Explanation of False Versus True Brinelling

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False brinelling

Explanation of false versus true brinelling

False-brinelling damage leaves series of divots that resemble those of true brinelling, which is
permanent indentation of a component’s hard surfaces. However, true brinelling damage is
permanent material deformation (without loss of material) and occurs during one load event. In
contrast, false brinelling is material wear or removal that happens over time because of
vibration and light loads.

More specifically, true brinelling, named after the Brinell hardness scale, leaves repetitive
series of indents on the working surfaces of mechanical parts. Most common on hydraulic
pistons and bearings, it happens when a material surface failure caused by Hertz contact
stress that exceeds the material limit — as when a heavy load impacts a small surface area,
for example. Ultimately, brinelling causes chattering, vibration, and other forms of wear.

In contrast, false brinelling happens when a bearing design only redistributes lubricant during
large rotations of all bearing raceway surfaces. When such bearings only move a little bit,
small oscillations or vibrations can squeeze lubricant out of loaded spaces. Then wear begins
and only accelerates with move vibrations. What’s more, sometimes small bits of material
break off the raceway and oxidize. This material further abrades the damaged surface and
accelerates wear

The SKF and ISO 15243 failure mode classification are identical.

5.3 Corrosion 5.3.2 Moisture corrosion

5.3.3 Frictional corrosion Fretting corrosion False brinelling

• rolling element / raceway contact areas

• micromovements / elastic deformation
• vibrations
• corrosion/wear † shiny or reddish depressions
• when stationary: at rolling element pitch
• when rotating: parallel “flutes”
False brinelling occurs in the contact area due to micromovements and/or resilience of the
elastic contact under cyclic vibrations. Depending on the intensity of the vibrations, lubrication
conditions and load, a com- bination of corrosion and wear can occur, forming shallow
depressions in the raceway. In the case of a stationary bearing, the depressions appear at
rolling element pitch:

• sphered depressions for ball bearings

• longitudinal depressions for roller bearings

False brinelling in grease lubricated applications is typically a reddish-brown, while very shiny
mirror-like depressions appear in oil lubricated applications.
In many cases, it is possible to discern rust at the bottom of the depressions. This is caused by
oxidation of the detached particles, which have a large area in relation to their volume, as a
result of their exposure to air.
There is usually much less damage to the rolling elements.

Severe false brinelling on the outer ring raceway of a self-aligning ball bearing

Fig.1 shows severe false brinelling damage caused to the outer ring of a self- aligning ball bearing at
False brinelling (“flutes”) on the outer ring raceway of a cylindrical roller bearing

Fig. 2 shows false brinelling damage on the outer ring of a cylindrical roller bearing. The root cause is
vibration during standstill. The bearing was mounted in auxiliary equipment, with long standstill periods.

Vibration pattern:
The Peak Vue spectrum plot below confirmed that it was a bearing defect and highest at the outer
Several sets of “flutes” can be observed at roller pitch, each set resulting from a period of
standstill. The magnitude of damage depends on the level of vibration, frequency of vibration,
and length of standstill.

False brinelling shape in deferent bearing type and parts:

Fig. 3

Cylindrical roller bearing inner and outer rings

Exposure to vibrations at standstill, false brinelling marks at roller pitch

Fig. 4
Double row tapered roller bearing outer ring
Exposure to vibrations at standstill, false brinelling marks at roller pitch

Fig. 5

Thrust ball bearing shaft washer

Exposure to vibrations at standstill, several sets of false brinelling marks at ball pitch

Fig. 6
Spherical roller bearing outer ring
Exposure to excessive vibrations at standstill, sets of false brinelling marks at roller pitch

Remedy Actions:

 Do not expose bearings to vibrations at standstill

 Consider installing vibration damping pads.

 Apply lubricant with anti-brinelling properties.

 Use adequate bearing designs for vibratory applications.

 Rotate standby machines at regular intervals.

 Lock the shaft and bearing before transport the machine as this picture

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