce no-slip condition. }
natural(temp) = -sigma_bowl*temp
value(psi) = 0
arc (center=0,Rad) to (Lx,Ly)
Sample P roblems : Applications 390

{ on the top, continue the prior BC for Psi,

but apply a heat input and loss to T.
Apply natural=0 BC (no vorticity transport) for w }
load(temp) = heatin*exp(-(10*x/Lx)^2) - sigma_top*temp
line to (0,Ly)
{ in the symmetry plane assert w=0, with a reflective BC for T }
load(temp) = 0
line to close
TIME 0 to 100
for cycle=5 { watch what's happening }
contour(temp) as "Temperature"
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity"
vector(curl(psi)) as "Flow Velocity" norm
for t = 1 by 1 to 10 by 10 to endtime
contour(temp) as "Temperature" painted
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity" painted
vector(curl(psi)) as "Flow Velocity" norm
contour(rho) as "Density" painted
history(temp) at (0.1*Lx,Ly) (0.2*Lx,Ly) (0.5*Lx,Ly) (0.8*Lx,Ly)
(0.7*Lx,0.5*Ly) (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) as "Temperature"
history(u) at (0.1*Lx,Ly) (0.2*Lx,Ly) (0.5*Lx,Ly) (0.8*Lx,Ly)
(0.7*Lx,0.5*Ly) (0.04*Lx,0.2*Ly) as "X-velocity"
history(v) at (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) as "Y-velocity"

END cav ity _1k


This problem computes the flow velocities in a square cavity driven by a velocity
on the top surface, with a Reynolds number of 1000.
The initial conditions are zero interior velocity and zero pressure.
We use a non-dimensional form of the Navier-Stokes equations, with a "penalty
The pressure equation simulates a "somewhat compressible" fluid.
Because a very hard incompressibility is subject to instabilities when the
initial condition is far from equilibrium, we stage the pressure penalty,
starting with a very soft fluid and progressing to more and more strict
As a visual assistance, we also display the stream function and vorticity when each
stage completes.
This is a common test problem, see for example Hendriana and Bathe, Int J Numer Meth
Engng 47, 317-340 (2000)

title 'Lid-driven Cavity Re=1000'

coordinates cartesian2

busymon ! display monitors during iteration

391 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems


Re = 1000
penalty = staged(1,10,100,1000) ! perform the computation in stages with increasing
pressure penalty
w = dx(v)-dy(u) ! report vorticity
u0 = 1

u: div(grad(u)) - Re*dx(p) = Re*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: div(grad(v)) - Re*dy(p) = Re*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))

psi: div(grad(psi)) +w = 0 ! Report the Stream function

region 1
start (0,1)
! left wall
value(u)=0 value(v)=0 ! no fluid slip on bottom and sides
value(psi)=0 ! stream function BC: no flow across walls or top
line to (0,0)
! bottom
value(p)=0 !fix the pressure at the bottom
line to(1,0)
! right wall
natural(p) = 0
line to (1,1)
! open top with imposed velocity
! since a hard shift from 0 to 1 would invite catastrophe, we ramp the driving
velocity to zero at the corners.
value(u) = (1-x)*u0/h
mesh_spacing=h/5 ! more mesh density at the corners helps define the rapid velocity
line to(1-h,1)
! full driving velocity
line to(h,1)
! ramp down to zero
value(u) = x*u0/h
line to close

contour(u) report(Re) report(penalty)
contour(v) report(Re) report(penalty)
contour(p) report(Re) report(penalty)

grid(x,y) report(Re) report(penalty)
contour(u) report(Re) report(penalty)
contour(v) report(Re) report(penalty)
contour(p) report(Re) report(penalty)
vector(u,v) report(Re) report(penalty)
contour(psi) as "Streamlines" report(Re) report(penalty)
contour(w) as "Vorticity" report(Re) report(penalty)

Sample P roblems : Applications 392 channel

This example is a modification of the LOWVISC.PDE 404 problem, in which the

no-slip boundary has been placed at the bottom of the domain, with free flow
at the top.
The declared parameters in this problem are chosen for demonstration purposes,
and are not intended to represent any real conditions. The fluid is far more
viscous than water.
title 'Flow in 2D channel'
select errlim = 0.005

Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
p0 = 1 { input pressure }
speed2 = u^2+v^2
speed = sqrt(speed2)
dens = 1
visc = 0.04
vxx = -(p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*y^2 { open-channel x-velocity with drag at the bottom }

cut = 0.1 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }
penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc/dens)
initial values
{ In nonlinear problems, Newton's method requires a good initial guess at the solution,
or convergence may not be achieved. You can use SELECT CHANGELIM=0.1 to
force the solver to creep toward a solution from a bad guess.
In our problem, the open channel velocity is a good place to start. }
u = vxx v = 0 p = p0*x/(2*Lx)
u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))

region 1
value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,0)
to (Lx,0)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = p0
line to (Lx,Ly)
load(p) = 0
line to (-Lx,Ly)
value(p) = 0
line to close
contour(speed) report(Re)
393 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"
elevation(u) from (-Lx,0) to (-Lx,Ly)
elevation(u) from (0,0) to (0,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx/2,0)to (Lx/2,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx,0) to (Lx,Ly)
end contam inant_transport

This example shows the use of sequenced equations in the calculation of steady-state
contaminant transport in which the fluid properties are independent of the
Fluid equations are solved first on each grid refinement, then the contaminant
concentration is updated.

The problem is a modification of the example CHANNEL.PDE 392 .

title 'Contaminant transport in 2D channel'
errlim = 0.005
ngrid = 40
Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
p0 = 2
speed2 = u^2+v^2
speed = sqrt(speed2)
dens = 1
visc = 0.04
vxx = -(p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*y^2 { open-channel x-velocity with drag at the bottom }

cut = 0.1 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }
penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc/dens)
Kc = 0.01 { contaminant diffusivity }
initial values
u = vxx v=0 p = p0*x/Lx
u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
c: u*dx(c) + v*dy(c) = div(Kc*grad(c))
region 1
value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0 natural(c)=0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
Sample P roblems : Applications 394

to (Lx/2+rball,0)
to (Lx,0)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = p0 value(c) = Upulse(y,y-Ly/3)
line to (Lx,Ly)
mesh_spacing = 100
load(p) = 0 natural(c)=0
line to (-Lx,Ly)
value(p) = 0
line to close
contour(c) report(Re)
contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"
elevation(u) from (-Lx,0) to (-Lx,Ly)
elevation(u) from (0,0) to (0,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx/2,0)to (Lx/2,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx,0) to (Lx,Ly)
end coupled_contam inant


This example shows the use of FlexPDE in a contaminant transport

calculation in which the fluid viscosity is strongly dependent on the contaminant

The example LOWVISC.PDE must first be solved to establish flow velocities.

This time-dependent modification of that example then reads the initial values and
computes the flow of a contaminant in the channel.
Fluid equations are solved fully implicitly with the contaminant concentration.

title 'Contaminant transport in 2D channel, Re > 40'


Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
p0 = 2
speed = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
dens = 1
visc0 = 0.04
visc = visc0*(1+c)
vxx = -(p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*(Ly^2-y^2) { open-channel x-velocity }

cut = 0.1 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }

penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc0/dens)

{ define a contaminant pulse function in space and time

395 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

use SWAGE to eliminate discontinuous changes }

swagepulse(f,a,b,rise) = swage(f-a,0,1,rise)*swage(f-b,1,0,rise)
cinput = C0*swage(y-0.4,1,0,0.08 )*swagepulse(t,0.4,1,0.08)

Kc = 0.002 { contaminant diffusivity }

{ read the initial velocity field from Lowvisc.pde }

transfermesh("lowvisc_output/lowvisc_01.xfr", uin, vin, pin)

Initial Values

u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*dt(u) + dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*dt(v) + dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
c: dt(c) + u*dx(c) + v*dy(c) = div(Kc*grad(c))

region 1
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0 load(c)=0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
mesh_spacing=rball/10 ! dense mesh to resolve obstruction
line to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,0)

mesh_spacing=10*rball ! cancel dense mesh requirement

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (Lx,0)

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = p0

{ Introduce a lump of contaminant: }
value(c) = cinput
line to (Lx,Ly)

value(u)=0 value(v)=0 load(p)= 0 load(c)=0
line to(-Lx,Ly)

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = 0

line to close

time 0 to 10

for cycle = 1
contour(speed) report(Re)
contour(c) range(0,1) report(Re)
elevation(cinput) from (Lx,-Ly) to (Lx,Ly) range=(0,C0)

for t=0 by 0.05 to endtime
contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"

history(u) at (0,0.8) (2,0.8) (3,0.8) (4,0.8) (Lx,0)
history(v) at (0,0.8) (2,0.8) (3,0.8) (4,0.8)
Sample P roblems : Applications 396

end coupled_contam inant_initeq


This example is a modification of the example COUPLED_CONTAMINANT.PDE 394 where

LOWVISC.PDE 404 does not need to be run first. Instead it uses the INITIAL EQUATIONS 220
section to solve for the flow velocities.

title 'Contaminant transport in 2D channel, Re > 40'


Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
p0 = 2
speed = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
dens = 1
visc0 = 0.04
visc = visc0*(1+c)
vxx = -(p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*(Ly^2-y^2) { open-channel x-velocity }

cut = 0.1 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }

penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc0/dens)

{ program a contaminant pulse in space and time

use SWAGE to eliminate discontinuous changes }
swagepulse(f,a,b,rise) = swage(f-a,0,1,rise)*swage(f-b,1,0,rise)
cinput = C0*swage(y-0.4,1,0,0.08 )*swagepulse(t,0.4,1,0.08)

Kc = 0.002 { contaminant diffusivity }

Initial Values
u = 0.5*vxx v = 0 p = p0*(Lx+x)/(2*Lx)

initial equations
{ solve these steady-state equations to establish initial conditions for the time-
dependent run }
u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))

u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*dt(u) + dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*dt(v) + dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
c: dt(c) + u*dx(c) + v*dy(c) = div(Kc*grad(c))

region 1
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0 load(c)=0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
mesh_spacing=rball/10 ! dense mesh to resolve obstruction
line to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
397 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,0)

mesh_spacing=10*rball ! cancel dense mesh requirement

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (Lx,0)

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = p0

{ Introduce a lump of contaminant: }
value(c) = cinput
line to (Lx,Ly)

value(u)=0 value(v)=0 load(p)= 0 load(c)=0
line to(-Lx,Ly)

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = 0

line to close

time 0 to 10

for cycle = 10
contour(speed) report(Re)
contour(c) range(0,1) report(Re)
elevation(cinput) from (Lx,-Ly) to (Lx,Ly) range=(0,C0)

for t=0 by 0.5 to endtime
contour(c) range(0,1) report(Re)
contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"

history(u) at (0,0.8) (2,0.8) (3,0.8) (4,0.8) (Lx,0)
history(v) at (0,0.8) (2,0.8) (3,0.8) (4,0.8)

end flowslab

This problem considers the laminar
flow of an incompressible, inviscid
fluid past an obstruction.
We assume that the flow can be
represented by a stream function, PSI,
such that the velocities, U in the
x-direction and V in the y-direction,
are given by:
U = -dy(PSI)
V = dx(PSI)
The flow can then be described by the
div(grad(PSI)) = 0.
The contours of PSI describe the flow
trajectories of the fluid.
Sample P roblems : Applications 398

The problem presented here describes

the flow past a slab tilted at
45 degrees to the flow direction. The
left and right boundaries are held
at PSI=y, so that U=-1, and V=0.

title "Stream Function Flow past 45-degree slab"

psi { define PSI as the system variable }
a = 3; b = 3 { size of solution domain }
len = 0.5 { projection of length/2 }
wid = 0.1 { projection of width/2 }
psi_far = y { solution at large x,y }
equations { the equation of continuity: }
psi : div(grad(psi)) = 0
region 1 { define the domain boundary }
start(-a,-b) { start at the lower left }
value(psi)= psi_far { impose U=-1 on the outer boundary }
line to (a,-b) { walk the boundary Counter-Clockwise }
to (a,b)
to (-a,b)
to close { return to close }
start(-len-wid,len-wid) { start at upper left corner of slab }
value(psi)=0 { specify no flow on the slab surface }
line to (-len+wid,len+wid){ walk around the slab CLOCKWISE for exclusion }
to (len+wid,-len+wid)
to (len-wid,-len-wid)
to close { return to close }
contour(psi) { show the potential during solution }

plots { write hardcopy files at termination }

grid(x,y) { show the final grid }
grid(x,y) zoom(-1,0,1,1) { magnify gridding at corner }
contour(psi) as "stream lines" { show the stream function }
vector(-dy(psi),dx(psi)) as "flow" { show the flow vectors }
vector(-dy(psi),dx(psi)) as "flow" zoom(-1,0,1,1)
end geoflow
In its simplest form, the nonlinear steady-state quasi-geostrophic equation
is the coupled set:
q = eps*del2(psi) + y (1)
J(psi,q) = F(x,y) - k*del2(psi) (2)

where psi is the stream function

q is the absolute vorticity
F is a specified forcing function
399 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

eps and k are specified parameters

J is the Jacobian operator:

J(a,b) = dx(a)*dy(b) - dy(a)*dx(b)

The single boundary condition is the one on psi stating that the closed
boundary C of the 2D area should be streamline:
psi = 0 on C.
In this test, the term k*del2(psi) in (2) has been replaced by (k/eps)*(q-y),
and a smoothing diffusion term damp*del2(q) has been added.

Only the natural boundary condition is needed for Q.

title 'Quasi-Geostrophic Equation, square, eps=0.005'
kappa = .05
epsilon = 0.005
koe = kappa/epsilon
size = 1.0
f = -sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)
damp = 1.e-3*koe
initial values
psi = 0.
q = y
psi: epsilon*del2(psi) - q = -y
q: dx(psi)*dy(q) - dy(psi)*dx(q) + koe*q - damp*del2(q) = koe*y + f
region 1
start(0,0) value(psi)=0 natural(q)=0
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1) to close
contour(psi) as "Potential"
contour(q) as "Vorticity"
surface(psi) as "Potential"
surface(q) as "Vorticity"
vector(-dy(psi),dx(psi)) as "Flow"
end hy perbolic
This problem shows the capabilities of FlexPDE in hyperbolic systems.
We analyze a single turn of a helical tube with a programmed flow velocity.
A contaminant is introduced into the center of the flow on the input surface.
Contaminant outflow is determined from the flow equations.
The contaminant concentration should flow uniformly around the helix.
title 'Helical Flow: a hyperbolic system.'
regrid=off { Fixed grid works better in hyperbolic systems }
vandenberg { most effective method for hyberbolic systems }
Sample P roblems : Applications 400


Rin = 1
Rout = 2
R0 = 1.5
dR = 0.3 { width of the input contaminant profile }
gap = 10 { angular gap between input and output faces }
gapr = gap*pi/180 { gap in radians }
cg = cos(gapr)
sg = sin(gapr)
pin = point(Rin*cg,-Rin*sg)
pout = point(Rout*cg,-Rout*sg)

r = magnitude(x,y)
v = 1
vx = -v*y/r
vy = v*x/r
q = 0 { No Source }
sink = 0 { No Sink }
initial values
u = 0

u : div(vx*u, vy*u) + sink*u + q = 0
region 1
start (Rout,0)
value(u) = 0 { We know there should be no contaminant on walls }
arc(center=0,0) angle=360-gap { positive angle on outside }
nobc(u) { "No BC" on exit plane allows internal solution to dictate outflow }
line to pin
arc(center=0,0) angle=gap-360 { negative angle on inside }
value(u)=exp(-((x-R0)/dR)^4) { programmed inflow is supergaussian }
line to (1.2,0) to (1.4,0) to (1.6,0) to (1.8,0) to close { resolve shape }
contour(u) painted
elevation(u) from (Rin,0.01) to (Rout,0.01)
elevation(u) from (0,Rin) to (0,Rout)
elevation(u) from (-Rin,0.01) to (-Rout,0.01)
elevation(u) from (0,-Rin) to (0,-Rout)
elevation(u) from pout to pin
end landfill_gas_flow


This script solves 2D flow of ideal gas through a porous medium combined of
2 contiguous layers of distinct permeability in elliptic coordinates. The
outermost of the two layers generates gas that flows inwards and is
collected by a pipe in the centre. When the cross-sections are ellipses of
a common focal length f, there are exact solutions available that are used
for verification. Note: the domain appears almost circular, but if the
coordinates are checked carefully, all boundaries are ellipses.

Includes usage of:

- redefinition of Cartesian coordinates to custom curvilinear system
- definition of inverse hyperbolic functions
401 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

- discontinuous material properties

- definition of features via a repeat loop
- file export via a repeat loop

Written at:
Department of Mathematics, Thompson Rivers University (British
Columbia, Canada) by Damian Halvorsen and Yana Nec.
Reference for the geometry and all formulae: appendix B in
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2018.10.003 ;

Title 'Planar flow, elliptic geometry, 2 laminae'

COORDINATES cartesian2


C2K = 273.15 { 0 deg C in Kelvin }
g = 9.8067 { gravity constant m/s^2 }
ps = 101325 { standard atmospheric pressure at sea level Pa }
Ts = C2K+15 { standard atmospheric temperature at sea level K }
Tc = C2K+20 { standard chemical temperature K }
Latm = 0.0065 { standard atmospheric cooling rate deg/m }
R_air = 286.9 { air gas constant p = rho R T }
Ro = 8.3145 { universal gas constant, specific R = Ro/M }
i2m_p = ps/406.8 { inWc to Pa conversion factor }

elev = 0; { surface elevation m }

p_bar = ps { barometer pressure Pa }
p_atm = p_bar*(1-Latm*elev/Ts)^(g/(R_air*Latm)) { atmospheric pressure at given
pB = p_atm-0.5*i2m_p { pressure under the cover (if applicable), converted from inWc }
p_out = p_atm-15*i2m_p { outlet pressure, converted from inWc }
d_P = 0.5*0.3048 { pipe diameter m }
r_P = d_P/2 {pipe radius}

{ pack, waste and cover laminae thickness m }

h = array(1,8,3)
r_A = r_P+h[1] {gravel pack radius}
r_B = r_A+h[2] {landfill cavity radius}

{ porosity }
p_eps = array(0.6,0.4,0.7)
{ effective packing sphere diameter to represent grain size m }
sphere_diam = array(0.05,0.1,0.01) {k_b>k_a}
{ tortuosity }
tau = 100

k = array for i (1 by 1 to 3) : p_eps[i]^3*sphere_diam[i]^2*(72*tau*(1-p_eps[i])^2)^(-


{ temperature deg C }
Tlfg = 15+C2K

{ hole diameter m }
dh = 3/8*0.0254

{ # of holes in each perforated cross-section }

nh = 2
dl = nh*(dh/2)^2/d_P

{molar weights}
M_CH4 = 0.016044
M_CO2 = 0.04401
M_O2 = 0.0319988
M_N2 = 0.0280134
Mw = array(M_CH4,M_CO2,M_O2,M_N2)
{ gas composition CH4, CO2 and O2, balance N2 }
Xlfg0 = array(0.5,0.4,0.01);
Sample P roblems : Applications 402

Xlfg = array(Xlfg0[1],Xlfg0[2],Xlfg0[3],1-sum(i,1,3,Xlfg0[i]))
Rlfg = Ro/sum(i,1,4,Xlfg[i]*Mw[i])

{ Sutherland's formula }
{ base values for Sutherland's formula }

To_CH4 = 273.15; s_CH4 = 197.8; muo_CH4 = 12.01*10^(-6);

To_CO2 = 293.15; s_CO2 = 240; muo_CO2 = 14.8*10^(-6);
!To_CO2 = 273.15; s_CO2 = 222.2; muo_CO2 = 13.7*10^(-6);
To_O2 = 292.25; s_O2 = 127; muo_O2 = 20.18*10^(-6);
To_N2 = 300.55; s_N2 = 111; muo_N2 = 17.81*10^(-6);

mu_CH4 = muo_CH4*(Tlfg/To_CH4)^1.5*(To_CH4+s_CH4)/(Tlfg+s_CH4);
mu_CO2 = muo_CO2*(Tlfg/To_CO2)^1.5*(To_CO2+s_CO2)/(Tlfg+s_CO2);
mu_O2 = muo_O2*(Tlfg/To_O2)^1.5*(To_O2+s_O2)/(Tlfg+s_O2);
mu_N2 = muo_N2*(Tlfg/To_N2)^1.5*(To_N2+s_N2)/(Tlfg+s_N2);

{ exponential formula }

mu = array(mu_CH4, mu_CO2, mu_O2, mu_N2)

a = 3/8 { empirical constant from Thomas A. Davidson's paper - 3/8 or 1/3
a = 3/8 appears to work negligibly better }
Ylfg = sum(i,1,4,sqrt(Mw[i])*Xlfg[i])

fl = 2^a/Ylfg^2*sum(i,1,4,sum(j,1,4,
mu_lfg = 1/fl

{ number of perforated cross-sections }

n = 28

{ generation rate m^3/hr }

C_init = 375
C = C_init*ps/(3600*Rlfg*Tc*pi*(r_B^2-r_A^2)*dl*n)
RT = Rlfg*Tlfg
muRT = mu_lfg*RT
muRTC = muRT*C

ang_jump = pi/8
Px ! constant, to be used as a normalisation pressure value
Px2 = Px^2
f = 0.5*r_P ! focal length, common to all ellipses
fb = f^2*muRTC/(4*Px2*k[2]) ! combined constants
fc = f^2*muRT*Cp/(4*Px2*Kp)
muRTCpx = muRT*Cp/Px2
grav = 0*vector(0,-g,0) ! toggle the factor to turn gravity on and off

! define inverse hyperbolic functions not available as built in functions

atanh(q) = 0.5*ln((1+q)/(1-q))
acosh(q) = ln(q+sqrt(q^2 -1))
asinh(q) = ln(q+sqrt(q^2 +1))

{ define the elliptic coordinates: xi runs along the hyperbolae (normal

coordinate) and phi is the elliptic arc length (tangential coordinate)
Note: radial arc length = angle from horizontal,
elliptic arc length != angle from horizontal except 0, pi
xyf = f^2+y^2-x^2
tanhxi = if(x=0) then sqrt(y^2/xyf)
else sqrt(0.5*(-xyf+sqrt(xyf^2+(2*x*y)^2))/x^2)
xi = atanh(tanhxi)
phi = if(x=0) then pi/2*sign(y)
else if(x>0) then arctan(y/(x*tanhxi))
else arctan(y/(x*tanhxi))+pi
! common expressions needed in exact solutions
xip = acosh(r_P/f)
xia = acosh(r_A/f)
xib = acosh(r_B/f)
xiPB = xip-xib
403 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

xiBA = xib-xia
xiAP = xia-xip

r_outx = f*cosh(xib)
r_outy = f*sinh(xib)
r_inx = f*cosh(xia)
r_iny = f*sinh(xia)
r_px = f*cosh(xip)
r_py = f*sinh(xip)

! coefficients needed in exact solutions

! block/unblock one type of boundary condition
! pressure boundary condition
Px = pB
rhs = -fb*(1+k[2]/(k[1]-k[2])*cosh(2*xiBA)+
theta_P = 0
theta_B = rhs-theta_P*k[1]/k[2]*sinh(2*xiBA)/sinh(2*xiAP)
a0a = k[2]/(k[2]*xiAP+k[1]*xiBA)*((pB/Px)^2-(p_out/Px)^2+
a0b = 1/(k[2]*xiAP+k[1]*xiBA)*(((pB/Px)^2-(p_out/Px)^2+
b0a = (p_out/Px)^2-a0a*xip
b0b = (pB/Px)^2-a0b*xib+fb*cosh(2*xib)
a1a = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(theta_P*cosh(2*xib)-theta_B*k[2]/k[1]*cosh(2*xip)+
b1b = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(-theta_P*k[1]/k[2]*sinh(2*xib)+theta_B*sinh(2*xip)+
a1b = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(theta_P*k[1]/k[2]*cosh(2*xib)-theta_B*cosh(2*xip)+
b1a = 1/(sinh(2*xiPB))*(-theta_P*sinh(2*xib)+theta_B*k[2]/k[1]*sinh(2*xip)+
P_ell = sqrt(a0*xi+b0-fc*cosh(2*xi)+

'ACmat' :
Kp = k[2]
Cp = C
a0 = a0b
b0 = b0b
a1 = a1b
b1 = b1b
'ABmat' :
Kp = k[1]
Cp = 0
a0 = a0a
b0 = b0a
a1 = a1a
b1 = b1a

P = P_atm/Px

div(Kp*p*(grad(p)-p/RT*grav)) = -muRTCpx

use material 'ACmat'
start (r_outx,0)
value(P) = sqrt((pB/Px)^2 +theta_B*cos(2*phi)) ! pressure boundary condition
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_outy) to (-r_outx,0)
to (0,-r_outy) to (r_outx,0)
start (r_px,0)
value(P) = sqrt((P_out/Px)^2 + theta_P*cos(2*phi))
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_py) to (-r_px,0)
to (0,-r_py) to (r_px,0)

Sample P roblems : Applications 404

use material 'ABmat'

start (r_inx,0)
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_iny) to (-r_inx,0)
to (0,-r_iny) to (r_inx,0)
start (r_px,0)
arc(center=0,0) to (0,r_py) to (-r_px,0)
to (0,-r_py) to (r_px,0)

repeat th = 0 by ang_jump to 3/8*pi

Feature 'Ray_'+$th
start(r_px*cos(th),r_py*sin(th)) line to (r_outx*cos(th), r_outy*sin(th))

contour(P) painted zoom(-r_px,-r_px,2*r_px)
repeat th = 0 by ang_jump to 3/8*pi
Elevation (P, P_ell) on 'Ray_'+$th as 'P on Ray_'+$th
export points=30 file = 'qpe2L_'+$round(th*10000)+'.tbl'
Elevation (P-P_ell) on 'Ray_'+$th as 'P error on Ray_'+$th

END lowv isc


This example is a modification of the VISCOUS.PDE 408 problem, in which the

viscosity has been lowered to produce a Reynold's number of approximately
As the input pressure is raised, the disturbance in velocities propagates farther
down the channel. The channel must be long enough that the velocities
have returned to the open-channel values, or the P=0 boundary condition
at the outlet will be invalid and the solution will not succeed.
The problem computes half of the domain, with a reflective boundary at the bottom.
We have included four elevation plots of X-velocity, at the inlet, channel
center, obstruction center and outlet of the channel. The integrals presented
on these plots show the consistency of mass transport across the channel.
We have added a variable psi to compute the stream function for plotting stream lines.

title 'Viscous flow in 2D channel, Re > 40'


ngrid = 40

Lx = 5
Ly = 1.5
p0 = 2
speed2 = u^2+v^2
speed = sqrt(speed2)
dens = 1
visc = 0.04 vxx = -(p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*(Ly^2-y^2) { open-channel x-velocity }
cut = 0.1 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }
penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
405 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc/dens)

w = zcomp(curl(u,v)) ! vorticity is the source for streamline equation

initial values
u = 0.5*vxx v = 0 p = p0*(Lx+x)/(2*Lx)
u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
psi: div(grad(psi)) + w = 0 ! solve streamline equation separately from velocities

region 1
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0 value(psi) = 0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
mesh_spacing = rball/10 ! dense mesh to resolve obstruction
line to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,0)
mesh_spacing = 10*rball ! cancel dense mesh requirement
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (Lx,0)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = p0 natural(psi) = 0
line to (Lx,Ly)
value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0 natural(psi) = normal(-v,u)
line to (-Lx,Ly)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = 0 natural(psi) = 0
line to close
contour(speed) report(Re)
contour(psi) as "Streamlines"
contour(max(psi,-0.003)) zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) as "Vortex
vector(u,v) as "flow" zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) norm

contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"
elevation(u) from (-Lx,0) to (-Lx,Ly)
elevation(u) from (0,0) to (0,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx/2,0) to (Lx/2,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx,0) to (Lx,Ly)
contour(psi) as "Streamlines"
contour(max(psi,-0.003)) zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) as "Vortex
vector(u,v) as "flow" zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) norm

Transfer(u,v,p) ! write flow solution as initial values for Coupled_Contaminant.pde

Sample P roblems : Applications 406 swirl
This problem addresses swirling flow in a cylindrical
vessel driven by a bottom impeller using a vector
description of the equations.
In two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates, we can
represent three velocity components (radial, axial
and tangential) as long as there is no variation of
cross-section or velocity in the azimuthal coordinate.
The Navier-Stokes equation for flow in an incompressible
fluid with no body forces can be written in FlexPDE
notation as
dens*(dt(U) + dot(U,grad(u)) = -grad(p) + visc*del2(U)
where U represents the vector fluid velocity, p is the
pressure, dens is the density and visc is the viscosity
of the fluid. Here the pressure can be considered as
the deviation from static pressure, because uniform static
forces like gravity can be cancelled out of the equation.
In two-dimensional steady-state axisymmetric form, this
equation becomes three component equations, radial (vr),
tangential (vt) and axial (vz):
dens*(vr*dr(vr) - vt^2/r + vz*dz(vr)) + dr(p) =
visc*[div(grad(vr)) - vr/r^2]

dens*(vr*dr(vt) + vr*vt/r + vz*dz(vt)) =

visc*[div(grad(vt)) - vt/r^2]

dens*(vr*dr(vz) + vz*dz(vz)) + dz(p) = visc*div(grad(vz))

Notice that various strange terms arise, representing centrifugal and coriolis
forces in cylindrical coordinates and derivatives of the unit vectors in the
viscosity term. Notice also that there are no tangential derivatives, these
having been assumed zero.
In principle, these equations are supplemented by the equation of incompressible
mass conservation:
div(U) = 0
but this equation contains no reference to the pressure, which is nominally the
remaining variable to be determined.
In practice, we choose to solve a "slightly compressible" system by defining a
hypothetical equation of state
p(dens) = p0 + L*(dens-dens0)
where p0 and dens0 represent a reference density and pressure, and L is a large
number representing a strong response of pressure to changes of density. L is
chosen large enough to enforce the near-incompressibility of the fluid, yet not
so large as to erase the other terms of the equation in the finite precision
of the computer arithmetic.
The compressible form of the continuity equation is
dt(dens) + div(dens*U) = 0
which, together with the equation of state yields
dt(p) = -L*dens0*div(U)
In steady state, we can replace the dt(p) by -div(grad(p))
[see Help | Tech Notes | Smoothing Operators in PDEs"] 349 ,
resulting in the final pressure equation:
div(grad(p)) = L*dens*div(U)
In a real stirring vessel, the fluid is driven by an impeller bar in the bottom
of the fluid. Since we cannot directly represent this geometry in an axisymmetric
model, we approximate the effect of the impeller by a body force on the fluid
in the lower segment of the domain. This body force attempts to accelerate the
fluid to the velocity of the stir bar, with an arbitrary partition of the
velocity into vr, vt and vz.
TITLE 'Swirling cylindrical flow'

407 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

ycylinder ('r','z')

V(0.001) = vector(vr, vz, vt)
p(0.001) { pressure, with linear interpolation and minimum expected range }

rad=0.01 { vial radius }
ht=0.02 { vial height }
radimp = 0.98*rad { radial impeller size }
radwall = 0.95*rad { a gridding feature to put finer mesh at vial wall }

dens=1000 { fluid density }

visc=0.001 { fluid viscosity }


div_v= div(V) { velocity divergence }

PENALTY = 1e4*visc/rad^2 { the phony equation of state coefficient }

band = ht/20 { height of force band }

bf = 1e5 { arbitrary body-force scaling }
f { stirbar force - assigned by region later }
rpm =staged(10,20,30) { several stirring speeds }
vimp = 2*pi*r*rpm/60 { impeller velocity }
vr0 = 0.2*vimp { arbitrary partition of stirring velocity }
vt0 = 1.0*vimp
vz0 = 0.3*vimp

V0 = vector(vr0, vz0, vt0)

mass_balance = div_v/integral(1)


V: dens*dot(V,grad(V)) + grad(p) - visc*div(grad(V)) = F*(V0-V)
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*div_v


Region 'domain'
Start 'outer' (0,0)
{ mirror conditions on bottom boundary }
natural(vr)=0 natural(vt)=0 value(vz)=0 natural(p)=0 line to (rad,0)
value(vr)=0 ! impenetrable radial wall
{ no slip on sides (ie, velocity=0) }
! value(vt)=0 value(vz)=0
{ friction on sides - generate an outward "Flux" of V (i.e. -visc*grad(V)) to
drive it toward zero }
natural(vt)=100*vt natural(vz)=100*vz natural(p)=0 line to (rad,ht)
{ zero pressure and no z-flow on top, but free vr and vt }
natural(vr)=0 natural(vt)=0 value(vz)=0 value(p)=0 line to (0,ht)
{ no radial or tangential velocity on spin axis }
value(vr)=0 value(vt)=0 natural(vz)=0 natural(p)=0 line to close

Region "impeller"
Start(0,0) line to (radimp,0) to (radimp,band) to (0,band) to close

{ add a gridding feature to help resolve the shear layer at the wall }
Feature start(radwall,0) line to (radwall,ht)
Sample P roblems : Applications 408

contour(vr) as "Radial Velocity" report(rpm)
contour(vt) as "Swirling Velocity" report(rpm)
contour(vz) as "Axial Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vt,vt0) from(0,0) to (rad,0) as "Impeller Velocity" report(rpm)
contour(p) as "Pressure"
vector(vr,vz) as "R-Z Flow"

contour(vr) as "Radial Velocity" report(rpm)
contour(vt) as "Swirling Velocity" report(rpm)
contour(vz) as "Axial Velocity" report(rpm)
contour(vm) as "Velocity Magnitude" report(rpm)
contour(p) as "Pressure" report(rpm)
vector(vr,vz) norm as "R-Z Flow" report(rpm)
contour(mass_balance) report(rpm)
elevation(vr) from (0,band) to (rad,band) as "Radial Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vt) from (0,band) to (rad,band) as "Swirling Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vz) from (0,band) to (rad,band) as "Axial Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vt,vt0) from(0,band) to (rad,band) as "Impeller Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vm) from (0,band) to (rad,band) as "Velocity Magnitude" report(rpm)
elevation(vr) from (0,ht/2) to (rad,ht/2) as "Radial Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vt) from (0,ht/2) to (rad,ht/2) as "Swirling Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vz) from (0,ht/2) to (rad,ht/2) as "Axial Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vm) from (0,ht/2) to (rad,ht/2) as "Velocity Magnitude" report(rpm)
elevation(vr) from (0,0.9*ht) to (rad,0.9*ht) as "Radial Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vt) from (0,0.9*ht) to (rad,0.9*ht) as "Swirling Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vz) from (0,0.9*ht) to (rad,0.9*ht) as "Axial Velocity" report(rpm)
elevation(vm) from (0,0.9*ht) to (rad,0.9*ht) as "Velocity Magnitude" report(rpm)
elevation(vm) from (rad/2,0) to (rad/2,ht) as "Velocity Magnitude" report(rpm)

END v iscous
This example shows the application of FlexPDE to problems in
viscous flow.
The Navier-Stokes equation for steady incompressible flow in two
cartesian dimensions is
dens*(dt(U) + U*dx(U) + V*dy(U)) = visc*del2(U) - dx(P) + dens*Fx
dens*(dt(V) + U*dx(V) + V*dy(V)) = visc*del2(V) - dy(P) + dens*Fy
together with the continuity equation
div[U,V] = 0
U and V are the X- and Y- components of the flow velocity
P is the fluid pressure
dens is the fluid density
visc is the fluid viscosity
Fx and Fy are the X- and Y- components of the body force.
In principle, the third equation enforces incompressible mass conservation,
but the equation contains no reference to the pressure, which is nominally
the remaining variable to be determined.
In practice, we choose to solve a "slightly compressible" system by defining a
hypothetical equation of state
p(dens) = p0 + L*(dens-dens0)
where p0 and dens0 represent a reference density and pressure, and L is a large
number representing a strong response of pressure to changes of density. L is
chosen large enough to enforce the near-incompressibility of the fluid, yet not
so large as to erase the other terms of the equation in the finite precision
of the computer arithmetic.
The compressible form of the continuity equation is
dt(dens) + div(dens*U) = 0
which, together with the equation of state yields
dt(p) = -L*dens0*div(U)
In steady state, we can replace the dt(p) by -div(grad(p))
[see Help | Tech Notes | Smoothing Operators in PDEs"],
resulting in the final pressure equation:
409 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

div(grad(p)) = M*div(U)
Here M has the dimensions of density/time or viscosity/distance^2.
The problem posed here shows flow in a 2D channel blocked by a bar of square
cross-section. The channel is mirrored on the bottom face, and only the upper
half is computed.
We have chosen a "convenient" value of M, one that gives good
accuracy in reasonable time. The user can alter this value to find one
which is satisfactory for his application.
We have included three elevation plots of X-velocity, at the inlet, center
and outlet of the channel. The integrals presented on these plots show the
consistency of mass transport across the channel.

title 'Viscous flow in 2D channel, Re < 0.1'

ngrid = 40

Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
Gx = 0 Gy = 0
p0 = 1
speed2 = u^2+v^2
speed = sqrt(speed2)
dens = 1
visc = 1

vxx = (p0/(2*visc*Lx))*(Ly-y)^2 { open-channel x-velocity }

cut = 0.05 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }

pfactor = staged(1,10,100,1000)
penalty = pfactor*visc/rball^2 { "equation of state" }
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc/dens)
initial values
u = 0.5*vxx v = 0 p = p0*x/Lx
u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
region 1
{ unspecified boundary conditions default to LOAD=0 }
value(v)=0 line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
value(u)=0 line to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
line to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
line to (Lx/2+rball,0)
load(u)=0 line to (Lx,0)
value(p)=p0 line to (Lx,Ly)
value(u)=0 load(p)=0 line to (0,Ly)
load(u)=0 value(p)=0 line to close
contour(speed) report(Re)
contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
Sample P roblems : Applications 410

contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"

contour(p) zoom(Lx/2,0,1,1) as "Pressure"
elevation(u) from (0,0) to (0,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx/2,0) to (Lx/2,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx,0) to (Lx,Ly)

5.1.5 Groundwater porous
This problem describes the flow through an anisotropic porous foundation.
It is taken from Zienkiewicz, "The Finite Element Method in Engineering Science",
p. 305.

title 'Anisotropic Porous flow'
ky = 1
kx = 4
pressure : dx(kx*dx(pressure)) + dy(ky*dy(pressure)) = 0
region 1
natural(pressure)=0 line to (5,0) to (5,5)
value(pressure)=0 line to (2,2)
natural(pressure)=0 line to (2.5,2) to (2.5,1.95) to (1.95,1.95)
value(pressure)=100 line to close

end richards


A solution of Richards' equation in 1D.

Constant negative head at surface, unit gradient at bottom.
This problem runs slowly, because the very steep wave front
requires small cells and small timesteps to track accurately.

submitted by Neil Soicher of University of Hawaii.


title "1-D Richard's equation"


h (1)

411 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

thr = 0.2
ths = 0.58
alpha = .08
n = 1.412
ks = 10
{Using Van Genuchten parameters for water content (wc),
water capacitance (C=d(wc)/dh), effecive saturation (se),
and hydraulic Conductivity (k) }
m = 1-1/n
wc = if h<0 then thr+(ths-thr)*(1+(abs(alpha*h))^n)^(-m) else ths
C = ((1-n)*abs(-alpha*h)^n*(1+abs(-alpha*h)^n)^((1/n)-2)*(ths-thr))/h
se = (wc-thr)/(ths-thr)
k = ks*sqrt(se)*(1-(1-se^(1/m))^m)^2

initial values
h = 199*exp(-(y-100)^2)-200

h : dy(k*(dy(h)+1)) = C*dt(h)

region 1
line to (100) point value(h) = -1


time 0 to 2

for cycle=10
elevation(h) from (0) to (100) as "pressure"
elevation(c) from (0) to (100) as "capacitance"
elevation(k) from (0) to (100) log as "conductivity"

for t=0.001 by 0.001 to 0.01 0.1 by 0.1 to endtime
elevation(h) from (0) to (100) as "pressure"
elevation(c) from (0) to (100) as "capacitance"
elevation(k) from (0) to (100) log as "conductivity"

history(K) at (90) (95) (99) (100)

history(C) at (90) (95) (99) (100)

end "IE3vuxq/blOMIRLitV++FYgmXZuPz8D1+wvzXgpATJSsnTmsgWgSZOaLi+YOaMBsdxHjOXQUBxLPMVWceTZ
+tzU0r6xbZ0Y9YaEBD8IG48nPCNezshKtEYPOYKh4ucdlKJWvPO8XzbScXAA9wKDowS86YuXXbtMkiY/S4U2KCpa" water
This problem shows the flow of water to two wells, through soil regions of
differing porosity. It also displays the ability of FlexPDE to grid features
of widely varying size.
title 'Groundwater flow to two wells'
k { no value is required, as long as it appears later }
s = 0 { no volumetric source }
k1 = 0.1 { high porosity value }
k2 = 1.0e-7 { low porosity value }
sx1 = 0.7 sy1 = 0.4{ well 1 location }
sx2 = 0.5 sy2 = 0.2{ well 2 location }
srad = 0.001 { well radius = one thousandth of domain size }
w = 0.05 { a zoom window size }
px = 0.4 py = 0.4 { percolation pond center }
Sample P roblems : Applications 412

pr = 0.025 { percolation pond radius }

ps = 1e-4 { percolation rate }
h : div(k*grad(h)) + s = 0
region 1 { The domain boundary, held at constant pressure head }
value(h)=0 line to (0.25,-0.1)
to (0.45,-0.1)
to (0.65,0)
to (0.95,0.1)
to (0.95,0.4)
to (0.75,0.6)
to (0.45,0.65)
to (0,0.4)
to close
{ Two wells, held at constant draw-down depths }
value(h) = -1 arc(center=sx1,sy1) angle=-360
value(h) = -2 arc(center=sx2,sy2) angle=-360
region 2 { Some regions of low porosity }
start(0,0) line to (0.25,-0.1)
to (0.45,-0.1)
to (0.45,0.05)
to (0,0.05)
to close
start(0.95,0.1) line to (0.95,0.3)
to (0.65,0.3)
to (0.65,0)
to close
start(0.3,0.3) line to (0.5,0.4)
to (0.5,0.6)
to (0.3,0.5)
to close
region 3 { A percolation pond }
k = k2
s = ps { percolation rate }
start (px,py-pr) arc(center=px,py) angle=360
grid(x,y) zoom(sx1-w/2,sy1-w/2,w,w)
grid(x,y) zoom(sx2-w/2,sy2-w/2,w,w)
contour(h) as 'Head'
contour(h) as 'Head' zoom(0.65,0.35,0.1,0.1)
surface(h) as 'Head'

5.1.6 Heatflow 1d_float_zone

This is a version of the example FLOAT_ZONE.PDE 417 in 1D cartesian geometry.

413 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

"Float Zone in 1D Cartesian geometry"

k = 10 {thermal conductivity}
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
long = 18
H = 0.4 {free convection boundary coupling}
Ta = 25 {ambient temperature}
A = 4500 {amplitude}
source = A*exp(-((x-1*t)/.5)^2)*(200/(t+199))
initial value
temp = Ta
temp : div(k*grad(temp)) + source -H*(temp - Ta) = cp*dt(temp)
region 1
start(0) point value(temp) = Ta
line to (long) point value(temp) = Ta
time -0.5 to 19 by 0.01
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0) to (long) range=(0,1800) as "Surface Temp"
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0) to (long) range=(0,1800) as "Axis Temp"
elevation(source) from(0) to (long)
elevation(-k*grad(temp)) from(0) to (long)
history(temp) at (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
Sample P roblems : Applications 414 3d_bricks


This problem demonstrates the application

of FlexPDE to steady-state three dimensional
heat conduction. An assembly of four bricks
of differing conductivities has a gaussian
internal heat source, with all faces held
at zero temperature. After a time, the
temperature reaches a stable distribution.
This is the steady-state analog of problem

title 'steady-state 3D heat conduction'
regrid=off { use fixed grid }
long = 1
wide = 1
K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { thermal source }
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp : div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }
extrusion z = -long,0,long { divide Z into two layers }
Surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
Surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
layer 1 k = 1.0 { bottom right brick }
layer 2 k = 0.1 { top right brick }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 { overlay a second region in left half }
layer 1 k = 0.2 { bottom left brick }
layer 2 k = 0.4 { top left brick }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "XZ Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "XZ Temp"
415 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"

elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"

end 3d_bricks+tim e
This problem demonstrates the application of FlexPDE to time-dependent
three dimensional heat conduction. An assembly of bricks of differing
conductivities has a gaussian internal heat source, with all faces held
at zero temperature. After a time, the temperature reaches a stable
This is the time-dependent analog of example problem 3D_BRICKS.PDE 414 .
title 'time-dependent 3D heat conduction'
regrid=off { use fixed grid }
ngrid=5 { smaller grid for quicker run }
Tp(threshold=0.1) { the temperature variable, with approximate size }
long = 1
wide = 1
K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { thermal source }
tmax = 6 { plot range control }
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp : div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = dt(Tp) { the heat equation }
extrusion z = -long,0,long { divide Z into two layers }
Surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
Surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
k = bylayer (1.0, 0.1) { bottom and top right brick }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 { overlay a second region in left half }
k = bylayer (0.2, 0.4) { bottom and top left brick }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
time 0 to 3 by 0.01 { establish time range and initial timestep }
for cycle=1
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp" range=(0,tmax)
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp" range=(0,tmax)
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "XZ Temp" range=(0,tmax)
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp" range=(0,tmax)
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp" range=(0,tmax)
Sample P roblems : Applications 416

elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp" range=(0,tmax)

for t = endtime
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp" range=(0,tmax)
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp" range=(0,tmax)
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "XZ Temp" range=(0,tmax)
history(Tp) at (wide/2,-wide/2,-long/2)
(0,0,0) range=(0,tmax)
end ax isy m m etric_heat

This example demonstrates axi-symmetric
The heat flow equation in any coordinate
system is
div(K*grad(T)) + Source = 0.
The following problem is taken from
Zienkiewicz, "The Finite Element Method
in Engineering Science", p. 306 (where
the solution is plotted, but no dimensions
are given). It describes the flow of heat
in a spherical vessel.
The outer boundary is held at Temp=0,
while the inner boundary is held at Temp=100.
title "Axi-symmetric Heatflow "
ycylinder("R","Z") { select a cylindrical coordinate system, with
the rotational axis along the "Y" direction
and the coordinates named "R" and "Z" }
Temp { Define Temp as the system variable }
K = 1 { define the conductivity }
source = 0 { define the source (this problem doesn't have one) }
Initial values
Temp = 0 { unimportant in linear steady-state problems }
equations { define the heatflow equation: }
Temp : div(K*grad(Temp)) + Source = 0
boundaries { define the problem domain }
Region 1 { ... only one region }
natural(Temp)=0 { define the bottom symmetry boundary condition }
line to (6,0)
value(Temp)=0 { fixed Temp=0 in outer boundary }
line to (6,3) { walk the funny stair-step outer boundary }
to (5,3)
to (5,4)
to (4,4)
to (4,5)
to (3,5)
to (3,6)
417 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

to (0,6)
natural(Temp)= 0 { define the left symmetry boundary }
line to (0,5)

value(Temp)=100 { define the fixed inner temperature }

arc( center=0,0) to close { walk an arc to the starting point }
contour(Temp) { show contour plots of solution in progress }
plots { write these hardcopy files at completion }
contour(Temp) { show solution }
vector(-2*pi*r*K*grad(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"

end float_zone
This example illustrates time-dependent axi-symmetric heat flow with a
moving source.
A rod of conductive material of unit radius and "long" units length
is clamped to a heat sink at either end. An RF coil passes the
length of the rod, creating a moving heat source of gaussian profile.
This produces a moving melt zone which carries impurities with it as it moves.
A cam adjusts the source amplitude by 200/(t+199) to produce an approximately
constant maximum temperature.
"Float Zone"
cubic { Use Cubic Basis }
k = 0.85 { thermal conductivity }
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
long = 18
H = 0.4 { free convection boundary coupling }
Ta = 25 { ambient temperature }
A = 4500 { amplitude }
source = A*exp(-((z-1*t)/.5)^2)*(200/(t+199))
initial value
temp = Ta
temp : div(k*grad(temp)) + source = cp*dt(temp)
region 1
natural(temp) = 0 line to (long,0)
value(temp) = Ta line to (long,1)
natural(temp) = -H*(temp - Ta) line to (0,1)
value(temp) = Ta line to close
start(0.01*long,0) line to (0.01*long,1)
time -0.5 to 19 by 0.01
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
Sample P roblems : Applications 418

elevation(temp) from (0,1) to (long,1) range=(0,1800) as "Surface Temp"

for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0,0) to (long,0) range=(0,1800) as "Axis Temp"
history(temp) at (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7,0) (8,0)
(9,0) (10,0) (11,0) (12,0) (13,0) (14,0) (15,0) (16,0)
(17,0) (18,0)
end heat_boundary
This problem shows the use of natural boundary conditions to model
insulation, reflection, and convective losses.
The heatflow equation is
div(K*grad(Temp)) + Source = 0
The Natural boundary condition specifies the value of the surface-normal
component of the argument of the divergence operator, ie:
Natural Boundary Condition = normal <dot> K*grad(Temp)
Insulating boundaries and symmetry boundaries therefore require the
boundary condition:
Natural(Temp) = 0
At a convective boundary, the heat loss is proportional to the temperature
difference between the surface and the coolant. Since the heat flux is
F = -K*grad(Temp) = b*(Temp - Tcoolant)
the appropriate boundary condition is
Natural(Temp) = b*(Tcoolant - Temp).
In this problem, we define a quarter of a circle, with reflective
boundaries on the symmetry planes to model the full circle. There is a
uniform heat source of 4 units throughout the material. The outer
boundary is insulated, so the natural boundary condition is used to
specify no heat flow.
Centered in the quadrant is a cooling hole. The temperature of the
coolant is Tzero, and the heat loss to the coolant is (Tzero - Temp)
heat units per unit area.

In order to illustrate the characteristics of the Finite Element model,

we have selected output plots of the normal component of the heat flux
along the system boundaries. The F.E. method forms its equations based
on the weighted average of the deviation of the approximate solution
to the PDE over each cell. There is no guarantee that on the outer
boundary, for example, where the Natural(Temp) = 0, the point-by-point
value of the normal derivative will necessarily be zero. But the integral
of the PDE over each cell should be correct to within the requested
Here we have requested three solution stages, with successively tighter
accuracy requirements of 1e-3, 1e-4 and 1e-5.
Notice in plot 7 that while the pointwise values of the normal flux
oscillate by ten percent in the first stage, they oscillate about the
same solution as the later stages, and the integral of the heat loss is
2.628, 2.642 and 2.6395 for the three stages. Compare this with the
analytic integral of the source (2.6389) and with the numerical integral
of the source in plot 5 (all 2.6434). The Divergence Theorem is
therefore satisfied to 0.004, 0.001, and 0.0002 in the three stages.
In plot 7, "Integral" and "Bintegral" differ because they are the result
of different quadrature rules applied to the data.
419 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

title "Coolant Pipe Heatflow"

stages = 3
errlim = staged(1e-3,1e-4,1e-5)
K = 1 { conductivity }
source = 4 { source }
Tzero = 0 { coolant temperature }
flux = -K*grad(Temp) { thermal flux vector }
initial values
Temp = 0

Temp : div(K*grad(Temp)) + source = 0

boundaries { define the problem domain }

Region 1 { ... only one region }
start "OUTER" (0,0) { start at the center }
natural(Temp)=0 { define the bottom symmetry boundary condition }
line to(1,0) { walk to the surface }
natural(Temp)=0 { define the "Zero Flow" boundary condition }
arc (center=0,0) to (0,1) { walk the outer arc }
natural(Temp)=0 { define the Left symmetry B.C. }
line to close { return to close }
start "INNER" (0.4,0.2) { define the excluded coolant hole }
natural(Temp)=Tzero-Temp { "Temperature-difference" flow boundary.
Negative value means negative K*grad(Temp)
or POSITIVE heatflow INTO coolant hole }
arc (center=0.4,0.4){ walk boundary CLOCKWISE for exclusion }
to (0.6,0.4)
to (0.4,0.6)
to (0.2,0.4)
to close
contour(Temp) { show contour plots of solution in progress }
plots { write these hardcopy files at completion: }
grid(x,y) { show the final grid }
contour(Temp) { show the solution }
vector(-K*dx(Temp),-K*dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"
contour(source) { show the source to compare integral }
elevation(normal(flux)) on "outer" range(-0.08,0.08)
report(bintegral(normal(flux),"outer")) as "bintegral"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "inner" range(1.95,2.3)
report(bintegral(normal(flux),"inner")) as "bintegral"
Sample P roblems : Applications 420 radiation_flow
This problem demonstrates the use of FlexPDE
in the solution of problems in radiative transfer.
Briefly summarized, we solve a Poisson equation
for the radiation energy density, assuming that
at every point in the domain the local
temperature has come into equilibrium with the
impinging radiation field.
We further assume that the spectral character-
istics of the radiation field are adequately
described by three average cross-sections:
the emission average, or "Planck Mean", sigmap;
the absorption average, sigmaa; and the transport
average, or "Rosseland Mean-Free-Path", lambda.
These averages may, of course, differ in various
regions, but they must be estimated by facilities
outside the scope of FlexPDE.
And finally, we assume that the radiation field
is sufficiently isotropic that Fick's Law, that
the flux is proportional to the gradient of the
energy density, is valid.
The problems shows a hot slab radiating across an
air gap and heating a distant dense slab.

title 'Radiative Transfer'

erad { Radiation Energy Density }

source { declare the parameters, values will follow }
lambdar { Rosseland Mean Free Path }
sigmap { Planck Mean Emission cross-section }
sigmaa { absorption average cross-section }
beta = 1/3 { Fick's Law proportionality factor }

'air' : source=0 sigmap=2 sigmaa=1 lambdar=10
'hot slab' : source=100 sigmap=10 sigmaa=10 lambdar=1
'dense slab' : source=0 sigmap=10 sigmaa=10 lambdar=1

equations { The radiation flow equation: }

erad : div(beta*lambdar*grad(erad)) + source = 0


region 1 { the bounding region is tenuous }

use material 'air'
natural(erad)=0 { along the bottom, a zero-flux symmetry plane }
line to (1,0)
natural(erad)=-erad { right and top, radiation flows out }
line to (1,1) to (0,1)
natural(erad)=0 { Symmetry plane on left }
line to close

region 2 { this region has a source and large cross-section }

use material 'hot slab'
line to (0.1,0) to (0.1,0.5) to (0,0.5) to close

region 3 { this opaque region is driven by radiation }

use material 'dense slab'
line to (0.8,0) to (0.8,0.3) to (0.7,0.3) to close
421 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems


contour(erad) as 'Radiation Energy'
surface(erad) as 'Radiation Energy'
vector(-beta*lambdar*grad(erad)) as 'Radiation Flux'

{ the temperature can be calculated from the assumption of equilibrium: }

contour(sqrt(sqrt(erad*sigmaa/sigmap))) as 'Temperature'
surface(sqrt(sqrt(erad*sigmaa/sigmap))) as 'Temperature'

end radiativ e_boundary

This example demonstrates the implementation of radiative heat loss
at the boundary of a heat transfer system.
title "Axi-symmetric Anisotropic Heatflow, Radiative Boundary"
{ Define cylindrical coordinates with
symmetry axis along "Y" }
{ Define Temp as the system variable,
with approximate variation range of 1 }
kr = 1 { radial conductivity }
kz = 4 { axial conductivity }
{ define a Gaussian source density: }
source = exp(-(r^2+(z-0.5)^2))
{ define the heat flux: }
flux = vector(-kr*dr(Temp),-kz*dz(Temp))
initial values
Temp = 1

equations { define the heatflow equation: }

Temp : div(flux) = Source
boundaries { define the problem domain }
Region 1 { ... only one region }
start "RAD" (0,0) { start at bottom on axis and name the boundary }
natural(temp)= 0.5*temp^4 { specify a T^4 boundary loss }
line to (0.5,0) { walk the boundary }
arc(center=0.5,0.5) angle 180 { a circular outer edge }
line to (0,1)
natural(temp)=0 { define a symmetry boundary at the axis }
line to close
elevation(magnitude(2*pi*r*flux)) on "RAD" as "Heat Flow"
contour(Temp) { show contour plots of solution in progress }
plots { write these hardcopy files at completion }
grid(r,z) { show final grid }
Sample P roblems : Applications 422

contour(Temp) { show solution }

vector(2*pi*r*flux) as "Heat Flow"
elevation(magnitude(2*pi*r*flux)) on "RAD" as "Heat Flow" export

end slider
This problem represents a cross section of a wood-frame sliding window.
-- submitted by Elizabeth Finleyson, Lawrence Berkeley Labs
"NFRC Wood Slider"
K = 0.97 {Thermal Conductivity}
B1 = 1.34 {Film coefficients interior wood}
B2 = 1.41 { '' interior glass}
B3 = 5.11 { '' exterior glass}
Tin = 70.0 {Ambient Temperature Inside}
Tout= 0.0 { '' Outside}
Temp : dx(K*dx(Temp)) + dy(K*dy(Temp)) = 0
region 1 {Defines the maximum extent of the system (wood)}
natural(Temp) = B1*(Tin - Temp)
line to (6.813,3.001) to (6.344,3.001) to (6.344,3.323)
line to (6.183,3.323) to (6.183,4.885) to (5.988,4.885)
line to (5.988,5.104) to (5.678,5.104)
natural(Temp) = B2*(Tin - Temp)
line to (5.678,7.604)
natural(Temp) = 0.0
line to (5.153,7.604)
natural(Temp) = B3*(Tout- Temp)
line to (5.153,5.104) to (5.012,5.104) to (5.012,4.889)
line to (4.871,4.889) to (4.871,3.323) to (4.248,3.323)
line to (4.248,2.845) to (3.233,2.845) to (3.233,3.323) to (2.906,3.323)
line to (2.906,3.001) to (2.250,3.001) to (2.250,2.501) to (1.156,2.501)
natural(Temp) = 0.0
line to (1.156,1.813) to close
{Rigid PVC}
region 2 K = 1.18
line to (6.516,2.845) to (6.344,2.845) to (6.344,3.323)
line to (5.737,3.323) to (5.737,3.278) to (6.017,3.278)
line to (6.017,2.845) to (5.002,2.845) to (5.002,3.278)
line to (5.317,3.278) to (5.317,3.323)
line to (4.248,3.323) to (4.248,2.845) to (3.233,2.845)
line to (3.233,3.323) to (2.906,3.323) to (2.906,2.845)
line to (2.547,2.845) to (2.547,2.800) to close
{Air cavity overlays}
region 3 K = 0.59
line to (4.957,2.845) to (4.957,3.278) to (4.293,3.278) to close
region 4 k = 0.31
line to (3.188,2.800) to (3.188,3.278) to (2.951,3.278) to close
region 5 k = 0.51
line to (3.188,2.501) to (3.188,2.800) to (2.547,2.800) to close
region 6 k = 0.81
423 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

line to (6.017,2.845) to (6.017,3.278) to (5.002,3.278) to close
region 7 k = 0.39
line to (5.737,3.278) to (5.737,3.551) to (5.317,3.551) to close
region 8 k = 0.31
line to (6.299,2.800) to (6.299,3.278) to (6.062,3.278) to close
region 9 k = 0.41
line to (6.516,2.501) to (6.516,2.800) to (6.062,2.800) to close

{Silicon sealant}
region 10 k = 2.5
line to (5.153,4.573) to (5.153,5.104) to (5.133,5.104) to close
region 11 k = 2.5
line to (5.698,4.573) to (5.698,5.104) to (5.678,5.104) to close
{Glass layers}
region 12 k = 6.93
line to (5.678,4.573) to (5.678,7.604) to (5.153,7.604) to close
{Eurythane spacer seal}
region 13 k = 2.5
line to (5.553,4.573) to (5.553,4.771) to (5.278,4.771) to close
region 14 k = 18.44
line to (5.553,4.771) to (5.553,5.012) to (5.278,5.012) to close
{Gas gap}
region 15 k = 0.32
line to (5.553,5.012) to (5.553,7.604) to (5.278,7.604) to close
{Frame fill}
region 16 k = 0.21
line to (6.062,2.501) to (6.062,2.800) to (3.188,2.800) to close
{Spacer air gap}
region 17 k = 0.28
line to (5.698,4.479) to (5.698,4.573) to (5.133,4.573) to close

contour(Temp) zoom(4.6,4.2,1.8,1.8)
elevation(Temp) from (5.416,1.813) to (5.416,7.604)
vector((K*(-dx(Temp))),(K*(-dy(Temp)))) as "HEAT FLUX"

5.1.7 Lasers laser_heatflow
This problem shows a complex heatflow application.
Sample P roblems : Applications 424

A rod laser is glued inside a cylinder of copper.

Manufacturing errors allow the rod to move inside the glue, leaving a
non-uniform glue layer around the rod. The glue is an insulator, and
traps heat in the rod. The copper cylinder is cooled only on a 60-degree
portion of its outer surface.
The laser rod has a temperature-dependent conductivity.
We wish to find the temperature distribution in the laser rod.
The heat flow equation is
div(K*grad(Temp)) + Source = 0.

We will model a cross-section of the cylinder. While this is a cylindrical

structure, in cross-section there is no implied rotation out of the
cartesian plane, so the equations are cartesian.
-- Submitted by Luis Zapata, LLNL
title "Nd:YAG Rod - End pumped. 200 W/cm3 volume source. 0.005in uropol"
temp { declare "temp" to be the system variable }
k = 3 { declare the conductivity parameter for later use }
krod=39.8/(300+temp){ Nonlinear conductivity in the rod.(W/cm/K) }
Rod=0.2 { cm Rod radius }
Qheat=200 { W/cc, heat source in the rod }
kuropol=.0019 { Uropol conductivity }
Qu=0 { Volumetric source in the Uropol }
Ur=0.005 { Uropol annulus thickness in r dim }
kcopper=3.0 { Copper conductivity }
Rcu=0.5 { Copper convection surface radius }
tcoolant=0. { Edge coolant temperature }
ASE=0. { ASE heat/area to apply to edge, heat bar or mount }
initial values
temp = 50 { estimate solution for quicker convergence }
equations { define the heatflow equation }
temp : div(k*grad(temp)) + source = 0;
region 1 { the outer boundary defines the copper region }
k = kcopper
start (0,-Rcu)
natural(temp) = -2 * temp {convection boundary}
arc(center=0,0) angle 60
natural(temp) = 0 {insulated boundary}
arc(center=0,0) angle 300
arc(center=0,0) to close
region 2 { next, overlay the Uropol in a central cylinder }
k = kuropol
start (0,-Rod-Ur) arc(center=0,0) angle 360
region 3 { next, overlay the rod on a shifted center }
k = krod
Source = Qheat
start (0,-Rod-Ur/2) arc(center=0,-Ur/2) angle 360
grid(x,y) zoom(-8*Ur, -(Rod+8*Ur),16*Ur,16*Ur)
contour (temp)
contour(temp) zoom(-(Rod+Ur),-(Rod+Ur),2*(Rod+Ur),2*(Rod+Ur))
425 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

contour(temp) zoom(-(Rod+Ur)/4,-(Rod+Ur),(Rod+Ur)/2,(Rod+Ur)/2)
vector(-k*dx(temp),-k*dy(temp)) as "heat flow"

end self_focus
This problem considers the self-focussing of a laser beam of Gaussian profile.
-- Submitted by John Trenholme, LLNL

elevationgrid = 300
realf (threshold=0.1) { real (in-phase) part of field envelope }
imagf (threshold=0.1) { imaginary (quadrature) part of field envelope }
radX = 2 { X "radius" of beam }
radY = 2 { Y "radius" of beam }
bMax = 2.25 { maximum B integral (= Time)}
zm = 5 { zoom-in factor for plots }
xHi = 7.17 * SQRT( radX * radY) { size of calculation domain... }
yHi = 7.17 * SQRT( radX * radY) { set for field = 0.001 at edge }
x45 = xHi * 0.7071 { point on boundary at 45 degrees }
y45 = yHi * 0.7071
tn =1e-30 { tiny number to force zero on plot scales }
power = PI * radX * radY * 2.73 ^ 2 / 8 { analytic integral }
inten = realf * realf + imagf * imagf { definition for later use }
time { "time" is really B integral }
0 to bMax by 0.03 * bMax

initial values
realf = EXP( - ( x / ( radX * 2.73)) ^ 2 - ( y / ( radY * 2.73)) ^ 2)
imagf = 0
equations { normalized, low-secular-phase nonlinear propagation }
realf: DEL2( imagf) + imagf * ( inten - 1) = -DT( realf)
imagf: DEL2( realf) + realf * ( inten - 1) = DT( imagf)
region 1
start ( 0, 0) { bump is at center; only do one quadrant }
natural( realf) = 0 { set slope to zero on boundary }
natural( imagf) = 0 { if boundary value too big, move boundary out }
line to ( xHi, 0)
arc ( center = 0, 0) to ( 0, yHi)
line to ( 0, 0)
to close
for cycle = 1 { do this every cycle }
elevation( inten) from ( 0, 0) to ( xHi, 0) as "INTENSITY"
range( 0, tn)
contour( inten) as "INTENSITY" zoom ( 0, 0, xHi / zm, yHi / zm)
for t = starttime { at the beginning only }
grid( x, y)
surface( inten) as "INTENSITY" range( 0, tn) viewpoint( 1000, 200, 40)
elevation( LOG10( inten)) from ( 0, 0) to ( xHi, 0) as "LOG10 INTENSITY"
for t = endtime { at the end only }
grid( x, y)
grid( x, y) zoom ( 0, 0, xHi / zm, yHi / zm)
surface( inten) as "INTENSITY" range( 0, tn) viewpoint( 1000, 200, 40)
zoom ( 0, 0, xHi / zm, yHi / zm)
elevation( LOG10( inten)) from ( 0, 0) to ( xHi, 0) as "LOG10 INTENSITY"
Sample P roblems : Applications 426

for t = starttime by ( endtime - starttime) / 5 to endtime { snapshots }

elevation( ARCTAN( imagf / realf) * 180 / PI) from ( 0, 0)
to ( xHi / zm, 0) as "PHASE (DEGREES)"
elevation( inten) from ( 0, 0) to ( xHi / zm, 0) as "INTENSITY"
range( 0, tn)
history( inten) at ( 0, 0) ( 0.01 * xHi, 0) ( 0.03 * xHi, 0) ( 0.1 * xHi, 0)
( 0.3 * xHi, 0) ( xHi, 0) ( x45, y45) as "INTENSITY" export
history( realf) at ( 0, 0) ( 0.01 * xHi, 0) ( 0.03 * xHi, 0) ( 0.1 * xHi, 0)
( 0.3 * xHi, 0) as "IN-PHASE FIELD"
history( imagf) at ( 0, 0) ( 0.01 * xHi, 0) ( 0.03 * xHi, 0) ( 0.1 * xHi, 0)
( 0.3 * xHi, 0) as "QUADRATURE FIELD"

history( ARCTAN( imagf / realf) * 180 / PI) at ( 0, 0) ( 0.01 * xHi, 0)

( 0.03 * xHi, 0) ( 0.1 * xHi, 0) ( 0.3 * xHi, 0) as "PHASE (DEGREES)"
history( MIN( ( ABS( inten - 0.33)) ^ ( -0.75), 1)) at ( 0, 0)
range ( 0.045, 1) as "( INTENSITY - 0.33) ^ -0.75" { goes linearly to 0}
history( ABS( INTEGRAL( inten) / power - 1)) as "POWER CHANGE (EXACT = 0)"


5.1.8 Magnetism 3d_helm holtz_coil


This example shows the calculation of magnetic fields in a Helmholtz coil.

-- submitted by Bill Hallbert, Honeywell


TITLE 'Helmholtz Coil'

COORDINATES cartesian3
VARIABLES A = vector(Ax, Ay) {Magnetic Vector Potential Components}

{ Defining parameters of the Coil }
coil_current=200 {Amps in 1 turn}
Lsep=6.89 {Layer separation - cm}
Cthick=2.36 {Coil thickness - cm}
{ Regional Current Definition }
{ Circulating Current Density in Coil }
J0=Current/Cthick^2 {A/cm^2}
{ Magnetic Permeability }
m0=4*3.1415e-2 {dynes/A^2}
{ Coil Radii }
Rcoil_inner=Lsep {cm}
Rcoil_outer=Lsep+Cthick {cm}
Rmax=1.5*Lsep {cm}
{ Z Surfaces }
za=2*Lsep {cm}
zb=za+Cthick {cm}
zc=zb+Lsep {cm}
427 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

zd=zc+Cthick {cm}
zmax=zd+2*Lsep {cm}
zmiddle=(zd+za)/2 {cm}

{ Magnetic Field }
H=curl(A)/m0 {AT}
Hxx = Xcomp(H)
Hyy = Ycomp(H)
Hzz = Zcomp(H)

{ Magnetic Field Error }

A: div(grad(A))/m0 + vector(Jx,Jy,0) = 0
Surface 'Bottom' z = 0
Layer 'Bottom_Air'
Surface 'Coil1B' z = za
Layer 'Coil1CU'
Surface 'Coil1T' z = zb
Layer 'Middle_Air'
Surface 'Coil2B' z = zc
Layer 'Coil2CU'
Surface 'Coil2T' z = zd
Layer 'Top_Air'
Surface 'Top' z = zmax
Surface "Bottom" value (Ax)=0 value (Ay)=0
Surface "Top" value (Ax)=0 value (Ay)=0
REGION 1 'Air'
start(Rmax,0) arc(center=0,0) angle =360
Layer 'Coil1Cu'
Layer 'Coil2Cu'
start(Rcoil_outer,0) arc(center=0,0) angle =360
mesh_spacing = Rcoil_inner/10
Layer 'Coil1Cu'
Layer 'Coil2Cu'
start(Rcoil_inner,0) arc(center=0,0) angle =360

grid(y,z) on x=0
grid(x,y) on surface 'Coil1T'
contour(Ax) on x=0
grid(y,z) on x=0
grid(x,y) on surface 'Coil1T'
contour(Ax) on x=0
vector(Hxx,Hyy) on surface 'Coil1T' norm
vector(Hyy,Hzz) on x=0 norm
contour(magnitude(H)) on z=zmiddle
contour(magnitude(H)) on x=0
contour(H_Error) on Layer 'Middle_Air' on x=0
Sample P roblems : Applications 428 3d_m agnetron


The development of this model is

described in the Magnetostatics 316 chapter
of the Electromagnetic Applications 297
TITLE 'Oval Magnet '

alias(x) = "X(cm)"
alias(y) = "Y(cm)"
alias(z) = "Z(cm)"
Ax,Ay { assume Az is zero! }
MuMag=1.0 ! Permeabilities:
Mu=MuAir ! default to Air
MzMag = 10000 ! permanent magnet strength
Mz = 0 ! global magnetization variable
Nx = vector(0,Mz,0)
Ny = vector(-Mz,0,0)
B = curl(Ax,Ay,0) ! magnetic induction vector
Bxx= -dz(Ay)
Byy= dz(Ax) ! unfortunately, "By" is a reserved word.
Bzz= dx(Ay)-dy(Ax)
Ax: div(grad(Ax)/mu+Nx) = 0
Ay: div(grad(Ay)/mu+Ny) = 0
SURFACE "Boundary Bottom" Z=-5
SURFACE "Magnet Plate Bottom" Z=0
LAYER "Magnet Plate"
SURFACE "Magnet Plate Top" Z=1
LAYER "Magnet"
SURFACE "Magnet Top" Z=2
SURFACE "Boundary Top" Z=8
Surface "boundary bottom" value (Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0
Surface "boundary top" value (Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0
REGION 1 {Air bounded by conductive box }
START (20,-10)
value(Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0
arc(center=20,0) ANGLE=180
Line TO (-20,10)
arc(center=-20,0) ANGLE=180
LIMITED REGION 2 { Magnet Plate }
LAYER "Magnet Plate" Mu=MuSST
LAYER "Magnet" Mu=MuMag Mz = MzMag
START (20,-8)
ARC(center=20,0) ANGLE=180
LINE TO (-20,8)
ARC(center=-20,0) ANGLE=180
429 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

LIMITED REGION 3 { Inner Gap }

LAYER "Magnet"
START (20,-6)
ARC(center=20,0) ANGLE=180
LINE TO (-20,6)
ARC(center=-20,0) ANGLE=180
LIMITED REGION 4 {Inner Magnet }
LAYER "Magnet" Mu=MuMag Mz = -MzMag
START (20,-2)
ARC(center=20,0) ANGLE=180
LINE TO (-20,2)
ARC(center=-20,0) ANGLE=180

grid(y,z) on x=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,y) on z=1.01
contour(Ax) on x=0
contour(Ay) on y=0
grid(y,z) on x=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,y) on z=1.01
contour(Ax) on x=0
contour(Ay) on y=0
vector(Bxx,Byy) on z=2.01 norm
vector(Byy,Bzz) on x=0 norm
vector(Bxx,Bzz) on y=4 norm
contour(magnitude(Bxx,Byy,Bzz)) on z=2
END 3d_v ector_m agnetron

This is a modification of 3D_MAGNETRON.PDE 428 .

The development of this model is described in the Magnetostatics 316 chapter of the
Electromagnetic Applications 297 section.
TITLE 'Oval Magnet'

alias(x) = "X(cm)"
alias(y) = "Y(cm)"
alias(z) = "Z(cm)"
A = vector (Ax,Ay) { assume Az is zero! }
MuMag=1.0 ! Permeabilities:
Mu=MuAir ! default to Air
MzMag = 10000 ! permanent magnet strength
Mx=0 My=0 Mz=0
M = vector(Mx,My,Mz) ! global magnetization variable
N = tensor((0,Mz,0),(-Mz,0,0),(0,0,0))
B = curl(Ax,Ay,0) ! magnetic induction vector
Bxx= xcomp(B)
Sample P roblems : Applications 430

Byy= ycomp(B) ! unfortunately, "By" is a reserved word.

Bzz= zcomp(B)
A: div((grad(A)+N)/mu) = 0
SURFACE "Boundary Bottom" Z=-5
SURFACE "Magnet Plate Bottom" Z=0
LAYER "Magnet Plate"
SURFACE "Magnet Plate Top" Z=1
LAYER "Magnet"
SURFACE "Magnet Top" Z=2
SURFACE "Boundary Top" Z=8

Surface "boundary bottom" value (Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0
Surface "boundary top" value (Ax)=0 value(Ay)=0
REGION 1 {Air bounded by conductive box }
START (20,-10)
ARC(center=20,0) angle=180
LINE TO (-20,10)
ARC(center=-20,0) angle=180
LIMITED REGION 2 { Magnet Plate }
LAYER "Magnet Plate" Mu=MuSST
LAYER "Magnet" Mu=MuMag Mz = MzMag
START (20,-8)
ARC(center=20,0) angle=180
LINE TO (-20,8)
ARC(center=-20,0) angle=180
LIMITED REGION 3 { Inner Gap }
LAYER "Magnet"
START (20,-6)
ARC(center=20,0) angle=180
LINE TO (-20,6)
ARC(center=-20,0) angle=180
LIMITED REGION 4 {Inner Magnet }
LAYER "Magnet" Mu=MuMag Mz = -MzMag
START (20,-2)
ARC(center=20,0) angle=180
LINE TO (-20,2)
ARC(center=-20,0) angle=180

grid(y,z) on x=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,y) on z=1.01
contour(Ax) on x=0
contour(Ay) on y=0
grid(y,z) on x=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,y) on z=1.01
contour(Ax) on x=0
contour(Ay) on y=0
vector(Bxx,Byy) on z=2.01 norm
vector(Byy,Bzz) on x=0 norm
vector(Bxx,Bzz) on y=4 norm
contour(magnitude(Bxx,Byy,Bzz)) on z=2
END m agnet_coil
431 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

This example considers the problem of determining the magnetic vector

potential A around a coil.

According to Maxwell's equations,

curl H = J
div B = 0
B = mu*H
where B is the manetic flux density
H is the magnetic field strength
J is the electric current density
and mu is the magnetic permeability of the material.
The magnetic vector potential A is related to B by
B = curl A
curl( (1/mu)*curl A ) = J
This equation is usually supplmented with the Coulomb Gauge condition
div A = 0.
In the axisymmetric case, the current is assumed to flow only in the
azimuthal direction, and only the azimuthal component of the vector
potential is present. Henceforth, we will simply refer to this component as A.
The Coulomb Gauge is identically satisfied, and the PDE to be solved in this
model takes the form
curl((1/mu)*curl (A)) = J(x,y) in the domain
A = g(x,y) on the boundary.
The magnetic induction B takes the simple form
B = (-dz(A), 0, dr(A)+A/r)
and the magnetic field is given by
H = (-dz(A)/mu, 0, (dr(A)+A/r)/mu)
Expanding the equation in cylindrical geometry results in the final equation,
dz(dz(A)/mu) + dr((dr(A)+A/r)/mu) = -J
The interpretation of the natural boundary condition becomes
Natural(A) = n X H
where n is the outward surface-normal unit vector.
Across boundaries between regions of different material properties, the
continuity of (n X H) assumed by the Galerkin solver implies that the
tangential component of H is continuous, as required by the physics.

In this simple test problem, we consider a circular coil whose axis of

rotation lies along the X-axis. We bound the coil by a distant spherical
surface at which we specify a boundary condition (n X H) = 0.
At the axis, we use a Dirichlet boundary condition A=0.
The source J is zero everywhere except in the coil, where it is defined
arbitrarily as "10". The user should verify that the prescribed values
of J are dimensionally consistent with the units of his own problem.
{ Cylindrical coordinates, with cylinder axis along Cartesian X direction }
Aphi { the azimuthal component of the vector potential }
mu = 1 { the permeability }
rmu = 1/mu
J = 0 { the source defaults to zero }
current = 10 { the source value in the coil }
Bz = dr(r*Aphi)/r
Sample P roblems : Applications 432

initial values
Aphi = 2 { unimportant unless mu varies with H }
{ FlexPDE expands CURL in proper coordinates }
Aphi : curl(rmu*curl(Aphi)) = J
region 1
value(Aphi) = 0 { specify A=0 along axis }
line to (10,0)
natural(Aphi) = 0 { H<dot>n = 0 on distant sphere }
arc(center=0,0) angle 180 to close

region 2
J = current { override source value in the coil }
start (-0.25,1)
line to (0.25,1) to (0.25,1.5) to (-0.25,1.5) to close
contour(Bz) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
contour(Aphi) as 'Potential'
contour(Bz) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
contour(Bz) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
from (0,0) to (0,1) as 'Bz'
vector(dr(Aphi)+Aphi/r,-dz(Aphi)) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
vector(dr(Aphi)+Aphi/r,-dz(Aphi)) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
contour(Aphi) as 'MAGNETIC POTENTIAL'
contour(Aphi) zoom(-2,0,4,4) as 'MAGNETIC POTENTIAL'
surface(Aphi) as 'MAGNETIC POTENTIAL' viewpoint (-1,1,30)
end perm anent_m agnet

This example demonstrates the implementation of permanant magnets in magnetic field
FlexPDE integrates second-order derivative terms by parts, which creates surface
terms at cell boundaries.
By including magnetization vectors inside the definition of H, these surface terms
model the effect of magnetization through jump terms at boundaries.
If the magnetization terms are listed separately from H, they will be seen as
constant in space, and their derivatives will be deleted.

See the Electromagnetic Applications 297 section for further discussion.

A { z-component of Vector Magnetic Potential }

mu = 1
S = 0 { current density }
Px = 0 { Magnetization components }
Py = 0
P = vector(Px,Py) { Magnetization vector }
H = (curl(A)-P)/mu { Magnetic field }
y0 = 8 { Size parameter }
433 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

'Magnet' : Py = 10
'Other' : mu = 5000

Initial values
A = 0
A : curl(H) + S = 0
Region 1
natural(A) = 0 line to (80,0)
value(A) = 0 line to (80,80) to (-40,80) to close

Region 2
use material 'Other'
line to (15,0) to (15,20) to (30,20) to (30,y0) to (40,y0) to (40,40)
to (0,40) to close
Region 3 { the permanent magnet }
use material 'Magnet'
start (0,0) line to (15,0) to (15,10) to (0,10) to close
vector(dy(A),-dx(A)) as 'FLUX DENSITY B'
vector((dy(A)-Px)/mu, (-dx(A)-Py)/mu) as 'MAGNETIC FIELD H'
End saturation
This example considers the problem of determining the magnetic vector
potential A in a cyclotron magnet.
The problem domain consists of
1) a ferromagnetic medium - the magnet core,
2) the surrounding air medium,
3) a current-carrying copper coil.

According to Maxwell's equations,

curl H = J (1)
div B = 0 (2)
B = mu*H
where B is the magnetic flux density
H is the magnetic field strength
J is the electric current density
and mu is the magnetic permeability of the material.
Maxwell's equations can be satisfied if we introduce a magnetic vector
potential A such that
B = curl A
curl( (curl A)/mu ) = J
This equation is usually supplemented with the Coulomb Gauge condition
div A = 0.
In most common 2D applications, magnet designers assume either
1) that the magnet is sufficiently long in the z direction or
2) that the magnet is axi-symmetric.
In the first instance the current is assumed to flow parallel to the z axis,
and in the latter it flows in the azimuthal direction. Under these conditions,
Sample P roblems : Applications 434

only the z or the azimuthal component of A is present. (Henceforth, we will

simply refer to this component as A).
In the Cartesian case, the magnetic induction B takes the simple form,
B = (dy(A), -dx(A), 0)
and the magnetic field is given by
H = (dy(A)/mu, -dx(A)/mu, 0).
We can integrate equation (1) over the problem domain using the curl analog
of the Divergence Theorem, giving
Integral(curl(H))dV = Integral(n x H)dS
where dS is a differential surface area on the bounding surface of any region,
and n is the outward surface normal unit vector.
Across interior boundaries between regions of different material properties,
FlexPDE assumes cancellation of the surface integrals from the two sides of the
boundary. This implies continuity of (n X H).
At exterior boundaries, the same theorem defines the natural boundary condition
to be the value of (n x H).
For the present example, let us define the permeability mu by the
mu = 1 in the air and the
mu = mumax/(1+C*grad(A)^2) + mumin in the core
where C = 0.05 gives a behaviour similar to transformer steel.
We assume a symmetry plane along the X-axis, and impose the boundary value
A = 0 along the remaining sides.
The core consists of a "C"-shaped region enclosing a rectangular coil region.
The source J is zero everywhere except in the coil, where it is defined by
J = - (4*pi/10)*amps/area
This example uses scaled units. It is important for the user to validate
the dimensional consistency of his formulation.
{ Since the nonlinearity in this problem is
by the GRADIENT of the system variable, we
a more accurate resolution of the solution: }
errlim = 1e-4

rmu = 1
rmu0 = 1
mu0core = 5000
mu1core = 200
mucore = mu0core/(1+0.05*grad(A)^2) + mu1core
rmucore = 1/mucore
S = 0
current = 2
y0 = 8
Initial Value
{ In nonlinear problems, a good starting value
is sometimes essential for convergence }
A = current*(400-(x-20)^2-(y-20)^2)
A : curl(rmu*curl(A)) = S

Region 1 { The IRON core }
rmu = rmucore rmu0 = 1/mu0core
435 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

natural(A) = 0 line to (40,0)
value(A) = 0 line to (40,40) to (0,40) to close

Region 2 { The AIR gap }

rmu = 1
start (15,0) line to (40,0) to (40,y0) to (32,y0)
arc (center=32,y0+2) to (30,y0+2)
{ short boundary segments force finer gridding: }
line to (30,19.5) to (30,20) to (29.5,20)
to (15.5,20) to (15,20) to close
Region 3 { The COIL }
S = current
rmu = 1
start (15,12) line to (30,12) to (30,20) to (15,20) to close
vector(dy(A),-dx(A)) as "FLUX DENSITY B"
vector(dy(A)*rmu, -dx(A)*rmu) as "MAGNETIC FIELD H"
contour(rmu/rmu0) painted as "Saturation: mu0/mu"

5.1.9 Misc diffusion
This problem considers the thermally driven diffusion of a dopant into
a solid from a constant source. Parameters have been chosen to be those
typically encountered in semiconductor diffusion.
surface concentration = 1.8e20 atoms/cm^2
diffusion coefficient = 3.0e-15 cm^2/sec
The natural tendency in this type of problem is to start with zero
concentration in the material, and a fixed value on the boundary. This
implies an infinite curvature at the boundary, and an infinite transport
velocity of the diffusing particles. It also generates over-shoot
in the solution, because the Finite-Element Method tries to fit a step
function with quadratics.

A better formulation is to program a large input flux, representative of

the rate at which dopant can actually cross the boundary, (or approximately
the molecular velocity times the concentration deficiency at the boundary).
Here we use a masked source, in order to generate a 2-dimensional pattern.
This causes the result to lag a bit behind the analytical Plane-diffusion
result at late times.
'Masked Diffusion'
u(threshold=0.1) { fraction of external concentration }

concs = 1.8e8 { surface concentration atom/micron^3}
D = 1.1e-2 { diffusivity micron^2/hr}
conc = concs*u
uexact1d = erfc(x/(2*sqrt(D*t))) { analytic solution to corresponding 1D problem }
cexact1d = concs*uexact1d
M = upulse(y-0.3,y-0.7) { masked surface flux multiplier }
initial values
Sample P roblems : Applications 436

u = 0
u : div(D*grad(u)) = dt(u)

region 1
natural(u) = 0
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1)
natural(u) = 10*M*(1-u)
line to close
feature { a "gridding feature" to help localize the activity }
start (0.02,0.3) line to (0.02,0.7)

time 0 to 1 by 0.001
for t=1e-5 1e-4 1e-3 1e-2 0.05 by 0.05 to 0.2 by 0.1 to endtime
elevation(u,uexact1d) from (0,0.5) to (1,0.5)
elevation(u-uexact1d) from (0,0.5) to (1,0.5)
history(u) at (0.05,0.5) (0.1,0.5) (0.15,0.5) (0.2,0.5)
end m inim al_surface

This example shows the application of FlexPDE to the non-linear problem
of surface tension or "minimal surface".
The surface area of an infinitesimal rectangular patch of an arbitrary
U = U(x,y)
is (by the Pythagorean theorem)
dA = dx*dy*sqrt[1 + (dU/dx)^2 + (dU/dy)^2],
where dx and dy are the projections of the patch in the X-Y plane.
The total surface area of a function U(x,y) over a domain is then
A = integral(dx*dy*sqrt[1 + dx(U)^2 + dy(U)^2])

For the function U to have minimal surface area, it must satisfy the
Euler equation
dx(dF/dUx) + dy(dF/dUy) - dF/dU = 0
F = sqrt[1 + (dU/dx)^2 + (dU/dy)^2]
dF/dUx = (dU/dx)/F
dF/dUy = (dU/dy)/F
dF/dU = 0
The equation for the minimizing surface is therefore (in FlexPDE notation):
dx((1/F)*dx(U)) + dy((1/F)*dy(U)) = 0
This is analogous to a heatflow problem
div(K*grad(T)) = 0
where the conductivity has the value
K = 1/F
This is a highly nonlinear problem, in that the conductivity, K, becomes
small in regions of high gradient, which tends to increase the gradient
even more.
437 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

In the present example, we stretch a

soap-bubble across a square bent wire
frame, in which the first quadrant of
the boundary has been bent inward
and raised up.
size = 6
pressure = 0
r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
u : div(a*grad(u)) + pressure = 0
region 1
a = 1/sqrt(1+grad(u)^2)
value(u)=0 line to (size ,-size) to (size,0)
value(u) = size-r line to (size/2,0)
value(u) = size/2 arc(center=size/2,size/2) angle -90
value(u) = size-r line to (0,size)
value(u) = 0 line to (-size,size)
to close
end surface_fit
This problem illustrates the use of FlexPDE in a data fitting
Find the solution U of the fourth order elliptic PDE
(dxx + dyy)(dxx + dyy) (U) = -beta*(U - C) in O, (1)
where in the usual FlexPDE notation, dxx indicates 2nd partial derivative
with respect to x, and where O is a given connected domain. Equation (1)
arises from the minimization of the strain energy function of a thin plate
which is constrained to nearly pass thru a given set of discrete set of
points specified by C and beta. Namely, a given set of n data values
[C(i)] is assigned at locations [(x(i), y(i))], i=1,..n ,
and the factor beta has its support only at the locations (x(i), y(i)).
Along with equation (1), we must prescribe a set of boundary conditions
involving U and its derivatives which must be satisfied everywhere on the
domain boundary.
title " The Biharmonic Equation in Surface Fitting Designs and Visualization"

Sample P roblems : Applications 438

eps = .001
beta0 = 1.e7
beta = 0.0
a = 1/sqrt(2.)
two = 2.5
b = two*a
xbox = array (0, 1, -1, 0, 0, a, -a, a, -a, two, -two, 0, 0, b, -b, b, -b )
ybox = array (0, 0, 0, 1, -1, a, -a, -a, a, 0, 0, two, -two, b, -b, -b, b )
xi = .05 eta = .05
r0 = x*x + y*y
C = exp(-r0/1.)*sin(pi*((x^2-y^2)/64.))
initial values
U = 0
V = .001
U: del2(U) = V
V: del2(V) = -beta*(U-C)
region 1
start (-4,0)
value(U) = C value(V) = 0.
arc(center=0.,0.) angle -360 to
region 2 beta = beta0
repeat i=1 to 17
start (xbox[i]-xi,ybox[i]-eta)
line to (xbox[i]+xi,ybox[i]-eta)
to (xbox[i]+xi,ybox[i]+eta)
to (xbox[i]-xi,ybox[i]+eta) to close
contour(C-U) as "Error C - U"
contour (U) as "Potential"
surface(U) as "Potential"
surface(C) as " Expected Surface"

5.1.10 Quantun_Mechanics 1d_finite_potential_well

Submitted by Ali Reza Ghaffari, 07/22/2016.

This script solves the Schrodinger equation for a one dimensional finite potential well
and finds energy levels for bound states plus unnormalaized wave functions.
TITLE '1D Finite Potential Well'



439 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems


volt { in eV}

Phi: (-hbar^2/2/m0/e0)*(dx(dx(Phi)))+volt*Phi-LAMBDA*Phi=0

START (-3*a) point value(phi)=0
LINE TO (-a/2)

START (-a/2) LINE TO (a/2)

START (a/2)
LINE TO (3*a ) point value(phi)=0

! no monitors since problem solves so fast

elevation(phi*5+lambda,volt) from (-3e-10) to (3e-10)


END 2d_finite_potential_well

Submitted by Ali Reza Ghaffari, 07/22/2016.

This script solves the Schrodinger equation for a two dimensional finite potential
This script finds energies and wave functions of a wire with rectangle cross section.
The wire is made up of GA As which is placed in a AlGalAs medum.
TITLE 'infinitely deep rectangular wires'

COORDINATES cartesian2

VARIABLES Phi {the wavefunction}

painted { show colour-filled contours }
thermal_colors = on { red is minimum }

mass{default value}
volt { in eV}
Sample P roblems : Applications 440

mass_shell=0.067*m0 {mhh}!0.067 {GaAs}
mass_core=0.1*m0! {Al0.5Ga0.5As}

Phi: ((-1)* hbar^2/(2*mass*e0))*div(grad(Phi))+volt*Phi-LAMBDA*Phi =0

Region 1
mass= mass_shell, volt=v0
point value (phi)=0 line to (xx,0)
value (phi)=0 line to (xx,yy)
value (phi)=0 line to (0,yy)
to close

Region 2
mass= mass_core, volt=0
line to (x2,y1) to (x2,y2) to (x1,y2)
to close

! no monitors since problem solves so fast


REPORT(LAMBDA*1000) as "Energy Level (meV)" !in milielectron volt

END m orse_potential

Submitted by Ali Reza Ghaffari, 07/21/2016.

This is a Quantum Mechanic example that shows the power of Flexpde to solve such
We want to solve the Schrodinger equation for Morse Potential V(x)=V0(1-exp(-alpha*x))
^2 and
find the Eigen values and functions. The exact energies can be extracted from the
formula below.

E[n] := h*2^(1/2)*(V0*alpha^2/m0)^(1/2)*(n+1/2)-1/2*alpha^2*h^2/m0*(n+1/2)^2

For n=0 to 4 :
E[0] := 3.037277660
E[1] := 8.361832980
E[2] := 12.68638830
E[3] := 16.01094362
E[4] := 18.33549894

You can compare the results of this script with above energies.

TITLE 'Morse Potential'

441 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems




a=10 ! the renge of integrals

Phi : (-hbar^2/2/m0)*(dx(dx(Phi)))+volt*Phi-LAMBDA*Phi=0

START (-3*a) point value(phi)=0
LINE TO (3*a) point value(phi)=0

! no monitors since problem solves so fast

ELEVATION(Phi+lambda,volt) FROM (-1) to (6) zoom (-1,0,6,10)



5.1.11 Stress 3d_bim etal

This problem considers a small block of aluminum bonded to a larger block

of iron. The assembly is held at a fixed temperature at the bottom, and
is convectively cooled on the sides and top. We solve for the 3D temperature
distribution, and the associated deformation and stress.
All faces of the assembly are unconstrained, allowing it to grow as the
temperature distribution demands. We do not use an integral constraint
to cancel translation and rotation, as we have done in 2D samples,
because in 3D this is very expensive. Instead, we let FlexPDE find a solution,
and then remove the mean translation and rotation before plotting.
Sample P roblems : Applications 442

title 'Bimetal Part'

painted { show color-filled contours }
biprecon { use the Block-Inverse
preconditioner - it works better than the
default ICCG }
Tp { temperature difference from
stress-free state }
U { X displacement }
V { Y displacement }
W { Z displacement }
'iron' :
K = 0.11 { thermal conductivity
E = 20e11 { Youngs modulus }
nu = 0.28 { expansion
coefficient }
alpha = 1.7e-6 { Poisson's Ratio }

'aluminum' :
K = 0.5
E = 6e11
nu = 0.25
alpha = 2*(2.6e-6) !
Exaggerate expansion

'default' :
K = 1
E = 1e11
nu = 0.1
alpha = 1e-6

long = 1
wide = 0.3
high = 1
tabx = 0.2
taby = 0.4
Q = 0 { Thermal source }
Ta = 0. { define the ambient thermal sink temperature }
{ define the constitutive relations }
G = E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))
C11 = G*(1-nu)
C12 = G*nu
C13 = G*nu
C22 = G*(1-nu)
C23 = G*nu
C33 = G*(1-nu)
C44 = G*(1-2*nu)/2
b = G*alpha*(1+nu)
{ Strains }
ex = dx(U)
ey = dy(V)
ez = dz(W)
gxy = dy(U) + dx(V)
gyz = dz(V) + dy(W)
gzx = dx(W) + dz(U)
{ Stresses }
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey + C13*ez - b*Tp
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey + C23*ez - b*Tp
Sz = C13*ex + C23*ey + C33*ez - b*Tp
Txy = C44*gxy
443 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Tyz = C44*gyz
Tzx = C44*gzx
{ find mean translation and rotation }
Vol = Integral(1)
Tx = integral(U)/Vol { X-motion }
Ty = integral(V)/Vol { Y-motion }
Tz = integral(W)/Vol { Z-motion }
Rz = 0.5*integral(dx(V) - dy(U))/Vol { Z-rotation }
Rx = 0.5*integral(dy(W) - dz(V))/Vol { X-rotation }
Ry = 0.5*integral(dz(U) - dx(W))/Vol { Y-rotation }
{ displacements with translation and rotation removed }
{ This is necessary only if all boundaries are free }
Up = U - Tx + Rz*y - Ry*z
Vp = V - Ty + Rx*z - Rz*x
Wp = W - Tz + Ry*x - Rx*y
{ scaling factors for displacement plots }
Mx = 0.2*globalmax(magnitude(y,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Vp,Wp))
My = 0.2*globalmax(magnitude(x,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Wp))
Mz = 0.2*globalmax(magnitude(x,y))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Vp))
Mt = 0.4*globalmax(magnitude(x,y,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Vp,Wp))
initial values
Tp = 5.
U = 1.e-5
V = 1.e-5
W = 1.e-5
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0. { the heat equation }
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + dz(Tzx) = 0 { the U-displacement equation }
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + dz(Tyz) = 0 { the V-displacement equation }
W: dx(Tzx) + dy(Tyz) + dz(Sz) = 0 { the W-displacement equation }
extrusion z = 0,long
surface 1 value(Tp)=100 { fixed temp bottom }
surface 2 natural(Tp)=0.01*(Ta-Tp) { poor convective cooling top }
Region 1 { Iron }
use material 'iron'
natural(Tp) = 0.1*(Ta-Tp) { better convective cooling on vertical sides }
line to (wide,0)
to (wide,(high-taby)/2)
to (wide+tabx,(high-taby)/2)
to (wide+tabx,(high+taby)/2)
to (wide,(high+taby)/2)
to (wide,high)
to (0,high)
to close
Region 2 { Aluminum }
use material 'aluminum'
line to (wide+tabx,(high-taby)/2)
to (wide+tabx,(high+taby)/2)
to (wide,(high+taby)/2)
to close
contour(Tp) on y=high/2 as "Temperature"
contour(Up) on y=high/2 as "X-displacement"
contour(Vp) on x=4*wide/5 as "Y-displacement"
contour(Wp) on y=high/2 as "Z-displacement"
grid(x+My*Up,z+My*Wp) on y=high/2 as "XZ Shape"
grid(y+Mx*Vp,z+Mx*Wp) on x=wide/2 as "YZ Shape"
grid(x+Mz*Up,y+Mz*Vp) on z=long/4 as "XY Shape"
grid(x+Mt*Up,y+Mt*Vp,z+Mt*Wp) as "Shape"
contour(Tp) on y=high/2 as "XZ Temperature"
contour(Up) on y=high/2 as "X-displacement"
contour(Vp) on x=4*wide/5 as "Y-displacement"
Sample P roblems : Applications 444

contour(Wp) on y=high/2 as "Z-displacement"

grid(x+My*Up,z+My*Wp) on y=high/2 as "XZ Shape"
grid(y+Mx*Vp,z+Mx*Wp) on x=4*wide/5 as "YZ Shape"
grid(x+Mz*Up,y+Mz*Vp) on z=long/4 as "XY Shape"
grid(x+Mt*Up,y+Mt*Vp,z+Mt*Wp) as "Shape"
contour(Sx) on y=high/2 as "X-stress"
contour(Sy) on y=high/2 as "Y-stress"
contour(Sz) on y=high/2 as "Z-stress"
contour(Txy) on y=high/2 as "XY Shear stress"
contour(Tyz) on y=high/2 as "YZ Shear stress"
contour(Tzx) on y=high/2 as "ZX Shear stress"
end anisotropic_stress
This example shows the application of FlexPDE to an extremely complex
problem in anisotropic thermo-elasticity. The equations of thermal
diffusion and plane strain are solved simultaneously to give the
thermally-induced stress and deformation in a laser application.
-- Submitted by Steve Sutton
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


errlim = 1e-4 { more accuracy to resolve stresses }
Tp(5) { Temperature }
up(1e-6) { X-displacement }
vp(1e-6) { Y-displacement }
Qs { The heat source, to be defined }
Q0 = 3.16
ro = 0.2 { Heat source radius }
W = 2 { slab size constants }
L = 0.5
mag = 5000

kp11 = 0.0135 { anisotropic conductivities }

kp33 = 0.0135
kp13 = 0.0016
C11 = 49.22e5 { anisotropic elastic constants }
C12 = 3.199e5
C13 = 23.836e5
C15 = -3.148e5
C21 = C12
C22 = 67.2e5
C23 = 3.199e5
C25 = 8.997e5
C31 = C13
C32 = C23
C33 = 49.22e5
C35 = -3.148e5
C51 = C15
C52 = C25
C53 = C35
C55 = 24.335e5

ayy = 34.49e-6 { anisotropic expansion coefficients }

axx = 34.49e-6
azz = 25.00e-6
axy = 9.5e-6
h = 1.0
445 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Tb = 0.
Q = Q0*(exp(-2*(x^2+y^2)/ro^2)) { Gaussian heat distribution }

{ some auxilliary definitions }

qx = -kp33*dx(Tp) - kp13*dy(Tp) { heat flux }
qy = -kp13*dx(Tp) - kp11*dy(Tp)
{ expansion stress coefficients }
apxx = C31*ayy + C32*azz + C33*axx + C35*axy
apyy = C11*ayy + C12*azz + C13*axx + C15*axy
apzz = C21*ayy + C22*azz + C23*axx + C25*axy
apxy = C51*ayy + C52*azz + C53*axx + C55*axy
exx = dx(up) { strain }
eyy = dy(vp)
exy = 0.5*(dy(up)+dx(vp))
{ stress }
sxx = C31*eyy + C33*exx + 2*C35*exy - apxx*Tp
syy = C11*eyy + C13*exx + 2*C15*exy - apyy*Tp
szz = C21*eyy + C23*exx + 2*C25*exy - apzz*Tp
sxy = C51*eyy + C53*exx + 2*C55*exy - apxy*Tp
initial values
Tp = 5.
up = 0
vp = 0
Tp: dx(qx) + dy(qy) = Qs
Up: dx(sxx) + dy(sxy) = 0.
Vp: dx(sxy) + dy(syy) = 0.
constraints { prevent rigid-body motion: }
integral(up) = 0 { cancel X-motion }
integral(vp) = 0 { cancel Y-motion }
integral(dx(vp) - dy(up)) = 0 { cancel rotation }
region 1
Qs = Q
natural(up) = 0. { zero normal stress on all faces }
natural(vp) = 0.
natural(Tp) = h*(Tp-Tb) { convective cooling on bottom boundary }
line to (0.5*W,-0.5*L)
natural(Tp) = 0. { no heat flux across end }
line to (0.5*W,0.5*L)
natural(Tp) = h*(Tp-Tb) { convective cooling on top boundary }
line to (-0.5*W,0.5*L)
natural(Tp) = 0. { no heat flux across end }
line to close
grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(Tp) as "Temperature"
grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(Tp) as "Temperature" on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(Tp) as "Temperature" zoom(-.2,-.2,0.4,0.4) on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(up) as "x-displacement" on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(vp) as "y-displacement" on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
vector(up,vp) as "Displacement vector plot" on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(sxx) as "x-normal stress" on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(syy) as "y-normal stress" on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
contour(sxy) as "shear stress" on grid (x+mag*up,y+mag*vp)
elevation(Tp) from (0,-0.5*L) to (0,0.5*L) as "Temperature"
elevation(sxx) from (0,-0.5*L) to (0,0.5*L) as "x-normal stress"
elevation(syy) from (0,-0.5*L) to (0,0.5*L) as "y-normal stress"
surface(Tp) as "Temperature"

Sample P roblems : Applications 446 ax isy m m etric_stress

This example shows the application of FlexPDE to problems in
axi-symmetric stress.
The equations of Stress/Strain arise from the balance of forces in a
material medium, expressed in cylindrical geometry as
dr(r*Sr)/r - St/r + dz(Trz) + Fr = 0
dr(r*Trz)/r + dz(Sz) + Fz = 0
where Sr, St and Sz are the stresses in the r- theta- and z- directions,
Trz is the shear stress, and Fr and Fz are the body forces in the
r- and z- directions.
The deformation of the material is described by the displacements,
U and V, from which the strains are defined as
er = dr(U)
et = U/r
ez = dz(V)
grz = dz(U) + dr(V).
The quantities U,V,er,et,ez,grz,Sr,St,Sz and Trz are related through the
constitutive relations of the material,
Sr = C11*er + C12*et + C13*ez - b*Temp
St = C12*er + C22*et + C23*ez - b*Temp
Sz = C13*er + C23*et + C33*ez - b*Temp
Trz = C44*grz
In isotropic solids we can write the constitutive relations as
C11 = C22 = C33 = G*(1-nu)/(1-2*nu) = C1
C12 = C13 = C23 = G*nu/(1-2*nu) = C2
b = alpha*G*(1+nu)/(1-2*nu)
C44 = G/2
where G = E/(1+nu) is the Modulus of Rigidity
E is Young's Modulus
nu is Poisson's Ratio
and alpha is the thermal expansion coefficient.
from which
Sr = C1*er + C2*(et + ez) - b*Temp
St = C1*et + C2*(er + ez) - b*Temp
Sz = C1*ez + C2*(er + et) - b*Temp
Trz = C44*grz
Combining all these relations, we get the displacement equations:
dr(r*Sr)/r - St/r + dz(Trz) + Fr = 0
dr(r*Trz)/r + dz(Sz) + Fz = 0

These can be written as

div(P) = St/r - Fr
div(Q) = -Fz
where P = [Sr,Trz]
and Q = [Trz,Sz]
The natural (or "load") boundary condition for the U-equation defines the
outward surface-normal component of P, while the natural boundary condition
for the V-equation defines the surface-normal component of Q. Thus, the
natural boundary conditions for the U- and V- equations together define
the surface load vector.
On a free boundary, both of these vectors are zero, so a free boundary
is simply specified by
load(U) = 0
load(V) = 0.
The problem analyzed here is a steel doughnut of rectangular cross-section,
supported on the inner surface and loaded downward on the outer surface.
title "Doughnut in Axial Shear"
447 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

U { declare U and V to be the system variables }
nu = 0.3 { define Poisson's Ratio }
E = 20 { Young's Modulus x 10^-11 }
alpha = 0 { define the thermal expansion coefficient }
G = E/(1+nu)
C1 = G*(1-nu)/(1-2*nu) { define the constitutive relations }
C2 = G*nu/(1-2*nu)
b = alpha*G*(1+nu)/(1-2*nu)
Fr = 0 { define the body forces }
Fz = 0
Temp = 0 { define the temperature }
Sr = C1*dr(U) + C2*(U/r + dz(V)) - b*Temp
St = C1*U/r + C2*(dr(U) + dz(V)) - b*Temp
Sz = C1*dz(V) + C2*(dr(U) + U/r) - b*Temp
Trz = G*(dz(U) + dr(V))/2
r1 = 2 { define the inner and outer radii of a doughnut }
r2 = 5
q21 = r2/r1
L = 1.0 { define the height of the doughnut }
initial values
U = 0
V = 0
equations { define the axi-symmetric displacement equations }
U: dr(r*Sr)/r - St/r + dz(Trz) + Fr = 0
V: dr(r*Trz)/r + dz(Sz) + Fz = 0
region 1
load(U) = 0 { define a free boundary along bottom }
load(V) = 0
line to (r2,0)
value(U) = 0 { constrain R-displacement on right }
load(V) = -E/100 { apply a downward shear load }
line to (r2,L)
load(U) = 0 { define a free boundary along top }
load(V) = 0
line to (r1,L)

value(U) = 0 { constrain all displacement on inner wall }

value(V) = 0
line to close
grid(r+U,z+V) { show deformed grid as solution progresses }
plots { hardcopy at to close: }
grid(r+U,z+V) { show final deformed grid }
contour(U) as "X-Displacement" { show displacement field }
contour(V) as "Y-Displacement" { show displacement field }
vector(U,V) as "Displacement" { show displacement field }
contour(Trz) as "Shear Stress"
surface(Sr) as "Radial Stress"
end bentbar
This is a test problem from Timoshenko: Theory of Elasticity, pp41-46
A cantilever is loaded by a distributed shearing force on the free end,
Sample P roblems : Applications 448

while a point at the center of the mounted end is fixed.

The solution is compared to Timoshenko's analytic solution.

The equations of Stress/Strain arise from the balance of forces in a

material medium, expressed as
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy = 0
where Sx and Sy are the stresses in the x- and y- directions,
Txy is the shear stress, and
Fx and Fy are the body forces in the x- and y- directions.
The deformation of the material is described by the displacements,
U and V, from which the strains are defined as
ex = dx(U)
ey = dy(V)
gxy = dy(U) + dx(V).
The eight quantities U,V,ex,ey,gxy,Sx,Sy and Txy are related through the
constitutive relations of the material. In general,
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey + C13*gxy - b*Temp
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey + C23*gxy - b*Temp
Txy = C13*ex + C23*ey + C33*gxy
In orthotropic solids, we may take C13 = C23 = 0.
In this problem we consider the thermal effects to be negligible.
title "Timoshenko's Bar with end load"
U { X-displacement }
V { Y-displacement }
L = 1 { Bar length }
hL = L/2
W = 0.1 { Bar thickness }
hW = W/2
eps = 0.01*L
I = 2*hW^3/3 { Moment of inertia }
nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }
E = 2.0e11 { Young's Modulus for Steel (N/M^2) }
{ plane stress coefficients }
G = E/(1-nu^2)
C11 = G
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2

amplitude=GLOBALMAX(abs(v)) { for grid-plot scaling }

force = -250 { total loading force in Newtons (~10 pound force) }
dist = 0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I { Distributed load }
Sx = (C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V)) { Stresses }
Sy = (C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V))
Txy = C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))
{ Timoshenko's analytic solution: }
Vexact = (force/(6*E*I))*((L-x)^2*(2*L+x) + 3*nu*x*y^2)
Uexact = (force/(6*E*I))*(3*y*(L^2-x^2) +(2+nu)*y^3 -6*(1+nu)*hW^2*y)
Sxexact = -force*x*y/I
Txyexact = -0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I
initial values
U = 0
V = 0
equations { the displacement equations }
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) = 0
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) = 0
449 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

region 1
start (0,-hW)
load(U)=0 { free boundary on bottom, no normal stress }
line to (L,-hW)
value(U) = Uexact { clamp the right end }
line to (L,0) point value(V) = 0
line to (L,hW)
load(U)=0 { free boundary on top, no normal stress }
line to (0,hW)
load(U) = 0
load(V) = dist { apply distributed load to Y-displacement equation }
line to close
grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V) as "deformation" { show final deformed grid }
elevation(V,Vexact) from(0,0) to (L,0) as "Center Y-Displacement(M)"
elevation(V,Vexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top Y-Displacement(M)"
elevation(U,Uexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top X-Displacement(M)"
elevation(Sx,Sxexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top X-Stress"
elevation(Txy,Txyexact) from(0,0) to (L,0) as "Center Shear Stress"
end bentbar_m ov ing

This problem is a moving mesh variant of BENTBAR.PDE

title "Timoshenko's Bar with end load"

U(1e-6) { X-displacement }
V (1e-6) { Y-displacement }
Xm = move(x)
Ym = move(y)

L = 1 { Bar length }
hL = L/2
W = 0.1 { Bar thickness }
hW = W/2
eps = 0.01*L
I = 2*hW^3/3 { Moment of inertia }

nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }

E = 2.0e11 { Young's Modulus for Steel (N/M^2) }
{ plane stress coefficients }
G = E/(1-nu^2)
C11 = G
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2

amplitude=GLOBALMAX(abs(v)) { for grid-plot scaling }


force = -250 { total loading force in Newtons (~10 pound force) }

dist = 0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I { Distributed load }

Sx = (C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V)) { Stresses }

Sy = (C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V))
Txy = C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))
Sample P roblems : Applications 450

{ Timoshenko's analytic solution: }

Vexact = (force/(6*E*I))*((L-x)^2*(2*L+x) + 3*nu*x*y^2)
Uexact = (force/(6*E*I))*(3*y*(L^2-x^2) +(2+nu)*y^3 -6*(1+nu)*hW^2*y)
Sxexact = -force*x*y/I
Txyexact = -0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I

initial values
U = 0
V = 0

equations { the displacement equations }

! force the displacements to evolve in pseudo-time, to allow a smooth deformation of
the mesh.
! the time scale of these equations is arbitrary
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) = dt(U)
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) = dt(v)
! the mesh surrogate variables. They move at the same rate as the material deformation
Xm: dt(Xm) = dt(U)
Ym: dt(Ym) = dt(V)

region 1
start (0,-hW)

load(U)=0 { free boundary on bottom, no normal stress }

line to (L,-hW)

value(U) = Uexact { clamp the right end }

line to (L,0) point value(V) = 0
line to (L,hW)

load(U)=0 { free boundary on top, no normal stress }

line to (0,hW)

load(U) = 0
load(V) = dist { apply distributed load to Y-displacement equation }
line to close

time 0 to 1e-8 !by 1e-10

for cycle=1
! x and y have already been moved by u and v, but this is small compared to mag*u,
grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V) as "deformation" { show final deformed grid }
elevation(V,Vexact) from(0,0) to (L,0) as "Center Y-Displacement(M)"
elevation(V,Vexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top Y-Displacement(M)"
elevation(U,Uexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top X-Displacement(M)"
elevation(Sx,Sxexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top X-Stress"
elevation(Txy,Txyexact) from(0,0) to (L,0) as "Center Shear Stress"

end "JqARWPEgsA1HmFOIXNmCNfb+qWfQGus/TmzjXhVHKZ2Q6NnpPJOCREi6wK8g8g
+flbisgxXY2m4KBHCsFJGbJsy2FFnplf6" elasticity
This example shows the application of FlexPDE to a complex problem in
thermo-elasticity. The equations of thermal diffusion and
plane strain are solved simultaneously to give the thermally-induced
stress and deformation in a laser application.
451 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

A rod amplifier of square cross-section is imbedded in a large copper

heat-sink. The rod is surrounded by a thin layer of compliant metal.
Pump light is focussed on the exposed side of the rod.

We wish to calculate the effect of the thermal load on the laser rod.

The equations of Stress/Strain arise from the balance of forces in a

material medium, expressed as
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy = 0
where Sx and Sy are the stresses in the x- and y- directions,
Txy is the shear stress, and Fx and Fy are the body forces in the
x- and y- directions.

The deformation of the material is described by the displacements,

U and V, from which the strains are defined as
ex = dx(U)
ey = dy(V)
gxy = dy(U) + dx(V).
The eight quantities U,V,ex,ey,gxy,Sx,Sy and Txy are related through the
constitutive relations of the material. In general,
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey + C13*gxy - b*Temp
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey + C23*gxy - b*Temp
Txy = C13*ex + C23*ey + C33*gxy
In orthotropic solids, we may take C13 = C23 = 0.
Combining all these relations, we get the displacement equations:
dx[C11*dx(U)+C12*dy(V)] + dy[C33*(dy(U)+dx(V))] + Fx = dx(b*Temp)
dy[C12*dx(U)+C22*dy(V)] + dx[C33*(dy(U)+dx(V))] + Fy = dy(b*Temp)

The "Plane-Strain" approximation is appropriate for the cross-section

of a cylinder which is long in the Z-direction, and in which there is no
Z-strain. The cylinder is loaded by surface tractions and body forces
applied along the length of cylinder, and which are independent of Z.
In this case, we may write
C11 = G*(1-nu) C12 = G*nu b = G*alpha*(1+nu)
C22 = G*(1-nu)
C33 = G*(1-2*nu)/2
where G = E/[(1+nu)*(1-2*nu)]
E is Young's Modulus
nu is Poisson's Ratio
and alpha is the thermal expansion coefficient.
The displacement form of the stress equations (for uniform temperature
and no body forces) is then (dividing out G):
dx[(1-nu)*dx(U)+nu*dy(V)] + 0.5*(1-2*nu)*dy[dy(U)+dx(V)]
= alpha*(1+nu)*dx(Temp)
dy[nu*dx(U)+(1-nu)*dy(V)] + 0.5*(1-2*nu)*dx[dy(U)+dx(V)]
= alpha*(1+nu)*dy(Temp)
In order to quantify the "natural" (or "load") boundary condition mechanism,
consider the stress equations in their original form:
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) = 0
These can be written as
div(P) = 0
div(Q) = 0
where P = [Sx,Txy]
and Q = [Txy,Sy]
The natural (or "load") boundary condition for the U-equation defines the
outward surface-normal component of P, while the natural boundary condition
for the V-equation defines the surface-normal component of Q. Thus, the
natural boundary conditions for the U- and V- equations together define
the surface load vector.
Sample P roblems : Applications 452

On a free boundary, both of these vectors are zero, so a free boundary

is simply specified by
load(U) = 0
load(V) = 0.

-- Submitted by Steve Sutton, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

title "Thermo-Elastic Stress"
select errlim = 1.0e-4
Tp { declare the system variables to be Tp, Up and Vp }
k { declare thermal conductivity - values come later }
Q { declare thermal Source - values come later }
E { declare Young's Modulus - values come later }
nu { declare Poisson's Ratio - values come later }
alpha { declare Expansion coefficient - values come later }
{ The heat deposition function: }
adep = 1.8 { define the absorption coefficient }
yo = 0.6 { define the pattern width }
I0 = 1 { define the input flux }
Qrodp = adep*I0*(exp(-adep*x))*(exp(-((y/yo)^2)))
Tb = 0. { define the distant thermal sink temperature }
{ define the constitutive relations }
G = E/((1.+nu)*(1.-2.*nu))
C11 = G*(1-nu)
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G*(1-nu)
C33 = G*(1-2*nu)/2
b = G*alpha*(1+nu)
{ define some utility functions }
ex = dx(Up)
ey = dy(Vp)
gxy = dy(Up) + dx(Vp)
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey - b*Tp
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey - b*Tp
Txy = C33*gxy
boundary conditions
'main' :
value(Tp) = Tb { fixed temperature }
natural(Up) = 0. { zero X-load }
natural(Vp) = 0. { zero Y-load }

'left' :
natural(Tp) = 0. { no heat loss }
natural(Up) = 0. { zero X-load }
natural(Vp) = 0. { zero Y-load }
initial values
Tp = 5. { give FlexPDE an estimate of variable range }
Up = 1.e-5
Vp = 1.e-5
{ the heat equation }
Tp: dx(k*dx(Tp)) + dy(k*dy(Tp)) + Q = 0.
{ the U-displacement equation }
Up: dx(C11*dx(Up)+C12*dy(Vp)-b*Tp) + dy(C33*(dy(Up)+dx(Vp))) = 0.
{ the V-displacement equation }
Vp: dx(C33*(dy(Up)+dx(Vp))) + dy(C12*dx(Up)+C22*dy(Vp)-b*Tp) = 0.
constraints { prevent rigid-body motion: }
integral(up) = 0 { cancel X-motion }
453 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

integral(vp) = 0 { cancel Y-motion }

integral(dx(vp) - dy(up)) = 0 { cancel rotation }

region 1 { region one defines the problem domain as all copper

and sets the boundary conditions for the problem }
k = 0.083
Q = 0.
E = 117.0e3
nu = 0.4
alpha = 10e-6

use bc 'main'
line to (5,-5) to (5,5) to (0,5)
use bc 'left'
line to close
region 2 { region two overlays an Indium potting layer }
k = 0.083
Q = 0.
E = 60.0e3
nu = 0.4
alpha = 16e-6
start (0,-0.6)
line to (0.6,-0.6) to (0.6,0.6) to (0,0.6) to (0,0.5) to (0,-0.5) to close
region 3 { region three overlays the laser rod }
k = 0.0098
Q = Qrodp
E = 282.0e3
nu = 0.28
alpha = 7e-6
start (0,-0.5)
line to (0.5,-0.5) to (0.5,0.5) to (0,0.5) to close
contour(Tp) as "Temperature"
contour(Tp) as "Temperature" zoom(0,0,1,1)
contour(Q) as "Heat deposition" zoom(0,0,1,1)
contour(Up) as "X-displacement" zoom(0,0,1,1)
contour(Vp) as "Y-displacement" zoom(0,0,1,1)
grid(x+10000*Up,y+10000*Vp) as "deformation"
contour(Tp) as "Temperature"
contour(Tp) as "Temperature" zoom(0,0,1,1)
contour(Q) as "Heat deposition" zoom(0,0,1,1)
contour(Up) as "X-displacement" !zoom(0,0,1,1)
contour(Vp) as "Y-displacement" !zoom(0,0,1,1)
contour(Sx) as "X-Stress" zoom(0,-0.75,1.5,1.5)
contour(Sy) as "Y-Stress" zoom(0,-0.75,1.5,1.5)
contour(Txy) as "Shear Stress" zoom(0,-0.75,1.5,1.5)
vector(Up,Vp) as "displacement"
vector(Up,Vp) as "displacement" zoom(0,0,1,1)
grid(x+10000*Up,y+10000*Vp) as "deformation"
end fix ed_plate

This example considers the bending of a thin rectangular plate under a
distributed transverse load.
For small displacements, the deflection U is described by the Biharmonic
equation of plate flexure
del2(del2(U)) + Q/D = 0
Q is the load distribution,
Sample P roblems : Applications 454

D = E*h^3/(12*(1-nu^2))
E is Young's Modulus
nu is Poisson's ratio
and h is the plate thickness.

The boundary conditions to be imposed depend on the way in which the

plate is mounted. Here we consider the case of a clamped boundary,
for which
U = 0
dU/dn = 0
FlexPDE cannot directly solve the fourth order equation, but if we
define V = del2(U), then the deflection equation becomes
del2(U) = V
del2(V) + Q = 0
with the boundary conditions
dU/dn = 0
dV/dn = L*U
where L is a very large number.
In this system, dV/dn can only remain bounded if U -> 0, satisfying the
value condition on U.
The particular problem addressed here is a plate of 16-gauge steel,
8 x 11.2 inches, covering a vacuum chamber, with atmospheric pressure
loading the plate. The edges are clamped. Solutions to this problem
are readily available, for example in Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain,
from which the maximum deflection is Umax = 0.219, in exact agreement
with the FlexPDE result.

(See FREE_PLATE.PDE 455 for the solution with a simply supported edge.)
Note: Care must be exercised when extending this formulation to more complex
problems. In particular, in the equation del2(U) = V, V acts as a source
in the boundary-value equation for U. Imposing a value boundary condition
on U does not enforce V = del2(U).

Title " Plate Bending - clamped boundary "

errlim = 0.005
cubic { Use Cubic Basis }

xslab = 11.2
yslab = 8
h = 0.0598 {16 ga}
L = 1.0e4
E = 29e6
Q = 14.7
nu = .3
D = E*h^3/(12*(1-nu^2))
Initial Values
U = 0
V = 0
U: del2(U) = V
V: del2(V) = Q/D
Region 1
start (0,0)
natural(U) = 0
natural(V) = L*U
line to (xslab,0)
to (xslab,yslab)
to (0,yslab)
to close
455 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems


contour (U) as "Displacement"
elevation(U) from (0,yslab/2) to (xslab,yslab/2) as "Displacement"
surface(U) as "Displacement"
End free_plate
This example considers the bending of a thin rectangular plate under a
distributed transverse load.
For small displacements, the deflection U is described by the Biharmonic
equation of plate flexure
del2(del2(U)) + Q/D = 0
Q is the load distribution,
D = E*h^3/(12*(1-nu^2))
E is Young's Modulus
nu is Poisson's ratio
and h is the plate thickness.
The boundary conditions to be imposed depend on the way in which the
plate is mounted. Here we consider the case of a simply supported
boundary, for which the correct conditions are
U = 0
Mn = 0
where Mn is the tangential component of the bending moment, which in turn
is related to the curvature of the plate. An approximation to the second
boundary condition is then
del2(U) = 0.
FlexPDE cannot directly solve the fourth order equation, but if we
define V = del2(U), then the deflection equation becomes
del2(U) = V
del2(V) + Q = 0
with the boundary conditions
U = 0
V = 0.
The particular problem addressed here is a plate of 16-gauge steel,
8 x 11.2 inches, covering a vacuum chamber, with atmospheric pressure
loading the plate. The edges are simply supported. Solutions to this
problem are readily available, for example in Roark's Formulas for Stress
& Strain, from which the maximum deflection is Umax = 0.746, as compared
with the FlexPDE result of 0.750.

(See FIXED_PLATE.PDE 453 for the solution with a clamped edge.)

Note: Care must be exercised when extending this formulation to more complex
problems. In particular, in the equation del2(U) = V, V acts as a source
in the boundary-value equation for U. Imposing a value boundary condition
on U does not enforce V = del2(U).
Title " Plate Bending - simple support "
ngrid=10 { increase initial gridding }
cubic { Use Cubic Basis }
xslab = 11.2
yslab = 8
h = 0.0598 {16 ga}
Sample P roblems : Applications 456

L = 1.0e6
E = 29e6
Q = 14.7
nu = .3
D = E*h^3/(12*(1-nu^2))
Initial Values
U = 0
V = 0
U: del2(U) = V
V: del2(V) = Q/D
Region 1
start (0,0)
value(U) = 0
value(V) = 0
line to (xslab,0)
to (xslab,yslab)
to (0,yslab)
to close
contour (U) as "Displacement"
elevation(U) from (0,yslab/2) to (xslab,yslab/2) as "Displacement"
surface(U) as "Displacement"
End harm onic

This example shows the use of FlexPDE in harmonic analysis of
transient Stress problems.
The equations of Stress/Strain in a material medium can be given as
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy = 0
where Sx and Sy are the stresses in the x- and y- directions,
Txy is the shear stress, and
Fx and Fy are the body forces in the x- and y- directions.
In a time-dependent problem, the material acceleration and viscous force
act as body forces, and are included in a new body force term
Fx1 = Fx0 - rho*dtt(U) + mu*del2(dt(U))
Fy1 = Fy0 - rho*dtt(V) + mu*del2(dt(V))
where rho is the material mass density, mu is the viscosity, and U and V
are the material displacements in the x and y directions.
If we assume that the displacement is harmonic in time (all transients
have died out), then we can assert
U(t) = U0*exp(-i*omega*t)
V(t) = V0*exp(-i*omega*t)
Here U0(x,y) and V0(x,y) are the complex amplitude distributions, and
omega is the angular velocity of the oscillation.
Substituting this assumption into the stress equations and dividing out
the common exponential factors, we get (implying U0 by U and V0 by V)
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx0 + rho*omega^2*U - i*omega*mu*del2(U) = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy0 + rho*omega^2*V - i*omega*mu*del2(V) = 0
All the terms in this equation are now complex. Separating into real
and imaginary parts gives
U = Ur + i*Ui
Sx = Srx + i*Six
Sy = Sry + i*Siy
Expressed in terms of the constitutive relations of the material,
Srx = [C11*dx(Ur) + C12*dy(Vr)]
457 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Sry = [C12*dx(Ur) + C22*dy(Vr)]

Trxy = C33*[dy(Ur) + dx(Vr)]

The final result is a set of four equations in Ur,Vr,Ui and Vi.

Notice that the stress-balance equation is the Velocity equation, and it
is to this equation that boundary loads must be applied.
In the problem considered here, we have an aluminum bar one meter long and
5 cm thick suspended on the left, and driven on the right by an oscillatory
load. The load frequency is chosen to be near the resonant frequency of
the bar.
We run the problem in three stages, first with no viscosity, then with increasing
viscosities to show the mixing of real and imaginary components.
title "Harmonic Stress analysis"
variables { Recall that the declared variable range, if too large, will affect the
interpretation of error, and thus the timestep and solution accuracy }
{ Displacements }
L = 1 { the bar length, in Meters }
hL = L/2
W = 0.05 { the bar thickness, in Meters }
hW = W/2
eps = 0.01*L
nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }
E = 6.7e+10 { Young's Modulus for Aluminum (N/M^2) }
{ plane strain coefficients }
E1 = E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))
C11 = E1*(1-nu)
C12 = E1*nu
C22 = E1*(1-nu)
C33 = E1*(1-2*nu)/2
rho = 2700 { Kg/M^3 }
mu = staged(0,1e3,1e4) { Estimated viscosity Kg/M/sec }
cvel = sqrt(E/rho) { sound velocity, M/sec }
tau = L/cvel { transit time }
tone = 0.25/tau { approximate resonant frequency }
omega = 2*pi*tone { driving angular velocity }
amplitude=1e-8 { a guess for plot scaling }
force = 25 { loading force in Newtons (~1 pound force) }
{ distribute the force uniformly over the driven end: }
fdist = force/W
Um = sqrt(Ur^2+Ui^2) { X-displacement amplitude }
Vm = sqrt(Vr^2+Vi^2) { X-displacement amplitude }
Srx = (C11*dx(Ur) + C12*dy(Vr)) { Real Stresses }
Sry = (C12*dx(Ur) + C22*dy(Vr))
Trxy = C33*(dy(Ur) + dx(Vr))
Six = (C11*dx(Ui) + C12*dy(Vi)) { Imaginary Stresses }
Siy = (C12*dx(Ui) + C22*dy(Vi))
Tixy = C33*(dy(Ui) + dx(Vi))
Sxm = sqrt(Srx^2+Six^2)
Sym = sqrt(Sry^2+Siy^2)
Txym = sqrt(Trxy^2+Tixy^2)
equations { define the displacement equations }
Ur: dx(Srx) + dy(Trxy) + rho*omega^2*Ur + omega*mu*del2(Ui) = 0
Sample P roblems : Applications 458

Ui: dx(Six) + dy(Tixy) + rho*omega^2*Ui - omega*mu*del2(Ur) = 0

Vr: dx(Trxy) + dy(Sry) + rho*omega^2*Vr + omega*mu*del2(Vi) = 0
Vi: dx(Tixy) + dy(Siy) + rho*omega^2*Vi - omega*mu*del2(Vr) = 0

region 1
start (0,-hW)
load(Ur)=0 { free boundary on bottom, no normal stress }
line to (L,-hW)
load(Vr) = force { Apply oscillatory vertical load on end. }
line to (L,hW)
load(Vr)=0 { free boundary on top, no normal stress }
line to (0,hW)
value(Ur) = 0 { clamp the left end }
value(Ui) = 0
value(Vr) = 0
value(Vi) = 0
line to close
elevation(Vr,Vi) from(0,0) to (L,0)
report(omega) report(mu)
grid(x+mag*Ur,y+mag*Vr) as "Real displacement" { show final deformed grid }
report(omega) report(mu)
grid(x+mag*Ui,y+mag*Vi) as "Imag
report(omega) report(mu)
elevation(Vr,Vi) from(0,0) to (L,0)
report(omega) report(mu)
contour(Ur) as "Real X-displacement(M)"
report(omega) report(mu)
contour(Vr) as "Real Y-displacement(M)"
report(omega) report(mu)
contour(Ui) as "Imag X-displacement(M)"
report(omega) report(mu)
contour(Vi) as "Imag Y-displacement(M)"
report(omega) report(mu)
contour(Sxm) as "X-Stress amplitude"
report(omega) report(mu)
contour(Sym) as "Y-Stress amplitude"
report(omega) report(mu)
contour(Txym) as "Shear Stress amplitude"
report(omega) report(mu)
end prestube
This example models the stress in a tube with an internal pressure.
- from "Fields of Physics on the PC" by Gunnar Backstrom
459 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

' Tube With Internal Pressure'
mm = 1e-3
r1 = 3*mm
r2 = 10*mm
q21= r2/r1
mu = 0.3
E = 200e9 {Steel}
c = E/(1-mu^2)
G = E/2/(1+mu)
dabs= sqrt(u^2+ v^2)
ex= dx(u)
ey= dy(v)
exy= dx(v)+ dy(u)
sx= c*(ex+ mu*ey)
sy= c*(mu*ex+ ey)
sxy= G*exy
p1= 1e8 { the internal pressure }
{ Exact expressions }
rad= sqrt(x^2+ y^2)
sr_ex= -p1*((r2/rad)^2 - 1)/(q21^2 - 1)
st_ex= p1*((r2/rad)^2 + 1)/(q21^2 - 1)
dabs_ex= abs( rad/E*(st_ex- mu*sr_ex))
equations { Constant temperature, no volume forces }
u: dx( c*(dx(u) + mu*dy(v)) ) + dy( G*(dx(v)+ dy(u)) )= 0
v: dx( G*( dx(v)+ dy(u)) )+ dy( c*(dy(v) + mu*dx(u)) )= 0
constraints { Since all boundaries are free, it is necessary
to apply constraints to eliminate rigid-body motions }
integral(u) = 0
integral(v) = 0
integral(dx(v)-dy(u)) = 0
region 1
start (r2,0)
load(u)= 0 { Outer boundary is free }
load(v)= 0
arc to (0,r2) to (-r2,0) to (0,-r2) to close
start (r1,0) { Cut-out }
load(u)= p1*x/r1 { Normal component of x-stress }
load(v)= p1*y/r1 { Normal component of y-stress }
arc to (0,-r1) to (-r1,0) to (0,r1) to close

grid(x+200*u, y+200*v)
elevation(sx, sr_ex) from (r1,0) to (r2,0)
elevation(sy, st_ex) from (r1,0) to (r2,0)
contour(dabs) contour((dabs-dabs_ex)/dabs_ex)
contour(u) contour(v)
vector(u,v) vector(u/dabs, v/dabs)
contour(sx) contour(sy) contour(sxy)
end tension
This example shows the deformation of a tension bar with a hole.
The equations of Stress/Strain arise from the balance of forces in a
material medium, expressed as
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy = 0
Sample P roblems : Applications 460

where Sx and Sy are the stresses in the x- and y- directions,

Txy is the shear stress, and
Fx and Fy are the body forces in the x- and y- directions.

The deformation of the material is described by the displacements,

U and V, from which the strains are defined as
ex = dx(U)
ey = dy(V)
gxy = dy(U) + dx(V).
The eight quantities U,V,ex,ey,gxy,Sx,Sy and Txy are related through the
constitutive relations of the material. In general,
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey + C13*gxy - b*Temp
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey + C23*gxy - b*Temp
Txy = C13*ex + C23*ey + C33*gxy
In orthotropic solids, we may take C13 = C23 = 0.
Combining all these relations, we get the displacement equations:
dx[C11*dx(U)+C12*dy(V)] + dy[C33*(dy(U)+dx(V))] + Fx = dx(b*Temp)
dy[C12*dx(U)+C22*dy(V)] + dx[C33*(dy(U)+dx(V))] + Fy = dy(b*Temp)
In the "Plane-Stress" approximation, appropriate for a flat, thin plate
loaded by surface tractions and body forces IN THE PLANE of the plate,
we may write
C11 = G C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2
where G = E/(1-nu^2)
E is Young's Modulus
and nu is Poisson's Ratio.
The displacement form of the stress equations (for uniform temperature
and no body forces) is then (dividing out G):
dx[dx(U)+nu*dy(V)] + 0.5*(1-nu)*dy[dy(U)+dx(V)] = 0
dy[nu*dx(U)+dy(V)] + 0.5*(1-nu)*dx[dy(U)+dx(V)] = 0
In order to quantify the load boundary condition mechanism,
consider the stress equations in their original form:
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) = 0
These can be written as
div(P) = 0
div(Q) = 0
where P = [Sx,Txy]
and Q = [Txy,Sy]
The "load" (or "natural") boundary condition for the U-equation defines
the outward surface-normal component of P, while the load boundary condition
for the V-equation defines the surface-normal component of Q. Thus, the
load boundary conditions for the U- and V- equations together define
the surface load vector.
On a free boundary, both of these vectors are zero, so a free boundary
is simply specified by
load(U) = 0
load(V) = 0.
Here we consider a tension strip with a hole, subject to an X-load.
title 'Plane Stress tension strip with a hole'
errlim = 1e-4 { increase accuracy to resolve stresses }
painted { paint all contour plots }
U { declare U and V to be the system variables }
nu = 0.3 { define Poisson's Ratio }
E = 21 { Young's Modulus x 10^-11 }
461 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

G = E/(1-nu^2)
C11 = G
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2
p1 = (1-nu)/2
initial values
U = 1
V = 1
equations { define the Plane-Stress displacement equations }
U: dx(dx(U) + nu*dy(V)) + p1*dy(dy(U) + dx(V)) = 0
V: dy(dy(V) + nu*dx(U)) + p1*dx(dy(U) + dx(V)) = 0

region 1
start (0,0)
load(U)=0 { free boundary, no normal stress }
line to (3,0) { walk bottom }
load(U)=0.1 { define an X-stress of 0.1 unit on right edge}
load(V) = 0
line to (3,1)
load(U)=0 { free boundary top }
line to (0,1)
value(U)=0 { fixed displacement on left edge }
line to close
{ Cut out a hole }
load(U) = 0
load(V) = 0
arc(center=1,0.5) angle=-360
grid(x+U,y+V) { show deformed grid as solution progresses }
plots { hardcopy at to close: }
grid(x+U,y+V) { show final deformed grid }
vector(U,V) as "Displacement" { show displacement field }
contour(U) as "X-Displacement"
contour(V) as "Y-Displacement"
contour((C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V))) as "X-Stress"
contour((C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V))) as "Y-Stress"
surface((C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V))) as "X-Stress"
surface((C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V))) as "Y-Stress"

end v ibrate
This example shows the use of FlexPDE in transient Stress problems.
The equations of Stress/Strain in a material medium can be given as
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy = 0
where Sx and Sy are the stresses in the x- and y- directions,
Txy is the shear stress, and
Fx and Fy are the body forces in the x- and y- directions.
In a time-dependent problem, the material acceleration and viscous force
act as body forces, and are included in a new body force term
Fx1 = Fx0 - rho*dtt(Ux) + mu*del2(dt(Ux))
Fy1 = Fy0 - rho*dtt(Uy) + mu*del2(dt(Uy))
where rho is the material mass density, mu is the viscosity, and Ux and Uy
are the material displacements.
Sample P roblems : Applications 462

The second time derivative in the acceleration term cannot be modelled

directly in FlexPDE, but the problem can still be solved.
Define Vx and Vy as the velocities in the x and y directions; then
Vx = dt(Ux)
and Vy = dt(Uy)
The body forces are then
Fx1 = Fx0 - rho*dt(Vx) + mu*del2(Vx)
Fy1 = Fy0 - rho*dt(Vy) + mu*del2(Vy)
This results in a set of four equations in Ux,Uy,Vx and Vy.
Notice that the stress-balance equation is the Velocity equation, and it
is to this equation that boundary loads must be applied.

In the problem considered here, we have an aluminum bar one meter long and
5 cm thick suspended on the left, and driven on the right by an oscillatory
load. The load frequency is chosen to be near the resonant frequency of
the bar.
title "Transient Stress analysis"
deltat=1.0e-7 { Start out at careful timestep, it will grow. }
ngrid=21 { Grid a little more densely than default }
regrid = off { Cell splitting causes instantaneous changes in the
effective material properties. These changes act
like small earthquakes in the material, and propagate
high-frequency noise. To avoid these effects, we
supress grid refinement. }
variables { Recall that the declared variable range, if too large,
will affect the interpretation of error, and thus the
timestep and solution accuracy }
Ux (threshold=1e-7) { Displacements }
Uy (threshold=1e-7)
Vx (threshold=1e-5) { Velocities }
Vy (threshold=1e-5)
L = 1 { the bar length, in Meters }
hL = L/2
W = 0.05 { the bar thickness, in Meters }
hW = W/2
eps = 0.01*L

nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }

E = 6.7e+10 { Young's Modulus for Aluminum (N/M^2) }
{ plane strain coefficients }
E1 = E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))
C11 = E1*(1-nu)
C12 = E1*nu
C22 = E1*(1-nu)
C33 = E1*(1-2*nu)/2
rho = 2700 { Kg/M^3 }
mu = 1e3 { Estimated viscosity Kg/M/sec }
smoother = 1 { artificial diffusion to smooth results (M^2/sec) }
cvel = sqrt(E/rho) { sound velocity, M/sec }
tau = L/cvel { transit time }
tone = 0.25/tau { approximate resonant frequency }
freq = 1.1*tone { driving frequency }
period = 1/freq
amplitude=1e-8 { a guess for plot scaling }
force = 25 { loading force in Newtons (~1 pound force) }
{ distribute the force uniformly over the driven end: }
fdist = force/W
463 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ the driving force is sinusoidal in time: }

jiggle = force*sin(2*pi*freq*t)
Sx = (C11*dx(Ux) + C12*dy(Uy)) { Stresses }
Sy = (C12*dx(Ux) + C22*dy(Uy))
Txy = C33*(dy(Ux) + dx(Uy))

boundary conditions
'no load' : load(Vx)=0 load(Vy)=0
'Y load' : load(Vx)=0 load(Vy)=jiggle
'freeze' : value(Ux)=0 value(Uy)=0 value(Vx)=0 value(Vy)=0
initial values
Ux = 0 { start at rest }
Uy = 0
Vx = 0
Vy = 0
equations { define the displacement equations }
Ux: Vx + smoother*div(grad(Ux)) = dt(Ux)
Uy: Vy + smoother*div(grad(Uy)) = dt(Uy)
Vx: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + mu*div(grad(Vx)) = rho*dt(Vx)
Vy: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + mu*div(grad(Vy)) = rho*dt(Vy)
region 1
start (0,-hW)

use bc 'no load' { free boundary on bottom, no normal stress }

line to (L,-hW)

use bc 'Y load' { Apply oscillatory vertical load on end.

Note that this driving force must be applied to the
equation which contains the stress divergence. }
line to (L,hW)

use bc 'no load' { free boundary on top, no normal stress }

line to (0,hW)

use bc 'freeze' { freeze left end (both displacement and velocity) }

line to close
feature { a "Gridding Feature" to force grid refinement near the mount }
start (hW/2,-hW) line to (hW/2,hW)
start (L-hW/2,-hW) line to (L-hW/2,hW)
time 0 to 4*period

for cycle=5
elevation(Uy) from(0,0) to (L,0) range=(-amplitude,amplitude)
for t= period/2 by period/2 to endtime
grid(x+mag*Ux,y+mag*Uy) as "deformation" { show final deformed grid }
vector(Ux,Uy) as "displacement" { show displacement field }
vector(Vx,Vy) as "velocity" { show velocity field }
contour(Ux) as "X-displacement(M)"
contour(Uy) as "Y-displacement(M)"
contour(Vx) as "X-velocity(M/s)"
contour(Vy) as "Y-velocity(M/s)"
contour(Sx) as "X-Stress"
contour(Sy) as "Y-Stress"
contour(Txy) as "Shear Stress"
history(Ux) at (L,0) (0.8*L,0) (hL,0) as "Horizontal Displacement(M)"
history(Vx) at (L,0) (0.8*L,0) (hL,0) as "Horizontal Velocity(M/s)"
history(Sx) at (eps,hW-eps) (eps,-hW+eps) (L-eps,hW-eps) (L-eps,-hW+eps)
as "Horizontal Stress"
history(Uy) at (L,0) (0.8*L,0) (hL,0) as "Vertical Displacement(M)"
history(Vy) at (L,0) (0.8*L,0) (hL,0) as "Vertical Velocity(M/s)"
history(Sy) at (eps,hW-eps) (eps,-hW+eps) (L-eps,hW-eps) (L-eps,-hW+eps)
as "Vertical Stress"
Sample P roblems : Applications 464

history(Txy) at (eps,hW-eps) (eps,-hW+eps) (L-eps,hW-eps) (L-eps,-hW+eps)

as "Shear Stress"

5.2 Usage
5.2.1 1D 1d_cy linder
This problem tests the implementation of 1D cylindrical coordinates in FlexPDE.
A distributed source is applied to a heatflow equation. The source is chosen as
the analytic derivative of an assumed Gaussian solution. The numerical solution
is then compared to the analytical solution.

title '1D Cylinder Test -- Gaussian'
cylinder1 { default coordinate name is 'R' }
k = 1
{ assume a gaussian solution }
u0 = exp(-r^2/w^2)
{ apply the correct analytic source for cylindrical geometry (we could use
div(k*grad(u0)) here, but that would not test the 1D Cylinder expansions) }
s = -(4/w^2)*(r^2/w^2-1)*u0
U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0

region 1
start left point value(u)=u0
line to right point load(u)=(-2*k*r*u0/w^2)
elevation(u) from left to right
elevation(u,u0) from left to right
elevation(u-u0) from left to right as "Error"
elevation(-div(grad(u)),s) from (0.01) to right
elevation(-grad(u),-grad(u0)) from (0.01) to right
end 1d_cy linder_transient

This problem analyzes the diffusive loss of a solute from a solvent due to leakage
across an outer boundary using 1D cylindrical coordinates.
title '1D time dependent diffusion in a Cylinder'
465 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

D = 1
source = 0
b = 1
a = 2
C0 = 10
diss = 0.01 ! dissolution coefficient
Cext = 0 ! external sink concentration
Flux = -D*dr(C)
initial values
C = C0

C: div(D*grad(C)) + source = dt(C)
region 1
start (b) point load(C)=0
line to (a) point load(C)=diss*(Cext-C) !outer leakage rate
time 0 to 10
for cycle=1
elevation(C) from (b) to (a)
for cycle=10
elevation(C) from (b) to (a)
elevation(Flux) from (b) to (a) range=(0,0.01) {minimum plot range}
history(C) at (b) ((b+a)/2) (a)
history(Flux) at (b) ((b+a)/2) (a)
end 1d_float_zone

This is a version of the standard example "Float_Zone.pde" 417 in 1D cartesian geometry.

"Float Zone in 1D Cartesian geometry"
k =10 { thermal conductivity }
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
long = 18
H = 0.4 { free convection boundary coupling }
Ta = 25 { ambient temperature }
A = 4500 { amplitude }
source = A*exp(-((x-1*t)/.5)^2)*(200/(t+199))
initial value
temp = Ta
Temp: div(k*grad(temp)) + source -H*(temp - Ta) = cp*dt(temp)
region 1
start(0) point value(temp) = Ta
line to (long) point value(temp) = Ta
Sample P roblems : Usage 466

time -0.5 to 19 by 0.01

for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0) to (long) range=(0,1800) as "Surface Temp"
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0) to (long) range=(0,1800) as "Axis Temp"
elevation(source) from(0) to (long)
elevation(-k*grad(temp)) from(0) to (long)
history(temp) at (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
(17) (18)
end 1d_slab
This problem analyzes heat flow in a slab using 1D cartesian coordinates.
TITLE 'Heat flow through an Insulating layer in 1D'
Cartesian1 { default coordinate is 'X' }
Phi { the temperature }
K = 1 { default conductivity }
R = 0.5 { insulator thickness }
Phi: Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0

REGION 1 { the total domain }
{ note: no 'close'! }
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded layer }
k = 0.001
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (-1) to (1)
END 1d_sphere
This problem demonstrates the use of 1D spherical coordinates.
title '1D Sphere Test -- Gaussian'
sphere1 { default coordinate name is "R" }
k = 1
{ assume a gaussian solution }
u0 = exp(-r^2/w^2)
{ apply the correct analytic source for spherical geometry
(we could use div(k*grad(u0)) here, but that would not test the 1D Sphere
expansions) }
s = -(2/w^2)*(2*r^2/w^2-3)*u0
467 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
region 1
start left point value(u)=u0
line to right point load(u)=(-2*k*r*u0/w^2)
elevation(u) from left to right
elevation(u,u0) from left to right
elevation(u-u0) from left to right as "Error"
elevation(-div(grad(u)),s) from (0.01) to right

5.2.2 3D_domains 2d_sphere_in_cy linder
2D cylindrical (axi-symmetric) model of an empty sphere in a cylindrical box.
title '2D sphere in a can'
ycylinder("R","Z") { vertical coordinate is cylinder axis }
k = 1
R0 = 1
box = 2*R0
U: div(k*grad(u)) = 0
region 1
value(u)=0 line to (box,-box)
natural(u)=0 line to (box,box)
value(u)=1 line to (0,box)
natural(u)=0 line to (0,R0) { cylindrical axis }
arc(center=0,0) angle=-180 { spherical cutout }
line to close { cylindrical axis }
end 3d_box _in_sphere

This problem demonstrates the construction of a box inside a sphere.
We use two conical frustums to define an extrusion layer to contain the box.
The flat surfaces define top and bottom of the box and the cones fall
Sample P roblems : Usage 468

to meet at the diameter of the sphere.

The box is then defined as a square section of the layer between the
flat surfaces of the frustums.

Click "Controls->Domain Review" 10 to watch the domain construction process.

We solve a heat equation for demonstration purposes.
title '3D Box in a Sphere'

regrid = off { for quicker completion }
ngrid = 16

R0 = 1 { sphere radius }
hbox = R0/4 { box half-size }
{ Make the box-bounding circle slightly bigger than box, or corner
intersections will confuse the mesh generator. }
Rbox = 1.1*sqrt(2)*hbox
rho = sqrt(x^2+y^2) { 2d radius - don't use 'R', it's 3D radius! }
zsphere = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R0) { hemisphere shape }
zbottom = -zsphere { bottom of sphere }
ztop = zsphere { top of sphere }
zboxbottom = -hbox { default box-bounding surfaces - patched later in outer sphere }
zboxtop = hbox
zcone = hbox*(R0-rho)/(R0-Rbox) { cone shape for bringing box top to sphere
diameter }
K = 1 { Define all parameter defaults for non-box volume}
source = 0
U: div(K*grad(u)) + source = 0
surface z = zbottom { the bottom hemisphere and plane }
surface z = zboxbottom
surface z = zboxtop
surface z = ztop { the top hemisphere and plane }
surface 1 value(u)=0 { for demonstration purposes }
surface 4 value(u)=0
region 1 { The sphere }
zboxbottom = -zcone
zboxtop = zcone
start (R0,0)
arc(center=0,0) angle=360 to close
limited region 2 { smaller circle overlays sphere }
layer 2 { ... and exists only in layer 2 }
arc(center=0,0) angle=360 to close
limited region 3 { the box outline }
layer 2 { box exists only in layer 2 }
source = 1
K = 0.1
start(-hbox,-hbox) line to (hbox,-hbox) to (hbox,hbox) to (-hbox,hbox) to close
grid(x,y,z) as "outer sphere"
grid(x,z) on y=0 nolines as "cross-section showing box"
469 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

grid(x,z) on y=0 paintregions nolines as "region and layer structure"

grid(x,y) on z=0 paintregions nolines as "region and layer structure"
contour(u) on y=0 as "temperature"

end 3d_cocktail
This problem constructs a cocktail glass.
It is the geometric construction only, there are no variables or equations.
LIMITED 232 regions are used to remove parts of the extruded shape.

Click "Controls->Domain Review" 10 to watch the mesh construction process.

TITLE 'Cocktail Glass'

COORDINATES cartesian3
rad=sqrt( x^2+ y^2)
router = 0.3 { outer radius of glass }
zglass = 0.5 { glass height }
rbase = 0.2 { radius of the base }
zbase = 0.02 { thickness of the base and cone}
rstem = 0.02 { radius of the stem }
zstem = 0.3 { height of the stem }
zslope = (zglass-zstem)/(router-rstem){ slope of conic surface }
glassangle = arctan(zslope) { slope of conic surface }
zcone = max(0,(rad-rstem)*zslope) { conic surface of the glass }
surface 'bottom' z=0
layer 'base layer'
surface 'stem1' z=zbase
layer 'stem layer'
surface 'lower' z = zstem + zcone
layer 'cone layer'
surface 'upper' z = zbase*cos(glassangle) + min(zglass, zstem + zcone)
limited region 'outer'
layer 'cone layer' { outer region exists only in cone }
start (router,0) arc( center=0,0) angle=360
limited region 'base'
layer 'base layer' { base region exists only in base }
start(rbase,0) arc(center=0,0) angle=360
limited region 'stem'
layer 'stem layer' { stem region exists in the stem and the bottom of the cone }
layer 'cone layer'
start(rstem,0) arc(center=0,0) angle=360
grid(x,y,z) paintregions as "final mesh"
grid(y,z) on x=0 nolines paintregions as "Region Map"
END 3d_cy lspec

This problem considers the construction of a cylindrical domain in 3D.

title '3D Cylinder Generator'

Sample P roblems : Usage 470



K = 0.1 { thermal conductivity }
R0 = 1 { radius of the cylinder }
Heat = 1 { total heat generation }
theta = 45 { axis direction in degrees }
c = cos(theta degrees) { direction cosines of the axis direction }
s = sin(theta degrees)
axis = vector(c,s) { the axis direction vector }
len = 3 { cylinder length }
x0 = -(len/2)*c { beginning point of the cylinder axis }
y0 = -(len/2)*s
zoff = 10 { a z-direction offset for the entire figure }

{ the cylinder function constructs the top surface of a cylinder with azis
along z=0.5. The positive and negative values of this surface will be
separated by a distance of one unit at the diameter. }
zs = cylinder((x0,y0,0.5), (x0+len*c,y0+len*s, 0.5), R0)

flux = -k*grad(u) { heat flux vector }

U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0

surface z = zoff-zs { the bottom half-surface }
surface z = zoff+zs { the top half-surface }

surface 1 value(u) = 0 { fixed value on cylinder surfaces }
surface 2 value(u) = 0
region 1
start (x0,y0)
value(u)=0 { fixed value on sides and end planes }
line to (x0+R0*c,y0-R0*s)
to (x0+len*c+R0*c,y0+len*s-R0*s)
to (x0+len*c-R0*c,y0+len*s+R0*s)
to (x0-R0*c,y0+R0*s)
to close

s2 = sqrt(2)

grid(y*s2,z) on x+y=s2
contour(u) on x=0 as "U on X=0"
contour(u) on x-y=0 as "U on vertical plane through cylinder axis"
contour(u) on x+y=s2 as "U on plane normal to axis"
vector(flux-DOT(flux,axis)*flux) on x=0 as "Flux in X=0 plane"
contour(DOT(flux,axis)) on x+y=s2 as "Flux normal to cross-axis plane"
contour(DOT(flux,axis)) on x+y=s2 zoom(0.6,11,0.3,0.3) as "Flux normal to cross-
axis plane"
contour(magnitude(flux)) on x+y=s2 as "Total flux in cross-axis plane"
contour(magnitude(flux)) on y=0 as "Total flux in Y=0 plane"

end 3d_ellipsoid
This problem constructs an ellipsoid.
It is the geometric construction only, there are no variables or equations.
471 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

title '3D Ellipsoid'

coordinates cartesian3

a=3 b=2 c=1 { x,y,z radii }
xc=1 yc=1 zc=1 { coordinates of ellipsoid center }
{ top half of ellipsoid surface :
the MAX function is used to ensure the surface is defined throughout all
x,y space - essentially placing an x=0 'skirt' on the ellipsoid surface }
ellipsoid = c*sqrt( max(0,1-(x-xc)^2/a^2-(y-yc)^2/b^2) )

surface 'bottom' z = zc - ellipsoid
surface 'top' z = zc + ellipsoid
region 'ellipse'
arc(center=xc,yc) to (xc,yc+b) to (xc-a,yc) to (xc,yc-b) to close
grid(x,y) on z=zc
grid(y,z) on x=xc
grid(x,z) on y=yc
end 3d_ellipsoid_shell
This problem constructs an elliptical shell.
It is the geometric construction only, there are no variables or equations.

title '3D Ellipsoid Shell'

coordinates cartesian3
ao=3.2 bo=2.2 co=1.2 { x,y,z radii - outer ellipse }
ai=3.0 bi=2.0 ci=1.0 { x,y,z radii - inner ellipse }
xc=1 yc=1 zc=1 { coordinates of ellipsoid center }
{ top half of ellipsoid surface :
the MAX function is used to ensure the surface is defined throughout all
x,y space - essentially placing a 'skirt' on the top ellipsoid surface }
outer_ellipsoid = co*sqrt( max(0,1-(x-xc)^2/ao^2-(y-yc)^2/bo^2) )
inner_ellipsoid = ci*sqrt( max(0,1-(x-xc)^2/ai^2-(y-yc)^2/bi^2) )
surface 'outer bottom' z = zc - outer_ellipsoid
surface 'inner bottom' z = zc - inner_ellipsoid
surface 'inner top' z = zc + inner_ellipsoid
surface 'outer top' z = zc + outer_ellipsoid
region 'outer ellipse'
arc(center=xc,yc) to (xc,yc+bo) to (xc-ao,yc) to (xc,yc-bo) to close
limited region 'inner ellipse'
layer 2 void
arc(center=xc,yc) to (xc,yc+bi) to (xc-ai,yc) to (xc,yc-bi) to close
Sample P roblems : Usage 472

grid(x,y) on z=zc paintregions
grid(y,z) on x=xc paintregions
grid(x,z) on y=yc paintregions

end 3d_ex trusion_spec

This descriptor is a demonstration of the grammar of 3D extrusions.
It is a completion of the 3D specification example shown in
"Help | Technical Notes | Extrusions in 3D" 280 .
It describes a strip capacitor fabricated as a sandwich of
air | metal | glass | metal | air.

Click "Controls->Domain Review" 10 to watch the domain construction process.

See the sample problem "3D_Capacitor" 369 for a somewhat more complicated
and interesting version.

TITLE '3D Extrusion Spec'

SELECT regrid=off { for quicker solution }
Kdiel= 6
K = Kair { default to Kair }
V0 = 0
V1 = 1

V: DIV(K*GRAD(V)) = 0

SURFACE "Bottom" Z=0
LAYER "Bottom Air"
SURFACE "Bottom Air - Metal" Z=0.9
LAYER "Bottom Metal"
SURFACE "Bottom Metal - Dielectric" Z=1
LAYER "Dielectric"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Dielectric" Z=2
LAYER "Top Metal"
SURFACE "Top Metal - Air" Z=2.1
LAYER "Top Air"
REGION 1 { this is the outer boundary of the system }
LAYER "Dielectric" K = Kdiel { all other layers default to Kair }
LINE TO (5,0) TO (5,5) TO(0,5) to close
LIMITED REGION 2 { this region exists only in the "bottom metal" layer,
and describes the larger plate }
LAYER "Bottom Metal" K = Kmetal
LAYER "Bottom Metal" VALUE(V)=V0
LINE TO (4,0)
LAYER "Bottom Metal" NATURAL(V)=0
LINE TO (4,5) TO (1,5) to close
LIMITED REGION 3 { this region exists only in layer "Top Metal",
and describes the smaller plate }
LAYER "Top Metal" K = Kmetal
473 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

LINE TO (3,0) TO (3,5)

LAYER "Top Metal" VALUE(V)=V1
LINE TO (2,5)
LAYER "Top Metal" NATURAL(V)=0
LINE to close
SELECT painted
CONTOUR(V) ON X=2.5 as "V on X-cut"
CONTOUR(V) ON Y=2.5 as "V on Y-cut"
CONTOUR(V) ON Z=1.5 as "V on Z-cut"
GRID(x,z) ON Y=2.5 paintregions nolines as "Region Map"
GRID(x,z) ON Y=2.5 paintmaterials nolines as "Material Map"
GRID(x,y,z) ON LAYER 2 ON REGION 2 as "Bottom Plate"
GRID(x,y,z) ON "Top Metal" ON REGION 3 as "Top Plate"

END 3d_fillet

This problem demonstrates the use of the FILLET 235 and BEVEL 235 commands.
Both controls act in the 2D layout, and are extruded into the z dimension.
title 'fillet test'
k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = 2*3/4+5*2/4
U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
extrusion z=0,1
region 1
value(u)=u0 line to (1,-1) FILLET(0.1)
to (-0.25,-0.25) FILLET(0.1)
to (-1,1) BEVEL(0.1)
to close
contour(u) on z=0.5
grid(x,y) on z=0.005
grid(x,y) on z=0.5
contour(u) on z=0.5
contour(u) on z=0.5 zoom(0.6,-1, 0.2,0.2)
contour(u) on z=0.5 zoom(-0.3,-0.3, 0.1,0.1)
end 3d_guitar

This example only constructs a domain. There are no variables or equations.
It does demonstrate the use of the MATERIALS section.
TITLE "3D Guitar Body"
COORDINATES cartesian3
Sample P roblems : Usage 474

"Default" : d = 1.0 k = 1.0
"Air" : d = 100 k = 0.07
"Maple" : d = 0.9 k = 7
"Spruce" : d = 0.7 k = 13
"Plastic" : d = 10 k = 0.22
"Composite" : d = 3 k = 1.3
{------------- SIZE POSITION PARAMETERS -------------}
dface = 0.3, dback = 0.5, dbody = 10 ! some basic depths
dside = 0.7, dsaddle = 0.4, dnut = 0.8 ! some basic depths
slen = 11, swid = 3, spos = 19 ! saddle size and
fpos = 50, fwid = 10, flen = 5 ! fretboard size and
orad = 6, opos = 36 ! sound hole radius and
hrad = 0.7 ! string radius
h6 = 5, h5 = 3, h4 = 1, h1 = -h6, h2 = -h5, h3 = -h4 ! saddle hole radius and
{------------- SPLINE POINTS -------------}
x0 = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = 18, x3 = 30, x4 = 40, x5 = 46, x6 = 60, x7 = 60
y0 = 0, y1 = 1, y2 = 19, y3 = 15, y4 = 12, y5 = 14, y6 = 2, y7 = 0
{------------- LAYER DEPTHS -------------}
origin = 0
inback = origin + dback
inface = inback + dbody
outface = inface + dface
outtool = outface + dsaddle

surface 'OUTSIDE BOTTOM' z = origin
layer 'BOTTOM'
surface 'INSIDE BOTTOM' z = inback
layer 'BODY'
surface 'INSIDE TOP' z = inface
layer 'TOP'
surface 'OUTSIDE TOP' z = outface
layer 'TOOL'
surface 'OUTSIDE TOOL' z = outtool
{------------- OUTTER BODY -------------}
limited region 'OUTER BODY'
layer 'TOOL' VOID
layer 'BOTTOM' use material "Maple"
layer 'BODY' use material "Composite"
layer 'TOP' use material "Spruce"
start (x1,y0)
spline to (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) ! NW arc
to (x3, y3) to (x4, y4) !N arc
to (x5, y5) to (x6, y6) ! NE arc
!to (x6, y6) to (x6+flen, y6) !top of fretboard
to (x6, y7) ! top of neck
!to (x6+flen,-y6) to (x6,-y6) !bott of fretboard
to (x6, -y6) to (x5, -y5) ! SE arc
to (x4, -y4) to (x3, -y3) ! S arc
to (x2, -y2) to (x1, -y1) ! SW arc
to close

{------------- INNER BODY -------------}

limited region "INNER BODY"
layer 'BODY' VOID
!use material "Air"
start (x1+dside,y0)
spline to (x1+dside, y1) to (x2, y2-dside) ! NW
to (x3, y3-dside) to (x4, y4-dside) !N
to (x5, y5-dside) to (x6-dside, y6) ! NE
to (x6-dside, y7) ! top of neck
to (x6-dside, -y6) to (x5, dside-y5) ! SE
475 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

to (x4, dside-y4) to (x3, dside-y3) ! S

to (x2, dside-y2) to (x1+dside, -y1) ! SW
to close

{------------- SOUND HOLE -------------}

limited region "SOUND HOLE"
layer 'TOP' VOID
!use material "Air"
start (opos, orad)
arc (center = opos, 0) angle=360
{------------- SADDLE BASE-------------}
limited region "Saddle Base"
layer 'TOOL'
use material "Plastic"
start (spos+swid/2, slen/2)
arc (center = spos, slen/2) angle=180
line to (spos-swid/2, -slen/2)
arc (center = spos, -slen/2) angle=180
line to close
{------------- SADDLE HOLES-------------}
limited region "Saddle Holes"
layer 'TOOL' VOID
layer 'TOP'
start (spos, h1-hrad) arc (center = spos, h1) angle=360
start (spos, h2-hrad) arc (center = spos, h2) angle=360
start (spos, h3-hrad) arc (center = spos, h3) angle=360
start (spos, h4-hrad) arc (center = spos, h4) angle=360
start (spos, h5-hrad) arc (center = spos, h5) angle=360
start (spos, h6-hrad) arc (center = spos, h6) angle=360
{------------- FRETBOARD -------------}
limited region "Fret Board"
layer 'TOOL'
start (fpos, fwid/2)
line to (fpos, -fwid/2) fillet 1
line to (fpos+8, -fwid/2) fillet 1
line to (fpos+8, fwid/2) fillet 1
line to close fillet 1
grid(x,y,z) paintmaterials
END 3d_helix _lay ered


This problem demonstrates the construction of a helix by layered half-turns.

Each half-turn of the helix is represented by two layers: a layer for the coil and
a separating layer for the gap.
The top and bottom surfaces of the helix are formed as spiral ribbons : z=twist*angle
The turns of the helix are divided into half-turn layers by spiral ribbons of opposite
twist :
The top surface of the lower half turn meets the bottom surface of the upper half turn
in the region where the cut ribbon crosses the helix. Since these two surfaces must
be separated by a "layer", there must be an empty layer between each pair of half-
of the helix. This layer exists only in the region of contact between the two half
and in this region, the layer has zero thickness.
In this sample problem, we solve a heat conduction problem in the helix simply
for demonstration purposes.

See "3d_helix_wrapped.pde" 478 for a different approach to constructing a helix.

See "Usage/CAD_Import/helix_OBJimport.pde" 522 for how to import a helix from an OBJ
Sample P roblems : Usage 476

title '3D layered helix'

xwide = 1 { width of coil band }
zhigh = 1 { height of coil band }
zhaf = zhigh/2
pitch = 2*zhigh { z rise per turn }
x0 = 3 { center radius }
xin = x0-xwide/2 { inner radius }
xout = x0+xwide/2 { outer radius }
{ cut layers with reverse-helix. choose a steep cutpitch to avoid overlapping cut
regions: }
cutpitch = 4*pitch { z fall per turn of layer-cutting ribbon }
{ Compute the half-angle of the baseplane projection of the intersection between the
helix ribbon and the cut ribbon. This determines the size of the Regions
to describe the intersections. }
thetai = 2*pi*zhaf/(pitch+cutpitch)
ci = cos(thetai)
si = sin(thetai)
twist = pitch/(2*pi) { z-offset per radian }
cuttwist = cutpitch/(2*pi) { " }

{ measure angles from positive x-axis for right arcs and from negative x-axis for
left arcs, to avoid jumps in the atan2 function. NOTE: these definitions were
changed between v6 and v7 due to changes in the atan2 function itself. }
alphar = atan2(y,x) ! angular position (-pi,pi) relative to positive x-axis
alphal = atan2(-y,-x) ! angular position (-pi,pi) relative to negative x-axis

{ calculate layer-cut surfaces for left and right arcs (relative to the arc center) }
rlo = -(1/4)*pitch - cuttwist*(alphar+pi/2) ! floor value for right arc
rhi = (1/4)*pitch - cuttwist*(alphar-pi/2) ! ceiling value for right arc
llo = -(1/4)*pitch - cuttwist*(alphal+pi/2) ! floor value for left arc
lhi = (1/4)*pitch - cuttwist*(alphal-pi/2) ! ceiling value for left arc
{Define functions to generate the z position of turn n offset by h*zhaf : }
zr(n,h) = max(rlo, min(rhi, twist*alphar + h*zhaf)) + n*pitch
zl(n,h) = max(llo, min(lhi, twist*alphal + h*zhaf)) + n*pitch

{ Thermal source }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-(y-x0)^2-(z-pitch/4)^2)
{ Thermal conductivity }
K = 1
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0
surface z=zr(-2,-1) { right arc bottom, turn -2 }
surface z=zr(-2,1) { right arc top, turn -2 }
surface z=zl(-3/2,-1) { left arc bottom, turn -2 }
surface z=zl(-3/2,1) {left arc top, turn -2 }
surface z=zr(-1,-1) { right arc bottom, turn -1 }
surface z=zr(-1,1) { right arc top, turn -1 }
surface z=zl(-1/2,-1) { left arc bottom, turn -1 }
surface z=zl(-1/2,1) { left arc top, turn -1 }
surface z=zr(0,-1) { right arc bottom, turn 0 }
surface z=zr(0,1) { right arc top, turn 0 }
surface z=zl(1/2,-1) { left arc bottom, turn 0 }
surface z=zl(1/2,1) { left arc top, turn 0 }
surface z=zr(1,-1) { right arc bottom, turn 1 }
surface z=zr(1,1) { right arc top, turn 1 }
477 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

surface z=zl(3/2,-1) { left arc bottom, turn 1 }

surface z=zl(3/2,1) { left arc top, turn 1 }
surface z=zr(2,-1) { right arc bottom, turn 2 }
surface z=zr(2,1) { right arc top, turn 2 }
surface z=zl(5/2,-1) { left arc bottom, turn 2 }
surface z=zl(5/2,1) { left arc top, turn 2 }
surface 1 value(Tp)=0
surface 20 value(Tp)=0
Limited Region 1 "lower cut "
layer 1 {skip layer 2}
layer 3 layer 4 layer 5 {skip layer 6}
layer 7 layer 8 layer 9 {skip layer 10}
layer 11 layer 12 layer 13 {skip layer 14}
layer 15 layer 16 layer 17 {skip layer 18}
layer 19
arc(center=0,0) to(xout*si,-xout*ci)
line to (xin*si,-xin*ci)
arc(center=0,0) to(-xin*si,-xin*ci)
line to close

Limited Region 2 " right arc "

layer 1 {skip layers 2,3,4}
layer 5 {skip layers 6,7,8}
layer 9 {skip layers 10,11,12}
layer 13 {skip layers 14,15,16}
layer 17
arc(center=0,0) to(xout*si,xout*ci)
line to (xin*si,xin*ci)
arc(center=0,0) to(xin*si,-xin*ci)
line to close

Limited Region 3 "upper cut "

layer 1 layer 2 layer 3 {skip layer 4}
layer 5 layer 6 layer 7 {skip layer 8}
layer 9 layer 10 layer 11 {skip layer 12}
layer 13 layer 14 layer 15{skip layer 16}
layer 17 layer 18 layer 19
arc(center=0,0) to(-xout*si,xout*ci)
line to (-xin*si,xin*ci)
arc(center=0,0) to(xin*si,xin*ci)
line to close

Limited Region 4 "left arc "

layer 3 {skip layers 4,5,6}
layer 7 {skip layers 8,9,10}
layer 11 {skip layers 12,13,14}
layer 15 {skip layers 16,17,18}
layer 19
arc(center=0,0) to(-xout*si,-xout*ci)
line to (-xin*si,-xin*ci)
arc(center=0,0) to(-xin*si,xin*ci)
line to close
grid(x,y,z) paintregions
grid(x,y,z) on regions 1,2,3 on layer 1 paintregions as "first right arc"
grid(x,y,z) on regions 3,4,1 on layer 3 paintregions as "first left arc"
grid(x,y,z) on regions 1,2,3,4 on layers 1,3 paintregions as "first full arc"
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "ZY Temp" painted
contour(Tp) on z=pitch/4 as "XY Temp" painted
Sample P roblems : Usage 478 3d_helix _wrapped

This problem shows the use of the function definition facility of FlexPDE to
create a helix of square cross-section in 3D.
The mesh generation facility of FlexPDE extrudes a 2D figure along a straight
path in Z, so that it is not possible to directly define a helical shape.
However, by defining a coordinate transformation, we can build a straight rod
in 3D and interpret the coordinates in a rotating frame.
Define the twisting coordinates by the transformation
xt = x*cos(y/R);
yt = x*sin(y/R);
zt = z

In this transformation, x and y are the coordinates FlexPDE believes it is working

with, and they are the coordinates that move with the twisting.
xt and yt are the "lab coordinates" of the twisted figure.
The chain rule gives
dF/d(xt) = (dx/dxt)*(dF/dx) + (dy/dxt)*(dF/dy) + (dz/dxt)*(dF/dz)
with similar rules for yt and zt.
Some tedious algebra gives
dx/dxt = cos(y/R) dy/dxt = -(R/x)*sin(y/R) dz/dxt = 0
dx/dyt = sin(y/R) dy/dyt = (R/x)*cos(y/R) dz/dyt = 0
dx/dzt = dy/dzt = 0 dz/dzt = 1
These relations are defined in the definitions section, and used in the equations
section, perhaps nested as in the heat equation shown here.
Notice that this formulation produces the upward motion by tilting the bar in
the un-twisted space and wrapping the resulting figure around a cylinder.
We have added a cylindrical mounting pad at each end of the helix.

See "3d_helix_layered.pde" 475 for a different approach to constructing a helix.

See "Usage/CAD_Import/helix_OBJimport.pde" 522 for how to import a helix from an OBJ
title '3D Helix - transformation with no shear'
ngrid=160 { generate enough mesh cells to resolve the twist }

zlong = 60
turns = 4
pitch = zlong/turns { z rise per turn }
xwide = 4.5
zhigh = 4.5
Rc = 22 - xwide/2 { center radius }
alpha = y/Rc
zstub = 5*zhigh { rod pieces at each end }
sturn = Rc*2*pi { arc length per turn }
yolap = pi*Rc*zhigh/pitch
slong = turns*sturn { arc length of spring }
stot = slong + 2*sturn { add one turn at each end for rod }
xin = Rc-xwide/2
xout = Rc+xwide/2
xbore = Rc/2
{ transformations }
rise = pitch/(2*pi) { z-rise per radian }
c = cos(alpha)
479 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

s = sin(alpha)
xt = x*c
yt = x*s
zt = z-zlong/2

{ functional definition of derivatives }

dxt(f) = c*dx(f) - s*(Rc/x)*dy(f)
dyt(f) = s*dx(f) + c*(Rc/x)*dy(f)
dzt(f) = dz(f)
{ Thermal source }
Q = 10*exp(-(xt-Rc)^2-yt^2-zt^2)
z1 = -zstub
z2 = max( 0, min(zlong, pitch*y/sturn - zhigh/2))
z3 = max(0, min(zlong, pitch*y/sturn + zhigh/2))
z4 = zlong + zstub
initial values
Tp = 0.
{ the heat equation using transformed derivative operators }
Tp: dxt(dxt(Tp)) + dyt(dyt(Tp)) + dzt(dzt(Tp)) + Q = 0
extrusion z = z1, z2, z3, z4
Limited Region 1 { the spring }
layer 2
line to (xout,yolap)
line to (xout, slong-yolap)
line to (xin,slong-yolap)
line to close
Limited Region 2 { top rod overlap with coil }
surface 4 value(Tp)=0 {cold at the end of the rod }
layer 2 layer 3
line to (xout,slong-yolap) to (xout,slong+yolap) to (xbore,slong+yolap) to close

Limited Region 3 { top rod free of coil }

surface 4 value(Tp)=0 {cold at the end of the rod }
layer 2 layer 3
line to (xout,slong+yolap) to (xout,slong+sturn-yolap) to (xbore,slong+sturn-
to close

Limited Region 4 { bottom rod overlap with coil }

surface 1 value(Tp)=0 {cold at the end of the rod }
layer 1 layer 2
line to (xout,-yolap) to (xout,yolap) to (xbore,yolap) to close
Limited Region 5 { bottom rod free of coil }
surface 1 value(Tp)=0 {cold at the end of the rod }
layer 1 layer 2
line to (xout,-sturn+yolap) to (xout,-yolap) to (xbore,-yolap) to close
grid(xt,yt,zt) paintregions { the twisted shape }
grid(xt,yt,zt) paintregions { the twisted shape again }
{ In the following, recall that x is really radius, and y is really azimuthal
It is not possible at present to construct a cut in the "lab" coordinates. }
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
elevation(Tp) from(Rc,0,0) to (Rc,slong,zlong) { centerline of coil }
Sample P roblems : Usage 480

end 3d_lenses
This problem considers the flow of heat in a lens-shaped body
of square outline. It demonstrates the use of FlexPDE in problems
with non-planar extrusion surfaces.
Layer 1 consists of a flat bottom with a paraboloidal top.
Layer 2 is a paraboloidal sheet of uniform thickness.
Plots on various cut planes show the ability of FlexPDE to
detect intersection surfaces.

title '3D Test - Lenses'
k = 0.1
heat = 4
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
surface z = 0
surface z = 0.8-0.3*(x^2+y^2)
surface z = 1.0-0.3*(x^2+y^2)

{ implicit natural(u) = 0 on top and bottom faces }
Region 1
layer 2 k = 1 { layer specializations must follow regional defaults }
value(u) = 0 { Fixed value on sides }
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
select painted
contour(u) on x=0.51 as "YZ plane"
contour(u) on y=0.51 as "XZ plane"
contour(u) on z=0.51 as "XY plane cuts both layers and part of outline"
contour(u) on z=0.75 as "XY plane cuts both layers, but not the outline"
contour(u) on z=0.8 as "XY plane cuts only layer 2"
contour(u) on z=0.95 as "XY plane cuts small patch of layer 2"
contour(u) on z=0.95 zoom as "small cut patch, zoomed to fill frame"
contour(u) on surface 1 as "on bottom surface"
contour(u) on surface 2 as "on paraboloidal layer interface"
contour(u) on x=y as "oblique plot plane"
contour(u) on x+y=0 as "another oblique plot plane"
end 3d_lim ited_region


This example shows the use of LIMITED REGIONS 232 in 3D applications.

The LIMITED qualifier applied to a REGION section tells FlexPDE to construct
the region only in those layers or surfaces specifically referenced in the region
481 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

In this problem, we have a heat equation with a small cubical heated box in the middle


ngrid=1 { exaggerate cell size disparity }

K = 0.1
Lx=3 Ly=3 Lz=3
w = 0.15 { box size }
x0=Lx/2-w y0=Ly/2-w z0=Lz/2-w { box coords }
x1=Lx/2+w y1=Ly/2+w z1=Lz/2+w
materials 'insert' : K=9 h=1
U: div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
extrusion z=0, z0, z1, Lz
Region 1
line to (Lx,y0) to (Lx,Ly) to (0,Ly) to close
limited region 2 { insert exists only on layer 2 }
layer 2 use material 'insert'
line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
grid(x,z) on y=Ly/2
contour(u) on z=Lz/2
grid(x,z) on y=Ly/2
contour(u) on z=Lz/2 painted
contour(u) on y=Ly/2 painted

end 3d_pinchout
This problem demonstrates the merging
of extrusion surfaces and the
'Pinch-Out' of a layer.

title '3D Layer Pinch-out Test'

ngrid=5 { reduce mesh size for example }

long = 1
Sample P roblems : Usage 482

wide = 1
K = 1 { thermal conductivity default -- other values supplied later: }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { thermal source }
z1 = 0
z2 { surface will be defined later in each region: }
z3 = 1
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }
extrusion z = z1,z2,z3 { divide Z into two layers }

surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
z2 = 1 { surface 2 merges with surface 3 in this region }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 { Overlay a second region in left half.
This region delimits the area in which surfaces 2 and 3 differ.
Surfaces meet at the region boundary. }
z2 = 1 + x/2
layer 2 k=0.1 { redefine conductivity in layer 2 of region 2 }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
end 3d_planespec

This problem demonstrates the use of the PLANE 224 generating function in
3D domain specifications.

We construct a hexahedron using two PLANE 224 statements. One from explicit
points and another from named points in the definitions section.
title 'PLANE surface generation'

ngrid=5 { reduce mesh size for example }
long = 1
wide = 1
K = 1
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2)
483 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ define three points in the plane surface }

bll = point(-1,-1,0)
blr = point(1,-1,0.2)
bul = point(-1,1,0.3)
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0
{ bottom surface using named points }
surface 'bottom' z = PLANE(bll,blr,bul)
{ top surface using explicit points }
surface 'top' z = PLANE((-1,-1,1), (1,-1,1.2), (1,1,2))
surface 1 value(Tp)=0
surface 2 value(Tp)=0
Region 1
value(Tp) = 0
line to (wide,-wide)
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,y,z) viewpoint(-7,-9,10)
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
end 3d_py ram id

This problem considers the flow of heat in a pyramid-shaped body.
It demonstrates the use of FlexPDE in 3D problems with non-planar
extrusion surfaces.

Note that FEATURE 233 paths are used to delineate discontinuities in the
extrusion surfaces.
The outer edge is used as a heat source, so it is clipped to form an edge wall.

title '3D Test - Pyramid'
ngrid=5 { reduce mesh size for example }
k = 0.1
heat = 4
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
Sample P roblems : Usage 484

surface z = 0
surface z = min(1.1- abs(x),1.1-abs(y))

{ implicit natural(u) = 0 on top and bottom faces }
Region 1
value(u) = 0 { Fixed value on short vertical sides }
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
{ Features delineate hidden discontinuities in surface slope.
This forces gridding nodes along break lines. }
feature start(-1,-1) line to (1,1)
feature start(-1,1) line to (1,-1)
contour(u) on x=0 as "YZ plane intersects peak"
contour(u) on y=0 as "XZ plane intersects peak"
contour(u) on z=0.1 as "XY plane intersects full outline"
contour(u) on x=0.51 as "YZ plane near midpoint of side slope"
contour(u) on x+y=0.51 as "Oblique plane cuts corner"
contour(u) on z=0.8 as "XY plane near tip"
contour(u) on z=0.8 zoom as "XY plane near tip - zoomed"
end 3d_shell
This problem considers heatflow in a
spherical shell.
We solve a heatflow equation with
fixed temperatures on inner and outer
shell surfaces.
title '3D Test - Shell'


k = 10 { conductivity }
heat =6*k { internal heat source }
R1 = 1
thick = staged(0.1,0.03,0.01)
R2 = R1-thick
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
surface z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R1) { the bottom hemisphere }
surface z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R2)
surface z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R2)
surface z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R1) { the top hemisphere }
surface 1 value(u) = 0 { fixed values on outer sphere surfaces }
surface 4 value(u) = 0
Region 1 { The outer boundary in the base projection }
layer 1 k=0.1 mesh_spacing=10*thick { force resolution of shell curve }
layer 2 k=0.1
layer 3 k=0.1 mesh_spacing=10*thick
485 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

value(u) = 0 { Fixed value on outer vertical sides }

arc(center=0,0) angle=180
natural(u)=0 line to close

Limited Region 2 { The inner cylinder shell boundary in the base projection }
surface 2 value(u) = 1 { fixed values on inner sphere surfaces }
surface 3 value(u) = 1
layer 2 void { empty center }
arc(center=0,0) angle=180
nobc(u) line to close
grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(rad,z) on x=y
contour(u) on x=0 { YZ plane through diameter }
contour(u) on y=0 { XZ plane through diameter }
contour(u) on z=0 { XY plane through diameter }
contour(u) on x=0.5 { YZ plane off center }
contour(u) on y=0.5 { XZ plane off center }
yp = 0.5
R0 = (R1+R2)/2
Rin = sqrt((R0-0.1)^2-yp^2)
Rout = sqrt((R0+0.1)^2-yp^2)
xin = Rin/sqrt(2)
xout = Rout/sqrt(2)

grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(x,z) on y=yp
contour(u) on x=0 as "Temp on YZ plane through diameter"
contour(u) on y=0 as "Temp on XZ plane through diameter"
contour(u) on z=0 as "Temp on XY plane through diameter"
contour(u) on z=0.001 as "Temp on XY plane through diameter"
contour(u) on x=0.5 as "Temp on YZ plane off center"
contour(u) on y=0.5 as "Temp on XZ plane off center"
contour(magnitude(grad(u))) on y=yp
zoom(xin,xin, xout-xin,xout-xin)
as "Flux on XZ plane off center"
end 3d_shells
This problem demonstrates the construction
of multiple nested spherical shells.
We solve a heatflow equation with fixed
temperatures on inner and outer
shell surfaces.
title 'Nested 3D Shells'
k = 10
heat =6*k
R1 = 1
thick = 0.1
R2 = R1-thick
R3 = R2-thick
Sample P roblems : Usage 486

R4 = R3-thick
R5 = R4-thick
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0

surface 'SB1' z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R1) { the bottom hemisphere }
layer 'LB1'
surface 'SB2' z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R2)
layer 'LB2'
surface 'SB3' z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R3)
layer 'LB3'
surface 'SB4' z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R4)
layer 'LB4'
surface 'SB5' z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R5)
layer 'LB5'
surface 'ST5' z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R5)
layer 'LT4'
surface 'ST4' z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R4)
layer 'LT3'
surface 'ST3' z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R3)
layer 'LT2'
surface 'ST2' z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R2)
layer 'LT1'
surface 'ST1' z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R1) { the top hemisphere }
surface 'SB1' value(u) = 0 { fixed values on outer sphere surfaces }
surface 'ST1' value(u) = 0
Region 1
layer 'LB1' k=1
layer 'LT1' k=1
value(u) = 0
arc(center=0,0) angle=180
natural(u)=0 line to close
Limited Region 2
layer 'LB2' k=2
layer 'LT2' k=2
! include the region in all layers that must merge out:
layer 'LB3' layer 'LB4' layer 'LB5' layer 'LT4' layer 'LT3'
arc(center=0,0) angle=180
nobc(u) line to close
Limited Region 3
layer 'LB3' k=3
layer 'LT3' k=3
! include the region in all layers that must merge out:
layer 'LB4' layer 'LB5' layer 'LT4'
arc(center=0,0) angle=180
nobc(u) line to close
Limited Region 4
layer 'LB4' k=4
layer 'LT4' k=4
! include the region in all layers that must merge out:
layer 'LB5'
arc(center=0,0) angle=180
nobc(u) line to close
Limited Region 5
surface 'SB5' value(u) = 1 { fixed values on inner sphere surfaces }
surface 'ST5' value(u) = 1
layer 'LB5' void { empty center }
arc(center=0,0) angle=180
nobc(u) line to close
487 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

grid(x,z) on y=0
grid(rad,z) on x=y
contour(u) on x=0 { YZ plane through diameter }
contour(u) on y=0 { XZ plane through diameter }
contour(u) on z=0 { XY plane through diameter }
contour(u) on x=0.5 { YZ plane off center }
contour(u) on y=0.5 { XZ plane off center }
yp = 0.5
rp = sqrt(R2^2-yp^2)
xp = rp/sqrt(2+thick)
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on x=0 as "Temp on YZ plane through diameter"
contour(u) on y=0 as "Temp on XZ plane through diameter"
contour(u) on z=0 as "Temp on XY plane through diameter"
contour(u) on z=0.001 as "Temp on XY plane through diameter"
contour(u) on x=0.5 as "Temp on YZ plane off center"
contour(u) on y=0.5 as "Temp on XZ plane off center"
contour(magnitude(grad(u))) on y=0.5 as "Flux on XZ plane off center"
contour(magnitude(grad(u))) on y=yp
zoom(xp,xp, thick*sqrt(2+thick),thick*sqrt(2+thick))
as "Flux on XZ plane off center"
end 3d_sphere
This problem considers the construction of a spherical domain in 3D.
The heat equation is Div(-K*grad(U)) = h, wth U the temperature and
h the volume heat source.
A sphere with uniform heat source h will generate a total amount of heat
H = (4/3)*Pi*R^3*h, from which h = 3*H/(4*Pi*R^3).
The normal flux at the surface will be Fnormal = -K*grad(U) <dot> Normal,
where Normal is the surface-normal unit vector. On the sphere, the unit
normal is [x/R,y/R,z/R].
At the surface, the flux will be uniform, so the surface integral of flux is
TOTAL = 4*pi*R^2*normal(-K*grad(U)) = H
or normal(-K*grad(u)) = H/(4*pi*R^2) = R*h/3.
In the following, we set R=1 and H = 1, from which
h = 3/(4*pi)
normal(-k*grad(u)) = 1/(4*pi)
title '3D Sphere'
K = 0.1 { conductivity }
R0 = 1 { radius }
H0 = 1 { total heat }
{ volume heat source }
heat =3*H0/(4*pi*R0^3)
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
surface z = -SPHERE ((0,0,0),R0) { the bottom hemisphere }
surface z = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R0) { the top hemisphere }
Sample P roblems : Usage 488

surface 1 value(u) = 0 { fixed value on sphere surfaces }
surface 2 value(u) = 0
Region 1
arc(center=0,0) angle=360
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on x=0
contour(4*pi*magnitude(k*grad(u))) on x=0
contour(4*pi*magnitude(k*grad(u))) on y=0
contour(-4*pi*k*(x*dx(u)+y*dy(u)+z*dz(u))/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)) on x=0 as "normal flux"

contour(-4*pi*k*(x*dx(u)+y*dy(u)+z*dz(u))/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)) on y=0 as "normal flux"

vector(-grad(u)) on x=0
vector(-grad(u)) on y=0
contour(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 1 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { bottom
surface }
contour(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 2 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { top surface
surface(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 1 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { bottom
surface }
surface(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 2 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { top surface
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(u)),1)) as "Bottom current :: 0.5 "
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(u)),2)) as "Top current :: 0.5 "
report(vintegral(heat)) as "Total heat :: 1"
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(u)))) as "Total Flux :: 1"
end 3d_spherebox
An empty 3D sphere inside a box.
title 'Empty 3D Sphere in a box'
K = 0.1 { conductivity }
R0 = 1 { radius }
box = 2*R0
zsphere = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R0) { hemisphere shape }
U: div(K*grad(u)) = 0
surface z=-box
surface z = -zsphere { the bottom hemisphere and plane }
surface z = zsphere { the top hemisphere and plane }
surface z=box
surface 1 value(u) = 0 { fixed value on box surfaces }
surface 4 value(u) = 1
Region 1 { the bounding box - defaults to insulating sidewalls }
line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close
489 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Limited Region 2 { sphere exists only in region 2 }

layer 2 void { ... and layer 2 }
start (R0,0)
arc(center=0,0) angle=360

grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on x=0
end 3d_spherespec

This problem demonstrates the use of the SPHERE 224 function for construction
of a spherical domain in 3D. It is a modification of the example problem 3D_SPHERE.PDE
487 .

title '3D Sphere'
K = 0.1 { conductivity }
R0 = 1 { radius }
H0 = 1 { total heat input }
heat =3*H0/(4*pi*R0^3) { volume heat source }
zs = sphere((0,0,0),R0) { the top hemisphere }
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
surface z = -zs { the bottom hemisphere }
surface z = zs { the top hemisphere }

surface 1 value(u) = 0 { fixed value on sphere surfaces }
surface 2 value(u) = 0
Region 1
start (R0,0)
arc(center=0,0) angle=360
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on x=0
contour(4*pi*magnitude(k*grad(u))) on x=0
contour(4*pi*magnitude(k*grad(u))) on y=0
contour(-4*pi*k*(x*dx(u)+y*dy(u)+z*dz(u))/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)) on x=0 as "normal flux"
contour(-4*pi*k*(x*dx(u)+y*dy(u)+z*dz(u))/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)) on y=0 as "normal flux"
vector(-grad(u)) on x=0
vector(-grad(u)) on y=0
contour(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 1 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { bottom
surface }
contour(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 2 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { top surface }
surface(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 1 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { bottom
surface }
surface(4*pi*normal(-k*grad(u))) on surface 2 as "4*pi*Normal Flux=1" { top surface }

report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(u)),1)) as "Bottom current :: 0.5 "
Sample P roblems : Usage 490

report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(u)),2)) as "Top current :: 0.5 "

report(vintegral(heat)) as "Total heat :: 1"
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(u)))) as "Total Flux :: 1"

end 3d_spool

This example shows the use of LIMITED REGIONS 232 to construct a spool in a box in 3D.
The core of the spool has a section of low conductivity at the center.
The LAYER 95 structure is as follows:
Layers 1 and 7 are the sections of the box above and below the spool
Layers 2 and 6 are the flanges of the spool and the box area surrounding the
Layers 3 and 5 are the high-conductivity portions of the core and the surrounding box
Layer 4 is the low-conductivity portion of the core and the surrounding box area.

Click "Controls|Domain Review" 10 or the "Domain Review" 14 tool to watch the mesh
K1 = 1
K2 = 10
K3 = 0.01
Lx = 1 Ly = 1 Lz = 1
{extrusion values}
t = 0.25
m = 0.05
h = 0.25
z0 = t/2
z1 = t/2 + m
z2 = t/2 + m + h
z3 = t/2 + m + h + 2*m
z4 = t/2 + m + h + 2*m + h
z5 = t/2 + m + h + 2*m + h + m
rad = 0.5 - h/2
rad1 = 0.5 - h/1
{boundary values}
U0 = 0
U1 = 1
U: DIV(K*GRAD(U)) = 0
surface "bottom of box" z=0
layer "bottom gap"
surface "spool bottom" z=z0
layer "bottom flange"
surface "top of bottom flange" z=z1
layer "bottom core section"
surface "bottom of core insert" z=z2
layer "core insert"
surface "top of core insert" z=z3
layer "top core section"
surface "bottom of top flange" z=z4
layer "top flange"
surface "top of spool" z=z5
layer "top gap"
surface "top of box" z=1
491 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Surface 1 Value(U)=U0
Surface 8 Value(U)=U1

Region 1 "Box"
K = K1
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1) to close
limited region 2 "Flanges"
layer 2 K =K2
layer 6 K =K2
START (1/2,rad1)
ARC(CENTER=1/2,1/2) ANGLE=360
limited Region 3 "Core"
layer 3 K =K2
layer 4 K =K3
layer 5 K =K2
START (1/2,rad)
ARC(CENTER=1/2,1/2) ANGLE=360
grid(x,z) on y=0.5 paintregions
contour(U) on y=0.5
contour(U) on z=0.5
contour(K) on x=0.5 painted
end 3d_therm ocouple

This problem constructs a thermocouple inside a box.
It is the geometric construction only, there are no variables or equations.
Thermocouple rods are inserted exactly half way into the sphere. Rod tops are rounded.
Partial insertion is more difficult to generate the appropriate surfaces.
Title 'Thermocouple'
Coordinates Cartesian3
len = 10 ! length of rods
rr = 1 ! radius of rods
rs = 3 ! radius of sphere
b = 1 ! box offset
d = 0.5 ! distance between rods
h = sqrt(rr^2 - (2*rs)^2) ! additional height from top of rod to center of sphere
c = len + h ! z value for center of sphere
xr = rr+d/2 ! x center for rods
zsphere = sphere((0,0,0),rs) ! top sphere surface at origin (untranslated)
rsphere1 = sphere((-xr,0,0),rr) ! rod1 sphere surface at z=0 (untranslated)
rsphere2 = sphere((xr,0,0),rr) ! rod2 sphere surface at z=0 (untranslated)
zrods = c ! regionally defined surface with default value of C
k = 1 ! regionally defined material property with default value of 1
Surface 'box bottom' z = -b
Surface 'rod bottom' z = 0
Surface 'sphere bottom' z = c - zsphere
Surface 'rod top' z = zrods
Sample P roblems : Usage 492

Surface 'sphere top' z = c + zsphere

Surface 'box top' z = c + rs + b
Region 'box'
line to (-b-rs,b+rs) to (-b-rs,-b-rs) to (b+rs,-b-rs) to close
Limited Region 'sphere'
layer 3 k = 2
layer 4 k = 2
arc(center=0,0) angle = 360
Limited Region 'rod1'
zrods = c + rsphere1
layer 2 k = 3
layer 3 k = 3
arc(center=-xr,0) angle = 360
Limited Region 'rod2'
zrods = c + rsphere2
layer 2 k = 4
layer 3 k = 4
arc(center=xr,0) angle = 360
grid(x,y,z) on region 'rod1' on region 'rod2'
grid(x,y,z) on region 'sphere' on region 'rod1' on region 'rod2'
grid(x,z) on y=0
End 3d_toggle

This problem shows the use of curved extrusion surfaces and VOID 233 layers
to construct a transverse cylindrical hole in an upright cylinder.
The domain consists of three layers:
1) the cylinder below the hole
2) the hole
3) the cylinder above the hole.
Layer 2 has zero thickness outside the
hole region, and is VOID 233 (excluded
from the mesh) inside the hole.

Click "Controls->Domain Review" 10 to watch

the domain construction process.
errlim = 0.005
k = 0.1
h = 1
L = 1
Ro = 1 { the cylinder radius }
Ri = Ro/2 { the hole radius }
{ the base-plane Y-coordinate of the intersection of the hole projection with the
493 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

cylinder projection: }
Yc = sqrt(Ro^2-Ri^2)
Z4 = L { Z-height of the cylinder top }
{ the Z-shape function for the hole top (zero beyond +-Ri): }
Z3 = CYLINDER ((0,1,0), (0,-1,0), Ri)
{ the Z-shape function for the hole bottom (zero beyond +-Ri): }
Z2 = -Z3
Z1 = -L { Z-height of the cylinder bottom }
U: div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0 { a heat equation for demonstration purposes }
extrusion z=Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4 { short-form specification of the extrusion surfaces }

Region 1 { this region is the projection of the outer cylinder shape }

value(u)=0 { Force U=0 on perimeter }
arc(center=0,0) angle=360 to close
limited region 2 { this region is the projection of the transverse hole }
layer 2 void { the region exists only in layer 2. Its bounding surfaces
merge beyond the edges of the hole }
start(Ri,Yc) arc(center=0,0) to (-Ri,Yc)
line to (-Ri,-Yc)
arc(center=0,0) to (Ri,-Yc)
line to close
elevation(u) from (-Ro,0,0) to (Ro,0,0)
contour(u) on z=0
contour(u) on y=0
elevation(u) from (-Ro,0,0) to (Ro,0,0)
contour(u) on z=0
contour(u) on y=0
end 3d_torus
This problem constructs a torus.
The top surface and bottom surface meet along the diameter of the torus.

title '3D Torus'

errlim = 0.005
ngrid = 20 { get better mesh resolution of curved surfaces }
Raxis = 4 { the radius of the toroid axis }
Rtube = 1 { the radius of the toroid tube }
Rad = sqrt(x^2+y^2) { cylindrical radius of point (x,y) }
{ the torus surface is the locus of points where (Rad-Raxis)^2+Z^2 = Rtube^2 }
ZTorus = sqrt(Rtube^2-(Rad-Raxis)^2)
Sample P roblems : Usage 494

U: del2(u) + 1 = 0

Surface "Bottom" z = -ZTorus
Surface "Top" z = ZTorus
surface 1 value(u)=0
surface 2 value(u) = 0
region 1
start(Raxis+Rtube, 0)
value(u) = 0
arc(center=0,0) angle=360 { the outer boundary }
start(Raxis-Rtube, 0)
value(u) = 0
arc(center=0,0) angle=360 { the inner boundary }
contour(u) on surface z=0
contour(u) on surface y=0
contour(u) on surface z=0
contour(u) on surface y=0
end 3d_torus_tube
This problem constructs a "U" of pipe by connecting two cylindrical stubs to the
ends of a 180-degree arc of a torus.
There are three layers:
1) the bottom half of the outer pipe
2) the inner fluid
3) the top half of the outer pipe.
Layers 1 and 3 wrap around layer 3 and meet on the center plane.
There are six regions, the inside and outside parts of the torus and the two stubs.

title '3D Torus Tube'

errlim = 0.005
Ra = 4 { the radius of the toroid axis }
Rt = 1 { the radius of the outer toroid }
Ri = 0.6 { the radius of the inner toroid }
Len = 3 { the length of the side tubes }
{ Surface Definitions - Toroids and Tubes}
Rad = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
ZTorus1 = sqrt(Rt^2-(Rad-Ra)^2) ! outside toroid
ZTorus2 = sqrt(Ri^2-(Rad-Ra)^2) ! inside toroid
ZTube1a = CYLINDER ((Ra,0,0), (Ra,1,0), Rt) ! outside tube A
ZTube1b = CYLINDER ((-Ra,0,0), (-Ra,1,0), Rt) ! outside tube B
ZTube2a = CYLINDER ((Ra,0,0), (Ra,1,0), Ri) ! inside tube A
495 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

ZTube2b = CYLINDER ((-Ra,0,0), (-Ra,1,0), Ri) ! inside tube B

{ Surface Definitions - default values for region 1 }
z1 = -ZTorus1
z2 = 0
z3 = 0
z4 = ZTorus1
{ heat source and conductivity }
s = 1
k = 1
u: div(k*grad(u)) + s = 0

Surface "Bottom1" z = z1
Surface "Bottom2" z = z2
Surface "Top2" z = z3
Surface "Top1" z = z4
surface "Bottom1" value(u)=0
surface "Top1" value(u) = 0
region 1 "Outside Toroid"
mesh_spacing = Rt/2
layer 1 s = 1 k = 10
layer 3 s = 1 k = 10
start(Ra+Rt, 0)
value(u) = 0
arc(center=0,0) angle=180 { the outer boundary }
natural(u) = 0
line to (-Ra+Rt, 0)
value(u) = 0
arc(center=0,0) angle=-180 { the inner boundary }
natural(u) = 0
line to close
limited region 2 "Inside Toroid"
z2 = -ZTorus2
z3 = ZTorus2
mesh_spacing = Ri/2
layer 2 s = 100 k = 1
start(Ra+Ri, 0)
arc(center=0,0) angle=180 { the outer boundary }
line to (-Ra+Ri, 0)
arc(center=0,0) angle=-180 { the inner boundary }
line to close
region 3 "Outside TubeA"
z1 = -ZTube1a
z4 = ZTube1a
mesh_spacing = Rt/2
layer 1 s = 1 k = 10
layer 3 s = 1 k = 10
start (Ra+Rt,0)
line to (Ra+Rt,-Len)
line to (Ra-Rt,-Len)
line to (Ra-Rt,0)
line to close
limited region 4 "Inside TubeA"
z1 = -ZTube1a
z2 = -ZTube2a
z3 = ZTube2a
z4 = ZTube1a
mesh_spacing = Ri/2
layer 2 s = 100 k = 1
start (Ra+Ri,0)
line to (Ra+Ri,-Len)
line to (Ra-Ri,-Len)
line to (Ra-Ri,0)
line to close
region 5 "Outside TubeB"
z1 = -ZTube1b
Sample P roblems : Usage 496

z4 = ZTube1b
mesh_spacing = Rt/2
layer 1 s = 1 k = 10
layer 3 s = 1 k = 10
start (-Ra-Rt,0)
line to (-Ra-Rt,-Len)
line to (-Ra+Rt,-Len)
line to (-Ra+Rt,0)
line to close
limited region 6 "Inside TubeB"
z2 = -ZTube2b
z3 = ZTube2b
mesh_spacing = Ri/2
layer 2 s = 100 k = 1
start (-Ra-Ri,0)
line to (-Ra-Ri,-Len)
line to (-Ra+Ri,-Len)
line to (-Ra+Ri,0)
line to close
contour(u) on surface z=0
contour(u) on surface y=0
contour(u) on surface z=0
contour(u) on surface y=0
end 3d_twist
This problem shows the use of the function definition facility of FlexPDE to create a
twisted shaft in 3D.
The mesh generation facility of FlexPDE extrudes a 2D figure along a straight path in
so that it is not possible to directly define a screw-thread shape.
However, by defining a coordinate transformation, we can build a straight rod in 3D and
interpret the coordinates in a rotating frame.
Define the twisting coordinates by the transformation
xt = x*cos(a) - y*sin(a); x = xt*cos(a) + yt*sin(a)
yt = x*sin(a) + y*cos(a); y = yt*cos(a) - xt*sin(a)
zt = z
a = 2*pi*z/Length = twist*z (for a total twist of 2*pi radians over the length )
In this transformation, x and y are the coordinates FlexPDE believes it is working
and they are the coordinates that move with the twisting, so that the cross section is
constant in x,y. xt and yt are the "lab coordinates" of the twisted figure.
The chain rule then gives
dF/d(xt) = (dx/dxt)*(dF/dx) + (dy/dxt)*(dF/dy) + (dz/dxt)*(dF/dz)
(with similar rules for yt and zt).
and dx/dzt = twist*[-xt*sin(a) + yt*cos(a)] = y*twist, etc.
In FlexPDE notation, this becomes
dxt(F) = cos(a)*dx(F) - sin(a)*dy(F)
dyt(F) = sin(a)*dx(F) + cos(a)*dy(F)
dzt(F) = twist*[y*dx(F) - x*dy(F)] + dz(F)
These relations are defined in the definitions section, and used in the equations
section, perhaps nested as in the heat equation shown here.
497 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

title '3D Twisted Rod'

ngrid=25 { use enough mesh cells to resolve the twist }
long = 20
wide = 1
z1 = -long/2
z2 = long/2
{ transformations }
twist = 2*pi/long { radians per unit length }
c = cos(twist*z)
s = sin(twist*z)
xt = c*x-s*y
yt = s*x+c*y
{ functional definition of derivatives }
dxt(f) = c*dx(f) - s*dy(f)
dyt(f) = s*dx(f) + c*dy(f)
dzt(f) = twist*(y*dx(f) - x*dy(f)) + dz(f)
{ Thermal source }
Q = 10*exp(-(xt+wide)^2-(yt+wide)^2-z^2)
initial values
Tp = 0.
{ the heat equation using transformed derivative operators }
Tp: dxt(dxt(Tp)) + dyt(dyt(Tp)) + dzt(dzt(Tp)) + Q = 0
extrusion z = z1,z2
surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 2 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1
start(-wide,-wide) { default to insulating sides }
line to (wide,-wide)
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
grid(xt,yt,z) { the twisted shape }
grid(xt,yt,z) { the twisted shape again }
{ In the following, recall that x and y are the coordinates which
follow the twist. It is not possible at present to construct a
cut in the "lab" coordinates. }
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
end 3d_v oid

This example shows the use of empty layers in 3D applications.

The VOID 233 statement appears inside a REGION 229 section, in the position of a
layer parameter definition.
Sample P roblems : Usage 498

The syntax is:

This statement causes the stated layer to be excluded from the problem domain
in the current REGION. (Remember that a REGION refers to a partition of the
2D projection plane.)
Boundary conditions on the surface of the void are specified by the standard
boundary condition facilities.
In this problem, we have a heat equation with an off-center void in an irregular
figure. The Y faces held at zero, the Z-faces are insulated, and the sides
of the void are held at 1.


errlim = 0.005
k = 0.1
x0=0.2 y0=-0.3
x1=1 y1 = 0.3
U: div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
extrusion z=0, 0.3, 0.7, 1

region 1
value(u)=0 { Force U=0 on perimeter }
line to (1,-1)
arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
line to (-1,1)
arc(center= -3,0) to close
limited region 2 { void exists only on layer 2 }
layer 2 VOID
layer 2 value(u)=1
line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
elevation(u) from (-0.8,0,0.5) to (1.25,0,0.5)
elevation(u) from (-0.8,0,0.8) to (1.25,0,0.8)
contour(u) on z=0
contour(u) on z=0.5
contour(u) on z=1
contour(u) on y=0
elevation(u) from (-0.8,0,0.5) to (1.25,0,0.5)
elevation(u) from (-0.8,0,0.8) to (1.25,0,0.8)
contour(u) on z=0 painted
contour(u) on z=0.5 painted
contour(u) on z=0.499 painted
contour(u) on z=1 painted
contour(u) on y=0 painted
499 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems regional_surfaces
This problem demonstrates the use of regional definition of 3D extrusion surfaces.

There are three "REGIONS" 229 defined, the cubical body of the domain, and two circular
patches. The circular patches each exist only on a single surface, and in no volumes.
The patch regions are used to define alternate extrusion surface shapes, and
insert two parabolic depressions in the top and bottom faces of the cube.

Click "Domain Review" 10 to watch the gridding

title 'Regional surface definition'

long = 1 { domain size }
wide = 1
z1 = -1 { bottom surface default shape }
z2 = 1 { top surface default shape }
xc = wide/3 {some locating coordinates }
yc = wide/3
rc = wide/2
h = 0.8
K = 1 { heat equation parameters }
Q = exp(-(x^2+y^2+z^2))
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0
extrusion z = z1,z2
surface 1 value(Tp)=0
surface 2 value(Tp)=0
{ define full domain boundary in base plane }
Region 1
value(Tp) = 0
line to (wide,-wide)
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Limited region 2
{ redefine bottom surface shape in region 2 }
{ note that this shape must meet the default shape at the edge of the region }
z1 = -1+h*(1-((x+xc)^2+(y+yc)^2)/rc^2) { a parabolic dent }
surface 1 { region exists only on surface 1 }
start(-xc,-yc-rc) arc(center=-xc,-yc) angle=360
Limited region 3
{ redefine top surface shape in region 3 }
{ note that this shape must meet the default shape at the edge of the region }
z2 = 1-h*(1-((x-xc)^2+(y-yc)^2)/rc^2)
surface 2 { region exists only on surface 2 }
start(xc,yc-rc) arc(center=xc,yc) angle=360
contour(Tp) on x=y
Sample P roblems : Usage 500

end tabular_surfaces
This problem demonstrates the use of tabular input and regional definition
for 3D extrusion surfaces.
The bottom surface of a brick is read from a table.
Note: Tables by default use bilinear interpolation. Mesh cell boundaries do NOT
automatically follow table boundaries, and sharp slope breaks in table data
can result in ragged surfaces. You should always make surface tables dense
enough to avoid sharp breaks, or put domain boundaries or features along
breaks in the table slope. You should also specify mesh density controls
sufficiently dense to resolve table features.
The top surface is defined by different functions in two regions.
Note: the regional surface definitions must coincide at the region boundaries
where they meet. Surfaces must be continuous and contain no jumps.
title 'tabular surface definition'
long = 1
wide = 1
K = 1
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2)
{ read the table file for surface 1 definition: }
z1 = table('surf.tbl')
{ use regional parameters for surface 2
definition: }
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0

extrusion z = z1,z2 { define two surfaces from previously declared parameters }

surface 1 value(Tp)=0
surface 2 value(Tp)=0
Region 1
z2 = 1 { default surface 2 over total domain }
value(Tp) = 0
line to (wide,-wide)
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2
z2 = 1 + x/2 { override surface 2 definition in region 2 }
line to (0,-wide)
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
grid(x,z) on y=0
501 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"

end two_spheres
This problem constructs two spheres inside a box. The centers of the spheres lie
on a single z-plane, which simplifies the domain construction.
The domain consists of three layers.
layer 1 is the space below the spheres
layer 2 contains the sphere bodies, and is of zero thickness outside the spheres
layer 3 is the space above the spheres
The sphere interiors are Void, and are thus excluded from analysis. They could just as
well be filled with material if one wanted to model the insides.
The bounding surfaces of layer 2 are specified as a default, over-ridden by regional
expressions within the (X,Y) extent of each sphere.

for methods of treating spheres with centers on differing Z coordinates.
title 'Two Spheres in 3D'
K = 1 { dielectric constant of box filler (vacuum?) }
box = 1 { bounding box size }

R1 = 0.25 { sphere 1 radius, center and voltage}

x1 = -0.5
y1 = -0.5
V1 = -1
R2 = 0.4 { sphere 2 radius, center and voltage}
x2 = 0.2
y2 = 0.2
V2 = 2
{ sphere shape functions }
sphere1_shape = SPHERE ((x1,y1,0),R1)
sphere2_shape = SPHERE ((x2,y2,0),R2)
{ default position of layer 2 surfaces }
zbottom = 0
ztop = 0
U: div(K*grad(u)) = 0
surface "box_bottom" z=-box
surface "sphere_bottoms" z = zbottom
surface "sphere_tops" z = ztop
surface "box_top" z=box
surface "box_bottom" natural(u) = 0 {insulating boundaries top and bottom }
surface "box_top" natural(u) = 0
Region 1 { The bounding box }
start(-box,-box) line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close
limited region 2 { sphere 1 }
mesh_spacing = R1/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
Sample P roblems : Usage 502

zbottom = -sphere1_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 1}

ztop = sphere1_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 1}
layer 2 void
surface 2 value(u)=V1 { specify sphere1 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 3 value(u)=V1
start (x1+R1,y1)
arc(center=x1,y1) angle=360
limited region 3 { sphere 2 }
mesh_spacing = R2/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
zbottom = -sphere2_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 2}
ztop = sphere2_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 2}
layer 2 void
surface 2 value(u)=V2 { specify sphere2 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 3 value(u)=V2
start (x2+R2,y2)
arc(center=x2,y2) angle=360
grid(x,z) on y=y1 as "Grid on Y-cut at sphere 1 center"
contour(u) on y=y1 as "Solution on Y-cut at sphere 1 center"
grid(x,z) on y=y2 as "Grid on Y-cut at sphere 2 center"
contour(u) on y=y2 as "Solution on Y-cut at sphere 2 center"
{ sqrt(2) is needed to plot true distance along diagonal: }
grid(x*sqrt(2),z) on x-y=0 as "Grid on x=y diagonal"
contour(u) on x-y=0 as "Solution on x=y diagonal"
end twoz_direct
This problem constructs two non-coplanar spheres inside a box by constructing
a single dividing surface to delimit both spheres.
The domain consists of three layers.
layer 1 is the space below the spheres
layer 2 contains the sphere bodies, and is of zero thickness outside the spheres
layer 3 is the space above the spheres
The sphere interiors are Void, and are thus excluded from analysis. You could
just as well fill them with material if you wanted to model the insides.
The bounding surfaces of layer 2 are specified as a slope perpendicular to the
centerline of the spheres and over-ridden by regional expressions within
the (X,Y) extent of each sphere.

Click "Controls->Domain Review" 10 to watch the mesh construction process.

See TWOZ_PLANAR.PDE 506 , TWOZ_EXPORT.PDE 505 and TWOZ_IMPORT.PDE 503 for other methods of
treating spheres with centers on differing Z coordinates.
title 'Two Spheres in 3D - direct surface matching'
K = 1 { dielectric constant of box filler (vacuum?) }
box = 1 { bounding box size }
{ read sphere specs from file, to guarantee that they are the same as those in
surfgen }
#include "sphere_spec.inc"
{ sphere shape functions }
sphere1_shape = SPHERE ((x1,y1,0),R1)
sphere2_shape = SPHERE ((x2,y2,0),R2)
{ construct an extrusion surface running through both sphere diameters
503 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

by building an embankment between the spheres }

Rc = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)-R1-R2
Rx = Rc*(x2-x1)/Rc/4
Ry = Rc*(y2-y1)/Rc/4
xm = (x1+x2)/2
ym = (y1+y2)/2
xa = xm - Rx
ya = ym - Ry
xb = xm + Rx
yb = ym + Ry
xc = xm + Ry
yc = ym - Rx
slope = PLANE((xa,ya,z1), (xb,yb,z2), (xc,yc,0))
zbottom = min(z2,max(z1,slope))
ztop = zbottom

U: div(K*grad(u)) = 0
surface "box_bottom" z=-box
surface "sphere_bottoms" z = zbottom
surface "sphere_tops" z = ztop
surface "box_top" z=box
surface "box_bottom" natural(u) = 0 {insulating boundaries top and bottom }
surface "box_top" natural(u) = 0
Region 1 { The bounding box }
start(-box,-box) line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close
limited region 2 { sphere 1 }
mesh_spacing = R1/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
zbottom = Z1-sphere1_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 1}
ztop = Z1+sphere1_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 1}
layer 2 void
surface 2 value(u)=V1 { specify sphere1 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 3 value(u)=V1
start (x1+R1,y1)
arc(center=x1,y1) angle=360
limited region 3 { sphere 2 }
mesh_spacing = R2/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
zbottom = Z2-sphere2_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 2}
ztop = Z2+sphere2_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 2}
layer 2 void
surface 2 value(u)=V2 { specify sphere2 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 3 value(u)=V2
start (x2+R2,y2)
arc(center=x2,y2) angle=360
grid(x,z) on y=y1 paintregions as "Y-cut through lower sphere"
contour(u) on y=y1 as "Solution on Y-cut through lower sphere"
grid(x,z) on y=y2 paintregions as "Y-cut through upper sphere"
contour(u) on y=y2 as "Solution on Y-cut through upper sphere"
grid(x*sqrt(2),z) on x-y=0 paintregions as "Diagonal cut through both spheres"
contour(u) on x-y=0 as "Solution on Diagonal cut through both spheres"
end twoz_im port

This problem constructs two non-coplanar spheres inside a box using an extrusion
surface generated by TWOZ_EXPORT.PDE 505 , which must be run before this problem.
The domain consists of three layers.
layer 1 is the space below the spheres
layer 2 contains the sphere bodies, and is of zero thickness outside the spheres
layer 3 is the space above the spheres
The sphere interiors are Void, and are thus excluded from analysis. You could just as
Sample P roblems : Usage 504

well fill them with material if you wanted to model the insides.
The bounding surfaces of layer 2 are specified as a default surface read from a
TRANSFER 213 , over-ridden by regional expressions within the (X,Y) extent of each

Click "Controls->Domain Review" 10 to watch the mesh construction process.

See TWOZ_DIRECT.PDE 502 and TWOZ_PLANAR.PDE 506 for other methods of treating spheres
with centers on differing Z coordinates.
title 'Two Spheres in 3D'
{ dielectric constant of box filler (vacuum?) }
K = 1
box = 1 { bounding box size }
{ read sphere specs from file, to guarantee
that they are the same as those in surfgen }
#include "sphere_spec.inc"
{ sphere shape functions }
sphere1_shape = SPHERE ((x1,y1,0),R1)
sphere2_shape = SPHERE ((x2,y2,0),R2)
{ read dividing surface generated by surfgen
script }
ztop = zbottom
U: div(K*grad(u)) = 0
surface "box_bottom" z=-box
surface "sphere_bottoms" z = zbottom
surface "sphere_tops" z = ztop
surface "box_top" z=box
{insulating boundaries top and bottom }
surface "box_bottom" natural(u) = 0
surface "box_top" natural(u) = 0

Region 1 { The bounding box }

start(-box,-box) line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close
limited region 2 { sphere 1 }
mesh_spacing = R1/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
zbottom = Z1-sphere1_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 1}
ztop = Z1+sphere1_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 1}
layer 2 void
surface 2 value(u)=V1 { specify sphere1 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 3 value(u)=V1
start (x1+R1,y1)
arc(center=x1,y1) angle=360
limited region 3 { sphere 2 }
mesh_spacing = R2/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
zbottom = Z2-sphere2_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 2}
ztop = Z2+sphere2_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 2}
layer 2 void
surface 2 value(u)=V2 { specify sphere2 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 3 value(u)=V2
start (x2+R2,y2)
arc(center=x2,y2) angle=360
505 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

grid(x,z) on y=y1 paintregions as "Y-cut through lower sphere"
contour(u) on y=y1 as "Solution on Y-cut through lower sphere"
grid(x,z) on y=y2 paintregions as "Y-cut through upper sphere"
contour(u) on y=y2 as "Solution on Y-cut through upper sphere"
grid(x*sqrt(2),z) on x-y=0 paintregions as "Diagonal cut through both spheres"
contour(u) on x-y=0 as "Solution on Diagonal cut through both spheres"
end twoz_ex port

This script uses plate-bending equations to generate a surface that
passes through the waist of two spheres of differing Z-coordinates.
The surface is exported with TRANSFER 213 and read into 3D problem
TWOZ_IMPORT.PDE 503 as the layer-dividing surface.
(See "Samples | Applications | Stress | Fixed_Plate.pde" 453 for notes on
plate-bending equations.)
title 'Generating extrusion surfaces'
box = 1 { bounding box size }
{ read sphere specs from file, to guarantee
the same values as later including script }
#include "sphere_spec.inc"
! penalty factor to force boundary compliance
big = 1e6
ztable = U
U: del2(U) = V
V: del2(V) = 0

Region 1 { The bounding box }
line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close
Region 2 { sphere 1 }
ztable = Z1 { force a clean table value inside sphere }
start (x1+1.01*R1,y1)
mesh_spacing = R1/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
load(U) = 0 load(V) = big*(U-Z1)
arc(center=x1,y1) angle=360
Region 3 { sphere 2 }
ztable = Z2
start (x2+1.01*R2,y2)
mesh_spacing = R2/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
load(U) = 0 load(V)= big*(U-Z2)
arc(center=x2,y2) angle=360
elevation(U) from(-box,-box) to (box,box)
elevation(ztable) from(-box,-box) to (box,box)
contour(ztable) zoom(x1-1.3*R1, y1-1.3*R1, 2.6*R1,2.6*R1)
contour(ztable) zoom(x2-1.3*R2, y2-1.3*R2, 2.6*R2,2.6*R2)
transfer(ztable) file = "two_sphere.xfr"
Sample P roblems : Usage 506 twoz_planar
This problem constructs two spheres inside a box by constructing multiple planar
extrusion layers.
It presents an alternate method for comparison to that of TWOZ_EXPORT.PDE 505 and
The domain consists of five layers.
layer 1 is the space below the lower sphere
layer 2 contains the lower sphere body, and is of zero thickness outside the sphere
layer 3 is the space between the spheres
layer 4 contains the upper sphere body, and is of zero thickness outside the sphere
layer 5 is the space above the upper sphere
The sphere interiors are Void, and are thus excluded from analysis. You could just as
well fill them with material if you wanted to model the insides.

The bounding surfaces of layers 2 and 4 are specified as planes at the level of the
center, over-ridden by regional expressions within the (X,Y) extent of each sphere.

Click "Controls->Domain Review" 10 to watch the mesh construction process.

title 'Two Spheres in 3D - planar formulation'
K = 1 { dielectric constant of box filler (vacuum?) }
box = 1 { bounding box size }
{ read sphere specs from file, to guarantee that they are the same as those in
surfgen }
#include "sphere_spec.inc"
{ sphere shape functions }
sphere1_shape = SPHERE ((x1,y1,0),R1)
sphere2_shape = SPHERE ((x2,y2,0),R2)
zbottom1 = z1
ztop1 = z1
zbottom2 = z2
ztop2 = z2

U: div(K*grad(u)) = 0
surface "box_bottom" z = -box
surface "sphere1_bottom" z = zbottom1
surface "sphere1_top" z = ztop1
surface "sphere2_bottom" z = zbottom2
surface "sphere2_top" z = ztop2
surface "box_top" z = box
surface "box_bottom" natural(u) = 0 {insulating boundaries top and bottom }
surface "box_top" natural(u) = 0
Region 1 { The bounding box }
start(-box,-box) line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close
limited region 2 { sphere 1 }
mesh_spacing = R1/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
zbottom1 = Z1-sphere1_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 1}
ztop1 = Z1+sphere1_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 1}
layer 2 void
surface 2 value(u)=V1 { specify sphere1 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 3 value(u)=V1
start (x1+R1,y1)
507 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

arc(center=x1,y1) angle=360
limited region 3 { sphere 2 }
mesh_spacing = R2/5 { force a dense mesh on the sphere }
zbottom2 = Z2-sphere2_shape { shape of surface 2 in sphere 2}
ztop2 = Z2+sphere2_shape { shape of surface 3 in sphere 2}
layer 4 void
surface 4 value(u)=V2 { specify sphere2 voltage on top and bottom }
surface 5 value(u)=V2
start (x2+R2,y2)
arc(center=x2,y2) angle=360
grid(x,z) on y=y1 paintregions as "Y-cut through lower sphere"
contour(u) on y=y1 as "Solution on Y-cut through lower sphere"
grid(x,z) on y=y2 paintregions as "Y-cut through upper sphere"
contour(u) on y=y2 as "Solution on Y-cut through upper sphere"
grid(x*sqrt(2),z) on x-y=0 paintregions as "Diagonal cut through both spheres"
contour(u) on x-y=0 as "Solution on Diagonal cut through both spheres"

5.2.3 Accuracy forev er
This problem displays the behaviour of FlexPDE in time dependent problems.
We posit a field with paraboloidal shape and with amplitude sinusoidal
in time. We then derive the source function necessary to achieve this
solution, and follow the integration for ten cycles, comparing the solution
to the known analytic solution.
title 'A forever test'
Temp (threshold=0.1)

K = 1
eps = 0
shape = (1-x^2-y^2)
Texact = shape*sin(t)
source = shape*cos(t) - div(K*grad(shape))*sin(t)
initial values
Temp = Texact
Temp : div(K*grad(Temp)) + source = dt(Temp)
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
time 0 to 20*pi by 0.01
for cycle=5
contour(Temp) { show the Temperature during solution }
plots { write these plots to the .PGX file }
for t = pi/2 by pi to endtime
contour(Temp-Texact) as "Error"
vector(-dx(Temp),-dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"
Sample P roblems : Usage 508

history(Temp) at (0,0) (0.5,0.5) integrate

history(Temp-Texact) at (0,0) (0.5,0.5)
end gaus1d
This test solves a 1D heat equation with a Gaussian solution and compares
actual deviations from the exact solution with the error estimates made by
The problem runs a set of ERRLIM 187 levels and plots the history of the comparison.

title '1D Accuracy Test - Gaussian'

errlim = staged(1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6)



k = 1
u0 = exp(-x^2/w^2)
s = -dxx(u0)
RMS_error = sqrt(integral((u-u0)^2)/sqrt(integral(u0^2)))


U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0

Region 1
start left point value(u)=u0
line to right point value(u)=u0

elevation(u) from left to right

elevation(u,u0) from left to right report(errlim)
elevation(u-u0) from left to right as "absolute error" report(errlim)
elevation(-div(grad(u)),s) from left to right report(errlim)

history(RMS_error, errlim) log

end gaus2d
This test solves a 2D heat equation with a Gaussian solution and compares
actual deviations from the exact solution with the error estimates made by
The problem runs a set of ERRLIM 187 levels and plots the history of the comparison.
title '2D Accuracy Test - Gaussian'
509 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems


errlim = staged(1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5)
k = 1
h = 0.1
w = 0.2 ! gaussian width
u0 = exp(-(x^2+y^2)/w^2)
source = -(dxx(u0)+dyy(u0))
uxx_exact = dxx(u0)
RMS_error = sqrt(integral((u-u0)^2)/sqrt(integral(u0^2)))
fx = -2*x*u0/w^2
fy = -2*y*u0/w^2
U: div(K*grad(u)) + source = 0
Region 1
start(-1,-1) natural(u)=-fy line to (1,-1)
value(u)=u0 line to (1,1)
natural(u)=fy line to (-1,1)
value(u) = u0 line to close
elevation(u,u0) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
elevation(u-u0) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
elevation(dxx(u),uxx_exact) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
elevation(dxx(u)+dyy(u),-source) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
contour(dxx(u)) contour(dxy(u)) contour(dyy(u))
history(RMS_error, errlim) LOG
end gaus3d
This test solves a 3D heat equation with a known Gaussian solution and compares
actual deviations from the exact solution with the error estimates made by
The problem runs a set of ERRLIM 187 levels and plots the history of the comparison.
The equation is solved in two forms, letting FlexPDE compute the correct source,
and imposing analytic derivatives for the source.
title '3D Accuracy Test - Gaussian'
ngrid = 5
errlim = staged(1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5)
long = 1
wide = 1
Sample P roblems : Usage 510

z1 = -1
z2 = 1
w = 0.25 ! gaussian width
uexact = exp(-(x^2+y^2+z^2)/w^2)
source = -(dxx(uexact)+dyy(uexact)+dzz(uexact)) ! let FlexPDE do the differentials
flux = -grad(u)
RMS_error = sqrt(integral((u-uexact)^2)/sqrt(integral(uexact^2)))

initial values
u = 0.
U: div(flux) = source
extrusion z = z1,z2

surface 1 value(u)=uexact { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 2 value(u)=uexact { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
value(u) = uexact { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(uexact) on y=0
contour(u) on y=0
contour(u-uexact) on y=0
grid(x,z) on y=0 as "Grid on X-Z cut"
contour(uexact) on y=0 as "Exact Solution Uexact"
contour(u) on y=0 as "Numerical Solution U"
contour(u-uexact) on y=0 as "Actual error U-Uexact"
elevation(u,uexact) from(-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0)
elevation(dx(u),dx(uexact)) from(-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0)
elevation(div(flux),source) from(-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0)

history(RMS_error, errlim) log
end sine1d

This problem compares the solution accuracy for four different levels of ERRLIM 187 .
title '1D Accuracy test - Sine'

errlim = staged(1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5)



511 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

k = 1
h = 0.1
rs = abs(x)/w
u0 = sin(rs)/max(rs,1e-18)
s = -dxx(u0)
RMS_error = sqrt(integral((u-u0)^2)/sqrt(integral(u0^2)))

U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0

Region 1
start(-1) point value(u)=u0
line to (1) point value(u)=u0

elevation(u) from (-1) to (1)

elevation(u,u0) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(u-u0) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(u),dx(u0)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(-div(grad(u)),s) from (-1) to (1)

history(RMS_error,errlim) LOG

end sine2d

This problem compares the solution accuracy for four different levels of ERRLIM 187 .
title '2D Accuracy Test - Sine'
ngrid = 5
errlim = staged(1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5)

k = 1
h = 0.1
rs = r/w
u0 = sin(rs)/rs
s = -dxx(u0)-dyy(u0)
RMS_error = sqrt(integral((u-u0)^2)/sqrt(integral(u0^2)))
U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
Region 1
start(-1,-1) value(u)=u0
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
elevation(u,u0) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
Sample P roblems : Usage 512

elevation(u-u0) from(-1,0) to (1,0)

elevation(dx(u),dx(u0)) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
elevation(dxx(u),dxx(u0)) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
elevation(dxx(u)+dyy(u),-s) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
contour(dxx(u)) contour(dxy(u)) contour(dyy(u))
history(RMS_error, errlim) LOG
end sine3d

This problem compares the solution accuracy for three different levels of ERRLIM 187 .

title '3D Accuracy Test - Sine'

ngrid = 5
errlim = staged(1e-2, 3e-3, 1e-3, 3e-4, 1e-4)
long = 1
wide = 1
z1 = -1
z2 = 1
rs = r/w
uex = sin(rs)/rs
s = -(dxx(uex)+dyy(uex)+dzz(uex))
RMS_error = sqrt(integral((u-uex)^2)/sqrt(integral(uex^2)))
U: div(grad(u)) + s = 0

extrusion z = z1,z2
surface 1 value(u)=uex { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 2 value(u)=uex { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
value(u) = uex { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
grid(x,z) on y=0 as "Grid on X-Z cut"
contour(uex) on y=0 as "Exact Solution Uex"
contour(u) on y=0 as "Numerical Solution U"
contour(u-uex) on y=0 as "Actual error U-Uex"
grid(x,z) on y=0 as "Grid on X-Z cut"
contour(uex) on y=0 as "Exact Solution Uex"
contour(u) on y=0 as "Numerical Solution U"
contour(u-uex) on y=0 as "Actual error U-Uex"
report(errlim) as "Requested error"

513 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

history(RMS_error, errlim) LOG


5.2.4 Arrays+Matrices array s

This example demonstrates a few uses of data ARRAYS 201 .

title 'ARRAY test'

a = 1
! literal data specification
v = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
! literal data specification with incrementation
w = array(0 by 0.1 to 10)
! functional definition
alpha =array for x(0 by 0.1 to 10) : sin(x)+1.1
! construction of a new array by arithmetic operations
beta = sin(w)+1.1 { this results in the same data as alpha }
gamma = sin(v)+0.1 { this array is sparsely defined }
rad = 0.1
s = 0
u: div(a*grad(u)) + s = 0 { a heat equation }
region 1
line to (2,0) to (2,2) to (0,2) to close
elevation(alpha,beta) vs w
elevation(gamma) vs v
end array _boundary


This problem demonstrates the use of data ARRAYS 201 in boundary definition.
Coordinate arrays are constructed by functional array definition
and joined in a spline fit to form the system boundary.
title 'ARRAY_BOUNDARY test'
a = 1
rad = 1
! construct x and y coordinates on a semicircle
xb =array for ang(-pi/2 by pi/10 to pi/2) : rad*cos(ang)
Sample P roblems : Usage 514

yb =array for ang(-pi/2 by pi/10 to pi/2) : rad*sin(ang)

! multiplying an array by a constant
xba = 10*xb
yba = 10*yb
! adding a constant to an array
xbb = xba+11
s = 1
u: div(a*grad(u)) + s = 0; { a heatflow equation }
region 1 { a half-circle built of line segments }
line list (xba, yba)
line to close
region 2 { a half-circle built of spline segments }
spline list (xbb, yba)
line to close
contour(u) painted
end m atrices

This example demonstrates a few uses of data MATRICES 203

title 'MATRIX test'
{ -- literal matrix definition -- }
m1 = matrix((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9))
{ -- functional matrix definition -- }
{ a 79x79 diagonal matrix of amplitude 10: }
m2 = matrix for x(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2)
for y(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2)
: if(x=y) then 10 else 0
{ a 79x79 matrix of sin products: }
m3 = matrix for x(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2)
for y(0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2)
: sin(x)*sin(y) +1
{ -- literal array definition -- }
{ a 101-element array of constants: }
v = array [79] (0.1 by 0.1 to 5*pi/2)
! multiply V by matrix M3
p = m3**v
! multiply V by matrix M3, scale by 1e5 and take the sine of each entry
q = sin((m3**v)/100000)
rad = 0.1
s = 0
! solve m3*B = P
b = p // m3
{ no variables }
515 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ no equations }
region 1
line to (2,0) to (2,2) to (0,2) to close
{ no monitors }
elevation(q) vs v as "array vs array"
elevation(q) as "array vs index"
contour(m3) vs v vs v as "matrix vs two arrays"
contour(m3) vs v as "matrix vs array and index"

contour(m2) as "matrix vs indexes"

surface(m3*m2) as "element product"
surface(m3+m2) as "element sum"
surface(m3-m2) as "element difference"
surface(m3**m2) as "matrix product"
elevation(b,v) as "matrix inverse times array"
elevation(m3**b,p) as "matrix times array and array"
summary ("selected values")
report m3[1,1]
report m3[3,4]
report v[1]
report q[1]
end m atrix _boundary


This example demonstrates the use of a data MATRIX 203 in boundary definition.
Coordinates are constructed by functional matrix definition,
rotated by multiplication by a rotation matrix
and joined in a spline fit to form the system boundary.
title 'MATRIX_BOUNDARY test'
a = 1
rad = 1
! build a 2 x 21 matrix of x and y coordinates
mb =matrix for i(1,2)
for ang(-pi/2 by pi/20 to pi/2)
: if(i=1) then rad*cos(ang) else rad*sin(ang)
! build a 2 x 2 rotation matrix
rot = matrix[2,2] ((cos(rota degrees), -sin(rota degrees)),
(sin(rota degrees), cos(rota degrees)))
! rotate the coordinate list
mbr = rot**mb
s = 1
u: div(a*grad(u)) + s = 0; { the heatflow equation }
region 1
! start curve at first point of rotated coordinates
start(mbr[1,1], mbr[2,1])
! spline fit the 21-point table
spline list (mbr)
Sample P roblems : Usage 516

line to close
contour(u) painted
end wav e_boundary


This problem demonstrates the use of data ARRAYS in boundary definition.

Coordinate arrays are constructed by functional array definition
and joined in a spline fit to form the system boundary.

title 'wave boundary'

ysine = array for p(0 by 0.1 to 10): sin(2*p)+base
xsine = array for p(0 by 0.1 to 10): p

Region 1
line to (0,base)
spline list(xsine,ysine)
line to (10,0) to close



5.2.5 CAD_Import arrow_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS section to tie the name stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'arrow' that will be bound to a material property set.
title 'Import OBJ Arrow'

coordinates cartesian3

materials 'arrow' : k=1

boundaries import OBJ 'arrow.obj'

plots grid(x,y,z)

517 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems box inbox _OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'boxinbox' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'inner' and 'outer' that will be bound to BC sets.

title 'Import OBJ box-in-box'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

select regrid=off

'boxinbox' : k=1

boundary conditions
'inner' : value(u)=1
'outer': value(u)=10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'boxinbox.obj'

grid(y,z) on x=0
contour(u) on x=0

end canincan_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'canincan' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'inside' and 'outside' that will be bound to BC sets.

title 'Import OBJ can-in-can'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

select regrid=off
Sample P roblems : Usage 518

'canincan' : k=1

boundary conditions
'inside' : value(u)=1
'outside': value(u)=10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'canincan.obj'

grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on y=0

end cube_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'cube' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'left' and 'right' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Cube'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

materials 'cube' : k=1

boundary conditions
'left' : value(u)=1
'right' : value(u)=10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'cube.obj'

grid(x,y) on z = 0.5
contour(u) on z = 0.5
elevation(u) from (0,0.5,0.5) to (1,0.5,0.5)

end cube2_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.
519 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

The OBJ file contains :

two objects named 'cube1' and 'cube2' that will be bound to material sets.
three groups named 'left', 'middle', and 'right' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Cube2'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

'cube1' : k = 1
'cube2' : k = 5

boundary conditions
'left' : value(u) = 1
'middle' : natural(u) = 0
'right' : value(u) = 10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'cube2.obj'

grid(x,y) on z = 0.5
contour(u) on z = 0.5
elevation(u) from (0,0.5,0.5) to (2,0.5,0.5)

end cube2_v alidate


This sample validates the OBJ import script IMPORT_OBJ_CUBE2.PDE

by showing that the same answer is obtained when constructing the
domain within FlexPDE instead of importing the OBJ mesh.
title 'Validate Import OBJ Cube2'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

select ngrid = 2

'cube1' : k = 1
'cube2' : k = 5

boundary conditions
'left' : value(u) = 1
'right': value(u) = 10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

extrusion z = 0,1


region 1
use material 'cube1'
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1) use bc 'left'
Sample P roblems : Usage 520

line to close

region 2
use material 'cube2'
line to (1,1) to (1,0) to (2,0) use bc 'right'
line to close

grid(x,y) on z = 0.5
contour(u) on z = 0.5
elevation(u) from (0,0.5,0.5) to (2,0.5,0.5)

end cubes_bigsm all_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

two objects named 'big' and 'small' that will be bound to material sets.
three groups named 'left', 'middle', and 'right' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Cubes Bigsmall'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

refineobj=off ! do not refine the initial OBJ mesh

'small': k=1
'big' : k=2

boundary conditions
'bottom' : value(u)=1
'middle': contact(u)=jump(u)/0.5
'top' : value(u)=10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'cubes_bigsmall.obj'

grid(y,z) on x=4
grid(x,z) on y=3
contour(u) on x=4
contour(u) on y=3
end cubes_bigsm all_v alidate

521 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

This sample validates the OBJ import script IMPORT_OBJ_CUBES_BIGSMALL.PDE

by showing that the same answer is obtained when constructing the
domain within FlexPDE instead of importing the OBJ mesh.

Note : the figure was turned on end only to make the construction easier.
title 'Validate Import OBJ Cubes Bigsmall'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

select regrid=off ngrid=2

'small': k=1
'big' : k=2

boundary conditions
'left' : value(u)=1
'middle': contact(u)=jump(u)/0.5
'right' : value(u)=10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

extrusion z=0,5,7


limited region 1
surface 1 use bc 'left'
layer 1 use material 'big'
line to (5,0) to (5,5) to (0,5) to close

limited region 2
surface 2 use bc 'middle'
surface 3 use bc 'right'
layer 2 use material 'small'
line to (5,2) to (5,4) to (3,4) to close

grid(y,z) on x=4
grid(x,z) on y=3
contour(u) on x=4
contour(u) on y=3
end gourd_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.

The OBJ file contains :

mesh vertices and faces with no named objects or groups.
title 'Import OBJ Gourd'

coordinates cartesian3

boundaries import OBJ 'gourd.obj'

plots grid(x,y,z)
Sample P roblems : Usage 522

end helix _OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'helix' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'top', and 'bottom' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Helix'

coordinates cartesian3

select order=2

variables U V W

E { Young's Modulus }
nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }

{ define the constitutive relations }

G = E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))
C11 = G*(1-nu)
C12 = G*nu
C13 = G*nu
C22 = G*(1-nu)
C23 = G*nu
C33 = G*(1-nu)
C44 = G*(1-2*nu)/2

{ Strains }
ex = dx(U)
ey = dy(V)
ez = dz(W)
gxy = dy(U) + dx(V)
gyz = dz(V) + dy(W)
gzx = dx(W) + dz(U)

{ Stresses }
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey + C13*ez
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey + C23*ez
Sz = C13*ex + C23*ey + C33*ez
Txy = C44*gxy
Tyz = C44*gyz
Tzx = C44*gzx

{ find mean translation and rotation }

Vol = Integral(1)
Tx = integral(U)/Vol { X-motion }
Ty = integral(V)/Vol { Y-motion }
Tz = integral(W)/Vol { Z-motion }
Rz = 0.5*integral(dx(V) - dy(U))/Vol { Z-rotation }
Rx = 0.5*integral(dy(W) - dz(V))/Vol { X-rotation }
Ry = 0.5*integral(dz(U) - dx(W))/Vol { Y-rotation }

{ displacements with translation and rotation removed }

{ This is necessary only if all boundaries are free }
Up = U - Tx + Rz*y - Ry*z
Vp = V - Ty + Rx*z - Rz*x
Wp = W - Tz + Ry*x - Rx*y
523 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ scaling factors for displacement plots }

Mx = 0.1*globalmax(magnitude(y,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Vp,Wp))
My = 0.1*globalmax(magnitude(x,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Wp))
Mz = 0.1*globalmax(magnitude(x,y))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Vp))
Mt = 0.2*globalmax(magnitude(x,y,z))/globalmax(magnitude(Up,Vp,Wp))

U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + dz(Tzx) = 0 { the U-displacement equation }
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + dz(Tyz) = 0 { the V-displacement equation }
W: dx(Tzx) + dy(Tyz) + dz(Sz) = 0 { the W-displacement equation }

materials 'helix' : E = 2.0e11 { Young's Modulus for Steel (N/M^2) }

boundary conditions
'top' : natural(w) = -1e-3
'bottom' : natural(w) = 1e-3

boundaries import OBJ 'helix.obj'

contour(Up) on y=0 as "X-displacement"
contour(Vp) on x=0 as "Y-displacement"
contour(Wp) on y=0 as "Z-displacement"
grid(x+Mt*Up,y+Mt*Vp,z+Mt*Wp) as "Shape"
grid(x+My*Up,z+My*Wp) on y=0 as "XZ Shape"
grid(y+Mx*Vp,z+Mx*Wp) on x=0 as "YZ Shape"
contour(Sx) on y=0 as "X-stress"
contour(Sy) on y=0 as "Y-stress"
contour(Sz) on y=0 as "Z-stress"
contour(Txy) on y=0 as "XY Shear stress"
contour(Tyz) on y=0 as "YZ Shear stress"
contour(Tzx) on y=0 as "ZX Shear stress"

end horn_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'horn' that will be bound to a material property set.
four groups named 'tip1', 'tip2', 'tip3', and 'base' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Horn'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

materials 'horn' : k = 10

boundary conditions
'tip1' : value(u) = 1
'tip2' : value(u) = 10
'tip3' : value(u) = 100
'base' : natural(u) = -10

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'horn.obj'

Sample P roblems : Usage 524

grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on y=0

end torus_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'torus' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'patch1' and 'patch2' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Torus'

coordinates cartesian3

select regrid=off

variables u

boundary conditions
'patch1' : value(u) = 1
'patch2' : value(u) = 10

materials 'torus' : k=1

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'torus.obj'

grid(x,z) on y = 0
contour(u) on x = -y
contour(u) on z = 0

end tubefaces_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'tube' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'top' and 'bottom' that will be bound to BC sets.

This mesh has some square cells on the sides that FlexPDE will
automatically split into triangular cells during the mesh import.
title 'Import OBJ Tubefaces'

coordinates cartesian3
525 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

variables u

boundary conditions
'bottom' : value(u) = 1
'top' : value(u) = 10

materials 'tube' : k=1

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'tube_faces.obj'

grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on y=0

end wineglass_OBJim port


This sample demonstrates the import of a bounding mesh in OBJ file format.
It uses the MATERIALS and BOUNDARY CONDITIONS sections to tie names stated
in the OBJ file to FlexPDE properties.

The OBJ file contains :

one object named 'glass' that will be bound to a material property set.
two groups named 'inside' and 'bottom' that will be bound to BC sets.
title 'Import OBJ Wineglass'

coordinates cartesian3

variables u

order=2 ! select quadratic variable interpolation.

materials 'glass' : k=1

boundary conditions
'inside' : value(u) = 1
'bottom' : value(u) = 10

initial values
u = 1

equations u: div(k*grad(u))=0

boundaries import OBJ 'wineglass.obj'

grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on y=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on y=0

Sample P roblems : Usage 526

5.2.6 Constraints 3d_constraint

This problem demonstrates the specification of region-specific CONSTRAINTS 223 in 3D.

This is a modification of problem 3D_BRICKS.PDE 414 .
We apply a constraint on the integral of temperature in a single region/layer
For validation, we define a check function that has nonzero value only in the selected
compartment and compare its integral to the region-selection form of the integral
Value boundary conditions are applied, so the solution is unique, so the constraint
acts as a source or sink to maintain the constrained value, we report
the energy lost to the constraining mechanism.

title '3D constraint'

long = 1
wide = 1
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { Thermal source }
flag22=0 { build a test function for region 2, layer 2 }
check22 = if flag22>0 then Tp else 0
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0
{ constrain temperature integral in region 2 of layer 2 }
integral(Tp,2,2) = 1
surface "bottom" z = -long
layer 'bottom'
surface "middle" z=0
layer 'top'
surface 'top' z= long
surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
layer 1 k=1 { bottom right brick }
layer 2 k=0.1 { top right brick }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 "Left" { overlay a second region in left half }
layer 1 k=0.2 { bottom left brick }
layer 2 k=0.4 flag22=1 { top left brick }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
527 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close

contour(Tp) on surface z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface y=0 as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
report("Compare integral forms in region 2 of layer 2 (should be 1.00):")
report "Constraint acts as an energy sink:"
report(integral(Q)) as "Source Integral "
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)))) as "Surface integral on total outer surface
report(integral(Q)-sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)))) as "Energy lost to constraint "

end 3d_surf_constraint

This problem demonstrates the use of CONSTRAINTS 223 on surface integrals in 3D.
This is a modification of problem 3D_BRICKS.PDE 414 .
We apply the constraint that the total flux leaving the figure must be 1.0.
The constraint acts as an auxilliary energy sink, so we report the amount
of energy lost to the constraint.
See the problems in the APPLICATIONS | CONTROL folder for methods
that control the input power to achieve the same kind of goal.
title '3D Surface Constraint'

regrid=off { use fixed grid to speed up demonstration }
long = 1
wide = 1
K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { Thermal source }
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }
sintegral(normal(k*grad(Tp))) = 1 { force total surface integral to 1 }
surface "bottom" z = -long
layer 'bottom'
Sample P roblems : Usage 528

surface "middle" z=0

layer 'top'
surface 'top' z= long { divide Z into two layers }

surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
layer 1 k=1 { bottom right brick }
layer 2 k=0.1 { top right brick }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 "Left" { overlay a second region in left half }
layer 1 k=0.2 { bottom left brick }
layer 2 k=0.4 { top left brick }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
contour(Tp) on surface z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface y=0 as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface y=0 as "ZX Temp"
report("Constraint Validation:")
report(sintegral(normal(k*grad(Tp)))) as "Constrained surface integral on total
outer surface"
report(integral(Q)) as "Total interior source"
report(integral(Q) - sintegral(normal(k*grad(Tp)))) as "Energy lost to constraint"

end boundary _constraint


This problem demonstrates the use of boundary-integral CONSTRAINTS 223 .

A heat equation is solved subject to the constraint that the average temperature
on the outer boundary must be 1.0.
Only natural (derivative) boundary conditions are applied, so the solution is
underdetermined subject to an arbitrary additive constant.
The constraint provides the additional information necessary to make the
solution unique.
title 'Boundary Constraint Test'
U: div(grad(u)) +x = 0;
529 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ force the average boundary value to 1 }

bintegral(u,"outer") = bintegral(1,"outer")
Region 1
start "outer" (-1,-1)
natural(u) = 0 line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
contour(u) report(bintegral(u,"outer"))
contour(u) surface(u)
elevation(u) on "outer" report(bintegral(u,"outer")/bintegral(1,"outer")) as
report("Constraint Validation:")
report(bintegral(u,"outer")/bintegral(1,"outer")) as "Average boundary value"
end constraint

This problem shows the use of CONSTRAINTS 223 to resolve an ill-posed problem.
There are no value boundary conditions in any of the three equations, so
there are infinitely many solutions that satisfy the PDE's. The constraints
select from the family of solutions those which have a mean value of 1.
title 'Constraint Test'
u1 u2 u3
u1: div(grad(u1)) +x = 0
u2: div(grad(u2)) +x+y = 0
u3: div(grad(u3)) +y = 0
integral(u1) = integral(1)
integral(u2) = integral(1)
integral(u3) = integral(1)
Region 1
start(-1,-1) line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
contour(u1) report(integral(u1)/integral(1)) as "Average"
contour(u2) report(integral(u2)/integral(1)) as "Average"
contour(u3) report(integral(u3)/integral(1)) as "Average"
surface(u1) report(integral(u1)/integral(1)) as "Average"
surface(u2) report(integral(u2)/integral(1)) as "Average"
surface(u3) report(integral(u3)/integral(1)) as "Average"

5.2.7 Contact_Boundaries 3d_contact
This problem shows the use of a contact resistance boundary between layers in 3D.
The resistance model is applied to the entire boundary surface.

See 3D_CONTACT_REGION.PDE 531 for restriction of the resistance model to a single

Sample P roblems : Usage 530

(This is a modification of problem 3D_BRICKS.PDE 414 ).

title 'steady-state 3D heat conduction with Contact Resistance'
regrid=off { use fixed grid }

long = 1
wide = 1
K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { Thermal source }
e = 0.01 {'epsilon' offset to avoid plotting on discontinuities }
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp : div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }
extrusion z = -long,0,long { divide Z into two layers }
surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 2 contact(tp)=jump(tp)/10 { THE CONTACT RESISTANCE }
surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
layer 1 k=1 { bottom right brick }
layer 2 k=0.1 { top right brick }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 { overlay a second region in left half }
layer 1 k=0.2 { bottom left brick }
layer 2 k=0.4 { top left brick }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
contour(Tp) on z=e as "XY Temp - Upper"
contour(Tp) on z=-e as "XY Temp - Lower"
contour(Tp) on x=e as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=e as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,e,e) to (wide,e,e) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (e,-wide,e) to (e,wide,e) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (e,e,-long) to (e,e,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"
contour(Tp) on z=e as "XY Temp - Upper"
contour(Tp) on z=-e as "XY Temp - Lower"
contour(Tp) on x=e as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=e as "ZX Temp"
surface(Tp) on y=e as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,e,e) to (wide,e,e) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (e,-wide,e) to (e,wide,e) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (e,e,-long) to (e,e,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"
531 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems 3d_contact_region
This problem shows the use of a contact resistance boundary between layers.
The resistance model is applied only to one region of the boundary surface.
(This is a modification of problem 3D_CONTACT.PDE 529 ).
title 'steady-state 3D heat conduction with Contact Resistance'
regrid=off { use fixed grid }

long = 1
wide = 1
K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { Thermal source }
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp : div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }
extrusion z = -long,0,long { divide Z into two layers }
surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
layer 1 k=1 { bottom right brick }
layer 2 k=0.1 { top right brick }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 { overlay a second region in left half }
surface 2 contact(tp)=jump(tp)/10
layer 1 k=0.2 { bottom left brick }
layer 2 k=0.4 { top left brick }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
contour(Tp) on z=0.01 as "XY Temp - Upper"
contour(Tp) on z=-0.01 as "XY Temp - Lower"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide/2,0,-long) to (wide/2,0,long) as "Left Side Temp"
contour(Tp) on z=0.01 as "XY Temp - Upper"
contour(Tp) on z=-0.01 as "XY Temp - Lower"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide/2,0,-long) to (-wide/2,0,long) as "Left Side Temp"
surface(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp" Viewpoint(-3.5,8.2,31)
Sample P roblems : Usage 532 contact_resistance_heating

Contact resistance is modeled using the keywords JUMP 239 and CONTACT 299 .

JUMP 239 represents the "jump" in the value of a variable across an interface
(outer value minus inner value, as seen from each cell),
and is meaningful only in boundary condition statements.

CONTACT 299 is a special form of NATURAL 236 , which requests that the boundary
should support a discontinuous value of the variable.
The model is one of "contact resistance", where the outward current across an
interface is given by
R*I = -Jump(V) [=(Vinner-Vouter)],
and R is the contact resistance.

Since CONTACT, like NATURAL, represents the outward normal component

of the argument of the divergence operator, the contact resistance condition
for this problem is represented as
In this problem, we have two variables, voltage and temperature.
There is an electrical contact resistance of 2 units at the interface between
two halves, causing a jump in the voltage across the interface.
The current through the contact is a source of heat in the temperature equation,
of value P = R*I^2 = Jump(V)^2/R

title "contact resistance heating"
Kt { thermal conductivity }
Heat = 0
Rc = 2 { Electrical contact resistance }
rho = 1 { bulk resistivity }
sigma = 1/rho { bulk conductivity,
I=sigma*grad(V) }
size = 3
V1 = 1
totR = size*rho+Rc
cur = V1/totR
jdrop = cur*Rc
initial values
Temp = temp0
V: div(sigma*grad(V)) = 0
Temp: div(Kt*grad(Temp)) + Heat =0
Region "R1"
start 'box' (0,0)
natural(V)=0 natural(temp)=0 line to (size,0)
value(V)=V1 value(temp)=0 line to (size,size)
natural(V)=0 natural(temp)=0 line to (0,size)
value(V)=0 value(temp)=0 line to close
Region "R2"
start (0,0)
line to (size/2,0)
contact(V) = (1/rc)*JUMP(V) { resistance jump }
natural(temp) = JUMP(V)^2/Rc { heat generation }
line to(size/2,size)
533 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

line to (0,size) to close

Feature 'interface' start (size/2,0) line to (size/2,size)

contour(V) painted
contour(Temp) painted
contour(kt*dx(temp)) painted
contour(kt*dx(temp)) painted
elevation(V) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
elevation(temp) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
elevation(dx(v)) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
elevation(kt*dx(temp)) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
report(sintegral(V,'interface','R1')/size) ! find average interface voltage in
region 1
report(sintegral(V,'interface','R2')/size) ! find average interface voltage in
region 2
report(sintegral(jump(V)^2/rc,'interface')) as "contact source"
report(sintegral(normal(kt*grad(temp)),'box')) as "outer loss"
report(size*(jdrop)^2/Rc) as "true heat"

end therm al_contact_resistance

This sample demonstrates the application of FlexPDE to heatflow
problems with contact resistance between materials.
We define a square region of material with a conductivity of 5.
Imbedded in this square is a diamond-shaped region of material with a
uniform heat source of 1, and a conductivity of 1.
There is a contact resistance of 1/2 unit between the materials.

Contact resistance is modeled using the keywords JUMP 239 and CONTACT 299 .

JUMP 239 represents the "jump" in the value of a variable across an interface
(outer value minus inner value, as seen from each cell),
and is meaningful only in boundary condition statements.

CONTACT 299 is a special form of NATURAL 236 , which requests that the boundary
should support a discontinuous value of the variable.
The model is one of "contact resistance", where the flux across an interface
is given by flux(Temp) = -Jump(Temp)/R,
and R is the contact resistance.
Since CONTACT, like NATURAL, represents the outward normal component
of the argument of the divergence operator, the contact resistance condition is
represented as
CONTACT(Temp) = -JUMP(Temp)/R
Sample P roblems : Usage 534

title "Thermal Contact Resistance"

{ thermal conductivity - values given in regions:
Heat { Heat source }
Flux = -K*grad(Temp)
Rc = 1/2 { contact resistance }

initial values
Temp = 0
Temp: div(Flux) = Heat
Region 1 { the outer boundary }
start "Outer" (0,0)
value(Temp)=0 { cold boundary }
line to (3,0) to (3,3) to (0,3) to close
Region 2 { an imbedded diamond }
Heat=1 { heat source in the inner diamond }
start "Inner" (1.5,0.5)
contact(Temp) = -JUMP(Temp)/Rc { the contact flux }
line to (2.5,1.5) to (1.5,2.5) to (0.5,1.5) to close
contour(Temp) as "Temperature"
contour(magnitude(grad(temp))) points=5 as "Flux"
contour(Temp) zoom(2,1,1,1) as "Temperature Zoom"
elevation(Temp) from (0,0) to (3,3)
surface(Temp) zoom(2,1,1,1)
vector(-dx(Temp),-dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"

elevation(normal(flux)) on "Outer"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "Inner"
end transient_contact_resistance_heating

This is a time-dependent version of the example CONTACT_RESISTANCE_HEATING.PDE 532

An electrical current passes through a material with an electrical contact resistance

on the center plane. The resistance heating at the contact drives a time-dependent
heat equation.
535 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

title "transient contact resistance heating"

Kt { thermal conductivity }
Heat =0
Rc = 2 { Electrical contact resistance }
rho = 1 { bulk resistivity }
sigma = 1/rho { bulk conductivity,
I=sigma*grad(V) }
Initial values
V = x/3 { a reasonable guess }
Temp = 0
V: div(sigma*grad(V)) = 0
Temp: div(Kt*grad(Temp)) + Heat = dt(Temp)
Region 1
start (0,0)
natural(V)=0 natural(temp)=0 line to (3,0)
value(V)=1 value(temp)=0 line to (3,3)
natural(V)=0 natural(temp)=0 line to (0,3)
value(V)=0 value(temp)=0 line to close
Region 2
start (0,0) line to (1.5,0)
contact(V) = (1/rc)*JUMP(V) { resistance jump }
natural(temp) = JUMP(V)^2/Rc { heat generation }
line to(1.5,3)
natural(V)=0 natural(Temp)=0
line to (0,3) to close
time 0 to 5 by 1e-6
for cycle=5
for cycle=20
contour(V) painted
contour(Temp) painted
contour(kt*dx(temp)) painted
contour(kt*dx(temp)) painted
elevation(V) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
elevation(temp) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
elevation(dx(v)) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
elevation(kt*dx(temp)) from(0,1.5) to (3,1.5)
history(Temp) at (0.5,1.5) (1.0,1.5) (1.5,1.5) (2.0,1.5) (2.5,1.5)

5.2.8 Coordinate_Scaling scaled_z
This example applies a 10:1 expansion to the z coordinate in a single imbedded layer.
Compare solution to UNSCALED_Z.PDE 537 , which does not scale the z-coordinate.
Sample P roblems : Usage 536

See "Help->Technical Notes->Coordinate Scaling 354 " for a discussion of the techniques
used in this example.

title 'Scaled Z-coordinate'
long = 1/2 { thickness of the upper and lower layers }
wide = 1
w=0.01 { half-thickness of the imbedded slab }
zscale=1 { The global Z-Scaling factor, defaulted to 1 for top and bottom
layers }
zscale2=20 { The desired Z-Scaling factor for the center layer }
ws = w*zscale2 { the scaled half-thickness of the slab }

K =0.1 { thermal conductivity -- modified later by layer }

Q = 0 { Thermal source - modified later by layer }
T0 = 0
initial values
Tp = 0.
{ equations are written using the global scaling factor name.
Layer-specific values will be assigned during evaluation }
Tp: dx(k*dx(Tp))/zscale + dy(k*dy(Tp))/zscale + dz(k*zscale*dz(Tp)) + Q/zscale = 0
Zs: dz(Zs) = 1/zscale
surface 'bottom' z = -long-ws
layer 'under'
surface 'slab_bottom' z = -ws
layer 'slab'
surface 'slab_top' z= ws
layer 'over'
surface 'top' z= long+ws
surface 'bottom' load(Tp)=0.1*(T0-Tp) value(Zs)=0
surface 'top' load(Tp)=0.1*(T0-Tp)
Region 1
layer 2
Q = 100*exp(-x^2-y^2) { a heat source in the slab layer only }
zscale = zscale2 { redefine the Z-scaling factor in layer 2 }
k = 1 { redefine conductivity in layer 2 }
start 'sidewall' (-wide,-wide)
load(Tp) = 0
layer 2 load(Tp)=0.1*(T0-Tp)/zscale2
line to (wide,-wide)
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp unscaled"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp unscaled"
contour(Tp) on grid(y,Zs) on x=0 as "YZ Temp scaled"
contour(Tp) on grid(x,Zs) on y=0 as "ZX Temp scaled"
contour(Zs) on x=0 !temp
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp unscaled"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp unscaled"
contour(Tp) on grid(y,Zs) on x=0 as "YZ Temp scaled"
contour(Tp) on grid(x,Zs) on y=0 as "ZX Temp scaled"
537 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"

elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long-ws) to (0,0,long+ws) as "Z-Axis Temp"
vector(-k*dx(Tp),-k*dz(Tp)) on y=0 as "Flux on Y=0"
vector(-k*dx(Tp),-k*dy(Tp)) on z=0 as "Flux on Z=0"
{ since "k" refers to energy passing a through unit surface area in the unscaled
it's value is unmodified: }
elevation(k*dx(Tp)) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "Center X-Flux"
{ since differentiation with respect to z involves a scaling, the flux must be
multiplied by
the scale factor: }
elevation(k*dz(Tp)*zscale) from (0,0,-(long+ws)) to (0,0,(long+ws)) as "Center Z-

{ form some integrals for comparison with Unscaled_Z: }
{ the Z flux derivative must be multiplied by the scale factor, but the area of
is in true coordinates }
{ flux leaving the slab, evaluated in the slab: }
{ flux leaving the slab, evaluated in the upper layer: }
{ The transverse fluxes are in the correct units, but the area integration must
corrected by dividing by the scale factor (notice that "zscale" will evaluate
"zscale2" in the slab)}
end unscaled_z

This is a reference problem for SCALED_Z.PDE 535 .

It solves for heatflow in a sandwich.
title 'Unscaled Z coordinate'
long = 1/2 { thickness of the upper and lower layers }
wide = 1
w=0.01 { half-thickness of the imbedded slab }
K =0.1 { thermal conductivity -- modified later by layer }
Q = 0 { Thermal source - modified later by layer }
T0 = 0
initial values
Tp = 0.
equations { the heat equation }
Tp: dx(k*dx(Tp)) + dy(k*dy(Tp)) + dz(k*dz(Tp)) + Q = 0
surface 'bottom' z = -long-w
layer 'under'
surface 'slab_bottom' z = -w
layer 'slab'
surface 'slab_top' z= w
layer 'over'
surface 'top' z= long+w
Sample P roblems : Usage 538

surface 'bottom' load(Tp)=0.1*(T0-Tp)
surface 'top' load(Tp)=0.1*(T0-Tp)

Region 1
layer 2
Q = 100*exp(-x^2-y^2) { a heat source in the slab layer only }
k = 1 { redefine conductivity in layer 2 }
start 'sidewall' (-wide,-wide)
load(Tp) = 0
layer 2 load(Tp) = 0.1*(T0-Tp)
line to (wide,-wide)
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close

contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long-w) to (0,0,long+w) as "Z-Axis Temp"
vector(-k*dx(Tp),-k*dz(Tp)) on y=0 as "Flux on Y=0"
vector(-k*dx(Tp),-k*dy(Tp)) on z=0 as "Flux on Z=0"
elevation(k*dx(Tp)) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "Center X-Flux"
elevation(k*dz(Tp)) from (0,0,-(long+w)) to (0,0,(long+w)) as "Center Z-Flux"
{ form some integrals for comparison with Scaled_Z: }

5.2.9 Eigenvalues 3d_oildrum
This example illustrates the use of FlexPDE in Eigenvalue problems, or
Modal Analysis.
In this problem, we determine the four lowest-energy vibrational modes of
a circular cylinder, or "oil drum", clamped on the periphery.
What we see as results are the pressure distributions of the air inside the
The three-dimensional initial-boundary value problem associated with the
scalar wave equation for sound speed "c" can be written as
c^2*del2(u) - dtt(u) = 0,
with accompanying initial values and boundary conditions:
u = f(s,t) on some part S1 of the boundary
dn(u) + a*u = g(s,t) on the remainder S2 of the boundary.
If we assume that solutions have the form
u(x,y,z,t) = exp(i*w*t)*v(x,y,z)
(where "w" is a frequency) then the equation becomes
del2(v) + lambda*v = 0
with lambda = (w/c)^2, and with boundary conditions
v = 0 on S1
dn(v) + a*v = 0 on S2.
The values of lambda for which this system has a non-trivial solution
are known as the eigenvalues of the system, and the corresponding solutions
539 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

are known as the eigenfunctions or vibration modes of the system.


title "Vibrational modes of an Oil Drum"

coordinates cartesian3
modes=4 { Define the number of vibrational modes desired.
The appearance of this selector tells FlexPDE
to perform an eigenvalue calculation, and to
define the name LAMBDA to represent the eigenvalues }
ngrid=6 { reduced mesh density for demo }
cell_limit = 3000 { keep problem small for demo }

equations { the eigenvalue equation }
U: div(grad(u)) + lambda*u = 0
{ define the bounding z-surfaces }
extrusion z = -1,1
{ clamp the bottom and top faces }
surface 1 value(u) = 0
surface 2 value(u) = 0
{ define circular sidewall }
Region 1
value(u) = 0 { clamp the sides }
arc(center=0,0) angle 360
monitors { repeated for all modes }
contour(u) on x=0
contour(u) on y=0
contour(u) on z=1/2
plots { repeated for all modes }
contour(u) on x=0 surface(u) on x=0
contour(u) on y=0 surface(u) on y=0
contour(u) on z=1/2 surface(u) on z=1/2
end 3d_plate
This problem considers the oscillation modes of a glass plate in space
( no mountings to constrain motion ).
-- Submitted by John Trenholme, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab.
Sample P roblems : Usage 540

TITLE 'Oscillation of a Glass Plate'


modes = 5
errlim = 0.01 { 1 percent is good enough }
U { X displacement }
V { Y displacement }
W { Z displacement }

cm = 0.01 { converts centimeters to meters
long = 20*cm { length of plate along Y axis }
wide = 10*cm { width of plate along X axis }
thick = 1.2*cm { thickness of plate along Z
axis }
E = 50e9 { Youngs modulus in Pascals }
nu = 0.256 { Poisson's ratio }
rho = 2500 { density in kg/m^3 = 1000*[g/
cc] }
{ constitutive relations - isotropic material }
G = E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))
C11 = G*(1-nu) C12 = G*nu C13 = G*nu
C22 = G*(1-nu) C23 = G*nu C33 = G*(1-nu)
C44 = G*(1-2*nu)/2

{ Strains }
ex = dx(U) ey = dy(V) ez = dz(W)
gxy = dy(U) + dx(V) gyz = dz(V) + dy(W) gzx = dx(W) + dz(U)
{ Stresses }
Sx = C11*ex + C12*ey + C13*ez
Sy = C12*ex + C22*ey + C23*ez
Sz = C13*ex + C23*ey + C33*ez
Txy = C44*gxy Tyz = C44*gyz Tzx = C44*gzx
{ find mean Y and Z translation and X rotation }
Vol = Integral(1)

{ scaling factor for displacement plots }

Mt =0.1*globalmax(magnitude(x,y,z))/globalmax(magnitude(U,V,W))
U = 1.0e-5 V = 1.0e-5 W = 1.0e-5
{ we assume sinusoidal oscillation at angular frequency omega =sqrt(lambda) }
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + dz(Tzx) + lambda*rho*U = 0 { X-displacement equation }
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + dz(Tyz) + lambda*rho*V = 0 { Y-displacement equation }
W: dx(Tzx) + dy(Tyz) + dz(Sz) + lambda*rho*W = 0 { Z-displacement equation }
integral(U)=0 { eliminate translations }
integral(dx(V)-dy(U)) = 0 { eliminate rotations }
integral(dy(W) - dz(V)) = 0
integral(dz(U) - dx(W)) = 0
surface "bottom" z = -thick / 2
layer "plate"
surface "top" z = thick / 2
541 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

region 1 { all sides, and top and bottom, are free }

start( -wide/2, -long/2 )
line to ( wide/2, -long/2 )
line to ( wide/2, long/2 )
line to ( -wide/2, long/2 )
line to close
grid(x+Mt*U,y+Mt*V,z+Mt*W) as "Shape"
report sqrt(lambda)/(2*pi) as "Frequency in Hz"
contour( W ) on z = 0 as "Mid-plane Displacement"
report sqrt(lambda)/(2*pi) as "Frequency in Hz"
grid(x+Mt*U,y+Mt*V,z+Mt*W) as "Shape"
report sqrt(lambda)/(2*pi) as "Frequency in Hz"
report lambda
report sqrt(lambda)/(2*pi) as "Frequency in Hz"
END drum head

This example illustrates the use of FlexPDE in Eigenvalue problems, or
Modal Analysis.
The two-dimensional initial-boundary value problem associated with the
scalar wave equation can be written as
c^2*del2(u) - dtt(u) = 0
with accompanying initial values and boundary conditions
u = f(s,t) on S1
dn(u) + a*u = g(s,t) on S2.
If we assume that solutions have the form
u(x,y,t) = exp(i*w*t)*v(x,y)
then the equation becomes
del2(v) + lambda*v = 0
with lambda = (w/c)^2, and with boundary conditions
v = 0 on S1
dn(v) + a*v = 0 on S2.
The values of lambda for which this system has a non-trivial solution
are known as the eigenvalues of the system, and the corresponding solutions
are known as the eigenfunctions or vibration modes of the system.
In this problem, we determine the eight lowest-energy vibrational modes of
a circular drumhead, clamped on the periphery.
This problem can be solved analytically. The solutions are of the form
v = Jn(r*jnm)*exp(i*n*theta),
where Jn is the Bessel function of order n,
jnm is the m-th root of Jn.
The eigenvalues are then just the sequence of jnm^2. In increasing order :
5.783186, 14.68197, 14.68197, 26.37459, 26.37459, 30.471262, 40.70644, 40.70644

With default errlim, FlexPDE in the current test gives results within 0.01%.
title "Vibrational modes of a drumhead"
{ Define the number of vibrational modes desired.
The appearance of this selector tells FlexPDE
to perform an eigenvalue calculation }
Sample P roblems : Usage 542

equations { the eigenvalue equation }
U: div(grad(u)) + lambda*u = 0
Region 1
value(u) = 0
arc(center=0,0) angle 360
monitors { repeated for all modes }

plots { repeated for all modes }

end drum hole

This example is a modification of DRUMHEAD.PDE 541 , in which
the vibrating membrane has a circular hole.
title "Vibrational modes of a drumhead with a hole"
modes=8 { Define the number of vibrational modes desired.
The appearance of this selector tells FlexPDE
to perform an eigenvalue calculation }

equations { the eigenvalue equation }
U: div(grad(u)) + lambda*u = 0
Region 1
value(u) = 0
arc(center=0,0) angle 360
arc(center=0,-0.2) angle=360
monitors { repeated for all modes }
plots { repeated for all modes }
end filledguide


This problem models an inhomogeneously filled waveguide.

543 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

See discussion in Help section "Electromagnetic Applications | Waveguides" 333 .

This problem is taken from Fernandez and Lu,

"Microwave and Optical Waveguide Analysis by the Finite Element Method" page 138.

title "Filled Waveguide"

modes = 5 { This is the number of Eigenvalues desired. }
ngrid = 30
overshoot = 1e-9 { request very tight Conjugate Gradient convergence }

Hx(0.01) ! some eigenfunctions are zero, so apply a threshold
Hy(0.01) ! ... to avoid infinite regrid

cm = 0.01 ! conversion from cm to meters
b = 1*cm ! box height
L = 2*b ! box width
epsr ! values will be given by region
eps0 = 8.85e-12
mu0 = 4e-7*pi
c = 1/sqrt(mu0*eps0) ! light speed
k0b = 4 ! normalized driving frequency
k0 = k0b/b
k02 = k0^2 ! k0^2=omega^2*mu0*eps0

! terms used in equations and BC's

curlh = dx(Hy)-dy(Hx)
divh = dx(Hx)+dy(Hy)

! the solution generates some negative eigenvalues, so we shift the eigenvalues to a

range where only the
! positive values appear
shift = 200000

! extract the propagation wave number kz

kz = if(true_lambda>0)then sqrt(true_lambda) else -sqrt(abs(true_lambda))

! Hx equation multiplied by epsr to enforce continuity of Hz
Hx: dx(divh) - dy(curlh) + k02*Hx*epsr - (lambda+shift)*Hx = 0
Hy: dx(curlh/epsr) + dy(divh)/epsr + k02*Hy - (lambda+shift)*Hy/epsr = 0

region 1 epsr=epsr1
natural(Hx) = 0 value(Hy)=0
line to (L,0)
value(Hx) = 0 value(Hy)=0 natural(Hy)=0
line to (L,b)
natural(Hx) = 0 value(Hy)=0
line to (0,b)
value(Hx) = 0 natural(Hy)=0
line to close

region 2 epsr=epsr2
line to (0,b) to (0,0) to (b,0)
line to close

contour(Hx) range=(-1,1)
contour(Hy) range=(-1,1)

Sample P roblems : Usage 544

contour(Hx) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)

surface(Hx) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)
contour(Hy) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)
surface(Hy) range=(-1,1) report(k0) report(kz)
surface(divh) range=(-1,1) as "Hz" report(k0) report(kz)
surface(curlh/epsr) range=(-1,1) as "Ez" report(k0) report(kz)

summary export
report lambda
report shift
report true_lambda
report( if(true_lambda<0) then "*" else " ") ! mark negative eigenvalues

end shiftguide
This problem demonstrates the technique of eigenvalue shifting to select
an eigenvalue band for analysis. Compare these results to the problem
Waveguide20, and you will see that the negative modes here correspond to
the modes below the shift value, while the positive modes here correspond
to the modes above the shift value. The result modes in the shifted calculation
comprise a complete range of the unshifted modes. (The correspondence is
1:9, 2:8, 3:10, 4:11, 5:12, 6:13, 7:7, 8:6).
The solution algorithm used in FlexPDE finds the eigenvalues of lowest
magnitude, so you will always see a band of positive and negative values
centered on the shift value.

title "TE Waveguide - eigenvalue shifting"

modes = 8
L = 2
h = 0.5 ! half box height
g = 0.01 ! half-guage of wall
s = 0.3*L ! septum depth
tang = 0.1 ! half-width of tang
Hx = -dx(Hz)
Hy = -dy(Hz)
Ex = Hy
Ey = -Hx


Hz: del2(Hz) + lambda*Hz + shift*Hz = 0
integral(Hz) = 0 { since Hz has only natural boundary conditions,
we need an additional constraint to make
the solution unique }
region 1
natural(Hz) = 0 line to (L,0) to (L,1) to (0,1) to (0,h+g)
natural(Hz) = 0
line to (s-g,h+g) to (s-g,h+g+tang) to (s+g,h+g+tang)
to (s+g,h-g-tang) to (s-g,h-g-tang) to (s-g,h-g) to (0,h-g)
545 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

line to close

contour(Hz) painted report (lambda+shift) as "Shifted Lambda"
report lambda
report (lambda+shift) as "Shifted Lambda"
end v ibar
This problem analyzes the standing-wave vibrational modes of an elastic bar.

The equations of Stress/Strain in a material medium can be given as

dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy = 0
where Sx and Sy are the stresses in the x- and y- directions,
Txy is the shear stress, and Fx and Fy are the body forces in the
x- and y- directions.
In a time-dependent problem, the material acceleration and viscous force
act as body forces, and are included in a new body force term
Fx1 = Fx0 - rho*dtt(U) + mu*del2(dt(U))
Fy1 = Fy0 - rho*dtt(V) + mu*del2(dt(V))
where rho is the material mass density, mu is the viscosity, and U and V
are the material displacements in the x and y directions.
If we assume that the displacement is harmonic in time (all transients
have died out), then we can assert
U(t) = U0*exp(-i*omega*t)
V(t) = V0*exp(-i*omega*t)
Here U0(x,y) and V0(x,y) are the complex amplitude distributions, and
omega is the angular velocity of the oscillation.
Substituting this assumption into the stress equations and dividing out
the common exponential factors, we get (implying U0 by U and V0 by V)
dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + Fx0 + rho*omega^2*U - i*omega*mu*del2(U) = 0
dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + Fy0 + rho*omega^2*V - i*omega*mu*del2(V) = 0
All the terms in this equation are now complex. Separating into real
and imaginary parts gives
U = Ur + i*Ui
Sx = Srx + i*Six
Sy = Sry + i*Siy
Expressed in terms of the (assumed real) constitutive relations of the material,
Srx = [C11*dx(Ur) + C12*dy(Vr)]
Sry = [C12*dx(Ur) + C22*dy(Vr)]
Trxy = C33*[dy(Ur) + dx(Vr)]
The final result is a set of four equations in Ur,Vr,Ui and Vi.
Ur: dx(Srx) + dy(Trxy) + rho*omega^2*Ur + omega*mu*del2(Ui) = 0
Ui: dx(Six) + dy(Tixy) + rho*omega^2*Ui - omega*mu*del2(Ur) = 0
Vr: dx(Trxy) + dy(Sry) + rho*omega^2*Vr + omega*mu*del2(Vi) = 0
Vi: dx(Tixy) + dy(Siy) + rho*omega^2*Vi - omega*mu*del2(Vr) = 0
In the absence of viscous effects, these equations separate, with no imaginary
terms appearing in the real equations, and vice versa.
We can therefore solve only for the real components Ur and Vr, which we
will continue to refer to as U and V.
Solving the eigenvalue system
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + lambda*rho*U = 0
Sample P roblems : Usage 546

V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + lambda*rho*V = 0

we find the resonant frequencies lambda = omega^2 together with the
corresponding spatial amplitude distributions Uand V.

In order to quantify the "natural" (or "load") boundary condition mechanism,

we can write the equations as
U: div(P) + lambda*rho*U = 0
V: div(Q) + lambda*rho*V = 0
where P = [Sx,Txy]
and Q = [Txy,Sy]
The natural (or "load") boundary condition for the U-equation defines the
outward surface-normal component of P, while the natural boundary condition
for the V-equation defines the surface-normal component of Q. Thus, the
natural boundary conditions for the U- and V- equations together define
the surface load vector.
On a free boundary, both of these vectors are zero, so a free boundary
is simply specified by
load(U) = 0
load(V) = 0.
title "Vibrating Bar - Modal Analysis"
U { X-displacement }
V { Y-displacement }
L = 1 { Bar length }
hL = L/2
W = 0.1 { Bar thickness }
hW = W/2
nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }
E = 20 { Young's Modulus for Steel x10^11(dynes/cm^2) }
G = 0.5*E/(1+nu)
rho = 7.8 { Density (g/cm^3) }
{ plane strain coefficients }
E1 = E/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))
C11 = E1*(1-nu)
C12 = E1*nu
C22 = E1*(1-nu)
C33 = E1*(1-2*nu)/2
{ Stresses }
Sx = (C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V))
Sy = (C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V))
Txy = C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))
initial values
U = 0
V = 0
equations { define the displacement equations }
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) + lambda*rho*U = 0
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) + lambda*rho*V = 0
line_integral(V,"mount")=0 { constrain the net right end y-motion to be zero }
region 1
start (0,-hW)
{ free boundary on bottom, no normal stress }
load(U)=0 load(V)=0 line to (L,-hW)
{ clamp the right end x-motion }
value(U) = 0 line to (L,hW)
547 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ free boundary on top, no normal stress }

load(U)=0 load(V)=0 line to (0,hW)

load(U) = 0 load(V) = 0 line to close

feature start "mount" (L,-hW) line to (L,hW)

grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V) as "deformation" { show final deformed grid }
grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V) as "deformation" { show final deformed grid }
contour(U) as "X-Displacement(M)"
contour(V) as "Y-Displacement(M)"

end wav eguide

This problem solves for the Transverse-Electric modes of a T-septate
rectangular waveguide.
Assuming that Z is the propagation direction, we can write
E(x,y,z) = E(x,y)*exp(i*(omega*t-Kz*z))
H(x,y,z) = H(x,y)*exp(i*(omega*t-Kz*z))
where omega is the angular frequency and kz denotes the propagation constant.
In a Transverse-Electric waveguide, the electric field component in the propagation
direction is zero, or Ez = 0.
Substituting these equations into the source-free Maxwell's equations and rearranging,
we can write
Ey = -(omega*mu/kz)*Hx
Ex = (omega*mu/kz)*Hy
Hx = -i*dx(Hz)*kz/kt
Hy = i*dy(Hz)*kz/kt
with kt = [omega^2*eps*mu - kz^2]
It can also be shown that in this case Hz satisfies the homogeneous Helmholtz equation
dxx(Hz) + dyy(Hz) + Kt^2*Hz = 0
together with the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition on the conducting wall
dn(Hz) = 0
In order to avoid clutter in this example script, we will supress the proportionality
(The leading "i" in the definition of Hx and Hy is merely a phase shift.)
----- From J. Jin, "The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics", p. 197
title "TE Waveguide"
modes = 4 { This is the number of Eigenvalues desired. }
L = 2
h = 0.5 ! half box height
g = 0.01 ! half-guage of wall
s = 0.3*L ! septum depth
tang = 0.1 ! half-width of tang
Hx = -dx(Hz)
Hy = dy(Hz)
Ex = Hy
Ey = -Hx
Hz: del2(Hz) + lambda*Hz = 0 { lambda = Kt^2 }
integral(Hz) = 0 { since Hz has only natural boundary conditions,
we need an additional constraint to make
Sample P roblems : Usage 548

the solution unique }

region 1
natural(Hz) = 0 ! this condition applies to all subsequent segments
! walk the box body
line to (L,0) to (L,1) to (0,1) to (0,h+g)
! walk the T-septum
to (s-g,h+g) to (s-g,h+g+tang) fillet(g/2) to (s+g,h+g+tang) fillet(g/2)
to (s+g,h-g-tang) fillet(g/2) to (s-g,h-g-tang) fillet(g/2) to (s-g,h-g)
to (0,h-g)
line to close
contour(Hz) painted
vector(Hx,Hy) as "Transverse H" norm
contour(magnitude(Hx,Hy)) zoom(0.5,0.5,0.2,0.2)
vector(Ex,Ey) as "Transverse E" norm
contour(magnitude(Ex,Ey)) zoom(0.5,0.5,0.2,0.2)
end wav eguide20

This problem solves for the Transverse-Electric modes of a T-septate
rectangular waveguide. It is a copy of WAVEGUIDE.PDE 547 with more modes.
title "TE Waveguide"
modes = 20 { This is the number of Eigenvalues desired. }
ngrid=20 { we need enough density to resolve higer modes }

L = 2
h = 0.5 ! half box height
g = 0.01 ! half-guage of wall
s = 0.3*L ! septum depth
tang = 0.1 ! half-width of tang
Hx = -dx(Hz)
Hy = -dy(Hz)
Ex = Hy
Ey = -Hx
Hz: del2(Hz) + lambda*Hz = 0
integral(Hz) = 0 { since Hz has only natural boundary conditions,
we need to constrain the answer }
region 1
natural(Hz) = 0 line to (L,0) to (L,1) to (0,1) to (0,h+g)
natural(Hz) = 0
line to (s-g,h+g) to (s-g,h+g+tang) to (s+g,h+g+tang)
to (s+g,h-g-tang) to (s-g,h-g-tang) to (s-g,h-g) to (0,h-g)
line to close
549 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

contour(Hz) painted

5.2.10 Functions com plex _functions


TITLE 'complex function test'

COORDINATES cartesian2

VARIABLES { this test uses no variables, it is a plotting test only }

SELECT ngrid=40

! sample complex
! explicit root computation
z = complex(a,b)
r = sqrt(a^2+b^2)
d = z+r
dabs = sqrt((a+r)^2+b^2)
zscale = sqrt(r)/dabs
zroot = zscale*complex(a+r,b)
! reference value
c = 9+sqrt(97)
xd = sqrt(2*c)
zr = c/xd
zi = 4/xd

! expanded code
zrootf = sqrt(CABS(z))*CEXP(0,0.5*atan2(b,a))

LINE TO (1,-1) TO (1,1) TO (-1,1) TO CLOSE

feature start(-1,0) line to (1,0)

feature start(0,-1) line to (0,1)


report(a) as "A"
report(b) as "B"
report(zr) as "test real"
report(REAL(CSQRT(z))) ! test new function
report(zi) as "test imag"
Sample P roblems : Usage 550

report(IMAG(CSQRT(z))) ! test new function
report(r) as "test cabs(z)"
report(CABS(z)) ! test new function
report(sqrt(zr^2+zi^2)) as "test cabs(zroot)"
report(CABS(zroot)) ! test new function
report(CABS(zrootf)) ! test new function
report(REAL(CLOG(z))) report(IMAG(CLOG(z)))
report(REAL(CEXP(CLOG(z)))) report(IMAG(CEXP(CLOG(z))))

END function_definition

This example demonstrates the use of functional parameter definitions 206 .

title 'Functional Parameter Definition test'
{ Declare "Sq" a function of argument "A".
"A" is a dummy name that represents the actual argument passed
by an invocation. }
Sq(a) = a*a
{ Define two functions for use in domain layout.
The "n" argument rotates by 90 degree increments.}
xx(n) = cos(n*pi/2)
yy(n) = sin(n*pi/2)
{ invoke the "Sq" function as a component of the equation. This makes
the system nonlinear }
U: div(grad(u)) + 80*Sq(u)*dx(u) +4 = 0
region 1
line to (xx(1),yy(1)) { definition evaluates corners of a diamond }
to (xx(2),yy(2))
to (xx(3),yy(3))
to close
end error_reporting

{ ERROR_reporting.PDE
This sample shows the use of the TIME_ERROR 161 and SPACE_ERROR 161 functions.
It is a copy of the sample CHEMBURN.PDE 361 .
551 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

'Open Tube Chemical Reactor with Strip Heater'

painted { make color-filled contour plots }


Lz = 1
gamma = 16
beta = 0.2
betap = 0.3
BI = 1
T0 = 1
TW = 0.92
RC = (1-C)*exp(gamma-gamma/Temp) { the very nasty reaction rate }
xev=0.96 { some plot points }

initial values

Temp: div(grad(Temp)) + heat + betap*RC = dt(Temp)
C: div(grad(C)) + beta*RC = dt(C)

region 1
start (0,0)

{ a mirror plane on X-axis }

natural(Temp) = 0
natural(C) = 0
line to (r1,0)

{ "Strip Heater" at fixed temperature }

{ ramp the boundary temp in time, because discontinuity is costly to diffuse }
value(Temp)=T0 + 0.2*uramp(t,t-0.05)

natural(C)=0 { no mass flow on strip heater }

arc(center=0,0) angle 5

{ convective cooling and no mass flow on outer arc }

arc(center=0,0) angle 85

{ a mirror plane on Y-axis }

natural(Temp) = 0
natural(C) = 0
line to (0,0) to close

time 0 to 1

for cycle=10 { watch the fast events by cycle }
contour(Temp) fixed range (0.9,2.5)
contour(C) as "Completion" fixed range(0,1.1)

for t= 0.1 by 0.05 to 0.2 by 0.01 to 0.3 0.5 endtime { show some surfaces during burn
contour(Temp) fixed range (0.9,2.5)
Sample P roblems : Usage 552

surface(Temp) fixed range (0.9,2.5)

contour(C) as "Completion" fixed range(0,1.1)
surface(C) as "Completion" fixed range(0,1.1)

history(Temp) at (0,0) (xev/2,yev/2) (xev,yev) (yev/2,xev/2) (yev,xev)
history(C) at (0,0) (xev/2,yev/2) (xev,yev) (yev/2,xev/2) (yev,xev) as "Completion"

end globalm ax


This sample demonstrates the use of the GLOBALMAX 161 function and its variants in 2D.
It is a copy of the example THERMAL_CONTACT_RESISTANCE.PDE 533 .

title "Thermal Contact Resistance"


K { thermal conductivity - values given in regions }
Heat { Heat source }
Flux = -K*grad(Temp)
Rc = 1/2 { contact resistance }

initial values
Temp = 0

Temp: div(Flux) = Heat

Region 1 "Outer" { the outer boundary }
start "Outer" (0,0)
value(Temp)=0 { cold boundary }
line to (3,0) to (3,3) to (0,3) to close

Region 2 "Inner" { an imbedded diamond }

Heat=1 { heat source in the inner diamond }
start "Inner" (1.5,0.5)
contact(Temp) = -JUMP(Temp)/Rc { the contact flux }
line to (2.5,1.5) to (1.5,2.5) to (0.5,1.5) to close


contour(Temp) as "Temperature"
contour(magnitude(grad(temp))) points=5 as "Flux"
contour(Temp) zoom(2,1,1,1) as "Temperature Zoom"
elevation(Temp) from (0,0) to (3,3)
surface(Temp) zoom(2,1,1,1)
vector(-dx(Temp),-dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "Outer"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "Inner"
553 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

report(globalmax(Temp),globalmax_x(Temp),globalmax_y(Temp)) as "Global Maximum"
report(" ")
report(globalmax(Temp,"Inner"),globalmax_x(Temp,"Inner"),globalmax_y(Temp,"Inner")) as
"Inner Maximum"
report(globalmax(Temp,"Outer"),globalmax_x(Temp,"Outer"),globalmax_y(Temp,"Outer")) as
"Outer Maximum"
report(" ")
report(globalmax(Temp,1),globalmax_x(Temp,1),globalmax_y(Temp,1)) as "Region 1 Maximum"
report(globalmax(Temp,2),globalmax_x(Temp,2),globalmax_y(Temp,2)) as "Region 2 Maximum"

end globalm ax _3d


This sample demonstrates the use of the GLOBALMAX 161 function and its variants in 3D.
It is a copy of the example 3D_BRICKS+TIME.PDE 415 .

title 'steady-state 3D heat conduction'

regrid=off { use fixed grid }



long = 1
wide = 1
K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }
Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { thermal source }

initial values
Tp = 0.

Tp : div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }

extrusion { divide Z into two layers }

surface z = -long
layer "lower"
surface z = 0
layer "upper"
surface z = long

Surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
Surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }

Region 1 "right" { define full domain boundary in base plane }

layer 1 k = 1 { bottom right brick }
layer 2 k = 0.1 { top right brick }
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close

Region 2 "left" { overlay a second region in left half }

layer 1 k = 0.2 { bottom left brick }
Sample P roblems : Usage 554

layer 2 k = 0.4 { top left brick }

line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close

contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "XZ Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"

contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "XZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on x=globalmax_x(Tp) as "YZ Temp at max" report(globalmax_x(Tp)) as
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"

report(globalmax(Tp), globalmax_x(Tp), globalmax_y(Tp), globalmax_z(Tp)) as "Global
report(" ")
report(globalmax(Tp, "left"), globalmax_x(Tp, "left"), globalmax_y(Tp, "left"),
globalmax_z(Tp, "left")) as "Left Maximum"
report(globalmax(Tp, "right"), globalmax_x(Tp, "right"), globalmax_y(Tp, "right"),
globalmax_z(Tp, "right")) as "Right Maximum"
report(globalmax(Tp, "lower"), globalmax_x(Tp, "lower"), globalmax_y(Tp, "lower"),
globalmax_z(Tp, "lower")) as "Lower Maximum"
report(globalmax(Tp, "upper"), globalmax_x(Tp, "upper"), globalmax_y(Tp, "upper"),
globalmax_z(Tp, "upper")) as "Upper Maximum"
report(globalmax(Tp, "right", "upper"), globalmax_x(Tp, "right", "upper"),
globalmax_y(Tp, "right", "upper"), globalmax_z(Tp, "right", "upper")) as "Right Upper
report(" ")
report(globalmax(Tp, 1), globalmax_x(Tp, 1), globalmax_y(Tp, 1), globalmax_z(Tp, 1)) as
"Region 1 Maximum"
report(globalmax(Tp, 2), globalmax_x(Tp, 2), globalmax_y(Tp, 2), globalmax_z(Tp, 2)) as
"Region 2 Maximum"
report(globalmax(Tp, 1, 1), globalmax_x(Tp, 1, 1), globalmax_y(Tp, 1, 1),
globalmax_z(Tp, 1, 1)) as "Region 1 Layer 1 Maximum"
report(globalmax(Tp, 2, 2), globalmax_x(Tp, 2, 2), globalmax_y(Tp, 2, 2),
globalmax_z(Tp, 2, 2)) as "Region 2 Layer 2 Maximum"

end standard_functions

This example illustrates available mathematical functions 160 in FlexPDE.

It also shows the use of FlexPDE as a plot utility.
title "Test Standard Functions"
coordinates cartesian1
{ -- No variables, no equations -- }
{ -- Definitions can be included, if desired -- }
{ -- We need a plot domain: -- }
region 1
start(-1) line to (1)
555 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

elevation(sqrt(x)) from (0) to (1)
elevation(dx(sqrt(x)),0.5/sqrt(x)) from (0.01) to (1)

elevation(sin(pi*x)) from (-1) to (1)

elevation(dx(sin(pi*x)),pi*cos(pi*x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(cos(pi*x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(cos(pi*x)),-pi*sin(pi*x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(tan(pi*x)) from (-0.499) to (0.499)
elevation(dx(tan(pi*x)),pi/cos(pi*x)^2) from (-0.499) to (0.499)
elevation(exp(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(exp(x)),exp(x)) from (-1) to (1)

elevation(ln(x)) from (0.01) to (1)

elevation(dx(ln(x)),1/x) from (0.01) to (1)
elevation(log10(x)) from (0.01) to (1)
elevation(dx(log10(x)),1/(x*ln(10))) from (0.01) to (1)
elevation(arcsin(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(arcsin(x)),1/sqrt(1-x^2)) from (-0.999) to (0.999)
elevation(arccos(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(arccos(x)),-1/sqrt(1-x^2)) from (-0.999) to (0.999)
elevation(arctan(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(arctan(x)),1/(1+x^2)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(abs(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(abs(x))) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(sinh(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(sinh(x)),cosh(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(cosh(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(cosh(x)),sinh(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(tanh(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(tanh(x)),1/cosh(x)^2) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(erf(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(erf(x)),2*exp(-x^2)/sqrt(pi)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(erfc(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(erfc(x)),-2*exp(-x^2)/sqrt(pi)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(sign(x)) from (-1) to (1)
elevation(dx(sign(x))) from (-1) to (1)

elevation(x^(-4)) from (0.01) to (0.1)

elevation(dx(x^(-4)),-4*x^(-5)) from (0.01) to (0.1)
elevation(x^(2*x)) from (0.001) to (1)
elevation(dx(x^(2*x)),2*x^(2*x)*(1+ln(x))) from (0.001) to (1)
elevation(bessj(0,20*x),bessj(1,20*x),bessj(2,20*x)) from (0) to (1) as "Bessel
elevation(bessy(0,20*x),bessy(1,20*x),bessy(2,20*x)) from (0.05) to (1) as "Bessel
elevation(dx(bessj(0,20*x)),-20*bessj(1,20*x)) from (0) to (1) as "dx(J0)"
elevation(dx(bessj(1,20*x)),20*(bessj(1,20*x)/(20*x)-bessj(2,20*x))) from (0.001) to
(1) as "dx(J1)"
elevation(expint(1,2*x),expint(2*x)) from (0.001) to (1)
elevation(1/gammaf(1,2*x),1/gammaf(2*x)) from (0.001) to (1)
end sum

This example demonstrates the use of the SUM 167 function.

Sample P roblems : Usage 556

It poses a heatflow problem with a heat source made up of four

gaussians. The source is composed by a SUM over gaussians
referenced to arrays of center coordinates.

title 'Sum test'
k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2 { boundary forced to parabolic values }
xc = array(-0.5,0.5,0.5,-0.5) { arrays of source spot coordinates }
yc = array(-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5)
s = sum( i, 1, 4, exp(-10*((x-xc[i])^2+(y-yc[i])^2)) ) { summed Gaussian
source }
U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
region 1
line to (1,-1)
to (1,1)
to (-1,1)
to close


end swage_pulse
A pulse can be made by two ifs:
r1 = IF x<x1 THEN 0 ELSE 1
r2 = IF x<x2 THEN 1 ELSE 0
pulse = r1*r2

This can be directly translated in to SWAGE 167 or RAMP 165 statements with width W:
spulse = SWAGE(x-x1,0,1,w) * SWAGE(x-x2,1,0,w)
rpulse = RAMP(x-x1,0,1,w) * RAMP(x-x2,1,0,w)
title "SWAGE and RAMP Pulses"
{ -- No variables, no equations -- }
x1 = -0.5
x2 = 0.5
w = 0.05
swage_pulse = SWAGE(x-x1,0,1,w) * SWAGE(x-x2,1,0,w)
ramp_pulse = RAMP(x-x1,0,1,w) * RAMP(x-x2,1,0,w)
region 1
557 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

start(-1,-0.1) line to (1,-0.1) to (1,0.1) to (-1,0.1) to close

elevation(swage_pulse) from (-1,0) to (1,0)
elevation(ramp_pulse) from (-1,0) to (1,0)
end swage_test

This example illustrates the use of the SWAGE 167 and RAMP 165 functions to generate
smoother alternatives to the IF..THEN 180 construct.
IF..THEN is frequently used to turn sources on and off, to define discontinuous
initial conditions and the like.

But in an adaptive system like FlexPDE, discontinuities can be very troublesome.

They create very high frequency transients which can cause intense regridding
and tiny timesteps. When they occur in equation coefficients, they can cause
convergence failure in Newton's method iterations.
The SWAGE and RAMP functions are an attempt to give users an alternative to the
IF..THEN for defining transitions. These functions, particularly SWAGE, allow
FlexPDE to sense the presence of a transition and follow it in the iterative solver.
In the plots created by this problem, we show both the values generated by the
and their derivatives. By contrast, an IF..THEN has an infinite (ie, undefined)
which is impossible to accurately represent numerically.
title "SWAGE and RAMP Functions"
{ -- No variables, no equations -- }

{ -- Definitions can be included, if desired -- }

{ -- We need a plot domain: -- }

region 1
start(-1,-0.1) line to (1,-0.1)
to (1,0.1) to (-1,0.1) to close
elevation(ramp(x,-1,1,0.1), swage(x,-
from (-0.5,0) to (0.5,0)

elevation(dx(ramp(x,-1,1,0.1)), dx(swage(x,-
from (-0.5,0) to (0.5,0)
end unit_functions
This example illustrates the unit step, unit pulse,
and unit ramp functions ustep(arg1), upulse(arg1,arg2),
and uramp(arg1,arg2) See Unit Functions 163 .
Sample P roblems : Usage 558

"unit functions"

{no variables}
x1 = 0.2
x2 = 0.4
{no equations}
{plot domain -- required}
region 1
start (-1,0)
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
elevation(ustep(x-x1)) from (0,0) to (1,0)
elevation(dx(ustep(x-x1))) from (0,0) to (1,0)
elevation(upulse(x-x1,x-x2)) from (0,0) to (1,0)
elevation(dx(upulse(x-x1,x-x2))) from (0,0) to (1,0)
elevation(uramp(x-x1,x-x2)) from (0,0) to (1,0)
elevation(dx(uramp(x-x1,x-x2))) from (0,0) to (1,0)
! generating a square wave by clipping a cosine
elevation(ustep(cos(4*pi*x))) from (-1,0) to (1,0)
! the duty cycle can be controlled by offsetting the cosine from zero
elevation(ustep(cos(4*pi*x)-0.3)) from (-1,0) to (1,0)
end v ector_functions

This example illustrates the vector functions 177

"vector functions"

{no variables}
u= exp(-x^2+ y) { A scalar potential, perhaps }
f= grad(u) { F = grad(u) is a vector }
df= div(f) { Divergence of F is a scalar}
cf= curl(f) { Curl of F is a new vector }
vx= -sin(y) vy= 2*sin(x) { vector components }
v= vector(vx,vy) { Another vector }
mv= magnitude(v) { Magnitude of v }
cv= curl(v)
ccv= curl(curl(v))
tvv = v*v { v*v is a tensor }
divtx = 2*vx*dx(vx)+vx*dy(vy)+vy*dy(vx) {x-component of div(t) }
divty = vx*dx(vy)+vy*dx(vx)+2*vy*dy(vy) {y-component of div(t) }
divt = vector(divtx,divty)
{no equations}
{plot domain -- required}
559 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

region 1
start "Outer" (-1,0)
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close

start "inner" (-1/2,1/2) line to (1/2,1/2)
elevation(normal(f)) on "Outer"
elevation(tangential(f)) on "inner"
contour(df) as "Div F"
contour(mv) as "Magnitude V"
contour(zcomp(cv)) as "Curl V"
vector(ccv) as "Curl Curl V"
vector(div(v*v)) as "Div(V*V) inline"
vector(divt) as "Div(V*V) expanded"
vector(div(tvv)) as "Div(V*V) tensor parameter"

5.2.11 Implicit_Curves im plicit_curv e_boundary


This example creates a polynomial boundary segment using the

implicit ADAPT CURVE 228 descriptor. With ADAPT, FlexPDE finds the
solution to the given expression that goes through the current
point and tracks the curve in the direction specified (+Y).
Title 'Implicit Curve Boundary'
Coordinates cartesian2
Variables u

k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = 2*3/4+5*2/4

Initial Values u = 1

U: div(K*grad(u)) + s = 0

region 1
start(-0.1, 0.004) value(u)=u0
line to (0.1,0.004)
{ create a boundary segment that follows the expression
(x^2+y^2)^2 - 3*x^2*y - y^3 = A, where A is calculated using
the current point, and start moving in the +Y direction. }
adapt curve ((x^2+y^2)^2 - 3*x^2*y - y^3) by (+y) to close


End im plicit_curv e_surface

Sample P roblems : Usage 560

This example shows how FlexPDE can be used to plot polynomial

expressions and their derivatives. This can be helpful in many
different scenarios, but is presented here because expression
F3 is used in the example IMPLICIT_CURVE_BOUNDARY.PDE 559 .
Title 'Example Surfaces'
Coordinates cartesian2
Select contours=50

f1 = (x^2+y^2)^3-4*x^2*y^2
f2 = (x^2+y^2)^2-4*x*y
f3 = (x^2+y^2)^2 - 3*x^2*y - y^3

region 1
line to (2,-1) to(2,2) to (-2,2) to close

contour(F1) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
contour(dx(F1)) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
contour(dy(F1)) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
elevation(dx(F1),dy(F1)) from (-1,0) to (1,0)

contour(F2) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
contour(dx(F2)) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
contour(dy(F2)) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
elevation(dx(F2),dy(F2)) from (-1,0) to (1,0)

contour(F3) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
contour(dx(F3)) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
contour(dy(F3)) zoom(-1,0, 2,1)
elevation(dx(F3),dy(F3)) from (-1,0) to (1,0.0)

End sine_boundary


This example creates a sinusoidal boundary segment using

the implicit CURVE 228 descriptor. FlexPDE follows the given
equation exactly, so the current point and the ending point
must satisfy the equation or an error is issued. It starts
tracking the4 curve in the direction specified (-X).
title 'Sine Boundary'
coordinates cartesian2
variables u

k = 1
bottom = -1

initial values u=1

U: div(K*grad(u)) + 4 = 0

Region 1
line to (10,bottom)
561 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

line to (10,2)
{ create a boundary segment that follows the equation
y = cos(pi*x)+1, and start moving in the -X direction. }
curve (y = cos(pi*x)+1) by (-x) to (-1,0)
line to close

elevation(u) from(-1,0) to (1,0)

end sine_boundary _3d


This example is a modification of SINE_BOUNDARY.PDE 560 into 3D.

title 'Sine Boundary 3D'
coordinates cartesian3
variables u

k = 1
bottom = -1

initial values u=1

U: div(K*grad(u)) + 4 = 0

extrusion z = 0,1

Region 1
line to (10,bottom)
line to (10,2)
{ create a boundary segment that follows the equation
y = cos(pi*x)+1, and start moving in the -X direction. }
curve (y = cos(pi*x)+1) by (-x) to (-1,0)
line to close

grid(x,y) on z=1/2
contour(u) on z=1/2
surface(u) on z=1/2
elevation(u) from(-1,0,1/2) to (1,0,1/2)


5.2.12 Import_Export 3d_m esh_ex port

This example shows the use of the TRANSFER 213 command to export problem data
Sample P roblems : Usage 562

and mesh structure in 3D problems.

The accompanying test 3D_MESH_IMPORT.PDE 562 reads the transfer file produced here.

(The framework of the problem is a version of 3D_ANTIPERIODIC.PDE 622 .)

coordinates cartesian3

k = 1
an = pi/4 { this is the angular size of the repeated segment }
crot = cos(an) { the sine and cosine needed in the transformation }
srot = sin(an)
H = 0
xc = 1.5
yc = 0.2
rc = 0.1
U: div(K*grad(u)) + H = 0
extrusion z=0,0.4,0.6,1
Region 1
start(1,0) line to (2,0)
value(u) = 0 arc(center=0,0) to (2*crot,2*srot)
antiperiodic(x*crot+y*srot, -x*srot+y*crot)
line to (crot,srot)
arc(center= 0,0) to close
Limited Region 2
layer 2 H=1
start(xc-rc,0) line to (xc+rc,0) to (xc+rc,rc) to (xc-rc,rc) to close
Limited Region 3
layer 2 H=-1
line to ((xc+rc)*crot,(xc+rc)*srot)
to ((xc+rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc+rc)*srot-rc*crot)
to ((xc-rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc-rc)*srot-rc*crot) to close
contour(u) on z=0.5 paint
transfer(u) file="mesh3u.xfr" ! Export mesh and data
transfer() file="mesh3.xfr" ! Export mesh only
end 3d_m esh_im port


This example shows the use of the TRANSFERMESH 213 command to import a
3D Mesh. The mesh file is created by running 3D_MESH_EXPORT.PDE 561 .
Note that the domain structure must exactly match that of the exporting problem.
Periodicity condtions must also be the same, except that periodic and antiperiodic
may be exchanged.

(The framework of this problem is 3D_ANTIPERIODIC.PDE 622 .)

563 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems


coordinates cartesian3
k = 1
{ angular size of the repeated segment: }
an = pi/4
{ sine and cosine needed in transformation }
crot = cos(an)
srot = sin(an)
H = 0
xc = 1.5
yc = 0.2
rc = 0.1
mesh3.xfr") ! << read the mesh file
U: div(K*grad(u)) + H = 0
extrusion z=0,0.4,0.6,1
Region 1
start(1,0) line to (2,0)
value(u) = 0 arc(center=0,0) to (2*crot,2*srot)
antiperiodic(x*crot+y*srot, -x*srot+y*crot)
line to (crot,srot)
natural(u)=x-2.4*y ! BC changed from exporting problem
arc(center= 0,0) to close
Limited Region 2
layer 2 H = 1
start(xc-rc,0) line to (xc+rc,0) to (xc+rc,rc) to (xc-rc,rc) to close
Limited Region 3
layer 2 H = -1
line to ((xc+rc)*crot,(xc+rc)*srot)
to ((xc+rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc+rc)*srot-rc*crot)
to ((xc-rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc-rc)*srot-rc*crot) to close

contour(u) on z=0.5 paint
end 3d_post_processing

This example demonstrates the use of the TRANSFERMESH 213 facility to import
both data and mesh structure from 3D_MESH_EXPORT.PDE 561 and perform
post-processing without gridding or solving any equations.

This is easily accomplished in a step-wise process:

1) make a copy of the script that generated the exported data
2) remove the VARIABLES and EQUATIONS sections
3) remove any boundary conditions stated in the BOUNDARIES section
4) add the TRANSFERMESH statement in the DEFINITIONS section
5) add any new plots that you desire

Note that the domain structure must exactly match that of the exporting problem.
Sample P roblems : Usage 564

3D_MESH_EXPORT.PDE 561 must be run before running this problem.

title 'Using TRANSFERMESH for post-processing'

coordinates cartesian3
k = 1
an = pi/4 { this is the angular size of the repeated segment }
crot = cos(an) { the sine and cosine needed in the transformation }
srot = sin(an)
H = 0
xc = 1.5
yc = 0.2
rc = 0.1
extrusion z=0,0.4,0.6,1
Region 1
start(1,0) line to (2,0)
arc(center=0,0) to (2*crot,2*srot)
line to (crot,srot)
arc(center= 0,0) to close
Limited Region 2
layer 2 H=1
start(xc-rc,0) line to (xc+rc,0) to (xc+rc,rc) to (xc-rc,rc) to close
Limited Region 3
layer 2 H=-1
line to ((xc+rc)*crot,(xc+rc)*srot)
to ((xc+rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc+rc)*srot-rc*crot)
to ((xc-rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc-rc)*srot-rc*crot) to close
grid(x,y) on z=0.5
contour(u) on z=0.5 zoom(1.3,0,0.4,0.4)
contour(u) on z=0.5 zoom(1.4,0,0.2,0.2) paint
end 3d_surf_ex port

This problem shows data export on an extrusion surface in 3D.
Values are exported on a cut plane in default text format,
and on a cut plane and an extrusion surface in user-specified columnar format.
(See "Format 'string' 250 " in the Help Index for formatting rules.)
The output files will be given the default names
"3d_surf_export.p02", "...p03" and "...p04", corresponding to the second,
third and fourth plot specifications.

The problem is a modification of 3D_SPHERE.PDE 487 .

title '3D Export Test - Sphere'
k = 0.1 { conductivity }
565 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

heat =6*k { internal heat source }

u0 = exp(-x^2-y^2)
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
surface z = -sqrt(1-(x^2+y^2)) { the bottom hemisphere }
surface z = sqrt(1-(x^2+y^2)) { the top hemisphere }
surface 1 value(u) = u0 { fixed value on sphere surfaces }
surface 2 value(u) = u0
region 1
start(1,0) arc(center=0,0) angle=360

contour(u) on x=0 { YZ plane through diameter }
contour(u) on z=0.5 { XY plane above center }
export format "#x#b#y#b#z#b#1"
contour(u) on surface 2 { top surface }
export format "#x#b#y#b#z#b#1"
end blocktable

This example shows the use of the BLOCK 210 modifier in reading TABLE 208 data.

The BLOCK 210 modifier allows table data to be interpreted in Histogram profile.
The default interpretation imposes a 10% rise width on the histogram blocks,
to avoid dramatic timestep cuts when data are used as driving profiles in
time-dependent problems.

The BLOCK(rise) 210 qualifier allows the specification of a rise width as a fraction
of block width.
title '1D BLOCK table'

{ No Variables are necessary }
{ single value format with default 10% rise width: }
u = block table("table1.tbl")
{ assignment list format with 50% rise width: }
block(0.5) tabledef("table1.tbl",v)
{ single value format with un-blocked interpretation: }
w = table("table1.tbl")
Region 1
line to (10,0) to (10,1) to (0,1) to close
contour(u) as "10% rise"
contour(v) as "50% rise"
contour(w) as "Unblocked"
elevation(u) as "10% rise" from(0,0.5) to (10,0.5)
elevation(v) as "50% rise" from(0,0.5) to (10,0.5)
elevation(w) as "Unblocked" from(0,0.5) to (10,0.5)
elevation(u, v, w) from(0,0.5) to (10,0.5)
Sample P roblems : Usage 566 ex port
This sample demonstrates the use of several forms of data export selectors.
All exports use the default file naming conventions, which append modifiers
to the problem name.
A heat flow problem is solved on a square for example purposes.
title "Demonstrate forms of export"


K = 1
source = 4
Texact = 1-x^2-y^2
Initial values
Temp = 0
Temp: div(K*grad(Temp)) + source = 0
Region 1
start "BDRY" (-1,-1)
line to (1,-1)
to (1,1)
to (-1,1)
to close
{ this contour plot exports graphic images in four formats:
( notice that the BMP file is 46 times larger than the other formats!) }
contour(Temp) PNG EPS EMF BMP
{ export temperature and flux in NetCDF format }
{ export FlexPDE TABLE format }
{ export temperature and flux in TecPlot format }
{ export temperature and flux in linearized VTK format }

end ex port_form at
This problem demonstrates a few variations on the use of the
FORMAT 250 modifier in data export.
Title 'Test FORMATTED export'
U: dxx(u) + dyy(u) = -4
567 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

region 1
value(u)=0 { the cold outer boundary }
line to (2.5,1) to (2.5,2) to (0.5,2) to close
natural(u) = 0
line to (1,1.8) to (2,1.8)
line to (1.52,1.52) to (1,1.52) to (1,1.48) to (1.52,1.48)
to (2,1.2) to close

{ An ELEVATION plot prints a tag-delimited data list to the file "PTABLE.TXT":}
elevation(u) from (1.5,1) to (1.5,2) export format "#y#b#1" file="ptable.txt"
{ A CONTOUR plot prints a tab-delimited table of values in the default
file "export_format.p02": }
contour(u^2) export format "#x#b#y#b#1"
{ A VECTOR plot prints a table of vectors delimited by commas and parentheses
in the file "VECTOR.TXT": }
vector(-dx(u),-dy(u)) zoom(1.9,1.7,0.2,0.2) export format "(#x,#y)=(#1,#2)"
file "vectors.txt"
{ A TABLE output without graphics writes a 10x10 table of FIXED POINT gridding
statements suitable for inclusion in another PDE descriptor
(in the default file "export_format_01.tbl"): }
table(u) format "fixed point (#x,#y) point load(u)=(#1-u)" points=10
{ A TABLE output without graphics writes a 12x10 table of gaussian source
statements suitable for inclusion in another PDE descriptor
(in the default file "export_format_02.tbl"): }
table(u) format "+a*exp(-((x-#x)/c)^2-((y-#y)/c)^2)*(#1-u)" points=(12,10)
End ex port_history

This example illustrates use of the FORMAT 250 modifier in the export of a
HISTORY 270 plot.

The repeat (#R 250 ) construct is used to create a comma-delimited data list.

The problem is the same as FLOAT_ZONE.PDE 417 .

cubic { Use Cubic Basis }
temp (threshold=100)
k = 0.85 { thermal conductivity}
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
long = 18
H = 0.4 { free convection boundary coupling }
Ta = 25 { ambient temperature }
A = 4500 { amplitude }
source = A*exp(-((z-1*t)/.5)^2)*(200/(t+199))
Sample P roblems : Usage 568

initial value
temp = Ta

Temp: div(k*grad(temp)) + source = cp*dt(temp)
region 1
natural(temp) = 0 line to (long,0)
value(temp) = Ta line to (long,1)
natural(temp) = -H*(temp - Ta) line to (0,1)
value(temp) = Ta line to close
start(0.01*long,0) line to (0.01*long,1)
time -0.5 to 19 by 0.01
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0,1) to (long,1) range=(0,1800) as "Surface Temp"
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0,0) to (long,0) range=(0,1800) as "Axis Temp"
{ EXPORT a formatted HISTORY file: }
history(temp) at (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7,0) (8,0)
(9,0) (10,0) (11,0) (12,0) (13,0) (14,0) (15,0) (16,0)
(17,0) (18,0) export format "#t#r,#i"
end m esh_ex port


This example uses a modification of the sample problem HEAT_BOUNDARY.PDE 418

to illustrate the use of the TRANSFER 261 output function.
Both the temperatures calculated here and the final mesh structure are transferred
as input to the stress calculation MESH_IMPORT.PDE 569
title "Test TRANSFER output"

K = 1
source = 4
Tzero = 0
flux = -K*grad(Temp)
Temp: div(K*grad(Temp)) + source = 0
Region 1
start "OUTER" (0,0)
natural(Temp)=0 line to(1,0)
natural(Temp)=0 arc (center=0,0) to (0,1)
natural(Temp)=0 line to close
start "INNER" (0.4,0.2)
arc (center=0.4,0.4)
to (0.6,0.4)
to (0.4,0.6)
569 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

to (0.2,0.4)
to close
vector(-K*dx(Temp),-K*dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "outer" range(-0.08,0.08)
report(bintegral(normal(flux),"outer")) as "bintegral"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "inner" range(1.95,2.3)
report(bintegral(normal(flux),"inner")) as "bintegral"
transfer(Temp,source) file="transferm.xfr"
end m esh_im port


This problem demonstrates the use of the TRANSFERMESH 246 facility to import
both data and mesh structure from MESH_EXPORT.PDE 568 .

MESH_EXPORT.PDE 568 must be run before running this problem.

title 'Testing the TRANSFERMESH statement'
painted { paint all contour plots }
nu = 0.3 { define Poisson's Ratio }
E = 21 { Young's Modulus x 10^-11 }
G = E/(1-nu^2)
C11 = G
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2
alpha = 1e-3
b = G*alpha*(1+nu)
Sxx = C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V) - b*Temp
Syy = C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V) - b*temp
Sxy = C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))
initial values
U = 0
V = 0
U: dx(Sxx) + dy(Sxy) = 0
V: dy(Syy) + dx(Sxy) = 0
Region 1
start "OUTER" (0,0)
natural(U)=0 value(V)=0 { no y-motion on x-axis }
line to(1,0)
natural(U)=0 natural(V)=0 { free outer boundary }
arc (center=0,0) to (0,1)
Sample P roblems : Usage 570

value(U)=0 natural(V)=0 { no x-motion on y-axis }

line to close
natural(U)=0 natural(V)=0 { free inner boundary }
start "INNER" (0.4,0.2)
arc (center=0.4,0.4)
to (0.6,0.4)
to (0.4,0.6)
to (0.2,0.4)
to close
vector(U,V) as "Displacement"
contour(U) as "X-Displacement"
contour(V) as "Y-Displacement"
contour(Sxx) as "X-Stress"
contour(Syy) as "Y-Stress"
surface(Sxx) as "X-Stress"
surface(Syy) as "Y-Stress"
end post_processing

This example demonstrates the use of the TRANSFERMESH 213 facility to import
both data and mesh structure from MESH_EXPORT.PDE 568 and perform
post-processing without gridding or solving any equations.

This is easily accomplished in a step-wise process:

1) make a copy of the script that generated the exported data
2) remove the VARIABLES and EQUATIONS sections
3) remove any boundary conditions stated in the BOUNDARIES section
4) add the TRANSFERMESH statement in the DEFINITIONS section
5) add any new plots that you desire

Note that the domain structure must exactly match that of the exporting problem.

MESH_EXPORT.PDE 568 must be run before running this problem.

title "Using TRANSFERMESH for post-processing"
K = 1

Region 1
start "OUTER" (0,0)
line to(1,0)
arc (center=0,0) to (0,1)
line to close
start "INNER" (0.4,0.2)
arc (center=0.4,0.4)
to (0.6,0.4)
to (0.4,0.6)
to (0.2,0.4)
to close
contour(Temp) zoom(0.2,0.2,0.1,0.1)
571 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

vector(-K*dx(Temp),-K*dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"

end sm oothtable


This example shows the use of the SMOOTH 210 modifier for data tables.

No PDE system is solved in this example, it is purely a display of TABLE data.

title 'Smooth Table Input Test'
ts = table('table_s.tbl')
tsx = smooth(1,0) table('table_s.tbl')
tsy = smooth(0,1) table('table_s.tbl')
tsxy = smooth(1,1) table('table_s.tbl')
region 1
line to (0,0) to (size,0) to (size,size) to close
surface(ts) as 'Table'
surface(tsx) as 'X-smooth'
surface(tsy) as 'Y-smooth'
surface(tsxy) as 'XY-smooth'
elevation(ts,tsx) from(0,size/2) to (size,size/2) as 'X-smooth'
elevation(ts,tsy) from(size/2,0) to (size/2,size) as 'Y-smooth'
elevation(ts,tsxy) from(size/2,0) to (size/2,size) as 'XY-smooth'
end splinetable

This example solves the same system as TABLE.PDE 572 , using a Spline interpretation of
data in the table file 'TABLE.TBL'.
The file format is the same for TABLE 208 or SPLINE TABLE 210 input.
The SPLINE TABLE operator can be used to build spline tables of one or two
The resulting interpolation is third order in the coordinates, with continuous values
and derivatives. First or second derivatives of the interpolated function may be
Here the table is used as source and diffusivity in a fictitious heat equation, merely
show the use of the table variable.
The SAVE function is used to construct a Finite Element interpolation of the data from
spline table, for comparison of derivatives. Cubic FEM basis is used so that the
derivative is meaningful.
title 'Spline Table Input Test'
Sample P roblems : Usage 572

alpha = spline table('table.tbl') ! construct spline fit of table:
beta = 1/alpha
femalpha = save(alpha) ! save a FEM interpolation of table:
U: div(alpha*grad(u)) + beta = 0
region 1
value(u) = 0
line to (0,0) to (10,0) to (10,10) to close
contour(alpha) as 'table'
contour(dx(alpha)) as 'dx(table)'
contour(dy(alpha)) as 'dy(table)'
vector(grad(alpha)) as 'grad(table)'
surface(alpha) as 'table'
contour(dxx(alpha)) as 'dxx(table)'
contour(dxy(alpha)) as 'dxy(table)'
contour(dyy(alpha)) as 'dyy(table)'
contour(dxx(alpha)+dyy(alpha)) as "Table Curvature"
contour(div(grad(femalpha))) as "FEM Curvature"
surface(beta) as "table reciprocal"
contour(u) as "temperature solution"
surface(u) as "temperature solution"
end table
This problem demonstrates the use of tabular data.
It reads the file "TABLE.TBL", uses the data in a heat equation,
and displays the table data.
title 'Table Input Test'
errlim = 0.0005

alpha = table('table.tbl')
beta = 1/alpha
U: div(alpha*grad(u)) + beta = 0
region 1
value(u) = 0
line to (0,0) to (10,0) to (10,10) to close
contour(alpha) as "Conductivity (Table data)"
surface(alpha) as 'Conductivity (Table data)'
vector(grad(alpha)) as 'grad(table)'
surface(beta) as "Source (Table Reciprocal)"
contour(u) as "Temperature solution"
573 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

surface(u) as "Temperature solution"

end tabledef

This problem illustrates the use of the TABLEDEF 210 function to define several
parameters from an imported table named TABLEDEF.TBL

Note that the TABLEDEF 210 function has the same syntax as the TRANSFER 213 function.
The difference is that TABLEDEF 210 uses a rectangular grid of data values,
while TRANSFER 213 uses an unstructured triangular finite element mesh created
by a prior FlexPDE run.
title 'Table Input Test'
errlim = 0.0005
U: div(alpha *grad(u)) + beta = 0
region 1
value(u) = 0
line to (0,0) to (10,0) to (10,10) to close

end table_ex port

This example shows the use of FlexPDE as a generator of data tables
in proper format to be read in by other FlexPDE problems.
We define a domain which is the domain of the table coordinates, and
compute and export the table.
No variables or equations are declared.
This example exports both a 1D and a 2D table of a Gaussian in the table
files "GAUS1.TBL" and "GAUS2.TBL".

The output is in default format, suitable for TABLE 208 input to other FlexPDE runs.
See "FORMAT 'string'" in the Help Index for formatting controls.

See TABLE_IMPORT.PDE 574 for an example of reading the TABLE 208 created here.
title 'TABLE generation'
Sample P roblems : Usage 574

u = exp(-16*(x^2+y^2))
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
! 2D table
table(u) points=51 file='gauss2.tbl'
! 1D table
elevation(u) from(-1,0) to (1,0) export file='gauss1.tbl'
end table_im port


This example reads a 1D table created by TABLE_EXPORT.PDE 573 and fits

the data with a cubic spline. It then compares derivatives with
analytic values.
title '1D Spline table import'
u = spline table("table_export_output/gauss1.tbl")
gu = exp(-16*x^2)
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
contour(u) as "imported data"
contour(dx(u)) as "X-derivative of imported data"
contour(dxx(u)) as "XX-derivative of imported data"
elevation(u, gu) from(-1,0) to (1,0) as "Imported data and exact function"
elevation(dx(u), dx(gu)) from(-1,0) to (1,0) as "Imported X-derivative and exact
elevation(dxx(u), dxx(gu)) from(-1,0) to (1,0) as "Imported XX-derivative and exact
end transfer_ex port

This example uses a modification of the sample problem
HEAT_BOUNDARY.PDE 418 to illustrate the use of the TRANSFER 213 output
function. Temperatures calculated here are transferred as
input to the stress calculation TRANSFER_IMPORT.PDE 575

title "TRANSFER export test"

Temp (threshold=0.1)
K = 1
source = 4
575 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Tzero = 0
flux = -K*grad(Temp)
Temp: div(K*grad(Temp)) + source = 0
Region 1
start "OUTER" (0,0)
natural(Temp)=0 line to(1,0)
natural(Temp)=0 arc (center=0,0) to (0,1)
natural(Temp)=0 line to close

start "INNER" (0.4,0.2)

arc (center=0.4,0.4)
to (0.6,0.4)
to (0.4,0.6)
to (0.2,0.4)
to close
vector(-K*dx(Temp),-K*dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "outer" range(-0.08,0.08)
report(bintegral(normal(flux),"outer")) as "bintegral"
elevation(normal(flux)) on "inner" range(1.95,2.3)
report(bintegral(normal(flux),"inner")) as "bintegral"
transfer(Temp,K) file="transfer.xfr"
end transfer_im port


This problem demonstrates the use of the TRANSFER 213 facility to import
temperatures from TRANSFER_EXPORT.PDE 574 as the source of thermal expansion
driving a stress calculation.

TRANSFER_EXPORT.PDE 574 must be run before running this problem.

title 'Testing the TRANSFER input function'
painted { paint all contour plots }
nu = 0.3 { define Poisson's Ratio }
E = 21 { Young's Modulus x 10^-11 }
G = E/(1-nu^2)
C11 = G
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2
alpha = 1e-3
b = G*alpha*(1+nu)
Sample P roblems : Usage 576

Sxx = C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V) - b*Temp

Syy = C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V) - b*temp
Sxy = C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))

initial values
U = 0
V = 0
U: dx(Sxx) + dy(Sxy) = 0
V: dy(Syy) + dx(Sxy) = 0
integral(u) = 0
integral(v) = 0
integral(dx(v)-dy(u)) = 0
Region 1
start "OUTER" (0,0)
natural(U)=0 value(V)=0 line to(1,0)
natural(U)=0 natural(V)=0
arc (center=0,0) to (0,1) { free outer boundary }
value(U)=0 natural(V)=0 line to close
{ free inner boundary }
start "INNER" (0.4,0.2)
natural(U)=0 natural(V)=0
arc (center=0.4,0.4)
to (0.6,0.4)
to (0.4,0.6)
to (0.2,0.4)
to close
contour(Temp) report(Kxfer)
vector(U,V) as "Displacement"
contour(U) as "X-Displacement"
contour(V) as "Y-Displacement"
contour(Sxx) as "X-Stress"
contour(Syy) as "Y-Stress"
surface(Sxx) as "X-Stress"
surface(Syy) as "Y-Stress"

5.2.13 Integrals 2d_integrals
This problem demonstrates the specification of various integrals in 2D.
title '2D Integrals'
select errlim=1e-4
R0 = 0.1
R1 = 0.4
R2 = 0.6
Long = 1.0
577 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }

Q = 10*max(1-((r-R1)^2+z^2),0) { Thermal source }
{ This definition shows the use of a selector to force integration of Tp only in
inner region }
temp2 = if flag2>0 then Tp else 0
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }

Region 1 { define full domain boundary }

K = 1
start "outside" (R0,-Long/2)
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (R2,-Long/2)
to (R2,Long/2)
to (R0,Long/2)
to close
Region 2 "Inner Region"
start "Inner Boundary" (R0,-Long/2)
line to (R1,-Long/2)
to (R1,Long/2)
to (R0,Long/2)
to close
report("Compare various forms for integrating over region 2")
report(integral(Tp,"Inner Region"))
report(integral(temp2)) { integrates over full volume, but temp2 is zero in
region 1 }
report '-----'
report("Compare various forms for integrating over total volume")
report '-----'
report("Compare various forms for integrating over surface of region 2")
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)),'Inner Boundary'))
report '-----'
report("Compare surface flux on region 2 to internal divergence integral")
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)),"Inner Boundary"))
report(integral(Q,"Inner Region"))
report '-----'
report("Compare surface flux on total volume to internal divergence integral")
report '-----'
Sample P roblems : Usage 578 3d_integrals
This problem demonstrates the specification of various integrals in 3D.
( This is a modification of problem 3D_BRICKS.PDE 414 )
title '3D Integrals'
long = 1
wide = 1
K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later }
Q = 10*max(1-x^2-y^2-z^2,0) { Thermal source }
{ These definitions create a selector that supresses evaluation
of Tp except in region 2 of layer 2 }
check22 = if flag22>0 then Tp else 0
{ These definitions create a selector that supresses evaluation
of Tp except in region 2 of all layers }
check20 = if flag20>0 then Tp else 0
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation }
surface "bottom" z = -long
layer 'bottom layer'
surface "middle" z=0
layer 'top layer'
surface 'top' z= long { divide Z into two layers }
surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp }
surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp }
Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane }
layer 1 k=1 { bottom right brick }
layer 2 k=0.1 { top right brick }
start "outside" (-wide,-wide)
value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps }
line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane }
to (wide,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
Region 2 "Left" { overlay a second region in left half }
layer 1 k=0.2 { bottom left brick }
layer 2 k=0.4 flag22=1 { top left brick }
line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane }
to (0,wide)
to (-wide,wide)
to close
contour(Tp) on surface z=0 as "XY Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on surface y=0 as "ZX Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp"
elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp"
579 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp"

contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp"
contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
contour(k*dz(Tp)) on z=-0.001 as "Low Middle Z-Flux"
contour(k*dz(Tp)) on z=0.001 as "High Middle Z-Flux"
report("Compare various forms for integrating over region 2 of layer 2")
report(integral(Tp,"Left","Top Layer"))
report '-----'
report("Compare various forms for integrating over region 2 in all layers")
report '-----'
report("Compare various forms for integrating over total volume")
report '-----'
report("Compare various forms for integrating over surface 'middle'")
report '-----'
report("Compare various forms for integrating over surfaces")
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)),1)) as "Bottom Flux"
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)),3)) as "Top Flux"
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)),"outside")) as "Side Flux"
+sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)),"outside")) as "Bottom+Top+Side Flux"
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)))) { surface integral on total outer surface
report(integral(Q) ) as "Source Integral"
-integral(Q) ) as "Energy Error"
report(integral(div(-k*grad(Tp))) ) as "Divergence Integral"
report '-----'
report("Compare surface flux on region 2 of layer 2 to internal divergence
{ surface integral over outer surface of region 2, layer 2 }
report(sintegral(normal(-k*grad(Tp)),"Left","Top Layer"))
report(integral(Q,"Left","Top Layer"))
report '-----'

end tim e_integral


This example illustrates use of the TIME_INTEGRAL 172 function in time-dependent

"Float Zone"
temp (threshold=100)
k = 0.85 {thermal conductivity}
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
long = 18
H = 0.4 {free convection boundary coupling}
Ta = 25 {ambient temperature}
Sample P roblems : Usage 580

A = 4500 {amplitude}
source = A*exp(-((z-1*t)/.5)^2)*(200/(t+199))

tsource = time_integral(vol_integral(source))
initial value
temp = Ta
temp: div(k*grad(temp)) + source = cp*dt(temp)
region 1
natural(temp) = 0 line to (long,0)
value(temp) = Ta line to (long,1)
natural(temp) = -H*(temp - Ta) line to (0,1)
value(temp) = Ta line to close
start(0.01*long,0) line to (0.01*long,1)
time -0.5 to 19
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0,1) to (long,1) range=(0,1800) as "Surface Temp"
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0,0) to (long,0) range=(0,1800) as "Axis Temp"
history(temp,dt(temp)) at (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7,0) (8,0)
(9,0) (10,0) (11,0) (12,0) (13,0) (14,0) (15,0) (16,0)
(17,0) (18,0)
history(tsource) as "Total Source"

5.2.14 Mesh_Control 3d_curv ature
This problem demonstrates automatic mesh densification due to curvature and
proximity to small features.
The example consists of a three-layer heatflow problem. The bottom layer contains
a hidden rise, or "dimple", that rises close to the base of the adjoining layer.
FlexPDE detects this dimple and automatically refines the computation mesh to
resolve the curvature of the tip.
It also detects the proximity of the dimple peak to the adjoining layer and refines
mesh in that layer as well.

title '3D Layer curvature resolution Test'

581 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

long = 1
wide = 1
K = 1
Q = 0
narrow = 0.2
z1 = 0
z2 = 0.1+0.3*exp(-(x^2+y^2)/narrow^2)
z3 = 0.5
z4= 1
initial values
Tp = 0.
Tp: div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0
extrusion z = z1,z2,z3,z4

surface 1 value (Tp)=0
surface 4 value (Tp)=1
Region 1
layer 1 k=10
layer 3 k=5
start (-wide,-wide)
line to (wide,-wide) to (wide,wide) to (-wide,wide) to close
grid (x,z) on y=0
contour (Tp) on z=0.38 painted
grid(x,y,z) on layer 1
grid (x,z) on y=0
grid(x,y) on surface 2
contour (Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp"
contour (Tp) on z=0.38 painted
end boundary _density


This problem demonstrates the use of the MESH_DENSITY 214 parameter to

control mesh density along a boundary.

The boundary of the inner region is forced to a grid spacing of 0.02

title 'Cell Size Control'
k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = 2*3/4+5*2/4
b = 0.1
c = 0.02
U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
Region 2
Sample P roblems : Usage 582

mesh_density = 1/c { command inside the boundary path }

line to (b,-b) to (b,b) to (-b,b) to close
contour(u) on region 2
end boundary _spacing


This problem demonstrates the use of the MESH_SPACING 214 parameter to

control mesh density along a boundary.
The boundary of the inner region is forced to a grid spacing of 0.02

title 'Cell Size Control'

k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = 2*3/4+5*2/4
b = 0.1
c = 0.02
U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
Region 2
mesh_spacing=c { command placed inside the boundary path }
line to (b,-b) to (b,b) to (-b,b) to close
contour(u) on region 2
end front

This example demonstrates the use of the FRONT 242 statement

to create a dense mesh at a moving front.

The FRONT 242 command is used to force mesh refinement wherever the
concentration variable passes through a value of 0.5.

The problem is the same as CHEMBURN.PDE 361 .

583 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

'FRONT statement in Chemical Reactor'

painted { make color-filled contour plots }

Temp (threshold=1)
C (threshold=1)
Lz = 1
gamma = 16
beta = 0.2
betap = 0.3
BI = 1
T0 = 1
TW = 0.92
{ the very nasty reaction rate: }
RC = (1-C)*exp(gamma-gamma/Temp)
xev=0.96 { some plot points }
initial value
Temp: div(grad(Temp)) + heat + betap*RC = dt(Temp)
C: div(grad(C)) + beta*RC = dt(C)
region 1
start (0,0)
{ a mirror plane on X-axis }
natural(Temp) = 0
natural(C) = 0
line to (r1,0)
{ "Strip Heater" at fixed temperature }
{ ramp the boundary temp in time, because discontinuity is costly to diffuse }
value(Temp)=T0 + 0.2*uramp(t,t-0.05)
natural(C)=0 { no mass flow on strip heater }
arc(center=0,0) angle 5
{ convective cooling and no mass flow on outer arc }
arc(center=0,0) angle 85
{ a mirror plane on Y-axis }
natural(Temp) = 0
natural(C) = 0
line to (0,0) to close
time 0 to 1
front(C-0.5, 0.1)
for cycle=10 { watch the fast events by cycle }
contour(C) as "Completion"
for t= 0.2 by 0.05 to 0.3 { show some surfaces during burn }
surface(C) as "Completion"
history(Temp,C) at (0,0) (xev/2,yev/2) (xev,yev) (yev/2,xev/2) (yev,xev)
Sample P roblems : Usage 584

end m esh_density

This example demonstrates the use of the MESH_DENSITY 214 parameter to

control mesh density.
A global density function is defined as a Gaussian distribution returning
1 cell-per-unit density at the center, rising to 54.6 cell-per-unit density
at the corners.
This global distribution is overridden by a regional definition of 50 cell-per-unit
density in a central region.
title 'Cell Size Control'
k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = 2*3/4+5*2/4
mesh_density = exp(2*(x^2+y^2))
box = 0.1
u : div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
Region 2
mesh_density = 50
line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close
end m esh_spacing

This example demonstrates the use of the MESH_SPACING 214 parameter to

control mesh density.
A global density function is defined as a Gaussian distribution returning
1 unit mesh spacing at the center, falling to 0.018 at the corners.
This global distribution is overridden by a regional definition of
0.02 mesh spacing in a central region.
585 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

title 'Cell Size Control'


k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = 2*3/4+5*2/4
mesh_spacing = exp(-2*(x^2+y^2))
b = 0.1
c = 0.02
u : div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0

Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
Region 2
mesh_spacing = c
line to (b,-b) to (b,b) to (-b,b) to close

end resolv e
This is a test problem from Timoshenko: Theory of Elasticity, p41

The RESOLVE 243 statement has been added to force regridder to resolve the
shear stress.
title "RESOLVE shear stress in bent bar"
U { X-displacement }
V { Y-displacement }
L = 1 { Bar length }
hL = L/2
W = 0.1 { Bar thickness }
hW = W/2
eps = 0.01*L
I = 2*hW^3/3 { Moment of inertia }
nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }
E = 2.0e11 { Young's Modulus for Steel (N/M^2) }
{ plane stress coefficients }
G = E/(1-nu^2)
C11 = G
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2
amplitude=1e-6 { a guess for grid-plot scaling }
Sample P roblems : Usage 586

force = 250 { total loading force in Newtons (~10 pound force) }

dist = 0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I { Distributed load }
Sx = (C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V)) { Stresses }
Sy = (C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V))
Txy = C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))
Vexact = (force/(6*E*I))*((L-x)^2*(2*L+x) + 3*nu*x*y^2)
Uexact = (force/(6*E*I))*(3*y*(L^2-x^2) +(2+nu)*y^3 -6*(1+nu)*hW^2*y)
Sxexact = -force*x*y/I
Txyexact = -0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I
small = 1e-5
initial values
U = 0
V = 0
equations { define the displacement equations }
U: dx(C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V)) + dy(C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))) = 0
V: dx(C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))) + dy(C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V)) = 0
{ force regridder to resolve the shear stress.
Avoid the ends, where the stress is extreme. }
resolve (Txy, 100*(x/L)*(1-x/L))
region 1
start (0,-hW)
{ free boundary on bottom, no normal stress }
load(U)=0 load(V)=0 line to (L,-hW)
{ clamp the right end }
value(U) = Uexact line to (L,0) point value(V) = 0
line to (L,hW)
{ free boundary on top, no normal stress }
load(U)=0 load(V)=0 line to (0,hW)
{ apply distributed load to Y-displacement equation }
load(U)=0 load(V)=dist line to close
grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V) as "deformation" { show final deformed grid }
elevation(V,Vexact) from(0,0) to (L,0) as "Center Y-Displacement(M)"
elevation(V,Vexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top Y-Displacement(M)"
elevation(U,Uexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top X-Displacement(M)"
elevation(Sx,Sxexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top X-Stress"
elevation(Sx,Sxexact) from(0,0) to (L,0) as "Center X-Stress"
elevation(Txy,Txyexact) from(0,hW) to (L,hW) as "Top Shear Stress"
elevation(Txy,Txyexact) from(0,0) to (L,0) as "Center Shear Stress"
elevation(Txy,Txyexact) from(hL,-hW) to (hL,hW) as "Center Shear Stress"

5.2.15 Misc askuser

This example demonstrates the use of the ASK USER command to take input from the user
at run time.
The problem is a copy of FILLET.PDE 590 .

title 'ASK USER test'


587 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

ngrid=ask user("What do yo want to use for NGRID?")

k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = ask user("What source do you want to use?",2*3/4+5*2/4)

U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0

Region 1
value(u)=u0 line to (1,-1) FILLET(0.1)
to (-0.25,-0.25) FILLET(0.1)
to (-1,1) BEVEL(0.1)
to close

contour(u) points=200
grid(x,y) zoom(0.6,-1, 0.2,0.2)
contour(u) zoom(0.6,-1, 0.2,0.2) as "Convex Fillet Closeup"
grid(x,y) zoom(-0.35,-0.35, 0.2,0.2)
contour(u) zoom(-0.35,-0.35, 0.2,0.2) as "Concave Fillet Closeup"

end bc_sets

This example shows the basic use of boundary condition sets.


COORDINATES cartesian2


'inlet' : value(u)=1 natural(v)=1
'outlet': natural(u)=1 value(v)=10
'side' : natural(u)=0 natural(v)=0

u: div(grad(u))=0
v: div(grad(v))=0

Region 1
start(0,0) use bc 'side'
line to (5,0) use bc 'outlet'
line to (5,1) use bc 'side'
line to (0,1) use bc 'inlet'
line to close

Sample P roblems : Usage 588 bc_switching


This script demonstrates a technique for switching a boundary condition

from NATURAL to VALUE. FlexPDE does not allow this switch directly, but
it can be mimicked by using a NATURAL condition that is equivalent to the
VALUE condition.

To achieve this, one can apply a flux that drives the boundary to the
desired value. The flux is a "large" penalty term multiplied by the
difference of the desired value (U0) and the actual value :

NATURAL(U) = penalty*(U0-U)

The size of the penalty term will dictate how rigorously the value is

Now the switching boundary condition can be implemented in an IF statement:

NATURAL(U) = IF condition THEN penalty*(U0-U) ELSE otherflux

title "Boundary Condition Switching"

variables Temp

penalty = 300 { penalty for value bc }
Temp0 = 15 { ambient temperature }
heater = 315 { heater temperature }
h = 1 { block size }
k = 0.85 { thermal conductivity }
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
rt = 0.5 { heater ramp time }

delta = h/4 + URAMP(t-1,t-5)*h/2 { moving point for BC switch }

Temp : div(k*grad(Temp)) = cp*dt(Temp)

initial values
Temp = Temp0

region 1
line to (h,0)
natural(Temp) = if (y > delta) then penalty*(Temp0-Temp) else 0
line to (h,h)
line to (0,h)
value(Temp) = RAMP(t-rt,Temp0,heater,2*rt)
line to close

time 0 to 6 by 1e-4

for cycle = 10
elevation(Temp) from(h,0) to (h,h)

for t = 1 by 1 to 6
elevation(Temp) from(h,0) to (h,h)
589 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

history(Temp) at (0,h/2), (h,h/5), (h,4*h/5)

end data_fitting


This example uses GLOBAL VARIABLES to form a least-squares fit to a Gaussian data
and then follows the fit as the Gaussian diffuses out.

The basic process of least-squares fitting seeks to minimize the integral of the
square of the
difference between the given data and the analytic fit function:
minimize G = Integral (( F - P)^2 * dV)
where F is the analytic fit and P is the array of given data.
The technique is to find a stationary point in the derivatives of G with respect to
the fit parameters.
In our case, we choose F(x,y) = A*exp(-R^2/W^2), where A is the amplitude and W is
the half-width
of the fitted Gaussian, and R is the radius sqrt(x^2+y^2), (a pre-defined name in
With this definition, we can define the fit equations
dG/dA = Integral(2*(F-P)*dF/dA) = 0
dG/dW = Integral(2*(F-P)*dF/dW) = 0
We start by solving the fit equations in an INITIAL EQUATIONS section, then proceed
to solve the
fit equations simultaneously with the diffusion of the data field.

title 'Least-Squares Data Fitting'

coordinates cartesian2

variables p(Threshold = 0.001) ! the raw data field

global variables
A(Threshold = 0.001) ! The Fit amplitude
W(Threshold=0.001) ! The Fit half-width

box = 1.5 ! The Domain Size
wdata = 0.1 ! The half-width of the data Gaussian
k = 0.1 ! the diffusivity of the data equation

! Force denser mesh at the peak of the data

mesh_den = 50
mesh_density = mesh_den*exp(-(x^2+y^2)/wdata^2)

! The Gaussian fit equation terms

fitf = A*exp(-r^2/W^2)
dfdk = fitf/A
dfdw = fitf * (2*r^2/W^3)
fitg = fitf - p
initial equations
A : integral(2*fitg*dfdk) = 0
W: integral(2*fitg*dfdw) = 0
p : dt(p) =div(k*grad(p))
A : integral(2*fitg*dfdk) =0
Sample P roblems : Usage 590

W: integral(2*fitg*dfdw) =0

region 1
line to (box,-box) to (box,box) to (-box,box) to close

initial values
p = exp(-(x^2 + y^2)/wdata^2)
A = 0.9 ! slightly erroneous first guess amplitude
W= 1.1*wdata ! slightly erroneous first guess half-width

time 0 to 1

for cycle=1
elevation(fitf,p) from (-box,0) to (box,0)
report(A) report(integral(2*fitg*dfdk))
contour(fitg) as "Fit Error"

end fillet

This example demonstrates the use of the FILLET 235 and BEVEL 235 commands
title 'fillet test'
k = 1
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = 2*3/4+5*2/4

U: div(K*grad(u)) +s = 0
Region 1
line to (1,-1) FILLET(0.1)
to (-0.25,-0.25) FILLET(0.1)
to (-1,1) BEVEL(0.1)
to close

contour(u) zoom(0.6,-1, 0.2,0.2) as "Convex Fillet Closeup"
contour(u) zoom(-0.3,-0.3, 0.1,0.1) as "Concave Fillet Closeup"
591 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems fit+weight

This test shows the use of spatially-varying weights in the FIT 164 function.
There are no variables or equations here, just a domain and some tabular
data which is FIT in different ways.
The weight declared in the FIT statement is effectively the square of the
spatial distance over which variations are smoothed.
title 'Test Variable-Weight FIT'
u = table('table.tbl')

region 1
line to (0,0) to (10,0) to (10,10) to close
contour(fit(u)) as 'unweighted'
contour(fit(u,0.2)) as 'constant weight'
contour(fit(u,0.02*(x-5)^2)) as 'side-weights'
contour(fit(u,0.05*x)) as 'right-side weight'

end ifthen

This example demonstrates the use of "IF...THEN" 180 conditionals in arithmetic

We solve a heat equation in which the conductivity is defined by a conditional
(IF..THEN) expression.
IF..THEN can be dangerous if used improperly.
Equation coefficients that are discontinuous functions of the system
variables can cause convergence failure or tiny timesteps and slow
execution. See SWAGETEST.PDE 557 .
title 'Nonlinear heatflow, conditional conductivity'
a = IF (u<0.5) and (x<100)
THEN IF u < 0.2
THEN 1.4
ELSE 1+2*abs(u)
Initial values
u = 1 - (x-1)^2 - (y-1)^2
U: div(a*grad(u)) + 4 = 0;
Sample P roblems : Usage 592

Region 1
line to (2,0) to (2,2) to (0,2) to close

contour(a) as "Conditional Conductivity"
elevation(a,u) from (0,1) to (2,1) as "Conductivity and Solution"
end lum p

This example illustrates use of the LUMP 165 function.

LUMP(F) saves an averaged value of F in each mesh cell, and returns the same
value for any position within the cell.
Notice that LUMP(F) is NOT the same as the "lumped parameters" frequently referred to
in finite element literature.

LUMP(f) 165 is syntactically like SAVE(f) 166 , in that it stores a representation of

its argument for later use.

title 'LUMP test'
contourgrid=400 { use a very dense plot grid to show lump structure }
k = 2
u0 = 1+x^2+y^2
s = u0 - 4*k
lumps = lump(s) { Used in a definition }
Initial values
u = 1
U: u - div(K*grad(u)) = s
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
contour(lump(s)) as "Lumped Source - Direct Reference"
contour(lumps) as "Lumped Source - Defined Parameter"
593 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems m aterial_sets


This example shows the basic use of MATERIALS 215 for grouping parameter values.
There are no variables or equations.

Title 'Material Sets - Bricks'

Coordinates cartesian3

Select ngrid = 1 { grid coarsely for plotting example }

Materials { These values are arbitrary and not intended to reflect the actual physical
values for these materials }
'iron' : K = 4 J = 1
'aluminum' : K = 3 J = 2
'plastic' : K = 2 J = 3
'wood' : K = 1 J = 4

Extrusion z = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

Region 1
Layer 1 use material 'iron'
Layer 2 use material 'aluminum'
Layer 3 use material 'plastic'
Layer 4 use material 'wood'
start(0,0) line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1) to close

Region 2
use material 'iron'
start(0,1) line to (1,1) to (1,2) to (0,2) to close
contour(K) on x=0.5 painted range(0,5)
contour(J) on x=0.5 painted range(0,5)

End point_load


This example demonstrates the use of the POINT LOAD bc.

It is a modification of the example POLAR_COORDINATES.PDE 594 .

title 'Point Load'


k = 1
u0 = 1-r^2
s = 4
dr(f) = (x/r)*dx(f) + (y/r)*dy(f) { functional definition of polar
derivatives... }
dphi(f) = (-y)*dx(f) + x*dy(f) {... in cartesian coordinates }
pload = staged (0, 2)

equations { equation expressed in polar coordinates }

{ (Multiplied by r^2 to clear the r=0 singularity) }
U: r*dr(r*dr(u)) + dphi(dphi(u)) + r*r*s = 0
Sample P roblems : Usage 594

Region 1
start(0,0) point load(u)=pload
natural(u) = 0 line to (1,0)
value(u)=u0 arc(center=0,0) angle=90
natural(u)=0 line to close

grid(x,y) as "Computation Mesh"
contour(u) as "Solution"
contour(u-u0) as "Error (u-u0)"

grid(x,y) as "Computation Mesh"
contour(u) as "Solution"
contour(u-u0) as "Error (u-u0)"

end polar_coordinates
This example demonstrates the use of functional parameter definitions
to pose equations in polar-coordinate form. The function definitions
expand polar derivatives in cartesian (XY) geometry.
title 'Polar Coordinates'
k = 1
u0 = 1-r^2
s = 4
dr(f) = (x/r)*dx(f) + (y/r)*dy(f) { functional definition of polar derivatives... }
dphi(f) = (-y)*dx(f) + x*dy(f) {... in cartesian coordinates }
equations { equation expressed in polar coordinates
(Multiplied by r^2 to clear the r=0 singularity) }
U: r*dr(r*dr(u)) + dphi(dphi(u)) + r*r*s = 0
Region 1
natural(u) = 0 line to (1,0)
value(u)=u0 arc(center=0,0) angle=90
natural(u)=0 line to close
grid(x,y) as "Computation Mesh"
contour(u) as "Solution"
contour(u-u0) as "Error (u-u0)"

grid(x,y) as "Computation Mesh"
contour(u) as "Solution"
contour(u-u0) as "Error (u-u0)"
end repeat

This example illustrates the use of the REPEAT 181 statement to generate
repetitive structures, and the string facility for creating labels.
595 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

title 'REPEAT and $string test'
a = 1
{ a list of X-coordinates: }
xc=array(1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 4/3, 5/3)
{ a list of Y-coordinates: }
yc=array(1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 4/3, 5/3)
rad = 0.1 { radius of circular dots }
s = 0

U: div(a*grad(u)) + s = 0;
region 1
line to (2,0) to (2,2) to (0,2) to close
region 2
a = 0.05
s = 4*magnitude(x-1,y-1)
repeat i=1 to 5 { an indexed loop on X-position }
repeat j=1 to 5 { an indexed loop on Y-position }
{ an array of circular dots at the tabulated coordinates }
start "Loop"+$i+$j (xc[i]+rad,yc[j]) {construct loop name using string
conversion }
arc(center=xc[i],yc[j]) angle=360
contour(u) painted
surface(s) as "Source"
repeat i=1 to 5
repeat j=1 to 5
elevation(u) on 'loop'+$i+$(j)
end rotated_ellipse


This example shows the use of ROTATE 227 to create a rotated

ellipse. The selector MERGEDIST 185 is used to allow fewer digits
of accuracy in the positions of the points on the ellipse.
TITLE 'Electrostatic Potential and Electric Field'


SELECT mergedist = 0.01 ! merge imprecise points in ellipse


V: div(eps*grad(V)) = 0 {potential equation}
Q: div(grad(Q)/eps) = 0 {adjoint equation}

Sample P roblems : Usage 596

value(V) = 0 natural(Q) = tangential(grad(V))
line to (3,0)
line to (3, 2.5)
value(V) = 100 natural(Q) = tangential(grad(V))
arc(center = 1.5, 2.5) angle= 180.
line to close
! embedded path will become an EXCLUDE :
start( 2.08, 2.08)
natural(V) = 0 natural(Q) = tangential(grad(V))
arc(center = 1.5, 1.5 rotate= 45.) to ( 1.22, 1.78)
arc(center = 1.5, 1.5 rotate= 45.) to ( 0.92, 0.92)
arc(center = 1.5, 1.5 rotate= 45.) to ( 1.78, 1.22)
arc(center = 1.5, 1.5 rotate= 45.) to ( 2.08, 2.08)

contour(V) as 'Potential'
surface(V) as 'Potential'
contour(Q) as 'Field Lines'
vector(-dx(V),-dy(V)) as 'Electric Field'

END sav e

This example illustrates use of the SAVE 166 function.

SAVE(F) computes the value of F at each mesh node, and returns interpolated
values for any position within a cell.
If F is very expensive to compute, the use of SAVE can reduce the overall cost
of a simulation.
SAVE also hides the complexity of F from differentiation in forming the coupling
matrix, and may therefore avoid numerical difficulties encountered in computing
the derivatives of pathological functions.
title 'SAVE test'

contourgrid=100 { use a very dense plot grid to show data structure }
k = 2
u0 = 1+x^2+y^2
s = cos(20*x)*cos(20*y)
save_s = save(s) { Used in a definition }
Initial values
u = 1
U: u - div(K*grad(u)) = s
V: v - div(K*grad(v)) = save_s
region 1
value(u)=u0 value(v)=u0
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
region 2
start(-1,-1) line to (0,-1) to (0,0) to (-1,0) to close
597 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

elevation(s, save_s) from(-1,0) to (1,0)

end spacetim e1
This example illustrates the use of FlexPDE to solve an initial value problem
of 1-D transient heatflow as a 2D boundary-value problem.
Here the spatial coordinate is represented by X, the time coordinate by Y,
and the temperature by u(x,y).

With these symbols, the transient heatflow equation is:

dy(u) = D*dxx(u),
where D is the diffusivity, given by
D = K/s*rho,
K is the conductivity,
s is the specific heat,
and rho is the density.
The problem domain is taken to be the unit square.
We specify the initial value of u(x,0) along y=0, as well as the time history
along the sides x=0 and x=1.
The value of u is thus assigned everywhere on the boundary except
along the segment y=1, 0<x<1. Along that boundary, we use the
natural boundary condition,
natural(u) = 0,
since this corresponds to the application of no boundary sources on this
boundary segment and hence implies a free segment. This builds in the
assumption that y = 1 (and hence t = 1) is sufficiently large for steady
state to have been reached. [Note that since the only y-derivative term is
first order, the default procedure of FlexPDE does not integrate this term
by parts, and the Natural(u) BC does not correspond to a surface flux,
functioning only as a source or sink.]
This problem can be solved analytically, so we can plot the deviation
of the FlexPDE solution from the exact answer.
title "1-D Transient Heatflow as a Boundary-Value problem"
alias(x) "distance"
alias(y) "time"
diffusivity = 0.06 { pick a diffusivity that gives a nice graph }
frequency = 2 { frequency of initial sinusoid }
fpi = frequency*pi
ut0 = sin(fpi*x) { define initial distribution of temperature }
u0 = exp(-fpi^2 *diffusivity*y)*ut0 { define exact solution }
Initial values
u = ut0 { initialize all time to t=0 value }
U: dy(u) = diffusivity*dxx(u) { define the heatflow equation }
Sample P roblems : Usage 598

Region 1
value(u)=ut0 { set the t=0 temperature }
line to (1,0)
value(u) = 0 { always cold at x=1 }
line to (1,1)
natural(u) = 0 { no sources at t=1 }
line to (0,1)
value(u) = 0 { always cold at x=0 }
line to close

contour(u-u0) as "error"
end spacetim e2

This example is a modification of SPACETIME1.PDE 597 , showing the solution of

one-dimensional transient heatflow with differing material properties,
cast as a boundary-value problem.
The time variable is represented by Y, and the temperature by u(x,y).
We specify two regions of differing conductivity, KX.
The initial Temperature is given as a truncated parabola along y=0.
We specify reflective boundary conditions in X (natural(u)=0) along
the sides x=0 and x=1.

The value of u is thus assigned everywhere on the boundary except

along the segment y=1, 0<x<1. Along that boundary, we use the
natural boundary condition,
natural(u) = 0,
since this corresponds to the application of no boundary sources.
title "1-D Transient Heatflow as a Boundary-Value Problem"
u { define U as the system variable }
kx { declare KX as a parameter, but leave the value for later }
Initial values
u = 0 { unimportant, since this problem is masquerading
as a linear boundary-value problem }
equations { define the heatflow equation }
U: dy(u) = dx(kx*dx(u))
region 1
kx = 0.1 { conductivity = 0.1 in region 1 }
value(u)=2.025-10*x^2 { define the temperature at t=0, x<=0.45 }
line to (0.45,0)
value(u) = 0 { force zero temperature for t=0, x>0.45 }
line to (1,0) to (1,1)
599 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

natural(u) = 0 { no flux across x=1 boundary }

line to (1,1)

natural(u) = 0 { no sources on t=1 boundary }

line to (0,1)
natural(u) = 0 { no flux across x=0 boundary }
line to close
region 2
kx = 0.01 { low conductivity in region 2 }
start(0.45,0) { lay region 2 over center strip of region 1 }
line to (0.55,0)
to (0.55,1)
to (0.45,1)
to close
end spline_boundary

This example shows the use of the SPLINE 210 statement in constructing boundary curves.
A circular arc is approximated by five spline segments.
The end segments are made very short to establish the proper slope at the ends.
The problem solves a heatflow equation on a quarter circle and compares the solution
with the analytic value.
title 'Spline Boundary'
k = 1
u0 = 1-r^2
s = 4
U: div(k*grad(u)) + s = 0
Region 1
natural(u) = 0 line to (1,0)
spline to(0.99985,0.01745) ! short initial interval to establish slope
to (0.866,0.5)
to (0.01745,0.99985) ! short final interval to establish slope
to (0,1)
natural(u)=0 line to close
Sample P roblems : Usage 600 staged_geom etry

This problem shows the use of staging to solve a problem for a range
of geometries.
title 'Staged Geometry'
autostage=off { pause after each stage }
width = 2*stage

U: div(grad(u)) + 4 = 0;
region 1
line to (width,0) to (width,2) to (0,2) to close
history(integral(u)) vs width as "Integral vs width"
end stages
This example demonstrates the use of staging to solve a problem for a range of

We stage both the equation parameters and the solution ERRLIM 187 .
The problem is a nonlinear test, which solves a modified steady-state Burgers
title 'Staged Problem'
stages = 3 { run only the first three of the listed stages }
errlim = staged(0.01, 0.001, 0.0005)
scale = staged(1, 2, 4, 8) { extra value ignored }
a = 1/scale
Initial values
u = 1 - (x-1)^2 - (y-1)^2
U: div(a*grad(u)) + scale*u*dx(u) +4 = 0;
601 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

region 1
line to (2,0) to (2,2) to (0,2) to close
surface(u) report scale as "Scale"
contour(u) report scale as "Scale"
history(integral(u)) vs scale as "Ingegral vs Scale"
end tabulate
This problem tabulates an arithmetic expression into a data table.
The structure of the inline tabulate command is:
TABULATE <range_controls> : <expression>
The <range_control> clause is
VERSUS <name> ( <list_specification> )
FOR <name> ( <list_specification> )

A <list_specification> may be the name of an array or a list of values,

possibly including "BY <step> TO <last>" clauses.

A TABULATE 212 command can be preceded by SPLINE 210 to request

spline interpolation rather than the default linear interpolation.

TABLES 208 may be constructed with one, two or three coordinates.

The constructed tables are exported in various forms, to show the use
of TABULATE 212 to create tables for other FlexPDE applications to use.
title 'Tabulation Test'

alpha =tabulate versus x(0 by 0.1 to 10)
versus y(0 by 0.1 to 10)
: sin(x)*sin(y)+1.1
xar =array (0 by 0.1 to 10)
beta =spline tabulate for x(xar)
for y(0 by 0.1 to 10)
: sin(x)*sin(y)+1.1
p = x
q = p+y
s = y^2*(p+q)
U: div(beta*grad(u)) + alpha = 0
region 1
value(u) = 0
line to (0,0) to (10,0) to (10,10) to close
Sample P roblems : Usage 602

grid(x,y) as "computation mesh"
contour(u) as "solution"
surface(u) as "solution"
contour(alpha) as "tabulated data" export file='alpha.tbl'
contour(beta) as "spline-tabulated data"
contour(alpha-beta) as "linear-spline difference"
vector(grad(alpha)) as "table gradient"
vector(grad(beta)) as "spline gradient"
surface(alpha) as "tabulated data"
surface(beta) as "spline data"

end tensors


This example illustrates tensor manipulations. There are no variables or equations,

just definitions and plots. A boundaries section IS needed even though it is not used.

"vector functions"


v1 = vector(1,2,3)
v2 = vector(3,2,1)
vv = v1*v2 ! vector product

t1 = tensor((1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9))
t2 = tensor((1,4,7),(2,5,8),(3,6,9))
t12 = t1**t2 ! dot product

dot12 = dot(t1,t2)
dot1v = dot(t1,v1)
dotv1 = dot(v1,t1)
dotv2 = dot(v1,t2)
dot12v = dot(dot12,v1)

Boundaries { plot domain always required }

region "dummy"
start (-1,0) line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close

report ""
report "Vector product V1 * V2"
report "(1,2,3) * (3,2,1) = ((3,2,1), (6,4,2), (9,6,3))"
report ""
report(xxcomp(vv), xycomp(vv), xzcomp(vv)) as "VV xx,xy,xz "
report(yxcomp(vv), yycomp(vv), yzcomp(vv)) as "VV yx,yy,yz "
report(zxcomp(vv), zycomp(vv), zzcomp(vv)) as "VV zx,zy,zz "
report ""
report "Tensor dot product T1 ** T2"
report "((1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)) ** ((1,4,7), (2,5,8), (3,6,9))"
report " = ((14,32,50), (32,77,122), (50,122,194))"
report(xxcomp(t12), xycomp(t12), xzcomp(t12)) as "T12 xx,xy,xz "
report(yxcomp(t12), yycomp(t12), yzcomp(t12)) as "T12 yx,yy,yz "
report(zxcomp(t12), zycomp(t12), zzcomp(t12)) as "T12 zx,zy,zz "
report ""
report "Tensor dot product DOT( T1, T2 )"
report "((1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)) ** ((1,4,7), (2,5,8), (3,6,9))"
report " = ((14,32,50), (32,77,122), (50,122,194))"
report ""
603 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

report(xxcomp(dot12), xycomp(dot12), xzcomp(dot12)) as "DOT12 xx,xy,xz "

report(yxcomp(dot12), yycomp(dot12), yzcomp(dot12)) as "DOT12 yx,yy,yz "
report(zxcomp(dot12), zycomp(dot12), zzcomp(dot12)) as "DOT12 zx,zy,zz "
report "Alternatively :"
report(xcomp(xcomp(dot12)), ycomp(xcomp(dot12)), zcomp(xcomp(dot12))) as "DOT12
x(x),x(y),x(z) "
report(xcomp(ycomp(dot12)), ycomp(ycomp(dot12)), zcomp(ycomp(dot12))) as "DOT12
y(x),y(y),y(z) "
report(xcomp(zcomp(dot12)), ycomp(zcomp(dot12)), zcomp(zcomp(dot12))) as "DOT12
z(x),z(y),z(z) "


report ""
report "Vector Tensor dot product DOT( V1, T1 )"
report "DOT( (1,2,3), ((1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)) ) = (30,36,42)"
report(xcomp(dotv1), ycomp(dotv1), zcomp(dotv1)) as "DOTV1 "
report ""
report "Vector Tensor dot product DOT( V1, T2 )"
report "DOT( (1,2,3), ((1,4,7), (2,5,8), (3,6,9)) ) = (14,32,50)"
report(xcomp(dotv2), ycomp(dotv2), zcomp(dotv2)) as "DOTV2 "
report ""
report "Tensor Vector dot product DOT( T1, V1 )"
report "DOT( ((1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)), (1,2,3) ) = (14,32,50)"
report(xcomp(dot1v), ycomp(dot1v), zcomp(dot1v)) as "DOT1V "
report ""
report "Tensor Vector dot product DOT( DOT12, V1 )"
report "DOT( ((14,32,50), (32,77,122), (50,122,194)), (1,2,3) ) = (228,552,876)"
report(xcomp(dot12v), ycomp(dot12v), zcomp(dot12v)) as "DOT12V "

End two_histories

This example illustrates use of multiple arguments in a HISTORY 270 plot.

It also shows the use of the WINDOW plot qualifier on a HISTORY 270 plot.
The problem is the same as FLOAT_ZONE.PDE 417 .
"Multiple HISTORY functions"
cubic { Use Cubic Basis }

temp (threshold=100)
k = 0.85 {thermal conductivity}
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
long = 18
H = 0.4 {free convection boundary coupling}
Ta = 25 {ambient temperature}
A = 4500 {amplitude}
source = A*exp(-((z-1*t)/.5)^2)*(200/(t+199))
initial value
temp = Ta
temp: div(k*grad(temp)) + source = cp*dt(temp)
region 1
natural(temp) = 0 line to (long,0)
value(temp) = Ta line to (long,1)
natural(temp) = -H*(temp - Ta) line to (0,1)
Sample P roblems : Usage 604

value(temp) = Ta line to close

start(0.01*long,0) line to (0.01*long,1)

time -0.5 to 19 by 0.01

for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0,1) to (long,1) range=(0,1800) as "Surface Temp"
for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp) from (0,0) to (long,0) range=(0,1800) as "Axis Temp"

history(temp,dt(temp)) at (5,0) (10,0) (15,0)
history(temp,dt(temp)) at (5,0) (10,0) (15,0) window = 5 ! moving window
history(temp,dt(temp)) at (5,0) (10,0) (15,0) window(3,8) ! fixed window

5.2.16 Moving_Mesh 1d_stretch_x


This example demonstrates moving meshes in 1D.

A Gaussian distribution is defined on a 1D mesh.
The mesh is then stretched to twice its initial size,
while the Gaussian remains fixed in space.
Mesh motion is imposed by explicit positions of the endpoints.
TITLE "stretching line"

xm = move(x)
Hl = 1
gwid = 0.15
u0 = exp(-x^2/gwid^2)
lmove = Hl + t
vx = dt(xm)
u = u0
dt(xm) = x/Hl
U: dt(u)=0
Xm: div(grad(vx))=0
{ In 1D, "point" boundary conditions must FOLLOW the point at which
they are to be applied: }
START(-Hl) point value(u)=0 point value(xm)= -lmove
Line to (Hl) point value(u)=0 point value(xm)= lmove
TIME 0 TO 0.5 by 0.01

for cycle=1
605 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl) to (10*Hl) range (0,1)

elevation(vx) from(-10*Hl) to (10*Hl) range (0,1)
for time=0.1 by 0.1 to endtime
elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl) to (10*Hl) range (0,1)
elevation(vx) from(-10*Hl) to (10*Hl) range (0,1)

END 2d_blob_position

This problem illustrates moving meshes in 2D.

A circular boundary shrinks and grows sinusoidally in time.
The mesh coordinates are solved directly, without a mesh velocity variable.

See 2D_BLOB_VELOCITY.PDE 606 for a version that uses mesh velocity variables.

TITLE 'Pulsating circle in 2D - position specification'


Phi { the temperature }
Xm = MOVE(x) { surrogate X }
Ym = MOVE(y) { surrogate Y }

K = 1 { default conductivity }
R0 = 0.75 { initial blob radius }
Um = dt(Xm)
Vm = dt(Ym)

Phi = (y+1)/2

Phi: Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
Xm: div(grad(Xm)) = 0
Ym: div(grad(Ym)) = 0

REGION 1 'box'
LINE TO (1,-1)
LINE TO (1,1)
LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.001
START 'ring' (R0,0)
VELOCITY(Xm) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VELOCITY(Ym) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r

TIME 0 TO 2*pi

for cycle=1
Sample P roblems : Usage 606

FOR T = 0 BY pi/20 TO 2*pi
CONTOUR(Phi) notags nominmax
VECTOR(Um,Vm) fixed range(0,0.25)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'
END 2d_blob_v elocity


This problem illustrates moving meshes in 2D.

A circular boundary shrinks and grows sinusoidally in time.
The mesh coordinates are solved by reference to a mesh velocity variable.

See 2D_BLOB_POSITION.PDE 605 for a version that uses no mesh velocity variables.

TITLE 'Pulsating circle in 2D - velocity specification'
Phi { the temperature }
Xm = MOVE(x) { surrogate X }
Ym = MOVE(y) { surrogate Y }
Um(0.1) { mesh x-velocity }
Vm(0.1) { mesh y-velocity }
K = 1 { default conductivity }
R0 = 0.75 { initial blob radius }
Phi = (y+1)/2

Phi: Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
Xm: dt(Xm) = Um
Ym: dt(Ym) = Vm
Um: div(grad(Um)) = 0
Vm: div(grad(Vm)) = 0
REGION 1 'box'
LINE TO (1,-1)
LINE TO (1,1)
LINE TO (-1,1)
REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
k = 0.001
START 'ring' (R0,0)
VALUE(Um) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VALUE(Vm) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r
TIME 0 TO 2*pi
607 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

for cycle=1

FOR T = 0 BY pi/20 TO 2*pi
CONTOUR(Phi) notags nominmax
VECTOR(Um,Vm) fixed range(0,0.25)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phi))) ON 'ring'

END 2d_lagrangian_shock


This example demonstrates moving meshes in 2D by solving Sod's shock tube problem
(a 1D problem) on a 2D moving mesh.

Mesh nodes are given the local fluid velocity, so the model is fully Lagrangian.
Ref: G.A. Sod, "A Survey of Several Finite Difference Methods for Systems of
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", J. Comp. Phys. 27, 1-31 (1978)
See also Kershaw, Prasad and Shaw, "3D Unstructured ALE Hydrodynamics with the
Upwind Discontinuous Finite Element Method", UCRL-JC-122104, Sept 1995.

Other versions of this problem can be found in the "Applications | Fluids" 377 folder.

TITLE "Sod's Shock Tube Problem - 2D Lagrangian"
ngrid= 100
len = 1
wid = 0.01
gamma = 1.4
{ define a damping term to kill unwanted oscillations }
eps = 0.001
v = 0
rho0 = 1.0 - 0.875*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
p0 = 1.0 - 0.9*uramp(x-0.49, x-0.51)
rho = rho0
u = 0
P = p0
{ equations are stated as appropriate to the Eulerian (lab) frame.
FlexPDE will add motion terms to convert to Lagrangian form for moving mesh }
{ since the equation is really in x only, we add dyy(.) terms with natural(.)=0
on the sidewalls to impose uniformity across the fictitious y coordinate }
rho: dt(rho) + u*dx(rho) + rho*dx(u) = dyy(rho) + eps*dxx(rho)
u: dt(u) + u*dx(u) + dx(P)/rho = dyy(u) + eps*dxx(u)
Sample P roblems : Usage 608

P: dt(P) + u*dx(P) + gamma*P*dx(u) = dyy(P) + eps*dxx(P)

xm: dt(xm) = u
{ we must impose the same equivalence dt(xm)=u on the side boundaries
as in the body equations: }
natural(u)=0 dt(xm)=u line to (len,0)
value(xm)=len value(u)=0 line to (len,wid)
dt(xm)=u natural(u)=0 line to (0,wid)
value(xm)=0 value(u)=0 line to close
TIME 0 TO 0.375

for cycle=5
elevation(rho) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2) range (0,1)
elevation(u) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2) range (0,1)
elevation(P) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2) range (0,1)
for t=0 by 0.02 to 0.143, 0.16 by 0.02 to 0.375
elevation(rho) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2) range (0,1)
elevation(u) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2) range (0,1)
elevation(P) from(0,wid/2) to (len,wid/2) range (0,1)
END 2d_m ov epoint


This example is a variation of 2D_STRETCH_XY.PDE 610 demonstrating the use of

moving and non-moving point declarations.

A point defined by name as a MOVABLE POINT 208 and used in the definition of the domain
will move
with the mesh.

Any point declared explicitly or not used in the domain definition will remain fixed.

TITLE "stretching brick"


xm = move(x)
ym = move(y)

Hl = 1/2
gwid = 0.15
u0= exp(-(x^2+y^2)/gwid^2)
lmove = Hl + t
ms = gwid^2/u0
vx = dt(xm)
vy = dt(ym)
P = movable point(Hl,Hl)
Q = movable point(0.1,0)
R = point(-0.2,-0.2)

u= u0
dt(xm) = x/Hl
609 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

dt(ym) = y/Hl

U: dt(u)=0
Xm: div(grad(vx))=0
Ym: div(grad(vy))=0

mesh_spacing = ms
value(u) = 0 nobc(xm) value(ym)=-lmove
Line to (Hl,-Hl)
value(u)=0 value(xm)=lmove nobc(ym)
line to P
value(u)=0 nobc(xm) value(ym) = lmove
line to (-Hl,Hl)
value(u)=0 value(xm)=-lmove nobc(ym)
line to close


TIME 0 TO 0.5 by 0.01! 10

for cycle=1
grid(x,y) zoom(-Hl-1/2,-Hl-1/2, 2*Hl+1,2*Hl+1)
grid(x,y) zoom(-0.6,0.4, 0.2,0.2)
contour(vx) zoom(-0.6,0.4, 0.2,0.2)
contour(vy) zoom(-0.6,0.4, 0.2,0.2)
elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl,0) to (10*Hl,0) range (0,1)
elevation(u,u0) from(0,-10*Hl) to (0,10*Hl) range (0,1)

for time=0.1 by 0.1 to endtime
grid(x,y) zoom(-Hl-1/2,-Hl-1/2, 2*Hl+1,2*Hl+1)
contour(u-u0) as "True Total Error"
contour(space_error()) as "Estimated Step Error" painted
elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl,0) to (10*Hl,0) range (0,1)
elevation(vx) from(-10*Hl,0) to (10*Hl,0) range (0,1)
elevation(u,u0) from(0,-10*Hl) to (0,10*Hl) range (0,1)
elevation(vy) from(0,-10*Hl) to (0,10*Hl) range (0,1)

History(u) at P,Q, (0.2,0) as "Points a(P) and b(Q) move with the mesh, c(0.2,0) is
fixed in space"
History(u,u0) at R,(-0.2,-0.2) as "both points are fixed in space"
History(distance(P,R)) ! both are movable points, so the distance changes as the mesh
at P,R ! name the points to get markers on the domain

END 2d_stretch_x


This example demonstrates moving meshes in 2D.

A 1D Gaussian distribution is defined on a 2D mesh.

The mesh is then stretched to twice its initial X size,
while the Gaussian remains fixed in space.

Elevation displays show that the Gaussian retains its correct

shape as it moves through the mesh.
Sample P roblems : Usage 610

Mesh motion is imposed by explicit positions of the endpoints.

TITLE "2D brick stretching in x"
xm = move(x)
Hl = 1/2
wid = 0.01
gwid = 0.15
u0 = exp(-x^2/gwid^2)
lmove = Hl + t
vx = dt(xm)
u = u0
dt(xm) = x/Hl
U: dt(u)=0
Xm: div(grad(vx)) = 0
START(-Hl,0) line to (Hl,0)
value(u)=0 value(xm)=lmove line to (Hl,wid)
natural(u)=0 nobc(xm) line to (-Hl,wid)
value(u)=0 value(xm)=-lmove line to close
TIME 0 TO 0.5 by 0.01
for time=0
grid(x,10*y) as "Initial mesh"
for cycle=1
contour(u) zoom(-2*Hl,0, 4*Hl,2*wid)
contour(vx) zoom(-2*Hl,0, 4*Hl,2*wid)
contour(dt(xm)) zoom(-2*Hl,0, 4*Hl,2*wid)
elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl,wid/2) to (10*Hl,wid/2) range (0,1)
elevation(vx) from(-10*Hl,wid/2) to (10*Hl,wid/2) range (0,1)
elevation(dt(xm)) from(-10*Hl,wid/2) to (10*Hl,wid/2) range (0,1)
for time=0.1 by 0.1 to endtime
contour(u) zoom(-2*Hl,0, 4*Hl,2*wid)
contour(vx) zoom(-2*Hl,0, 4*Hl,2*wid)
contour(dt(xm)) zoom(-2*Hl,0, 4*Hl,2*wid)
elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl,wid/2) to (10*Hl,wid/2) range (0,1)
END 2d_stretch_x y


This example demonstrates moving meshes in 2D.

A Gaussian distribution is defined on a 2D mesh.
The mesh is then stretched to twice its initial size,
while the Gaussian remains fixed in space.

Output plots show that the Gaussian has retained its shape as
it moves through the mesh.

Mesh motion is imposed by explicit positions of the endpoints.

611 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

TITLE "stretching brick"


xm = move(x)
ym = move(y)

Hl = 1/2
gwid = 0.15
u0 = exp(-(x^2+y^2)/gwid^2)
lmove = Hl + t
ms = gwid^2/u0
vx = dt(xm)
vy = dt(ym)

u = u0
dt(xm) = x/Hl
dt(ym) = y/Hl

U: dt(u)=0
Xm: div(grad(vx))=0
Ym: div(grad(vy))=0

mesh_spacing = ms
value(u)=0 nobc(xm) value(ym)=-lmove
line to (Hl,-Hl)
value(u)=0 value(xm)=lmove nobc(ym)
line to (Hl,Hl)
value(u)=0 nobc(xm) value(ym)=lmove
line to (-Hl,Hl)
value(u)=0 value(xm)=-lmove nobc(ym)
line to close

TIME 0 TO 0.5 by 0.01! 10

for cycle=1
grid(x,y) zoom(-Hl-1/2,-Hl-1/2, 2*Hl+1,2*Hl+1)
elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl,0) to (10*Hl,0) range (0,1)
elevation(u,u0) from(0,-10*Hl) to (0,10*Hl) range (0,1)

for time=0.1 by 0.1 to endtime
grid(x,y) zoom(-Hl-1/2,-Hl-1/2, 2*Hl+1,2*Hl+1)
contour(u-u0) as "True Total Error"
contour(space_error()) as "Estimated Step Error"
elevation(u,u0) from(-10*Hl,0) to (10*Hl,0) range (0,1)
elevation(vx) from(-10*Hl,0) to (10*Hl,0) range (0,1)
elevation(u,u0) from(0,-10*Hl) to (0,10*Hl) range (0,1)
elevation(vy) from(0,-10*Hl) to (0,10*Hl) range (0,1)

Sample P roblems : Usage 612 3d_blob_position

This problem illustrates moving meshes in 3D.

A spherical boundary shrinks and grows sinusoidally in time.
The mesh coordinates are solved directly, without a mesh velocity variable.

See 3D_BLOB_VELOCITY.PDE 613 for a version that uses mesh velocity variables.

TITLE 'Pulsating circle in 3D - position specification'

Phi { the temperature }
Xm = MOVE(x) { surrogate X }
Ym = MOVE(y) { surrogate Y }
Zm = MOVE(z) { surrogate Z }
K = 1 { default conductivity }
R0 = 0.75 { initial blob radius }
zsphere = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R0)
z1, z2
Um = dt(Xm)
Vm = dt(Ym)
Wm = dt(Zm)
Phi = (z+1)/2
Phi: Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
Xm: div(grad(Xm)) = 0
Ym: div(grad(Ym)) = 0
Zm: div(grad(Zm)) = 0
SURFACE 'Bottom' z = -1
SURFACE 'Sphere Bottom' z=z1
SURFACE 'Sphere Top' z=z2
SURFACE 'Top' z=1
REGION 1 'box'
z1=0 z2=0
LINE TO (1,-1) TO (1,1) TO (-1,1) TO CLOSE
LIMITED REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }
z1 = -zsphere
z2 = zsphere
layer 2 k = 0.001
VELOCITY(Xm) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VELOCITY(Ym) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r
VELOCITY(Zm) = -0.25*sin(t)*z/r
VELOCITY(Xm) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VELOCITY(Ym) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r
VELOCITY(Zm) = -0.25*sin(t)*z/r
START 'ring' (R0,0)
TIME 0 TO 2*pi by pi/20
613 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

FOR cycle=1
GRID(x,y,z) ON 'blob' ON LAYER 2
CONTOUR(phi) ON y=0
FOR T = 0 BY pi/20 TO 2*pi
GRID(x,y,z) ON 'blob' ON LAYER 2 FRAME(-R0,-R0,-R0, 2*R0,2*R0,2*R0)
CONTOUR(Phi) notags nominmax ON y=0
VECTOR(-k*grad(Phi)) ON y=0
CONTOUR(magnitude(Um,Vm,Wm)) ON y=0
VECTOR(Um,Wm) ON y=0 FIXED RANGE(0,0.25)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,0,-1) TO (0,0,1)
ELEVATION(magnitude(Um,Vm,Wm)) FROM (0,0,-1) TO (0,0,1)
END 3d_blob_v elocity


This problem illustrates moving meshes in 3D.

A spherical boundary shrinks and grows sinusoidally in time.
The mesh coordinates are solved by reference to a mesh velocity variable.

See 3D_BLOB_POSITION.PDE 612 for a version that uses no mesh velocity variables.

TITLE 'Pulsating circle in 3D - velocity specification'


Phi { the temperature }
Xm = MOVE(x) { surrogate X }
Ym = MOVE(y) { surrogate Y }
Zm = MOVE(z) { surrogate Z }
Um(0.1) { mesh x-velocity }
Vm(0.1) { mesh y-velocity }
Wm(0.1) { mesh z-velocity }

K = 1 { default conductivity }
R0 = 0.75 { initial blob radius }

zsphere = SPHERE ((0,0,0),R0)

z1, z2

Phi = (z+1)/2

Phi: Div(-k*grad(phi)) = 0
Xm: dt(Xm) = Um
Ym: dt(Ym) = Vm
Zm: dt(Zm) = Wm
Um: div(grad(Um)) = 0
Vm: div(grad(Vm)) = 0
Wm: div(grad(Wm)) = 0

SURFACE 'Bottom' z = -1
SURFACE 'Sphere Bottom' z=z1
SURFACE 'Sphere Top' z=z2
SURFACE 'Top' z=1

Sample P roblems : Usage 614


REGION 1 'box'
z1=0 z2=0
LINE TO (1,-1) TO (1,1) TO (-1,1) TO CLOSE

LIMITED REGION 2 'blob' { the embedded blob }

z1 = -zsphere
z2 = zsphere
layer 2 k = 0.001
VALUE(Um) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VALUE(Vm) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r
VALUE(Wm) = -0.25*sin(t)*z/r
VALUE(Um) = -0.25*sin(t)*x/r
VALUE(Vm) = -0.25*sin(t)*y/r
VALUE(Wm) = -0.25*sin(t)*z/r
START 'ring' (R0,0)

TIME 0 TO 2*pi

FOR cycle=1
GRID(x,y,z) ON 'blob' ON LAYER 2
CONTOUR(phi) ON y=0
FOR T = 0 BY pi/20 TO 2*pi
GRID(x,y,z) ON 'blob' ON LAYER 2
CONTOUR(Phi) notags nominmax ON y=0
VECTOR(-k*grad(Phi)) ON y=0
CONTOUR(magnitude(Um,Vm,Wm)) ON y=0
VECTOR(Um,Wm) ON y=0 FIXED RANGE(0,0.25)
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,0,-1) TO (0,0,1)
ELEVATION(magnitude(Um,Vm,Wm)) FROM (0,0,-1) TO (0,0,1)


5.2.17 ODE linearode
This example shows the application of FlexPDE to the solution of a linear
first-order differential equation.
We select the simple example
dH/dt = a - b*H
This equation has the exact solution
H(t) = H(0)*exp(-b*t) + (a/b)*(1-exp(-b*t))
The existence of an exact solution allows us to analyze the errors
in the FlexPDE solution.
Since FlexPDE requires a spatial domain, we solve the system over
a simple box with minimum mesh size.
615 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ Since no spatial information is required, use the minimum grid }
errlim = 1e-4
{ declare Height to be the system variable }
{ define the equation parameters }
a = 2
b = 0.1
H0 = 100
{ define the exact solution: }
Hexact = H0*exp(-b*t) + (a/b)*(1-exp(-b*t))
initial values
Height = H0
Height : dt(Height) = a - b*Height { The ODE }
region 1
start (0,0)
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1) to close
time 0 to 100
for time = 0,1,10 by 10 to 100
{ Plot the solution: }
history(Height) at (0.5,0.5)
{ Plot the error check: }
history((Height-Hexact)/Hexact) at (0.5,0.5) as "Relative Error"
end nonlinode
This example shows the application of FlexPDE to the solution of a
non-linear first-order differential equation.
A liquid flows into the top of a reactor vessel through an unrestricted
pipe and exits from the bottom through a choke value. This problem is
discussed in detail in Silebi and Schiesser.

This is a problem in viscous flow:

dH/dt = a - b*sqrt(H)
The analytic solution satisfies the relation
sqrt(H0) + (a/b)ln[a-b*sqrt(H0)]
- sqrt(H) - (a/b)ln[a-b*sqrt(H)] = (b/2)*t
which can be used as an accuracy check.
Since FlexPDE requires a spatial domain, we solve the equation on
a simple box with minimum mesh size.
{ Since there is no spatial information required, use the minimum grid size }
{ declare Height to be the system variable }
Sample P roblems : Usage 616

{ define the equation parameters }
a = 2
b = 0.1
H0 = 100
{ define the accuracy check }
T0 = sqrt(H0) + (a/b)*ln(a-b*sqrt(H0))
Tcheck = sqrt(Height) + (a/b)*ln(a-b*sqrt(Height))
initial values
Height = H0
equations { The ODE }
Height : dt(Height) = a - b*sqrt(Height)

{ define a fictitious spatial domain }
region 1
start (0,0)
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1) to close
{ define the time range }
time 0 to 1000
for t=0, 1, 10 by 10 to endtime
{ Plot the solution: }
history(Height) at (0.5,0.5)
{ Plot the accuracy check: }
history((T0 - Tcheck - (b/2)*t)/((b/2)*t)) at (0.5,0.5)
as "Relative Error"
end second_order_tim e
This example shows the integration of Bessel's Equation as a test of the
time integration capabilities of FlexPDE.
Bessel's Equation for order zero can be written as
t^2*dtt(w) + t*dt(w) + t^2*w = 0
Dividing by t^2 and avoiding the pole at t=0, we can write
dtt(w) + dt(w)/t + w = 0
FlexPDE cannot directly integrate second order time equations, so we define an
auxiliary variable v=dt(w) and write a coupled pair of equations
dt(v) + v/t + w = 0
dt(w) = v
We use a dummy spatial grid of two cells and solve the equation at each node.

You can try varying the value given for ERRLIM 187 to see how it behaves.
title "Integration of Bessel's Equation"
errlim=1e-4 { increase accuracy to prevent accumulation of errors }
v (threshold=0.1)
w (threshold=0.1)
L = sqrt(2)
t0 = 0.001 { Start integration at t=0.001 }
Initial values { Initialize to known values at t=t0 }
w = 1-2.25*(t0/3)^2
v = -0.5*t0 + 0.5625*t0*(t0/3)^2
617 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

v: dt(v) +v/t + w = 0
w: dt(w) = v

region 1
start(-L,-L) line to (L,-L) to (L,L) to (-L,L) to close
time 0.001 to 4*pi { Exclude t=0 }
for t=0.01 by 0.01 to 0.1 by 0.1 to 1 by 1 to endtime
history(w,bessj(0,t)) at (0,0) as "W(t) and BESSJ0(t)"
history(w-bessj(0,t)) at (0,0) as "Absolute Error"
history(v,-bessj(1,t)) at (0,0) as "V(t) and dt(BESSJ0(t))"
history(v+bessj(1,t)) at (0,0) as "Slope Error"

5.2.18 Optimization criticality


This problem demonstrates the use of FlexPDE in the solution of optimization


FlexPDE implements the Nelder-Mead "amoeba" algorithm to minimize 243 or maximize 242 an
objective function.
This is not the method of greatest speed, but it is very flexible, and allows FlexPDE
to perform
optimization searches in a wide range of problem environments.

A simple model of nuclear criticality can be made using a Fick's-Law diffusion

equation for single-velocity neutrons.
In this model, the criticality relation can be stated as
Div(D*grad(N)) -sigmar*N + (1/k)*nper*mix*sigmaf*N = 0,
N = neutron density
beta = Fick's Law proportionality factor
D = beta/sigmat
k = 1/lambda = "criticality eigenvalue"
mix = fractional content of fissionable material in the source region
nper = number of neutrons produced at each absorption
sigmat = transport cross-section = 1/(transport mean free path)
sigmar = removal cross-section
sigmaf = fission cross section

The system becomes critical when lambda = 1.


title 'Nuclear Criticality'

N { neutron Density }

modes=1 { calculate only the smallest eigenvalue }

source { name the material parameters, values will be declared by region }
sigmat { transport cross-section }
sigmar { removal cross-section }
sigmaf { fission cross-section }

beta = 1/3 { Fick's Law proportionality factor }

nper = 2 { number of neutrons produced per fission }
Sample P roblems : Usage 618

convergence = (lambda-1)^2 { optimization parameter: a function with a smooth

minimum at lambda=1 }

{ Here is the optimization request:

Modify "mix" until the eigenvalue "lambda" is 1.0
"mix" starts at 0.05, and the initial range of "mix" samples is 0.001
Iteration continues until "convergence" is less than OPTERRLIM (default 2e-6) or "mix"
is bracketed to less than OPTERRLIM*mix. }
minimize(convergence) vs mix (0.05,0.001)

equations { The neutron density equation: }

N : div(beta/sigmat*grad(N)) + source - sigmar*N + lambda*mix*nper*sigmaf*N = 0


region 1 { the bounding region is tenuous }

source=0 sigmar=1 sigmat=2 sigmaf=0
natural(N)= 0
line to (10,0)
line to (10,10) to (0,10)
line to close

region 2 { this region has fission }

source=0 sigmar=0.1 sigmat=2 sigmaf=1
line to (8,2) to (8,8) to (2,8) to close

contour(N) as "Neutron Density"
history(lambda,mix, convergence) report(convergence) report(lambda) report(mix)

contour(N) as 'Neutron Density' report(mix) report(lambda) report(mix)
surface(N) as 'Neutron Density'
vector(-beta/sigmat*grad(N)) as 'Neutron Flux'
contour(mix*sigmaf*nper*N) as "Fission Source"
contour(sigmar*N) as "Neutron Absorption"

history (lambda,mix,convergence) report(convergence) report(lambda) report(mix)

history (lambda) vs mix

end criticality _size

This problem demonstrates the use of FlexPDE in the solution of optimization

FlexPDE implements the Nelder-Mead "amoeba" algorithm to minimize 243 or maximize 242 an
objective function.
This is not the method of greatest speed, but it is very flexible, and allows FlexPDE
to perform
optimization searches in a wide range of problem environments.

A simple model of nuclear criticality can be made using a Fick's-Law diffusion

equation for single-velocity neutrons.
In this model, the criticality relation can be stated as
Div(D*grad(N)) -sigmar*N + (1/k)*nper*sigmaf*N = 0,
N = neutron density
beta = Fick's Law proportionality factor
D = beta/sigmat
k = 1/lambda = "criticality eigenvalue"
mix = fractional content of fissionable material in the source region
619 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

nper = number of neutrons produced at each absorption

sigmat = transport cross-section = 1/(transport mean free path)
sigmar = removal cross-section
sigmaf = fission cross section

In this probem, we use the "mix" parameter discovered in CRITICALITY.PDE 617 and solve
for the critical size of the assembly.

This should return us 5.0, the size used in CRITICALITY.PDE.

title 'Nuclear Criticality'
N { neutron Density }

modes=1 { calculate only the smallest eigenvalue }
source { name the material parameters, values will be declared by region }
sigmat { transport cross-section }
sigmar { removal cross-section }
sigmaf { fission cross-section }
beta = 1/3 { Fick's Law proportionality factor }
nper = 2 { number of neutrons produced per fission }
convergence = (lambda-1)^2 { optimization parameter: a function with a smooth
minimum at lambda=1 }
Hw { the outer halfwidth of the structure }
box = 3*Hw/5 { the halfwith of the reactive inclusion }
mix = 0.086052 { as reported by CRITICALITY.PDE }

! Here is the optimization request:

! Modify the halfwidth "Hw" until the eigenvalue "lambda" is 1.0
! "Hw" starts at 10, and the initial range of "Hw" samples is 1.0
! Iteration continues until "convergence" is less than OPTERRLIM (default 2e-6) or "Hw"
is bracketed to less than OPTERRLIM*Hw.
minimize(convergence) vs Hw (10,1)

equations { The neutron density equation: }

N : div(beta/sigmat*grad(N)) + source - sigmar*N + lambda*mix*nper*sigmaf*N = 0
region 1 { the bounding region is absorbing }
source=0 sigmar=1 sigmat=2 sigmaf=0
natural(N)= 0
line to (Hw,-Hw)
line to (Hw,Hw) to (-Hw,Hw)
line to close
region 2 { this region has fission }
source=0 sigmar=0.1 sigmat=2 sigmaf=1
start(-box, -box)
line to (box, -box) to (box, box) to (-box, box) to close
contour(N) as "Neutron Density"
contour(N) as 'Neutron Density' report(Hw) report(lambda)
surface(N) as 'Neutron Density'
vector(-beta/sigmat*grad(N)) as 'Neutron Flux'
contour(sigmaf*nper*N) as "Fission Source"
contour(sigmar*N) as "Neutron Absorption"
history (lambda)
history (lambda) vs Hw
Sample P roblems : Usage 620

end power_control


This example shows the use of the MINIMIZE 243 optimization feature. It is

We wish to find the required power input to a heater, such that the resulting
average temperature over the domain is a specified value.

TITLE "Optimization using MINIMIZE"

temp { The temperature field }

setpoint=700 { the desired average temperature }
skintemp=325 { fixed outer boundary temperature }
k=1 { conductivity }
heat=0 { the heat function for the temperature.
it is non-zero only in the heater region }

tcontrol=integral(temp)/integral(1) { the control function, average temperature }

{ tcontrol=val(temp,0,0) -- an alternative control method, unused here }

power ! total power input

temp = setpoint

temp: div(-k*grad(temp))-heat = 0 { diffusion of temperature field }

{ Here is the optimization request:

Modify "power" until the average temperature is equal to setpoint.
"power" starts at 50, and the initial range of "power" samples is 20.
"power" is constrained to be greater than 0 and less than 1000.
Iteration continues until "abs(tcontrol-setpoint)" is less than OPTERRLIM (default 2e-
or "power" is bracketed to less than OPTERRLIM*power. }
MINIMIZE abs(tcontrol-setpoint) vs power(50, 20, 0, 1000)


REGION 'Insulation'
line to (4,-4) to (4,4) to (-4,4) to close

REGION 'Heater'
start(-1,-1) line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close

report power
report tcontrol

621 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

report power
report power*integral(1,'heater') as "Total Power"
report tcontrol as "Average Temp"
elevation(temp) from(-4,0) to (4,0)
report power*integral(1,'heater') as "Total Power needed to establish an average
temperature of 700 "

END size_control


This example shows the use of the MINIMIZE 243 optimization feature applied to geometric

We wish to find the correct size of a heater with fixed power input, such that the
average temperature over the domain is a specified value.

TITLE "Optimization of geometry using MINIMIZE"

temp { The temperature field }

setpoint=700 { the desired average temperature }
skintemp=325 { fixed outer boundary temperature }
k=1 { conductivity }
heat=0 { the heat function for the temperature.
it is non-zero only in the heater region }

tcontrol=integral(temp)/integral(1) { the control function, average temperature }

{ tcontrol=val(temp,0,0) -- an alternative control method, unused here }

power = 550.5 ! total power (as reported by POWER_CONTROL)


temp = setpoint

temp: div(-k*grad(temp))-heat = 0 { diffusion of temperature field }

{ Here is the optimization request:

Modify "len" until the average temperature is equal to setpoint.
"len" starts at 1.5, and the initial range of "len" samples is 1.
"len" is constrained to be greater than 0.1 and less than 4.
Iteration continues until "abs(tcontrol-setpoint)" is less than OPTERRLIM (default 2e-
or "len" is bracketed to less than OPTERRLIM*len. }
MINIMIZE abs(tcontrol-setpoint) vs len(1.5, 1, 0.1, 4)


REGION 'Insulation'
line to (4,-4) to (4,4) to (-4,4) to close !fixed outer size

REGION 'Heater'
Sample P roblems : Usage 622

heat=power/integral(1,'Heater') ! convert total power to power density
start(-len,-len) line to (len,-len) to (len,len) to (-len,len) to close

report power
report tcontrol

report len
report tcontrol as "Average Temp"
elevation(temp) from(-4,0) to (4,0)
Summary report len as "Length needed to establish an average temperature of 700 "


5.2.19 Periodicity 3d_antiperiodic
This example shows the use of FlexPDE in a 3D problem with azimuthal
(See the example ANTIPERIODIC.PDE 625 for notes on antiperiodic boundaries.)
In this problem we create a repeated 45-degree segment of a ring.
coordinates cartesian3
k = 1
{ angular size of the repeated segment: }
an = pi/4
{ the sine and cosine for transformation }
crot = cos(an)
srot = sin(an)
H = 0
xc = 1.5
yc = 0.2
rc = 0.1
u : div(K*grad(u)) + H = 0
extrusion z=0,0.4,0.6,1
region 1
{ this line forms the remote boundary for the later periodic statement }
start(1,0) line to (2,0)
value(u) = 0 arc(center=0,0) to (2*crot,2*srot)
{ The following line segment is periodic under an angular rotation.
The mapping expressions take each point on the line into a corresponding
point in the base line. Note that although all the mapped y-coordinates
will be zero, we give the general expression so that the transformation
will be invertible. }
antiperiodic(x*crot+y*srot, -x*srot+y*crot)
line to (crot,srot)
623 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

arc(center= 0,0) to close
limited region 2
layer 2 H = 1
start(xc-rc,0) line to (xc+rc,0) to (xc+rc,rc) to (xc-rc,rc) to close
limited region 3
layer 2 H = -1
line to ((xc+rc)*crot,(xc+rc)*srot)
to ((xc+rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc+rc)*srot-rc*crot)
to ((xc-rc)*crot+rc*srot,(xc-rc)*srot-rc*crot) to close
contour(u) on z=0.1
contour(u) on z=0.5
contour(u) on z=0.9
contour(u) on z=0.1 painted
contour(u) on z=0.5 painted
contour(u) on z=0.9 painted
end 3d_x periodic

This example shows the use of FlexPDE in 3D applications with periodic boundaries.

The PERIODIC 240 statement appears in the position of a boundary condition, but
the syntax is slightly different, and the requirements and implications are
more extensive.
The syntax is:
The mapping expressions specify the arithmetic required to convert a point
(X,Y) in the immediate boundary to a point (X',Y') on a remote boundary.
The mapping expressions must result in each point on the immediate boundary
mapping to a point on the remote boundary. Segment endpoints must map to
segment endpoints. The transformation must be invertible; do not specify
constants as mapped coordinates, as this will create a singular transformation.
The periodic boundary statement terminates any boundary conditions in effect,
and instead imposes equality of all variables on the two boundaries. It is
still possible to state a boundary condition on the remote boundary,
but in most cases this would be inappropriate.

The periodic statement affects only the next following LINE 226 or ARC 226 path.
These paths may contain more than one segment, but the next appearing
LINE or ARC statement terminates the periodic condition unless the periodic
statement is repeated.
In this problem, we have a heat equation with an off=center source in an irregular
figure. The figure is periodic in X, with Y faces held at zero, and Z-faces
k = 0.1
x0=0.5 y0=-0.2
x1=1.1 y1 = 0.2
Sample P roblems : Usage 624

u : div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
extrusion z=0,0.4,0.6,1

region 1
value(u)=0 line to (1,-1) { Force U=0 on Y=-1 }
{ The following arc is required to be a periodic image of an arc
two units to its left. (This image boundary has not yet been defined.) }
periodic(x-2,y) arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
value(u)=0 line to (-1,1) { Force U=0 on Y=1 }

{ The following arc provides the required image boundary for the previous
periodic statement }
nobc(u) { turn off the value BC }
arc(center= -3,0) to close
{ an off-center heat source in layer 2 provides the asymmetric conditions to
demonstrate the periodicity of the solution }
limited region 2
layer 2 h=10 k=10
start(x0,y0) line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
contour(u) on z=0
contour(u) on z=0.5
contour(u) on z=1
contour(u) on y=0
contour(u) on z=0 painted
contour(u) on z=0.5 painted
contour(u) on z=1 painted
contour(u) on y=0 painted
end 3d_zperiodic
This example shows the use of FlexPDE in 3D applications with periodic
boundaries in the Z-direction.

For Z-periodicity, we merely precede the EXTRUSION 223 statement by the

qualifier PERIODIC 240 . The top and bottom surfaces are assumed to match,
and values are made equal on the two surfaces.
In this problem we have a heat equation in an irregular figure.
An off-center source heats the body, while all the vertical surfaces are
held at U=0.
k = 0.1
x0=0.3 y0=-0.2
x1=0.7 y1 = 0.2
u : div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
periodic extrusion z=0, 0.8, 1
625 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Region 1
line to (1,-1)
arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
line to (-1,1)
arc(center=-3,0) to close

{ an off-center heat source in layer 2 provides the asymmetric

conditions to demonstrate the periodicity of the solution }
limited region 2
layer 2 h=10 k=10
surface 1 { include insert patch in surface 1 so surfaces match }
start(x0,y0) line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
contour(u) on y=0
grid(x,z) on y=0
contour(u) on y=0 painted
end antiperiodic
This example shows the use of FlexPDE in applications with antiperiodic

The ANTIPERIODIC 240 statement appears in the position of a boundary condition, but
the syntax is slightly different, and the requirements and implications are
more extensive.
The syntax is:
The mapping expressions specify the arithmetic required to convert a point
(X,Y) in the immediate boundary to a point (X',Y') on a remote boundary.
The mapping expressions must result in each point on the immediate boundary
mapping to a point on the remote boundary. Segment endpoints must map to
segment endpoints. The transformation must be invertible; do not specify
constants as mapped coordinates, as this will create a singular transformation.
The antiperiodic boundary statement terminates any boundary conditions in effect,
and instead imposes equality of all variables on the two boundaries. It is
still possible to state a boundary condition on the remote boundary,
but in most cases this would be inappropriate.

The antiperiodic statement affects only the next following LINE 226 or ARC 226 path.
These paths may contain more than one segment, but the next appearing
LINE or ARC statement terminates the periodic condition unless the periodic
statement is repeated.
k = 0.1
u : div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
Region 1
value(u)=0 line to (1,-1)
Sample P roblems : Usage 626

{ The following arc is required to be an antiperiodic image of an arc

two units to its left. (This image boundary has not yet been defined.) }
antiperiodic(x-2,y) arc(center=-1,0) to (1.2,-0.2)
antiperiodic(x-2,y) line to (1.2,0.2)
antiperiodic(x-2,y) arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
value(u)=0 line to (-1,1)
{ The following arc provides the required image boundary for the previous
antiperiodic statement }
nobc(u) { turn off the value BC }
arc(center= -3,0) to (-0.8,0.2) line to (-0.8,-0.2) arc(center=-3,0) to close
{ an off-center heat source provides the asymmetric conditions to
demonstrate the antiperiodicity of the solution }
region 2 h=10 k=10
start(1.2,-0.2) line to (1.2,0.2) to (1,0.2) to (1,-0.2) to close
region 3 h=-10 k=10
start(-0.6,-0.2) line to (-0.6,0.2) to (-0.8,0.2) to (-0.8,-0.2) to close
end azim uthal_periodic

This example shows the use of FlexPDE in a problem with azimuthal periodicity.
(See the example PERIODIC.PDE 628 for notes on periodic boundaries.)
In this problem we create a repeated 45-degree segment of a ring.
k = 1
{ angular size of the repeated segment: }
an = pi/4
{ the sine and cosine for transformation }
crot = cos(an)
srot = sin(an)
H = 0
xc = 1.5
yc = 0.2
rc = 0.1
u : div(K*grad(u)) + H = 0
region 1
{ this line forms the remote boundary for the later periodic statement }
start(1,0) line to (2,0)
value(u)=0 arc(center=0,0) to (2*crot,2*srot)
{ The following line segment is periodic under an angular rotation.
The mapping expressions take each point on the line into a corresponding
point in the base line. Note that although all the mapped y-coordinates
will be zero, we give the general expression so that the transformation
will be invertible. }
periodic(x*crot+y*srot, -x*srot+y*crot)
line to (crot,srot)
627 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

arc(center= 0,0) to close

region 2
H = 1
start(xc-rc,yc) arc(center=xc,yc) angle=360
grid(x,y) contour(u)

end periodic+tim e

This example is a time-dependent version of PERIODIC.PDE 628

title 'Time-dependent Periodic Boundary Test'
k = 0.1
x0=0.5 y0=-0.2
x1=1.1 y1=0.2
u : div(K*grad(u)) + h = dt(u)
region 1
value(u)=0 line to (0.9,-1) to (1,-1)
{ The following arc is required to be a periodic image of an arc
two units to its left. (This image boundary has not yet been defined.) }
periodic(x-2,y) arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
value(u)=0 line to (-1,1)

{ The following arc provides the required image boundary for the previous
periodic statement }
nobc(u) { turn off the value BC }
arc(center= -3,0) to close
{ an off-center heat source provides the asymmetric conditions to
demonstrate the periodicity of the solution }
region 2 h=10 k=10
start(x0,y0) line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
time 0 to 10
for cycle=1
for cycle=10
Sample P roblems : Usage 628 periodic
This example shows the use of FlexPDE in applications with periodic boundaries.

The PERIODIC 240 statement appears in the position of a boundary condition, but
the syntax is slightly different, and the requirements and implications are
more extensive.
The syntax is:
The mapping expressions specify the arithmetic required to convert a point
(X,Y) in the immediate boundary to a point (X',Y') on a remote boundary.
The mapping expressions must result in each point on the immediate boundary
mapping to a point on the remote boundary. Segment endpoints must map to
segment endpoints. The transformation must be invertible; do not specify
constants as mapped coordinates, as this will create a singular transformation.
The periodic boundary statement terminates any boundary conditions in effect,
and instead imposes equality of all variables on the two boundaries. It is
still possible to state a boundary condition on the remote boundary,
but in most cases this would be inappropriate.

The periodic statement affects only the next following LINE 226 or ARC 226 path.
These paths may contain more than one segment, but the next appearing
LINE or ARC statement terminates the periodic condition unless the periodic
statement is repeated.
k = 0.1
x0=0.5 y0=-0.2
x1=1.1 y1=0.2
u : div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
region 1
value(u)=0 line to (0.9,-1) to (1,-1)
{ The following arc is required to be a periodic image of an arc
two units to its left. (This image boundary has not yet been defined.) }
periodic(x-2,y) arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
value(u)=0 line to (-1,1)
{ The following arc provides the required image boundary for the previous
periodic statement }
nobc(u) { turn off the value BC }
arc(center= -3,0) to close
{ an off-center heat source provides the asymmetric conditions to
demonstrate the periodicity of the solution }
region 2 h=10 k=10
start(x0,y0) line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
629 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems periodic_m ap


This example is a modification of PERIODIC.PDE 628 , and shows the use of the MAP facility
in applications with periodic boundaries 240 .
( Only FlexPDE versions 7.16 or later support this facility. )
The PERIODIC (or ANTIPERIODIC) statement presets the behavior of all variables.
A statement MAP() = 1 or MAP() = -1 may then appear for any number of variables,
to independently set the behavior of that variable.
MAP(.)=1 means PERIODIC, MAP(.)=-1 means ANTIPERIODIC

k = 0.1
x0=0.5 y0=-0.2
x1=1.1 y1=0.2
offset = sqrt(5)-2
u : div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
v : div(K*grad(v)) + h = 0
region 1
value(u)=0 value(v)=0 line to (0.9,-1) to (1,-1)
{ The following boundary is required to be a periodic image of the boundary
two units to its left. (This image boundary has not yet been defined.) }
{ The variable U is declared PERIODIC, and the variable V is declared ANTIPERIODIC:
map(u)=1 map(v)=-1
{ the boundary is declared to be an arc: }
arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
value(u)=0 value(v)=0 line to (-1,1)

{ The following arc provides the required image boundary for the previous
periodic statement }
nobc(u) nobc(v) { turn off the value BC }
arc(center= -3,0) to close
{ an off-center heat source provides the asymmetric conditions to
demonstrate the periodicity of the solution }
region 2 h=10 k=10
start(x0,y0) line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
elevation(u,v) from(-1+offset,0) to (1+offset,0)

Sample P roblems : Usage 630 two-way _periodic

This example shows the use of FlexPDE in applications with two-way periodic boundaries.

Starting in version 7, two-way periodcity is fully supported at a single point.

Prior to version 7, this was not supported and a small segment with no
periodicity needed to be inserted near the two-way periodic point.



k = 1
x0=0.4 x1=0.9 { right box x-coordinates }
x2=-0.5 x3=0.0 { left box x-coordinates }
y0=-0.7 y1 = -0.3 {y-coordinates for both
boxes }
u : div(K*grad(u)) + h = 0
region 1
{ Periodic bottom boundary }
periodic(x,y+2) line to (1,-1)
{ Periodic right boundary }
periodic(x-2,y) arc(center=-1,0) to (1,1)
{ Image of periodic bottom boundary }
line to (-1,1)
{ Image of periodic right boundary }
arc(center= -3,0) to close
{ off-center hot box }
value(u)=1 line to (x1,y0) to (x1,y1) to (x0,y1) to close
{ off-center cold box }
value(u)=-1 line to (x3,y0) to (x3,y1) to (x2,y1) to close


5.2.20 Plotting 3d_ploton

This problem shows some of the possible 'ON' 254 qualifiers for 3D plots.
631 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

title '3D Test -- Plot Qualifiers'

k = 0.1
heat = 4
U: div(K*grad(u)) + heat = 0
surface z = 0
surface z = 0.8-0.3*(x^2+y^2)
surface z = 1.0-0.3*(x^2+y^2)

region 1 'outer'
layer 2 k = 1
value(u) = 0
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
region 2 'plug'
layer 2 k = 1
start 'dot' (0.5,0.5) arc(center=0,0) angle=360
grid(x,y,z) on region 1 as "Only Region 1, both layers"
grid(x,y,z) on region 'plug' on layer 2 as "Region 2 Layer 2"
grid(x,y,z) on region 'plug' on layers 1,2 paintregions as "Region 2, both layers"
grid(y,z) on x=0 on 'plug' as "Cut plane on region 2"
contour(u) on x=0.51 on layer 2 as "Solution on X-cut in layer 2"
contour(u) on z=0.51 on region 2 as "Solution on Z-cut in region 2"
contour(u) on surface 2 on region 2 as "Solution on paraboloidal layer
vector(grad(u)) on surface 2 on 'outer' as "Flux on layer interface in region 1"
end ex port_test

This sample demonstrates the use of EXPORT 249 selectors in PLOT 245 output.

title "Simple Heatflow"

Temp { Identify "Temp" as the system variable }

K = 1 { declare and define the conductivity }
source = 4 { declare and define the source }
Texact = 1-x^2-y^2 { for convenience, define the exact solution }

initial values
Temp = 0 { unimportant in linear steady-state problems }

Temp: div(K*grad(Temp)) + source = 0 { define the heatflow equation }

boundaries { define the problem domain }

Region 1 { ... only one region }
start "BDRY" (-1,-1) { specify the starting point }
value(Temp)=Texact { specify Dirichlet boundary at exact solution }
Sample P roblems : Usage 632

line to (1,-1) { walk the boundary }

to (1,1)
to (-1,1)
to close { bring boundary back to starting point }

contour(Temp) { show the Temperature during solution }

plots { write these hardcopy files at completion }

contour(Temp) export as "Contour Export"
contour(Temp) export(20) as "Contour Export(20)"
contour(Temp) export traces as "Trace Print"
vector(-dx(Temp),-dy(Temp)) as "Heat Flow" export
elevation(temp) from (-1,-1) to (1,1) export as "Elevation-export"
elevation(temp) from (-1,-1) to (1,1) export(300) as "Elevation-export(300)"
elevation(temp) on "BDRY" export as "Bdry-export"

end plot_on_grid

This is a variation of BENTBAR.PDE 447 that makes use

the capability to plot contours on a deformed grid.
The syntax of the plot command is
CONTOUR(data) ON GRID(Xposition,Yposition) 257

title "Contour plots on a deformed grid"
cubic { Use Cubic Basis }

U { X-displacement }
V { Y-displacement }

L = 1 { Bar length }
hL = L/2
W = 0.1 { Bar thickness }
hW = W/2
eps = 0.01*L
I = 2*hW^3/3 { Moment of inertia }
nu = 0.3 { Poisson's Ratio }
E = 2.0e11 { Young's Modulus for Steel (N/M^2) }
{ plane stress coefficients }
G = E/(1-nu^2)
C11 = G
C12 = G*nu
C22 = G
C33 = G*(1-nu)/2
amplitude=GLOBALMAX(abs(v)) { for grid-plot scaling }
force = -250 { total loading force in Newtons (~10 pound force) }
dist = 0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I { Distributed load }
Sx = (C11*dx(U) + C12*dy(V)) { Stresses }
Sy = (C12*dx(U) + C22*dy(V))
Txy = C33*(dy(U) + dx(V))
{ Timoshenko's analytic solution: }
Vexact = (force/(6*E*I))*((L-x)^2*(2*L+x) + 3*nu*x*y^2)
Uexact = (force/(6*E*I))*(3*y*(L^2-x^2) +(2+nu)*y^3 -6*(1+nu)*hW^2*y)
633 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Sxexact = -force*x*y/I
Txyexact = -0.5*force*(hW^2-y^2)/I
initial values
U = 0
V = 0
equations { the displacement equations }
U: dx(Sx) + dy(Txy) = 0
V: dx(Txy) + dy(Sy) = 0
region 1
start (0,-hW)

load(U)=0 { free boundary on bottom, no normal stress }

line to (L,-hW)
value(U) = Uexact { clamp the right end }
line to (L,0) point value(V) = 0
line to (L,hW)
load(U)=0 { free boundary on top, no normal stress }
line to (0,hW)
load(U) = 0
load(V) = dist { apply distributed load to Y-displacement equation }
line to close
grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V) as "deformation" { show final deformed grid }
contour(U) on grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V)
surface(U) on grid(x+mag*U,y+mag*V)
end plot_test

This example shows the use of various options in plotted output.

The problem is the same as PLATE_CAPACITOR.PDE 375 .

title 'Plate capacitor'

Lx=2 Ly=1.5
d=0.1*Ly ddy=0.1*d
Ex=-dx(v) Ey=-dy(v)
DEx=eps*Ex DEy=eps*Ey
V: div(-eps*grad(v)) = 0
Sample P roblems : Usage 634

region 1

start(-Lx,-Ly) Load(v)=0
line to (Lx,-Ly) to (Lx,Ly) to (-LX,Ly) to close
start "Plate1" (-delx/2,-d/2) value(v)=0
line to (delx/2,-d/2) to (delx/2,-d/2-ddy) to(-delx/2,-d/2-ddy)
to close
start "Plate2" (-delx/2,d/2+ddy) value(v)=1
line to (delx/2,d/2+ddy) to (delx/2,d/2) to(-delx/2,d/2)
to close

region 2 { Dielectric }
eps = 7.0*eps0
line to (delx/2,-d/2) to (delx/2,d/2) to(-delx/2,d/2)
to close

! Contour plots
contour(v) as "Potential"
contour(v) contours=50 as "More Contours"
contour(v) contours=10 fixed range=(0.4,0.6) as "Fixed Range"
contour(v) levels=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 as "Selected Levels"
! contour with stretching zoom
contour(v) zoom(-Lx/2,-Ly/2,Lx,Ly) as "Zoomed Contour (stretched)"
contour(v) on region 2 as "Region 2 Contour"
contour(magnitude(grad(v))) log as "Field (Log divisions)"
report integral(magnitude(grad(v))) as "Integral Report"
contour(magnitude(grad(v))) as "Field (NO Log divisions)"
! Surface Plots
surface(magnitude(grad(v))) log as "Field (Log divisions)"
report integral(magnitude(grad(v))) as "Integral Report"
surface(v) as "Surface(V)"
surface(v) gray as "Surface(V) Gray"
surface(v) gray mesh points=20 as "Surface(V) Gray Mesh"
! Vector plot (with 3-argument square zoom)
vector(dx(v),dy(v)) zoom(-Ly/2,-Ly/2,Ly) as " Zoomed Field Vectors (square)"

! Elevations
elevation(v, dy(v)*d) from (0,-Ly) to (0,Ly) points=1000 as "1000 Point Elevation"
elevation(normal(grad(v))) on "Plate1" as "Elevation Plot on Boundary " integrate
elevation(magnitude(grad(v))) from (0,-0.9*Ly) to (0,0.9*Ly) log as "LOG Field"

! Grid plots
grid(x,y) paintmaterials as "Mesh Plot"
grid(x,y) paintmaterials nolines as "Materials Plot"

5.2.21 Sequenced_Equations equation_iteration


This example is a modification of the LOWVISC.PDE problem to show the use

of the START_ITERATION - END_ITERATION construct. The X and Y velocities
(U and V) are calculated independently, but iterated until mutual convergence.
635 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

This is not a better way to solve this particular problem, but simply an exanple
of the usage for the START_ITERATATION - END_ITERATION construct.

title 'Viscous flow in 2D channel, Re > 40'



Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
p0 = 2
speed2 = u^2+v^2
speed = sqrt(speed2)
dens = 1
visc = 0.04
vxx = -(p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*(Ly^2-y^2) { open-channel x-velocity }

cut = 0.1 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }

penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc/dens)

w = zcomp(curl(u,v)) ! vorticity is the source for streamline equation

initial values
u = 0.5*vxx v = 0 p = p0*(Lx+x)/(2*Lx)

! Iterate U and V until mutual convergence
u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))

psi: div(grad(psi)) + w = 0 ! solve streamline equation separately from velocities

region 1
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0 value(psi)=0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)

value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0

mesh_spacing=rball/10 ! dense mesh to resolve obstruction
line to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,0)

mesh_spacing=10*rball ! cancel dense mesh requirement

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (Lx,0)

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = p0 natural(psi)=0

line to (Lx,Ly)

value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0 natural(psi)=normal(-v,u)

line to (-Lx,Ly)
Sample P roblems : Usage 636

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = 0 natural(psi)=0

line to close

contour(speed) report(Re)
contour(psi) as "Streamlines"
contour(max(psi,-0.003)) zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) as "Vortex
vector(u,v) as "flow" zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) norm

contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"
elevation(u) from (-Lx,0) to (-Lx,Ly)
elevation(u) from (0,0) to (0,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx/2,0) to (Lx/2,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx,0) to (Lx,Ly)
contour(psi) as "Streamlines"
contour(max(psi,-0.003)) zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) as "Vortex
vector(u,v) as "flow" zoom(Lx/2-3*rball,0, 3*rball,3*rball) norm

Transfer(u,v,p) ! write flow solution as initial values for Coupled_contaminant.pde

end initialeq


This example illustrates use of the INITIAL EQUATIONS 220 section.

It is s modification of the FLOAT_ZONE.PDE 417 example that first
solves for a gaussian initial temperature distribution.

title "Float Zone"

coordinates xcylinder('Z','R')

temp (threshold=100)

k = 0.85 {thermal conductivity}
cp = 1 { heat capacity }
long = 18
H = 0.4 {free convection boundary coupling}
Ta = 25 {ambient temperature}
A = 4500 {amplitude}

source = A*exp(-((z-1*t)/.5)^2)*(200/(t+199))

tsource = time_integral(vol_integral(source))
t1 = time_integral(1.0)

initial value
temp = Ta
temp2 = Ta

initial equations
Temp: div(k*grad(temp)) + A*exp(-(z-long/2)^2)= 0
637 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

Temp: div(k*grad(temp)) + source = cp*dt(temp)
Temp2: div(k*grad(temp2)) + source = cp*dt(temp2)

region 1
natural(temp) = 0
natural(temp2) = 0
line to (long,0)
value(temp) = Ta
value(temp2) = Ta
line to (long,1)
natural(temp) = -H*(temp - Ta)
natural(temp2) = -H*(temp2 - Ta)
line to (0,1)
value(temp) = Ta
value(temp2) = Ta
line to close

start(0.01*long,0) line to (0.01*long,1)

time -0.5 to 19

for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp, temp2) from (0,1) to (long,1) range=(0,1800) as "Surface Temp"

for t = -0.5 by 0.5 to (long + 1)
elevation(temp, temp2) from (0,0) to (long,0) range=(0,1800) as "Axis Temp"

history(temp,dt(temp)) at (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7,0) (8,0)
(9,0) (10,0) (11,0) (12,0) (13,0) (14,0) (15,0) (16,0)
(17,0) (18,0)
history(temp2,dt(temp2)) at (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7,0) (8,0)
(9,0) (10,0) (11,0) (12,0) (13,0) (14,0) (15,0) (16,0)
(17,0) (18,0)
history(t1) as "Tintegral(1)"
history(tsource) as "Tintegral(Source)"

end sm oothing_discontinuities


This problem is a variation of DIFFUSION.PDE 435 .

It employs an approximation to smooth the effects of discontinuous initial conditions.
We specify a discontinuous initial condition, zero internally with a value of 1.0 on the
The equation is div(D*grad(u)) = dt(u).
A first-order backward finite-difference approximation to the time derivative is dt(u) ~

This creates an implicit steady-state equation for the value at the end of the initial
time deltat0:

div(D*grad(u)) = (u - u0)/deltat0.
We use the INITIAL EQUATIONS 220 facility to solve this system before beginning the time
Sample P roblems : Usage 638

title 'Masked Diffusion'

u(threshold=0.1) { fraction of external concentration }

concs = 1.8e8 { surface concentration atom/micron^3}
D = 1.1e-2 { diffusivity micron^2/hr}
conc = concs*u
cexact1d = concs*erfc(x/(2*sqrt(D*t)))
uexact1d = erfc(x/(2*sqrt(D*t))) { masked surface flux multiplier }
M = upulse(y-0.3,y-0.7)

u0 = 0
dt0 = 0.05

initial equations
u: div(D*grad(u)) = (u - u0)/dt0 ! finite difference over time for a first step

u : div(D*grad(u)) = dt(u)

region 1
natural(u) = 0
line to (1,0) to (1,1) to (0,1)
value(u) = M
line to close

feature { a "gridding feature" to help localize the activity }

start (0.02,0.3) line to (0.02,0.7)

time dt0 to 1 by 0.001

for t=dt0 0.1 by 0.05 to 0.2 by 0.1 to endtime
elevation(u,uexact1d) from (0,0.5) to (1,0.5)
elevation(u-uexact1d) from (0,0.5) to (1,0.5)

history(u) at (0.05,0.5) (0.1,0.5) (0.15,0.5) (0.2,0.5)

end theneq+tim e

This example demonstrates the use of sequenced equations 219 in time-dependent

The variable U is given a source consistent with the desired solution of
The variable V has a source equal to -U. The analytic solution to this equation is
V = A*(x^2+y^2)/4 - (x^4+y^4)/12
The variable V therefore depends strongly on U, but U is unaffected by V.
In this case, we can separate the equations and solve for V in a THEN clause.
title 'Sequenced equations in time-dependent systems'
select ngrid=40
639 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

k = 1
! analytic solutions
u0 = (a-x^2-y^2)
v0 = (a*(x^2+y^2)/4-(x^4+y^4)/12)
u: div(K*grad(u)) + 4 = dt(u)
v: div(K*grad(v)) - u = dt(v)

Region 1
! ramp the boundary values, so that the initial BV's are consistent with the
initial interior values.
value(u)=u0*Uramp(t, t-10)
value(v)=v0*Uramp(t, t-10)
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
time 0 to 100
for cycle=10
contour(u) paint
contour(v) paint
elevation(u,div(K*grad(v))) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
history(u,v) at (0,0)
end theneq

This example demonstrates the use of sequenced equations 219 in a steady-state

The equations are not coupled, and are solved individually.
title 'Sequenced Equations'
k1 = 1
k2 = 2
k3 = 3
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
v0 = 2-x^2-y^2
w0 = 3-x^2-y^2
su = 4*k1
sv = 4*k2
sw = 4*k3
u: div(K1*grad(u)) +su = 0
v: div(K2*grad(v)) +sv = 0
w: div(K3*grad(w)) +sw = 0
Region 1
Sample P roblems : Usage 640

value(u)=u0 value(v)=v0 value(w)=w0

line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
surface(u) paint
surface(v) paint
surface(w) paint
elevation(u,v,w,su,sv,sw) from (-1,0) to (1,0)

5.2.22 Stop+Restart restart_ex port

This example demonstrates the RESTART 213 facilities of FlexPDE.

The problem is a copy of BUOYANT+TIME.PDE 389 , with restart
transfer file output every 10 units of problem time.

The associated script RESTART_IMPORT.PDE 641 reads one of these

transfer files to resume the computation from the time of the
file output.

Alternatively, the Finish Timestep item on the Stop menu 12 could be

used with the preference setting to automatically save a final
transfer file. This file could also be used in RESTART_IMPORT.PDE 641
to resume the computation from the point of the interrupt.

TITLE "Stop and Restart Test - Export"


Lx = 1 Ly = 0.5
Rad = 0.5*(Lx^2+Ly^2)/Ly
Gy = 980

sigma_top = 0.01 { surface heat loss coefficient }

sigma_bowl = 1 { bowl heat loss coefficient }
k = 0.0004 { thermal conductivity }

alpha = 0.001 { thermal expansion coefficient }

visc = 1

heatin = min(10,t)
t0 = 50

rho0 = 1
rho = rho0*(1 - alpha*temp)
cp = 1

u = dy(psi)
v = -dx(psi)

penalty = 5000

temp: div(k*grad(temp)) = rho0*cp*(dt(temp) + u*dx(temp) + v*dy(temp))
psi: div(grad(psi)) + w = 0
w: dt(w) + u*dx(w) + v*dy(w) = visc*div(grad(w)) - Gy*dx(rho)

region 1
641 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

{ on the arc of the bowl, set Psi=0, apply conduction loss to T,

and apply penalty function to w to enforce no-slip condition. }
natural(temp) = -sigma_bowl*temp
value(psi) = 0
arc (center=0,Rad) to (Lx,Ly)

{ on the top, continue the prior BC for Psi,

but apply a heat input and loss to T.
Apply natural=0 BC (no vorticity transport) for w }
load(temp) = heatin*exp(-(10*x/Lx)^2) - sigma_top*temp
line to (0,Ly)

{ in the symmetry plane assert w=0, with a reflective BC for T }

load(temp) = 0
line to close

TIME 0 to 10

for cycle=5 { watch what's happening }
contour(temp) as "Temperature"
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity"
vector(curl(psi)) as "Flow Velocity" norm

for t = 1 by 1 to 10 by 10 to endtime
contour(temp) as "Temperature" painted
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity" painted
vector(curl(psi)) as "Flow Velocity" norm
contour(rho) as "Density" painted


for t=5 by 5 to endtime
export restart

history(temp) at (0.1*Lx,Ly) (0.2*Lx,Ly) (0.5*Lx,Ly) (0.8*Lx,Ly)
(0.7*Lx,0.5*Ly) (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) as "Temperature"
history(u) at (0.1*Lx,Ly) (0.2*Lx,Ly) (0.5*Lx,Ly) (0.8*Lx,Ly)
(0.7*Lx,0.5*Ly) (0.04*Lx,0.2*Ly) as "X-velocity"
history(v) at (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) as "Y-velocity"
history(v) at (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) vs sqrt(t) as "Y-velocity"
END restart_im port


This example reads the RESTART 213 transfer file created by

RESTART_EXPORT.PDE 640 and resumes execution at the exported time.

TITLE 'Stop and Restart Test - Import'


Lx = 1 Ly = 0.5
Rad = 0.5*(Lx^2+Ly^2)/Ly
Sample P roblems : Usage 642

Gy = 980

sigma_top = 0.01 { surface heat loss coefficient }

sigma_bowl = 1 { bowl heat loss coefficient }
k = 0.0004 { thermal conductivity }

alpha = 0.001 { thermal expansion coefficient }

visc = 1

heatin = min(10,t)
t0 = 50

rho0 = 1
rho = rho0*(1 - alpha*temp)
cp = 1

u = dy(psi)
v = -dx(psi)

penalty = 5000

{ Read in the file exported by restart_export.pde.

Use the imported mesh and problem time. }


temp: div(k*grad(temp)) = rho0*cp*(dt(temp) + u*dx(temp) + v*dy(temp))
psi: div(grad(psi)) + w = 0
w: dt(w) + u*dx(w) + v*dy(w) = visc*div(grad(w)) - Gy*dx(rho)

region 1

{ on the arc of the bowl, set Psi=0, apply conduction loss to T,

and apply penalty function to w to enforce no-slip condition. }
natural(temp) = -sigma_bowl*temp
value(psi) = 0
arc (center=0,Rad) to (Lx,Ly)

{ on the top, continue the prior BC for Psi,

but apply a heat input and loss to T.
Apply natural=0 BC (no vorticity transport) for w }
load(temp) = heatin*exp(-(10*x/Lx)^2) - sigma_top*temp
line to (0,Ly)

{ in the symmetry plane assert w=0, with a reflective BC for T }

load(temp) = 0
line to close

TIME 0 to 100

for cycle=5 { watch what's happening }
contour(temp) as "Temperature"
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity"
vector(curl(psi)) as "Flow Velocity" norm

for t = 1 by 1 to 10 by 10 to endtime
contour(temp) as "Temperature" painted
contour(psi) as "Stream Function"
contour(w) as "Vorticity" painted
643 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

vector(curl(psi)) as "Flow Velocity" norm

contour(rho) as "Density" painted

history(temp) at (0.1*Lx,Ly) (0.2*Lx,Ly) (0.5*Lx,Ly) (0.8*Lx,Ly)
(0.7*Lx,0.5*Ly) (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) as "Temperature"
history(u) at (0.1*Lx,Ly) (0.2*Lx,Ly) (0.5*Lx,Ly) (0.8*Lx,Ly)
(0.7*Lx,0.5*Ly) (0.04*Lx,0.2*Ly) as "X-velocity"
history(v) at (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) as "Y-velocity"
history(v) at (0.04*Lx,0.1*ly) vs sqrt(t) as "Y-velocity"
history(psi) at (0.52,0.38)

5.2.23 Variable_Types array _v ariables

This example demonstrates the use of ARRAY VARIABLES 198 .

A set of heat equations is solved as a demonstration.
title 'ARRAY Variable test'

U=array[5] { an array of field variables }

global variables
g(threshold=0.1) = array[5] { and an array of global variables }

u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = array(1,2,3,4,5) { each equation has a different source }

{ use initial equations to diffuse the otherwise discontinuous initial value caused by
value BC }
initial equations
repeat i=1 to 5
U[i]: del2(u[i]) = 0

repeat i=1 to 5
U[i]: del2(u[i]) +s[i] = dt(u[i])
g[i]: dt(g[i]) = i-g[i]

Region 1
repeat i=1 to 5
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close

time 0 to 10

for cycle=10
contour(u_1) ! variables may be indexed with underscores
repeat i=1 to 5
contour(u[i]) as "U_"+$i ! variables may be indexed with brackets
history(u) at (0,0) (1/4,1/4)(1/2,1/2)(3/4,3/4)
Sample P roblems : Usage 644

end com plex _em w21

This problem is an image of "Backstrom_Books|Waves|Electrodynamics|emw21.pde"
rewritten in terms of complex 114 variables.
TITLE { emw21.pde }
'Plane Wave in a Conductor'
errlim= 1e-3 { Limit of relative error }
Ez = complex(Ezr,Ezi) { Real and imaginary parts }
DEFINITIONS { SI units throughout }
Lx= 1.0 Ly= 0.2 { Domain size }
eps0= 8.85e-12 eps { Permittivity }
mu0= 4*pi*1e-7 mu { Permeability }
sigma { Electric conductivity }
omega= 5e9 { Angular frequency }
Ez_in= 1.0 { Input field Ez }
Ep= magnitude(Ez) { Modulus of Ez }
phase= carg(Ez)/pi*180 { Angle }
Ez: del2( Ez)+ mu*omega*complex(eps*omega, -sigma)*Ez= 0
region 'conductor' eps= eps0 mu= mu0 sigma= 1e-1
start 'outer' (0,0)
natural(Ez)= complex(0,0) line to (Lx,0)
value(Ez)= complex(0,0) line to (Lx,Ly) { Conducting }
natural(Ez)= complex(0,0) line to (0,Ly)
value(Ez)= complex(Ez_in,0) line to close { Input field }
elevation( Ez, Ep) from (0,Ly/2) to (Lx,Ly/2)
elevation( phase) from (0,Ly/2) to (Lx,Ly/2)
elevation( Ez, Ep) on 'outer'
contour( Ezr) contour( Ezi)
END com plex _sinusoidal_heat


This example demonstrates the use of COMPLEX 114 variables and ARRAY 201 definitions
to compute the time-sinusoidal behavior of a rod in a box.
The heat equation is
div(k*grad(temp)) = cp*dt(temp)
If we assume that the sources and solutions are in steady oscillation at a frequency
omega, then we can write
temp(x,y,t) = phi(x,y)*exp(i*omega*t) = phi(x,y)*(cos(omega*t) + i*sin(omega*t))
Substituting this into the heat equation and dividing the exp(i*omega*t) out of the
result leaves
div(k*grad(phi)) - i*omega*cp*phi = 0
The temperature temp(x,y,t) can be reconstructed at any time by expanding the above
In this example, we construct an array of sample times and the associated arrays
of sine and cosine factors. These arrays are then used to display a time history of
temperature at various points in the domain.
TITLE 'Time Sinusoidal Heat flow around an Insulating blob '
645 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

! define the complex amplitude function phi and its real and imaginary components

ts = array (0 by pi/20 to 2*pi) ! an array of sample times
fr = cos(ts) ! sine and cosine arrays
fi = sin(ts)
! define a function for evaluating a time array of temp(px,py,t) at a point
temp(px, py) = eval(phir,px,py)*fr + eval(phii,px,py)*fi
phi: Div(k*grad(phi)) - complex(0,1)*phi= 0

REGION 1 'box'
VALUE(Phi)=complex(0,0) LINE TO(1,-1) { Phi=0 in base line }
NATURAL(Phi)=complex(0,0) LINE TO (1,1) { normal derivative =0 on right side }
VALUE(Phi)=complex(1,0) LINE TO (-1,1) { Phi = 1 on top }
NATURAL(Phi)=complex(0,0) LINE TO CLOSE { normal derivative =0 on left side }
REGION 2 'rod' { the embedded circular rod }
START 'ring' (1/2,0)
CONTOUR(Phir) ! plot the real part of phi
CONTOUR(Phii) ! plot the imaginary part of phi
! reconstruct the temperature distribution at a few selected times
REPEAT tx=0 by pi/2 to 2*pi
SURFACE(phir*cos(tx)+phii*sin(tx)) as "Phi at t="+$[4]tx
! plot the time history at a few selected positions
ELEVATION(temp(0,0), temp(0,0.2), temp(0,0.4), temp(0,0.5)) vs ts as "Histories"
! plot a lineout of phir and phii through the domain
ELEVATION(Phi) FROM (0,-1) to (0,1)
! plot the real component of flux on the surface of the rod
ELEVATION(Normal(-k*grad(Phir))) ON 'ring'

END com plex _v ariables

This example demonstrates the use of complex variables in FlexPDE.

Declaring a variable COMPLEX 114 causes the definition of two subsidiary variables,
either named by default or by use choice. These variables represent the
real and imaginary parts of the complex variable.
title 'Complex variables test'
U = complex (Ur,Ui) { creates variables (Ur,Ui) }
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = complex(4,x)
{ create two coupled scalar equations, one for Ur and one for Ui }
Sample P roblems : Usage 646

U: del2(U) + conj(U) + s = 0
Region 1
value(Ur)=u0 { apply BC to Ur. Ui defaults to natural(Ui)=0 }
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
contour(Ur,Ui) { plot both Ur and Ui overlaid }
contour(Real(U),Imag(U)) { an equivalent representation }
contour(U) { another equivalent representation }
vector(U) { plot vectors with Ur as X component and Ui as Y component }
elevation(U,s) from(-1,0) to (1,0) { plot three traces: Ur, Ui and S }
vtk(U,s) { test various export forms }
end com plex +tim e


This example shows the use of complex 114 variables in time-dependent systems.
The equation that is solved is not intended to represent any real application.
title 'Complex transient equations'
U(0.01) = complex (Ur,Ui) { creates variables Ur and Ui }
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
s = complex(4,x)
{ create two scalar equations, one for Ur and one for Ui }
U: del2(U) +s = dt(U)
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
time 0 to 1
for cycle=10
elevation(u,s) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
history(u,s) at (0,0)
end inactiv e_v ariables

This example demonstrates the use of variables absent in selected regions.

The problem is a modification of LOWVISC.PDE 404 , in which the bottom half of the
has been filled with a solid.

The fluid equations are declared INACTIVE 126 in the solid region, but a temperature
equation has been added that is active everywhere.
647 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

The bottom of the solid is held at temperature = 0, while the fluid has an incoming
temperature of 1.

We solve the equations in sequence: first the fluid equations, then the temperature.
title 'Variables inactive in regions'

Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
Gx = 0 Gy = 0
u0 = 0 { default initial u-velocity }
p0 = 0 { default initial pressure }
pin=2 { inlet pressure }
speed2 = u^2+v^2
speed = sqrt(speed2)
dens = 1
visc = 0.04
vxx = (p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*y^2*(Ly-y)^2 { open-channel x-velocity }
k = 0.1 { default thermal conductivity }
cut = 0.1 { bevel the corners of the obstruction }
penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc/dens)
initial values
u = u0 v = 0 p = p0
u: visc*div(grad(u)) - dx(p) = dens*(u*dx(u) + v*dy(u))
v: visc*div(grad(v)) - dy(p) = dens*(u*dx(v) + v*dy(v))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*(dx(u)+dy(v))
temp: div(k*grad(temp)) - u*dx(temp) - v*dy(temp) = 0
{ bound the entire region, placing temperature boundary conditions }
region 1
INACTIVE (u,v,p) { Inactivate the fluid in this region }
value(temp)=0 line to (Lx,-Ly)
natural(temp)=0 line to (Lx,0)
value(temp)=1 line to (Lx,Ly) { inlet fluid temp = 1 }
natural(temp)=0 line to (-Lx,Ly)
natural(temp)=-k*dx(temp) line to close { outlet diffusive temperature flux }
{ overlay the fluid region onto the total domain, including obstruction,
and place fluid boundary conditions }
region 2
u0 = 0.5*vxx P0=pin*x/(2*Lx) { initial values in fluid region }
K = 0.01 { fluid thermal conductivity }
value(u)=0 value(v) = 0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,0)
to (Lx,0)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = pin
line to (Lx,Ly)
value(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (-Lx,Ly)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = 0
line to close
Sample P roblems : Usage 648

contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted

contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"
end v ector_lowv isc


This example is an implementation of LOWVISC.PDE 404 using vector variables 198 .

title 'Viscous flow in 2D channel, Re > 40'
select errlim = 0.005
vel(0.01) = vector(u,v)
Lx = 5 Ly = 1.5
Gx = 0 Gy = 0
p0 = 2
speed2 = u^2+v^2
speed = sqrt(speed2)
dens = 1
visc = 0.04
vxx = -(p0/(2*visc*(2*Lx)))*(Ly^2-y^2) { open-channel x-velocity }
rball = 0.4
cut = 0.1 { value for bevel at the corners of the obstruction }
penalty = 100*visc/rball^2
Re = globalmax(speed)*(Ly/2)/(visc/dens)
initial values
vel = vector(0.5*vxx ,0)
p = p0*(Lx+x)/(2*Lx)
vel: visc*div(grad(vel)) - grad(p) = dens*dot(vel,grad(vel))
p: div(grad(p)) = penalty*div(vel)
region 1
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (Lx/2-rball,0)
value(vel)=vector(0,0) load(p)= 0
line to (Lx/2-rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,rball) bevel(cut)
to (Lx/2+rball,0)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 load(p) = 0
line to (Lx,0)
load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = p0
line to (Lx,Ly)
value(vel)=vector(0,0) load(p) = 0
line to (-Lx,Ly)
649 FlexP DE 7 : Sample P roblems

load(u) = 0 value(v) = 0 value(p) = 0

line to close
contour(u) report(Re)
contour(v) report(Re)
contour(speed) painted report(Re)
vector(u,v) as "flow" report(Re)
contour(p) as "Pressure" painted
contour(dx(u)+dy(v)) as "Continuity Error"
elevation(u) from (-Lx,0) to (-Lx,Ly)
elevation(u) from (0,0) to (0,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx/2,0) to (Lx/2,Ly)
elevation(u) from (Lx,0) to (Lx,Ly)
end v ector_v ariables


This example demonstrates the use of vector-valued variables 198 .

The equations are not intended to represent any real application,
but merely to show some vector constructs.
title 'Vector Variables'
U = vector(Ux,Uy) { declares component variables Ux and Uy }
V { a scalar variable to validate Uy }
u0 = 1-x^2-y^2
u1 = 1+y+x^3
s = vector(4,-6*x)
U: div(grad(U)) +s = 0
V: del2(v) +ycomp(s) = 0
Region 1
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
elevation(u) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
end v ector+tim e

This example demonstrates the use of Vector variables 198 in time-dependent problems.
A vector variable is controlled by a heat equation. The X and Y components are given
source terms consistent with an arbitrarily chosen final result.
Sample P roblems : Usage 650

This problem is not intended to represent any real application, but is constructed
merely to demonstrate the use of some features of vector variable support
in FlexPDE.

title 'Vector transient heatflow'
{ declare a vector variable with components Ux and Uy.
Each component is expected to have a variation large compared to 0.01 }
U(0.01) = vector(Ux,Uy)
{ declare a scalar field variable to validate the y-component }

{ Define the expected solutions for the components. }
u0 = (1-x^2-y^2)
u1 = (1+y+x^3)
{ Define source terms that will result in the programmed solutions }
s = vector(4,-6*x)
U: del2(U) +s = dt(U)
v: del2(v) +ycomp(s) = dt(v)
Region 1
start 'outer' (-1,-1)
{ Apply a time ramp to the value boundary conditions, so that the
initial boundary values agree with the initial field values. }
value(U)=vector(u0,u1)*uramp(t, t-1)
value(v)=u1*uramp(t, t-1)
line to (1,-1) to (1,1) to (-1,1) to close
time 0 to 5
for cycle=10
{ various uses of vector variables in plot statements: }
contour(Ux, u0)
contour(Uy, u1)
contour(v, u1)
contour(Ux, Uy)
elevation(U, v) from(-1,0) to (1,0)
history(U, v) at(0,0)
elevation(u1, Uy, v) on 'outer'
elevation(u0, Ux) on 'outer'
elevation(normal(grad(Ux)), normal(grad(u0))) on 'outer'
elevation(normal(grad(v)), normal(grad(Uy)), normal(grad(u1))) on 'outer'
651 FlexP DE 7

Adapt ive Mesh Refinement 301

Index ALE 130, 221
aliasing coordinat es 193
Analy t ic Funct ions 160
-"- Animat ion 356
"Include" Files 152 ANTIPERIODIC Boundary Condit ions 240
ARC 52, 226
ARCCOS funct ion 160
-#- ARCSIN funct ion 160
# 137 , 152 ARCTAN funct ion 160
-$- Arit hmet ic Operat ors 169
$ 163 ARRAY
Definition 2 01
Size 2 01
-.- Variables 1 9 8
.INI file 28 ARRAY S
.PDE file 4, 150 Using 1 4 0
.PG6 file 259 AS 'st ring' 248
.PG7 file 4 ASPECT 183
AT 27 0
ATAN2 funct ion 160
-_- Aut oCAD 285
_DEBUG.TXT file 4 AUTOHIST 191, 27 0
_EIG.TXT file 4 AUTOMESH 184
-1- Bat ch runs 27 1
1D Bessel Funct ion 160
boundary conditions 238 BESSJ funct ion 160
coordinates 1 9 3 BESSY funct ion 160
Bevels 235
-2- BINTEGRAL 64, 17 2
2D Bit maps 259
coordinates 1 93
BLACK 191, 248
-3- BMP 248, 259
3D BOLD 191
coordinates 1 9 3 BOUNDARIES 47 , 52, 226, 280
PLOTS 2 4 6 Paths and Path Nam es 2 2 6
Problem s 9 2 , 2 80 Search 1 6 9
Boundary Condit ions 216, 299
1 D 238
-A- 3 D 1 03 , 2 3 8
About banner 2 ANTIPERIODIC 2 4 0
CONTACT 2 3 6 , 2 3 9
ABS funct ion 160
Default 2 3 6
Accuracy Dirichlet 2 3 6
Controlling 6 3 Discontinuous 2 7 8
Threshold 1 9 6 Flux 85, 2 3 6
Index 652

Boundary Condit ions 216, 299 CONSTRAINTS 223

JUMP 2 3 9 CONTACT 236, 239
LOAD 2 3 6 Cont act Resist ance 87
NATURAL 4 8, 56 , 82 , 2 3 6 , 2 7 4 CONTOUR 57
NOBC 2 3 6
CONTOUR plot 246
Point Load 2 3 7 CONTOURGRID 191
Point Value 2 3 7 CONTOURS 191, 248
Rem ain in effect 2 3 6 Cont rols
Sy ntax 2 3 7 Global Graphics 1 9 1
Term inating 2 3 6 Mesh Generation 1 83
VALUE 4 8, 56 , 2 3 6 Solution 1 86
VELOCITY 2 3 6 Cont rols Menu 10
Boundary Pat hs and Pat h Names 226 coordinat es
Boundary Search 169 1 D 1 93
Break 244 2D 1 93
3D 1 93
aliasing 1 9 3
-C- Cartesian 1 9 3
Canist er Example 100 CARTESIAN1 1 9 3
cart esian 193 CYLINDER1 1 9 3
CARTESIAN1 193 Cy lindrical 1 9 3
CARTESIAN2 193 renam ing 1 9 3
CARTESIAN3 193 scaling 3 54
case sensit ivit y 51, 152 SPHERE1 1 9 3
CDF out put 137 , 260 Transform ation 1 9 3
CELL_LIMIT 184 COS funct ion 160
CELL_SIZE 180 COSH funct ion 160
CEXP 169 CROSS product 17 7
CHECK_DUP_REGIONS 184 CURL Operat or 17 0
CHECK_TABLES 186, 209 Curl Theorem 83
Colors CURVE 52, 228
Spectral 1 9 3 CURVEGRID 184
Therm al 1 9 3
Cut Planes 256
Running without graphics 1 4 6 CY CLE plot int erval 258
Switches 1 4 5 CY LINDER 108, 223
Commas 158 CY LINDER1 193
Comment s 154 cy lindrical 193
Definitions 2 05
Operators 1 6 9
Variables 1 1 4 , 1 9 7 Dat a Fit t ing 589
Component s Decimal Numbers 159
Tensor 1 7 9 Decoupling Variables 89
Vector 1 7 8 DEFINITIONS 47 , 55, 200
condit ional expressions 180 Array 2 01
CONJ 169 Function 2 06
CONST Matrix 2 03
Array 2 01 Point 2 08
definitions 2 00 Stage 2 07
Matrix 2 03 DEL2 - Laplacian Operat or 17 0
Const ant s 159 DELAY 186
653 FlexP DE 7

Dependent Variables 195 and Variables 2 1 8

Derivat ive operat ors 17 0 Iteration 2 1 9
Derivat ives Section 2 1 7
Sequencing 2 1 9
high order 2 1 7
Descript or format t ing 152 ERF funct ion 160
Different ial Operat ors 17 0, 217 ERFC funct ion 160
Different iat ion ERRLIM 63, 187 , 196
Notation 51 Error 258
Suppressing 2 1 4 Estim ates 3 52
DIPRECON 190 Function 1 6 0
Tolerance 6 3
Eulerian 130, 221
EVAL funct ion 168
Dirichlet Boundary Condit ions 236
Examples 361
Discont inuit ies 27 8
Constraints 1 7 2
Discont inuous Variables 86 Graphics 2 6 9
Display Integrals 1 7 2
Modifiers 2 4 8 Sim ple 1 53
Specifications 2 4 6 Tutorial 58
DIV - Divergence Operat or 17 0 Excludes 233
Divergence Theorem 83 EXP funct ion 160
Domain Exponent ial Int egral - EXPINT 160
Description 52 EXPORT 137 , 249
Menu 6 Data 2 6 0
Rev iew 1 6 Graphics 2 59
Dongle Mov ie 2 6
Registration 3 2 , 3 6 Export Plot 22
Upgrading 3 6 expressions 180
DOTproduct EXTRUSION 93, 280
Tensor 1 7 9 Notation 9 3
Vector 1 7 7 Section 2 2 3
DXF 285
Edit Menu 6 Feat ures 233
Edit while Run 25 FIELDLINES 249
Edit ing Problem Descript ors 14 FIELDMAP plot 247
Eigenvalue 180, 221 File
Shifting 2 7 7 Drag-and-drop 7
Sum m ary 7 8 Extension 4 , 1 50
Eigenvalues 7 5 Input 4
Elect romagnet ics 288 Menu 6 , 7
Elect rost at ics 288, 302 Nam e 4 , 1 50
ELEVATION 57 Output 4
Plot 2 4 6 , 2 56 FILE 'st ring' 250
ELEVATIONGRID 191 Fillet s 235
Ellipt ical segment s 227 FINALLY
EMF 249 Equation Sequencing 2 1 9
Empt y Lay ers in 3D 233 Find 14
END 27 1 FINISH 226
END_ITERATION 219 Finit e Element Mesh 54
ENDREPEAT 181 Finit e Element Met hods 298
Engineering Not at ion 159 FIRSTPARTS 187
EPS 249 FIT Funct ion 164
Index 654


Application 4 7 -H-
Facilities 4 6 HALT 244
Ov erv iew 4 4 Hardcopy 259
Script 4 7 HARDMONITOR 192
Flux Boundary Condit ions 85, 236 Heat Equat ion 83
Font 14, 30, 191 Help Menu 6
ITALIC 1 9 2
Section 2 7 0
Staged Problem s 2 7 0
SERIF 1 9 3
Windowing 2 7 0
FORMAT 'st ring' 250
Format t ing 152 -I-
FRAME 250 ICCG 190
FRONT 242 IF 180
Funct ion definit ion 206 ILUPRECON 190
Funct ions IMAG 169
Analy tic 1 6 0 Implicit Curves 228
Non-analy tic 1 6 1
String 1 6 3
DXF 2 85
fuzzy IF 167
m esh 2 86
OBJ 2 86
-G- Import ing Dat a from Ot her Applicat ions 139
GAMMA funct ion 160
include files 152
Global Graphics Cont rols 191
Inconsist ent Init ial Condit ions 7 4
GLOBALMAX funct ion 161
Init ial Condit ions 7 4, 27 8
GLOBALMAX_X funct ion 161
INITIAL VALUES 47 , 81, 216
GLOBALMAX_Y funct ion 161
input 150
GLOBALMAX_Z funct ion 161
Inst allat ion 2
GLOBALMIN funct ion 161
Inst ant aneous Swit ching 7 4
GLOBALMIN_X funct ion 161
INTEGRAL 64, 17 5
GLOBALMIN_Y funct ion 161
Int egral Rules 300
GLOBALMIN_Z funct ion 161
Int egrals 64, 68
GRAD - Gradient Operat or 17 0 3 D 1 09
Graphic Display modifiers 248 Area 1 7 5
Graphical Out put 57 Constraints 2 2 3
Graphics Line 1 7 2
Export 2 59 Operators 1 7 2
Global Controls 1 9 1 Surface 1 7 3 , 1 7 4
Running without 1 4 6 Tim e 1 7 2
Graphics Examples 269 Volum e 1 7 5
GRAY 192, 250 INTEGRATE 250
Grid Cont rol Feat ures 233 Int egrat ion by Part s 83, 300
GRID plot 247 ITALIC 192
GRIDLIMIT 184 Equations 2 1 9
GUI Selector 1 87
Running without 1 4 6
Guidelines for Problem Set up 49, 50 -J-
JUMP 86, 89, 239
655 FlexP DE 7

mesh 251
-L- im port 2 86
Lagrange 130, 221 Mesh Generat ion
LAMBDA 180 Controls 2 3 3
LAY ER 93, 280 MESH_SPACING 54 , 2 1 4
Extrusion 9 5, 2 2 3 Mesh Generat ion Cont rols 183
Shaped Interfaces 1 06 Mesh Refinement
LEVELS 251 Controls 1 3 4
License 35, 36, 39, 41 FRONT 2 4 2
Registration 3 2 , 3 3 RESOLVE 2 4 3
LINE 52, 226 Met afile 248
LINE LIST 229 Mimimize
LINE_INTEGRAL 64, 17 2 section 2 4 3
MIN funct ion 161
MOD funct ion 161
Modal Analy sis 7 5, 221, 27 7
Linux 2
LIST 212, 226
Lit eral St rings 158
Modify Menu 6
LN funct ion 160
MONITORS 57 , 245
LOAD 236
Steady State 2 58
LOG 251 Tim e Selection 2 58
LOG10 funct ion 160 MOVABLE 208
logarit hm 160 MOVE 197
LOGLIMIT 192 Movie 26
LUMP funct ion 165 Making 3 56
Moving Meshes 130, 197 , 221
Balancing 1 3 1
-M- Exam ple 1 3 2
MacOS 2 Mult iple processors 143, 189
Magnet ic Field 83
Magnet ic Vect or Pot ent ial 288
Magnet ost at ics 288 -N-
MAGNITUDE of vect or 17 7 Named Pat hs 226
Mat erial Boundary Condition 4 8, 56 , 82 , 83 , 2 7 4 , 3 00
Param eters 55, 9 6 , 2 3 0 Net work License Manager 39
Properties 55, 9 6 , 2 3 0 NEWTON 187 , 27 6
MATERIALS 215 Newt on-Raphson It erat ion 81
Using 1 4 0 NGRID 185
Definition 2 03 NODE POINT (Node Placement ) 234
Size 2 03 NODELIMIT 184
MAX funct ion 161
Plot 2 2
section 2 4 2 NOMERGE 252
Maximum Value 161 NOMINMAX 192, 252
Maxwell's Equat ions 288 Non-Analy t ic Funct ions 161
Menu 6 NONLINEAR 187
MERGE 251 Coefficients and Equations 7 9
Problem s 81 , 1 4 2 , 2 7 6
Index 656


NORM 252 Pat hs and Pat h Names 226
NORMAL component 17 7 PENWIDTH 192, 252
NOTAGS 192, 252 PERIODIC Boundary Condit ions 240
Not at ion 51 PI 180
NOTIFY _DONE 188 PLANE 108, 223
NOTIPS 192, 252 Plot
NRMATRIX 189 Cutplanes 2 56
NRMINSTEP 188 Dom ain 2 54
NRSLOPE 188 Elev ation 2 56
Export 2 2 , 2 4 8, 2 4 9 , 2 52 , 2 53 , 2 54
Numbering and Naming Regions 235
Numeric Fixed Range 2 50
Constants 1 59 Integrate 2 50
Range 1 59 Labels 2 3
Reports 2 57 Maxim ize 2 2
Menu 6
Modifiers 2 4 8
-O- On Grid 2 57
OBJ 286 POINTS 2 53
ON Print 2 2
Equation 2 4 6 , 2 52 , 2 54 Range 2 4 8, 2 53
GRID 2 52 Restore 2 2
LAYER 1 1 3 , 2 52 , 2 54 Rotate 2 3
REGION 1 1 3 , 2 52 , 2 54 Scaling 2 50
Selectors 2 54 Tim e Selection 2 58
SURFACE 1 1 3 , 2 4 6 , 2 52 , 2 54 View Sav ed Files 2 6
One-Dimensional Problems 91 Windows 2 1
Operat ors Zoom 2 3 , 2 54
Arithm etic 1 6 9 PLOTINTEGRATE 192
COMPLEX 1 6 9 PLOTS 47 , 57 , 245
Differential 1 7 0 Cutplane 9 9 , 1 1 3
Integral 1 7 2 Display 2 4 6
Relational 1 7 6 Print 2 53
Sm oothing 3 4 9 Printonly 2 53
String 1 7 6 Tim e Selection 2 58
Tensor 1 7 9 Viewpoint 2 54
Vector 1 7 7 PNG 252, 259
Opt imizat ion 242, 243 Com ponents 2 08
ORDER 188, 197 Definitions 2 08
Ordering Regions 234 LOAD Boundary Conditions 2 3 7
Mov able 2 08
ORTHOMIN 190 VALUE Boundary Conditions 2 3 7
oscillat ion 27 8 POINTS 253
OVERSHOOT 188 Post -processing 136
Post Script 248
-P- Pot ent ial 288
PPM 253, 259
PAINTED 192, 252
PREFER_SPEED 188, 27 6
Paramet er St udies 65
Menu 6
Paramet erized Definit ions 206 Tabs 2 8
Paramet ers Preparing a Descript or File 150
Material 55, 2 3 0 Previous 26
redefining 2 00
Regional 2 3 0, 2 3 1
657 FlexP DE 7

Print Plot 22 ROTATE 226

Print Script 14 Rot at e Plot 23
PRINTMERGE 193 ROUND funct ion 161
PRINTONLY 253 Run Menu 6
Problem Descript or St ruct ure 150, 151
Problem Set up Guidelines 49, 50
Problem Solving Environment 44
Project ion 280 Samples 361
Propert ies SANSERIF 193
Material 55, 2 3 0 SAVE funct ion 166
Regional 2 3 0 SCALAR VARIABLES 199
Proxy 31 Script 150
pulse funct ion 163 Interpretation 6 2
script edit ing module 46
Script ing Language 44
quest ions 146 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 2 1 6
quot ed st rings 158 CONSTRAINTS 2 2 3
-R- details 1 83
END 2 7 1
R 180 EQUATIONS 2 1 7
RADIUS 180, 226 EXTRUSION 2 2 3
RAMP funct ion 163, 165 FRONT 2 4 2
RANDOM funct ion 161 GLOBAL VARIABLES 1 9 9
REGION 52, 280 MINIMIZE 2 4 3
Regional Paramet er Values 230 MONITORS 2 4 5
Regions nam es 1 51
1 D 230 PLOTS 2 4 5
3D 231 RESOLVE 2 4 3
Excluded 2 3 3 SELECT 1 83
Num bering and nam ing 2 3 5 TIME 2 4 4
Ordering 2 3 4 TITLE 1 83
Ov erlay ing 2 2 9 VARIABLES 1 9 5
Regist ering 33, 35, 36, 39, 41 SELECT 47 , 183
REGRID 185 Semicolons 158
REINITIALIZE 189 Separat ors 158
Relat ional Operat ors 17 6 SERIF 193
REMATRIX 189, 27 6 Set t ings
renaming coordinat es 193 Font 3 0
REPEAT 181 General 2 9
Repeat ed Text 181 License Registration 3 2
REPORT 64, 257 Web Proxy 3 1
Shaped Lay er Int erfaces 106
Report ing numbers 257
SIGN funct ion 161
Reserved Words and Sy mbols 155
SIN funct ion 160
SINH funct ion 160
Input 2 1 3 SINTEGRAL 17 3, 17 4
Output 2 6 0 SIZEOF 201
Rest ore Plot 22 SMOOTH 210
Rhino 286 SMOOTHINIT 185
Index 658

Solut ion Cont rols 186 TANH funct ion 160

SPACE_ERROR funct ion 161 TE and TM Modes 336
Spaces 158 TECPLOT out put 137 , 261
SPECTRAL_COLORS 193 Tensor Operat ors 17 9
SPHERE 108, 223 TERRLIM 189
SPHERE1 193 Text St rings 158
SPLINE 210, 226 TEXTSIZE 193
SQRT funct ion 160 THEN
STAGE 180 Equation Sequencing 2 1 9
Definitions 2 07 THETA 180
Geom etry 2 07 Threads 143, 189
Param eters 6 5 Setting the num ber used 2 9
STAGEGRID 185 Three-Dimensional Problems 92, 280
STAGES 65, 189, 207 THRESHOLD 196
START 52, 226 Time
START_ITERATION 219 Critical 2 4 4
St art ing FlexPDE 2 Halt 2 4 4
St at us Panel 20 Integration 3 01
st ep funct ion 163 Range 2 4 4
St op 244 Time Dependence 7 1
Things to av oid 7 4
St op Menu 6, 12
TIME_ERROR funct ion 161
St ring
Functions 1 6 3
Literal 1 58 TIMEMAX funct ion 161
Operators 1 7 6 TIMEMAX_T funct ion 161
SUBSPACE 189 TIMEMIN funct ion 161
SUM funct ion 167 TIMEMIN_T funct ion 161
SUMMARY plot 247 TITLE 47 , 183
SURF_INTEGRAL 17 3, 17 4 Tool Bar 14
Extrusion 2 2 3 Exporting Data 1 3 7
Surface Generat ors 223 File form at 2 6 2
Surface Int egrals 109 File form at v 6 2 6 6
Output 2 6 1
SURFACE plot 247
Post-processing 1 3 6
Surface-Generat ing Funct ions 108 Restart 2 6 0
SURFACEGRID 193 Statem ent 2 1 3
SWAGE funct ion 167 TRANSFER6
Swit ches Output 2 6 1
Com m and-line 1 4 5 TRANSFERMESH
sy mbolic equat ion analy zer 46 Output 2 6 1
Post-processing 1 3 6
Statem ent 2 1 3
TABLE Transferring Dat a 137
File form at 2 1 1 TRANSPOSE
Input function 2 09 Matrix 2 03
Modifiers 2 1 0 Tensor 1 7 9
Output 1 3 7 , 2 6 0 t rigonomet ric funct ions 160
usage 1 3 9
Tabledef Input 210
TABULATE definit ions 212 -U-
TAN funct ion 160 Unit Funct ions 163
TANGENTIAL component 17 7 UNORMAL 17 7
659 FlexP DE 7

Updat es VOL_INTEGRAL 64, 17 5

By pass Auto Check 6 VOL_INTEGRATE 254
Check for 6 Volume Int egrals 109
UPFACTOR 189 VTK out put 137 , 262
UPULSE funct ion 163 VTKLIN 262
URAMP funct ion 163
User Guide 44 -W-
USTEP funct ion 163 Waveguides
Hom ogeneous 3 3 5
Non-Hom ogeneous 3 4 0
-V- Web Proxy 31
VAL funct ion 168 While t he Problem Runs 19
VALUE 236 whit e space 158
Boundary Condition 4 8, 56 WINDOW 27 0
Initial 2 1 6 Window Tiling 258
VANDENBERG 190 Windows 2
and Equations 2 1 8
Array 1 9 8 -X-
Com plex 1 1 4 , 1 9 7 XBOUNDARY 169
Dependent 1 9 5
Global 1 9 9 XCOMP vect or operat or 17 8
Order 1 9 7 XCY LINDER 193
Regional 1 2 6 XERRLIM 190
Threshold 1 9 6 XMERGEDIST 185
Vector 1 2 1 , 1 9 8 XPM 254, 259
VECTOR 57 XServer
com ponents 1 7 8 Running without 1 4 6
com position 1 7 7 XXCOMP 17 9
Curv ilinear Deriv ativ es 1 2 3 X-Y 280
operators 1 7 7
Plot 2 4 8 XY COMP 17 9
Potential 2 88 X-Z 280
Variables 1 2 1 , 1 9 8 XZCOMP 17 9
Boundary Condition 1 3 1
Version 4 Y BOUNDARY 169
Conv erting to v ersion 5 3 57 Y COMP vect or operat or 17 8
Version 5 Y CY LINDER 193
Conv erting from v ersion 4 3 57 Y MERGEDIST 185
Conv erting to v ersion 6 3 57 Y XCOMP 17 9
Version 6 Y Y COMP 17 9
Conv erting from v ersion 5 3 57 Y ZCOMP 17 9
Conv erting to v ersion 7 3 58
Version 7
Conv erting from v ersion 6 3 58 -Z-
ZCOMP vect or operat or 17 8
Sav ed Graphics Files 2 6
Z-dimension 280
View Menu 6
VIEWPOINT 193, 254
ZOOM 254
VisIt 137
Zoom Plot 23
Visualizat ion 137
Com partm ents 9 7 ZY COMP 17 9
Lay ers 2 3 3 ZZCOMP 17 9

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